amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

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Page 1: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the power of the resurrection continually keep us in remembrance of our duty as faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God.

I wish to express gratitude to all of you for your leadership and your various roles in moving the Church forward in this new dispensation of indigenous leadership; Your role and place is unique and comes with huge responsibilities, you are the frontline leaders for this episcopal district; Together with the episcopal leadership, the destiny of Western West Africa rests squarely upon our shoulders even as we trust God to restore us, even as He renews and revitalizes our ministries to enable us become who He has called us to be.

I have reiterated over and over again that it is no longer business as usual; we are called to be functional and transformational leaders and not figure heads! This demands that we are abreast of events, sensitive to the needs of our people, in tune with the Holy Spirit, and bold and courageous to obey the voice of God and the godly judgment of our episcopal leadership. We cannot continue to maintain the status quo; No! We must be filled with passion to initiate change and foster holistic growth of Gods kingdom here and in our time; we need to move forward. Yes, we cannot continue to do things the same old ways and expect new results – Change is a necessity and for which reason the theme for the year, Reviewing Our Practices appears to be tailor made for our new dispensation in the WWAED: The Freedom Church: Reviewing our Practices We pride ourselves in being called the Freedom Church! not because we condone or promote reckless abandon but because we recognize that our denomination was divinely birthed; set free literally from the shackles of slavery and empowered with a spirit of accountability, maturity and a sense of stewardship. We fight/strive for human dignity and freedom for all of God’s creation. We are a church of order and of rule and of discipline; we respect authority and submit to being governed by the power of God and of those whom God has set in positions

Church, in reviewing our practices, we need to recognize the need for change, embrace the change and work out the change; if we want to grow we have to review our practices and commit to it till the end and then, and only then shall our song be we are marching to Zion the beautiful city of God.

Beloved, our world is changing so drastically it seems the church is under siege, its influence is waning and its relevance is being questioned. In couching this theme, our episcopal leaders, the Board of Bishops, took cognizance of the fact that there has been a dramatic change in the environment within which the Church functions; this change is rapid and evolving, and shows no sign of abat-ing! Jesus Christ our savior established the Church as His agent of peace, reconciliation, healing and transformation here on earth. The Church remains the vehicle for communicating the Good News of Christ. (The Gospel) for the total salvation of humankind.

In the midst of technological advancement and rapidly changing socio-cultural environ-ment, men and women all over the world looks out for an institution that can help her cope and find answers/meaning to their ques-tions of life, existential issues! People have nagging questions; questions for which they seek answers! To this extent then, the Church is relevant today; maybe even more relevant now. But the question to be asked is this, which church does the world seek? Certainly not one which is perceived as a cold, bankrupt and an irrelevant institution that is more con-cerned about maintaining its social status, its buildings, its customs, its positions, its titles and its finances, rather what is needed is a church on the move transforming lives, strengthening families and impacting the communities and world for Christ. Pause a while and reflect on this and do a self-assess-ment of our Church, your local church and see how your ministries are to this end.

Our Episcopal Leaders are by this theme enjoining us, individually and collectively, jointly and severally to take a new and closer look at our practices as an ecclesial body; to carefully and boldly examine our practices to determine those which are effective and must remain, those which must be retooled/ repackaged and those which must be dropped or ended. This is a call to reexamine our ministry motives, models and methods; re-examine our purpose, our practices and our priorities. If we are to remain vibrant, relevant and significant within our context and communities it is imperative that we diligently

do this. As stated in the words of the Board of Bishops, “We hold our customs, rituals and our traditions as valuable but not inviolable! In doing this we prayer-fully and respectfully honor our traditions without making idols out of them. Yes, our practices ought to foster growth in transformative ways.

Class Meetings: We need to work hard to reinvigorate the holding of class meetings in our local churches or Societies. The Class system is integral to Methodism and must not be relegated to the background. Closely related to this, could our pastors and local Societies be challenged to expand our teaching ministries with the goal of offering relevant biblical principles that our youth, young adults and seniors can successfully apply in their daily life?

We must explore and employ the use of technology like social media platforms, e.g. WhatsApp, for holding class meetings (presently the Board of Bishops hold a class regularly via conference call). Could Presiding Elders do same among themselves and also for pastors under their supervision?

In view of the changing age and population dynamics can our Church and by extension our Presiding Elders and Pastors not make young adult leadership development and mentoring a major priority at every level? In this way we can engage with them in ways that would allow them to apply their gifts and graces in the growth and development of our church.

Worship Service: Can we make our Sunday worship services more engaging and spiritually uplifting? The order of Service is a guide but certainly not a millstone to drain our worship experience of its innate vitality. We must reexamine our liturgy if we are going to reach the ‘unchurched’. Can we find creative ways of making the local traditional hymnody an integral part of service? What of deliberately crafting out worship experiences, and ministries tailored to the peculiar needs of our youth? While working at this, can we come out with ways in which our Societies can engage with their communities and become more relevant to them? These are but a few thoughts that must engage us as we attempt to make our church relevant in our time.

As an episcopal district, we have launched a youth policy that will serve as an impetus for mobilizing and empowering our youth and young adults for fruitful and faithful Christian living. Have you all intentionally studied this document and sought to find innovative ways of actualizing it with our young people toward the desired ends?

We have launched the evangelism policy have all presiding elder districts embraced this policy and thereby engage it towards the end of our Christian mandate to make disciples for Christ and thereby grow our churches? Beloved, we have work to do and we

need to commit to make our church, our denomination, our world, a better place. We need to move forward; move from a passive mindset and attitude to an action oriented mindset ready to move. ”Let us work whilst it is day for the night cometh when we shall not be able to do any work.”

God has been faithful to us such that several things we have set our mind to this past year since we last met here, we have been able to accomplish by divine grace.

1. We have completed and dedicated a brand new Episcopal Headquarters at a cost of over half a million cedis (about 150,000 United States dollars)

2. We have placed all of our ordained ministers and their spouses in the Episcopal area under a life insurance plan costing us over GHC30,0000 (about $7,000) for the year

3. We have equipped 14 presiding elder districts with solid robust motor bikes to enable them traverse the rugged terrain in service to kingdom building, and one presiding elder district with a chain saw, all costing over $17,000. Serveral pastors have also been supplied with Bicycles to facilitate their work.

4. We have supported many churches with resources in service to their church building projects; initiated new church development and supported ongoing ones.

5. Visited areas that have not experienced episcopal visits in the recent past, or never ever had a Bishop visit.

6. Empowered preachers and congregation members in diverse ways , financially, physically and spiritually.

7. Revived the Connectional Lay Council in the episcopal district which has taken on a new vibrancy, with over 80 persons signing up to be stoled as Life Members of the Connectional Lay Council.

8. Inaugurate and launch the ZION CLUB 100 this afternoon, a group of committed lay people who are committing to consistent and committed giving towards special projects and initiatives in this episcopal district. 9. Created two new Presiding Elder Districts (Mission Districts) of Ahafo-Mim Mission District (in Mid Ghana Conference) and

Artington Mission District (in Liberia Annual Conference), with special support from the Episcopal office. 10. Two Missionaries have been sent from the South to the North Ghana Conference, who are being directly supported from the Office of the Bishop, for effective ministry and support for the indigenous leaders in that conference.

11. We have revamped the Global Zion Mission Initia-tive (GZMI), the NGO wing of the Church and held its first ever successful community program, “Walk Away From Diabetes” in November 2017.

12. We have initiated conversation with all stakeholders of our educational institutions on the secondary and tertiary levels, and have had engagements with Alumni, etc, towards stabilization and growth of our schools in the episcopal district.

While these are worth noting as laudable, we still have work to do and we all need to commit to moving the work, and for that matter, the Church of God forward.

1. More Presiding Elders/districts need to be equipped with at least a motor bike.

2. Regional Education Unit offices need to be equipped and managers empowered with resources for effective work.

3. Offices of General Directors also need to be equipped for effective ministry

4. We are concluding plans to put all of our ordained Elders on a provident fund that will allow us to have a good retirement package for our pastors, the contract for which we hope to complete by July this year with Enterprise Trustees.

5. Plans are far advanced to purchase a brand new Nissan double cabin pickup truck by the end of July 2018 for the office of the General Manager of Schools in Ghana, who has under her supervision over 600 schools scattered across the 10 regions of Ghana.

6. After the just ended Annual Conferences, the Togo and North Ghana conferences have resolved for us to build at least one good chapel in each district. None of these areas have a completed chapel, and those few completed are tiny mud houses that cannot stand the test of time, especially the rainy weather. A similar initiative shall be extended to Liberia Annual Confer-ence where the story of distress of our churches is no different. This conference shall also be encouraged to embrace this initiative and pool resources to that end. To all of those areas, as I have said, “I cannot come to build a chapel for you because I do not have the resources but i am ready and willing to work with you to build a house of worship befitting the God whom we serve.

7. We have also commissioned our architect/Project

director to give us a model design for the con-struction of a retreat center in each of the conferences of East Ghana, West Ghana, and Mid Ghana. Various land sites have been identified and we shall work with those districts where the lands are located to finalize the title deeds and pave way for such projects to start.

8. On our Odorkor property and the construction of Varick Towers, our 12 story multi- purpose office complex for the Church in the Western West Africa Episcopal District, we are still in conversation with some potential investors and the project is being redesigned by our own Architectural Engineer, Dr. Emmanuel Adinyira. I will keep you all updated on progress in that regard. (talk about Gentle Giants and the six month lease.)

9. We are also working out plans and mobilizing resources to start work on the redesigned outhouse at the Headquarters (old residence) to accommodate 3 general offices, a bookstore, and 3 bedroom transit quarters for guests/preachers in transit through Accra on Church related assignments, and a self-contained one bedroom apartment for the caretaker, hopefully before we meet again next year.

10.We have started the AME Zion Insurance Agency in partnership with Enterprise insur-ance where our members shall purchase all kinds of insurance under a special AME Zion Church discount, and yet the church also makes some great commission on sales

11. We also have identified a land lot in the East Ghana Conference where the land owners are willing to sell to us up to 200 acres of land at a reduced rate, with payment spread over 2 years, such lands shall be resold to our members on similar flexible payment terms. This is land that is secure and no litigation on the Accra – Aflao road, around Dawa and Sege.

In service to actualizing these dreams I shall present two resolutions for your consideration and consent, both of which we have engaged in conversation at check-up meetings and at the Presiding Elders Council meeting and other fora. Beloved, these and many more are the initiatives we seek to embrace. Complete those that could be completed during the year, and also initiate the long terms ones within this year. Yes, we need to move forward as we have work to do.

We need to move forward to become who God has called and prepared us to be!! Personality differences would not take us there; holding on to grudges would not take us there; holding on to pain and bitterness from the past would not take us there; holding on to deep seated

and stale conventions would not take us there Church, we need to open our hearts and minds to God’s leading and the leading of the Holy Spirit even as we review our practices, revise our strategies, change our perspectives and commit to moving forward on God’s agenda.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, the prophet declares the oracle of God thus:

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall

spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...”Amen!

Even as God is taking us to a new place we need to be sure not to let yesterday use up too much of our today. Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. Sometimes God allows our friends to walk out on us; troubles to come in for us because God knows unless your circumstances change you would not move:

Let us consider lots wife;Let us consider Jonah

Many of us have been reading the same old chapter for too long. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one. Who keeps running a race by looking back; who keeps driving forward by always looking in the rearview mirror? Peter betrayed Jesus but he moved on and became the rock on which the Church was built; David was an adulterer and a murderer but he moved on and became the ideal king of Israel; let’s consider Hilliard, a frustrated young man who was rejected by the church but he moved on to become a Bishop in the same church. Church we have to move on; Pastors we have to move on. Somebody has to let go of the past hurt and pains; somebody has to let go of the extra baggage that is weighing you down; somebody has to let go of the sin that is pulling you back.

Job 17:9 reminds us that “the righteous keep moving forward, and those with

clean hands become stronger and stronger.”

O yes I can see our church moving forward; I can see somebody becoming stronger; I can see somebody stepping up, rising up and moving forward.

And O yes, I can hear somebody say:

I’m pressing on, the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday

Still praying on, I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground

My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts and arise and fears dismay;

Though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer my aim is higher ground

Lord lifetme up, and let me stand; By faith on heaven’s table land

A higher plain than I have found, Lord Plant my feet on higher ground

shall reach our destination - if you believe it say YES!

Thirdly and finally, yes we have work to do and we’ve got to move forward. Yes we need to have a DESTINATION and we need to have DETERMINATION but thirdly, we also need to have:

Faith DOMINATIONAfter Jesus calmed the storm, He asked the disciples, where is your faith. In other words, Jesus knew what he had put into them – FAITH, but they allowed their fears to dominate them rather than exercising their faith to take dominion over their fears. To dominate is to take possession, to overcome or to have control over. In other words, by faith we need to take possession of the promises of God; by faith we need to domi-nate our fears, by faith we need to overcome our frustrations. Jesus declared, all authority and power has been given to me, and as I have received so I have given unto you. Church we need to take possession of the power of God in us and by faith we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Yes, we have to move forward, but we shall encounter some fears; we shall encounter some anxieties but by faith you shall take dominion and move forward. The power of God in you is the light unto your path and a lamp unto your feet. When you have the power of God in you, you are able to have domination because by His power, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.

A faith dominated life is a life of prayer; A faith dominated life

is a life of truthfulness; selflessness; worship, and a life of praise.

O yes, Praise ! When you have the power of God in you, you shall praise God even when things go wrong; praise God even in the midst of uncertainties, praise God when all seems bleak around you; praise God when folks walk out on you and give up on you, just praise God – O yes I will praise my maker while I have breadth.

