An Introduction to Islam1532scribd

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  • 7/27/2019 An Introduction to Islam1532scribd


    An Introduction to Islam

    A review of Islam

    written by: alvarion

    Islam is a religion that entered Arabia by Prophet Muhammad, Allah's last prophet. The name

    Islam originates from an Arabic word meaning "submission" and "peace." Dependant on the

    teachings of Prophet Muhammad, a person who practices Islam is actually a Muslim. Currently,

    Muslim human population is estimated at 1.5 billion covering different parts of the earth. It's most

    popular in Middle East Africa, Asia and Europe. In the United States alone, there are more than 6

    million Muslims.

    Who is Allah?

    Allah is the name for the Almighty God. Allah even offers other names that are widely-used to

    describe His personalities. They comprise the Sustainer, the Creator, the Merciful, the

    Compassionate, just for starters. Muslims believe because Allah is the only Creator, He's on your

    own that is worthy to get worshiped. Islam holds into a very strict monotheism. Any prayer inclined

    to any human being besides Allah is known as idolatry.

    The Koran

    Islam's holy book is the Koran (also spelled Qur'an). The holy book is the record to exact words

    revealed by Allah through Angel Jibril or Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad when He was 22 years.Muhammad memorized all the words and taught his followers. The scribes who checked with

    Prophet Muhammad recorded the text. While many elements of 114 chapters in the Koran were

    written during Muhammad's lifetime, the final version was compiled after his death.

    Islam teachings

    Koran is the main supply of each Muslim's faith and employ. Koran deals with all matters that

    concern individuals- law, beliefs, wisdom, and worship. Nonetheless, it places a great deal of

    emphasis on the partnership between Allah with his fantastic creatures. Also, Koran offers

    guidelines for the just society, good human relationships and also equal divisions of power. This

    will make Islam the clear way of life, which is different from other religions.

    Muslims' believe about Allah, prophets and eternity

    Muslims believe there's just one omniscient and omnipotent God. They presume that Allah

    created Adam and Eve from whom humankind flourished, that Satan exists, that there'll be

    judgment, and others. Muslims also believe both Jesus and Moses are Allah's prophets and so

    they're given due respect as prophets. Nonetheless, Muslims believe the newest Testament along

    with the Torah were Allah's words, but over the years, human being has corrupted the teachings.

  • 7/27/2019 An Introduction to Islam1532scribd


    Five pillars of Islam

    Islam has 5 primary obligations that each Muslim must fulfill in the lifetime. They are

    Shahadah,Salah,Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj. Shahadah is Islam's initial pillar. Every Muslim bear

    witness to God's oneness through reciting the creed "I testify there's none to get worshiped God

    but Allah and Mohammed is His prophet". It is a simple yet profound statement that expresses a

    Muslim's acceptance to God as well as a complete devotion to Islam.

    Salah, prayer, is another pillar. Islamic faith relies upon a thought that individuals have a direct

    relation with God. Salah must be performed more per day. While Muslims is capable of doing

    salah independently, it can be meritorious to get it done with another Muslim or with several

    Muslims. It's able to pray at home or work nonetheless it's highly recommended a Muslim perform

    salah in a mosque.

    Zakat is the alms giving. Social responsibility is known as to a part of someone's plan to Allah.

    The requisite act of zakat enshrines this obligation. Sawm is fasting during the month of

    Ramadan. Ordained in Koran, fasting is the act of deep worship in which a Muslim seeks a richer

    thought of Allah. Hajj, a pilgrimage to Mecca city, is Islam's 5th pillar and the main symbol of

    Islamic faith and also unity on earth. It ought to be done once in one's lifetime.

    Life of Muslims

    Islam teachings indicate the check between life on earth in which we are now living in and also

    the life in the next world. Though often seen as radical religion, Muslims always consider theirreligion to get the middle road. They don't live this life selfishly, with disregard for Allah. They

    strike an account balance by fulfilling obligations of and enjoying life, conscious of their

    responsibilities to God and others. God-fearing people must lead by example. Islam forbids

    actions that infringes about the rights of others.


    There are many denominations of Islam currently, but the most popular are Shia, Sunni, and

    Suffis. Exactly like Christian denominations, Islamic differ on few beliefs, however they believe in

    the oneness of God, and also Prophet Mohammed's prophecy. If you have been searching for an

    breakdown of Islam, this information will enable you to understand Islamic religion.

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