ANALYSIS, DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMMUNICATIONS SIMULATOR FOR AERONAUTIC APPLICATIONS Andrés Ferreiro González Master’s Thesis presented to the Telecommunications Engineering School Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering Supervisors José Antonio Rodríguez Negro Jorge Munir El Malek Vázquez 2017


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Andrés Ferreiro González

Master’s Thesis presented to the

Telecommunications Engineering School

Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering


José Antonio Rodríguez Negro

Jorge Munir El Malek Vázquez


Analysis, design and implementation

of a Communications Simulator for

aeronautic applications.

Master’s Thesis presented to the

Telecommunications Engineering School

Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering

Andrés Ferreiro González


José Antonio Rodríguez Negro

Jorge Munir El Malek Vázquez


Analysis, design and implementation

of a Communications Simulator for

aeronautic applications.

Master’s Thesis presented to the

Telecommunications Engineering School

Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering

Andrés Ferreiro González


José Antonio Rodríguez Negro

Jorge Munir El Malek Vázquez


Developed under the Educational Cooperation Agreement at Galician Research and

Development Center in Advanced Telecommunications (GRADIANT).

Analysis, design and implementation of a Communications Simulator for aeronautic applications

University of Vigo 2017 i

Analysis, design and implementation of a Communications

Simulator for aeronautic applications.


Prior to the take-off of an aerial platform (helicopter, aircraft, UAS…) it is almost

mandatory to include a previous planning step where an assessment of the mission and

its crucial elements takes place.

Normally, this planning task is not performed 'by hand' and software tools known as

mission planners are used.

Furthermore, many COTS mission planners available nowadays consider

communication data link performance (TT&C and/or data link). This link can be a major

constraint to be evaluated in some kinds of missions where delivering information in real

time (commands, gathered data…) is compulsory.

Taking into account the above, the work described in the present document is focused

on the development of a software tool to analyse communication data link performance

at mission planning step and suitable to be employed in applications related with


This project is included, thus, in the scope of radio communication engineering. In

particular, it belongs to radio propagation simulation and communications performance

forecasting fields.


Mission planning, Software, Simulation, Communications, Radio communication

engineering, Performance, Radio Propagation, Coverage, Aeronautics.

Analysis, design and implementation of a Communications Simulator for aeronautic applications

University of Vigo 2017 iii


A realización deste proxecto supón tamén a última etapa dun período de seis anos

formándome na universidade, seis anos cargados de coñecementos, experiencias e,

sobre todo, persoas que fixeron posible que sexa quen son hoxe e que chegase ata

aquí. Con estas palabras pretendo dar as gracias a todas aquelas persoas que teñen

formado parte da miña vida nestes anos.

En primeiro lugar, gustaríame agradecer á miña familia polo esforzo que supuxo que

leve seis anos estudando na universidade así como polo apoio incondicional na decisión

de adicarme á enxeñaría de Telecomunicacións.

Despois disto, non podo esquecer á xente que estivo aí todo este tempo, e que segue

a estalo a día de hoxe, a familia que se escolle: todos os meus amigues, esa xente que

fixo máis levadeiro o camiño e que me acompañou nel, facendo que os baches doesen

menos e os éxitos fosen máis doces.

Por outro lado, tamén me gustaría dar as gracias a todos os mestres que ó longo destes

anos conseguiron, dun xeito ou doutro, que crecese como persoa e ampliase os meus

coñecementos en ámbitos que van máis aló do puramente académico. Tampouco podo

deixar de lembrarme de todas as persoas que formaron parte da D.AA.T. estes anos,

posto que xunto a eles puiden comprender mellor o funcionamento interno dun centro

universitario (neste caso a EET) e aplicar ditos coñecementos para defender os dereitos

dos alumnos. A súa labor permitiu axudar a moitas persoas no ámbito da Escola, e non

podo máis que desexarlles o mellor ós integrantes actuais e ós que están por vir, porque

estou seguro de que seguirán a facelo.

Ademáis, non podo deixar de lembrar aquí a todas as persoas que forman parte de

Gradiant. Dende o Director da Área de Comunicacións Avanzadas, que me deu a

oportunidade de formar parte do equipo, a todas as persoas que o forman por estar

sempre dispostas a ensinar e a inverter o seu tempo comigo así como a todo o Centro

en xeral por facerme sentir un máis dende o primeiro día.

Xa rematando, gustaríame agradecer ós meus titores neste proxecto (Jorge Munir El-

Malek Vázquez e José Antonio Rodríguez Negro) pola confianza depositada, os

consellos, o apoio e o tempo adicados.

Finalmente, pero non por iso menos importante, gustaríame agradecer á miña parella

por toda a paciencia, comprensión e apoio ó longo destes dous anos.

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Table of Contents

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... I

KEYWORDS ................................................................................................................. I

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................................ III

INDEX OF FIGURES .................................................................................................... 3

INDEX OF TABLES...................................................................................................... 5

INDEX OF EQUATIONS ............................................................................................... 7

ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................. 9

SYMBOLS .................................................................................................................. 11

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 13

OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................... 13 OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................... 13 SCOPE............................................................................................................... 13 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION ................................................................................. 14

2. ANALYSIS OF THE STATE OF THE ART ............................................................. 15

SOFTWARE SIMULATION TOOLS .......................................................................... 15 2.1.1. Mission Planners ........................................................................................ 15 2.1.2. Radio propagation simulators ..................................................................... 19 2.1.3. All-in-one software tools ............................................................................. 30

RADIO PROPAGATION MODELLING ........................................................................ 32 2.2.1. Initial considerations .................................................................................. 32 2.2.2. Consolidated propagation models .............................................................. 33 2.2.3. Academic review ........................................................................................ 38

DIGITAL TERRAIN MODELS .................................................................................. 40 2.3.1. Initial considerations .................................................................................. 40 2.3.2. Reviewed Digital Terrain Models ................................................................ 40 2.3.3. Complements to Digital Terrain Models ..................................................... 43

INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS ................................................................................... 43 2.4.1. Parametric analysis .................................................................................... 43 2.4.2. Statistical analysis ...................................................................................... 44 2.4.3. Further considerations ............................................................................... 44

ANTENNA RADIATION PATTERNS .......................................................................... 45 WEATHER FORECASTING .................................................................................... 45

2.6.1. Rain attenuation modelling ......................................................................... 45 2.6.2. Sources of meteorological information ....................................................... 46

CONCLUSIONS DRAWN OF THE STATE OF THE ART ................................................ 47

3. DESIGN OF THE APPLICATION ........................................................................... 49

REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 49 3.1.1. Functional requirements ............................................................................. 49 3.1.2. Non-Functional requirements ..................................................................... 50

DECISION MAKING .............................................................................................. 51 3.2.1. Selected propagation model....................................................................... 51

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3.2.2. Selected Digital Terrain Model ................................................................... 52 3.2.3. Selected modes of operation...................................................................... 52 3.2.4. Selected functionalities .............................................................................. 53 3.2.5. Structure of the simulator ........................................................................... 61

APPROACH TO DESIGN PROCESS ......................................................................... 65 3.3.1. Steps of design process ............................................................................. 65


SELECTED IMPLEMENTATION LANGUAGE .............................................................. 67 I/O SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 68

4.2.1. Defined Inputs ............................................................................................ 68 4.2.2. Defined outputs .......................................................................................... 70

IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS ................................................................................ 70 4.3.1. Introduction to implementation process ...................................................... 70 4.3.2. Main window .............................................................................................. 71 4.3.3. Point to Point Mode .................................................................................... 72 4.3.4. Route Mode ............................................................................................... 73 4.3.5. Area mode ................................................................................................. 73 4.3.6. Satellite Mode ............................................................................................ 74 4.3.7. Antenna radiation pattern import window ................................................... 74 4.3.8. Radio Modem Import window ..................................................................... 75 4.3.9. Extra graphs .............................................................................................. 75 4.3.10. Warning auxiliary windows ....................................................................... 75

DEPLOYMENT ANALYSIS ...................................................................................... 75 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT ........................................................................... 75 IMPLEMENTATION TESTING AND VERIFICATION ...................................................... 76

5. CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................... 79

6. FUTURE LINES OF DEVELOPMENT .................................................................... 81

UPGRADES OVER EXISTING FEATURES ................................................................. 81 NEW FEATURES .................................................................................................. 82

6.2.1. Functional Features ................................................................................... 82 6.2.2. Operational Features ................................................................................. 82

7. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 85

ANNEXES .................................................................................................................. 89


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Index of Figures

Fig. 1. Evolution of mission planners developed by Boeing along time [4]. .................. 16 Fig. 2. UgCS Mission Planner architecture diagram [9]. .............................................. 18 Fig. 3. Predicted WNYE-DT signal strength contours with color key displayed in Google

Earth [12]. ................................................................................................................... 20 Fig. 4. Point to point path profile generated with SPLAT [12]. ..................................... 21 Fig. 5. Pathloss 5 point to point analysis window [17]. ................................................. 24 Fig. 6. Pathloss 5 multi-location analysis window [17]. ................................................ 25 Fig. 7. PlotPath sample window showing inputs and display of path profile [18]. ......... 26 Fig. 8. Probe4 Graphic User Interface [19]. ................................................................. 27 Fig. 9. OpenGL 3D engine for Terrain-3D [20]. ........................................................... 28 Fig. 10. TIREM flow chart diagram [39]. ...................................................................... 37 Fig. 11. Example of interference parametric analysis. ................................................. 44 Fig. 12. Initial position of the aerial platform antenna. ................................................. 57 Fig. 13. Initial position of the base station antenna. ..................................................... 58 Fig. 14. Three axis rotation matrices. .......................................................................... 58 Fig. 15. Main window layout. ....................................................................................... 62 Fig. 16. Point to Point mode window layout. ................................................................ 63 Fig. 17. Route and Area mode window layout. ............................................................ 63 Fig. 18. Satellite mode window layout. ........................................................................ 64 Fig. 19. Simulator's command line version internals’ structure. ................................... 64 Fig. 20. Incremental implementation procedure flow diagram. .................................... 71 Fig. 21. Simulator’s main window. ............................................................................... 72 Fig. 22. Point to point mode after execution. ............................................................... 72 Fig. 23. Simulator's route mode after execution. ......................................................... 73 Fig. 24. Generated KML file for area mode displayed in Google Earth [69] . ............... 73 Fig. 25. Simulator's satellite mode results display after execution. .............................. 74 Fig. 26. Auxiliary window for importing base station's 3D antenna radiation pattern. ... 74

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Index of Tables

Table 1. Summary of reviewed propagation simulators. .............................................. 19 Table 2. Summary of reviewed all-in-one tools............................................................ 32 Table 3. Parameter comparison table for some of the different propagation models

analised. ..................................................................................................................... 38 Table 4. Communications Simulator minimum functional requirements. ..................... 50 Table 5. Communications Simulator minimum non-functional requirements. .............. 51 Table 6. Inputs defined for Simulator’s point to point, route and area modes. ............. 69 Table 7. Inputs defined for Simulator's satellite mode. ................................................ 69 Table 8. Outputs definition for Simulator's point to point, route and area modes. ........ 70 Table 9. Outputs definition for Simulator's satellite mode. ........................................... 70 Table 10. Requirements review chart. ......................................................................... 77 Table 11. Performance analysis raw data for simulator’s command line version (one run).

................................................................................................................................... 91 Table 12.Performance analysis raw data for simulator’s GUI version (one run). ......... 91 Table 13. Performance analysis raw data for simulator’s command line version with no

real time rain calculations (Ten runs). ......................................................................... 92 Table 14. Performance analysis raw data for simulator’s command line version with real

time rain calculations (Ten runs). ................................................................................ 93

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Index of Equations

Eq. 1. Friis Free Space Losses. .................................................................................. 53 Eq. 2. Cross-over distance. ......................................................................................... 53 Eq. 3. Equations for Two-Ray Friis model approximation calculations. ....................... 54 Eq. 4. Equation for Link budget calculations. .............................................................. 54 Eq. 5. Equation for received power calculations. ......................................................... 54 Eq. 6. Noise level calculations. ................................................................................... 54 Eq. 7. SNR estimation equation. ................................................................................. 54 Eq. 8. Check of LoS conditions. .................................................................................. 55 Eq. 9. 1st Fresnel zone radius calculation equation. ................................................... 55 Eq. 10. Doppler shift calculations for static transmitter. ............................................... 55 Eq. 11. Shannon-Hartley channel’s capacity theorem ................................................. 56 Eq. 12. Equation used in Transmission Rate estimation. ............................................ 56 Eq. 13. Transformation of Cartesian coordinates by using rotation matrices. .............. 58

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3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project 3GPP2 3rd Generation Partnership Project 2

AP Aerial Platform API Application Programming Interface ASC ASCII Esri Grid Data

ASTER Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer BS Base Station

COTS Commercial Of-The-Shelf CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CSV Comma Separated Values DB DataBase

DEM Digital Elevation Model DSM Digital Surface Model DTM Digital Terrain Model ETRS European Terrestrial Reference System

ETRS89 European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 GIS Geographical Information System GUI Graphical User Interface GSM Global System for Mobile communications

H Horizontal HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol ITU International Telecommunications Union

ITU-R International Telecommunications Union, Radio communications section ITWOM Irregular Terrain With Obstructions Model JSON JavaScript Object Notation KML Keyhole Markup Language

LHCP Left Handed Circular Polarization LiDAR Light Detection and Ranging or Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging

LoS Line of Sight LTE Long Term Evolution MP Mission Planner

MPS Mission Planning Systems MSL Mean Sea Level NAD North American Datum

NASA North American Space Agency NLoS Non Line of Sight OSM Open Street Map PFPS Portable Flight Planning System PLF Polarization Loss Factor RAM Random Access Memory RF Radio Frequency

RHCP Right handed Circular Polarization SAR Search and Rescue SaaS Software as a Service SDK Software Development Kit SINR Signal to Noise plus Interference Ratio SNR Signal to Noise Ratio SoA State of the Art SOA Service Oriented Architecture

SPLAT RF Signal Propagation, Loss and Terrain SRTM Shuttle Radar Topography Mission TIREM Terrain Integrated Rough Earth Model

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UAV Unmanned Air Vehicle UHF Ultra High Frequency

USGS United States Geographical Survey UTM Universal Transverse Mercator

V Vertical VHF Very High Frequency VOR VHF Omni Directional Radio Range WCS World Coverage Server WGS World Geodetic System WMS Web Map Service WWS World Wind Server

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𝛂𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 Elevation angle between the horizontal of the transmitter and an arbitrary path point.


