i AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT EIGHTH GRADE OF SMP UNISMUH MAKASSAR (Descriptive Research) A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan HERRY JAISYAN KHOIRI 10535 5500 13 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR


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(Descriptive Research)

A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan


10535 5500 13







(Descriptive Research)

A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan


10535 5500 13











Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Herry Jaisyan Khoiri

NIM : 10535 5500 13

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi :

An Analysis of Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at

Eighth Grade of SMP Unismuh Makassar

Dengan ini menyatakan:

Skripsi yang sayaajukan di depan tim penguji adalah hasil karya saya

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Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya dan bersedia

menerima sanksi apabila pernyataan saya tidak benar.

Makassar, Juli 2020

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Herry Jaisyan Khoiri



Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Herry Jaisyan Khoiri

NIM : 10535 5500 13

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi :

An Analysis of Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at

Eighth Grade of SMP Unismuh Makassar

Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut:

1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai dengan selesainya skripsi saya, saya

akan menyusun sendiri skripsi saya, tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun.

2. Dalam menyusun skripsi, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan


3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam menyusun skripsi ini.

4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian saya seperti yang tertera pada butir 1, 2 dan

3 maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi dengan aturan yang berlaku.

Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, Juli 2020

Yang Membuat Perjanjian

Herry Jaisyan Khoiri



Herry Jaisyan Khoiri, 2020. An Analysis of Students’ Ability in Writing

Descriptive Text at Eighth Grade of SMP Unismuh Makassar, under the thesis of

English Education Department the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education,

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, supervised by Hasnawati Latief and

Radiah Hamid.

This research aims to find out the ability of the students’ writing descriptive

text with vocabulary, mechanics and organization. The population of this research

was the Eighth Grade of SMP Unismuh Makassar.. The sample was VIII B2 taken

by purposive sampling technique which consisted of 17 students.

This research consists of problems, research objectives, methods, research

findings and conclusions. This research focused on students' ability to write

descriptive texts. Descriptive texts included in the type of text that are not too

difficult but still found some difficulties faced by students when writing this

essay, this is the background of researchers doing this research. In collecting data,

researchers used a writing test as an instrument. The components analyzed are

vocabulary, mechanics and organization. Researchers analyzed students' writing

abilities based on five categories: excellent, good, average, fair, poor. This

research was conducted at Eighth Grade of SMP Unismuh Makassar.

The results of this study illustrated that students face difficulties in the

vocabulary component and still using Indonesian vocabulary. Likewise in

mechanics and student organizations are still difficult.

Keywords: Problems, Writing, Analyze and Difficult



Herry Jaisyan Khoiri, 2020. Analisis Kemampuan Siswa dalam Menulis Teks

Deskriptif Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Unismuh Makassar. Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan

Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas

Muhammadiyah Makassar dibimbing oleh Hasnawati Latief dan Radiah Hamid.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan menulis teks

deskriptif siswa dengan kosa kata, mekanika dan pengorganisasian. Populasi

penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Unismuh Makassar. Sampel penelitian

adalah VIII B2 yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling yang berjumlah

17 siswa.

Penelitian ini terdiri dari masalah, tujuan penelitian, metode, temuan

penelitian dan kesimpulan. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada kemampuan menulis

teks deskriptif siswa. Teks deskriptif termasuk dalam jenis teks yang tidak terlalu

sulit tetapi masih ditemukan beberapa kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa saat menulis

karangan ini, hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi dilakukannya penelitian ini.

Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan tes menulis sebagai instrumen.

Komponen yang dianalisa adalah kemampuan menulis siswa berdasarkan lima

kategori :sangat baik, baik, sedang, lumayan, buruk. Penelitian ini dilakukan di

kelas VIII SMP Unismuh Makassar.

Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa siswa menghadapi kesulitan

pada komponen kosa kata dan masih menggunakan kosa kata bahasa Indonesia.

Begitu juga di mekanik dan pengorganisasian siswa masih sulit.

Kata Kunci : Masalah ,Menulis, Menganalisa dan Sulit



In the name of Allah, the most gracious and most merciful

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, I would like to express my profound

gratitude to the almighty God Allah SWT, the most compassionate and merciful,

the cherisher and sustainer of the world. Praise to Him, Shalawat and Salam are

addressed to the beloved and chosen messenger, the prophet Muhammad SAW,

peace upon be him.

Many problems and difficulties had been encountered in finishing this

thesis. I do realize that in conducting the research and writing this report,

researcher got invaluable contribution and assistance from great number of

people. Therefore, I would like to express my deep appreciation and sincere

thanks to all of the particularly:

1. My highest appreciation and deepest thankful to my beloved parents, who

always be my biggest motivators and also for my brother and sister for the

attention, support and their love.

2. My highest appreciation for the Rector of Makassar Muhammadiyah

University, Dr. H. Abd. Rahman Rahim, SE., MM.

3. The Dean of Faculty of, Teacher Training and Education, Erwin Akib, M.Pd.,

Ph.D. The Head of English Education Department, Ummi Khaerati Syam,

S.Pd., M.Pd, for their guidance and aid. The entire lecturer, especially for

English lecturers for supplying knowledge and lesson during the researcher’s

study and staff.


4. My high appreciation and great thankful are due to consultant Dra. Hasnawati

Latief, M.Pd as the first consultant who guided, gave corrections and advices to

write this thesis, and then to the second consultant, Dra. Radiah Hamid, M.Pd,

for his time in guiding, giving correction and suggestion from the preliminary

manuscript until the last page of this thesis.

5. The headmaster of SMP Unismuh Makassar, the teachers and class VIII B2

students of SMP Unismuh Makassar for helping me to accomplish this thesis.

