An Apparently Impossible Adventure by Laura Madeline Wiseman Book Preview

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  • 7/24/2019 An Apparently Impossible Adventure by Laura Madeline Wiseman Book Preview




    B L A Z E V O X [ B O O K S ]Buffalo, New York

  • 7/24/2019 An Apparently Impossible Adventure by Laura Madeline Wiseman Book Preview


    An Apparently Impossible Adventureby Laura Madeline Wiseman

    Copyright 2016

    Published by BlazeVOX [books]

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced withoutthe publishers written permission, except for brief quotations in reviews.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Interior design and typesetting by Geoffrey GatzaCover Art by Susan Jamison, Avian Couture, egg tempera on panel, 72"x44"and Curious Bloom, egg tempera on panel, 36"x36"

    First EditionISBN: 978-1-60964-232-7Library of Congress Control Number: 2015951606

    BlazeVOX [books]131 Euclid AveKenmore, NY 14217

    [email protected]

    publisher of weird little books

    BlazeVOX [ books ]

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  • 7/24/2019 An Apparently Impossible Adventure by Laura Madeline Wiseman Book Preview


    B l a z e V O X

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  • 7/24/2019 An Apparently Impossible Adventure by Laura Madeline Wiseman Book Preview



    Grateful appreciation is expressed to the editors and staff of the

    following journals and anthologies in which many of thesepoems first appeared, often in earlier versions or under different


    Abyss & Apex: The Fairy Tree

    Canary: Our Cherry Trees

    Damsel Fly: Knowledge Wands

    District Lit: When Were Not HikingEmpty Mirror: Avalon Movie Marathon Night, Domesticity

    with Fairies, Enchantment of Fairies

    Eunoia Review:Work

    The Fem:The Sword and the Dream

    Festival of Language:Breasts, Dollar Store Fairies, City


    Foliate Oak Literary Magazine:Fairy America, Hoarder, HerFairy Groats

    Fox Chase Review:Decoction for Pain

    Gingerbread House Magazine: Enchantment Shame

    Illuminations:Radiance, Magic House

    Josephine Quarterly: New Journey

    Kenning Journal: Wound

    Kudzu House: Wish-giver, Front Yard GardenMelancholy Hyperbole: Fairy Pregnancy

    The Plot:Doorways

    Queen Mobs Teahouse: Red Roof, Folk of the Side

    Red Paint Hill Poetry Journal:Pirate Trade

    Silver Blade:Crossing the Fairy Threshold

    Siren: Travel Charm, Necromancer Incantation

    Sliver of Stone:ShadeThe Sows Ear Poetry Review: Our Foil

    Subprimal: Transformation

    Sugar Mule: Local Weather

    Toad the Journal:Candy, Cigarettes, and Fairies

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    Unbroken Journal:Shape-shifter

    Verse Wrights:Courage Spell

    Her Urn first appeared in the digital project with graphic arts

    by Adam Wagler, Peoria IL: Prairie Center of the Arts, 2012.

    Knowledge Wands also appeared in the anthology Bearers of

    Distance, Jenn Monroe and Martin Elwell, Eds. Manchester,

    NH: East Point Lit House & Press, 2013.

    Kin first appeared in the anthology Out of the Depths: Poetry of

    PovertyCourage and Resilience. Susan Deborah King, Ed.

    Holy Cow! Press, 2015.

    Lineage and Crossing the Fairy Threshold appeared in the

    Art & Words Show, edited, curated, and coordinated by

    Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, Art on the Boulevard,2015.

    Blackbird Lime first appeared in the anthology Four SeasonsAnthology, A.J. Huffman and April Salzano, Eds. Kind of a

    Hurricane Press, 2015.

    Candy, Cigarettes, and Fairies also appeared in the anthology

    Circes Lament: An Anthology of Wild Women. Bianca Spriggs &

    Katerina Stoykova-Klemer, Eds. Accents Publishing, 2015.

    When Were Not Hiking was selected by Sarah Vap as a finalist

    for the 2015 District Lit Poetry Prize.

    Thanks to the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation of New Mexico and

    the Prairie Center of the Arts for residencies that made writing

    the poems within this book possible.

    Thanks to my colleagues and students at the University of

    Nebraska-Lincoln, Southeast Community College, and the Red

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    Hen Press Writing in the Schools program, especially my

    students, all of us together writing in the writing classroom.

    Sincerest gratitude to Geoffrey Gatza, Sally Brown Deskins,

    Karen Kelsay, Elizabeth Akin Stelling, Kathleen Anna

    Faktorovich, Glassburn, Genevieve Williams, Andrea Blythe,

    Raylan Clacher, and Britny Doane. Thanks to the readers who

    have given this work a thorough reading, especially Cat Dixon.

    Im grateful for the community of writers Ive come to know

    through Women Write Resistance: Poets Resist Gender Violence and

    The Chapbook Interview. Their work and dedication continues to

    inspire my own. Thanks to my writing group and my writing

    collaborators. A special thanks must go to the designer, teacher,

    and scholar Adam Wagler for his support and generosity.