𝜶𝒕𝒙−𝒓𝒙 Elevation angle of the receiver as seen by the transmitter under LoS assumption


𝐁𝐖 Bandwidth MHz

𝐜 Speed of light m/s

𝑪𝑯𝒄𝒂𝒑 Estimated Channel Capacity Mbps

𝒅 Distance km

𝒅𝒔 Distance to initial path’s point from the nth point km

𝒅𝒆 Distance to final path’s point from the nth point km

𝒅𝒄 Cross-over distance km

𝑫𝒔 Doppler Shift Hz

𝜼 Computation efficiency points/s

𝒇 Frequency MHz

𝐹𝑟𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟 Fresnel Clearance %

𝑭𝒓𝒙 Receiver Noise Figure dB

𝑮𝒓𝒙 Receiver gain dB

𝑮𝒕𝒙 Transmitter gain dB

𝒌𝒃𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒛 Boltzmann constant J/K

𝝀 Wavelength m

𝑳𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒓𝒂 Extra losses dB

𝑳𝒇𝒔 Free Space Losses dB

𝑳𝑳𝒊𝒏𝒌 Link budget (losses) dB

𝑳𝒎𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒍 Model losses dB

𝑳𝒓𝒙 Receiver losses dB

𝑳𝒕𝒙 Transmitter losses dB

𝑴 Number of symbols in constellation units

𝑵𝒔 Noise level dBm

𝒑𝒍𝒇 Polarization Loss Factor dB

𝑹𝒙𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 Received power dBm

𝑻𝒙𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 Transmitted power dBm

𝑻𝒙𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆 Transmission rate Mbps

𝑺𝑵𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒕 Estimated SNR level dBm

𝒗𝒓𝒆𝒍 Relative aerial platform speed m/s

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1. Introduction


Nowadays, many commercial available mission planners, used to plan aeronautic

missions in a step prior to take off, take into account communication data link


The inputs for these kind of software tools are variables like terrain profile in the mission

area, weather forecasts, potential threats or similar ones that can influence in the

success or the failure of the mission if they are not well identified and evaluated.

Taking into account the available data inputs, mission planers can determine the optimal

route according to predefined parameters for the flight and some other constraints to be

taken into account in order to fulfil the mission.

Considering that communication data link performance could be decisive to fulfil a

mission in some cases (such as scenarios where Real Time data acquisition or event

based decision making are mandatory), this project is focused on designing and

developing a software tool to model, forecast and evaluate communication data

link performance along the flight of an aerial platform before its take off considering

different configuration parameters such as flight altitude, flight speed, planned route,

transmission power, antenna’s gain and more.

This configuration parameters can be combined and used as inputs to radio propagation

models that provide information about the radio channel state.


The main objectives of this Master’s Thesis are presented below:

The first objective has been to analyse SoA and understand if there were similar

approaches to the topic. Multiple commercial software solutions have been gathered and

analysed as well as research reports and papers related to this topic in order to study

the different elements that needed to be addressed in order to being able to develop a

suitable application.

The second objective, when the initial analysis ended, was focused on establishing

the main functional and technical features of the tool including inputs & outputs as

well as its graphical interface. This implied to go beyond the previous analysis, searching

for information about how things could be done in order to give the desired functionalities

to the developed tool.

At last, the third objective was to implement the simulation tool with its selected

functionalities, making use of the information gathered previously as well as with some

continuous research on solving the issues happened during implementation step.


The scope of this Master’s Thesis is to design and develop a software tool able to

model communication data link performance in a complex environment, aiding in the

decisions prior to the start of an aerial platform’s mission.

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This software tool will make use of radio propagation models and terrain elevation data

to obtain information related with datalink performance.

Document organization

In the following paragraphs, the structure of this document will be presented.

After this introductory Introduction, the analysis of the State of the Art of the different

topics involved in this work (software simulation tools, radio propagation modelling…)

can be found in Chapter 2.

Chapter 3 addresses the design process of the application, highlighting some

relevant parts of it. Among them are the requirements imposed to the application and the

decision making process prior to the beginning of the implementation (elements to be

included, structure of the application and so on).

After that, the implementation process is shown in Chapter 4. In addition, the

performed steps in order to test and validate the functionality of the application are

included in this chapter as well.

Chapters 5 and 6 present the Conclusions drawn at the end of the project and the

Future Lines of Development related to the development of the application.

At last, Chapter 7 shows the Bibliography and References employed during this



Annex I: performance measurement tests raw data.

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2. Analysis of the state of the art

This Chapter focuses on the analysis of several concepts related with the state of the art

of the topic. This analysis has been summarized in the following sections which each

one of them focused in a particular field of interest.

Software Simulation Tools

Being the design, implementation and development of a communications simulator for

aeronautical applications one of the main goals of this project, the first step seems to be

taking a look at what are the existing solutions in the market, what benefits does they

offer and the associated costs of them. Below are the most relevant alternatives that has

been found.

In order to establish a classification, three categories are set.

2.1.1. Mission Planners

The different tools (applications) available in nowadays in the scope of management of

aerial platforms (mainly UAVs or fleets, but its usage may be extended to any other kind

of aeronautic device), whether document management (logs, briefing / debriefing, etc.)

or more oriented to the preparation and / or mission execution belong to this first


Portable Flight Planning Software (PFPS)

The Portable Flight Planning Software, or PFPS, [1] is an integrated suite of PC-based

mission planning tools using a common graphical user interface. PFPS is installable on

any Windows 2000 or XP PC. It displays standard digital maps and produces user-

customizable kneeboard cards, combat mission folders, and data transfers to compatible

digital transfer devices. The PFPS software uses an implementation of the client-server

data model to provide a shared view of the mission route to software components. The

PFPS Route Server synchronizes the different PFPS components so that changes made

to the route by one PFPS application are passed to all other components. This allows

the operator to perform multiple operations on the same routes without re-entering data.

The PFPS software suite includes FalconView, Combat Flight Planning Software

(CFPS), Combat Weapon Delivery Software (CWDS), Combat Air Drop Planning

Software (CAPS), and several other software packages built by different software


This is a software developed for United States military forces.

Mission Planning Systems (MPS)

The Mission Planning Systems (MPS) program [2] is a collaborative program with the

Army and Navy to leverage technical solutions and business practices for all Department

of Defense (DoD) platforms. It provides automated mission planning tools and support

for fixed and rotary wing aircraft and guided munitions. It will replace two closed

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architecture legacy mission planning systems (Unix-based MPS (Unix-MPS) and the PC-

based Portable Flight Planning Software (PFPS)), with a single multi-service open

architecture system more commonly referred to as the Joint Mission Planning System

(JMPS). MPS will compress the mission planning cycle by providing an improved

integrated planning environment, reducing the time required to respond to changing

situations and urgent needs such as striking time sensitive/critical targets and conducting

combat search and rescue. MPS, whose development has not ended [3], will deliver

significant benefits to command and control performance by enhancing information

superiority for the warfighter and by providing unique capabilities in support of both

precision engagement and dominant maneuver. Additionally, elements of Mission

Planning Systems will be utilized to continue the development of a Joint Precision Airdrop

System (JPADS) in conjunction with the Army.

Boeing integrated planning systems

A known company such as Boeing also offers its own customizable solutions for mission

planning [4], including UAV’s, fighters, bombers and guided weaponry (missiles). Their

solutions are based on the solutions in and (among others) and in his own


Fig. 1. Evolution of mission planners developed by Boeing1 along time [4].

Leica MissionPro

Leica MissionPro [5] is the mission planning software for all Leica Geosystems and third

party airborne sensors across multiple product generations.

Among the features of its MissionPro are the sensor-independent solution for LiDAR and

multisensory imaging, support to both local and SRTM/ASTER DTM’s using WMS,

immediate post flight assessment, support for import and export from/to common GIS

1 It is not necessary that Boeing was the only developer

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file formats, graphical evaluation and flight comparison with the original plan and the

capability to use a 3D virtual globe view to perform plan analysis.

In addition, it also offers support for project management by providing a scalable

database architecture in SQL.

Leica Geosystems is part of Hexagon [6], a global provider of information technologies

across geospatial and industrial enterprise applications.

SE7EN: Mission Planner

SE7EN: Mission Planner [7] is an interactive touch optimized digital sand table that gives

military and disaster-response mission planners the power to create, plan, and fully

manage missions and logistical routing in a collaborative geospatial environment. It

provides step-by-step walkthroughs or full playbacks and keeps track of altitude for

relative views during mission play through.

It also supports support the WMS Interface Standard, which lets you choose details from

many different geospatial databases to add to your maps, such as temperature, weather

conditions, cloud cover, and others.

This is a special case because it is not a mission planning tool restricted only to

aeronautic applications. Instead of this, it can be used to plan land, air or sea missions

(or any combination of them).

UgCS Mission Planner

The UgCS Mission Planner [8] is a mission planning tool focused mainly on UAV

missions. The use case in which is based is the one where an aerial survey planning has

to be run.

It provides a suit of pre-installed camera sets and also allows the user to define its own

set. Given this parameters and an area of analysis, other mission parameters like desired

altitude, overlap and sidelap will be automatically calculated based on the camera set.

Another nice feature offered by them is the ability to give estimations on battery usage,

maximum flight distances and to segment routes into partial ones that can be executed

in several take-offs of the UAV.

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Fig. 2. UgCS Mission Planner architecture diagram [9].

It supports the use of DTM’s and in-flight telemetry display including battery level, GPS

signal quality, course and heading, flight speed and more.

In addition to the previous features, an SDK suitable for building custom client

applications (written in C#) is provided.

SkySense BVLOS Planner

The SkySense’s BVLOS Planner [10] is a mission planning tool that will be Open Source

(it seems to be still under development and on its website can only be requested 'early


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Mission Planner

Mission Planner [11] is a full-featured ground station application for the ArduPilot open

source autopilot project. It is a free, open-source, community-supported application

developed by Michael Oborne for the open-source APM autopilot project.

It also provides a tool for creating automated missions that will run when the ArduPilot is

set to AUTO mode.

2.1.2. Radio propagation simulators

This section covers the analysis of some radio propagation simulators existing


First of all, Table 1 below shows a summary of the reviewed radio propagation simulators

highlighting some of its characteristics. The following paragraphs address a summary of

each one of them.

API/SDK Cloud Based

Free GUI Multiple propagation models

SPLAT! Yes2 No Yes No No

Wireless InSite Yes No No Yes Yes

Atoll Yes No No Yes ¿?

Comstudy 2.2 No No No Yes Yes

SignalPro No3 No No Yes Yes

PathLoss No No No Yes ¿?

PlotPath No No No Yes Yes

Probe4 No No No Yes Yes

Terrain-3D No No No Yes Yes

Volcano No No No Yes Yes

ProMan No No No Yes Yes

RF Mobile Online

No Yes Yes4 Yes Yes

CloudRF Yes5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 1. Summary of reviewed propagation simulators.

Signal Propagation, Loss And Terrain (SPLAT)

SPLAT [12] is an RF Signal Propagation, Loss, And Terrain analysis tool for the electromagnetic spectrum between 20 MHz and 20 GHz developed as an Open Source project by John Magliacane (KD2BD)

Applications of SPLAT include site engineering, wireless network design, amateur radio communications, frequency coordination, communications system design, both analogic and digital terrestrial television and radio broadcasting.

SPLAT! provides site engineering data such as the great circle distances and bearings between sites, antenna elevation angles (uptilt), depression angles (downtilt), antenna

2 All source code is available 3 Add-ons available, but not more 4 Free registration 5 Source code for core application

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height above mean sea level, antenna height above average terrain, bearings and distances to known obstructions based on USGS and SRTM elevation data, path loss and field strength based on the Longley Rice Irregular Terrain as well as the new Irregular Terrain With Obstructions (ITWOM v3.0) model, and minimum antenna height requirements needed to establish line-of-sight communication paths and Fresnel Zone clearances absent of obstructions due to terrain.

SPLAT produces reports, graphs, and highly detailed and carefully annotated topographic maps depicting line-of-sight paths, path loss, field strength and expected coverage areas of transmitters and repeater systems.

When performing line-of-sight analysis in situations where multiple transmitter or repeater sites are employed, it determines individual and mutual areas of coverage within the network specified.

SPLAT also produces .geo files for interoperability with Xastir software, and .kml files for interoperability with Google Earth.

In figures Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 some output samples taken of SPLAT are depicted:

Fig. 3. Predicted WNYE-DT signal strength contours with color key displayed in Google Earth [12].

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Fig. 4. Point to point path profile generated with SPLAT [12].

Despite of the great disadvantage of SPLAT (not having graphical interface at all, since

it is executed through command line in Linux environment6) it has also other advantages

over other solutions, for example the access we have (thanks to its GPL license) to the

source code, from which we can take ideas and see how it is structured internally.

It should also be noted that in the calculation section calls for functions are made

according to the needs of what the user requires, but all of them in one way or another

evaluate the region of interest pixel by pixel and store the results obtained in masks that

in the last phase are merged to produce output maps (in the output generation phase).

Wireless InSite

It is an electromagnetic propagation modeling software tool developed by Remcom [13]

that makes use of ray tracing models to analyze the propagation of radio systems and

wireless communications systems. It is intended to develop simulations on:

Urban areas.

Rural areas.

Indoor propagation.

Mixed scenarios.

6 There is a Windows version available at http://blog.gearz.net/2007/09/rf-propagation-modeling-with-splat-for.html

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This tool has an API that allows users to develop custom applications and use Remcom’s

integrated propagation models in it.

