An Experience in School It was raining cats and dogs out there. Lighting struck almost everywhere. The roaring sounds of thunder made everyone had a terrible jolt. I could not hear my teacher’s voice. I glanced at the other students and found that they were no more interested in our Biology class. It was only 9.3 in the morning and I could not !ay any attention to the class. "#hat a day.$ I sighed to myself% while staring at the notes on the white board. The notes seemed to be dancing in front of my eyes. I could not take it anymore so I asked the !ermission from my teacher to use the lavatory. I strolled along the corridor with one hand in my left !ocket. &ro!lets of water could  be seen s!lashing onto the wall of the corridor% causing the floor to be sli!!ery. I could see water oo'ing out from the roof as I walked down the stairs. The scenes of the countryside that could be seen from the school block had been blurred by the mist. (ot much interesting scenery could be seen in the rainy day% e)ce!t for the flooding of the school garden. *o% I sauntered into the loo and headed towards the cubicle. The lavatory seemed warmer than outside. The sound of rainwater gushing somewhere was loud enough to overcome the sound of me flushing the toilet bowl. I went out of the cubicle and washed my hands. The water that flowed out was free'ing cold. I wondered what would ha!!en if rain storm had occurred in Iceland in the mid of winter. Ice would be dro!!ing out from the ta!. I raised my head and found myself looking at the frosty mirror. I used my fingers to wi!e the mirror so that I could see my face again. I thought of heading back to class when I sensed something strange. Through the reflection in the mirror% I s!otted a !ail moving slowly as if someone was dragging it. I  believed that it was my imagination but when I turned b ack% I was wrong. The g reen !ail was still moving. I flinched towards the grille% sensing that I had encountered a s!ectre or something way beyond human imagination. I could have easily scooted to my class but my conscience told me that something was fish y . *o% gallantly% I ti!toed towards the !ail. +od heavens, There was a !ython or a boa hiding in between the !ail and the concrete wall. In my estimation% it could be as long as - feet and as thick as my arm. I was so flabbergasted as I had never stumbled on a ser!ent before in my life. I was !anicked and the only thought I could come u! was to get a gardener. #ithout hesitating% I rushed to the hut at the end of the school block where gardeners usuall y rest after doing their duty. T hank +od they were all there and I uttered to them about the incident. urriedly% they took some necessary tools and rushed to the scene. Back at the scene% the ser!ent was still there% but this time it was s/uee'ing through a tiny hole% trying to esca!e . 0aybe it had s ensed danger. Immediately % one of the gardeners% who was gallant enough% tugged the snake out. e managed to !ull it out but the /uick refle)es of the snake caused it to strike his leg. The other gardeners caught hold of the ser!ent

An Experience in School

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An Experience in School

It was raining cats and dogs out there. Lighting struck almost everywhere. The roaring

sounds of thunder made everyone had a terrible jolt. I could not hear my teacher’s voice. I

glanced at the other students and found that they were no more interested in our Biology

class. It was only 9.3 in the morning and I could not !ay any attention to the class. "#hat a

day.$ I sighed to myself% while staring at the notes on the white board. The notes seemed to be

dancing in front of my eyes. I could not take it anymore so I asked the !ermission from my

teacher to use the lavatory.

I strolled along the corridor with one hand in my left !ocket. &ro!lets of water could

 be seen s!lashing onto the wall of the corridor% causing the floor to be sli!!ery. I could see

water oo'ing out from the roof as I walked down the stairs. The scenes of the countryside that

could be seen from the school block had been blurred by the mist. (ot much interesting

scenery could be seen in the rainy day% e)ce!t for the flooding of the school garden. *o% I

sauntered into the loo and headed towards the cubicle.

The lavatory seemed warmer than outside. The sound of rainwater gushing

somewhere was loud enough to overcome the sound of me flushing the toilet bowl. I went out

of the cubicle and washed my hands. The water that flowed out was free'ing cold. I

wondered what would ha!!en if rain storm had occurred in Iceland in the mid of winter. Ice

would be dro!!ing out from the ta!. I raised my head and found myself looking at the frosty

mirror. I used my fingers to wi!e the mirror so that I could see my face again.

I thought of heading back to class when I sensed something strange. Through the

reflection in the mirror% I s!otted a !ail moving slowly as if someone was dragging it. I

 believed that it was my imagination but when I turned back% I was wrong. The green !ail was

still moving. I flinched towards the grille% sensing that I had encountered a s!ectre or

something way beyond human imagination. I could have easily scooted to my class but my

conscience told me that something was fishy. *o% gallantly% I ti!toed towards the !ail.

+od heavens, There was a !ython or a boa hiding in between the !ail and the concrete

wall. In my estimation% it could be as long as - feet and as thick as my arm. I was so

flabbergasted as I had never stumbled on a ser!ent before in my life. I was !anicked and the

only thought I could come u! was to get a gardener. #ithout hesitating% I rushed to the hut at

the end of the school block where gardeners usually rest after doing their duty. Thank +od

they were all there and I uttered to them about the incident. urriedly% they took some

necessary tools and rushed to the scene.

Back at the scene% the ser!ent was still there% but this time it was s/uee'ing through a

tiny hole% trying to esca!e. 0aybe it had sensed danger. Immediately% one of the gardeners%

who was gallant enough% tugged the snake out. e managed to !ull it out but the /uick

refle)es of the snake caused it to strike his leg. The other gardeners caught hold of the ser!ent

Page 2: An Experience in School


and successfully !ut it in a sack. The gardener% who had a gash on his left leg% was rushed to a

nearby hos!ital for a treatment. 0eanwhile% the snake was given to the firemen when our

1rinci!al called the local fire brigade. e called them as soon as the gardener informed him

through the !hone.

2ll of us had a huge relief as soon as the snake was sent away. I finally reali'ed that I

already s!ent almost an hour outside of my classroom. I was very sure my teacher would be

wondering where I had gone. n my way back to my class% I was muttering to myself about

the incident. ow could such a creature entered the lavatory4 5ust then% I ti!!ed my head

towards the sky and found that it was still raining but not as heavy as before. Then% I reali'ed

that there was no more forest nearby for that ser!ent to live in. it had all been cleared off for

the new sho!!ing mall to be built. (ow I knew why animals had been found in human’s


I stood at the door of the class when everyone including my Biology teacher stared at

me. er grim look made me want to glide away but calmly% she asked me "#here have you

 been% young man4$ #ith a small mysterious smile I answered "I had my Biology class in the
