»^;> ::.":.^'.:v7;Aff *K§S 3U*I*W*Cwp|tTXBdepen*wit. L Sfei\' rpiusaro jflriaw jSaewss^T; HORSING - r ^B^^iBt^csgerio3S,'.v v.- attar aftd* bi« per year, If p a y In ad- •ay*. Ifi*i*j«idwlUiintbeyedr v flftyoentsaa- t?o MMr tiwoattnoed except at the option of tl» JBhafcerMtUaRarreages are paid.; : '••wri.MiflKr iiti. m y . « ) » ! jiLf-i«"i L i;. Hi»'iiiilL"..nw ,m«tl^»CT?^ HATB 6 ? ADVRHTISlNe. .T»rtteeJ«ne**te««ke on*ttwb.' •MtamaCanla, * perywif forflreUneBor H f W I M i t o c w e t T aAUttpnal Sue. -.• : - - fla* poetry and iveeentsBer; '. SpeoMaotk^ tleadeditoopariei) wUi be charg- ed » percent in addition to regiilar rate* ,W« fcayala ooaaectton a &at-d«aB>bblhr de- ' ' fr^!is9toto«t«a short CABDB, TIGKBTS, -• ?-'.--• . *; . tKTTKB BRADS, . .;\BH*HKiBS.; - : ; : ,''-- ••••-,-'•• •KSYMflBBSk -, . _'"* living man may want, • ia a west, afciUfol manner. Our prce* are, from "• lower than any house iii the- BTOITHWB Directory. v Attorney and Counaelor at Law " • ""llnaoranae Agent -..- ~ i-to drawing; up jdai :-'-I*ttfcaynen,S. «'£"..- ifeX-V I PRINTING.:\ •-... - : . 3?or Bodnem Printing in bert styles and at tbe lowest prfcea go to The IiQwifflle'Timia 'XL OSTKa in Leonard Blocic. Gas ad- . ^ . . ; ! - :-:' : : - -.-.• % ! : . «*:;,'; .-•-.' : ^ A B d y i k v c v \ / > ' i : > . 552355 $^lfeifc 3^ ^K^(i)|OMC,?Pab<|t ,"i^S»i^DESG]B:?r; fe^^^:^|j!;; Bbsaei Wate^owAaudi Ogdens- "••' btirg Ballroaci. '"•" . ' .... " ..-r-AND—;. ^q^rsion Bates, \ : ^ ; TEfo. CApe.^tiicent. Palaee Strainer "St ta^retiee," CWuneucing Sunday, July Sthy and continuing ewe Sunday unUtturtfierribtlce. Sunday trains willbe riiiiand excursion tloketssoid from Lowv Ville and ramoIpRUntermeaiatB stations to Alex- andriaBaYAnofretnrn.yla- Cajte Vincent.. 8wte- m train- will leaveXbwjfUle^SO * B»<> jrtoPPhig »t- iiiflnoipali Intermediate. Btatlbnsv -arriving at- Capfe VincentatHJSO ftvm.i "thence vla/Steamer "St. T^wxe'nce," arriving at Alexanarld-Bay^at. 1:90 p , ra;-lletijrnlh(tleave. Alexandria H&v&iK p. in,; War* .Cape Vincent, SSftp. ml^atopplngat aH prmelpal Intermediate stations, "arming at :rx>wvMe*.7:».p. m; •• •• < ta Alexandria Bay and return via. the above named Tonte from. LowriUe. is . : , -_• ., ,- Ho»eo« Block, BJOffKBKR THAT-: -.itffl'' (Snoceeaort" D- D- Foot * Sons,) % '•'.- •rtlaoe. to gen everything In their Tine &**:-: a^ ••X • - . . ; '".:"."=_;•:-. •_.' • iow^ffletir. 3TJ O^E^BSli&lflJ 0HE^EST. : .itBR'SiFOOiLS, JBTd, E l i a . . The steamer "wilt stop s t i l l principal" jesorU among the' Thousand Islands; " Mrs^classiineals are Served on the Steamer "St. Lawrence;?* Brlpe;90 cents each. ^ . .aMstripjattows six hour* on-th6:)rfverand a fifty-.mile ride among Oier tieantiful Thousand .Islands,-. For tickets and further Information apply to nearest B.W & 0. B. R. tieketagentoroorres- pond Witb General Sasseliger Agenti Gswego, N.T. . • -THEO- BKTTEKFIELT);, _ . General Passenger Agent. H. St, BRITTOlil, General Manager: R. W.,& 0, -RAILB0AD. XmGA &S. JL R. R. BRANCH. MOVING KOBSH. W AlH^Ei^Eadies.towwrK-forus at their homes. ::$7fe J10^ per-*eet,ican be qilietly made..-IS'd.pMtoVpaintihBj" no cattvfassing, ^or fnUplaitfdularjj, please addiesSj'. at once, CBBS- eBST£&•$€&.> M«entrai:Bt.,'Bbstont MasSi.-. •BOlfllTOi •':•. •: - '-•-- ;•' BOW*' '•"'•.V •; -p^MtA^-pfia^^:;-:;,(,.;:; % Having opeBed aiiiew store Tespeotfuliy Intiie ... : youito-call^^and examine their .' -"'•" :|^yVA^-^B!BJ^^LD^ : -'-'<XP- '••.' -". -'" -t^ESisH : ANft-ijisf^" '.'.'•; •.'Theipri^^eygtiaj^teeto'bei ' ' •:;c:-- - ^.is#.^i^^^'&a:.:.-. : , -. : IJOaNSO^r 4 SEKBLBS,Dayan Street t^ aecd^^^ a icli^a^ » :--; : -"""'"'TOi£ SELIV- K-•'-•%..- ^'-,-f'-' ., ,Jt if needless for iis toigo tlit6vgls-an.a; spe&i^%act'arMele~fe 'bbrjsfpidc,, the : . eut. will v -:_ "-." -; ; :.^upQft«rwytbingJ -We. ^1 ^uli^tee-ybtt.Gfie^'BtogaiBS: >. to ask €«^^^|W^^CHJ'EV C53^E'i00S: AND TOF WffiLBE SUBPRIS- %?m ; 6f-]L4te.st; : S^ie* affd. .Sesfi ^iisffiMeai.. ^fc*;r Efefc- -.'•'. / WialfeifX Wooa'^iy&t .-iteejb WJisd ^ivestef aad r Knaer^ -svijk .Steel- Folding »BSato'€%niw-4t&i&*feV.^ ; &tt^ the natrowest 6f all for width:olcat; ^Ilw^^wl^esare- ,\ _ : '.v- -". " ; . - ; " . / - ••: .". • : €soiaffi(^iHi^]^.;8iais^^ -'- : :'; :: .':[ '.":-'•• .."•,•'"- .'.'."'. ^Sli- B •^B H H '-* --'-•H'-''^--.' '.•;--"• --•£'•-.'• : - . ^ ^ ' :-'- --.' . ^ •v. ,-. --;-..-- v,-. *C. ; s -' : ;"Vr. '>. : ;:V' : ;'@rdo(at;Bia •WDMTWOTrOBiuai*, i^."-' ;;..^;_ \, .<_'/_'-' - SfeV"i'^"v;.;*'? :••', v"' ^^ftli '••.C : .- '"-' '"'.-?>•: '^ ; '-'. -: "v"-'.-"'--r-.v •SKT. cmmajJms:0»-<: fM^^t-^^MAg^juommi sf. Y* Leave T/ttba........ BoouviUe...:. ..-•Port'.leyden.. - . .Lyrth's-Falls..,, .'.' Glendale.;.... * " L6w%Ule' .'...: : ' '©astorland,"... Dee;rEreei..,. ;-'. Carthage-.::..i.. Arrive-Watertown",.. AiHve:0iayt6n;..,.. „. S 45 MoTrlstown.,;- • .Ogdensburj, .... A. x . • Daily. .. 1 15 .;. g.I9 ..+8 33 ..t?38- ..-tZiSft .. 3 08 :+3 17 ,+3 m i 3 as- A.,»; A. M. R at. 6 00 7 21 '.:7.3T- 7S»- -S30. 8 ir .8 57 SOS.. 9 45 ifi 40: lt07 11 8Gf. -1.1 45. "J 05 l*i 125 145^ 158 ?-W •2-15-- 3 55 •3.30 : •4.06; 435', -MO-VteG.SarJTH. Leav^Ogdensburg... - •".'.'; Jtosfctown:.-.. ' •-• ..;ca«yWtt..U,;;„;-7 r 05' ArrivePhlladelphla.- 755; " - .".'Watertown i : -..v- 7 45 <5ai*hage.;...... 8-25- •' " DeerBivef'.—.-, 8 35. Castorland..-.,.-8 47. XbWvHIe. : ;:....;T.9fl3 Glendsfle'.^..;.i 9 19 Lyons"IWIsw. 9 35" Port Leyden. ;•. 9 41- BOQn.vule.:.....9 57 Arrive tTtto*; .... ... 41 30 +Trains do not stop. A. m; 7 85 '.-7.58' . 8 30 9:35. ..9!58 10 06 10 15 low 'AO'^t; •ii or 1112 11 25 12 35 •4,35 . . .4-57,.": - 5 2 5 i . e-aor--- 12 01-.-; t-05% 8 00 J - «.«:/ 83a- .8 37; 652 10 10 .5 50, 708 : 7 23 720 *44 8.00 830 . 8 40 8:50" J9 35. iftio. 11.00: li'26 *,.3t.:- 8 30 a'55 T43i ."8?5- .--» 25 ;-8':50 wxh +9-28 t940 ^•45 +9.57 10.55 C487}:. IN ONK MDOJTB. Aching backs, hips, and sidei,kianey and uterine pains, weakness andlnfl&m-: mation, rbeomatic, neuralgic, sciatic, sudden, sharp and nervous pains and. f ajaw- - -m» Btrains.reUeTea in ••'« atlaata hj- that new, elegant and infallible antidote to pain and ijiflimm»Uon,the Cnttcnr* Aatt-PaJa Plaster. 85 cenU; B^Jor JH-J at «rdruggist|; at roiirisif Duua AMD CHUnoAi Co.. Boston. Wastes' rilKsiin. soia iy —"-fiowvillK,7t.f. -.48w4 ' ihaiigtoliiifS tAxL<&: Crockery, Ijanterns,. Glassware, GiiaDieliei's, CAN BE HAD OF Lamps r - Etc., Etc.. AND AT THJ LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Call and: Examine the'.Nely Styles in C3HAMBER AND'TEA SETS, I PLAJN AND- DECOBATBD TABLE: AND TOILET WARE, ERTHTSETS, HANGING AKD STAND SLOWER . , POTS, ETC., ETC. A ffine time of Groceries, Cigars aiui Toteaecoeg. LANPHER AKD ST^'MIS. Udwin J. Artlaur HAS OPENED A NEW GROCERY, CROCKERY AND PROVISION STORE IN THE ON-'THE EAST SIDEOF STATE STREET, LOW-' VULE. N.Z.,REOENTLV EEECTEP BY W* Mi SMTTH. : IN HIS NEWT AND MOKE' ' COMMODIOUS; 6DARTERSHE WILL •GARRY A i A R G E STOCK "OF OjiQice Grroceries, SUCH; AS TEAS, COFEEHBISj S P I C E S , ETa, Gronn^ and TJnground', CANNED GOODS, TQBACCOES, CIQARS, SUGARS, MOLLASKBS, -. .-. PORE,-ELQTJR AND PROVISIONS . ofall Kinds. Also aLarge Lineof;- -(IROCKmYy GLA38WASE, ' : il^3, $T0. BdsBtoqk is not only larger ISan ever- kept by hMTjefore tiut.having Been bought entirely.for CASH-he Iff-prepared fe offer-bargainsliiiall olass-. es of goods feept by him. Thankful for pastpat- ronage he'soTioltsa ooUtinuanOe of the same. Remeinberithapiaoeiiithe . WMW JB^^T smS'QF-STATB STRBKT. A Common Cold Is. 6tten' the beginningyot• serioiis aflecV; tioM of:.';tbe Jhtoatj Bronchial T.ubety and Lungs. Therefore, the Importance of early and .efTeetive treatment cannot be Overestimated. Oyer's Cfierry Pectoral may always be relied upon for the speedy cure of a Cold or Cougb/ ••' ''•'"';'.'"" _•'. •' iast January I was-iittkcMI with a severe Cold, which.,,, by neglect'.and frfr- "queiit exposures,. Became worsen flnalJy settling on my lungs, A terrible coiign. Soon .foliowed, accompanied' by jpainslij• '"be.ehes.tj from'which I suffered; intensely. After tfyin'g various remedies,, Without obtaining relief, I commenced taking Ayer^pherryl'ectoraijandwaB; "• Speedily C a red. I am satisfied tiwtthis^reni^dy saved my life.^OTuo.WelJsteivPawtubkietvB.I. '" I eftntracted * *evere «oid, which sud- '''deiijy diBveloptea. ihtoPneunuonia,present- ing dangerous aud "-ohstmate -symptoms." JiLy physician at once ordered the w of Ayefig CKerry Pectowl. : His instructions: : wer* followeai-aha-the result was a rapi« and ;tei*an*M :«nrev^3ff. E» iSlmpsou, Eogers Frairie, TexaSi--'.••-•;".;..."':_; V.;^-- .'».' -- SwO-year**^lWfftre4 ; fi»n» a.ie*ei*-: Cold whicn settled on my L^Miga. Icon- BUltcd various: phyi^iii^. «wj 4ei>Ltfe?- - to*to try Aver^; ; eherW-Pector«li After; tatlnir two boUles of this medicine r was cureo%- : - Since then innvergivett- the. fee 1 ". tovaWortycMdren,;»nd : iBQiwidet%^^ - for eoids,.'^oughs,- and £11 throat ancl iuJ^diseiwes'jBv'efU^eiih my-famllyi' 1 ^- . Robert^Vanderpool,Jteadvflle,.Pa. --; ISpme''tih»e ; *gd I t<x>k a.'.'.slight 'tfoldj- Wftich. bei'ng'iiBglecte'dy^rew- wpis'e,;anov. eettled-On my lungs, I hud a hacking cough, and.\vasvery weak. Ihos^.who Knew me bcist-.co.as'jde^ed ;idy,life .to ib»- in great danger.- "I continued : to;snffer; ; until I ; commenped Usiag Ay.er's CherOP." Pectoral,. JBess than one Bottfeof thisivafc nable medicine'cuied r .me,ari3'Xfe6tthat I owe the-pt ; eserya'tion of my' life to its,- curative powers.4-3Srs» Ann Lockwood,. ; AteohjBPew'TorE AVer's .Cherry Pectoral ;is considered," here..theoniegfeat remedyitdtail diseases . of ^the turdat ^nd lungs/ and" is iubfe •-indemand.'tbaU.anvothferTnedicirieof Its. ; ciass,^ J,F. Epberts^Magnolia, Afk«:' Ayer's Cherry Pectoi*al> Prepared by Dr. 3-Ci A y « * Go„ Lowell; Mi**"- Boid;by DruggisU. ; Price $}i six Vottles, fi. A : YBR'SSABSAPARILLA, AYER?S; CHERRT jaupECTORAlV,' and .AVER'S ETLLSv'"sold by ~W. fi-Horflsbn, Lowville; K; -V;. '- iJhe ... vtanii&u&'s". . TtwllldriTetheHn«CTfro»yoai"| ^ system, andiMlie^yourraWnl " ,clean aid- iniooth^ 1 ^***! s and Blotebeal tear jbne heauty 5 .. causedby Impureg .btood, ana can be I ramovedinashortl " 1, If you are! Iteanausel the great! ^Tifleip, 7%. *ho Dose &l&L'?biyi %, smalt^6nly|a^ea7*jr-te7 v , fe^S^ spoonful. ItisaeVf*. V % % 5 best and ^eaP^l^fc^j ^^^V medlelne. Try foanct^v*^ xA»' yonwillbesaasned^. "%^fe, Oik^SO Grtlt ofyoutDrag^st. ^ ? ^V^ JtoM*WAtT. eCTJTATGNCB^. *-> ' If yon areinifferln^from Bid? Ijtfey DlseaBe, and wish to live.:„^^ Sid ageTnse STJLPHDR BITIEBSl! !Ehey tteter ^ail to cure. To all whoiare t u * * ! i | ' i p l i the ri*S»«and in discretloM of 7outt»«ri«^e«kjiess, early de- cay, loss of manhoo*, l^^lwln »end a recipe that wfll oiire 'j^.i^^^ixmm This great repiedy:%Maiaiyrt«*it by* missionary in South Amertoa. 8eaa a i*f«ddrewed envelope to tho Rev. Josec-h T. Bnaam, ,8t«Ubn D,, New tnrkClty;"- ; "••'• •-.. ; -^ ";-,; ' : «yi : - If [m /»OTja brfa»iBf j^lWj^tfe (arjst, we mtiBt, inind; p$t•Jti&Mk1 dnties, as well as tie duties pf.^he'-F^Huary.^^Spuf- geon,- ; : '. .- ; . •":'-•; x : "y. ' •.•-"-.''•'.'•;.-. •---^'-r-.-'-t I-".I«U ir " —M- ; . MTS: .AU-yiis: stoppgl Aree^'-by Dr Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. So fltsaftei-firafc day's use. MarvelouSouMltf TMattseahd$2 trialbot tiefree:to Btteis*fe : »anaitoDr.:«liise,-931 Arch Bt^pjuuwPai;" : >^:^} r-y, .•-•-'.-. ;•• ;.t:'i'.. '.. . !_ '"'-;.