Open Research Online The Open University’s repository of research publications and other research outputs An Ontology Design Pattern to Define Explanations Conference or Workshop Item How to cite: Tiddi, Ilaria; d’Aquin, Mathieu and Motta, Enrico (2015). An Ontology Design Pattern to Define Explanations. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, ACM, article no. 3. For guidance on citations see FAQs . c 2015 The Authors Version: Version of Record Link(s) to article on publisher’s website: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1145/2815833.2815844 Copyright and Moral Rights for the articles on this site are retained by the individual authors and/or other copyright owners. For more information on Open Research Online’s data policy on reuse of materials please consult the policies page. oro.open.ac.uk

An Ontology Design Pattern to Define ExplanationsAn Ontology Design Pattern to Define Explanations Ilaria Tiddi, Mathieu d’Aquin, Enrico Motta Knowledge Media Institute, The Open

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Page 1: An Ontology Design Pattern to Define ExplanationsAn Ontology Design Pattern to Define Explanations Ilaria Tiddi, Mathieu d’Aquin, Enrico Motta Knowledge Media Institute, The Open

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An Ontology Design Pattern to Define ExplanationsConference or Workshop Item

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Tiddi, Ilaria; d’Aquin, Mathieu and Motta, Enrico (2015). An Ontology Design Pattern to Define Explanations. In:Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, ACM, article no. 3.

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Page 2: An Ontology Design Pattern to Define ExplanationsAn Ontology Design Pattern to Define Explanations Ilaria Tiddi, Mathieu d’Aquin, Enrico Motta Knowledge Media Institute, The Open

An Ontology Design Pattern to Define Explanations

Ilaria Tiddi, Mathieu d’Aquin, Enrico MottaKnowledge Media Institute, The Open University, United Kingdom{ilaria.tiddi, mathieu.daquin, enrico.motta}@open.ac.uk

ABSTRACTIn this paper, we propose an ontology design pattern for theconcept of “explanation”. The motivation behind this workcomes from our research, which focuses on automaticallyidentifying explanations for data patterns. If we want toproduce explanations from data agnostically from the appli-cation domain, we first need a formal definition of what anexplanation is, i.e. which are its components, their roles ortheir interactions. We analysed and surveyed works from thedisciplines grouped under the name of Cognitive Sciences,with the aim of identifying differences and commonalities inthe way their researchers intend the concept of explanation.We then produced not only an ontology design pattern tomodel it, but also the instantiations of this in each of theanalysed disciplines. Besides those contributions, the paperpresents how the proposed ontology design pattern can beused to analyse the validity of the explanations produced byour, and other, frameworks.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsI.2.4 [Artificial Intelligence]: Knowledge RepresentationFormalisms and Methods — Ontology Design Patterns

KeywordsExplanation, Ontology Design Pattern, Knowledge Discovery

1. INTRODUCTION“The word explanation occurs so continually and holds soimportant a place in philosophy, that a little time spent in

fixing the meaning of it will be profitably employed.”John Stuart Mill – A System of Logic, 1843.

In this paper, we present an ontology design pattern tosupport the formal representation of an explanation. Themotivation behind our work comes from our research, whoseaim is to automatically find an explanation to data pat-terns using background knowledge from the Web of Data.Note that a data pattern is intended as a subset of data

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K-CAP 2015 October 07 - 10, 2015, Palisades, NY, USAc© 2015 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.

ISBN 978-1-4503-3849-3/15/10. . . $15.00

DOI: 10.1145/2815833.2815844

behaving in the same regular way. Our general researchproblem is that finding an explanation for those patterns isan intensive task which is still relying on human experts,whose role is to provide explanations and refine results us-ing their own background knowledge, while the cross-domainand machine-accessible knowledge of the Web of Data couldbe used to facilitate the automatisation of explaining datapatterns.

The challenge we face here is that if we wish to give expla-nations to patterns or, more specifically, to process data inorder to produce them, we first need a formal way to definewhat is an explanation E1. Defining E is a complicated epis-temic matter upon which a common agreement has neverbeen reached, although this has been extensively discussedthrough time and across disciplines. Rather than enteringthis discussion, our proposition is to identify an ontologydesign pattern that formally supports the representation ofan explanation – including its components, their roles andinteractions – in order to provide an abstract descriptionwhich can be applicable to any context where a system au-tomatically produces explanations.

