Amit Project Report

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Bisleri International Pvt. Ltd,


In partial fulfil lment of the requirement for the award of degree

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16 ANNEXURE 46-48


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Management training has gained rapid and tremendous importance over the past few years.

Management was previously considered as in born art or talent, but in today’s fast developing

world, this has been modified.

I undertook sixty days(starting from 2nd June to 1st August.) marketing training in Bisleri

International Pvt. Ltd. as an essential and obligation part of master program in marketing

management , curriculum Institute of Business Management & Research.

Bisleri International Pvt. Ltd., a name that in itself spells out a saga of valued managerial

tradition, work culture and professional cannon, can make any one by every reason to be proud

of being its part in one way or the other. The summer training was quite interesting, inspiring,

satisfying, learning and academically awarding.

I deem it as a matter of great fortune to get industrial training at Bisleri International Pvt.


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This report aims to highlight at all the major finding of the survey done on “Market

Potential of Bulk water pack of packaged drinking water brand BISLERI; from Bisleri

international Pvt Ltd.” So that any person interested can get whole idea of the topic with

reference to the company. All attempts have been made to make the report simple, precise and

flexible. It covers up all the major activities and analysis done in the survey. The report begins

with a briefing of the “Global Bottled water Industry, the meaning; market; demand structure;

growth and controversies surrounding the bottled water industry worldwide.

The project also gives a glimpse of the company history, profile and business areas

including markets, and also categorized and overview Bisleri international Pvt Ltd.


The assignment which was assigned to me by the company was to “DETERMINTION OF




The ultimate purpose of this project is to analyses the potential of the bulk pack and to provide data about the current market share and existence of BISLERI. We aim to provide recommendation which will help the company increase its market share and tap new markets. We also analyze the strategy of the leading competitor on comparing the service offerings and warranty offering.


The Company divides or segments its market into two major categories for their bulk packages,

which are residential buyers, and corporate buyers.

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The areas were given to us PCMC and Nigdi for survey. I did survey in all of the above

mentioned areas. To gives as overview of the importance of the above mentioned area for

corporate survey comprises of Bhosari where numerous of industry are scattered.


The residential survey region was also carefully selected. The basis of selection was the real

estate property value and the lease value per sq ft. The area selected was a prime real estate spot

of high value which comprised of residents of higher middle classes and high income classes.

I visited approximately 100 residences for survey of residential buyer in the above

mentioned areas.

I visited approximately 100 companies for corporate buyer market survey in the above

mentioned areas.


The result of the study research pointed out certain key findings which are mentioned as



Residential market for bulk package is dominated by BISLERI with a market share of


Residential market customers are unaware about

Brand positioning requires a rethinking and USP is not properly communicated.

TAT must be improved

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COOLSPRING has got the largest sales volume. Other brands with substantial presence


BISLERI has got the largest customer base.

COOLSPRING has adopted the mktg. strategy of variable and local prices.

COOLSPRING is a local brand and enjoy personal and local contact.

Unlike BISLERI provides free accessories to the client.


In totality BISLERI has developed and is developing a niche market for itself in corporate

as well as in residential market. However, aggressive marketing and price war by other leading

brands may threaten the market share of BISLERI. Therefore, it is advisable for BISLERI to stay

low and retain its market share in corporate sector. Numerous efforts can be taken for residential

market sector. Some of them are pointed out under research findings and recommendation



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Bottled water is drinking water package in bottles for individual consumption and retail sale.

The water used can be glacial water, spring water, well water, purified water, etc. Many

countries, particularly developed countries, regulate the quality of bottled water through

government standards, typically used to ensure that water quality is safe and labels accurately

reflect bottle contents. In many developing counties, however, such standards are variable and

are often less stringent than those of developed nations.

Demand in the Global Market:

The sales for bottled water are estimated to be between $50 and $100 billion (US) annually

and increasing approximately 7 to 10 percent annually. In 2004, total sales were approximately

154 billion liters (41 billion gallons).

In developed countries, the large demand is driven by factors including perceived

convenience. Perceived safety versus municipal water, and perceived portability or taste

advantages over municipal water. Packaging and advertising work to foster these perceptions,

and brand bottled water in ways similar to branded soft drinks. Through many municipalities,

particularly in the developed world, guarantee safe, potable, other may be subject to ground

water contamination from commercial fertilizer, MTBE, or other contamination. violation of tap

water stranded tend to be highly publicized and widely reported ,for example, a 1993

Cryptosporidium outbreak which caused 400,000 people to get sick in Milwaukee,Wiscon.

In developing counties, demand is driven by factors including the lack of potable groundwater in

many areas, the lack of reliable or safe municipal water in many urban areas, chemical and

organic pollution of ground and well water, and convenience relative to boiling or otherwise

treating accessible but potentially contaminated water.

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Advertising also contributes to water sales in developing countries. Through bottles water may

provide an alternative to unsafe drinking water.

.It does so for those able to afford it; many of the world’s poorest people cannot afford

bottled water (** UN World Water Development Report 2006).

In 2004, the US bottled water industry surpassed 608 Billion gallon of water for that year,

an increase of 806% over the previous year (**Beverage Marketing Corporation.2005)


The United States is the largest market for bottled water, at 26 billion liters in 2004. On

average, this is one 8-ounce glass per person per day . Italy has highest average consumption per

person, at two 8-ounce per person per day.

** DATA SOURCE”http:llen.wikipedia.org. **Beverage Marketing Corporation

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**DATA SOURCE”http:llen.wikipedia.org. **Beverage Marketing Corporation

Controversies & Criticism of Bottled water :

Marketing profits of $11 billion a year, bottled water is a successful product available

throughout the world. The behaviors it enables are the subject of vocal criticism. This criticism

primarily falls into environmental, economic, and health categories.

(A) Environmental impact:

The annual global consumption of bottled water in 2004is 154 billion liters, up 57 percent

from the 98 billion liters consumed five years earlier. Through the materials used are generally

recyclable, 90% of bottles are not recycled.

The Pacific institute calculates that the process of making the plastic for the water bottles

consumed in U.S. uses approximately 20 million barrels of oil per year (Harper Magazine, July

2007). Overall , the average enrage cost to make plastic, fill the bottle, transport it to market and

then deal with the waste would be “like filling up a quarter of every bottle with oil.” (Peter

Gleick, an expert on water policy and director at the Pacific Institute in Oakland, California.

