An Access-Dictionary of Internationalist High Tech Latinate English Excerpted from Word Power, Public Speaking Confidence, and Dictionary-Based Learning, Copyright ' 2007 by Robert Oliphant, columnist, Education News Author of The Latin-Old English Glossary in British Museum MS 3376 (Mouton, 1966) and A Piano for Mrs. Cimino (Prentice Hall, 1980)

An Access-Dictionary of Internationalist High Tech ... · Dictionary (RHU), updated second edition of 2007, or in its CD Œ ROM WordGeniusfi version. So what™s here is actually

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Page 1: An Access-Dictionary of Internationalist High Tech ... · Dictionary (RHU), updated second edition of 2007, or in its CD Œ ROM WordGeniusfi version. So what™s here is actually

An Access-Dictionary of

Internationalist High Tech

Latinate English

Excerpted from Word Power, Public Speaking Confidence, and Dictionary-Based Learning, Copyright © 2007 by Robert

Oliphant, columnist, Education News

Author of The Latin-Old English Glossary in British Museum MS 3376 (Mouton, 1966) and A Piano for Mrs. Cimino (Prentice Hall, 1980)

Page 2: An Access-Dictionary of Internationalist High Tech ... · Dictionary (RHU), updated second edition of 2007, or in its CD Œ ROM WordGeniusfi version. So what™s here is actually


INTRODUCTION Strictly speaking, this is simply a list of technical terms: 30,680 of them presented in an alphabetical sequence of 52 professional subject fields ranging from Aeronautics to Zoology. Practically considered, though, every item on the list can be quickly accessed in the Random House Webster�s Unabridged Dictionary (RHU), updated second edition of 2007, or in its CD � ROM WordGenius® version. So what�s here is actually an in-depth learning tool for mastering the basic vocabularies of what today can fairly be called American-Pronunciation Internationalist High Tech Latinate English. Dictionary authority. . . . This list, by virtue of its dictionary link, has far more authority than a conventional professional-subject glossary, even the one offered online by the University of Maryland Medical Center. American dictionaries, after all, have always assigned their technical terms to professional experts in specific fields, identified those experts in print, and in effect held them responsible for the accuracy and comprehensiveness of each entry. Even more important, the entries themselves offer learners a complete sketch of each target word (headword). Memorization. . . . For professionals, memorization is a basic career requirement. Any physician will tell you how much of it is called for in medical school and how hard it is, thanks to thousands of strange, exotic shapes like <myocardium> that have to be taken apart in the mind and reassembled like pieces of an unpronounceable jigsaw puzzle. Hence the need for multiple memory-friendly clues. Pronunciation, etymology, definitions, root elements (including cross references) � these features ensure that each target word visited has a far greater chance of sticking in a learner�s mind than does a bare bone headword-definition glossary entry Testing. . . . Diplomas and degrees are still important in a career-mobility world economy. But so, more and more, is the need for high stakes tests as tools for validating and revalidating academic achievement, many of which emphasize the kind of high tech vocabulary power represented by a dictionary-based question like, �Please identify (via spoken or written spelling) the 10-letter word represented by the phonetic transcription /muy� euh kahr�dee eum/ and the dictionary definition < the muscular substance of the heart>.� Practically considered, this list represents 30,680 high-powered spelling bee questions like this, along with the same number of pronunciation questions like, �Please indicate which syllable (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or none of these) gets the primary stress in the dictionary entry for <myocardium>� or �Please produce a dictionary-accurate phonetic transcription for <anemia>.� Range and importance. . . . Professionally considered, what�s here is far more representative than comprehensive; the 28th edition of Steadman�s Medical Dictionary, for instance contains 107,000 entries, noting that 80% of them contain one or more Latinate English root elements out of a relatively small pool of 1,200. By way of indicating the relative professional importance of our 52 fields, here they are, ranked by the number of entries for each in RHU. They range from 3,389 entries down to 73, with an average size of 590. RHU subject-fields and their number of entries. . . . chemistry3389/ pathology 2113/ law 2109/ music 1434/ botany 1324/ mathematics 1289/ physics 1289/ nautical 1252/ anatomy 1138/ biology 1011/

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pharmacy 952/ medicine 944/ grammar 913/ zoology 874/ biochemistry853/ computers 631/ electricity 627/ geology 604/ military 603/ architecture 486/ electronics 442/ logic 380/ printing 361/ psychology 361/ linguistics 359/ optics 338/ physiology 334/ arithmetic 320/ genetics 304/ phonetics 304/ metallurgy 300/ aeronautics 299/ meteorology 283/ psychiatry 236/ geometry 230/ photography 207/ prosody 202/ theology147/ ophthalmology 137/ dentistry 135/ sociology 124/ ornithology 123/ entomology 122/ ecology 118/ aerospace 99/ economics 98/ astrology 88/ rhetoric 86/ archaeology 82/ anthropology 77/ geography 76/ education 73. Independent learning. . . . From autodidacts like Franklin and Lincoln on down to an aspiring medical student in Ethiopia, wise learners have always stayed clear of taking on discouraging challenges like, say, all 944 of our medical terms. By way of encouraging contrast, here�s a procedure that worked quite well in the early stages of this project. 1) Define a preliminary subgroup.... Nine-letter words like <myelogram> tend to have only one definition, as opposed to shorter words like <active>, which has 22 separate definitions listed and numbered, of which only number 14, �acting quickly, producing immediate effects,� is identified in italics with the abbreviation <Med.>, for �medicine.� 2) Eliminate target words that don�t appear in your family�s desk size dictionary (1000-1500 pp.). This step reduced the first-step list of 65 to 35, and the checking process produced a high level of target familiarization. 3) Check each target word�s four clues (pronunciation, etymology, definition, and cross referenced root elements) as quickly as possible. This took two sessions totaling 35 minutes � one minute per target word. 4) Take a spelling bee-style test using a desk dictionary in the hands of a friend or family member and be satisfied with a 70% success rate. . . . With only one minute per word of actual study time, almost every learner�s success rate is bound to be surprisingly high and encouraging � enough so to inspire further effort and test-taking success. 5) Continue to challenge yourself and check your progress. . . . Dictionary based tests, just like counting calories consumed via a stationary bicycle, will keep you honest. But your morale will climb if you measure yourself via conventional vocabulary tests like those offered by preparation manuals (available in libraries and bookstores, for our major pre-professional tests, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, and MCAT. More informally, you can try reading general-interest books in your chosen field and see how much sense they make to you personally, since preexisting vocabulary power has always been a major factor in determining how fast we read � and how retentively. TO CONCLUDE. . . . As indicated at the outset this access dictionary is just a door opener, not the main show, which is the English vocabulary itself: its pronunciation system, its spelling system, its root elements, and the logic of its multiple meaning system. By way of underscoring the point, simply imagine a friend asking you what�s so important about the English vocabulary (EV), in which case here are seven points you might make � even to a group of third-graders.

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The EV is Etymological. . . . This is to say that nearly all of our words can be traced back to an original source, just like a family tree, including their relationships to words in other languages (cognate cousins, we might call them. The EV is Normative. . . . It�s true that every family has its own language in a sense (nicknames, bathroom functions, etc.), and so does every neighborhood and geographical region. But a dictionary like the RHU is meant to hold a nation together by setting standards or norms, for spelling, for pronunciation (e.g., TV announcers), and even for word-meanings (e.g., its use in legal proceedings). The EV is Gigantic. . . . Matched against even a desk-size dictionary (70,000 word entries), our personal best vocabularies are relatively small: 15,000 for high school graduates going on up to possible as high as 30,000. But overall the contents of our unabridged dictionaries are the largest on the planet: over twice the size of German or French, for example. The EV is Latinate. . . . Even in a desk-size dictionary 80% of the headwords are explicitly designated, directly or indirectly, as coming into the language from Latinate sources: French, Italian, Spanish, and renaissance Graeco-Latin. Only 10% go back to the �old English� of before 1066 A.D. (the Norman conquest). The remaining 10% come from languages of northern Europe, especially Norse and Dutch, and from other contributors: American Indian, Asian, Arabic, African, etc. In unabridged dictionaries, including Merriam Webster and the Oxford, the Latinate element can be fairly estimated as 90%. The EV is International. . . . Time Almanac 2007 lists 41 nations in which English is explicitly identified as an official language, 24 where it is the first alternative language listed, and 26 where it is listed as one of two or more acceptable alternatives (the United States and the United Kingdom are in this category). These figures mean that right now over three billion human beings live in nations where English is spoken, taken seriously, and studied. The EV is Scientific. . . . Culturally considered, the roughly 5,000 separate languages on our planet are all equal. But for publishing the results of original scientific research, as Charles (�diglossia�) Ferguson and others have noted, less than ten fall into this category, the most frequently used is English � especially with American-style pronunciation. The EV is Hard-to-Learn. . . . While English grammar and pronunciation are no more difficult than those of Tagalog, Chinese, or Swahili, our Latinate English component is a memorization nightmare for every student, American or foreign-born, on Planet Earth. Practically considered, this means that our professional vocabularies are EQUALLY difficult and thus equally accessible for everybody, not just a favored few. Simply put, most of us can�t do much about our appearance or athletic talent, but we can all improve our vocabulary power � and feel proud of ourselves in the process. Etymological, Normative, Gigantic, Latinate, International, Scientific, and Hard-to-Learn � put together (as most readers and listeners usually guess about halfway through) the initial letters of these seven key features spell E-N-G-L-I-S-H. . . . Here�s hoping this 7-point speech outline sticks in your memory, along with the personal-growth target words you decide to access via the following dictionary-based list. An access-list of 30,680 technical terms.

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NOTE. . . . RHU entries for the following headwords identify their technical definitions via italics, e,g, Aero. (for �aeronautics�) or Aerospace. In a few instances, italics are not used, e.g., using the field-indentification word as part of a term�s definition. Homographs (different words who share the same spellling) are distinguished by superscript numerals. AERONAUTICS abeam absolute altitude absolute ceiling aerodynamic wave drag aeroelastic aeroelastics aeromarine aeropause aerosphere aerostation aft1 after afterbody afterburner afterburning aileron aileron roll airborne air brake airfoil airline air log air plot airspeed indicator altitude chamber angle of attack angle of climb angle of pitch angle of roll angle of stall angle of yaw anti-G suit antitorque rotor appendix approach light artificial horizon ASI aspect ratio attitude automatic pilot autorotation axis1 back1 backswept backwash ballast bank1 bank-and-turn indicator bank indicator barrel roll barrel-roll bay2 beam belly-land black box blowout body bomb bay boom2 bow3

bulkhead bump bungee burble buzz1 cabane camber canard cantilever ceiling cell1 chandelle chord1 climb indicator combustor controller control stick corridor crab1 crabbing cradle crash1 critical angle crow's-foot cub dead-stick landing deceleron dihedral distrail dive dive brake dope downwash drag drift drift indicator drogue earth inductor compass elevator elevon face feather FIDO fin1 fineness ratio flame-out flap flaperon flatten Flettner control flight deck flight indicator flight strip float floatplane flyby flying field flying wing Fowler flap Frise aileron fuselage gap

GCA glide glide slope ground1 ground-controlled approach ground loop groundplot guide rope gyro horizon gyropilot hatch2 heading hole horizontal stabilizer horn hull2 IAS ILS inclinometer induced drag ingest innage inside loop interference interference drag jet wash landing tee leading edge leeway let1 letdown level level-off lift lift-drag ratio liftoff lighter-than-air Link trainer loading longeron loop1 machmeter outage outside loop panel parasite drag peel1 permeability pilot pitch1 Pitot-static tube plane1 power dive power-dive power loading pressure cabin propeller wash propfan propjet pulsejet engine push-down pusher

pushover pylon radial engine rake3 rate-of-climb indicator reaction engine reheating resojet engine ride rigger rigid robot pilot roll-off rotary wing rotor rotor blade rudder ruddevator run sausage scramjet seadrome semirigid servocontrol sesquiplane shoot1 shroud skid fin skin friction drag skiplane slat1 slip1 slipstream slot1 snap roll snap-roll span1 span loading spar1 spin spinner spiral split flap spoiler sponson spread stability stabilize stabilizer stagger stall1 stalling angle stator statoscope stick1 strip2 surface sweep1 sweepback sweptback sweptwing swing1

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tab1 tail1 tail plane tail skid taxi strip thermal barrier three-point landing tractor traffic pattern trailing edge transonic trim trimming tab trim tab turbo-propeller engine turboshaft turn-and-bank indicator turn indicator undershoot variable-pitch variometer vector vertical stabilizer V/STOL VTO VTOL warp wash washin washout whipstall windmill wind tunnel wing winglet wing loading wingover wing skid wobble pump yawmeter AEROSPACE ablation ablator active aero. aeronautical engineering. aerospace anti-G suit Apollo apolune Ariel astronautical engineering. blastoff capsule challenger characteristic velocity Columbia command module corridor cosmodrome cosmos dead-stick landing decay deorbit discoverer discovery drift early bird echo

EMU enterprise EVA explorer extravehicular footprint G Galileo heat barrier heat shield Hubble Space Telescope IAMAW inertial guidance injection insertion kosmos launch vehicle lunar excursion module lunar module Lunar Orbiter lunar rover mariner mercury midcourse mission mission control mission specialist nimbus nominal OAO OGO orbiter OSO PAM parawing park parking orbit payload phugoid pioneer pressure suit pressurized suit probe relay1 roll satelloid separation service module Skunk Works soft solar sail space capsule space probe Space Telescope surveyor swing by synchronous Syncom thruster Tiros Tracking and Data Relay Satellite transit translunar UAW umbilical cord undock vane vector Vela

Viking window ANATOMY abdomen abducens nerve aboral accelerator accessorius accessory accessory nerve acetabulum Achilles tendon acinus acromion -ad3 adenohypophysis adnexa adrenal gland adventitia air cell alar alimentary canal alveolar ameloblast amnion amniotic amniotic fluid amphiarthrosis amphicelous ampulla ampullula amygdala amygdaloid anapophysis anastomose anastomosis anatine ankylosis annular ligament anteorbital anterior pituitary anteroparietal antihelix antitragus antrum anus anvil aorta aortic valve aponeurosis apophysis appendage appendicular appendix approximal aqueduct aqueduct of Sylvius aqueous humor arachnoid arborization arbor vitae arborvitae area arterial arteriole arteriovenous artery arthrodia arthrosis1

articulate articulated joint articulation aryepiglottic arytenoid ascending colon association fiber asternal atlantal atlas atrioventricular atrioventricular bundle atrioventricular node atrium attic auditory auditory canal auditory nerve auricle auricular auriculoventricular axial skeleton axilemma axilla axillary axis1 backbone ball-and-socket joint band2 Bartholin's gland basal disk basal ganglion basilar membrane basilic vein basophil belly biauricular biceps bicipital bile duct bladder blind spot body bone bony labyrinth bowel Bowman's capsule brachial brachial plexus brachiocephalic artery brachiocephalic vein brachium brain brain cell breast bridge1 Broca's area bronchi bronchia bronchial bronchiole bronchus brow browridge brush border buccal buccinator buccolingual bud1 bulb

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bulbourethral bulbourethral gland bullate bundle bundle of His bursa bursiform calcaneus calcific calcification calyx canaliculus cancellate cancellous canine canthus capillary capitate bone caput cardia cardiac muscle cardiovascular carotid carotid body carotid sinus carpal carpale carpometacarpal carpus cartilage caruncle cauda caudal cavitary cavity cecum celiac celiac plexus central1 central sulcus centric centrum cerebellum cerebral cerebroid cerebrospinal cerebrovascular cerebrum cervical cervix chest chiasma cholecyst chondral chord1 chorda tendinea chorioid choroid chromomere cilia ciliary ciliary body ciliary muscle ciliary process cingulum circulatory system circumvallate cistern cisterna claustrum

clavicle clitoris cnemis cochlea cochlear duct collateral collecting tubule colon2 colonic colorectal comes commissure common common carotid artery common iliac artery compressor concha1 condyle cone conjunctiva connate connective tissue constrictor conus arteriosus convoluted tubule convolution coracoid cord corium cornea corona coronal coronal suture corona radiata coronary artery coronary sinus coronary vein corpus corpus callosum corpuscle corpus luteum corpus striatum cortex cortical costal costate cotyledon cotyloid Cowper's gland coxa cranial nerve craniosacral cremaster crenation crest cricoid cricopharyngeal crista crural crus crypt crystalline lens cubital cubitus cuboid cuff1 cul-de-sac cuneiform cuneus cushion

cusp cystic dacryon deciduate decussation deferent deltoid dendrite dendron dentigerous depressor derma1 dermatome dermis descending colon desmoid diaphragm diaphysis diapophysis diarthrosis diencephalon digastric dilator diploë dissepiment diverticulum dorsad dorsal1 dorsalis dorsiflexion dorsiflexor dorsispinal dorsolateral dorsolumbar dorsum duct ductule ductus arteriosis duodenum dura mater eardrum ectad ectal ectocornea efferent ejaculatory duct elastic tissue eminence emissary enarthrosis encephalon endarterium end bulb endocardial endocardium endocranium endocrine endoderm endolymph endometrium endosteum endostosis endostyle enterocoele enteron entopic epaxial epencephalon ependyma epicanthus

epicardium epicondyle epicranium epidermis epididymis epidural epigastrium epiglottis epimysium epineurium epiphysis episternum epithalamus eponychium erectile erector erythroblast esophagus ethmoid Eustachian tube evertor exocrine extensile extension extensor external external auditory meatus external iliac artery extraocular muscle extrapyramidal system extravaginal extravascular extrinsic extrinsic eye muscle facet facet joint facial nerve falcial false rib false vocal cords falx fascia fascicle fauces femoral artery femur fenestra fiber fibrocartilage fibula fillet fissipalmate fissure flection flexion flexor floating rib fold1 follicle fontanel foramen magnum forceps forearm1 forebrain fornix fossa1 fossula fourchette frenulum frenum

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frontad frontal frontal bone frontal gyrus frontal lobe frontoparietal fundus funiculus galactophore galactophorous galea gallbladder ganglion ganglionic gastrocnemius gastrocolic gastrohepatic gastrointestinal gena genial2 genitalia genu ginglymus girdle glabella gladiolus gland1 glans glenoid glia gliding joint glomerulus glomus glossa glossopharyngeal glossopharyngeal nerve glottis gluteal gluteus gnathite gomphosis gonad gracilis gray matter greater omentum great toe groin gubernaculum gyral gyrus habenula hair follicle hallux hamate hammer Haversian canal Haversian system heart helix hemisphere hemoblast hemocoel hemocytoblast hemolymph hepatopancreas hepatoportal system hiatus hilum hindbrain hinge joint

hippocampal hippocampal gyrus hippocampus humeral humerus hyaline cartilage hymen hyoid hypochondriac hypochondrium hypogastric artery hypogastrium hypoglossal hypoglossal nerve hypoglottis hypopharynx hypophysis hypothalamus hypothenar ileocecal ileum iliac artery ilium immune system impar inarticulate incisure incus indusium inferior infundibulum innervation innominate artery innominate bone innominate vein inserted insula insular interacinous internal internal auditory meatus internal iliac artery internuncial interpupillary interscapular interstitial intervertebral intervertebral disk intima intra-abdominal intramural intraspinal intrinsic introvert inversion invertor ipsilateral iris ischium island island of Reil islet islet of Langerhans isthmus iter Jacobson's organ jejunum joint jugular kidney

knee knot1 Krause's corpuscle labia majora labia minora labium labrum1 labyrinth lachrymal lacrimal lacrimal bone lacrimal duct lacrimal gland lacrimal sac lacteal lacuna lambdoidal suture lamellation laqueus laryngopharynx larynx laterad lateral fissure latissimus dorsi leg lemniscus lens lesser omentum levator Leydig cell lien2 ligament ligamentum limbic system limbus2 lipocyte liver1 lobulus lobus long bone loop of Henle lumbar plexus lumbosacral lumbrical lumbricalis lumen lunate lymph lymphatic system lymphocyte lymphoid cell lymph system malar malleolar malleolus malleus Malpighian corpuscle Malpighian layer mamma2 mammary mammilla manubrium manus marrow1 masseter mastoid matrix maxillofacial meatus mechanoreceptor

media2 mediad median plane mediastinum medius medulla medulla oblongata medullary sheath medullated membrane meninges meniscus mesencephalon mesentery mesoappendix mesocecum mesocolon mesogastrium mesorectum mesothelium mesovarium metacarpal metacarpus metatarsal arch metatarsus metencephalon metopic microvasculature midbrain middle ear minimus mitral mitral valve mixed nerve modiolus mons mons pubis mons veneris mouth mucosa myelencephalon myelinated myelination myelin sheath myelocyte myeloid mylohyoid myocardium nares narial nasolacrimal nasolacrimal duct nasopharynx navicular neck nephron nerve fiber nerveless nerve root nerve trunk nervous system neuraxon neurilemma neuroepithelium neurofibril neuroglia neurohypophysis neuroplasm neurovascular NG

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node nodulus normocyte nucleus nympha oblique occipital occipital bone occipital condyle occipital lobe occiput oculomotor nerve odontoblast olecranon olfactory bulb olfactory lobe olfactory nerve olivary body omentum opponent optic nerve orad orbit organ of Corti origin oropharynx os1 os2 osteoblast ostium otic otolith oval window ovary oviduct oviferous pacemaker pad1 palatal palate paleocortex pallium pancreas panniculus papillary muscle paranasal parasympathetic parathyroid parathyroid gland parenchyma parenteral parietal parietal bone parietal cell parietal lobe parotic parotid pars intermedia patella pecten pectoral pectoralis peduncle pelvis penis pericardium perichondrium pericranium perilymph perimysium

perinephrium perineum perineurium perionychium periosteum periotic peripheral periphery perithelium peritoneum perivisceral peroneal peroneus pes petrosal petrous phalange phalangeal phalanx phallus pharynx philtrum phleboid phrenic pia mater pinna pituitary gland placenta placentation plantar plaque plasma plasma cell plate1 platysma plectrum pleura pleural pleurogenous plica pneumogastric pneumogastric nerve pocket podium polyarticular polymorph pons pontine popliteal popliteus portal2 portal system portal vein postaxial postcranial posteriad posterior postorbital pouch preaxial prefrontal premaxilla prepuce presternum primary sex characteristic process promontory pronator prosencephalon prostate

prostate gland prostatic utricle protract protractor psoas pubes1 pubic symphysis pubis pudendum pulmonary artery pulmonary tree pulmonary valve pulmonary vein pupil2 pupillary2 pylorus pyramid pyramidal tract quadriceps quinnat salmon racemose rachis radial radicle radicular radius radix ramus raphe rectum rectus recurrent reflection region regional respiratory system restiform body reticular reticulocyte reticulum retina retinaculum retinula retractor retrobulbar retrolingual rhabdom rhinencephalon rhombencephalon rhomboid rhomboideus rib cage rod rotator Ruffini's corpuscle ruga saccule sacral nerve sacroiliac sacrum sagittal salivary gland salpinx saphenous vein sarcolemma sartorial sartorius scalene scalenus scaphoid

scapula scapular2 scapulohumeral sciatic sciatic nerve sclera scleral sclerotic scrotum semicircular canal semilunar valve seminal vesicle seminiferous seminiferous tubule serous membrane sesamoid shank shunt siderocyte sinciput sinoatrial node sinorespiratory sinus sinus node Sinus of Valsalva skeleton small intestine smooth muscle socket solar plexus somatic spermatic cord sphenoid sphincter spina spinal nerve spinous process splanchnic nerve splenius squamosal stalk-eyed stapes stereocilium stereotaxic sternocleidomastoid sternocostal sternum stirrup stomach stratiform stretch receptor stroma stylohyoid styloid styloid process subapical subarachnoid subauricular subcartilaginous subclavian subclavian artery subclavian vein subclavius subcortical subcutis sublingual submaxilla submaxillary gland submucosa suborbital

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subscapular sulcus superciliary superciliary ridge superior supinator supraorbital ridge suprarenal supratemporal sural suspensory ligament sustentacular suture sweat gland Sylvian fissure sympathetic symphysis synarthrosis syndesmosis synosteosis synostosis syssarcosis systemic circulation table taenia tailbone talus1 tapetum tarsus tectum telencephalon temple2 temporal2 temporal bone temporal lobe temporomandibular tendon tensor tentorium testis thalamencephalon thalamus theca thenar thoracic artery thoracic duct thorax throat thrombocyte thymus thyroid gland tibia tongue tonsil toponymy torus trabecula trachea tracheal tracheobronchial tract1 tragus transverse colon trapezium trapezius trapezoid triceps tricuspid tricuspidate tricuspid valve

trigeminal trigone trigonum trochanter trochlea trochlear trochlear nerve true rib true vocal cords trunk tubal tube tuber1 tunic tunica turbinal turbinate twig1 tympanic bone tympanic membrane tympanum ulna umbilical cord umbilicus umbo uncus underhung unipolar unmyelinated ureter urethra urinary bladder urostyle uterus utricle uvea uvula vagina vaginal vagus nerve valve valvula vas vas deferens vas efferens vastus vault1 veil velamen velum vena vena cava venter ventrad ventral ventricle ventrodorsal ventrolateral vermiform appendix vermis vertebra vertex vesica vessel vestibular nerve vestibule vestigium villus viscera vitreous humor

vocal cords voluntary muscle vomer vulva Wernicke's area white matter wing xiphisternum xiphoid zona pellucida zygapophysis zygoma zygomatic zygomatic arch zygomatic bone zygomatic process ANTHROPOLOGY alpine amitate ancestor worship anthropometer Australoid avunculate Caucasian clan communitas core1 culturalize culture culture area culture center culture diffusion culture factor culture pattern culture trait diffusion diffusionism ethnobiology ethnobotany ethnography of speaking filiopietistic gens hominid hominoid homonid hunter-gatherer Kulturkreis liminality longhead long-headed mana matrilocal matripotestal Mesoamerica mesognathous Mesolithic mesorrhine moiety Mongolian Mongoloid Mousterian Neanderthaloid neanthropic Negro Neolithic neolocal nonliterate Paleolithic patrilocal

patripotestal platyrrhine polygenesis preliterate primitive protolithic Pygmy race2 ramage rite of intensification rite of passage sept sib sibling sibship spear-thrower stirp subgenus superorganic survival taphonomy trichion triradius virilocal vision quest ARCHITECTURE Aaron's rod abaciscus abacus abutment accolade acroterium Aeolic aisle ambulatory amphistylar analytique ancon angel light annulet antefix apophyge apophysis apse apsis apteral araeostyle araeosystyle arcade arcature arch1 architrave archivolt archway arris aspect ratio astragal astylar atlas atrium back1 backbone baguette baldachin ballflower baluster balustrade banded bandelet

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bandlet bar1 barrel vault bartizan base1 baseline basket-handle arch batter4 bay2 bead bead and reel beading bead molding beak bearing bed molding belection bell1 belt course bench table billet2 bird's beak blind blindstory block coefficient body body plan bolection boltel boss2 bottle2 box frame brace molding bracket bread-and-butter model breast beam breastsummer broach broken pediment bulk2 bullnose cable cabling caisson calf's tongue cancellus cantilever canton cap1 capital2 capsizing moment cartouche caryatid castellated cavetto cella channel1 channeling chaplet chaptrel cheek cheneau chinbeak choir cinquefoil circumcolumnar classical clerestory coefficient of fineness coffer

coin colonial colonnade column columniation compartment composite conch concha1 congé console2 contextualism contraction joint corbel corbeling cordon Corinthian cornice corona cove1 cradle vault crest cresting crocket crossette crown cupola curtail2 curtain curvilinear tracery cusp Cyclopean cyclostyle2 cyma cyma recta cyma reversa cymatium dado dancette decastyle decorated shed denticulate dentil diastyle die2 diminish distyle dodecastyle dog-ear dogtooth dome Doric dosseret drip dripstone drop drum1 ear1 easement echinus egg and dart elbow elevation embrasure enfilade engaged enneastyle entablature entasis entourage

entresol extrados facade facet fantail fan window fascia fenestra fenestrated fillet finial flamboyant flanning flat1 flat arch flèche flowing tracery flute flying bridge flying buttress foil2 foiled foliate foliated foliation folly footstall fourplex fractable frieze1 frontispiece functionalism gable gadroon girdle glyph gorgerin grid griffe2 groin gula gutta half-breadth plan half story haunch helix hem1 hip1 hipped1 hip roof honeycomb work hull efficiency hull girder hydrofoil hypobasis hypogeum hypostyle imbrex impost2 intercolumniation intercupola interdentil interglyph interior intermodillion intermutule intrados Ionic Isherwood framing isodomic

Italianate jack arch jamb1 jube jutty keel1 Kentish tracery key1 knob knulling knurling K-truss label lacunar lamb's tongue lancet lancet arch lancet window landing lantern lât lateral resistance lead1 lierne lift light1 listel longitudinal coefficient longitudinal framing lunette machicolation mascaron medallion metacenter metacentric metacentric height metope minah2 modillion mold1 molded breadth molded depth molding moment of sail mosaic mouchette mullion multifoil mutule naos narthex neck necking neoclassic neoclassicism nosing o.c. oculus offset O.G. o.g. ogee ogee arch ogive onion dome order organic orle orlo orthostyle

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outboard profile overhang ovolo ovum oxeye panache paradise parti paternoster pavilion pearl molding pendentive pentastyle peristyle perron Persian pilaster pilaster mass pilaster strip pinnacle pit1 plafond plane1 platband plinth podium pommel poppy poppyhead prismatic coefficient prodomos profile profile plan prostyle pseudisodomic pseudodipteral pseudoperipteral pseudoprostyle pseudotripteral pteron pulvinate pulvinus pycnostyle pyramid quadra quarter hollow quatrefoil quirk raking cornice rampant range of stability rationalism reeding reglet respond reticulated tracery return reveal rib1 ribbed vault ribbon ring1 rise rowlock running dog rustication sail plan saucer dome scamillus scape1

sconcheon scotia scuncheon setback setoff sexpartite shaft shafting sheer plan sima2 skewback skyscraper slip4 slype socle soffit span1 spandrel splay spring springer springing spur1 squinch1 stele stereobate stilted stoa stop stria string stringcourse stringer stylobate subbase supercapital supercilium supercolumnar supercolumniation surbase surbased swan's neck pediment systyle table taenia tambour taxis1 telamon tensegrity terminal tetrastyle tholobate thrust thumb torus trabeated trail transept trave1 traverse trefoil trefoil arch triapsidal triforium triglyph trochilus trumeau trunk Tuscan tympanum

upsetting lever upsetting moment uraniscus valley Venetian dentil verge1 via Victorian volute voussoir wagon-headed wash water line watershed water table weather weathered weathering web wing ***** Archaeol. /archaeology. abr � Zapotec (total = 82) Abri alignment ansa asp1 assemblage Aterian atlatl ball game barrow2 before the present bell beaker bifacial B.P. Capsian castellum celt chamber tomb chulpa coup de poing cromlech cubiculum cylinder debitage dolmen dromos endocast endocranial cast facies food vessel graffito grattoir henge Heuneburg Hoabinhian Hopewell industry Jabrud Jarmoite labrum2 La Tène lithic long barrow macrolith menhir

Mesoamerica microlith Mogollon obsidian dating oculus Oldowan Olmec palstave passage grave patella pit grave posthole round barrow shaft grave site catchment analysis Solutrean souterrain steinkern tectiform thermoluminescence dating tortoise-core tranchet tumulus turtleback type-site Urewe Venus ware1 Wessex culture woodhenge Woodland culture Yang-shao Zapotec abri alignment ansa asp1 assemblage Aterian atlatl ball game barrow2 before the present bell beaker bifacial B.P. Capsian castellum celt chamber tomb chulpa coup de poing cromlech cubiculum cylinder debitage dolmen dromos endocast endocranial cast facies food vessel graffito grattoir henge Heuneburg Hoabinhian Hopewell industry

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Jabrud Jarmoite labrum2 La Tène lithic long barrow macrolith menhir Mesoamerica microlith Mogollon obsidian dating oculus Oldowan Olmec palstave passage grave patella pit grave posthole round barrow shaft grave site catchment analysis Solutrean souterrain steinkern tectiform thermoluminescence dating tortoise-core tranchet tumulus turtleback type-site Urewe Venus ware1 Wessex culture woodhenge Woodland culture Yang-shao Zapotec ***** ARITHMETIC borrow common fraction concrete number decimal fraction denominator division division sign integral median minuend minus sign mixed number multiplicand multiplication multiplication sign multiplication table multiplier multiply1 numerator place plus plus sign remainder scale3 subtrahend term

ASTROLOGY air sign angle1 Aquarian Aquarius archer Aries ascendant aspect balance bull1 cadent house cancer Capricorn cardinal sign chart conjunction constellation crab1 cusp decan degree descendant descension ecliptic element exaltation fall fish fixed sign Gemini genethliac genethlialogy geniture goat house influence infortune Leo Libra lion lord malevolent midheaven midpoint nadir natal chart native nativity north node opposition orb Part of Fortune Pisces planet progression quadrant quadruplicity quartile quintile ram1 rectification rising sign ruler Sagittarian Sagittarius scale2 Scorpio sextile

sign of the zodiac solar1 south node square star succedent succedent house sun sign synastry Taurus transit trigon trine triplicity twin1 virgin Virgo Water Bearer ASTRONOMY aberration absolute magnitude absorption nebula accretion disk Achernar Acrux active sun air pump albedo Alcor Alioth Allende meteorite almucantar alpha Alpha Centauri altar altazimuth altitude Amalthea Amor asteroid amplitude Ananke Andromeda Andromeda galaxy angular diameter anomalistic month anomalistic year anomaly ansa antapex Antares antecedence anticenter antisolar Antlia apastron apex aphelion Aphrodite Terra apocenter apogee Apollo asteroid apparent magnitude apparent solar day apparent time apparition appulse apse apse line apsidal motion

apsis Ap star Apus Aquarius Ara arc archer arc second Arcturus areal velocity areocentric areology Argo Ariel Aries armillary sphere arrow ascending node ashen light association association of stars. A star asterism asteroid asteroid belt astral astral body astro- astrometric binary astronomical refraction astronomical unit Aten asteroid atmosphere atmospheric window Auger shower aureole Auriga azimuth balance barred spiral galaxy bear2 Beehive cluster Bellatrix Berenice's Hair beta Betelgeuse big bang theory Big Dipper binary Big Dipper binary binary pulsar binary star binary system Bird of Paradise black dwarf black hole blue giant blueshift blue stellar object blue straggler Bode's law body Bok globule bolide bolometric magnitude Boötes bow shock brown dwarf BSO

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B star bull1 burster Caelum Callippic cycle Callisto Camelopardalis canal cancer Canes Venatici canicular Canis Major Canis Minor canister Canopus Capella Capricorn carbon star Carina Carme Cassegrain telescope Cassini division Cassiopeia Castor Celaeno celestial equator celestial horizon celestial latitude celestial longitude celestial pole centaur Centaurus Cepheid variable Cepheus Ceres Cetus Chained Lady Chamaeleon chameleon Chandrasekhar limit charioteer Charon Chiron chisel chromosphere Chryse Planitia Circinus circle circle of declination cislunar civil day clock1 cluster cluster variable Coalsack codeclination coelostat colatitude collapsar color index Columba colure coma2 Coma Berenices comes comet companion1 companion star compass configuration

conjunction constellation contact binary corona Corona Australis Corona Borealis coronagraph coronal hole coronium coronograph corpuscular radiation Corvus cosmic background radiation cosmic dust cosmological constant cosmological principle cosmological redshift counterglow crab1 Crab Nebula crane crater crescent cross cross-staff crow1 Crucis Crux C star culminate culmination cup curvature of space cusp Cygnus Cygnus A Cygnus X-1 Cytherean dark nebula dark star day dayside declination deferent2 Deimos Delphinus delta Delta Aquarids Demon Star Deneb depression descend descending node diamond ring effect dichotomy diffuse nebula digit Dione dipper direct disaster diurnal arc diurnal circle diurnal motion diurnal parallax dog dolphin double star dove1 Draco

Draconid dragon dragon's head dragon's tail Dumbbell nebula dwarf dwarf star eagle earthlight earthrise earthshine eccentric eclipse eclipsing variable ecliptic egress Einstein model Einstein shift Elara Electra element elliptical elliptical galaxy elongation emersion emission nebula Enceladus Encke's division eon ephemeris second ephemeris time epicycle epoch equation of time equatorial plane equinoctial circle Equuleus Eridanus Eros Eta Aquarids Europa evection event horizon expanding universe external galaxy extinction facula filament finder first quarter fish fixed star flare flare star flash spectrum flocculus fly2 flying fish Fomalhaut Forbush decrease Fornax Fraunhofer lines Friedmann model F star fundamental star furnace galactic galactic cluster galactic coordinates galactic equator

galactic latitude galactic longitude galactic nebula galactic plane galactic pole galactic year galaxy Galilean satellites gamma Ganymede gegenschein Gemini Geminids general precession giant gibbous giraffe globular cluster goat granulation gravitational collapse gravitational lens gravitational radius gravitational redshift gravitational wave gravity wave Great Bear Great Dog Great Red Spot Great Rift great year Grus G star halo hare harmonic law heliacal heliocentric heliocentric parallax heliograph heliopause heliosphere Hercules herdsman Hermes Hertzsprung-Russell diagram Himalia horizon horologium hour hour angle hour circle H-R diagram Hubble's constant Hubble's law hunter Hunting Dogs Hyades hydra Hydrus Hyperion Iapetus Icarus immersion impact crater inclination Indian Indus inequality inferior

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inferior conjunction inferior planet inflationary universe infrared galaxy infrared star ingress inner planet interferometer interstellar intragalactic Io irregular galaxy irregular variable Ishtar Terra Jacob's staff Janus Jovian planet Julian Day Juno Jupiter keel1 Kepler's laws Kohoutek K star Lacerta Lagrangian point last quarter latitude law of areas Leda Leo Leo Minor Leonid Lepus Lesser Bear Lesser Dog Lexell Libra libration light curve light pollution light-year limb2 line of apsides line of sight lion Little Bear Little Dipper Little Dog Little Fox Little Horse Little Lion lizard Local Group longitude lucida luminosity luminosity class lunisolar precession Lupus lynx Lyra lyre Lyrids Lysithea Magellanic cloud magnetic star magnetopause magnetosheath magnetosphere

magnetotail magnitude main sequence major planet Manger mansion mare3 mariner's compass Mars Maxwell Montes mean anomaly mean distance mean noon mean planet mean solar time mean sun mensa mercury meridian meridian angle meridian circle Messier catalog Messier number metagalaxy meteor meteoric shower meteoritics meteoroid meteor shower meteor swarm Metonic cycle microscope Microscopium Milky Way Mimas minor planet Mira Miranda Mira variable Mizar MMT Monoceros moon pillar M star Multiple Mirror Telescope multiple star Musca nadir nebula nebular hypothesis nebulium Neptune Nereid net1 New General Catalogue NGC nightside Noah's Dove nocturnal arc node nodical Norma northern Northern Cross Northern Crown North Pole North Star nova nucleosynthesis nucleus

nutation Oberon objective prism obliquity occult occultation Octans octant Olbers' paradox Oort cloud open cluster open universe Ophiuchus opposition orb Orion Orionids Orion Nebula oscillating universe outer planet painter1 Pallas parallactic ellipse parallactic motion parallax parallel of altitude parsec Pasiphaë Pavo peacock peculiar Pegasus penumbra periastron pericenter perigee perihelion period periodic1 period-luminosity relation period of revolution period of rotation Perseid Perseus Perseus cluster perturb perturbation phase Phobos Phoebe phoenix photoheliograph photosphere Pictor Pisces Piscis Austrinus plage planet planetary nebula planetary precession planetesimal planetoid planet X plasmapause plasmasphere Platonic year Pleiades plow Pluto pointer

polar cap polar distance Polaris pole2 Pollux Poynting-Robertson effect Praesepe precession primary Procyon prominence proper motion protogalaxy proton-proton chain protoplanet protostar Ptolemaic system pulsar Puppis Pyxis QSO QSS quadrant Quadrantids quadrature quarter quasar quasi-stellar radio source quiet sun R.A. radial motion radiant radio interferometer radio source radio star radio telescope radio window radius vector ram1 raven1 ray1 rectify red dwarf red giant redshift Red Spot red star reflection nebula refraction regulus relative sunspot number reseau reticulum retrograde revolution Rhea Rigel Rigel Kentaurus right ascension Rigil Kentaurus rill2 ring galaxy ringlet Ring Nebula river1 Roche limit rotation RR Lyrae star rule runaway star