I can hear somebody say it is impossible and you cannot make it, but Church Praise God because he hath said, all things are possible to all who believe. I can sense some-body feeling lonely and rejected, you’ve got to praise God for he said “My grace is sufficient for you. I can hear somebody worried over where we are going to get the money to do all these things, but I’ve got to Praise God for my God shall supply all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

People may want you to cry, but you shall rejoice because weeping may last for the night but Joy comes in the morn-ing; Somebody may want you to run because the enemy is out to get you but Church, my Bible says he shall pre-pare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Church God has your destiny in His hands and with deter-mination we shall have domination. We’ve got to move forward no matter what may come our way – let us move forward, because I know I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing the devil can do about it. I can hear Kirk Franklin say to us:

up their oars. But they did not give up, they kept rowing their boat and they remembered they had Jesus on their boat. Church as we move forward, many shall be the storms that shall arise. Yes we’ve had some storms, yes as we move we are going to have some turbulence, yes many shall be our trials But Church I have come to declare to you that put not your confi-dence in man, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” and you must be determined to reach your destination. Even when you cannot see your way clearly by faith, you shall declare “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil”. Even though you may feel weary and dry, don’t give up because Isaiah declares in 58:11, “The Lord shall guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and renewing your strength. You shall be like a well-watered garden, like an over-flowing spring.” i.o.w., Don’t give up, just keep moving because no matter what the situation. God will take care of you. The winds may be contrary, but don’t give up just keep moving on; fears will come but remember God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. Yes the odds may be against you but don’t give up, just keep moving on. We have work to do and we must be determined to succeed. If you have Jesus on your boat, in the midst of the storms, just call upon him, and he will answer – don’t give up. Yes, the odds may be against you; people may forsake you, your friends may give up on you but don’t give up. Your family may turn you down but don’t give up – there is always a friend who stickiest closer than a brother, and if God is for you who can be against you. O yes let us move forward and shout with the songwriter,




BELIEVE AND OBEYO yes we’ve got to move forward with determination and surely, surely we

O yes, we have to move on to the future. Let us read Mark’s Gospel 4:35-41.

This narrative presents us with some three dynamics worth considering that will enable us to move forward into divine glory and to claim the heights that God has preserved for us.

FIrst, you need to have a :

Faith DESTINATIONWe cannot move forward if we have no idea where we are going. In this text, Jesus said to the disciples “let us move to the other side – a destination. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he declares “forgetting what lies behind, I press to the goal to receive the prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus. In other words, I have a destina-tion on my mind and nobody can stop me; I have a crown of glory on my mind, I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing from my past is going to slow me down because I am moving forward to my destination. I know the woman with the issue of blood for 12 long years, but before she became whole, she had to get Jesus on her mind. She was condemned by doctors and nurses, isolated by her illness and forsaken by her friends but when she heard Jesus was passing by, she recognized her diagnosis belonged to the past and she said to herself “ive got to move forward and if only I can get to Jesus – O yes, she had Jesus on her mind

Bartimeaus was born blind and confined to the street as a beggar but one day he heard Jesus was passing by and he declared, I don’t care what you know and you cannot stop me from reaching my destination – I have Jesus on my mind. O yes, Church as we move forward, we’ve got to have Jesus on our mind; we cannot do it by ourselves but we have to move with Jesus.

Destination has the same root as destiny, and destiny suggests God’s purpose for your life – what tomorrow holds for you. In other words, your destiny is not in your past, but your destiny is in the future. If Jesus has control over your destiny, there is nothing the devil can do about it. The devil may try to rob us of our destiny but if God be for us, who can be against us. Men may seek to frustrate your destiny, but no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Men may seek to betray you, but my God shall never leave you nor forsake you. O yes, as you move forward you’ve got to have Jesus on your mind, and when you have Jesus, you have everything and you can shout with the hymn writer and say:





Yes, everything is going to be alright as we move forward but you’ve got have Jesus on your mind, If you believe it say YES.

Second, not only do we need to have a DESTINATION, but also we need to have a

Faith-Based DETERMINATIONIn today’s text in Mark 4, Yes Jesus had the disciples to move to the other side but as they moved to their destination, a storm arose _ why O God why? The disciples could have given up, they could have jumped overboard, and they could have just thrown

of leadership.As a church, we need to take another look at our practices, our actions, our strategies, our modes and modalities for doing things else we become static and retrogressive, and start wondering about our future, if not blaming God and blaming our forebears and even other denominations for our problem and predicaments. Whilst it is very common for persons to resist change primarily because it takes us out of our comfort zone, the question is would you rather remain where you are in the midst of your depravity or to embrace change that will move you forward to higher heights even though it will take you through some turbulence?

Change must foster growth and for which reason change is a necessity. However, it is irrelevant if the people for whom the change is desired do not embrace and commit to the change with a sense of purpose that reflects our joys and expectations even in the midst of our fears. Even as we review our practices, our members need to change; congregations need to change; Pastors, Presiding elders, Bishops need to change – We all need to change our mind-set, our attitude and our actions. As the Apostle said, we do not need to conform to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

You don’t have to worry and don’t be afraid Joy comes in the morning, troubles they don’t last always

For there is a friend called Jesus, who will wipe away your tears And if your heart is broken, jus lift your hands and say

I know I can make it. I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, My Life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it, with Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials, they seem to get you downAnd all your friends and loved ones, are nowhere to be found

Remember there is a friend named Jesus, who will wipe your tears away And if your heart is broken, just lift your hands and say,

Oh I know I can make itO yes, I’ve got Jesus on my mind and am moving forward – if you can’t stop me you’ve got to join me. Jesus is my Destination, and in Him I have Determination for He has given me Domination. O yes he is my rock and my fortress, my God in whom I trust; O yes I’m moving on for my hope is built on nothing else tan Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

Church, we have work to do so let us move forward, and “He who has begun a good work in us,will surely bring it to completion.”

May the Lord bless and Strengthen us all. Amen






VOL I / SEPT 2018

Page 2: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

VOLUME 01 | SEPT 2018


Welcome to the maiden edition of the Zion Epistle, the official newsletter of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Western West Africa Episcopal District. The birth of this newsletter is historic under the leadership of our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Hilliard K. Dela Dogbe, the 104th in the Line of Succession in the A.M.E. Zion Church and his Missionary Supervisor, Mrs. Cynthia Serwaa Dogbe.

In this issue we attempt to capture and highlight key activities over the year. Among these are the activities of the Bishop and Missionary Supervisor, the Connectional Lay Council and the Youth Ministry. We also find some feature arti- cles and a sermon. As the editorial board of this vehicle we are dedicated to educate and inform you of signifi-cant happenings in the Episcopal District.

We are soliciting for news and pictures of occasions at conference and district levels for the next issue. Members who wish to advertise their businesses may forward details to the editorial committee. We hope you will find this issue inspiring, educative and full of information.


THE EDITORA.M.E. Zion Church, Western West Africa Episcopal District, GP 2220, Accra - Ghana


+ 2 3 3 - ( 0 ) 3 0 - 2 3 1 - 5 0 6 5+ 2 3 3 - ( 0 ) 3 0 - 2 3 1 - 5 0 5 9+ 2 3 3 - ( 0 ) 3 0 - 7 0 3 - 0 2 4 1

Email: [email protected] [email protected]

WRITERS /EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Edina BlagogeeNewlands HiameyRev. David ZungbeyCandice Delassie Kpanga

DESIGNERS Joshua KwablaElorm Kodjo Tetteh

PHOTOGRAPHERS Francis AzorliadehJoshua KwablaAtsu Praise


LIBERIAL ANNUAL CONFERENCERev. mark MomohMs. Christine ThomasTOGO CONFERENCE Rev. Batholomeo Ajavon COTE D’IVOIRE CONFERENCE Maxwell Affizie

CONTENTS01 STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART By Bishop Hilliard K. Dela Dogbe A hearty note from the Bishop to you.

02 MOVING FORWARD An Episcopal Address by Bishop Hilliard K. Dela Dogbe

Come let’s see where God is taking us. With a glimpse of the past year, and the many ways Christ is working in the Western West Africa Episcopal District ...because of you!

15 CONNECTIONAL LAY COUNCIL Are you a regenerated Christian ? Are you a generationa thinker ? Come with us lets learn about how the Lay Council can wholistically develop your spiritual life as a Laity.

16 CHOICES OF LIFE By Rev. Anthony Nartey

Choices we make can alter our lives forever and set us on a course that may last a life time. What choices are you making today ?


Look at God ! In pictures, come lets see what God has done.

22 MADE POSSBIBLE BY YOU. By Mrs. Cynthia A. S. Dogbe

Through the Missionaries Corner , learn about the church in the North Ghana, families in Togo, and women and children in the Liberian and Cote D’Ivoire annual conferences who’ve benefited from your support..

27 THE 100,000,000,000,000,000 HEAVEN QUESTION ! CHILDREN’S CORNER

Have you figured out the answer to that question yet ? Lets see answers from our children.






Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the power of the resurrection continually keep us in remembrance of our duty as faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God.

I wish to express gratitude to all of you for your leadership and your various roles in moving the Church forward in this new dispensation of indigenous leadership; Your role and place is unique and comes with huge responsibilities, you are the frontline leaders for this episcopal district; Together with the episcopal leadership, the destiny of Western West Africa rests squarely upon our shoulders even as we trust God to restore us, even as He renews and revitalizes our ministries to enable us become who He has called us to be.

I have reiterated over and over again that it is no longer business as usual; we are called to be functional and transformational leaders and not figure heads! This demands that we are abreast of events, sensitive to the needs of our people, in tune with the Holy Spirit, and bold and courageous to obey the voice of God and the godly judgment of our episcopal leadership. We cannot continue to maintain the status quo; No! We must be filled with passion to initiate change and foster holistic growth of Gods kingdom here and in our time; we need to move forward. Yes, we cannot continue to do things the same old ways and expect new results – Change is a necessity and for which reason the theme for the year, Reviewing Our Practices appears to be tailor made for our new dispensation in the WWAED: The Freedom Church: Reviewing our Practices We pride ourselves in being called the Freedom Church! not because we condone or promote reckless abandon but because we recognize that our denomination was divinely birthed; set free literally from the shackles of slavery and empowered with a spirit of accountability, maturity and a sense of stewardship. We fight/strive for human dignity and freedom for all of God’s creation. We are a church of order and of rule and of discipline; we respect authority and submit to being governed by the power of God and of those whom God has set in positions

Church, in reviewing our practices, we need to recognize the need for change, embrace the change and work out the change; if we want to grow we have to review our practices and commit to it till the end and then, and only then shall our song be we are marching to Zion the beautiful city of God.

Beloved, our world is changing so drastically it seems the church is under siege, its influence is waning and its relevance is being questioned. In couching this theme, our episcopal leaders, the Board of Bishops, took cognizance of the fact that there has been a dramatic change in the environment within which the Church functions; this change is rapid and evolving, and shows no sign of abat-ing! Jesus Christ our savior established the Church as His agent of peace, reconciliation, healing and transformation here on earth. The Church remains the vehicle for communicating the Good News of Christ. (The Gospel) for the total salvation of humankind.

In the midst of technological advancement and rapidly changing socio-cultural environ-ment, men and women all over the world looks out for an institution that can help her cope and find answers/meaning to their ques-tions of life, existential issues! People have nagging questions; questions for which they seek answers! To this extent then, the Church is relevant today; maybe even more relevant now. But the question to be asked is this, which church does the world seek? Certainly not one which is perceived as a cold, bankrupt and an irrelevant institution that is more con-cerned about maintaining its social status, its buildings, its customs, its positions, its titles and its finances, rather what is needed is a church on the move transforming lives, strengthening families and impacting the communities and world for Christ. Pause a while and reflect on this and do a self-assess-ment of our Church, your local church and see how your ministries are to this end.

Our Episcopal Leaders are by this theme enjoining us, individually and collectively, jointly and severally to take a new and closer look at our practices as an ecclesial body; to carefully and boldly examine our practices to determine those which are effective and must remain, those which must be retooled/ repackaged and those which must be dropped or ended. This is a call to reexamine our ministry motives, models and methods; re-examine our purpose, our practices and our priorities. If we are to remain vibrant, relevant and significant within our context and communities it is imperative that we diligently

do this. As stated in the words of the Board of Bishops, “We hold our customs, rituals and our traditions as valuable but not inviolable! In doing this we prayer-fully and respectfully honor our traditions without making idols out of them. Yes, our practices ought to foster growth in transformative ways.

Class Meetings: We need to work hard to reinvigorate the holding of class meetings in our local churches or Societies. The Class system is integral to Methodism and must not be relegated to the background. Closely related to this, could our pastors and local Societies be challenged to expand our teaching ministries with the goal of offering relevant biblical principles that our youth, young adults and seniors can successfully apply in their daily life?

We must explore and employ the use of technology like social media platforms, e.g. WhatsApp, for holding class meetings (presently the Board of Bishops hold a class regularly via conference call). Could Presiding Elders do same among themselves and also for pastors under their supervision?

In view of the changing age and population dynamics can our Church and by extension our Presiding Elders and Pastors not make young adult leadership development and mentoring a major priority at every level? In this way we can engage with them in ways that would allow them to apply their gifts and graces in the growth and development of our church.

Worship Service: Can we make our Sunday worship services more engaging and spiritually uplifting? The order of Service is a guide but certainly not a millstone to drain our worship experience of its innate vitality. We must reexamine our liturgy if we are going to reach the ‘unchurched’. Can we find creative ways of making the local traditional hymnody an integral part of service? What of deliberately crafting out worship experiences, and ministries tailored to the peculiar needs of our youth? While working at this, can we come out with ways in which our Societies can engage with their communities and become more relevant to them? These are but a few thoughts that must engage us as we attempt to make our church relevant in our time.

As an episcopal district, we have launched a youth policy that will serve as an impetus for mobilizing and empowering our youth and young adults for fruitful and faithful Christian living. Have you all intentionally studied this document and sought to find innovative ways of actualizing it with our young people toward the desired ends?

We have launched the evangelism policy have all presiding elder districts embraced this policy and thereby engage it towards the end of our Christian mandate to make disciples for Christ and thereby grow our churches? Beloved, we have work to do and we

need to commit to make our church, our denomination, our world, a better place. We need to move forward; move from a passive mindset and attitude to an action oriented mindset ready to move. ”Let us work whilst it is day for the night cometh when we shall not be able to do any work.”

God has been faithful to us such that several things we have set our mind to this past year since we last met here, we have been able to accomplish by divine grace.

