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    . Good to any body who feel that his life are blocked and he can't change

    them or control them. Kind of constant dad end in whole life or some

    parts of them. This amulet bring its owner to a new starting point free

    from the events of the past. Increase wills and gives new understanding to

    find new solutions to find new ways for better future

    DR1054.. 1.1 in.


    Helps to observe and analyze every problem from different angles and find original

    solutions. Creates the ability to see the cause and effect, clear and novel thinking which

    does not stick to old patterns and is open to new ideas. Best for artists, engineers,

    programmers, lawyers, managers etc. DR0010 1.2in"


    This amulet is meant for those who want to have children without

    difficulties. Helps to have a normal pregnancy and the understanding of

    the desirable time between pregnancies and the correct number of childrento have.

    DR0009.. 1.2 in".

    Decision Making Amulet,

    (Finding the Right Way)

    Helps it's owner to reach a decision of any kind in the right way. Creates

    focusing and vision of the subject with all it's angles consequences.

    Enables objectivity and detachment to chose the right way.

    DR0012. 1.2 in.

    Destination and Way of Life.This Amulet helps its owner to become aware of his wills, abilities, tendencies,

    limitations and talents in the purest, most basic level. Makes him act and make

    decisions as to which direction to take in life and what he will study, without

    foreign influences, out of true, deep personal will but will. He will keep looking

    for new information so that he stays balanced and fit his wills to the possible and

    feasible and not be disconnected from reality.

    DR1028.. 1.2 in.


    Helps its holder to be loved and admired. Creates a will to be with him

    and pleasure at anything he does. Causes to empathy with him and the will

    to help. Also creates an understanding to people's needs and feelings.

    Increases the ability to create a strong emotional connections, tolerance

    and human love. DR0015.. 1.1 in.




    Forgiveness AmuletThis amulet creates understanding of the origins and reasons for quarrels

    and disputes. Thus it enhances the ability to solve them. It helps self

    forgiveness mainly, but also encourages the ability to repair and return to

    the former situation. It creates the mental power to ask for forgiveness

    from those we hurt, buy words or deeds. It's recommended to present this

    amulet as a token of forgiveness. DR1048.. 1.0 in

    Future foreseeing Understand the past and foresee the future.Based on the "Hoshen"- breast plate. The Temple and it's tools, one of which is

    the Breast-plate, are considered a direct continuation of the creation, after the

    seven's day (the Shabat). The Breast-plate was worn by the high priest (on the

    "EFOD") when he entered the Inner Sanctum and to make a sacrifice. In doing

    this he represented the tribes and had a spiritual connection with the Creator.

    Thus he received an understanding of the deeds of the people and their outcome

    in the future. Wearing this Amulet helps understand the past and gain some

    control over things to come, both spiritually and physically. It crates closeness to

    God and enhances the spiritual level of the person. DR1026.. 0.9X1.1 in.

    Gates OpenerThis Amulet is good for new beginnings in daily life. It creates the

    knowledge which gate (way) to choose, how to enter and how to present

    oneself and one's goal in the right way. It enhances the ability to overcome

    problems and opposition pleasantly. It creates mutual understanding and

    good relations with those the person approaches. Helps staying alert for

    dangers and enables the person to overcome them quickly.

    DR0014.. 1.1 in

    Gambler's Talisman

    Being poor or rich is God's doingThis Talisman is made for gamblers or participants in Lottery, providing

    they use their own money and do not deprive their family. The Talisman

    directs the flowing of money's energy to the benefit of it's owner, and

    helps decide when to quit. In this way the owner, even if he doesn't win,

    will not lose. The Talisman helps the gambler to decide what to bet on,

    creates mental balance and control over his actions while betting.

    DR1032.. 1X1.2 in.

    Health Amulet:

    A kind of preventive medicine. This Amulet helps to keep good health at

    all ages and prevent sickness. It is done by awareness for health and

    energetic defense against sickness

    DR0004.. 1 X 1 in.