(Seattle P.I

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It also takes water to make a bottle , if a container hold 1 liter it requires 5 liters of water in

its manufacturing process ( this includes power plant cooling water). The total amount of water

use to produced and deliver one bottle of imported water has been calculated to be 6.74.

Once you have created the bottle and filled it with water, the next environmental impact is

the large amount of fossil fuel used to deliver the water from its source to end user by means of

ground transportation. Some bottled water is transported long distances by ship in addition to the

distances it travels by truck or rail. It takes a fair amount of oil to move a plastic bottle from

where it is made, to where it is filled, then to the store, and finally consumer’s hand. 250g

(0.00025 tons) of GHGs are released for each imported water bottle.

The local effects of tapping the water sources are also of concern. Because of the high

demand companies like Perrier’s Zephyrhills are requesting to increase their pumping from a

spring on a privet ranch in central Florida by 600 percent in the next 10 year. The request was

denied by a judge ruling that pumping could imported water bottle.

On a local level, water bottlers may adversely affect ground water levels. If they bottle more

water than is naturally replenished. Rivers are delicate ecosystems. Tapping spring and aquifers

even on a small scale can alter the movement of sediment in nearby streams, which can in turn

disrupt the food supply for fish and other wildlife. “It’s a very complicated system, and we don’t

have a very good predictive understanding of how the properties of river channel will be affected

[by large scale pumping],”warns Kurt Cuffed, assistant professor of geology at the University of

California at Berkeley.

Saltwater intrusion is another problem with tapping aquifers in coastal areas. In healthy

ecosystems along coastal areas there is a natural flow of groundwater that pushes freshwater out

against the saltwater, creating a kind of sea wall. When the groundwater is being over used and

the flow falters as results the saltwater will begin to creep underground, ruining drinking water,

wetlands, and crops. Saltwater intrusion is already a problem in parts of coastal California,

Florida, and New York as a result of the demands – including water for bottling—being made on

local water supplies.

(B)Economic impact:

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The economic impact of bottled water consumption is especially relevant in developing

counties. Where tap water is often of poor quality and where, even if the quality of tap water

may be acceptable. It is often difficult to obtain reliable data on the quality of tap water.

Therefore those who can afford it do not want to take a risk and switch to bottles water, usually

of the type sold in large bottles of 5 gallons. Bottled water use is especially high in counties such

as Mexico and Brazil (see above). While the poorest can’t afford bottled water and richest face

little economic constraints in buying bottled water, the cost of bottled water is a significant

burden for middle-class households in many developing counties . For example, sales of bottled

water in México are estimated at 32 billion Pesos (US$ 3bn) in 2005, or about US$ 135 per

household, which is about twice the level of the average tap water bill. If these funds were

available to water utilities they would have the financial means to improve significantly the

quality of tap water.

The Wall Street Journal, after seeing the incredible demand for bottled water, is considering

it the next best thing to oil and gold.

In 2004, Andrea Petersen wrote in the Wall Street Journal that “for the first time, Americans

are expected to buy more bottled water than beer or coffee. Sales of bottled water reached $7.7

billion in 2002, up 12% from 2001, according to Beverage Marketing Corp; a New York based

consulting company. “Bottled water is a big business and with the current trend, everyone trying

to get a piece, the individual states and counties are beginning to voice their objections. Many

states have voted the big companies not over pump on their soil.

In Ontario, Canada, a fee has been aimed at commercial and industrial water users to

contribute to the cost of managing the water supply. The fee has been dubbed a ‘cost recovery

regulatory charge’. Those charges are explicitly stated as not a tax but as a fee to create a more

sustainable system. Polaris Institute

Another concern is the “privatization” of water. The United Church of Christ, United

Church of Canada, National Council of churches, National Coalition of American Nuns and

Presbyterians for Restoring Creating are among some of the religious organizations that have

raised questions about whether or not this is ethical. They regard the industrial porches and

repackaging at a much higher resale price of a basic resource as an unethical trend.

(C) Health impact

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About 25% of bottled water sold is simply re-processed/used municipal (city) water

according to a 1999 study in the United States. Both Aquafina from Pepsi-Cola Company and

Dasani from The Coca-cola Company are reprocessed from municipal water systems. Some

bottled waters, such as Penta water make unverified health benefit claims; about 22 percent of

brands that are tested contain, in at least one sample, comical contaminants at levels above strict

state health limits. If consumed over a long period of time, some of these contaminants could

cause cancer or other health problems in addition, 60 to 70 percent of all bottled water in the

U.S. is packaged and sold in a state that is not regulated by the FDA. In the United States, 1 in 5

states do not regulate bottled water.

Bottled water processed with distillation or reverse osmosis lacks fluoride ions which are

sometimes naturally present in groundwater, or added at a water treatment plant and which has

an effect on the inhibition of cavity formation; the drinking of distilled water may conceivably

increase the risk of tooth decay due to a lack of this element, people who drink mostly bottled

water may wish to use supplemental fluoride, such as is available by prescription from dentists

or doctors. However, most people continue to cook with common tap water and this is through to

potentially provide sufficient fluoride to maintain normal prophylaxis in many instances. Any

other mineral in tap water such as calcium and magnesium are present in such minuscule

amounts that their absence is compensated for many thousand of times over by other dietary

sources. On the other hand, some people wish to avoid exposure to fluoride, particularly,

systemic ingestion of fluoride in drinking water, and may choose such bottled water for this


Bottled water is typically printed with expiration dates, even if the water itself is pure, a

plastic container may leak chemicals such as phthalates or Biphenyl A into the bottled water.

Storage in cool and dark places helps reduce leaching of these chemical. Industry association

claim “bottled water can be used indefinitely if stored properly.

If the original water bottled is not pure, especially if it contained biological contaminants,

and then water quality will continue to degrade regardless of the storage container or conditions.

Bottled water Market in India:

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The fortunes of this more-then-$100-billion global industry are directly related to the

human apathy towards the environment – the more we pollute our water bodies, the more

the sales of bottled water. It is estimated that the global consumption of bottled water is nearing

200 billion liters-sufficient to satisfy the daily water need of one – fourth of the Indian

population or about 4.5 per cent of the global population.

