An Open Letter to Supporters of the Iraq War About Ron Paul

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  • 8/9/2019 An Open Letter to Supporters of the Iraq War About Ron Paul



    An Open Letter to Supportersof the Iraq War About Ron Paul

    Why the Debate Matters

    Eric Vought

    $Id: IraqOpenLetter.dbxml,v 1.4 2007/12/14 03:57:38 evought release $

    Copyright 2007 Eric Vought

    Legal Notice

    This article may be freely reproduced for non-commercial or educational purposes with proper

    attribution. Reproduction for other uses is allowed with attribution and permission from the

    author. This article is not written by or associated with any official political campaign.


    This article talks about the Iraq War debate from the point ofview of a conservative Republican in

    support of a Republican candidate, concern for long-term national defense, and a rational foreign

    policy. A broad case for orderly redeployment is made militarily, politically, and economically,

    starting with why the debate is necessary and patriotic to begin with.

    Table of Contents

    Preface .................................................................................................. ........................... 1

    The War Question ....................................................... ....................................................... 2

    Success and Failure ... ........................................................ ................................................. 2Origins of War and Responsibility ......................................................................................... 4

    The Price of Withdrawl ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... .... 5

    Tough Choices; Economics and Power Projection ........ ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... 5

    Honesty: Dedication and Sacrifice ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... 6

    Getting the Job Done; Supporting the Troops ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ... 6

    Non-Interventionism in Foreign Policy ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... .... 7

    Conclusion and Going Forward ............................................................................................. 7


    In the political debate leading up to the presidential election, supporters of the Iraq War and currentmilitary intervention in general often accuse war opponents of being unpatriotic, against victory, and

    not supporting the troops, among other things. These arguments often target liberal hippie anti-war

    Democrats, or somesuch, but the same arguments could also be taken as insulting by conservative

    Republicans like myself concerned about national defense and supporters of the Republican presidential

    candidate who receives the most donations from active military personnel: Doctor, former Air Force

    Flight Surgeon, and Congressman Ron Paul. In this essay, I discuss the multiple levels of reasoning for

    redeployment from Iraq, starting with why the conversation itself is necessary and ending by underlining

    that the current conflict(s) are not the only critical issues facing our country right now.

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    The War Question

    The term anti-waris not useful to this discussion since it equally applies to most readers targetted by this

    essay. I have yet to meet anyone, including in the Pentagon, who is pro-war. We merely differ on when

    war is necessary to our security as a nation and when it is not. Once this is acknowledged, discussion of the

    merits of any particular war is a natural and crucial step. Dr. Paul was actually one of the first in Congressto offer a resolution for use of force against Al Qaeda post 9/11; he simply suggested a very different way

    of going about it. Perhaps the debacle of the last four years have proved him right: our soldiers, sacrificing

    for our country, should never be committed to battle without care, consideration, and due dilligence.

    It is often said that wars are those things where the old send the young to die. Indeed, the prevailing view

    among the career military I worked with was that wars resulted when the State Department screwed up; it

    is the job of our armed forces to clean up the mess and come home quickly. When I presented at the 66th

    Military Operations Research Society Symposium (MORSS), I attended a session on Operations Other

    Than War (OOTW), including long term occupations, peace keeping, and police actions. Views of OOTW

    among the military range from deep concern to something approaching terror. It is simply not the proper

    role of a soldier to fight civilians, women, and children whom they cannot tell friend from foe.

    The idea that we may not discuss the merits of a war while it is in progress because it empowers theenemy is simply not workable in our system of government. Because (ethical) wars are not an end in and

    of themselves, they are inevitably political. If a war has no political element then it has no reason to be

    fought and that in and of itself is enough to make it criminal both to our enemies and our armed forces.

    Political micromanagement of a war is never advisable, but the discussion of whether a military action has

    merit, of whether its goals are being met, and whether its goals are in fact meetable, must happen. Our

    political system requires open discussion to function. There is no other way to do it short of burning our

    Constitution and reverting to the monarchy we fought to rid ourselves of and our soldiers have died over

    generations to keep from ever returning. My grandfather fought in two world wars, lying about his age

    both times, because some things are simply worth everything to preserve.

    Given these principles, I would hope that the reader will at least consider my arguments. I do not have all

    of the answers: no one does. These arguments are of course slanted by the purpose of this essay and some

    statement may be made against them. It is quite possible, however, that only one compelling argumentis sufficient to morally seek an end to the conflict and that the existence of a number of arguable issues

    is sufficient merely to accept a candidate based on the large number of issues facing our country beyond

    the Iraq conflict. Given that anti-waris a false label and only truly applies to a relatively small radical

    movement that is truly against a strong National Defense, I will use the short hand opponents or opponents

    of the conflictfor people seeking a withdrawl from Iraq and supporters for those in favor of staying the

    course. I will also discuss the differences between the terms isolationistand non-interventionistas this is

    crucial to an understanding of foreign military and economic policy.

