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Page 1: An arti cial statistical method to estimate seismicity ...scientiairanica.sharif.edu/article_1874... · The purpose of this study is to develop an arti cial statistical procedure

Scientia Iranica A (2015) 22(2), 400{409

Sharif University of TechnologyScientia Iranica

Transactions A: Civil Engineeringwww.scientiairanica.com

Research Note

An arti�cial statistical method to estimate seismicityparameter from incomplete earthquake catalogsA case study in metropolitan Tehran, Iran

A. Yazdania;�, A. Nicknamb, M. Khanzadib and S. Motaghedb

a. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, P.O. Box 416, Iran.b. School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, P.O. Box 16765-163, Tehran, Iran.

Received 7 December 2013; received in revised form 20 May 2014; accepted 26 July 2014

KEYWORDSCompleteness region;Missing earthquakes;Stochastic syntheticseismic catalog;b-value;Bootstrap sampling.

Abstract. Uncertainties in earthquake catalogs, earthquake recurrence parameters, andin the variation of ground motion parameters are often considered in the evaluation ofseismic hazard analysis. The purpose of this study is to develop an arti�cial statisticalprocedure based on Bayes' formulation and weighted bootstrap sampling to estimateseismicity parameter (b-value of the Gutenberg-Richter law) from both historical andinstrumental data in a given region. The procedure allows for uncertainty in the periodof completeness, and assigns di�erent weights to historical seismicity as compared toinstrumental seismicity. Variation of seismicity within seismic sources is allowed with thisprocedure. This variation generalizes the condition of spatially homogeneous seismicitywithin seismic sources and permits an accurate representation of historical seismicity.As a case study, the earthquake catalog of the greater Tehran, Iran, is considered toestimate seismicity parameters as well as Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA)using the proposed procedure, and then the results are compared with those obtained froma conventional PSHA method. This comparison con�rms the applicability of the procedureused in this study.© 2015 Sharif University of Technology. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) is themost reasonable and applicable approach of evalu-ating the design values of earthquake ground mo-tion [1-4]. The PSHA employs source model, occur-rence model and attenuation relationships to quan-tify the probability of exceedance of the thresholdintensity measure from all possible magnitude anddistances [1,5]. Occurrence model is a representativeof background seismicity of an area, but there is

*. Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 871 6668457;Fax: +98 871 6660073E-mail addresses: [email protected] [email protected] (A. Yazdani)

no distinct description of the seismicity properties,such as the distribution of earthquakes in space, timeand magnitude domain [6]. So, modern earthquakecatalogs, unlike older ones, tend to include the seismo-logical information, such as origin times, hypocenterlocations, earthquakes magnitudes, faults mechanism,and seismic moment tensors [7]. These catalogs aresupposed to provide all the necessary information forfurther processing [8-11]. The main problem is howto combine this catalog information with the olderdata to best determine the seismicity parameters. Itis quite postulated that statistical approaches are thebest tools to deal with earthquake recurrence mod-els due to their randomness [12]. The well-knownGutenberg-Richter (G-R) relation is commonly used forgetting together the regional earthquakes information

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and putting the data into a statistic version of theproblem [1].

The results of Seismic Hazard Analysis (SHA)including G-R relation are highly in uenced by inputdata which mathematically appear in the b-value,maximum magnitude, and occurrence rate [13]. Theanalyst should best interpret the inputs and con-sider the uncertainty attribute to these factors [4].Apparently, any defect of the input data used inSHA (such as the accuracy, reliability and particularlythe catalog incompleteness) may in uence the results.Catalog incompleteness is in turn a function of thedetection capability of the network which, in a medium-seismicity area, depends mainly on the density anddistribution of seismic stations, as well as technicalskill and engineering knowledge to recognize theirrecording characteristics. The former depends uponthe economic power of the country for preparing theupgraded instruments. The above issues are the maincauses of probable missing earthquakes data.

PSHA methods consider each earthquake as apoint event in space and time. The basic assumptionin these temporal point-process models is the time-stationarity of seismic occurrence. The estimation ofrecurrence parameters and incompleteness is a coupledproblem. This paper is focused on seismic catalogincompleteness and associated problems in seismicityparameters estimation and proposes a procedure forcatalog completion. For this purpose, the intentionis to provide a reliable and general framework for theauthentic earthquake recurrence parameter estimation.In this study, a procedure is presented for generatingthe missing earthquakes, data completion, and b-value estimation based on the principle of stationarystochastic processes. To illustrate the strength of themethod, it is implemented in Tehran city as a casestudy and the proposed technique and the �ndings arecompared with those of a traditional approach.