In India, the per capita bottled water consumption is still quite low –less than five liters a

years as compared to the global average of 24 liters. However, the total annual bottled water

consumption has risen rapidly in recent times-it has tripled between 1999 and 2004-from about

1.5 billion liters to five billion liters. These are boom times for the Indian bottled water industry-

more so because the economics are sound, the bottom line is fat and the Indian government

hardly cares for what happens to the nation’s water resources.


India is the largest bottled water consumer in the world in 2002, the industry had an

estimated turnover of Rs.10 billion (Rs.1, 000 crores). Today it is one of India’s fastest growing

industrial sectors.

Between 1999 and 2004, the Indian bottled water market grew at a compound annual

growth rate (CAGR) of 25 per cent- the highest in the world.

With over a thousand bottled water producers, the Indian bottled water industry is big by

even international standards. There are more than 200 brands, nearly 80 per cent of which are

local. Most of the small-scale producers sell non-brands and serve small markets. In fact, making

bottled-water is today a cottage industry in the country. Leave alone the metros, where a bottled-

water manufacturer can be found even in a one-room shop, in every medium and small city and

even some prosperous rural areas there are bottled water manufacturers.

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** DATA SOURCE: indiastat.com**Frontline.Volume23-Issue07Apr.08-21, 2006

Despite the large number of small producers, this industry is dominated by the big players-

Parle BISLERI, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Parle Agro, Mohan Meakins, SKN Breweries and so on.

Parle was the first major Indian company to enter the bottled water in the country when it

introduced BISLERI in India 30 years ago.

The rise of the Indian bottled water industry began with the economic liberalization process

in 1991. The market was virtually stagnant until 1991, when the demand for bottled water was

less than two million cases a year. However, since 1991-1992 it has not looked back, and the

demand in 2004-05 was a staggering 82 million cases.

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** DATA SOURCE: indiastat.com**Frontline.Volume23-Issue07Apr.08-21, 2006

Bottled water is sold in a variety of packages: pouches and glasses, 250 ml bottles, 500 ml

bottled, 1 liter bottled, 2 liter bottled, 5 liter bottled and even 20 liter bulk water packs. The

formal bottled water business in India can be divided broadly into there segment in terms of cost:

premium naturally mineral water, natural mineral Water and packaged drinking water.

Premium natural mineral water includes brands such as Evian, San Pellegrino and Perrier,

which are imported and priced between Rs.80 and Rs. 110 a liter. Natural mineral water, with

brands such as Himalayan and Catch, is the biggest segment and includes brands such as Parle

BISLERI. Coca-Cola’s KINLY, PepsiCo’s Aquafina. They are priced in the range of Rs. 10-12 a


Attracted by the huge potential that India’s vast middle class offers, multinational players

such as Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have been trying for the past decade to capture the Indian bottled

water market. Today they have captured a significant portion of it. However, Parle BISLERI

continues to hold 40 per cent of the market and Aquafina approximately 10 per cent. The rest,

including smaller players, have 20-25 per cent of the market share.

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** DATA SOURCE: indiastat.com**Frontline.Volume23-Issue07Apr.08-21, 2006

Consumption of bottled water in India linked to the level of prosperity in the different

regions. The western region accounts for 40 per cent of the market and the eastern region just 10.

However the bottling plants are concentrated in the southern region- of the approximately 1,200

bottling water plants in India, 600 in Tamil Nadu. This is a major problem because southern

India, especially Tamil Nadu, is water starved.


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The journey till now

1969: Buys Bisleri bottled water from an Italian company, Felice Bisleri. It was bottled in

glass bottles then.

Early-1980s: Shifts to PVC bottles. Sales surge

Mid-1980s: Switches to PET bottles, which meant more transparency and life for water.

1993: Sells carbonated drink brands like Thums Up, Gold Spot and Limca to Coca-Cola for

Rs 400 crore.

1995: Bisleri launches a 500 ml bottle and sales shoot up by 400 per cent.

.1998: Introduces a tamper-proof and tamper-evident seal.

2000: Introduces the 20-litre container to bring prices down from Rs 10 a litre to Rs 3 a litre


The name that epitomizes mineral water today was first introduced in Mumbai in the early 60's.

In 1965 Signor Felice Bisleri an Italian by origin, came up with the idea of selling bottled water

in India. His company Bisleri Ltd. offered mineral water in two variants - bubbly and still.

In 1969 Parle bought over Bisleri (India) Ltd. and started bottling Mineral water in glass bottles

under the brand name 'Bisleri'. In due course Parle switched over to PVC non-returnable bottles

and finally advanced to PET containers


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Mr. Ramesh J. Chauhan (Chairman.)

Under the leadership and vision of Mr. Ramesh J. Chauhan, Bisleri has undergone

significant expansion in their operations. The company has witnessed an exponential growth

with their turnover multiplying more than twenty times in a short span of 10 years. The average

growth rate over this period has been around 40% with Bisleri enjoying more than 60% of the

market share in the organized mineral water segment.

Currently Bisleri has 11 franchisees and 8 plants across India, with plans of setting up 4

new plants on the anvil. The overwhelming popularity of 'Bisleri' and the fact that we were the

pioneers of the bottled water industry in India has made us synonymous to Mineral water and a

household name.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to be the dominant player in the branded water business where the second player

is less than 20% of our business.

Our Mission:

We are in the business to serve the customer. He is the most important person. He is the only

one who pays. He deserves the best quality and presentation at a worth of the price. We must

have world class quality, at the lowest production & distribution cost. This will make us an

unbeatable leader, and will have satisfied loyal customers.

Our values:

Integrity, Quality,

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Leadership, Passion,

Teamwork, Openness,

Co-operation, Transparency


Fresh water other geo reservoir is always re-circulated and in event of use, gets

contaminated. This contamination may be in the form of microorganism, metallic traces, dirt,

silt, slush, slug, molecular residues, bacteria, industrial waste and impurities. In ancient days no

purification of water was required because perennial pure water sources were available in plenty.

Recurrence of contamination was less with respect to very small population but everything has

changed with time. Now we can not imagine drinking water without purification. High risks of

waterborne diseases are modern world’s nightmare.

