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  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc









    Heat Power Ther!a" En##$


      REGD$ NO$ ' 1407225016

    Under the guidance o 


    De!art"ent o Mechanica# Engineering

    Ba#a$ore %o##ege o Engineering & Techno#og'Sergarh(Ba#a$ore)*+,-,-


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  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    Ba#a$ore %o##ege o Engineering & Techno#og'Sergarh,Balasore-756060


     This is to certify that the thesis entitled “ EFFICIENT AIR


    OF ENGINE WASTE HEAT ”   Submitted by Mr.  SANJEEB

    KUMAR SHAW in partial fulllment of the re!uirements for the

    a"ard of M-Tech in Heat Power and  Ter!a" En#$neer$n# at

    the  Ba"a%ore Co""e#e o& En#$neer$n# ' Te(no"o#) *

    Ba"a%ore #$nder B%$T, &our'ela( is an authentic "or' carried

    out by him under my super)ision and guidance. To the best of 

    my 'no"ledge, the matter embodied in the thesis has not been

    submitted to any other $ni)ersity * +nstitute for the a"ard of 

    any egree or iploma.


    External Examiner Prof. S.K.Nayak  

    Dept. of Mech.En.

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  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc




    + epress my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to my thesis

    super)isor %rof S../aya', epartment of Mechanical ngineering for

    pro)iding precious guidance, inspiring discussions and constant

    super)ision throughout the course of this "or'. 1is timely help,

    constructi)e criticism, and conscientious e2orts made it possible to

    present the "or' contained in this thesis.

    + epress my sincere than's to %rof.%.3.Singh 3ice %rincipal B4T,

    Balasore for pro)iding me the necessary facilities in the department. +

    epress my sincere gratitude to %rof. %..Mohanty 4oordinator of M-Tech

    course for his timely help during the course of "or'. + am also than'ful to

    all the sta2 members of the department of Mechanical ngineering and to

    all my "ell "ishers for their inspiration and help.

    + feel pleased and pri)ileged to fulll my parents ambition and +

    am greatly indebted to them for bearing the incon)enience during my

    M-Tech. course.

    Date)  SAN$EE%K&MARS'A(

  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


     Re#.. No. )1407225016


      An auto"o1i#e air conditioning $'$te" genera##' 2or3$ on 4a!or co"!re$$ion c'c#e

    co"!ri$ing o co"!re$$or( conden$er( e5!an$ion de4ice and e4a!orator6 The o17ecti4e o 

     !ro7ect i$ to u$e 4a!or a1$or!tion $'$te" in$tead o 4a!or co"!re$$ion $'$te" ha4ing 2ater 

    a$ the rerigerant and #ithiu" 1ro"ide a$ a1$or1ent6 The air conditioning $'$te" co"!re$$e$o a generator( a $egregator( a conden$er( an e4a!orator( an a1$or1er( a heat e5changer and a

     !#ura#it' o conduct$ interco""unicated thereto 1et2een to or" a circu#ated coo#ed air 

     !roduction $'$te"6 The i"!ro4e"ent i$ characteri8ed in uti#i8ing the re$idua# heat ro" the

    e5hau$t !i!e o an engine o an engine 1' he#ica##' 2inding a coi# tu1e around the "ain

     !ortion o the e5hau$t !i!e $o that the #i9uidi8ed rerigerant 2ater :H.-; ro" the generator 

    2i## #o2 through and 1e heated into a "i5ture o the 4a!or and #ithiu" 1ro"ide and enter 

    into the $egregator or a !roce$$ o $e!aration6 Then( the 4a!or enter$ into the conden$er 4ia a

    ca!i##ar' tu1e and ro" there enter$ into the e4a!orator or a !roce$$ o 4a!ori8ation6 %oo#ed

    air i$ thereore !roduced and 4ented into the interior o the auto"o1i#e6 The 4a!or ro" thee4a!orator 2i## then go to the a1$or1er and re)enter the generator ater it i$ "i5ed 2ith

    #ithiu" 1ro"ide 2hich i$ returned ro" the $egregator ater 1eing !roce$$ed there to6

  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc




    A%=NOIE< /



    .6/ rerigeration "ethod$ +

    .6/6/ natura# "ethod$ +

    .6/6/6/ ice "a3ing 1' nocturna# coo#ing +

    .6/6/6. e4a!orati4e coo#ing ,

    .6/6. aeriicia# "ethod$ ,

    .6. air conditioning $'$te"$ ,

    .6? 4a!or co"!re$$ion $'$te" *

    .6@ 4a!or a1$or!tion $'$te"

    .6+ ad4antage$ ar$ o4er 4cr /-

    .6, !ractica# !ro1#e"$ in #i1r $'$te" //

    .6* cr'$ta##i$ation //

    .6 ca!acit' contro# /.


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    .6 co""ercia# $'$te"$ /.


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    ?6/ de$cri!tion o a1$or!tion #a'out /,

    ?6. 2a$te heat reco4er' generator

    A#ternati4e$ /


    @6/ ir$t #a2 ana#'$i$ .@

    @6. ther"od'na"ic !ro!ertie$ .@

    @6? !eror"ance ca#cu#ation$ .+

    @6@ "ode# ca#cu#atio$ .

    @6+ con4entiona# ca#cu#ation ?



    SCSTEM @/

    ,6/ A1$or1er @.

    ,6. Generator @?


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    .6/ >a!or co"!re$$ion $'$te"

    .6. >a!or a1$or!tion $'$te"

    .6? T2in dru" t'!e #i1r $'$te" /?

    ?6/ %o"!onent$ o air coo#ed a1$or!tion

    $'$te" or tran$!ort /*

    ?6. Generator $'$te" 2ith additiona# 1urner /

    ?6? Direct reco4er' generator $'$te" /

    ?6@ Generator 2ith air a$ inter"ediate #uid .-

    ?6+ Generator 2ith inter"ediate #uid) c#o$ed .-

    @6/ La'out o a1$or!tion $'$te" .?

    @6. F#o2 diagra" o #i1r a1$or!tion $'$te" .,

    @6? Sche"atic re!re$entation o 4a!or a1$or!tion

    2ith regenerator HE ?.

    @6@ Re!re$entation o a1$or!tion c'c#e on !)/T diagra" ??

    +6/ Heat tran$er in each co"!onent ?

    +6. >ariation o %OP at dierent generator te"!erature$ ?

    +6? >ariation o %OP at dierent conde$er te"!erature$ @-

    +6@ >ariation o %OP at dierent e4a!orator te"!erature$ @-

    ,6/ Modiied #a'out o a1$or!tion $'$te" @/

    ,6. A1$or1er @.

    ,6? Generator @?


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    @6/ %o"!ari$ion 1et2een con4entiona# and ca#cu#ated re$u#t$ ?,

    +6/ Ther"od'na"ic !ro!ertie$ o each !oint ?*

    +6. Heat tran$er rate o co"!onent$ and !eror"ance !ara"eter$ ?


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    Se4era# e"inent !eo!#e ha4e !eror"ed re$earch $tudie$ on

    energ' eicient $ource or coo#ing and rerigeration6 M6G6 Ra$u# and

    A6 Mur!h'  /  ha4e e4a#uated the ea$i1i#it' o an a1$or!tion

    rerigeration unit on $o#ar !o2er6 A !rotot'!e "ode# that i$ ca!a1#e o 

     !roducing a te"!erature change in the e4a!orator 2a$ de$igned(

    a1ricated and te$ted6 The !eror"ance$ and eecti4ene$$ o the unit2a$ $tudied 1' deter"ining rerigeration eect :RE;( coeicient o 

     !eror"ance :%OP; and e5!#aining o!erationa# i$$ue$ o the unit6

    ohnn' L6 =ir1' . $tudied the 2or3ing o a1$or!tionad$or!tion air 

    conditioning rerigeration $'$te"6 He ound that rec#ai"ing the 2a$te

    energ' i$ a great co$t)eecti4e ad4antage o the ad$or!tion

    a1$or!tion $'$te"( o4er a con4entiona# air)conditioning $'$te"6 And

    ini$hed 1' #oo3ing at 4ariou$ "ethod$ o !o2ering $'$te"$ 2ith

    "ini"a# or 1etter 'et no( grid !o2er a$$i$tance6 Dr6 Eng6 %hiara

    Bocca#etti  ?  ai"ed at indi4iduating the "ain heat tran$er and

    ther"od'na"ic !heno"ena( at the 1a$i$ o o!eration o rerigerating

    "achine$6 He !articu#ar#' ana#'8ed A1$or!tion "achine$ and

    $ugge$ted de$ign "odiication$ and ada!tation$i"!ro4e"ent$ o 

    $che"e$ !re$ent#' u$ed6 The ina# o17ecti4e o hi$ $tud' 2a$ to attain

    de$ign o "achine$ characteri8ed 1' higher !eror"ance( #o2er 

    $!eciic energ' con$u"!tion and higher re#ia1i#it'6


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      >6 Mitta#( =6 S6 =a$ana( N6 S6Tha3ur @  $tudied a detai#ed

    re4ie2 on the !a$t eort$ in the ie#d o $o#ar a1$or!tion coo#ing

    $'$te"$ 2ith the a1$or!tion !air o #ithiu")1ro"ide and 2ater6 The'

    ha4e in4e$tigated the in#uence o 3e' !ara"eter$ on the o4era##

    $'$te" !eror"ance6 The' a#$o !eror"ed the "ode#ing and

    $i"u#ation o a $o#ar a1$or!tion coo#ing $'$te" o a $o#ar)!o2ered(

    $ing#e $tage( a1$or!tion coo#ing $'$te"( u$ing a #at !#ate co##ector 

    and 2ater#ithiu" 1ro"ide $o#ution6 The' de4e#o!ed a co"!uter 

     !rogra" or the a1$or!tion $'$te" to $i"u#ate 4ariou$ c'c#e

    coniguration$ 2ith the he#! o 4ariou$ 2eather data or the 4i##age

    Baha#( Di$trict Bhi2ani( Har'ana( India6 The' ha4e a#$o $tudied the

    eect o hot 2ater in#et te"!erature$ on the coeicient o 

     !eror"ance :%OP; and the $urace area o the a1$or!tion coo#ing

    co"!onent6 ean Phi#i!!e Praene( A#ain Ba$tide( Franc3 Luca$(Franoi$ Garde( Harr' Bo'er + 