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  • 7/24/2019 An Apparently Impossible Adventure by Laura Madeline Wiseman Book Preview


    Table of Contents

    Acknowledgements .................................................................................... 7

    Outside the Plains of Delight.................................................................. 17

    I ....................................................................................................................... 19Dollar Store Fairies.................................................................................. 21City Fairies ................................................................................................. 22Avalon Movie Marathon Night .............................................................. 24Enchantment of Fairies........................................................................... 26Hoarder ...................................................................................................... 27Domesticity with Fairies .......................................................................... 29Pirate Trade............................................................................................... 31Candy, Cigarettes, and Fairies................................................................ 33Enchantment Shame............................................................................... 34Breasts ........................................................................................................ 36Fairy America ............................................................................................ 38Work.......................................................................................................... 40Her Fairy Groats ....................................................................................... 42Fairy Pregnancy....................................................................................... 44

    The Sword and the Dream ...................................................................... 45Crossing the Fairy Threshold ................................................................. 47

    II ..................................................................................................................... 49Among the Trees .......................................................................................51

    I. Travel Charm ......................................................................................51II. Blackbird Lime ................................................................................. 52III. Shade ................................................................................................ 53IV. Decoction for Pain .......................................................................... 54V. Transformation ................................................................................ 55

    VI. Necromancer Incantation ............................................................. 56VII. Courage Spell................................................................................ 57VIII. Knowledge Wands ...................................................................... 58IX. Wish-giver ....................................................................................... 59X. Our Cherry Trees ............................................................................ 60

    Our Foil ...................................................................................................... 61Her Urn ...................................................................................................... 62Our Front Yard Garden ........................................................................... 63

    Local Weather.......................................................................................... 64The Fairy Tree........................................................................................... 65Magic House .............................................................................................. 66New Journey .............................................................................................. 67

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    III ................................................................................................................... 69Preserve...................................................................................................... 71

    When Were Not Hiking .......................................................................... 73Red Roof.................................................................................................... 74Heroes ......................................................................................................... 75Lineage ....................................................................................................... 76Learning to Tell .........................................................................................77Against Homes.......................................................................................... 78Shape-shifter............................................................................................. 79Radiance .................................................................................................... 80

    Reinhabit .................................................................................................... 81Doorways................................................................................................... 82Folk of the Side ......................................................................................... 83Kin .............................................................................................................. 84One Foot Wide Bridge............................................................................. 85Wound ....................................................................................................... 87Home Test ................................................................................................. 88

    IV ................................................................................................................... 89

    Returning to this American Gothic........................................................ 91

    References & Notes on the Text ........................................................... 93

    About the Author ................................................................................... 102

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  • 7/24/2019 An Apparently Impossible Adventure by Laura Madeline Wiseman Book Preview


    However unexpectedly to the hero she appears before him, she comes

    always in quest of him, and for the purpose of carrying out a long-

    formed design of claiming his love. Her power at first is manifested

    by some mysterious agency The effects of these agencies is merely

    the sign that the mortal is feeling the bewildering fairy influence, and

    unconsciously, but perforce yielding to it. When the inevitable results

    ensue, and he obeys her summons to the other world, his

    bewilderment becomes oblivion, and he dwells in utter forgetfulness

    of all things mortal, conscious only of the delights that the fay offers

    him In the fairy mythology of romance the law is invariable, that

    the mortal who once has experienced the fairy control there is no true

    release, and the fay is never to be thwarted in her plans to win the

    hero whose love she seeks.

    Lucy Allen Paton

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  • 7/24/2019 An Apparently Impossible Adventure by Laura Madeline Wiseman Book Preview



    Outside the Plains of Delight

    We cannot see in this nightsky moonless,

    stars padded in black, unable to reflect ourdistant citys glow, the burning, trash glittering

    in hues as it ignites. We row braided current.

    Our oars like strong hands reaching to slope,

    sandbar, driftwood, plastic, and pushing away.

    We turn in the drift, noting where we might be

    tested. The interstate thrums with semis,

    buses, lone cars of women too tired to drive,too fearful to stop inside the orange din of rest

    stop, too many miles to cross between the

    place called home and the other. We listen to

    the suck and lick of boat, feel the deft turns

    made of narrow channels, and inhale the

    effluvial churn water makes of prairie and

    sand hill plaited above what homes mermaid,ladies of water, and monsters. To blackness,

    we say, Lets put the blade in here. Our metal

    slips into mouth of current and eddy. Its gone.

    The water has it now. We turn the boat back to

    dwelling and away from forgetfulness charm.

    Our eyes flash with the light of dying city,

    vengeful love, how the work we have yet to dois unknown. We say as we reach the shore,

    Applesapples just sound so good. We climb

    from the shore to the edge of the plains,

    carrying what we have between us.Theres no

    money for food here, no adventure but this.