There is no way other than to manage our precious water resource in respective parts of

globe. This may be done in from of water conservation policies, rain harvesting, stringent laws

for keeping the potable water safe and finally the awareness. One might think that what it not a

kind of water management that is done voluntarily. Basic purpose of manufacturing of packaged

water is to make profit in the business. But indirectly it helps us to stop misuse of water.


In order to ensure that bisleri is served when it is asked. It is need to have a very good

distribution system which is service oriented.

In the entire operation distribution is the most important job.

Distribution system should be based on the market requirement, it should be the most

effective and economical way of operation that will ensure service and availability.


Works out the plan for local advertising ascertain the purpose of advertising, the objective

and result expected.

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Get the art work approved by the corporate office before releasing any advertisement in

local channels dailies or magazines.

Support the advertising by ensuring prominent display and good availability of the


Display could be of two type: paid & unpaid form.







Perhaps no body will try to waste a single drop of water if it is bought after paying US$0.22

for a liter. Through the motive behind buying packaged water is to enjoy safe and pure drinking


Market of Packaged drinking water &BISLERI:

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Market of packaged water is roaring up to a tone of US$100 million in India and would get

doubled in next five years. Why BISLERI the brand name is most trusted health plank among all

the three major players of this industry i.e. PepsiCo, Coca Cola, Bisleri. Probably the answer lies

in the stringent quality control process of Bisleri and its concern towards taste and purity of

drinking water.

Location of Processing in India:

To maintain the consistency of quality Bisleri has selected green field-manufacturing plants

located at mouje, Saswad Road, Wadki near pune, Andheri (East) Mumbai and also in major

different distt. So as to cover whole country like- Delhi, Bangalore, Goa, M.P. U.P.

Registration Office of BISLERI:


Western Express Highway,

Andheri (East)

Mumbai – 400 099

Tel.: 022-6695 3030 / 6695 3031


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Source of the water id disinfected from microorganisms and metal Treatment by

Chlorination. The water is first sent to a ‘Raw Water Tank’, where it is chlorinated-to remove

bacteria. After this step, it is dosed with mild chemicals in a coagulation tank, to remove finer

particulate matter. It is then piped into a specially tiled ‘Clear Water Tank’. This done, a

‘Pressure Sand Filter’ removes the larger particulate matter.

And then, two sophisticated ‘Carbon Filters’ dissolves any existing chlorine and Organic



Molecular filtration is done by one of the methods of Either reverse osmosis or coagulation.

The Reverse Osmosis process remove dissolved salts from water. This is done through pre-

filters, a high pressure pump, imported membranes, high pressure housings and advanced



The water now ultra-pure. Our Mineral Injection System then injects a specific amount of

quality mineral salts into it.


Here, Micron Filters are used to achieve filtration levels as precise as 0.22 microns.


The Ozonation process-uses Ozone-to keep the water bacteria-free till the bottles are capped &



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Bottles are fed by an air conveyor from the blowing unit directly into the in-feed of the RFC.

Our RFC equipment is neck run and it boasts of a monoblock unit, which means that every bottle

is held by the neck automatically while being inverted, rinsed and sprayed with ozonated water

at 2 bar pressure. After draining, the bottles are re-inverted and transferred to the filler. At the

filler these bottles are straightened up and gradually lifted to the filling valves which open only

when a bottle is placed under them. Filling is then done systematically through gravity.


BISLLERI bottle is ‘Date-coded’ with the exact time of manufacture and other details with

an automatic date code machine. So that it can be immediately traced back, in the unlikely event

of a complaint.

BISLERI’s seven steps to Perfection are only a beginning. Also of interest is the fact that

our plant is kept absolutely clean with the sophisticated ‘Cleaning in place’ procedure. You

should know that our Quality Assurance Department performs 42 tests on a batch before

releasing it to the market. Now, you know why BISLERI delivers on its promise of ‘The Sweet

Taste of Purity’.


“A product is anything which can be offered in the market to satisfy a want or a need.” A

product will be successful if it delivers value and satisfaction to the targeted buyer”.

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Bisleri have developed 8 unique pack sizes to suit the need of every individual. Which are

present in 250ml cups, 250ml bottles, 500ml, 1L, 1.5L, 2L which are the non-returnable packs &

5L, 20L which are the returnable packs.


Bisleri is a brand for manufacturing mineral water only, which is manufactured under two

varieties as:

Bisleri with added Minerals:-

Bisleri Mineral Water contains minerals such as magnesium sulphate and potassium

bicarbonate which are essential minerals for healthy living. They not only maintain the pH

balance of the body but also help in keeping you fit and energetic at all times.

Bisleri Mountain Water:

Bisleri Natural Mountain emanates from a natural spring, located in Uttaranchal and

Himachal nestled in the vast Shivalik Mountain ranges. Lauded as today's 'fountain of youth',

Bisleri Natural Mountain Water resonates with the energy and vibrancy capable of taking you

back to nature. Bisleri Natural Water is bottled in its two plants in Uttaranchal and Himachal

Pradesh and is available in six different pack sizes of 250ml, 500ml, 1 litre, 1.5 litre, 2 litre and 5



Bisleri undergoes with six different packs to suit the need of every individual customer.

250 ml cup & 250 ml bottle.

500 ml bottle.

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1 ltr. bottle.

2 ltr bottle.

5 ltr jar.

20 ltr jar.


In my project product was 20ltr. Jar of bisleri water. Therefore let us see strength of 20 ltr

jar:- Household in nature.

Used in Beauty parlour, fitness centres, yoga.

Also used in showroom, shopping mall,

Used in star hotels, general stores, super market.

Used in festival, marriage, b’day parties.

Used as to get value for money.

It’s economic at 3Rs.per ltr.


It’s produced in state of the art plants under strict quality norms. The source of water is

underground natural springs, which are at least 50m (150ft) below the surface so that the water is

well protected from contaminations. The source water is protected and checked daily to ensure

consistency. Every bottle is put through a rigorous ozonization finally minerals are added.

The total mineral content is 100 ppm. Aquafina have a very low mineral convent of around

20ppm. which is far below the level required by the human body.