2. Earthquake catalog: Incompleteness andremedial issues

The incompleteness or shortage of data is a frequentand problematic issue in statistical analysis. Thereliability of any statistical analysis is highly in uencedby the quantity and quality of its input data [14].Seismic catalog is an example of probable-incompletedata set.

Incomplete coverage due to limited sensitivity ofrecording network, variable recording accuracy in timeand space, di�erent ways of data interpretation, al-teration of temporal-spatial distribution, and the mis-reported earthquake hypocenter are the major factorsa�ecting the catalog incompleteness [9,15]. Thesefactors are the results of political and social status, de-mographic conditions and construction circumstances

for historical era and the coverage and accuracy ofnetwork for instrumental period. The earthquakemagnitude distribution is usually determined by powerlaw as:

log [N(M)] = a� bM; (1)

where N is the number of events with magnitudes notless than M , and a and b are constant coe�cients. ThePSHA depends highly on b-value which in turn dependson catalog incompleteness. As a result, many studieshave been conducted on reliable b-value estimation andits time variability [16].

In general, regression methods are employed toestimate seismicity parameters. Reliability of estima-tion depends upon plentifulness and homogeneity ofemployed data. In regions with moderate seismicity,data augmentation is possible through enlarging thetime interval, spatial interval, or both. The enlarge-ment could lead to heterogeneity. For example, if allthe historical data are used, the incompleteness of theearthquake catalog could commit bias in recurrencemodel parameters. In addition, the incompleteness de-gree depends on the time. Thus, temporal distributionof the earthquake is estimated incorrectly.

There are two di�erent strategies to remedy thecatalog incompleteness. The �rst strategy is based onestimation of b-value by employing a fairly completeand recent catalog data (e.g., recent 50 years) withdata homogeneity assumption, and parameters esti-mation using Least Squares (LS) regression. Despitethe widespread adoption of this strategy, using LStechnique for b-value estimation does not have anystatistical motivation [17]. Lamarre et al. [18] improvedthis method by introducing a max likelihood approachfor G-R law estimation in ranges associated withuneven observations and di�erent magnitudes. Thetime period of instrumental data is usually shorterthan the recurrence rate of large earthquakes and largeearthquake can in uence the estimated parametersstrongly, so these procedures are often associated withcomplications [9,18]. The other strategy is estimationof b-value based on entire catalog data, by utilizingstatistical concepts for removing data heterogeneity.Dong et al. [19,20] introduced a Bayesian frameworkfor developing recurrence relationship which is compat-ible with the geological, historical, and instrumentaldata. Kijko and Sellevoll elicited earthquake hazardparameters from incomplete data sets via maximumlikelihood estimation [21]. Lamarre et al. [18] describeda procedure based on the bootstrap statistical methodto combine the uncertainties in earthquake catalog,recurrence and attenuation models.

In this study, we present an alternative methodfor catalog completion and b-value estimation basedon Stochastic Synthetic Seismic Catalog (SSSC) gen-eration under the assumption of stationarity. The

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key feature of this method is correction of detectionprobability through the use of Bayes' formulation, soit is possible to utilize the entire earthquake catalogin a region and estimate the uncertainties in b-valueusing the bootstrap sampling method. The proposedprocedure describes seismicity distribution by the G-Rrelation under the assumption of stationarity. It alsoprovides uncertainties resulting from the estimationmethod.

3. Methodology

In this section, a new approach is described for thecompletion of existing incomplete catalog and gen-erating SSSC based on stationarity assumption ofthe process. This approach employs some statisticaltools namely stochastic processes, missing data theory,Bayes' theorem and bootstrap sampling method.

The SSSC covers the entire recorded and un-recorded (but likely to occur) earthquakes in a region,so that the reported real data remains unchanged inthe catalog (weighted by one) while those likely tohappen (missing data) are weighted by their occurrenceprobability value. In other words, we append newearthquakes which probably happened but were notrecorded (i.e., missing earthquakes). Therefore, thenew catalog, or SSSC, will contain all the recordedand un-recorded earthquakes along with a coe�-cient indicating the recording characteristics of theevents.