6. My beloved best friends that gave me support and love. You all would never

been forgotten and would be pleasant memories till the end.

Finally, for everyone that could not be mentioned one by one, may Allah

SWT the almighty God bless us in every steps that we take. Amiin Ya Rabb.


Herry Jaisyan Khoiri





COVER COPY .................................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL SHEET ......................................................................................... iii

COUNSELLING SHEET .................................................................................. iv

SURAT PERNYATAAN .................................................................................. vii

SURAT PERJANJIAN ...................................................................................... viii

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... ix

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................. xi

LIST OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xvi

LIST OF FIGURE .............................................................................................. xvii

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xviii


A. Background ................................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statement ....................................................................................... 4

C. Objective of The Study ................................................................................. 5

D. Significance of the Research ......................................................................... 5

E. Scope of The Study ....................................................................................... 5


A. Some Previous Related Research Findings ................................................... 6


B. Some Pertinent Ideas ...................................................................................... 7

1. The Concept of Writing

a. Definition of Writing............................................................................. 7

b. Purpose of Writing................................................................................ 9

c. Components of Writing......................................................................... 10

2. Descriptive Text

a. Definition of Descriptive Text .............................................................19

b. Generic Structure ................................................................................. 19

c. Characteristic of Descriptive Text ........................................................21

d. Types of Descriptive Text.................................................................... 21

C. Conceptual Framework ................................................................................ 22


A. Research Design ............................................................................................ 23

B. Population and Sample of Study ................................................................... 23

C. Research Instrument ...................................................................................... 24

D. Data Collection .............................................................................................. 25

E. Data Analysis ................................................................................................ 26


A. Findings ......................................................................................................... 28

B. Discussion ...................................................................................................... 30


A. Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 33

B. Suggestions .................................................................................................... 33


BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 35

APPENDICES .................................................................................................. 39




Table 2.1 Scoring Criteria of Writing ................................................................ 26

Table 2.2 Students’ Score of Writing Descriptive Text .................................... 28




Figure 1. Conceptual Framework ....................................................................... 22




Appendix A : Written Test ................................................................................. 39

Appendix B :Students' Ability of Writing Descriptive Text Focus on

Vocabulary.................................................................................. 41

Appendix C : Students' Ability of Writing Descriptive Text Focus on

Mechanics .................................................................................. 42

Appendix D : Students' Ability of Writing Descriptive Text Focus on

Organization .............................................................................. 43

Appendix E : Curriculum Vitae ......................................................................... 63




This chapter provides background information to the investigation and

states a problem of the study. It also explains the previous studies related to the

topic of the study. In addition, research questions, purpose of the study, significant

of the study and scope of the are outlined in this chapter following the background

of study and previous study.

A. Background

In language learning, English is taught starting from Elementary School

to Senior High School level. Teaching English specially teaching writing skill is

important because it is used to communicate with other people in society to

express our feelings and opinions in form of written text.

According to the observation that the researcher had done before, writing

seemed difficult to be mastered by the students because the result of the learning

writing was un-satisfaction. Nunan (2003) stated that the most difficult task to do

in language learning is to produce a coherent, fluent, extended a piece of writing,

which even more challenging for second language learners. The students had low

interest in learning writing and lack ability when write their ideas with the use of

correct language use, vocabulary, and punctuation to compose English sentences

into readable and acceptable text.

Base on the observation, there were many problems that may made the

students unable to write a good writing. The students faced some difficulties to

write a text. First, they had no sufficient idea to compose text, they copy and paste


the writing from internet and did plagiarism. The students could not develop their

ideas into paragraphs base on their own thought. Second, the students did not

know how to express the ideas into sequence of sentences and organize them into

chronological and coherent paragraph. They had less ability to use appropriate

word and grammar mastery. The last difficulty was found that the students had

problem to use correct spelling and punctuation. Some problems before were

supported by the classroom activity which the writing class was considered as a

bored instruction because the learning only conducted in the classroom.

Writing has several components but for this research, the researcher

focused on capitalization, punctuation, and vocabulary. The first, the chief reason

to capitalize a word is that the word is proper, not because the word has greater

status than other words. A proper noun identifies a specific member of a class. A

common noun, on the other hand, denotes either the whole class or any random

member of the class. For example, King Henry VIII (a particular member of a

class)was a king of England (the class itself).Capital letters have two principal in

English writing. First, they may be used to mark the beginning of statements.

Second, they may be used to distinguish between particular and general classes of

persons, places, and things.

The second, punctuation plays as an important role to help the readers

establish intonation. In other words, it is a command for the readers to raise their

voice or drop their speech. It also can help the readers to understand the state of

mind of the writer. Punctuation orders prose and sends signals to the reader about

how to interpret it. Good sentence structure and punctuation makes reading flow;


it warns of what is to come; it helps the reader read without having to re-read.

Meaning is changed, sometimes dramatically, by punctuation. It is one of the

toolboxes of good writing. The next three pages give a resume, but if you really

want the low-down on punctuation, and to be entertained at the same time read

―Eats, Shoots and Leaves‖ by Lynne Truss, listed under ―Further Reading‖ at the

end of this manual.

The third is students' vocabulary abilities. Vocabulary knowledge is often

viewed as a critical tool for second language learners because a limited

vocabulary in a second language impedes successful communication. Vocabulary

is important in writing. By having many vocabularies, the writer can explore

his/her writing deeper. The use of idioms can add values to a composition.

Underscoring the importance of vocabulary acquisition, Schmitt (2000)

emphasizes that ―lexical knowledge is central to communicative competence and

to the acquisition of a second language‖ p. 55). Nation (2001) further describes

the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and language use as

complementary: knowledge of vocabulary enables language use and, conversely,

language use leads to an increase in vocabulary knowledge.