Comparison of total mineral contends of bisleri mg/ltr (ppm) as compared to the other

premium brand:



In mg/ltr

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Aquafina <20

Kinley 40

Therefore all bottles are made in-house to ensure sterility of the container that is filled

in automatic plants under very hygienic condition.


This product is bottled drinking water at its best. Bisleri with added minerals has a TDS

count (total dissolved solids count) of approximately 100. It contains minerals such as

magnesium sulphate and potassium bicarbonate which are essential minerals for healthy living.

They not only maintain the pH balance of the body but also help in keeping you fit and energetic

at all times.


Treated water with mineral is an advantage when you consume BISLERI because other

brands do not give you minerals in treated water. Less number of manufacturing plants always

insures quality of treated water and consistency of source. One can witness the variation in taste

of other brands and sometimes bitter taste too. Bisleri has a strong audit system. Every

manufacturing facility gets audited against quality management standards.


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500 ml 250 ml

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Doing project in BISLERI International Pvt. Ltd., I got lot of exposure and practical

knowledge about the manufacturing of mineral water, its economic structure, marketing strategy,

and making valuable customer.

Study shows overall mineral water customer in PCMC Area and loyal customer of BISLERI

out of it and also who are the target potential customer their characteristics and how company

can approach / market these customers. Therefore the data can be used for measuring overall

BISLERI customer and also to increase the customer level for the industry by different

promotional activities.

In short the project in BISLERI INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD. was made use profitability.

I learn a lot from this project work.

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The researches are always conducting for a reason and have some objective. And therefore every research has some objective to fulfill. Objective of my research is to find out:-

Determination of market potential and position of BISLERI’s BULK (20- ltr.) water pack in Corporate Market & residential market.

Creating Awareness of Brand’s bulk package.

Analyzing customer’s satisfaction level with, BISLERI and Competitor’s.

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The study was exclusively based on knowing about the customers who drinks mineral water and to know the brand of which preferred by the customers and also to know awareness about the bulk (20 ltr) bottle of bisleri among the population of Nigdi, Akurdi and PCMC area of Pune. The study is limited to areas only.


A population is defined as the totality of the entire possible customer who drinks mineral water. Such a specified group of people are called as population.

Here the universe is the entire population of Nigdi, Akurdi and PCMC area of Pune.

Sampling Method

For this study the Convenient Sampling Method was adopted. The samples were taken randomly basis from the population. Therefore the research is exclusively based on methodology only.

Sampling Design

The Samples were actually taken convenient basis from different parts of the population. And so population was divided into following major areas:-


From all given FIVE areas we selected 20 customers from residential area and 20 organizations which consume mineral water.

Therefore in total, I got 100 samples from residential area and 100 corporate samples for the data collection. The area chosen for corporate was on the basis of recommendation, prior knowledge and observation.

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Primary Data Secondary data

Primary Data

Primary data are obtain by a study specially design to fulfill the data needs of the problem at hands. Such data is original in character and are generated in large number of survey conducted by( me) individual research body. .

Secondary Data

Data which are not originally collected but rather obtain from published or unpublished sources are known as secondary data.

The choice between primary and secondary data on the following factors:

Degree of accuracy required Nature and scope of required The collection agency i.e. whether an individual institution or government body Availability of financial resources Availability of time

Method use for collecting Primary Data

Direct frequent questions Indirect oral interview Questionnaire

Page 32: Amit Project Report


I prepared a questionnaire for corporate market survey & residential market survey. The questionnaire takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. It covered the following categories.

Name of the company & address with contact details of contact person. Type of water used by the company. No of Employees/ No. of Family Members. Brand of water being purchased & used. Price of Jar of the competitor. Monthly usage of water. Type of Dispenser used ownership of Dispenser and cost involved if leased. Level of satisfaction with the existing brands, terms of payment. Whether interested in shifting to BISLERI.

Sources of Secondary Data

The secondary data was collected from the bisleri sales manual and from websites.


Page 33: Amit Project Report

As can be seen in the questionnaire we circulated, open ended questions mixed with

multiple choice questions eliciting answers were put to our respondents. The data collected is

again a mix of qualitative and quantitative data as other questions regarding the satisfaction

level, brand awareness, brand positioning were asked and are taken into consideration.

Simple statistical and mathematical analytical tools are used for analysis of data graphical

representation of data has been done to picturesque the analysis.

The analysis is further segmented for ease of presentation and is accompanied with

respective concurrent graphs to provide a distinct view of the following.

Analysis of usage preference of water in corporate and residential market.

Analysis of market presence of brand(s).

Analysis of sales Volume of Market leader in the given regions and comparison to


Pricing policy and strategy of the market leader.

The analysis is done on basis of information collected from corporate and residential market

survey conducted with the data statistics and observation and judgmental analysis of researcher.

Judgmental analysis used to analysis non quantifiable data i.e. qualitative in nature.


There were 100 residential visited for survey in a residential area of PCMC. Respondent

were of Middle and High income background.


When the respondents were questioned about the drinking water source that they are

currently using .The following picture comes out:

Observation table

Page 34: Amit Project Report

Source of water No. of respondent %age of respondent

Filtered water 53 53%

Municipal water 10 10%

Boiled water 7 7%

Packaged water 30 30%

Total 100 100%


Page 35: Amit Project Report

As shown in the graph; the highest percentage of residential, surveyed are using water

which has been purified with any electronic of other purification or filtration system. Therefore

the majority of population surveyed is filtered water user at 53%.

These respondents are happy with the performance and mentally satisfied with the quality of

water that is produced by their respective purifier, and showed no interest in switching to any

packaged drinking water.

The 2nd category of respondent are using the municipal water; are also high in percentage

10%. these respondents do not use any kind of filtration or purification system and are anyway

satisfied with the quality of municipal drinking water.

The 3rd category is of respondent using boiled water and these respondent are 7% of the total


The 4th and last category is of respondent who are consuming packaged drinking water of

one or other brand for their daily drinking purposes. The percentage respondent in this category

is 30%. The no. of respondent in this category is 2nd highest.

(ii) Bulk Packaged Drinking Water Market Share in Residential Market:

Page 36: Amit Project Report

Further analysis of data showed that the following brands are present locally and are being

used by residential customers. These are:


BISLERI 14 46%



ZEE 2 7%


OTHERS 5 17%


The above tabulated data is better represented understood in percentage form and with

the help of a graph.