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Sagitta Sagittarius sail saros satellite Saturn scale2 Schiller Schwarzschild radius scintillation Scorpio scorpion Scorpius sculptor Sculptor's Tool scutum sea Sea of Tranquillity sea serpent second2 sector selenocentric semimajor axis semiminor axis sensible horizon Serpens serpent Serpent Bearer Sextans sextant sextile Seyfert galaxy shell star shield shower1 sickle sidereal sidereal day sidereal hour angle sidereal month sidereal time sidereal year singularity Sinope Sirius solar activity solar apex solar cycle solar day solar flare solar prominence solstice south southern Southern Coalsack Southern Cross Southern Crown Southern Fish southern lights Southern Triangle southing South Pole speckle interferometry speckle pattern spectral type spectroscopic binary sphere spica spicule spiral arm

spiral galaxy spiral nebula S star star star chart star cloud star cluster starquake steady state theory stellar association stellar wind stern2 streamer summer solstice sun pillar sunspot cycle sunspot number supercluster supergalaxy supergiant supergiant star supergranulation cell superior conjunction superior planet superluminal supermassive star supernova supernova remnant swan1 swordfish synchronous rotation synodic system syzygy table tail1 tangential motion Taurids Taurus telescope Telescopium terminator terrestrial planet. Tethys three-body problem Titan Titania Titius-Bode law totality toucan train trans- transit transit circle transit instrument translunar triangle Triangulum Triangulum Australe Triton Trojan group tropic true anomaly Tucana twin1 two-body problem Tychonic system umbra Umbriel unicorn

uranology uranometry Uranus Ursa Major Ursa Minor Ursids Utopia Planitia Valles Marineris variable variable star variation Vega Vela Venus vertex vertical circle Very Large Array very long baseline interferometry Vesta virgin Virgo Virgo cluster visual binary visual magnitude VLA VLBI Volans volvelle Vulcan Vulpecula wagon wagoner wain Water Bearer water snake whale1 white dwarf white hole Winged Horse winter solstice wolf Wolf number W-R star x-ray burster year Z zenith distance zenith tube zone of avoidance BIOCHEMISTRY A abscisic acid acetone body acetylcholine acetylcholinesterase acetyl-coenzyme A ACh acid metaprotein acidogenic ACTH actin actinin activator active site actomyosin adenine adenosine adenosine diphosphate

adenosine monophosphate adenosine triphosphatase adenosine triphosphate adenylate cyclase ADH adipopexia ADP adrenaline adrenocorticosteroid adrenoreceptor aequorin aglucon aglycon AHF Ala alanine albumen albumin albuminate albuminoid aldolase aldosterone alkali metaprotein alkaline phosphatase alkaloid alkapton allantoin allosteric alloxan alpha-fetoprotein alpha helix alpha-ketoglutaric acid alpha-tocopherol amidase aminase amino acid aminocitric acid aminopeptidase aminosuccinic acid aminosugar aminotransferase AMP amphiphile amylase amyloid amylolysis androgen androsterone aneurin ANF angiotensin animal starch anneal anterior pituitary luteotropin anthocyanin antiauxin antibiotic anticatalase anticholinergic anticholinesterase anticlotting anticoagulant antidiuretic antidiuretic hormone antienzyme antifebrile antihemophilic factor antihistamine antihistaminic antimetabolite

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antimitotic antinutrient antioxidant antivitamin antixerophthalmic vitamin apoenzyme apoferritin apolipoprotein apyrase araban arabinoside arachidonic acid Arg arginase arginine ascorbic acid Asn Asp asparaginase asparaginic acid aspartate aspartic acid ATP ATPase auriculin autocatalysis autolysate autolysis autolyze auxilytic auxin avidin bacteriochlorophyll bacteriorhodopsin beta-adrenergic receptor beta carotene betagalactosidase beta-indoleacetic acid beta-oxidation beta receptor bGH bilayer bilirubin biliverdin bioautography bioavailability biocatalyst bioenergetics bioflavonoid biogen bioinorganic bioorganic biosynthesis biosynthetic biotin blocker bradykinin bromelain bromouracil BST bufadienolide buffy coat C cachectin cadaverine calciferol calcitonin calcitriol calmodulin cAMP

carbohydrase carbonic anhydrase carboxylase carboxypeptidase cardiolipin carnitine carotenoid cascade caseation casein catalase catecholamine cathepsin cellulase cellulolytic cephalin cerebroside ceruloplasmin cetin chemosynthesis chemotaxonomy chitin chlorogenic acid chlorophyll chlorophyllase cholate cholesterol cholic acid choline cholinergic cholinesterase cholinolytic cholinomimetic chorionic gonadotropin Christmas factor chromoprotein chylomicron chymotrypsin chymotrypsinogen cisaconitic acid citric acid cycle citrin citrulline coenzyme coenzyme A cofactor collagen complementary strand complex conchiolin conjugated protein cooperativity corticosteroid corticosterone corticotropin corticotropin releasing factor cortisol cortisone C-reactive protein creatine creatine kinase creatine phosphate creatinine crotalin CRP C terminus cyanocobalamin cyclase cyclic AMP cyclic GMP

Cys cystathionine cysteine cystine cytidine cytidine monophosphate cytochrome cytokinin cytolysin cytosine cytost D- d- D deamidase deaminase decarboxylase dehydrochlorinase dehydrogenase denature deoxycorticosterone deoxyhemoglobin deoxymannose deoxyribonuclease deoxyribonucleoprotein deoxyribonucleoside deoxyribonucleotide deoxyribose dephosphorylate dephosphorylation detoxification dextranase dextrin dextroglucose dextrose d-glucose DHA dialysis diaphorase diastatic digest dihydroxyphenylalanine dinucleotide dioscin diosgenin dipeptidase dipeptide diphosphoglycerate disaccharidase docosahexaenoic acid dopa dopamine dopaminergic double helix dulcitol E ectoenzyme effector eicosapentaenoic acid elastase elastin electron transport endergonic endoenzyme endogenous endonuclease endopeptidase endotoxin enkephalin enzyme

enzymolysis epinephrine ergosterol erythropoietin erythropsin essential amino acid esterase estradiol estrin estriol estrogen estrogenic estrone eumelanin exergonic exoenzyme exogenous exopeptidase exotoxin extrinsic factor F factor fatty acid ferredoxin ferrihemoglobin ferritin fertilizin fibrinogen fibrinolysin fibrinolysis fibroin first messenger flavin flavine flavoprotein folacin folic acid folinic acid follicle-stimulating hormone folliculin free radical fructosan fructoside FSH fumarate furocoumarin G GABA galactan galactin galactosamine ganglioside gel gel electrophoresis genin gibberellin gliadin Gln globin globulin Glu glucagon glucocorticoid glucogenesis glucokinase gluconeogenesis glucoprotein glucosamine glucosan glucose

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glucosin glucuronic acid glucuronide glutamic acid glutamine glutaraldehyde glutathione glutelin Gly glyceraldehyde glyceride glycine glycogen glycogenesis glycogenetic glycogenic glycolipid glycolysis glycolytic glyconeogenesis glycoprotein glycoside glycuronic acid glycuronide glycyl glyoxylate GMP gonadotrope gonadotropic gonadotropin gonadotropin releasing hormone granulopoietin growth hormone releasing factor GTP guanine guanine deaminase guanosine guanosine monophosphate guanosine triphosphate gyrase H Hb helix hemanalysis hematin heme hemiglobin hemin hemocyanin hemodialysis hemoglobin hemosiderin heparin hesperidin heteroauxin hexokinase hexosamine His histaminase histidine histone homovanillic acid hordein hormone human chorionic gonadotropin human growth hormone hyaline hyaluronic acid

hyaluronidase hydrase hydrocortisone hydrolase hydroxybutyric acid hydroxylase hydroxyproline I Ile indican indoleacetic acid indolebutyric acid indologenous induce inducer induction inhibin inositol insulin interferon interstitial-cell-stimulating hormone intrinsic factor inulase invertase iodopsin ionophore isocitric acid isoenzyme isoleucine isomerase isozyme jelly coat juvenile hormone K katalase ketone body ketose ketosteroid kinase kinetin kinin Krebs cycle L l- L- lactalbumin lactase lactate dehydrogenase lactic acid lactoferrin lactoflavin lactogenic hormone lactose lanosterol LDH LDL lecithin lectin leghemoglobin legoglobin legumin Leu leucine leukotriene levorotatory LH ligand ligase lipase

lipid lipochrome lipofuscin lipopexia lipopolysaccharide lipoprotein lipotropic lipotropin low-density lipoprotein luciferin lutein luteinizing hormone lyase lycopene lyophilize Lys lysate lyse lysin lysine lysis lysozyme M maltase mannan melanocyte-stimulating hormone meletin melitose melitriose Met metaprotein methemoglobin methionine methyl transferase micronutrient mineralocorticoid minor element monensin monoamine monoamine oxidase morphactin MSH mucin mucoid mucolytic mucoprotein murexide test mutein mycosozin myoglobin myosin N NAD NADH NADP nerve growth factor neurohormone neuromodulator niacin niacinamide nick nicotinamide nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate nicotinic acid nitrogenase nitrogen balance

N terminus n-3 fatty acid nuclease nucleic acid nucleoprotein nucleosidase nucleoside nucleotide octamer oligonucleotide opioid opsin organophosphate ornithine ossein ovalbumin ovovitellin oxaloacetic acid oxalosuccinic acid oxidase oxidative phosphorylation oxidoreductase oxygenase oxyhemoglobin oxytocin P palindrome pancreatic juice pancreatin pantothenic acid papain para-aminobenzoic acid parathyroid hormone pathway pectase pectin pectinogen pectose pectous pellagra-preventive factor pentamethylenediamine pentosan pentose nucleic acid pepsin pepsinogen peptidase peptide peptide bond peptidolytic peptolytic peptone permease peroxidase PGA Phe phenylalanine phenylthiourea phorbol phosphagen phosphatase phosphatide phosphocreatine phospholipase phospholipid phosphoprotein phosphorylase photophosphorylation photoreactivation photosynthate photosynthesis

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phototoxin phthiocol phycocyanin phylloquinone phytate phytoalexin phytol phytonadione phytosterol plasmalogen plasma thromboplastic component plasmin plasminogen plastoquinone polyadenylic acid polymerase polynucleotide polypeptide porphyrin positive posttranscriptional posttranslational P.P. factor precursor Pro proenzyme progesterone prohormone proinsulin prolactin prolamin proline prostacyclin prostaglandin prosthetic group protamine protease protein proteinase proteinoid protein synthesis proteoglycan proteolysis proteose prothrombin provitamin psilocin PTC ptyalin purine pyin pyranose pyranoside pyridoxine pyrimidine pyruvic acid Q R raffinose recognition recognize reductase relaxin releasing factor renin rennin respiratory chain restriction enzyme restriction site

retinal2 retinoid reverse transcriptase rhamnose rheumatoid factor rhodopsin riboflavin ribonuclease ribonucleic acid ribonucleoprotein ribonucleoside ribonucleotide ribose ribosomal RNA RNA polymerase RNase RNA synthetase RNP rRNA S saccharimetry saponin scleroprotein sclerotin second messenger secretin sequence sequencer Ser serine serotonin serum albumin sex hormone simple protein sister somatomedin somatostatin somatotropin sorbitol sorbol sorbose specificity spectrin spermidine spermine sphingomyelin sphingosine squalene steapsin steroid sterol stigmasterol streptodornase substrate subtilisin sucrase sulfatase supercoil superhelix synthetase T Teichmann's crystals testosterone thermolabile thermostable thiamine thioctic acid Thr threonine thrombin

thrombogen thromboplastic thromboplastin thromboxane thymidine thymine thymosin thyroid-stimulating hormone thyrotropin thyrotropin-releasing hormone thyroxine tissue plasminogen activator tocopherol toxalbumin trace element transaminase transamination transcriptase transferase transferrin transmitter transpeptidation triacontanol tricarboxylic acid cycle triglyceride triiodothyronine trimethylene troponin Trp trypsin trypsinogen tryptophan tubulin Tyr tyramine tyrosinase tyrosine U uracil urase urea urea cycle urease uric acid uricolysis uridine urochrome urokinase uronic acid V Val valine vasopressin vasopressor venene venin viosterol visual purple vitellin VLDL W Watson-Crick model xanthine xanthophyll xylitol Y yeast nucleic acid zein zymase zymogen

zymology zymolysis BIOLOGY

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achromatophil abiogenesis abiogenic abortion acanthology achromatic achromatophilia acidophil acidophilic acrosome actinomorphic aculeate adaptation adaptive radiation adherent adnate aerial aerobiosis aerotropism affinity agamete agamic agamogenesis agamospermy agar aggregation alary allometry allopatric allopolyploid allotype ally alternation of generations ameboid ameiosis amitosis ammophilous amorphous amphiaster amphidiploid amphikaryon amphimixis amphogenic anabolism anabolite anagenesis analogous analogue analogy anaphase anastomosis ancestor androgenous anemotropism angiogenesis Animalia animal pole anisogamete anisogamous anisogamy antibiosis antiblastic anucleate aplanetic aplanogamete apogeotropism apomict apomixis applanate apposition

archiblast areola areole armature arthrospore artificial asexual asexual reproduction aster


astral astrocyte astrosphere atavism athrocyte autogamy autonomic autonomous autopolyploid autotroph auxesis auxetic auxotroph axenic axon axoneme axoplasm azygous baculiform basal body basal cell basement membrane basophil basophilic B cell biauriculate bicentric bidentate biforate bilateral bilateral symmetry bilocular binary fission binucleate biocybernetics bioelectronics biokinetics biolysis biomathematics biomechanics biometrics biotron biradial biramous bisexual blast cell blastogenesis blue-green algae body plan bone cell bradytelic


calcarate calcariferous calcium canalization capitate capitulum capreolate

capsule catabolism catabolite catagenesis cataplasia


cell body cell division cell fusion cell line cell membrane cell wall centriole centromere centrosome centrosphere challenge


chemosynthesis chemotaxis chemotaxonomy chemotroph chemotropism chiasma chromatin chromatolysis chromocenter chromophobe chromoplasm chrysomonad cilia ciliate Ciliophora circannual clade cladism cladistics cladogenesis cladogram class classification clastic clathrate clathrin cline clone cloning clypeate coadaptation coagulate coated pit coated vesicle coenocyte cohort colonial animal columella columnar epithelium communication compensation conceptacle concrescence conjugant conjugate conjugation conspecific contact inhibition contractile vacuole convergence co-ordinal

cornification corpuscle correlative cross cross-fertilization cross-resistance cryptomonad cryptophyte cuboidal epithelium culture cyanobacteria cyanogenic Cyanophyta cyanophyte cyclosis cytaster cytogenesis cytokinesis cytoplasm cytoplast cytoskeleton cytosol cytosome cytotaxis cytotropic daughter dedifferentiate dedifferentiation definitive deflected deflexed dehiscence deme dendrogram depauperate dermatozoon deserticolous desmosome develop devolution diagnosis diakinesis diastema diaster dictyosome diecious diel differentiate digitation dihybrid dioecious diphyletic diploid diplont diplophase diplosis diplotene dissimilation dormant dyad dysgenics ectocommensal ectogenesis ectoplasm ectosarc ectozoan ectozoon electrophoresis electrotaxis ELISA

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encyst endameba end brush endobiotic endogenous endogeny endomembrane endomixis endoplasm endoplasmic reticulum end organ endosarc endosmosis endosome endosymbiosis end plate entameba enterozoa entozoan enucleate envelope eosinophil epibenthos epibiotic epigenesis epithelium epizoic epizoon equational equatorial plate euglenophyte eukaryote Eumycota evolution evolve exogamy exosmosis exserted exsertile extinction extracellular extranuclear FACS facultative false family fat cell fecundate feedback fertile fertility fertilization fertilize fibril fibroblast fibronectin filopodium fission


fitness flagellar flagellate flagelliform flagellum food vacuole formative form genus


founder effect

fovea foveate foveola foveolate free-living freeze etching freeze fracturing frigidoreceptor Fungi gamete gametocyte gametogenesis gamic gamogenesis gap junction


gating gemmation genealogy generation genetic genetics genic geniculate genus geotaxis geotropic geotropism geratology germ cell germ theory gerontomorphosis goblet cell Golgi body G

1 phase

gonium gradualism granuloblast granulocyte ground substance growth cone G

2 phase

guttate gynandromorph gynogenesis hair cell halobiont haploid haplont haplophase haplosis hapteron HeLa cell heliotaxis heliotropic hemikaryon heredity hermaphrodite heterochrony heteroecism heterogamete heterogenesis heterogenous heterogony heterokaryon heterokaryosis heterologous heterology

heteromorphic heteronomous heterophil heterosexual heterotroph heterotrophic heterotypic heterozygosis heterozygous hexaploid histoblast histogenesis hologamous holotype holozoic homeotypic homogamous homogenesis homogenetic homogenous homogeny homology homomorphism homonym homoplasy homotype homotypic homozygosis homozygote homozygous hopeful monster horotelic humicolous hyalomere hyaloplasm hydrotaxis hydrotropic hydrotropism hyperparasite hyperplasia hyperploid hypoploid identify idioplasm imbricate imitation imitative immaculate immersed inbreeding inclusion inclusive fitness indifferent individual interkinesis intermediate host interneuron interphase intersex intersexual intravital intra vitam intussusception investment inviable involution irritability irritable irritate isauxesis

isogamete isogamous isogamy isogenous isolate isometry isomorphic isotype joint karyogamy karyokinesis karyology karyolysis karyoplasm karyosome


kinetochore kingdom kin selection klinotaxis lanugo latticed leptotene leukoblast library life cycle life history limiting factor lipid bilayer liposome locular locule loculus


lumper lymphoblast lysosome macroevolution macrogamete macronucleus macrophage magnetotaxis mast cell matrix maturation division medium medullation megagamete megakaryoblast megakaryocyte meiosis melanoblast melanocyte melanophore melanosome membrane merisis meristic metabiosis metabolism metabolite metagenesis metamorphosis metaphase metaphase plate metaplasm microevolution microfauna microfibril

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microfilament microflora microgamete microinject microinjection micronucleate micronucleus microsome microtubule microvillus mimesis mimicry mitochondrion mitogen mitosis mixotroph modern synthesis modification monad Monera moneran monobasic monoclonal monoclonality monocyte monoecious monogenesis monogenic monomial monomorphic mononuclear monophyletic monoploid monosymmetric monotype monotypic monster morph morphallaxis morphosis mosaic mosaicism motile motoneuron motor neuron motor unit


multiple fission muscle spindle mutation myelin myeloblast myofibril myofilament neo-Darwinism neo-Lamarckism neoteny neotype neuroglia neuron neuter neutralism nexus nine plus two array nine plus zero array node of Ranvier nondisjunction normal Northern blot

nuclear membrane nucleolar nucleolus nucleoplasm nucleosome nucleus obligate obsolescent obsolete ontogeny oocyst oocyte oogamete oogenesis oogonium ookinesis oosphere oospore ootid order organ organelle organogenesis organography orthogenesis orthoselection osmosis osteoclast osteocyte ostiole ovulate ovule ovum pachytene pairing palingenesis pangenesis panspermia parabiosis parablast parasexual reproduction parasitism parasynapsis parent paries parietal parthenogenesis parthenospore parturition patella pedomorphism perikaryon perinuclear persistent phagocyte phene phenetic phenetics phenogram phonoreceptor photic zone photoautotroph photogen photogenic photoperiod photoperiodism photoreceptor photosynthesis phototaxis phototonus

phototroph phyletic phyletics phylogenetic classification phylum pigment pigmentation


pilus planogamete planospore Plantae plasma plasmalemma plasma membrane plasmodium plasmogamy plasmosome plastic plastid platelet pleomorphism pleuston ploidy pneumatocyst polar body


polychromatophilic polyclonal polygenesis polygenetic polymerism polymerous polymorph polymorphism polymorphonuclear polynomial polyploid polyribosome polysome positive preadapt preadaptation precocial precursor predacious preformation premorse preoccupied primary producer primary spermatocyte primary type primitive primordial soup probe process prochloron progamete progress


pronucleus prophase Protista protolog protomorphic protoplasm protoplast prototroph

prototype protozoan pseudoparenchyma pseudopod pseudopodium


punctuated equilibrium punctuationalism pungent pure Purkinje cell Pyrrophyta radial symmetry Radiata recapitulate recapitulation receptor reduce reduction reduction division regenerate regeneration regression regressive reproduce reproduction reservoir respiration response reticuloendothelial retrograde retrogression reversion revert revolute rheotaxis ribosome rogue rostellum rostrum rudiment ruga rupestrine saltation saltationism saprobe saprogen saprophagous sarcomere sarcoplasm sarcoplasmic reticulum sarcosome scalariform scan scanner schizogamy schizogenesis schizogenetic schizogenous schizogonous schizogony schizont Schwann cell scleroid secondary spermatocyte segmentation selection selenotropism sematic

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semiparasitic semiterrestrial sensory neuron septal septate septum serrate seta sexual reproduction sexual selection sheath signature society


somatic somatic cell somatogenic somatoplasm Southern blot specialize speciation species specific spermatid spermatocyte spermatogenesis spermatogonium spermatozoon sperm cell spermiogenesis S phase spindle spireme splitter spontaneous generation spore sporocyst sporocyte sporogenesis sporogony sporont sport sportive sporulate sporule spurious squamous epithelium squarrose station stem cell stereotaxis stereotropism stirps stratum streaming striation stroma structural structure stylate subcellular subclass subfamily subgenus subkingdom submarginal suborder subphylum substratum

subulate superclass superfamily superorder superparasite superphylum


symbiont symbiosis sympatric synapse synapsis syncytium syndesis syngamy syngenesis synkaryon synonym synonymy synthesis syntype system systematics tachytelic tangoreceptor tautonym


taxonomy teleonomy telophase telotaxis teratism teratogen teratogenesis teratoid teratology teratosis terricolous tetrad tetrahymena tetraploid t.g. thermoperiodic thermoperiodicity thermotaxis thermotropism thigmotaxis thigmotropism thremmatology thylakoid tissue topotype totipotent transformism transmembrane transmutation tribe trinomial triploid trivial tropism true truncate truncated type type genus type locality type species type specimen

typical ultrastructure uncinate unfit unilocular uninucleate uniparental unipotent unipotential uniramous uniseptate unit factor vacuole vagile vagility vallecula variable variation vary vascular vascularize vector velate velum verticillate vesicle vestige vitalism volutin warning coloration Weismannism Western blot white xenogenesis yellow-green algae zooid zoon zygogenesis zygomorphic zygosis zygote zygotene zygotic BOTANY

abortive abrupt abruptly pinnate abscise abscission abscission layer abscission zone acarpelous acarpous acaulescent accessory fruit accrete accumbent -aceae



acervate acetabuliform acheilary achene achilary achlamydeous achlorophyllous acinaceous acinaciform acinarious acinus acrocarpous acrogen acrogynous acropetal acrospire actinomorphic acuminate adaxial -adelphous adhesion adventitious adventive aerenchyma aerophyte agamic agglomerate aggregate air cell air vesicle alar albumen alburnum -ales allelopathy alliaceous alpestrine alpine alternate alveola


amentaceous amentiferous ameristic amphicarpous amphithecium amphitropous amplexicaul amplexifoliate ampulla amyloplast anacanthous

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anacrogynous anandrous ananthous anatropous ancipital androclinium androdioecious androecium androgynous andromonoecious androphore androspore anemophilous angiosperm anisocarpic anisophyllous anisotropic annotinous annual anterior antheridium antherozoid anthesis anthodium anthophore antipodal antrorse apetalous apheliotropic aphyllous apical dominance apiculate apiculus apocarp apocarpous apogamy apophysis apospory apothecium appendage appendiculate apterous araceous arachnoid araliaceous


archegonium archespore archesporium archicarp arenaceous aril arillate arista aristate aroid articulation arundinaceous ascendant ascending ascidium aseptate assimilation assurgent asteraceous astomatous attenuate auricle autogamy

autoicous avenaceous awn axil axile axilla axillary axillary bud


azygospore bacca baccate bacciferous


barbate barbellate


basifixed basin basipetal




beak beard


berry bicapsular bicephalous bicollateral bicorn bicyclic bidenticulate biennial bifarious bifoliolate bijugate bilabiate binate binomial binomial nomenclature biocellate biparous bipartite bipectinate bipetalous biphasic bipinnate biserrate bivalve bladder blade blastospore


bloomy blossom











bottlebrush bowel brachiate bract bracteate bracteolate bracteole break broad-leaved brood bud bryophyte


bulb bulbil bulblet bundle


button caducous calceolate calicle callosity callus calyculate calyculus calyptra calyptrogen calyx cambium


capitate capitular capsule carina carinate carinula carpel carpellate carpophore caruncle caryopsis cataphyll catkin caudex caulescent cauline


central cylinder cernuous cespitose chalaza chamaephyte chasmogamous chlamydeous chlorenchyma chlorophyll chloroplast choripetalous chromatophore chromoplast chrysocarpous chylocaulous chylophyllous

cicatrix circinate circumscissile cirrate cirri cirrose cirrus cladanthous cladocarpous cladode cladophyll cladoptosis clambering cleistocarpous cleistogamous clistocarpous


coadunate coccus cohesion coleoptile coleorhiza collateral collenchyma colored column



commissure companion cell complementary cells composite


compound ovary compressed conduplicate cone conidiophore conidium coniferous conjugate connate connective connivent convolute cork cork cambium corm corolla corollate corona cortex cortical corticolous corymb cosmopolitan costal cotyledon creeper


crosier crossband cross-fertilization cross-pollination crown cruciate crucifer

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cruciferous crustose cryptogam cryptophyte crystalloid cupule cusp cut cuticle cyathiform cyathium cyclic cyma cymbiform cymose cypsela cyst cystolith Daphne dasyphyllous decompound decumbent decurrent decussate definite dehiscence deliquesce dentate dentation denticulate depressed dermatogen determinate dextrorse diadelphous diadromous diageotropic diageotropism diandrous diaspore diatropism dichasium dichogamous dichotomy diclinous dicot dicotyledon didymous diffuse diffuse-porous digitate digitinervate digitipinnate dimerous dimorphism dipetalous diphyllous diplostemonous dipteral dipterous discifloral discoid disepalous disk disk flower dispermous dissected disseminule dissepiment distichous

diurnal divaricate division dolabriform dormant


dorsiferous dorsiventral dorsoventral double


dragon drupaceous drupe drupelet duct duramen dusty miller ebracteate ecalcarate ecarinate effuse elater emarginate embryo embryo sac emersed enation endarch endocarp endodermis endoperidium endophyte endosperm endospore endosporium endothecium entire epicalyx epicarp epicotyl epidermis epigeal epigenous epigeous epigynous epinasty epiphragm epiphyll epiphyte epispore equinoctial equitant erect eremophyte eriophyllous erose escape estipulate estivation euphrasy eustele


exasperate excurrent exine exocarp exodermis

exogenous exospore explanate exsiccatum exstipulate extine extrafloral extravaginal extrorse eye false fruit fascia fasciate fascicle fastigiate feather-veined female fertile ferula fiber fibril fibrin fibrovascular filament fimbria fimbriate fimbriation fimbrillate fingered flabellate flagellate flagellum flesh fleshy floccose floral envelope floral leaf floret flower flower head flowerless foliation foliiferous foliolate foliole foliose follicle footstalk frond fruitlet frustule frutescent fugacious funicle funiculate funiculus galea gametangium gametophore gametophyte gamopetalous gamophyllous gamosepalous geitonogamy geminiflorous gemma gemmate gemmule geophilous geophyte

germinability germinate glabrate glabrescent glabrous gladiate


glaucescent glaucous glomerule glumaceous glume granum gregarious ground meristem growing point grumous guard cell guild guttation gymnanthous gymnogynous gymnosperm gymnospermous gymnospore


gynandrous gynantherous gynobase gynodioecious gynoecium gynomonoecious gynophore gynostegium gynostemium hair hastate head heart heliophyte hepatic hermaphrodite hesperidium heterogamous heterogonous heterophyllous heterophyte heterosporous heterospory hexamerous hilum hirsute hispid hispidulous histogen holdfast hologonidium holosericeous homochromous homogamous homogonous homogony homomorphism homosporous honesty hooded hormone hunter's robe hydathode

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hydrophilous hypanthium hypocotyl hypoderma hypodermis hypogynous hyponasty idioblast immersed imparipinnate imperfect included incrassate indeciduate indeciduous indefinite indehiscent indeterminate indumentum induplicate indusium inferior inferior ovary inflated inflect inflexed inflorescence infundibuliform inoperculate insectivorous inserted insertion intercalary meristem interfertile interfoliaceous interrupted intine introrse involucel involucre involute involution iris irregular isandrous isanthous isidium isocarpic isomerous isostemonous jaculiferous joint jugate



key fruit knotted labellum labiate labium lacerated laciniate lactescent lacuna lageniform lamella lamina latent lateral bud

laticifer laticiferous


lenticel lentiginous lepidote leprous leucoplast levigate


lignin lignocellulose ligula ligule


limbate lineolate lip lipped lirella lithophyte lobed loculicidal lodicule loment long-day lumen lyrate macronutrient macrophyte macropodous macrosporangium macrospore mad-dog skullcap male male-sterile marcescent masked medulla medullary ray medullary sheath megagametophyte megasporangium megaspore megasporophyll member mentum mericarp meristem meristematic mesarch mesocarp mesophyll metamorphosis metaphyte metaxylem micropyle microsporangium microspore microsporocyte microsporophyll middle lamella midrib mitra monadelphous monandrous monaxial moniliform

monocarp monocarpellary monocarpic monocarpous monochasium monoclinous monocot monocotyledon monocyclic monoecious monogyny monomerous monopetalous monophyllous monopode monopodium monosepalous monospermous monostylous monosymmetric mucro mucronate


multiflorous multifoliate multiparous multiple muricate musk muticous mycogenous naiad naked nastic natant nectariferous nectary needle nerve nerveless nervure net-veined neuter neutral node nodule nucellus nudicaul nullipore nut nutant nutation nyctitropic obconical obcordate oblanceolate oblique obvolute ocrea octamerous odd-pinnate oophyte open-pollinated operculum opposite orthostichy orthotropic orthotropism orthotropous

ovary ovate ovule palisade palisade parenchyma palmate panicle paniculate pannose papilionaceous pappose pappus parallel-veined paraphysis parastichy parecious parenchyma parietal paripinnate paroicous parted parthenocarpy partial partite patent patulous pedate pedicel peduncle peloria pelorize peltate pentamerous percurrent perennate perfect perfoliate perianth periblem pericarp pericycle periderm perigonium perigynous perigyny peristome persistent


petalody petiolar petiolate petiole petiolule phanerogam phellem phellogen phloem ray photobiotic phototropic phototropism phragmoplast phyllary phylloclade phyllocladous phyllode phyllody phyllogenetic phyllomania phyllome

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phyllophore phyllotaxis phyllotaxy phytochrome phyton pileate pinna pinnate pinnatifid pinnation pinnatisect pinnule


pippin pistil pistillate


pith placenta placentation plagiotropic plagiotropism plasmodesma plasmolysis pleiotaxy pleurogenous plumule pneumatophore podetium podium polar nucleus pollen sac pollen tube pollinate pollination polliniferous pollinium polyadelphous polyandrous polyandry polycarpellary polycarpic polychasium polycot polygamous polygynous polygyny polymerism polymerous polypetalous polysepalous pome pomiferous posterior posticous pouch precocious primary phloem primary root primary tissue primary xylem primine procambium procarp procumbent proliferous propagule prop root prosenchyma

prostrate prothallium prothallus protoderm protonema protophloem protostele protoxylem provascular tissue pruinose pseudobulb pterocarpous puberulent pubescent pulvinus putamen


pyrenocarp pyxidium pyxis quinate quincuncial quincunx raceme racemose rachilla rachis radical radicant radicel radicle radicular radix ramentaceous ramentum ramification ramulose ramus raphe raphides rareripe


ray flower receptacle recumbent regma repand resin duct resting resupinate reticulate retroserrate retroserrulate rhizocarpous rhizogenic rhizome rhizomorphous ringent ring-porous rootcap root climber rootlet root pressure rootstalk rootstock rosette rostellum rosulate ruderal

rugose runner rutaceous sabot samara samariform sapwood sarcocarp sarmentose sarmentum saxicoline




scarious schizocarp sciuroid sclerenchyma sclerophyll sclerophylly sclerosis sclerotic scrobiculate scutate scutellum scyphiform sea moss secondary tissue secund secundine seed coat seed leaf seed vessel self-fertilization self-pollination semiaquatic semidouble semievergreen seminal seminiferous semiparasitic sepal separation layer sessile setula setulose shaft sheath short-day sieve cell sieve tube sigillate silicle siliculose silique silky simple sinistrorse sinuate sinuous sinus siphonostele skullcap sleep social



spadiceous spadix spathaceous spathe spathulate spatulate spermagonium spermatium spermatozoid spermogonium spermophyte spicate



spikelet spinescent spinule spirogyra spongy parenchyma sporangiophore sporangiospore sporangium spore fruit sporeling sporocarp sporogonium sporophyll sporophyte sport


stalkless stamen


staminate staminiferous staminodium staminody standard statolith stele stenopetalous stenophyllous sterile -stichous stigma stigmatic sting stinging hair stipe stipel stipes


stipule stipuliform stolon stoma stone storage organ strigose strobilus stroma struma style styloid stylopodium subalpine subalternate

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subaxillary subdivision suberin suberization suberize submersed subtend succubous sucker superior superior ovary suppression surculose suspensor suture syconium symmetrical sympetalous sympodium syncarp syncarpous synoicous synsepalous tapetum taproot tegmen tendril tentacle tepal terminal ternate terrestrial


testa testiculate tetradynamous tetramerous tetrandrous tetrapetalous tetrapterous tetrasporangium tetraspore tetrastichous thalamus thalloid thallus theca therophyte thyrse thyrsoid thyrsus tomentose tomentum tonoplast tooth torose torus trabecula trachea tracheal tracheid trachycarpous trachyspermous translocation transpiration triadelphous tricarpellary trichogyne trichome

tricostate tricotyledonous triecious trifoliate trifoliolate trigamous trigone trijugate trilocular trimerous trimorphism trinodal trioecious tripartite tripetalous triphyllous tripinnate triple-nerved tripterous trisepalous triseptate triserial trispermous tristichous tristylous trochlear tryma tube


tubercle tuberous tubiflorous tubuliflorous tubulous tunic tunica tunicate turion


tylosis uliginous umbel umbilicus unguiculate unguis ungula uniaxial unicostate uniflorous unifoliolate unijugate unilateral uniparous unipetalous urn utricle vagina vaginate valvate valve vas vascular bundle vascular ray vascular tissue veil velamen ventral vernation versatile

vertical verticil verticillaster vespertine vessel vexillum VF viable villous villus vimen vimineous virescence viscid vitta viviparous wind-pollinated wing woolly xenia xenogamy xerophilous xylem zoochore zoophilous zoosperm zoosporangium zoospore zygospore CHEMISTRY

A Ab abietate abietic acid ABS ABS resin abundance Ac Ac accelerant accelerator acceptor accuracy acephate acetal acetaldehyde acetaldol acetamide acetanilide acetate acetic acid acetic anhydride acetic ether acetimeter acetin acetoacetic acid acetoin acetometer acetone acetonitrile acetophenone acetostearin acetyl acetylaniline acetylate acetylbenzene acetyl chloride acetylene acetylene series acetylformic acid acetyl group acetylide acetylmethylcarbinol achiral acid acid anhydride acid dye acidimeter acidimetry acid number acidolysis acid phosphate acid radical acid salt acidulant acidulent acid value acorn sugar acraldehyde acridine acriflavine acriflavine hydrochloride acrolein acrylaldehyde acrylamide acrylate acrylic acid acrylic fiber acrylic resin acrylonitrile

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acrylyl acrylyl group actinide actinide series actinium actinium emanation actinium series actinon actinouranium activate activated alumina activated carbon activation analysis activator active hydrogen active mass activity acyclic acyclic terpene acyl acylate acyl group acyloin adamantane adamsite addition addition compound addition polymer addition polymerization addition reaction adduct adherend adipate adipic acid adiponitrile adsorb aerogel aerosol aesculin aethon affinity Ag agaric acid agaricin agarose agent air gas


Al alabamine alant starch alanyl alcohol alcoholate alcoholysis aldehyde aldicarb aldohexose aldol aldose aldrin algin algin fiber alginic acid alicyclic aliphatic aliquot alizarin alkali

alkali blue alkalify alkali metal alkalimeter alkaline alkaline earth alkaline-earth metal alkalinity alkalize alkaloid alkane alkane series alkanethiol alkannin alkene alkene series alkine alkoxide alkoxy alkyd alkyl alkylate alkylation alkyl group alkyl halide alkyne alkyne series allethrin allochromatic allomerism allomerize allomorphism allophanamide allotrope allotropy allyl allyl alcohol allyl caproate allyl chloride allyl group allyl mercaptan allyl resin allyl sulfide allylthiourea almond cake almond meal almond oil alpha alpha-naphthol alpha-naphthyl group alpha-naphthylthiourea alpha-stannic acid aludel


alum. aluminate alumina trihydrate aluminum aluminum acetate aluminum ammonium sulfate aluminum borate aluminum borohydride aluminum carbide aluminum chloride aluminum fluosilicate aluminum hydroxide aluminum monostearate aluminum nitrate aluminum soap

aluminum sulfate Am amaranth amatol ambrettolide americium amic amidate amide amidine amidogen amidol aminate amine amino aminoacetic acid aminobenzene aminobenzoic acid aminocarb aminocyclohexane amino group aminophenol aminoplast amino resin ammine ammino ammonate ammonia ammonia alum ammonia liquor ammonia solution ammoniate ammonia water ammonioferric oxalate ammonium ammonium acetate ammonium alum ammonium bicarbonate ammonium bifluoride ammonium binoxalate ammonium carbamate ammonium carbonate ammonium chloride ammonium chrome alum ammonium chromic sulfate ammonium cyanate ammonium hydroxide ammonium lactate ammonium nitrate ammonium phosphate ammonium purpurate ammonium salt ammonium selenate ammonium stearate ammonium sulfate ammonium thiocyanate ammonium thiosulfate ammono ammonolysis ammonolyze amorphous amperometric titration amphichroic amphipathic ampholyte ampholytic amphoteric amygdalic amygdalic acid amygdalin

amyl amyl acetate amyl alcohol amylene amyl group amylogen amyl propionate amyl radical amyl sulfide An anabasine analogue analysis anatabine -ane -ane anethole anhyd. anhydride anhydro- anhydrous anilide aniline aniline black aniline dye aniline hydrochloride anion anionic detergent anisaldehyde anisic alcohol anisic aldehyde anisole anisyl acetate anisyl alcohol anodize anthracene anthranilate anthranilic acid anthraquinone anthraquinone dye anticatalyst antichlor antimonate antimonic antimonic acid antimonide antimonous antimony antimony 124 antimony hydride antimonyl antimony oxychloride antimony pentasulfide antimony pentoxide antimony potassium tartrate antimony sulfate antimony sulfide antimony trifluoride antimony trisulfide antioxidant antiozonant antistat aprotic Aquadag aqua fortis aqua regia Ar arabinose arachidic arachidic acid