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    e5ergoecono"ic ana#'$i$ o a dou1#e)eect a1$or!tion rerigeration

    $'$te" 2ith the 2ater)#ithiu" 1ro"ide !air( o!erating 2ith the direct

    co"1u$tion o natura# ga$6 The "ethod co"1ine$ e5ergetic and

    econo"ic ana#'$i$ and thi$ $tud' 2a$ done ater the energetic ana#'$i$

    o a## $'$te"J$ co"!onent$6 The' !eror"ed e5ergoecono"ic

    e4a#uation o the ther"od'na"ic #o2$( 2hich go through thi$ c'c#e(

    or o!erationa# condition$ ai"ed at a rerigerating ca!acit' ro" + to

    /+ TR6 And a!!#ied to the !re$ent $'$te" to re4ea# 2hich co"!onent

    in the c'c#e 2ou#d 1e 2a$ting energ'6 Thi$ "ethod 2a$ a#$o 1a$ed on

    the incidence "atri5 that re!re$ent$ the !h'$ica# $tructure o the

    a1o4e)"entioned $'$te"6

    Guo8hen Kie Guogang Sheng Guang Li Shu'uan Pan*  Ha4e

    ado!ted an i"!ro4ed c'c#e 2a$ ado!ted to rai$e the !re$$ure in$ide

    the a1$or1er o the "achine in order to inten$i' the a1$or!tion eect

    o thic3 Lithiu" 1ro"ide $o#ution and enhance the %OP o the

    a1$or!tion rerigeration $'$te"6 A "athe"atica# "ode# that i$ u$ed or 

     !redicting the !eror"ance o the $'$te" 2a$ de4e#o!ed( and the

    in#uence o !re$$ure change on the o4era## !eror"ance o the

    "achine 2a$ $tudied6 O"er =a'na3#i and Rece! Ca"an3aradeni8

    ha4e done the ir$t and $econd #a2 ther"od'na"ic ana#'$i$ o a

    $ing#e)$tage a1$or!tion rerigeration c'c#e 2ith 2ater#ithiu" 1ro"ide

    a$ 2or3ing #uid !air6 Ther"od'na"ic !ro!ertie$ o each !oint in the

    c'c#e 2ere ca#cu#ated u$ing re#ated e9uation$ o $tate6 Heat tran$er 

    rate o each co"!onent in the c'c#e and $o"e !eror"ance !ara"eter$

    2ere ca#cu#ated ro" the ir$t #a2 ana#'$i$6 Fro" the $econd #a20

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    ana#'$i$( the entro!' generation o each co"!onent and the tota#

    entro!' generation o a## the $'$te" co"!onent$ 2ere o1tained6 The'

    e5a"ined the >ariation o the !eror"ance and entro!' generation o 

    the $'$te" at 4ariou$ o!erating condition$6  D6S6 =i"( %6H6M6

    Machie#$en  ha4e $tudied $e4era# air)coo#ed $o#ar a1$or!tion coo#ing

    $'$te"$ and co"!ared the" in ter"$ o co$t and !eror"ance . The'

    ound that %o"!ared to $ing#e eect $'$te" o the $a"e coo#ing

    ca!acit'( ha# eect $'$te"$ 2ou#d re9uire a1out @- "ore heat

    e5change $urace and )/-,- "ore co##ector area6 So#ar raction o 

    a $ing#e eect $'$te" 2ou#d 1e #o2er than ha# eect $'$te"( un#e$$

    4acuu" tu1e co##ector$ or co"!ara1#e t'!e$ are u$ed6

    In the "ean 2hi#e another $'$te" gained i"!ortance 2hich u$e$

    the 2a$te energ' a4ai#a1#e to !roduce the coo#ing eect and air 

    conditioning 2hich i$ the 4a!or ad$or!tion $'$te"6 R66

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    $o#ar regeneration i$ "ade in the a"1ient air or the regeneration(

    aS=/@ $o#ar coo3er i$ con$idered6

    B' Li Cong and Ru8hu /.

     ha4e $tudied "ore than /-- !atent$

    i#ed "ain#' $ince 'ear .--- that !ro!o$e techno#ogie$ to i"!ro4e

    ad$or!tion $'$te" and "a3e it 1eco"e a rea#i$tic a#ternati4e6 And the

     !atent$ $ur4e'ed 2ere c#a$$iied into our "ain grou!$0 ad$or!tion

    $'$te" de4e#o!"ent( ad$or1ent 1ed inno4ation( ad$or1entad$or1ate

    "ateria# de4e#o!"ent and no4e# a!!#ication o ad$or!tion coo#ing

    $'$te"6 The 4ariou$ techno#og' o!tion$ are di$cu$$ed and e4a#uated6

    Hot $!ot$ and 3e' in4entor$a!!#icant$ are identiied6 An

    a$$e$$"ent i$ "ade a1out current and uture de4e#o!"ent o 

    ad$or!tion rerigeration techno#ogie$6 %raig %hri$t' and Re8a Too$$i

    /? ha4e !eror"ed an in4e$tigation into the ea$i1i#it' o "eeting the

    coo#ing need$ or co""ercia# tractor trai#er rerigeration and tran$it

     1u$ air conditioning :A%; 1' uti#i8ing their o2n e5hau$t heat to dri4e

    an ad$or!tion rerigeration $'$te"6 An e5!eri"enta# 4a!or 

    co"!re$$ion A% $'$te" uti#i8ing ad$or!tion co"!re$$ion 2a$

    reur1i$hed and o!erated at %SULB to 4eri' !re4iou$#' re!orted

    coeicient o !eror"ance :%OP; and $!eciic coo#ing !o2er :S%P;4a#ue$ and to gain 3no2#edge( e5!erience( and in$ight into !roduct

    de$ign i$$ue$6

     P6 Seiert DBI Ga$) und U"2e#ttechni3 /@ ha4e 2or3ed on a

    ne2 and inno4ati4e conce!t o the $u!!#' 2ith !o2er( heat and

    chi##ine$$ the %ore o their de"on$tration !ro7ect are a ue# ce##( an

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    ad$or!tion Rerigeration "achine a$ 2e## a$ "u#ti)$o#ar co##ector$6

    Fir$t e5!erience$ 2ith thi$ conce!t $ho2( that an o!ti"i8ed co)

    o!eration o the co"!onent$ 2ith an ada!ti4e contro# $'$te" 1a$ed on

    the 2eather oreca$t a$ 2e## a$ 4ariou$ $torageJ$ or heat and

    chi##ine$$ can 1e achie4ed6 A continuou$#' o!eration( high ue#

    uti#i8ation and reduced en4iron"enta# !o##ution can 1e de"on$trated6

    6 R6 %a"argo /+  had 2or3ed on the 1a$ic !rinci!#e$ o the

    e4a!orati4e coo#ing !roce$$ or hu"an ther"a# co"ort( the !rinci!#e$

    o o!eration or the direct e4a!orati4e coo#ing $'$te" and the

    "athe"atica# de4e#o!"ent o the e9uation$ o ther"a# e5change$(

    a##o2ing the deter"ination o the eecti4ene$$ o $aturation6 He a#$o

     !re$ented $o"e re$u#t$ o e5!eri"enta# te$t$ in a direct e4a!orati4e

    coo#er that ta3e !#ace in the Air %onditioning La1orator' at the

    Uni4er$it' inatuate Mechanica# Engineering De!art"ent( and thee5!eri"enta# re$u#t$ are u$ed to deter"inate the con4ecti4e heat

    tran$er coeicient and to co"!are 2ith the "athe"atica# "ode#6

    P6 =6 Ban$a# /,  in4e$tigated the !eror"ance characteri$tic$ o 

    three do"e$tic rerigerator$( na"e#' the 4a!or co"!re$$ion :>%;( the

    ther"oe#ectric :TE; and the a1$or!tion rerigeration :AR;6 AR and TErerigerator$ are the re$u#t o re$earch and de4e#o!"ent in

    rerigeration $'$te" in the 9ue$t to ind a coo#ing $'$te" 2hich doe$

    not u$e an' rerigerant that da"age$ the o8one #a'er6 Three

    rerigerator$ o $i"i#ar ca!acit' 2ere co"!ared or their u$age in the

    hote# indu$tr' in 4ie2 o their energ' eicienc'( noi$e !roduced and


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    Fro" the a1o4e #iterature re4ie2 it 2a$ ound the air 

    conditioning o auto"o1i#e$ can 1e !ro4ided either 1' 4a!or 

    a1$or!tion $'$te" or ad$or!tion $'$te"6

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    CHAPTER) +


    The $u17ect o rerigeration and air conditioning ha$ e4o#4ed out o 

    hu"an need or ood and co"ort( and it$ hi$tor' date$ 1ac3 to

    centurie$6 Rerigeration "a' 1e deined a$ the !roce$$ o achie4ing

    and "aintaining a te"!erature 1e#o2 that o the $urrounding$( the ai"