There are twelve genres that are taught to Junior High School students.

Those are descriptive, recount, narrative, procedure, explanation, discussion,

exposition, news item, Information report, anecdote and review. The researcher

focused on descriptive text which is taught in the Eighth Grade of SMP Unismuh

Makassar. One of the text which must be learn by Junior High School students is

descriptive text. The researcher choose descriptive text because this text is very


good to research for description. A descriptive text is a text which a writer tries to

picture what he is describing. Description is used to describe a particular

thing/object, place, or person. The descriptive text is really different from the

other kinds of text. Descriptive text is the text that describes something. From the

explanation above, it can be concluded that descriptive writing is a kind of writing

that consists of description, characteristics, definition of something, object or

person. Then, the descriptive text is usually in simple present tense.

Researchers chose SMP Unismuh Makassar as a research school because

researchers had previously conducted Magang 3 at the school, so researchers had

known the condition of students at the school. Based on the title of the research

above, the researcher hopes that all the difficulties of students in writing

descriptive texts can be known and teachers are also expected to provide more

examples and exercises about descriptive text to students so as to achieve the

purpose of education well, especially English subjects. The researcher will

conduct the study under the title An Analysis of Student’s Ability in Writing

Descriptive Text at Eighth Grade of SMP Unismuh Makassar.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the above background, the researcher formulates the research

question as follows "How is the student’s ability in writing descriptive text?"


C. Objective of the Study

In relation to the problem above, the main objective of the research is to

find out the student’s ability in writing a descriptive text at the Eighth Grade

Students of SMP Unismuh Makassar.

D. Significance of the Study

For students, they can find out their strenght and weakness so that they can

fix the weakness and improve the strenght in writing Descriptive Text. Further

researchers, the research findings are expected to give information about writing

in Descriptive Text. It is hope to be an inspiration for the next researchers who

will do research in this field. It can be the guidance for them to do a better

research. For English teachers it is advisable to pay more attention to teaching the

structure of descriptive text in the development of ideas, setting ideas, grammar,

vocabulary and mechanics (punctuation and capitalization). Teachers are also

expected to provide more examples and exercises about descriptive text to

students so as to achieve educational goals well, especially English subjects.

E. Scope of Research

The scope of this research is analyzing writing descriptive text. This

research be focused on analyzing vocabulary, mechanics (consist of punctuation

and capitalization) & organization.




This chapter serves literature review of the study which consists of

theories of writing and descriptive text. There are two sections in this chapter.

The first section, the reseacher discusses an overview of writing which include

definition of writing, elements of writing, types of writing and criteria of good

writing. In the second section, the explanation of descriptive text consist of

definition of descriptive text, characteristic of descriptive text, the structure of

descriptive text, and researches on descriptive text.

A. Some Previous Related Research Findings

Many researchers here been reported to expose the ability in writing

comprehension some of them follow Fitri, (2017) in her thesis by the title :An

Analysis of Students’ Skill in Writing Descriptive Text at the Eighth Grade of

SMPN 7 Tambusai Utara, found that the students’ average score in writing

descriptive text was 51,87 and it means their writing skill in descriptive text can

be categorized in the poor level.

Then the other study had done by Arini, et. al. (2013) in their thesis by the

title : A Study of The Eighth Year Students’ Ability of Using Capitalization and

Punctuation in Recount Text Writing at MTS At-Thohiriyah Jember in The

2013/2014 Academic Year, it was concluded that the eighth year students’ ability

in using capitalization and punctuation in writing recount text was good.

Ramli, (2013) in her thesis by the title :An Analysis on Students’ Errors in

Writing Recount Text of The Tenth Grade Student of SMAN I Siantan in Academic


Year 2012/2013, based on the finding in this research, there are 275 errors made

by the students in writing recount text. The error are 95 or 34.54% errors at

writing content of the text, 21 or 7.63% errors at vocabulary, 123 or 44.74% errors

grammar and 36 or 13.9% errors at mechanics.

Based on the previous research findings above, the researcher concludes

that there is different with all researcher above, and in this research the writer

want to analyze about writing skill.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. The Concept of Writing

a. The Definition of Writing

According to Harmer (2004: 79-80), writing is basic language skill, as

important as speaking, listening, and reading. Students need to know how to

write letters, how to put written reports together, how to reply advertisement

and increasingly how to write using electronic media. According to Oshima

and Hogue, (1997 : 2), writing is a progressive activity. This means that when

you first write something down, you have already been thinking about what

you are going to say and how you are going to said it. The after you finished

writing, you read over what you have written and make changes and

corrections. Therefore, writing is never a one step action, it is a process that has

several steps. Brown (2004: 335) states that writing is a written product of

thinking, drafting and revising that requires specialized skills on how to

generate ideas, how to organize them coherently, how to use discourse markers

and rhetorical conventions to put them cohesively into written text, how to


revise text for clearer meaning, how to edit text for appropriate grammar and

how to produce a final product.

Writing is a fundamental component of language. When a child writes,

thoughts and knowledge are blended together creating a unique meaning

(Jones, et. al., 2010). Leech, et. al., (1983) state that writing has the advantages

of relative permanence, which allows for record-keeping in a form independent

of the memories of those who keep the records. It means that writing is

different from other English language skills because writing is more permanent

and its written in form. As a media to communicate between writers and

readers, writing has to be understandable so the readers will know what the

researcher means clearly. If the readers could not understand it clearly, they

will not catch the idea that the researcher wants to deliver.

