The masthead on ‘miXmag’ is slightly covered by the main image. This is a code and convention of a magazine cover. This idea to me is good as it shows the magazine is well known enough to be able to read the masthead even though you cannot see it all. All the issue information is the bottom right hand corner, this is a common code and convention The main image is a famous DJ, this is a code and convention. miXmag uses unique style of labelling herself by putting her actual name on her works well as it allows everyone to see its her. The tagline is placed on the skyline of the magazine. This is two codes and conventions combined. In this corner there is information about the photographer. Also it has little information about getting a free CD this normally would There are cover lines placed around the magazine and they are all placed outside the main image, so the main focus is just the main image. Also the cover lines are short and snappy. So they are easy to read and catchy enough to remember allowing the reader to want to buy the actual magazine. The main image is using direct mode of address. This means she is connecting with the audience. It is important for the readers to feel as though the main image is looking at them. This magazine cover is not as busy as some of the others. The back ground is basic. The back ground colours of the text allows the text to be eye catching. The colours are all quite dark, blacks purples with a burst of white. These colours all are connotations of a mysterious genre. This to me doesn’t scream out a music magazine. Especially compared to the other magazines I analysed.

Analaysis of front cover

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Page 1: Analaysis of front cover

The masthead on ‘miXmag’ is slightly covered by the main image. This is a code and convention of a magazine cover. This idea to me is good as it shows the magazine is well known enough to be able to read the masthead even though you cannot see it all.

All the issue information is the bottom right hand corner, this is a common code and convention although it is not always in the same place.

The main image is a famous DJ, this is a code and convention. miXmag uses unique style of labelling herself by putting her actual name on her works well as it allows everyone to see its her.

The tagline is placed on the skyline of the magazine. This is two codes and conventions combined.

In this corner there is information about the photographer. Also it has little information about getting a free CD this normally would be in a puff, but this is in small print in the corner, this to me is not as eyecatching.

There are cover lines placed around the magazine and they are all placed outside the main image, so the main focus is just the main image.

Also the cover lines are short and snappy. So they are easy to read and catchy enough to remember allowing the reader to want to buy the actual magazine.

The main image is using direct mode of address. This means she is connecting with the audience. It is important for the readers to feel as though the main image is looking at them.

This magazine cover is not as busy as some of the others. The back ground is basic. The back ground colours of the text allows the text to be eye catching.

The colours are all quite dark, blacks purples with a burst of white. These colours all are connotations of a mysterious genre. This to me doesn’t scream out a music magazine. Especially compared to the other magazines I analysed.

Page 2: Analaysis of front cover

The main image is also covering just the very end of the masthead, this is a common code and convention of a magazine cover. The masthead on this magazine is different to the others because it has writing within it.

This magazine also has issue information in the bottom right hand corner, where it is out the way but is still viewable.

The skyline on this magazine is giving out a free CD, it used buzz words. Normally things like this would be in a puff. But this is an effective way of promoting the free CD as it is at the top of the page. Which is where readers will look first as the masthead is right underneath.

The main image and the main cover line link. The main image is Hardwell, who is also the main focus to the magazine. This works well as it allows you to almost see what you are reading.

The tag line is just underneath the masthead. This is interesting as usually it is the thing you would read straight after looking as it is under the masthead.

The other cover lines are all short and snappy but have some of the font bold in each one this brings the readers attention to what that says. It is normally the most important bit of the text. The bold text encourages the reader to look at that point.

This magazine name drops quite a lot, so in the left column there is all famous DJ’s and what their stories are about.

The main colours on this music magazine are reds pinks and whites. These all are connotations of dance. They are bright and stand out and allow you to be brought straight to the text.

The background is basic colours which don’t signify dance music at all. But this is over took by the over lay colours being bright and standing out. The Dj on the front doesn’t have any props which I think may have been more effective.

Page 3: Analaysis of front cover

The masthead on this magazine has a background colour of red which is very eye catching.

There are no coverlines on the magazine because it is weekly so most of it is about the main feature. As in the main article is what most of the magazine is about.

The main image is of two DJs, instead of one, this is different to the normal codes and conventions of a magazine. But it still has a direct mode of address just with both of them instead of one.

On the main images on the magazine cover they have the names of the people on themselves. So it is almost as if they are labelling them. Showing they are the most important thing in this magazine.

Roger Shah has more effects to the name than Burning Man. This must be because one is a more important person. The font is completely different. He is also adding actions to the image. Showing that he is in charge.

The background colours are all very dark but have a slight space kind of look. This has connotations of a DJ as it is a bit mysterious.

Having a direct mode of address helps the readers connect with the main images. This helps draw the reader in.

The main DJ is stood infront of the other one this shows who is in charge and which one leads the duo. Also he is using hand gestures which again connects with the readers. It also is a gesture which will appeal more to the younger generation fitting in with the target audience of this magazine.