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    So make your choice.

    Le Morte dArthur

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  • 7/24/2019 An Apparently Impossible Adventure by Laura Madeline Wiseman Book Preview



    Dollar Store Fairies

    At the dollar store, I buy the coloring

    bookmaybe it can tell me how to find thefairies. I also buy a coffee mug with

    snowflakes, condolence cards, and crayons,

    too. As I wait for the bus, as the snow falls,

    as I ride across the city, as I walk from my

    stop to my door, as I shrug from Midwest

    winter boots and gear, I think this is what

    its like now that your sister is gone. At mydesk, I write all the expected sorrows. I sip

    instant cocoa from my mug. I color, but the

    crayons are waxy, bruising where I grip. I

    find a handful of mismatched markers,

    some bold, a few pastel, many dry, even if I

    lick the tips. I color the kissing fairy in reds,

    the kissed fairy in blues. A busty yellowbutterfly hugs the air. It takes me two days

    to maker in the lines. You mightve asked

    me if I did anything else while coloring

    sang a little jazz, chanted nonsense to all

    the forgettable songs, hummed the blues

    or what I was thinking. I wasnt thinking,

    more like meditation. My mantra is alwaysthe same.

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    City Fairies

    There are fairies on our nieces backpacks

    for school, fairies on headbands, fairies onPJs with frayed edges, pink polyester

    sleeping bags, nightlights that glimmer and

    turn a fairy galaxy on their ceiling and

    walls. Figurine fairies with rubber legs

    gather in toy boxes. Plastic fairies stand

    shelvestheir mothers collection of

    ceramic knickknacks painted in 1970shuessoft soled shoes, smocks, freckles,

    mascara, big floppy hats. Their dresser

    features fairies from Happy Meals and

    cereal boxes of frosted marshmallow

    flakes, ones with the words, kids love,

    mothers approve. On their windows that

    look into a city yard of fairy chimes, glassorbs on pedestals, fairy lights twining trees,

    and fairy cement statues, are fairy window

    clings. The girls play electronic gamesIce

    Fairy Dress UpTM, Fairy Caf, Trendy

    Autumn Fairy. When we arrive, your lips

    pinch over your words, but your arms are

    wide. You want to parent these girlstheirfather lives, our brother-in-law, even if

    their mother does not. I said on the drive

    over, They dont need our money or our food,

    and you tossed your thumbs into the air.

    Our nieces show you how to play Fairy

    Factory, Fairy Bakery, and Fairy MakeDo. I

    ask them what they wrote to Santa,knowing you thought fairy wands, fairy

    wings, a fairyland come xmas morning and

    a personal request for youtheir mothers

    favorite siblingto be their king.We want

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    our Mom back, one says, climbing into her

    bunk. Shes being a baby, her sister shushes.

    Were reading a trilogy from the library about

    amazon queens, wraiths, and fairies. From the

    bunk, our niece squawks, Wraiths lack

    brains. A little like chemo brain, I think,

    wondering if they hoped fairies had saved

    her, could save her still, could keep her on

    some distant isle. When I ask you if you

    want to talk on the way home, you grip the

    wheel. I reach to smooth your crown, but

    you say, Their bank foreclosed. Medical bills.

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    Avalon Movie Marathon Night

    You keep pulling me to you and wrapping

    your arms around my waist. Im standingin the kitchen with coffee as the morning

    wind shakes the last red-gold from the

    trees and youre squeezing me like Im a

    stuffy, a baby blankie, or a puppy before

    the first day of school. I say around your

    damp hair, Have a good day at work. After

    dinner, when were washing bedding andpolishing the lamps, you say, Were getting

    too old for this, and kiss me hard, tilting your

    head up as if I were taller than you, though

    Ive never been. You kiss and kiss,

    misreading my body language for a peck

    as, Make-out time!Later, after youve closed

    your home office door to work, I say fromthe other side, Im walking to the store. Its

    two-for-a-dollar at Casa Video. Any requests

    besides diet pop? I button my coat and wrap

    the scarf around my throat. You open your

    door for a kiss goodbye, grabbing my thigh

    and fondling my chest. I step back and

    push your hands away. Stop acting like ateenager. Were going G tonight, I say,

    thinking old schoolFern Gully or The

    Sword in the Stonenot yet ready for The

    Sorcerers Apprentice, Maleficent, or Merlin.

    You try again with the petting, sliding your

    hands under my coat and beneath my

    clothes to rest your cold palms on mywaist, but I step outside. Work, I say. We

    need the funds. Ill be back in an hour. I shut

    the door against your reaching hands and

    tell myself, my flesh, that you can no

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    longer touch me unless I will it. I willed it

    in college, willed it to you as a young man,

    as a man in full power of job, income,

    projects to complete. Im trying now to will

    you back to living, not man at battle, war-

    fury, one sister gone.