Heaton (1975:138) states the statement about difficulty in terms of

writing, which is said that writing skills are complex and difficult to teach,

requiring mastery not only grammatical and rhetorical devices but also

conceptual and judgments elements. It means that the teacher must bring the

skills of grammatical rule and other skill in the teaching of writing.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that writing is a process

of action or process in building a larger unit of ideas, thoughts and feelings to

form words in a sentence or paragraph, but also when people write, they should

organize some interesting stuffs, which are experiences or ideas in written



b. Purpose of Writing

The writer make a writing certain has a purpose. There are some

purposes in writing. According to Hartin in Syarifuddin (2012: 11), the

purposes of writing is :

1) Assignment purpose : someone writes because of being asked.

2) Altruistic purpose : to entertaint the readers or avoid readers from

being sad.

3) Persuasive purpose : to convince reader about a truth of ideas.

4) Informational purpose : giving information to the reader.

5) Self - expressive purpose : to introduce the author to the reader.

6) Creative purpose : to achieve artistic values.

7) Problem solving purpose : to explain, explore, closely observe and

make ideas and thoughts clear and acceptable by reader.

It is helpful to keep in mind some of the many uses we are likely to make

of writing. For example, on a personal level, most of us use writing to make a

note of something (things we have to do or wants other to do, like our shopping

list) and to keep records of things we want to remember. We send messages

and write letters to friends, and a view of us keeps diaries. Most of us have to

fill in forms from time to time and occasionally we write format letters.

c. Components of Writing

There are some elements of writing as the consideration to establish a

good text. The elements of writing help the writer arrange a clear and

understandable text (Oshima and Hogue 1991:40).


1) Developing Ideas

The topics that were given to the students were considered familiar to

the students. However, in this research there were some students who unable

develop their ideas well. It might be because they do not understand how to

develop the ideas. The students said that they had studied how to make a good

descriptive writing text. However, in practice, they did not succeed in

composing a good descriptive text. The first problem is dealing with

developing ideas. They confessed that they familiar with the topic, i.e the

place. They already wrote the object, but in their writing there were only a

small number of ideas presented. They were able to compose a good topic

sentence. However, they were unable to develop it into a good paragraph. it

also found that some students were not has a paragraph unity, according to

Barnet and Stubbs (1990:105) ―A good paragraph has unity (it makes one

point, or it indicates where one unit of the topic begins and ends)‖. To have a

paragraph unity a student has to support the ideas into the sentences. For

example in the first test found some uninformative text. So, the readers did not

catch the idea of the writing text. The students admitted that this problems was

due to the difficulties of transforming the ideas from the mind into written text.

2) Organization

In writing, the advantage of organization is to help the reader to believe

what you are saying, and to willingly follow your lead. Starkey (2004) stated

by following (an organized method of writing), you will guide your reader

from your first to last sentence.


3) Vocabulary

Many of the students had poor choice of words. The ideas of the

students were too general. It might be because the students did not know many

vocabularies in English, lack of practices and faced difficulties in learning

English. Stahl (2005) says that ―vocabulary is the knowledge of words and

word meanings and also puts vocabulary knowledge as the knowledge of a

word not only implies a definition, but also implies how that word fits into the

context‖. Unfortunately, few of students put the words which were

contextually unsuitable. It makes the reader should re-read the text in order to

comprehend the idea. Even, the students also use some Indonesian language if

they did not know how to say the words in English. It means that the students

have to enrich their vocabularies. The Students only got the vocabulary input

when the teacher explains the material jot down for them.

a) Kinds of Vocabulary

Writing vocabulary is all the words that can be employed in writing.

Many written words do not commonly appear in speech, the writers

generally use a limited set of words when communicating.

According, Hadfield (2008:45) divides vocabulary into two kinds of

vocabulary, there are :

1) Productive (active) vocabulary is words that they are able to

produce themselves.

2) Receptive vocabulary (passive) is words that they understand but

may never produce.


Based on Nation (2001:11) states that we can distinguish four kinds

of vocabulary in the text, those are :

1) High-Frequency Words

High-frequency words is vocabulary which mostly appears

in text. There is a small group of high frequency which is very

important because these words cover a very large proportion of

the running words in spoken and written texts and occur in all

kinds of the language.

2) Academic Words

The text is from academic textbook and contains many

words that are common in different kinds of academic text:

policy, phase, adjusted, sustained. Typically these words make up

about 9% of the running words in the text.

3) Technical Words

The text contains some words that are very closely related

to the topic and subject of the text. These words include

indigeneous, regeneration, pod carp, beech, rimy, and timber.

These words are reasonably common in this topic area but not so

common elsewhere. As soon as w e see them, we know that topic

is being dealt with. Technical words like this typically cover

about 5% of the running words in a text.

4) Low-Frequency Words


This group is included words like zoned, pioneering and

perpetuity, aired and pastoral. They make up over 5% of the

words in an academic text. There are thousands of them in the

language, by far the biggest group of words. They consist of the

technical words for other subject areas, proper nouns, words that

almost include the high-frequency list and words that we rarely

use in the language.

b) Function of Vocabulary

Vocabulary as stated in the definition is a stock of language. People

use vocabulary words to construct sentences. Vocabulary is a like as the

bone of our body. Without bone, our body will not as able to be as perfect as

possible. Without words we cannot construct ideas written or orally.

Nobody can express his/her feeling to others or a teacher will be confused to

explain the lesson because lack of vocabulary.

The members of community can share their ideas each other's of their

social or their environment. So, vocabulary is supposed as the bone of the

language and without vocabulary the language cannot be developed. In

summary, we can say that vocabulary mastery is people's ability to use or to

understand words of a language that they have learned and heard in certain


4) Grammar

This element consist of the discussion of grammatical form and

syntactic pattern. In measuring the writing ability, a teacher test the sensitive to


the grammatical patterns appropriate to the writing genre. The tense that is

frequently used in descriptive text is present tense. The description is from

factual point of view (e.g. sleeps, studies, goes, etc.)