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argentic argentous argentum argon aromatic aromatic compound aromaticity aromatization arsenic acid arsenic disulfide arsenic trichloride arsenic trioxide arsenic trisulfide arsenide arsenious arsenite arseniuretted arseniuretted hydrogen arseno arseno group arsenous arsenous acid arsine arsino arsino group aryl arylamine arylate aryl group As asafetida asarum ascaridole ascorbate askarel asphaltene association astatine asymmetric At atactic atmosphere atomic atomic hydrogen atomicity atomic mass atomic orbital atomic theory atomic volume atomic weight atrazine Au auramine auric aurous aurum autoanalysis autocatalysis autoignition point autooxidation autoxidation autoxidation-reduction auxochrome avalanche Avogadro's law Avogadro's number azeotrope

azide azido azido group azine azine dye azlon azo azobenzene azo dye azo group azoic dye azoimide azole azophenylene azote B Ba BAL ballistite balloon barbituric


barium barium 140 barium bromate barium carbonate barium chloride barium chromate barium hydroxide barium oxide barium peroxide barium stearate barium sulfate barium sulfide barium thiosulfate barium titanate barium yellow baryta baryta water


basic basic anhydride basic dichromate basicity basic lead carbonate basic salt Be bead bed behenic behenic acid benomyl benzal benzalacetone benzal chloride benzaldehyde benzal group benzalkonium chloride benzanthracene benzene benzeneazobenzene benzenecarboxylic acid benzene hexachloride benzene ring benzene series benzenesulfonic acid benzenoid benzethonium chloride benzidine

benzimidazole benzoate benzoate of soda benzofuran benzoglyoxaline benzoic benzoic acid benzoic aldehyde


benzol benzonitrile benzophenone benzopyrene benzosulfimide benzotrichloride benzotrifluoride benzoyl benzoylate benzoyl group benzoyl peroxide benzpyrene benzyl benzyl acetate benzyl alcohol benzyl benzoate benzyl butyrate benzyl chloride benzyl dichloride benzyl fluoride benzyl group benzylidene benzylidene acetone benzylidene chloride benzyl isoamyl ether benzyl thiocyanate Bergius process berkelium beryllium beta betaine beta-naphthol beta-naphthylamine beta-naphthyl group betula oil BHA BHC BHT Bi biacetyl bibasic bi-bivalent bicarbonate bicarbonate of soda bichloride bichloride of mercury bichromate bicyclic terpene bifluoride bifunctional bimolecular binary binder binoxalate biphenyl biradical bismuth bismuth chromate bismuthic bismuthine

bismuthous bismuth oxychloride bismuthyl bisulfate bisulfide bisulfite bitartrate bitter almond oil


bitter principle biuret bivalent bivinyl Bk black mercuric sulfide black nickel oxide black selenium bleaching powder


blue copperas blue gas blueing blue vitriol bluing boiled oil boiling point boletic acid bolthead


boracic borane borate borax bead borax pentahydrate borazine Borazon boric boric acid boric oxide boride borneol bornyl acetate bornyl alcohol bornyl formate boroglyceride borohydride boron boron carbide boron hydride boron nitride boron oxide borosilicate borosilicic acid bottom Bourdon-tube gauge b.p. Br branched chain brasilein brasilin brazilein brazilin break breakdown


brightline spectrum brine

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British Anti-Lewisite British gum Brix scale brom- bromate bromeosin bromic bromic acid bromide brominate bromine bromine pentafluoride bromize bromoacetone bromochloromethane bromoform bromomethane brucine bubbler




butadiene butane butanoic acid butanol butanone butene butyl butyl acetate butyl alcohol butyl aldehyde butylated hydroxyanisole butylated hydroxytoluene butylene butylene group butyl group butyl nitrite butyral butyraldehyde butyrate butyric butyric acid butyrin butyryl butyryl group C c Ca caesium caffeine cajeputol calcined baryta calcium californium calomel electrode camphol camphor Carbitol carbon carboxylic acid carbylamine Caro's acid carrier carrier-free cascade caseinate catalysis catalyst

cataphoresis catenation cation Cb Cd Ce


Cellosolve cerium metal cerous cesium 137 Cf chain chain reaction chalcogen chalcogenide cheddite chelate chelating agent chelation chemic chemism chemisorb chemisorption chemist chemo- chemonite chemosmosis chemurgy chinic acid chinone chiral chitosan chlorinate chloroform chlorophenol chlorophenol red chloropicrin chlorphenol chlorpicrin cholesteric choline chloride carbamate chrom- chromatogram chromatograph chromatography chromite chromogen chromogenic chrysoidine chrysophenine cineole cinnamene cinnamic acid cinnamic alcohol cinnamic aldehyde cinnamyl acetate cis- citral citrate citric Cl clarificant clathrate cleavage closed chain Cm Co coacervate

coacervation coagulate cobalt 60


colamine colcothar colligative colloid colloidal columbate columbic columbium columbous column chromatography colza oil. combining weight combustion common tannin complex complexing agent complex ion component


concentration concentration cell condensation condensation polymerization conductometric titration configuration conformation Congo color Congo red coniferin conjugate conjugate solution conservation law conserve consolute constitutive contact process


coordinate bond coordination compound copolymerize copperas copper cyanide copper naphthenate copperon copper sulfate coprecipitate corpuscle corrosive sublimate. coulometry coumarone counter-ion covalence covalent bond Cr crack creosol cresyl crocein cross-link cross-linker crotonaldehyde crotonic acid cryoscopy crystal

Cs Cu cucurbit cumarin cumarone cumene cuprammonium cupric hydroxide cupric sulfate cuprum curie cuvette cyanamide cyanate cyanic cyanic acid cyanide cyano cyanoacrylate cyanogenic cyano group cyanoguanidine cyanoplatinite cyclic cyclization cyclize cycloaddition cycloaliphatic cyclodiene cyclohexane cyclohexanone cyclohexylamine cyclohexylsulfamic acid cyclonite cyclooctatetraene cycloolefin cycloparaffin cyclopropane cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine cymogene d- D dalapon Dalton's law daminozide dative bond daughter DDT deacetylate deacidify deactivate deaminate decahydrate decahydronaphthalene Decalin decane decanoic acid decanol decanormal decarbonylate decarboxylate decatyl alcohol dechlorinate decinormal decoic acid decyl decyl alcohol decylic acid Deet deflocculate

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degradation degrade degree of freedom dehydrochlorinate dehydrogenate dehydrogenize deionize delphinin delphinine demulsify denatured alcohol denitrate denitrify densimeter deoxidant deoxidize deoxygenate deoxygenize depolymerize depressant depside derivative derive desensitize desiccator desorb destructive distillation desulfurate deuterate deuteride deuterium deuterium oxide devitrify devolatilize dextran dextrin dextro- Di diacetic acid diacetone alcohol diacetyl diacid diallyl sulfide dialysis diamide diamine diammonium phosphate diamyl sulfide diaphragm diastereomer diatomic diazine diazo diazo- diazoalkane diazoamino diazoamino group diazo group diazole diazomethane diazonium diazonium compound diazonium salt diazotization diazotize dibasic dibasic potassium phosphate dibasic sodium phosphate diborane Dibrom

dibromide dibutyl phthalate dicalcium silicate dicarboxylic acid dichlorobenzene dichlorodiethyl sulfide dichlorodifluoromethane dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane dichloroethane dichloroethyl formal dichloromethane dichlorophenoxyacetic acid dichroism dichromate


dichromic acid dicyandiamide dicyclopentadienyliron dicyclopentadienyl metal didymium dieldrin Diels-Alder reaction diene diester diethylacetal diethylaminoethanol diethylene glycol diethyl ether diethyl oxide diethyltoluamide diffusate digest digester digestor diglyceride diglycol diglycolic acid dihydrate dihydric dihydroxy diiodomethane diisobutyl phthalate diketone dilatant dimer dimercaprol dimerize dimethoate dimethoxymethane dimethyl dimethylanthranilate dimethylbenzene dimethylcarbinol dimethylhydrazine dimethylketol dimethylketone dimethylmethane dimethylnitrosamine dimethyl sulfate dimethyl sulfoxide dinitrobenzene dinitrophenol diol diolefin diosmose dioxane dioxide dioxin

diphenyl diphenylacetylene diphenylamine diphenylaminechlorarsine diphenyl ketone diphosgene diphosphate dipole diprotic diradical disaccharide disinhibition disodium phosphate dispersant disperse disperse dye dispersion dispersoid disproportionation dissociation dissolution distillation column distribute disubstituted disulfate disulfide disulfoton disulfuric disulphate dithionate dithionic dithionic acid divalent divinylbenzene DMDT DMN docosanoic dodecanal dodecanoic acid dodecyl aldehyde dodecylphenol double bond double decomposition double salt double sugar drop black dry distillation Drygas Dry Ice Ds Dy dyad dysprosium earth EDB EDTA educt edulcorate effloresce efflorescence efflorescent Einstein einsteinium eka- elaeoptene elastomer elective electrochemical equivalent electrochemical series electrocratic

electrodeposit electrodialysis electrodissolution electroendosmosis electroextraction electrolysis electrolyte electrolytic dissociation electrolyze electromotive series electron electron affinity electronegative electro-osmosis electrophilic electrophorese electrophoresis electropositive electrosmosis electrosynthesis electrovalence element element 104 element 105 element 106 element 107 elementary elementary process eleoptene elute Em emanation empirical formula emulsion emulsoid enantiomer endoergic endosmosis endosulfan endothermic end point -ene enol enolate enolize


eosin epichlorohydrin epimer epoxidation epoxide epoxidize epoxy Epsom salt equation equilibrium equimolecular equivalence equivalent equivalent weight Er erbium erucic acid erythorbate erythorbic acid erythritol Es esculin eserine

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ester ester gum esterify Et ethal ethanal ethane ethanol ethanolamine ethene ethephon ether ethereal etherify ethine ethoxide ethoxy ethyl ethyl acetate ethyl alcohol ethylamine ethylate ethylbenzene ethyl butyrate ethyl caproate ethyl carbamate ethyl cellulose ethyl chloride ethyldichloroarsine ethyl enanthate ethylenation ethylene ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ethylene dibromide ethylene dichloride ethylene glycol ethylene group ethylene oxide ethylene series ethyl ether ethyl group ethyl hexoate ethyl malonate ethyl mercaptan ethyl nitrate ethyl nitrite ethyl oenanthate ethyl oxide ethyl sulfide ethyl urethane ethyne ethynyl ethynylation ethynyl group Eu eucalyptol eudiometer eudiometry euflavine eugenol europium eutectic exaltation excimer exhaust exoergic exosmosis exothermic extractant

F farnesol fat-soluble fatty oil. Fe ferbam fermium ferrate ferric ferric ammonium oxalate ferric chloride ferric oxide ferric sodium oxalate ferricyanic acid ferricyanide ferrite ferrocene ferrocyanic acid ferrocyanide ferrous ferrous oxide ferrous sulfate ferrous sulfide ferulic acid fiber fire point Fischer-Tropsch process fix fixation fixed fixed oil flashing point flash photolysis flash point flavine flavone flavonol flavopurpurin flocculent flocculent precipitate flores flower fluidize fluoborate fluoboric fluoboric acid fluophosphate fluophosphoric acid fluorene fluorescein fluorescence fluoric fluoride fluorinate fluorine fluorocarbon fluorophosphate fluorophosphoric acid fluoroplastic fluosilicate fluosilicic acid flux Fm foamed metal


forked chain


formaldehyde formalin

formate formic formic acid formol formula formula unit formula weight formyl formylate formyl group Fr fraction fractional fractional distillation fractionator francium free radical freezing point fructose fruit sugar Ga gadolinium galactose gallate


gallic acid gallium gallium arsenide gas chromatograph gaseous diffusion gas liquor gasometry Gd Ge gel


generator Geneva nomenclature gentisate geraniol germanic germanium germanous Gl glacial glucinum gluside glyceride glycerin gold orange gossypose Graham's law of diffusion gram atom gram equivalent gram molecule gravimetric analysis green cinnabar Grignard reaction Grignard reagent group guanidine H




Ha hafnium

hahnium Hal halocarbon halogen halogenate haloid He heavy helianthine B hemihydrate hemiterpene heptad heptanedioic acid heptanone heptavalent heptose hetero heteroaromatic heteroatom heterocyclic heterogeneous heteropolar HETP hexahydric hexahydroaniline hexahydrobenzene hexahydrothymol hexahydroxycyclohexane hexamethylene hexanaphthene hexavalent hexone Hf Hg high-density polyethylene high polymer Ho holmic holmium homocyclic homologous homologue homology homopolar homopolymer humic hyacinthin hydrobromic hydrophilic hydrophobe hydrophobic hydroquinone hydrosol hydrosulfite hydrous hylotropic hyperoxide hypertonic hypnone hypotonic hyzone I -ic ignite ignition point Il illinium imbibition imidazole imide

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imido imido group imine imino imino group iminourea impermeable In inactive inclusion complex indamine indene indicator indium indole indophenol indoxyl inert inert gas inhibit inhibition inhibitor inorganic inoxidizable insect wax interactant interesterification interfacial tension


inulin inversion invert invert soap Io iodate iodic iodic acid iodide iodimetry iodinate iodine iodine 131 iodoform iodometry iodous ion ionic bond ionium ionogen ionomer ionone Ir iridic iridium iridous iron iron ammonium oxalate irone iron monoxide iron oxide iron perchloride iron sodium oxalate iron trichloride iron vitriol isatin isoamyl isoamyl acetate isoamyl benzoate isoamyl benzyl ether

isoamyl group isoamyl salicylate isobar isobaric isobutane isobutylene isobutyl propionate isocyanate isocyanic acid isocyanide isocyanine isocyano isocyano group isocyclic isoelectric point isoelectronic isoionic point isolate isologous isologue isomer isomerism isomerize isomorphic isomorphous isooctane iso-osmotic isopentyl isophthalic acid isoprene isoprenoid isopropanol isopropyl isopropyl alcohol isopropylbenzene isopropyl ether isopropyl group isopropylideneacetone isosmotic isostere isosteric isosterism isotactic isotonic isotope isotopy itaconic acid -itol K katalysis katalyst katalyze kation Kekulé's formula kernel ketene keto ketohexose ketolysis ketone ketone group king's yellow Kr kraft process krypton l- L- La label labile



lactone ladder polymer lanthanide lanthanide series lanthanum larixinic acid lateral chain latex lauraldehyde laurate lauric lauric acid lauric aldehyde lauroyl lauroyl group lauryl alcohol law of definite composition law of mass action law of multiple proportion law of partial pressures lawrencium LDPE


lead acetate lead arsenate lead azide lead carbonate lead chromate lead dioxide lead monoxide lead tetraethyl leptophos leuco base leucoline levigate levoglucose levorotatory levulinic acid levulose Lewis acid Lewis base Lexan l-glucose Li lichenic acid lichenin ligand light mineral oil lignin sulfonate lime sulfur limonene linalool linalyl acetate lindane


linoleic linoleic acid lipolysis lipophilic lipotropic liquidus lithia lithic lithium lithium aluminum hydride lithium carbonate

lithium chloride lithium fluoride lithium hydroxide lithium oxide lithium stearate litmus test London forces long-chain Loschmidt's number low-density polyethylene Lr Lu luminophore lunar caustic lutecium luteolin lutetium lycine lyddite lye lyocratic lyolysis lyophobic lyotropic lysergic acid macrocyclic macromolecule magma magnesium magnesium arsenate magnesium carbonate magnesium hydroxide magnesium oxide magnesium peroxide magnesium silicate magnesium sulfate magnesium trisilicate malate maleate maleic acid maleic anhydride maleic hydrazide malic malic acid malonic malonic acid malonyl malonyl group malonylurea malthene maltol maltose mandelic acid maneb manganese manganese sulfate manganic manganite manganous manganous sulfate mannitol mannitol hexanitrate mannose margaric acid Marsh's test mass action law Matacil matrass mattrass maximite

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McLeod gauge Md Me mean free path MEK Meker burner melamine melamine resin melinite melting point menazon Mendeleev's law mendelevium menthene menthol -mer mercaptan mercaptide mercapto mercapto group mercurate mercuric mercuric chloride mercuric oxide mercuric sulfide mercurous mercury mercury bichloride mercury fulminate mercury sulfide mesitylene mesityl oxide mesomerism mesomorphic Mesurol


meta- meta-dichlorobenzene metal metal-free phthalocyanine metallic metallic bond metallic soap metallocene metallo-organic metamer metameric metamerism metaphosphate metaphosphoric acid metastable metathesis metatoluidine methacrylate methacrylate resin methacrylic acid methanal methanation methane methane series methanol methenamine methiocarb methoprene methoxide methoxy methoxybenzene methoxychlor methoxy group

methyl methyl acetate methylacetic acid methylal methyl alcohol methylamine methylate methylation methylbenzene methyl bromide methyl cellulose methyl chloride methyl chloroformate methyl cyanide methylcyclohexanol methylene methylene blue methylene chloride methylene group methylene iodide methyl ethyl ketone methyl formate methylglyoxal methyl group methylheptenone methylidyne group methylisobutenyl ketone methyl isobutyl ketone methyl isocyanate methyl lactate methylmercury methyl methacrylate methylnaphthalene methyl oleate methyl orange methylparaben methyl parathion methyl phenol methylphenylcarbinyl acetate methyl phenyl ether methyl propyl ketone methyl red methyl salicylate methyl styryl ketone methyl sulfate methyltheobromine methylthionine chloride methyltrinitrobenzene Metol Mg miazine micelle microanalysis microbalance microcapsule microcosmic salt microcurie microdistillation microelectrophoresis microencapsulation micron microprobe migrate migration millicurie mineral jelly miscible miticide mixed acid mixture

MMT Mn Mo mol molal molality


molarity molar volume


molecular distillation molecular film molecular formula molecularity molecular orbital molecular sieve molecular weight molecule mole fraction mole volume molybdate molybdate orange molybdenous molybdenum molybdenum disulfide molybdenum trioxide molybdic molybdous monacid monad monatomic monoacetin monoacid monoammonium phosphate monoatomic monobasic monobasic potassium phosphate monobasic sodium phosphate monocarboxylic monochloride monochloroacetic acid monocyclic monoester monoglyceride monohydrate monohydric monohydroxy monolayer monomer monomethylamine mononuclear monophosphate monoprotic monosaccharide monosodium monosodium glutamate monostearate monosubstituted monovalent monoxide morpholine mosaic gold mucic mucic acid multilayer multivalent murexide muscarine

muscone muskone mutarotation Mv myristic acid N n- N. n. Na naled nanomole naphthacene naphthalene naphthene naphthol naphthyl naphthyl group nascent nascent state native Nb Nd Ne needle negative negative catalyst negative ion nematic neo- neodymium neon neoprene neoytterbium nephelometer neptunium nerol neutral neutral acriflavine NG Ni nickel nickel acetate nickel carbonyl nickelic nickelic oxide nickelous nickel oxide nickel sesquioxide nickel tetracarbonyl nicotine nigrosine ninhydrin niobate niobic niobic acid niobium niobous nitramine nitramino nitramino group nitrate nitric nitric acid nitric oxide nitride nitrile nitrile rubber nitrite nitro

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nitrobenzene nitrocellulose nitrochloroform nitrocotton nitrogen nitrogen dioxide nitrogen mustard nitrogen tetroxide nitroglycerin nitro group nitrohydrochloric acid nitrolic nitromannitol nitromersol nitromethane nitroparaffin nitrophenol nitrosamine nitroso nitrosobenzene nitroso group nitrostarch nitrosyl nitrosylsulfuric nitrosylsulfuric acid nitrous nitrous acid nitrous ether nitrous oxide nitroxanthic acid No nobelium noble noble gas nonanoic acid nonmetal nonmetallic nonpolar nonsolvent nonyl alcohol normal normal pentane Norwegian saltpeter Np Nt nucleophilic nucleus O


occlude octad octadecanoic acid octane octanoic acid octavalent octyl alcohol octyl phenol oil of vitriol oleate olefin olefin series oleic oleic acid olein oleophilic oleum oleyl alcohol oligomer oligosaccharide

1-naphthol -onium open chain optical activity optical isomer optical isomerism optical rotation orange III orbital orcein orcinol organomagnesium organosilicon organosiloxane orientation ortho ortho- orthoboric acid ortho-dichlorobenzene orthoformate orthoformic acid orthohydrogen orthophosphate orthophosphoric acid orthophosphorous acid orthophthalic acid ortho-toluidine ortho-xylene Os osmic osmious osmiridium osmium osmium tetroxide osmometry osmosis osmotic pressure outgas ox- oxalate oxalic oxalic acid oxazine oxidate oxidation oxidation potential oxidation-reduction oxidation state oxide oxidize oxidizer oxidizing agent oxime oxonium compound oxonium ion oxo process oxyacid oxyaldehyde oxybenzene oxycellulose oxychloride oxygen oxyneurine oxysalt oxysulfide ozonic ether ozonide ozonizer ozonolysis P

p- Pa palladic palladium palladous palmitate palmitic palmitic acid palmitin palmitoleic acid paper chromatography



para-aminobenzoic acid paracetaldehyde para-cymene para-dichlorobenzene paraffin paraffin series paraformaldehyde parahydrogen paraldehyde paramorphine para-phenetidine paraquat parathion para-toluidine parent compound Paris green partial pressure passive Pb PBB Pd pectate pectic acid pectinose pelargonic pelargonic acid pentachloronitrobenzene pentachlorophenol pentad pentaerythritol pentaerythritol tetranitrate pentahydrate pentahydric pentahydroxy pentamethylene pentane pentavalent pentose pentoxide pentyl pentyl group per- peracid perborate perborax perboric acid perchlorate perchloric perchloric acid perchloride perchlorinate perchloroethane perchloroethylene perchloromethane pereirine periodate


periodic acid periodic law periodic system periodic table periodide peritectic permanganate permanganic permanganic acid permonosulfuric acid peroxidate peroxide peroxidize peroxy peroxyacid peroxyborate peroxydisulfuric acid peroxy group peroxymonosulfuric acid peroxysulfuric acid persalt persorption persulfate persulfuric acid Ph pH phase phase diagram phase rule phenanthrene phenanthrenequinone phenarsazine chloride phenazine phenethyl alcohol phenetidine phenetole phenol phenolated phenol coefficient phenolic resin phenolphthalein phenolsulfonephthalein phenoplast phenosafranine phenothiazine phenoxide phenyl phenylacetaldehyde phenyl acetate phenylacetic acid phenylamine phenylbenzene phenylcarbinol phenyldiethanolamine phenylene phenylene group phenylethyl alcohol phenylethylene phenyl ethyl ether phenylformic acid phenyl group phenylhydrazine phenylic acid phenyl isocyanate phenylmethane phenylmethylcarbinyl acetate phenyl methyl ketone phenylpropyl acetate

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phenyl radical phenyl salicylate phenyl valerate phlorizin phloroglucinol phorate phosgene phosphamidon phosphate phosphate group phosphide phosphine phosphite phosphonium phosphonium iodide phosphorate phosphoreted phosphoric phosphoric acid phosphoric anhydride phosphorous phosphorous acid phosphorus phosphorus 32 phosphorus pentoxide phosphorus trichloride phosphorylate phosphoryl group phosphureted Phosvel photoactivation photocatalysis photodecomposition photoisomerization photolyze photooxidation photopolymer photopolymerization photoreaction photoreduction phthalein phthalic phthalic acid phthalic anhydride phthalin phthalocyanine physicochemical phytate phytic acid picloram picoline picramic acid picrate picric picric acid pimelic acid pinene pinitol piperazine piperidine piperine piperonal piperonyl butoxide plastisol


platinic platinic acid platinic chloride platinocyanic

platinocyanic acid platinocyanide platinous platinum platinum black plumbic plumbous plumbous oxide plumbum plutonium Pm pneumatic trough Po poison polarography polar valence polonium polyacid polyacrylamide polyacrylic acid polyacrylonitrile polyalcohol polyamide polyamine polyatomic polybasic polybrominated biphenyl polybutadiene polybutylene polycarbonate polychlorinated biphenyl polycondensation polycyclic polydisperse polyelectrolyte polyene polyester polyether polyethylene polyethylene glycol polyfunctional polyhydric polyhydroxy polyisobutylene polyisoprene polymer polymeric polymerism polymerization polymerize polymethyl methacrylate polyol polyolefin polyphenol polypropylene polyprotic polysaccharide polystyrene polysulfide polysuspensoid polytetrafluoroethylene polythene polyurethane polyvalent polyvinyl polyvinyl acetal polyvinyl acetate polyvinyl alcohol polyvinyl butyral polyvinyl chloride

polyvinyl formal polyvinylidene polyvinylidene chloride polyvinylidene resin polyvinylpyrrolidone polyvinyl resin polywater position isomer positive positive ion potash alum potassa potassium potassium acetate potassium acid tartrate potassium alum potassium antimonate potassium antimonyl tartrate potassium bicarbonate potassium bichromate potassium binoxalate potassium bisulfate potassium bitartrate potassium bromate potassium bromide potassium carbonate potassium chlorate potassium chloride potassium cobaltinitrite potassium cyanide potassium dichromate potassium diphosphate potassium ferricyanide potassium ferrocyanide potassium fluoride potassium hydroxide potassium iodide potassium monophosphate potassium myronate potassium nitrate potassium oxalate potassium permanganate potassium phosphate potassium sodium tartrate potassium sulfate potassium thiocyanate potentiometric titration pour point pour test ppt. Pr praseodymium precipitable precipitant precipitate precipitation precision precursor primary principle product promethium promoter propane propanedioic propanil propanoic acid propene propenyl propenyl alcohol

propenyl group propionaldehyde propionate propionic propionic acid propoxur propyl propyl alcohol propyl aldehyde propylene propylene glycol propylene group propyl group propylphenyl acetate protactinium protective colloid protium protoactinium proton protoxide prussiate prussic prussic acid pseudosolution Pt Pu purine purpurin pyran pyrazole pyrazoline pyrazolone pyrazolone dye


pyrethrin pyrethroid pyridine pyro- pyrocatechol pyrogallate pyroligneous acid pyrolize pyrolysis pyromucic aldehyde pyrone pyrophoric pyrophosphate pyrophosphoric acid pyroracemic acid pyrosulfate pyrosulfuric pyrosulfuric acid pyrrole pyrrolidine pyruvate pyruvic pyruvic acid pyruvic aldehyde quadrivalent qualitative analysis quantitative analysis quantum statistics quassia quaternary ammonium compound quercetin quercitol quinazoline quinhydrone

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quinic acid quinine quinoid quinol quinoline quinone quinone diimine quinonimine quinonoid quinoxaline quinquevalent R Ra racemate racemic racemic acid racemism racemization radical radicle radioactinium radioactive radioactive series radioactivity radiocarbon radiocesium radiochemical radiochromatography radioelement radioiodine radioiron radiolabel radiolysis radiophosphorus radiosodium radiostrontium radiothorium radiotracer radium radium A radium B radium emanation radium F radium sulfate radon raffinate Raoult's law rape oil rare earth rare-earth element Rb Rd RdAc Re reactant reaction reactivity reactor reagent receiver rectify redox reduce reducing agent reduction reduction potential reductor reference electrode reform reformate

reforming residence residence time residue residuum resinate resinify resolve resonance resorcinol resorcinolphthalein retardant retarder retene retinol


reverse osmosis reversible reaction revive Rh rhenic rhenium rheopexy rhigolene rhodamine rhodic rhodium ricin ricinoleic ricinoleic acid ricinolein ricinus oil


ring compound Rn roche alum Rochelle salt rosaniline rosin rotenone Ru rubidium rumpf ruthenic ruthenious ruthenium rutherfordium Sa saccharate saccharic saccharic acid saccharide sacchariferous saccharin saccharolactic acid saccharolytic saccharometer saccharose sacrificial anode safranine safrole sal ammoniac salicylaldehyde salicylate salicylic salicylic acid salimeter salinometer salometer


salt cake salting out salt of sorrel samarium santonin saponification number saponify sarcosine saturated saturator Sb Sc scandia scandic scandium scandium oxide scavenger Schiff reagent schlieren method scission


Se sebacic sebacic acid secondary secondary propyl alcohol seed selenate selenic selenic acid selenide selenious selenious acid selenite selenium selenous semimicroanalysis semiquinone semisynthetic septavalent septivalent sequestration series sesquicarbonate sesquioxide sesquiterpene sexavalent sexivalent Si side chain signature silane silica gel silicate silicic silicic acid silicide silicon silicon carbide silicon dioxide silicone silicon tetrachloride silicon tetrafluoride silicon tetrahydride siloxane silver silver bromide silver chloride

silver fluoride silver halide silver iodate silver iodide silver nitrate simazine simple simple sugar sinalbin sinapine single bond sinigrin sitosterol slow-release Sm smectic smoke Sn soda ash sodamide sodium sodium amide sodium ammonium phosphate sodium arsenite sodium benzoate sodium bicarbonate sodium bichromate sodium bisulfate sodium borate sodium bromide sodium carbonate sodium chlorate sodium chloride sodium citrate sodium cyanide sodium cyclamate sodium dichromate sodium ethylate sodium fluoroacetate sodium glutamate sodium hydrogen sulfate sodium hydrosulfite sodium hydroxide sodium hypochlorite sodium hyposulfite sodium iodide sodium lactate sodium meta-arsenite sodium metasilicate sodium methylate sodium monoxide sodium nitrate sodium nitrite sodium perborate sodium peroxide sodium phosphate sodium polysulfide sodium propionate sodium pyroborate sodium salicylate sodium silicate sodium sulfate sodium sulfide sodium sulfite sodium tetraborate sodium thiocyanate sodium thiosulfate sodium tripolyphosphate softener

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solion solubility product solubilize solution solutizer solvate solvolysis


sorbate sorbent sorbic acid sorption spandex spermaceti sperm oil spirit spirit of hartshorn spirits of turpentine split spot plate spot test Sr stability


stalagmometer stannate stannic stannic acid stannic chloride stannic oxide stannic sulfide stannous stannous chloride statistical mechanics stearate stearic acid stearin stearoptene stereoisomer stereoisomeric stereoisomerism stereoregularity stereospecific steric steric hindrance sterilant stibine stibium stilbene stoichiometric straight-chain streaming potential


strontia strontium strontium 90 strontium hydroxide structural structural formula structural isomerism structure styralyl acetate styrene styrene resin

sub- subacetate subatom subcarbide subchloride suberic acid subgroup subhalide sublimate sublime subnitrate suboxide substituent substitute substitution reaction subsulfate succinate succinic succinic acid sucrose sugar sugar of lead sulfanilic acid sulfanilyl sulfanilyl group sulfantimonide sulfarsenide sulfate sulfate process sulfhydryl sulfide sulfide dye sulfinyl sulfinyl group sulfite sulfite process sulfo sulfocarbanilide sulfo group sulfonate sulfonation sulfone sulfonic sulfonic acid sulfonium sulfonyl sulfonyl chloride sulfoxide sulfur sulfur dioxide sulfur dye sulfuret sulfureted hydrogen sulfuric sulfuric acid sulfuric anhydride sulfuric ether sulfurous acid sulfur trioxide sulfuryl sulfuryl chloride sulfuryl group superoxide superphosphate surface-active agent surfactant suspension suspensoid sustained-release sweet

sweeten sylvic acid sym. symmetrical syndiotactic syneresis synergist synthesis synthesis gas synthesize synthol system t- Ta tachiol tacticity tannate tannic tannic acid tannin tantalate tantalic tantalic acid tantalous tantalum tartarated tartar emetic tartaric acid tartarize tartrate tartrated


taurocholic taurocholic acid tautomer tautomerism Tb Tc TCA TCE Te technetium TEL tellurate


telluric acid telluride tellurite tellurium tellurous TEPP terbia terbium terbium metal terebic terebic acid terephthalate terephthalic acid ternary terpene terpineol terpolymer terrachlor tertiary tervalent


test paper tetrabasic

tetrabromofluorescein tetracene tetrachloride tetrachloroethylene tetrachloromethane tetracid tetrad tetraethyl tetraethyllead tetraethyl pyrophosphate tetrafluoride tetrafluoroethylene tetrafunctional tetrahydrate tetrahydric tetrahydrofuran tetrahydroxy tetralite tetramethyllead tetranitrate tetravalent tetrazene tetroxide tetryl Th Th 227 thallic thallium thallium sulfate thallous thebaine thermal analysis thermal diffusion thermodiffusion thermolysis thermometric titration thermonuclear reaction thermosensitive thiacetic acid thiazine thiazole thin-layer chromatography thio thioacetamide thioacetic thioacetic acid thio acid thioaldehyde thiocarbamide thiocarbanilide thiocyanate thiocyanic acid thiol thionic thionic acid thionyl thionyl chloride thiophene thiophenol thiophosphate thiophosphoric acid thio salt thiosinamine thiosulfate thiosulfuric thiosulfuric acid thiourea thiram thixotropy thoria

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thorium thorium series thoron thulia thulium thymol Ti tiglic tiglic acid tin tin ash tin chloride tin tetrachloride titanate


titanic acid titanium titanium dioxide titanous titer titrant titrate titrimetric Tl Tm TML Tn TNB TNT tolan tolidine toluate toluene toluene trichloride toluene trifluoride toluic toluic acid toluidine toluol tolyl tolyl group tonometer


toxaphene trans- transactinide transamination transannular transesterification transference number transition element transmethylation transport number transuranic element trehalose triacetate triacid triad triaryl triarylmethane dye triatomic triazine triazoic triazole tribasic tribromide tricalcium silicate tricarboxylic trichlorfon

trichloride trichloroacetaldehyde trichloroacetic acid trichloroethylene trichlorofluoromethane trichloromethane trichloromethyl chloroformate trichloronitromethane trichlorophenoxyacetic acid tricresol triene triethyl triethylamine triethyl orthoformate trifluoride trifluorochloromethane trifluralin trifunctional triglyceride trihydrate trihydric trihydroxy triiodomethane trimer trimethylene trimethylglycine trimolecular trinitro- trinitrobenzene trinitrocresol trinitroglycerin trinitrophenol trinitrophenylmethylnitramine trinitrotoluene triol triolein trioxide tripalmitin triphenylmethane triphenylmethane dye triphosphate triphosphoric acid triple bond tripotassium phosphate triptane trisaccharide trisodium trisodium phosphate trisubstituted trisulfide tritium trivalent trivial tropaeolin tropaeolin D tropeolin tropeolin D tropine trotyl trypaflavine trypaflavine neutral TSP Tu tungstate tungsten tungsten trioxide tungstic tungstic acid 2-naphthol Tyndall beam

U U-235 U-238 U-239 ultracentrifuge ultrafilter ultrafiltrate ultramicrobalance undecylenic acid undercool undersaturated undissociated Unh univalence univalent unnilhexium unnilpentium unnilquadium unnilseptium Unp Unq Uns unsaturated unstable urania


uranic oxide uranium uranium 235 uranium 238 uranium 239 uranium dioxide uranium hexafluoride uranium oxide uranium series uranous uranyl urate urea urea-formaldehyde resin ureide urethane uric acid V vacuum distillation valence valence electron valency valeric acid vanadate vanadic vanadic acid vanadium vanadium pentoxide vanadous van der Waals' forces vanillin variance vat vat dye Venus veratridine veratrine Vi vinyl vinyl acetate vinylacetylene vinyl alcohol vinylate

vinylation vinylbenzene vinyl chloride vinylethylene vinyl group vinylidene chloride vinylidene group vinylidene resin vinyl polymer vinyl resin vinylstyrene virginium vitriol volumetric analysis W warfarin water of constitution water of crystallization water of hydration wetting agent wolfram wolframate wolframic wood sugar wormseed oil X xanthate xanthene xanthene dye xanthic xanthic acid xanthine Xe xenic acid xenon xenon hexafluoride xenon tetrafluoride xenon trioxide xylan xylene xylic acid xylose Y Yb yield -yl ytterbia ytterbium yttria yttrium yttrium metal Z zinc zincate zinc chloride zinc oxide zinc phosphide zinc stearate zinc sulfate zinc sulfide ziram zirconium zirconium oxide zirconyl Zn Zr zwitterion COMPUTERS absolute

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absorb access access method access time acoustic coupler active-matrix Ada adapter address addressable ADP ALGOL algorithmic language all-rounder alphanumeric alpha test ALU analysis analyst AND circuit APL app applet application application program argument arithmetic/logic unit array artificial life ARU ASCII ASP assemble assembler assembly routine asynchronous asynchronous transmission at-home audio response unit audit trail author auxiliary storage avatar


backspace backup BAL


BASIC Basic Assembly Language


batch processing BCD benchmark beta test beta-test binary cell binary code binary digit


block board bomb Boolean operation


bootstrap bottom-up programming

BPI bps branch browser bubble memory


bulletin board bundled


bus topology button byte C C++ cache storage call capture


carriage return carry-in central processing unit chad chain


character character set chat room check bit circuit board




closed loop COBOL code collate command command-driven common business oriented language compatible compile compiler compliant computational linguistics computerese computerist computerize computer law computer literacy computerphobe computer science conditional operation configuration configure consumerize control character controller control panel control unit conversion


cookie copy protection


core memory cotton


courseware cps CPU


crunch cryotron cursor cybernation cyberphobia cycle cyclic shift cylinder DASD datacenter data communication data processing data set DBMS DDP debug decoder decompression default delimiter density descriptor desktop desktop publishing diagnostic dialog box dial-up dictionary differentiator digerati digital digitalize digital recording digitize DIP direct-access direct-access storage device direct address directory disk disk drive diskette disk operating system disk pack display distributed data processing DMA documentation domain domain name DOS dot matrix double-click double precision download driver


drum printer dumb dummy dump

dynamic EBCDIC edit EDP electronic electronic crime e-mail emoticon emulate end-of-file Energy Star Program enter entry-level environment EOF EPROM erase escape execute execution expansion card expansion slot expert system export expression extension external storage FAQ feedback loop field FIFO


firmware first-in, first-out fixed-length


flash memory flexible disk floppy disk footer forced coding format FORTRAN frame friendly front-end processor FTP garbage gate array geek generation generator gigabit gigabyte GIGO glitch graphics green


hacker handshake hands-on hard disk hardware hardware platform hard-wired hardwiring

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hashing head header heuristic hexadecimal high-level language high-resolution hi-res hit Hollerith code home entertainment home page host computer hotlink housekeeping icon import index indirect address information information superhighway information theory initialize input input/output instruction intelligent interblock gap interface interleave interleaving interpret interpreter interrecord gap interrupt I/O iteration jackpot JCL


job control language Josephson junction joystick K KB Kb


keyboard kilobit kilobyte kludge language laser disk laser printer last-in, first-out latency latest


LCD library LIFO light pen


line printer


linkage editor LISP


list server load load module local area network location


logic logic array logic circuit LOGO


lo-res low-resolution lpm lurk machine language machine-readable machine vision machine word macro macroinstruction mag card magnetic bubble magnetic core magnetic disk magnetic drum mag tape mailbox mailing list mainframe main memory main storage master file MB Mb megabit megabyte memory menu menu-driven message microcode microcomputing microinstruction microprogram microprogramming MIDI midwife millennium bug minimum-access programming mirror site mnemonic modem modular module monitor motherboard mouse mouse pad multiprocessing multiprogramming multitasking NAND circuit native



network newbie NOR circuit NOR gate NOT circuit NOT gate numerical control numerical weather prediction numeric keypad object object code object-oriented OCR office automation off-line on-board on-line Open University operating system optical character recognition optical disk optimize optimum programming OR circuit OR gate original equipment manufacturer OS output



page printer paginate paging paper tape parallel parameter


parity check parse PASCAL passive-matrix path pattern recognition PC card PCMCIA peripheral personal identification number phone phreak PIN pixel PL/1 plotter Plug and Play plugboard plug-compatible pointer





power pr.

preprocessor prestore primary memory print printer printhead printout procedure process processor program PROM prompt protocol pseudo-code puck punched tape queue random-access random-access memory raster


reader read-only read-only memory readout read/write head real storage real time real-time record recursion recursive redundant redundant check refresh register rekey relocatable report response time retrieve return reverse-engineer routine run


screen screen saver scroll search secondary memory secondary storage sector segment semiconductor sense sentinel sequential-access serial serial-access sheet feeder shell shift key sign single precision site smart soft copy