    Success and Failure

    First, I must deal with the argument that opponents of the conflict are against success or want us to

    lose and that success damages the position of opponents. Perhaps this is true politically but not morally.

    Morally, success or failure is largely irrelevant to the discussion. One cannot be ashamed of or even care

    about one's country's actions without loving it and the people who dedicate their lives to it. Dissent is an

    act of patriotism and one of the founding virtues of our nation.

    Mexico has a corrupt government, the country is riddled with organized crime, and the constant stream

    of economic and political refugees across our border is certainly a threat to national security. Pakistan

    underwent a military coup, Al Qaeda and the Taliban are hiding within its borders, political suppression

    and violence is common, and they have nuclear weapons. Qatar is known to be sheltering Al Qaeda and

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    Hamas. Saudi Arabia has a regime more religiously oppressive than Iraq ever was (Iraq's government was

    largely secular, women attended university and did not wear burkas). Most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi

    Arabians, including Osama Bin Laden himself (a member of the royal family). Burma just slaughtered

    thousands of monks in a peaceful protest to support its military dictatorship. We have not invaded these

    countries, some of them are in fact allies in the Iraq conflict and we provide military support to them, just

    as we did to Iraq and Afghanistan in the past.

    China is a communist country where Christianty is outlawed, political speech is denied, military buildup

    (nuclear and conventional) is accellerating. Saudi Arabia and China are favored trading partners and

    creditors to underwrite our "War on Terror". I would not likely support invading any of these countries

    whether successful or not. Deploying our military in one country means ignoring others and even arming

    future enemies to support that one operation. Success may often be a losing proposition and the full costs

    of action or inaction must be weighed.

    There is also the argument that current progress in Iraq is a sign that stay the course was a good choice

    and is therefore still a good choice. A reduction in violence is hopeful and is certainly to be wished for,

    but does not negate longer term issues. First of all, current progress does not cancel the costs to get there,

    including the fact that we created that violence in the first place. Second, the improvement, if attributable

    to the surge in troop levels, may go away when levels are reduced again as they soon must be. Personally,

    I hope that the decreases are more the result of Iraqis fed up with the sectarian violence and beginning towork together, not just temporarily, but in the long haul as well.

    Either way, the situation is still highly unstable and violence has gone from insane levels to merely

    unacceptably high. Imagine three car bombings in two days in one of our major cities, plus multiple nightly

    political killings (police, magistrates, officials, etc.) Society, on the local and regional level, would grind

    to a halt just as it has there. Outside the largely independent Kurdish territory, crime, including organized

    crime, is out of control, the judiciary largely fails to function, families and neighborhoods are armed for

    self-protection, and unemployment is still above 50%. There is no water, sewage, or electricity in much

    of the country due to destruction of infrastructure. The national government is deadlocked by sectarian

    interests and functions no better.

    This all may, and hopefully will, continue to improve, but if it does, it will come largely from the Iraqi

    people deciding to work together. Our presence may do little and may hinder in many respects. Recently,

    our helicopter gunships mistakenly slaughtered an Iraqi neighborhood militia which was coordinating with

    Iraqi police to root out an Al Qaeda cell. The worst part of it is that this militia was composed of both

    Sunnis and Shiites who had banded together to fight their common foe. Now their families have a different

    common enemy: us. I recently read an account by an Iraq war veteran that, in a combined operation between

    US and Iraqi personnel, the US commander (for perhaps valid tactical reasons) summarily ordered the Iraqi

    force, commanded by their equivalent of a Major-General, to get out of the way, fueling resentment. As

    foreigners, we wear a mask of illegitimacy and are held to an artificially high bar. Our presence, especially

    when it helps, rubs salt in wounds.

    Given the dysfunctionality of the government, the instability of the situation on the street, unrest due

    to crumbling infrastructure, threats to our staging areas in Pakistan and Turkey, including a foreign

    army massed on the border, the possibility of outright secession by the Kurds along with most of Iraq's

    wealth and industry, growing logistical and training problems, longer and more frequent deployments,

    and degenerating diplomacy with Iran (and therefore Syria), the situation can degrade, possibly rapidly, at

    any time. It would take up to two years to withdraw from the region due to the large amount of hardware

    emplaced, and a rapid redeployment in response to a collapse would leave much of our materiel, if not

    scattered personnel, behind, routing a large fraction of our global forces. Our troops have been asked to do

    too much for too long with too little. The fact that they have done so speaks volumes about their courage,

    skill, and dedication, but it is folly to leave them critically exposed. We learned the hard way in World

    War II the danger of over-long deployments even when morale is high and soldiers are dedicated. Tired

    soldiers make mistakes; mistakes result in deaths. That experience informed the modern military doctrine

    we are now completely ignoring.