The methodology we used to derive such a design patternis to explore how explanations are defined in those areasthat most deal with the organisation and understanding ofknowledge, usually grouped and defined as the “cognitivesciences”. We reviewed the main literature in the disciplinesembraced by Cognitive Science in order to see how their re-searchers see explanations. By identifying differences and/orcommonalities among different areas, such as which aspectsof an explanation matter and how E is defined, we aimed atabstracting our own definition for E .

What we finally propose is a formal definition of E en-coded as an ontology design pattern (odp), presented withits instantiations into ontological representations of expla-nations in each of the considered disciplines of CognitiveScience. Those constitute, along with a cross-domain sur-vey on the definition of explanation, the major contributionsof our paper. Finally, we also show how to use the patternto assess the validity of a framework producing explanationsin real-world scenarios.

2. MOTIVATIONIn our previous work [37], we presented Dedalo as a frame-

work to explain groups of items using background knowledgeextracted from Linked Data2. Dedalo’s assumption is that

1We will refer to E further on, to intend “the concept ofexplanation”.2http://www.w3.org/standards/semanticweb/data

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items appearing in the same group share underlying com-monalities beside the dimensions used for their grouping,and these commonalities can be detected in the graph ofLinked Data in the form of chains of RDF properties anda value shared by a large part of the items in the groupto explain. We call those chains “candidate explanations”.Because Linked Data can be traversed using URI derefer-encing, Dedalo iteratively expands the graph using an A*strategy trying to find new, more accurate chains (evalu-ated with an ad-hoc F-Measure). Finally, a Linked Datapathfinding approach is used to establish the relation be-tween the extracted candidate explanations and the criteriathat grouped the items, in order to identify the most plau-sible explanations while removing noisy results.

In a very short example, we might want to understand whypeople search for the actor Daniel Radcliffe only at specifictimes3. The explanation, if being familiar with the con-text, can be identified as “people search for Daniel Radcliffewhen a Harry Potter movie is released”. While a humanuses his own background knowledge to derive this (there-fore, explaining the phenomenon), Dedalo uses the one fromLinked Data. The problem here is that, if the human is notfamiliar with the context of Harry Potter, he will not findthe above statement as a plausible explanation. Statisticallycomputing explanations on the Linked Data graph has alsoits drawbacks, especially because some coincidences couldemerge in the set of candidate explanations (e.g., “peoplesearch for Daniel Radcliffe when the U-20 Football WorldCup is on”4).

From the example above, we understand that an explana-tion does not only mean putting two events in a correlation(“X happened because of Y”), but also defining the causaldependence based on the context in which they occur (“Xhappened because of Y in some context C”). The question isthen whether this is enough to define an explanation and, ifnot, what else is needed for E to be complete. In a broadersense, in this work we aim at identifying which are the im-portant actors of an explanation, i.e. which elements andinteractions are needed to let us declare that, given a pat-tern and the derived observation, we have raised them toan explanatory level, not only to the one of a pure correla-tion. Our challenge consists then in designing an ontologypattern to formally represent it. In order to do so, we ex-plored how the concept of explanation is defined within thedisciplines embraced in Cognitive Science (in Section 3) tofind their commonalities and differences in the view of anexplanation and finally extract and apply (in Section 4) anontology design pattern to define E .

3. DEFINING EXPLANATIONS: A SURVEYCognitive Science was firstly defined by [16] as the sci-

ence of understanding the nature of the human mind. Inthis work, dated 1985, Cognitive Science is presented as afield involving a series of disciplines interacting in such away that they can be represented as a “cognitive hexagon”(Figure 1). The next sections provide a summary of howthe main trends in these disciplines have tried to define ex-planations. It is worth mentioning that this is an organi-

3See the search peaks shown by the Google Trends tool, athttp://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=Daniel%20Radcliffe4The release of some Harry Potter movies and more thanone U-20 football World Cup have indeed happened at thesame time.