5) Mechanics

Mechanics is the use of the graphic conventions of the language. It

refers to the appearance of words, to how they are spelled or arranged on

paper. The example of mechanics is when writing the first word a paragraph, it

must be intended.

Conventionally writing a sentence must be started by capital letter and

ended with punctuation such as period, question mark, or exclamation mark.

Mechanical mistakes are those of orthography (spelling and capitalization) and

punctuation. Everyone who writes in English makes such mistakes, whether

native speaker or ESL student. In many cases mechanical errors are the

consequence of quick writing where the focus is on the content rather than the

form. Although English spelling is difficult, it is possible with diligent use of a

dictionary and/or computer spell check for every writer to eradicate all or

almost all of the spelling mistakes in a piece of writing. The rules of mechanic

try to make the writing seem consistent and clear. The convention may seem

arbitary. In fact, it was developed from thousand of experiences. The mechanic

represents the economic and efficient way of writing.

However, Mechanics do not make a great difference on writing

performance because it only includes capitalization and writing conventions so

that the writing will look the way formal writing is expected to look. In


conclusion, we believe that writing is definitely a skill that needs to be taught

and learn, and students should be taught by lecturers to acquire and master the

skills in writing so that they emerge as proficient and effective writers. There

are two discussions about punctuation and capitalization in the mechanic.

a) Punctuation

The purpose of taking punctuation in writing is making the text

clearer and reading easier. There are four function of punctuation,

those are :

(1) Separating (e.g. a period separating sentences)

(2) Classifying or enclosing (e.g. parentheses enclosing

extraneous information)

(3) Connecting (e.g. a hyphen connecting a unit modifier)

(4) Impacting the meaning (e.g. a question mark making

an otherwise declarative sentence interrogative)

The main function of punctuation mark is to help the readers

comprehend the intention of the writer. It could be done by choosing

the appropriate grammar or logical structure of a certain sentence. It

will be very nice if the rule of punctuation could be reduced as simple

as possible such as always using comma here, a semicolon, a dash in

such-and such a place, etc. However the role cannot be changed. It

depends much on the writer’s purpose. Punctuation is a group of

absolute rule, general convention, and individual option. punctuation

which includes external marks and internal marks. External marks


consist of period, question marks and clamination points. Internal

mark such as commas, semicolons, colons, quotation marks,

parentheses, dashes, 11 apostrophes and hypens. Punctuation will

signals the reader where one paragraph ends and the next begins. The

last part is spelling. Brann (1997) and Mosely (1993) state that

spelling has a direct impact on the ability to read and write.

In the discussion or various punctuation the writer should

differentiate the rules, conventions, and unconventional but possible

uses. The distinction is a little bit complicated. The writer should have

a special strategy to make the rule easier. To reduce the confusion, it

must be remember that the pure communication is the simple rule

underlying all effective punctuation.

In short, mechanic is the use of language convention in writing.

The convention is the rule of language. Punctuation is also discussion

in mechanic. From the above, it can be seen that the writing process,

as commonly conceived, is highly sophisticated skill combining a

number of diverse elements, only some of which are strictly

linguistics. In sum up, there are some aspects that a teacher should

consider when s/he analyzes the student’s writing text. The aspects are

content, form, grammar, style, and mechanics. All the components

cannot be separated each other to produce a good writing.


b) Capitalization

Capitalization is used to designate a proper noun or trade name

as well as major words in titles and in headings.. A common error in

capitalization is its use with the name of a job title or department. An

example is human resources, which is not capitalized, versus the

specific title of ACME Human Resources Department, which is


Capital letters have two principal in English writing. First, they

may be used to mark the beginning of statements. Second, they may

be used to distinguish between particular and general classes of

persons, places, and things. Capitalization is using uppercase letter in

writing which purpose to signals the reader that a new sentence is

beginning. Also, it signal proper names, titles and headings. Text

messages, casual e-mails, and instant messages often ignore the rules

of capitalization. In fact, it can seem unnecessary to capitalize in these

contexts. In other, more formal forms of communication, however,

knowing the basic rules of capitalization and using capitalization

correctly gives the reader the impression that you choose your words

carefully and care about the ideas you are conveying.

Example :

Capitalize the First Word of a Sentence

Incorrect :the museum has a new butterfly exhibit.

Correct :The museum has a new butterfly exhibit.


Capitalize Proper Nouns

Proper nouns—the names of specific people, places,

objects, streets, buildings, events, or titles of

individuals—are always capitalized.

Incorrect :He grew up in harlem, new york.

Correct :He grew up in Harlem, New York.

Do not capitalize nouns for people, places, things,

streets, buildings, events, and titles when the noun is

used in general or common way.


2. Descriptive Text

a. Definition of Descriptive Text

According to Mukarto ( 2007, p.140 ) says that descriptive text is a

kind of text to describe something. Writing descriptive means describing

something, place or people in order to lead the reader feel writing itself.

Tompkins (1994, p. 111) states that descriptive writing is painting pictures

with words. The other experts are Gerot and Wignel (1994) state that

descriptive text has purpose to describe particular thing, people or place

which show the reader about physical appearance of something clearly. Also,

McCarthy (1998, p. 5) also states that descriptive writing is the domain of

writing that develops images through the use of precise sensory words and

phrases, and through devices such as metaphor and the sounds of words.