3.1. Catalog incompletenessThe catalog incompleteness is clari�ed by completenessregion de�nition using detection probability concept.Completeness region refers to a certain geographicalregion, magnitude range, and time period where thedetection probability is homogeneous [18]. Statisticallyspeaking, in the given ranges, the mean of detectionprobability equals detection probability values, i.e.distribution is uniform.

In stationary processes, the future seismicity rateis estimated directly from the past information [10].Magnitude range is the smallest range where stationar-ity is met which should be small enough to best providehomogeneity. It is not necessary for magnitude rangesto be equal to each other. In regions with moderateseismicity, where the earthquake of upper magnitudeis rare, sometimes it is useful to enlarge ranges withmagnitude. Geographical regions should be consideredas the largest area where recording homogeneity canbe assumed. Geographical region enlargement canprovide the possibility to satisfy stationarity in smallermagnitude ranges.

The time period is determined based on thehomogeneity of the recording in each range. Therefore,all the factors that a�ect the ability of recording, such

as demographic changes, social and political events,the seismogram network, and development and com-pletion play a role in determination of homogenoustime periods. As a result, time intervals can bedetermined as the time between important changes ofthe aforementioned factors.

Boyd [22] incorporated the foreshocks and af-tershocks into time-independent probabilistic seismic-hazard analyses by mathematically considering thecluster of all shocks as a union of events in which eachevent in the cluster has some probability of exceedinga given ground motion. But in this study, afterdepicting earthquakes from the catalog, and before anyprocessing, aftershocks and foreshocks were removed.It should be noted that the catalog completeness isnot concerned with aftershocks and foreshocks butdepends on characteristics, accuracy and distributionof recording equipment and earthquake magnitude.For instance, where human witnesses were responsiblefor recording earthquakes, presence of human in theregion (i.e. population distribution and density), eventtime, minimum sensible magnitude, condition andtypes of construction materials, which are e�ective onhuman's understanding of the magnitude and societydevelopment, are of great importance.

Shcherbakov et al. [23] indicated that most sta-tistical parameters of aftershocks do not depend onthe magnitude of the mainshock. But, in general,the reason for removing aftershocks and foreshocks isthat the current methods of catalog completeness testare based on G-R law, which in turn, is based onthe presumption of linear behavior of earthquakes inmagnitude domain.

3.2. Detection probabilityIn PSHA, the earthquake is assumed as a stationaryprocess and thus seismicity rate can be estimated fromthe past information [10]. A stationary process isde�ned as a stochastic process whose distribution isinvariant over time and situations. The record ratio instationary processed is de�ned as:

RRCR(t;g;m) =nCR(t; g;m)nCCR(tc; g;m)

; (2)

where nCR(t; g;m) is the earthquake occurrence ratein a given completeness region as a function of geo-graphical region (g), magnitude range (m), and timeperiod (t). nCCR(tc; g;m) is the earthquake occurrencerate in the cause of Complete Catalog CompletenessRegion (CCCR), i.e. for the same geographical region(g) and magnitude range (m), but the time periodof complete catalog (tc). The nCR(t; g;m) is equalto NCR(t; g;m)=t, where NCR(tc; g;m) is the numberof earthquakes in a given completeness region andnCCR(tc; g;m) are achieved form the same approachfor CCCSs (nCCR(tc; g;m) = NCCR(tc; g;m)=tc).

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It should be noted that the number of earthquakesin a completeness region also depend on the uncertain-ties in magnitude, time and epicenter position. So thenumber of earthquakes in a completeness region has aprobabilistic nature.