For the development of applications that have their own graphical interface and

visualization tools and integrate InSite content, the calculation engine is available as a

library with API in C++.

InSite provides geometric data of cities, terrain, vegetation, soil types and objects that

can be edited and manipulated, as well as import of terrain elevation files, humidity,

objects and his other supported data types.

The application is able to model parameters like received power, path losses, delay

dispersion, electric field (magnitude and phase), estimated BER and C/I ratio, Doppler


Among its suggested applications, they were found relevant the analysis of coverage of

base stations, the simulation effects of shadowing and multipath produced by buildings

and/or terrain and the analysis of communications with terrestrial and / or aerial moving



Developed by Forsk, Atoll [14] is a Windows tool for the design and optimization of

wireless networks that focuses on 3GPP and 3GPP2 and allows working on multi-

technology networks including small cells and integrated WiFi.

It allows its operators to automate planning and automation processes using SOA-based

scripting (Service Oriented Architectures).

It incorporates its own GIS specifically designed for use in the context of wireless

communications networks and also has support for web map services, GIS and online

maps such as Bing, Google Earth and OSM as well as integration with SOA


In addition, it has a C++ SDK that allows the implementation of extra functional modules

such as new propagation models.

Atoll seems to be more focused on the field of telephony networks. Unlike other software

packages, its added value seems to be its very determined scope instead of offering


Comstudy 2.2

Developed by RadioSoft, ComStudy [15] is a software tool designed for Microsoft

Windows offering a simplicity level such as to be used by beginners but powerful enough

to be exploited by professionals of radio communication engineering.

Its graphical interface integrates analysis of coverage and location for AM, FM, TV, point-

to-point and point-to-multipoint communications and for terrestrial mobile services.

It allows the measurement of field strength and transmission matrices (cells containing

signal level information) and makes use of its own terrain data.

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As inputs, it allows to introduce characteristics of transmitter and receiver and known

system losses, select a propagation model and specify size and resolution of the matrix.


Developed by EDX, SignalPro [16] is a graphical RF network planning tool that supports

frequencies in the 30 MHz-100 GHz range and provides indoor, outdoor and mixed

propagation models (though it seems specialized in urban models) both standard and


Its functionality can be expanded through a series of official add-ons but it does not have

an API to develop on it.

Over propagation models can be adjusted to higher environmental and reliability

parameters as well as adding trees, buildings and other obstacles.

Among its capabilities are to present a number of parameters’ estimations on interactive

2D and 3D maps. Some of them are listed below:

Line of Sight area.

Channel losses.

Field strength.

Received power.

Estimated BER.

Required antenna height to have LOS conditions.

C / (I + N) ratio.

Link availability percentage.

Delay dispersion.


Developed by Contract Telecommunication Engineering, PathLoss [17] is a graphical

software tool that performs coverage analysis and communication data link performance

in the field of radio wave propagation. The variables considered by the software are listed


Rain models.

Fresnel Zone clearance.


Terrain elevation profile.

Atmospheric absorption.


Diffraction losses.

Buildings profiles and heights.

Terrain usage.

Provides support for exporting data in several formats that are compatible with Google

Earth, MapInfo and ERSI and generates the following types of outputs:

Thematic maps in 2D and 3D (customizable in terms of colour, legend and

information shown).


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Written reports.

CSV files.

It seems to be one of the most complete tools and its last release, dated 2015, suggest

a relatively continuous support and maintenance. However, it seems that in this case the

propagation model is fixed and cannot be selected among several ones as in previous

cases, but there is no detailed information about that

In the figures Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 below, some samples of the application are shown:

Fig. 5. Pathloss 5 point to point analysis window [17].

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Fig. 6. Pathloss 5 multi-location analysis window [17].


Developed by V-Soft Communications, PlotPath [18] is presented as a software tool for

analysis of radio paths considering terrain elevation data from various sources (housed

in its own database) and displaying the results in 2D graphics and text outputs.

The frequencies available to be studied range from 22 MHz to 35 GHz and it also

considers the effects of Earth’s curvature and Fresnel Zones.

In addition, PlotPath also allows the specifications of the coordinates of transmitter and

receiver in his GUI in order to obtain the profile of the terrain under analysis.

This tool is obviously focused on Point to Point communications rather than coverage

analysis and it only supports NAD 27, NAD 83 or WGS 84 datums.

Fig. 7 below shows a sample of the application:

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Fig. 7. PlotPath sample window showing inputs and display of path profile [18].


Also developed by V-Soft Communications, Probe4 [19] allows to model radio signal

propagation in the range of 20 to 20000 MHz.

Newer than PlotPath, it includes the same visualization of graphics and reports also

present in his elder brother but adds the possibility of show coverage representations on

2D maps, providing greater analysis capabilities.

In this case the propagation models used if they are mentioned, although it cannot be

modified. It also includes interference analysis and the possibility of including tracks,

cities and names on the coverage maps generated.

Like PlotPath, it takes its terrain data from its own database, which has different

selectable sources. It also includes its own database of antennas and, although it does

not allow to incorporate external diagrams, it bundles an interactive editor of antennas.

As it can be seen in Fig. 8, it brings a completely different user interface from the

discussed elder software tool of V-Soft:

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Fig. 8. Probe4 Graphic User Interface [19].


Another product of V-Soft Communications, Terrain-3D [20] is its latest propagation

prediction simulator.

Using an OpenGL graphics engine, it models RF signals in the frequency range of its

predecessor (Probe4) but over a 3D scenario built with the terrain databases mentioned

in the previous sections ( and

It also includes the features included in the previous versions, such as 2D visualization

and graphical terrain profiles.

There is not much more information available but it seems to be the most advanced and

professional one from the three alternatives provided by V-Soft.

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Fig. 9. OpenGL 3D engine for Terrain-3D [20].


Developed by Siradel, this software [21] claims that its value is acquired by combining

precision in its results with the best computing times.

It is intended to be useful both in interior, urban, suburban and rural environments and

is more oriented to the design of coverage cells, including micro and macro ones.

The outputs are displayed as 2D and 3D maps through a graphical interface (it is

unknown if it also presents written reports).

It is available as SaaS, combining hand flexibility with a reduction in hardware costs.

In addition, it also has plugins to expand its capacity.


As key part of the Windows WinProp (formerly belonged to AWE Communications, now

part of Altair) suite, it includes propagation models for different scenarios and what is

more, user can increase the number of interfaces and propagation models by purchasing

additional licenses.

Some of the selectable parameters are:

Scenario (rural, urban, interior, tunnel ...).

Land properties (elevation, materials ...).

Aerial media properties.

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Area of simulation.

Propagation model.

Desired results (from a list).

Transmitter and receiver parameters (antennas’ height, cables’ losses, gains,

antennas’ radiation patterns).

The results are presented by using 2D and 3D maps as well as with written reports and

all the operations can be handled through its built in GUI.

This interface also allows the user to add:

Masks and filters on specific areas.

Evaluation along user-defined paths.

Differences between predictions and measurement results.

Extra layers with data drawn by the user.

And another nice feature available is the capability of exporting maps to other formats

(Google Earth’s .kml, for example).

Its functionality can be extended with other modules of the suite (such as AMan, for

design of antenna radiation patterns) and through a serie of modules that increase the

available propagation models and the networks’ types available to be designed.

RF Mobile Online

This tool, developed by Roger Coudé [22] offers the integration of RF propagation

modelling software with a web platform (it runs as a free tool under previous registration).

It is limited to studies on amateur radio frequency bands and takes into account data of:

Tx power.

Transmitter line losses.

Gain, type, azimuth and height of transmitter antenna.

Transmitter and receiver location.

Elevation data of path between transmitter and receiver.

Gain, type, azimuth and height of transmitter antenna.

Receiver’s sensitivity.

Percentage of time in which the signal must be above a certain threshold.

It makes combined use of three propagation models to estimate the results of analysis.

Other information:

Multiplatform (runs from browser).

Simplified data entry.

Availability of the latest terrain data.

Multithread (two threads per user).

Download generated data to local environment.

Performed studies are saved on its server.

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This propagation simulation software [23] is based on SPLAT [12] implementation, which

has been included along with more parameters, more propagation models and multi-

threading capabilities.

Like RF Mobile Online, it is intended to be used as a web service, although with fewer

restrictions than this one.

Given its Open Source approach, access to the complete code of the application is

provided. It can be downloaded from git and has to be considered that is designed to be

deployed in a Linux environment. Among the considered data it can be highlighted:

High resolution 3D terrain data available.

3D antenna radiation patterns available.

Consideration of atmospheric and environmental variables.

Many deterministic and empirical models of propagation available.

Other relevant data:

500 km radius of maximum analysis.

Multi-link analysis.

Development API.

Export data to KML, KMZ, SHP and GTIFF.

Global coverage.

2.1.3. All-in-one software tools

The scope of this section is to analyse the existing all-in-one solutions which cover both

mission planning and communication data link performance simulation.

Systems ToolKit (STK)

Developed by AGI, STK [24] is a free simulation software that offers the possibility of

modelling a huge amount of parameters related to both manned and unmanned aircraft

missions. Its most remarkable features include:

Scope and performance of sensors.

Flight conditions.

Characterization of the interaction of multiple aircrafts.

Payload modelling.

Security Validation in Mission Parameters.

Intercommunication between Earth’s base stations and satellites.

Despite the fact that in order to enhance tool’s performance with a more powerful

functionality in the field of communication data link performance simulations it is

advisable to use one of its official plugins (all available through purchase), the

'Communications' plugin [25].

Through this plugin transmitters, receivers (which can be integrated into aircraft models,

ships, vehicles ...) and a wide variety of atmospheric models and terrain can be modelled,

allowing a complete link analysis and availability estimation.

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STK-Comm takes into account parameters selectable by the user as:

Propagation model (urban and non-urban).

Rain model.

Absorption model.

Multi-beam modelling.

Interference analysis.

Antenna pattern (allows the use of user-imported ones).

Pre-reception and pre-demodulation gains.

Post-transmission gain.

Modulation scheme used.

System noise temperature.

Since the free ‘base’’ version, the obtained results are displayed in 2D or 3D maps in the

application’s own GUI along with the digital terrain models available in its database.


Developed by Integrasys, it [26] is a commercial simulation software oriented to both

military and civilian applications that allows to configure an UAV prior to a mission paying

attention in its capacity, the communication data link performance and link budget during

its course.

The application models:

Satellite links.

Sensor equipment, satellites and terrestrial infrastructures.

Allows the importation of radiation patterns of antennas.


Influence of meteorology.

There is not much more information regarding this simulator.

Common Open Mission Management Command and Control


Developed by Insitu, ICOMC2 is a software tool [27] that allows to control multiple UAVs

with a single base station and a single operator.

Through its 'RF Link Analysis' Plugin [28], the capability off taking into account variations

of the terrain as well as certain atmospheric conditions (and its effect over

communications) to be able to know in advance the conditions of mission and to

anticipate to the potential problems is provided.

There is not much more information available about this software.

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Using the same approach followed in Table 1, the following one shows a brief description

of each all-in-one tool features:

Sensor modelling


Considers atmospheric conditions

Cloud Based

Free GUI Multiple propagation


STK Yes Yes Yes No Yes7 Yes Yes

AeroTrackCOM No No Yes No No Yes ¿?

ICOMC2 No No Yes No No Yes ¿? Table 2. Summary of reviewed all-in-one tools

Radio propagation modelling

This section provides a review of the analysis performed on the different ways of model

propagation losses in different scenarios and conditions like kind of channel

(aeronautical, terrestrial, mixed…), rain effects and so on. It has to be noted that, radio

propagation models can be divided in three categories [29]: deterministic, empirical and


2.2.1. Initial considerations

First of all, it is convenient to define the characteristics that has to be expected to the

models to have in order to be suitable to the concerned topic.

One of the key aspects regarding the objectives of this project is to select a model

suitable for a range of aeronautic applications that can take place at different altitude

levels, taking into account that selecting a model which provides flexibility in that way

would be desirable.

Another mandatory aspect to be taken into account is the fact that any candidate model

has to offer certain level of reliability.

It is important thus, to select a model suitable for aeronautic applications which be

reliable enough as well.

At this point, some questions may have arisen: when a radio channel can be considered

an aeronautic channel? When a radio channel can be considered terrestrial? Are they


After reviewing the state-of-the-art of this subject, there are no such clear differences

between both kinds of channels and so, this differentiation should not be made.

The major constraints to be imposed on a candidate model in order to be selected are


7 Not all features are free

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Altitude range for which it has been tested / intended

This is important because it is the true fact that will determinate if a model is suitable or

not for airborne applications.

If a model claims to be adequate for a certain altitude, then is reasonable to assume that

all signal impairments that can happen within this altitude range are taken into account

in some way.

Frequency range for which it has been tested / intended

That is another relevant aspect, because of the need to cover a wide spectrum of

possible applications without having knowledge a priori of its operational frequencies.

As broader the frequency range that has been considered within a model as good for

developing a simulator which covers a wide number of use cases will be.

Source of the model (ITU, National Governments, private corporations…)

The owner of the model, or maybe the organization behind its development, is important

because of its relationship with reliability.

For example, a model published in an ITU Recommendation is intended to be reliable

enough to be used while another found in an internet personal blog shall not offer the

same confidence level.

Implementation ease

As has been set in the introduction of the objectives of this project (1.2), one of them is

to design and develop the simulation tool with limited time for do it, so a trade-off between

reliability/accuracy and implementation ease must be considered.

2.2.2. Consolidated propagation models

This subsection addresses both those models produced by International Organizations

(like ITU) and those that are widely used worldwide.

International Telecommunication Union

Recommendation ITU-R P.2001-2

This Recommendation [30], published in July 2015, provides a general purpose semi-

empirical8 propagation model with the following characteristics:

Frequency range of 30 to 50000 MHz.

Distances from 39 to at least 1000 km.