    Incarnation AmuletLesson and RehabilitationThis amulet develops the ability to sense incarnations, understand lessons, karmas

    and rehabilitations that are expected of every person. Creates better

    understanding of life and helps to put it in order. Helps to understand the essence

    of the soul, the ability to remove karma and direct life in the right way. Very

    good for meditation to find previous incarnations. In meditation the amulet

    should be placed on the crown charka or in the upper chest near the throat.

    DR1010. 1.1x0.9 in

    Livelihood Amulet:

    This Amulet assists its owner to make a good living. He will easily find a

    job and shall not want. It doesnt mean that he will necessarily be rich, but

    will maintain good living. How much he will earn depends on the owner


    DR0002.. 1.1 in.


    Love is a wonderful energy which makes us whole. Love to ourselves and

    to others. This amulet helps it's owner to love and accept himself and give

    that same feeling to others. Helps keeping love and passion. Life of

    equality, tolerance, understanding and harmonic life with yourself and

    your partner

    DR1002.. 1.2X1.1 in.

    Matching Amulet:

    This Amulet directs the thoughts to be clear and balanced, so that at first

    one will find the good qualities, and not the shortcomings of the other.

    This way of thinking will assist in finding the best spouse and attract him.

    Also helps to meet the right people. DR0001.. 1.1 in.

    Mental balance (four rivers amulet)The four rivers of the garden of Eden pison, gihon, Euphrates and hiddekel

    dividing the world into continents and organized it. the combination of their name

    is considered as a very powerful for healing purposes. They symbolize the

    balance and the right ratio between water and land and the flowing of life. The

    combination of this amulet helps in case of depression, anxieties, mental stress

    and problems in the blood circulation. Helps to prevent the affects of mental

    problems on body functions (psychosomatic).

    DR1005. 0.9X1.1 in.

    New Born Emulate

    The baby who just came into the world is pure and whole, he hasn't done

    anything yet, and all he carries with him is his ancestors' heritage and

    previous lives. This amulet is meant to pacify those Karma . The influence

    is felt in both body and soul. It improves the baby's health, and helps to

    direct it's life to a successful path. Helps to personalize the character in

    accordance with the new burn's true essence and promises a happy

    childhood. DR1003.. 1 x 1.5 in




    Power of Life-SurvivalThis amulet is especially made for people who are suffering from

    depression or insecurity or even fear due to problems surrounding them. It

    empowers the wearer with the energy and the emotional and spiritual

    strength needed to overcome these feelings, by providing patience,

    composure and determination to carry on. It produces understanding of

    why these things are happening and supplies the creativity and personal

    control needed to overcome difficult situations. DR1031 1"

    Pregnancy Amulet

    : This Amulet both prevents tensions and stress that might obstruct

    conceiving and provide physical assistance to the pregnant woman during

    gestation to prevent any danger to the fetus and mother.

    DR0006. 1.2 in.

    Prosperity Amulet:

    This amulet helps to succeed in jobs and businesses and enjoy maximumprofit out of them. Whenever a person does volunteer work it will bring

    him a lot of respect and good name.DR0003.. 1.2 in.

    Quest Amulet

    An important tool for decision making and the purpose of life. It awakens

    it's owner to ask questions and research each subject until he reaches

    complete understanding. Creates intuitions for asking the right questions

    from the right people. Helps finding the right material to examine,understand and feel when the answers are truthful and correct. Especially

    recommended for investigators and lawyers.

    DR0013. . 1.1 in.

    Recovery Amulet:

    This Amulet assists its owner to recover from sickness in three ways: 1.

    By mental balance and strengthening the will power to order the body to

    fight the illness. 2. physical strength. 3. Fighting the ill entities which

    attack the body.

    DR0005. 1.1 in

    Safe Keeper

    This Amulet helps us when we depart for work, trips, business, militaryservice etc. It will help avoid dangers and find the right way, friends, allies

    and business partners. Its owner will be alert to dangers while doing other

    things. DR0007. 1.1 in.




    Soldier's Amulet

    Creates peace of mind, judgment and patience. It's owner can overcome

    fear and great physical and mental difficulties. Creates clear vision and

    helps enhance "correction" for those who live on their swords.