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    This conflict has been a series of critical failures by our soldiers' leadership. If the administration happens

    to find a miracle and our butts are not handed to us, it is not for lack of trying. Worse yet, the attempt to

    continue to prop up the Iraq operation distracts effort from increasing problems in Afghanistan. By trying

    to do everything, we may succeed at nothing or win one minor victory to fail where it really matters.

    Besides, why all of this talk about "surrender" and "turning tail?" Our stated objectives have been met:

    Saddam Hussein is gone, there are no Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the Iraqis have an elected,

    Constitutional government. Declare victory and go home. Let the Iraqis, a sovereign nation, decide their


    Origins of War and ResponsibilityWhatever one may conclude about how we started the war, it cannot be denied that there are serious

    arguments on this aspect. Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction that we have found and initial

    intelligence did not especially point that way. There were no links to Al Qaeda, not just because we found

    none, but because the Sunni-Bathist power structure in Iraq had deep religious disagreements with Al-

    Qaeda. Saddam Hussein was a dictator, but we largely put him there and there were and are much worse

    countries on that record.

    An argument by supporters is that, whether or not the war was moral in the first place, having toppled thegovernment in Iraq, we now have a responsibility to see things through. I must admit I find this argument

    quite compelling. I do, however, think it is now impracticable. Iraq is at the point where Iraqis must decide

    their future if their system of government is to be seen as legitimate and if their sectarian differences are

    to be set aside long enough to form a workable nation. They may or may not succeed, but I think that

    ourabilities are limited. Imposedfree governments are seldom stable: the Weimar Republic in Germany

    prior to World War II and Thieu's government in Vietnam are just two examples. Japan is a good counter-

    example, but the problem was approached much differently, much of the original government structure

    remained intact, planning started long before Japan's surrender, and the Japanese themselves decided that

    their taste for war was over. Iraqis must take responsibility for their own future. The fact that we have little

    power over this should be a lesson for the next time we are so eager to intervene.

    Given that a full withdrawl will take a few years if we start today, the necessary gradual redeployments

    offer time for an organized hand-off. If we start later, we get our troops back still later, if it does not turninto another Korea and we never get our troops back at all.

    What about reconstruction? Surely we owe them at least that much. Perhaps we do, and as I have said,

    the we owe them argument is the one that gains the most ground with me, but again, the problem is

    intractable. Due to constant violence and corruption, both among Iraqis and our own contractors, very

    little of the reconstruction money has been effective. Public infrastructure has been destroyed as fast as it

    can be built. Most of it is well below pre-war levels. Iraq, an oil rich nation, must importfuel because of

    the lack of refining and processing facilities. Water, sewage, electricity, trash collection, medicine, and so

    forth are at desperate levels and relief efforts are ineffective. Our attempts to rebuild their economy have

    failed to stem unemployment. Violence and lack of electricity prevents most businesses from functioning

    and the equipment we have shipped there sits idle. Contractors are growing fat on Iraq contracts while

    our own bridges rust. Weapons, cash, and equipment we have supplied to rebuild their police and military

    have vanished at an alarming rate. Tens of thousands of firearms are thought to have gotten into the wronghands along with communications equipment, uniforms, vehicles, and body armor.

    Perhaps we can (and should) help Iraq rebuild in the future, but now is not the time. The definition of

    insanity is trying the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. They need to stabilize their

    government, reduce corruption, and stem violence before anything meaningful can happen. Besides, I have

    always felt that private relief efforts are more effective and less corrupt than government intervention. I

    have a problem with charity seized involuntarily from people; if you believe strongly in Iraq reconstruction,

    donate or go volunteer. Perhaps I will join you, but I will not take money from my neighbor to salve my


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    The Price of WithdrawlSupporters say that Iraq will collapse if we withdraw now and the conflict will become regional. Perhaps

    it will. Iraq may get worse, maybe much worse if we leave; opponents of the conflict must accept that. It

    may also escalate if and maybe even because we stay. Our presence in the region galvanizes opposition

    as much as anything else. The Iraq war is practically a recruiting poster for Al Qaeda and may very well

    be responsible for the increasing violence in Pakistan. Right now, if Iraq collapses or the conflict becomes

    regional, our troops are scattered, cannot readily withdraw, are not sufficient for total martial law, and

    cannot both maintain civil order and fight off an invader from Turkey, Syria, or Iran, especially if we lose

    one or more regional staging areas and logistics are endangered.