Valid for model basic transmission losses not exceeded in any percentage of time

of an average year (from 0.001 to 99.999 %).

8 Since it combines measurements data with stochastics 9 There is no lower limit, but for smaller distances the clutter effect (buildings, trees, etc.) tend to dominate, unless the antennas are at enough height to ensure an unobstructed path.

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The height of the antennas cannot be zero, but this method is intended to be

reliable for heights up to 8000 meters above sea level.

From the range of parameters that can be taken into account while modelling radio

channel propagation losses, this Recommendation considers:

Terrain elevation profile.

Link frequency.

Polarization of the antennas.

Transmitter position.

Receiver position.

Antenna’s height.

Percentage of the average for what the calculated transmission losses shall not

be exceeded.

Gains of transmitter and receiver antennas.

It also uses values and constants (conductivity, rainfall parameters, etc.) recommended

by the ITU that can be easily customized if data of the area to be evaluated are available.

Some of these conditions and parameters considered in this model of propagation are:

Weather conditions derived from models provided by the ITU.

Refractivity of the first km of atmosphere.

Refractivity in the first 65 meters of atmosphere.

Rainfall parameters.

Geometry of Earth's effective radius.

Radio horizon boundary parameters.

Factor of 'plain' of the road followed by lightning.

Tropospheric scatter.

Gaseous absorption.

Basic transmission losses in free space.

Diffraction losses produced by knife edge obstacles.

The proposed method is decomposed into 4 sub-models of which each one takes into

account different sets of propagation mechanisms. These sub-models can be combined

to present the final result of basic transmission losses (taking into account some

particular statistics of each sub-model).

Recommendation ITU-R p.2041-0

This Recommendation [31] provides an empirical model to obtain the total attenuation

on a link between an aerial platform and the surface of the Earth (or between an aerial

platform and space).

It makes multiple references to the other ITU-R Recommendations which are

complementary used for its calculations, and it takes into account the following


Attenuation due to rain with a fixed probability.

Gas attenuation.

Attenuation due to clouds.

Fading due to tropospheric scintillation.

These prediction methods can be used to predict the worst case or average link

availability for any applicable elevation profile and elevation angle.

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Recommendation ITU-R P.528-3

This empirical propagation model provided by ITU [32] is valid for studying the

propagation of the aeronautical mobile and aeronautical radio navigation services in the

VHF, UHF and centimetre (125-15500 MHz) bands.

It contains a method based data interpolation from a series of curves to obtain the basic

transmission losses in ground-air, ground-satellite, air-air, air-satellite and satellite-

satellite links.

The data used are the distance between antennas, their heights above mean sea level,

frequency and percentage of time.

It also allows, with a series of higher data (transmitted power, transmitting antenna gain

and receiving antenna gain) to obtain the expected protection ratio or the desired /

interfering signal ratio exceeded in the receiver 95% of the time.

To perform these calculations it assumes a flat Earth model, with a coefficient of the

earth's fictive radius K of 4/3; it also uses constants for medium terrain, horizontal

polarization, isotropic antennas, and long-term power fade statistics in a temperate

continental climate.

The values of these curves sums the attenuation due to the atmospheric absorption to

the attenuation corresponding to the losses of propagation in free space.

In the area 'near' the radio electric horizon, they are obtained by calculating the values

of the transmission loss according to the laws of geometric optics, in order to take into

account the interference between the direct ray and a reflected ray at the surface of the

Earth .

The formula used to calculate short-term fading includes field reflection and tropospheric

propagation over multiple paths.

The algorithms used to generate the curves the model provides are presented in [33].

There, the so called IF77 propagation model is described for the prediction of basic

transmission losses.

The validity of this method is restricted to the range of 0.1-20 GHz for antennas of more

than half a meter and in scenarios in which the radio horizon has a lower elevation than

the highest antenna.

It is a similar model to the Longley-Rice propagation model (implemented by many

propagation simulation software tools described in 2.1.2) especially designed for

obtaining attenuation / distance curves calculated for Line of Sight (LoS), diffraction and

scatter, which are combined in transition regions. The model includes tolerance for the

incorporation of:

Mean curvature of the rays.

Horizon Effects.

Long term power fading.

Radiation pattern of the antenna (single elevation) in each terminal.

Multipath by surface reflections.

Tropospheric multipath.

Atmospheric absorption.

Ionospheric scintillation.

Rain attenuation.

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State of the sea.

Divergence Factors.

Very high antennas.

Recommendation ITU-R P.525-2

This Recommendation [34] takes provides formulae for the computing of Free Space

Losses without considering any other phenomenon (like diffraction, rain attenuation,

scattering, multipath ...).

Recommendation ITU-R P.618-12

Taking into consideration the possibility of the aerial platform to communicate with the

space through satellite link, this Recommendation [35] has also been reviewed. It

includes propagation data and prediction methods necessary for the design of Earth-

Space telecommunications links and considers:

Attenuation of atmospheric gases.

Attenuation by clouds and rain.

Loss for 'Beam Spreading'.

Tropospheric scintillation and multipath.

Faraday rotation.

Group Delay.

Ionospheric absorption.

Ionospheric scintillation.

In addition, in Recommendations ITU-R P.681-9 [36] and ITU-R P.682-3 [37] provide

propagation data which may be useful to model Earth-Space mobile telecommunication

systems for land and aeronautical links respectively.

Other widely used models

Irregular Terrain Model

This semi-empirical model [38], also known as Longley-Rice propagation model, is a

widely used propagation losses model in the range of 20-20000 MHz.

It has two modes, the area prediction mode and the point-to-point mode. In the first one,

it uses empirical medians of the terrain profile conditions while in the point-to-point case

it employs terrain data directly.

In the case of LoS trajectories, the attenuation is calculated based on the two-ray theory

and an extrapolated diffraction attenuation value.

It is intended for use in the following conditions (from the original 1968 publication):

Frequency: 20-20000 MHz (in the original publication this range is extended from

20-40000 MHz but many of the software packages that incorporate it fall within

this range).

Antenna height: 0.5-3000 m.

Distance: 1-2000 km.

Surface refractivity: 250-400 N-units.

It takes into account models such as multiple knife-edge and rounded edge diffraction

as well as atmospheric attenuation, tropospheric propagation modes, terrain data,

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antenna polarization, climate and atmospheric stratification and many more, with most

of them based on experimental measurements.

Terrain Integrated Rough Earth Model (TIREM)

After having found an official US DoD paper [39] detailing the procedures and model

under which TIREM is developed its way of operating can be guessed. It is important to

say that this is the de facto standard for the US federal government and its army in the

field of electromagnetic propagation study and is also used in civil applications like STK


After performing an initial analysis of the document, it seems that all the equations, data

and elements necessary for the development and implementation of this model are

present, as well as a series of criteria and guides for their application in function of the

obtained results in certain predetermined calculations (what phenomena to take into

account for model losses as a function of LoS / NLoS conditions, frequency ...).

However, more exhaustive review has revealed that certain data come from external

sources that are classified.

Several similarities have been found between this model and others from ITU, but not so

many as to affirm that the results produced would be the same.

A TIREM flow chart obtained from the document itself can be found in Fig. 10 below:

Fig. 10. TIREM flow chart diagram [39].

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TIREM model takes into account the following propagation effects:

Free Space Losses.


Propagation by surface wave.


Propagation by tropospheric scattering.

Atmospheric absorption.

In Table 3 below, key parameters of some10 of the different reviewed propagation models

are summarized:

Table 3. Parameter comparison table for some of the different propagation models analised.

2.2.3. Academic review

In this subsection, several papers and publications regarding radio propagation

modelling in different environments are summarized. They might be useful for knowing

what is been doing in academic world and if there is any approach or proposal aligned

with project's needs.

Measurements and Characterizations of Air-to-Ground Channel Over

Sea Surface at C-Band with Low Airborne Altitude.

This paper [41], which has been quite quoted (14 citations), presents results and

evidence of the existence of multipath in air-ground communications over the sea at

altitudes between 370 meters and 1.83 km.

It could be interesting to take into account in the simulator the effects of multipath and in

analysis of missions on large bodies of water (e.g. coastal surveillance). In addition their

experimental measurements may be a source of reference.

10 Some means that not all reviewed models are considered here, only the more relevant ones

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Channel models for aeronautical and low elevation radio links

In this document [42], despite being a bit outdated ( it does not take into account the ITU-

R recommendations p.2001-2 and ITU-R p.528-3 as updated propagation models)

shows the existent problems in modelling air attenuation and the rain attenuation

following the existing Recommendations.

It also mentions methods (some developed by ONERA) for the prediction of these

phenomena, as well as scintillation and multipath.

Modelling air-to-ground path loss for low altitude platforms in urban


This paper [43] develops a simulation scenario of radio links in urban areas, describing

the phenomena and parameters to consider when estimating propagation losses in

environments like this.

It bases its data on randomly generated cities using Matlab for geometry and external

data for the different materials that would form the buildings (concrete, crystal ...).

The results’ validation is performed by comparison with results obtained by Wireless

InSite [13] software, with apparently very satisfactory results.

The UAV Low Elevation Propagation Channel in Urban Areas:

Statistical Analysis and Time-Series Generator

This paper [44] show the approach, beginning and initial results [45] of a propagation

measurement campaign in urban environments intended to obtain useful data for their

use in electromagnetic propagation modelling systems.

Aeronautical channel modelling at VHF-band

In the articles found in [46] and [47], different scenarios are presented, or rather different

stages of the same scenario, in which an aircraft is found throughout a mission (flight,

landing, taxi…)

In addition to this, they also characterize some of the phenomena that must be taken into

account or that are dominant in relation to degradations in signal propagation.

All this is focused from a rather statistical point of view that does not take into account

the geometry of each possible realization of the scenarios considered, but is based on

mathematical models, from which link quality parameters like BER can be obtained.

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Digital Terrain Models

This section covers the different digital terrain elevation models evaluated for being used

in the simulator, the meaning of some if its parameters and characteristics and some

criteria to evaluate them and select the most suitable for the application.

2.3.1. Initial considerations

In order to select an appropriate Digital Terrain Model, is important to pay attention to certain elements that could result being highly troublesome in the next steps of this project (particularly during software implementation). First of all, the selected Digital Terrain Model has to be accessible via http connection or some similar protocol. The main reason supporting this is that there is a limited amount of time to spend in developing the simulator, and by obtaining data via the internet relief us from having to develop a database to store the selected DTM. Moreover, this web connection must support programmatic queries instead of selecting the desired data from a graphical web interface. This will allow the simulator to load the desired DTM without requesting the operator to previously visit a webpage and download the desired data (use of the DTM become transparent to end user). Last but not least, another key aspect which has to be considered to select a proper DTM

is the model's resolution11. Even though radio propagation should not fluctuate much in

few meters, the presence of obstructions surely will affect in a significant way to

communications performance. Therefore, getting better model's resolution will result in

better characterized communication data link performance.

2.3.2. Reviewed Digital Terrain Models


FalconView [48] is a Microsoft Windows based mapping application (used by US military)

that displays various types of maps and geographically referenced overlays. Many map

types are supported, but the primary ones of interest to most users are aeronautical

charts, satellite images, and elevation maps. FalconView also supports a large number

of overlay types that can be displayed and printed over any map background. The current

overlay set is oriented toward mission planning and includes many overlays targeted

toward aviators and aviation support personnel as well as overlays of interest to ground

and maritime operators. Additionally, FalconView is used as an on board moving-map

display on several aeronautic platforms. FalconView is an integral part of the Portable

Flight Planning Software (PFPS), and various FalconView components are also being

adapted to the new Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS) environment.

Nevertheless, this is a proprietary software that is not available to be used neither by

students nor companies as it is restricted to U.S. Government and Military.

11 Understand resolution as the capability of distinguishing between many adjacent geographical shapes (mountains, hills, gorges...).

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NASA WorldWindServer

Free server provided by NASA [49] that has different resources available for download

through queries to the server and that presents / displays integration with many

languages / platforms like Java, Android, Matlab and many more. The maps and

resolutions available for DTMs are the following:

SRTM30 with Bathymetry12 (900m) merged with global ASTER (30m)

Date: --

Coverage: global

Resolution: mixed (900, 30 m)


Date: 2001 (initial, then updates)

Coverage: mainland USA, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico

Resolution: 30 m


Date: 2009

Coverage: Denmark

Resolution: -


Date: 2009

Coverage: Denmark

Resolution: 1.6 m / px


Date: 2000 - present day

Coverage: 83 degrees north ~ 83 degrees south

Resolution: 30 m

SRTM30 with Bathymetry (900m) merged with global ASTER (30m) and

USGS NED (10m)


Coverage: global

Resolution: mixed (900, 30, 10 m)13

SRTM30 with Bathymetry (900m) merged SRTM3 V4.1 (90m) and USGS

NED (10m)

Date: --

Coverage: global

Resolution: mixed (900, 90, 10 m)

SRTM30 with Bathymetry (900m) merged SRTM3 V4.1 (90m) and USGS

NED (30m)

Date: --

12 Bathymetry: measurements on water masses depth. 13 ‘Mixed’ resolution means that model’s resolution vary for different locations. For example, a global DTM with 900 m resolution can has 90 m resolution in Spain if the Government promotes a measurement campaign and then gives the obtained results to NASA.

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Coverage: global

Resolution: mixed (900, 90, 30 m)

SRTM3 V4.1

Date: 2000 (update 2008) - best version available

Coverage: global

Resolution: 90 m

SRTM30 Plus

Date: 2000 (updates until 2014)

Coverage: global

Resolution: 900 m


Date: 2001 (initial, then updates)

Coverage: mainland USA, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico

Resolution: 10 m

Google Maps API

This alternative [50] is attractive because of the large amount of data that Google handles

and its integration with Google Maps via API.

Its resolution is updated frequently and today is over 30 meters in the worst case. The

main drawback of Google Maps API is the limitation in number of queries to the database

for free development plan, beyond which it is necessary to request a payment plan.