The graph shown above describes that the BISLERI has got the strongest position in the

market with a whooping 46% shares which is followed by OXYRICH which has a market share

of 23% which is exactly half of the share of 23% which is exactly half of the share of BISLERI.

Page 37: Amit Project Report

Another greater share of pie is held by various small miscellaneous brands. ZEE has a7% market

share in the residential market.

(ii) Who got the biggest share of pie? (the market leader)

The packaged water brand of ‘BISLERI’ is the market leader with a market share of

46% which is just double to the next close competitor OXYRICH at 23% and approx. 6 times

more than the share of KINLEY. There are other local brands too which account for 7% and

17% of the market. These are promoted by the local grocery stores.

(iii) REASONS:

Brand name and positioning: BISLERI is the most trusted brand and has become a generic

name for packaged water in India for a very long time in fact they are the pioneers of packaged

drinking water in India. BISLERI also enjoys greater market share because of its established

channel of distribution. The company has around 35 manufacturing centre and about 120

distribution centers touching over 3.5 lacs retail outlet around the country. BISLERI’s network is

well into the villages and the paanwalas from one of its biggest chunk of distributors.


The brand name of Bisleri is established in the market. However there is lack of

substantial advertisement and brand awareness.

Easy accessibility of other brand at local grocery store.

Quick fast and better service provided by local grocery stores in terms of TAT

and Credit facility.

Sales promotion of other brands by the storekeepers.

Premium pricing policy of Bisleri @ Rs. 65 compared to other brands of Rs. 50-60.

People can not differentiate (psychologically) in different brands.

Lack of knowledge about “where to approach for bisleri bulk water pack.


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Residential users using other brands when asked about shifting towards BISLERI as it is a

leading brand and a superior product and if it is going to provide at doorstep on same rate and

service, result was responded positively. The result were as follows:

Yes = 80%

No = 20%

Graphical representation:

REASONS: Actually residential respondents are much attentive towards product quality

rather than price quoted. And if they are getting at the same rate a branded product they are

going to sift towards Bisleri.


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There were 100 corporate prospects and customers visited for survey in the areas of PCMC,


When the respondents were questioned about the drinking water source that are currently


The following picture came out:

Water source No of respondent %AGE OF RESPONDENT

Packaged water 85 85%

Municipal water 5 5%

Filtered water 10 10%

Total 100 100%

Page 40: Amit Project Report


As shown in the graph; the highest percentage of corporate respondents surveyed, are using

some packed drinking water. Therefore the majority of population surveyed is bottled water user.

Most of the respondents are happy and satisfied with the quality of water and service of

provider that they are using; however most of them did show interest in considering brand

BISLERI and to start of the preliminary talks and negotiations before entering in a contract.

The 2nd category of respondents uses the municipal water; these are nominal in no. &

percentage (5%). These respondents do not use any kind of filtration or purification system and

Page 41: Amit Project Report

are anyway satisfied with the quality of municipal drinking water; again these companies are

small companies with few employees.

And the last category of respondent uses filtered water which is lower to 10% only.


Further analysis of data showed that the following brands are present locally and are being

used by corporate customers and are sold at different prices. Companies are following multiple

pricings policy for corporate consumers. The price difference of prices may be affected by

certain variables working in the background. Some of these are:


Qyt. Demanded.

Expected repeat order.

Payment terms

Continuity of repeat orders.

Expected increase in qyt. Demanded.

Agrees TAT of supply

Provision of accessories (dispensers) on complementary basis or lease.

Observation table

Following brands are found in use by the corporate respondents during the survey:


Page 42: Amit Project Report


ZEE Rs. 45-65

MAX Rs. 55-65

KINLEY Rs. 55-65


MC DONELL’S Rs. 35-55

GOODWILL Rs. 50-60

OZORICH Rs. 45-55


Let us see it in from of a line graph to understand the variation of price in a better way



As shown in the graph above, competitive brands have adopted multiple pricing policy with

corporate client and vast variation in prices i.e. maximum & minimum, are there to be seen.

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As per the analysis it is clear that COOLSPRING is the biggest negotiator with prices and has

almost started price warfare in the bottled market industry. COOLSPRING is selling the bulk

pack of 20 liter at rates as low as Rs.28.50 per jar and as high as at Rs.57 per jar which is still

lower than the general price level of Rs.65 of BISLERI.

The analysis for BISLERI stands that it has adopted a rigid pricing policy and selling at

Rs.65. it has kept out of the price warfare and is selling on combination of the following; brand

name, product quality, USP and more customers purchase it in smaller quantities. Customers

having low level of daily usage of around 2-5 bottles.

KINLEY has also shown a bit of flexibility with price. The maximum, Price quoted by

KINLEY is Rs.65 and the lowest is Rs. 55 per jar. The difference is of Rs.10.

For rest of the brands like GOODWILL, MAX, MCDOWELL’S and OTHERS; the

difference in Minimum and maximum price is around Rs. 10-15 only.


It is evident from the observation and data that COOLSPRING with its rock bottom prices and

varied pricing strategy got an edge over all the brands when it comes to sales volumes.

COOLSPRING which is a local brand has got a commanding lead in the market in terms of sales


However, I must add that COOLSPRING does follow a planned way of negotiation. The lowering of price is dependent different variables mentioned above in the report.


Least price offered on bulk quantities.

Free Accessories like dispensers.

Logistic service has better wings and TAT.

Advantage of being a local brand and has numerous local connection.

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When the respondent were asked about the product preference most of them preferred

to the coolspring because of it low price which shows the carporate users are much concern

towards price rather than brand & quality.

Observation table:

Brand of water No of respondent %age of respondent

Bisleri 18 21%

Max 9 11%

Kinley 15 17%

Oxyrich 4 5%

Goodwill 5 6%

Coolspring 16 19%

Mcdowells 5 6%

Others 13 15%

Total 85 100

Graphical representation

Page 45: Amit Project Report

Percentage breakup of brands preference in the corporate market by various customers.