1. We have completed and dedicated a brand new Episcopal Headquarters at a cost of over half a million cedis (about 150,000 United States dollars)

2. We have placed all of our ordained ministers and their spouses in the Episcopal area under a life insurance plan costing us over GHC30,0000 (about $7,000) for the year

3. We have equipped 14 presiding elder districts with solid robust motor bikes to enable them traverse the rugged terrain in service to kingdom building, and one presiding elder district with a chain saw, all costing over $17,000. Serveral pastors have also been supplied with Bicycles to facilitate their work.

4. We have supported many churches with resources in service to their church building projects; initiated new church development and supported ongoing ones.

5. Visited areas that have not experienced episcopal visits in the recent past, or never ever had a Bishop visit.

6. Empowered preachers and congregation members in diverse ways , financially, physically and spiritually.

7. Revived the Connectional Lay Council in the episcopal district which has taken on a new vibrancy, with over 80 persons signing up to be stoled as Life Members of the Connectional Lay Council.

8. Inaugurate and launch the ZION CLUB 100 this afternoon, a group of committed lay people who are committing to consistent and committed giving towards special projects and initiatives in this episcopal district. 9. Created two new Presiding Elder Districts (Mission Districts) of Ahafo-Mim Mission District (in Mid Ghana Conference) and

Artington Mission District (in Liberia Annual Conference), with special support from the Episcopal office. 10. Two Missionaries have been sent from the South to the North Ghana Conference, who are being directly supported from the Office of the Bishop, for effective ministry and support for the indigenous leaders in that conference.

11. We have revamped the Global Zion Mission Initia-tive (GZMI), the NGO wing of the Church and held its first ever successful community program, “Walk Away From Diabetes” in November 2017.

12. We have initiated conversation with all stakeholders of our educational institutions on the secondary and tertiary levels, and have had engagements with Alumni, etc, towards stabilization and growth of our schools in the episcopal district.

While these are worth noting as laudable, we still have work to do and we all need to commit to moving the work, and for that matter, the Church of God forward.

1. More Presiding Elders/districts need to be equipped with at least a motor bike.

2. Regional Education Unit offices need to be equipped and managers empowered with resources for effective work.

3. Offices of General Directors also need to be equipped for effective ministry

4. We are concluding plans to put all of our ordained Elders on a provident fund that will allow us to have a good retirement package for our pastors, the contract for which we hope to complete by July this year with Enterprise Trustees.

5. Plans are far advanced to purchase a brand new Nissan double cabin pickup truck by the end of July 2018 for the office of the General Manager of Schools in Ghana, who has under her supervision over 600 schools scattered across the 10 regions of Ghana.

6. After the just ended Annual Conferences, the Togo and North Ghana conferences have resolved for us to build at least one good chapel in each district. None of these areas have a completed chapel, and those few completed are tiny mud houses that cannot stand the test of time, especially the rainy weather. A similar initiative shall be extended to Liberia Annual Confer-ence where the story of distress of our churches is no different. This conference shall also be encouraged to embrace this initiative and pool resources to that end. To all of those areas, as I have said, “I cannot come to build a chapel for you because I do not have the resources but i am ready and willing to work with you to build a house of worship befitting the God whom we serve.

7. We have also commissioned our architect/Project

director to give us a model design for the con-struction of a retreat center in each of the conferences of East Ghana, West Ghana, and Mid Ghana. Various land sites have been identified and we shall work with those districts where the lands are located to finalize the title deeds and pave way for such projects to start.

8. On our Odorkor property and the construction of Varick Towers, our 12 story multi- purpose office complex for the Church in the Western West Africa Episcopal District, we are still in conversation with some potential investors and the project is being redesigned by our own Architectural Engineer, Dr. Emmanuel Adinyira. I will keep you all updated on progress in that regard. (talk about Gentle Giants and the six month lease.)

9. We are also working out plans and mobilizing resources to start work on the redesigned outhouse at the Headquarters (old residence) to accommodate 3 general offices, a bookstore, and 3 bedroom transit quarters for guests/preachers in transit through Accra on Church related assignments, and a self-contained one bedroom apartment for the caretaker, hopefully before we meet again next year.

10.We have started the AME Zion Insurance Agency in partnership with Enterprise insur-ance where our members shall purchase all kinds of insurance under a special AME Zion Church discount, and yet the church also makes some great commission on sales

11. We also have identified a land lot in the East Ghana Conference where the land owners are willing to sell to us up to 200 acres of land at a reduced rate, with payment spread over 2 years, such lands shall be resold to our members on similar flexible payment terms. This is land that is secure and no litigation on the Accra – Aflao road, around Dawa and Sege.

In service to actualizing these dreams I shall present two resolutions for your consideration and consent, both of which we have engaged in conversation at check-up meetings and at the Presiding Elders Council meeting and other fora. Beloved, these and many more are the initiatives we seek to embrace. Complete those that could be completed during the year, and also initiate the long terms ones within this year. Yes, we need to move forward as we have work to do.

We need to move forward to become who God has called and prepared us to be!! Personality differences would not take us there; holding on to grudges would not take us there; holding on to pain and bitterness from the past would not take us there; holding on to deep seated

and stale conventions would not take us there Church, we need to open our hearts and minds to God’s leading and the leading of the Holy Spirit even as we review our practices, revise our strategies, change our perspectives and commit to moving forward on God’s agenda.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, the prophet declares the oracle of God thus:

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall

spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...”Amen!

Even as God is taking us to a new place we need to be sure not to let yesterday use up too much of our today. Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. Sometimes God allows our friends to walk out on us; troubles to come in for us because God knows unless your circumstances change you would not move:

Let us consider lots wife;Let us consider Jonah

Many of us have been reading the same old chapter for too long. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one. Who keeps running a race by looking back; who keeps driving forward by always looking in the rearview mirror? Peter betrayed Jesus but he moved on and became the rock on which the Church was built; David was an adulterer and a murderer but he moved on and became the ideal king of Israel; let’s consider Hilliard, a frustrated young man who was rejected by the church but he moved on to become a Bishop in the same church. Church we have to move on; Pastors we have to move on. Somebody has to let go of the past hurt and pains; somebody has to let go of the extra baggage that is weighing you down; somebody has to let go of the sin that is pulling you back.

Job 17:9 reminds us that “the righteous keep moving forward, and those with

clean hands become stronger and stronger.”

O yes I can see our church moving forward; I can see somebody becoming stronger; I can see somebody stepping up, rising up and moving forward.

And O yes, I can hear somebody say:

I’m pressing on, the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday

Still praying on, I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground

My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts and arise and fears dismay;

Though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer my aim is higher ground

Lord lifetme up, and let me stand; By faith on heaven’s table land

A higher plain than I have found, Lord Plant my feet on higher ground

shall reach our destination - if you believe it say YES!

Thirdly and finally, yes we have work to do and we’ve got to move forward. Yes we need to have a DESTINATION and we need to have DETERMINATION but thirdly, we also need to have:

Faith DOMINATIONAfter Jesus calmed the storm, He asked the disciples, where is your faith. In other words, Jesus knew what he had put into them – FAITH, but they allowed their fears to dominate them rather than exercising their faith to take dominion over their fears. To dominate is to take possession, to overcome or to have control over. In other words, by faith we need to take possession of the promises of God; by faith we need to domi-nate our fears, by faith we need to overcome our frustrations. Jesus declared, all authority and power has been given to me, and as I have received so I have given unto you. Church we need to take possession of the power of God in us and by faith we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Yes, we have to move forward, but we shall encounter some fears; we shall encounter some anxieties but by faith you shall take dominion and move forward. The power of God in you is the light unto your path and a lamp unto your feet. When you have the power of God in you, you are able to have domination because by His power, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.

A faith dominated life is a life of prayer; A faith dominated life

is a life of truthfulness; selflessness; worship, and a life of praise.

O yes, Praise ! When you have the power of God in you, you shall praise God even when things go wrong; praise God even in the midst of uncertainties, praise God when all seems bleak around you; praise God when folks walk out on you and give up on you, just praise God – O yes I will praise my maker while I have breadth.

I can hear somebody say it is impossible and you cannot make it, but Church Praise God because he hath said, all things are possible to all who believe. I can sense some-body feeling lonely and rejected, you’ve got to praise God for he said “My grace is sufficient for you. I can hear somebody worried over where we are going to get the money to do all these things, but I’ve got to Praise God for my God shall supply all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

People may want you to cry, but you shall rejoice because weeping may last for the night but Joy comes in the morn-ing; Somebody may want you to run because the enemy is out to get you but Church, my Bible says he shall pre-pare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Church God has your destiny in His hands and with deter-mination we shall have domination. We’ve got to move forward no matter what may come our way – let us move forward, because I know I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing the devil can do about it. I can hear Kirk Franklin say to us:

up their oars. But they did not give up, they kept rowing their boat and they remembered they had Jesus on their boat. Church as we move forward, many shall be the storms that shall arise. Yes we’ve had some storms, yes as we move we are going to have some turbulence, yes many shall be our trials But Church I have come to declare to you that put not your confi-dence in man, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” and you must be determined to reach your destination. Even when you cannot see your way clearly by faith, you shall declare “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil”. Even though you may feel weary and dry, don’t give up because Isaiah declares in 58:11, “The Lord shall guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and renewing your strength. You shall be like a well-watered garden, like an over-flowing spring.” i.o.w., Don’t give up, just keep moving because no matter what the situation. God will take care of you. The winds may be contrary, but don’t give up just keep moving on; fears will come but remember God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. Yes the odds may be against you but don’t give up, just keep moving on. We have work to do and we must be determined to succeed. If you have Jesus on your boat, in the midst of the storms, just call upon him, and he will answer – don’t give up. Yes, the odds may be against you; people may forsake you, your friends may give up on you but don’t give up. Your family may turn you down but don’t give up – there is always a friend who stickiest closer than a brother, and if God is for you who can be against you. O yes let us move forward and shout with the songwriter,




BELIEVE AND OBEYO yes we’ve got to move forward with determination and surely, surely we

O yes, we have to move on to the future. Let us read Mark’s Gospel 4:35-41.

This narrative presents us with some three dynamics worth considering that will enable us to move forward into divine glory and to claim the heights that God has preserved for us.

FIrst, you need to have a :

Faith DESTINATIONWe cannot move forward if we have no idea where we are going. In this text, Jesus said to the disciples “let us move to the other side – a destination. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he declares “forgetting what lies behind, I press to the goal to receive the prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus. In other words, I have a destina-tion on my mind and nobody can stop me; I have a crown of glory on my mind, I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing from my past is going to slow me down because I am moving forward to my destination. I know the woman with the issue of blood for 12 long years, but before she became whole, she had to get Jesus on her mind. She was condemned by doctors and nurses, isolated by her illness and forsaken by her friends but when she heard Jesus was passing by, she recognized her diagnosis belonged to the past and she said to herself “ive got to move forward and if only I can get to Jesus – O yes, she had Jesus on her mind

Bartimeaus was born blind and confined to the street as a beggar but one day he heard Jesus was passing by and he declared, I don’t care what you know and you cannot stop me from reaching my destination – I have Jesus on my mind. O yes, Church as we move forward, we’ve got to have Jesus on our mind; we cannot do it by ourselves but we have to move with Jesus.

Destination has the same root as destiny, and destiny suggests God’s purpose for your life – what tomorrow holds for you. In other words, your destiny is not in your past, but your destiny is in the future. If Jesus has control over your destiny, there is nothing the devil can do about it. The devil may try to rob us of our destiny but if God be for us, who can be against us. Men may seek to frustrate your destiny, but no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Men may seek to betray you, but my God shall never leave you nor forsake you. O yes, as you move forward you’ve got to have Jesus on your mind, and when you have Jesus, you have everything and you can shout with the hymn writer and say:





Yes, everything is going to be alright as we move forward but you’ve got have Jesus on your mind, If you believe it say YES.

Second, not only do we need to have a DESTINATION, but also we need to have a

Faith-Based DETERMINATIONIn today’s text in Mark 4, Yes Jesus had the disciples to move to the other side but as they moved to their destination, a storm arose _ why O God why? The disciples could have given up, they could have jumped overboard, and they could have just thrown

of leadership.As a church, we need to take another look at our practices, our actions, our strategies, our modes and modalities for doing things else we become static and retrogressive, and start wondering about our future, if not blaming God and blaming our forebears and even other denominations for our problem and predicaments. Whilst it is very common for persons to resist change primarily because it takes us out of our comfort zone, the question is would you rather remain where you are in the midst of your depravity or to embrace change that will move you forward to higher heights even though it will take you through some turbulence?

Change must foster growth and for which reason change is a necessity. However, it is irrelevant if the people for whom the change is desired do not embrace and commit to the change with a sense of purpose that reflects our joys and expectations even in the midst of our fears. Even as we review our practices, our members need to change; congregations need to change; Pastors, Presiding elders, Bishops need to change – We all need to change our mind-set, our attitude and our actions. As the Apostle said, we do not need to conform to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

You don’t have to worry and don’t be afraid Joy comes in the morning, troubles they don’t last always

For there is a friend called Jesus, who will wipe away your tears And if your heart is broken, jus lift your hands and say

I know I can make it. I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, My Life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it, with Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials, they seem to get you downAnd all your friends and loved ones, are nowhere to be found

Remember there is a friend named Jesus, who will wipe your tears away And if your heart is broken, just lift your hands and say,

Oh I know I can make itO yes, I’ve got Jesus on my mind and am moving forward – if you can’t stop me you’ve got to join me. Jesus is my Destination, and in Him I have Determination for He has given me Domination. O yes he is my rock and my fortress, my God in whom I trust; O yes I’m moving on for my hope is built on nothing else tan Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

Church, we have work to do so let us move forward, and “He who has begun a good work in us,will surely bring it to completion.”

May the Lord bless and Strengthen us all. Amen

We sought the lord... and He answered.

Page 3: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the power of the resurrection continually keep us in remembrance of our duty as faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God.