     1eing to coo# $o"e !roduct or $!ace to the re9uired te"!erature6 One

    o the "o$t i"!ortant a!!#ication$ o rerigeration ha$ 1een the

     !re$er4ation o !eri$ha1#e ood !roduct$ 1' $toring the" at #o2

    te"!erature$6 Rerigeration $'$te"$ are a#$o u$ed e5ten$i4e#' or 

     !ro4iding ther"a# co"ort to hu"an 1eing$ 1' "ean$ o air 

    conditioning6 Air %onditioning reer$ to the treat"ent o air $o a$ to

    $i"u#taneou$#' contro# it$ te"!erature( "oi$ture content( c#ean#ine$$(

    odor and circu#ation( a$ re9uired 1' occu!ant$( a !roce$$( or !roduct$

    in the $!ace6


    Genera##' rerigeration "ethod$ are c#a$$iied into t2o t'!e$

    /6 Natura# "ethod$

    .6 Artiicia# "ethod$



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      In o#den da'$ rerigeration 2a$ achie4ed 1' natura# "ean$ $uch a$

    the u$e o ice or e4a!orati4e coo#ing6 In ear#ier ti"e$( ice 2a$

    tran$!orted ro" co#der region$( har4e$ted in 2inter and $tored in

    ice hou$e$ or $u""er u$e or( "ade during night 1' coo#ing o 

    2ater 1' radiation to $trato$!here6

    +$*$*$* Art o( Ice !a23n# 45 Noct6rna" Coo"3n#

      The art o "a3ing ice 1' nocturna# coo#ing 2a$ !erected in India6

    In thi$ "ethod ice 2a$ "ade 1' 3ee!ing a thin #a'er o 2ater in a

    $ha##o2 earthen tra'( and then e5!o$ing the tra' to the night $3'6

    %o"!acted ha' o a1out -6? " thic3ne$$ 2a$ u$ed a$ in$u#ation6 The

    2ater #oo$e$ heat 1' radiation to the $trato$!here 2hich i$ around

    )++o% and 1' ear#' "orning hour$ the 2ater in the tra' ree8e$ to ice6

    Thi$ "ethod o ice !roduction 2a$ 4er' !o!u#ar in India6

    +$*$*$+ E7a8orat37e coo"3n#

    A$ the na"e indicate$( e4a!orati4e coo#ing i$ the !roce$$ o 

    reducing the te"!erature o a $'$te" 1' e4a!oration o 2ater6 Hu"an

     1eing$ !er$!ire and di$$i!ate their "eta1o#ic heat 1' e4a!orati4e

    coo#ing i the a"1ient te"!erature i$ "ore than $3in te"!erature6

    Ani"a#$ $uch a$ the hi!!o!ota"u$ and 1ua#o coat the"$e#4e$ 2ith

    "ud or e4a!orati4e coo#ing6 E4a!orati4e coo#ing ha$ 1een u$ed in

    India or centurie$ to o1tain co#d 2ater in $u""er 1' $toring the

    2ater in earthen !ot$6 The 2ater !er"eate$ through the !ore$ o 

    earthen 4e$$e# to it$ outer $urace 2here it e4a!orate$ to the


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    $urrounding( a1$or1ing it$ #atent heat in !art ro" the 4e$$e#( 2hich

    coo#$ the 2ater6 It i$ $aid that Pat#i!utra Uni4er$it' $ituated on the

     1an3 o ri4er Gange$ u$ed to induce the e4a!orati4e)coo#ed air ro"

    the ri4er6 Suita1#' #ocated chi"ne'$ in the roo"$ aug"ented the

    u!2ard #o2 o 2ar" air( 2hich 2a$ re!#aced 1' coo# air6

    E4a!orati4e coo#ing 1' !#acing 2et $tra2 "at$ on the 2indo2$ i$

    a#$o 4er' co""on in India6 The $tra2 "at "ade ro" 3hu$ add$ it$

    inherent !eru"e a#$o to the air6 No2)a)da'$ de$ert coo#er$ are 1eing

    u$ed in hot and dr' area$ to !ro4ide coo#ing in $u""er6


    Rerigeration a$ it i$ 3no2n the$e da'$ i$ !roduced 1' artiicia#

    "ean$6 Though it i$ 4er' diicu#t to "a3e a c#ear de"arcation

     1et2een natura# and artiicia# rerigeration( it i$ genera##' agreed thatthe hi$tor' o artiicia# rerigeration 1egan in the 'ear /*++( 2hen the

    Scotti$h !roe$$or

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     Rerigeration $'$te"$ are a#$o u$ed or !ro4iding coo#ing and

    dehu"idiication in $u""er or !er$ona# co"ort :air conditioning;6

    The ir$t air conditioning $'$te"$ 2ere u$ed or indu$tria# a$ 2e## a$

    co"ort air conditioning6 Ea$t"an =oda3 in$ta##ed the ir$t air 

    conditioning $'$te" in // in Roche$ter( Ne2 Cor3 or the $torage

    o !hotogra!hic i#"$6 An air conditioning $'$te" 2a$ in$ta##ed in a

     !rinting !re$$ in /-. and in a te#e!hone e5change in Ha"1urg in

    /-@6 Man' $'$te"$ 2ere in$ta##ed in to1acco and te5ti#e actorie$

    around /--6 The ir$t do"e$tic air conditioning $'$te" 2a$ in$ta##ed

    in a hou$e in Fran3urt in /@6 A !ri4ate #i1rar' in St Loui$( USA

    2a$ air conditioned in /+( and a ca$ino 2a$ air conditioned in

    Monte %ar#o in /-/6 Eort$ ha4e a#$o 1een "ade to air condition

     !a$$enger rai# coache$ u$ing ice6 The 2ide$!read de4e#o!"ent o air conditioning i$ attri1uted to the A"erican $cienti$t and indu$tria#i$t

  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


     !re$ent da' air conditioning $'$te"$ u$e either a 4a!or co"!re$$ion

    $'$te" or a 4a!or a1$or!tion $'$te"6


    The 4a!or co"!re$$ion rerigeration $'$te" con$i$t$ o an

    e4a!orator( co"!re$$or( conden$er and an e5!an$ion 4a#4e6 The

    rerigeration eect i$ o1tained in the co#d region a$ heat

    i$ e5tracted 1' the 4a!ori8ation o rerigerant in the e4a!orator6 The

    rerigerant 4a!or ro" the e4a!orator i$ co"!re$$ed in the co"!re$$or 

    to a high !re$$ure at 2hich it$ $aturation te"!erature i$ greater than

    the a"1ient or an' other heat $in36 Hence 2hen the high !re$$ure(

    high te"!erature rerigerant #o2$ through the conden$er(

    conden$ation o the 4a!or into #i9uid ta3e$ !#ace 1' heat re7ection to

    the heat $in36 To co"!#ete the c'c#e( the high !re$$ure #i9uid i$ "adeto #o2 through an e5!an$ion 4a#4e6 In the e5!an$ion 4a#4e the

     !re$$ure and te"!erature o the rerigerant decrea$e6 Thi$ #o2

     !re$$ure and #o2 te"!erature rerigerant 4a!or e4a!orate$ in the

    e4a!orator ta3ing heat ro" the co#d region6 It $hou#d 1e o1$er4ed

    that the $'$te" o!erate$ on a c#o$ed c'c#e6 The $'$te" re9uire$ in!ut

    in the or" o "echanica# 2or36 It e5tract$ heat ro" a co#d $!ace and

    re7ect$ heat to a high te"!erature heat $in36


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    Fig .6/ >a!or co"!re$$ion $'$te"


    >a!or A1$or!tion Rerigeration S'$te"$ :>ARS; 1e#ong to the

    c#a$$ o 4a!or c'c#e$ $i"i#ar to 4a!or co"!re$$ion rerigeration

    $'$te"$6 Ho2e4er( un#i3e 4a!or co"!re$$ion rerigeration $'$te"$(

    the re9uired in!ut to a1$or!tion $'$te"$ i$ in the or" o heat6 Hence

    the$e $'$te"$ are a#$o ca##ed a$ heat o!erated or ther"a# energ'

    dri4en $'$te"$6 >a!or a1$or!tion rerigeration $'$te"$ ha4e a#$o 1een

    co""ercia#i8ed and are 2ide#' u$ed in 4ariou$ rerigeration and air 

    conditioning a!!#ication$6 Since the$e $'$te"$ run on #o2)grade

    ther"a# energ'( the' are !reerred 2hen #o2)grade energ' $uch a$

    2a$te heat or $o#ar energ' i$ a4ai#a1#e6 Since con4entiona# a1$or!tion

    $'$te"$ u$e natura# rerigerant$ $uch a$ 2ater or a""onia the' are

    en4iron"ent riend#'6

    In the $i"!#e$t a1$or!tion rerigeration $'$te"( rerigeration i$

    o1tained 1' connecting t2o 4e$$e#$( 2ith one 4e$$e# containing !ure


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    $o#4ent and the other containing a $o#ution6 Since the !re$$ure i$

    a#"o$t e9ua# in 1oth the 4e$$e#$ at e9ui#i1riu"( the te"!erature o the

    $o#ution 2i## 1e higher than that o the !ure $o#4ent6 Thi$ "ean$ that i 

    the $o#ution i$ at a"1ient te"!erature( then the !ure $o#4ent 2i## 1e at

    a te"!erature #o2er than the a"1ient6 Hence rerigeration eect i$

     !roduced at the 4e$$e# containing !ure $o#4ent due to thi$ te"!erature

    dierence6 The $o#4ent e4a!orate$ due to heat tran$er ro" the

    $urrounding$( #o2$ to the 4e$$e# containing $o#ution and i$ a1$or1ed

     1' the $o#ution6 The $o#ution u$ed in a1$or!tion rerigeration $'$te"$

    "a' 1e con$idered a$ a ho"ogeneou$ 1inar' "i5ture o rerigerant

    and a1$or1ent6

    Fig .6. >a!or a1$or!tion $'$te"

    The "o$t co""on#' u$ed rerigerant)a1$or1ent !air$ in co""ercia#

    $'$te"$ are0

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  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    /6 A1$or1er0