Based on definition of descriptive text above, it can be concluded that

descriptive text is a text which describe people, thing or place that write its

physical appearance and characteristic of the object.

b. Generic Structure

Generic structure is thing that should be contained in writing genre of

text. It distinguishes one text to another. The significance of generic structure

of descriptive text is identification and description (Djuharie 2007:24). The

generic structure of descriptive text includes:

a. Identification

This part introduces the subject of the description to the

audience. It gives the audience brief details about the when, where,


who or what of the subject. On the other words this part is stating

classification of general aspect of thing, animal, public place, plant,

etc which will be discussed inspecifically.

b. Description

This part consists of several paragraphs. Each paragraph usually

begins with a topic sentence. Each paragraph in this part should

describe one feature of the subject. All the paragraphs in this part

build the detailed description of subject. It may describe physical

appearance, qualities, general personalities or idea, and the


c. Conclusion (Optional)

The concluding paragraph contains the conclusion of the topic,

and signs the end of the text. There are two important part of the

generic structure when writing descriptive text, the first is

identification, and the second one is description. Students can add

with the concluding paragraph but it is not a must.

c. Characteristic of Descriptive Text

There are several characteristics of descriptive text. First of all, it

focuses on what will be described, for instance, place, thing or people. The

second, descriptive text uses simple present tense as grammatical rule in

writing itself. Third, for its title descriptive text uses noun phrase, for

example in describing motorcyle. The title which is used not only motorcycle

but also with its label or merk. Fourth, usually adjective is used to explain


noun or the object in the descriptive text. The last one is that the description

of the object is written from general to spesific (Sudarwati, 2007).

d. Types of Descriptive Text

Most writing contains description. Following are a few types of writing

that depend heavily on descriptive language (Joyce Amstrong Carrel : 2001) :

a) Descriptions of a person, place or thing contain sensory details that

bring to life actual people, places, and things.

b) Observations describe an event the writer has witnessed. Often, the

event takes places over an extended period of time.

c) Travel Brochures contain factual information as well as persuasive

language to encourage tourism.

d) Character sketches describe fictional characters-their appearances,

personalities, hopes and dreams.


C. Conceptual Framework

Based on the conceptual framework above, this research aims to know

students' writing skill. In this case to analysis of students' ability in writing

descriptive text. The components to be analyzed are vocabulary, mechanics

and organization.



Writing Skill


Students' Ability in Writing

Descrptive Text




This chapter provides the discussion of research design, population and

sample of study, research instrument, data collection. The writer discusses them

one by one as follows:

A. Research Design

This research design is Descriptive Research. The purpose of the research

is to gain information about phenomena in order to describe existed condition in

the field. This idea is supported by Zuriah (2009:47), who defines a descriptive

research as research which aims to describe the fact or phenomenon related to the

characteristics of certain population systematically and accurately. The purpose of

this research was to describe the eighth grade students' ability in writing

descriptive text.

In this research, the researcher focus on the students’ ability in writing

descriptive text on the vocabulary, mechanics and organization.

B. Population and Sample of Study

It is important that the researcher must design the population a sample

carefully and completely, including the description of number to be included :

1. Population

In Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation as quoted by Arikunto

(2010: 173), population is set or collection of all elements possessing one or

more attributes of interest. The population of this research is the Eighth Grade

Students at SMP Unismuh Makassar in the Academic Year of 2017/2018.


2. Sample of the Study

Sample is a small group that is observed and a population is defined as

all members of any well-defined class of people, events or subjects.

According to Creswell (2012: 142) ―sample is a subgroup of the target

population that the researcher plans to study for the purpose making

generalization about the target population". The sample of this research is

students of VIII B2 at SMP Unismuh Makassar in the Academic year of

2017/2018. The sampling technique applied by researcher is purposive

sampling because the material of descriptive text was studied in eighth grade.

Bernard as cited in Dolaros (2002, p.147)stated ―purposive sampling is called

judgment sampling, the deliberate choice of an informant due to the qualities

the informant possesses‖.

C. Research Instrument

Research instrument can be defined as a tool or media that used by the

researcher to get the data. According to Creswell (2012: 14) said, ―An instrument

is a tool for measuring, observing, or documenting quantitative data. Moreover, in

accordance with the aim of the study which focus on the analysis of students’

writing descriptive text skill, research instrument which was used in this study

was writing test. In this case, the teacher gave such instruction for the students to

write a descriptive text on their sheet.


D. Data Collection

1. Preparing

The researcher asked for permission to the Headmaster of SMP

Unismuh Makassar and consult to the English teacher of the school.

2. Collecting Data

The researcher collect the data from writing test, the procedure as

follows :

a. Firstly, the researcher gave instrument the student about

descriptive text

b. The researcher explained how to work out the writing test

c. The researcher gave the test to the students

d. The researcher asked the students to do the test

e. The researcher analyzed the students' writing test


E. Data Analysis

The data that been collected need to be analyzed. The researcher will analyze

this data by some steps. Some formulas were applied in this research to process the

data as follows :

1. Tabulating the students’ scores

The students’ score was tabulated by using the following criteria :

Table 2.1 Scoring Criteria of Writing

No Aspects Score Criteria Weighting

1 Vocabulary(V)

4 Effective choice of words and

word form

1.5 x


Few misuse of vocabularies,

words, but not change the


2 Limited range confusing words

and word form


Very poor knowledge of words,

word form and not



Mechanics(M) 4 It uses correct punctuation and


1.5 x

(Punctuation &

Capitalization) 3

It has occasional errors of

punctuation and capitalization


It has frequent errors of

punctuation and capitalization


It is dominated by errors of

punctuation and capitalization




- Identification

- Description


Identification is complete and

descriptions are arranged with

proper connectives



Identification is almost complete

and descriptions are arranged

with almost proper connectives


Identification is not complete

and description are arranged

with few misuse of connectives


Identification is not complete

and description are arranged

with misuse of connectives


2. Calculating the students score, the students score calculated with the


1.5V + 1.5M + 2O

Total Score : x 100


(Brown : 2007)

3. Analyzing Students' Score

Based on the scores which were gotten from the test, the research

calculated the scores so that the finding of the research was be revealed in

form of the information related to the analysis of students’ writing skill in

descriptive text of the eighth grade students at SMP Unismuh Makassar.