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softkey software sort source code speech recognition split screen spool spreadsheet stack stand-alone statement storage store streaming string structured programming submarining subprogram subroutine suite supermicro supermini S/W symbolic symbolic code synchronous syntax sysop system system program systems analysis systems software


talk tape drive telecomputing teleprocessing template tera- terminal text editor thermal printer thesaurus third-party software thread time-sharing top-down touchpad touchscreen track trackpad tractor feed translate transparent trash tree truncate truth table Turing machine turnkey system tutorial ultrafast unformatted unit record up update upload URL Usenet


user group utility utility program variable VDT VDU vector video display terminal video screen virtual storage visual display terminal visual display unit voice voice recognition volatile web Ecol Webmaster Web page Web site Winchester Winchester disk window windowing word word time write WYSIWYG DENTISTRY

abutment aerodontalgia airbrasive anchorage anodontia antagonist anterior tooth anticarious antiodontalgic antodontalgic apicoectomy articulate articulation articulator


barber-surgeon basal ridge baseplate bitewing bonding brace


bridgework buccal


burnisher calculus cement cementum cingulum cleoid crown dent. dental dentin dentist diastema dilaceration discoid distal doctor's degree dowel drift dry socket dummy embrasure enamel endodontics endodontium eugenol excavator exodontics extractor eyetooth face bow facet festoon filling fixed bridge fluorosis focal infection gerodontics gingivectomy gomphiasis hemodia impacted impaction implant

implantology impression incisor inlay labiogression malocclusion mesial methylene chloride mottled enamel M.S.D. M.S.Dent. neck nitrous oxide number occlude occlusion occupation odontalgia odontiasis odontogeny oligodontia onlay oral surgery orthodontia orthodontics overbite painless pedodontics pericementum peridental peridental membrane periodontal periodontal membrane periodontics periodontitis periodontosis pivot pivoting pivot tooth plaque


polydontia pontic prosthetics prosthodontics pulp canal pulp cavity pulp chamber pulpectomy pulpotomy pyorrhea radectomy rapidly advancing juvenile periodontitis reamer restoration retrude retrusion Riggs' disease root canal -ry


scaling sealant tartar teething underbite undercut

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ECOLOLOGY acidophil acidophilic aggregation allopatric allowable allowable cut alternate host amensalism antagonism anthroposphere association autochthon autophyte Batesian mimicry biocenosis bioenvironmental biogeography biomass biome biota biotope


carbon cycle carrying capacity cerrado climax closed ecosystem


codominant colonial colony community competition consociation consumer cooperation cover


desertification detritivore disclimax dominant dystrophic dystrophication dystrophy ecesis ecocatastrophe ecospecies ecosphere ecosystem ecotone ecotype edaphic climax edge effect emergent environment eremophilous eurybathic euryphagous eutrophic eutrophy fimicolous food chain food pyramid food web gene flow helotism home range

hydrarch hydrosere indicator influent irruption K K selection limivorous lithosere Malthusian parameter megafauna mesarch microfauna microflora montane Müllerian mimicry mycoflora niche noosphere oligotrophic oligotrophy open space oxygen cycle periphyton permissible yield pioneer population population pressure preclimax predation pressure prescribed cut producer psammosere quadrat r relict r selection seral species-specific stenobathic stenophagous stratum subclimax subinfluent succession sympatric tropophilous xerarch xerosere ECONOMICS

abstinence abstinence theory acceleration coefficient accelerationist acceleration principle accelerator brazen law of wages capital goods coefficient of acceleration COMECON consumer consumer goods consumption cooperation deflation demand demand-side depression diminishing returns disinflate disinflation distribution division of labor double standard econometrics economic model elastic free silver Gresham's law horizontal index indexation index-link index of leading indicators inelastic inferior goods inflate inflated inflation inflationary spiral iron law of wages Kondratieff wave L Laffer curve land law of diminishing marginal utility law of diminishing returns leading indicators M margin marginal marginal cost marginal utility market share mercantile mercantile system monetarism monetize money supply nominal wages outsourcing peg Pol. Econ. premium produce producer producer goods production productive

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protect protection protectionism protective protective system


redistribution redistributionist redistributive


return single tax Social Credit soft landing sourcing spiral split roll stage static superior goods


supply-side technological usance utility velocity of money wage wealth EDUCATION

ability grouping absolute accelerated reader accountability advisee adviser Carnegie unit condition core curriculum corequisite credit curve


degree discoverist discovery method educable essentialism exceptional faculty fellow fellowship grade point grade point average hour incomplete institute


learning curve major


methodology minor nontenured norm objective test open admissions open classroom overlearn P pass-fail period placement test point probation programmed instruction project promote proseminar quality point quality point average realia released time repeater


score seatwork self-instructional semester hour shop


socialize supervisor survey course team teaching tool subject track

tracking system track system trainable true-false test unit voucher system ELECTRICITY

A AA AAA abamp abampere abcoulomb abfarad abhenry abmho abohm absorption dynamometer abvolt abwatt AC ac A.C. a.c. AC/DC acid cell admittance air cell air-core air gap air switch alive alligator clip alternate alternating voltage alternation alternator ammeter


amp. amperage ampere ampere-hour ampere-turn amperometric amp-hr amplidyne amplification amplify amplitude anelectric angle of lag angle of lead arc armature armature reaction Arminianism arrester astatic galvanometer autotransformer B back electromotive force balanced line ballast ballistic galvanometer balun band-pass filter


battery bead bleeder bobbin


booster bound charge

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branch point break breakdown breakdown voltage


breaker point


bridge circuit


brush discharge bulb burnout


bushing BX cable bypass bypass capacitor C cable cadmium cell capacitance capacitive capacitive coupling capacitive reactance capacitor capacity carbon cascade caucus


charge charged


choke choke coil choose chosen circuit circuit analyzer circuit breaker close closed circuit


coaxial cable coercivity


collector commutate commutation commutator


compound-wound condenser conductance conductivity conduit contact contactor contact potential converter coopt cord


corona corona discharge Coulomb's law coulometer counter electromotive force couple coupler coupling crater current current balance current density current limiter cutout D D damper D'Arsonval galvanometer DC D.C. dc dead deadbeat debye delta connection density dielectric dielectric constant dielectric heating dielectric loss dielectric strength diphase dipole direct direct current. discharge displacement current disruptive discharge dry battery dry cell duct E earth effective current effective resistance elastance electret electrical degree electric current electric dipole moment electric displacement electric field electric glow electric potential electric susceptibility electroconductive electrode electrodynamometer electrolytic interrupter electromagnetic field electromagnetic induction electromotive force electron electroneutral electrostatic electrostatic generator electrostatic induction electrostatic unit electuary elegant

element elite equalizer esu excitation excite exciter exciting current extension cord F Fahnestock clip farad faradic fault feed feeder field field coil field current field winding flashover flux linkage


G galvanic battery galvanic cell galvanic couple galvanic pile galvanism galvanomagnetic effect gang switch gauss general election gilbert golden handshake grace gravity cell grid


ground connection grounding connection ground plane ground plate ground wire growler H half-cell Hall effect harness henry hickey high-tension homopolar hot-wire H.P. HT hunting hy. I immittance impedance impedance matching


impulse indirect primary inductance induction induction coil

inductive coupling inductive reactance inductor inphase insulator intermittent current internal resistance interrupter inverter isolate




jump spark jump wire junction box k.



kilogauss kilovolt kilovoltage Kirchhoff's law knife switch L



leak leakage leakance lecher wires leg Leyden jar light valve linear induction motor line drop line voltage linkage litz wire


load load factor loading loading coil long wave


Lorentz force loss lossy low-tension lt L.T. M m magnetic amplifier magnetic core magnetic flux magnetic induction magnetic intensity magnetic moment magnetic pole strength magnetic potential magnetic susceptibility magnetization magnetizing field

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magnetizing force magneto magnetomotive force


maxwell Maxwell's field equations meg megacycle megahertz megavolt megawatt megohm megohmmeter mercury arc mercury switch mercury-vapor lamp mesh metallicize mho microampere microdetector microfarad micromicrofarad microvolt microwatt milliampere millifarad millihenry millivolt mmf motor motor generator multimeter multiple mutual impedance mutual inductance mutual induction MW mW Mx needle negative network neutralize noninductive nonlinearity Oe oersted ohmage ohmic resistance ohmmeter Ohm's law open circuit opposition opt oscillogram oscillograph oscilloscope outlet overcurrent overpotential overvoltage


panel pantograph parallel particularism permeability permittivity

petticoat insulator phantom phantom circuit photovoltaic photovoltaic cell picofarad pigtail


plug plugboard plus point polarization polarization charge


pole piece polyphase positive positive electricity pot. potential potential difference potential divider potential gradient potentiometer power amplifier power cable powerhouse power line power station pressure primary primary cell


pyroconductivity quarter-phase R r raceway radio wave reactance reactive reactive component reactor receptacle reciprocal ohm rectifier rectify regulator relative permittivity


reluctance reluctivity remanence reprobate reprobation residual magnetism resistance resistivity resistor resonance retentivity return rheostat rotary rotor Ruhmkorff coil



secondary secondary cell selective selectivity selenium cell self-excited self-induced self-inductance self-induction


sensitivity separator series series-wound serving sheath shield short short circuit short-circuit shortwave shunt shunt-wound side circuit siemens single-ended single-phase skin effect


slip ring socket sodium lamp sodium-vapor lamp solenoid solion space charge spaghetti


spark arrester spark coil spark gap sparking voltage spark-killer sparkover specific conductance specific inductive capacity specific resistance split-phase standard cell standoff star network statampere statcoulomb statfarad stathenry static static electricity statohm stator statvolt step-down step-up storage battery storage cell streamer

sulfate supersensitive suppress suppression surge susceptance susceptibility suspension switch switchboard switchgear synchronism synchronous synchronous converter synchronous machine synchronous motor synchronous speed synchro unit syntonic syntony


telemeter tension terminal Tesla coil thermal noise thermoammeter thermoelectrometer thermogalvanometer three-phase time constant toggle switch transform transformer transient transitive verb transmission line transrectification triboelectricity trickle charge two-phase tympanum unipotential V v VA Van de Graaff generator variocoupler variometer varistor Varley loop vibrator voice coil


Volta effect voltage voltage divider voltage regulator voltaic voltaic battery voltaic cell voltaic couple voltaic pile volt-ampere voltmeter wattless component wattmeter Wb weber

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wet cell wet contact Wheatstone bridge


Wimshurst machine windage winding wiper wire-wound resistor wiring wiring harness wye X Y Z ELECTRONICS

A battery accentuator acorn tube acoustic feedback active Adcock antenna AM amplitude modulation animatronics anode resistance arc-back astrionics A supply attenuate attenuator audio audio frequency audion autodyne automatic tracking band-pass filter barretter


baseline B battery beam bias bioelectronics bipolar blip block blocking capacitor board B power supply breadboard B supply


buncher resonator catcher catcher resonator cat whisker cavity resonator C battery C-bias CCD charge-coupled device


circuit board clipper closed loop CMOS cold cathode collector collector electrode command guidance compander comparator compatible compressor control electrode


coupling capacitor C power supply Crookes tube cryoelectronics cryonics cryotron

crystal crystal oscillator C supply cutoff dead time decouple de-emphasis deflection deflection yoke degas delay screen differentiator diode discharge tube discriminator dissector tube distort divergence dopant dope doping Doppler radar DOVAP drift drive duplexer dynatron dynode echo electrical scanning electroacoustics electron camera electron gun electronic electron multiplier electron-ray tube emission emitter emphasis envelope excitation expander eye face faceplate fail-safe feedback feedback loop feedthrough FET field-effect transistor filament filter Fleming valve flip-flop flyback FM frequency modulation frequency response full-wave rectifier g



gate array


gimmick glow lamp grid

grid bias grid capacitor grid circuit grid current grid leak Gunn effect half-wave rectifier head headhunting heater heat sink heptode high fidelity hole hot-cathode tube hybrid chip IC I.E.E.E. igniter ignitron integrated circuit interrogator-responsor ion implantation Josephson junction large-scale integration Lenard tube lidar lighthouse tube limiter linear linearity logic array logic gate LSI magnetic head magnetron mask mechanical scanning medium-scale integration metal oxide semiconductor microchip microcircuit microcircuitry microelectronics microphonic microphonism microwave spectrum midband MODFET monolithic MOS MOSFET moving target indicator MSI multiplex negative feedback noise factor noise limiter noise suppressor null omnidirectional operational amplifier optoelectronics oscillator P parametric amplifier paraphase amplifier patch cord PC board pentode

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permanent echo phanotron phase modulation photocell photoconductive cell photodetector photodiode photoelectric cell photoelectric tube photolithography photonics photoresist phototransistor phototube pick-off pin



plate resistance pliotron positive feedback power pack predistortion preemphasis preequalization printed circuit pulse-time modulation Q quadrature quartz plate quench radar regenerate regeneration regulation resnatron resonate resonator responder responser responsor roll-off scaler Schottky noise scintillate SCR screen screen grid sea return self-bias sharp sheath shoptalk shot effect shot noise signal small-scale integration solid-state sputtering square-law squelch SSI strobotron substrate superregeneration suppression techie technetronic tetrode

thermionic tube thermistor thyratron thyristor tickler tickler coil transconductance transistor transistorize transrectification transrectifier traveling-wave tube triac triode tube unipotential vacuum tube valve very large scale integration VLSI wafer waveguide whisker YIG zener diode ENTOMOLOGY

abdomen anamorphosis annual annulet Antlia apneustic arista arrestant balancer beak bivoltine bombous brachycerous branchiopneustic caste


chaetotaxy chrysalid cibarium clava clavola clavus coarctation collophore complicate corium costa cremaster


crotchet cruciate cuneus dealate dipteral dipterous disjoined disjointed disjunct eclosion egg case epicranium epigeal episternum fatbody femur fenestra flagellum frenulum funiculus glossa hemelytron hemielytron hemimetabolous heterometabolous heteromorphic holometabolous hypopharynx imaginal imago incrassate infuscate Johnston's organ jugal jugate jugum king labium lactescent lamellicorn

larva longicorn mandibulate margin marginate


medial mentum metagnathous multivoltine naiad nasute nectary nervuration net-winged nurse ovariole pleural pleuron


pulvillus queen radial radius replete reproductive retinaculum


shard siphuncle skipjack snout soldier spinning


spittle stadium stage sternite superhive tenaculum thigh timbal tomentose tomentum tracheole trimerous trochanter trophi white wing case worker GEOGRAPHY

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aged aggrade alluvial fan antipodal arête


barrier basin bench bog hole bottom bottom land break bundle


cataclysm chorography circle col continental margin continental rise continental shelf continental slope debouch debouchment degradation degrade depression dissected divide drain draw embayment


hump ice-scoured immature infantile inselberg interior drainage isogram isoline isometry


latitude Libya


longitude mantle rock meridian monadnock morphology North Pole old oxbow parallel province rectify reentrant rejuvenate


river basin salient scabland sculpture senile



South Pole


Temperate Zone tropic waste youthful zone GENETICS

accessory chromosome acentric A chromosome acquired character acrocentric allele allele frequency alphabet amplification anticodon antimutagenic artificial gene asynapsis autosome backcross back-mutate back mutation base pair base-pairing rules B chromosome binomial law biogenetics biotype bivalent blending inheritance breed carrier cenospecies character chiasmatypy chimera chromatid chromomere chromonema chromosomal aberration chromosome chromosome number cistron coadaptation code coding triplet codominant codon colorbreed complementary base complementation copy corepressor cotransduction crossing over crossover cytogenetics deletion deoxyribonucleic acid derepress determinant DNA dominant double cross double helix downstream drosophila duplex duplication edit endomitosis enhancer episome epistasis euchromatin

euchromosome evolutionary biology


express expression expressivity extrachromosomal F filial fluctuation frameshift gene mapping gene splicing genetic genetic engineering geneticist genome genotype Hardy-Weinberg law hemizygote Hershey heterochromatic heterochromatin heterochromosome heterogametic heterogamous heterosis heterozygote holandric hologynic homogametic homoploid hot spot hypostatic immunogenetics incross incrossbred independent assortment induce integration intervening sequence introgression intron inversion karyotype Khorana law of independent assortment law of segregation lethal gene linebreeding linkage linkage group linkage map linked locus macromutation map marker marker gene matricliny matrocliny Mendel's first law Mendel's law Mendel's second law messenger RNA metacentric mixoploid molecular genetics monogenic

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monohybrid monosome monosomic multifactorial inheritance multiple alleles multiple factors mutagenic nonsense oligogene oncogene operator operon P parental particulate inheritance patricliny patrocliny penetrance permissive pharmacogenetics phenocopy phenotype phenylthiourea pleiotropy point mutation polycistronic polygenic inheritance polymorphism polytene chromosome population genetics position effect posttranscriptional posttranslational prepotency prepotent proband promoter propositus pure pure line quantitative genetics. quantitative inheritance recessive reciprocal translocation recombinant recombinant DNA recombinant DNA technology recombination regulatory gene replication replicon repressor reverse mutation revertant RNA satellite chromosome segregate segregation self-replicating semidominance sense sequence sex chromatin sex chromosome sex-limited sex-linkage sex-linked single-cross sociobiology splice

sticky end structural gene


taster telocentric template tetrahymena transcribe transcription transduce transduction transfer RNA transformation translation translocation transposition transposon trinucleotide triplet trisome trisomic unifactorial unit character univalent wild type X chromosome X-linked Y chromosome zygosity GEOLOGY

accident acid acidic advance African Plate age aggregate A horizon Algonkian alkalic allochthon allochthonous allogenic altiplane Altiplano anamorphism anastomose anastomosis anatexis angle of repose angle of slide anticenter anticlinal anticline anticlinorium Appalachia Appalachian apron Archaean Archaeozoic Archean Archeozoic arenaceous arenite arête argillaceous aseismic


ash fall ash flow asphalt rock asthenosphere astrobleme atmophile aureole authigenic autochthon autochthonous


backshore base level basement complex basic basin basin range


batholith bed bedded bedding bedding plane bed load bedrock behead Benioff zone B horizon bioherm biostrome

block block diagram block faulting block lava block mountain blowhole blue ice blue mud body wave bomb



boulder clay Cainozoic calcification calcify caliche Cambrian Canadian Shield cap rock Carboniferous Caribbean Plate catastrophe catastrophism Cenozoic centrosphere chatter mark chimney cinder cinder cone clastic clay stone


coalification coal measures Cocos Plate colluvium compaction competence competent concretion conformable conformity congelifraction congeliturbation conglomerate connate consequent stream consolidation contact contact metamorphism continental drift convergent boundary


coring correlation coulee country rock craton creep cretaceous crop cross-bedded crust crustal plate cryptovolcanic cryptozoic

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cut and fill dark mineral debris dedolomitization


deformation deglaciation density current denudation denude Devonian diagenesis diapir diastem diastrophism diatreme differential compaction differential weathering


diluvial diluvium


disconformable disconformity discontinuity discordance discordant displacement disturbance dolomitization dolomitize dome drift drumlin earth pillar earth wave effusive eluvium emplacement endogenetic endogenous englacial Eocene Eogene Eolian Eozoic epeirogeny epicenter epicentrum epifocal epigene epigenesis epirogeny epoch era


erosion surface erratic eruption eruptive escarpment esker etch eugeosyncline eustasy evaporite exfoliate

exogenetic exogenous extravasate extrusive facies fault fault block fault breccia fault line fault plane fault scarp fault zone felsic fenster ferruginous flatiron float flysch focus


footwall foredeep foreshock formation fossilize fragmental frost heave geanticline geosynclinal geosyncline glacial drift gleization gley gouge gradation graphic gravity fault gravity meter graywacke group gumbotil gyttja hade hanging wall heave hogback Holocene hoodoo horizon hornito horseback hot spot hydrothermal hydrothermal vent hypabyssal hypocenter hypogene hypothermal ice age igneous Illinoian imbrication impact crater impermeable index fossil Indo-Australian Plate induration infiltration inlier

interfinger interglacial interstade intratelluric intrude intrusion intrusive iron hat isoclinal isocline isopach isopachous isoseismic isostasy joint Jurassic Kansan karst katamorphism Keewatin kettle kettle hole klippe laccolith lahar lamina land bridge landform landmass lateral moraine laterite Laurasia Laurentian law of superposition lens leucocratic


light mineral liman lineament lithification lithogenous lithology lithophile lithosphere load lopolith maar mafic magma magnetic anomaly major element mantle mantle plume


mascon mass wasting mature measure member Mercalli scale Mesozoic metacryst metamorphic metamorphic facies metamorphism metasomatism microseism microtektite

minor element Miocene Mississippian Mohorovicic discontinuity monoclinal monocline mud crack mudflow mud pot mud slide mudspate mudstone mud stream mylonite nappe Nazca Plate Nebraskan neck Neocene Neogene neoglaciation Neptunian nivation nonconformity normal fault North American Plate nuée ardente obsequent stream offlap offset oil sand oil shale Oligocene onlap oolite oolith


ophiolite Ordovician orogen orogeny


outcrop outlier outwash outwash plain overthrust overthrust belt oxbow Pacific Plate paint pot Paleocene Paleogene paleomagnetism Paleozoic palsa Pangaea paragenesis pediment pelite penecontemporaneous peneplain Pennsylvanian percolation periglacial period permeability Permian Phanerozoic

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phreatic pillow lava pingo piracy pirate




plate tectonics platform Pleistocene Pliocene plug plume plunge pluton plutonic plutonism pluvial pneumatolysis polar cap porosity postglacial potassium-argon dating Precambrian preglacial pressure cone pressure ridge progradation Proterozoic protocontinent psammite psephite pudding stone pyroclastic pyrogenic pyrogenous quaternary


Rayleigh wave recent recessional moraine recharge reconnaissance red clay remanent magnetism replacement reservoir reservoir rock residual resistate reverse fault revolution rift rift valley rift zone rimrock rimstone Ring of Fire


ripple mark roche moutonnée


rubidium-strontium dating saccharoid saltation salt dome

San Andreas fault Sangamon scoria seam secondary sediment sedimentary sedimentology septarium series shatter cone shear shear zone sheepback rock


sheet erosion shield shingling sial siderophile sill Silurian


slickenside slide


snowfield soil creep solfatara solifluction sorted sorting South American Plate spatter cone spreading center stack stade stadial stage stock stoping stoss strain gauge stratification stratiform stratify stratum stream capture striation strike strike fault strike slip stromatolite structural structure stylolite subcrustal subduction supercontinent


superimposed superposition surface wave


S wave synclinal syncline

synclinorium system


tar sand tectonic tectonism tektite teleseism tephrochronology terminal moraine terrain terrane terrigenous tertiary Tethys throw thrust thrust fault thunder egg


tiltmeter transform fault


Triassic tufa


tumulus turbidite turbidity current type locality type section ultramafic ultrametamorphism unconformable unconformity underthrust uniformitarian upheaval uplift Upper Carboniferous upthrow upthrust vadose varve ventifact vesicle volcanic ash volcanic bomb volcanic cone volcaniclastic volcanic neck volcanism vug vulcanism wash wasting weathering window yardang yule zone GEOMETRY

acute adjacent angles alternate angles altitude anchor ring


annulus apothem arc arcograph asses' bridge astroid



Bernoulli's lemniscate binormal birectangular bisect bisector bisectrix body Cassini catenoid center central angle central projection centroid


circumcenter circumcircle circumradius circumscribe cissoid coaxial complement complete quadrilateral concave conchoid concurrence concyclic cone congruent conic conicoid conic section conjugate axis construct corresponding angles cross ratio curvature cusp cycloid cyclotomy cylinder decagon decahedron degree Desargues's theorem describe description determine diameter dihedral angle dihedron directrix dodecagon dodecahedron

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duodecagon duplication of the cube eccentric element ellipse ellipsoid elliptic paraboloid envelope epicycloid epitrochoid equivalent erect escribe evolute excircle exterior angle face face angle figure focus folium frustum function gnomon helicoid helix Hero's formula hexagram homothetic hyperbola hyperbolic geometry hyperbolic paraboloid function gnomon helicoid helix Hero's formula hexagram homothetic hyperbola hyperbolic geometry hyperbolic paraboloid hypocycloid hypotenuse incenter incidence incircle inclination inradius inscribe interior angle intersect involute isoperimeter isoperimetry Klein bottle latus rectum lemniscate limaçon line segment lituus lozenge median median point midpoint


Möbius strip nappe node

oblique circular cone oblique circular cylinder obtuse triangle orthocenter osculate osculation oval of Cassini parabola paraboloid parallel parallel axiom parallel postulate parallel projection Pascal's limaçon Pascal's theorem pentadecagon perpendicular


Platonic solid polyhedral angle principal prism prismatoid prismoid project pseudosphere pyramid Pythagorean theorem quadrant quadrilateral quindecagon radical axis rectangular hyperbola reentering angle reflex angle Riemannian geometry right right circular cone right circular cylinder


ruled surface scalene secant


sector segment semiellipse semimajor axis semiminor axis similar sine skew lines slant height solid angle sphere spherical angle spherical polygon spherical triangle spheroid spiral spiral of Archimedes steradian strophoid subnormal subtangent subtend superpose supplement

surface symmetrical tangent tetragonal trisoctahedron tetrahedron toroid toroidal torus touch tractrix trajectory transversal transverse transverse axis trapezium trapezohedron trapezoid trihedral trihedron trimetric projection trochoid versiera vertex vertical angle witch of Agnesi zone GRAMMAR



ablative absolute ablaut absolute abstract noun accidence accusative active adessive adherent adjective adjective clause adjective phrase adjunct adnominal adnoun adverb adverb clause affix affixation agent agential agentive agent noun agree agreement allative alternative conjunction alternative question anagram anaphora anaphoric anomalous anomaly antecedent aorist aoristic apposition appositive arthrogram article aspect aspectual asyntactic atonic attribute attributive augment augmentative bahuvrihi Balmung



breathing C


case ending cataphora category causal causative class classifier class meaning clause cleft sentence

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clitic cognate object cohortative collective noun combining form comitative comma fault comma splice common common noun comparative compare comparison complement complementation complete complex composition


conative concessive conclusion concord concrete noun condition conditional conjoin conjugate conjugation conjunct conjunction conjunctive connective consecutive constituent construction constructional homonymity construct state continuative continuous coordinate coordinate clause coordinating conjunction coordinator copula copulative correlative correlative conjunction count noun critical volume dangle dangling participle dative declension declinable decline defective definite article degree deictic deixis delative demonstrative


denominative depend dependent deponent derivation

derivative descriptive desiderative desinence determined determiner deverbative diagram diasystem digram diminutive direct address disjunctive distributive double possessive dual durative dvandva dynamic dyne echogram echo question elative element ellipsis ellipt embed emphatic ending endocentric endophora epicene epigram equational equivalent weight ergative essive exclusive exocentric exophora expletive factitive feminine feminine ending


flection fluidextract form formative formative element form class frequentative full sentence function future future perfect g g.


genitive gerund gm. golden gram. govern government gr gr. gradable grain

grammar grammatical gender


group H head heat of sublimation heteroclite hiatus historical present homonymous construction hypotaxis illative immediate constituent imperative imperfect imperfective impersonal inceptive inchoative inclusive incorporation indeclinable indefinite indefinite article indefinite pronoun independent indicative inessive infection infinitival infinitive infinitive clause infix inflect inflection informal inherent instructive instrumental Intens intensifier intensive interjection interrogative intransitive inversion involution irregular iterative jussive limiting limiting adjective lingam locative


main clause masculine mass noun


middle minor sentence misplaced modifier modal modal auxiliary



modification modifier modify modulation


moon letter morphologic construction natural gender neuter NM nominal nominal sentence nominative nominative absolute nominative of address nonrestrictive nonrestrictive clause nonstative notional noun noun adjunct noun clause noun phrase number nunation O object object complement objective oblique optative order oxytone P p. paradigm parasynthesis parataxis parenthesis paronym paronymous paroxytone participial participle particle partitive part of speech passive passive noun past past participle past perfect past progressive pentagram perfect perfective perfect progressive periphrastic person personal personal pronoun phrasal verb phrase pluperfect plural positive possessive

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postdeterminer postpose postposition postpositive potential predeterminer predicate predicate adjective predicate noun predicate objective predicator prefix prepose


prepositional phrase prepositional verb prepositive


present participle present progressive preterit preteritive primary principal parts privative proclitic productive pro-form progressive pronominal pronoun proparoxytone proper proper adjective proper noun prosthesis pro-verb qualifier qualify radical reciprocal reduplicate reduplication reflexive regimen regular relational relative restrictive restrictive clause retained object retained object complement




secondary second person sentence sentence adverb sg simple singular split infinitive squinting modifier stative



subject subject complement subjective subjunctive subordinate subordinate clause subordinating conjunction substantive substitute suffix sun letter superlative suppletion suppletive suppositive syllepsis syncopate syncopation syncope syncretism syndetic synesis syntactic construction t. tag question take telic


termination thematic theme third person transitive transitive verb translative two-word verb underlie unipersonal urd verbal verbal adjective verbalize verbal noun verbid verb phrase vocative voice volitive WH-question WH-word word class yes-no question zeugma HORTICULTURE

air layering amendment antidesiccant astrachan


balled-and-burlapped bare-root Bartlett bed bedder bedding bedding plant blackheart




Bordeaux mixture border bottom heat break breed breeding


bud stick budwood Casoron Catawba cohort crown graft cutting deadhead dehorn Delaware dethatch disbud division drench engraft





hoard horticulture inarch inlay inlay graft interstock layer layering Niagara nonwoody NPK ortolan pinch


plunge pompon potbound preemergent prick puddle quetsch Riesling

root graft rootstock semihardy set shade-grown species specimen plant sprig standard stock STOL stool tea rose thatch Tokay top grafting topiary train truss understock whip-and-tongue graft whip graft youngberry LINGUISTICS

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accusative acquire acquisition acrolect adstratum agglutinate agglutination agglutinative allocher allograph allomorph alternant alternate alternation ambiguous analogy animate anlaut anterior aphesis archiphoneme ART asterisk aughtlins auslaut autonomous phoneme autonomous syntax AUX back formation backlins


basic vocabulary basilect benefactive binarity binary opposition biolinguistics biunique biuniqueness blend Bloomfieldian branch brandling break by-form calque canonical case grammar categorial chamberlain chereme citation form cline cliticize closed code code-switching cognate coherence cohesion collocate collocation comment communicative competence commutation comparative method compensatory lengthening competence complementary distribution

complement clause complementizer component componential analysis consonant shift consonant system constative constituent structure constraint contamination


contentive context of situation contrast conversational implicature coreference coreferential coronal corpus cracknel creole continuum culminative decreolize deep deep structure delicacy demarcative derivation DET diachronic diachrony dialect dialect atlas dialect geography dialectology discourse discourse analysis discovery procedure distinctive feature distributed dominate doublet drift emic equi equi NP deletion ergative error analysis ethnography of speaking etic expression expressive extrapose extraposition factive family family-tree theory focal area form formative fortition fossilize free form free variation front functional functional load functional sentence perspective

functor fusion


genealogical relationship generate generative generative grammar generative phonology generative semantics generative-transformational grammar genetic relationship German glossematics glosseme glottochronology glottogony Goidelic grammaticalize grapheme graphemics graphology Grassman's law Great Vowel Shift Grimm's law group haplology headlong hierarchy hypercorrection hyperform hyperurbanism hyponym hyponymy idiolect ill-formed illocutionary implicature inanimate inflectional informant


inlaut interference internalize internal reconstruction intimate borrowing intuition isolate isolating jer Junggrammatiker karmadharaya Kit-Cat Club L1 L2 language death language universal laryngeal left-branching lenition level lexeme lexicalize lexicon lexicostatistics lexis linguistic area loanshift

locutionary low-level marked marker matrix matrix sentence meaning melioration mesolect middling minimal pair morph morpheme morpheme structure condition morphemics morphology morphophoneme morphophonemic morphophonemics morphosyntactic morphotonemics mutation neogrammarian neutralization node noncontrastive nondistinctive open opposition overgeneralization OV language paradigmatic paralanguage pejoration pejorative performance performative perlocutionary phoneme phonesthemic phonetic law phonological rule phonotactic phonotactics phrase marker phrase structure phrase-structure grammar phrase-structure rule phrase structure tree phylum polarity polar opposition pragmatics prime primitive prosody proto-form protolanguage proxemics rank scale rankshift realize reconstruct redundancy redundant reflex register relexify relic area resumptivepronoun

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rewriterule rheme rhotacism right-branching sandhi scope secondary segmental selection semanteme semantic field semantics sememe shaveling shearling shift shortening signified


sound symbolism SOV language speech act speech community speech island stock stownlins stratum strident string subfamily substance substratum suckling superordinate superstratum suprasegmental surface surface structure svarabhakti SVO language synchronic synchrony syntactics syntagma syntagmatic syntax systematic phoneme tactics tagmeme tagmemic tagmemics tatpurusha taxeme text theme token tone topic topicalize


transfer transform transformation transformational rule transition area tree tree diagram T-rule type

type-word typology umlaut universal universal grammar unmarked


Verner's law VO language vowel harmony vowel system VSO language wave theory well-formed zero LAW


abate abatement


abeyance abhorrent abolitionist abrogate absente reo absolute impediment abs. re. abstract of title Abu Hanifa abuttal accede accessary accession accessory accident accretion accrue accused accuser acknowledge acknowledgment acquainted acquest acquiescence acquittal act action act of God adat ad damnum adeem ademption adequate adjective adjudication adjunct ad litem administer administration administrator administratrix admiralty admiralty law. adult advancement adverse possession advisory opinion advocate advocation advowson affiant affidavit affiliate affiliation order affirm affirmation affray age age of discretion Aggadah aggravated aggrieved agreement agrégé Akiba ben Joseph aleatory

Alford plea alibi alienable alienate alienation alienation of affections alienee alieni juris alienor alimony aliunde allegation allision allonge allowable cut alluvion always ambulatory a mensa et thoro amicus amicus curiae amnesty amortize Ampère's law anarchic anarchist anarchy ancestor angary angle of polarization annihilate annual report anomite answer anticipation antinomian antinomy a posteriori appeal appear appearance appellant appellate appellate division appellee appellor appendant appoint appointor approver appurtenance a priori arbitrary arbitration Archimedes' principle argumentative


arrest arson artificial person


assault assault and battery asset assign assignable assigned risk assignee assignment

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associative assumpsit asylum atrocious assault and battery attach attachment attaint attorn attorney-at-law attorney general attorney-in-fact attractive nuisance audacious Austin authentic authority autonomous aver a vinculo matrimonii Avogadro's number avoid avoidance avowry avulsion award away-going crop ayatollah



bailable bailee bailment




B and E bank holiday bankrupt


bar examination


bar mitzvah barracks lawyer barrator barratry barretor barretry barrister


base estate base tenant bastard eigne bat mitzvah battery B.C.L. Bean bench bench warrant beneficial Bernoulli's theorem Beth Din Beth Hillel Beth Shammai betweentimes bf.

bigamy bilateral


bill of indictment bill of particulars bind binomial law Biot-Savart law bipartite bkcy. Black Code Blackstone blessing blue law bluenose blue-sky law Bode's law body body corporate bona vacantia


bondage bondman



bote bottomry Boyle's law Bragg scattering Bragg's law brazen law of wages breach breach of promise breach of the peace breach of trust break breaking and entering breve Brewster's law brief bring British India broad


B.S.L. burden of proof burgage burglary


butlerage buttals butts and bounds Buys-Ballot's law bylaw cain camera


canonical canonical age canonist canon law


capias capitulary caption

carnal abuse carnal knowledge carryback carryforward cartel


case law case system cause causerie caveat caveator C.C.P. ceiling celestial mechanics certificate certification certified public accountant certiorari cessionary challenge chamber champerty chance-medley chancery change of venue Chapter 11 character witness charge Charles' law chattel cheat Ch'eng-Chu school chief justice child custody child labor chilling effect


circuit citizen's arrest civil civilian civil law civilly CL c.l. claim


Clifford trust Codex Juris Canonici codification cognizance cognovit


Coke collusion color commend commendation commentary commission commitment committee common common law common-law common pleas

common scold commorancy community property community service commutative commutative law compensatory damages competence competent complaint compliance composition of forces


compromis computer law concern conclusion concurrence concurrent concurring opinion condemn condemnation condition condominium condone confidential communication conflict of laws conjurator conjure connivance conscience clause consent decree consent judgment consentual consequent conservation law conservation of angular momentum conservation of charge conservation of energy conservation of linear momentum conservation of mass conservator consideration Consolato del Mare consolidation consortium conspiracy constant of gravitation constituent constitutional constitutionally Constitution of the United States construction constructive consultation contempt contentious contestant continuance contraband contraband of war contract contravene contributory negligence controlled substance conventional

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convey conveyance conveyancing cooling-off period coparcenary copyright coram judice coram nobis coram non judice corespondent corody corporal punishment corporation corpus delicti corpus juris Corpus Juris Civilis corrody corrupt corruption of blood cosine law cost council counsel


counterpart counterplea country court court hand courthouse court-martial court of appeals court of chancery court of claims court of common pleas court of domestic relations court of equity court of law courtroom covenant covenant of warranty covenantor covert coverture


crim. con. crime crime against nature criminal criminal assault criminal code criminal contempt criminal conversation criminal court criminalist criminal lawyer criminal syndicalism cross-action cross-examine cruelty C.T.A. culpa cumulative evidence curator Curie's law Curie-Weiss law

curtilage custody custom customary cy pres dairy Dalton's law damage damnify Dana Danelaw dayan days of grace D.C.L. D.Cn.L. dd dead dead hand dead letter


de bene esse de bonis non administratis decedent decedent estate decemvir decern declarant declaration declaratory judgment decree decree nisi decretal decretist de dolo malo deed deed poll defalcate defalcation default defeasance defeat defend defendant defense deficiency judgment deforce deforciant defunct de gratia de jure delict delivery demand demandant demise demur


denial deodand de plano deponent depose deposition depository library derelict dereliction Descartes' law descent desertion

desirable detainer detective determinable determination determine detinue Deuteronomy devest devisable devise devisee devisor devolution dharma dicast dies non dietary law digest


diminishing returns diplomatic immunity direct examination direct-examine diriment impediment disaffirm discharge disclaim disclosure discommon discontinuance discontinue discovert discoverture discovery discriminate discuss disentail disgavel disinherit dismay dismiss disorderly disorderly conduct disorderly person dispauper dispensation dispense disseize disseizin dissenting opinion dissolve distrain distraint distress distributee distributive district court divest dividend D.J.


docket dolus domain domicile dominant tenement dominium domitae naturae

donatory donee donor doom


double jeopardy dowable dower droit droit des gens droitural


dry law dry rent duces tecum due course of law. due process of law duress duressor duty


earnest money Earp earwitness easement educate effective effraction ejectment electron-neutrino elegit elide elisor eloign emancipate emblements


embraceor embracery eminent domain enabling enact enactive enactment enactory encumbrance encumbrancer enjoin enjoyment enter entrap entry equipment equitable equity error Erskine escheat escrow eslisor esnecy esplees essoin establish established church establishmentarian estate

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estop estoppel estovers estray estreat et ux. evict evidence evidentiary evocation examination excel exception excuse excuss excussio execute execution executive order executor executory executrix exemplary damages exemplification exemplify ex facie exhibit ex lege ex post facto extend extent extenuating circumstances extinguish extorsive extort extortion extralegal eye eyre fact factorize factory faculty faint fair-trade law false arrest false imprisonment famacide farther father-in-law feasance fee


felonious felony feme feme covert feme sole feme-sole trader feneration ferae naturae Fermat's principle Ferrel's law fetial


fiction fictitious person fideicommissary fideicommissum

fiduciary fieri facias FI. FA. filiate filiation final find finding


first consonant shift first-degree murder first law of motion first law of thermodynamics. first offender first papers first principle fishery fixture flagrant flagrante delicto FLETC folio folkright forasmuchas forbid force force-draft forced sale force majeure foreclose foreclosure foreign forensic forensic anthropology forensic chemistry forensic medicine forensic psychiatry forjudge frame frankpledge free Freedom of Information Act freedom of the seas freehold friend of the court frigid fuage fumage fundamental fundamental law fungible future interests G gag law gag order Gaius game law garnish garnishee garnishment gas law Gauss law gavelkind Gay-Lussac's law general court-martial generality general rule gentlemen's agreement get

giveaway God's penny good behavior good Samaritan law good title govern grandfather grand jury grand larceny grand serjeanty grant gratuitous gratuitous contract gravamen gravitation gravitational constant gray market Green River ordinance Griswold group practice guardhouse lawyer guardian guardian ad litem guilt guilty habeas corpus haeres Hagiographa Halakhah halal Hanafi Hanbali hand Hardy-Weinberg law harmless haunted headright hearsay evidence hearsay rule heir heir at law heirloom herbage hereditament hereditary heres heriot heritage Herndon heroin hesitate


hideout higher law High German high sea Hillel historical school holder holiday holographic will home homestead homestead law Hooke's law hospital ship hotchpot hotchpotch house counsel

hovering act Hubble's law hue and cry hypothec ibn Hanbal ideal gas ideal gas law ignore ijtihad ILA illegal illegitimate imbracery immerse immovable immunity immunity bath immunize imparl imparlance impeach impediment imperfect imperfection imperium implead impleader implied consent impound imprescriptible impute in camera incapacitate incapacity incompetence incompetent incorporated bar incorporeal indecent exposure independent assortment indeterminate sentence indictment indult inertial mass inertial system infamous infamy infancy infant infect infectious influence in forma pauperis information infract infringement inheritrix inhibition injunction injury inlaw inn inner bar inner barrister innocent innuendo inobservance inofficious inofficious will in pais