Maps provided by Spanish ‘Instituto Geográfico Nacional’

Through its web portal [51] maps of the whole Spanish territory with resolutions of 200,

25 and 5 meters can be obtained.

The biggest problem is that because of how they are structured, their method of

downloading via web portal instead of server and their data format does not fit the

preliminary requirements imposed.

However, it is possible to obtain elevation data through requests to its WCS server [52].

The maximum resolution of these models is 25 meters, with coverage throughout the

national territory (including the Canary Islands). It allows specifying the coordinates of

the area to be obtained, the sampling period and the type of file to be obtained (.asc or


Data are available in both UTM coordinates as latitude and longitude, using the ETRS89


14 Which is compatible with WGS-84 world datum.

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2.3.3. Complements to Digital Terrain Models

Even though managing more geographical information than the one provided by a DTM

is out of the scope of this project, it might be useful in the future to consider other kinds

of information that might be relevant for communication data link performance.

That is the case of the Land Usage Maps, which are maps displaying the different usages

of the terrain (such as urban, desert, forest, crops…). This data might be used to model

the different effects the environment produces on radio propagation. An example of land

usage mapping can be seen in [53].

Another complement to be taken into account is the use of a Digital Elevation Model or

a Digital Surface Model, which means:

Digital Elevation Model: considers not only terrain elevation, but surface objects’

height too (e.g. trees, buildings…).

Digital Surface Model: considers only surface objects’ height.

Using one or another might lead to differences in the final results and attention must be

paid on which to use depending on the application.

Interference analysis

In this section, a number of ways of modelling the signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio

(SINR) as well as a number of considerations regarding its implementation will be


During the search process on the internet, several sources have been found [54]–[56]

that deal with the calculation of the SINR. After combining them with previous knowledge

on the subject, it has been concluded that basically there are two approaches to this


2.4.1. Parametric analysis

This kind of analysis considers firstly that each link budget between interfering stations and the receiving station (in our case the aerial platform) must be calculated. Following, the interfering received power must be subtracted to the SNR ratio of the receiver (that is, an interfering signal increases noise level, decreasing dynamic margin), as can be seen in the following figure:

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Fig. 11. Example of interference parametric analysis.

2.4.2. Statistical analysis

This approach consist in modelling the receiver power from the interfering source as a

stochastic process, for which a study must be carried out for determining the interference

threshold not exceeded p% of time.

This method is more inadvisable for the moment, since it is necessary to properly model

the stochastic process that defines the interfering source (or sources) and this can be a

very complicated (keeping in mind the time limitations).

2.4.3. Further considerations


The bandwidth of the interfering signal is something to be taken into account for adjacent channel interferences (and will require a more detailed analysis in the future) because depending on the relation between the bandwidths of the wanted and interfering signals, the degradation of the former may be more or less pronounced.

Implementation considerations

If an initial implementation of the SINR analysis in the simulator is to be carried out, the following considerations must be taken into account:

The chosen approach to address the problem should be the calculation of the received interfering signal power.

Since the Friis model [34] is the one with lowest losses, the propagation of the interfering signal should be modelled using it because the processing time will be reduced and the Worst Case Scenario of interference (highest power of interference) analysed.

Initially only an interfering station should be considered.

Initially, the bandwidth of the interfering signal should not be taken into account.

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Antenna radiation patterns

As it is known, an antenna does not radiate the same amount of signal over all directions,

since it follows what is called a radiation pattern [58], [59]. This phenomenon is relevant

because the gain of the antennas will be higher or lower as a function of the angle

between transmitter and receiver as a consequence off this pattern not being constant

for all directions.

Moreover, it also has to be considered the fact that at least one of the antennas (the one

placed in the aerial vehicle) will be moving, so the gain with which the signal will be

received will vary with time because of the changes in the angle between transmitter and

receiver (that, as it was said, affects the radiation pattern of both antennas).

It can be concluded that to consider the radiation pattern along a mission's path would

lead to more accurate models and thus, better mission planning.

As can be seen in [57], there are many ways to define radiation pattern files, being one

of the most common approaches to define it as a tuple of vectors following:

Vector A: antenna radiation pattern values (natural units or dB).

Vector B: vector of azimuth angle values for which the value of the radiation

pattern has been computed (degrees).

In order to consider 3D antenna radiation patterns, a third vector has to be defined:

Vector C: vector of elevation angle values for which the value of the radiation

pattern has been computed (degrees).

If necessary, some resources useful to get antenna radiation patterns are available in


Weather Forecasting

This section evaluates the considered options for adding real-time weather information

at mission area to the simulator as well as obtaining an estimate of the rain attenuation

in a mission scenario.

2.6.1. Rain attenuation modelling

In this case, the use of the rainfall model provided by the ITU in Recommendation ITU-

R p. 838-3 [61].

This model obtains an attenuation coefficient in dB / km that models the attenuation due

to rainfall as a function of the intensity of the precipitation (mm / h) and the signal

frequency ([30] shows how can be applied for frequencies below 1 GHz).

Knowing also the percentage of the route affected by the rain (or otherwise, the distance

travelled by the signal over the rain) the additional attenuation in dB can be obtained.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a source of meteorological information that not only

provides the intensity of the same, but also of its location.

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2.6.2. Sources of meteorological information

In order to obtain meteorological information in Galicia region, the public Meteogalicia

API [62] can be used.

It allows direct queries to its server and returns the sky state and accumulated

precipitation during the last hour (in mm / h), which makes it a viable alternative for the

initial development of this functionality.

It has a basic spatial resolution of 4 km (which can be reduced to 1 if latitudes and

longitudes are previously discriminated to see if they fall in the ‘Rías Baixas’ or in the

‘Norte de Galicia’ regions) and a temporary resolution of one hour.

The only restriction to the use of this service is to have a free key that can be requested

by email.

In the request it can be included:

Weather information status: (SUNNY, HIGH_CLOUDS, PARTLY_CLOUDS,





Rainfall rate in the last hour by location for up to 20 pairs of longitude and latitude

coordinates separated by ';'.

As optional parameters: output format of the requested data (.html, .gml, .kml or

.json), the model to be obtained, the grid and the time range.

It has to be remarked that in this case there is a lack of depth in the analysis but assuming

that this is a first version of the simulator, only managing data of Galicia region would be


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Conclusions drawn of the state of the art

To conclude with this Chapter, several conclusions can be drawn regarding the multiple

topics or fields that has been addressed.

Firstly, it has to be noted the fact that many commercial available mission planning

software tools consider communication data link performance in their pre-mission

analysis (for example Integrasys’s AeroTrackCOM and Insitu’s ICOMC2) as was stated

in both the Abstract and the Introduction of this document.

Furthermore, reader may has had realised that most of them are intended to be used in

military applications and that for civil aircrafts flying between VOR’s, mission planning

should not be so critical. Well, while it is true commercial aviation is based on highly

controlled flight paths is a fact, there are plenty of other applications and scenarios where

paths are no so well controlled, for example: SAR operations, firefighting, surveillance

operations, aerial surveying missions and many more.

Moreover, there are not many radio propagation simulators designed for this purpose,

being the sole exception AGI’s STK software, which seems to integrate many of the

features that others lack.

At last, regarding the other elements analysed along this chapter, many considerations

has already been stated in its own sections. However, it has to be noted that all of them

might be useful, in a higher or lesser extent, for the development of a simulator intended

to be a useful tool in the future.

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3. Design of the application

After reviewing the state of-the-art of the basic elements considered to be needed for the

simulator, the next logical step would be to think about how it can be made. This is exactly

what has been developed along this Chapter.

The design process included many steps, from defining the requirements set for the application and the elements which will be part of it to performing some schemes on how to implement them and how the application should look like. Of course, a review of this process as well as the followed steps to approach implementation will take place too in the following sections.


In this section, the minimum requirements imposed to the simulator prior to its

implementation have been documented.

However, they are only a lower bound in the functionality of the simulator and they have

been defined as a way to determine whether the application has reach the proposed

goals or not.

3.1.1. Functional requirements

In this first subsection the minimum requirements regarding functionalities to be implemented are presented in Table 4 below:

Req. ID Description


Number of propagation models The developed application shall include, at least, one propagation model which shall not be the FSL [34] one.


Usage of propagation models The user shall be able to select the desired propagation model for each simulation, having a default one selected in case no one is selected.


Mission specification The specification of the mission shall be made through import of a .txt file storing the coordinates of the route’s waypoints.


Geographical information The application shall be able to obtain terrain elevation data of the mission area if the user request so.


Analysis density selection The application shall provide an option to select the analysis density for every simulation, meaning analysis density the step between analysed points for each simulation.


Antenna radiation pattern The application shall be able to consider the base station’s antenna radiation pattern under user specification. If a radiation pattern is not specified, an isotropic antenna is assumed.

FR-007 Base station altitude consideration The application shall consider the altitude of the base station over msl.

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Aerial platform altitude consideration The application shall be able to consider either the altitude of the aerial platform over msl or over local terrain under user specification.


Mission area size The simulator shall be able to manage rectangular mission areas of, at least, 10 km in width and 10 km in length. No minimum area size is defined.


Available outputs

The application shall provide, at least, the following outputs: Free Space Losses, model losses, link budget (losses – gains), received power, estimated SNR level, LoS conditions, Fresnel clearance and route length.


Output selection The user shall be able to select which outputs want to be computed. If an output is not selected, it shall not be computed unless a selected one needs it (and the unselected one shall not be displayed after computation process ends).


Output generation The application shall generate both graphical outputs (maps, curves, charts…) and textual ones.


Output exportation The application shall be able to export generated outputs to some format like .kml that allow to display results in an external GIS / visualization tool.

FR-014 Input validation The application shall parse the inputs to validate they are well defined.

Table 4. Communications Simulator minimum functional requirements.

3.1.2. Non-Functional requirements

In this second subsection, the minimum requirements regarding how to build the application and how to manage it are presented in Table 5 below:

Req. ID Description

NFR-001 Application Interface The application shall be operated through a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

NFR-002 Window size The application GUI shall be resizable in order to fit many screen sizes.

NFR-003 Progress report The application shall inform the user about the computation progress.

NFR-004 Warnings and errors If an error or warning happens, the application shall inform the user.

NFR-005 Execution Environment The application shall be able to run under Windows.


Execution platform

The application shall be able to be executed in laptop and desktop computers.

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Performance measurement The execution time shall be measured to parameterize the performance of the application during the testing stage.

NFR-008 Internal state capture Application internal variables shall be stored for later analysis during the testing stage.

NFR-009 Application deployment At least one deployment strategy for the application shall be documented.

Table 5. Communications Simulator minimum non-functional requirements.

Decision Making

This section provide a documentation basis for a set of decisions regarding both imposed

requirements and different aspects to take into account during the design process

previous to implementation.

It has to be noted that there is no other upper bound on the developed functionalities

than development time, so some more functionalities than defined in the requirements

have been included in the design of the simulator.

3.2.1. Selected propagation model

As has been said, a propagation model different from the Friis Free Space Losses one shall be implemented. Considering the review of propagation models provided in ‘Radio propagation modelling’ section of Chapter 2 Analysis of the state of the art, the model that has been found more suitable and thus will be implemented is the ITU-R p.2001-2 model [30]. This model seems to be the most suitable considering many of the keys that had already been defined as key aspects for determining the propagation model to be used. Its frequency range is broad enough to cover many different services and its altitude range is also quite good considering the environments where it will be applied. Last but not least, its implementation may not be the easiest one but all needed steps are included in its Recommendation and what is more, its source is the International Telecommunication Union thus the correctness and proved background of the model can be assumed. Besides, prior to the implementation of this selected model, the Friis Free Space Losses model and the Two Ray Friis propagation model will be implemented too. The reason supporting this decision is the same that led to including a point to point mode. These models will be used as initial base ones with which to start implementation, testing and validation of functionalities (visualizations, computation processes and error checking for example) rather than engaging the complex model from scratch.

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3.2.2. Selected Digital Terrain Model

The DTM provided by 'Instituto Geográfico Nacional', with a base accuracy of 25 meters, available data of all Spain and capability to serve HTTP queries fits the needs of the project. With reasons provided, the Digital Terrain Model which will be queried has been selected. The main implementation workload for this element will be to develop a method to automatically generate the queries, to send them to the server and also to process and use the received data.

3.2.3. Selected modes of operation

At this point, it has been decided to implement four different modes of operation:

Point to Point Mode

Route Mode

Area Prediction Mode

Satellite Mode In the following paragraphs, this four modes will be described including also the given reasons to implement each one of them.

Point to Point Mode

This mode consists in compute the link budget between two points, transmitter and

receiver, not considering that receiver will be moving.

The main reason behind the decision of implementing this mode is the will to have a

‘quick’ test mode over which to implement the different propagation models and

functionalities the Simulator will have in an easier way than to implement the route mode

from scratch.

The other modes are developed taking this one as their basis.

In addition, as can be found on section ‘Radio propagation simulators’ from Chapter

2Analysis of the state of the art, this mode is a common tool in radio network planning,

so this can be seen as an added value for this or other related projects, being useful

when a simple link state should be evaluated.

Route Mode

This is one of the main modes of the simulator (and a minimum requirement too). Given

the location of the base station and the path followed by the aerial platform, an analysis

on the communications’ link state along all route will be performed.

Area Prediction Mode

This mode, derived from the previous one, assumes a known base station location and

an area where the aerial platform shall be, without having knowledge on the exact path

followed by it.

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In many situations, like a fire fighting scenario, the path that the aerial vehicle will follow

is not known at all and there is only information about mission area available. Therefore,

this mode can be very useful in some contexts of operation so it will be implemented too

in the simulator.

Together with the Route Mode, they shall be the main modes of the simulator.

Satellite Mode

In some cases, communication between base station and aerial platform is conducted

through a satellite link.

To implement a Satellite Mode a point to point calculations suite for satellite links will be

implemented, following the example found in [63] and [64].

3.2.4. Selected functionalities

In this subsection the functionalities selected to be implemented are listed along with explanations on each one of them in the following paragraphs.