I wish to express gratitude to all of you for your leadership and your various roles in moving the Church forward in this new dispensation of indigenous leadership; Your role and place is unique and comes with huge responsibilities, you are the frontline leaders for this episcopal district; Together with the episcopal leadership, the destiny of Western West Africa rests squarely upon our shoulders even as we trust God to restore us, even as He renews and revitalizes our ministries to enable us become who He has called us to be.

I have reiterated over and over again that it is no longer business as usual; we are called to be functional and transformational leaders and not figure heads! This demands that we are abreast of events, sensitive to the needs of our people, in tune with the Holy Spirit, and bold and courageous to obey the voice of God and the godly judgment of our episcopal leadership. We cannot continue to maintain the status quo; No! We must be filled with passion to initiate change and foster holistic growth of Gods kingdom here and in our time; we need to move forward. Yes, we cannot continue to do things the same old ways and expect new results – Change is a necessity and for which reason the theme for the year, Reviewing Our Practices appears to be tailor made for our new dispensation in the WWAED: The Freedom Church: Reviewing our Practices We pride ourselves in being called the Freedom Church! not because we condone or promote reckless abandon but because we recognize that our denomination was divinely birthed; set free literally from the shackles of slavery and empowered with a spirit of accountability, maturity and a sense of stewardship. We fight/strive for human dignity and freedom for all of God’s creation. We are a church of order and of rule and of discipline; we respect authority and submit to being governed by the power of God and of those whom God has set in positions

Church, in reviewing our practices, we need to recognize the need for change, embrace the change and work out the change; if we want to grow we have to review our practices and commit to it till the end and then, and only then shall our song be we are marching to Zion the beautiful city of God.

Beloved, our world is changing so drastically it seems the church is under siege, its influence is waning and its relevance is being questioned. In couching this theme, our episcopal leaders, the Board of Bishops, took cognizance of the fact that there has been a dramatic change in the environment within which the Church functions; this change is rapid and evolving, and shows no sign of abat-ing! Jesus Christ our savior established the Church as His agent of peace, reconciliation, healing and transformation here on earth. The Church remains the vehicle for communicating the Good News of Christ. (The Gospel) for the total salvation of humankind.

In the midst of technological advancement and rapidly changing socio-cultural environ-ment, men and women all over the world looks out for an institution that can help her cope and find answers/meaning to their ques-tions of life, existential issues! People have nagging questions; questions for which they seek answers! To this extent then, the Church is relevant today; maybe even more relevant now. But the question to be asked is this, which church does the world seek? Certainly not one which is perceived as a cold, bankrupt and an irrelevant institution that is more con-cerned about maintaining its social status, its buildings, its customs, its positions, its titles and its finances, rather what is needed is a church on the move transforming lives, strengthening families and impacting the communities and world for Christ. Pause a while and reflect on this and do a self-assess-ment of our Church, your local church and see how your ministries are to this end.

Our Episcopal Leaders are by this theme enjoining us, individually and collectively, jointly and severally to take a new and closer look at our practices as an ecclesial body; to carefully and boldly examine our practices to determine those which are effective and must remain, those which must be retooled/ repackaged and those which must be dropped or ended. This is a call to reexamine our ministry motives, models and methods; re-examine our purpose, our practices and our priorities. If we are to remain vibrant, relevant and significant within our context and communities it is imperative that we diligently

do this. As stated in the words of the Board of Bishops, “We hold our customs, rituals and our traditions as valuable but not inviolable! In doing this we prayer-fully and respectfully honor our traditions without making idols out of them. Yes, our practices ought to foster growth in transformative ways.

Class Meetings: We need to work hard to reinvigorate the holding of class meetings in our local churches or Societies. The Class system is integral to Methodism and must not be relegated to the background. Closely related to this, could our pastors and local Societies be challenged to expand our teaching ministries with the goal of offering relevant biblical principles that our youth, young adults and seniors can successfully apply in their daily life?

We must explore and employ the use of technology like social media platforms, e.g. WhatsApp, for holding class meetings (presently the Board of Bishops hold a class regularly via conference call). Could Presiding Elders do same among themselves and also for pastors under their supervision?

In view of the changing age and population dynamics can our Church and by extension our Presiding Elders and Pastors not make young adult leadership development and mentoring a major priority at every level? In this way we can engage with them in ways that would allow them to apply their gifts and graces in the growth and development of our church.

Worship Service: Can we make our Sunday worship services more engaging and spiritually uplifting? The order of Service is a guide but certainly not a millstone to drain our worship experience of its innate vitality. We must reexamine our liturgy if we are going to reach the ‘unchurched’. Can we find creative ways of making the local traditional hymnody an integral part of service? What of deliberately crafting out worship experiences, and ministries tailored to the peculiar needs of our youth? While working at this, can we come out with ways in which our Societies can engage with their communities and become more relevant to them? These are but a few thoughts that must engage us as we attempt to make our church relevant in our time.

As an episcopal district, we have launched a youth policy that will serve as an impetus for mobilizing and empowering our youth and young adults for fruitful and faithful Christian living. Have you all intentionally studied this document and sought to find innovative ways of actualizing it with our young people toward the desired ends?

We have launched the evangelism policy have all presiding elder districts embraced this policy and thereby engage it towards the end of our Christian mandate to make disciples for Christ and thereby grow our churches? Beloved, we have work to do and we

need to commit to make our church, our denomination, our world, a better place. We need to move forward; move from a passive mindset and attitude to an action oriented mindset ready to move. ”Let us work whilst it is day for the night cometh when we shall not be able to do any work.”

God has been faithful to us such that several things we have set our mind to this past year since we last met here, we have been able to accomplish by divine grace.

1. We have completed and dedicated a brand new Episcopal Headquarters at a cost of over half a million cedis (about 150,000 United States dollars)

2. We have placed all of our ordained ministers and their spouses in the Episcopal area under a life insurance plan costing us over GHC30,0000 (about $7,000) for the year

3. We have equipped 14 presiding elder districts with solid robust motor bikes to enable them traverse the rugged terrain in service to kingdom building, and one presiding elder district with a chain saw, all costing over $17,000. Serveral pastors have also been supplied with Bicycles to facilitate their work.

4. We have supported many churches with resources in service to their church building projects; initiated new church development and supported ongoing ones.

5. Visited areas that have not experienced episcopal visits in the recent past, or never ever had a Bishop visit.

6. Empowered preachers and congregation members in diverse ways , financially, physically and spiritually.

7. Revived the Connectional Lay Council in the episcopal district which has taken on a new vibrancy, with over 80 persons signing up to be stoled as Life Members of the Connectional Lay Council.

8. Inaugurate and launch the ZION CLUB 100 this afternoon, a group of committed lay people who are committing to consistent and committed giving towards special projects and initiatives in this episcopal district. 9. Created two new Presiding Elder Districts (Mission Districts) of Ahafo-Mim Mission District (in Mid Ghana Conference) and

Artington Mission District (in Liberia Annual Conference), with special support from the Episcopal office. 10. Two Missionaries have been sent from the South to the North Ghana Conference, who are being directly supported from the Office of the Bishop, for effective ministry and support for the indigenous leaders in that conference.

11. We have revamped the Global Zion Mission Initia-tive (GZMI), the NGO wing of the Church and held its first ever successful community program, “Walk Away From Diabetes” in November 2017.

12. We have initiated conversation with all stakeholders of our educational institutions on the secondary and tertiary levels, and have had engagements with Alumni, etc, towards stabilization and growth of our schools in the episcopal district.

While these are worth noting as laudable, we still have work to do and we all need to commit to moving the work, and for that matter, the Church of God forward.

1. More Presiding Elders/districts need to be equipped with at least a motor bike.

2. Regional Education Unit offices need to be equipped and managers empowered with resources for effective work.

3. Offices of General Directors also need to be equipped for effective ministry

4. We are concluding plans to put all of our ordained Elders on a provident fund that will allow us to have a good retirement package for our pastors, the contract for which we hope to complete by July this year with Enterprise Trustees.

5. Plans are far advanced to purchase a brand new Nissan double cabin pickup truck by the end of July 2018 for the office of the General Manager of Schools in Ghana, who has under her supervision over 600 schools scattered across the 10 regions of Ghana.

6. After the just ended Annual Conferences, the Togo and North Ghana conferences have resolved for us to build at least one good chapel in each district. None of these areas have a completed chapel, and those few completed are tiny mud houses that cannot stand the test of time, especially the rainy weather. A similar initiative shall be extended to Liberia Annual Confer-ence where the story of distress of our churches is no different. This conference shall also be encouraged to embrace this initiative and pool resources to that end. To all of those areas, as I have said, “I cannot come to build a chapel for you because I do not have the resources but i am ready and willing to work with you to build a house of worship befitting the God whom we serve.

7. We have also commissioned our architect/Project

director to give us a model design for the con-struction of a retreat center in each of the conferences of East Ghana, West Ghana, and Mid Ghana. Various land sites have been identified and we shall work with those districts where the lands are located to finalize the title deeds and pave way for such projects to start.

8. On our Odorkor property and the construction of Varick Towers, our 12 story multi- purpose office complex for the Church in the Western West Africa Episcopal District, we are still in conversation with some potential investors and the project is being redesigned by our own Architectural Engineer, Dr. Emmanuel Adinyira. I will keep you all updated on progress in that regard. (talk about Gentle Giants and the six month lease.)

9. We are also working out plans and mobilizing resources to start work on the redesigned outhouse at the Headquarters (old residence) to accommodate 3 general offices, a bookstore, and 3 bedroom transit quarters for guests/preachers in transit through Accra on Church related assignments, and a self-contained one bedroom apartment for the caretaker, hopefully before we meet again next year.

10.We have started the AME Zion Insurance Agency in partnership with Enterprise insur-ance where our members shall purchase all kinds of insurance under a special AME Zion Church discount, and yet the church also makes some great commission on sales

11. We also have identified a land lot in the East Ghana Conference where the land owners are willing to sell to us up to 200 acres of land at a reduced rate, with payment spread over 2 years, such lands shall be resold to our members on similar flexible payment terms. This is land that is secure and no litigation on the Accra – Aflao road, around Dawa and Sege.

In service to actualizing these dreams I shall present two resolutions for your consideration and consent, both of which we have engaged in conversation at check-up meetings and at the Presiding Elders Council meeting and other fora. Beloved, these and many more are the initiatives we seek to embrace. Complete those that could be completed during the year, and also initiate the long terms ones within this year. Yes, we need to move forward as we have work to do.

We need to move forward to become who God has called and prepared us to be!! Personality differences would not take us there; holding on to grudges would not take us there; holding on to pain and bitterness from the past would not take us there; holding on to deep seated

and stale conventions would not take us there Church, we need to open our hearts and minds to God’s leading and the leading of the Holy Spirit even as we review our practices, revise our strategies, change our perspectives and commit to moving forward on God’s agenda.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, the prophet declares the oracle of God thus:

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall

spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...”Amen!

Even as God is taking us to a new place we need to be sure not to let yesterday use up too much of our today. Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. Sometimes God allows our friends to walk out on us; troubles to come in for us because God knows unless your circumstances change you would not move:

Let us consider lots wife;Let us consider Jonah

Many of us have been reading the same old chapter for too long. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one. Who keeps running a race by looking back; who keeps driving forward by always looking in the rearview mirror? Peter betrayed Jesus but he moved on and became the rock on which the Church was built; David was an adulterer and a murderer but he moved on and became the ideal king of Israel; let’s consider Hilliard, a frustrated young man who was rejected by the church but he moved on to become a Bishop in the same church. Church we have to move on; Pastors we have to move on. Somebody has to let go of the past hurt and pains; somebody has to let go of the extra baggage that is weighing you down; somebody has to let go of the sin that is pulling you back.

Job 17:9 reminds us that “the righteous keep moving forward, and those with

clean hands become stronger and stronger.”

O yes I can see our church moving forward; I can see somebody becoming stronger; I can see somebody stepping up, rising up and moving forward.

And O yes, I can hear somebody say:

I’m pressing on, the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday

Still praying on, I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground

My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts and arise and fears dismay;

Though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer my aim is higher ground

Lord lifetme up, and let me stand; By faith on heaven’s table land

A higher plain than I have found, Lord Plant my feet on higher ground

shall reach our destination - if you believe it say YES!

Thirdly and finally, yes we have work to do and we’ve got to move forward. Yes we need to have a DESTINATION and we need to have DETERMINATION but thirdly, we also need to have:

Faith DOMINATIONAfter Jesus calmed the storm, He asked the disciples, where is your faith. In other words, Jesus knew what he had put into them – FAITH, but they allowed their fears to dominate them rather than exercising their faith to take dominion over their fears. To dominate is to take possession, to overcome or to have control over. In other words, by faith we need to take possession of the promises of God; by faith we need to domi-nate our fears, by faith we need to overcome our frustrations. Jesus declared, all authority and power has been given to me, and as I have received so I have given unto you. Church we need to take possession of the power of God in us and by faith we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Yes, we have to move forward, but we shall encounter some fears; we shall encounter some anxieties but by faith you shall take dominion and move forward. The power of God in you is the light unto your path and a lamp unto your feet. When you have the power of God in you, you are able to have domination because by His power, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.

A faith dominated life is a life of prayer; A faith dominated life

is a life of truthfulness; selflessness; worship, and a life of praise.

O yes, Praise ! When you have the power of God in you, you shall praise God even when things go wrong; praise God even in the midst of uncertainties, praise God when all seems bleak around you; praise God when folks walk out on you and give up on you, just praise God – O yes I will praise my maker while I have breadth.