Figure 1: The cognitive hexagon as in [16]. Dottedlines are weaker connections between disciplines.

sational choice of our methodology, but many of the citedworks, especially the contemporary ones, span over multipledisciplines. Additionally, we chose to consider the broaderand more common fields of Computer Science and Sociologyrather than the original Artificial Intelligence and Anthro-pology. The common nomenclature, that we also adopt, isto define explanandum/nda (“that which is explained”) thefact or event to be explained and explanans/tia (“that whichdoes the explaining”) some premise to the explanandum.

3.1 Explanation and PhilosophyThe works of [28, 30, 36] provide interesting surveys on

how explanations have been defined by intellectuals from theancient times – the first attempts of discussion already ap-pear among the Greek intellectuals – to contemporary days.Thucydides (in his History of the Peloponnesian War) de-fines explanations as a process where facts, or “indisputabledata”, are observed, evaluated based on our knowledge of hu-man nature and then compared in order to reach generalisedprinciples for why some events occur. For Plato (in Phedusand Theaetetus), an explanation is an expression of knowl-edge using the logos, and is composed by the Forms, con-sisting in the abstractions of the entities we know (“the un-changing and unseen world”) and the Facts, i.e. occurrencesor states of affairs, which are the changing world we are usedto see. Aristotle in his Posterior Analytics presents the ex-planation as a deduction process of finding out the cause ofwhy something happened (according to Aristotle’s 4-casesdoctrine, the cause can be either the thing’s matter, form,end, or change-initiator). In the modern age of determinism,causality becomes prominent to explanations. To know whatcaused an event means to know why it happened, whichin turns means understanding the universe determined bynatural laws. Descartes and Leibniz describe explanationsas the process of demonstrating the mechanical interactionsbetween God (“the primary efficient cause of all things”),the world things (secondary causes), the laws of nature andsome initial conditions. Newton rejects the God componentand puts the laws of nature as playing the central role. Forhim, explanation of natural phenomena is a deductive pro-cess which finds the most general principles (the fundamen-

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tal laws of nature) that account for them. The Empiriciststhen reject explanations which cannot be traced directly toexperience. According to Hume, all causal knowledge stemsfrom experience, and causation is just a regular successionof facts to be discovered by experience. Kant, reintroduc-ing the metaphysical component into explanations, believesthat the knowledge starts with experience, but does not arisefrom it: It is shaped by the categories of the understandingand the forms of pure intuition (space and time). John Stu-art Mill rejects this view and defines E as only based onthe laws of nature and on deduction. A fact is explainedby deducing its cause, that is, by stating the laws of whichit is an instance. Carl Hempel, who revisited and extendedMill’s work, started the contemporary discussions aroundexplanations. Explaining an event is to show how this eventwould have been expected to happen, taking into accountthe laws that govern its occurrence, as well as certain ini-tial conditions. Formally speaking, a singular explanandumE is explained if and only if a description of E is the con-clusion of a valid deductive argument, whose explanantiainvolve essentially a set C of initial or antecedent conditionsand a law-like statement L [20]. L can be either statistical(in inductive-statistical explanations) or laws of nature (indeductive-nomological explanations). Salmon [32] furtherextends the inductive-statistical explanation model propos-ing the statistical-relevance model, where explanations haveto capture the dependencies between the explanandum andthe explanans statistically, and the causal model, which seesexplanations as mechanical processes of interacting compo-nents. An interactive view is also the one of the Interven-tionists [39], where explanations are the process of manip-ulating the explanandum within a space of alternative pos-sibilities to see if a relation holds when various other con-ditions change. The Unificationism approach of Friedmanand Kitcher [13, 23] affirms that explaining a phenomenonis to see it as an instance of a broad pattern of similar phe-nomena. According to Friedman, explanations are based onboth the scientific understanding of the world, but also onsome assumptions (i.e. regularities in nature) which are thebasic “unifiers”. Similarly, Kitcher believes that a numberof explanatory patterns (or schemata) need to be unified inorder to explain a fact.