      A1$or!tion o the rerigerant 4a!or 1' it$ 2ea3 $o#ution in a

    $uita1#e a1$or1ent or"ing a $trong or rich $o#ution o the

    rerigerant in the a1$or1ent6


      Pu"!ing o the rich $o#ution rai$ing it$ !re$$ure to the

    conden$er !re$$ure6

    ?6 Generator 0

      Di$ti##ation o the 4a!or ro" the rich $o#ution #ea4ing the !oor 

    $o#ution or rec'c#ing6

    %o"!re$$or i$ connected to the cran3 $hat o the engine through a

     1e#t dri4e6 I thi$ unit i$ re"o4ed( then the #oad engine decrea$e$6 Due

    to thi$ the engine !eror"ance increa$e$6

    • >a!or co"!re$$ion $'$te" traditiona##' u$e$ ha#ogenated

    h'drocar1on rerigerant$( 2hich contri1ute to o8one de!#etion

    and greenhou$e 2ar"ing6

  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    A$ "entioned 1eore to !re4ent cr'$ta##i8ation the conden$er 

     !re$$ure ha$ to 1e "aintained at certain #e4e#( irre$!ecti4e o coo#ing

    2ater te"!erature6 Thi$ can 1e done 1' regu#ating the #o2 rate o 

    coo#ing 2ater to the conden$er6 Additi4e$ are a#$o added in !ractica#

    $'$te"$ to inhi1it cr'$ta##i8ation6 Since the entire $'$te" o!erate$

    under 4acuu"( out$ide air #ea3$ into the $'$te"6 Hence an air !urging

    $'$te" i$ u$ed in !ractica# $'$te"$6 Nor"a##' a t2o)$tage e7ector t'!e

     !urging $'$te" i$ u$ed to re"o4e air ro" the $'$te"6 Since the

    o!erating !re$$ure$ are 4er' $"a## and $!eciic 4o#u"e o 4a!or i$

    4er' high( !re$$ure dro!$ due to riction $hou#d 1e "ini"i8ed6 Thi$ i$

    done 1' u$ing t2in and $ing#e dru" arrange"ent$ in co""ercia#


    +$0 CRYSTALLI9ATIONThe !re$$ure)te"!erature)"a$$ raction and entha#!')

    te"!erature)"a$$ raction chart$ $ho2 #ine$ "ar3ed a$ cr'$ta##i8ation

    in the #o2er right $ection6 The region to the right and 1e#o2 the$e

    cr'$ta##i8ation #ine$ indicate$ $o#idiication o LiBr $a#t6 In the

    cr'$ta##i8ation region a t2o)!ha$e "i5ture :$#u$h; o 2ater)#ithiu"

     1ro"ide $o#ution and cr'$ta#$ o !ure LiBr e5i$t in e9ui#i1riu"6 The

    2ater)#ithiu" 1ro"ide $'$te" $hou#d o!erate a2a' ro" the

    cr'$ta##i8ation region a$ the or"ation o $o#id cr'$ta#$ can 1#oc3 the

     !i!e$ and 4a#4e$6 %r'$ta##i8ation can occur 2hen the hot $o#ution rich

    in LiBr $a#t i$ coo#ed in the $o#ution heat e5changer to #o2

    te"!erature$6 To a4oid thi$ the conden$er !re$$ure reduction 1e#o2 a


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    certain 4a#ue due to $a'( #o2 coo#ing 2ater te"!erature in the

    conden$er $hou#d 1e a4oided6 Hence in co""ercia# $'$te"$( the

    conden$er !re$$ure i$ artiicia##' "aintained high e4en though the

    te"!erature o the a4ai#a1#e heat $in3 i$ #o26 Thi$ actua##' reduce$ the

     !eror"ance o the $'$te"( 1ut i$ nece$$ar' or !ro!er o!eration o 

    the $'$te"6 It $hou#d 1e noted ro" the !ro!ert' chart$ that the entire

    2ater)#ithiu" 1ro"ide $'$te" o!erate$ under 4acuu"6


    %a!acit' contro# "ean$ ca!acit' reduction de!ending u!on #oad a$

    the ca!acit' 2i## 1e "a5i"u" 2ithout an' contro#6 Nor"a##' under 

     1oth u## a$ 2e## a$ !art #oad$ the out#et te"!erature o chi##ed 2ater i$

    "aintained at a near con$tant 4a#ue6 The rerigeration ca!acit' i$ then

    regu#ated 1' either0

    • Regu#ating the #o2 rate o 2ea3 $o#ution !u"!ed to the

    generator through the $o#ution !u"!

    • Reducing the generator te"!erature 1' thrott#ing the $u!!#'

    $tea"( or 1' reducing the #o2 rate o hot 2ater 

    • Increa$ing the conden$er te"!erature 1' 1'!a$$ing $o"e o the

    coo#ing 2ater $u!!#ied to the conden$er 

    Method / doe$ not aect the %OP $igniicant#' a$ the re9uired heat

    in!ut reduce$ 2ith reduction in 2ea3 $o#ution #o2 rate( ho2e4er(

    $ince thi$ "a' #ead to the !ro1#e" o cr'$ta##i8ation( "an' a ti"e a


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    co"1ination o the a1o4e three "ethod$ are u$ed in co""ercia#

    $'$te"$ to contro# the ca!acit'6


    %o""ercia# 2ater)#ithiu" 1ro"ide $'$te"$ can 1e0

    /6 Sing#e $tage or $ing#e)eect $'$te"$( and

    .6 Mu#ti $tage or "u#ti)eect $'$te"$

    Sing#e $tage $'$te"$ o!erate under t2o !re$$ure$( one corre$!onding

    to the conden$er and generator :high !re$$ure $ide; and the other 

    corre$!onding to e4a!orator and a1$or1er6

    Sing#e $tage $'$te"$ can 1e either0

    /6 T2in dru" t'!e( or 

    .6 Sing#e dru" t'!e

    Since e4a!orator and a1$or1er o!erate at the $a"e !re$$ure the' can 1e hou$ed in a $ing#e 4e$$e#( $i"i#ar#' generator and conden$er can 1e

     !#aced in another 4e$$e# a$ the$e t2o co"!onent$ o!erate under a

    $ing#e !re$$ure6 Thu$ a t2in dru" $'$te" con$i$t$ o t2o 4e$$e#$

    o!erating at high and #o2 !re$$ure$6 Figure .6? $ho2$ a co""ercia#(

    $ing#e $tage( t2in dru" $'$te"6


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    Fig .6? T2in dru" t'!e 2ater) LiBr a1$or!tion $'$te"

    A$ $ho2n in the igure( the coo#ing 2ater :2hich act$ a$ heat

    $in3; #o2$ ir$t to a1$or1er( e5tract$ heat ro" a1$or1er and then

    #o2$ to the conden$er or conden$er heat e5traction6 Thi$ i$ 3no2n a$

    $erie$ arrange"ent6 Thi$ arrange"ent i$ ad4antageou$ a$ the re9uired

    coo#ing 2ater #o2 rate 2i## 1e $"a## and a#$o 1' $ending the coo#ing

    2ater ir$t to the a1$or1er( the conden$er can 1e o!erated at a higher 

     !re$$ure to !re4ent cr'$ta##i8ation6 It i$ a#$o !o$$i1#e to ha4e coo#ing


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    2ater #o2ing !ara##e# to conden$er and a1$or1er( ho2e4er( the

    coo#ing 2ater re9uire"ent in thi$ ca$e 2i## 1e high6 A rerigerant

     !u"! circu#ate$ #i9uid 2ater in e4a!orator and the 2ater i$ $!ra'ed

    onto e4a!orator tu1e$ or good heat and "a$$ tran$er6 Heater tu1e$

    :$tea" or hot 2ater or hot oi#; are i""er$ed in the $trong $o#ution

     !oo# o generator or 4a!or generation6 Pre$$ure dro!$ 1et2een

    e4a!orator and a1$or1er and 1et2een generator and conden$er are

    "ini"i8ed( #arge $i8ed 4a!or #ine$ are e#i"inated and air #ea3age$ can

    a#$o 1e reduced due to #e$$ nu"1er o 7oint$6

    In "u#ti)eect $'$te"$ a $erie$ o generator$ o!erating at

     !rogre$$i4e#' reducing !re$$ure$ are u$ed6 Heat i$ $u!!#ied to the

    highe$t $tage generator o!erating at the highe$t !re$$ure6 The entha#!'

    o the $tea" generated ro" thi$ generator i$ u$ed to generate $o"e"ore rerigerant 4a!or in the #o2er $tage generator and $o on6 In thi$

    "anner the heat in!ut to the $'$te" i$ u$ed eicient#' 1' generating

    "ore rerigerant 4a!or #eading to higher %OP$6 Ho2e4er( the$e

    $'$te"$ are "ore co"!#e5 in con$truction and re9uire a "uch higher 

    heat $ource te"!erature$ in the highe$t $tage generator6


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    In the uture there 2i## 1e a #arger and #arger diu$ion o >%R 