I can hear somebody say it is impossible and you cannot make it, but Church Praise God because he hath said, all things are possible to all who believe. I can sense some-body feeling lonely and rejected, you’ve got to praise God for he said “My grace is sufficient for you. I can hear somebody worried over where we are going to get the money to do all these things, but I’ve got to Praise God for my God shall supply all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

People may want you to cry, but you shall rejoice because weeping may last for the night but Joy comes in the morn-ing; Somebody may want you to run because the enemy is out to get you but Church, my Bible says he shall pre-pare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Church God has your destiny in His hands and with deter-mination we shall have domination. We’ve got to move forward no matter what may come our way – let us move forward, because I know I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing the devil can do about it. I can hear Kirk Franklin say to us:

up their oars. But they did not give up, they kept rowing their boat and they remembered they had Jesus on their boat. Church as we move forward, many shall be the storms that shall arise. Yes we’ve had some storms, yes as we move we are going to have some turbulence, yes many shall be our trials But Church I have come to declare to you that put not your confi-dence in man, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” and you must be determined to reach your destination. Even when you cannot see your way clearly by faith, you shall declare “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil”. Even though you may feel weary and dry, don’t give up because Isaiah declares in 58:11, “The Lord shall guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and renewing your strength. You shall be like a well-watered garden, like an over-flowing spring.” i.o.w., Don’t give up, just keep moving because no matter what the situation. God will take care of you. The winds may be contrary, but don’t give up just keep moving on; fears will come but remember God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. Yes the odds may be against you but don’t give up, just keep moving on. We have work to do and we must be determined to succeed. If you have Jesus on your boat, in the midst of the storms, just call upon him, and he will answer – don’t give up. Yes, the odds may be against you; people may forsake you, your friends may give up on you but don’t give up. Your family may turn you down but don’t give up – there is always a friend who stickiest closer than a brother, and if God is for you who can be against you. O yes let us move forward and shout with the songwriter,




BELIEVE AND OBEYO yes we’ve got to move forward with determination and surely, surely we

O yes, we have to move on to the future. Let us read Mark’s Gospel 4:35-41.

This narrative presents us with some three dynamics worth considering that will enable us to move forward into divine glory and to claim the heights that God has preserved for us.

FIrst, you need to have a :

Faith DESTINATIONWe cannot move forward if we have no idea where we are going. In this text, Jesus said to the disciples “let us move to the other side – a destination. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he declares “forgetting what lies behind, I press to the goal to receive the prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus. In other words, I have a destina-tion on my mind and nobody can stop me; I have a crown of glory on my mind, I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing from my past is going to slow me down because I am moving forward to my destination. I know the woman with the issue of blood for 12 long years, but before she became whole, she had to get Jesus on her mind. She was condemned by doctors and nurses, isolated by her illness and forsaken by her friends but when she heard Jesus was passing by, she recognized her diagnosis belonged to the past and she said to herself “ive got to move forward and if only I can get to Jesus – O yes, she had Jesus on her mind

Bartimeaus was born blind and confined to the street as a beggar but one day he heard Jesus was passing by and he declared, I don’t care what you know and you cannot stop me from reaching my destination – I have Jesus on my mind. O yes, Church as we move forward, we’ve got to have Jesus on our mind; we cannot do it by ourselves but we have to move with Jesus.

Destination has the same root as destiny, and destiny suggests God’s purpose for your life – what tomorrow holds for you. In other words, your destiny is not in your past, but your destiny is in the future. If Jesus has control over your destiny, there is nothing the devil can do about it. The devil may try to rob us of our destiny but if God be for us, who can be against us. Men may seek to frustrate your destiny, but no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Men may seek to betray you, but my God shall never leave you nor forsake you. O yes, as you move forward you’ve got to have Jesus on your mind, and when you have Jesus, you have everything and you can shout with the hymn writer and say:





Yes, everything is going to be alright as we move forward but you’ve got have Jesus on your mind, If you believe it say YES.

Second, not only do we need to have a DESTINATION, but also we need to have a

Faith-Based DETERMINATIONIn today’s text in Mark 4, Yes Jesus had the disciples to move to the other side but as they moved to their destination, a storm arose _ why O God why? The disciples could have given up, they could have jumped overboard, and they could have just thrown

of leadership.As a church, we need to take another look at our practices, our actions, our strategies, our modes and modalities for doing things else we become static and retrogressive, and start wondering about our future, if not blaming God and blaming our forebears and even other denominations for our problem and predicaments. Whilst it is very common for persons to resist change primarily because it takes us out of our comfort zone, the question is would you rather remain where you are in the midst of your depravity or to embrace change that will move you forward to higher heights even though it will take you through some turbulence?

Change must foster growth and for which reason change is a necessity. However, it is irrelevant if the people for whom the change is desired do not embrace and commit to the change with a sense of purpose that reflects our joys and expectations even in the midst of our fears. Even as we review our practices, our members need to change; congregations need to change; Pastors, Presiding elders, Bishops need to change – We all need to change our mind-set, our attitude and our actions. As the Apostle said, we do not need to conform to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.



Beloved In Christ,

There comes a time in life where starting something new, refreshing and out of the ordinary becomes necessary. I feel it is that time for the Western West Africa Episcopal District. However it is not only a time to feel warm temperatures and make merry, but also it’s the perfect time to start (or finish) a project , build a church or that thing God has laid on your heart! If you’re like me, you already have a list of projects you’ve been waiting to tackle or new opportunities you’re excited to explore. Coming out with an official newsletter for the Western West Africa Episcopal District marks one of such new beginnings for the WWAED.

This maiden issue of the Zion Epistle is filled with how-to articles to help you take also this truly amazing life God has given you and do some great things with it! You can turn a bad day into a better one. You can partner with others to bring about needed change in this world. You can persevere through your trials and press on to the good things God has in store for you…

The Zion Epistle has a primary objective of serving as a vehicle for communicating and disseminating information on activities in the episcopal district as well as serving as the bridge that connects us (all conferences) together. The central message is the gospel and how it has persuaded us to be ambassadors of Christ, motivated us into mis-sions and ministry for Christ and inspired us to use our talents, gifts and graces in helping to build the kingdom of God.

Before we get in to all that, I first want you to under-stand one thing: Your life is not a Do-It- Yourself project. Jesus said, “I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing ” (John 15:5). In other words, God is our power source. As we develop a personal relation-ship with Him—spending time in prayer and studying God’s Word—we progres-sively grow and mature into all He wants us to be!

If you’ve received Christ as your Savior, you have the seed of everything God is


inside of you—His righteousness, holiness, and all the fruit of the Spirit. Getting to know Him is the way to make it grow! The apostle Paul intended to work with the believ-ers until Christ was fully formed in them (see Galatians 4:12), and that’s what I want for you. More than anything, I

want you to have the peaceful, joyful, overcoming life that Jesus died to give you. And I hope this newsletter

retools you get to where you want to be. While you’re starting to tackle your personal how-to projects, I’m praying you’re encouraged to jump into a how-to project for your heart.

In agreement with the hymn writer, let us own these words,

“ Wherever he may guide me No wants shall turn me back My shepherd is beside me

And nothing can I lack His wisdom ever waketh

His sight is never dimHe knows the way he taketh,

And I will walk with him”.

Beloved in Christ, Our Lord is retooling and repurposing his people and you cant be left out.

Stay Blessed !!

You don’t have to worry and don’t be afraid Joy comes in the morning, troubles they don’t last always

For there is a friend called Jesus, who will wipe away your tears And if your heart is broken, jus lift your hands and say

I know I can make it. I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, My Life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it, with Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials, they seem to get you downAnd all your friends and loved ones, are nowhere to be found

Remember there is a friend named Jesus, who will wipe your tears away And if your heart is broken, just lift your hands and say,

Oh I know I can make itO yes, I’ve got Jesus on my mind and am moving forward – if you can’t stop me you’ve got to join me. Jesus is my Destination, and in Him I have Determination for He has given me Domination. O yes he is my rock and my fortress, my God in whom I trust; O yes I’m moving on for my hope is built on nothing else tan Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

Church, we have work to do so let us move forward, and “He who has begun a good work in us,will surely bring it to completion.”

May the Lord bless and Strengthen us all. Amen

Page 4: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the



Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the power of the resurrection continually keep us in remembrance of our duty as faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God.

I wish to express gratitude to all of you for your leadership and your various roles in moving the Church forward in this new dispensation of indigenous leadership; Your role and place is unique and comes with huge responsibilities, you are the frontline leaders for this episcopal district; Together with the episcopal leadership, the destiny of Western West Africa rests squarely upon our shoulders even as we trust God to restore us, even as He renews and revitalizes our ministries to enable us become who He has called us to be.

I have reiterated over and over again that it is no longer business as usual; we are called to be functional and transformational leaders and not figure heads! This demands that we are abreast of events, sensitive to the needs of our people, in tune with the Holy Spirit, and bold and courageous to obey the voice of God and the godly judgment of our episcopal leadership. We cannot continue to maintain the status quo; No! We must be filled with passion to initiate change and foster holistic growth of Gods kingdom here and in our time; we need to move forward. Yes, we cannot continue to do things the same old ways and expect new results – Change is a necessity and for which reason the theme for the year, Reviewing Our Practices appears to be tailor made for our new dispensation in the WWAED: The Freedom Church: Reviewing our Practices We pride ourselves in being called the Freedom Church! not because we condone or promote reckless abandon but because we recognize that our denomination was divinely birthed; set free literally from the shackles of slavery and empowered with a spirit of accountability, maturity and a sense of stewardship. We fight/strive for human dignity and freedom for all of God’s creation. We are a church of order and of rule and of discipline; we respect authority and submit to being governed by the power of God and of those whom God has set in positions

Church, in reviewing our practices, we need to recognize the need for change, embrace the change and work out the change; if we want to grow we have to review our practices and commit to it till the end and then, and only then shall our song be we are marching to Zion the beautiful city of God.

Beloved, our world is changing so drastically it seems the church is under siege, its influence is waning and its relevance is being questioned. In couching this theme, our episcopal leaders, the Board of Bishops, took cognizance of the fact that there has been a dramatic change in the environment within which the Church functions; this change is rapid and evolving, and shows no sign of abat-ing! Jesus Christ our savior established the Church as His agent of peace, reconciliation, healing and transformation here on earth. The Church remains the vehicle for communicating the Good News of Christ. (The Gospel) for the total salvation of humankind.

In the midst of technological advancement and rapidly changing socio-cultural environ-ment, men and women all over the world looks out for an institution that can help her cope and find answers/meaning to their ques-tions of life, existential issues! People have nagging questions; questions for which they seek answers! To this extent then, the Church is relevant today; maybe even more relevant now. But the question to be asked is this, which church does the world seek? Certainly not one which is perceived as a cold, bankrupt and an irrelevant institution that is more con-cerned about maintaining its social status, its buildings, its customs, its positions, its titles and its finances, rather what is needed is a church on the move transforming lives, strengthening families and impacting the communities and world for Christ. Pause a while and reflect on this and do a self-assess-ment of our Church, your local church and see how your ministries are to this end.

Our Episcopal Leaders are by this theme enjoining us, individually and collectively, jointly and severally to take a new and closer look at our practices as an ecclesial body; to carefully and boldly examine our practices to determine those which are effective and must remain, those which must be retooled/ repackaged and those which must be dropped or ended. This is a call to reexamine our ministry motives, models and methods; re-examine our purpose, our practices and our priorities. If we are to remain vibrant, relevant and significant within our context and communities it is imperative that we diligently

do this. As stated in the words of the Board of Bishops, “We hold our customs, rituals and our traditions as valuable but not inviolable! In doing this we prayer-fully and respectfully honor our traditions without making idols out of them. Yes, our practices ought to foster growth in transformative ways.

Class Meetings: We need to work hard to reinvigorate the holding of class meetings in our local churches or Societies. The Class system is integral to Methodism and must not be relegated to the background. Closely related to this, could our pastors and local Societies be challenged to expand our teaching ministries with the goal of offering relevant biblical principles that our youth, young adults and seniors can successfully apply in their daily life?

We must explore and employ the use of technology like social media platforms, e.g. WhatsApp, for holding class meetings (presently the Board of Bishops hold a class regularly via conference call). Could Presiding Elders do same among themselves and also for pastors under their supervision?

In view of the changing age and population dynamics can our Church and by extension our Presiding Elders and Pastors not make young adult leadership development and mentoring a major priority at every level? In this way we can engage with them in ways that would allow them to apply their gifts and graces in the growth and development of our church.

Worship Service: Can we make our Sunday worship services more engaging and spiritually uplifting? The order of Service is a guide but certainly not a millstone to drain our worship experience of its innate vitality. We must reexamine our liturgy if we are going to reach the ‘unchurched’. Can we find creative ways of making the local traditional hymnody an integral part of service? What of deliberately crafting out worship experiences, and ministries tailored to the peculiar needs of our youth? While working at this, can we come out with ways in which our Societies can engage with their communities and become more relevant to them? These are but a few thoughts that must engage us as we attempt to make our church relevant in our time.

As an episcopal district, we have launched a youth policy that will serve as an impetus for mobilizing and empowering our youth and young adults for fruitful and faithful Christian living. Have you all intentionally studied this document and sought to find innovative ways of actualizing it with our young people toward the desired ends?

We have launched the evangelism policy have all presiding elder districts embraced this policy and thereby engage it towards the end of our Christian mandate to make disciples for Christ and thereby grow our churches? Beloved, we have work to do and we

need to commit to make our church, our denomination, our world, a better place. We need to move forward; move from a passive mindset and attitude to an action oriented mindset ready to move. ”Let us work whilst it is day for the night cometh when we shall not be able to do any work.”

God has been faithful to us such that several things we have set our mind to this past year since we last met here, we have been able to accomplish by divine grace.

1. We have completed and dedicated a brand new Episcopal Headquarters at a cost of over half a million cedis (about 150,000 United States dollars)

2. We have placed all of our ordained ministers and their spouses in the Episcopal area under a life insurance plan costing us over GHC30,0000 (about $7,000) for the year

3. We have equipped 14 presiding elder districts with solid robust motor bikes to enable them traverse the rugged terrain in service to kingdom building, and one presiding elder district with a chain saw, all costing over $17,000. Serveral pastors have also been supplied with Bicycles to facilitate their work.

4. We have supported many churches with resources in service to their church building projects; initiated new church development and supported ongoing ones.

5. Visited areas that have not experienced episcopal visits in the recent past, or never ever had a Bishop visit.

6. Empowered preachers and congregation members in diverse ways , financially, physically and spiritually.

7. Revived the Connectional Lay Council in the episcopal district which has taken on a new vibrancy, with over 80 persons signing up to be stoled as Life Members of the Connectional Lay Council.