As shown in the graphical representation BISLERI has a scored a whooping 21%, and hence

is used by maximum no. of corporate clients. To follow is COOLSPRING with 18%, KINLEY

with16% and then there is a cluster of other small market players which collectively account for

15%. These brands include ZEE, RAJHANSH, BALAJI, SAVY, AZNET, EURO& SPARK.

Max is another player which is being used by 11% of the respondents. There are other 2

brands with significant presence of 7% each named McDowell’s & Goodwill.

However, the market presence or the greater percentage no. of clientele dose not ensures

market leadership or bigger share of pie in the business. It is determined by the volume of

business done by each brands.

The same has been the case here; BISLERI though scored a greater no. of clientele in the

survey than any other brands but still is not the market leader.


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The survey data was analyzed to find the total sales volume of the respondents who took

part in the survey and then break of percentage of volumes were identified to establish the

market leader.

The total volume of sales and consumption were determined at 6293 jars per week for the

respondents which took part in the survey.

I have used certain approximation judgments on the basis of my observations and best of

knowledge to make the report more effective.

Observation table

Brands Weekly sales of each brands Sales volume in %age

Coolspring 3776 60%

Mcdowells 1007 16%

Goodwill 314 5%

Max 126 2%

Kinley 252 4%

Bisleri 378 6%

Oxyrich 189 3%

Others 251 4%

Total 6293 100

Graphical representation :

Page 47: Amit Project Report

A graphical representation establishes the leading brands as COOLSPRING in terms of

volumes. There are other different brands present in the market too but the kind of volume traded

by and market COOLSPRING has captured is phenomenal and unmatched.

Percentage analysis of volume of business done by various brands shown in the graphical

representation above the percentage volume of business done by COOLSPRING is 66% and it

much more than any brand present in the market. It also shows a clear cut strategy of

COOLSPRING to mass market its product and marketing strategy to bulk dealing.

There are hardly any clients with COOLSPRING where the weekly supply is less than 14

jars. However BISLERI, which has niche market, dose supply even 7 jars per week to certain



Percentage analysis of sales volume of each brand








Coolspring Mcdowells Goodwill Max Kinley Bisleri Oxyrich Others

Page 48: Amit Project Report

Corporate respondents using different brands when asked about shifting towards Bisleri rather

than other as it is a leading brand and superior product, if they are supplied it at the same rate at

their doorstep on demand.The following observation were found:

Yes = 40%

No = 60%

Graphical representation:



As corporate respondent their dealership had been set up and are also getting satisfied

service with their previous distributor and so they don’t want to change to other because of only

brand name. Instead of quality they are much concern to their relationship with the distributor.


Page 49: Amit Project Report


THREATS. A SWOT analysis is done to find out a company’s current position to determine its

vulnerability and standing against competitors and the strategic decision made by the

competitors which create a weakness and which in turn might turn into a threat in future. Here I

would do a SWOT analysis for BISLERI.


Brand name of Bisleri ensures quality and world class standards and immediate

recognition and acceptability in the market.

Unique and better taste.

Specially made jars (eco-friendly) can be added to the USP.

Unique Process of Reverse Osmosis can be communicated and advertised to add to the

quality dimension.

Direct to Home Service; it has eliminated the channel members and hence benefits

(financial) can be passed on to the consumers.


The yardstick for measurement of service performance and quality of product is higher.

Rigidity of pricing; no multiple pricing policies like other brands.

Eliminating channel members shortens the reach.

Direct marketing requires a lot of resources and focus which in turn affect the product

and other associated activities.

Premium Pricing Policy of BISLERI brand has adverse effects on volume of sales as

corporate clients are interested in better deals.

Cost of production is higher compared to other brands.

Elimination of channel members is more than a necessity than a choice of action as the

margins for them are comparatively very low.


Page 50: Amit Project Report

With the growth of bottle industry market at 30% p.a. the market is increasing and there

are ample growth opportunities in corporate and residential segments.

Rigidity of pricing has made it more suitable for the residential customers as other

competitive brands sell at reasonably same price.

Residential market will present more loyal customers and repeat orders.


For corporate market. There are no current threats to BISLERI’s position and market

share as it has made a niche market for it self. However, I believe to get into volume we need to

counter the multiple pricing strategy and the cost advantage that is given by market leader

COOLSPRING to the corporate clients.

In residential market the only threat I can identify is Kinley; it has become the generic

name for mineral water in India. It is winning lost grounds because of the lack of proper brand

positioning and highlighting of product’s USP by BISLERI. However, corporate market study

points out that the high price of BISLERI.


Page 51: Amit Project Report

It also point out that BISLERI is having a market share of nominal value in terms of sales

volume and COOLSPRING is the market leader for corporate market.

Judgment analysis and Observation also suggests that Brand awareness of BISLERI

requires a rethinking. Especially the multiple packages need to be communicated and marketed.

BISLERI is the priced at a premium. USP of BISLERI is not well communicated and


BISLERI is making a niche market for itself and earning on Margins but at the same time

losing ground on volumes to COOLSPRING.

Corporate market segment, which is dominated by COOLSPRING has high degree of

volatility to price and therefore corporate customers not quality centric.

COOLSPRING is luring the corporate customers by providing rock bottom price and free

accessories on complementary basis.

Except BISLERI all the brands have adopted variable or multiple pricing strategic.

Judgmental analysis of customer satisfaction reveals that the customers are satisfied with

the quality. However, the same can not be said about the service.

Residential market has a better scope for BISLERI as penetration is easy. Price difference

is hardly much and market is quality centric.


Page 52: Amit Project Report

After careful study and analysis I have zeroed in on certain areas and jotted a few points of

recommendation for the company. These are as follows;

BISLERI has established a brand name in the market. However, communication about

availability of multiple packages i.e. 20 liter, Bulk pack and especially in residential market is

need of the hour.

We need to be actively doing sales promotion activity. Campaigns which aim to enhance

consumer knowledge about BISLERI should be undertaken.

We must position our product on the basis of our USP. “The sweet taste of purity”; is the

slogan of BISLERI and I believe our brand positioning should be undertaken.

Residential customers are more interested in convenience and service after the key factor

i.e. product’s quality. I believe we should extend our flex out logistics timings for residential

who are interested in taking the delivery in odd hours (night).