- .n.:;..» ' It is of no; cpncetn toiiOtristianity what you and I think of. itjbiit iifis of immense concern-. ;.ta ; pur^iveSk-^-firesident' B . D'. TEtc^tcocklj-;"v :; ;-.;;>,i-^^'A'A^ '•''"• -Ben,. Mange^^ an.6^;T$ie*afe1ie's' bt .every Wrtd 0Hred"ln# JEnpte*; .h^^ Woofford's Sanitaiy: Ififiim. .V&8$;io>.:^ther, '.18ris atver faiBk Sold %Bw% 9«o».,^Jrijggist,: :_ T i e t<BC»oI c o i » » ^ i » ; t o delicate that it is.^aaj ,i)p •agpeit'i- nut-it is also so clear that. itti»ioi{ oifplk : tp mistake' it. Madame 3e Staeti Poetry. KUBruraTHaTBTBT. Next year,- you said, will see us standi QO'd wdTling, nere upon the shore,. And! will hold my true love's hand .And lootintebereyeson.ee more. . • Dear heart, He has not willed it so ; I keep the tryst, to-day. alone, And wonder if you do not IcnoW The hour is cpine andyotcaregone, Anijf the fields of Paradise ' Are greener than this strip of land ; If you remember, still, my eyes. And the light touch of my warm hand. All foolish fancies ; well I know You are a saint and dwell with saints, Who reek not of the world below* Whpse ears are closed to our complaints. And yet.thislsoiir tryst: I m-ay. Lord, if snah fl thing coxild ever bei XSive 7iimti human heaxt'to-day _;. •A wishtoeonie to me. . . .—Ruth Hall, .In Eft? American Magftsvie for Sep- tember. - -.ADVicMTOiCGTH gR-^Areybh disturbed at night and brofcen of ? oflirest Dy isicsk,cMld suf- fering and«OTn*.wit t»n:G:uttmg;TeethI M.W- send at" oncer and feet:] i, tottlfr.of "Mrs: Winslow f s ,SoothU!jfSyrup"'fo*;C MffrenTeethingv-Its vaiue rislnctitlcUlaMe. It wt l?elieve.the.pQOrHttIe!<iif- ferer^nii&edlatelyi- )e>end : upon^It,' inbtheis; there-ishb-nilstake.al 0*it- It.c'ureSDysentery rand'iHarrhea, regtda ;es-tb;e Stofnaeband Bbw^ els. eureaWlnd BoHe,J Btf4enS-:tte Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gtvdf tone and, energy to the , whole jspt^m. .'.lint WJajtow'sSootbingiSyrupV forOKUare'n'toethtWfisj^eagantto the.taste and " " '" ' """^.Stt-oldesfc.aha.bost -iritheflftlted States," ^sts throughout the .—itSabottle. 'B0sUrJ( r»:Sbothing syrup and' -.- ' 46yl. ::is- the p^scriptlon. female physicians: ^ and- isfor..sale bjr world: BrloetweV* you ask for Mrs. 1.,, takerio-bth^ktod; . Mrs, WbisloW'S; flo^Ii*'Syrup sold by W. fi. :Mbrtason,I^vIlIe,.», : -g: :•",:....•,•- '••- Tbui-wUsfrnQt « j p r > ^ ^ t h a t the whole bfVeiigipnis wrj!.p^§j.:up.:in the day or tw:o or week or ; 4w«i; wpch surround co-n* versipn, • •&pdliS(Bgg-. is; : * lifelong business. jLp^m^vmm^d-pm EOELIABLE. W. H, W6jx^a.isM:-$iwn,y8 be relied upon tb barryv^n stock; the purest and Best^gpo^Sj.,an^iPMrtaifiihe repiilatipn of being activfe,.-.pushing; atid reliahle, toy :wcommending.:ar||c"l!es-.with well estab- lishedr^merlit.andfubn 8* are popular. .JIaviBg'thfragerlcy far-%e celebrated Dr. King's IfeW Dis'bpjvefV for corisuitiptioD, cbia'sa^dboughaiiTiviil-'s.ell it on a posi- tive g.uara&tee>\ It'^ will^surely cure any and, eVbry.-sffeeigpn "of- -Uiroat,. lungs, or chest.,"; arid in pjd6r : 4t prove, pur claim, we ^ask yottltb. :<«lVaad.get.a'^iftl Bottle I5ree.«i -#,'$:. ^nSSpn's,. The^"Kpu^ of /thetord" is the only. hprnefpf ihe..-p^re; and: Jibly .belffg.?, •. I t i s tie sfaff and happy; Mme of && angels. :ttag ; the.%efla4tfng honje of the whole .ifa^i^"i»f.tHei^e*med.^Steven8on, Sena 3 frcent stamps tp A.,P.Ordway:*-Co*.v ^stotoiMass.jforbesltme^calwbrk.pnblbiheu.:? s DLPHOR" BITl'ERS sold by W. H; Morrison, Lowyffie, Nr;Y. ' ; 46yl 87 MOORE'S Steam Planing Mill, LWVILLEi LEWIS CO. N. Y.. . The subscribers would give notice to the people of Lewis county, .that they have all the appurtenances and-macMnerf for the manufacture of SASH, BI23SEDS, DOORS, BRACKETS,-MOIJLD' INGSi ETC., ETC. .'-.,, . And can supply them with anything' in their line oh terms to compete" with any other, shop. Builders will find the mouldings finish^ ed in ihs best manner^ and at prices that win. •• '••-: •'-..•:;•• ; : -;. QiSTBi.THEMFKOM 35 TO 50 PER CSENT OVER ... ' . . THOSE WORE3DRYHAND. ... .Sawiiig, Plap^g, MatcMrig;. . and .any other, work in .connection, with the business performed to the most com- plete satisfaction. Our shop is supplied with the best, class of machinery, and the most compe^ tent workmen. AB kinds of 3?aael and Clapboard Saw- ing, as well as Circular and Scroll -Saw- ing, done on short-notice. ,: Turned. and Fluted Banisters and Newell Posts constantly on hand,, or made to order. . TURNING OF ALL-ENDS. EXEeUTED IN ,' • ' GOOD.STYLES, . ,. ; ,v M. B. MOOEE aoHS. "Will P. Anstin,; (Successor to John Morse,) '.- In the basement of the SmileyiHook, s'tateSt"., where youTOIIalwaysfindthe Best . :. .?QBK>. HAMS AND - LAKD;' And all kinds of Jsleats in their Season. Giye ns;a call and we will satisfy you'our.jBeata aa'e allflrStclass. ' 20tf CLLNE & AUSTIN, '• : FRANKLIN Bt' HOFG-H, BOLIGITOS OF'AMUM-GAM AND . WQEMIGN PATENTS, . 925 F. St, Near IT. 8. PateiuVOfnce. ' wAsKro9Td3sr,'D.'a •';'-• All business before the United StateB Patent Office atteiided to for moderate, fees. Patents procured' lri the United States and all S'breigit. 'oountrtes. Trade Marte and- Labels registered.: Rejected applications-'revived• "and proseoutedi Jnfonnation'and advice as to abtainlng Patents .ohMrfuily-furaiished;withOttfc ohargC;-:•••. .;' Send Sketch or Model for fi;ee opinion as tb patentabUltSr. : .. '•.'-,-. - - - " ^ = p^atof patenUfurniahedforJSoemtaeaoh. |jr-C0rr««ljond«m>e:uiTitod : ;jV]*attoe.myilite'T^tfe%piii^dbf; Mytroiib-. le im withtoKidheyg, I4verandBladaer---a)so ConstiiMtlbie Ploaflyl jised DR. Kennedy'«*av-. bflte Remedy, andin.^y^inlonitsaVfidap'y life, >IttaWtM«*tat«ment to Save:5tBose:whosuffer. asIffldfeA.,^.).GaB)ra?I^wen,.M«%.:DTO f t; .Sana^cent Bta^w to- Dr, .Kavid ^Kehhedy, ondont S- *.»• w -Bis book oh? KMnehLiVer *ndBlooddieOrdW; Mention this paper, ^JW4 : ^ ^ guj«|.}|fe:pftett mak^s itsiejl f # in; hettef -ways.;tfiap one; that; the'ftorM'iees and applauds:; and some of. thV'noTBtest-' .arenevbr known till they end,-leaving .* Void iii many" hearts^iiptlisa M, Alcott'. . BIldELEN'S-ASKIfASALm., •" ; T&e'B|est. Salve in,the: world for Cuts f BruiseSj SbreS,- J 01ee.iS, Salt;Ehe'uni,Fbv.er Sores, Tetter, (^ppedriands;-0hilpkliis,. Corns,'and all Skin -EtupfionsVand pos- itiyely Cures Mes,'.oif ho-pay required. It is guaranteed jx> give perfect satisfac- tion, or money-reluhdea,-.- Efice^S cents perbox, Por-Sale'by"^^.Mprrisbn. ISji People dpn?fc 'believe fin" fariea. nowa- days;' neverfhelessigoo'd;spirits still ex- ist, and help w, in our times .of febubie, better even thanthelittiepeoplewe. ; used to read aioufi. -;Ohe of t"hese household spirits is called JLove;-^-Exchange. ' • • - . 7 ^-,#C^.I^L£~T" ; . ... " Why, two years agis I was just /about brazy^- and no wonder that. ihy : wife. and children-were afraid:, of me.' Tau just want to ^ufier.witli neuralgia withftb-Re- lief asldiduntil.'iused, ^ulphur. Bitter's. They: cured me, and how my. wife says - i am a? .meek as a. lamb.—Bobeft J)ftmis," Ameriiml:^U8e y BrM<m i: ;.._ •'». 8w%. There- are -few signsXin a. S.QUI-S state more alarming than that of religions in- difference; that isj the;Spii;it'of thinking all religions; equally true, -the" real mean- ing ;qf .which .isjfhat :.ail .religions are equally false,.—^Er ~W. Robertson.: - - . .- ~- BOBOBsraoia APART X.OYS. -Aide^jl leaf rustling 'neath the foot Will bring to meinory's view A day when every.pulse was stirred . By-eyes:of Jiicjuid. hue.; Whenall the Warblers in the wood Made inusio sweet and, clear, And clasping close her hand, I sighed: •' ,"" "Tis: heaven to Wander here." A gflnt of suttsMne on the stream. Will bring to fancy's gaze A crown Of hair too richly rare Forewords of. idle praise; And dreaming on that distant past, •Ifeel the subtle thrill With-which her soft, caressingvoiee Was wont my heart to fill The tender.iove of Tjygone days ! Ah, who would scorn its power ? Rich autiunn-'s fruit is'but the crown Of springtime's fragile flower; Andall that joy-that lights my life Would riot be half so sweet - Without these echoes from that love So distant, yet complete. • '. '.• PROF'. LOISETTE^SMEMPRY;DISCOVERY, . No doubt ean be-entertained about-the value, and gefluineness-or"Prof. "Loisetto's Memory Sys^ tern- as it is -so strOngly'r-eoomtaehded b''"Ha*k; fwahi,-jtt, .Proctor, Hons. W«."W. Astoft Judah E,- Benjamin, Sjt Bu<ikley,'-aiid others, -' For -full details we'advise bur .reader's to send for Prof.. L's prospectus, at 23~-K£th Av.eniie. NeWYcirk,- From it we l^arn. -tliab the-system is taught by. coiTesRondence quite.-as' -Well as "by personal inr struction.' Still we note that colleges near New York'have secured- hisie'etttr.es. He hashad 100 Columbia Law stu4eiits,-two classes of 20Q: eacb atYale.SOO-at Meriden, -250 at Ndrwiohi 400 at Wellesley College. and : 40(5. at Uriiversity-of Penn. W e bannot> : CojiCe'iv6 how a system could receive ahy higher endbrsemeut ."•--• • . If there-is-a jgght thing to. be done,and we seem tb pass through a wrong thing on our way tb-it, depend-Upon it there is aho&er waytbit, and;a better ohe 1 ^and itis our own fault, and-not (jfod's, that we do not jSnd it.'-^Edward fiannett. English ; Spavjh/ Xnniment" removes all Said^ '&6tt o£' Callbused. ..Lnrnps and Blemishes froni horses,' Bib.q'd Spavin,' Curbs, Splints,Sweehtey,Ringbone,gtiflesj Sprains,. Swgllibgsi «tosi.,'. Save |5.0by use of .ohe.'bottle. Sbl.d hyJJbig Bros.., Drug gfetej Lbwville, N.Y.- ' '•" .; ;.. ; 20yl :-Th'e shah.oi : Persia; has.^uihbtazed the; American, missionaries i,6 establish- at Teheran a-hespital in WhicB', without re- gard io nat^iohality or religion, all agplfc cants for- relief may M.rieceived- for treat- .bjent. Dr; J Tprrenbei- physiciah to the mission', has been, appbint'ed drreetor -of- the hospital,.and the Inah-hasnamedhim grand officer of the.order,of the ; Lion and the Sun of Persia. '..-. •-. '. ' •<._"",.- " '•'•'•'"__" EN3bT^Lp5.;' ;: ; . ' _. •"•"''. . What a truly beaytiful world-we-Jive, in! Nature givei ps "gran'deur of xiioun- taihs,"glens atrd pceana,-ffiudthojisandHof means- of enjoyment, : . We can desire no better when in; perfect, healthi. but how. often do the majority;of.pepple feel like, giving it, u;p.' disheartened,, d^cburaged' and; worrr out'withfclisease,. ^hea.there is. no occasion for this feeling, as every.suf- ferer can easily obtain satisfactory /proof, that /GrSeti's" August FlfMei\ Will make thein' free- foorn-'disease, is-when' bom.: Dyspepsia, and Liver .C.oinpiaiht :ar&:ihe -direct causes of,sesenty-fiy.e..per. cent, of such maladies as Biliousness,. Indigestion, Sick .Headache,; Costivehess,," Nervous Fi'bstratiori,: Dizziness of the Head.Palpi- .tation' of the. Heafetj, and- other distressing , symp'torns t - -| Three doseS; of Aog-iat- jFbvi- er will.prove its Wonderful effect. Sam- plebottles, lQ*eents„,"Tryit;. -•;. : '- -- ;' - '-.--"' &8yMow, LBTTVS SUHPBISB. "Yes," said Mrs. Lansing <Jibson, ris- ing' and shaking out her silken skirts, with a gracious smile, " I am perfectly satisfied, Miss Whittaker. I am certain t h a t ! would be, after Mrs. Halsey's rec- omendation. I am sure your playing is charming, You -will give Genevieve her first lesson on Monday at ipur? You will find her tractable. I hope you will be mutually pleased with each other," - And Mrs. Gibson went smilingly but of the music room, leaving her little girl's newly engaged music teacher roll- Jng jip her music aid putting on her gloves. .;It was raining When she pulled on her JUDbeBj in.the; hall;the drops weresplash- ln|E" down on the Window. Letty bit the endbf ;her music rbliig consternation." She tad on a new dress^ and, new dresses WejkMipt a common^^ occurrenee with her. ;_" : fe4 : Was-'^nd^rtag'W%eih-ec k -8i>« might not wait in abbrher" of the bi^ hall until the rain slackened;, when; som'ebody eaifle febiihding-.dgwnj^he sta&a, thj:ee steps at- a .4ime : - It was a genial-faced young inaAj in hat and overcoat?, and with an umbrella.