Amy Winehouse - Rehab - 20053351

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  • 8/2/2019 Amy Winehouse - Rehab - 20053351


    I found this project very tricky and time-consuming very hard to do at first. It took me a while to get

    used to positioning all the notes in the correct place of the bar but I did get the hang of it. Once I got

    the hang of putting the notes in the bar correctly I began to enjoy doing the project.

    I first began by making it the correct tempo and creating a track. I used this one for the vocal notes. I

    changed the view to show only the treble clef and then began to input the notes from the sheet

    music into the score one by one

    I then added the second track that was for the instrument notes. I did this by adding a new software

    instrument and command-clicking the timeline to add regions. Once the regions have been inputted

    its then possible to input the notes after selecting the right note from the insert options of the notes

    and then holding the command button, moving the note into position and clicking. If the note isnt in

    quite the right place or needs to be a sharp, you can then select that note and using the up and

    down arrows on the keyboard, change the notes position and the sharps and flats. I had to do this a

    number of times to accurately position the notes and to make them have the correct sound.

  • 8/2/2019 Amy Winehouse - Rehab - 20053351


    I did this for both of the instruments and vocal sections.

    I did have some problems with picking the notes for the triplets. Once I picked the notes that makethe triplets it changed all of my notes on the score. It moved them and added triplets where they

    werent supposed to be and messed up where the notes were positioned which also altered the

    bars. I then had to go through it bar-by-bar and note-by-note to fix it as I couldnt find another way.

    This was like starting the project over again. To make sure it didnt happen again I found another

    way to enter in the triplets. I put an eight note on the score and then switched to piano roll and

    found it there. I switched snap-to-grid off and then changed the size of the note to cover three

    squares, then pressed and held the alt button and selected the note. This copied the note exactly

    and I then placed it next to the original bar. I did this twice so that there are three bars covering 9

    little squares. This created the triplet without doing anything to the rest of the notes. I then switched

    snap-to-grid on again and used the up and down arrows to position them correctly.

    Once I had placed all the notes I then added another track and copied and pasted the vocal notes

    into it. I then began to mess around with the different instruments available and find out which ones

    worked best together to make my song different. I did this by selecting the track and going into

    software instruments and picking them from there.

    I also used loops. I clicked the loop button and then filtered through the different loops to find the

    right one and added it to the tracks. I then changed the volume of the different instruments so that

    they would complement each other better by using the volume slider on the tracks.

    Altogether I learned a lot from doing this project, I still feel theres a lot more to learn but I definitely

    improved my skills on Garageband. This will make it easier for the final project when I will make my

    own song.

  • 8/2/2019 Amy Winehouse - Rehab - 20053351


  • 8/2/2019 Amy Winehouse - Rehab - 20053351