I would suggest a live experiment which sends the message, “You are the Judge” there;

we can organize small campaigns and get people to taste our water and any other leading

competitor’s water and ask them to tell the difference. We can also do a bit of brand positioning

by putting print advertisements where we compare ourselves with a leading brand on various

factors like taste. Appearance, process etc, as we have seen many a times in electronic gadgets.

I would suggest to take a leaf out from the competitor’s book i.e. COOLSPRING and use

it in our favor. I would suggest BISLERI to use the age old method of complementary gifts in

the form of accessories i.e. dispensers, to lure the corporate customers.

As in the corporate market the leading competitor COOLSPRING is on the offensive. I

would suggest BISLERI to go on for a strategy which is more defensive in nature, i.e. we must

make efforts to retain our market share. Improve our service quality and time to time announce

Page 53: Amit Project Report

various schemes which in a way turn out to give loyalty bonus for our customers at the same

time I think we should make an effort to make inroads in the market of other brands by starting

to share clients and then try to build or increase our share from there.

We also need to improve our TAT (Total Turn around Time) after a lead is generated or an order

is placed. I would suggest putting various storage points in different parts of the city for quick

fast delivery if feasible.

I would also suggest a more intensive and thorough survey of residential market. I would

suggest that the sample size must be of at least 2500 units in size for residential and it should be

chosen from Higher Middle class and Higher Class Income group.

I would advise to make efforts for streamline all production activities so as to have a

regular and steady supply in the market.

Separate Customer support cell for grievances and problems should be established with a

person accountable and answerable to the management for day to day customer problems and

these problems should be analyzed to find out the most recurrent and common problem with

focus to eradication of the problem.


Page 54: Amit Project Report

The research study has got certain restraints and limitations. These limitations are pointed as


The companies don’t want to share whole information with us so it is difficult to analyze

the situation.

Data regarding price of the brands were not shared all the companies.

The survey of only 100 companies and 100 residential was done which doesn’t give the

true picture of the situation.

Not all the companies were ready to give time to share the data and meet the researches

and hence lots of observation study is done.

Certain judgmental approximations are made the report more accurate and relative.


Page 55: Amit Project Report

This study analyzes the market potential of the 20 liter pack of packaged drinking water:

BISLERI water. The packaged water industry continues to grow and across the globe with India

hitting the maximum growth rate of 25% in 2005 which has increased further up to 40% in 2006-


As many other industries are entering in this sector it becomes increasingly difficult for any

brand to compete on the basis of its Brand name alone. It may give an advantage for a time.

However bigger brands require more attention and have greater expectations. As a result we

must seek opportunities to differentiate our product offering from those of our competition, build

customer loyalty, and attract new customers. This is achieved mainly by providing a better

service to customers than the competitors. A good service will reduce costs, wastage and


Providing a good service helps in growing the business: customers stay longer; customer

churn rates reduce; referrals to new customers increase from increasing numbers of satisfied

customers and overall the organization’s service flows and teams work more efficiently and

more happily.

This report offers a brief overview on the key strategy adopted by the market leader to gain

a stronger market position in this competitive environment.

Page 56: Amit Project Report


Websites used for reference:






Books, Magazines & Articles used for reference:

Marketing Management by Philip Kotler. (12th edition).

Business Standard (Saturday August 11/07)

Sales Manual of Bisleri 2005

Page 57: Amit Project Report


Questionnaire for Corporate Market Survey.

Questionnaire for Residential Market Survey.


Name: ------------------------------ Organizational Survey Form

Address: ------------------------------ (Research & Marketing)

Telephone no.: ------------------------

E- Mail id: ------------------------------

Page 58: Amit Project Report

(1) What kind of water do you use for daily consumption and drinking?

(a)Municipal water (b) Filtered/Aquaguard water (c) Packaged water.

(2) What is the size (No. of Employees) in your organization?


(3) If you use packaged drinking water for daily consumption; then in what qty?


(4) Which Brand do you use?


(5) What price do you pay for a 20 liter Jar?


(6) Do you use Dispenser? If yes please mention Category?

(a) Hot & Cold Dispenser (b) Plastic

(7) Are you satisfied with the service & quality of Brand that you are using?

(a) Yes (b) No

(8) BSLERI being a leading brand and a superior product; would you like to buy (20

lit. pack); if supplied at the same rate at your doorstep and on demand?

(a)Yes (b) No if NO, Reason-----------------------

Thank-you for your time and support--------------------------------------------------------------


Name: ------------------------------ Residential Survey Form

Address: ------------------------------ (Research & Marketing)

Telephone no.: ------------------------

E- Mail id: ------------------------------

Page 59: Amit Project Report

1) What kind of water do you use for daily consumption and drinking?

(a) Municipal water (b) Filtered/Aquaguard water (c) Packaged water.

2) What is the size (member in the family) of your family?


3) If you use packaged drinking water for daily consumption; then in what qty?


4) Which Brand do you use?

(a)BISLERI (b) Kinley (c) Oxyrich (d) Zee (e) Others

5) What price do you pay for a 20 liter Jar?


6) Do you use Dispenser? If yes please mention Category?

(A) Hot & Cold Dispenser (B) Plastic

7) Are you satisfied with the service & quality of Brand that you are using?

(A) Yes (B) No

8) BSLERI being a leading brand and a superior product; would you like to buy (20 lit. pack);

if supplied at the same rate at your doorstep and on demand?

(A) Yes (B) No if NO, Reason-----------------------

Thank-you for your time and support--------------------------------------------------------------


The experience at BISLERI INTERNATIONAL Pvt. Ltd. has given me an opportunity to

have a very close look at the packaged water business. I have been able to delve into the various

aspects of the company in a much focused manner. We have better understand of this industry

Page 60: Amit Project Report

and are fortified with experiences of addressing various problems, faced during the expansion of

market, countering price war with quality and USP.

On the marketing and research front, I have had an excellent ‘hands on experience’ in the

areas of research (primary) and corporate presentation of the product, distribution channel and

technicalities involved. We have also been able to get a generic view of the Bulk pack of bottled

water industry in India by doing a Competitive Analysis of various players.

To sum up, the training with BISLERI INTERNATIONAL Pvt. Ltd. has given us an

opportunity to see the market from a proximal distance.