    $'$te"$ 1ecau$e "ore and "ore !eo!#e 2i## 1e read' to $!end "one'

    or tra4e##ing co"ort6 At the $a"e ti"e( there i$ the $trong de"and

    or i"!ro4ed 4ehic#e !eror"ance and ue# con$u"!tion( reduced

    noi$e( ea$' "aintenance and high re#ia1i#it'6

    A con$idera1#e !ortion o the tota# energ' con$u"!tion o the

    2e$tern 2or#d i$ centered in the tran$!ort $ector6 Auto"o1i#e$ and

    truc3$ a#one account or a!!ro5i"ate#' - !ercent o a##

    tran$!ortation energ' e5!enditure$6 The$e interna# co"1u$tion

    engine$ t'!ica##' ha4e a ther"a# eicienc' o @- !ercent6 The

    re"aining energ' i$ re7ected to the at"o$!here in the or" o hot

    e5hau$t ga$e$ or a$ energ' con4ected ro" the radiator and the

    engine6 Much 2or3 no2 in !rogre$$ i$ directed to the i"!ro4e"ent o 

    the ther"a# eicienc' 1' achie4ing 1etter con$u"!tion o the ue#6

    So"e eort ha$ 1een de4oted to the uti#i8ation o the 4a$t a"ount o 

    2a$te energ' di$$i!ated in the e5hau$t ga$e$6 Unortunate#'( e2 ha4e

    ocu$$ed on u$ing the 2a$te heat or air)conditioning and

    rerigeration6 Auto"o1i#e$ and truc3$ a#one account or 

    a!!ro5i"ate#' - !ercent o a## tran$!ortation energ' e5!enditure$6

    The$e interna# co"1u$tion engine$ t'!ica##' ha4e a ther"a# eicienc'

    o @- !ercent6 The re"aining energ' i$ re7ected to the at"o$!here in

    the or" o hot e5hau$t ga$e$ or a$ energ' con4ected ro" the radiator 


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    and the engine6 Much 2or3 no2 in !rogre$$ i$ directed to the

    i"!ro4e"ent o the ther"a# eicienc' 1' achie4ing 1etter 

    con$u"!tion o the ue#6 So"e eort ha$ 1een de4oted to the

    uti#i8ation o the 4a$t a"ount o 2a$te energ' di$$i!ated in the

    e5hau$t ga$e$6 Unortunate#'( e2 ha4e ocu$$ed on u$ing the 2a$te

    heat or air)conditioning and rerigeration6

    Be$ide$ energ' u$age or tran$!ort rerigeration( another 

    concern 2hich ha$ e"erged in the #a$t i4e to ten 'ear$ i$ the $earch

    or en4iron"enta##')1enign rerigerant$ and rerigeration techni9ue$6

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    The !rinci!a# dierence 1et2een the a1$or!tion and the 4a!or)

    co"!re$$ion c'c#e$ i$ the "echani$" or circu#ating the rerigerant

    through the $'$te" and !ro4iding the nece$$ar' !re$$ure dierence

     1et2een the 4a!ori8ing and conden$ing !roce$$e$6 The 4a!or 

    co"!re$$or e"!#o'ed in the 4a!or)co"!re$$ion c'c#e i$ re!#aced in

    the a1$or!tion c'c#e 1' an a1$or1er and a generator or 1oi#er( 2hich

    co"!re$$ the 4a!or a$ re9uired6 The energ' in!ut re9uired 1' the

    4a!or)co"!re$$ion c'c#e i$ $u!!#ied to the co"!re$$or in the or" o 

    "echanica# 2or36 In the a1$or!tion c'c#e( the energ' in!ut i$ "o$t#'

    in the or" o heat $u!!#ied to the generator6 In the !re$ent ca$e the

    heat $ource i$ the e5hau$t heat o an interna# co"1u$tion 4ehic#e


    In the generator a "i5ture o #ithiu" 1ro"ide and 2ater i$heated6 The 1oi#ing !oint o 2ater i$ #o2er than that o #ithiu"

     1ro"ide( $o it 4a!ori8e$( $e!arating the rerigerant ro" the

    a1$or1ent6 Since the 4a!or i$ not a !ure 2ater 4a!or( it "u$t 1e

     !uriied a$ it #o2$ through a rectiication co#u"n6



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    Fig ?6/ %o"!onent$ o the air)coo#ed a1$or!tion $'$te" or 


    The a#"o$t !ure 2ater 4a!or #o2$ ro" the to! o the co#u"n

    to the conden$er a$ a high)te"!erature( high !re$$ure "i5ture6 A$

    a"1ient air !a$$e$ o4er the conden$er( it re"o4e$ heat ro" the ga$)

    "i5ture and the 4a!or conden$e$ to a #i9uid6 Ater the 4a!or i$

    co"!#ete#' conden$ed( the #i9uid #ea4e$ the conden$er and !a$$e$ to

    the #i9uid)$uction heat e5changer :LSHK;6 The LSHK i$ an a#u"inu"

     !#ate)in heat e5changer6 It reduce$ the te"!erature o the #i9uid

     1eore it reache$ the e4a!orator6

  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    4a!ori8e$6 Ater #ea4ing the e4a!orator( the 4a!or i$ urther heated a$

    it !a$$e$ through the LSHK to the a1$or1er "i5ing 4e$$e#6

    The high)!re$$ure 2ea3 a1$or1ent $o#ution #ea4ing the generator 

    enter$ a heat e5changer6 Here( it$ te"!erature i$ #o2ered 1' heat

    e5change 2ith the $trong $o#ution co"ing ro" the a1$or1er6 The

    2ea3 $o#ution te"!erature i$ #o2ered urther in the air coo#ed

    a1$or1er $u1coo#er 2hich i$ a in)and tu1e heat e5changer #i3e the

    conden$er and e4a!orator6 Fina##'( the 2ea3 $o#ution !a$$e$ through a

    thrott#ing 4a#4e !rior to entering the "i5ing 4e$$e# and "i5ing 2ith

    the rerigerant 4a!or co"ing ro" the e4a!orator and LSHK6 The

    a1$or!tion o rerigerant into the a1$or1ent $o#ution $tart$ in thi$

    4e$$e#( 2here the re#ea$ed heat o a1$or!tion $igniicant#' increa$e$

    the te"!erature o the t2o)!ha$e 1inar' "i5ture6 The "i5ture i$di$tri1uted into the three circuit$ o the air coo#ed a1$or1er heat

    e5changer6 Re"o4a# o heat 1' a"1ient air i$ nece$$ar' to co"!#ete

    a1$or!tion o 2ater into the $o#ution6

    The a1$or!tion o rerigerant into the a1$or1ent $o#ution $tart$ in thi$

    4e$$e#( 2here the re#ea$ed heat o a1$or!tion $igniicant#' increa$e$

    the te"!erature o the "i5ture6 The "i5ture i$ di$tri1uted into the

    three circuit$ o the air coo#ed a1$or1er heat e5changer6 Re"o4a# o 

    heat 1' a"1ient air i$ nece$$ar' to co"!#ete a1$or!tion o 2ater into

    the $o#ution6


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    The $o#ution #ea4ing the a1$or1er i$ $trong 1ecau$e it ha$ the 2ater 

    rerigerant a1$or1ed into it6 Ater #ea4ing the air coo#ed a1$or1er( the

    $trong $o#ution !re$$ure i$ rai$ed 1' a !u"!6 Pu"!ing !o2er in the

    or" o 2or3 "u$t 1e in!ut to the $'$te"( 1ut thi$ !o2er re9uire"ent

    i$ re#ati4e#' $"a## co"!ared to the !o2er in!ut into the co"!re$$or o 

    a 4a!or)co"!re$$ion c'c#e 1ecau$e #i9uid i$ near#' inco"!re$$i1#e6

    The $o#ution !a$$e$ on to the rectiier 2here it e5tract$ the rectiier 

    coo#ing #oad( and to the $o#ution heat e5changer( 2here "ore heat i$

    a1$or1ed ro" the 2ea3 $o#ution6 The !reheated $o#ution !a$$e$

    through the $tri!!ing co#u"n $ection o the rectiier in order to re#ea$e

    $o"e 4a!or 1eore entering the generator6


    ALTERNATI1ESThe !o2er can 1e tran$erred ro" the e5hau$t ga$ to the 4a!or 

    generator either direct#' or 1' "ean$ o an inter"ediate "ediu"6

    A"ong the $uita1#e $econdar' #uid$( air $ee"$ a good choice6

  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    Fig ?6. Generator $'$te" 2ith additiona# 1urner 

    In the ca$e o direct reco4er'( the te"!erature at the a1$or!tion

    $'$te" generator i$ $o"e /.--% and "a' 1e a$$u"ed to 1e con$tant6

    Fig ?6? Direct reco4er' generator $'$te"


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    $o"e ad4antage$ "a' co"e i !ha$e change occur$ in the e5hau$t

     !i!e heat e5changer a$ 2e## a$ in the a1$or!tion $'$te" generator6

      Fig ?6+ Generator 2ith air a$ an inter"ediate #uid c#o$ed circuit

    I the heat reco4er' de4ice i$ !#aced do2n$trea" o the cata#'$er( the

    te"!erature at the cata#'$er in#et de!end$ on the engine o!erating

    condition$ 62hen the heat tran$er occur$ 1et2een e5hau$t ga$ and a

    $econdar' #uid( the u$eu# heat tran$er $urace cou#d 1e in$uicient

    to o1tain the nece$$ar' a"ount o reco4ered heat6 Thu$ direct

    reco4er' 4a!or generator i$ !reerred6


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc




      The 1a$i$ o ther"od'na"ic$ i$ $tated in the ir$t and $econd

    #a2$6 The ir$t #a2 o ther"od'na"ic ana#'$i$ i$ $ti## the "o$t

    co""on#' u$ed "ethod in the ana#'$i$ o ther"a# $'$te"$6 The ir$t

    #a2 i$ concerned on#' 2ith the con$er4ation o energ'( and it gi4e$ no

    inor"ation on ho2( 2here( and ho2 "uch the $'$te" !eror"ance i$

    degraded6 The $econd #a2 o ther"od'na"ic ana#'$i$ i$ a !o2eru#

    too# in the de$ign( o!ti"i8ation( and !eror"ance e4a#uation o energ'


    A 1a$ic 4a!or a1$or!tion c'c#e i$ a t2o !re$$ure three

    te"!erature$ #e4e# c'c#e 2hich "a3e$ u$e o a 4a!ori8a1#e #i9uid a$

    the rerigerant and a $econd #i9uid or $o#id #i9uid a$ an a1$or1ent6 It

    con$i$t$ o a generator( a conden$er( an a1$or1er( an e4a!orator( a

    $o#ution !u"! and e5!an$ion 4a#4e$6

    The $o#ution te"!erature in the generator and a1$or1er are not

    unior" due to the 4ariation in $o#ution concentration ro" in#et to

    out#et in the$e co"!onent$6 Thi$ cau$e$ heat tran$er irre4er$i1i#it'J$

    in addition to tho$e due to interna# "a$$ e5change6 The regenerated

    a1$or1ent #ea4e$ the generator at high te"!erature and i$ coo#ed to

    a1$or1er te"!erature6 Si"i#ar#' the $o#ution #ea4ing the a1$or1er i$

    heated to the #e4e# o the generator te"!erature6 A $o#ution heat


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    e5changer can 1e u$ed to tran$er the heat ro" the 2ea3 $o#ution