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in pari delicto in personam in propria persona inquisitorial in rem insanity instance institute institution instruct integral domain integrated bar intellectual property intendment


intercommon interdict interfere interlocutory intermarriage international internationalist international law internship interplead



interrogatory in terrorem clause interstice intervene inter vivos intestable intra vires intricacy intrusion invention invoke ipso jure iron law of wages irrelevant irreplevisable issuable issue Jacob ben Asher jactitation jailhouse lawyer J.C.B. J.C.D. J.C.L. J.D. jeopardy Jim Crow law joinder joint jointer joint resolution jointress joint tenancy joint tenant jointure J.S.D. judge Judge Lynch judge-made judgment judgment debt judgment note

judicatory judicial judicial conference judicial separation judiciary junior counsel jural jurat Jur. D. jure divino jure humano juridical juridical days jurisconsult jurisdiction jurisprudence jurist juristic person


jury wheel jus jus canonicum jus civile jus divinum jus gentium jus naturale jus postliminii jus sanguinis jus soli


justice justice in eyre justice's court justiciable justify Justinian Code juvenile court juvenile delinquency kangaroo court Karaite kashruth keep keeper ken Kepler's laws kingdom of ends King's Bench King's Counsel king's evidence Kirchhoff's law Koran L. l. L.A. laches lagan Lagting Lambert's law Lambeth degree lamster land landmark lappage lapse larceny latent ambiguity



lawbook lawbreaker law court. lawful lawgiver law-hand lawing lawless lawmaker lawman law merchant law of action and reaction law of contradiction law of cosines law of definite composition law of diminishing marginal utility law of gravitation law of identity law of independent assortment law of Malus law of mass action law of motion law of nations. law of partial pressures law of segregation law of sines law of superposition Law of the Medes and the Persians law of thermodynamics law of thought law of universal gravitation lawsuit lawyer lawyering


lay intermediary layman layperson laywoman learned profession


Le Châtelier principle leet legacy legal legal holiday legalism legality legal list legal memory legal reserve legislation legislator legist legitim legitimate lemon law lese majesty



letters of administration letters patent letters testamentary levirate Levitical

lex lex loci lex non scripta lex scripta lex talionis leze majesty libel libelant libelee liberal licentious



lienholder ligan ligeance Li Hsüeh lime-juicer limit limitation limited divorce limited liability


liquidator lis pendens literalism litigable litigant litigate




long vacation loophole loose Lord Chancellor Lotus of the Good Law LSAT lunacy lunatic lynch Maat Mafia magistrate Magna Carta mainour maintainor maintenance maintenance and cure M.A.L.D. malefactor malefactress malfeasance malice malice aforethought malicious Maliki malpractice Malus' law malversation manbote Manchester School mandamus mandate mandatory manhunt

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manslaughter manus Mariotte's law maritime belt maritime law marketable title Marrano martial law mass mass action law Masterson material matter matter in deed matter of fact matter of law matter of record maulvi maximum Maxwell demon mayhem M.C.L. mean value theorem mediation medicolegal memorandum Mendeleev Mendeleev's law Mendel's first law Mendel's law Mendel's second law mens rea merchantable merchantable title mesh mesnalty mesne mesne lord meson messuage metronome midrash militia minhag minimum wage minyan Miranda misdemeanant misdemeanor misdirection mise misfeasance misfeasor misjoinder mispleading mistrial


mittimus mixed molar volume money monition Montgomery


moot court mopery moratory

mortal sin mortgage mortmain Mosaic Law Moseley's law Moses motion motor voter law movable mufti mujtahid



mulier puisne mulierty mullah multure muniment muon-neutrino murage murder murdrum Murphy's Law Muslim


Muster Day mute naked name Nantes natural child natural law natural person natural right necessary nefarious negligence neutral new covenant Newton Newton's law of motion next friend next of kin nisi nisi prius no bill no-bill no contest no-fault no-knock nolle prosequi nolo contendere nol-pros nol. pros. nominal damages nomism nomo- nomology nomothetic -nomy nonclassical noncompliance non est nonfeasance nonjoinder nonlegal non licet non liquet

non-pros non prosequitur nonsuit nonsupport novation


nude nudum pactum nuisance nullius filius nullius juris numismatic nuncupative will obiter dictum objurgate obligation oblige obligee obligor obreption obrogation observant observation occupant offend offense offer officious will Ohm's law old covenant Old Testament Olmsted omnipresent one-sided onomastic open open city opening open season opinion OR orator ordain order orderly ordinance ordinary ordonnance organic oust ouster outer bar outer barrister outlaw outlawry outrage overcapitalize over the counter overtop overweight oyer oyer and terminer


pandect panel paper chase paralegal paraphernalia paravail

parcenary parcener pardon parietal Parkinson's law parol parsonage partial pressure particeps criminis particular partition partner partnership party Pascal's law pass


patent patent ambiguity paterfamilias patria potestas Pauline privilege payable peace peg penal code penalize penal servitude penalty pendente lite per capita perception per curiam peremptory peremptory challenge peremptory exception periodic law periodic system perjure perjury


pernancy pernor perpetuity per procurationem person personal personal liberty personal property personalty per stirpes petit petition petit jury petit larceny petit serjeanty petit treason pettifog petty jury petty larceny petty sessions petty treason phase rule phonetic law PI pignus pilot waters Pirke Avoth piscary

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PL plaint plaintiff Planck's radiation law plea plead pleader pleading pledge pledgor plunderage point of order Poiseuille's law polarizing angle political question pollicitation poor poor law


positive positive law possession postliminium postliminy


postremogeniture potestas pourparty power of appointment power of attorney practice practicing praecipe praemunire pragmatic sanction precedent precept precognition prefer prejudice pre-law premeditation premise prenuptial agreement prescribe prescription



presentment presume presumption presumption of fact presumption of innocence presumption of law presumption of survivorship presumptive heir preterition preterlegal pretrial preventive detention preventive law prima facie case prima facie evidence primogeniture principal principle

principle of mathematical induction principle of superposition prisage private international law. private law privilege privileged privileged communication privity privy probable cause probate probation procedural proceed proceeding process process server procès-verbal prochein ami profert prohibit prohibition promisee promulgate proof Prophets propositus proscribe prosecute prosecution prosecutor protest prothonotary prove provide provision provocation puberty public-access television public act. public domain public-interest law public international law publicist public law public policy public statute. publish puisne punish punitive damages


pupillarity purchase Pure Food and Drug Act purpart purparty purpresture pursuer purveyance purveyor purview putative marriage qadi qualification qualified qualify

quantity quarter sessions quash quasi contract question question of fact quitclaim quitclaim deed quo warranto


railroad raise ramification



real property rebus sic stantibus


recall recaption recapture receiptor receiver receivership recognition recognizance recognize recognizee recognizor reconvention record recorder recoup recover recovery recusal redhibition redirect reentry reexamine referee Reform Jew regular regulation Regulation T Regulation U rehearing reign


rejoinder relation relative impediment relator re-lease release


remainder remainderman remand remedy remise remit remitter remover rent-stabilized repeal

repetition repleader replevin replevisable replevy replication reply report representation reprise republish require res res adjudicata rescue res gestae residence residue residuum res ipsa loquitur res judicata respondent Responsa


restraining order retorsion retortion retroactive return reversal reversion reversioner revert


review revival revivor revocation RICO right righteous right of search right of way right-to-work law rigorism



ringleader riot riparian riparian right robbery rogation Romanist


rule ruleless rules of order ruling run Saddharma-Pundarika


Salic law salus populi suprema lex esto sanction sati

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saving Say school age scire facias scofflaw Scotch verdict


search warrant seashore season sec. leg. second-degree murder second law of motion second law of thermodynamics. Securities Exchange Act security se defendendo segregation seise seisin seising seize seizin self-help sentence separation Sepher Torah sequester sequestrate sequestration sergeant sergeanty serjeanty serve


servient tenement servitude session set-aside setback


settlement settlor sever severable several severalty severance Shafi'i shari'ah shehitah shield law


shohet shop right


show cause order Shulhan Arukh Simhath Torah simple vow


Sinai sine prole sister-in-law slander

smart money Smriti smuggle Snell's law socage social control Social Security Act soke solar day solatium


solemnity solemn vow sole trader solicitation solicitor general


sound law. sound title space law spado special agent special court-martial special jury special plea special pleading special rule special term specialty


specific performance spendthrift trust spinster spirit spoliation sponsion squad squatter's right stakeholder


stallage stand standing stare decisis state religion status statute statute law. statute of limitations statutory law statutory offense statutory rape


Stefan-Boltzmann law stellionate


stirps Stokes' law stranger strike struck jury study stultify subcontract subcontractor subinfeudation

submission suborn subornation of perjury subpoena subpoena duces tecum subreption subrogate substantive sue Sugar Act sui juris suit suitor summary summary court-martial summary judgment summary proceeding summation summons sumptuary law Sunna Sunni sunset sunshine law supernatural superposition supersedeas supraprotest sur sure suretyship surrebuttal surrebutter surrejoinder survivor survivorship suspend suspension SWAT syllabus synod taciturnity



take tales Talmud Tanach tau neutrino tax title teach tenancy in common tenant tenant in common


tenement term termor


test act testament testamentary trust testator testatrix test case testify testimony

thalweg themselves theorem therefore



third Third Amendment third law of motion third law of thermodynamics. third party procedure three-mile limit three-strikes law time immemorial tipstaff Titius-Bode law title tolerance toleration


tooth Tophet Torah Torricelli's law tort tortfeasor tortious Totten trust tradition trample transfer transferee transferor transgress transgression traverse treasure-trove trespass trial trial balloon trial examiner trichotomy property triple TRO trover trust trustee trustee in bankruptcy trustee process trusteeship trust inter vivos trustor try tubman turbary ukase 'ulama ultra vires under unfair unilateral universal suffrage university unlawful unpublished work unrighteous unsettled unstudied

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untried unwritten law U.S.C. Supp. use use immunity


usucapion usufruct usufructuary uti possidetis Utopia uttering ux. vacant vacation vagrant variance Varuna vector vendee venial sin venire facias venireman venter venue verboten verdict verification verify Verner's law versus vert vested vesture Veterans Administration vexatious vicontiel vigilante vigorous vindicate violate violation vis major void voidable voir dire voluntary volunteer vote voucher V.S.O.P. wager waiting period waive waiver wakening ward wardship warrant warranty warranty deed


waygoing crop wayleave weird where's





within without witness word workers' compensation insurance


writ of certiorari writ of error writ of extent writ of prohibition writ of right writ of summons wrong wrongful death LOGIC A a


affirmative alethiology alliance alogical alternative ALU analogy analytic analytics antecedent antilogism apodictic aporia Aristotelian logic associative attribute axiom Baconian method biconditional black-and-white Boolean algebra bound variable break categorematic categorial categorical


choplogic circle circular circular definition class inclusion colligate commutative law complete comprehension concinnity conclusion condition conditional conjunct conjunction conjunctive connotation



contextual definition contingent contradictory contraposition contrapositive contrariety contrary




copula counterfactual decidable decision procedure decision tree deduction definiendum definiens deictic De Morgan's laws denotation determination determine dialectic dilemma disarm disjunction disjunctive distribute distributive E e enthymeme epagoge episyllogism equipollent equivalence equivocation Euler's diagram exclusive disjunction existential quantifier exponible extension extent extreme fallacy figure first intention form


formalism formal logic free variable functional calculus


gate array generalization genetic fallacy genus Gödel's incompleteness theorem hypothetical hypothetico-deductive method I identical proposition

identity ignoratio elenchi illegitimate illogic illogical implication inclusion inclusive disjunction incompatible incomplete inconsistent independent independent axiom induce induction inference intension intention internal intuitionism irrefutable law of contradiction law of definite composition law of excluded middle law of identity law of thought liberal arts log. logic -logic logical logical construction logical positivism logic circuit logician logicism logicize



logo- major premise major term many-one material equivalence material implication mathematical logic.


metalogic minor premise minor term mixed modal modality



necessary negative noetics non causa pro causa non sequitur O obverse obversion obvert one-many open sentence opposition

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paralogism parenthesis particular particular affirmative particular negative particular quantifier partition petitio principii philosopher physicalism placeholder poetic license polysyllogism post hoc, ergo propter hoc postulate pragmatics predicable predicate predicate calculus premise primary intention proof property proposition propositional calculus propositional function prosyllogism protasis quality quantifier quantify quantity rationale reason recursive definition reductio ad absurdum referent region regressive rhyme rigorous scope secondary intention second intention self-reference semiotic sentential calculus sentential connective sentential function simple enumeration singular sorites


species square of opposition subaltern subcontrary subject subtlety sufficient superaltern superordinate superordination supertask syllogism syllogistic symbolic language symbolic logic

syncategorematic syntax synthetic tautology term theorem therefore three-valued tilde token topic traditional logic transcendental analytic transcendental dialectic transform transformation trilemma trivium truth-function truth table truth-value type type-word unassailable undistributed middle universal universal affirmative universal class universal negative universal quantifier universe valid variable Venn diagram vicious circle MATHEMATICS abscissa absolute absolute complement absolute convergence absolute maximum absolute minimum absolute value abstract number abstract space abundant number accent accumulation point accuracy addend additive additive group additive identity additive inverse adjoint adjoint differential equation adjugate a.e. affine affine group aftermath aggregate agonic aleph-null algebraic algebraically closed field algebraic equation algebraic extension algebraic function

algebraic geometry algebraic number algebraic topology algebra of sets algorism alignment chart aliquant aliquot almost everywhere almost periodic function alternating group alternating series amicable number amplitude analysis analysis situs analytic analytic continuation angular measure anharmonic ratio annihilator antecedent anticlastic anticommutative antilog antilogarithm antiparallel antireflexive antisymmetric approximation arbitrary Archimedean Argand diagram argument array associative asymptote asymptotic augend automorphism auxiliary equation average axiom axiom of choice axiom of countability


axis of abscissas axis of ordinates axis of revolution axis of symmetry bag


Banach space barycentric coordinate system


basis Bernoulli equation Bernoulli trials Bessel function beta function bicompact bijection bilinear bilinear form bilinear transformation binary binary digit binary system

binomial coefficient binomial series binomial theorem biquadrate biquadratic bitch biunique


Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem Boolean algebra Boolean ring Boolean sum Boole's inequality Borel-Lebesgue theorem



boundary boundary condition boundary value problem bounded bracket branch cut branch point Briggsian logarithm Brouwer fixed-point theorem calculus cancel canonical Cantor set


cardinality cardinal number cardioid Cartesian coordinates Cartesian product Cartesian space catacaustic catastrophe catastrophe theory category catenary Cauchy integral formula Cauchy integral theorem Cauchy-Riemann equations Cauchy-Schwarz inequality Cauchy sequence Cauchy's inequality center center of curvature chain chain rule characteristic characteristic equation characteristic function characteristic polynomial characteristic root characteristic vector Chebyshev equation Chebyshev polynomial Chisanbop chrestomathy circle graph circle of convergence circle of curvature circular function circulating decimal Clairaut equation

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class closed closed set closure cluster point


coarser coefficient cofactor cofinal colog cologarithm column vector combination combinatorial combinatorial analysis combinatorial topology common common denominator common difference common divisor common logarithm common multiple common ratio commutative commutator commutator group commute


comparison test complement complementary angle complemented complete completely normal space completely regular space completing the square complex complex analysis complex fraction complex plane complex variable component composite composite function composite number composition composition series compound fraction compound function condensation point conditional conditional convergence conditional probability confocal congruence congruent conjugate conjugate numbers connected consequent conservative consistent equations constant constant of integration contain


continued fraction

continued proportion continuity continuous function continuum continuum hypothesis contour integration contour line converge convergent sequence conversion convex convex hull coordinate coordinate system coplanar corollary correct correspondence




cosine countable countably additive function countably compact set counter image counting number covariant cover covering coversed sine Cramer's rule cream credential critical point crossed cross multiply cross product


cube root cubic cuboid cup curl curve curvilinear coordinate system cycle cyclic cyclotomic cylindrical coordinates decreasing decrement Dedekind cut defective number deficient number definite integral degenerate degree


delta delta function de Moivre's theorem demonstration De Morgan's laws dense dependent dependent variable

derivation derivative derived curve determinant determinant rank develop developable surface diacaustic diagonal diagonalize diagonal matrix diffeomorphism difference difference ring differentiable manifold differential differential equation differential geometry differential operator differential topology differentiate dimension diophantine equation Dirac delta function direct directed directional derivative direction angle direction cosine direction number directly direct product direct sum discontinuity discontinuous discrete discriminant disjoint disk distance distribution distributive div diverge divide dividend divisibility divisible division algebra division algorithm division ring divisor


domain dominate dot product double integral


duality duality principle dual space dyad dyadic e eccentricity eigenfunction eigenvalue eigenvector element

elementary function eliminate elimination elliptic function elliptic integral embed embedding empty endomorphism end point endpoint entire function epicycle epimorphism epsilon epsilon-delta epsilon-neighborhood equality equal sign equation equivalence equivalence class equivalence relation equivalent ergodic error essential Euclidean group Euclidean space Euler's formula Euler's phi-function evaluate


even permutation everywhere-dense evolution exact exact differential excel existence theorem expand expansion expected value explement explementary angle explicit exponent exponential exponential function exponentiation expression extended complex plane extended real number system extension extension field exterior extract extrapolate extrema extremal extreme extremum F f. factor factor group factorial factorize family

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family of curves Farey sequence Fermat's last theorem Fermat's theorem Fibonacci numbers field field of quotients fifth dimension figurate number filter finer finite finite decimal finite difference finite-dimensional finite intersection property finitely additive function first axiom of countability first derivative fixed flaky


flex point flunk fluxion


formalism formula four-color problem four-dimensional Fourier analysis Fourier series Fourier transform fourth dimension fractal fraction free Frenet formula frequency frontier full linear group function functional function space fundamental sequence fuzzy set Galois theory Gaussian integer general solution generate generation generator generatrix geometric mean geometric progression geometric ratio geometric series given glb Gödel's incompleteness theorem Goldbach conjecture golden section grad. grade gradient Graeffe method Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization

graph graphic graph theory Green's theorem group groupoid half-line half-plane harmonic harmonic analysis harmonic conjugates harmonic progression harmonic series Hausdorff space heat equation Heaviside unit function Heine-Borel theorem hereditary Hermitian conjugate Hermitian matrix heuristic hexadecimal highest common factor Hilbert space hodograph Hölder condition holomorphic homeomorphism homogeneous homology homomorphic homomorphism homothetic transformation homotopy Horner's method hundred hundred's place hyperbolic hyperbolic function hyperboloid hypergeometric distribution hypergeometric equation hypergeometric function hyperplane hyperspace hypersphere i ideal ideal point idempotent identity identity element identity matrix iff image imaginary imaginary axis imaginary number imaginary part imaginary unit imbedding implicit implicit differentiation implicit function theorem improper fraction improper integral inclusion inclusion map incommensurable increasing

increment indefinite integral independence of path independent independent axiom independent variable indeterminate index set indicial equation indiscrete induced topology induction inequality inf infimum infinite infinite decimal infinite integral infinite product infinite series infinitesimal infinity inflection inflection point injection inner automorphism inner product integer integrable integral integral curve integral domain integral equation integral function integral test integrand integrate integrating factor integration integration by parts intercept interior interior mapping intermediate-value theorem interpolate interpolation intersection interval interval of convergence into intuitionism invariant inverse inverse function inverse image inversely inversion involution irrational irrational number irreducible irrotational isolated point isolated set isometry isomorphic isomorphism iterated integral iteration j

join joint Jordan arc Jordan curve Jordan curve theorem Jordan-Hölder theorem jump jump discontinuity k kernel killer knapsack problem


known quantity Kronecker delta Lagrange's method Lagrange's theorem lamellar Laplace equation Laplace transform latent root Latin square lattice Laurent series Laurent's theorem law of exponents law of large numbers law of the mean law of trichotomy leading coefficient least common denominator least common multiple. least upper bound Lebesgue integral


Legendre equation L'Hospital's rule Lie group limit limit point Lindelöf space


linear linear algebra linear combination linear differential equation linear equation linear fractional transformation linear function linear graph linearly ordered set linear manifold linear operator linear programming linear space linear transformation line integral Liouville's theorem Lipschitz condition ln locally compact space locally Euclidean space locally finite set local maximum local minimum locus

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logarithm logarithmic logarithmic function logicism logistic curve lognormal distribution long division lower bound lowest common denominator lowest common multiple lub Maclaurin series magnitude main diagonal major axis mandatory manifold mantissa many-one many-valued map mapping mathematical expectation matrix maximal ideal maximum maximum principle maximum value theorem


mean proportional mean value mean value theorem measure measure zero


member meromorphic Mersenne number


metricize metric space metric topology metrize Milne method minimum Minkowski world minor minor axis mixed Möbius transformation modular module modulo modulus monic monoid monomorphism monotone monotonic Morera's theorem multilinear form multiple multiple integral multiple-valued multiple-valued function multiplication

multiplicative axiom multiplicative group multiplicative identity multiplicative inverse multiply-connected N Napierian logarithm Napier's bones natural logarithm negative neighborhood nested


Newton's method nilpotent node nondecreasing nondense nonempty nonincreasing nonlinearity nonnegative nonpositive nonrepeating decimal nonsingular nonstandard nonterminating decimal nontrivial norm normal normal divisor normalizer normal orthogonal normal series normed space nowhere-dense n-tuple null null sequence null-space number line number theory numerical oblique coordinates octant odd odd permutation one-many onto onto function open open cover open sentence operand operation operational calculus operator optimization optimize order ordered field ordered n-tuple ordered pair ordinal number ordinary differential equation ordinary point ordinate orient origin

orthogonal orthogonalize orthogonal trajectory orthonormal oscillate oscillation osculating circle osculating plane outer automorphism outer product parallelogram law parameter parametric equation partial derivative partial differential partial differential equation partially ordered set partial ordering partial sum particular solution partition Pascal's triangle path Peano curve Peano's postulates pencil perfect perfect number perfect square period


periodic decimal periodic function permutation permute phi-function


piecewise placeholder plane angle plane geometry plane trigonometry Plateau's problem Poincaré conjecture point of inflection point set topology pointwise polar angle polar axis polar coordinates polar equation


polynomial ring positive positive definite postulate potency potential power power series power set precalculus precision predictor prime prime field prime ideal prime number

prime number theorem primitive primitive polynomial principal argument principal diagonal. principal ideal principal ideal domain principal series principal value principle of duality principle of mathematical induction probability theory problem product progression proof proper proper fraction proper function proper value proportion proportional proposition prove pseudoscalar pure imaginary number quadratic equation quadratic form quadratic formula quadratic residue quadrature quadrature of the circle quadric quantic quantity quantize quaternion quintic quotient quotient group quotient ring quotient space R rad rad. radian radical radical sign radicand radius of convergence radius of curvature radius vector radix range


rational rational form rational function rationalize rational number ratio test



real axis real line real number real part

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real variable reciprocal rectangular coordinates rectifiable recurring decimal recursion recursion formula recursive reduce reduced reducible refinement reflection reflexive region regular relation relative complement relatively prime numbers relative maximum relative minimum relative topology relaxation remainder remedial removable repeater repeating decimal repetend residual residually residue result resultant Riccati equation Riemann integral Riemann sphere Riemann-Stieltjes integral Riemann surface Riesz space right rigid motion rigorous


Rolle's theorem


root field root mean square root of unity root test


rotation rotation of axes


rounding round-off row vector rule of three run Runge-Kutta method Russell's paradox saddle point saltus sample point sample space satisfy scalar

scalar field scalar product scalar triple product Schröder-Bernstein theorem Schwarz inequality sech second axiom of countability second derivative semigroup semilogarithmic sense separable separate separation of variables separatrix sequence sequentially compact set series set set function sextic shear transformation


short division sieve of Eratosthenes sign signed number significant digits sign of aggregation similar similarity transformation Simon Legree simple simple algebraic extension simple arc simple closed curve simple extension simple group simple pole simple transcendental extension simplex simplex method simply-connected simply ordered set Simpson's rule sine sine curve singleton single-valued singular singularity singular point sinh sinusoid sinusoidal skew skew field skew-symmetric slope smooth solenoidal solitary wave soliton solution solvable space


spherical coordinates

spinor spline splitting field square square matrix square wave stable equation starlike star-shaped step function stereographic projection Stirling's formula stochastic matrix strictly decreasing function strictly increasing function strong accumulation point strong derived set subbase subcover subfield subgroup subinterval sublattice submatrix subnet subring


subset subspace subspace topology subtract subtraction subtractive sum summable summation method


superior supplementary angle supremum surd surface integral surface of revolution surjection surjective symmetrical symmetric difference symmetric function symmetric group symmetry synclastic tanh Taylor series Tchebycheff equation Tchebycheff polynomial ten tensor ten's place terminating decimal termwise ternary theorem theorem of the mean theory theory of equations tilde tiling to topological equivalence

topological group topological invariant topological space topological transformation topology torsion torsion-free group torsion group totally ordered set toughie


transcendent transcendental transcendental equation transcendental function transcendental number transfinite number transform transformation transient transition probability transitive translate translation translation of axes transpose transposed conjugate transposition trapdoor function trapezoidal rule tree tree diagram triangle inequality triangular matrix trichotomy property trig function trigonometric equation trigonometric function trigonometric series triple integral triple scalar product trivial truncate truth table Turing machine ultrafilter ultranet unary unconditional unconditional convergence uniform unimodular union unit unit circle unit element unit vector unity universe unknown upper bound V value vanish variable vary vector vector addition vector field

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vector function vector space vector sum Venn diagram vinculum void waltz wave equation weak accumulation point Weierstrass approximation theorem well-ordered set well-ordering theorem


whole whole number winding number Wronskian x x-axis y y-axis z z-axis Zeno's paradox Zermelo's axiom zero zero-divisor zero-sum game zero vector Zorn's lemma MEDICINE abasia abirritant abirritate abortive abortus acapnia achalasia acritical actinotherapy active acupressure adenology adiadochokinesia adiaphoresis adiaphoretic adjuvant aerosinusitis aftercare aftereffect afterpain air conduction airway alexipharmic algesia algetic alterative alvine ambulant ambulatory amimia ampule amusia amyelia amyxorrhea anacidity anacusis

anaesthesia analeptic analgesia analgesic anaphrodisiac anencephaly anesthesia anesthesimeter aneuria angina angor anhidrosis anhydremia anomia anonychia anorexiant anoscope antarthritic antasthmatic antatrophic antihypertensive antineoplastic antiphlogistic antipruritic antipyretic antipyrotic antiscorbutic antisudorific anuria aperient aperitive aphemia apheresis arrest arteriography Aschheim-Zondek test asepsis aspirate aspiration aspirator astasia astringent asynergy atresia atrichia audiogram audiometer audiometry audiphone auriscope auscultate auscultation autoclave ballistocardiogram ballistocardiograph ballottement balneology bant Bantingism barba barium enema barosinusitis basal abasia abirritant abirritate abortive abortus acapnia achalasia

acritical actinotherapy active acupressure adenology adiadochokinesia adiaphoresis adiaphoretic adjuvant aerosinusitis aftercare aftereffect afterpain air conduction airway alexipharmic algesia algetic alterative alvine ambulant ambulatory amimia ampule amusia amyelia amyxorrhea anacidity anacusis anaesthesia analeptic analgesia analgesic anaphrodisiac anencephaly anesthesia anesthesimeter aneuria angina angor anhidrosis anhydremia anomia anonychia anorexiant anoscope antarthritic antasthmatic antatrophic antihypertensive antineoplastic antiphlogistic antipruritic antipyretic antipyrotic antiscorbutic antisudorific anuria aperient aperitive aphemia apheresis arrest arteriography Aschheim-Zondek test asepsis aspirate aspiration aspirator astasia

astringent asynergy atresia atrichia audiogram audiometer audiometry audiphone auriscope auscultate auscultation autoclave ballistocardiogram ballistocardiograph ballottement balneology bant Bantingism barba barium enema barosinusitis basal bigeminy bind bioelectronics biokinetics biomechanics biopsy bioscopy bleb bleed blood boosting blood doping blood group blood packing blowpipe bolus bone conduction booster bougie boulimia brace brachydactylia bradycardia brain scan brain wave bromhidrosis bromidrosis bronchoscope bruit B.S.M.T. calefacient calmative cardiac cardiotonic cardioversion cast CAT cataphoresis cataplasm catharsis catheter caudal caudal anesthesia cauterant CBC celioscope celoscope cephalalgia CFT

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chelation chemical sympathectomy chemotherapy cholagogue cholecystography chronotherapy clearance clinicopathologic clonic spasm clysis clyster code coeloscope coil1 colloid collunarium collutorium collutory colonoscope comedo complement-fixation test compress conglutinant constitution contact contactant contraindicate contrast medium contrecoup coronary counterirritant counterstroke cradle crash1 cravat cribbing crib-bite crisis critical cross-match cross matching crown crymotherapy cryoscopy cryotherapy cuff1 cutis anserina cymbocephaly cynic cystometer cystoscope cystoscopy dacryorrhea dactylomegaly D and C debeak decompensation decongestive decubitus deer fly fever defervescence defibrillate defibrillator defibrinate dejection depressant depressomotor dermatherm dermatographia dermographia

dermotherm desensitization diachylon diadochokinesia diagnosis diagnostic diagnostics dialysis diaphoresis diaphoretic diaschisis diastasis diastatic diathermy Dick test digitalization digitalize diotic DNR dolorimeter dolorimetry donor drape draw drench drip dwarfism dysbarism dysfunction dysmenorrhea dyspareunia dystrophic dystrophy ecbolic echocardiograph echoencephalogram echoencephalograph ectopia ectopic pregnancy Ectrin ectrodactylism ectromelia EENT electrocardiogram electrocardiograph electrocautery electrocoagulation electrocorticogram electrocorticography electrodiagnosis electroencephalogram electroencephalograph electrohemostasis electromyogram electuary ELISA embarrassment emmenagogue encephalalgia encephalogram encephalograph endoscope enema ENT enuresis enzootic eosinophilia epicrisis2 epipastic epiphylaxis

epistasis epizootic errhine escharotic esthesiometer etherize eutocia eutrophic eutrophy evacuant evacuator eventration exfoliate exhibit exhibition expectorant external extractor extrauterine pregnancy eye drops facies fair1 faradize fastigium feeble-minded fenestration fever therapy fibroplasia fire floater fomes fremitus fulgurate fulgurating functional FVC galvanism galvanize galvanocautery galvanotherapy gastric lavage gastroscope gastroscopy gene therapy gibbed glucose tolerance test glycemia good graphomotor healing by first intention healing by second intention health professional heart murmur heat prostration hemacytometer hematology hemocytometer hemodialyzer hemostasis hemostatic hemotherapeutics hemotherapy heterologous hippus hirsutism holism homeoplasia homeotherapy hospice hydraemia

hydremia hydrophone hyperalimentation hyperbaric hyperthermia hypobaric hypophonesis hyposensitize hypostasis hypostatic hypothermia hysterogenic IFA imaging immobilize immunofluorescence assay implant implantation incised incompatible indicate indication inductothermy inertia infraction infusion inoperable inseminator in situ instillator insufflate insult intensive intention intravenous drip intubate inunction invasive iron irrigate irrigation irritable isoagglutination isolate Jarvik-7 johnin Kahn test Kenny method ketogenesis ketonemia ketonuria kibe Kline test koilonychia lapactic laryngoscope laryngoscopy laudable lavage leucopenia leukopenia lichenification lightening light therapy lipemia lithemia lithology lithuria local lochia

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logopedics lumbar puncture lunar caustic luxate lysis macrobiosis manipulate Mantoux test masculinize massotherapy mature mecometer med medevac meed melaena melena menophania metallotherapy metroscope microstethoscope miosis modality moped MRI mucopurulent murmur mydriasis myelogram myelography myosis nanism nanoid narcoma nauseant necrobiosis needle negative nerve block neurogenic neurotropic no-code noninvasive nonunion normal Northern blot OB objective obstipation obstruent occult onyx opacity operative organography orthopraxia orthopraxy regime regimen reject remedy remission renography reposition2 residual resolution resolve resolvent resonance respirator

resuscitator revulsant revulsion revulsive ridgeling roborant rowel rubefacient salivator saluretic scan scanner scatoma scatoscopy Schick test sclerotherapy secondary sex characteristic sedation segregator self-examination semiotic serious serodiagnosis seronegative seropositive seroreaction serotherapy show sialagogic sialagogue sign signature silent sinapism singultus situs inversus sodium solution somatomedin sonogram sonometer Southern blot spasmolysis spasmolytic spay1 specific sphygmic sphygmoid spinal spinal anesthesia splint spoon nail stabile Stader splint stat3 stenosed stent stethoscope stigma stimulant stimulate stimulus Stokes-Adams syndrome stoma stomach pump stress test stretcher stylet subclinical subdelirium

subluxation succuss sulfurated potash supportive surrogate mother sympathectomy sympathetectomy syndactylus synechia synergist synophthalmia tachycardia tachyphylaxis tachypnea taeniafuge take orthosis orthostatic hypotension oscillometer osmidrosis otoscope oximeter oximetry oxytocia oxytocic pacemaker pack1 palpable paracyesis parenteral parturifacient passive patch test patency pathognomonic pathognomy peloid percuss percussion percussor perfusate pessary pheresis phlebogram phlebotomy phonasthenia phonocardiogram phonocardiograph photogenic pityroid placebo plagiocephaly planigraph plasmapheresis plessor pleximeter plexor pneumatograph pneumoencephalogram pneumoencephalography pneumograph pneumography podalgia podalic pododynia pollakiuria polydipsia polypnea polyspermia ponograph

positive postmortem preantiseptic preaseptic preclinical precritical predisposition premature beat premature contraction presbycusia prescribe prescription preventive proctoclysis progestational prognose prognosis progravid progressive prophylactic prophylaxis prosect protocol pruriginous psychogalvanic psychogalvanometer pulse1 pulse rate puruloid pussy2 pyretotherapy quarter radiodiagnosis radiotherapy radiothermy reaction reactor reflexology regime regimen reject remedy remission renography reposition2 residual resolution resolve resolvent resonance respirator resuscitator revulsant revulsion revulsive ridgeling roborant rowel rubefacient salivator saluretic scan scanner scatoma scatoscopy Schick test sclerotherapy secondary sex characteristic sedation segregator

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self-examination semiotic serious serodiagnosis seronegative seropositive seroreaction serotherapy show sialagogic sialagogue sign signature silent sinapism singultus situs inversus sodium solution somatomedin sonogram sonometer Southern blot spasmolysis spasmolytic spay1 specific sphygmic sphygmoid spinal spinal anesthesia splint spoon nail stabile Stader splint stat3 stenosed stent stethoscope stigma stimulant stimulate stimulus Stokes-Adams syndrome stoma stomach pump stress test stretcher stylet subclinical subdelirium subluxation succuss sulfurated potash supportive surrogate mother sympathectomy sympathetectomy syndactylus synechia synergist synophthalmia tachycardia tachyphylaxis tachypnea taeniafuge take tamponade teniacide teniafuge

TENS tertiary care test-tube skin tetanic thermalgesia thermogram thermography thromboclasis thrombolysis thyroid titer tolerance tolerant tolerate tomogram tonic spasm topical total parenteral nutrition tourniquet TPR tracheoscopy traction transfuse transfusion transilluminate Troilus truss tuberculin twilight sleep type typhoidin ultrasound unit urethroscope urethroscopy uricacidemia urinalysis urinoscopy uroscopy uteralgia vaccinate vaccination vaccinator vaccine point vaccinization vacuum aspiration vagal block vaporization vection venepuncture venipuncture ventilate ventilator vernix caseosa verruca version virosis virulent vomiturition vomitus wafer water Weil's disease Western blot wet pack xenodiagnosis xerosis x-ray therapy METALLURGY

acicular acid air-hardening alligator alpha iron aluminothermy amalgamate amalgamation arbitration bar


assay austenite austenitize autogenous Babbitt metal bainite base bullion baseplate basic basic process. basic slag


bead bean shot


beneficiate Bessemer process beta iron bimetallic binary bismanol black copper black flux black pewter blackplate


bleed bleeder blister copper blister steel


blowhole blowing






Brinell hardness number bronze





bustle pipe button cabble


caseharden cast casting wheel

cementation cementite centrifugal casting chamotte chaplet charge cheek chlorinate cinder cinder patch cire perdue clean


cobbing collar collector


continuous casting converter



coremaker coupon craze crucible cupola damask dead deadhead dead-melt decalescence delta iron dezincification die casting doctor draft drag dross dry plate dry puddling electro-discharge machining electroform electroforming electrolytic machining feather shot ferrite fettle fettling fillet


finger gate flare flash


floss hole flotation




gamma iron


glide grain grain growth

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grain refiner green strength hard head hardness hearth heat high holding furnace home scrap homogenize hypereutectoid induction furnace ingate inoculate inversion casting invest investment investment casting inwall iron sponge kicker


kish knobble ladle larry car launder



liquate lost-wax process


magnetic concentration magnetic pulley magnetic roasting mantle martempering martensite master alloy match plate matrix


mechanical twin mesh metallide metallo- metalloid metallurgy metastable microstress microstructure misch metal misrun mixer


mold wash muck bar


nib nitriding normalize notch oddside oil-harden ore dressing



part parting parting line passivate passive patent pattern pearlite



pencil gate picker



pig bed pig boiling pimple copper


pit sample



potline pouring box precision casting prime promoter puddle puddling purge quaternary



recalescence recarburize recrystallize red-short reduce reguline regulus reladle residual stress resistance thermometer rim ring gate riser roast Rockwell number rod roke rosette roughing mill runner salamander


scab scaffold


scavenge scoria scorification

Scotch furnace





shell sherardize


siliconized sinter


sketch skim skimming skin




soak soft


speiss sponge sprig


stock strickle sweat taphole temper temper color tempered ternary


tin touch tough pitch transformation point transformation range trompe tundish tuyère undercool Vickers number water-harden wet puddling wild worm METEOROLOGY advection advection fog aerogram aerograph airshed albedo allobaric altocumulus altostratus anabatic anemology anemometer anemometry

anemoscope aneroid barograph aneroid capsule anomaly anticyclogenesis anticyclolysis anticyclone antimonsoon anvil Arc of Lowitz arcus atmospheric inversion atmospheric pressure atmospheric tide Aurora aurora australis aurora borealis Azores high baroclinity barogram barometer barometric gradient barothermograph barothermohygrograph barotropy Bermuda high billow cloud biofog Bishop's ring blink blizzard blue flash.



brave west winds broken bull's-eye Buys-Ballot's law calm calvus castellanus castellatus ceiling chill factor cirrus cloudage cloud banner cloud cap col cold wave condensation condensation nucleus convection convective activity convergence corona cup barometer cyclogenesis cyclolysis cyclonic cyclostrophic deck deepen depression detrain diffusion disturbance dog drainage wind

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drizzle dropsonde dry fog dry freeze duplicatus emagram


evapotranspiration extended forecast eye


fall wind Fata Morgana fibratus filosus floccus flyoff flyoff föhn fractus freeze fresh fresh breeze fresh gale front frontal frontogenesis frontolysis frost smoke


gale warning gentle breeze halo Hawaiian high heliograph H.I. high hurricane warning ice crystals ice needles ice pellets icing in. Hg


instability line intortus inversion isabnormal isallobar isallotherm isanomal isoabnormal isobar isobaric isobront isoceraunic isochasm isodrosotherm isogradient isogram isohel isohume isohyet isoline isoneph isostere isosteric

isotach isotherm isothermal isotimic katabatic kytoon lapse lapse rate


light air light breeze lithometeor



mediocris mesocyclone mesopause meteorogram microbarogram microbarograph microburst nebulosus noctilucent northeaster Ns nucleus ob. occlude occluded front occlusion opacus overcast oxidant smog ozone layer pannus paraselene parhelic circle parhelion particulate perlucidus photochemical smog pibal pileus polar front polar outbreak potometer praecipitatio precipitate precipitation pressure pressure altimeter pressure altitude pressure center pressure gradient prognostic chart pumping rabal radiatus radiosonde rain shadow raob reseau RH rocketsonde roll cloud Santa Ana saturation scattered

scintillation serein Siberian high skylight small craft advisory smogbound snow snowflake solenoid


sounding balloon special marine warning spissatus squall line stationary front steam fog storm storm warning storm watch stratiform stratiformis stratopause strong breeze strong gale subtropical high surface boundary layer surge temperature gradient temperature inversion thermal thunderhead


translucidus transmissometer tropical disturbance tropical storm tropopause troposphere trough tuba turbulence undercast undulatus upper air upper atmosphere variable velum vertebratus violent storm virga visibility visual range warm front warm sector warning watch wave cyclone weather balloon wedge whiteout whole gale windchill factor wiresonde woolpack zero zero-zero MILITARY

abort about-face absent without leave acquire active active duty adamsite adjust adjutant advance aerial mine aid station airborne airborne command post aircav air-launched cruise missile Alfa anchor antiballistic antimissile antipersonnel antitank Apache approach assault assembly assign A Team attach attention B- bad conduct discharge balisage






basic basic training bastard culverin battalion battery battle group battle jacket battle star battle station bazooka BCD bde beehive round belt


bird colonel black blister blitz blitz can blockhouse BMEWS






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bomb bombardier bomb bay bomber bombsight booster BOQ brace briefing brigadier




burp gun burst butterfly bomb buzz bomb C- cadre campaign campaign medal


capt. carry light casualty cavalry CB cease-fire centurion


challenge chamade change Charley Charlie chicken colonel chieftain chief warrant officer chloropicrin cinquecento circular error circular mil citation


claymore mine close-order drill Coast Guard


combat Combat Infantryman Badge combat team combat zone command command car company concentration confinement consolidate copperhead


corporal's guard corps corsair counterattack countercharge

countermine counteroffensive countersign cover CQ CWO daisy-cutter D-day deflection delaying action Delta demonstrate deploy depot detach detail director discharge disengage dishonorable discharge dispersion Distinguished Conduct Medal Distinguished Flying Cross Distinguished Service Medal Distinguished Service Order dive bombing diversion division dog biscuit double dragonfly dressing station drift


drillmaster dry run duecento dummy dump duster dustoff duty early-warning system earthwork ease enfilade ensign enterprise envelop envelopment étape evacuate expendable expert eyes left eyes right F- falcon fatigue field field hospital field officer field-strip fighter fighter-bomber fighter-interceptor


firebase fire control

firing line first lieutenant flag of truce flank flanker fléchette flying column F.O. forage cap forced march form formation fractionation front furlough GCI GCR Gen. general general discharge general officer general orders general quarters general staff GHQ gold Good Conduct Medal grasshopper grenade launcher grommet gromwell


ground alert group guardhouse lawyer guide guide center guide left guide right guidon gunfire gunner gunpaper half step half-track hard harden HARM harpoon


Hawk heavy hedgehog hellfire helmet liner highball high-level


honorable discharge


horned scully Horsa hose hostile hotel hound dog hurricane

hut I.D. IFF igloo inactive incendiary infiltration installation integrated fire control interception interceptor irregular jerry can Joint Chiefs of Staff judge advocate judge advocate general Juno Jupiter kitchen police knife rest K.P. kriegie L-


lance corporal lance sergeant landing force land mine Legion of Merit leopard lieutenant lieutenant colonel lieutenant general


light artillery light bomber light colonel light machine gun lights out



line of battle line of site listening post lodgment Long Beach loss Lt. Inf. M- manta mantelet mantlet manual marching orders march-order


market garden marksman matériel Matilda M-day mechanize medium artillery medium bomber mess call meteor M.I.A.

