“An artist by nature, a pastor by calling,

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“An artist by nature, a pastor by calling,

and a follower of Jesus by choice.”

~Rev. Melany A. Chalker

There’s a good chance by the time you read this, I am still sitting

on the couch with a leg sitting high on pillows in front of me. My

foot surgery went well, but I never could have guessed how diffi-

cult it would be to just sit still for four weeks. At first I rejoiced

thinking how wonderful it would be to read and paint and create some jewelry; all things I rarely find time to do

and truly enjoy. But instead, I found myself sitting in a daze with anything but focus. I’m sure the pain meds

had something to do with that, along with the body wanting to pay more attention to healing than creating, but

I was bummed, none the less. I am chomping at the bit to return to the church and the Kingdom work God has

given us to do.

It’s hard to believe we are less than eight weeks from Christmas!

Yes. I said it. Eight weeks. And even before that, we have Thanksgiving

and an additional opportunity to worship together. Sitting around has

certainly given me much time to ponder all I have to be thankful for.

Take time this month to just stop… and offer God your thanks. God will

smile, you will smile, and you’ll both be glad you did. Some people

leave town or prepare for company the night before Thanksgiving, so

we’ll be having our worship service the Tuesday night before, Novem-

ber 25 at 7 pm. Put it on your calendar now and just carve out one

hour to give thanks. Yes. we do have time. We ran out of room in the Prayer Chapel last year so we’ll be

meeting in the Sanctuary this year. We’ll sing some hymns, bring forward our thanks, and create a Tree of

Thanksgiving to place in the Great Hall for others to add to. So bring the kids, pick up a neighbor or a friend

who is shut in, and plan on joining me with a thankful spirit.

And then… then… we’ll begin the transformation of our worship space into a winter wonderland of birch

trees and snowflakes, foil-wrapped gifts and glistening bows. We’ll be hanging the boughs of evergreen and

raising the wreaths, tipping up the trees and unfolding rolls of ribbon. Each and every item, a symbol of hope

and life and light. Oh, I know it’s only November, but the First Sunday of Advent comes in November and Ad-

vent is all about preparation! Christmas, as you all know, doesn’t just happen. It takes time to prepare for it…

in our space, and our hearts.

As Christ followers, there is no better time than November to prepare our

hearts for the season to come. So spend some time on your knees this

month… and if you’d like to help hang some lights or wrap some packages,

just let me know. It will take us all month to prepare. But He is soooo

worthy! So very worthy.

Happy Fall. Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Advent. It’s November at MUMC!

1 can at a time

I propose we all take the 15 Week Challenge. It is very simple. Every time you go to the grocery store

for anything. You just pick up an extra can of non-perishable food. That can goes to a local food pantry.

You can either drop it off somewhere, or even easier bring it to church and put it into our MACS collec-

tion area.

Can (what a pun uh?) you imagine what a HUGE difference this could make this winter for those in need? Our

food pantries could be full and ready to help. And, if we don’t stop at 15 weeks, but make this a habit. WOW! We

could end hunger! Imagine That! Such a simple act. I know I can pick up and extra can each time and it won’t

hurt my budget. How about you?

I challenge You!

Jerris Finkbeiner

A critical part of any group dedicated to the discipleship of Jesus Christ is taking care of our own flock. As such, I

was appointed Visitation Pastor by the MUCM in January.

My role as Visitation Pastor is to visit those from our church who are in need.

Hospital visits

Home visits

Pastoral care in times of spiritual needs such as illness, death in family, or for those just needing a visit.

The needs of our church in these areas are substantial, unpredictable and varied, and as such, I am praying and asking for volunteers to create a strong MUMC visitation team. Especially needed is person who would be willing to head up this team and coordinate, with my help, the organization and activities of the group as we endeavor to strengthen our connections with those from the Church who need our help.

A little about me in case we haven’t met. I have been a member of MUMC for the past three years. You may have

been to a service or two where I have subbed for Pastors Len or Melany, or perhaps met me at a MUMC event or

small group. I am a retired ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and I have a special focus on caring for

our sick, lonely, hospitalized and grieving congregants. Outside of my love for the Church and its people, I enjoy

spending time with my husband Glen, my children and grandchildren, being an avid potter and living on Lyon

Lake. Prior to becoming a Minister, I worked in the private sector, most notably at Whirlpool in Benton Harbor in


You can reach me any time by calling the church at 269-781-5107, my cell 231-519-5956, or by Email at

[email protected].

-John Wesley

“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the

times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.”


It is the time of the year that we start thinking about the 2015 mission season. Our young people, last year,

went on an adventure to Metro Detroit. It was a soul stretching, muscle burning, worship bringing, heart

growing experience. And it is time to start planning for next year!

Our first mission meeting is the 19th of November at 6pm in the discipleship office. We will be doing a brief

recap of last years trip for the new students. We will distribute paperwork and plan the schedule and dead-

lines for future mission meetings.

Last year we had 6 students participate and this year our goal is to double the participation. This means more

trained adults, fundraising, and planning will be necessary.

This is a growth experience that is incomparable for the young people of MUMC. I would encourage you to

pray on it and ask God where you might be led to participate. Whether it is as a participant, a chaperone, fi-

nancial support, or prayer warrior you are those anointed for work in his kingdom.

“First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings,

be made on behalf of all men.” 1 Timothy 2:1

Please bring a treat to

share the week that

the first letter of your

last name is by:

November 2 U-Z

November 9 A-E

November 16 F-J

November 23 K-O

November 30 P-T

We will be celebrating National Donor Sabbath

on Sunday November 16. Once again this year I will have one of the Do-

nor Quilts on display and a table set up with lots of information about

becoming an Organ and Tissue Donor. Along with lots of Give Aways.