3.2 Explanation and PsychologyExplanations in psychology are generally meant to regu-

late behaviours or to process some information, i.e. theyare “an attempt to understand phenomena related to intel-ligent behaviours” [2]. Many works of psychology criticisethe traditional philosophical-scientific approaches to expla-nation since they are too much focused on causality andsubsumption under laws (deduction) [2, 8, 21]. Instead,psychological explanations accept over-determinism and dy-namism, i.e. the antecedent conditions that explain a phe-nomenon can be more than one and change over time. Theexplanantia are not laws of nature but human capacities,that psychological methodologies have to discover and con-firm. In the literature, psychological explanations have beendefined as “models” providing a law, by means of which it ispossible to describe a phenomenon while relating it to other,similar phenomena, and possibly to allow a prediction, in-tended as a future occurrence of the phenomenon [8, 21].Authors of [26] have highlighted how the mechanical aspectwithin the explanation process plays a central role into the

recent psychology works. Phenomena are often explained bydecomposing them into operations localised in parts (com-ponents) of the mechanism. Mechanisms have spatial andtemporal organisations that explain how entities are organ-ised into levels and carry out their activities. In other words,explaining a phenomenon means revealing its internal struc-ture by defining the organisational levels which are responsi-ble of producing it, then identifying how those levels relate toother levels, and finally building a model to explain similarphenomena. This idea of interactive levels can be found inthe major contemporary psychology trends, i.e. the connec-tionist (bottom-up) approach [2, 9, 25], that first specifiesthe system’s components and then produces the explana-tion’s model, and in the symbolic (top-down) one [34], thatfirst identifies the phenomenon to be explained and thendescribes it according to the external symbols (syntactico-semantic rules or mathematical laws) manipulated by thehumans.

3.3 Explanation and NeuroscienceNeuroscience explanations reject the concept of levels, as

well as the synthetic a priori frameworks. Mentality is thecentral pivot between interpretation and rationality. Neuro-scientists aim at understanding minds, and this requires toassume that beliefs are true and rational, which is in con-trast with many philosophical views. Explaining, in neuro-science, means fitting a mental phenomenon into a broadlyrational pattern. Explanations are answers to the what-if-things-had-been-different questions: they describe whatwill happen to some variables (effects) when one manipu-lates or intervenes on some others (causes) [4, 10, 40]. Theycan be “upper level explanations”, when causes are macro-scopic variables or environmental factors, and “lower levelexplanations”, if causes are more fine-grained (neural, ge-netic, or biochemical) mechanisms. Also, explanations donot require any law nor sufficient condition, and are sim-ply generalisations that describe relationships stable undersome appropriate range of interventions. Therefore, a typ-ical approach to explanations consists in detecting how thevariables respond to the hypothetical experiments in whichsome interventions occur, then establishing if other variablesunder the same intervention respond in the same way. Therelevance of explanations is assessed by their stability, i.e.some relationships are more stable than others under someinterventions or under some background conditions.

3.4 Explanation and Computer ScienceIn Artificial Intelligence (AI), explanations are considered

in terms of inference and reasoning. Programs are meantto decipher connections between events, in order to predictother events and represent some order in the universe. Theprocess of generating explanations fits the two reasoning pat-terns, abduction and induction, that Peirce describes in itsLectures on Pragmatism of 1903. According to Peirce, in-duction is the inference of a rule (major premise) startingfrom a case (minor premise) and its result (conclusion), whileabduction is the inference of the case from a rule and a re-sult [12]. Those models have been often put under the sameumbrella-term of non-deductive, a posteriori inference, andthe same Peirce in its later period sees abduction as onlyone phase of the process, in which hypotheses and ideasare generated, but then need to be evaluated by inductionor deduction [12, 31, 33]. Moving on from such discus-

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sion, AI approaches to generate explanations (see [27, 29,31] for extensive surveys) show that the two inferences canbe similarly modelled, so that one body of initial knowledge(divided into observations and prior knowledge) is mappedto another (the new knowledge), under constraints of cer-tain criteria, which reveal their connection and confirm thehypothesis. The explanation process then consists in firstanalysing the observations, then defining tentative hypothe-ses and finally proving them empirically. Similarly to ex-planations in psychology, Artificial Intelligence explanationsdo not assume that a truth has been antecedently acceptedin the prior knowledge: In order to produce new knowl-edge, they need to be scientifically and empirically evalu-ated. Plausibility, usefulness and desirability are consideredtoo subjective and are replaced by some formal constraintsthat the process has to respect, namely, efficiency (how “eas-ily” it solves the problem), non-deducibility (it should in-troduce new knowledge), consistency (it must be consistentwith what it is already known) and non-emptiness (it mustintroduce new knowledge). Some works attempting to mergethe views from philosophy and Artificial Intelligence are sur-veyed in [27]. Explanations also play a central role in otherareas of Computer Science such as Knowledge Management.Knowledge Management systems are used for intelligent tu-toring or decision-support, and explanations provide insightinto how their reasoning is accomplished. Users are pre-sented solutions and explanations of a problem to be solvedrelying on some domain knowledge (see referenced worksin [1, 35, 41]). This domain knowledge, related to facts, pro-cedures or events, is defined as “tacit” because it is alreadyin the individuals’ mind. An inflow of new stimuli then trig-gers a cognitive process which produces explanations, whichare the explicit knowledge communicated in symbolic forms.Explanation can be intended as“giving something a meaningor an interpretation to, or to make it understandable” [41].

