An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology Chapter 2 Abnormal Psychology

An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology Chapter 2 Abnormal Psychology

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Page 1: An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology Chapter 2 Abnormal Psychology

An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology

Chapter 2Abnormal Psychology

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Multidimensional Integrative Approach Psychopathology:

Biological roots

Psychological roots

Socio-cultural roots

As opposed to one dimensional perspectives

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Influences Behavioral: emotions

become associated with situations

Biological: inherited traits/genetic contributions

Emotional: influences how we think about and respond to situations

Social: familial/peer influences, cultural context

Developmental: “critical periods”- we may be particularly susceptible due to developmental timing

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Genetic Contributions to Psychopathology

Traits are influenced by our genetic endowment

Polygenetic inheritance: psychological characteristics are influenced by many genes, which interact with the environment; each gene has a very small effect

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Genetic Contributions to Psychopathology

Environmental contexts and experiences determine whether or not genes are expressed or “turned on”

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Study of Genes and Behavior Twin studies:

Comparing heritability estimates between identical and fraternal twins

Schizophrenia: if one identical twin has the disorder, the other twin has approximately a 50% chance of developing it (similar or lower in other disorders)

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Brain Plasticity

Research: the structure and functioning of the brain is continually shaped by experience

Early childhood: deprivation

Adulthood: exposure to stress/trauma; effects of therapy/learning, etc.

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Diathesis-Stress Model

We inherit tendencies toward particular behavioral traits which may become activated during times of stress

Particular life events may trigger the symptoms of a disorder

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Diathesis-Stress Model


Individual with a genetic vulnerability, a history of childhood abuse, and current stress in adulthood

These factors interact to influence the development of symptoms

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Genes and Environments Influence Each Other Our genetic vulnerability may increase

the chance that we will experience stress

Example: we may have a personality trait/temperament that draws us toward stressful environments and relationships, which lead to depression

Niche-picking: genes may lead us to “select” certain environments

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Recent Research:Genetic Contributions

Genetic contributions to disorders may be overstated in the research

Some undermine the importance of environments in the expression of genes

The critical role of early environments and experiences

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Summarizing Genetic Contributions

Genes must always be understood in combination with environments (nature + nurture)

Maladaptive environments may impact us more or less depending on our genetic inheritance

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The Neuron

Fig. 3.8

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Understanding Neurons 140 billion neurons in the brain

Transmit information; chemical and electrical events

Neurotransmitters: chemicals affecting the brain and body; implicated in psychopathology

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Neurotransmitters An increasingly complex picture

Not just “too much or too little”- neurotransmitters affect information processing

Psychotropic medications may block or inhibit the production of neurotransmitters, or may increase production

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Overview: Neurotransmitters GABA (inhibitory): affects

information transmission- GABA tends to reduce anxiety- anti-anxiety meds allow more GABA to attach to receptors

Serotonin: information processing and mood regulation- different effects depending on the area of the brain

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Overview: Neurotransmitters Dopamine: has a general effect, allowing

other neurotransmitters to function; associated with pleasure seeking; revision to the “dopamine hypothesis”

Norepinephrine: does not appear to directly link to psychopathology, but works with other neurotransmitters; associated with fear responses, blood pressure, and heart rate

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Neurotransmitters New hypotheses and findings:

Genetic contributions may affect patterns of neurotransmitter activity, which may influence personality characteristics and behaviors

Environments and experiences can shape and change neurotransmitter activity over time- brain scans with patients receiving therapy

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Placebo effect:

The brain circuits/neurotransmitter activity change based on our expectations

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Brain Changes- Learning and Experience Learning/experience influences the

structure of the neurons and the number of receptors

Studies: Active vs. inactive rats- active rats have more

neural connections and more active brains Deprivation/enrichment: brain scans of


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Dendritic Spreading

Fig. 3.11

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Lessons from Behavioral and Cognitive Science

The manner in which we process information shapes the learning and maintenance of certain behaviors

Events become “paired” and associated with each other

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Lessons from Behavioral and Cognitive Science Learned Helplessness: Seligman

When we give up and stop trying to cope

In response to stress that we perceive as beyond our control

Based on our attributions

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New Research:Learned Optimism

Seligman- we function better psychologically and physically when we have hope, positive beliefs about ourselves, and positive attitudes

The mind-body connection

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Emotions Emotions contribute to the

development of psychopathology

Alarm reactions: fight or flight responses

Our emotional appraisals of a situation shape our reactions (behaviors)

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Research on suppression: activates the sympathetic nervous system (responsible for fight or flight responses)

Suppression is linked with psychopathology

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The Role of Culture

Culture shapes what we learn to fear, expect, believe, etc.

Example: case studies of Voodoo death

Cultures have difference constructions of psychopathology

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The Role of Culture

Culture shapes our constructions of gender

Perspectives on gender shape what we find socially acceptable

Example: men and experiences of fear and emotion; women and body image

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Social Relationships and Mental Health Research: the experience of social

support affects life expectancy

Physical and mental health is influenced by the quality and extent of our social relationships

Research: having a pet has been shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure

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The Role of Social Stigma

The stigma of labels can affect individuals affected by mental health problems

Beliefs about moral weakness and unpredictability/aggression

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Developmental Considerations Developmental stages and prior

experience shapes the experience of psychopathology

Equifinality: the notion that there are multiple pathways and interacting factors that influence the development of psychopathology

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New research findings are changing our understanding of psychopathology

A multidimensional perspective is needed to understand the development of psychological disorder