-. ', : , Letty's fair cheek pinkened- This was Raymon.8 ;(Jibsoh, she fcnew.-. She had; seen-him often enough, ih the street and at-church, where Letty was sometimes substituted for the organist, who had a ; habit of taking a rest when he felt like it. "-'. : . -- She had heard'Miss. Taylor, to whom, shei gave lessons, :talk about him to her bosom friend, detailing his good lijOkSj. the amount : of his father's fortune andMs general perfections, and 'declaring that he was by far themost desirable "catch" in town. And Letty had come to have a certain timid consciousness. concerning him, because.he aiway^.looked at, her so steadily, w'hen be. .met-her, .notrtb 'say. stared, . She-looked-up. at hint now in tremulous shyness.; . '-. : -. , • "Oh, I'm so glad!" cried young'M£ ©ibSon, breathlessly^ "I was afraid you'd; be-gone," Miss Whittaker, You'll let me take you;home, won't you? It's raining hard And.yoahaven'taniimbrelia. I've been-in the library listeniSig to your play- ing, and I can't say hpw much I've en- joyed it, Miss Whittaker. I'm sure Geii- eyieve.is awfully lucky togetybu." . . They were going down the front steps. He had her music roll,, and had offered hisiKcrn,' arid was holding-Ms umbrella so far oyer ;her that his silk hat was getting rained on. ; • \ ' ': '• "I've-enjoyed your playing in church so-much; Mi'ss.Whittaker 1" lie went on eagerly. . '?I wish Paterson would stay away all tie time. *' u 0h^'' Letty protested, with her eyes on'the wet.street,: *Tm a. very popr.subr siitute. Mr.'-Oibspn!" "Indeed; you're, not!"' said the young man earnestly. "I prefer your interpret tations^ really—your touch, your expres- sion,' everything, I'm always delighted wfien Paterson's away. How muddy its getting! Let's cross the sirget, Miss Whit- •taker,"-;; .' .... .. -."• . . , ', ,'; . They, jtnet Sadie Merritt. as they crossed ifc„ Sadie, was in .theGibson "set,'.' and she. gave'the little music teacher and her esebrt a stare Of amazement.' . Letty felt somewhat frightened as.they "walked on; but Mr. .Gibson seemed to gain enthusiasm. . - : -. .-' ... '. il Do you like.musieteachingl" he.said,, helping-her across a puddle. <: 'I suppose it's a-.hore?"' . - . '. '::•-. . "I do get th-ed sometimes," Letty ad- mitted. . *'-But I. like it, live, a nice- class.'-'. _ . , .,- ./. -,-' .; ."• "All;ages, I suppose?" said Mr. .Gib- son. ''; .' '.. '•' ..'•,.•.•--••. " ., "•.'-._ ,<"0h yes; from six. to .'twenty* Ej;om the first les'sbji in the instruction book up to Chopin t I*. Letty rejoined. . • '"Youtake beginners, then?". . .:,"Y> s; ''-:.,'-.' '. "'.'_ ; -.'.'-' - The Wilcox carriage was approaching, and t i e Wil'cbxes were particiilar.-friends pftheG-iisona; • Letty. was glad the.,cof- ner bf her-street wassQ.near..';. ;' ''/I have always liked music," said Mr. Gibson, hesitatingly. "I—I suppose I'm rather old to learn, but could yb.u take another pupil?" "Anbther pupil?"- she echoed. I "I should'l%e awfully to learn, ybii. know,'' said Mr: Gibson eagerly. "And' it sha'n't be any trouble to yog. HI Come to the house. You do take pupils at the house, don't you? ' I'should like it immensely;"" ."Letty was dumb with astonishment. A music pupil? Mr. Gibson? What an ibcredible Idea! And yet she was not displeased at tie prospect. . They had reached* her modest little gate, and.she-looked up with* timorous smile. , "Why, certainly, Mr. Gibson, *if you wish'! gib murmured.. "I certahdy do wish,"- he responded emphatica,lly; and he looked highly de- lighted. And when he turned away from the door, five minutes after, "the date and hour of his first lesson-had been arranged, and he had forced upon his teacher his first term's tuition, ..... Letty gave her mother a ; light sketch of that first term, at its elose. She had gradually recovered from her amazement' at the aequiremejit of her latest, pupil, ahd had given herself to. his instruction with all her usual interest and energy. "He's very bright, reallyj -mamma,", she declared, "CJf course it seemed t fa'n>- ny to have to teach Mm the' very rudi- ments. Why,, he had to begin with the staff, and learn the names of the "dies and spaces, just as my youngest scholars dp. It was all I could do to keep -frbm laugh,. ing, the first lesson. But' he learns so easily. He really has good technique and I can see he's going to have lots of feel- ing for music. He's got along really well. I know he. must practice awfully hard* fie can play a little piece with both hands already, and he says he'll play. it at the rehearsal Thursday afternoon. I told him he needn't if he didbjt want to. You know all my class is going to play, and I'm afraid they'll laugi, it's-so fiinny to see Mm playing it. But he says he'd just as leave as. not.. Of course I'll ex-r. plain that he hasn't taken lessons long." Mr. Gibson came next day for Mr: ies? son; he took two a week. He played Ms scales through carefully, and then ex- ecuted his "piece" with laborious paifts, but wit great success; Letty was delighted "If you do as Well as that at the re hearsal!" she said, with a pretty enthusi- asm which glued hei ; npil's eyes to her face. "Miss Taylor has offered their par- lor, you know, and Pm so glad, because if all the parents and friends come there'll , hardly be room enough haie," "Miss Taylor?" Mr, Gibson repeated, somewhat blinkly, it struck Ms teacher. But he went on talking of something else, and talked 011 till the striking of the clock made Mm jump up, * He had fallen into the habit of staying after his lesson, was over to talk,; so that after twenty lessons it was not strange that they felt tolerably, well acquainted. And Letty had confided to herself more than once that Mr. Gibson was "uncom- monly" entertaining and nice. The rehearsal passed off with all possi- ble smoothness; but Mr. Gibson was not there. Letty had received a note from hint at the last minute, stating his una- voidable detention, A hunch of -. flowers had accompanied it, and a wMte rose shone in Letty's soft °"nair at the" rehearsal, -. .~T~ - ' Little Genevieve came and played suc- cessfully. Mrs,-Gibson canie with her, andshe smiled- blandly on Letty, and •complimented her,on G,enevieVe's pro- gress:; She did -not mention- her son, and- Letty went honie vaguely wondering. Bhe gave Genevieve a lesson next- day. She didn't' understand why, it was, but the. imposing hall .wi;th-its;-stately fur- nishings, and the charmingly appointed music room, somehow depressed her,. She had another, rose-frornMr.'GipsQn's bouquet in .a button hole of her jacket, and she looked down at.it'rather 'drbari-; Ij,. She-had' coine to know hi'ni so well,' andall this grandeur seemed to thrust her so hopelessly far away from Mm. Not that she had that- thbught distinctly- in mliid, She was; a sensible, girl,' and ;by •no-means' foplisily. iinp?bssion.able.and romantic. But she was dimly unhappy. It-was due-to tMs mood, doubtless, that she forgot her muff, and-was going on ier' way -honie, without. She-. Baw youhg Mr. Gibson run u-pfibtesteps as she- turned back, and she walked- slowly'in order-to avoidhira. Hishat'was'on a'peg wheri-shewasad^ mittedto-.tie hall, Letty looked ,at it wistfully.:. It leaked wQefully .different,- hanging -on a maltog^ny hat ra&k, with a" long.mirroiv and lying informally on her piano top at home, . The notes of the Gibson piano Were. sounding, and Letty listened wb.hdering- ly. She recognized the* Moonlight Sona- ta, 'brilliantly and charmingly executed.. - Who was it? Mis. ;Gibsob possibly; but Letty had had the impression that'Mrs. -Gibson didn't play:' -"• She "listened with quickly appreciative admiration and. with some langing, be- cause'she" felt certain that' thatwas "better than, she could have done. She went on into'Hie music 'room, in eager curiosity. '";':". Her muff lay on the chair Where she hadjeft it: but Letty did not take it. : She stood quite' still. in: tie dobrway,- gazing speechless at the persb.n on thb'pi- ano stool,. ... •,-•-. It was Eaymbnd' Gibson. ' H e Was ah", sorbed in Ms oceupatioii." His head was thrown back, and his eyes were on the .ceiliiig. * .•'••'• - : •.'••. ,-' His inusic teacher had stood in the doorway some three minutes before he became aware of. her presence. Then there was a. crashing of the keys.' "Miss Whittaker .'"gasped her pupiL - . Letty.only gazed at iim. She was quite.stunned: ." ' ' '•'-.. |Ir. .Gibson.sprang to-his feet, . .' '.- "D.pn't look like that!", he entreated, rushing toward her. . "Don't Miss Whit- taker!,"'-/ ... '.;•'": '^\ . -;''.-,".".'..'.-.. - But Letty shrank, back, her byes fixed. upon him in solemnity and sternness. . . "What—what does this. mean,. Mr. Gibson.'."-.she said,withanaus.terity which Was marred by her faljering voice. . . ilr. Gibson, pulled, her-g«ntly inside,. an(|siiitthe door. _....••'• •"' "I'lknowyoifil forgive me!" heimplor- -fd .-."/ - : 'r- ;.-,••;. i ; ' . ,'. ''•. "'. •.," ' J jetty looked at.hini .with reddebing oh< ieks, ..and than burst intp tears. .s'Whatdldyou'dbit/br?" sig sobbed. "What for?" her pupil .repeated, stand- ing very close, to her and getting posses- sion of one of her hands. "Don't ybU knpw,Miss Whittaker--Betty?. IVe want- j-d to' know you so—for years—ever since 4fitst saw you.. And I'd begun to'tlunk. ,J nWer should be able to manage it. I edit, 1 hadn't intended it, truly, "but we were talking about your pupil% you., know,and the.-ideal occurred" to- me,:ind-j-aad' 1 couldn't heip.it. Dbn't bb angry,.. I didae:corbpli$i:it,yoK see. We dp know each other. * Whffs thejoddf.^earl" : . . .' "You've made me pbrfe^tlyndibulous!"; Letty'jobbed^: •: ;' '"'. •••~:'-.-''S--'-> tf she iad.heard.his last,adjective,, she -ignored it. ' - - • "Nb, no—I've ."been.-; careful, "rtbt^oi Nobody knows' it—nbt'a'sbtdi:; TJiat r s; why I didn't gp to. the'reheai^-i-tie Taylors; know I can play you see,"'..: ^' He did his best tp;. stifle a laughj -biit Ms teaeher was. laughing, - -.too," through' her tears. The vision pi her' 1sall pupil laborihg through ''Little KatiVfii' "Past Walte" overcame ier; ; • ' • ; "You ought to be" ashomed of y'qrtt* self!" she cried, iaughing and crying to-. getheTi .-'* .----';"".'.'•-'•; .. '4 am^Iam.l"said ilaymo.nd. . " 1 % ashamed.; but I am nofr.spjsry. "" ^'Why, ;j ; might not have' knowji you j e t if I hadn't." , . . .- Thenhe paused palpitatingly. "What dtiets we'll, have when we're marr4bd, dear?" he-said.sbftly.- "15"ia"t will your inother-. say:?" said Letty, gasping wi& bewildered joy, ." "' "Say? She'll.say J've got the.sweetest girl-in the world.,. She iasnt -any .ridie-' ulous notions'; and, besides, she'll.never think of denying ma anytMng I want. Andneither did she; " Sacrificing for ijarty* "us^d.t'o lie awake"nights worrying over it. Ana.walkinghome.with you'thatflay.-- • ..-senator, .^jiapp has shown;in hisvle'tter published in 13xe TI^ES his'devotion to the Republican pasty. He-is willing'- to saciufice, and seems willing the. people: shouldj'by the loss .of so -good a man front their service,.'