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Mike-Mike mildew mile


millet milline Mills grenade milpa minefield mirage mission mobile Mohawk


morning gun mosquito mouldy mounted movement MRV MTO MTP multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle multiple reentry vehicle Munroe effect musketry NC neutralize noncommissioned officer NWC nylon letdown oblique obliquely observation post OCS officer of the day officer of the guard Omaha open order operate operation operational orderly orderly officer Orion Oscar over overseas cap P- panther parade rest


park parole particle beam




patriot patrol payload penetration aid pentomic pentomic perimeter per mill

Pershing personal staff Pfc. phalanx Phoenix picket piece pineapple PIO platform plotting board ploy plunging fire point pointer police pontonier



Poseidon present arms preventive war prolonge provost sergeant PT boat pull pursuit plane pyrotechnics qualify quarter quartermaster Quartermaster Corps quartermaster general quattrocento quick time radar picket raid raise rapid fire rapid-fire Rct RDB reconnaissance recover redeploy redeye


regiment register regroup regular replacement report reserve retirement retreat retrench return re-up RIF rifle grenade right about face right face RJ roadguard rocket launcher run sabot

salute sand table


scramble scrambled eggs screen


search second lieutenant section sector


service cap service medal service stripe service uniform seventy-five Sfc shaped charge sharpshooter shellfire Sherman shock troops short shoulder shrapnel shrike sick call shock troops short shoulder shrapnel shrike sick call side arm silence silo skip-bomb skirmish


smart bomb soft soup kitchen sparrow special court-martial special orders special staff Spencer spot spotter square stabilizer stack


staff officer staff section standard stand-down standing operating procedure standing order star static line station stealth



stockade storm troops strategic strike striper subaltern Subroc summary court-martial Superfortress superharden


survival kit sword T- tactical unit tactical wire


tallboy tank taps task force


territorial TFX time Titan


top kick top sergeant tornado trail train triad trident triphibian troop trou-de-loup trp tub turn turret typhoon ultra undesirable discharge undress uniform unit unmask upstairs Utah vertical envelopment Victor Victor Charlie viper volunteer Vulcan WAAC wagon soldier walleye war game weaponeer weapons carrier wedge wheel whiz-bang WIA window wings

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Yankee ZI zone of fire MUSIC

A absolute music absolute pitch abstract music. a cappella a capriccio accelerando accent acciaccatura accidental accolade accompaniment accompanist accompany accordatura accordion achromatic acoustic acoustical cloud adagio ad lib ad-lib ad libitum a due Aeolian mode aerial aerobic dancing aesthete aestheticism


affettuoso agitato agogic agogics à gogo agon agrément


air varié Alberti bass aleatory al fine alla breve alla marcia allargando allegretto allegro allemande allergic all' ottava alt altered chord altissimo alto alto clef A.Mus. anacrusis andamento andante andantino anim. animato anodyne answer anthem anticipation appassionato appoggiatura

a punta d'arco aquacade arco arietta arioso arpeggiate arpeggio arrange arrangement Ars Antiqua arsis Ars Nova


artificial harmonics ascend


aswirl a tempo atonal atonalism atonality attacca aubade augment augmentation augmented sixth auxiliary tone ayre B backbeat ballad ballade ballata ballet ballet suite B.A.M. B.A.Mus.Ed.





barcarole barit. baritone baritone clef bar line Bartokian




bass clef basso basso cantante basso continuo bass staff baton battery battuta Bayreuth bc beat Beaux-Arts Beggar's Opera, The beguine bel canto

berceuse bergamasca Bes B.F.A.Mus. bitonal bitonality blockflöte bluegrass B.M. B.M.E. B.M.Ed. B.Mus. bolero bone boogie book


bossa nova bouffe bourdon bourrée



bow hand bowing brace branle brass brass band bravura break breve


broken chord B.Sch.Music B.S.M. B.S.M.E. buffo bugaku


Burney Byzantine chant C cabaret cachucha cacophony cadence cadenza cakewalk calando




cantabile cantata canticum cantus firmus capriccio capriccioso caprice carioca cassation catch catharsis cavatina

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C clef Cecilia cembalo cerebral cf. chalumeau chamber chamber concert chamber music chance music


chantant character piece


chef-d'oeuvre chest of viols chest register



chorale chorale prelude chordal chord of the sixth chorus chromatic chromaticism chromatic scale chromatic sign church mode classical clausula


clef close close harmony close position coda coll' arco college collegium musicum col legno color coloratura combinatorial comma common time compact disk complement composer composition


compound interval compound time conceive concert concertante concerted concertino concerto concert pitch concord con dolore conductor con espressione conga conjunct

connect conservatoire conservatory consonance consonant con sordino consort con spirito continuo contrabass contrabasso contralto contraoctave contrapuntal contrary motion contredanse


cornet Corybant cotillion counterpoint countersubject countertenor country country-and-western country music country rock country singer couplet courante cover c.p.m. crab canon cres. crescendo crossover crotchet crwth curtain cut time D damp damper damper pedal dance danceable dance band Daphnis and Chloe D.C. dead dead march death metal dec. deceptive cadence declamation decresc. decrescendo dedicate dedication degree De Koven delicious demiquaver demisemiquaver demythologize depress descant descendant desk

develop development


Diabelli diapason diapason normal pitch diatonic dictation diminish diminuendo diminution direction dirge discant disc jockey. disco discord discotheque disjunct dissonance dissonant distance distract ditty div divertimento divertissement divisi division D. Mus.



Dobro dol. dolce dominant doo-wop Dorian mode


double double bar double counterpoint double flat double fugue double-reed double sharp double stop double-stop double-tongue downbeat down-bow


D.S. D.S.M.



dudelsack duo duple duple time dur DVD E


ear candy


échappée eighth eighth note eighth rest eight-track tape Elizabethan embellishment embouchure emerita enchantment enharmonic ensemble entr'acte


episode equal temperament espressivo ethnomusicology Euterpe execute execution exposition Expressionism exquisite extemporize F f fa face fade fade-in fade-out fado


fandango fantasia fantasist fantasy fanzine farandole fashion fauxbourdon F clef feathering feeling fermata festival few ff fi fifteenth fifth figuration figure figured figured bass filmi final


finger fingering fioritura fipple fipple flute fire Firebird, The

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first fixed-do system





Folies Bergère folk dance folkie folkish folkloric folk mass folk music folknik folk rock foot formalism formant



forte-piano fortepiano fortissimo forzando four-handed fourth fp f.p. French pitch


fugal fugato fugue


fundamental fundamental bass


furioso fusion futurism G gagaku galop gamut gangsta rap gavotte gay G clef genius genre Gesamtkunstwerk get gigue gimcrackery gimel giocoso Glanville-Hicks glee club glide glissando go-go goombay gospel gospel music gothic

grace grace note gradual


grand Grand Ole Opry grand opera




Gregorian mode


ground bass group grunge guaracha Guido d'Arezzo gymel gypsy scale H habanera half cadence half note half rest half step half tone hall handiwork harmonic harmonic minor scale harmonics harmonic tone harmonize harmony haunting Hawaiian guitar head arrangement heavy-footed heavy metal hemidemisemiquaver hemiola heroic tenor heterophony hexachord high high-hat cymbals high-pitched hillbilly music hip-hop hoedown


homophonic homophony honky-tonk


horn hornpipe hot house music hummable Huneker hunting horn hypoaeolian mode hypodorian mode hypoionian mode hypolydian mode

hypomixolydian mode hypophrygian mode hyporchema -ic idea idiom idiot savant idyll imitation imperfect impressionist improvise incapable incendiary incidental music incipit innomine instrumental instrumentation intercultural interlude intermedia international pitch interpret interpretation interpretive interval intone invention inversion invert inverted mordent invertible counterpoint Ionian mode isorhythm isotonic istesso tempo, l' Janissary music jazz jazzercise jazz-rock jazzy


jingle jingling Johnny jive jota jubilus jug band juke joint just intonation K kabuki karaoke




keyed keynote key signature klezmer K.V.


labial laid-back lambada Lambeth degree

lancers Landini cadence ländler languette largando large larghetto largo leader leading tone


ledger line legato leger line leitmotif Lenox lentamente lentando lentissimo lento lesson


liberal arts ligature light show



lip listenable listenership


longa longhair loud pedal loudspeaker love lover



Low Mass low pitch


luxurious Lydian Lydian mode M m M. madrigal Maecenas maestro magic mainstream major major key major mode major scale major triad manual


mariachi marriage martelé martial

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masscult mazurka Md meantone system measure mechanism medley Meistersinger melisma melodic minor scale melodrama melody meno meno mosso mensural music merengue merry-go-round metalhead


metronome metropolis mezzo forte mezzo piano mezzo-soprano mezzo-soprano clef mf. Mg mi mickey mouse middle C middle-of-the-road MIDI minim minimal art minimalism minimalist minor minor key minor mode minor triad minuet mirror mirth missa cantata misterioso mix mixolydian mode mm. M.M. M.M.E. M.Mus. M.Mus.Ed. mod. modal


moderato modern modulate modulation moll molto monodic monody monophonic


mood music Moog synthesizer morceau

mordant mordent mosso motet motion motive motoric movable-do system movement mp M.S.M. MTV mus. Mus.B. Mus.D. Muse music musica ficta musical musical box musical chairs musicale music box musician musicianship music of the spheres musicology music stand musique concrète Mus.M. Muzak m.v. natural natural harmonics Nazi neoclassic New Age New Orleans style new wave nightclub ninth ninth chord nocturne nonet nonharmonic tone non troppo nonuple Norma norteña note note row notturno number number opera nut nuts obbligato oblique motion oboe d'amour octave octuplet odeum offbeat offertory one-step oompah open open position


operatic optical disk orchestra orchestrate Orfeo ed Euridice Orff organum ornament Orpheus Orphic ostinato Otello ottava outlaw out-of-stater overdub overstring overtone overture p p. pair skating Panathenaea pantomime pantonal pantonality parallel parlando Parsifal part partial partial tone partita part music passacaglia passagework passing modulation passing note passion pastoral pastorale pathos pause pavane pavillon pedal pedal point peg pennant pentatonic scale pentatonism percussion perfect perfect cadence perform performance performance art period p.f. philharmonic philharmonic pitch phrase phrasing Phrygian mode physicalize pianissimo


piano bar piano quartet

piano reduction pibroch Picardy third







più pizz. pizzicato plagal plagal cadence plainsong play plica poco poco a poco polka polonaise Polyhymnia polyphonic polyphony polyrhythm polytonal polytonality


pop concert pops popular popular song Porgy and Bess portamento position postlude ppp pralltriller precentor prelude preparation prepare prerecord presto prick song prime primo principal processional proficiency program programmatic program music progression prolation prosody psalmody publication Pulitzer Prize punk rock pure put Pythagorean scale qawwali



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quadruple quadruplet quadruple time quantity quarter note quarter rest quarter tone quaver quickstep quintuple quintuplet quodlibet race music radio


raga ragtime rai R.A.M. range


rap music rapper rasa



realization realize recapitulate recapitulation recessional recit. recital


recitativo reed reed instrument



reggae register registration related relative major relative minor relative pitch release


rendition rent party repeat repercussion repetend reprise rerecording resolution resolve


retardation retrograde reverie rhapsody rhythm rhythm-and-blues

rhythm section ricercar ricky-tick ridotto rigadoon Rigoletto Ring of the Nibelung, The ripieno rit. ritardando ritornello


rockabilly rocker rock-'n'-roll rock steady rockumentary rococo Rodgers Rolland



romantic rondo


root position






rubato rumba run S sacred salon music salsa saltando saltarello saraband sardana SATB sautillé


scene scherzo Schirmer schmaltz Sch.Mus.B. schottische scordatura score


secondary seventh chord secondo secular segno seguidilla semibreve semiclassical semiquaver semitone sensuous

sentence sentiment Senufo septuplet sequence serenade serenata serial set set piece setting seventh seventh chord sextet sextuple sextuplet sf sforzando shake shank sharp sheet music shift shrill si siciliano sight-read signature simple simple interval simple time sinfonia sixteenth sixteenth note sixteenth rest sixth sixth chord sixty-fourth note sixty-fourth rest ska




slide slur S.M.B. S.M.D. S.M.M. smooth smorzando snake charmer


soca soft


solemn sol-fa solfège solfeggio solmization solo sonata sonatina song songbook songwriter sophisticated

soprano soprano clef sordino sostenuto sostenuto pedal soukous soul soul music


sound-and-light sound-and-light show sound effect soundtrack sound truck sour sourdine space speaker speed metal


spiccato stacc. staccato mark


stave steel band steel drum


step stepwise stomp stop str.


strathspey stretta stretto strike string stringendo string quartet striptease strophic study subdominant submediant subprincipal subsidiary suggest suite superdominant supertonic surfing music suspend suspension


sweet swell



symmetry symphonette symphonic symphonic poem symphony

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synchronized swimming syncopate syncopation synthesizer synthpop taber tablature table tacet tactus


Tallis tambour tambourin tango tanto tape-record tape recording tarantella taste Taylor te technician techno teenybopper Tejano telharmonium telltale temperament tempered


tempo ten. tenor tenor clef tenth tenuto tercet tetrachord Tex-Mex theme theory thesis thick register thin register third third stream thirty-second note thirty-second rest Thomson thorough bass three-quarter time through-composed


tie timbre time timekeeper timeless time signature tin ear Tin Pan Alley title to toccata tonal tonalist tonality

tone tone cluster tone color tone painting tone poem tone row tonguing tonic


Tovey toy tr. transcribe transcription transient modulation transition transported transpose treble treble clef treble staff tremolo triad


triple counterpoint triple fugue triple measure triplet triple time triple-tongue triplex Tristan und Isolde tritone


trumpet tuba tuneless tunesmith turn tutti tutto twang tweedle twelve-tone twelve-tone technique two-part time two-step Tzigane U, u u.c. ukulele unaccompanied underscore underwrite universal language unmusical untouched upbeat upper partial tone up-tempo ut value variation vary verse verset vibrato video

video jockey video record. viola clef violin clef vite Vitry vocal voice voice part volante volta volti voluntary waft Wagnerian wah-wah wail wait waltz warmer-upper water wean weave whole note whole rest whole step whole-tone scale wile windway wolf


Woodstock word world beat yé-yé zouk zydeco NAUTICAL

AB A.B. aback abaft abeam aboardage about about-ship accident boat admeasure affirmative flag


after afterbody afterdeck afterguard aftermost afternoon watch afterpeak aftmost ahold ahoy ahull


alee alist all aloft alongships


anchor ball anchor bed anchor deck anchor light anchor pocket anchor shot anchor watch answer answering pennant antifouling antifouling paint apeak aport apostle apparel apron aquanaut arcform


arch board ark


articles of agreement astarboard astronaut athwart athwartships atrip atry auxiliary avast awash aweather aweigh awning deck


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back anchor backbone


backwash backwind bagpipe balanced rudder balance lug baldheaded bale cubic ballast ballast line balloon sail


barkentine barrel bateau batteau



beach beaconage beak beam beam-ends beam reach beam sea beam wind


beat becket becket bend


bee block belay belaying pin


bell book bell buoy belowdecks


Bermuda cutter berth berthage beset between-deck bibb bilge bilge board bilge keel bilge pump bilge water bilge well bilgy





bireme bitt bitter end blanket block mast

bluenose blue peter


board boatage boat deck bobstay body body post


bold bollard bolster boltrope bombard bomb ketch bonaventure bonnet booby hatch


boomkin boottopping borrow






bowgrace bowline




boxhaul box keel boy brace brail branch brave west winds break



breast breast line breech breeches buoy


bridge deck bridge house bridle brig brigantine brightwork brigsail bring broach broad broad reach bugeye builder's knot built

built-up mast bulb bulb keel bulker bulkhead bulkhead deck


bull-nosed bow bull rope bull's-eye bulwark bumboat


bunker bunkerage bunker oil


buntline buoy buoyage




bury buttock cable caisson camel canvas



Cape Horn fever cap jib carack careen carling carry casing cast cat catch cat-harpin cathead cat rig cat's-paw cat tackle centerboard certificate of admeasurement certificate of registry chain chain locker chain plate chainsman chain wale


chapel chart house chart room chebeck


check line cheek chesstree chief mate


chip log chock chockablock clamp


clean clear clearance cleat clew clinch clipper clipper bow clipper-built close close-hauled close reach close-reefed cloth club clubfoot coach coasting lead cockleshell code flag codline cofferdam come


companion ladder companionway compartmentation compass course composite



contra-guide rudder cosmonaut





crack cradle crance iron crane





cringle cross crosshead crossjack cross sea crosstree crotch


crowfoot crown crow's-nest

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crutch cuckold's knot


cut cutter cutwater cycloidal propulsion daggerboard dasher block deadeye deadlight deadman deadrise dead slow deadweight tonnage deadwood deck deck gang deck hand deckhead deck hook deckhouse deck light deck load deck log deck officer deep deep floor deperm derelict devil


dispatch boat displacement displacement hull displacement ton displacement tonnage distress gun docking bridge docking keel dockmaster document dodger dog curtain dogvane dogwatch dolphin donkey topsail dory skiff double double-bank double-ended double ender double paddle doubling douse


downhaul draft draft mark drag drag sail draw drift drift angle drift lead driver driving sail

drop drop keel drop rudder duct keel dumb dumb sheave Dutchman's log earing ease easting down east-northeast east-southeast easy eat emergency boat enroll


escutcheon euphroe evening watch eye eyebrow face





fall fantail


feazing feeler fence fender


fid fiddle fiddle bow fiddlehead fife rail figurehead fill



fin keel fireroom fish fish tackle five-legged



flat knot flatten


float floor flush-decked


fly block flybridge flying flying bridge

flying gangway flying jib flying jib boom flying kite flying moor fo'c's'le fogbound foot footrope


fore-and-aft fore-and-after fore-and-aft rig forebody forecastle forecastle deck forecastle head foredeck forefoot foreigner foremast forenoon watch forepeak foresail foresheet forestaysail foretop fore-topgallant foretopman fore-topmast fore-topsail foul four-legged four-masted four-masted brig frame frap free freeboard freeboard deck freeboard length freeing port free reach free reaching freshen full speed furl futtock futtock band futtock shroud


gaff-rigged gaff sail gaff topsail galiot galleass gallery galley gallows


gangboard gangway gantline garboard strake garland gasket gather gauge

gear genoa


gilguy gimlet girtline glory hole


gollywobbler gong buoy good gooseneck goosewing goosewinged goring grab rope


grapeline grapple shot


graveyard watch graving dock graving piece green sea gripe grommet gross ton gross tonnage


ground cable ground log ground tackle grow




gun tackle gunter gunwale gybe gypsy capstan gypsyhead gypsy winch


hand hand log hang hank hard


hatchway haul hawse hawsehole hawsepipe hawser


head headroom headsail head sea headsheet heave

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heeling tank


high hike hog hoist





horn timber horse


hounding house houseline



hydrofoil hydronaut icebox icebreaker ice dock ice drag idler inhaul inner jib International Orange inwale Irish pennant iron iron-sick


jackass bark jackass brig jackass gunter jackass rig jack block jack crosstree jack ladder jack rod jack rope jackstay jackyard Jacob's ladder






jewel block



jib boom



jiggermast jolly jumper

journal jumbo




jury-rig kedge


keelhaul keelson kelson kentledge ketch kettle-bottom




knight knighthead knock knockabout knockdown


knuckle Kort nozzle lacing ladder land lane lanyard lapstrake larboard large lash rail


lay-by lay day lazaretto lazy guy




lead block leader leader block leader cable leading block leading wind lead line





leech line leech rope lee gauge leeward leeway leg length between perpendiculars length over all


life arrow lift lift bolt lifting sail


light displacement light draft light line light weight


limber hole


lipper lizard load displacement load line load-line mark locker lofty


log chip logging log reel log ship longboat long topgallant mast


look loose loose-footed lower deck lower hold lower mast lubber's hole lubber's knot luff luff on luff luff tackle lug foresail lugger lugger topsail lug-rigged lugsail lute stern made mast mail flag


main body main brace main course main deck mainmast mainsail mainsheet mainstay maintop main-topgallant main-topgallantmast main-topmast main-topsail main-topsail schooner main yard



mammy chair manavelins manger manrope Marconi mast Marconi rig margin line margin plank



marline marlinespike


martingale martnet


mast ball mast band mast bed mast clamp mast cloth mast hasp masthead mast house masting


mend messenger middle middle ground middle watch midwatch miter mitered jib mizzen mizzenmast monitor monkey block monkey bridge monkey island monkey tail monobuoy monoplane moonraker mooring buoy mooring rack mooring screw morning watch mortar ketch motor sailer mouse mousing mud berth


multistep hydroplane mushroom anchor muzzle muzzler nail-sick nautophone navigable semicircle neaped near


net ton

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New Haven stem


nipper nock northeast northeaster northeasterly northeastward northeastwards north-northeast north-northeastward north-northwest north-northwestward northward northwest northwester northwesterly northwestward northwestwards nose ender


oars odograph off officer of the watch offshore dock on open orlop otter board out outdrive outfit outhaul outpoint overbear overhaul overrake overreach overrun overstand



paper parcel parceling parcel tanker parrel part partner patent log





pendant pennant permeability perpendicular pillar pilot flag pilothouse pilot ladder pilot signal pilot station

pilot waters pin pinch pink stern pin rail pinwheeling


plain sail planing hull platform Plimsoll line Plimsoll mark pocket point point of departure point of sailing


pole mast


poop cabin poppet port captain powder flag prayer book press of sail preventer pudding pusher put quadrantal corrector quarantine flag quarter quarterdeck quartering







range rap full ratline


rave hook reach reaching jib red flag



reef knot


register tonnage reserve buoyancy


ribbon ride riding sail rig ringsail ringtail rise

riser rising


road roadstead roband rope rotator rotten ice




rowlock royal royal mast rudder rudderhead rudderpost rudderstock rule of the road run running running gaff running rigging safety car sag sail salt horse salt junk samson post save-all scandalize scantling scend schooner scouse screw anchor screw log screw mooring scrollhead




scuttlebutt sea anchor sea chest seacock seakindly sea lawyer secure seize seizing






shade deck shaft alley shaking shanghai shape



sheet anchor shell shelter deck ship shipentine shipping articles ship-rigged








sidewheel single buoy mooring single point mooring skeg skid skin skipjack skysail





slipway slush fund small stuff snatch snatch block snug


southeast southeaster southeasterly southeastward southeastwardly south-southeast south-southeastward south-southwest south-southwestward southward southwardly southwest southwester southwesterly southwestward southwestwardly Spanish burton spanker


spar deck speak


spider band


spinnaker splashboard splice

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spoon bow spreader spring spring line sprit spritsail spun yarn square square-rigged square sail squat stabilizer stand standing standing rigging


staysail steady steerageway



stemson step stern drive stern-drive sternforemost sternmost sternpost stern sheets sternway sternwheel


stiff stirrup stock stop stow strake strap stream strike strop studdingsail suit sun sunk superstructure surge


swamp sway


tackle taffrail


TBS telegraph



texas texas deck thimble thrash three-master






timber timberhead tonnage deck


topgallant forecastle topgallant mast topgallant sail tophamper topman topmast topping lift topsail topside top timber trailboard trampoline transom transverse traveler traverse trestletree triatic stay




tripping line


trunk truss try trysail trysail mast tub


tumble home turn


'tween deck twin-screw two-master typhon ultralarge crude carrier unbend under underbody underrun undersparred unreeve unrove unsling up upper deck vang variable-pitch



waft waif



warp washboard watch water line waterway plank


wear weather weatherboard weather gauge weatherly weather tide web frame




Western Ocean west-northwest west-northwestward west-southwest west-southwestward wet dock whaleback wheel whisker whistling buoy whiteline white squall wigwag wildcat windage windrode wind sail wing wing and wing wire work worm




yellow flag



accommodation achromate adaptation amblyopia ametropia angle-closure glaucoma aniseikonia anisocoria anopia aphakia arcus senilis asthenopia astigmatic astigmatism astigmatoscope astigmatoscopy astigmometer astigmoscope axanthopsia binocular fusion


campimeter cataract chalazion choroid coat choroiditis circumocular color-blind conjunctivitis convergence corneal reflex cryolathe dark adaptation deuteranopia dextrocular dichromatism diopsimeter dioptometer dioptric diplopia discission divergence dysadaptation electrooculogram electroretinogram electroretinograph emmetropia esotropia exotropia eye chart far-point


fovea centralis fusion glaucoma haplopia hemeralopia hemianopsia hemiopia hemiscotosis heterophoria horopter hyperopia hypopyon intraocular lens iridopupillary iritis Ishihara test isometropia

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keratoconjunctivitis keratometer keratoscope lamella latent strabismus light adaptation line of sight line of vision macropsia macula macular degeneration megalopsia meropia micropsia monochromatic monochromatism monovision lenses musca volitans myopic narrow-angle glaucoma near-point night blindness noncorrecting nyctalopia open-angle glaucoma ophthalmia ophthalmic ophthalmitis ophthalmo- optotype orthokeratology orthoptic orthoscope orthoscopic perimeter photogene photopia Plácido's disk presbyopia protanomaly protanopia radial keratotomy range of accommodation refraction retinitis pigmentosa retinopathy retinoscope retinoscopy saccade scotopia sideroscope sinistrocular skiascope squint strabismus


sympathetic ophthalmia sympathizer


trachoma trichromatic trichromatism tritanopia twenty-twenty vergence visual acuity xerophthalmia yellow spot

OPTICS Abbe condenser Abbe number aberration absolute index of refraction absorptance absorption coefficient achromatic achromaticity achromatic lens achromatic prism achromatism acoustooptics adaptive optics afocal Airy disc Amici prism anaclastic anaglyph anaglyphoscope analyzer anamorphic anamorphic lens anastigmat anastigmatic angle of deviation angle of incidence angle of polarization angle of refraction angle of view angular dispersion angular magnification anomalous Zeeman effect antireflection coating apertometer aperture aperture ratio aplanatic apochromatic apostilb apparent candlepower arthroscope aspherical astigmatism astigmatizer autocollimation autocollimator barrel distortion beam splitter bifocal biprism birefringence


borescope Brewster's law brightness brilliance bull's-eye c c c. candela candle candlepower catacaustic catadioptric catoptrics caustic caustic curve caustic surface

chromatic aberration chromaticity chrominance circle of least confusion circular dichroism circular light circular polarization coherence coherent collimator colonoscope color temperature


comatic comparison microscope concavo-convex condenser conoscope converging lens convexo-concave correcting plate corrector plate cosine law critical angle Crookes radiometer cross wires crown lens curvature of field cyanometer D dark-field definition deflection depth of field Descartes' law deviation dextro dextrorotatory diacaustic diffuse diopter dioptric dioptrics direct-vision prism direct-vision spectroscope disperse dispersion dispersive power distortion diverging lens double refraction doublet Dove prism dynameter element ellipsometer elliptical light emittance entrance pupil epidiascope episcope erect erecting prism etalon exit pupil extinction extraordinary ray eye lens eye point

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f Fermat's principle fiber fiber bundle fiberoptic fiber optics fiberscope field field lens field of view field stop figure flare flint glass f-number focal length focal plane focal point focal ratio focometer focus foot-candle foot-lambert Fresnel biprism Fresnel lens Fresnel mirrors fringe Gaussian image geometrical optics ghost graticule ground glass Haidinger fringes half-wave plate Hefner candle heteroptics hologram


Huygens eyepiece Huygens principle illuminance illumination immersion objective incidence index index of refraction interferogram interferometer international candle inverse square law iris iris diaphragm irradiation isochromatic Kellner eyepiece l- lambert Lambert's law lase lasing lateral magnification law of Malus levorotatory lidar light pipe limit of resolution linear polarization lm lm-hr

lumen lumen-hour luminance luminosity luminous emittance luminous flux luminous intensity lux lx magnetic rotation magnetooptics Malus' law meniscus micrograph microphotometer microspectrophotometer Mie scattering millilambert millilux mirror moiré effect monochromatic monochromator n negative lens Newton's rings Nicol prism nodal point node normal magnification normal Zeeman effect nu-value object object glass objective objective lens object lens ocular oil-immersion objective opt. optical optical fiber optical glass optical pumping optician opticist ordinary ray paraxial parfocal periscopic ph phot photometer photopolarimeter physical optics pincushion distortion plane of incidence plane polarization plano-concave plano-convex pleoptics point source polarimeter polariscope polarization polarizer polarizing angle Porro prism positive lens power

primary color principal axis principal focus principal plane principal point prism prism binocular prism diopter prism spectrometer purity quantum optics quarter-wave plate radiant emittance Raman effect Ramsden eyepiece


Rayleigh scattering


reflectance reflection reflectometer refractive index refractometer relative aperture relative dispersion relative index of refraction resolution resolve resolving power reticle reticule retrodirective reversing prism roof prism rotating prism SEM simple Snell's law spectral line spectrometer spectropolarimeter spectropolariscope spectroradiometer spectroscope specular stereopticon stigmatic stigmatism stilb strong torque total internal reflection total reflection transverse magnification trifocal triplet virtual waveguide wedge Zeeman effect zone plate ORNITHOLOGY

aftershaft alternate plumage anisodactylous apterium auricular axilla axillar axillary


barbicel barred barrel basic plumage bastard wing booted brachypterous brevipennate brevirostrate bursa of Fabricius carpometacarpal carpometacarpus cast cerate cerated


conirostral contour feather covert creeper crissum cubital definitive plumage dentirostral dertrum dipper eclipse plumage emberizine emerald estrildid filament filoplume fin-footed fissirostral


flight feather fourchette frontlet gruiform hard-bill hermit heterodactylous juvenal plumage juvenile keat lamellirostral lappet lobate mango mantle metagnathous native companion nuptial plumage ornithic ornithine ornithischian ornitho- ornithoid ornithosis

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pamprodactylous pastor pellet


penguin penna pileated pinfeather pinnatiped pin-tailed plumule podotheca prealternate molt prebasic molt primary pteryla pygostyle rachis rectrix remex




screamer secondary shoulder shoveler siege




suboscine supplemental plumage surf scoter swamphen synsacrum syringeal syrinx tarsometatarsus tectrix tertial tertiary tibiotarsus totipalmate


uncinate process uropygial uropygial gland uropygium vane vexillum web wing coverts wing formula wire PATHOLOGY

abetalipoproteinemia abiotrophy abortive abscess absence seizure acanthocyte acardia acariasis acetonemia acetonuria acholia achondroplasia achromatopsia acidosis acleistocardia acne acnegenic acnemia acne rosacea acrocephaly acrocyanosis acromegaly acromicria acropathy acrotism actinobacillosis actinodermatitis actinomycosis acute anterior poliomyelitis Adams-Stokes syndrome Addison's disease adenitis adenocarcinoma adenoiditis adenoma adenopathy adenosarcoma adenosis adephagia adhesion adult respiratory distress syndrome aeroembolism


African sleeping sickness African trypanosomiasis agammaglobulinemia agenesis agent ageusia aglossia agrammatism agranulocytosis agraphia ague AIDS AIDS-related complex akinesia akinetic mutism alalia albinotic albuminuria alcoholic alcoholism aldosteronism alexia alkalemia alkalosis alkaptonuria

allergic rhinitis alogia alopecia alopecia areata altitude sickness Alzheimer's disease amebiasis amebic dysentery amelia amenorrhea American trypanosomiasis amoebiasis amyloidosis amyotonia amyotrophic lateral sclerosis anadenia anaesthesia anaphylactic shock anaphylaxis anaplasia anaplasmosis anaplastic anarthria anasarca anastomosis anemia anemic anergy anesthesia aneuria aneurysm angina angina pectoris angiokeratoma angioma angiosarcoma angular leaf spot ankyloglossia ankylosing spondylitis ankylosis ankylostomiasis anosmia anteflexion anteversion antevert anthema anthracnose anthracosilicosis anthracosis anthrax aortic insufficiency aortic stenosis aortitis aortoclasia aphagia aphasia aphasic aphonia aphonic aplasia aplastic anemia apnea apoplexy appendicitis apraxia apyretic ARC ARDS arhythmia arrhythmia



asbestosis ascariasis Aschoff body ascites aseptic meningitis Asiatic cholera asonia asphyxia astereognosis aster yellows asthma ataxia atelectasis ateleiosis ateliosis atherogenic atheroma atherosclerosis athetosis athlete's foot atonic atonicity atony atrophy atropism attack auditory aphasia aura autochthonous autoimmune disease autoinfection autointoxication autotoxemia autotoxicosis autotoxin auxocardia avian diphtheria avian leukosis avian pneumoencephalitis avian pox avitaminosis azotemia azoturia babesiosis bacillary dysentery bacillemia bacilluria bacteremia bacterial canker bacterial endocarditis bacteriuria ballism Bang's disease baragnosis


barber's itch barbitalism barbiturism barley stripe barotrauma basophilia bedsore bejel Bell's palsy benign benignant beriberi

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berylliosis bighead bilharziasis biliary calculus bilious birth defect bitter rot black arm black chaff black disease blackfire blackhead blackheart black knot blackleg black measles blackout blackpatch black pit black quarter black ring black root rot black rot black rust black shank black spot black stem blacktongue blackwater blackwater fever bladder blain blastoma blastomycosis blepharitis blepharospasm blight blind seed blind staggers blister rust bloat block blockade blood poisoning blood spavin blossom-end rot blotch blue baby blue comb blue mold blue stain blue stem bluetongue bog spavin


bone spavin botryomycosis botrytis rot bots botulism


bovine trichomoniasis bowleg brachialgia bradsot brain damage branch wilt brash braxy

break breakbone fever Bright's disease Brill's disease Broca's aphasia broken wind bromism bronchial asthma bronchial pneumonia bronchiectasis bronchitis bronchocele bronchopneumonia bronchorrhagia bronze diabetes brown canker brown heart brown lung brown rot brown spot brown stem rot brucellosis bruxism bubo bubonic bubonic plague bubonocele Buerger's disease bulimia bulla bull nose bullous bull's-eye rot bumblefoot


Burkitt's lymphoma


bursitis byssinosis cachexia caked breast calcinosis calculous calculus calenture callosity callus cancer cancroid cane gall canicola fever canine distemper canine leptospirosis canker sore capped elbow capped hock carbuncle carcinogen carcinogenesis carcinoid carcinoid syndrome carcinoma carcinomatosis carcinosarcoma cardiac arrest cardiac neurosis cardiac tamponade cardialgia cardiodynia

cardiogenic cardiomegaly cardiomyopathy cardiopathy cardiospasm carditis carnification carnify carpal tunnel syndrome carphology caseate caseation cast catalepsy cataphasia cataplexy catarrh catarrhal fever cat distemper cat-scratch disease cat's cry syndrome cattle plague cavern cavitary cellulitis cephalitis cerebral hemorrhage cerebral palsy cerebral thrombosis cerebrospinal meningitis cerebrovascular accident cervicitis Chagas' disease chalkstone chancre chancroid cheilitis cheloid chestnut blight chicken breast chicken cholera chilblain childbed fever chlamydia chloasma chloracne chlorosis cholecystitis cholelith cholelithiasis cholera cholera infantum cholestasis cholesteremia cholesterolemia chololith chondroma chondromalacia chordee chorea choreiform choriocarcinoma chorioma Christmas disease chromatolysis chromhidrosis chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cinchonism circling disease

cirrhosis citrus canker


clonic clonus closed-angle glaucoma clubroot cluster headache coarctation cocainism coccidioidomycosis coccidiosis coital exanthema colic colitis collagen disease collapse collar rot Colorado tick fever colpitis colt distemper complication compromised concretion concussion condyloma confluent congest consolidation consumption consumptive contact dermatitis contagious abortion contagious ecthyma contagium contracture copper spot copremia


coronary coronary insufficiency coronary occlusion coronary thrombosis coronitis cor pulmonale coryza cowpox crazy top creeping eruption creeps cretinism Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease crinkle leaf crocodile tears Crohn's disease


crown gall crown rot crown rust crown wart cryptococcosis cryptorchidism cucumber mosaic cucurbit wilt cuniculus curb curl curly top