3.5 Explanation and SociologyFor Weber and Durkheim [11, 38], founders of the ma-

jor two trends in sociology, explaining is the act of giving ameaning and justifying social facts, where those are intendedas observable regularities in the behaviour of the membersof a society. In their perspective, explanation is a rational(empirical) observation of social behaviours. More contem-porary works extend this view, by defining explanations asa comparison of events [5] or as a form of reasoning [3],which have to take in account the social world and socialbehaviours constantly evolving in time and space. Gener-ally, the agreement is that explanations, based on socialfacts, have more pragmatic requirements with respect toscientific explanations. Formal constraints, such as math-ematical formalisation or empirical falsifiability, leave spaceto descriptions and approximations of complex structures ofthe social world [6, 17]. Explanations might be weaker orstronger depending on the set of social impacts that the rulesexpress. For example, they can be proverbs (everyday rulesexpressing what one knows), social theorems (rules summingup the human experience) or paradoxes [3, 24]. Some havealso distinguished between social-anthropological and reli-gious explanations, where “religious” means giving sense tophenomena using symbols of a tradition. Explanations aredeclared to be valid if a phenomenon can also appear dueto other circumstances, and logically exhaustive if they aregeneralisable to all logically possible combinations of condi-

tions encountered [3, 24].

3.6 Explanation and LinguisticsLinguistic explanations are descriptions focused on find-

ing what rules of a language explain a linguistic fact [19].Linguists do not aim at describing the processes but ratherat explaining how language acquisition is possible, by iden-tifying the grammatical patterns that occur in human lan-guages. Useful surveys on explanations in linguistics are tobe found in [7, 18, 19, 22]. A central assumption in linguistictheories is that a language is a set of elements (words, mor-phemes, phonemes) that meet a set of wellformedness condi-tions, called language universals. Those consist in language-specific characteristics that form the grammar of the lan-guage. The major approaches, the generative linguistics(following Chomsky’s theories) and the functional linguis-tics (based on Greenberg’s school) have different views onthe roles and functions of the components of linguistic ex-planations. In the former case, only the generalisation of anexplanation is regarded as interesting, since it shows thatlinguistic constructions are derivable from the general reg-ularities of a language (descriptive adequacy), but some ofthose regularities are innate and have to be accepted a pri-ori (explanatory adequacy). The generativists see the actof explaining as defining new constraints on the frameworkswhich are able to describe the languages. This claim toinnateness and the view of explanations as constrained de-scriptions cannot be accepted by functional linguistics, forwhich external elements and realities are essential to under-stand linguistic facts. Functionalists are more interested inlanguage regularities than in descriptive frameworks. Therejection of a priori language universals does not mean thatin language structure is arbitrary, but rather than it is worthattempting to explain, wherever possible, language facts us-ing external non-linguistic factors [18].

3.7 Summary ConsiderationsFrom the sections above, we briefly summarise the follow-

ing conclusions.• Philosophy is the“discipline of asking questions and check-

ing answers” [16]. An explanation in Philosophy is a pro-cess where a set of initial elements (an event and someinitial conditions) are described, deduced or put into a re-lation with an output phenomenon according to a set of(empirical or metaphysical) laws.

• Psychology tries to understand the human (and animal)cognitive processes. Here, E is intended as a model of com-ponents (entities and activities) that mechanically interactto produce regular changes from some starting conditionsto a termination condition.

• Neuroscience gives an understanding of the brain. Expla-nations are seen as generalisations that describe relation-ships between input and output variables, that are sta-ble under some appropriate range of interventions withoutany law nor sufficient condition.