    Strategically, our rear is inexcusably threatened. We cannot redeploy our forces immediately. Switching

    to a hand-off and containment mode while withdrawing will secure our position and leave us in a position

    to still act in some fashion if we decide we need to. In the meantime, we can start to rest, resupply, and

    refresh our depleted forces.

    OK, but we are "fighting them there so we don't fight them here?" I really cannot accept this idea as

    plausible. We have not had a recent terror attack because terror attacks are historically rare. The current

    span of time is in no way unusual and is not necessarily a sign of any particular success. Evidence suggests

    that our presence in the Middle East is driving extremism right now and, of course, not all extremistsare Muslim. Heard of Timothy McVeigh? Of budding anti-American sentiment in South America? In the

    meantime, we have a wide open border which anyone could march an army of terrorists across in the dead

    of night. Our armed forces should be protecting us here, not there. Reagan's Secretary of Defense, Caspar

    Weinberger, warned of the possibility of skirmishes with Mexican militaristic elements at a time when we

    become militarily and economically tied down in the Middle East. Normally something like that would be

    a laughable threat. Right now, an army of Mongol horsemen could invade from the south and wreak havok.

    The whole idea that we must "beat them" at any cost is a bit paranoid and irrational. Who is the "them" we

    should be wiping out indiscriminantly? It is a sectarian conflict. Should we wipe out the Shiites, the Sunnis,

    the Bathists, the Kurds, the people who want Americans to go home, the small number of Episcopalian

    Christians? What about their women and children? Just go door to door shooting? Al Qaeda is only a small

    part of the picture and, unfortunately, an Al Qaeda supporter, a Shiite, a Kurd, and a Sunni, and so forth,

    all look the same. A child with a coffee can and a child with a bomb look the same too, as one of myrelatives discovered in a jeep in Southeast Asia.

    Tough Choices; Economics and PowerProjection

    Even if moral arguments in support of the war hold in some fashion, there is still the question of

    "can we maintain it?" This is not so much a victory/defeat question as a strategic and economic one.

    Remaining in Iraq means not being elsewhere. Spending on Iraq means not spending elsewhere. Our

    military preparedness globally and at home is suffering terribly. China's military spending is increasing

    rapidly even though it is remaining the same as a percentage of their economy. Our military spending is

    an increasing percentage of an increasingly troubled economy.

    In World War II we were a military powerhouse in large part because we were an industrial powerhouse.

    We mined most of our copper, lead, iron, drilled most of our oil, made our own tanks and guns. We even

    made simple things like ball bearings, surprisingly critical to any army, especially a modern one, but no

    longer manufactured at home. Instead, we buy these things abroad, including more and more electronics,

    with a weakening dollar.

    Our country's infrastructure is in desperate straits. We are falling behind in education and skilled labor.

    Many, perhaps most skilled labor jobs are now going or have already gone overseas. We have a veritable

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    flood of illegal immigrants across a wide open border. We have no National Guard to deal with emergencies

    at home. We have a deficit increasing by $1 trillion a year and it grows faster every year. We are

    facing the distinct possibility that OPEC may shift away from using the dollar for oil transactions, which

    would plunge our currency into freefall. At the same time, plans are going forward for more emergency

    appropriations for Iraq and Afghanistan, for another 120,000 soldiers over the next couple of years, at

    higher pay and recruitment bonuses, more border security since our military is not here to do the job, and

    increases in FEMA to take over some of the National Guard's traditional duties. Something must give, andit will, at some point, be the war in Iraq. It is much better to do it intentionally and under some control

    than for it to suddenly collapse.

    Honesty: Dedication and Sacrifice

    I would have much more respect for the supporters' position if they felt and said the war was so necessary

    that we needed to buckle down as a country and sacrifice to maintain it, reinstitute the draft, raise taxes,

    collect soda bottles to make body armor, and cut entitlement programs to the bone. War is easy when only

    a small number must sacrifice. Personally, the fact that my military work would not have resulted in my

    death but that someone else's family would get a letter and a visit from someone in a full dress uniform

    ate at me. I cannot see how anyone else can stand to do it. I would rather get shot at.