8. Inaugurate and launch the ZION CLUB 100 this afternoon, a group of committed lay people who are committing to consistent and committed giving towards special projects and initiatives in this episcopal district. 9. Created two new Presiding Elder Districts (Mission Districts) of Ahafo-Mim Mission District (in Mid Ghana Conference) and

Artington Mission District (in Liberia Annual Conference), with special support from the Episcopal office. 10. Two Missionaries have been sent from the South to the North Ghana Conference, who are being directly supported from the Office of the Bishop, for effective ministry and support for the indigenous leaders in that conference.

11. We have revamped the Global Zion Mission Initia-tive (GZMI), the NGO wing of the Church and held its first ever successful community program, “Walk Away From Diabetes” in November 2017.

12. We have initiated conversation with all stakeholders of our educational institutions on the secondary and tertiary levels, and have had engagements with Alumni, etc, towards stabilization and growth of our schools in the episcopal district.

While these are worth noting as laudable, we still have work to do and we all need to commit to moving the work, and for that matter, the Church of God forward.

1. More Presiding Elders/districts need to be equipped with at least a motor bike.

2. Regional Education Unit offices need to be equipped and managers empowered with resources for effective work.

3. Offices of General Directors also need to be equipped for effective ministry

4. We are concluding plans to put all of our ordained Elders on a provident fund that will allow us to have a good retirement package for our pastors, the contract for which we hope to complete by July this year with Enterprise Trustees.

5. Plans are far advanced to purchase a brand new Nissan double cabin pickup truck by the end of July 2018 for the office of the General Manager of Schools in Ghana, who has under her supervision over 600 schools scattered across the 10 regions of Ghana.

6. After the just ended Annual Conferences, the Togo and North Ghana conferences have resolved for us to build at least one good chapel in each district. None of these areas have a completed chapel, and those few completed are tiny mud houses that cannot stand the test of time, especially the rainy weather. A similar initiative shall be extended to Liberia Annual Confer-ence where the story of distress of our churches is no different. This conference shall also be encouraged to embrace this initiative and pool resources to that end. To all of those areas, as I have said, “I cannot come to build a chapel for you because I do not have the resources but i am ready and willing to work with you to build a house of worship befitting the God whom we serve.

7. We have also commissioned our architect/Project

director to give us a model design for the con-struction of a retreat center in each of the conferences of East Ghana, West Ghana, and Mid Ghana. Various land sites have been identified and we shall work with those districts where the lands are located to finalize the title deeds and pave way for such projects to start.

8. On our Odorkor property and the construction of Varick Towers, our 12 story multi- purpose office complex for the Church in the Western West Africa Episcopal District, we are still in conversation with some potential investors and the project is being redesigned by our own Architectural Engineer, Dr. Emmanuel Adinyira. I will keep you all updated on progress in that regard. (talk about Gentle Giants and the six month lease.)

9. We are also working out plans and mobilizing resources to start work on the redesigned outhouse at the Headquarters (old residence) to accommodate 3 general offices, a bookstore, and 3 bedroom transit quarters for guests/preachers in transit through Accra on Church related assignments, and a self-contained one bedroom apartment for the caretaker, hopefully before we meet again next year.

10.We have started the AME Zion Insurance Agency in partnership with Enterprise insur-ance where our members shall purchase all kinds of insurance under a special AME Zion Church discount, and yet the church also makes some great commission on sales

11. We also have identified a land lot in the East Ghana Conference where the land owners are willing to sell to us up to 200 acres of land at a reduced rate, with payment spread over 2 years, such lands shall be resold to our members on similar flexible payment terms. This is land that is secure and no litigation on the Accra – Aflao road, around Dawa and Sege.

In service to actualizing these dreams I shall present two resolutions for your consideration and consent, both of which we have engaged in conversation at check-up meetings and at the Presiding Elders Council meeting and other fora. Beloved, these and many more are the initiatives we seek to embrace. Complete those that could be completed during the year, and also initiate the long terms ones within this year. Yes, we need to move forward as we have work to do.

We need to move forward to become who God has called and prepared us to be!! Personality differences would not take us there; holding on to grudges would not take us there; holding on to pain and bitterness from the past would not take us there; holding on to deep seated

and stale conventions would not take us there Church, we need to open our hearts and minds to God’s leading and the leading of the Holy Spirit even as we review our practices, revise our strategies, change our perspectives and commit to moving forward on God’s agenda.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, the prophet declares the oracle of God thus:

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall

spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...”Amen!

Even as God is taking us to a new place we need to be sure not to let yesterday use up too much of our today. Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. Sometimes God allows our friends to walk out on us; troubles to come in for us because God knows unless your circumstances change you would not move:

Let us consider lots wife;Let us consider Jonah

Many of us have been reading the same old chapter for too long. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one. Who keeps running a race by looking back; who keeps driving forward by always looking in the rearview mirror? Peter betrayed Jesus but he moved on and became the rock on which the Church was built; David was an adulterer and a murderer but he moved on and became the ideal king of Israel; let’s consider Hilliard, a frustrated young man who was rejected by the church but he moved on to become a Bishop in the same church. Church we have to move on; Pastors we have to move on. Somebody has to let go of the past hurt and pains; somebody has to let go of the extra baggage that is weighing you down; somebody has to let go of the sin that is pulling you back.

Job 17:9 reminds us that “the righteous keep moving forward, and those with

clean hands become stronger and stronger.”

O yes I can see our church moving forward; I can see somebody becoming stronger; I can see somebody stepping up, rising up and moving forward.

And O yes, I can hear somebody say:

I’m pressing on, the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday

Still praying on, I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground

My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts and arise and fears dismay;

Though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer my aim is higher ground

Lord lifetme up, and let me stand; By faith on heaven’s table land

A higher plain than I have found, Lord Plant my feet on higher ground

shall reach our destination - if you believe it say YES!

Thirdly and finally, yes we have work to do and we’ve got to move forward. Yes we need to have a DESTINATION and we need to have DETERMINATION but thirdly, we also need to have:

Faith DOMINATIONAfter Jesus calmed the storm, He asked the disciples, where is your faith. In other words, Jesus knew what he had put into them – FAITH, but they allowed their fears to dominate them rather than exercising their faith to take dominion over their fears. To dominate is to take possession, to overcome or to have control over. In other words, by faith we need to take possession of the promises of God; by faith we need to domi-nate our fears, by faith we need to overcome our frustrations. Jesus declared, all authority and power has been given to me, and as I have received so I have given unto you. Church we need to take possession of the power of God in us and by faith we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Yes, we have to move forward, but we shall encounter some fears; we shall encounter some anxieties but by faith you shall take dominion and move forward. The power of God in you is the light unto your path and a lamp unto your feet. When you have the power of God in you, you are able to have domination because by His power, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.

A faith dominated life is a life of prayer; A faith dominated life

is a life of truthfulness; selflessness; worship, and a life of praise.

O yes, Praise ! When you have the power of God in you, you shall praise God even when things go wrong; praise God even in the midst of uncertainties, praise God when all seems bleak around you; praise God when folks walk out on you and give up on you, just praise God – O yes I will praise my maker while I have breadth.

I can hear somebody say it is impossible and you cannot make it, but Church Praise God because he hath said, all things are possible to all who believe. I can sense some-body feeling lonely and rejected, you’ve got to praise God for he said “My grace is sufficient for you. I can hear somebody worried over where we are going to get the money to do all these things, but I’ve got to Praise God for my God shall supply all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

People may want you to cry, but you shall rejoice because weeping may last for the night but Joy comes in the morn-ing; Somebody may want you to run because the enemy is out to get you but Church, my Bible says he shall pre-pare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Church God has your destiny in His hands and with deter-mination we shall have domination. We’ve got to move forward no matter what may come our way – let us move forward, because I know I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing the devil can do about it. I can hear Kirk Franklin say to us:

up their oars. But they did not give up, they kept rowing their boat and they remembered they had Jesus on their boat. Church as we move forward, many shall be the storms that shall arise. Yes we’ve had some storms, yes as we move we are going to have some turbulence, yes many shall be our trials But Church I have come to declare to you that put not your confi-dence in man, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” and you must be determined to reach your destination. Even when you cannot see your way clearly by faith, you shall declare “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil”. Even though you may feel weary and dry, don’t give up because Isaiah declares in 58:11, “The Lord shall guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and renewing your strength. You shall be like a well-watered garden, like an over-flowing spring.” i.o.w., Don’t give up, just keep moving because no matter what the situation. God will take care of you. The winds may be contrary, but don’t give up just keep moving on; fears will come but remember God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. Yes the odds may be against you but don’t give up, just keep moving on. We have work to do and we must be determined to succeed. If you have Jesus on your boat, in the midst of the storms, just call upon him, and he will answer – don’t give up. Yes, the odds may be against you; people may forsake you, your friends may give up on you but don’t give up. Your family may turn you down but don’t give up – there is always a friend who stickiest closer than a brother, and if God is for you who can be against you. O yes let us move forward and shout with the songwriter,




BELIEVE AND OBEYO yes we’ve got to move forward with determination and surely, surely we

O yes, we have to move on to the future. Let us read Mark’s Gospel 4:35-41.

This narrative presents us with some three dynamics worth considering that will enable us to move forward into divine glory and to claim the heights that God has preserved for us.

FIrst, you need to have a :

Faith DESTINATIONWe cannot move forward if we have no idea where we are going. In this text, Jesus said to the disciples “let us move to the other side – a destination. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he declares “forgetting what lies behind, I press to the goal to receive the prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus. In other words, I have a destina-tion on my mind and nobody can stop me; I have a crown of glory on my mind, I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing from my past is going to slow me down because I am moving forward to my destination. I know the woman with the issue of blood for 12 long years, but before she became whole, she had to get Jesus on her mind. She was condemned by doctors and nurses, isolated by her illness and forsaken by her friends but when she heard Jesus was passing by, she recognized her diagnosis belonged to the past and she said to herself “ive got to move forward and if only I can get to Jesus – O yes, she had Jesus on her mind

Bartimeaus was born blind and confined to the street as a beggar but one day he heard Jesus was passing by and he declared, I don’t care what you know and you cannot stop me from reaching my destination – I have Jesus on my mind. O yes, Church as we move forward, we’ve got to have Jesus on our mind; we cannot do it by ourselves but we have to move with Jesus.

Destination has the same root as destiny, and destiny suggests God’s purpose for your life – what tomorrow holds for you. In other words, your destiny is not in your past, but your destiny is in the future. If Jesus has control over your destiny, there is nothing the devil can do about it. The devil may try to rob us of our destiny but if God be for us, who can be against us. Men may seek to frustrate your destiny, but no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Men may seek to betray you, but my God shall never leave you nor forsake you. O yes, as you move forward you’ve got to have Jesus on your mind, and when you have Jesus, you have everything and you can shout with the hymn writer and say:





Yes, everything is going to be alright as we move forward but you’ve got have Jesus on your mind, If you believe it say YES.

Second, not only do we need to have a DESTINATION, but also we need to have a

Faith-Based DETERMINATIONIn today’s text in Mark 4, Yes Jesus had the disciples to move to the other side but as they moved to their destination, a storm arose _ why O God why? The disciples could have given up, they could have jumped overboard, and they could have just thrown


of leadership.As a church, we need to take another look at our practices, our actions, our strategies, our modes and modalities for doing things else we become static and retrogressive, and start wondering about our future, if not blaming God and blaming our forebears and even other denominations for our problem and predicaments. Whilst it is very common for persons to resist change primarily because it takes us out of our comfort zone, the question is would you rather remain where you are in the midst of your depravity or to embrace change that will move you forward to higher heights even though it will take you through some turbulence?

Change must foster growth and for which reason change is a necessity. However, it is irrelevant if the people for whom the change is desired do not embrace and commit to the change with a sense of purpose that reflects our joys and expectations even in the midst of our fears. Even as we review our practices, our members need to change; congregations need to change; Pastors, Presiding elders, Bishops need to change – We all need to change our mind-set, our attitude and our actions. As the Apostle said, we do not need to conform to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.


You don’t have to worry and don’t be afraid Joy comes in the morning, troubles they don’t last always

For there is a friend called Jesus, who will wipe away your tears And if your heart is broken, jus lift your hands and say

I know I can make it. I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, My Life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it, with Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials, they seem to get you downAnd all your friends and loved ones, are nowhere to be found

Remember there is a friend named Jesus, who will wipe your tears away And if your heart is broken, just lift your hands and say,

Oh I know I can make itO yes, I’ve got Jesus on my mind and am moving forward – if you can’t stop me you’ve got to join me. Jesus is my Destination, and in Him I have Determination for He has given me Domination. O yes he is my rock and my fortress, my God in whom I trust; O yes I’m moving on for my hope is built on nothing else tan Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

Church, we have work to do so let us move forward, and “He who has begun a good work in us,will surely bring it to completion.”

May the Lord bless and Strengthen us all. Amen

Page 5: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the power of the resurrection continually keep us in remembrance of our duty as faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God.

I wish to express gratitude to all of you for your leadership and your various roles in moving the Church forward in this new dispensation of indigenous leadership; Your role and place is unique and comes with huge responsibilities, you are the frontline leaders for this episcopal district; Together with the episcopal leadership, the destiny of Western West Africa rests squarely upon our shoulders even as we trust God to restore us, even as He renews and revitalizes our ministries to enable us become who He has called us to be.

I have reiterated over and over again that it is no longer business as usual; we are called to be functional and transformational leaders and not figure heads! This demands that we are abreast of events, sensitive to the needs of our people, in tune with the Holy Spirit, and bold and courageous to obey the voice of God and the godly judgment of our episcopal leadership. We cannot continue to maintain the status quo; No! We must be filled with passion to initiate change and foster holistic growth of Gods kingdom here and in our time; we need to move forward. Yes, we cannot continue to do things the same old ways and expect new results – Change is a necessity and for which reason the theme for the year, Reviewing Our Practices appears to be tailor made for our new dispensation in the WWAED: The Freedom Church: Reviewing our Practices We pride ourselves in being called the Freedom Church! not because we condone or promote reckless abandon but because we recognize that our denomination was divinely birthed; set free literally from the shackles of slavery and empowered with a spirit of accountability, maturity and a sense of stewardship. We fight/strive for human dignity and freedom for all of God’s creation. We are a church of order and of rule and of discipline; we respect authority and submit to being governed by the power of God and of those whom God has set in positions


Church, in reviewing our practices, we need to recognize the need for change, embrace the change and work out the change; if we want to grow we have to review our practices and commit to it till the end and then, and only then shall our song be we are marching to Zion the beautiful city of God.