    #ea4ing the generator to the $trong $o#ution #ea4ing the a1$or1er6 Thi$

    reduce$ the in!ut heat re9uired in the generator6 Thi$ interna# heat

    reco4er' i"!ro4e$ the %OP6

    Figure @6/ La'out o a1$or!tion $'$te"

    The "ain ther"od'na"ic$ !roce$$ in a a1$or!tion rerigeration c'c#e

    can 1e $u""ari$ed a$ o##o2$0

    ) Pu"!ing( !re$$uri$ation and $en$i1#e heat re"o4a# o the rich


    ) De$or!tion !roce$$ in the generator 2ith e5terna# heat in!ut( Qg at a

    te"!erature tg( 2hich re!re$ent$ the "ain in!ut energ' in thi$ $'$te"6

    ) De$u!erheating and conden$ation at con$tant !re$$ure in the

    conden$er( thu$ gi4ing an energ' Q% at a te"!erature tc6

    ) %oo#ing o the rerigerant #i9uid and it$ i$entha#!ic e5!an$ion

    through a thrott#ing 4a#4e6

    ) E4a!oration o the rerigerant in the e4a!orator 2hich !roduce$ the

    coo#ing #oad( Qe( at an e4a!orator te"!erature te6


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    ) A1$or!tion o the #o2 !re$$ure rerigerant 4a!or 2ithin the 2ea3 

    $o#ution in the a1$or1er at the a1$or1er te"!erature ta 2ith a heat

    out!ut Qa6

    In order to !eror" a ther"od'na"ic ana#'$i$ o thi$ c'c#e( the

    o##o2ing a$$u"!tion$ are "ade0

    • The generator( conden$er( e4a!orator and a1$or1er te"!erature$

    are $u!!o$ed con$tant6

    • The huge and #o2 !re$$ure$ o the c'c#e corre$!ond re$!ecti4e#'

    to the $aturation te"!erature in the conden$er and in the


    • The !re$$ure$ in the generator and in the a1$or1er are $u!!o$ed

    to 1e $i"i#ar to the !re$$ure$ in the conden$er and in the

    e4a!orator re$!ecti4e#'6

    • The $trong $o#ution M$$ i$ deined a$ the $o#ution 2ith a high

    concentration o the rerigerant :2ater; #ea4ing the a1$or1er i$

    $u!!o$ed to 1e at a $aturation $tate6

    • The 2ea3 $o#ution( "2$( i$ deined a$ the $o#ution 2ith a #o2

    concentration o the rerigerant #ea4e$ the generator at a

    te"!erature tg6

    • The rerigerant :

  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc



    In recent 'ear$( theoretica# and e5!eri"enta# re$earche$ on the

    a1$or!tion rerigeration $'$te" ha4e increa$ed( 1ecau$e the$e $'$te"$

    harne$$ ine5!en$i4e energ' $ource$ in co"!ari$on to 4a!or 

    co"!re$$ion $'$te"$6 The $'$te" i$ 1ounded 1' t2o concentration

    #ine$ K/  and K.  or a1$or1er and generator concentration$(

    re$!ecti4e#'( and t2o con$tant !re$$ure$ !e and !c or e4a!orator and

    conden$er re$!ecti4e#'6 For an eicient air conditioning a!!#ication(

    the e4a!orator te"!erature te $hou#d 1e #o2 enough to dehu"idi' the

    air6 In !ractice it range$ ro" @6+ to /--% according to the #oad

    condition$6 The heat re7ection te"!erature$ ta and tc or the a1$or1er 

    and the conden$er re$!ecti4e#'( 4ar' according to the t'!e o coo#ing

    "ediu"6 The generator te"!erature tg de!end$ on the $ource o heata4ai#a1#e6 Ho2e4er a "ini"u" te"!erature o --% $hou#d 1e

    "aintained to !ro4ide eicient o!eration6 The o!erationa# unction o 

    a #i9uid #i9uid heat e5changer in the c'c#e 2i## 1e the reduction o 

    the 2ea3 $o#ution te"!erature t@( #ea4ing the generator and increa$ing

    the $trong $o#ution te"!erature t/ #ea4ing the a1$or1er6


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    Entha#!ie$ o the 2ater :rerigerant; and LiBr :a1$or1ent; $o#ution$

    2ere ca#cu#ated 2ith reerence te"!erature at .+-%6 The o##o2ing

    e5!re$$ion$ 2ere deri4ed 1' F6L6Lan$ing   /* to ca#cu#ate the c'c#e


    /6 The entha#!' o !ure 2ater #i9uid at te"!erature t-% :t)

    .+;@6/, =3g

    .6 The entha#!' o $aturated 2ater 4a!or at te"!erature t-%

    :.?*6*@/6*@+t; =3g

    ?6 The entha#!' or $u!erheated $tea" at te"!erature t-% and

     !re$$ure e9ua# to $aturation !re$$ure o $tea" at te"!erature

    t-% :.?*6*@/6.+t)6/* t; =3g

    @6 The $!eciic heat o #ithiu" 1ro"ide2ater $o#ution o concentration K 3g LiBr3g $o#ution i$ gi4en 1' %5  @6..*)

    +6/@K.6-/K.  =3g

    +6 The entha#!' o LiBr2ater $o#ution o concentration K 3g

    LiBr3g $o#ution at .+-% i$ H5(.+ .@6)///6,.K/*@@6/K.

    =3g $o#ution

    ,6 The entha#!' o LiBr2ater $o#ution o concentration K 3g

    LiBr3g $o#ution at te"!erature t-% :/*6.)


    *6 In the range o concentration ro" -6+)-6,+ LiBr3g $o#ution(

    rerigerant te"!erature tR -% :.-+6.)+,?6,@K;:@6*-)


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    /6,*K;:t"-%;6 thi$ can 1e 2ritten a$ K:@6-@/6/.+t")tR ;


    6 The $aturated 4a!our !re$$ure P in Bar corre$!onding to

    $aturation te"!erature T-= or !ure 2ater i$ gi4en 1' #og/-P 1ar 



    The deter"ination o ther"od'na"ic !ro!ertie$ o each $tate in

    the c'c#e( the a"ount o heat tran$er in each co"!onent( and the #o2

    rate$ at dierent #ine$ de!end on the o##o2ing $et o in!ut


    /6 Generator te"!erature tg-%

    .6 E4a!orator te"!erature te-%

    ?6 %onden$er te"!erature tc-


    @6 A1$or1er te"!erature ta-%

    +6 Li9uid)#i9uid heat e5changer eecti4ene$$ EL

    ,6 Rerigeration #oad Qe

    The a1o4e $et can 1e deter"ined ro" actua# running

    "ea$ure"ent$ or a$$u"ed 1' a ir$t rea$ona1#e e$ti"ate to c'c#e


    Together 2ith the a$$u"!tion$ o neg#ecting the !u"! 2or3 and

    neg#ecting the !re$$ure dro! in co"!onent$ and #ine$ and a$$igning

    $aturation condition$ ater a1$or1er( generator :2ea3 $o#ution;(

    conden$er and e4a!orator( the !ro!ertie$ are deter"ined a$ o##o2$0


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc



    Thi$ i$ deter"ined ro" concentration e9uation u$ing ta or the

    $o#ution te"!erature and te or the 2ater te"!erature corre$!onding to

    the e4a!orator !re$$ure Pe0

    K/K.K? K $trong $o#ution

    K/ :@6-@/6/.+ta)te; :/?@6,+-6@*ta; 3g LiBr3g

    $o#ution66 :e96 @6/;


    Thi$ i$ deter"ined ro" concentration e9uation u$ing tg or the

    $o#ution te"!erature and tc or the rerigerant te"!erature

    corre$!onding to the conden$er !re$$ure Pc0

    K@K+K, K 2ea3 $o#ution

    K@ :@6-@/6/.+tg)tc; :/?@6,+-6@*tg; 3g LiBr3g$o#ution6:e96 @6.;

    Fig @6. #o2 diagra" o LiBr H.O a1$or!tion $'$te"



  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    It i$ !o$$i1#e to e4a#uate the !re$$ure in the e4er' #ine a$ o##o2$0

    Pe4a!orator (PeP/P,PP/- in 1ar 0

    #og/-Pe  -6-/):.6-,te.*?6/+;):/@6+/

    :te.*?6/+;.;666666666666666666666666666666666666666666:e96 @6?;

    Pconden$er PcP.P?P@P+P*P in 1ar0

    #og/-Pc -6-/):.6-,tc.*?6/+;):/@6+/:tc.*?6/+;.;

    6:e96 @6@;

    $,$ FLOW RATES

    Entha#!' o $aturated #i9uid 2ater ater conden$er :$tate ;( i$ gi4en

     1' the conden$er te"!erature tc6

    h :tc ).+; @6/,

    33g666 :e96 @6+;

    The thrott#ing !roce$$ ro" to gi4e HH

    Entha#!' o $aturated 2ater 4a!our ater e4a!orator :$tate /-; i$ gi4en

     1' the e4a!orati4e te"!erature te a$

    h/-  :.?*6*@/6*@+te;

    33g6:e96 @6,;

    According to the ir$t #a2 o ther"od'na"ic$ to the e4a!orator 2i##


    Qe"R :h/-)h;6666

    666666:e96@6 *;

  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    "R Qe  :h/-) h;66

    6:e96 @6;

    The #ithiu" 1ro"ide "a$$ 1a#ance in a1$or1er gi4e$

    "2K,"R K/-"$K/:"2"R ;K/666

    6:e96 @6;

