Analysis of three different film trailers…

Analysis of films

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Analysis of three different film trailers…

Page 2: Analysis of films

Analysis of Wrong Turn 2 (horror)In this trailer for horror film Wrong Turn 2, we see the conventional properties of a horror film being conveyed. However, where we as an audience see stereotypical features being exposed to us, we also have to deal with less common situations and ideas. In the trailer, (as shown in screenshot two) we as an audience have to conform to a documentary style drama unit in the trailer whereby the audience are made to feel that what they are watching is realistic (or more so) than a traditional video camera as the use of a handheld device expresses the concept of the audience being there to watch the unfolding events. Within this trailer, we also understand the stereotypical ideas of character type being exposed to us as a viewer. The inclusion of the traditional ‘dumb blonde’ character type being included into the plot of the film (and being murdered fairly quickly) shows us these different types of character in horror. In addition to this, as shown in screenshot three, isolated settings are also applied to this trailer which is yet another convention concept within the genre of horror. The use of a variety of cinematography types is also vital to building suspense and atmosphere between the audience (the main point of a trailer). The inclusion of close ups into this particular trailer shows the viewer the emotions and in this case fear amongst the face of the characters being shown. As seen in screenshot one, the use of a close up camera shot can be used to depict the main features of the films antagonists, such as the blood on a characters face, or even more minute details such as razor sharp teeth, scars, burns etc. The editing used in this trailer is fairly simple, however, when the trailer is showing documentary style elements, we see writing added over the top of the footage. On top of this, there is some music applied for tension. In terms of theories which apply to this film trailer, Bulgarian structualist Tzvetan Todorov’s theory of disrupted equilibrium applies as there is a normal state of things at the trailers outset, then an agent of change whereby there is a disruption, followed by a return to normality (which is shown via silence and an unknown vehicle driving off).

Page 3: Analysis of films

Analysis of ‘Friends With Benefits’ trailer (Romantic Comedy)

In this trailer for romantic comedy film ‘Friends With Benefits’, we as an audience are challenged by the stereotypical conventions of the films genre. As with all romance type films, we as the audience are exposed to a couple who end up meeting through some kind of coincidence, event or mishap, which is also the case with this particular trailer. As shown in screenshot one, an establishing shot is used in order to show the audience where the film is located. The shot of the L.A skyline used in this trailer is frequent within the film industry as the setting of L.A is one which is recognized globally by most. In terms of the cinematography used within the trailer for this film, there are a variety of shots which have been used.

Page 4: Analysis of films

Analysis for ‘Donnie Darko’ film trailer…

In this film trailer for film Donnie Darko, we as an audience are challenged by many different conventions of a variety of film genres. The film Donnie Darko in itself can be classified as a hybrid or ‘colt’ film. Because of the structure colt films follow, audiences are generally exposed with non stereotypical conventions regularly found within a common genre such as a horror or comedy. Instead, hybrid or colt films generally subvert the generic format of a ‘standard’ film as well as challenge theorists structure of films such as Tzvetan Todorov’s theory of a disrupted equilibrium. However, as seen in screenshot 1, hybrid films do also include typical conventions within their trailers. The caption ‘what would you do?’ expresses a horror style element whilst screenshots 2 and 3 signify a hallucination based style. These surreal like elements are not necessarily only hybrid film conventions, but are not what would be classified as common features either. The use of camera angles in these screenshots are of a close up composition, giving the audience an exposure to character emotions and expressions.