Then, the scores were analyzed acoording to formula by Brown (2007).

4. The Researcher Give the Score Clasification

There are five level of the students’ writing ability encompassing

poor, fair, average, good, excellent Harris (1969).

The students’ score skill level :

81 – 100 classified as Excellent

61 – 80 classified as Good

41 – 60 classified as Average

21 – 40 classified as Fair

0 – 20 classified as Poor




Most important in the research is research finding and discussion. This

chapter presents data presentation, data analysis and the discussion.

A. Findings

The finding consist of description of data. After the data had been

collected from the sample of the research, the data was going to be described. In

describing the data, it involves analyzing of the data.

The Description of Data

In order to collect the data, the researcher conducted a test. The test given

was writing descriptive text. The score of the test consist of three aspects. The

aspects measured are vocabulary, mechanic and organization.

After conducting the test the result in form of students’ scores are

tabulated as follows:

Table 2.2 Students’ score of writing descriptive text

No Students Score

1 Student 1 25

2 Student 2 50

3 Student 3 57,5

4 Student 4 60

5 Student 5 50

6 Student 6 57,5

7 Student 7 40

8 Student 8 75


9 Student 9 32,5

10 Student 10 40

11 Student 11 32,5

12 Student 12 0

13 Student 13 0

14 Student 14 0

15 Student 15 0

16 Student 16 0

17 Student 17 0

Total 520

Based on the score in the table, only 1 student got good score, 6

students got average score, 4 students got fair score and 6 students got poor


The researcher used the skill level score which includes poor, fair,

average, good and excellent to determine students’ ability to determine

students’ ability. The mean score data for the above was calculated as follow :

M = Σ 𝑓 𝑛 M : Mean

F : Total Score

n : Total Sample

So the mean score would be : 520

M 47.27



The mean explains the students’ average score in writing descriptive

text. The score 47.27, it was analyzed based on skill level score as mentioned

in chapter 3. The students’ ability is on the average level. This means, the

students need more improvement in writing descriptive text.

Next step the researcher analyzed the data in each aspects to find out

which aspects are good and which aspects are weak.

The analysis of each aspect as follows :

1. Vocabulary

The score of students' ability of writing descriptive text focus on

vocabulary is 59. It was analyzed based on skill level score as mentioned

in chapter 3. The students’ ability of vocabulary is on the average level.

2. Mechanics

The score of students' ability of writing descriptive text focus on

mechanics is 41. It was analyzed based on skill level score as mentioned in

chapter 3. The students’ ability of mechanics is on the average level.

3. Organization

The score of students' ability of writing descriptive text focus on

organization is 43. It was analyzed based on skill level score as mentioned

in chapter 3. The students’ ability of organization is on the average level.

B. Discussion

From the data presentation in general result found that the students’ mean

score in writing descriptive text is 47.27 and according to the score classification


theory by Harris (1969) categorized as average. The scores were analyzed come

from three aspects they are vocabulary, mechanic and organization.

1. Vocabulary

Beside the data was analyzed in general, each aspect was also being

analyzed. First is from the aspect of vocabulary. This aspect consist word

choices.Indicator of word choices is choose the appropriate and accurate

words to express ideas. With the guide of aspect, the researcher can collect

and analyze the data. The result of collect and analyze the data finding and to

shows that the mean score in vocabulary aspect is 59and according to the

score classification theory the categorized as average level.Compared with

the results of previous research conducted by Lina (2016) in her thesis by the

title : An Analysis of the Students’ Ability in Writing ADescriptive Text on the

Eighth Grade at MTsN Bandungin the Academic Yearof 2015 / 2016,found

that the mean score in vocabulary aspect is 64and according to the score

classification theory the categorized as good level.

2. Mechanics

The next aspect is mechanic. There are two indicators in this aspect,

they are punctuation and capitalization. The punctuation consists of comma,

period, the colon, semicolon, apostrophe, quotation marks, the dash. The next

capitalization consists the first word in sentence, capitalize pronoun I,

capitalize the titles of composition, capitalize the proper noun, capitalize

name of detail, title, month, day, specific group or geographic areas, and

specific structures. With the guide of aspect, the researcher collect and


analyze the data to shows that the mean score in mechanic aspect is 41and

according to the score classification theory the categorized as average level.

Compared with the results of previous research conducted by Lina (2016) in

her thesis by the title : An Analysis of the Students’ Ability in Writing A

Descriptive Text on the Eighth Grade at MTsN Bandung in the Academic

Year of 2015 / 2016,found that the mean score in mechanics aspect is 46 and

according to the score classification theory the categorized as average level.

3. Organization

The last aspect to be analyzed is organization. There are 2 indicators

in this aspect, they are identification and description. The identification

consists of identify the name of place and location, describe the complete

features of the place. And the last description consists of part, qualities, and

characteristic. With the guide of aspect, the researcher can collect and analyze

the data. The finding shows that the mean score in organizing idea aspect is

43and according to the score classification theory the categorized as average

level. Compared with the results of previous research conducted by Lina

(2016) in her thesis by the title : An Analysis of the Students’ Ability in

Writing A Descriptive Text on the Eighth Grade at MTsN Bandung in the

Academic Year of 2015 / 2016,found that the mean score in organizing aspect

is 66 and according to the score classification theory the categorized as good





This chapter provides two sections consist of conclusion and suggestion.