*!! the old republican party can be restored.to power. : jor treachery to'the rights "bf. t i e .peopie,;it lost its strong.footing, and the^sufferers turhed" to' other sources for relief. For this we should be thankfid asitisthe morning star facing, the .darkness .that gives, hope of a clearer and better .day. Men not Wanted by the people, must rely.', on party strength for their-election,-after bujdng a nomination. Here fe where we are sold,, and the country ruined by party rules. Such are not under obligation to, the people, only tb the leaders of a party,; and the people have no rights they are' bound to respect, and as faeis.often show, they sell their Votes often for money. The Senator may talk pf civil service^ and tariff as needed, but-if mett Werenot blinded by ]>arty prejudice, these ques- tions could be readily and amicably set- tled. The only question of law to * be decided is, what is right and just between man anp! man. It' wiD be fpund to..be risky business, to supersede Sod's corn*- niands of eternal right, lly arbitrary laws - subverting justice. The vrabk-ed may flatter themselves that robbery is. govern- ment, and the right way to live isn.ptto; Wbrk but to steal, but aday of account;, comes, as history shows, giving-evidence^ f)U] jBft ilftTrrBufpncecled" that takes cog- nizance of. bad .conduct, --. '•-•/•[?;';-'Z,,'-- : ~l'-••'•'• • Take a glance atwhatTCpuhKcahsrwiy -Claim .Credit fQrhavingdbnb-^bf : prpdud-: : •ers. swindled; to ^B.e: feac^-.bone .tp' pay taxes to bondhblderS::bnv a-natibnaldebt; three times;as. I'afg0 as atsioiildife^pf;' bonds renewed,: that shouldfi.epaid:,.Bept exempt from tai&-^bf-j.ajamsiye-ti^es:as; -Iftrgeas befbre.tie w^ar-^^pf money' -made and kept ; short, disabling .men from: -pay- ilig-their debt's, that banks'andcapitalists may prey and grow rich thtough the stiffs- '-• ering> ofthepbor*—of. the jiatrbnage-of; the.gbveiaiment- being n'sed for pariy ad-:" yantage-'tb '.influende, voters^.againjst.thple'- •struggling;for their .figits,'.'"'"&('a,-party. supported by- the nation any'ibetterthan a reiigiph established by law,»and paid for- from' tietreaaiiry? -; (Si_ monopolies, of^ •commissions at ,a ruinous-cost,-'.and .the salary' grab f etc ,- we-:hardly- :n,eed;men-' tion.' 'Oan we look 'ttpbn'a cpuntry'in. ruins—ferm's''.mortgaged^'.the-pbbple.in.-. debt .and -suffering,';.Vlabpr unemplbye'd, lands run down for want of tallage-and' 'eare,; litws- oppressive,'strikes.ofC .the': peppledisheai-tened "md-""niourf^giheir. cpnditioh, the product: of the.-.cPUhtry turned over to. the-rich who are;.quitb mi- merous; and boast of .'their millions,"' ygfc' perhaps never earned.a cent, and aSk'that the repubScan p.arty-r-tie .chief source pf' .ajli this disturbane^'b'erestbredtp'power.- Dpes it iiot ; look 'likeOaskingrpjpvidenise; to suspend 'judgment, to 'save therepiiBH- ean iiarty. We was with pi3pbipa|s:itbt" with men. •. : , 'W.-.-BbWEN,: ' A Dyiiag-Ilflbther.':- A. tbubhing little incident^"eo.mel.:tP us of a.youhg inotier who. was ."hppeiessly ill,"hut unconscious of her condition. ;-;'- '. One.-afternopn her . physicians held a Gonsultation,-- and; afterward announced; the sad fact that she had bttta :shorti4!4 e " to live?to. the- hnspand -and -the: snster of the. patient, The. four exchanged bpih--. .ions as.to the Wisdom of teMnglier, and were quite' iinmiiidfuLof little Edithj the only cMld of the. dying w : 6m^'.;i£vjEf y"eSr^-.-' 'old,„-w:hp;,was biisily playing with: her;' dolls, apparently unconscious of what" Was going on about her.... B.ut, in, a few-imh-'- ut'es, the-little, Edith, left 1 her toys, "walkr; ; ed-slowly upstairs: .and. went directly to her mother's rooml ..With the.; aid; ot'ij> 'chair she .placed herself on the bed ather mbther's side,, when she 'Mssedthe.wan cheek .and':asked in ipw,. tender-tonesC "jflamma, are you "'laid to -die?" x The; mother was startled by the qnesfipn and hesitatingly asked':- . "Who. fpld;,you.?i-i. d.Q " ybu'. think"'— .:.' l No; mattei,'. '"dear mamma, yoii needn't be-'-'faidatallv'hbld- my hand fight,, like ."this.;- shut you' eyes -close.and I will.stay•,by'.y^u,..aad.when.; yon wake up again" you will be where'tis; aH light." The eyes were closed as 31-- rac'ted,. the two hands tightly' 'clagpedfor a few moments, and When the mWBers of. the family re-entered . the" rbpm '.'the. child looked'up' and said: fi I ielped dear inamma tp die and She was not f aj'd atalV^.'SosfoTi 6ourie>\ '--'.'•'•' -t^^^'-JSIji^,^.' -.-^»^'Co.Tij)rt|# received inquirieaJa able board fence meirtioa^^ T article, I Would like to aanr« your oolomnfl". The pateli _ length, and «re made of bb«Ma a i x i ^ a a of the same thickBew 4 "w^ «id« nd 4 feet in length are B ^ f c * ^ | ^ ^ i l » . Three inch wrougit naO» aw aieA wi. tact. Three xipr^ta nn meA hm m^ lepgii^' 10i><)i^A^*-a^^ -i|j.ehe», -froflJ:' '•&**p&iqi^'ii&Z&f? *•*'- other boards are Bailed tm__wiik -B.kiA spiice between the board*, m«Wnj 4 ftet :inhe%h|.:K,it M set up in » 'With the panels facing eacii. way |y) and-tie uprights kxiiUB, ;6tier r iiuis J^l|ingmij. tidbit -Suitable stakes are driven, boe bl» i8l«fc -»ide''-wiei».^,paa'aa i^-jiuk-'f-i^W- common annealed fence cap wirtf plaaed jSgitly arotihd.^m:i&«^;fli(s pascte; Or Shorter, stakes may be uaed apd tike in|m passed around the stakes and aridiobked"tog6t]&te;M'U to ta •removed;; jtt:ipies:.^ fits ;sfekes,witi aj&jcitjnd \lfa:ifa3&---iii&!mi:: •S6'm bo.stand firmj the fence is aecond agaituiijordinaiy wi^C ; ' ! '^ j ^^ I ^ l:l ^'<^f , threb 6-jiicb;bi(>»rdJg are used to ihetaigtii, it is perfectly safe if set 8 feet away feom : eorn-brbthei:gMiin.:, " V: •; '-~X•'-.'-•"' : '-.','•' •;' "Ehaveiisca; -^i*: fence ;^t.-^fam_;j^iAy- have had .very Utile repaiiiflg to do,alflio' it 'is set ap; "aic^r^miv^-ea^^^^^^ panels are drav?n to the field, on the hay- : rack-7r35-10^ of;4^i^^^ie^;^i^t^ : ; moVed.-on.aslightfntow r W"Nove)B^^ iiesled,; 'Wi^ibardg only 13 feet $& \ length ft is, ^ sti^flg ; .|tod secpse I m e e , ; j l . •' baye-n;ever;sbeii\ movable fence set igp' withput..stakss:br other 'fastening jfp flife' grbUftdthat:Was safe; against wind and pasirMgoicattie. /\y^^'-jm^^\-^''Jl0^ :per 1,00^ ieet #ie : fence c o ^ fabbtit; 4 5 . cehia'A-rocl^' .and' ' ^ i t i Mr 'li-sage'; will^ - last a lifeMhiei.; > ',';.'-.' (0BM,S.";|tidiB.l V;, 3^w C0Wii£.:Jf. it,;'.--'".} '•. : r .. ;.-;:., : .:'.;' -^-•"->rt^ ;H'59S% -V':- iJfMf .-•ivVC"^ '"-.;'';-'A'r^ci^tiac#Lf|«>Wi. •'••.-..'" "Thb-;p|p||)b'ct fpr.|he :ipplfe : c^p%:dM-;; c'odi^agi^&'almqst: every section except ift;/ "New' Engrand;:^d."rfew;" , ''Z^r"fc.' "BK present Is the" "oft" or ipn^ieariftg year, : tipugh &any:ybungj!rjpi^^i.are fretful:' 'ihthe."on*year, ' '^^^•k*^^^.'- - ...- '• -' A decrease in. cpttofe Aj&H^^vk noted;; in"Nbr&;Caroliia; attd is-'attributed tb' .^'.^^gbnJme'^.tMi^ojit bn the part of; planters togro^tieii.hbin'e supplies. - -i-v .Reports-from dffittent^statts make itI-;, appear that':there ii^^.jt.-|a£r.VgeBjfe.;'; yield, ' . '. ';•;..•' ~\' : ','~y.'~~-.-'~\.-;-'- : . From G^rniahy cbmesthfe report-that a decided preference is -grvett in^that cbun- ; .- try,to A;merieanhickbry for fbeBst.cul- ture". '"'•-- .•';--; -; :; -'1-'" ; ; 0;:"-"""•"';•.-" -^ • . Truck farming in Louisiana is becom- ; ; ing : one of the "impbtfent"%diistrieS:-bf thatstate; ';;' ;. '.'.V ";-".:'.'... ^"-"l ,/. : .. N Virginia is Rising "^ baeeb, Sutitis of imprpyed quality. 5.- Eavbrahlb^pbrte,bf tie^sittfta.crop eome frpm several statea..;.'-"; 7 - ?. Crop reports "Ironi Manitoba aiier i»f couragihg;'; •-""":'." .. : -' : ;. -.;-,> -.;- ; r .;; . ._; - go-w to i»«re Oardaa |l«»d». • Peas;and. 'b^ahsihbnld' Be'ieft wffhSi vines until; tie; p/)d8. ,arb. well -wrinkled,' when they shpu'ld be picked, and inntil;tfieyareqftite'dryi ' Sinjl"_ may he sheie^hy-^andilkrjge CFpj^t; ii*; thresiftd vriti : -*^^;-"i;J3B®'-iJi8llijJi^p^ djyjpla^; '.s^^^;B|^»u|d,,-|^;-tak^;:eini|r-; : ' frsBij.; jp^rf^t^siap^sjpeciiaftisj Ae's^ds-firay-iesimpTytakenbutj^pMBd bn plates or tinsj ' :and .iaeds- } "l*Sgi&'- 'o.flaii^l3f* : ia*etp; : be; w a s i ^ ^ote;dirf-' irigj tp-removeffiei^uftes.that ; adheres fe them;.:; .Vlftenthe;.seeds are thbrpughly drieQJjvtie .the&Y ifi' : 1bagsj^^ and Seep in *; dry.-plaee secm7e.from:Mbb.8ft3 i TAlSw . ; JBeets,: parsnips^fitaag^SnifrtB,^ ckiilifiower"and:cabbagge wilt-.Jibt grQ*' ddce^;seed^-untfl the second ye«.'> Bbt'oiit; in^bajIy'M[ay v ratrpng, weU-^tuisgdplKBts.. { of lastseasonts erbp. .;Whea.ffie. seed is ii^p^^a$^^.''s^'U^-)|£d.pnjf und'et coror to dry;'tien::heat;biit;tie:"seeds,: rand .tie: in : .paperbags.: ; -..- - : ' ? ' -;•" ' -"'-••' ;- :•'. '-'•-/'. -' ;.' : ; ; Seeds bf'ill.kinris sibuld.be; iiijiy'ripe;, when.^atieaced,' |jdt it Is^ als^ MpprtRiit"~: to-harvest tiemMspphAtiey''are Mpei. fibr keeping sinalk.quah;titi;es;. ofeseeday:; pa.i>ei<ia"gs^arej;p^ferapie tbefptijas; they. ;- afford; better prb|ebtib^ egaibst; mbfefoie." and-ihs'ebts;,- ^Wlays:ma^' ; eabh.,package •;' withthe nameof ; thb Seed contamfd7;iit it; and;tie ySa^-in: which - it^grew* . - C!bld does Shot^^'injure tie^^yjtality of;.seedsj"l3ttt : '." nipistureisdetr:ime*tal't'b;all : 3an.ds<;.',". >w :-;.-«| .,':\;J|| m. ,-*a omm DAKOBE. SroNAis from the .Weather Bureau aye not .more-significant pf a storm than a.cough is of consumption.''.' Provi-; .dendally^ we, can .cure .atiy cpugh with Hale's. Honey of Hprehound ' and'Tar: Sold by-all dreggists and country store- keepers;. .. . .- pike 5 s Toothacie Drops Gure iii I Min- ute, ' " . .'. v, : -"..-:-.:""'• Hale's Money bf 'HbieMund : ;i&dJ; sold by Wi : H.' : Mbrrispi^;iow^ft('Sfi1 .-';:' rarrn Hints for 8eptemb«r. : ^The general':-testimphyis:~in,;faypr *f; early;sowing'of wibat'i.'p;Spttfie:first.; importaiice to"-ptepsie a gpodrSeed bed, -. asiiig.faie:iarrow>hd^rplleruntil'the ipil . is tKorpugily pnlyeraBed:. ;' No jgpod fia^.. toer.. aviijf.sow...wheat: brbadcaSfc,;. 3Bf :fib; .cahnpt a^brd ia-;ow.n"'adrill he ban -Mrb;' one, ,and^th"ejaving;|n-seed..wffl ;j»y.ior . tie feht of; the 1 ma'chinb..':' Qhe great bbn-; nefit from -the;use .of.the cff-Ulfs'tiiatit;,_ puts tie sfeed at.ajuiif prm de]ptili^io'w;|he surface. ;-i)'& ibt. ; bhahge;tiib7kind -of > v^teatwifhbutigobd reason. & a variejty isMgMy-praised^ and^:.appears'tp bb hefc- terjian'..that;now grbwai, *r^ .k small guantity,.'giv3ng it t i e sambsbilaiid care as the. general' crop,»sowing;' bnp^gi tb ! ' give seed for, next .year^sBpild i t t u r i . ; putjwell,; x T S ^ £pst;a'bpM|heiattbrpi^t^sft^on-fe 'Tiis;'' catehes-the iuck^ieaf : when fiie; flower; clufeefs.ar"b"8till. in'blppm, wiile a t t i e ; lowej* p"art.-Pf-:the eluster t i e ^ is -ripened grain^/'. If the' cibp; is^ but wien frost.a^ ' pears to:toeim,mment,aftd.plac^^^ sized' gaVeis,':the ."partly' "matured : ^wun- w^iB go ;on abd. .ilpen.' Tie. root crops ' will grow rapidlyihese; .bbol rnghj^ #nd.: may -ski 1 . ie\ tMnied tb advantage,, of " course keeping ihem.cleai of:late ^eedB. In; localities -where" tbere;are early'.frp'sts,./ butting,tfp.corn will he. the most Jmpbrt- ' «nt work;"of tie-'.-nipbih.;. - ^very .farmer Ms :his- own' vibw.-of the ribmber of; hills; ': that .shpnid^gb;tp:;the-;Btobfci: - A'shbrt^ handled ioe,;wit!i^^tlie'ilade.. grbuftd/sharp ' and kepfr.sp iy tib:Use of % ^le.^iile at .work, will be 'foundto:be the most bonr . venabutimplembnt. T.Cut.-Iow^- f&Ieave aS:' f ^little stubble : as possible; . dodder .eo^n;'. sibtild bS cut upon tie-first iiippiatibii of; frost. ..If out and laid iftthb xbws,it will;:; not.he,injpred-by.tie;frpst'as ^uch a?:if.-,. , stanujng.V^ii.w/'^' A0sMafv&. -for.'.' \S^tejSery."••• " -<'.:-K : : > .'.:'." '-^v;;:;' ;'.-';'.. : ' : :• •-'•• '-'•"-' WB^^TITf •';-;-:/":-' ; that sbmany otherw^'.attisctive,; and parJicute'p^opfe^fiiefe%^f: by the fbui a i d diBaj^eiBi&le breath j. it'is. mainly caused ^r;. able odpr ;ol their Breath; Sk" : M eaused^bydisbrdiBired digbstioa, Using that »ui» '-"- i """ •*-" ters.feae^ l Jfe KPW »™,„ „,., ^ •m ^13 -tI*tIW"Sl s&&£?M.-Ji*

