An Appeal by the Minisink Valley Historical Society (1889)

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An Appeal by the Minisink Valley Historical Society (1889)

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Page 1: An Appeal by the Minisink Valley Historical Society (1889)
Page 2: An Appeal by the Minisink Valley Historical Society (1889)
Page 3: An Appeal by the Minisink Valley Historical Society (1889)

-i AN RPPeRL h

-by ty\e-

ff?ir;)i§ii7k Galley ^i${eneQxl %eeie{g.


Soliciting Contribiitions of Historical Interest, consisting of

booKs, parriphlets, docUrnents, and any other

records pertinent to the purposes

of this Society.

Page 4: An Appeal by the Minisink Valley Historical Society (1889)

^HE Executive Conqnqittee oft^ie MINISINK YHLLEY HISTORICHL SOCIETY solicit

(®) frorT\tl;\eirfelIow-citi2eris doriatioris of booKs, old newspapers, tiistoricaland fairiily

papers of every sort, genealogical tables, statistical inforrqation relative to tl:\e

Various trades rqariUfactures arid business interests of tt\e territory to Wl:\ichi tl:\eir laborsare principally confined, Vi7: tt^e Counties of Orange, Sullivan and Delaware in New YorK,Sussex and Warren in New Jersey, and PiKe, Monroe and Wayne in Pennsylvania.

Tl:\e following l^eads Will explain n\ore in detail tt]e objects of our inquiry:

1, Farnily papers, old receipts, letters, account books of ttie colonial or revolutionarytirqes. Every paper, written or printed, Wl|ict| l^as been in tlie possession of a farqily

for fifty years.rqay prove of service to tl\e future l^istorian, and our friends oUgI^t,on noaccount, to onqit forwarding old letters, receipts or rqenqoranda, because tl^ey deeri|

tl^erq Worthiless.

2. Old deeds, cl|arters, corrirqissions to office, or land grants.

3- Maps of lands, strearqs, or field booKs of surveys.

4. Genealogies of farnilies and tl^eir connections.

5. Biograpl^ical sKetcties of noted persons.

6. Extracts fron\ old wills, sl^owing l^istorical facts or explaining curious and an-cient customs. JUso copies of old docunqents wt\ere tl^e owners or custodians do not

feel Willing to part Witl^ tt\e original.

7. Inscriptions on torqb stones ; and tl|ese sI:\oUld be copied literally witl^out alter-

ing tlie spelling or punctuation.

8. Legends or traditions of ttie several localities.

9. BooKs and files or single newspapers pUblisl^ed in tl^e district. It is particu-

larly desired to secure files of old newspapers of tY\e Counties above naiiied ; and a

single copy of son\e paper rnay enable tl:\e Society to conqplete a portion of its collection

under tills I|ead.

10. Extracts frorn rare booXs or records existing elseWliere, relating to our l]istory.

11. Historical WorKs Wl\icl| rr[ay facilitate tt^e researcl^es of tl|e Society for tl\e li-


12- Statistics of agriculture, rnanufactures and corqirierce, tl^e rqining. blUe-stone.

lUir\ber and otl\er irqportant interests.

13- fln account of tl\e Railroad and Canal conqpanies, tl|e Stage-lines, tl|e Turn-piKe

and PlanX-foad organizations, Ferries and Bridge cornpanies, tt\eir rise and progress.

14. Portraits and drawings of objects of interest.

15- Poll and assessrnent lists, old nquster rolls and.nqinute or otI\er books of tt|e

inilitia, particularly of tl\e early periods of tl\e country.

16- Relics of tl\e colonial and revolutionary days; continental rqoney and curious

coins and tokens, and especially tl|e iTioney issued by Village corporations, coinpanies

and individuals.

Page 5: An Appeal by the Minisink Valley Historical Society (1889)

17. Old public records and reports froiri persons vJl^o Y\ave \\ad an opportunity of

exanciining tl^e county, town, cl^urGl\ or otl:\er records, stating ttieir present condition

and t\\e attention given to tt\erri by tl:\e custodians.

18. Descriptions of old ctiurcties, l]ouses and n\en:\orable localities.

19. Lists of tl|e public officers of forrT\er tiii\es, clergynqen, principals of acaderqies

and scl\ools, witl) date of entry into and retiren\entfroiT\ office, and biographiical notices

of ttieiT\.

fl large nt^iTlber of Valuable l^istoiical papers t\aVe doubtless perisl\ed in tlje last

few years, and we invite all persons interested in tl:\e good r[arc\e of tl\eir l:\oii\es to

unite Witt! Us in rescuing frorq destruction tlr^ese rqaterials for l\istory, assuring tl:\en\

tt\at all articles deposited witlj tt|e MinisinK Yalley Historical Society will be carefully

arranged for convenient reference and sacredly preserved for tl^e desired ends. Tliey

Will be accessible for literary purposes, and in tlie event of tl:\e dissolution of tl|e Society,

its collections Will be deposited wit!) tl:\e New York Historical Society and tl)Us forever

serve a public purpose.

We solicit papers relating to our objects to be read at tl:\e rqeetings of tl^e Society

wt|ict| will be placed in its arcl^ives, and Wt|icniriay l:\ereafter bepUblislied in pan\plilet

forn) Wit):! sucli otl]er nqatters fron\ our collections as nqay be deeiT\ed of sufficient

value and interest.

Ttie rnerqbers l:\ip of tlrie Society is open to all Upon ttie ann^-lal payrrient of Two Dol-

lars, Upon receipt of wl:|ict\ by t]\e Treasurer, a certificate of n\en\bers]:iip Will be fur-


Donations sljould be forwarded to tl\e Secretary or Treasurer at Port Jervis, or if

iriore convenient, rnaybe l~^anded to one of tl^e Executive CoiTin\ittee. Tl^e Secretary

is instructed to acknowledge all donations to tl:\e Society.

Two regular yearly irieetings of ttie Society will be t^eld. One, tl^e ann^Jal meetingfor tlie election of officers, will be Upon Wasl\ington's Birtli-day, Feb. 22nd, and tl^e

otlier Upon tlie Anniversary of tl:\e MinisinK Battle, July 22nd. Otl:\er rqeetings Will be

l\eld fronn tirqe to tirr\e at tlr^e call of tlie Executive Corrinqittee.

Tt\e Iqistorical events Whiicl) Y\ave transpired Witliin our liiiqits, and tlie n\any en\t-

nent rrien to wliorn tlqis region of country l|as given birtl], nqaKe it proper and ever)

render it necessary to a correct Understanding of liistory, ttiat our local traditions, pa-

pers etc., sliould be carefully collected and preserved. Our older inl^abitants Wliose

rqinds are stored Witlri traditions ricli in t]\e l]istory of ttje past l\ave n\ostly passed

aWay, wl^ile letters and docUrrients wl|icli are invaluable as ir\eiT\entoes of oUr past l^is-

tory are, in tt\e extinction of farqilies and divisions of estates, being lost and destroyed.

Tliese painful facts bespeaK tl^e necessity of an organization sucl]' as is proposed byour Society, and We sincerely liope tliat tl^e pride of tlie people in, and tlieir patriotic

love for, tl\eir l\ori\es will induce all cordially to assist us in carrying out tl^e objects of

tliis Society.

Page 6: An Appeal by the Minisink Valley Historical Society (1889)



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Rev. S. W. MIIvLS, President.




W. H. NEHRPflSS, Cor. Sec.



Port Jervis, N. Y., April SOtl), 1889.

Ex, CoiT\,

Port Jervij QASErre Jop Print.