• Computer Science deals with computer programs as amedium to perform human operations. Explanations aregeneralisations of some starting knowledge (some factsand some prior knowledge) mapped to another, new knowl-edge under constraints of certain criteria.

• Sociology focuses on the links between the human’s cog-nitive processes and his sociocultural world. It intends

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Figure 2: The Explanation Ontology Design Pattern.

explanations as the act of giving a meaning to some socialregularities occurring because of some social behaviours.

• Linguistics provides theories dealing with the nature of thehuman language. An explanation is the process of derivingthe regularities of a language (the grammar) from a setof linguistic-specific facts respecting some wellformednessconstraints.

With those premises, it is possible to abstract a commonmodel for E . The linguistic formalisation we found particu-larly suitable for our purposes was the one of [24] and pre-sented hereafter:

When X happens, then, due to a given set of circumstancesC, Y will occur because of a given law L.

The next section is focused on the design of the ontologypattern representing E , as well as its instantiations in thevarious presented disciplines.

4. THE EXPLANATION DESIGN PATTERNOntology Design Patterns are small, motivated ontologies

to be exploited as building blocks in ontology design [15].Their purpose is to be used as designing components of aproblem with the assumption that an ontology should bemodelled according to those patterns, with appropriate de-pendencies between them, plus some necessary design ex-pansion based on the specific situation’s needs. We followedthis idea to build an ontology design pattern that representsan explanation. We reused some of the existing design pat-terns and ontologies, and then extended classes and proper-ties according to our needs. The resulting model, that wecall E-odp, is shown in Figure 2 and described hereafter5.

4.1 Ontology Design PatternShortly, we define E-odp as an ontology for characterising

what is an explanation to an event, and include the variouscomponents that make the process plausible (for instance,the initial conditions under which the explanation happens,the outcome event, and so forth).

(a) The main class Explanation represents E , which we aimto identify. It will be differently instantiated accord-ing to the disciplines we have presented. The class hasfew constraints that we represent as OWL class restric-tions. In order to be complete, an explanation: (i)needs at least one antecedent event, expressed as hasEx-planans some part:Event ; (ii) requires a posterior event,

5Many thanks to Silvio Peroni (University of Bologna) forits help in designing the presented pattern.

expressed as hasExplanandum some part:Event and (iii)has to happen in a context that relates the two events,expressed as hasCondition some situation:Situation.

(b) An explanation has then an antecedent event (the ex-planans) and a posterior event (the explanandum). Wesaw how those have been called not only events but alsophenomena, facts, variables, observations, knowledge,etc. We chose to reuse the part:Event class from theParticipation odp6, which enables to represent any bi-nary relation between objects and events. Thanks tothis, our pattern can be easily integrated in the Par-ticipation one by extending the part:Event individualsaccording to the structure of the Participation odp.

(c) Two events have to be related in context, otherwise it isnot possible to distinguish their correlation from a co-incidence. To represent the conditions (or constraints)under which the two events occur, we used the situa-tion:Situation class from the Situation odp7, which isprecisely designed to “represent contexts or situations,and the things that have something in common, or areassociated” (see documentation). The OWL axiom inthe blue box above the object property hasCondition isa Manchester Syntax axiom showing what we can inferabout the situation in which the explanation is happen-ing. If there exists a situation in which an explanationis contextualised (through hasCondition), then both theexplanans and the explanandum do share this same situ-ation (through situation:hasSetting), therefore they arein the same context.

(d) The last main component of an explanation is repre-sented using the dul:Theory class from the DOLCE+DnSUltralite ontology8. According to the documentation, “atheory is a description that represents a set of assump-tions for describing something, usually general. Scien-tific, philosophical, and common-sense theories can beincluded here”. We use the term theory with the ideathat it best embraces those concepts defined in Cog-nitive Science (laws, human capacities, human experi-ences, universals, and so on), all consisting in some-thing having a binding force on some events under anal-ysis. Note that the Theory is a specialisation of theDescription class from the Descriptions&Situations on-tology [14]: In this view, our theory acts as the descrip-tion that classifies the explanation (corresponding to the


Page 7: An Ontology Design Pattern to Define ExplanationsAn Ontology Design Pattern to Define Explanations Ilaria Tiddi, Mathieu d’Aquin, Enrico Motta Knowledge Media Institute, The Open

Figure 3: Instances of the pattern in Philosophy (left) and Psychology (right).

situation), which is built upon the context, the event tobe explained, and the possible explaining events.