a^nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031519/1887-09-01/ed-1/seq-1.pdf::.":.^'.:v7;Aff *K§S 3U*I*W*Cwp|tTXBdepen*wit. L Sfei\' rpiusaro jflriaw jSaewss^T; HORSING -r^B^^iBt^csgerio3S,'.v

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» ^ ; > : : ." : .^ ' . :v7;Aff

*K§S 3U*I*W*Cwp|tTXBdepen*wit. L


rpiusaro jflriaw jSaewss^T; HORSING

-r^B^^iBt^csgerio3S,'.v v.-attar a f t d * b i « per year, If p a y In ad-

• a y * . Ifi*i*j«idwlUiintbeyedrvflftyoentsaa-

t?o M M r tiwoattnoed except at the option o f t l » JBhafcerMtUaRarreages are paid.; :

' ••wri.MiflKr iit i. m y . « ) » ! jiLf-i«"iL i;. Hi»'iiiilL"..nw ,m«tl »CT?^


.T»rtteeJ«ne**te««ke on*ttwb.'

•MtamaCanla, * perywif forflreUneBor H f W I M i t o c w e t T aAUttpnal Sue. -.•: - -


poetry and iveeentsBer;

'. S p e o M a o t k ^ tleadeditoopariei) wUi be charg­ed » percent in addition to regiilar rate*

,W« fcayala ooaaectton a &at-d«aB>bblhr de-' ' fr^!is9toto«t«a short

CABDB, TIGKBTS, -• ?-'.--• . *; .

tKTTKB BRADS, . . ; \ B H * H K i B S . ; - : ; :

,''-- ••••-,-'•• •KSYMflBBSk -, .

_'"* living man may want, • i a a west, afciUfol manner. Our prce* are, from

"• lower than any house iii the-

BTOITHWB D i r e c t o r y .

v Attorney and Counaelor at Law " • ""llnaoranae Agent -..- •

~ i-to drawing; up jdai :-'-I*tt fcaynen, S.


i feX-V

I PRINTING.:\ •-... - : . 3?or Bodnem Printing in bert styles and

a t tbe lowest prfcea go to The IiQwifflle'Timia

'XL O S T K a in Leonard Blocic. Gas ad-. ^ . . ; ! - : - : ' : : - • - . - . • % ! • : .

«*: ; , ' ; .-•-.' : ^ A B d y i k v c v \ / > ' i : > . 552355

$ lfeifc

3 ^ ^K^(i)|OMC,?Pab<|t , " i^S»i^DESG]B:?r ;

fe^^^:^|j!;; Bbsaei Wate^owAaudi Ogdens-

"••'' btirg Ballroaci.

'"•" . ' . . . . " . . - r - A N D — ; .

^q^r s ion Bates,

\ : ^

; TEfo. CApe.^tiicent.

Palaee Strainer "St ta^retiee," CWuneucing Sunday, July Sthy and continuing e w e Sunday unUtturtfierribtlce. Sunday trains wi l lbe riiiiand excursion tloketssoid from Lowv Ville and ramoIpRUntermeaiatB stations t o Alex-andriaBaYAnofretnrn.yla- Cajte Vincent.. 8wte-m train- will leaveXbwjfUle^SO * B»<> jrtoPPhig »t- iiiflnoipali Intermediate. Btatlbnsv -arriving at-Capfe VincentatHJSO ftvm.i "thence vla/Steamer "St. T^wxe'nce," arriving a t Alexanarld-Bay^at. 1:90 p , ra;-lletijrnlh(tleave. Alexandria H&v&iK p. in,; War* .Cape Vincent, SSftp. ml^atopplngat aH prmelpal Intermediate stations, "arming a t :rx>wvMe*.7:».p. m; •• •• < ta Alexandria Bay and return via. the above named Tonte from. LowriUe. is . : , -_• ., ,-

Ho»eo« Block,



(Snoceeaort" D- D- Foot * Sons,) % '•'.-

•rtlaoe. to gen everything In their Tine


a • • X • - . . ; ' " . : " . " = _ ; • : - . •_.'

• iow^ffletir. 3TJ t «

O ^ E ^ B S l i & l f l J 0 H E ^ E S T .

: .itBR'SiFOOiLS, JBTd, E l i a . .

The steamer "wilt stop s t i l l principal" jesorU among the' Thousand Islands; " Mrs^classiineals are Served on the Steamer "St. Lawrence;?* Brlpe;90 cents each. ^ . .aMstripjattows six hour* on-th6:)rfverand a

fifty-.mile ride among Oier tieantiful Thousand .Islands,-.

For tickets and further Information apply to nearest B .W & 0 . B. R. t ieketagentoroorres-pond Witb General Sasseliger Agenti Gswego, N . T . . • -THEO- BKTTEKFIELT);, _ . General Passenger Agent. H. St, BRITTOlil, General Manager:

R. W.,& 0, -RAILB0AD.

XmGA & S . JL R. R. B R A N C H .


WAlH^Ei^Eadies . towwrK-forus a t their homes. ::$7fe J10 per-*eet,ican be qilietly

made..-IS'd.pMtoVpaintihBj" no cattvfassing, ^or fnUplaitfdularjj, please addiesSj'. at once, CBBS-eBST£&•$€&.> M«entrai:Bt.,'Bbstont MasSi.-.

•BOlfllTOi •':•. •: - '-•-- ;•' B O W * '

'•"'•.V •; - p ^ M t A ^ - p f i a ^ ^ : ; - : ; , ( , . ; : ; %

Having opeBed aiiiew store Tespeotfuliy Intiie ... : youito-call^^and examine their . '

-"'•" : | ^ y V A ^ - ^ B ! B J ^ ^ L D ^ : - ' - ' < X P -

'••.' -". -'" - t ^ E S i s H : A N f t - i j i s f ^ " ' . ' . ' • ;

• . ' T h e i p r i ^ ^ e y g t i a j ^ t e e t o ' b e i ' '

•:;c:-- -^.is#.^i^^^'&a:.:.-. :, -.: IJOaNSO^r 4 SEKBLBS,Dayan Street

t ^ a e c d ^ ^ ^ a icli^a^


:--;:-"""'"'TOi£ SELIV-


., ,Jt if needless for iis toigo tlit6vgls-an.a; spe&i^%act'arMele~fe 'bbrjsfpidc,, the:. eut. will • v -:_ "-." -; ;:.^upQft«rwytbingJ -We. ^ 1 ^uli^tee-ybtt.Gfie^'BtogaiBS: >.

to ask

€ « ^ ^ ^ | W ^ ^ C H J ' E V C53^E' i00S: AND TOF WffiLBE SUBPRIS-


; 6f-]L4te.st; :S^ie* affd. .Sesfi ^iisffiMeai..



-.'•'. / W i a l f e i f X W o o a ' ^ i y & t .-iteejb W J i s d ^ i v e s t e f aad r K n a e r ^ -svijk .Steel- F o l d i n g »BSato '€%niw-4t&i&*feV.^ ; &tt^ the natrowest 6f all for wid th :o lca t ; ^ I l w ^ ^ w l ^ e s a r e - ,\ _ : '.v- -". " ; . - ; " . / - ••: .". • :€soiaffi(^iHi^]^.;8iais^^ -'-::';::.':[ '.":-'•• .."•,•'"- .'.'."'.

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•SKT. cmmajJms:0»-<:

fM^^t-^^MAg^juommi sf. Y*

Leave T/ttba........ BoouviUe...: .

..-•Port'.leyden.. • - . .Lyrth's-Falls..,,

.'.' Glendale.;....* " L6w%Ule' .'...:

: ' '©astorland,"... Dee;rEreei.. , .

;-'. Carthage-.::..i.. Arrive-Watertown",.. • AiHve:0iayt6n;..,.. „. S 45

MoTrlstown.,;-• .Ogdensburj,.... •

A. x . • Daily.

. . 1 15 .;. g.I9 ..+8 33 ..t?38-..-tZiSft .. 3 08 :+3 17 ,+3 m i 3 as-

A.,»; A. M. R at.

6 00 7 21


-S30. 8 ir

.8 57 SOS.. 9 45

ifi 40: l t 0 7 11 8Gf.

-1.1 45.

"J 05 l * i 1 2 5 145^ 158 ?-W

•2-15--3 55

•3.30 : •4.06;

435', -MO-VteG.SarJTH.

Leav^Ogdensburg... -•".'.'; Jtosfctown:.-. .

' •-• ..;ca«yWtt..U,;;„;-7r05' ArrivePhlladelphla.- 755; " - .".'Watertown i:-..v- 7 45

<5ai*hage.;...... 8-25-•' " DeerBivef'.—.-, 8 35.

Castorland..-.,.-8 47. XbWvHIe.:;:....;T.9fl3 Glendsfle'. ..;.i 9 19

• Lyons"IWIsw. 9 35" Port Leyden. ;•. 9 41-BOQn.vule.:.....9 57

Arrive tTtto*;.... . . . 4 1 30 +Trains do n o t stop.

A. m; 7 85

'.-7.58' . 8 30

9:35. ..9!58 10 06 10 15 l o w

'AO' t; •ii or 1112 11 25 12 35

•4,35 . . .4-57,.": - 5 2 5 i . e-aor---12 01-.-;

• t-05%

8 00 J

- «.«:/ 83a-.8 37; 6 5 2

10 10

.5 50, 708 :

7 23 7 2 0 * 4 4 8.00 8 3 0

. 8 40 8:50"

J9 35. iftio. 11.00: l i '26

*,.3t.:-8 30 a'55 T43i

."8?5-.--» 25 ;-8':50

wxh +9-28 t 9 4 0 ^ • 4 5 +9.57 10.55 C487}:.

I N ONK MDOJTB. Aching backs, hips, and sidei,kianey and uterine pains, weakness andlnfl&m-: mation, rbeomatic, neuralgic, sciatic, sudden, sharp and nervous pains and.

f ajaw- - -m» Btrains.reUeTea in ••'« at laata hj-that new, elegant and infallible antidote to pain and ijiflimm»Uon,the Cnttcnr* Aatt-PaJa P las ter . 85 cenU; B^Jor JH-J at «rdruggist|; a t roiirisif Duua AMD CHUnoAi Co.. Boston.

Wastes' rilKsiin. soia iy —"-fiowvi l lK,7t . f . • -.48w4 '

ihaiigtoliiifS tAxL<&:







Etc., Etc..



Call and: Examine the'.Nely Styles in




A ffine time of Groceries, Cigars aiui Toteaecoeg.


Udwin J. Artlaur





OjiQice Grroceries,


T E A S , COFEEHBISj S P I C E S , E T a ,

Gronn^ and TJnground',



. o fa l l Kinds. Also aLarge Lineof;- •

-(IROCKmYy GLA38WASE, ' : i l ^ 3 , $T0.

BdsBtoqk i s not only larger ISan ever- kept by hMTjefore tiut.having Been bought entirely.for CASH-he Iff-prepared fe offer-bargainsliiiall olass-. es of goods feept by him. Thankful for pastpat-ronage he'soTioltsa ooUtinuanOe of the same. Remeinberithapiaoeiiithe .


A Common Cold Is. 6tten' the beginningyot• serioiis aflecV; tioM of:.';tbe Jhtoatj Bronchial T.ubety and Lungs. Therefore, the Importance of early and .efTeetive treatment cannot be Overestimated. Oyer's Cfierry Pectoral may always be relied upon for the speedy cure of a Cold or Cougb/ ••' ''•'"';'.'"" _•'. •'

iast January I was-iittkcMI with a severe Cold, which.,,, by neglect'.and frfr-

"queiit exposures,. Became worsen flnalJy settling on my lungs, • A terrible coiign. Soon .foliowed, accompanied' by jpainslij• '"be.ehes.tj from'which I suffered; intensely. After tfyin'g various remedies,, Without obtaining relief, I commenced taking Ayer^pherryl'ectoraijandwaB; "•

Speedily C a red. I am satisfied tiwtthis^reni^dy saved my life.^OTuo.WelJsteivPawtubkietvB.I. '"

I eftntracted * *evere «oid, which sud-'''deiijy diBveloptea. ihtoPneunuonia,present­

ing dangerous aud "-ohstmate -symptoms." JiLy physician at once ordered the w of Ayefig CKerry Pectowl. : His instructions: : wer* followeai-aha-the result was a rapi« and ;tei*an*M :«nrev^3ff. E» iSlmpsou, Eogers Frairie, TexaSi--'.••-•;".;..."':_; V.;^-- .'».' -- SwO-year**^lWfftre4;fi»n» a.ie*ei*-: Cold whicn settled on my L Miga. Icon-BUltcd various: phyi^iii^. «wj 4ei>Ltfe?-

- to*to try Aver^;;eherW-Pector«li After; • tatlnir two boUles of this medicine r was cureo%-:- Since then innvergivett- the. fee1". tovaWortycMdren,;»nd:iBQiwidet%^^ -

for eoids,.'^oughs,- and £11 throat ancl iuJ^diseiwes'jBv'efU^eiih my-famllyi'1^-

. Robert^Vanderpool, Jteadvflle,.Pa. --; ISpme''tih»e;*gd I t<x>k a.'.'.slight 'tfoldj-

• Wftich. bei'ng'iiBglecte'dy^rew- wpis'e,;anov. eettled-On my lungs, I hud a hacking cough, and.\vasvery weak. Ihos^.who Knew me bcist-.co.as'jde^ed ;idy,life .to ib»-in great danger.- "I continued :to;snffer; ; until I ; commenped Usiag Ay.er's CherOP." Pectoral,. JBess than one Bottfeof thisivafc nable medicine'cuiedr.me,ari3'Xfe6tthat • I owe the-pt;eserya'tion of my' life to its,-curative powers.4-3Srs» Ann Lockwood,.

; AteohjBPew'TorE AVer's .Cherry Pectoral ;is considered,"

here..theoniegfeat remedyitdtail diseases . of the turdat ^nd lungs/ and" is iubfe •-indemand.'tbaU.anvothferTnedicirieof Its. ; ciass,^ J , F . Epberts^Magnolia, Afk«:'

Ayer's Cherry Pectoi*al> Prepared by Dr. 3-Ci A y « * Go„ Lowell; Mi**"-Boid;by DruggisU. ; Price $}i six Vottles, fi.

A :YBR'SSABSAPARILLA, AYER?S; CHERRT jaupECTORAlV,' and .AVER'S ETLLSv'"sold b y ~W. fi-Horflsbn, Lowville; K; -V;. '-

iJhe ... vtanii&u&'s". . TtwllldriTetheHn«CTfro»yoai"| ^ system, andiMlie^yourraWnl

" ,clean aid- i n i o o t h ^ 1 ^ * * * ! s a n d B l o t e b e a l tear jbne heauty 5

. . causedby Impureg

.btood, ana can be I ramovedinashortl

"-± 1, If you are! I t e a n a u s e l the g r e a t !