    DR1009. 1 x 1.2 in

    Soul Correction.

    According to the Kabala there are 613 commandments or good deeds neededin order to correct the 613 parts of the soul. As soon as this is achieved, thereincarnations of our material body will end and understanding and equivalencewith the Thought of Creation is achieved. This is the highest spiritual evolvementpossible. This amulet creates concentration, devotion, consistency and the abilityto distinguish between what is important and what is not. Helps those whoaspires to higher levels of spirituality, understand the meaning of life and controltheir fate. DR1056. 1 X 1.2 IN.


    Based on a Prayer composed by an unknown author at the end of the 15th

    century. When its great power was noticed, it was added to the end of theBook of Creation. As in the prayer, this amulet helps its owner to cleanse

    himself from the influence of evil spirits, demons and angels of destruction

    which clung to him during the day (as we wash ourselves from sweat and

    dirt after a day's work). It helps regain mental calmness and good night's

    sleep without nightmares. It is recommended to put the amulet between the

    two hands, preferably on the last hour of daylight (not at night), and

    concentrate on its purpose. It is also possible to think of helping another

    person. It is good for everyone, but especially for those who deal with the

    occult and with exposure to different entities. DR1050. 0.9X1.1 in.

    Spiritual Protection Amulet

    This amulet works mainly in the mental and spiritual spheres. It creates a

    permanent protective wall against any attempt of people, evil spirits,

    demons and angels of destruction to impair its owner's spirit, to deviate,

    hurt or arrest his development, relationships, and spiritual creativity. It

    creates calmness, stability and self assurance. It is good for everyone,

    especially for artists and those who deal with spirituality, including

    healers. DR1051. . 1 x 1.2 in.

    Students' AmuletHelps in achieving clear mind, full use of the senses, concentration, focus

    and thoroughness. Enhances the ability to analyze, creativity and reduces

    the fear of examinations. Best for high school and university students.

    DR0011.. 1.1 IN.




    personal power.The spheres represent spiritual development and consciousness in

    different walks of life. The letters represent the path we take in the course

    of understanding life and fulfilling it. This amulet, combining spheres and

    letters, helps it's owner to understand his place in the world and in society

    and use all his physical, mental and spiritual resources in his actions in the

    best, most powerful way possible. Thus the person will balance his goals

    with is abilities and will achieve success and fulfillment

    DR1046.. 1 x 1.2 in.

    Thought/mind improvement

    This amulet enhances the ability for abstract thought, analysis, rational and

    methodical evaluation and a broad inclusive sight. It helps understand the

    roots of everything and the processes which develop deeds and theories.

    DR1047. 1 x 1 in.

    Tree of Life Amulet

    "And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every treethat is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life

    also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of

    good and evil" (Genesis 2, 9). This amulet focuses on a person's life.It creates passion for life and vitality, assists in achieving mental maturity

    and a harmonious, stabile course of life which comes from inner feeling

    and understanding. Creates the will to build a strong family unit and

    enhances the need for continuity (procreation). Assists in retaining good

    coordination between hands, legs, eyes, mouth and thought, and between

    the right and left lobes in the brain. DR1049.. 0.9x1.2 inTruth Amulet (good and bad)

    This amulet helps to distinguish between true and false, good and bad.

    Helps the person to express his thoughts in a clear, legible way, be it in

    writing, painting, speech, poem, play or any other form of expression.

    Increases self expression and creates complete analogy between the

    thoughts and inner will and their expression. Best for artists, teachers,

    politicians, and anyone for whom creation, including speech is an

    important part of his life and work. DR1006.. 1.1 in.

    Ktubah / Wedlock AmuletThe Ktubah (marriage contract) symbolizes the covenant which is made

    between a husband and wife to live together with love, respect and create a

    loving family. This Amulet is made for the wife, the receiver of the

    Ktubah, so that she will keep the wedding vows, (its influence for the

    husband too). maintain a close, loving and harmonic atmosphere within

    the family and as on her wedding day.

    DR1025. 1.1 x 1.2 in.