(e) We also include the DOLCE class dul:Agent to representthe one producing the explanations. Since there is noagreement on how to “call” the act of explaining (e.g.,deducing, inducing, inferring, describing have all beenused in the literature), we then kept the generic objectproperty label as dul:isConceptualizedBy.

4.2 Instances of the PatternFinally, we create instances of the E-odp according to

our findings in the survey of Section 3. We present theontological model for each discipline as well as a practi-cal example which gives an idea of how the process works.In the examples, we use the notation E=(A,P, C,T ) whereA stands for the antecedent event/explanans, P for theposterior event/explanandum, C for the situational contextthey are happening in and T for the theory governing thoseevents. For the purpose of avoiding redundancy, the classdul:Agent is omitted. Note that all the presented patternshave been submitted to the ODP central hub9 but are alsoavailable online with a higher resolution10.

Philosophy. The pattern for E as seen in Philosophy ispresented in Figure 3 (left). T is a Law, that we also sub-specified as metaphysical or empirical, trying to sketch someof the general views in the area (roughly, pre- and post-empirical views). Both A and P are Phenomenon classeswhile C is a necessary and sufficient Condition class. It isworth mentioning that ours is a mere generalisation of howan explanation is thought in Philosophy, and that this canbe in turn specialised into more specific patterns accordingto, for instance, different times or trends. For example, wecould represent Mill’s explanation model as MillE= (Caus-ingFact, EffectFact, InitialCondition, LawOfNature) whilePlato’s model as PlatoE= (InitialFact, PosteriorFact, Cir-cumstance, Form).

Psychology. The pattern for E as intended in Psychologyis presented in Figure 3 (right). We have shown in Section3 how psychological explanations are more focused on theirmechanical aspects. Therefore, A is an InitialComponentclass, whose subclasses are the interacting classes Entity andActivity. The context C is the human IntelligentBehaviourthat correlates A and P. The theory consists in a Human-Capacity and not in laws of nature. In a practical example,a simple event P as “slipping on a banana” can be explainedby the fact A that the person did not to pay attention to thepath. A psychological explanation would attempt to relate

9http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/10http://people.kmi.open.ac.uk/ilaria/experiments/explain odp/

the two events to (C) the mental state and feelings of theperson slipping as, for instance, anger or tiredness. If thiscondition is not met anymore (e.g., one is calm and careful),the explanation does not hold. The human capacities whichgovern the examples are the ones ruling the human’s mindso that the human actions change depending on the feelings.

The remaining patterns are shown in Figure 4 in a clockwiseorder.

Neuroscience. The idea of explanations in Neuroscience issimilar to the one in Psychology, with the difference that theevents are considered as CauseVariable (A) and EffectVari-able (P). We have seen how neuroscientists reach explana-tions by Experiment(s) (T ) rather than with laws, and thatthe necessary conditions C are rather called Intervention(s)under which the two events occur. If those are changed,they might nullify the explanation. For example, we explainwhy humans can do math calculations (P) by the fact Athat some particular neurons respond actively to quantities.The neuroimaging has proven that (T ) some areas on theparietal lobe are used to provide pre-verbal representations.The context C in which the explanation holds is the one ofnumerical calculations.

Computer Science. The model for an explanation inComputer Science can be easily represented as CSE=(Obser-vation, NewKnoweldge, Constraint, PriorKnowledge). Notethat the new knowledge can be GeneralisedNewKnowledge,if the explanation is reached by induction, or Specialised-NewKnowledge, if reached by abduction. We use here theexample given by [31]: a caveman is roasting a lizard (C) onthe end of a pointed stick and he is watched by an amazedcrowd of cavemen, who have been using for years only theirbare hands. The cavemen explain that painless roasting (P)is effect of (A) using a long, rigid, sharp object simply byobserving (which is equivalent to using the prior knowledgeT ) how the stick supports the lizard while keeping the handaway from the fire.