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Cushing's disease cutaneous quittor CVA cyanosis cyclopia cycloplegia cyrtosis cyst cysticercosis cystic fibrosis cystinuria cystitis cystocele cystoma cytoclasis cytoclastic cytomegalic cytopathic cytopathology cytopenia cytostasis daltonism damping-off dandy fever deciduitis decompression sickness decubitus ulcer deficiency disease defluxion deformity degenerate degeneration degenerative joint disease delayed speech delirious delirium delirium tremens dengue depigmentation depression dermatitis dermatomycosis dermatomyositis dermatophyte dermatosis desert fever desmitis desmoid desquamate deuteropathy devil's grip dexiocardia dextrocardia diabetes diabetic retinopathy diamond skin disease diarrhea diathesis dieback digitalism diglossia dilatation diphonia diphtheria diphtheritic diphtheroid diphthongia diplacusis diplegia diplophonia



distemperoid distomatosis diverticulitis diverticulosis dollarspot double blossom double pneumonia dourine Down's syndrome Down syndrome downy mildew dry eye dry rot dumb ague Dumdum fever duodenal ulcer duodenitis dysacousia dysanagnosia dysaphia dysarthria dysautonomia dyscrasia dysentery dysergia dysesthesia dysgenesis dysgenic dysgeusia dyskinesia dyslalia dyslexia dyslogia dysmelia dysmetria dysosmia dysphagia dysphasia dysphoria dysplasia dyspnea dyspraxia dystonia dystrophy dysuria early blight eburnation ecchymosis ecdemic eclampsia ecthyma ectopic ectromelia eczema ED edema efflorescence effort syndrome effusion Ehlers-Danlos syndrome elephantiasis embolic embolism embolus emesis emphysema empyema

encephalasthenia encephalitis encephaloma encephalomalacia encephalomyelitis encephalomyocarditis encephalosis enchondroma endangeitis endaortitis endocarditis endogenous endometriosis endometritis endomyocarditis endophthalmitis endothelioma engorge enteralgia enteric fever enteritis enterobiasis enterocolitis enterohepatitis enteropathy enterotoxemia enterotoxin enterovirus epicondylitis epidemic encephalitis epidemic pleurodynia epilepsy epileptic epiphenomenon epiphora epistaxis epithelial pearl epithelioma epizootic lymphangitis equine distemper equine encephalitis equine infectious anemia equine metritis ergot ergotism eruption eruptive erysipelas erysipeloid erythema erythroblastosis eschar esophageal speech essential hypertension etiologic etiology eunuchoidism European blastomycosis Ewing's sarcoma exanthem exoerythrocytic exopathic exophthalmic goiter exophthalmos exostosis exstrophy external hemorrhoid extrasystole extravasate extroversion

eyespot facial neuralgia false pregnancy familial hypercholesterolemia farcy farcy bud fardel-bound fasciitis fascioliasis


fatty degeneration fatty tumor favism favus fescue foot festination FH fibrillation fibrocystic disease fibroma fibrosarcoma fibrosis fifth disease filarial fire blight first-degree burn fistula fistulize fistulous flag smut flaps flatfoot floating floccillation flood fluorosis flyspeck fly-strike focal infection focal seizure focus follicular folliculitis foot-and-mouth disease foot drop foot rot fossette foudroyant fouls


fowl cholera fowl pox fowl typhoid frambesia


fulminant functional disease fungoid fungus furuncle furunculosis galactorrhea galactosemia gallop rhythm ganglion gangrene gapes garget

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gargoylism gas gangrene gastric ulcer gastroenteritis gastrolith Gaucher's disease general paralysis genital herpes genital warts genu valgum germ German measles germ theory giantism giardiasis gid gigantism gingivitis glandered glanders glass pox gleet glomerulitis glomerulonephritis glossitis glucosuria glycogen storage disease glycosuria goiter goitrous gonorrhea grand mal granulate granulation granulation tissue granuloma granuloma inguinale granulomatosis grape gravel Graves' disease grease greasy greensickness gripe grippe growth Guillain-Barré syndrome gumboil gumma hammertoe Hansen's disease hay fever head smut heart attack heart block heart tamponade heave helminthiasis hemangioma hematocele hematochezia hematocyst hematoma hematoporphyria hematuria hemialgia hemiparesis hemiplegia hemochromatosis

hemogenia hemoglobinuria hemolytic anemia hemoptysis hemorrhagic fever hemorrhagic measles hemorrhagic septicemia hemorrhoid hepatitis hepatitis A hepatitis B hepatitis C hepatitis delta hepatitis non-A, non-B hepatoma hepatomegaly hernia herniated disk herpangina herpes herpes zoster herpetic heterogenous heterologous heterology heteroplasia heterotopia hiatus hernia hip dysplasia histoid histoplasmosis hives hog cholera hordeolum horsepox hospital gangrene hot spot housemaid's knee hoven Huntington's chorea hyaline membrane disease. hyalinization hydatid hydrargyrism hydroa hydrocele hydrocephalic hydrocephaloid hydrocephalus hydronephrosis hydropic hydrops hydrothorax hypaesthesia hyperacidity hyperadenosis hyperaemia hyperaesthesia hyperaldosteronism hyperaphia hyperbilirubinemia hypercalcemia hypercalciuria hyperchlorhydria hypercholesterolemia hypercholia hyperemia hyperesthesia hyperexcitability hyperfunction

hypergalactia hyperglycemia hyperhidrosis hyperinsulinism hyperkalemia hyperkeratosis hyperkinesia hyperlipoproteinemia hypermegasoma hypermotility hypernatremia hyperosmia hyperosteogeny hyperostosis hyperovaria hyperoxemia hyperparathyroidism hyperphagia hyperpituitarism hyperplasia hyperpnea hyperpotassemia hyperpyrexia hypersecretion hypersensitize hypersomnia hypersplenism hypersusceptible hypertension hyperthermia hyperthyroid hyperthyroidism hypertonia hyperuricemia hypervitaminosis hypesthesia hyphema hypoacidity hypoadenia hypoalbuminemia hypoalimentation hypobaropathy hypocalcemia hypocholesteremia hypochromia hypochromic anemia hypocrinism hypodynamia hypofunction hypogenesis hypoglottis hypoglycemia hypogonadism hypohidrosis hypokalemia hypokinesia hypomotility hypophonia hypopiesis hypopituitarism hypoplasia hypopnea hypopotassemia hypopraxia hypoproteinemia hyposensitivity hypotension hypothermia hypothyroidism hypoxemia

ichor ichthyosis icteric icterus ictus idiopathic ileitis ileocolitis ileus immersion foot immunosuppression impetigo implantation inclusion body incubation period indolent induration infantile paralysis infarct infarction infectious anemia of horses infectious bovine rhinotracheitis infectious ectromelia infectious laryngotracheitis infectious mononucleosis infiltrate inflammation inflammatory influenza inguinal hernia insular insulin-dependent diabetes insulinoma insulin shock intercurrent intermittent fever internal hemorrhoid interparoxysmal intestinal amebiasis intestinal flu intoxicate intoxication intravasation intussusception invagination inversion iodism iridocapsulitis iridochoroiditis irritable irritable bowel syndrome irritable heart irritant irritate irritation irritative ischemia issue jactation jactitation jaundice Java black rot jock itch Johne's disease joint ill Jonathan spot jungle fever jungle rot juvenile-onset diabetes

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juvenile rheumatoid arthritis kala-azar Kaposi's sarcoma Kawasaki disease Kayser-Fleischer rings keloid keratalgia keratitis keratoconus keratoderma keratolysis keratoma keratosis kernel smut ketosis kidney stone kinetosis Kleine-Levin syndrome Klinefelter's syndrome knee-sprung kraurosis kuru kwashiorkor kyphoscoliosis kyphosis labyrinthitis lalopathy laloplegia laminitis lampas lampers laryngitis Lassa fever late blight latency period latent latent period lathyrism lead colic lead poisoning leaf blight leaf blotch leaf roll leaf rust leaf scald leaf spot legionnaires' disease leiomyoma leishmaniasis leontiasis leproma leprosy leprous leptospirosis lesion lethargic encephalitis lethargy leucemia leucocytosis leucoderma leucoma leucoplakia leucosis leukemia leukemic reticuloendotheliosis leukocytosis leukoderma leukoma leukoplakia leukosis

lichen lienitis lientery limberneck lipoma listerellosis listeriosis lithiasis lithic lithuresis liver-rot liver spots loaiasis lobar pneumonia lockjaw loco loco disease locoism locomotor ataxia loiasis lordosis Lou Gehrig's disease louping ill lues luetic lumbago lumpy jaw lupoma lupus lupus erythematosus lupus vulgaris Lyme disease lymphadenitis lymphadenoma lymphadenopathy lymphangioma lymphangitis lymphatolysis lymphedema lymphocytosis lymphogranuloma lymphogranulomatosis lymphoma lymphomatosis lymphopenia lymphosarcoma macrocyte malabsorption malacia malanders malaria malassimilation malignant mallanders mallenders malposition Malta fever mange marasmus Marburg disease march fracture Marek's disease Marfan syndrome mastitis mastocarcinoma mastocytosis mastoiditis mastopathy matter maturate

maturity-onset diabetes mazopathia mazopathy measles mecism Mediterranean fever megaloblast megalocardia megalocephalic melanic melanoma melanosis melanotic melaxuma melioidosis Ménière's syndrome meningioma meningitis meningocele meniscocytosis menorrhagia menoschesis menostaxis mercurialism mesenteritis mesothelioma metamorphosis metaplasia metastasis metastasize metralgia metritis metrorrhagia MI microangiopathy microcephalic microcyte micrographia mildew miliaria miliary miliary tuberculosis milium milk fever milk leg milk sickness mimesis mimosis Minamata disease miner's anemia mitral insufficiency mitral stenosis


molluscum molybdenosis Monday morning disease Mongol Mongolian idiocy mongolism Mongoloid moniliasis mononucleosis monoplegia monorchid monorchidism moon-blind moon blindness mooneye moon-eyed

morbilli mortification mortify mosaic mother yaw motion sickness motor aphasia mountain sickness mousepox mucoviscidosis multiple myeloma multiple neuritis multiple sclerosis mumps murrain muscular dystrophy myalgia myasis myasthenia myasthenia gravis myatonia myatrophy mycetoma mycorrhiza mycosis mycotoxicosis mycotoxin myelitis myelofibrosis myeloma myelopathy myiasis myoatrophy myocardial infarction myocarditis myoclonia myoclonus myokymia myoma myoneuralgia myopathy myopsychopathy myotonia myxasthenia myxedema myxoma myxomatosis nagana narcolepsy nasal gleet navel ill nebula necrobacillosis necrose neoformation neoplasia neoplasm nephralgia nephritis nephrolith nephropathy nephrosis net blotch nettle rash neuralgia neural tube defect neuritis neuroblastoma neurocirculatory asthenia neurofibroma

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neurofibromatosis neurolysis neuroma


neurotoxicity Newcastle disease n'gana Niemann-Pick disease night sweats nitrogen narcosis node noma nona nonallergic non-A, non-B hepatitis nongonococcal urethritis non-Hodgkin's lymphoma nonspecific urethritis normotensive northern leaf blight nummular nyctalgia nymphomania oak-root rot oak wilt obliteration occlusion ochlesis oedema oligomenorrhea oligophrenia oliguria onchocerciasis oncornavirus onychia onyxis oophoritis ophthalmia neonatorum opportunistic oral herpes orange rust orchitis organic disease organicism ornithosis osselet osteitis osteitis deformans osteoarthritis osteochondritis osteochondrosis osteocope osteogenesis imperfecta osteoma osteomalacia osteomyelitis osteopetrosis osteophyte osteoporosis osteoporotic osteoradionecrosis osteosarcoma osteosclerosis otalgia otitis otitis externa otitis interna otitis media otorrhea

otosclerosis ovaritis oxycephaly oxyuriasis ozone sickness ozostomia Paget's disease painter's colic paludism pancarditis pancreatic fibrosis pancreatitis panleukopenia pannus papilloma papovavirus papule paracoccidioidomycosis paracusis paracystitis paraesthesia parainfluenza paralysis paraparesis paraplegia parasitism parasitosis paratuberculosis paratyphoid parenchyma paresis paresthesia parkinsonian parkinsonism Parkinson's disease paronychia parosmia parotitis paroxysm paroxysmal tachycardia parrot fever parulis parvovirus pasteurellosis patent foramen ovale pathoformic pathogenic pathophysiology


pediculosis pellagra pellagrin pelvic inflammatory disease pemphigus pepper spot peptic ulcer periarteritis periarteritis nodosa pericarditis


periostitis peritonitis pernicious anemia pernio pertussis perversion pervert perverted petechia

petechial petechiate petit mal phagedena phantom limb pain pharyngitis phenylketonuria phenylpyruvic oligophrenia pheochromocytoma phimosis phlebitis phlebosclerosis phlebothrombosis phlebotomus fever phloem necrosis phlogistic phlyctena phocomelia phokomelia phoniatrics phony disease phosphaturia phosphorism photalgia photophobia phrenitis phthisic phthisis phyma physiologic jaundice pian


Pickwickian syndrome piebald skin Pierce's disease pigeon breast pigeon pox pilonidal pimple pinkeye pink root pinta


piroplasmosis pityriasis plaque plastic plethora pleurisy pleurodynia pleuropneumonia plica plumbism pneumoconiosis pneumocystis pneumonia pneumonia pneumonic plague pneumonitis pneumonoconiosis pneumothorax pneumotropic podagra poisoning polioencephalitis poliomyelitis pollenosis poll evil pollinosis polyarteritis

polyarthritis polydactyly polymyalgia rheumatica polyneuritis polyp polyphagia polypoid polyposis polyuria porphyria post-polio syndrome posttyphoid Pott's disease powdery mildew pox prediabetes preeclampsia preinvasive premenstrual syndrome presuppurative priapism priapitis prickly heat primary syphilis proctitis prodrome progeria prolapse prolepsis proptosis prostatitis proteinuria proud flesh prurigo pruritus psellism pseudocyesis pseudohemophilia pseudonephritis pseudoparalysis pseudopregnancy pseudorabies pseudotuberculosis psilosis psittacosis psora psoriasis psorosis psychogenesis psyllid yellows ptosis ptyalism puerperal fever pullorum disease pulmonary tuberculosis puna puriform purpura pustulate pustule pyaemia pyelitis pyelonephritis pyelonephrosis pyemia pyloric stenosis pyogenesis pyogenic pyoid pyonephritis

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pyophthalmia pyorrhea pyosis pyothorax pyoureter pyrexia pyrosis pyrotraumatic dermatitis pyuria Q fever quadriplegia quadriplegic quarter crack quinsy quittor rabbit fever rabies rachitis radiation sickness radiculitis radiosensitive radiotoxic rale range paralysis Ranikhet disease ranula rapture of the deep ratbite fever Raynaud's disease RDS recurrent fever red gum red nose. red rot referred pain regional enteritis regurgitation Reiter's syndrome relapsing fever renal calculus respiratory distress syndrome retinoblastoma retroflexion retrolental fibroplasia retroversion Reye's syndrome rhabdomyoma rhabdomyosarcoma Rh disease rheumatic rheumatic fever rheumatic heart disease rheumatism rheumatoid arthritis rheumatoid spondylitis rhexis rhinitis rhinopharyngitis rhinorrhea rice blast rickets Rift Valley fever rigor rinderpest ringbone ring rot ring spot ringworm ripe rot river blindness

roaring Rock fever Rocky Mountain spotted fever rodent ulcer root knot root rot rosacea rose cold rose fever roseola rosette rot


Rous sarcoma rubella rubeola rupture rust Saint Anthony's fire sallenders salmonellosis salpingitis sand crack sandfly fever sanies sanious San Joaquin Valley fever sapremia sarcoadenoma sarcocarcinoma sarcoid sarcoidosis sarcoma sarcomatosis sarcoptic mange saturnism scab scabies


scaphocephaly scarlatina scarlatinoid scarlet fever schistosis schistosomiasis schizomycosis sciatica SCID scillism scirrhoid scirrhous scirrhus sclerema scleritis scleroderma scleroma sclerosed sclerosis sclerotic sclerotitis sclerotized scoliosis scorbutic scotoma


scrapie scratches scrofula

scrub typhus scurvy seborrhea secondary syphilis second-degree burn Sendai virus senile dementia senile macular degeneration sepsis septic septicemia septicemic plague septic sore throat sequela sequestrum serositis serpigo serum sickness severe combined immune deficiency shaking palsy shigellosis shingles shin splints shipping fever


shoe boil shoestring root rot sialadenitis sickle cell sickle cell anemia sickle cell trait sickle-hocked sidebone siderosis Sigatoka silicosis simple chancre sinus sinusitis siriasis sitomania sitophobia sleeping sickness sleepy sickness


slow virus sludging smallpox smoker's tongue smut snow mold soft chancre softening of the brain soft rot soil rot soldier's heart sooty blotch sooty mold sopor soporose sore mouth sore shin sore throat souffle southern blight space sickness Spanish influenza spasm

spasmophilia spastic spastic colon spastic paralysis spavin spermatorrhea spina bifida spirochetosis splayfoot splenomegaly spondylitis spondylolisthesis spondylosis sporotrichosis spotted fever spotted wilt springhalt



spur blight stagger stagnation mastitis stamen blight stasis steatorrhea stem canker stem-end rot stem rot stem rust stenosis stertor stigmatism stinking smut stomatitis stone stony pit storage disease strangles strangulate strangury streak strep throat stress fracture stridor stridulous stringhalt stripe rust stripe smut


strongylosis strophulus struma strychninism



Stuttgart disease St. Vitus's dance subacute sclerosing panencephalitis subalimentation sudden infant death syndrome sunstroke superinfection surra swamp fever swayback swaybacked

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swayed sweeny swelling swimmer's ear swimmer's itch swine erysipelas swine fever swine flu swine plague swinepox swinney sycosis symptom symptomatic anthrax symptosis symptom symptomatic anthrax symptosis syncope syndrome synechia synovitis syphilis syringomyelia systemic systemic lupus erythematosus tabes tabes dorsalis tabetic taeniasis take-all tamponade tardive dyskinesia Tay-Sachs disease teeth grinding telangiectasis temperature temporal-lobe epilepsy temporomandibular joint syndrome tendinitis tenesmus teniasis tenonitis tenosynovitis teratoma tertian tertiary syphilis tetanic tetanus tetany tetralogy of Fallot tetraplegia thalassemia thelitis thermanesthesia thermesthesia thermic fever thermoanesthesia thesaurismosis third-degree burn thoroughpin thread blight thrill thromboembolism thrombophlebitis thrombosis thrombus


thyroiditis thyrotoxic thyrotoxicosis tic tic douloureux tinea tinea barbae tinea cruris tinnitus tipburn titubation tobacco heart tobacco mosaic tonic tonsillitis tooth rash tophus torticollis torulosis Tourette's syndrome toxemia toxemia of pregnancy toxemic toxicogenic toxicosis toxic shock syndrome toxoplasmosis tracheitis transient ischemic attack trauma traumatism traumatize tremble trench fever trench foot treponematosis treponemiasis trichiasis trichinize trichinosis trichinous trichomoniasis trichosis trichuriasis trifacial neuralgia trigeminal neuralgia trigger finger trismus trisomy tristeza trombiculiasis trypanosomiasis tsutsugamushi disease tubercle tuberculosis tularemia tunnel disease Turner's syndrome tussal tussis tussive twig blight tympanites tympanitis tympany typhlitis typhlosis typhogenic typhoid typhoidal

typhus tyrosinemia tyrosinosis ulcer ulcerative colitis ulcerogenic umbilical hernia uncinariasis undulant fever uraemia uredo uremia uremic urethritis urinary calculus urolith urolithiasis urticaria urtication utriculitis uveitis uvulitis vaccinia vaginismus vaginitis vaginomycosis vagotonia valgus valley fever valvular insufficiency valvulitis varicella varicocele varicosis varicosity variola variolate varix varus vegetate vegetation venereal disease venereal wart ventricular fibrillation ventricular tachycardia verbigeration version verticillium wilt vertigo vesicle vesicular exanthema vesicular stomatitis vibriosis vigilance Vincent's angina viremia virosis visceral leishmaniasis visna vitiligo vivax malaria vives volvulus vomica vomito von Willebrand's disease vulvitis vulvovaginitis


watcheye waterbrain water brash water on the knee water pox


Wernicke's aphasia wheat rust whistling white rust whooping cough wildfire Wilson's disease


wind-broken wind colic windgall windsucker wind-sucking witches'-besom witches'-broom wooden tongue woolsorters' disease word deafness worm wristdrop xanthoma x-disease xeroderma xeroderma pigmentosum xerostomia


yaws yellow fever yellow jack yellow rust yellows Zollinger-Ellison syndrome zoonosis zoster PHONETICS

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acoustic feature affricate affrication affricative allophone alveolar alveopalatal ambisyllabic analphabetic aphonic apical apicoalveolar apicodental approximant articulate articulation articulator articulatory feature aspirate aspiration assibilate assimilate assimilation atonic atony


barred i basis of articulation bilabial blade breath breathed breath group broad cacuminal cardinal vowel


cerebral checked clear


close closed close juncture closure cluster coarticulation coda color consonant consonantalize constriction continuant contoid contour contrastive stress


coronal creaky dark delabialization delabialize denasalize dental dentalize dental lisp dentilingual

devocalize devoice diacritical diaphone diphthong diphthongize dissimilate dissimilation domal


egressive ejective emphatic excrescent explode explosion explosive falling diphthong faucal final flap


formant fortis fortition free frication fricative front geminate gemination gingival glide glottal glottalic airstream glottalize glottalized glottal stop grooved fricative guttural gutturalize gutturalized gutturonasal half-long hard high homophone homorganic hush implode implosion implosive ingressive initial interconsonantal interdental intervocalic intrusive intrusive r inversion invert juncture labial labialize labialized labiodental labionasal labiovelar labiovelarize

lall lallation lambdacism


lamino-alveolar lamprophony laryngeal lateral lateral lisp lax length lenis lenition liaison


lingual lingual protrusion lisp linking r liquid lisp




manner of articulation medial


mixed monophthong monophthongize mouillé murmur mutate mutation mute narrow


nasalize neutral nonnasal nucleus obstruent occlusion occlusive off-glide on-glide onset open open juncture oral orinasal oronasal palatal palatalize palatalized palato-alveolar palatogram palatography parasitic patency patent


pharyngeal pharyngealize phonate phonation


phonetic phonetist place of articulation plosion plosive plus juncture point point of articulation polyphone polyphonic polyphony postconsonantal postvocalic preconsonantal prevocalic progressive assimilation pulmonic airstream pure quality quantity raise r-color r-dropping recessive reduce regressive assimilation resonance resonant retroflex retroflexion rhotic rising diphthong r-less rough


rounded r-quality schwa secondary articulation semivowel sharp short shortening shut sibilant slit fricative smooth soft sonant sonorant


speak speech sound spirant spirantize spread stop strengthen stress stress-timed suction stop surd syllabic syllable-timed synaeresis synizesis tautosyllabic

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terminal juncture timbre tonic transcribe


triphthong unilateral unround unrounded unvoice unvoiced


uvular value vanish velar velaric airstream velarize velarized velate velation velic vibrant visible speech vocal vocalism vocalize vocoid voice voiced voiceless vowel weaken whisper wide word accent PHOTOGRAPHY

aberration accelerator additive color albumen paper ambrotype


angle shot antifoggant antihalation aperture-priority autochrome autotype available light averaging light meter B backed back focus


beam splitter between-the-lens shutter bipack bleach blister


bounced flash bounce flash bounce light bracket bromide paper bromoil bromoil process bulb


cable release carbro process cartridge cassette center-weighted light meter chalky characteristic curve chemical toner chloride paper chlorobromide paper chrome circle of confusion clearing bath cold tone collodion process color-blind color filter color temperature composite print contact paper contact print contact sheet contrast contrasty converter convertible lens copy negative coverage covering power crop curtain shutter darkroom dark slide daylight

densitometer density depth of field desensitize develop developer developing-out paper diaphragm shutter diazo process diazotype DIN direct positive dodge D.O.P. double exposure draw slide dyeline dye sensitizing dye transfer easel electronic flash emulsion enlarger exposure exposure index exposure meter extender extension tube f f/ Farmer's reducer


ferrotype field fill light film film pack film speed filter filter factor finder fine-grain fine-grained fisheye lens fix fixation fixative fixer flare flash flashbulb flashgun flashing flash lamp flashtube


flat light f-number focal-plane shutter focal ratio focusing screen


foggy force frill f-stop gamma ghost

ghost image grainy gray card gum print halation H and D curve hardener head heliograph high-speed


hot shoe hot spot hyperfocal distance hypersensitize imbibition infinity intense intensify internegative iris iris diaphragm iris diaphragm shutter isochromatic ivorytype


kicker latensify latent image latitude lensboard lens turret lenticular process lenticulate lenticule light-struck macro macro lens magazine masking frame master microdensitometer miniature camera minicam monobath negative object distance opacity opaque open flash orthochromatic overexpose pan head pellicle pellicle mirror photoelectric meter photomontage


platinotype polarizing filter portrait lens positive posterization preexposure print printback printing frame printing paper

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printout paper process projection projection paper projection print projection printer projection printing proof proof sheet push redevelop reduce reducer


register reseau resolving power restrainer retouch reversal film reversal plate reversal process roller-blind shutter roll film Sabattier effect safelight safety film scanner screen sensitize sensitizing dye sensitometer sensitometric curve separation separation negative sepia sheet film




shutter shutter-priority shutter release shutter speed slave slide slow SLR snap soft soft focus solarize soup speed speed light split image range finder spot spot meter stabilization stabilization print


stock solution stop stop bath strobe stroboscope sub

subbing substratum subtractive color T taking lens Talbotype teleconverter teleobjective lens telephoto lens thin through-the-lens meter time exposure tintype TLR T number tone toner transparency transposition T-stop T-stop system TTL meter twin-lens camera ultraviolet filter underdeveloped UV filter variable contrast paper viewfinder viewing lens vignette vignetter warm tone weak wet collodion process wide-angle wide-angle converter zone system PRINTING

abuse advertisement agate albertype algraphy all aluminography answer print antique aquarelle aquatone arbitrary aristotype art lining artotype artwork ascender autotype


backlist back matter balop


basic weight bastard bastard title.


beard bearer bevel black blackface black letter blanket bleach bleed block block letter blue blueline blueprint Bodoni body body type bogus bold boldface bold-faced bookwork




brayer break brevier brilliant broken bromoil process bronze brownprint




bury California job case

calotype camera camera-ready cancel c&sc







Caslon cast castoff Caxton centered century chalky challis chapel Cheltenham chiaroscuro church text cicero clamshell


clapper Clarendon cliché coffin cold tone cold type collotype color Columbian column inch companionship compose composing stick composite photograph composite print composition computer-assisted makeup condensed contact paper contact print contact sheet contrast copperplate copy copyfitting corps corrigendum coupler Craftint crop crosshead cursive cyanotype dagger dead matter dead metal deck dele delivery descender desensitize

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devil diamond diazotype Didot point system diesis dingbat display display type distribute distributor dodge Dolly Varden Dolly Varden pattern


dot etching double dagger doublet dress drop initial dry mounting dry offset drypoint duct ductor dummy dump duotone duotype duplex dyeline dye transfer electrograph elephant folio ellipsis em em dash emerald em pica en en dash end matter enface English English finish engrave engraving enlarge en quad entrelac etch excelsior expanded extended extrabold extra-condensed eyebrow eyestrain face f.c. ferrotype filmset filmsetting fine print fingernail fingerprint




flexography flong floret flower



flyboy foliate foliation folio


foot foot line footprint force form founders' type foundry proof foundry type


four-color process Fraktur frame free sheet friar frisket front matter furniture galley galley proof galvanoplastic galvanoplasty gamma gatefold gem ghost


Granjon graphic gravure great primer gripper groove gum print hairline hair space half-round halftone hand-letter hanging indention headband headpiece height-to-paper heliograph hell hellbox highline holdover hoofprint hot metal hot spot hot type illegible impose imposing stone imposition


impression imprimatur imprint index inferior ink ink ball inline inscribe inset initial




i.p.h. issue italicize jim dash job case job stick


justification justify


kerning key plate kicker large-print l.c.




letterspace lf lift ligature lightface line-casting line copy line cut line engraving


linocut linotype


lithograph lithoprint


lockup logo long primer lower case lowercase M, m


make-ready makeup manuscript


married print.


matrix matter mean line measure mechanical metal metal paste-up mezzotint microprint minion misprint modern moiré


monk monotonal monotype Monotype mortise


movable type Multigraph Multilith


mut dash


N neck news case newsprint nickeltype niello n.l. nonbook nonpareil nonprint nut nut dash nut quad obelisk oddment offset Old English old style one up on-stream O.P. o.p. open optical center optical printer optical soundtrack optic center. orphan out outline


overline overmatter overprint overrun overset Oxford corners packing


page printer

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pagination paisley palampore


paragon parallel pareu paste-up patrix


peculiar perfect perfecting press perfector press phalanx phonotype photocomposition photocopy photoengraving photogelatin photogravure photo-offset photoprint phototype phototypesetting



pigeonhole planograph planography


plate-dog platemaker plate proof platinotype point point system Polaroid porkchop positive




preliminary prepress preprint


press-point press proof primary letter print printable printback printer printery printhead printing printless printmaker printmaking printout printwheel printworks process projection print

proof proof sheet prove Provincetown print pull


quadrat query quoin reading notice ready recto reduction register reglet release print


reprint repro reproduction proof repro proof restrike reverse reverse plate revise ring machine ring man


roll ronde rotary press rotogravure ruby rule run runaround run-in running head running title runover Sabattier effect sans serif s.c. scaleboard s. caps. scorcher screamer script sepia serif serigraph set setoff set width sextodecimo SGML shaded shadowed shank sheet-fed shift key shoe shoulder sidehead signature silhouette silkscreen sinkage



slur small print. soleprint sort space spaceband space mark space rate spot squabble squeegee stabilization print standard lining standing star state steel engraving step-and-repeat stereo




stone stop bath straight matter




stripper superimpose superior superscript surcharge surprint suspension points swash


tailpiece teaser Technicolor text thirty 30-dash thumbnail thumbprint tint title lining toenail toile de Jouy tone


transparency tub TV print tympan type type-cast type-high typeholder typewriter u. & l.c. u.c. underexposure

underlay underline unleaded unprintable unwritten upper case uppercase Vandyke varicolored Velox verso virgule voiceprint warm tone wearing web-fed web press weight wf white whiteprint widow woodblock woodcut wood engraving woodprint worker workprint work-up wraparound wrong font Xerox x-line zincograph zone system PROSODY

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acatalectic accent accentual Adonic Alcmanic verse Alexandrine amoebaean amphibrach amphimacer anacrusis analyzed rhyme anapest antibacchius antistrophe Archilochian arsis Asclepiadean assonance bacchius ballad stanza beat bouts-rimés break breve caesura cancel cancrine cantar catalectic catalexis cheville choliambus choriamb cinquain clerihew


comma common common measure common rhythm consonance counterpoint cywydd dactyl diastole dibrach dieresis dimeter dipody distich ditrochee dizain duple rhythm dysprosium elegiac elegiac pentameter end rhyme end-stopped enjambment epode extrametrical falling rhythm feminine caesura feminine ending feminine rhyme foot fourteener full rhyme haikai

heavy hemistich heptameter heptastich heroic couplet heroic quatrain hexameter hexapody hexastich hiatus hokku Horatian Horatian ode hovering accent hypercatalectic hypercatalexis hypermeter iamb iambic ictus identical rhyme imperfect rhyme incremental repetition internal rhyme Ionic irrational isometric ithyphallic length Lesbian ode


linked rhyme linked verse logaoedic


long measure masculine caesura masculine rhyme


monometer monopody monorhyme mora movement nolle prosequi octameter octave octet octonary outride paeon pause pentameter pentapody pentastich period Pindaric ode position poulter's measure




proceleusmatic proscenium prosencephalon prosenchyma

proskomide prosody prosphora prosthesis


qasida quantity rational redondilla regular ode renga repetend


rhyme royal rhythm rich rhyme rime riche rising rhythm rocking rhythm rondeau rondel roundel rove-over Rubaiyat stanza running rhythm run-on Sapphic ode scansion seguidilla septenarius septenary sestet sestina sextain short sight rhyme


slant rhyme sonnet spondaic spondee stanza stave stress syncopation systole syzygy tanka telestich tercet terza rima tetrabrach tetrameter tetrapody tetrastich thesis time tribrach trimeter triple rhythm triplet tripody tristich trochaic trochee truncated truncation unmeasured

verset villanelle virelay vowel rhyme waka weak ending PSYCHIATRY

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abulia acalculia acarophobia acenesthesia acoenaesthesia acouasm adjustment disorder aerophagia aerophobia


affective disorder aggression agitated depression agnosia agoraphobia agromania ailurophobia akinetic mutism alexithymia algolagnia algophobia amentia analysand anaphrodisia anesthesia anorexia anorexia nervosa antisocial anxiety anxiety neurosis appersonation asemia astraphobia autism autocatharsis aversive conditioning aviophobia battle fatigue bibliotherapy bipolar disorder borderline personality -bulia bulimarexia bulimia case history catalepsy catatonia catharsis character disorder child psychiatry circumstantiality clavus clinical depression compensation neurosis confabulate confabulation conflict confusion conversion disorder coprolagnia coprolalia coprophilia coprophobia counterphobic culture specific syndrome cyberphobia cycloid cyclothymia death wish

delayed stress reaction delusion dementia dementia praecox depersonalization depressed depression derailment derealization desensitization disorient dissociation dissociative disorder distractibility Don Juanism dynamic psychiatry dysgnosia dysgraphia dysmnesia echolalia echopraxia ego-dystonic ego-syntonic elaboration electroconvulsive therapy electroshock encephalopathy encopresis endogenous depression eonism Eros erotomania erythrophobia exhibitionism exhibitionist expansive factitious disorder fetishism flashback flight of ideas folie à deux folie de grandeur fugue globus hystericus grandiose hallucinosis hebephrenia hemophobia hyperkinesia hyperphagia hyperthymia hypnodrama hypochondria hypochondriac hypomania hysteria -iatry idiotropic idiot savant implosion therapy inadequate inferiority complex insanity insulin-coma therapy inversion involutional melancholia Klüver-Bucy syndrome koro loosening of associations lyssophobia

maintenance mania manic-depressive manic disorder masochism megalomania melancholia multiple personality Munchausen syndrome Munchausen syndrome by proxy mutism mysophilia mysophobia mythomania narcissistic personality narcodiagnosis narcomania narcotherapy necromimesis necrophilia necrophilism necrophobia neologism neurasthenia neuropsychiatry neurosis


night terror nosophobia nyctophobia obsessive-compulsive ochlophobia onychophagia orientation orthopsychiatry panic attack panic disorder pansexual paragraphia paramnesia paranoia paraphilia parataxic distortion passive-aggressive personality passive-dependent personality pathocure peccatophobia pedophile pedophilia perseveration personality disorder posttraumatic stress disorder primal therapy primary gain prison psychosis psychasthenia psychiatrist psychobabble psychopathy puerilism reactive schizophrenia reality testing recidivism reciprocal inhibition reintegration release therapy renifleur resistance

ritual sadism schizophrenia scopophilia secondary gain sensory deprivation sex therapy shut-in simulation sleep-terror disorder sociopath somaticize somatic therapy somatist stereotypy Stockholm syndrome sundown survivor guilt survivor syndrome symbiosis syndrome synthesis syntonic taphephobia thanatology thanatophobia thiopental sodium thought disorder token economy toxiphobia trauma traumatize trichotillomania undoing windigo zoanthropy PHARMACY

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Accutane acebutolol acetaminophen acetanilide acetanisidine acetazolamide acetophenetidin acetylcholine acetylcysteine acetylsalicylate acetylsalicylic acid Achromycin ACTH actinomycin actinomycin D acyclovir adenosine arabinoside Adrenalin adrenaline Adriamycin Advil agent agonist Albamycin albuterol Aldomet aliquot alkaloid alkylating drug allantoin allopurinol aloin alpha blocker alpha-interferon alprazolam aluminum glycinate amantadine amikacin amiloride aminoglutethimide aminoglycoside aminophylline amiodarone amitriptyline ammonium chloride amobarbital amoxicillin amphetamine amphotericin ampicillin amrinone amygdalin amyl nitrite Amytal anethole Antabuse antagonist antarthritic anthelmintic antianxiety drug antiarrhythmic antibiotic anticholinergic anticholinesterase anticlotting anticoagulant antidepressant antidiuretic antiemetic antifebrile

antifebrin antifertility antigen antihistamine antihistaminic antihypertensive anti-infective anti-inflammatory antimanic antimetabolite antimitotic antineoplastic antiphlogistic antiproliferative antipruritic antipsychotic antipyretic antipyrotic antiscorbutic antitussive APC apomorphine Apresoline aqua ara-C araroba Argyrol aromatic spirits of ammonia arsphenamine asparaginase aspirin assay Atabrine Atarax atenolol atropine auranofin Aureomycin Avertin azathioprine azidothymidine AZT bacitracin bactericide Banthine barbital barbitone barbiturate batrachotoxin BCNU bebeerine beclomethasone belladonna Benadryl Bendectin Benedict's solution Benemid benzamine Benzedrine benzenecarboxylic acid benzocaine benzodiazepine benzoic acid benzonatate benztropine mesylate benzyl benzoate berberine beta blocker Betadine betaine

betamethasone betazole bethanechol BHA BHT bioequivalence biological Biphetamine bitters bleomycin blue mass blue pill bolus Bonadoxin booster boral boric acid botanical bretylium broad-spectrum bromal bromide bromocriptine brompheniramine Brompton mixture B.S.P. bufotenine bufotoxin bupivacaine busulfan butabarbital sodium Butazolidin butorphanol butylated hydroxyanisole butylated hydroxytoluene butyrophenone cachet caffeine calcitriol calcium blocker calomel camphor camphorated oil Caplet capsule captopril carbamazepine carbenicillin cardiac glycoside cardioaccelerator cardioactive carisoprodol carmustine carron oil cefaclor cefoxitin cephalexin cephalosporin cerate charta chartula chloral chlorambucil chloramphenicol chlorcyclizine chlordiazepoxide chloroform Chloromycetin chloroquine chlorothiazide

chlorpheniramine chlorpropamide chlortetracycline chlorthalidone Chlor-Trimeton cholinolytic cholinomimetic chorionic gonadotropin chrysarobin chymopapain cimetidine cinchonidine cinchonine cineole cisplatin clavacin clemastine fumarate clindamycin Clinoril clofibrate Clomid clomiphene clonazepam clonidine clorazepate cloxacillin cocaine


codeine cohobate colchicine colchicum colicin colistin colocynth Compazine confection corpus luteum cortisol cortisone Coumadin cromolyn sodium cyclandelate cyclazocine cyclizine cycloheximide cyclophosphamide cyclopropane cyclosporine cyproheptadine cytarabine cytosine arabinoside cytotoxin dacarbazine dactinomycin Dalkon Shield Dalmane danazol dantrolene dapsone Darvon Darvon Compound DDS Decadron Declomycin decoction decongestant demeclocycline Demerol

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deoxycorticosterone Depo-Provera deserpidine desipramine desmopressin acetate DET dexamethasone Dexamyl Dexedrine dextran dextroamphetamine diacetylmorphine diamorphine Diamox diazepam diazoxide dibucaine dicoumarin dicoumarol dicumarol diethylcarbamazine diethylpropion diethylstilbestrol diethyltryptamine diflunisal digestant digitalin digitoxin digoxin dihydroergotamine dihydromorphinone dihydrostreptomycin dihydrotachysterol Dilantin Dilaudid diltiazem dimenhydrinate dimethyltryptamine dinitrophenol diphenhydramine diphenoxylate diphenylhydantoin dipyridamole disopyramide dispense disulfiram Diuril divinyl ether Dobell's solution dopamine Doriden Dover's powder doxepin doxorubicin doxycycline Draize test Dramamine droperidol