Beloved, our world is changing so drastically it seems the church is under siege, its influence is waning and its relevance is being questioned. In couching this theme, our episcopal leaders, the Board of Bishops, took cognizance of the fact that there has been a dramatic change in the environment within which the Church functions; this change is rapid and evolving, and shows no sign of abat-ing! Jesus Christ our savior established the Church as His agent of peace, reconciliation, healing and transformation here on earth. The Church remains the vehicle for communicating the Good News of Christ. (The Gospel) for the total salvation of humankind.

In the midst of technological advancement and rapidly changing socio-cultural environ-ment, men and women all over the world looks out for an institution that can help her cope and find answers/meaning to their ques-tions of life, existential issues! People have nagging questions; questions for which they seek answers! To this extent then, the Church is relevant today; maybe even more relevant now. But the question to be asked is this, which church does the world seek? Certainly not one which is perceived as a cold, bankrupt and an irrelevant institution that is more con-cerned about maintaining its social status, its buildings, its customs, its positions, its titles and its finances, rather what is needed is a church on the move transforming lives, strengthening families and impacting the communities and world for Christ. Pause a while and reflect on this and do a self-assess-ment of our Church, your local church and see how your ministries are to this end.

Our Episcopal Leaders are by this theme enjoining us, individually and collectively, jointly and severally to take a new and closer look at our practices as an ecclesial body; to carefully and boldly examine our practices to determine those which are effective and must remain, those which must be retooled/ repackaged and those which must be dropped or ended. This is a call to reexamine our ministry motives, models and methods; re-examine our purpose, our practices and our priorities. If we are to remain vibrant, relevant and significant within our context and communities it is imperative that we diligently

do this. As stated in the words of the Board of Bishops, “We hold our customs, rituals and our traditions as valuable but not inviolable! In doing this we prayer-fully and respectfully honor our traditions without making idols out of them. Yes, our practices ought to foster growth in transformative ways.

Class Meetings: We need to work hard to reinvigorate the holding of class meetings in our local churches or Societies. The Class system is integral to Methodism and must not be relegated to the background. Closely related to this, could our pastors and local Societies be challenged to expand our teaching ministries with the goal of offering relevant biblical principles that our youth, young adults and seniors can successfully apply in their daily life?

We must explore and employ the use of technology like social media platforms, e.g. WhatsApp, for holding class meetings (presently the Board of Bishops hold a class regularly via conference call). Could Presiding Elders do same among themselves and also for pastors under their supervision?

In view of the changing age and population dynamics can our Church and by extension our Presiding Elders and Pastors not make young adult leadership development and mentoring a major priority at every level? In this way we can engage with them in ways that would allow them to apply their gifts and graces in the growth and development of our church.

Worship Service: Can we make our Sunday worship services more engaging and spiritually uplifting? The order of Service is a guide but certainly not a millstone to drain our worship experience of its innate vitality. We must reexamine our liturgy if we are going to reach the ‘unchurched’. Can we find creative ways of making the local traditional hymnody an integral part of service? What of deliberately crafting out worship experiences, and ministries tailored to the peculiar needs of our youth? While working at this, can we come out with ways in which our Societies can engage with their communities and become more relevant to them? These are but a few thoughts that must engage us as we attempt to make our church relevant in our time.

As an episcopal district, we have launched a youth policy that will serve as an impetus for mobilizing and empowering our youth and young adults for fruitful and faithful Christian living. Have you all intentionally studied this document and sought to find innovative ways of actualizing it with our young people toward the desired ends?

We have launched the evangelism policy have all presiding elder districts embraced this policy and thereby engage it towards the end of our Christian mandate to make disciples for Christ and thereby grow our churches? Beloved, we have work to do and we


need to commit to make our church, our denomination, our world, a better place. We need to move forward; move from a passive mindset and attitude to an action oriented mindset ready to move. ”Let us work whilst it is day for the night cometh when we shall not be able to do any work.”

God has been faithful to us such that several things we have set our mind to this past year since we last met here, we have been able to accomplish by divine grace.

1. We have completed and dedicated a brand new Episcopal Headquarters at a cost of over half a million cedis (about 150,000 United States dollars)

2. We have placed all of our ordained ministers and their spouses in the Episcopal area under a life insurance plan costing us over GHC30,0000 (about $7,000) for the year

3. We have equipped 14 presiding elder districts with solid robust motor bikes to enable them traverse the rugged terrain in service to kingdom building, and one presiding elder district with a chain saw, all costing over $17,000. Serveral pastors have also been supplied with Bicycles to facilitate their work.

4. We have supported many churches with resources in service to their church building projects; initiated new church development and supported ongoing ones.

5. Visited areas that have not experienced episcopal visits in the recent past, or never ever had a Bishop visit.

6. Empowered preachers and congregation members in diverse ways , financially, physically and spiritually.

7. Revived the Connectional Lay Council in the episcopal district which has taken on a new vibrancy, with over 80 persons signing up to be stoled as Life Members of the Connectional Lay Council.

8. Inaugurate and launch the ZION CLUB 100 this afternoon, a group of committed lay people who are committing to consistent and committed giving towards special projects and initiatives in this episcopal district. 9. Created two new Presiding Elder Districts (Mission Districts) of Ahafo-Mim Mission District (in Mid Ghana Conference) and

Artington Mission District (in Liberia Annual Conference), with special support from the Episcopal office. 10. Two Missionaries have been sent from the South to the North Ghana Conference, who are being directly supported from the Office of the Bishop, for effective ministry and support for the indigenous leaders in that conference.

11. We have revamped the Global Zion Mission Initia-tive (GZMI), the NGO wing of the Church and held its first ever successful community program, “Walk Away From Diabetes” in November 2017.

12. We have initiated conversation with all stakeholders of our educational institutions on the secondary and tertiary levels, and have had engagements with Alumni, etc, towards stabilization and growth of our schools in the episcopal district.

While these are worth noting as laudable, we still have work to do and we all need to commit to moving the work, and for that matter, the Church of God forward.

1. More Presiding Elders/districts need to be equipped with at least a motor bike.

2. Regional Education Unit offices need to be equipped and managers empowered with resources for effective work.

3. Offices of General Directors also need to be equipped for effective ministry

4. We are concluding plans to put all of our ordained Elders on a provident fund that will allow us to have a good retirement package for our pastors, the contract for which we hope to complete by July this year with Enterprise Trustees.

5. Plans are far advanced to purchase a brand new Nissan double cabin pickup truck by the end of July 2018 for the office of the General Manager of Schools in Ghana, who has under her supervision over 600 schools scattered across the 10 regions of Ghana.

6. After the just ended Annual Conferences, the Togo and North Ghana conferences have resolved for us to build at least one good chapel in each district. None of these areas have a completed chapel, and those few completed are tiny mud houses that cannot stand the test of time, especially the rainy weather. A similar initiative shall be extended to Liberia Annual Confer-ence where the story of distress of our churches is no different. This conference shall also be encouraged to embrace this initiative and pool resources to that end. To all of those areas, as I have said, “I cannot come to build a chapel for you because I do not have the resources but i am ready and willing to work with you to build a house of worship befitting the God whom we serve.

7. We have also commissioned our architect/Project

director to give us a model design for the con-struction of a retreat center in each of the conferences of East Ghana, West Ghana, and Mid Ghana. Various land sites have been identified and we shall work with those districts where the lands are located to finalize the title deeds and pave way for such projects to start.

8. On our Odorkor property and the construction of Varick Towers, our 12 story multi- purpose office complex for the Church in the Western West Africa Episcopal District, we are still in conversation with some potential investors and the project is being redesigned by our own Architectural Engineer, Dr. Emmanuel Adinyira. I will keep you all updated on progress in that regard. (talk about Gentle Giants and the six month lease.)

9. We are also working out plans and mobilizing resources to start work on the redesigned outhouse at the Headquarters (old residence) to accommodate 3 general offices, a bookstore, and 3 bedroom transit quarters for guests/preachers in transit through Accra on Church related assignments, and a self-contained one bedroom apartment for the caretaker, hopefully before we meet again next year.

10.We have started the AME Zion Insurance Agency in partnership with Enterprise insur-ance where our members shall purchase all kinds of insurance under a special AME Zion Church discount, and yet the church also makes some great commission on sales

11. We also have identified a land lot in the East Ghana Conference where the land owners are willing to sell to us up to 200 acres of land at a reduced rate, with payment spread over 2 years, such lands shall be resold to our members on similar flexible payment terms. This is land that is secure and no litigation on the Accra – Aflao road, around Dawa and Sege.

In service to actualizing these dreams I shall present two resolutions for your consideration and consent, both of which we have engaged in conversation at check-up meetings and at the Presiding Elders Council meeting and other fora. Beloved, these and many more are the initiatives we seek to embrace. Complete those that could be completed during the year, and also initiate the long terms ones within this year. Yes, we need to move forward as we have work to do.

We need to move forward to become who God has called and prepared us to be!! Personality differences would not take us there; holding on to grudges would not take us there; holding on to pain and bitterness from the past would not take us there; holding on to deep seated

and stale conventions would not take us there Church, we need to open our hearts and minds to God’s leading and the leading of the Holy Spirit even as we review our practices, revise our strategies, change our perspectives and commit to moving forward on God’s agenda.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, the prophet declares the oracle of God thus:

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall

spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...”Amen!

Even as God is taking us to a new place we need to be sure not to let yesterday use up too much of our today. Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. Sometimes God allows our friends to walk out on us; troubles to come in for us because God knows unless your circumstances change you would not move:

Let us consider lots wife;Let us consider Jonah

Many of us have been reading the same old chapter for too long. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one. Who keeps running a race by looking back; who keeps driving forward by always looking in the rearview mirror? Peter betrayed Jesus but he moved on and became the rock on which the Church was built; David was an adulterer and a murderer but he moved on and became the ideal king of Israel; let’s consider Hilliard, a frustrated young man who was rejected by the church but he moved on to become a Bishop in the same church. Church we have to move on; Pastors we have to move on. Somebody has to let go of the past hurt and pains; somebody has to let go of the extra baggage that is weighing you down; somebody has to let go of the sin that is pulling you back.

Job 17:9 reminds us that “the righteous keep moving forward, and those with

clean hands become stronger and stronger.”

O yes I can see our church moving forward; I can see somebody becoming stronger; I can see somebody stepping up, rising up and moving forward.

And O yes, I can hear somebody say:

I’m pressing on, the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday

Still praying on, I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground

My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts and arise and fears dismay;

Though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer my aim is higher ground

Lord lifetme up, and let me stand; By faith on heaven’s table land

A higher plain than I have found, Lord Plant my feet on higher ground

shall reach our destination - if you believe it say YES!

Thirdly and finally, yes we have work to do and we’ve got to move forward. Yes we need to have a DESTINATION and we need to have DETERMINATION but thirdly, we also need to have:

Faith DOMINATIONAfter Jesus calmed the storm, He asked the disciples, where is your faith. In other words, Jesus knew what he had put into them – FAITH, but they allowed their fears to dominate them rather than exercising their faith to take dominion over their fears. To dominate is to take possession, to overcome or to have control over. In other words, by faith we need to take possession of the promises of God; by faith we need to domi-nate our fears, by faith we need to overcome our frustrations. Jesus declared, all authority and power has been given to me, and as I have received so I have given unto you. Church we need to take possession of the power of God in us and by faith we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Yes, we have to move forward, but we shall encounter some fears; we shall encounter some anxieties but by faith you shall take dominion and move forward. The power of God in you is the light unto your path and a lamp unto your feet. When you have the power of God in you, you are able to have domination because by His power, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.

A faith dominated life is a life of prayer; A faith dominated life

is a life of truthfulness; selflessness; worship, and a life of praise.

O yes, Praise ! When you have the power of God in you, you shall praise God even when things go wrong; praise God even in the midst of uncertainties, praise God when all seems bleak around you; praise God when folks walk out on you and give up on you, just praise God – O yes I will praise my maker while I have breadth.

I can hear somebody say it is impossible and you cannot make it, but Church Praise God because he hath said, all things are possible to all who believe. I can sense some-body feeling lonely and rejected, you’ve got to praise God for he said “My grace is sufficient for you. I can hear somebody worried over where we are going to get the money to do all these things, but I’ve got to Praise God for my God shall supply all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

People may want you to cry, but you shall rejoice because weeping may last for the night but Joy comes in the morn-ing; Somebody may want you to run because the enemy is out to get you but Church, my Bible says he shall pre-pare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Church God has your destiny in His hands and with deter-mination we shall have domination. We’ve got to move forward no matter what may come our way – let us move forward, because I know I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing the devil can do about it. I can hear Kirk Franklin say to us:

up their oars. But they did not give up, they kept rowing their boat and they remembered they had Jesus on their boat. Church as we move forward, many shall be the storms that shall arise. Yes we’ve had some storms, yes as we move we are going to have some turbulence, yes many shall be our trials But Church I have come to declare to you that put not your confi-dence in man, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” and you must be determined to reach your destination. Even when you cannot see your way clearly by faith, you shall declare “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil”. Even though you may feel weary and dry, don’t give up because Isaiah declares in 58:11, “The Lord shall guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and renewing your strength. You shall be like a well-watered garden, like an over-flowing spring.” i.o.w., Don’t give up, just keep moving because no matter what the situation. God will take care of you. The winds may be contrary, but don’t give up just keep moving on; fears will come but remember God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. Yes the odds may be against you but don’t give up, just keep moving on. We have work to do and we must be determined to succeed. If you have Jesus on your boat, in the midst of the storms, just call upon him, and he will answer – don’t give up. Yes, the odds may be against you; people may forsake you, your friends may give up on you but don’t give up. Your family may turn you down but don’t give up – there is always a friend who stickiest closer than a brother, and if God is for you who can be against you. O yes let us move forward and shout with the songwriter,




BELIEVE AND OBEYO yes we’ve got to move forward with determination and surely, surely we

O yes, we have to move on to the future. Let us read Mark’s Gospel 4:35-41.