The recorded probability is de�ned as the chanceof recording and/or reporting the occurred earthquakein a catalog and is determined from the record ratiousing the negative binomial distribution [18]:

RPCR(t;g;m) = (RRCR(t;g;m))NCR(t;g;m): (3)

Furthermore, annual recorded probability is calculatedas:



= (RRCR(t;g;m))nCR(t;g;m): (4)

The time interval of recorded probability in the timeperiod between the two prede�ned event times (T ) iscalculated as:

TIRPTgm = (ARPt;g;m)T = (RPCR(t;g;m))T=t: (5)

Since the de�nition of the time interval of recordedprobability is based on the occurrence ratio, it can beregarded as a conditional probability:

TIRPTgm = pT;g;m(A=B); (6)

where, A and B stand for earthquake recording and oc-currence probabilities, respectively. Finally, detectionprobability (or unrecorded probability) is de�ned as theprobability of unrecorded events in completeness regionbetween two successive main events and calculated asa complementary probability. The two time periods,t and tc, should be su�ciently large so that thestationarity assumption of the earthquake occurrencecan be satis�ed.

3.3. Catalog completionAccording to the above de�nitions and relations, miss-ing earthquakes can be appended to the catalog basedon earthquake scenario de�nition. A scenario is de�nedas a set of probable earthquakes between two appar-ently consecutive earthquakes in catalog after removingclusters, duplicates and magnitude scale conversion.These two consecutive earthquakes can be in the samecompleteness region in the case of incomplete catalog.Regarding the magnitude uncertainty, these two eventsalso can be in di�erent completeness regions. Theupper bound of the magnitude range of the previousearthquakes should be greater than a certain thresholdmagnitude, mt [18]. By the above de�nition, the SSSCcan be generated.

3.4. Earthquake occurrence probabilityAccording to the uneven occurrence probability of theearthquakes in the SSSC, two di�erent conditions forassigning probabilities to earthquakes are considered.In the �rst condition, for the recorded earthquake,event weight is equal to conditional probability ofoccurrence in relationship to record that is equal toone. By considering the uncertainties of the reportedevents, the probability of event can be consideredto be smaller than one. In this case, the recordprobability of the completeness region may also needto be modi�ed. In another condition, for addedearthquakes, event weight is equal to conditionalprobability of occurrence in relationship to detectionprobability that should be calculated. These calculatedprobabilities will be considered as bootstrap samplingweights.

The conditional probability of event occurrencegiven its detection, P (B=A0), and conditional prob-ability of event non-occurrence given its detection,P (B0=A0), are calculated. B0 and A0 denote non-occurrence and non-reported probabilities, respec-tively. According to Bayes' theorem, posterior prob-ability of B can be obtained as:

P (B=A0) =P (A0 \B)P (A0)


1� 1P (A0=B)


P (B)P (A0=B)



where, P (A0=B) and P (B) are detection probabilityand occurrence probability, respectively.

The earthquake annual rate in the completedpart of the catalog is divided by the annual rate ofearthquake in the recent time period of that com-pleteness region (e.g. completeness region with zerodetection probability). It is implied that the annualrate of earthquake in the complete part of the catalogis known and is equal to the annual earthquake rate.Assuming the Poisson distribution, the occurrenceprobability between two consecutive earthquakes canbe determined as:

P (B) = P (x > 0) = 1� P (x = 0) = 1� e�v; (8)

where v is the earthquake rate within the time periodbetween the two respective earthquakes, which is equalto annual earthquake rate multiplied by the number ofyears between the two consecutive earthquakes.

Furthermore, Magnitude uncertainty should alsobe taken into account. For added earthquakes, magni-tude uncertainty is accounted for using uniform distri-bution. For the recorded earthquakes this uncertaintycan be applied using statistical distributions or fuzzynumbers. Distribution parameters bins are determinedbased on catalog information precision.

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Augmenting the calculated weights to the com-pleted catalog and allocating the weights to theevents, the SSSC and quantify of heterogeneity ofthe initial catalog in incomplete periods can be gen-erated. However the completed catalog is also non-homogeneous, so it cannot be used for seismicityparameters estimation directly, because the events haveunequal weights and they cannot have equal roles inregression. For this reason, the bootstrap weightedsampling is used to compute the recurrence modelparameters.

3.5. Weighted sampling of completed catalogThe bootstrap statistical method is used to deal withthe incompleteness catalog and weighted samplinggeneration. In this method, sampling of the SSSCis done with the replacement procedure [24]. Boot-strap sample includes events that might be occurred,but have not actually occurred. Here, the initialset of n members is used to produce D bootstrapsets each with n members. D represents a bignumber like 10000 or more. The probability of thepresence of each member in the bootstrap sampleis proportional to each member's weight. Due tothe stochastic nature of bootstrap sampling, thereis no clear-cut rule for producing samples. Theproblem can be solved by increasing the number ofsamples.

