An open letter to Express Magazine. A fore warning that this has been written while the patience for this organisation is at its thinnest. To say I am disappointed with the state of this publication would be an understatement and quite plainly, an outright lie. I feel that over the course of my time in Auckland the standards to which this media channel hold itself have deteriorated to a point of witless, catty, patriarchal snobs, asserting their severe lack of internalized self loathing. Why is it my place to comment you might ask? Well as a member of the community to which this publication is a service, I feel you’ve failed in your duty to be representative, informative and impartial. To illustrate this, I point to the most recent of your atrocious articles entitled “Petty vandals strike again”. The first sentence states “In yet another display of ignorance…” Journalism at its finest wouldn’t you say? In a mere 10 words you summarize EVERYTHING these protesters are standing up for! You call them ignorant when you are the very voice of ignorance! So quick to condemn. So swift to pass judgment. Not a hint, not a mention of the pain, the marginalization or the abandonment they might be feeling at the hands of their queer whanau. Shall I continue with another example? The oh so very condescending and ridiculing “article” written about the closure of Urge Bar due to dating apps. I say “article” because it reads more like an over-privileged child, sitting atop an ant hill with a magnifying glass, gleeful at the opportunity for sunshine. Instead of offering a platform for Paul and Urge to express their disappointment and sadness over the closure, you went straight for the jugular! Playing the sarcastic ‘’poor poor victim” card and throwing out words like “denial”

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An open letter to Express Magazine.

A fore warning that this has been written while the patience for this organisation is at its thinnest.

To say I am disappointed with the state of this publication would be an understatement and quite plainly, an outright lie. I feel that over the course of my time in Auckland the standards to which this media channel hold itself have deteriorated to a point of witless, catty, patriarchal snobs, asserting their severe lack of internalized self loathing.

Why is it my place to comment you might ask? Well as a member of the community to which this publication is a service, I feel you’ve failed in your duty to be representative, informative and impartial. To illustrate this, I point to the most recent of your atrocious articles entitled “Petty vandals strike again”. The first sentence states “In yet another display of ignorance…” Journalism at its finest wouldn’t you say? In a mere 10 words you summarize EVERYTHING these protesters are standing up for! You call them ignorant when you are the very voice of ignorance! So quick to condemn. So swift to pass judgment. Not a hint, not a mention of the pain, the marginalization or the abandonment they might be feeling at the hands of their queer whanau.

Shall I continue with another example? The oh so very condescending and ridiculing “article” written about the closure of Urge Bar due to dating apps. I say “article” because it reads more like an over-privileged child, sitting atop an ant hill with a magnifying glass, gleeful at the opportunity for sunshine. Instead of offering a platform for Paul and Urge to express their disappointment and sadness over the closure, you went straight for the jugular! Playing the sarcastic ‘’poor poor victim” card and throwing out words like “denial” and “soothed ego”. No discussion around the fact that it’s the longest running gay bar in NZ or that it has been a constant supporter of our community.

I could continue with examples but I’m bored of reciting your acts of incompetence and failure to honor the community that you serve. I suppose it could be argued that you are the preeminent queer publication, although it saddens me to say so. With this in mind, how then can you repeatedly and so happily degrade the members of our community who have the nerve to put themselves on the line for our people. For that I say shame. Shame on you as a queer organisation. And even more so as something that should be a beacon of intelligent and well-rounded representation of our community.

I suggest re-branding for all future publications. I think the name “REPRESS MAGAZING” its far better suited. The imagery of the child on the anthill would probably make a rather fetching logo too. Consider this a free lesson in dignity as well as a pro-bono marketing strategy session. You’re welcome.