Dyazide ecbolic ED


edetate calcium disodium edrophonium EDTA electuary elixir ellagic acid emetine

emulsion energizer enflurane ephedrine epidural epinephrine Epsom salt Equanil ergonovine ergot ergotamine ergotin ergotoxine Ergotrate erythritol Erythrocin erythromycin Esidrix estradiol estrin estriol estrone ethacrynic acid ethambutol ethchlorvynol ether ethinamate ethionamide ethosuximide ethyl aminobenzoate ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ethyl nitrite spirit etorphine eucaine eugenol eusol excipient exhaust expectorant eyewash Feldene fenfluramine fenoprofen fen-phen fentanyl Feosol ferrous sulfate fertility drug flowers of sulfur flucytosine fluidextract flunitrazepam fluorouracil fluoxetine hydrochloride fluphenazine flurazepam folinic acid formic acid formulary fructose furazolidone gallamine triethiodide Gantrisin gentamicin gentisic acid gitalin glutethimide glyburide glycerite

gonadotropin releasing hormone gramicidin griseofulvin G-strophanthin guaiacol guanadrel guanethidine Gynergen halazepam Haldol half-life haloperidol halothane hard drug heparin heroin hexamethonium hexylresorcinol histaminase histamine histamine blocker Holocaine hormone Humulin hyaluronidase hydantoin hydnocarpic acid hydragogue hydralazine hydrastine hydrastinine hydrochlorothiazide hydrocortisone HydroDiuril hydroxychloroquine hydroxyurea hydroxyzine Hygroton hyoscine hyoscyamine ibogaine ibuprofen ichthammol Ichthyol ICSH idoxuridine IL-2 Iletin Ilotycin imipramine immunosuppressive Imuran incompatible incrassate IND indapamide Inderal Indocin indomethacin inert infusion INH inositol inscription insulin interferon interleukin 2 internal international unit

Intropin inunction investigative new drug iodophor ipecac syrup ipratropium bromide iproniazid isoamyl nitrite isocarboxazid isoflurane isoniazid isonicotinic acid hydrazide isopropyl meprobamate isoproterenol isosorbide dinitrate isosterism isotonic sodium chloride solution isotretinoin isoxsuprine juniper tar kainic acid Keflex ketamine ketoconazole labetalol Lanoxin lb. ap. L-dopa levodopa levorphanol Librium lidocaine lignocaine lime liniment lincomycin liquor lithium lobeline Lomotil long-acting Loniten loperamide lorazepam lotion LSD Luminal lysergic acid diethylamide mafenide magistral magma maintenance major tranquilizer mannitol mannitol hexanitrate marc margin of safety Marsilid mass masticatory MDA mebendazole mechlorethamine meclizine medroxyprogesterone mefenamic acid Mellaril mellite mellitum menadione

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menthol meperidine meprobamate merbromin mercaptopurine mercurial Mercurochrome mercurous chloride mercury mercury mass Merthiolate mescaline mestranol Metaphen methacetin methadone methamphetamine methantheline methaqualone Methedrine methicillin methimazole methocarbamol methohexital methotrexate methoxsalen methoxyflurane methylcatechol methyldopa methylene blue methylene dioxyamphetamine methylphenidate methyltestosterone methysergide metoclopramide metolazone metoprolol Metrazol metrifonate metronidazole mezlocillin mild mercurous chloride mild silver protein Miltown mineralocorticoid minipill minocycline minor tranquilizer minoxidil mithridate monesia monoamine oxidase inhibitor morning-after pill morphine Motrin M.S.Phar. Mycostatin nalbuphine nalidixic acid Nalline nalorphine naloxone naltrexone naproxen narceine Nembutal neomycin Neosporin neostigmine Neo-Synephrine

neuroleptanalgesia neuropharmacology niridazole nitrofurantoin nitroglycerin nitrosourea nitrous oxide Noludar nonoxynol-9 nonsteroidal norepinephrine norethindrone norethynodrel norgestrel normal saline solution nortriptyline Novocain Nupercaine nutraceutical nystatin official ointment oleate oleoresin oleum opioid oral contraceptive orphan drug Ortho-Novum ouabain over the counter over-the-counter oxacillin oxazepam oxymetazoline oxymorphone oxytetracycline oxytocin papain papaverine paraldehyde Para-thor-mone parathyroid extract paregoric patulin pemoline penicillamine penicillin pentaerythritol tetranitrate pentamidine pentane pentazocine pentobarbital Pentothal pentylenetetrazol Percodan percolation pereirine Pergonal Peritrate perphenazine pharmacogenetics pharmacokinetics pharmacopoeia phenacaine phenacetin phenazopyridine phencyclidine phenelzine phenmetrazine

phenobarbital phenolphthalein phenothiazine phenoxybenzamine phentermine phentolamine phenylbutazone phenylephrine phenylethylbarbituric acid phenylformic acid phenylpropanolamine phenytoin physiological salt solution physiological sodium chloride solution physostigmine picrotoxin pilocarpine pindolol piperacillin piroxicam Pitocin pituitary placebo Placidyl polymyxin polypharmacy polythiazide Pontocaine potassium bicarbonate potassium iodide povidone-iodine powder paper PPA prazosin prednisolone prednisone Preludin Premarin primaquine probenecid procaine procaine amide prodrug progesterone progestin progestogen prolonged-action promazine promethazine propantheline bromide propionic acid propoxyphene propranolol propylhexedrine propylthiouracil prostaglandin Prostigmin protriptyline Prozac pseudoephedrine psilocybin psoralen psychic energizer psychotoxic pyrazinamide pyrethrum Pyribenzamine Pyridium pyridostigmine bromide

pyrimethamine Quaalude quassia quinacrine quinestrol quinidine quinine quinoidine radiopharmaceutical relaxant relaxin reserpine resorcinol Retrovir ribavirin rifampin Ringer's solution Ritalin Rochelle salt Rohypnol rotenone Rufen rutin sal salbutamol salicin salicylic acid salol Salvarsan scopolamine secobarbital Seconal Serpasil sildenafil citrate silver nitrate simethicone Sinemet slow-release sodium sodium benzoate sodium bicarbonate sodium butabarbital sodium pentothal sodium thiocyanate sodium thiopental solution Soma Sparine specificity spectinomycin spermaceti spirit spirit of nitrous ether spironolactone Stelazine streptodornase streptokinase streptomycin streptothricin strophanthin strychnine succinylcholine chloride sucralfate Sudafed sulfa sulfadiazine sulfa drug sulfamethoxazole Sulfamylon sulfanilamide

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sulfapyridine sulfarsphenamine sulfasalazine sulfathiazole sulfinpyrazone sulfisoxazole sulfonamide sulindac superscription sustained-release sweet spirit of nitre Symmetrel sympatholytic sympathomimetic synergist syr syrup syrup of ipecac taeniacide Tagamet tamoxifen taraxacum tartar emetic TCDD terbutaline terebene terpin hydrate Terramycin testosterone tetanus toxoid tetracaine tetracycline Tetracyn tetrahydrocannabinol tetrahydrozoline tetrodotoxin THC theobromine theophylline theophylline ethylenediamine therapeutic index thiazide thimerosal thioctic acid thiopental sodium thioridazine thiothixene thiouracil thioxanthene Thorazine thromboplastin thymol thyroxine timed-release timolol maleate Tinactin tincture tissue plasminogen activator tobramycin tolbutamide tolnaftate torrefy transdermal Trasentine trazodone treacle triamcinolone tribromoacetaldehyde tribromoethanol trichlorfon

tricyclic trifluoperazine triiodothyronine Trilafon trimethadione trimethoprim tripelennamine triturate trituration troche tryparsamide tubocurarine Tuinal Tylenol Tyzine urokinase usnic acid U.S.P. ustulation vagodepressor valinomycin Valium Valmid valproic acid vancomycin vasoactive vasoconstrictor vasodepressor vasodilator vasoinhibitor vasopressin vasopressor vehicle verapamil Viagra vidarabine vinblastine vincristine vinegar vinyl ether Virazole Visine warfarin window wine withdrawal withdrawal syndrome Xanax yohimbine zidovudine zinc ointment zinc oxide Zovirax PHYSICS

A A Å absolute absolute space absolute viscosity absorbance absorbed dose absorber absorptance absorption absorption band absorption coefficient absorption edge absorption spectrum absorptivity abundance acceleration of gravity accelerator acceptor accuracy acoustic phonetics acoustics actinic ray activate activity adhere adhesion adhesive aeolotropic afterheat AIP air equivalent allowed alpha alpha decay alpha particle alpha-particle scattering alpha ray Ampère's law amplitude anelasticity angle of incidence angle of lag angle of lead angle of reflection angle of refraction angular angular acceleration angular displacement angular frequency angular momentum angular velocity anharmonic anisotropic annihilation annihilation radiation anode dark space anode glow anode ray anomalous dispersion anomalous Zeeman effect antiatom antibaryon antielectron antiferromagnet antiferromagnetic antigravity antilepton antimatter

antineutrino antineutron antinode antinucleon antiparallel antiparticle antiproton antiquark antiresonance antiworld aperiodic approximation Archimedes' principle arc spectrum artificial radioactivity astatic Aston dark space astronomical frame of reference astrophysics asymptotic freedom atom atomic mass unit atomic orbital atomic pile atomic reactor atomics atomic structure atomic theory atomic unit of length atom smasher attenuation attraction attractor Atwood's machine Auger effect autoionization avalanche average life axion azimuthal quantum number B b background backscatter ballistic pendulum Balmer series


band spectrum


Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory Barkhausen effect


baryon baryon number base unit BCS theory


beat beauty quark Becquerel effect


bending moment B.E.P. beta beta decay

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beta particle beta ray betatron BeV bevatron big bang theory binding energy biophysics Biot-Savart law blackbody B meson body Bohr atom. Bohr magneton Bohr radius Bohr theory boiling point bolometer Boltzmann constant bombard Bose-Einstein statistics boson bottom quark boundary layer b.p. B particle b quark Brackett series Bragg scattering Bragg's law Braun bremsstrahlung British thermal unit Brownian movement B.S.E.P. B.T.U. bubble chamber bulk modulus buoyant force C c c calorescence calutron canal ray capillarity capillary capture carrier cascade particle Cavendish experiment


Cerenkov radiation CERN chain-reacting pile chain reaction chain reactor characteristic equation characteristic x-ray charge carrier charge conjugation


charmed charmed charmed quark charmonium cholesteric chromodynamics classical

classical mechanics closed shell cloud chamber coefficient coefficient of elasticity coefficient of expansion coefficient of restitution coefficient of viscosity cohere coherence coherent cohesion cohesive colliding-beam machine collimator collision collision density collision diameter color color force combination principle complementarity principle compliance component compound pendulum comprehension compressibility Compton effect condensation conduction conductivity conservation law conservation of angular momentum conservation of baryon number conservation of charge conservation of energy conservation of lepton number conservation of linear momentum conservation of mass conserve consonance consonant constant constant of gravitation constitutive constructive interference continuous spectrum convection convection cell convective discharge convergence conversion conversion ratio converter Coolidge tube


corpuscular radiation corpuscular theory correct correspondence principle cosmic noise cosmic ray cosmotron



CPT theorem c quark critical critical constant critical density critical mass critical point critical pressure critical state critical temperature critical volume Crookes dark space cross section cryogenics curie Curie Curie point Curie's law Curie-Weiss law curvature of space cycle cyclotron D. d. Dalén dalton Dalton's law damp darcy daughter Davisson-Germer experiment dB de Broglie equation de Broglie wave decay decay constant decay series decay time decibar decibel decrement dee de-excite deflecting force degeneracy degenerate degenerate matter degenerate state delayed delta function delta particle delta ray densimeter density derived unit destructive interference deuteron deuton diactinic diamagnet diamagnetic differentiable manifold differential diffraction diffraction grating diffractometer diffuse diffusion diffusivity dilatometer

dimension dimensional analysis dineric dipole Dirac delta function disintegrate disintegration disintegration constant displacement dissipation divergence D meson domain Doppler effect dosage dose dose equivalent down quark D particle d quark drift dyn dynamic dynamics dynamic viscosity dyne E e Edison effect effective sound pressure effuse effusion Eightfold Way Einstein Einstein equation einsteinium Einstein's equivalency principle Einstein shift Einstein's photoelectric equation Einstein theory elastic elastic deformation elasticity elastic limit elastic modulus elastic scattering elastic wave electric charge electric field intensity electric intensity electrodynamics electrokinetics electromagnetic radiation electromagnetic wave electron electron affinity electron diffraction electronic Bohr magneton electronic neutrino electron-neutrino electron spin resonance electron-volt electro-optics electrostatic generator electrostatics electrostriction electroweak theory element 104

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element 105 element 106 element 107 elementary charge elementary particle elliptical polarization emission spectrum energetics energy energy band energy level e-neutrino engineering Eötvös experiment epoch equation of state equilibrant equimolecular equipotential equivalence principle


escape escape velocity eta meson ether etiology event exact science excess sound pressure excitation excite excited state exciton exclusion principle excursion expansion chamber expansivity exposure dose extension F Faraday cage Faraday dark space fast-breeder reactor femtometer fermi Fermi-Dirac statistics fermion fermium ferrimagnetic ferroelectric ferromagnet ferromagnetic fertile Feynman diagram fictitious force field field emission field intensity field line field strength field theory fifth dimension filter fine structure first law of motion fissile fission fissionable FitzGerald contraction

flavor F layer flow fluidity fluid pressure fluorescence flux flux density flux gate fluxmeter fm FM cyclotron focus foot-pound foot-poundal foot-pound-second foot-ton forbidden force form drag Foucault pendulum Fourier analysis fourth dimension fractal frame of reference free electron frequency frontier fundamental fundamental frequency fundamental unit fusion fusion reactor G g Galilean transformation galvanomagnetic effect gamma gamma ray gas gas constant gas law Gauss law Gedanken experiment Geiger-Müller threshold Geiger-Müller tube generalized coordinates general relativity general theory of relativity generation geophysics geopotential glow discharge glueball gluon gluonium gradient gradiometer grand unification theory


gravitation gravitational constant gravitational field gravitational mass gravitational redshift gravitational wave graviton gravity wave


gray body ground level ground state group velocity Gunn effect GUT Gy gyrofrequency gyromagnetic ratio H h hadron half-life Hall effect hard hard science harmonic harmonic motion heat heat of condensation heat of fusion heat of solidification heat of sublimation heat of vaporization Heisenberg uncertainty principle Hertz effect Hertzian wave Hewish Higgs boson high-energy physics Hooke's law hot spot Huygens principle hygrometry hypercharge hyperfine structure hyperon hyperweak force hysteresis hysteresis loss I ICF -ics ideal gas ideal gas law ignorant impact impact parameter impedance impenetrability impenetrable incidence inclinometer incoercible incoherent indeterminacy principle induce induced radioactivity inertia inertial mass inertial system instantaneous sound pressure intensity interaction interface interfere interference interference pattern intermediate vector boson

internal conversion intrinsic parity inverse square law ion ion chamber ionization chamber ionization potential ionizing radiation ionogen irradiance irradiation isobar isobaric isochor isoelastic isoelectronic isomer isomerism isometric isospin isotherm isotone isotopic number isotopic spin isotropic i-spin J joule Joule effect Joule's law J particle J/psi particle K K kaon Kennelly-Heaviside layer Kerr cell Kerr effect kilogram-force kilogram-meter kilohertz kinematics kinematic viscosity kinetic energy kinetic potential kinetics kinetic theory of gases kinetic theory of heat kinetic theory of matter Kirchhoff's law K-line K meson K-radiation K-series K-shell Kundt tube L Lagrangian function lambda particle Landau langley Larmor precession Larmor theorem laser latent heat lattice laurence law of action and reaction law of conservation of angular momentum

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law of conservation of charge law of conservation of energy law of conservation of linear momentum law of conservation of mass law of gravitation law of motion law of partial pressures law of universal gravitation Lawson criterion leakage Le Châtelier principle


lepton number lifetime


light quantum limit of proportionality linac linear accelerator line of force line spectrum Lissajous figure L-line London forces longitudinal wave


Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction Lorentz transformation L-radiation L-series L-shell luminophore m m. Mach's principle macrophysics Magdeburg hemisphere magic number magnetic bottle magnetic circuit magnetic hysteresis magnetic lens magnetic mirror magnetic quantum number magnetocaloric effect magnetoelasticity magnetofluid dynamics magnetohydrodynamic generation magnetohydrodynamics magnetohydromagnetic wave magnetomechanical ratio magneton magnetooptics magnetostriction magnetothermoelectricity major Marconi mass mass defect mass-energy equation massless mass number mass spectrograph mass spectrometer mass spectroscope

mass spectrum matrix mechanics Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics Maxwell demon mb mean free path mean life mechanical impedance mechanics megaelectron volt megajoule Meissner effect mendelevium M.E.P.


meson mesotron metaphysics metastable metastasis MeV MHD microcurie micron microphysics microwave spectroscopy migration millicurie million electron volts miscible mixture M-line


moderator modulus modulus of elasticity modulus of rigidity modulus of torsion


molecular beam molecular orbital molecule moment of inertia moment of momentum Moseley's law Mössbauer effect M-radiation M-series M-shell multiplet multiplier mu meson mu-neutrino muon muonium muon-neutrino N n napier natural science negative negative glow negative ion neper neptunium neutral neutrino neutron

neutron number newton Newtonian Newtonian mechanics. newton-meter Newton's law of motion


NMR nobelium Nobel prize node nonclassical nonideal nonrelativistic quantum mechanics normal Zeeman effect Np N-shell nt nuclear cross section nuclear emulsion nuclear fuel nuclear isomer nuclear isomerism nuclear magnetic resonance nuclear magneton nuclear physics nuclear radiation nuclear reactor nucleon nucleosynthesis nucleus nuclide omega-minus particle optical maser optical pumping orbit orbital orbital angular momentum orbital quantum number orthohydrogen oscillate oscillation overvoltage P Pa packing fraction pair annihilation pair production parahydrogen parallelogram law paramagnet parent


parity operation Parkinson's law partial pressure particle particle beam particle physics particle velocity parton pascal Pascal's law Paschen-Back effect Paschen series Pauli exclusion principle PCT theorem


Peltier effect Peltier heat Penzias perfect gas perfect radiator period


periodic motion Perrin phase phase angle phase space phase velocity phasor phonon photoconductivity photocurrent photodisintegration photoelasticity photoelectric current photoelectric effect photoelectricity photoelectric threshold photoelectron photoemission photofission photoionization photoluminescence photonegative photoneutron photonuclear photopositive photoproton photovoltaic effect phys. physical physical meteorology physical pendulum physical science physicist pi meson pinch effect pion Planck's constant Planck's radiation law plasma plasmaphysics plutonium pneumatics pneumodynamics point source


Poiseuille's law Poisson's ratio polarity population inversion positive column positive electron positive ion positive ray positron positronium potential potential energy poundal pound-force power

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Prandtl number precipitation precision pressure pressure head primary beam principal axis principal quantum number principle principle of complementarity principle of correspondence principle of equivalence principle of superposition proportional counter proportional limit proton proton-proton chain proton synchrotron pseudoscalar psi particle psychophysics


pyromagnetic pyrophotometer Q QCD QED QM quantal quantize quantum quantum chromodynamics quantum electrodynamics quantum field theory quantum jump quantum mechanics quantum number quantum state quantum statistics quantum theory quark quark model quarkonium quasiparticle R R r


radiant radiant energy radiant flux radiation radiation belt radiation potential radiation pressure radiative capture radioactivate radioactive radioactive decay radioactive series radioactivity radiogenic radioluminescence radionuclide radius of gyration random walk range


reaction reactivity reactor realm recoil reference frame reflectance reflection refraction regelation regenerate regenerative cooling relative density relativistic relativistic mass relativistic quantum mechanics relativity relaxation relaxation time repulsion repulsive reradiation residence time resonance resonance radiation rest energy restitution rest mass resultant reverberate reverberation rhe rheotron Ritz combination principle Roentgen roentgenoscope rotational quantum number Rutherford scattering rydberg Ryle S sabin Salam-Weinberg theory scalar scalar field scatter scattering schlieren Schrödinger equation scintillate scintillation scintillator screen secondary beam second law of motion Seebeck effect selection rule separation energy shear shear modulus shell shortwave sievert sigma particle signature simple harmonic motion simple pendulum sine wave slow neutron


smoke soft solitary wave soliton sonograph sound pressure sound wave space inversion spallation spark chamber spark spectrum special theory of relativity specific specific charge specific gravity specific heat specific volume spectral series spectrobolometer spectrophotoelectric spectrum spin spinor spin quantum number spin resonance split square wave s quark


stalagmometer standing wave Stark effect static stationary state statistical mechanics Stefan-Boltzmann law stellarator


Stokes' law storage ring


strange attractor strangeness strange particle strange quark string string theory strong force strong interaction subatomic subcritical subharmonic subnuclear particle subshell superconductivity supercritical supercurrent superfluid supergravity superposition principle superstring supersymmetry superunification surface density surface tension Sv


symmetry sympathetic sympathetic vibration synchrocyclotron synchronism synchronous synchrotron T T tachyon tau tau lepton tau neutrino tauon TCP theorem term terminal velocity theory of relativity therm thermal conductivity therme thermion thermionics thermocouple thermodynamic system thermoelastic thermoelectric couple thermoelectric effect thermoelectric thermometer thermoelectron thermoluminescence thermomagnetic thermometry thermonuclear reaction thermophosphorescence thermopile third law of motion Thomson effect thought experiment time dilatation time reversal tokamak top quark Torricelli's law torsion modulus total quantum number Townes Townsend avalanche t quark train transform transient transition temperature transmission transmissivity transmit transmittance transmutation transuranic element transverse vibrations transverse wave triboluminescence triple point triton truth quark tunnel effect ultrasound uncertainty principle

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unclassical undamped undulation undulatory theory Unh unified field theory unipolar unit magnetic pole unit vector universal gas constant unnilhexium unnilpentium unnilquadium unnilseptium Unp Unq Uns up quark upsilon u quark V vacuum Van Allen belt Van de Graaff generator vapor variance vector field vibration vibrational quantum number Villari effect virtual particle viscoelastic viscosity visible spectrum volume velocity W. w. wave wave equation wave-form wave front wave function wavelength wave mechanics wave theory wave train weak force weak interaction weight Weinberg-Salam theory white noise Wilson Wilson cloud chamber work work function worldline world point W particle xi particle x-ray x-ray diffraction yield strength Young's modulus Yukawa meson Z


Zeeman effect zero gravity zero-point energy

Z-zero particle PHYSIOLOGY

A AB abduce abducent abduct ABO system accelerator action action potential adaptation adducent adduct adduction adrenoreceptor aerate afferent agonist alarm reaction all-or-none law alpha-adrenergic receptor aminoaciduria anabolism anabolite anagenesis anastomose animal heat antagonism antagonist antidromic antiperistalsis apocrine apparatus arterial arterialize assimilate assimilation auditory autacoid autogenous autokinesis automatic automatism autonomic autophagia B basal basal metabolic rate basal metabolism beta-adrenergic receptor beta receptor bile bile acid bile salt biliary bilious biological clock biological rhythm biorhythm block blood-brain barrier blood pressure blood typing borborygmus calcification calcify callus caloreceptor calorie catabolism catabolite

catamenia cellular respiration center centric centrifugal centripetal cerebrospinal cerebrospinal fluid chalone chemoreceptor chemoreflex chemosensory choler chronaxie cicatrix cicatrize climacteric cold spot conduction consensual continence contraction corneal reflex correlation cortical cross-tolerance CSF cytolysis defense mechanism deglutition dejection delta rhythm delta wave depot depressomotor desensitization diapedesis diastasis diastatic diastole dicrotic diving reflex eccrine effector efferent ejaculatory elaborate electric potential electrogenesis electrolyte electrotonus eliminate emigration emmenia emunctory endocrine endocytose endocytosis epicritic equicaloric erection erethism erythrocyte euplastic evacuate evacuation excitability excitant excite excitomotor

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excitor exclusion exocrine exocytose exocytosis exteroceptive exteroceptor facilitation fast-twitch fatigue fibrinogenic fight-or-flight reaction frigidoreceptor galactic heartbeat hebetic hematolysis hematosis histamine humoral hyperpolarize hypertonic hypotonic impulse incretion inhibition inotropic interoceptive interoceptor involuntary involution irritability irritable irritant irritate irritation isotonic kinesis latent period leucocytosis leukocytosis LH LHRH limiting factor luteal phase lymph lymphopoiesis melatonin menacme menarche menopause menorrhea menses metabolic heat metabolism metabolite migrate motoneuron motor motor neuron motor unit muscle sense negative neogenesis nerve fiber nerve impulse nitrogen balance nonparous norepinephrine O

organotropism orthodox sleep osteoclasis osteoplastic ostosis oxygen debt pacemaker parabiosis paradoxical sleep parasympathetic parathyroid hormone parenteral peristalsis peristaltic phagocytosis phonoreceptor phosphene photokinesis photoreceptor phrenic pinocytosis plasma polysynaptic portal circulation postsynaptic prepuberty pressor pressoreceptor presynaptic proprioception proprioceptive proprioceptor protagonist protopathic pulmonary circulation reaction receptor recrement recruitment red blood cell reflex reflex arc refractory period REM sleep respiratory quotient respond responsive re-uptake Rh rheobase Rh factor rhythm rigor sebaceous sebum secretagog sensation sensitive sensitivity sensorimotor sensory setpoint sleep-wake cycle slow-twitch slow wave slow-wave sleep sphygmic sphygmoid sphygmomanometer sphygmus

stercoraceous stimulant stimulate stimulus stress stretch receptor subthreshold summation sympathetic sympatholytic sympathomimetic sympathy synapse synapsis synaptic cleft synergist synovia systaltic systemic systole tangoreceptor temperature temperature spot tetanize tetanus thermolysis thermoreceptor thermoregulation thermotaxis theta rhythm theta wave threshold tone tonic tonicity tonus tricrotic trochlear turgor uptake urogenous vagotropic vasoactive vasoconstriction vasoconstrictive vasoconstrictor vasodepressor vasodilatation vasodilator vasoinhibitor vasomotion vasomotor vasotonic venosity viable vicarious vital capacity vital function voluntary warm spot waste **** Psychol. /psychology. abient � zoophila (total = 361)

abient achievement age achievement quotient acmesthesia act actualization adient


afterimage aftersensation age alpha test ambitendency ambivalence ambiversion ambivert anagogic anhedonia anlage apperceive apperception AQ associationism assortative mating athletic atomism attention audile autochthonous autokinetic effect automatism autosuggestion aversive conditioning battery behavior behaviorism behavior modification behavior therapy beta test Binet-Simon scale bioenergetics biopsychic


bonding cardinal trait castrate cenesthesia chronological age cleptomania client-centered therapy closure coenesthesia cognitive dissonance compensate compensation complex compulsion compulsive conation conative condition conditioned conditioned response conditioning confrontation connectionism consciousness-raising constitution coping mechanism

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counseling counterconditioning cryptesthesia debrief decompensation defective defense defense mechanism déjà vu denial dereism directive disassortative mating disinhibition dominance double bind drive dual personality dynamism dynamogenesis dysphemia encounter encounter group encounter session escape mechanism ethnotherapy euphoria extensity externalizer extinction extinction extraversion extroversion extrovert eye contact fantasy father substitute feedback fetish field fight-or-flight reaction figure-ground foreconscious functionalism G g generalization gestalt halo effect Hawthorne effect holism homeostasis horme hormic theory hyperexcitability hypnagogic state hypnoidal hypnopompic idealized image identification identify ideomotor idiocy idiographic idiot illusion image imagery imagination imaging

imbecile imbecility imitation imprint imprinting infantile autism information overload inhibit inhibited inhibition insight instrumental conditioning integrated integration intelligence quotient intelligence test interference interpersonal theory intrapsychic introversion introvert IQ isolate kleptomania kleptomaniac latent learning liminal MA M.A. Mach scale marathon group marker masking mass hysteria mediated generalization memory trace mental age microsleep mind Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory mneme modeling moron motor muscle sense negative transfer negativism noesis nomothetic nonsense syllable normal orexis organic orientation orthogenic parapraxis parataxic peak experience perception performance test peripheralism personalism personality personality inventory personality test phi-phenomenon photism piblokto

plateau profile project projection projective Psyche psychic psychodynamics psychogenesis psychogenic psychograph psychometrics psychometry Purkinjeshift puzzle box pyknic racial memory rational-emotive therapy reaction time redintegration reinforce reinforcement reinforcement therapy reintegration respondent response generalization response time retrocognate Rorschach test


scalogram schizoid score Seashore test self-actualization sensationalism sense datum sensitization sensorimotor set shape situationism Skinner box span of attention Stanford-Binet test stimulus generalization stream of consciousness subitize sublimate subliminal subthreshold suggestion supraliminal sympathy synthesis tachistoscope


Thematic Apperception Test threshold T-maze transaction transactional analysis transfer transfer of training Type A Type B unconditioned Wechsler Scales word association test

Zollner illusion zoophilia RHETORIC

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anacoenosis anacoluthia anacoluthon anadiplosis anaphora anastrophe antanaclasis antiphrasis antithesis antonomasia apophasis aporia aposiopesis


apostrophize asyndeton chiasmus chiastic climax comparison concinnity copulative asyndeton ecphonesis emphasis enallage enantiosis epanalepsis epanaphora epanodos epanorthosis epexegesis epiphonema epiphora epistrophe exclamation figure figure of speech flourish gemination hendiadys homeoteleuton hypallage hyperbaton hyperbole hypotyposis hypozeugma hypozeuxis hysteron proteron image invention inversion litotes meiosis memory metalepsis metastasis metonymy mimesis narration oblique onomatopoeia oxymoron palilogy paralipsis paregmenon paronomasia partition peroration phrase

ploce polysyndeton preterition prolepsis proposition prosopopoeia retene series suspension symploce syncrisis synecdoche tenor topic trope vehicle zeugma ***** Sociol. /sociology. accomodation � vertical mobility (total = 124)

accommodation achieved status active adaptation adjustment anomie ascribed status assimilation biosocial


caste categoric contact centralization collective behavior commensal competition contact cooperation


cult cultural lag cultural pluralism cultural relativity culture complex culture diffusion culture factor custom demos diffusion dyad dysfunction emergent norms ethnocentrism ethos expressive familism folk society folkways function functional imperative functionalism gemeinschaft generalized other geographic determinism gesellschaft group work horizontal mobility human nature identification imitation in-group institution integrated intergroup invention isolation latent function looking-glass self manifest function marginal marginal man mass society material culture mechanical solidarity mob mobile mobility mores mutual aid

mutualism nonmaterial culture organic solidarity orgiastic orthogenesis out-group person pluralism population pyramid primary primary contact primary deviance primary group proxemics reference group relative deprivation retreatism revolution role role set role strain secondary contact secondary deviance secondary group sex ratio significant other significant symbol situation social class social control Social Darwinism social differentiation social disorganization social distance social dynamics social environment social evolution social heritage social isolation social organization social process social statics societal development sociogram stage static status group stereotype stratification stratify stratum structural functionalism structure subculture superorganic symbolic interactionism sympathetic contact sympathetic introspection telesis value vertical mobility THEOLOGY

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absolution access actual sin agony Antichrist apocalypticism archangel Arianism Arminianism Athanasian atonement attrition baptismal regeneration Belial blasphemy bliss buy Catholic character charisma cherub chiliasm chosen church expectant church invisible church militant church triumphant church visible circumincession consubstantiation contrition counsel damnation debt decree devil diabolism


dispensation domination dominion double predestination D.Th. dualism dulia Dyophysite Dyothelite economy elect election equiprobabilism eschatology eternity exemplarism faith fall father First Cause futurist grace humanitarianism hyperdulia hypostasis hypostatic immanent impanation impute incarnation infralapsarianism

infusionism inspiration Judgment Book justification justification by works justify kenosis latria laying on of hands legal legalism legality


logos mark of the beast merit modernism Monarchianism monergism Monophysite Monothelite naturalism nature neo-Scholasticism Newmanism ontologism original sin particularism passion perdurable perseverance person pneuma pneumatic pneumatology power predestinate predestination prelapsarian presentist preterist preterition principality probabilism procession rapture raptured rationalism real presence receptionism receptionist redeem redemption regenerate regeneration reprobation retribution revelation salvation satisfactory


scientific creationism Second Birth Shechinah Shekhinah solifidian soteriology sublapsarianism subordinationism

supralapsarianism synergism synergist tradition traducianism transcend transcendent transignification transubstantiate transubstantiation tritheism Ubiquitarian ubiquity virgin birth work ZOOLOGY

abdomen aboral above abranchiate acaudal -acea acephalous


acetabulum achlamydate aciculum acoelomate acrodont actinal actiniform actinozoan acuminate acutilingual


adactylous adventitious adventive aeroscepsy agnathous agouta air cell alimentary canal aliped allantois altricial alutaceous alveola alveolar amebocyte ametabolic amnion amniotic amniotic fluid amphibiotic amphicelous amphioxus ampulla anamorphosis anarthrous ancipital anestrus anisodactylous annectent antenna antennary antennate antennifer antennule anticryptic antimere antrorse anurous apatetic apivorous aplacental aplacophoran apodal apopyle aposematic appendage appendiculate apterous apterygial arboreal

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archeocyte aristate Aristotle's lantern arthromere articulate articulation artiodactyl Aschelminthes ascidian asternal asteroid astomatous astragalus attached auricle autotomy avicularium bald ball-and-socket joint



barbate barbellate


beamy bear animalcule beard beard worm bed


below biannulate biarticulate bicaudate bicephalous bicorn bidenticulate biflagellate bilineate bimaculate bimanous binomial binomial nomenclature biocellate biparous bipectinate biped bivalve bladder blastostyle


blubber body bone borer


bovid brachial brachiate brachiation brachypterous brachyurous brain branchia branchial arch branchial cleft

branchiate breast brevicaudate


bulbourethral bulbourethral gland bulla bundle bursa bursiform button byssus caducous calcaneus calcific calicle calyculus calyx canaliculus cancroid canine cannon cannon bone carina carinate carinula carnassial cartilage caruncle casque cast casting cataphract cataphracted cauda caudal caudate cavicorn cecum


centrum cephalate cephalization cephalon cephalothorax cercaria cerebellum cerebral cerebrum cervid cestoid chaeta chaetophorous chalaza chelate chlamydate choanocyte choanoflagellate chondral Chordata chordate chorioallantois chorion chromatophore cingulum circulatory system cirrate cirri cirrose

cirrus clavicle cloaca cnemis cnida Cnidaria cnidoblast cnidocil cnidocyst cnidogenous cnidophore coadunate coelenteron coelom coenosarc collar colloblast




compressed connivent conus arteriosus coracoid corium


corpus callosum corpus luteum cortex corticolous cosmopolitan costal countershading Cowper's gland coxa crepuscular cricetid crista crop crossband cross-vein crural crus cryptic cryptozoic ctenidium ctenoid cubital cuirass cultellus cupule cursorial cushion cusp cuticle cuticula cyathiform cymbiform cyst deciduate definitive host dendrophilous dens dentary dentate dentation denticulate depressed


dermis desmoid dextral dextrality diapause diapophysis dichromatic digenesis digitate dimorphism diphyodont diplocardiac dirhinous disk dissepiment dissogeny distichous divaricate division dolabriform dorsad


dorsiventral dorsolateral dorsoventral dorsum duct ductule duodenum eardrum ecalcarate ecarinate ecaudate echolocation ectad ectal ectotherm elater electroreceptor enarthrosis endopodite endoskeleton endothermic enteron entoproct ephippium epidermis epigamic epigynum epimorphosis epipubis epitheliomuscular erinaceous esophagus estivate estivation estrus excaudate excurrent exopodite exoskeleton explanate extensile external eyestalk facet fascia fasciate

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fastigiate feeler femur fenestra fiber fibrocartilage fibula filate fimbria fimbriate fimbriation fimbrillate fingered flabellate flame cell float footstalk forceps


forefoot foregut forester fossorial fourchette free-swimmer free-swimming frenulum frenum


frontad fulcrum gape gastric mill gastrodermis gastrovascular gemmate gemmule gemmuliferous gena


genu geophilous gizzard glabrate glabrous gonophore gonopore gonotheca gordian worm green gland gressorial gubernaculum guest gula gyrate hallux haustellate heart heat hectocotylus hemal hemichordate hermit heterogynous hexamerous hibernate


hindgut hirsute hispid hispidulous holosericeous homochromous homomorphism hooded humeral humerus hydranth hydrosoma hydrosome hydrotheca hyoid hypobranchial hypochondriac hypoderma hypodermis hypostome -ida -idae ileum implacental -inae inarticulate indeciduate indumentum indusium inflexed inoperculate inquiline insertion interclavicle interfertile internal interscapular introvert invertebrate involute involution irrorate isotropic isthmus Jacobson's organ jaculiferous joint jubate


kidney knee




lacerated laciniate lagena lageniform lar larviparous larynx lentiginous leporine leprous leucon ligament ligula limbate


lineolate lip lithophyte lobose longitudinal



lorica loricate lymphatic system lyrate macrurous


mammary mammula mantle manubrium manus masked mediad medusa megalops melanism Mesozoa mesozoan metacercaria metameric metamerism metatarsus micropyle midgut midline mimesis model moniliform monodactylous monogamy monorhinous mouth mucro mucronate muricate muticous mysticete naked needle nematocyst nematomorph nephridium nephron nephrostome nervous system nervule nervure nettle cell neuter neutral obumbrant ocrea odontocete odontophore ommateum ommatidium ommatophore operculum opisthognathous

orad oral orbit organ of Corti



ostium otolith ovary oviduct oviferous ovipara oviparous ovisac ovotestis ovoviviparous


pallium palmate


pancreas parapodium parazoan parenchyma parietal eye parotic parotoid patella pecten pedicel pedicellaria pedicle peduncle pelvis


penetrant penis pentastomid perisarc peristome


pes petiolate petiole phalange phalangeal phalanx phase phocine phoresy photobiotic photophore phyllophagous piceous pileate pileus pincers pinna pinnule pith placenta placentation planarian planoblast plantar planula

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plastral plastron


plectrum pleopod plerocercoid pleura plica plumate plumulose pneumatic pneumatophore podium podomere poikilothermal polliniferous polygamy polyp polyphagia Polyzoa polyzoarium postaxial postcranial posteriad posterior postorbital pouch pratincolous preaxial predator predatory premaxilla preoral procercoid proclinate procryptic proglottis projectile pronator prosoma protochordate protopodite protostome pruinose psalterium pseudocoel pseudocoelomate puberulent pubescent pulmonate puncture pygidium pyramid quadrate


radial radius ralliform ramulose ramus


recumbent redia remiped reticulum retinaculum retractile retroserrate

retroserrulate rhabdom rhizocephalous ring-necked rostellum saltatorial saxicoline






sclerite sclerodermatous sclerotome scolex scopula scopulate scrobiculate scutate scutcheon scute scutellate scutellation scutellum scutum sea moss sectorial secund sedentary segment self-fertile self-fertilization self-sterile semiaquatic sensillum serosa serous membrane sertularian sessile setula setulose shaft shard shield sigmoid flexure simple skeleton social solenocyte solenogaster solidungulate solitary somatic soricine spawn spermatheca spermatophore spicule spiculum spina spinescent spinous process spinule spiracle



squamosal statoblast statocyst statolith sternocostal sternum -stichous stigma sting stinging capsule stipe stipes stock stolon stoma stomach stop strigose strobila style subcartilaginous subclavate subumbrella superciliary suture symphysis tail fan taligrade tapetum tarsus tectum



temporal bone temporal lobe tentacle tentorium tergum terrestrial


testacean testis tetrapterous theca thorax throat tibia tongue torose torquate torques trachea tracheal trichocyst tricostate tridactyl trilocular trimorphism triploblastic triseptate trochal trochanter trochophore trophosome trophozoite tropotaxis tube tubeworm

tunic tunica tunicate turreted


tympanic bone tympanic membrane tympanum typhlosole umbilicus umbo undercoat unguiculate uniparous ureter urinary bladder urochord urochordate uterus vagina vaginal valve varix vas vas deferens veil


venter ventrad ventral ventricle ventriculus ventrodorsal ventrolateral vermicule vermiform appendix verruca versatile vertebra vertex verticil vespertine vessel vestibule villus virgin


virgin birth viscera vitta viviparous volute volvent water bear water-vascular system weapon web webbing winglet woodborer wood louse worm xerophilous xiphoid zoea zoosperm zoospore *****

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