    Our military has paid the cost not just in dead, but in tens of thousands of wounded, due to the combined

    wonders of body armor and advanced trauma care, many horribly maimed or suffering from head trauma,

    and a frightenly high suicide rate, four times that of the general population and more than twice that of

    veterans from previous wars. Are we really willing to ask them to continue bearing that cost? Are we

    willing to sacrifice in kind?

    I would question the sanity and necessity of such a national commitment to the war, but at least the position

    would be honest and consistent. Otherwise, it seems to be an unwillingness to accept that we simply cannot

    do everything, that, at some point, we must take the lumps for the past decade or two's mistakes, lick our

    wounds, and rebuild. Dr. Paul and a few others at least admit the necessity of that choice and the stark

    reality which drives it. If we are to rebuild our military and our National Defense, let alone face any of our

    other problems, we must pull back from many of our military actions and commitments abroad, at least

    for the mid-term, to consolidate and rebuild. As just one example, we are still heavily invested in SouthKorea, even though they have a $900 billion dollar economy and North Korea's economy is crumbling.

    Isn't it time for them to take more responsibility? Will our grandchildren be safeguarding Iraq? I hope not.

    Getting the Job Done; Supporting the Troops

    Some of our leaders are fond of saying that our soldiers want to "get the job done." Some of our soldiers

    no doubt feel that way, and I have spoken to some few who do, but I seriously doubt our leaders would

    know. If you have served in the military, you know exactly what I mean:

    When I was in the Pentagon, a General visited our vault for an inspection. I was a technical team lead

    working in what had been a broom closet days before with two other people and five computers. The bare

    bulb in the ceiling was still there and the door locked from the outside. The recycling bin had been removed

    from the break room due to a nest of brown recluse spiders, and a power outage (1950's wiring) that week

    had left us stuck in the dark facility for close to an hour. When you are lined up for inspection, the colonel

    tells you to be on your best behavior, and the big cheese steps up to you and asks How do you like the

    job you're doing here, Son? what do you say? I know what I said.

    I've done it, you've done it, they do it, and then they go back to their barracks, log onto the Internet, and

    donate to Ron Paul's campaign. Our soldiers care, they follow their orders, and they do their jobs. That

    does not mean they like it or believe in their particular orders. They are just disciplined enough not to say it.

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    Non-Interventionism in Foreign Policy

    There is a large difference between the accusations of isolationistwhich go around and the principle of

    non-interventionistwhich has gone by the wayside in our country. An isolationistis someone who sticks

    their head in the sand. A non-interventionistis someone who respects other countries sovereignty as we

    expect them to respect ours, that believes in national defense, not offense, that intervention should beconsidered a last resort and a surgical effort. A non-interventionist policy includes strong trade-relations,

    treaties, negotiation from strength, talking softly and carrying a big stick, and generally trying to make

    sure intervention does not become necessary.

    Ron Paul is lambasted for considering talking to Iran and Al Qaeda. A statesman always talks to enemies;

    it is the only way to learn about them. Ronald Reagan's opening of discussions with the Kremlin paved

    the way for the collapse of the Soviet Union. Among other things, we had been demonized by the Soviet

    Leadership of reacting out of fear of them. When we showed we were willing to talk frankly but not

    willing to capitulate, that propaganda evaporated. Our strength of character and leadership emphasized

    their weakness.

    Our founders warned heavily against entanglement in foreign affairs and foreign wars, against trying to

    spread freedom at the point of a gun. World War I was started by a complex system of alliances pulling

    countries into a fight no one really wanted. A dash of professional detachment goes a long way to avoiding

    costly bloodbaths.

    Conclusion and Going Forward

    Someday I want to be able to say to my daughter that I did everything I could to hand her a country worth

    living and believing in, where she can live according to her conscience and keep a good bit of what she

    earns for herself, supporting the charities and causes of her own choice, not the ones she is forced to. That

    includes trying to spread this message and open this debate as much as I can.

    Very few Americans participate in the primary process. The primaries are where our real choice begins.

    Otherwise, we do not really have any debate in the elections, any real choices beyond the "best of evils".

    There are issues with the war and issues bigger than the war that need to be heard. As such, it is critical

    to get someone into the election that is not more-of-the-same that has gotten us into our current mess.

    We need someone who seriously examines issues, is not afraid to take an unpopular stand or address

    difficult questions, who is willing to compromise on issues, but not on fundamental principles of our law

    and system of government.

    Let us have a real debate as a people about who we want to be and walk forward with our eyes open. We

    are a country born of high ideals and lofty principles. Let us show the world that they still mean something

    to us, that greatness comes not from arrogance and rhetoric, but from humility and character. Support Ron

    Paul in the Republican Primary and help to end the conflict in Iraq.