The bootstrap sampling generates D sets of com-pleted catalog for a region. The b-value for each ofthese sets can be obtained by Maximum likelihoodregression analysis. So, a D-member set composed ofthe b-values and their mean and standard deviation canbe obtained.

After the recurrence parameter is characterized,a probability density function is created that uses thedistance from the rupture to the site to quantify theearthquake's location, and conditions for the sourceproperty are de�ned. Evaluation of seismic hazardrequires an estimate of the expected ground motionand an attenuation relation at the site of interest.Analytically, the e�ects of all earthquakes of di�erentsizes, occurring at di�erent locations within di�erentearthquake sources and having various frequenciesof occurrence, are integrated into a single seismic-hazard curve that shows the frequencies of di�erentlevels of ground shaking being exceeded at a siteduring a speci�ed period of time. The bootstrapsampling uses randomly generated points in the sim-ulation of stochastic processes to cover the range ofvalues that enter into calculation. The techniquehas the advantage of being relatively easy to beimplemented on a computer and allowing uncertaintyin the input parameters to be dealt with in a verypowerful way by the generation of random num-bers.

4. Case study: Metropolitan Tehran

Tehran, the capital, political and economic center ofIran, is located among the southern foothills of theAlborz mountain range, bounded by active faults [25].Most active faults a�ecting the Central Alborz areparallel to the range and accommodate oblique con-vergence across the mountain belt. In the south ofthe Alborz range, the main active faults are the NorthTehran, Mosha and Niavaran faults.

Previous conventional PSHA studies by Tavakoliand Ghafory-Ashtiany [26] and Ghodrati-Amiri etal. [27] and Monte-Carlo procedure PSHA by Yazdaniand Abdi [28] calculated values for design-basis ac-celeration at greater levels than the value suggestedby the seismic code. The seismic assessment at thesite of interest depends mainly on the catalog ofearthquakes and potential seismic sources that werecompiled from available references containing histor-ical and instrumental events in a radius of 200 km.Historical earthquakes in Iran (pre1900) were reviewedby Ambraseys and Melville [29] and Berberian [30].Early (pre-1964) and recent (after 1964) instrumentallyrecorded events are collected from Shahvar et al. [31].All other required parameters are taken from Yazdaniand Abdi [28]. An overview of the earthquake catalogof Tehran shows its sparseness and heterogeneity. Inother words, the historical data is very rare. Inregions where the seismogenic progress is relativelyunknown, the earthquake data is sparse. In thiscondition, instrumental data is often integrated withpaleoseismological data to cover the longer duration,thus the data is inconsistent. Due to incompleterecording, the sequence of earthquake events displaysa high degree of non-stationarity. For two di�erentmagnitude ranges, the events in Tehran region areshown in Figure 1. It is obvious that the part ofthe catalogue spanning from 1900 to 1960 and 1900to 1990 is poorly reported for magnitude bins of 4.5-5.5 and 3.5-4.5, respectively, which are due to lack ofobservations. However, a good recording was observedfor later years. Especially the number of earthquakesof magnitude 3.5-4.5 has enormous increase in recentyears. It introduces a strong bias in the estimation ofrecurrence model parameters.

The data are controlled in di�erent magnituderange to check the stationarity in time. The attainedstationary magnitude ranges are 5-6, 6-7, and upper 7ranges. The degree of incompleteness of the earthquakedata needs to be assessed in order to use historical andlarge earthquake to re�ne the modeling of these largeearthquakes in the future. The selected area, whichis spatially homogeneous [27,32], includes residentialand non-residential areas. The epicenter location ofhistorical and instrumental recorded events in greaterTehran is presented in Figure 2. Figure 2(b) shows the

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Figure 1. Histogram of the earthquake number in thetime period 1900-2010 for Tehran.

approximate population distribution in Tehran area atthree di�erent years. The detection probability for eachzone is calculated separately. There is no signi�cantdi�erence between detection probability in residentialand non-residential areas, which can be due to the lackof accurate information about historical demography.Therefore, it seems illogical to discriminate betweenaforementioned areas.