Computation of output parameters

The simplest functionality to be implemented in the simulator is the capability of computing a number of different output parameters. Taking into account the previously defined requirements, there are some parameters that have already been defined:

Free Space Losses (𝑳𝒇𝒔)

This simple output can be used mainly as a value to compare with the propagation losses

of the selected model and also as a lower bound for them.

In addition, many propagation models include the Free Space Losses as a component

of its computations.

The computation of Friis Free Space Losses is achieved by computing:

𝑳𝒇𝒔 = 𝟑𝟐. 𝟒𝟓 + 𝟐𝟎𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟏𝟎(𝒇) + 𝟐𝟎𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟏𝟎(𝒅) (1)

Eq. 1. Friis Free Space Losses.

For each distance d.

Model losses (𝑳𝒎𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒍)

As it seems, the losses obtained of the selected propagation model.

This losses are calculated following the steps depicted in [30] for the ITU-R p.2001-2

model and equations Eq. 2 and Eq. 3 below for the Two-ray Friis propagation model.

𝒅𝒄 =𝟒𝝅𝒉𝟏




Eq. 2. Cross-over distance.

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𝑳𝒕𝒓𝒇 = 𝑳𝒇𝒔 𝒊𝒇 𝒅 < 𝒅𝒄

𝑳𝒕𝒓𝒇 = 𝟏𝟎𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟏𝟎



𝟐 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒆


Eq. 3. Equations for Two-Ray Friis model approximation calculations.

Link budget (𝑳𝑳𝒊𝒏𝒌)

Prior to obtaining the received power, the link budget (budget of propagation losses

transmitter and receiver losses, extra losses and transmitter and receiver gains), has to

be computed, and it can be a useful element in some situations.

The link budget equation considers all gains and losses across the radio link as can be

seen in Eq. 4:

𝑳𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒌 = 𝑳𝒎𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒍 + 𝑳𝒓𝒙 + 𝑳𝒕𝒙 + 𝑳𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒓𝒂 − 𝑮𝒕𝒙 − 𝑮𝒓𝒙 − 𝒑𝒍 − 𝒑𝒍𝒇 (4)

Eq. 4. Equation for Link budget calculations.

Received power (𝑹𝒙𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓)

This is one of the key parameters of the simulator, as it can be used in many further

calculations like sensitivity threshold reaching and Signal to Noise Ratio estimations.

The received power is obtained subtracting 𝑳𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒌 to transmitted power:

𝑹𝒙𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 = 𝑻𝒙𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 − 𝑳𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒌 (5)

Eq. 5. Equation for received power calculations.

Estimated SNR level (𝑺𝑵𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒕)

The estimation of the SNR level is also a key parameter for model and parameterize the

degree of reliability of a communications’ link.

Prior to obtaining an SNR level estimation, the radio noise floor has to be computed as

in Eq. 6 below:

𝑵𝒔 = −𝟏𝟕𝟒15 + 𝟏𝟎𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟏𝟎(𝑩𝑾[𝑯𝒛] + 𝑭𝒓𝒙)


Eq. 6. Noise level calculations.

After that, estimated SNR level can be computed as:

𝑺𝑵𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒕 = 𝑹𝒙𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 − 𝑵𝒔


Eq. 7. SNR estimation equation.


In many situations and for some propagation models, the computation of link’s LoS

conditions may be needed, and displaying some indicator of Line of Sight or Non-Line of

Sight conditions along the path of the aerial platform may add value to de developed


For estimating LoS conditions in a radio link, the method found in [30] is applied.

15 Thermal radio noise in dBm/Hz

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Through refractivity values of the first kilometre of atmosphere obtained through

interpolation of ITU tables, the median effective radius of the Earth is obtained, and with

it, both the elevation angles with an intermediate elevation point (relative to the horizontal

of the transmitter) and the elevation angle of the receiver seen by the transmitter under

LoS assumption can be obtained.

Comparing these two values is used to check if the path has LoS conditions or not:

𝐢𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐱 (𝛂𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝) < 𝛂𝐭𝐱−𝐫𝐱 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐒 (8)

Eq. 8. Check of LoS conditions.

Fresnel clearance

Communications using radio waves are closely related with Fresnel Zones, and the

clearance of the first 60% of the First Fresnel Zone is relevant in many communication

scenarios. Because of that, displaying path segments where Fresnel clearance is

reached or not may be useful in some scenarios.

For computing Fresnel clearance in the 1st zone, the followings steps are followed:

First, the radius of the first Fresnel Zone [65] are computed for each study point


𝑭𝑪𝟏 = √𝝀𝒅𝒔𝒅𝒆



Eq. 9. 1st Fresnel zone radius calculation equation.

Next to it, and taking into account the desired clearance percentage of the 1st Fresnel

zone specified as input, this radios are compared with the elevation of each point,

determining whether if there is clearance or not.

Route length

When applicable, it will represent the length of the evaluated route / link.

Extra parameters

In addition to this parameters specified in the requirements, there are some more

parameters that has been considered interesting during design control reviews and that

will be implemented in this first version of the simulator:

Maximum Doppler Shift (𝑫𝒔)

Despite receivers are usually protected against frequency deviations, Doppler Shift can

still affect communications’ link state and even more taking into account the relative

speeds that could be reached by the aerial platform. Thus, the maximum Doppler shift

that can happen in a given link will be estimated in this first version of the simulator.

Maximum Doppler shift [66] is computed (assuming a static base station transmitter with

rel. speed equals to zero) as:

𝑫𝒔 =𝒗𝒓𝒆𝒍

𝒄𝟏𝟎𝟔𝒇 (10)

Eq. 10. Doppler shift calculations for static transmitter.

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Estimated Channel’s Capacity (𝑪𝑯𝒄𝒂𝒑)

For scenarios where video streaming is mandatory, having a guess on the channel’s

capacity may result to be highly useful for end users.

So, it has been decided to implement the calculations needed to get an estimation on

channel’s capacity (as well as the estimated transmission rate).

In order to compute channel’s capacity in a simple way, the Shannon-Hartley theorem

[67] has been implemented:

𝑪𝑯𝒄𝒂𝒑 = 𝑩𝑾𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟐(𝟏 + 𝑺𝑵𝑹) (11)

Eq. 11. Shannon-Hartley channel’s capacity theorem

Note: the SNR value used is the estimated SNR value (𝑺𝑵𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒕) previously computed.

Estimated Transmission Rate (𝑻𝒙𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆)

Along with 𝑪𝑯𝒄𝒂𝒑, it may help to parameterize the maximum amount of data that can be

sent through the link under analysis.

For this first version of the simulator, no channel coding, CRC or processing gain will be


As well as with the channel’s capacity, the formula implemented in the simulator for

estimating the maximum transmission rate is a simple the one derived from Hartley’s law

[68], and do not consider the whole number of factors that can affect this parameter.

𝑻𝒙𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆 = 𝟐𝑩𝑾𝒍𝒐𝒈𝟐(𝑴) (12)

Eq. 12. Equation used in Transmission Rate estimation.

Polarization loss factor (𝒑𝒍𝒇)

In order to provide a more accurate estimation on the radio propagation losses, a simple

estimation of the polarization loss factor will be implemented, taking into account:

Horizontal Polarization

Vertical Polarization

Right Handed Circular Polarization

Left Handed Circular Polarization

Inputs import option

In addition to the functionality of providing inputs to the simulator through the developed

GUI (by using elements like edit boxes or pop-up menus), the possibility of importing

external configuration files to the GUI (plain .txt format) will be implemented in simulator’s

first version.

This will enable users to share and store configurations for future as well as making

easier simulation processes.

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Waypoints file importing

It was stated as a requirement the need of acquire waypoints’ data through an external

.txt file. In addition, the capability of get this waypoints from a KML [69] file will also be

included in this first version of the simulator.

This will give a chance to the user of importing waypoints’ files generated in external

tools like for Mission Planner for example.

Antenna radiation patterns

Taking into account the radiation pattern of the base station’s antenna has been stated

as a requirement it will be implemented. In addition, the radiation pattern of the antenna

in the aerial platform will be considered also, as it has been identified as an interesting

element to include in the application.

If antenna radiation patterns are not provided for any of the antennas, then an isotropic

antenna will be assumed and its gain must be specified.

The most feasible approach to considering antenna radiation patterns and its

displacements is to perform rotations in the three axis over the coordinates of the incident

ray (the received signal) in order to model both the initial position of the antenna in the

aerial platform and its movements along the route.

The antenna in the aerial platform is assumed to be pointing its maximum directivity to

its moving direction (see Fig. 12).

The base station's antenna is assumed to be pointing its maximum directivity towards

geographic North (see Fig. 13).

The following initial axes on which the radiation patterns will settle and which will be used

after applying the relevant rotations to the incoming signal have been defined as follows

in figures Fig. 12 and Fig. 13:

Fig. 12. Initial position of the aerial platform antenna.

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Fig. 13. Initial position of the base station antenna.

In order to perform rotations, the following rotation matrices [70] was implemented:

Fig. 14. Three axis rotation matrices.

It is obvious that it is necessary to use Cartesian coordinates16 to apply these matrices

and thus obtain the points in the new coordinate system:

𝑷′(𝒙′, 𝒚′, 𝒛′) = 𝑻𝑷 (13)

Eq. 13. Transformation of Cartesian coordinates by using rotation matrices.

Automatic querying for terrain elevation data

In order to get terrain data in the mission area in a transparent way to the user, these

data will be obtained by querying a server able to provide the desired data given the

coordinates of the area.

After performing the HTTP querying to IGN WCS Server, terrain elevation data will be

obtained and then processed in order load them to memory, compute the desired

simulation parameters and finally, according to a pair of configuration check boxes,

16 Obtained by transforming latitude, longitude and height to a local spherical system

(referenced to geographic North).

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generate the 2D contour map or a 3D elevation map as well as a terrain elevation profile

(both incorporate aerial platform and base station location).

Note that prior to querying the server, the mission’s area bounding box has to be


Automatic querying for meteorological data

According to [71], in its section on rain attenuation, this begins to be noticeable for

frequencies above 5 GHz and important above 8 GHz.

Despite many systems use operation frequencies below these ones, it has been

considered interesting to implement a method for computing rain attenuation as an extra

feature of the simulator and so, the method described in [61] will be implemented.

Furthermore, even if the operational frequency for a given scenario is not high enough

to have perceptible rain attenuation losses, display some 'rain alert' warning in the

simulator may be useful to operators to consider the effects that the rain might have in

the hardware (engines, mechanical elements, antennas...).

As happens with the DTM (in order to perform operations transparent to end user),

meteorological data will be requested when needed by querying a remote server

(providing it the coordinates of the area of interest) able to provide data from all Galicia,

the MeteoSix server [62].

Radio modem import option

Assuming many unmanned devices are controlled via the so called radio modems which

have parameters maybe unknown to its operators, this initial version of the simulator will

include a feature that will enable operators to select the radio modem in use (optionally)

from a list, loading also the parameters of the selected device in a transparent way to

the operator.

In order to implement this functionality, a small window will be developed to enable users

to select the desired radio modem from a pop-up menu and so load its parameters into

the main window.

Estimated time determination and progress bar

In order to implement this functionality, Matlab’s waitbar tool will be used to give the user

an idea of the progress of the simulation in percentage, which is useful specially in

simulations that require some time, for example those with a high number of study points.

In addition, this progress bar will also implement a cancel button allowing the user to stop

execution without causing an error. The results will be correct for those points already

calculated, while for those that are not, it will be represented as NaN (yellow in the results


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Export of obtained results

As previously stated in the minimum requirements, user shall be able to export route

simulation results to external files (like .KML files for example). Thus, functionality to

enable this will be implemented not only in route mode, but in area mode too.

In addition, all modes will be able to generate and export textual reports.

For the generation of graphic files of results it has been chosen to generate a .KML file

with customized content for the route and area modes.

Thus the KML file will be internally structured into six internal folders (within the same

file), LoS, Fresnel, SNR, SNRCMap, Sensitivity and Waypoints:

LoS will contain the route segments indicating whether or not direct line of sight

exists. It consists of two subfolders, LoSintervs and NLoSintevs (each of which

houses the corresponding route segments).

Fresnel will contain the route segments indicating whether or not Fresnel

clearance exists. It is also made up of two subfolders, FresnelClearance and

NoFresnelClearance (each containing the corresponding route segments).

SNR will contain the route segments indicating whether or not a sufficient level

of SNR exists (compared to the SNR value that serves as input to the simulation).

It is also made up of two subfolders, SNRenough and NotEnoughSNR (each of

which houses the corresponding route segments).

SNRCMap will contain a heat map displaying the estimated SNR level over the

route path.

Sensitivity will contain the route segments indicating whether or not the received

power is above sensitivity threshold (specified as input to the simulation). It is

also made up of two subfolders, Senough and NotEnoughS (each of which

houses the corresponding route segments).

Waypoints will contain numbered waypoints (also base station) and numeric data

of parameters such as position, SNR level, received power, losses (Friis and

totals), Doppler shift, transmission rate and channel’s capacity.

For the area mode the file’s structure is similar, and the only changes are the data being

displayed in an area instead of over a route.

Extra graphs generation

In order to provide extra information about communication data link performance, a

selectable option for generating extra graphs will be implemented.

The extra graphs that will be generated are: SNR vs. route distance, losses vs. route

distance, received power vs. route distance and difference in dB between FSL model

and selected propagation model vs. route distance.

Graphic User interface

As it was stated as a requirement, it is mandatory to implement a GUI to operate the

simulator, but its functionalities will go a step further than the imposed requirements.

The GUI (which design will be addressed in a later section) will include a visualization

tool that will enable the user to see simulation results (both graphical and textual) even

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though these results shall be exported to in order to be opened in external platforms like

a GIS or Google Earth [69].

In addition, the user will have the chance to import the configuration parameters from an

external file as well as the antenna radiation patterns selected for the transmitter and

receiver and the file defining either the waypoints of the route or the bounding box of the

area under analysis.

To end with this preliminary GUI description, for the graphical results display, the user

will be able to select between two modes of represent the mission area: as a 2D or as a

3D map.