    B' u$ing the a1o4e e9uation$(

    "2 :Qe  :h/-) h;; :K/ :K@)

    K/;; 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666:e96 @6/-;

    "$ :Qe  :h/-) h;; :K@ :K@)

    K/;;6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666:e96 @6//;

    $ince the concentration$ 5/ and K@ are re$tricted not to e5ceed certain

    #i"it$ to a4oid cr'$ta##i8ation !ro1#e"$( and i the te"!erature$ o the

    c'c#e are $et to 4ar' according the a"1ient and #oad condition$( the

    "a$$ #o2 rate$ in the dierent #ine$ 2i## 1e 4arie$ according#'6

    $,$. LI

  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc




    The entha#!' o 2ater 4a!or #ea4ing the generator and entering the

    conden$er :$tate*; i$ gi4en 1' h*.?*6/,/


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc




    The heat 1a#ance o the conden$er gi4e$

    Qc"r   :h*)h;


    66:e96 @6/;

    Heat 1a#ance or the co"1ined generator and heat e5changer contro#

    4o#u"e gi4e$

    Qg"/-h+"R h*)


    :e96 @6.-;

    Heat 1a#ance or the a1$or1er gi4e$ QA

      Qa "2h,"R h/-)"$h/666


    The a1o4e e9uation$ are go4erned 1' the ir$t #a2 o ther"od'na"ic$

    in the or"



    666:e96 @6..;


    Thi$ i$ deined a$ %OP :rerigeration eect; :e5terna# heat in!ut;


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc






    The "a5i"u" coeicient o !eror"ance o the a1$or!tion c'c#e i$

    gi4en 1'

    %OP"a5  te  :tg)ta; tg  :tc)te;



    The ratio %OPactua#%OP"a5 i$ ca##ed the re#ati4e !eror"ance ratioJ to

    $ho2 the de4iation ro" re4er$i1#e c'c#e o!eration6


    K/:$trong $o#ution; :@6-@/6/.+ta)te; :/?@6,+-6@*ta; 3g

    LiBr3g $o#ution

      :@6-@ :/6/.+@-;)/-;:/?@6,+-6@*@-;


    K@:2ea3 $o#ution; :@6-@/6/.+tg)tc; :/?@6,+-6@*tg; 3g

    LiBr3g $o#ution

      :@6-@:/6/.+*;)@-; :/?@6,+-6@**;


    #og/-Pe  -6-/):.6-,te.*?6/+;):/@6+/:te.*?6/+;.;


      Pe *6 3Pa -6-* 1ar 


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    #og/-Pc  -6-/):.6-,tc.*?6/+;):/@6+/:tc.*?6/+;.;


      /6--@ 3Pa -6-/ 1ar 

    h  :t).+;@6/, 33g


      ,.6* 33g

    h/-  :.?*6*@/6*@+te; 33g


      .@/+6/ 33g

    "R QE  :h/-) h;6  ?6+/,*:.@/+6/),.6*;

    -6--/@ 3g$

    "2 :QE  :h/-) h;; :K/ :K@)K/;;


      -6--*+ 3g$

    "$ :QE  :h/-) h;; :K@ :K@)K/;;


      -6-- 3g$


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    %K/ @6..*)+6/@K/.6-/K/. 33g


      .6-/ 33g

    %K@ @6..*)+6/@[email protected]/K@. 33g

      @6..*):+6/@-6,++;:.6-/-6,++.; /6*/ 33g

    t+  tg) EL:tg)ta;




    t? te  : EL :K/%K@;:K@%K/;:tg)ta;;




    h/ :/*6.)/*.6K//,?6+K/.;:@6.?)+6/+K/.6-/K/





      ).-6,@ =73g

    h+:/*6.)/*.6K@/,?6+K@.;:@6.?)+6/[email protected]/K@


      :/*6.):/*.6-6,++;:/,?6+-6,++.;; :@6.?)




  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


      )/+?6, =3g

    h* .?*6/,/*tc .?*6/, :/6.*;):-6/*@-;

    .+*,6.@ =3g

    Qc "r  :h*)h; -6--/@:.+*,6.@),.6*; ?6*@ 3<

    Qg "2h+"R h*)"$h/  :-6--*+)/*?6.@;:-6--/@.+*,6.@;)

    : -6--).-,6; @6++ 3<

    Qa "2h,"R h/-)"$h/ :-6--*)/*?6.@;:-6--/@.@-@6*?.;)

    :-6--).-,6; @6?/ 3<

    %OP QEQG -6*,*


    The o!erting condition$ or #ithiu" 1ro"ide)2ater air conditioning

    $'$te" are gi4en 1e#o2

    Generator te"!erature *O%

    %onden$er te"!erature @-o%

    E4a!orator te"!erature /-o%

    A1$or1er te"!erature @- o%


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    Fig @6? $che"atic re!re$entation o o $i"!#e 4a!or a1$or!tion $'$te"

    2ith Li9uid #i9uid regenerati4e heat e5changer 

    For" the ig @6? and or" the ta1#e o the 2ater 4a!our !re$$ure in the

    A!!endi5 2e o1tain the conden$er and e4a!orator !re$$ure$

    corre$!onding to their re$!ecti4e te"!erature$6


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    %oden$er and generator !re$$ure

    Pc*6?+* 3Pa :at @- o%; -6-*?+ 1ar 

    A1$or1er and e4a!orator !re$$ure

    Pe/6..@ 3Pa -6-/. 1ar 

    Fig @6@ Re!re$entation o A1$or!tion c'c#e on the !)/T Diagra"

     No2 ro" ig @6@ 2e get ir$t the #ithiu" 1ro"ide and then the

    rerigerant 2ater concentration in rich and !oor $o#ution$ at $tate$ @

    and .

    State @ Saturated co#d $o#ution or" the a1$or1er at

    Pe/6..@ 3Pa and t@-o%

    K#i1r -6++ 3g o LiBr !er 3g o $o#ution

    h@?6+ 33g:or" h)5 diagra";

    Rich $o#ution concentration o 2ater


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    Kr  /)-6++-6@+ 3g o 2ater !er 3g o $o#ution

    State . $aturated hot $o#ution ro" generator at

    P*6?+* 3Pa and at tg* o%

    K#i1r -6,+ 3g o LiBr !er 3g o $o#ution

    h..@ =3g:ro" h)5 diagra";

    Poor $o#ution concentration o 2ater 

    Kr -6?+ 3g o 2ater !er 3g o $o#ution

    State / $aturated $o#ution at conden$er !re$$ure and -6++LiBr 


    t/*@ o% :ro" ig @6.;

    h/,, =3g:h)5 diagra";

    State ? $aturated $o#ution at e4a!orator !re$$ure and -6,+LiBr 


    T?,- o% :ro" ig @6.;

    h?/- =3g:h)5 diagra";

    State !oint ?a ha$ the $a"e entha#!'( te"!erature and co"!o$ition a$

    $tate ?61ut i$ at generator !re$$ure6 It$ re!re$ent$ a $tate $u1 coo#ed

    ro" . to ? at++6?."" hg !re$$ure

    State @a te@ o% and K#i1r -6++

    h@ah@?6+ =3g:neg#ecting !u"! 2or3;


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    S!eciic $o#ution circu#ation rate$

    :/)Ka;:Kr   ) Ka;

    6:e96 @6.+;


    ,6+ 3g 3g o 4a!our 

    Heat a4ai#a1#e in the hot $o#ution or tran$er :)/;:h.)h?;

    6666666666666666:e96 @6.,;

      +6+:.@)/-; ?*@ 3

    Heat re9uired 1' co#d $o#ution or heating :h/)h@;

    666:e96 @6.*;

      ,6+ :/,,)?6+; @*/ 3 V?*@

    3Hence( co#d $o#ution at @a cannot 1e heated to /6#et it 1e heated

    to /a6

    State 1a6 energ' 1a#ance o the #i9uid #i9uid heat e5changer gi4e$

    :h/a  h@; :)/; :h.)h?;

    2here h/a  h@::)/;;:h.)h?;

    66:e96 @6.;

      ?6+ :+6+,6+;:.@)/-; /+/ 33g

    State + It i$ that o 2ater 4a!our at *6?+ 3Pa !re$$ure and *-%

    te"!erature6 At the$e condition$ it re!re$ent$ a $u!erheated 4a!our 


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    $tate6 The entha#!' o 2ater 4a!our a1o4e the reerence $tate o 

    $aturated 2ater at --% had ta3en ro" e"!irica# re#ation6


    :e96 @6.;

    h+.-+//6:*;.,? 33g

    State ,

    Saturated 2ater at @- o


    h,@6/:@-; /,*6+ 33g

    State * !/6..@ 3Pa and at t/- o% :#i9uid4a!or;

      h*h,/,*6+ 33g

    State !/6..@ 3Pa at t/- o% :$taturated 4a!or;

    h.+-//6:/-;.+.- 33g

    Rerigerating eect 9e h)h*.+.-)/,*6+.+?.6+ 33g

    Heat added in the generator !er unit "a$$ o 4a!our di$ti##ed

    9gh+)h. :h.)h/a;



    9g  ?-,, 3 3g o 4a!our  


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    %oeicient o Peror"ance( %OP 9e 9g-6**