Based on the recorded data in greater Tehran,Table 1 indicates the completeness time periods fordi�erent magnitudes [32]. Regarding the presumptionof constant event rate in magnitude bins through time,the authors proposed the starting year of completerecording for each magnitude range, via the com-pleteness analysis. The number of events in di�erent

Table 1. Completeness time periods for Tehran [32].

Time period Magnitude

0-855 -

855-1601 � 7

1601-1930 � 6

1930-1965 � 5

1965-1990 � 4:5

1990-2012 � 4

Table 2. Number of earthquakes for Tehran incompleteness regions.

Time periodMagnitude range

5.0-6.0 6.0-7.0 � 7

0-855 0 2 4

855-1601 1 4 4

1601-1930 9 4


25 21965-1990


Table 3. Earthquake rates for Tehran completenessregions.

Time periodMagnitude range

5.0-6.0 6.0-7.0 � 7

0-855 0 0.0023 0.0046

855-1601 0.0013 0.0053 0.0053

1601-1930 0.0272 0.0121


0.3048 0.02431965-1990


Table 4. Record ratio for Tehran completeness regions.

Time periodMagnitude range

5.0-6.0 6.0-7.0 � 7

0-855 0 0.0959 0.4818

855-1601 0.0044 0.2201 0.5530

1601-1930 0.0894 0.4969


1.0 1.01965-1990


magnitude ranges based on completeness region ingreater Tehran by assuming the temporal and spa-tial homogeneity are presented in Table 2. In thiscase study, magnitudes and epicenters error of therecorded events were not considered for simpli�ca-tion.

Regarding the earthquake number in di�erentcompleteness region, the earthquake rate is calculatedas mentioned in Table 3. Table 4 indicates the recordratio using Eq. (1) in completeness regions. This ratiois equal to one for complete completeness region. Thesmall values show the unsuitable recording conditionand incomplete reporting of the earthquakes. Therecord probabilities for each completeness region usingEq. (2) are shown in Table 5. These values arethe record probabilities in the completeness regiontime period. The annual record ratios according to

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Figure 2. (a) The epicenter location of historical and instrumental recorded events in greater Tehran. (b) Samples ofdemographic map in greater Tehran, black color represents the residential area.

Table 5. Record probability for Tehran completenessregion.

Time periodMagnitude range

5.0-6.0 6.0-7.0 � 7

0-855 0 0.0258 0.0539

855-1601 0.0044 0.0184 0.0935

1601-1930 3.67E-10 0.0609


1.0 1.01965-1990


Table 6. Annual record probability for Tehrancompleteness region.

Time periodMagnitude range

5.0-6.0 6.0-7.0 � 7

0-855 0 0.9957 0.9965

855-1601 0.9927 0.9946 0.9968

1601-1930 0.9362 0.9915


1.0 1.01965-1990


Eq. (3) are given in Table 6. Given these values,detection probability in the time interval betweentwo recorded earthquakes can be calculated based onEq. (6).

By the presented procedure, the catalog can becompleted in di�erent time periods. Table 7 presentsthe complete catalog in greater Tehran. The values ofthe weights in this table indicate the heterogeneity ofthe catalog. The mean value and standard deviationof b-value through weighted bootstrap sampling proce-dure (10,000 simulations) are equal to 1.093 and 0.106,respectively.

The mean seismic hazard curve in the centreof greater Tehran is shown in Figure 3. The twodi�erent attenuation relationships of Ambraseys andBommer [33] and Sarma and Srbulov [34] were em-ployed using logic-tree method in seismic hazard cal-culation. In Figure 3, the mean curve using theseismic parameters computed by present procedure iscompared with the mean curve using the conventionalPSHA. As expected, variation of the b-value has asigni�cant impact on the hazard curve. This issueis critical in the design of special and importantstructures with long design life time [35,36]. As shownin Figure 3, in Tehran, considering the uncertainty inseismic parameter causes an increase in the mean valueof seismic hazard curve.

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Table 7. Complete catalog in greater Tehran (magnitude scale Mw).






