Command Line Mode version

Even though the development of a GUI has been stated as a requirement, subsequent

evaluations have revealed a use case not covered when using a graphical user interface.

If the simulator rests in a remote server there will not be any GUI available in most cases,

so the need of having a version operable through command line rises.

Assuming nowadays cloud services are under constant growth, to include this

functionality to the simulator will increase its added value.

Since the ‘core’ of this version will be the same one as the developed for the GUI, the

only new implemented functions will be the ones used to retrieve data of inputs and

selected outputs from external configuration files, parse and feed them to the ‘core’ and

finally generate and store the outputs in the specified formats.

3.2.5. Structure of the simulator

In this subsection, several design mock-ups of the simulator regarding elements ranging from GUI's distribution to diagrams showing its internal behaviour are provided.

GUI’s mock-up

It has been decided to build the graphic user interface as a set of windows which include

a main window used for operation mode selection and three more windows, each one

belonging to an operation mode. In figures Fig. 15 - Fig. 18 below, diagrams showing the

component distribution in each one of them are provided.

The main window is designed to be as an introductory, simple one; it only has a short

title and / or description together with some buttons which will open the different

operation modes windows. An example of this simple layout is depicted in Fig. 15 below:

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Fig. 15. Main window layout.

For the first mode, the Point to Point one, the layout of the window shows on the one

hand two graphical display elements, one used to show the mission area 2D / 3D map

and the other to provide graphical information of the path elevation profile and elevation

of aerial platform as well as LoS conditions and Fresnel clearance.

On the other hand, it also provides a text display (console log) where to display textual

information and sections for defining inputs and outputs:

Inputs: they are defined in a set of edit text boxes, lists of options and sliders. In

addition, for defining antenna radiation patterns, two buttons are added in this

section to enable this functionality.

Outputs: they are defined as a set of check boxes the user can select or unselect

as a function of the desired outputs which are wanted.

Buttons: buttons providing functionalities to the GUI. There are four, placed at the

bottom left of the window and they are used to compute the selected scenario, to

reset the window, to import the configuration from and external file and to export

the obtained results to external files.

The Fig. 16 below shows the layout for this window:

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Fig. 16. Point to Point mode window layout.

For the next two modes17, the route and area ones, the layout is quite similar to the Point

to Point window, getting rid of the path elevation profile display (as it will not be as useful

as in the previous mode).

Fig. 17. Route and Area mode window layout.

At last, for the satellite mode window, the layout is simpler than in the other three modes,

having only textual outputs. Due to this, the map view component is removed from the

layout and only sections of inputs, outputs and console remain.

17 This two modes share the same layout, but will be implemented as two different ones due to the differences in the internal computations and also in some of its inputs and outputs.

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Fig. 18. Satellite mode window layout.

Command line mode

The flow diagram for the command line version is similar to the one in the main

application (the graphical one) even though there are differences in the way the data is

handled. A depiction on command line version internals is shown in the following figure:

Fig. 19. Simulator's command line version internals’ structure.

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Approach to design process

This section aims to provide a brief description on project's design process, enabling the

reader to know its basis.

Among the tasks carried out, the following may be included:

To select the candidate functionalities to be implemented.

To define the different operation modes of the simulator, considering the different

applications that can be covered by each one.

To choose the Digital Terrain Model which better fits project's needs.

To generate the layouts of the different window(s) that integrate the GUI.

To plan the flow diagrams of the different operation modes.

To provide the reasons supporting the decisions of the previous elements

To write all information relevant to design process.

3.3.1. Steps of design process

In the following paragraphs, a short description on the followed steps during the design

process is provided.

Step 0: to establish the minimum requirements imposed to the developed


Step 1: to manage all available information (collected in the state of the art) of a

particular field and determine what extra features to include in the simulator and

how to implement the finally selected ones.

Step 2: to document and to reason why the selected element(s) in Step 1 has

(have) to be included.

Step 3: to evaluate taken decisions, to consider modifications and to perform

them in some cases.

Step 4: to repeat Steps 1, 2 and 3 for all information fields available.

Step 5: design the different mode's windows.

Step 6 final review of design, just before to begin the implementation's process.

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4. Implementation of the prototype and verification


This 4th Chapter presents the implementation process of the simulator, as well as the

followed verification process.

Several topics are addressed in the sections below, ranging from a description on the

programming language selected, a summary of the inputs and outputs defined for the

simulator and the implementation process itself to a short review on the verification and

testing of the simulator.

Selected implementation language

Since the design process was independent of the used programming language, here a

short discussion on the different programming languages available prior to selection of

the implementation language takes place.

In first instance it was considered the possibility of developing the simulator on Matlab,

but now it is time to justify this decision and to check if there are better alternatives, the

pros and cons of each one.

Although it is true that some of the commercial software analysed previously based their

implementation in C++, it is necessary to say that in this case (quite computational load,

handling of large amounts of data and cumbersome formulas) may not be the best

alternative to begin the development, not so for a possible later development.

Moreover, since many GIS [72], [73] nowadays support the integration of Python-based

plugins it might be also a good approach for a commercial version of the simulator. This

would relieve many tasks related with visualization and data representation but the main

drawback is the time needed to learn about the interaction of this platforms with Python

and the limitations on the functionalities that can be implemented, which both have not

been determined.

In this aspect Matlab is harmed, especially by the lack of ability to create an application

not dependent on the program's work environment or its calculation engine.

However, regarding the current situation: being in a development stage (having limited

time) it has been considered that the use of Matlab is the best option due to the large

number of Built-in18 functions that it provides through its core and that can be expanded

by multiple Toolboxes if needed.

Taking into account the previous statements, as well as its easy management of data

structures (arrays, matrices, structures...) the decision become, a priori, more correct

always bearing in mind the need to port the code sooner or later if the development of

the simulator keeps going further steps.

18 It is necessary to take into account 'the shadows' behind these tools: when porting the code to another language, with every built-in function which have been used, harder the process will be because it will be needed to begin from scratch with them instead of simply translating them.

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I/O Summary

This Section presents a summary of the inputs and outputs defined regarding the

previous considerations and stated functionalities.

4.2.1. Defined Inputs

Here the inputs that the user will have to provide to the simulator for point to point, route and area modes are presented:

Parameter Units Type Present in mode(s):

General parameters

Frequency MHz Edit box All modes

Bandwidth MHz Edit box All modes

Relative speed of aerial platform m/s Edit box All modes

Propagation model -- Pop-up menu Point to point, route, area

UTM/Geo selector -- Check box Point to point

Analysis density19 %, m Slider Route, area

Transmitter parameters

Location Deg. Edit box Point to point20

Height m Edit box Point to point18

Antenna gain dB Edit box All modes

Receiver losses dB Edit box All modes

Antenna polarization -- Pop-up menu All modes

Transmitter power dBm Edit box All modes

From/To base21 -- Check box Route

Aerial platform parameters

Location Deg. Edit box Point to point22

Height m Edit box Point to point21

Antenna gain dB Edit box All modes

Receiver losses dB Edit box All modes

Antenna polarization -- Pop-up menu All modes

Receiver noise figure dB Edit box All modes

Aerial platform altitude mode23 -- Check box All modes

Sensitivity dBm Edit box Route, area

Environmental parameters

Extra losses dB Edit box All modes

Ground conductivity S/m Edit box All modes

Relative permittivity -- Edit box All modes

Wanted 1st Fresnel zone clearance

% Edit box All modes

Real time rain -- Pop-up menu All modes

Date -- Pop-up menu All modes

19 Percentage and step in meters related as (1% = 1000 m and 100% = 10m). 20 In route and area modes, both location and height of base station are provided in a waypoints input file. 21 Flag indicating whether the aerial platform starts and ends its route at ‘home’ location (transmitter’s location). 22 In route and area modes, both location and height of waypoints are provided in a waypoints input file. 23 Above terrain or above mean sea level.

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Time -- Pop-up menu All modes

Rain rate l/m2 Edit box Point to point

Rain distance km Edit box Point to point

Other inputs

Link availability % Edit box All modes

BER/SNR -- Check box All modes

Required BER/SNR -- Edit box All modes

Constellation -- Pop-up menu All modes

Input-related buttons

Radiation pattern -- Button All modes

Import configuration -- Button All modes

Radio Modem -- Button Route, area

Import waypoints file -- Button Route, area Table 6. Inputs defined for Simulator’s point to point, route and area modes.

And also for the Satellite Mode, which is quite different from the others:

Parameter Units Type

Link direction24 -- Pop-up menu

Gateway parameters

Antenna diameter m Edit box

Antenna aperture efficiency (0,1] -- Edit box

Gateway antenna height m Edit box

Transmission power dBm Edit box

Extra losses dB Edit box

Noise figure dB Edit box

Aerial platform parameters

Location Deg. Edit box

Altitude m Edit box

Relative speed m/s Edit box

Transmission power dBm Edit box

Antenna gain dB Edit box

Extra losses dB Edit box

Noise figure dB Edit box

Satellite parameters

G/T dB/K Edit box

EIRP dBm Edit box

Speed m/s Edit box

Range km Edit box

Other inputs

Uplink frequency GHz Edit box

Downlink frequency GHz Edit box

Propagation model -- Pop-up menu

Bandwidth MHz Edit box

Constellation -- Pop-up menu Table 7. Inputs defined for Simulator's satellite mode.

24 Feeder link User link or: User link Feeder link.

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4.2.2. Defined outputs

In the following table, the outputs that the user will be able to select in point to point, route and area modes are presented:

Output Type Present in mode(s):

Text options

Basic (Friis) losses Check button All modes

Total losses Check button All modes

Received power Check button All modes

Doppler Shift Check button All modes

Channel capacity Check button All modes

Transmission rate Check button All modes

Graphical options

Route map Check button Route, area

Elevation profile Check button Point to point

Topographic map Check button Point to point

2D / 3D map Check button All modes

LoS Check button All modes

Fresnel Check button All modes

Extra graphs Check button Route, area Table 8. Outputs definition for Simulator's point to point, route and area modes.

And also for the satellite mode, which is quite different from the others:

Output Type

Basic (Friis) losses Check button

Total losses Check button

Received power Check button

Doppler Shift Check button

Channel capacity Check button

Transmission rate Check button

Group delay Check button

Uplink power flux density at satellite Check button

C/N ratio Check button Table 9. Outputs definition for Simulator's satellite mode.

Implementation process

4.3.1. Introduction to implementation process

Simulator's implementation has followed an incremental approach:

It began with the programming of the graphical interface that serves as the basis of the

application. For this purpose the 'guide' tool, provided by Matlab for the development of

graphic interfaces, has been used.

In addition, simple parsing functions have been incorporated to verify the validity of the

input data and the necessary interconnections between graphical elements have been

prepared so that the algorithms are integrated in the simplest possible way in the set.

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Following this, the goal was to give to this 'skeleton' the underlying functionalities that

integrate the core of the simulator. In order to do so, the followed steps involved starting

with the point to point mode (including only bare Friis and LoS calculations) in order to

test and validate the graphical elements of the simulator. Next, following the already

named incremental implementation process, implementing one to one the different

functionalities and modes defined in the simulator's design were performed.

A simple diagram showing this incremental implementation process can be seen in the

figure below:

Fig. 20. Incremental implementation procedure flow diagram.

4.3.2. Main window

The final look of Simulator’s Main Window is quite different of the previously designed one, since at the end more information needed to be displayed on simulator start-up.

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This final appearance of this window can be seen in Fig. 21 below:

Fig. 21. Simulator’s main window.

4.3.3. Point to Point Mode

In the figure below, a snapshot of the developed GUI for the simulators’ Point to Point Mode showing also a use example is provided:

Fig. 22. Point to point mode after execution.

As it can be seen, the design is quite similar to the mock-up provided in of Chapter


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4.3.4. Route Mode

As in the previous paragraph, a snapshot on the results of the developed Route Mode is now provided in order to show the obtained results:

Fig. 23. Simulator's route mode after execution.

Again, it is quite the same to the mock-up developed during the design process (

of Chapter 3).

4.3.5. Area mode

In order to show the obtained results in the area mode, and regarding that the GUI is almost the same to the one already shown in Fig. 23, a sample of a heat map displayed in Google Earth [69] for the SNR generated in the Area Mode is provided instead in Fig. 24:

Fig. 24. Generated KML file for area mode displayed in Google Earth [69] .

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4.3.6. Satellite Mode

As the Satellite Mode does not have graphic display of the results, a single snapshot of the text report generated after a simulation is provided here to show the results of its implementation:

Fig. 25. Simulator's satellite mode results display after execution.

4.3.7. Antenna radiation pattern import window

Since the auxiliary windows developed for importing antenna radiation patterns for both the base station and the aerial platform are quite similar, a sample snapshot of the base station one is depicted in Fig. 26 below:

Fig. 26. Auxiliary window for importing base station's 3D antenna radiation pattern.

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4.3.8. Radio Modem Import window

As stated previously, an auxiliary window used to select a radio modem among different options was implemented and integrated with the simulator.

4.3.9. Extra graphs

As said in of Chapter 3, the simulator is able to generate (under user’s request) some extra graphs providing information about the driven simulation.

4.3.10. Warning auxiliary windows

As was stated in the requirements, several warning and error dialogs have been

implemented in the simulator, making use of Matlab’s warndlg and errordlg tools.

Deployment analysis

The generation of a redistributable version of the simulator is feasible in Matlab, thanks

to its tool for generating standalone apps: Matlab’s Application Compiler.

There is, nevertheless, some drawbacks on this option:

Since this application does not perform any language cast or something similar,

Matlab’s Runtime Environment (MRE) is still needed for running the application.

This is not a major issue, because it can be downloaded without charge from

Matlab website or also being bundled with the generated application.

It is not multi-platform, since files generated under Windows OS cannot be

executed in Linux/iOS and vice versa.

The main drawback is, however, that this tool is not available in the ‘standard’

Matlab edition, and has to be purchased inside Matlab’s Compiler Toolbox.