Please be sure to stop by and see me to sign up, pick up some goodies

or if you have any questions.

“The United Methodist Church recognizes the life-giving benefits of or-

gan and tissue donation and thereby encourages all Christians to be-

come organ and tissue donors,” reports a church policy statement. In a

2000 resolution the Church also “encourages its congregations to join in

the interfaith celebration of National Donor Sabbath… another way that

United Methodists can help save lives.”

Gift of Life Representative

Jerris Finkbeiner

Charitable Union

The next collection for the Charitable Union will be on Sunday,

November 16. Items can be brought in and dropped off in room #13.

The Middle School Sunday school class will make sure the items are delivered.

The monthly newsletter will no longer be sent out to help save money on postage. Most are receiving the same info

in multiple other forms now like midweek emails, bulletins, and the webpage. We will however be having some availa-

ble to pick up and will continue sending the newsletter out to our shut in’s. If someone wants a newsletter we’ll mail

one out upon request, otherwise we are no longer sending them out in bulk.

Overall if you look at the cost, it should save the church just for postage

$600.00 per year. That does not even include the cost of the paper, and

copying. So, just like at home we begin to cut back. We would rather

see this money go to curriculum and programming opportunities to our


Go on line to www.umcmarshall.org and see your current issue today!

It has been one wild month!! Miracle Sunday has come and gone, mailings are finished; now we start planning budgets

for 2015.

Committee chairs – a reminder that your budget requests for the year 2015 are due November 1. Please turn them in to

me and I will forward them to the Finance Chair after all have been turned in.

To make my life, and that of my volunteer counters, please make sure if your donation is for something designated, mark

it on your check or envelope. If you know your contribution number – please write it on your envelope or check.

Year end is coming fast. An early reminder that donations for 2014 to be recorded on your 2014 contribution state-

ment they must be turned in or postmarked by December 31.

As MACS liaison I thank you for your help in ‘jump starting the bus’ – Stuff the Bus has been a success for many years;

new or gently used clean winter coats are now being collected – Heritage Cleaners have once again volunteered to clean

coats for us – just drop them off and mention MACS.

If adopting a family for Christmas is your thing, MACS will be set up at Trinity Episcopal Church, 101 E.

Mansion Street from 11:00am-5:00pm Monday, November 17 through Thursday the 20th. Notice, we

will not be open on Friday the 21st.

The Giving Tree will once again be up the Sunday after Thanksgiving for those who might want to

donate a special item for MACS’s Christmas Clearing Bureau gift baskets.

If you have any questions or concerns? Feel free to call me.

Becky Swaney Financial Secretary 781-5107

This month I chose Covenant Worship and their album “Kingdom” released 2014. I encountered their music for

the first time at “Deeper Conference” this year.

We will be doing some of this music very soon! I think it is very well

written and engaging music for the church.

I hope you enjoy them!

~Robert W. Costa~

Director of Contemporary Worship

Plan on attending our annual Church Conference on Sunday, November 16 @ 3:00pm.

Unfamiliar with what happens at an annual Church Conference? You are likely not alone. It is very similar to

any corporation’s annual meeting. It is a vital part of communicating what has been happening. You’ll hear

from our District Superintendent Tamara Williams – she always provides inspiring and challenging words for

our congregation to think about. A key decision also involves approving the names of those being nominat-

ed for committees and special group assignments along with key leadership positions. There also will be

decisions made regarding inactive members to allow us to better understand how large our membership is.

So keep the afternoon of November 16 clear. Come celebrate what we’ve done and hear about the plans for

our future at our annual Church Conference at 3:00. See you there!


Greeting sisters and brothers of MUMC! We are coming into a very busy time of year and we need your

help. We are always in need of volunteers in all areas. We currently have enough teachers and assistants

for Sunday School. Unfortunately, we don’t have a substitute list built up to cover those people when need-

ed. The Nursery is another area that is in need of assistance. These are GREAT services, but only a few of

them that we provide through the CE department. Our Christmas Program is another event that’s coming

up and we’ll need help with. If you are someone that might be interested in helping in any of these areas,

please contact me ASAP! You can email me, [email protected] or call me at 269-967-4444. Thanks!

Matt West


Check out MUMC CE on…


MarshallUMC Christian Ed


Senior Pastor Melany Chalker [email protected]

Visitation Pastor Pat Bromberek [email protected]

Director of Education Matt West [email protected]

Director of Music Ron DiSalvio [email protected]

Director of Contemporary Worship Robert Costa [email protected]

Contemporary Worship Dee Russell [email protected]


Office Manager Ruth Ann Holmes [email protected]

Newsletter Editor Jerris Finkbeiner [email protected]

Co-Editor Ruth Ann Holmes [email protected]

Financial Secretary Becky Swaney [email protected]

Event Coordinator Dawn Smith [email protected]

Nursery Carmen Ripley

Custodial Staff Stu Webb [email protected]

Dawn Smith [email protected]

We’re on the web:


Marshall United Methodist Church

721 Old US 27 North

Marshall, Michigan 49068-9609

Phone: 269-781-5107

Fax: 269-781-6965

e-mail: [email protected]

Worship Service Times

9:00 a.m. Traditional

10:10 a.m. Sunday School

11:00 a.m. Contemporary

Open Hearts, Open

Minds, Open Doors

Missions Statement

“To make disciples who know Christ, serve others, grow spiritually”