7.2 1 1127 6-7 0.201 1809 6.5 1 1961 5.1 15-6 0.999 � 7 0.084 5-6 0.757 1962 7 16-7 0.610


6.7 1 1825 6.7 1 1964 5.3 1� 7 0.384 5-6 0.999 5-6 0.170 1966 5 1


7.1 1 6-7 0.894 1830 5.4 1 1968 5.5 15-6 8.0E-05 � 7 0.687 5-6 0.998 1968 5 16-7 7.8E-05


7.2 1 1876 5.8 1 1971 5.6 1� 7 3.1E-05 5-6 0.123 5-6 0.687 1974 5.1 1


7.4 1 6-7 0.008 1890 5.5 1 1977 5.3 15-6 0.073 � 7 0.003 5-6 0.170 1980 5.3 16-7 0.005


5.9 1 1895 5.4 1 1980 6 1� 7 0.002 5-6 1 5-6 0.233 1982 5.6 1


5.5 1 6-7 0.073 1901 5.6 1 1983 5.4 15-6 1 � 7 0.005 5-6 0.951 1988 5.3 16-7 0.998


1 1930 5.5 1 1988 5.1 1� 7 0.980 5-6 0.999 1935 5.6 1 1988 5 1


7.4 1 6-7 0.608 1937 5.7 1 1990 5.9 15-6 0.999 � 7 0.334 1940 5.4 1 1991 5.1 16-7 0.536 1608 7.4 1 1945 5.2 1 1993 5 1� 7 0.278 5-6 0.999 1951 5.4 1 1998 5.1 1


6.8 1 1678 6.5 1 1951 5.1 1 2001 5 15-6 0.998 5-6 0.990 1952 5.2 1 2002 5.1 16-7 0.332 1721 7.1 1 1954 5.1 1 2002 5.2 1� 7 0.149 5-6 0.999 1957 5.7 1 2002 6.4 1


6.5 1 1803 5.5 1 1957 5.2 1 2002 5.7 15-6 0.073 5-6 0.170 1957 6.7 1 2004 6.3 16-7 0.005 1808 6.6 1 1958 5.4 1 2007 5.9 1� 7 0.002 5-6 0.007 1958 5.1 1

1127 6.8 1 1808 5.9 1 1959 5.2 15-6 0.986 5-6 0.001 1960 5.4 1

Figure 3. Hazard curve for Tehran.

5. Conclusion

A procedure for improving the accuracy of the PSHA,by entering the seismic data in the complete timeperiod was presented. In order to use the earthquakecatalog data through the whole period, the record prob-ability de�nition is o�ered by de�nition of the detectionprobability. The SSSC was generated based on theproposition of a generic method for catalog completion.The missing earthquake occurrence probabilities werecalculated using Bayes' formula.

Assigning weights to events based on occurrenceprobabilities, the mean values and standard deviationsof b-value and consequently the PSHA curve werecalculated based on the Bootstrap sampling method.The applicability, simplicity, and e�ciency as shown

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in the case study, are the main advantages of thepresented procedure. The standard deviation of b-valuecan be calculated, thus con�dence intervals of SHAcurves can be calculated.


The authors would like to thank anonymous review-ers for their comments which helped to improve themanuscript.


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Azad Yazdani, PhD, is Associate Professor in theDepartment of Civil Engineering, University of Kur-distan, Sanandaj, Iran. His research interests lie inthe intersection of the general �elds of seismology andstructural engineering. He has published around 45technical articles.

Ahmad Nicknam, PhD, is Assistant Professor in theDepartment of Civil Engineering at Iran Universityof Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran. He haspublished numerous papers in international journalsand conferences as authored/co-authored in the �eldsof earthquake simulation at near and far source sites in-cluding directivity e�ects, nonlinear dynamic analysisand performance evaluation of structures, retro�ttingstructures, deterministic and probabilistic USHA.

Mostafa Khanzadi is an Assistant Professor of CivilEngineering with over 25 years of professional expe-rience in civil and structural engineering. His mainexpertise and experience are in the �elds of structuralanalysis, concrete technology and construction man-agement.

Sasan Motaghed is a PhD student in the Departmentof Civil Engineering at Iran University of Science andTechnology, Tehran, Iran, where he also received hisMSc and BSc degrees. His research interests include:seismic risk analysis, statistical seismology, evaluatingthe seismic behavior of reinforced concrete structures.He has been working as a lecturer since 2006 inBehbahan Khatam Alanbia University of Technology.