Due to this main drawback, it has not been possible to generate a standalone version of

the simulator, but here the information on how to achieve it has been provided, fulfilling

the requirement regarding this aspect.

Performance measurement

In this section, a summary of the driven performance tests is presented.

All tests were driven over the route mode on a MSI GP-62 Leopard Pro (i5-4210H, 2.9

GHz, 8 GB RAM) laptop.

In order to do so, Matlab's tools 'tic' and 'toc' were used to measure total computation

time for a number of different simulator's configurations over the same scenario.

Simulation’s raw data can be consulted in Annex I: performance measurement tests raw


After analysing simulations' results, it is clear that the command line version (2.39

points/s on average) is faster than the GUI mode (2.21 points/s on average).

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It should be noted here that time measurements have been made exclusively over

computation's functions, leaving without measure the needed time to represent the

generated information.

In the case of considering extra attenuation due to real time rain (querying to MeteoSix

server) it is observed that the efficiency falls in some cases noticeably, but on average

not more than 0.04 points/s.

However it has to be noted that this is a first implementation of the software in which not

all the possible care when programming has been taken, sacrificing efficiency to

development’s ease. Future versions of the software, which may include migrations to

other languages, could achieve greater efficiencies, which have already been improved

from the initial 1.75 points/s (in a previous development version not covered in the

performance study).

Implementation testing and verification

In this section, the followed testing methods are presented.

While undergoing its implementation, many of its components have been properly tested

and validated prior to adding them to Simulator's core .The elements tested

independently was:

Graphical interface connections.

DTM data loading.

Propagation models' sub routines.

Propagation models.

Output parameters coherence validation.

Meteorological information querying.

Data import functions.

Data display functions.

Output generation functions.

Input parsing functions.

Antenna radiation pattern gain computations.

Event handling (user actions, errors, warnings…).

Warning and error display checks.

After finishing application's implementation, several tests were conducted over to ensure

its proper operation. The main way to perform tests was conducted in the way below:

1. A number of mission's routes were defined in MP.

2. Several sets of input parameters (with different operational frequencies,

bandwidth, gains/antenna radiation patterns, availability percentages...) was set

in different external configuration files.

3. Test executions were conducted combining waypoints' files and configuration's

files available.

Although no field measurements were performed to validate simulations' results, the

underlying objective was to test the coherence of the performed estimations (for

example: ‘ITU’s propagation model should not provide lesser attenuation than Friis one’

or: ‘the heat map in in the generated KML shall not leave uncovered areas at mission

site’) and identify bugs to be tracked and fixed.

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In addition, simpler tests were also driven over components like the radio modem's

import window or the antennas' radiation patterns to check one more time that everything

was working well and the obtained values were correct in all cases.

The next verification step was to 'stress' the simulator by executing runs with extreme

values of parameters like area size, AP's altitude, link availability percentage, number of

study points, etc. in order to ensure the proper operation of the error/warning handling

(and signaling) protocols as well as to identify potential bugs that previous tests may had

not detected.

Finally, the last step was to check that the imposed minimum requirements

(Requirements of Chapter 3) was fulfilled. In Table 10 below, the requirements check

chart is provided:

Req. ID Type of review Status

FR-001 Review of Design Passed

FR-002 Tests suite Passed

FR-003 Tests suite Passed

FR-004 Tests suite Passed

FR-005 Tests suite Passed

FR-006 Review of Design Passed

FR-007 Tests suite Passed

FR-008 Tests suite Passed

FR-009 Tests suite Passed

FR-010 Review of Design Passed

FR-011 Review of Design Passed

FR-012 Tests suite Passed

FR-013 Tests suite Passed

FR-014 Tests suite Passed

NFR-001 Review of Design Passed

NFR-002 Tests suite Passed

NFR-003 Review of Design Passed

NFR-004 Tests suite Passed

NFR-005 Tests suite Passed

NFR-006 Tests suite Passed

NFR-007 Tests suite and analysis Passed

NFR-008 Tests suite Passed

NFR-009 Theoretical analysis Passed Table 10. Requirements review chart.

As it could be guessed, all the minimum requirements imposed to this first version of the

Communications Simulator have been fulfilled several extra functionalities not cover in

the minimum requirements have been included as well.

Further conclusions are addressed in the following Chapter.

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5. Conclusions

This project has required to deal with different technical issues such as: radio

propagation models, Digital Terrain Models, meteorological data acquisition, geography

and so on. Its development led to the following conclusions:

There are many commercially available software tools which model radio

propagation. Some of them are suitable to be used in aeronautic


The most common results provided by these kind of tools are graphical

displays of information and data reports. Among the modelled parameters are

the Signal to Noise Ratio and the sensitivity. Many of them make use of Digital

Terrain Models together with radio propagation models to perform its


There are many different radio propagation models available, several

standardized by organizations like ITU. Each one takes into account a number

of different propagation mechanisms. Depending on how results are obtained,

they can be divided in deterministic, empirical, and stochastic models.

There is no clear difference between aerial and terrestrial channel. Thus, the

relevant parameters to consider the use of a radio propagation model in

aeronautic applications are frequency, altitude and range for which they are


There are different Digital Terrain Models with different degrees of

resolution available. In addition, some consider height of terrain’s surface

objects as well.

Interferences are a complex impairment to communication data link

performance that require a deep characterization in order to be modelled.

Rain attenuation on radio propagation has to be considered for frequencies

above 5 GHz.

To take into account antennas’ radiation patterns has a huge impact in the

estimated signal level at the receiver.

The following scenarios have been identified as significant ones where to

forecast communication data link performance: point to point link, route, area

and satellite link.

Taking into account the State of the Art, the following parameters have been

identified as useful to model communication data link performance: Link

Budget, LoS conditions, Fresnel Clearance, Signal to Noise Ratio, Sensitivity,

Doppler Shift, Channel Capacity and Transmission Rate.

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The simulator has been implemented in Matlab due to its flexibility,

capabilities and development ease. Its integrated ‘guide’ tool has been used

to generate Simulator’s Graphical User Interface as well.

Functional and performance tests have been performed to check the

coherence of the performed estimations and to identify bugs to be tracked and


In the following Chapter, last of this document, several future lines of development

which have already been identified are addressed to complement these drawn

conclusions, including both some upgrades over existent functionalities and new


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6. Future lines of development

The considered future lines of development can be divided into two main blocks:

developing new features and upgrade existing ones, including corrections, refactoring

and optimisation.

Related with this two blocks, perform a set of field tests in order to compare

Simulator’s estimations with real measurements might be one of the best actions to

take in the future. This would provide a way to determine the reliability of the Simulator

and so identify the need of adjusting different elements of it (ranging from propagation

models to antennas' gains calculations among others).

Upgrades over existing features

Among the existing features, further development could be performed in order to

provide improvements in functionality and added value to users:

Aerial platform's flight dynamics might be taken into account since the AP

perform turns in pitch and roll which can affect to the gain value of the antennas

(the angles of view change with every turn). This would enable to model in a more

realistic way the effects of the antennas, which not irradiate the same amount of

signal in all directions.

Porting the application to another language / platform might improve its

performance, since there are several available options which are more powerful

(in terms of performance) and easier to deploy to end user than Matlab. A

discussion regarding the different considered programming languages is already

available in 4.1 although it might be expanded in the future.

Regarding functionalities which have a range of possible upgrades, more

propagation models might be explored in order to be added to Simulator’s

Satellite Mode, enhancing its current capabilities.

Having in mind 2.3.3, to evaluate in the future the possibility of take into account

surface objects' height (trees, buildings...) might be interesting. In case of

feasibility, a DEM could be implemented or a DSM could be added to the already

available DTM, which would even better because that would let the user choose

whether to consider surface objects' height or not.

The effect of input parameters like conductivity or permittivity (and perhaps

some others) might be evaluated and, based on the obtained results remove

them from the inputs' list, relieving the user to specify them and simplifying the

operation of the simulator. Of course, the parameters still would be considered,

but in a transparent way to end user (for example, getting their values from

several internal lists which would provide values for different locations).

Relying on external services such as the IGN WCS server [53] or the MeteoSix

[62] server is a potential source of issues. Servers' maintenance shutdowns,

changes in the way the data are accessed and failures due to overload may led

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into not delivering the needed reliability level, depending on the final usage of the


Since these impairments are expected to happen in some queries to servers

without previous notice, the approach to resolve this issue might be to search

again in order to find better conditioned servers or to develop a dedicated

server for storing application data.

New features

6.2.1. Functional Features

Regarding new functionalities, the following ones might increase the number of use cases for which the Simulator is suitable to be used:

Increase the number of radio propagation models available might enable the

Simulator to increase the number of use cases for which is intended. Adding more

radio propagation models would lead to an increment of usability, because of the

wider number of scenarios and environments which could be modelled. Taken to

the limit, a high number of models might be implemented being each one focused

on a particular scenario.

Related with the last paragraph, the influence of more meteorological

phenomena in communications might be evaluated and modelled (if found

non-negligible) in order to provide attenuation values and enhance the way these

are displayed in the GUI. This development line is open also to find environmental

conditions that could potentially affect a radio signal and to implement models

which enable the Simulator to forecast the identified ones.

Furthermore, it might to be considered the possibility of taking into account

terrain's kind and / or usage and autonomously determine some environment

and / or transmission parameters (conductivity, refractivity, extra losses...)

derived from it. This would be conditioned to a study which should be carried out

regarding the trade-off between complexity and degree of improvement over


Additionally, as covered in the state of-the-art analysis, it could be taken into

account the effect of interferences over a communications' link, perhaps using

the considerations in 2.4.3 as a starting point and then further developing them

until a more realistic interference modelling process was achieved.

6.2.2. Operational Features

Thinking now in operational features, or more likely, underlying features transparent

to application's users, several steps might be taken in the future:

First of all, (and in a related way with application migration to another language /

platform) enable multi-threading computation would lead in a huge increment

of performance, since computation time would be reduced.

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Moreover, considering the possibility of building posterior Simulator's versions in

a cloud based architecture could increase both its performance and its

protection against piracy and unauthorized use as well as decrease development

ease (if, for example a cross-platform application has to be developed), thus this

option should be studied in the future.

Last but not least, as has been already commented in 2.3.3, to integrate the

developed functionalities with an already existent GIS or mission planner

would enable end user to operate an already optimised graphical tool, enabling

easier operation of the simulator25 and avoiding of the implementation and

optimisation of these tools by project's developers.

25 For example, enabling to specify waypoints, base station location, mission area…in an easier way (graphically dragging and dropping the mouse) than the actual one (through files).

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7. References

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[2] Global Security, “Mission Planning System (MPS),” Air Force Programs, 2010.

[3] Defense technical Information Center, “Mission Description and Budget Item Justification (for MPS),” 2012.

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[5] Leica Geosystems, “Leica MissionPro Flight Planning Software,” MissionPro Product Brochure. [Online]. Available: http://leica-geosystems.com/products/airborne-systems/software/leica-missionpro.

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[51] G. de E. Ministerio de Fomento, “Instituto Geográfico Nacional.” [Online]. Available: http://www.ign.es/ign/main/index.do.

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[54] ITU-R, “Prediction procedure for the evaluation of interference between stations on the surface of the Earth at frequencies above about 0.1 GHz,” Rec. ITU-R P.452-16 , 2015.

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Annex I: performance measurement tests raw data

This first two tables include comparative data of graphical modes and without interface:

Elapsed time (s) Density (%) No of points Rain η (points/s)

112,41 91% 268 No 2,384208

22,3281 51% 54 No 2,41847717

1107,9305 100% 2673 No 2,41260621

1116,2188 100% 2673 Yes 2,39469179

111,4844 91% 268 Yes 2,40392378

12 1% 28 Yes 2,33333333

11,85 1% 28 No 2,3628692

Table 11. Performance analysis raw data for simulator’s command line version (one run).

Elapsed Time (s) Density (%) No of points Rain η (points/s)

118,98 91% 268 No 2,25239611

24 51% 54 No 2,25

1245,5 100% 2673 No 2,14612605

1389,3906 100% 2673 Yes 1,92386504

113,85 91% 268 Yes 2,35397453

12,7344 1% 28 Yes 2,19876869

11,9844 1% 28 No 2,33637062

Table 12.Performance analysis raw data for simulator’s GUI version (one run).

Since a single run might not be enough to model the efficiency of the simulator, another

set of tests performed by running the same simulation version n times over the command

line and then obtaining the mean have been performed. The results can be seen in Table

13 Table 14 below:

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Elapsed Time (s) Density (%) No of points Rain No of iters η (poºints/s)

11,9938 1% 28 No 10 2,33453951

12,5719 11% 30 No 10 2,38627415

14,6984 21% 35 No 10 2,38121156

16,2797 31% 39 No 10 2,39562154

19,1422 41% 46 No 10 2,40306757

22,4922 51% 54 No 10 2,40083229

28,6172 61% 68 No 10 2,37619334

37,7656 71% 90 No 10 2,38312115

55,7484 81% 134 No 10 2,40365643

111,9047 91% 268 No 10 2,39489494

1116,658 100% 2673 No 10 2,39374992

Table 13. Performance analysis raw data for simulator’s command line version with no real time rain calculations (Ten runs).

Elapsed Time (s) Density (%) No of points Rain No of iters η (points/s)

11,992 1% 28 Yes 10 2,33488993

13,4219 11% 30 Yes 10 2,235153

15,2219 21% 35 Yes 10 2,29931874

16,5672 31% 39 Yes 10 2,35404896

19,4937 41% 46 Yes 10 2,35973674

22,8953 51% 54 Yes 10 2,35856267

29,2359 61% 68 Yes 10 2,32590753

37,6609 71% 90 Yes 10 2,38974639

55,9234 81% 134 Yes 10 2,39613471

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110,9875 91% 268 Yes 10 2,41468634

1128,35 100% 2673 Yes 10 2,36894581

Table 14. Performance analysis raw data for simulator’s command line version with real time rain calculations (Ten runs).