The first section concludes the result of the study. The second section provides

suggestions for students and teacher.

A. Conclusion

As already mentioned in the first chapter, the aim of this study are to

describe student’s ability in writing a descriptive text focus on vocabulary,

mechanics & organization at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Unismuh

Makassar. The researcher would like to conclude that 17students at VIII B2 in

SMP Unismuh Makassar are still low in writing descriptive text. It was shown by

the test with the mean score 47.27. As well as the score of vocabulary is 59, the

score of mechanics is 41 and the score of organization is 43.

B. Suggestions

According the conclusion of the study, the researcher recommends some

suggestions for improving students’ ability and deducting students’ difficulties in

writing descriptive text at SMP Unismuh Makassar, there are :

1. The researcher suggests that the students write a sentence, paragraph or

text as often as possible to improve their writing. In addition, memorize a

lot of vocabulary and grammar for deducting difficulties in writing.

2. The researcher had observed that the strategy and material in learning

writing descriptive text is good enough. However, the teacher are


suggested to give more attention to vocabulary, mechanics &

organization in writing descriptive text.

3. To the next researcher to use this thesis as an addition reference.



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Appendix A : Written Test

Written Test

1. Petunjuk pengisisan :

a. Hasil tes ini tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai saudara (i) dalam mata

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, karena hasil tes ini hanya semata - mata

untuk kepentingan penelitian.

b. Atas partisipasi dan kerjasamanya peneliti mengucapkan banyak

terima kasih.

c. Isilah identitas anda sesuai dengan petunjuk yang telah disediakan.

d. Kerjakanlah tes ini dengan sebaik - baiknya.

e. Anda diperbolehkan membuka kamus selama mengerjakan tes ini.

f. Waktu untuk mengerjakan tes ini selama 60 menit.

g. Selamat mengerjakan.

2. Buatlah karangan anda sesuai dengan petunjuk sebagai berikut :

a. Jenis karangan : Descriptive Text

b. Topik : My Favourite Place

c. Jumlah : Minimal 3 paragraf

i. Paragraf Pembuka (Introductory Paragraph)

ii. Paragraf Pendukung (Developmental Paragraph)

iii. Paragraf Penutup (Concluding Paragraph)

d. Waktu 50 menit.


Name : ................................................................................................................

Class : ................................................................................................................

School : ................................................................................................................

My Favourite Place






















Appendix B

Students' ability of writing descriptive text focus on vocabulary

No Students Score

1 Andi Muh. Muflih 1

2 Muh. An'amullah 2

3 Andi Rais 3

4 M. DzulfaqarSyaifuldin Al-Haq 3

5 Muh. SyahrulApriansyah 2

6 Andi Muh. Akbar Khadafi 3

7 Ahmad Faqih Jauharu 3

8 Naufal Hanif DzakwanBayu 3

9 A. Muh. AbyanNasywan 2

10 Muh. Syahrizal 2

11 Iyad El Ayyasy 2

12 Student 12 0

13 Student 13 0

14 Student 14 0

15 Student 15 0

16 Student 16 0

17 Student 17 0

Total 26

Item Classification Score

Vocabulary Average 59


Appendix C

Table 3.2 Students' ability of writing descriptive text focus on mechanic

No Students Score

1 Andi Muh. Muflih 1

2 Muh. An'amullah 2

3 Andi Rais 2

4 M. DzulfaqarSyaifuldin Al-Haq 1

5 Muh. SyahrulApriansyah 2

6 Andi Muh. Akbar Khadafi 2

7 Ahmad Faqih Jauharu 1

8 Naufal Hanif DzakwanBayu 3

9 A. Muh. AbyanNasywan 1

10 Muh. Syahrizal 2

11 Iyad El Ayyasy 1

12 Student 12 0

13 Student 13 0

14 Student 14 0

15 Student 15 0

16 Student 16 0

17 Student 17 0

Total 18

Item Classification Score

Mechanics Average 41


Appendix D

Table 4.1 Students' ability of writing descriptive text focus on


No Students Score

1 Andi Muh. Muflih 1

2 Muh. An'amullah 2

3 Andi Rais 2

4 M. DzulfaqarSyaifuldin Al-Haq 3

5 Muh. SyahrulApriansyah 2

6 Andi Muh. Akbar Khadafi 2

7 Ahmad Faqih Jauharu 1

8 Naufal Hanif DzakwanBayu 3

9 A. Muh. AbyanNasywan 1

10 Muh. Syahrizal 1

11 Iyad El Ayyasy 1

12 Student 12 0

13 Student 13 0

14 Student 14 0

15 Student 15 0

16 Student 16 0

17 Student 17 0

Total 19

Item Classification Score

Organization Average 43





















Appendix E: Curriculum Vitae


HERRY JAISYAN KHOIRI was born in Sungguminasa, on February 10, 1992.

He has two brothers and one sister. His father's name is Haerul Hamzah and his

mother's name is Mukrimah. He graduated his elementary school in 2004 at SD

Inpres Bonto - Bontoa. He continued his study at SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa

and graduated in 2007. His senior high school was at SMK Neg. 2 Makassar and

graduated in 2010. At the same year he was accepted as English Department

student of Faculty Teacher Training and Education in Makassar Muhammadiyah

University. At the end of his study, he could finish his thesis in 2020 entitled An

Analysis of Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text at Eighth Grade of SMP

Unismuh Makassar(Descriptive Research).