*ho Dose &l&L'?biyi % , smalt^6nly|a^ea7*jr-te7 v, fe^S^ spoonful. I t i s aeVf* . V % % 5 best and ^ e a P ^ l ^ f c ^ j ^ ^ ^ V medlelne. Try foanct^v*^ x A » ' yonwil lbesaasned^. "%^fe, Oik^SO

Grtlt o fyoutDrag^s t . ^ ? ^ V ^ JtoM*WAtT. eCTJTATGNCB^. * - >

' I f y o n areinifferln^from Bid? Ijtfey DlseaBe, and wish to live.:„^^ S i d ageTnse STJLPHDR BITIEBSl! !Ehey tteter ail to cure.

To all whoiare t u * * ! i | ' i p l i the ri*S»«and in discretloM of 7 o u t t » « r i « ^ e « k j i e s s , early de-cay, loss of manhoo*, l ^ ^ l w l n »end a recipe that wfll oiire 'j^.i^^^ixmm This great repiedy:%Maiaiyrt«*it b y * missionary in South Amertoa. 8eaa a i*f«ddrewed envelope to tho Rev. Josec-h T. Bnaam, ,8t«Ubn D,, New tnrkClty;"- ; "••'• •-..; -^ ";-,; ' : « y i

: - If [m /»OTja brfa»iBf j^lWj^tfe i® (arjst, we mtiBt, inind; p$t•Jti&Mk1 dnties, as well as t i e duties pf.^he'-F^Huary.^^Spuf-geon,- ;: '. .-;. •":'-•; x:"y. ' •.•-"-.''•'.'•;.-.

• • - - -^ ' -r - . - ' - t I-".I«U ir " — M - ; . M T S : .AU-yiis: stoppgl Aree '-by D r Kline's

Great Nerve Restorer. S o fltsaftei-firafc day's use. MarvelouSouMltf TMattseahd$2 trialbot tiefree:to Btteis*fe : »anaitoDr.:«liise,-931 Arch

Bt pjuuwPai;":> : } r-y, .•-•-'.-. ; • • ; . t : ' i ' . . ' . . . !_ ' " ' - ; . - . n . : ; . . » '

I t is of no; cpncetn toiiOtristianity what you and I think of. itjbiit iifis of immense concern-. ;.ta; pur^iveSk-^-firesident' B . D'. TEtc^tcocklj-;"v:;;-.;;>,i-^^'A'A^ '•''"•

• -Ben,. Mange ^ an.6 ;T$ie*afe1ie's' bt .every Wrtd 0Hred"ln# JEnpte*; .h ^ Woofford's Sanitaiy: Ififiim. .V&8$;io>.:^ther, '.18ris atver faiBk Sold %Bw% 9«o».,^Jrijggist,:

:_ T i e t<BC»oI c o i » » ^ i » ; to delicate that it is.^aaj ,i)p •agpeit'i- nut-it is also so clear that. itti»ioi{ oifplk :tp mistake' it. Madame 3e Staeti


K U B r u r a T H a T B T B T .

Next year,- you said, will see us standi QO'd wdTling, nere upon the shore, . •

A n d ! will hold my true love's hand .And loot intebereyeson.ee more. .

• Dear heart, H e has not willed it so ; I keep the tryst, to-day. alone,

And wonder if you do not IcnoW The hour is cpine andyotcaregone,

A n i j f the fields of Paradise ' Are greener than this strip of land ;

If you remember, still, my eyes. And the light touch of my warm hand.

All foolish fancies ; well I know You are a saint and dwell with saints,

Who reek not of the world below* Whpse ears are closed to our complaints.

And yet.thislsoiir tryst: I m-ay. Lord, i f snah fl thing coxild ever bei

XSive 7iimti human heaxt'to-day _;. •A wish to eonie to me . . .

.—Ruth Hall, .In Eft? American Magftsvie for Sep­tember.

- -.ADVicMTOiCGTH gR-^Areybh disturbed at night and brofcen of ? oflirest Dy isicsk,cMld suf­fering and«OTn*.wit t»n:G:uttmg;TeethIM.W-send at" oncer and feet:] i, tottlfr.of "Mrs: Winslowfs

,SoothU!jfSyrup"'fo*;C MffrenTeethingv-Its vaiue rislnctitlcUlaMe. I t wt l?elieve.the.pQOrHttIe!<iif-ferer^nii&edlatelyi- )e>end: upon^It,' inbtheis; there-ishb-nilstake.al 0 * i t - It.c'ureSDysentery

rand'iHarrhea, regtda ;es-tb;e Stofnaeband Bbw^ els. eureaWlnd BoHe,J Btf4enS-:tte Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gtvdf tone and, energy t o the

, whole jspt^m. .' . l int WJajtow'sSootbingiSyrupV forOKUare'n'toethtWfisj^eagantto the.taste and " " ' " ' """^.Stt-oldesfc.aha.bost

-iritheflftlted States," ^sts throughout the

.—itSabott le . 'B0sUrJ( r»:Sbothing syrup and'

-.- ' 46yl.

::is- the p^scriptlon. female physicians: and- isfor..sale bjr world: BrloetweV* you ask for Mrs. 1.,, takerio-bth^ktod;

. Mrs, WbisloW'S; flo^Ii*'Syrup sold by W. fi. :Mbrtason,I^vIlIe,.», :-g: :•",:....•,•-

'••- Tbui-wUsfrnQt «jpr>^^that the whole bfVeiigipnis wrj!.p^§j.:up.:in the day or tw:o or week or ;4w«i; wpch surround co-n* versipn, • •&pdliS(Bgg-. is;:* lifelong business.

jLp^m^vmm^d-pm EOELIABLE. W. H, W6jx^a.isM:-$iwn,y8 be relied

upon tb barryv^n stock; the purest and Best^gpo^Sj.,an^iPMrtaifiihe repiilatipn of being activfe,.-.pushing; atid reliahle, toy :wcommending.:ar||c"l!es-.with well estab-lishedr^merlit.andfubn 8* are popular. .JIaviBg'thfragerlcy far-%e celebrated Dr. King's IfeW Dis'bpjvefV for corisuitiptioD, cbia'sa^dboughaiiTiviil-'s.ell it on a posi­tive g.uara&tee>\ It'^ will^surely cure any and, eVbry.-sffeeigpn • "of- -Uiroat,. lungs, or chest.,"; arid in pjd6r:4t prove, pur claim, we ask yottltb. :<«lVaad.get.a'^iftl Bottle

I5ree.«i -#, '$:. ^nSSpn 's , .

The^"Kpu^ of / t h e t o r d " is the only. hprnefpf ihe..-p^re; and: Jibly .belffg.?, •. I t i s

t i e sfaff and happy; Mme of && angels. :ttag;the.%efla4tfng honje of the whole .ifa^i^"i»f.tHei^e*med.^Steven8on,

Sena 3 frcent stamps tp A.,P.Ordway:*-Co*.v ^stotoiMass.jforbesltme^calwbrk.pnblbiheu.:?

s DLPHOR" BITl'ERS sold by W. H; Morrison, Lowyffie, Nr;Y. ' ; 46yl 87

M O O R E ' S

Steam Planing Mill,


. The subscribers would give notice to the people of Lewis county, .that they have all the appurtenances and-macMnerf for the manufacture of


And can supply them with anything' in their line oh terms to compete" with any other, shop.

Builders will find the mouldings finish^ ed in ihs best manner^ and at prices that w i n . •• '••-: •'-..•:;•• ; : - ; .


... .Sawiiig, Plap^g, MatcMrig;. . and .any other, work in .connection, with the business performed to the most com­plete satisfaction.

Our shop is supplied with the best, class of machinery, and the most compe^ • tent workmen.

AB kinds of 3?aael and Clapboard Saw­ing, as well as Circular and Scroll -Saw­ing, done on short-notice. ,:

T u r n e d . and F l u t e d Banisters and N e w e l l P o s t s c o n s t a n t l y o n hand,, or m a d e t o order. .


M. B . MOOEE aoHS.

"Will P . Anstin,; (Successor to John Morse,) '.-

In the basement of the SmileyiHook, s'tateSt"., where you TOII always find the Best .


- LAKD;' And all kinds o f

Jsleats in their Season. Giye ns;a call and we will satisfy you'our.jBeata •

aa'e all flrSt class. ' 20tf CLLNE & AUSTIN,


BOLIGITOS OF'AMUM-GAM AND . WQEMIGN PATENTS, . 925 F. S t , Near IT. 8. PateiuVOfnce. '

wAsKro9Td3sr,'D.'a •';'-• All business before the United StateB Patent

Office atteiided to for moderate, fees. Patents procured' lri the United States and all S'breigit. 'oountrtes. Trade Marte and- Labels registered.: Rejected applications-'revived• "and proseoutedi Jnfonnation'and advice as to abtainlng Patents .ohMrfuily-furaiished;withOttfc ohargC;-:•••. .;'

Send Sketch or Model for fi;ee opinion as tb patentabUltSr. :.. '•.'-,-. - - - " ^ =

p ^ a t o f patenUfurniahedforJSoemtaeaoh. |jr-C0rr««ljond«m>e:uiTitod

: ;jV]*attoe.myilite'T^tfe%piii^dbf; Mytroiib-. le im withtoKidheyg, I4verandBladaer---a)so ConstiiMtlbie Ploaflyl jised DR. Kennedy'«*av-. bflte Remedy, andin.^y^inlonitsaVfidap'y life, >IttaWtM«*tat«ment to Save:5tBose:whosuffer. asIffldfeA.,^.).GaB)ra?I^wen,.M«%.:DTO

f t; .Sana^cent Bta^w to- Dr, .Kavid ^Kehhedy, ondont S - *.»• w -Bis book oh? KMnehLiVer

*ndBlooddieOrdW ; Mention this paper, ^JW4

: ^ ^ guj«|.}|fe:pftett mak^s itsiejl f # in; hettef -ways.;tfiap one; that; the'ftorM'iees and applauds:; and some of. thV'noTBtest-' .arenevbr known till they end,-leaving .* Void iii many" hearts^iiptlisa M, Alcott'.

. B I l d E L E N ' S - A S K I f A S A L m . , •" ;T&e'B|est. Salve in,the: world for Cutsf

BruiseSj SbreS,-J01ee.iS, Salt;Ehe'uni,Fbv.er Sores, Tetter, (^ppedriands;-0hilpkliis,. Corns,'and all Skin -EtupfionsVand pos-itiyely Cures Mes,'.oif ho-pay required. It is guaranteed jx> give perfect satisfac­tion, or money-reluhdea,-.- Efice^S cents perbox, Por-Sale'by"^^.Mprrisbn. ISji

People dpn?fc 'believe fin" fariea. nowa­days;' neverfhelessigoo'd;spirits still ex­ist, and help w, in our times .of febubie, better even thanthelittiepeoplewe. ;used to read aioufi. -;Ohe of t"hese household spirits is called JLove;-^-Exchange.

' • • - . 7 ^ - , # C ^ . I ^ L £ ~ T " ; . ..." Why, two years agis I was just /about

brazy - and no wonder that. ihy : wife. and children-were afraid:, of me.' Tau just want to ^ufier.witli neuralgia with ftb -Re­lief asldiduntil . ' iused, ^ulphur. Bitter's. They: cured me, and how my. wife says - i am a? .meek as a. lamb.—Bobeft J)ftmis," Ameriiml:^U8eyBrM<mi:;.._ •'». 8w%.

There- are -few signsXin a. S.QUI-S state more alarming than that of religions in­difference; that isj the;Spii;it'of thinking all religions; equally true, -the" real mean­ing ;qf .which .isjfhat :.ail .religions are equally false,.—^Er ~W. Robertson.: - - . • ..-


-Aide^jl leaf rustling 'neath the foot Will bring to meinory's view

A day when every.pulse was stirred . By-eyes:of Jiicjuid. hue.;

Whenall the Warblers in the wood Made inusio sweet and, clear,

And clasping close her hand, I sighed: •' ,"" "Tis: heaven to Wander here."

A gflnt of suttsMne on the stream. Will bring t o fancy's gaze

A crown Of hair too richly rare Forewords of. idle praise;

And dreaming on that distant past, • I f e e l the subtle thrill With-which her soft, caressingvoiee •

Was wont my heart to fill

The tender.iove of Tjygone days ! Ah, who would scorn its power ?

Rich autiunn-'s fruit is'but the crown Of springtime's fragile flower;

• Andall that joy-that lights my life Would riot be half so sweet

- Without these echoes from that love So distant, yet complete. • '. '.•

PROF'. LOISETTE^SMEMPRY;DISCOVERY, . No doubt ean be-entertained about-the value,

and gefluineness-or"Prof. "Loisetto's Memory Sys^ tern- as i t is -so strOngly'r-eoomtaehded b''"Ha*k; fwahi,-jtt , .Proctor, Hons. W«."W. Astoft Judah E,- Benjamin, Sjt Bu<ikley,'-aiid others, -' For -full details we'advise bur .reader's to send for Prof.. L's prospectus, at 23~-K£th Av.eniie. NeWYcirk,-From i t we l^arn. -tliab the-system is taught by. coiTesRondence quite.-as' -Well as "by personal inr struction.' Still we note that colleges near New York'have secured- hisie'etttr.es. • He hashad 100 Columbia Law stu4eiits,-two classes of 20Q: eacb atYale.SOO-at Meriden, -250 at Ndrwiohi 400 at Wellesley College. and: 40(5. at Uriiversity-of Penn. We bannot>:CojiCe'iv6 how a system could receive ahy higher endbrsemeut ."•--• • .

If there-is-a jgght thing to. be done,and we seem tb pass through a wrong thing on our way tb-it, depend-Upon it there is aho&er waytbi t , and;a better ohe1^and i t i s our own fault, and-not (jfod's, that we do not jSnd it.'-^Edward fiannett.

English ; Spavjh/ Xnniment" removes all Said^ '&6tt o£' Callbused. ..Lnrnps and Blemishes froni horses,' Bib.q'd Spavin,' Curbs, Splints,Sweehtey,Ringbone,gtiflesj Sprains,. Swgllibgsi «tosi.,'. Save |5.0by use of .ohe.'bottle. Sbl.d hyJJbig Bros.., Drug gfetej Lbwville, N.Y.- ' '•" .; ;.. ; 20yl

:-Th'e shah.oi:Persia; has.^uihbtazed the; American, missionaries i,6 establish- at Teheran a-hespital in WhicB', without re­gard io nat^iohality or religion, all agplfc cants for- relief may M.rieceived- for treat-.bjent. • Dr;J Tprrenbei- physiciah to the mission', has been, appbint'ed drreetor -of-the hospital,.and the Inah-hasnamedhim grand officer of the.order,of the;Lion and the Sun of Persia. '..-. •-. '. ' •<._"",.-

" '•'•'•'"__" EN3bT^Lp5. ; ' ; : ; . ' _. •"•"''. . What a truly beaytiful world-we-Jive,

in! Nature givei ps "gran'deur of xiioun-taihs,"glens atrd pceana,- ffiudthojisandH of means- of enjoyment,:. We can desire no better when in; perfect, healthi. but how. often do the majority;of.pepple feel like, giving it, u;p.' disheartened,, d^cburaged' and; worrr out'withfclisease,. ^hea.there is. no occasion for this feeling, as every.suf-ferer can easily obtain satisfactory /proof, that /GrSeti's" August FlfMei\ Will make thein' free- foorn-'disease, is-when' bom.: Dyspepsia, and Liver .C.oinpiaiht :ar&:ihe -direct causes of,sesenty-fiy.e..per. cent, of such maladies as Biliousness,. Indigestion, Sick .Headache,; Costivehess,," Nervous Fi'bstratiori,: Dizziness of the Head.Palpi-.tation' of the. Heafetj, and- other distressing , symp'torns t - -| Three doseS; of Aog-iat- jFbvi-er will.prove its Wonderful effect. Sam­plebottles, lQ*eents„,"Tryit;.