  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    Pro!ertie$ %on4entiona#


    %a#cu#ation$ u$ing

    "athe"atica# "ode#

    Qc ?6** 3< ?6*@ 3<

    Qg @6, 3< @6+, 3<

    Qa @6?+ 3< @6?. 3<

    %OP -6** -6*,*

    Ta1#e @6/ co"!ari$ion 1et2een con4entiona# and ca#cu#ated re$u#t$

    A$ it i$ $een that the 4a#ue$ o1tained ro" the con4entiona#

    ca#cu#ation$ and that ro" the "athe"atica# ca#cu#ation are

    a!!ro5i"ate#' $a"e( $o the "athe"atica# "ode# i$ u$ed or doing ir$t

    #a2 ana#'$i$ o 4a!or a1$or!tion $'$te" and 1' u$ing thi$

    "athe"atica# "ode# a 7a4a !rogra" ha$ 1een de4e#o!ed or the ea$e

    o the ca#cu#ation$6


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc




      The ir$t #a2 ana#'$i$ i$ done on #ithiu" 1ro"ide2ater 4a!or 

    a1$or!tion $'$te"6 Ta1#e +6/ and +6. $ho2$ the re$u#t$ or the

    ther"od'na"ic !ro!ertie$ and heat tran$er rate$ o each co"!onent

    re$!ecti4e#'6 In thi$ ana#'$i$ (ca#cu#ation 2ere !eror"ed or ?6+32

    coo#ing #oad and the !ara"eter$ 2ere ta3en a$ t e@o%( tc@-


    o%( tg*  o% eecti4ene$$ W-66 in ta1#e +6/ che"ica# co"!o$ition

    and "a$$ #o2 rate are !ro4ided a#ong 2ith te"!erature(

    concentration and entha#!' 4a#ue$ o the 2or3ing #uid$6 A$ $een ro"

    the ta1#e +6. co"!ared to other co"!onent$ the generator heat

    tran$er rate i$ the highe$t6

    State !oint%he"ica#








  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    >a!our /- - .+.-

    Ta1#e +6/ ther"od'na"ic !ro!ertie$ o each !oint

    %o"!onent Heat tran$er rate$ :3

  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    Fig +6/ heat tran$er rate in each co"!onent$

      Fig +6. $ho2$ the re#ation 1et2een the generator te"!erature and

    coecient o !eror"ance it $ho2$ that a$ the generator te"!erature

    increa$e$ the %OP increa$e$ 3ee!ing the e4a!orator te"!erature te at

    ,o% conden$er te"!erature Tc at @-o% and the a1$or1er te"!erature ta

    at @-o%


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    Fig +6. 4ariation o %OP at dierent generator te"!erature$

    A$ the generator te"!erature increa$e$ the net eect change in the

    entha#!ie$ o 4a!our and 2ea3 $o#ution decrea$e$ there1' Qg

    decrea$e$ re$u#ting in increa$e o %OP6

    Fig +6? $ho2$ the re#ation 1et2een the conden$er te"!erature and

    coeicient o !eror"ance it $ho2$ that a$ the conden$er te"!erature

    increa$e$ the %OP 4a#ue$ decrea$e$ 3ee!ing tg-o% te,o% W-6,

    Qe?6+ $o the conden$er$ $hou#d 1e "aintained at #o2 te"!erature$

    in order to attain high %OP 4a#ue$ at #o2 generator te"!erature$6

    Fig +6? 4ariation o %OP at dierent conden$er te"!erature$

  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    generator i$ 3e!t con$tant and the 4ariation in %OP i$ o1$er4ed 1'

    4ar'ing the e4a!orator te"!erature6 A$ the e4a!orator te"!erature

    increa$e$ the conden$ation re9uired i$ #e$$6

    Fig +6@

    >ariation o %OP at dierent e4a!orator te"!erature$





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    The 4a!or a1$or!tion $'$te" genera##' con$i$t$ o a generator( a

    conden$er( an a1$or1er an e4a!orator( a !u"! and a $egregator6 The

    conden$er u$ed i$ a con4entiona# air coo#ed conden$er u$ed in

    auto"o1i#e$ and co"ing to the e4a!orator in$tead o 1u'ing

    indi4idua# co"!onent$ $uch a$ e4a!orator( an( e5!an$ion de4ice the

    2ho#e e4a!orator unit had 1een 1ought 2ith an and the e5!an$ion

    de4ice connected to the e4a!orator !#aced in$ide a ca1inet6 For the an

    to run a /.4 1atter' i$ !ro4ided6 The $e#ection o the conden$er and

    the e4a!orator i$ 1a$ed on the ca#cu#ation$ or" the ir$t #a2 ana#'$i$

    o 4a!or a1$or!tion $'$te" a$ ho2 "uch heat need$ to 1e tran$erred

     1' the"6

  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    circu#ation o the rerigerant 2i## no2 1e ha!!ening on#' due to it$

    4a!or !re$$ure6

    Fig ,6/ Modiied #a'out o a1$or!tion $'$te"

    /$* ABSORBER 

    The a1$or1er u$ed i$ a c'#inder "ade o "i#d $tee#( the "ain unction

    o the a1$or1er i$ it 2or3$ a$ a $torage tan3 or LiBr2ater $o#ution

    and or the !ur!o$e o re)circu#ation6it con$i$t$ o three 4a#4e$ one or 

    co##ecting the $egregated LiBr $o#ution that i$ the 2ea3 $o#ution ro"

    the $egregator( the $econd or co##ecting 2ater 4a!or co"ing ro" the

    e4a!orator and the third or $ending the LiBr2ater $o#ution to the

    generator or heating6 %o!!er tu1e o "" dia"eter i$ u$ed or 


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    connecting the a1$or1er and the generator to $end LiBr2ater $o#ution

    to the generator or heating( genera# ru11er tu1e$ u$ed auto"o1i#e$ o 

    dia"eter /+"" i$ u$ed or connecting the e4a!orator out#et and the

    a1$or1er in#et through 2hich 2ater 4a!or #o2$6 A #o2 indicating

    4a#4e i$ u$ed or chec3ing 2hether the $trong $o#ution i$ again 1eing

    $ent to the generator $

    F3# /$+ A4or4er


    The generator i$ a#$o c'#indrica# in $ha!e "ade o "i#d $tee#X here it

    2or3$ a$ 1oth generator and $egregator6 The "ain unction o the

    generator i$ to heat the LiBr2ater $o#ution to $aturation te"!erature

    and the unction o the $egregator i$ to $e!arate 2ater 4a!or or" the

    $o#ution and $end the 2ea3 $o#ution 1ac3 to the a1$or1er6 The

    generator a#$o ha$ three 4a#4e$ one or co##ecting o $trong $o#ution

    ro" the a1$or1er( the $econd one or $ending 1ac3 the 2ea3 $o#ution


  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


     1ac3 into the a1$or1er and the third one or $ending the 2ater 4a!or 

    into the conden$er or urther !roce$$6 The generator 3e!t in a ti#ted

     !o$ition 2here the u!!er !art 2hen ti#ted act$ a$ a $egregator 2hich

    co##ect$ the 2ater 4a!or and $end$ it to the conden$er a tu1e i$ itted

    in$ide the generator and ga$ 2ie#ded through 2hich the 2ater 4a!or 

     !a$$e$ to go to the conden$er6

    Fig ,6? Generator 


    Fig ,6@

  • 8/17/2019 AMIT REPORT.doc


    "ateria# 1' 2hich the heat i$ not #ea3ed to the en4iron"ent6 B'

     !ro4iding the in$u#ation( ti"e re9uired to 1oi# the 2ater i$ reduced6

    The $trong $o#ution 2ou#d #o2 ro" the a1$or1er to generator 1'

    gra4it' on#'6 Thu$ the a1$or1er i$ !#aced a1o4e the generator6 The

    in$u#ated generator i$ !#aced in c#o$ed ca1inet6

    Due to the high te"!erature in the generator( the 2ater in the $o#ution

    2i## 1oi# and 4a!or i$ or"ed6 Then the 4a!or i$ co##ected at the u!!er 

     !art o generator( thi$ !art 2i## act a$ a rectiier6 The #i9uid "o#ecu#e$

     !re$ent in the 2ater 4a!or are $e!arated 1' !ro4iding 1a#e$ in the

    rectiier :u!!er !art o generator;6

    Air coo#ed conden$er 2i## recei4e hot 4a!or ro" the rectiier6 A

    $ing#e #at tu1e o a conden$er 2i## ha4e + tu1e$ o +"" dia"eter6

    >a!or enter$ the conden$er at the to! o!ening and a##o2ed to #o26 In

    thi$ conden$ation !roce$$ #atent heat o 4a!or i$ re"o4ed and the

    4a!or or"$ into #i9uid6

    Ater conden$ation( the rerigerant enter$ the need#e 4a#4e :e5!an$ion

    de4ice;6 Thi$ e5!an$ion de4ice i$ !ro4ided at the in#et o e4a!orator6

    %onden$er and e5!an$ion de4ice i$ connected through a ""

    #e5i1#e !i!e6 Air conditioning o auto"o1i#e$ u$e the$e t'!e$ o tu1e$

    on#'6 Thi$ thrott#ing i$ an i$entha#!ic !roce$$6 B' e5!anding( the

    rerigerant !re$$ure reduce$ and the #o2 !re$$ure rerigerant enter$ the




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    Ater $tud'ing and !ractica# a1rication o 4a!or a1$or!tion $'$te"

    the o##o2ing conc#u$ion can 1e "ade

    To reduce the cr'$ta##i8ation eect o #ithiu" 1ro"ide( $trong

    $o#ution$ $hou#d not 1e "aintained at #o2 te"!erature$6

     For 1etter !eror"ance the conden$er te"!erature $hou#d 1e

    "aintained in 1et2een ?+ to @-- %6

    For $"a## ca!acit' a1$or!tion $'$te"$( !u"! $hou#d not 1e u$ed

    in order to "aintain 4acuu" !re$$ure$6

    Direct heat reco4er' i$ !reerred due to the a1$ence o

    inter"ediate 2or3ing #uid6


    For 1etter !eror"ance o the LiBr a1$or!tion $'$te"( dou1#e eect

    generation cou#d 1e u$ed6 For !ro4iding air conditioning at #o2

    generator te"!erature$ 4a!or ad$or!tion $'$te" can u$ed ha4ing R)

    /?@a a$ rerigerant and acti4ated car1on a$ ad$or1ent6