Sociology. Sociology reintroduces the human componentinto its idea of explanation. We represent it as SE=(Soci-alBehaviour, SocialRegularity, SocialWorld, HumanExperi-ence). The social trend P that Italians live with their par-ents until later ages is explained by (A) the constantly de-creasing job opportunities, which makes impossible living onits own (C). The theory behind it are the rules governingthe socio-economical behaviours.

Linguistics. Explanations in Linguistics are models focus-ing on the function and nature of the language, namely aseries of LinguisticFact(s) specific to a Language are anal-ysed on the basis of some LanguageUniversal(s) to finally

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Figure 4: Instances of the pattern for (clockwise) Neuroscience, Computer Science, Sociology and Linguistics.

derive a Grammar. For example, to explain that English(C) does not allow the expression “*the my book” (P), onehas to know that both my and the are determiners (A), andthat (T ) only one determiner is accepted.

4.3 Pattern Application on Real FrameworksOnce we have derived the pattern for E , we can return

to our original motivating scenario and analyse how muchDedalo’s framework fits into the process of deriving an ex-planation. The same approach can be of course applied toany other framework that automatically produces explana-tions. The scenario, already presented in Section 2, is thefollowing: Dedalo wants to explain the fact P that a groupof users is searching the Web for information about DanielRadcliffe only at some very specific times. What we need toidentify is what constitutes A, T and C.

The first component of Dedalo uses the Linked Data back-ground knowledge to derive some plausible explanantia oftype A to the event P. The process consists in findingfacts in Linked Data that are statistically highly correlatedwith the explanandum. For example, both“people search forDaniel Radcliffe because a Harry Potter movie is released”and “people search for Daniel Radcliffe because the Under-20 Football World Cup is on” are correlated with DanielRadcliffe according to Linked Data information11. If no con-nection between the A events and P is identified, however,there is no way to distinguish whether the A and P are hap-pening together by coincidence (as in the second case). Also,the explanation is incomplete (and impossible) if one has noknowledge of the context C (what is the relation betweenDaniel Radcliffe and Harry Potter).

Dedalo’s second component is therefore the one findingthis relationship, in the form of a Linked Data path betweentwo entities representing the facts (for instance, Daniel Rad-cliffe and Harry Potter/the U-20 Football World Cup) to

11To test this scenario, see http://linkedu.eu/dedalo/demo

provide a more explicit information to the user. For exam-ple, there exists a Linked Data path such as 〈DanielRadcliffe portrays HarryPotter〉 but not between Daniel Rad-cliffe and the U-20 Football World Cup. This path explicitsthe context C in which those two facts are happening: with-out it, the two events are nothing but a spurious correlation.

This brings us to our conclusion point. The obtained ex-planation can be summarised as “people search for DanielRadcliffe because a Harry Potter movie is released, sinceDaniel Radcliffe is the main character in it”. A familiarreader might recognise here the law T governing the ex-planation: actors play in movies, therefore it makes sensethat people are interested in Daniel Radcliffe if he is the oneplaying in Harry Potter movies. Dedalo is, however not (yet)able to provide the same information: the user to whom theexplanation is presented is left inferring that Daniel Radcliffeis an actor, that “Harry Potter” is a movie and, equally, that“actors play in movies” (as a general principle).

5. CONCLUSIONSThis work is an attempt to formally define what is in-

tended as an “explanation”. We have presented such for-malisation as an ontology design pattern, whose modellinghas been achieved by analysing how the different disciplinesof Cognitive Science perceive explanations, i.e. which ele-ments and interactions are needed for an explanation to bein place. The proposed ontology pattern has then been in-stantiated according to the surveyed disciplines. Finally, wehave shown how to apply the pattern on custom frameworksthat automatically produce explanations in real-world sce-narios, by showing how to assess whether the system fits theproposed pattern.

We identified as an important future work the introduc-tion in our Linked Data-based framework of a third com-ponent, whose role is to explicit the laws underlying therelationship between the events, so that the explanation pre-

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sented to the users can be considered complete according tothe proposed E-odp. Another direction to explore is the pos-sibility of refining the pattern by introducing which qualitiesare necessary to an explanation (e.g., validity, truth, and soon) or by exploring new perspectives (e.g., other disciplines).Finally, an evaluation of other existing frameworks on thebasis of our ontology design pattern is also possible.

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