-•;. : ' - -- ;'-'-.--"' &8yMow,

L B T T V S S U H P B I S B .

"Yes," said Mrs. Lansing <Jibson, ris­ing' and shaking out her silken skirts, with a gracious smile, " I am perfectly satisfied, Miss Whittaker. I am certain t h a t ! would be, after Mrs. Halsey's rec-omendation. I am sure your playing is charming, You -will give Genevieve her first lesson on Monday at ipur? You will find her tractable. I hope you will be mutually pleased with each other," -

And Mrs. Gibson went smilingly but of the music room, leaving her little girl's newly engaged music teacher roll-Jng jip her music a id putting on her gloves.

.;It was raining When she pulled on her JUDbeBj in.the; hall;the drops weresplash-ln|E" down on the Window. Letty bit the endbf ;her music rb l i ig consternation." She t ad on a new dress^ and, new dresses WejkMipt a common ^ occurrenee with her. ;_": fe4:Was-'^nd^rtag'W%eih-eck-8i>« might not wait in abbrher" of the bi^ hall until the rain slackened;, when; som'ebody eaifle febiihding-.dgwnj^he sta&a, thj:ee steps at-a .4ime: - I t was a genial-faced young inaAj in hat and overcoat?, and with an umbrella.-. ' , : ,

Letty's fair cheek pinkened- This was Raymon.8 ;(Jibsoh, • she fcnew.-. She had; seen-him often enough, ih the street and at-church, where Letty was sometimes substituted for the organist, who had a

; habit of taking a rest when he felt like it. " - ' . : . -- •

She had heard'Miss. Taylor, to whom, shei gave lessons, :talk about him to her

bosom friend, detailing his good lijOkSj. the amount :of his father's fortune andMs general perfections, and 'declaring that he was by far themost desirable "catch" in town. And Letty had come • to • have a certain timid consciousness. concerning him, because.he aiway^.looked at, her so steadily, w'hen be. .met-her, .notrtb 'say. stared, . She-looked-up. at hint now in tremulous shyness.; • . '-. : -. ,

• "Oh, I'm so glad!" cried young'M£ ©ibSon, breathlessly^ " I was afraid you'd; be-gone," Miss Whittaker, You'll let me take you;home, won't you? It 's raining hard And.yoahaven'taniimbrelia. I've been-in the library listeniSig to your play­ing, and I can't say hpw much I've en­joyed it, Miss Whittaker. I'm sure Geii-eyieve.is awfully lucky togetybu." . . They were going down the front steps.

He had her music roll,, and had offered hisiKcrn,' arid was holding-Ms umbrella so far oyer ;her that his silk hat was getting rained on. ; • \ ' ': '• "I've-enjoyed your playing in church so-much; Mi'ss.Whittaker 1" lie went on eagerly. . '?I wish Paterson would stay away all t i e time. *'

u0h^' ' Letty protested, with her eyes on'the wet.street,: *Tm a. very popr.subr siitute. Mr.'-Oibspn!"

"Indeed; you're, not!"' said the young man earnestly. " I prefer your interpret tations^ really—your touch, your expres­sion,' everything, I'm always delighted wfien Paterson's away. How muddy its getting! Let's cross the sir get, Miss Whit-•taker,"-;; . ' . . . . ..-."• . . , ', , ' ; . They, jtnet Sadie Merritt. as they crossed ifc„ Sadie, was in .theGibson "set,'.' and she. gave'the little music teacher and her esebrt a stare Of amazement.' . Letty felt somewhat frightened as.they "walked on; but Mr. .Gibson seemed to gain enthusiasm. . - : - . . - ' . . . '. i lDo you like.musieteachingl" he.said,, helping-her across a puddle. <:'I suppose it's a-.hore?"' . - . '. ' : : • - .

. " I do get th-ed sometimes," Letty ad­mitted. . *'-But I. like it, live, a nice-class.'-'. _ . , .,- ./. -,-' .; ."•

"All;ages, I suppose?" said Mr. .Gib­son. ''; • .' '.. • '•' ..'•,.•.•--••. " ., "•.'-._

,<"0h yes; from six. to .'twenty* Ej;om the first les'sbji in the instruction book up to ChopintI*. Letty rejoined. . •

'"Youtake beginners, then?". . .:,"Y>s; ' '-:.,'-.' '. "'.'_ ; - . ' . ' - ' -

The Wilcox carriage was approaching, and t i e Wil'cbxes were particiilar.-friends pftheG-iisona; • Letty. was glad the.,cof-ner bf her-street wassQ.near..';. ; '

' ' / I have always liked music," said Mr. Gibson, hesitatingly. "I—I suppose I'm rather old to learn, but could yb.u take another pupil?"

"Anbther pupil?"- she echoed. I " I should'l%e awfully to learn, ybii. know,'' said Mr: Gibson eagerly. "And' it sha'n't be any trouble to yog. HI Come to the house. You do take pupils at the house, don't you? ' I'should like it immensely;""

."Letty was dumb with astonishment.

A music pupil? Mr. Gibson? What an ibcredible Idea! And yet she was not displeased at t ie prospect. .

They had reached* her modest little gate, and.she-looked up wi th* timorous smile.

, "Why, certainly, Mr. Gibson, *if you wish'! gib murmured.. •

" I certahdy do wish,"- he responded emphatica,lly; and he looked highly de­lighted.

And when he turned away from the door, five minutes after, "the date and hour of his first lesson-had been arranged, and he had forced upon his teacher his first term's tuition, . . . . .

Letty gave her mother a; light sketch of that first term, at its elose. She had gradually recovered from her amazement' at the aequiremejit of her latest, pupil, ahd had given herself to. his instruction with all her usual interest and energy.

"He's very bright, reallyj -mamma,", she declared, "CJf course it seemedtfa'n>-ny to have to teach Mm the' very rudi­ments. Why,, he had to begin with the staff, and learn the names of the "dies and spaces, just as my youngest scholars dp. It was all I could do to keep -frbm laugh,. ing, the first lesson. But' he learns so easily. He really has good technique and I can see he's going to have lots of feel­ing for music. He's got along really well. I know he. must practice awfully hard* fie can play a little piece with both hands already, and he says he'll play. it at the rehearsal Thursday afternoon. I told him he needn't if he didbjt want to. You know all my class is going to play, and I'm afraid they'll laugi, it's-so fiinny to see Mm playing it. But he says he'd just as leave as. not.. Of course I'll ex-r. plain that he hasn't taken lessons long."

Mr. Gibson came next day for Mr: ies? son; he took two a week. He played Ms scales through carefully, and then ex­ecuted his "piece" with laborious paifts, but wit great success;

Letty was delighted "If you do as Well as that at the re

hearsal!" she said, with a pretty enthusi­asm which glued hei ; npil's eyes to her face. "Miss Taylor has offered their par­lor, you know, and Pm so glad, because if all the parents and friends come there'll

, hardly be room enough haie," "Miss Taylor?" Mr, Gibson repeated,

somewhat blinkly, it struck Ms teacher. But he went on talking of something

else, and talked 011 till the striking of the clock made Mm jump up, *

He had fallen into the habit of staying after his lesson, was over to talk,; so that after twenty lessons it was not strange that they felt tolerably, well acquainted. And Letty had confided to herself more than once that Mr. Gibson was "uncom­monly" entertaining and nice.

The rehearsal passed off with all possi­ble smoothness; but Mr. Gibson was not there. Letty had received a note from hint at the last minute, stating his una­voidable detention,

A hunch of -. flowers had accompanied it, and a wMte rose shone in Letty's soft °"nair at the" rehearsal, -. .~T~ - '

Little Genevieve came and played suc­cessfully. Mrs,-Gibson canie with her, andshe smiled- blandly on Letty, and •complimented her ,on G,enevieVe's pro­gress:; She did -not mention- her son, and-Letty went honie vaguely wondering.

Bhe gave Genevieve a lesson next- day. She didn't' understand why, it was, but the. imposing hall .wi;th-its;-stately fur­nishings, and the charmingly appointed music room, somehow depressed her,.

She had another, rose-frornMr.'GipsQn's bouquet in .a button hole of her jacket, and she looked down at.it'rather 'drbari-; Ij,. She-had' coine to know hi'ni so well,' andall this grandeur seemed to thrust her so hopelessly far away from Mm. • Not that she had that- thbught distinctly- in mliid, She was; a sensible, girl,' and ;by •no-means' foplisily. iinp?bssion.able.and romantic. But she was dimly unhappy.

It-was due-to tMs mood, doubtless, that she forgot her muff, and-was going on i e r ' way -honie, without. She-. Baw youhg Mr. Gibson run u-p fibte steps as she-turned back, and she walked- slowly'in order-to avoidhira.

• Hishat'was'on a'peg wheri-shewasad^ mittedto-.tie hall, Letty looked ,at it wistfully.:. I t leaked wQefully .different,-hanging -on a maltog^ny hat ra&k, with a" long.mirroiv and lying informally on her piano top at home, .

The notes of the Gibson piano Were. sounding, and Letty listened wb.hdering-ly. She recognized the* Moonlight Sona­ta, 'brilliantly and charmingly executed.. - Who was it? Mis. ;Gibsob possibly; but Letty had had the impression that'Mrs. -Gibson didn't play:' -"•

She "listened with quickly appreciative admiration and. with some langing, be-cause'she" felt certain that' thatwas "better than, she could have done.

She went on into'Hie music 'room, in eager curiosity. '";':".

Her muff lay on the chair Where she hadjeft i t : but Letty did not take it. : She stood quite' still. in: t i e dobrway,-gazing speechless at the persb.n on thb'pi­ano stool,. ... • , - • - .

I t was Eaymbnd' Gibson. ' H e Was ah", sorbed in Ms oceupatioii." His head was thrown back, and his eyes were on the

. ce i l i i ig . * . • ' • • ' • -: • . ' • • . ,-'

His inusic teacher had stood in the doorway some three minutes before he became aware of. her presence. Then there was a. crashing of the keys.'

"Miss Whittaker .'"gasped her pupiL -. Letty.only gazed at i im . She was quite.stunned: ." ' ' '•'-..

| I r . .Gibson.sprang to-his feet, . .' '.-"D.pn ' t look like that!", he entreated,

rushing toward her. . "Don't Miss Whit­taker!,"'-/ ... ' .;•'": ' ^ \ . -;''.-,".".'..'.-.. - But Letty shrank, back, her byes fixed. upon him in solemnity and sternness. . .

"What—what does this. mean,. Mr. Gibson.'."-.she said,withanaus.terity which Was marred by her faljering voice. . . ilr. Gibson, pulled, her-g«ntly inside,. an( |si i i t the door. _....••'• •"' "I'lknowyoifil forgive me!" heimplor-

-fd .- ."/ -:'r- ;.-,••;. i ; ' . ,'. ''•. "'. •.," ' J jetty looked at.hini .with reddebing

oh< ieks, ..and than burst intp tears. . s 'Whatdldyou'dbi t /br?" sig sobbed. "What for?" her pupil .repeated, stand­

ing very close, to her and getting posses­sion of one of her hands. "Don't ybU knpw,Miss Whittaker--Betty?. IVe want-j-d to' know you so—for years—ever since 4fitst saw you.. And I'd begun to'tlunk. ,J nWer should be able to manage it. I

edit, 1 hadn't intended it, truly, "but we were talking about your pupil% you., know,and the.-ideal occurred" to- me,:ind-j-aad' 1 couldn't heip.it. Dbn't bb angry,.. I didae:corbpli$i:it,yoK see. We dp know each other. * Whffs thejoddf.^earl" :. .

.' "You've made me pbrfe^tlyndibulous!"; Letty'jobbed^: •: ;' '"'. •••~:'-.-''S--'->

tf she iad.heard.his last,adjective,, she -ignored it. ' - -• "Nb, no—I've ."been.-; careful, "rtbt^oi

Nobody knows' i t—nbt 'a 'sbtdi: ; TJiatrs; why I didn't gp to. the ' rehea i^- i - t ie Taylors; know I can play you see,"'..: '

He did his best tp;. stifle a laughj -biit Ms teaeher was. laughing, - -.too," through' her tears. The vision pi her' 1sall pupil laborihg through ''Little KatiVfii' "Past Walte" overcame ier; ; • ' • ;

"You ought to be" ashomed of y'qrtt* self!" she cried, iaughing and crying to-. getheTi . - '* . - - - - ' ; " " . ' . ' • - ' • ;

.. ' 4 am^Iam.l"said ilaymo.nd. . " 1 % ashamed.; but I am nofr.spjsry. "" ^'Why, ; j ;

might not have' knowji you j e t if I hadn't." , . . .-

Thenhe paused palpitatingly. "What dtiets we'll, have when we're

marr4bd, dear?" he-said.sbftly.-"15"ia"t will your inother-. say:?" said

Letty, gasping wi& bewildered joy, ." "' "Say? She'll.say J've got the.sweetest

girl-in the world.,. She i a s n t -any .ridie-' ulous notions'; and, besides, she'll.never think of denying ma anytMng I want.

Andneither did she; "

Sacrificing for i jar ty*

"us^d.t'o lie awake"nights worrying over it. Ana.walkinghome.with you'thatflay.--

• ..-senator, .^jiapp has shown;in hisvle'tter published in 13xe T I ^ E S his'devotion to the Republican pasty. He-is willing'- to saciufice, and seems willing the. people: shouldj'by the loss .of so -good a man front their service,.'*!! the old republican party can • be restored.to power. : j o r treachery to'the rights "bf. t i e .peopie,;it lost its strong.footing, and the^sufferers turhed" to' other sources for relief. For this we should be thankfid a s i t i s t h e morning star facing, the .darkness .that gives, hope of a clearer and better .day. Men not Wanted by the people, must rely.', on party strength for their-election,-after bujdng a nomination. Here fe where we are sold,, and the country ruined by party rules. Such are not under obligation to, the people, only tb the leaders of a party,; and the people have no rights they are' bound to respect, and as faeis.often show, they sell their Votes often for money.

The Senator may talk pf civil service^ and tariff as needed, but-if mett Werenot blinded by ]>arty prejudice, these ques­tions could be readily and amicably set­tled. The only question of law to * be d e c i d e d i s , w h a t is r ight and j u s t b e t w e e n

m a n anp! m a n . I t ' w i D b e f p u n d to..be

risky business, to supersede Sod's corn*-niands of eternal right, lly arbitrary laws-

subverting justice. The vrabk-ed may flatter themselves that robbery is. govern­ment, and the right way to live isn.ptto; Wbrk but to steal, but aday of account;, comes, as history shows, giving-evidence^ f)U] jBft ilftTrrBufpncecled" that takes cog­nizance of. bad .conduct, --. '•-•/•[?;';-'Z,,'--:~l '-••'•'• • Take a glance at what TCpuhKcahs rwiy

-Claim .Credit fQrhavingdbnb-^bf:prpdud-::

•ers. swindled; to ^B.e: feac^-.bone .tp' pay taxes to bondhblderS::bnv a-natibnaldebt; three times;as. I'afg0 as atsioiildife^pf;' bonds renewed,: tha t should fi.epaid:,. Bept exempt from tai&-^bf-j.ajamsiye-ti^es:as; -Iftrgeas befbre.tie w ar- pf money' -made and kept;short, disabling .men from: -pay-ilig-their debt's, that banks'andcapitalists may prey and grow rich thtough the stiffs- '-• ering> ofthepbor*—of. the jiatrbnage-of; the.gbveiaiment- being n'sed for pariy ad-:" yantage-'tb '.influende, voters^.againjst.thple'-•struggling;for their .figits,'.'"'"&('a,-party. supported by- the nation • any'ibetterthan a reiigiph established by law,»and paid for- from' tietreaaiiry? -; (Si_ monopolies, of •commissions a t ,a ruinous-cost,-'.and .the salary' grabf etc ,- we-:hardly- :n,eed;men-' tion.' 'Oan we look 'ttpbn'a cpuntry'in. ruins—ferm's''.mortgaged^'.the-pbbple.in.-. debt .and -suffering,';.Vlabpr unemplbye'd, lands run down for want of tallage-and' 'eare,; litws- oppressive,'strikes.ofC .the': peppledisheai-tened "md-""niourf^giheir. cpnditioh, the product: of the.-.cPUhtry turned over to. the-rich who are;.quitb mi-merous; and boast of .'their millions,"' ygfc' perhaps never earned.a cent, and aSk'that the repubScan p.arty-r-tie .chief source pf' .ajli this disturbane^'b'erestbredtp'power.-

Dpes i t iiot; look 'likeOaskingrpjpvidenise; to suspend 'judgment, to 'save therepiiBH-ean iiarty. We was with pi3pbipa|s:itbt" with men. •. : , 'W.-.-BbWEN,:

' A Dyiiag-Ilflbther.':-

A. tbubhing little incident^"eo.mel.:tP us of a.youhg inotier who. was ."hppeiessly ill,"hut unconscious of her condition. ;-;'-

'. One.-afternopn her . physicians held a Gonsultation,-- and; afterward announced; the sad fact that she had bttta :shorti4!4e" to live?to. the- hnspand -and -the: snster of the. patient, The. four exchanged bpih--. .ions as.to the Wisdom of teMnglier, and were quite' iinmiiidfuLof little Edithj the only cMld of the. dying w:6m '.;i£vjEf y"eSr -.-' 'old,„-w:hp;,was biisily playing with: her;' dolls, apparently unconscious of what" Was • going on about her.... B.ut, in, a few-imh-'-ut'es, the-little, Edith, left1 her toys, "walkr;;

ed-slowly upstairs: .and. went directly to her mother's rooml ..With the.; aid; ot'ij> 'chair she .placed herself on the bed ather mbther's side,, when she 'Mssedthe.wan cheek .and':asked in ipw,. tender-tonesC "jflamma, are you "'laid to -die?" xThe; mother was startled by the qnesfipn and hesitatingly asked':- . "Who. fpld;,you.?i-i. d.Q " ybu'. think"'— .:.' lNo; mattei,'. '"dear mamma, yoii needn't be-'-'faidatallv'hbld-my hand fight,, like ."this.;- shut you' eyes -close.and I will.stay•,by'.y^u,..aad.when.; yon wake up again" you will be where'tis; aH light." The eyes were closed as 31--rac'ted,. the two hands tightly' 'clagpedfor a few moments, and When the mWBers of. the family re-entered . the" rbpm '.'the. child looked'up' and said: fiI ielped dear inamma tp die and She was not f aj'd atalV^.'SosfoTi 6ourie>\ ' - - ' . ' • ' • '

- t ^^^ ' - JSI j i^ ,^ . ' - .-^»^'Co.Tij)rt |#

received inquirieaJa able board fence m e i r t i o a ^ ^ T article, I Would like to a a n r « your oolomnfl". The pateli _ length, and «re made of bb«Ma a i x i ^ a a

of the same thickBew 4 " w ^ «id« n d 4 feet in length are B ^ f c * ^ | ^ ^ i l » . Three inch wrougit naO» aw aieA wi.

tact. Three xipr^ta nn meA hm m^

lepgii^' 10i><)i^A^*-a^^ -i|j.ehe», -froflJ:' '•&**p&iqi^'ii&Z&f? *•*'-other boards are Bailed tm__wiik -B.kiA spiice between the board*, m«Wnj 4 ftet :inhe%h|.:K,it M set up in » 'With the panels facing eacii. way |y) and-t ie uprights kxiiUB, ;6tier riiuis J^l|ingmij. tidbit -Suitable stakes are driven, boe bl» i8l«fc -»ide''-wiei».^,paa'aa i^-jiuk-'f-i^W-common annealed fence cap wirtf plaaed jSgitly arotihd.^m:i&«^;fli(s pascte; Or Shorter, stakes may be uaed apd tike in|m passed around the stakes and aridiobked"tog6t]&te;M'U to ta •removed;; j t t : i p i e s : . ^ fits

;sfekes,witi aj&jcitjnd \lfa:ifa3&---iii&!mi:: •S6'm bo.stand firmj the fence is aecond agaituiijordinaiy wi^C ; ' ! '^ j^^ I^ l : l^'<^f ,

threb 6-jiicb;bi(>»rdJg are used to ihetaigtii, it is perfectly safe if set 8 feet away feom : eorn-brbthei:gMiin.:, " V: •; '-~X•'-.'-•"':'-.','•' •;' "Ehaveiisca; -^i*: fence ;^t.-^fam_;j^iAy-have had .very Utile repaiiiflg to do,alflio' i t 'is set ap; " a i c ^ r ^ m i v ^ - e a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ panels are drav?n to the field, on the hay- :

rack-7r35-10^ of;4^i^^^ie^;^i^t^:; moVed.-on.aslightfntowrW"Nove)B^^ i ies led , ; ' W i ^ i b a r d g only 13 feet $& \ length ft is, sti^flg;.|tod secpse Imee , ; j l . •' baye-n;ever;sbeii\ movable fence set igp' withput..stakss:br other 'fastening jfp flife' grbUftdthat:Was safe; against wind and pasirMgoicattie. /\y^^'-jm^^\-^''Jl0^ :per 1,00^ ieet #ie : fence c o ^ fabbtit; 45 . cehia'A-rocl^' .and' ' ^ i t i Mr 'li-sage'; will^ -last a lifeMhiei.; > ',';.'-.' (0BM,S.";|tidiB.l V;, 3^w C0Wii£.:Jf. it,;'.--'".} '•. : r . . ;.-;:.,:.:'.;'


; H ' 5 9 S %

-V':- iJfMf


'"-.;'';-'A'r^ci^tiac#Lf|«>Wi. •'••.-..''"

"Thb-;p|p||)b'ct fpr.|he :ipplfe:c^p%:dM-;; c'odi^agi^&'almqst: every section except ift;/ "New' Engrand;:^d."rfew;",''Z^r"fc.' "BK present Is the" "oft" or ipn^ieariftg year, : tipugh &any:ybungj!rjpi^^i.are fretful:' 'ihthe."on*year,' '^^^•k*^^^.'- - ...- '• -' A decrease in. cpttofe Aj&H^^vk noted;;

in"Nbr&;Caroliia; attd is-'attributed tb ' .^ ' .^^gbnJme'^.tMi^ojit bn the part of; planters togro^tieii .hbin'e supplies. - -i-v

.Reports-from dffittent^statts make itI-;, appear that':there ii^^.jt.-|a£r.VgeBjfe.;'; yield, ' . ' . ';•;..•' ~\':','~y.'~~-.-'~\.-;-'-:.

From G^rniahy cbmesthfe report-that a decided preference is -grvett in^that cbun-; .-try,to A;merieanhickbry for fbeBst.cul­ture". '"'•-- .•';--; - ; : ; - ' 1 - ' " ;;0;:"-"""•"';•.-" -^ • . Truck farming in Louisiana is becom- ;;

ing : one of the "impbtfent"%diistrieS:-bf thatstate; ';;' ;. '.'.V ";-".:'.'... ^"-"l ,/.: ..N

Virginia is Rising " ^ baeeb, S u t i t i s of imprpyed quality. 5.-

Eavbrahlb^pbrte,bf tie^sittfta.crop eome frpm several statea..;.'-"; 7 - ?.

Crop reports "Ironi Manitoba aiier i»f couragihg;'; •-""":'." ..:-' :;. -.;-,> -.;- ;r.;; . ._;

- go-w to i»«re Oardaa |l«»d».

• Peas;and. 'b^ahsihbnld' Be'ieft wffhSi vines until; t i e ; p/)d8. ,arb. well -wrinkled,' when they shpu'ld be picked, and

inntil;tfieyareqftite'dryi ' Sinjl"_ may he sheie^hy-^andilkrjge CFpj t; i i * ; thresiftd vriti:-*^^;-"i;J3B®'-iJi8llijJi^p^ d jy jp l a^ ;

'.s^^^;B|^»u|d,,-|^;-tak^;:eini|r-;:' frsBij.; jp^rf^t^siap^sjpeciiaftisj Ae's^ds-firay-iesimpTytakenbutj^pMBd bn plates or tinsj ' :and .iaeds- }"l*Sgi&'-'o.flaii^l3f*:ia*etp;:be; w a s i ^ ^ote;dirf- ' irigj tp-remove ffiei^uftes. that ; adheres fe them;.:; .Vlftenthe;.seeds are thbrpughly drieQJjvtie .the&Y ifi':1bagsj ^ and Seep in * ; dry.-plaee secm7e.from:Mbb.8ft3iTAlSw . ; JBeets,: parsnips^fitaag^SnifrtB,^ ckiilifiower"and:cabbagge wilt-.Jibt grQ*' ddce ;seed^-untfl the second ye«.'> Bbt'oiit; in^bajIy'M[ayvratrpng, weU-^tuisgdplKBts..

{of lastseasonts erbp. .;Whea.ffie. seed is ii^p^^a$^^.''s^'U^-)|£d.pnjf und'et coror to dry;'tien::heat;biit;tie:"seeds,: rand .tie: in:.paperbags.:;-..- - : '? ' -;•"' -"'-••' ;-:•'.'-'•-/'. -' ;.':;;

Seeds bf'ill.kinris sibuld.be; iiijiy'ripe;, when.^atieaced,' |jdt it Is^ als^ MpprtRiit"~: to-harvest t i emMspphAt iey ' ' a r e Mpei. fibr keeping sinalk.quah;titi;es;. ofeseeday:; pa.i>ei<ia"gs^arej;p^ferapie tbefptijas; they. ;-afford; better prb|ebtib^ egaibst; mbfefoie." and-ihs'ebts;,- ^Wlays:ma^';eabh.,package •;' withthe nameof ; thb Seed contamfd7;iit it; and;tie ySa^-in: which-it^grew* .-C!bld does Shot 'injure tie^^yjtality of;.seedsj"l3ttt:'." nipistureisdetr:ime*tal't'b;all:3an.ds<;.',".


:-;.-«| .,':\;J||

m. ,-*a


DAKOBE. SroNAis from the .Weather Bureau aye not .more-significant pf a storm than a.cough is of consumption.''.' Provi-; .dendally^ we, can .cure .atiy cpugh with Hale's. Honey of Hprehound ' and 'Tar: Sold by-all dreggists and country store­keepers;. .. . .-

pike5s Toothacie Drops Gure iii I Min­ute, ' • " . .'. v,:-"..-:-.:""'•

Hale's Money • bf 'HbieMund:;i&dJ; sold by Wi: H.':Mbrrispi^;iow^ft('Sfi1

.-';:' r a r r n Hints for 8eptemb«r. : •

^The general':-testimphyis:~in,;faypr *f; early;sowing'of wibat'i.'p;Spttfie:first.; importaiice to"-ptepsie a gpodrSeed bed, -. asiiig.faie:iarrow>hd^rplleruntil'the ipil

. is tKorpugily pnlyeraBed:. ;' No jgpod fia^.. toer.. aviijf.sow...wheat: brbadcaSfc,;. 3Bf :fib; .cahnpt a^brd ia-;ow.n"'adrill he ban -Mrb;' one, ,and^th"ejaving;|n-seed..wffl ;j»y.ior . t i e feht of; the1 ma'chinb..':' Qhe great bbn-; nefit from -the;use .of.the cff-Ulfs'tiiatit;,_ puts t i e sfeed at.ajuiif prm de]ptili^io'w;|he surface. ;-i)'& ibt. ; bhahge;tiib7kind -of > v^teatwifhbutigobd reason. & a variejty isMgMy-praised^ and^:.appears'tp bb hefc-terjian'..that;now grbwai, *r^ .k small guantity,.'giv3ng it t i e sambsbilaiid care • as the. general' crop,»sowing;' bnp^gi tb! ' give seed for, next .year^sBpild i t t u r i . ; putjwell,; x T S ^ £pst;a'bpM|heiattbrpi^t^sft^on-fe 'Tiis;'' catehes-the iuck^ieaf : when fiie; flower; clufeefs.ar"b"8till. in'blppm, wiile a t t i e ; lowej* p"art.-Pf-:the eluster t i e ^ is -ripened grain^/'. If the' cibp; is but wien frost.a^ ' pears to: toe im,mment,aftd.plac^^^ sized' gaVeis,':the ."partly' "matured: ^wun-w iB go ;on abd. .ilpen.' Tie. roo t crops ' will grow rapidlyihese; .bbol rnghj^ #nd. : may -ski1. i e \ tMnied tb advantage,, of " course keeping ihem.cleai of:late ^eedB. In; localities -where" tbere;are early'.frp'sts,./ butting, tfp. corn will he. the most Jmpbrt- ' «nt work;"of tie-'.-nipbih.;. - ^very .farmer Ms :his- own' vibw.-of the ribmber of; hills; ': that .shpnid^gb;tp:;the-;Btobfci: - A'shbrt^ handled ioe,;wit!i^^tlie'ilade.. grbuftd/sharp ' and kepfr.sp i y tib:Use of % ^ le .^ i i le at • .work, will be 'found to: be the most bonr . venabutimplembnt. T.Cut.-Iow - f&Ieave aS:'f

^little stubble: as possible; . dodder .eo^n;'. sibtild bS cut upon tie-first iiippiatibii of; frost. ..If out and laid iftthb xbws,it will;:; not.he,injpred-by.tie;frpst'as ^uch a?:if.-,. , stanujng.V^ii.w/'^' A0sMafv&. -for.'.' \S^tejSery."••• " -<'.:-K:

:> .'.:'." '-^v;;:;' ;'.-';'..:':

:• •-'•• •'-'•"-' W B ^ ^ T I T f •';-;-:/":-';

that sbmany otherw^'.attisctive,; and parJicute'p^opfe^fiiefe%^f: by the fbui a i d diBaj^eiBi&le breath j . it'is. mainly caused ^r;. able odpr ;ol their Breath; Sk":M eaused^bydisbrdiBired digbstioa,

Using tha t »ui» ' - " - i " " " •*-" ters.feae^ lJfeKPW»™,„ „,., ^