This narrative presents us with some three dynamics worth considering that will enable us to move forward into divine glory and to claim the heights that God has preserved for us.

FIrst, you need to have a :

Faith DESTINATIONWe cannot move forward if we have no idea where we are going. In this text, Jesus said to the disciples “let us move to the other side – a destination. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he declares “forgetting what lies behind, I press to the goal to receive the prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus. In other words, I have a destina-tion on my mind and nobody can stop me; I have a crown of glory on my mind, I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing from my past is going to slow me down because I am moving forward to my destination. I know the woman with the issue of blood for 12 long years, but before she became whole, she had to get Jesus on her mind. She was condemned by doctors and nurses, isolated by her illness and forsaken by her friends but when she heard Jesus was passing by, she recognized her diagnosis belonged to the past and she said to herself “ive got to move forward and if only I can get to Jesus – O yes, she had Jesus on her mind

Bartimeaus was born blind and confined to the street as a beggar but one day he heard Jesus was passing by and he declared, I don’t care what you know and you cannot stop me from reaching my destination – I have Jesus on my mind. O yes, Church as we move forward, we’ve got to have Jesus on our mind; we cannot do it by ourselves but we have to move with Jesus.

Destination has the same root as destiny, and destiny suggests God’s purpose for your life – what tomorrow holds for you. In other words, your destiny is not in your past, but your destiny is in the future. If Jesus has control over your destiny, there is nothing the devil can do about it. The devil may try to rob us of our destiny but if God be for us, who can be against us. Men may seek to frustrate your destiny, but no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Men may seek to betray you, but my God shall never leave you nor forsake you. O yes, as you move forward you’ve got to have Jesus on your mind, and when you have Jesus, you have everything and you can shout with the hymn writer and say:





Yes, everything is going to be alright as we move forward but you’ve got have Jesus on your mind, If you believe it say YES.

Second, not only do we need to have a DESTINATION, but also we need to have a

Faith-Based DETERMINATIONIn today’s text in Mark 4, Yes Jesus had the disciples to move to the other side but as they moved to their destination, a storm arose _ why O God why? The disciples could have given up, they could have jumped overboard, and they could have just thrown

of leadership.As a church, we need to take another look at our practices, our actions, our strategies, our modes and modalities for doing things else we become static and retrogressive, and start wondering about our future, if not blaming God and blaming our forebears and even other denominations for our problem and predicaments. Whilst it is very common for persons to resist change primarily because it takes us out of our comfort zone, the question is would you rather remain where you are in the midst of your depravity or to embrace change that will move you forward to higher heights even though it will take you through some turbulence?

Change must foster growth and for which reason change is a necessity. However, it is irrelevant if the people for whom the change is desired do not embrace and commit to the change with a sense of purpose that reflects our joys and expectations even in the midst of our fears. Even as we review our practices, our members need to change; congregations need to change; Pastors, Presiding elders, Bishops need to change – We all need to change our mind-set, our attitude and our actions. As the Apostle said, we do not need to conform to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. SO WHAT?

You don’t have to worry and don’t be afraid Joy comes in the morning, troubles they don’t last always

For there is a friend called Jesus, who will wipe away your tears And if your heart is broken, jus lift your hands and say

I know I can make it. I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, My Life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it, with Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials, they seem to get you downAnd all your friends and loved ones, are nowhere to be found

Remember there is a friend named Jesus, who will wipe your tears away And if your heart is broken, just lift your hands and say,

Oh I know I can make itO yes, I’ve got Jesus on my mind and am moving forward – if you can’t stop me you’ve got to join me. Jesus is my Destination, and in Him I have Determination for He has given me Domination. O yes he is my rock and my fortress, my God in whom I trust; O yes I’m moving on for my hope is built on nothing else tan Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

Church, we have work to do so let us move forward, and “He who has begun a good work in us,will surely bring it to completion.”

May the Lord bless and Strengthen us all. Amen

Page 6: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the power of the resurrection continually keep us in remembrance of our duty as faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God.

I wish to express gratitude to all of you for your leadership and your various roles in moving the Church forward in this new dispensation of indigenous leadership; Your role and place is unique and comes with huge responsibilities, you are the frontline leaders for this episcopal district; Together with the episcopal leadership, the destiny of Western West Africa rests squarely upon our shoulders even as we trust God to restore us, even as He renews and revitalizes our ministries to enable us become who He has called us to be.

I have reiterated over and over again that it is no longer business as usual; we are called to be functional and transformational leaders and not figure heads! This demands that we are abreast of events, sensitive to the needs of our people, in tune with the Holy Spirit, and bold and courageous to obey the voice of God and the godly judgment of our episcopal leadership. We cannot continue to maintain the status quo; No! We must be filled with passion to initiate change and foster holistic growth of Gods kingdom here and in our time; we need to move forward. Yes, we cannot continue to do things the same old ways and expect new results – Change is a necessity and for which reason the theme for the year, Reviewing Our Practices appears to be tailor made for our new dispensation in the WWAED: The Freedom Church: Reviewing our Practices We pride ourselves in being called the Freedom Church! not because we condone or promote reckless abandon but because we recognize that our denomination was divinely birthed; set free literally from the shackles of slavery and empowered with a spirit of accountability, maturity and a sense of stewardship. We fight/strive for human dignity and freedom for all of God’s creation. We are a church of order and of rule and of discipline; we respect authority and submit to being governed by the power of God and of those whom God has set in positions

Church, in reviewing our practices, we need to recognize the need for change, embrace the change and work out the change; if we want to grow we have to review our practices and commit to it till the end and then, and only then shall our song be we are marching to Zion the beautiful city of God.

Beloved, our world is changing so drastically it seems the church is under siege, its influence is waning and its relevance is being questioned. In couching this theme, our episcopal leaders, the Board of Bishops, took cognizance of the fact that there has been a dramatic change in the environment within which the Church functions; this change is rapid and evolving, and shows no sign of abat-ing! Jesus Christ our savior established the Church as His agent of peace, reconciliation, healing and transformation here on earth. The Church remains the vehicle for communicating the Good News of Christ. (The Gospel) for the total salvation of humankind.

In the midst of technological advancement and rapidly changing socio-cultural environ-ment, men and women all over the world looks out for an institution that can help her cope and find answers/meaning to their ques-tions of life, existential issues! People have nagging questions; questions for which they seek answers! To this extent then, the Church is relevant today; maybe even more relevant now. But the question to be asked is this, which church does the world seek? Certainly not one which is perceived as a cold, bankrupt and an irrelevant institution that is more con-cerned about maintaining its social status, its buildings, its customs, its positions, its titles and its finances, rather what is needed is a church on the move transforming lives, strengthening families and impacting the communities and world for Christ. Pause a while and reflect on this and do a self-assess-ment of our Church, your local church and see how your ministries are to this end.

Our Episcopal Leaders are by this theme enjoining us, individually and collectively, jointly and severally to take a new and closer look at our practices as an ecclesial body; to carefully and boldly examine our practices to determine those which are effective and must remain, those which must be retooled/ repackaged and those which must be dropped or ended. This is a call to reexamine our ministry motives, models and methods; re-examine our purpose, our practices and our priorities. If we are to remain vibrant, relevant and significant within our context and communities it is imperative that we diligently

do this. As stated in the words of the Board of Bishops, “We hold our customs, rituals and our traditions as valuable but not inviolable! In doing this we prayer-fully and respectfully honor our traditions without making idols out of them. Yes, our practices ought to foster growth in transformative ways.

Class Meetings: We need to work hard to reinvigorate the holding of class meetings in our local churches or Societies. The Class system is integral to Methodism and must not be relegated to the background. Closely related to this, could our pastors and local Societies be challenged to expand our teaching ministries with the goal of offering relevant biblical principles that our youth, young adults and seniors can successfully apply in their daily life?

We must explore and employ the use of technology like social media platforms, e.g. WhatsApp, for holding class meetings (presently the Board of Bishops hold a class regularly via conference call). Could Presiding Elders do same among themselves and also for pastors under their supervision?

In view of the changing age and population dynamics can our Church and by extension our Presiding Elders and Pastors not make young adult leadership development and mentoring a major priority at every level? In this way we can engage with them in ways that would allow them to apply their gifts and graces in the growth and development of our church.

Worship Service: Can we make our Sunday worship services more engaging and spiritually uplifting? The order of Service is a guide but certainly not a millstone to drain our worship experience of its innate vitality. We must reexamine our liturgy if we are going to reach the ‘unchurched’. Can we find creative ways of making the local traditional hymnody an integral part of service? What of deliberately crafting out worship experiences, and ministries tailored to the peculiar needs of our youth? While working at this, can we come out with ways in which our Societies can engage with their communities and become more relevant to them? These are but a few thoughts that must engage us as we attempt to make our church relevant in our time.

As an episcopal district, we have launched a youth policy that will serve as an impetus for mobilizing and empowering our youth and young adults for fruitful and faithful Christian living. Have you all intentionally studied this document and sought to find innovative ways of actualizing it with our young people toward the desired ends?

We have launched the evangelism policy have all presiding elder districts embraced this policy and thereby engage it towards the end of our Christian mandate to make disciples for Christ and thereby grow our churches? Beloved, we have work to do and we


need to commit to make our church, our denomination, our world, a better place. We need to move forward; move from a passive mindset and attitude to an action oriented mindset ready to move. ”Let us work whilst it is day for the night cometh when we shall not be able to do any work.”

God has been faithful to us such that several things we have set our mind to this past year since we last met here, we have been able to accomplish by divine grace.

1. We have completed and dedicated a brand new Episcopal Headquarters at a cost of over half a million cedis (about 150,000 United States dollars)

2. We have placed all of our ordained ministers and their spouses in the Episcopal area under a life insurance plan costing us over GHC30,0000 (about $7,000) for the year

3. We have equipped 14 presiding elder districts with solid robust motor bikes to enable them traverse the rugged terrain in service to kingdom building, and one presiding elder district with a chain saw, all costing over $17,000. Serveral pastors have also been supplied with Bicycles to facilitate their work.

4. We have supported many churches with resources in service to their church building projects; initiated new church development and supported ongoing ones.

5. Visited areas that have not experienced episcopal visits in the recent past, or never ever had a Bishop visit.

6. Empowered preachers and congregation members in diverse ways , financially, physically and spiritually.

7. Revived the Connectional Lay Council in the episcopal district which has taken on a new vibrancy, with over 80 persons signing up to be stoled as Life Members of the Connectional Lay Council.

8. Inaugurate and launch the ZION CLUB 100 this afternoon, a group of committed lay people who are committing to consistent and committed giving towards special projects and initiatives in this episcopal district. 9. Created two new Presiding Elder Districts (Mission Districts) of Ahafo-Mim Mission District (in Mid Ghana Conference) and

Artington Mission District (in Liberia Annual Conference), with special support from the Episcopal office. 10. Two Missionaries have been sent from the South to the North Ghana Conference, who are being directly supported from the Office of the Bishop, for effective ministry and support for the indigenous leaders in that conference.

11. We have revamped the Global Zion Mission Initia-tive (GZMI), the NGO wing of the Church and held its first ever successful community program, “Walk Away From Diabetes” in November 2017.

12. We have initiated conversation with all stakeholders of our educational institutions on the secondary and tertiary levels, and have had engagements with Alumni, etc, towards stabilization and growth of our schools in the episcopal district.

While these are worth noting as laudable, we still have work to do and we all need to commit to moving the work, and for that matter, the Church of God forward.

1. More Presiding Elders/districts need to be equipped with at least a motor bike.

2. Regional Education Unit offices need to be equipped and managers empowered with resources for effective work.

3. Offices of General Directors also need to be equipped for effective ministry

4. We are concluding plans to put all of our ordained Elders on a provident fund that will allow us to have a good retirement package for our pastors, the contract for which we hope to complete by July this year with Enterprise Trustees.

5. Plans are far advanced to purchase a brand new Nissan double cabin pickup truck by the end of July 2018 for the office of the General Manager of Schools in Ghana, who has under her supervision over 600 schools scattered across the 10 regions of Ghana.

6. After the just ended Annual Conferences, the Togo and North Ghana conferences have resolved for us to build at least one good chapel in each district. None of these areas have a completed chapel, and those few completed are tiny mud houses that cannot stand the test of time, especially the rainy weather. A similar initiative shall be extended to Liberia Annual Confer-ence where the story of distress of our churches is no different. This conference shall also be encouraged to embrace this initiative and pool resources to that end. To all of those areas, as I have said, “I cannot come to build a chapel for you because I do not have the resources but i am ready and willing to work with you to build a house of worship befitting the God whom we serve.

7. We have also commissioned our architect/Project

director to give us a model design for the con-struction of a retreat center in each of the conferences of East Ghana, West Ghana, and Mid Ghana. Various land sites have been identified and we shall work with those districts where the lands are located to finalize the title deeds and pave way for such projects to start.

8. On our Odorkor property and the construction of Varick Towers, our 12 story multi- purpose office complex for the Church in the Western West Africa Episcopal District, we are still in conversation with some potential investors and the project is being redesigned by our own Architectural Engineer, Dr. Emmanuel Adinyira. I will keep you all updated on progress in that regard. (talk about Gentle Giants and the six month lease.)

9. We are also working out plans and mobilizing resources to start work on the redesigned outhouse at the Headquarters (old residence) to accommodate 3 general offices, a bookstore, and 3 bedroom transit quarters for guests/preachers in transit through Accra on Church related assignments, and a self-contained one bedroom apartment for the caretaker, hopefully before we meet again next year.

10.We have started the AME Zion Insurance Agency in partnership with Enterprise insur-ance where our members shall purchase all kinds of insurance under a special AME Zion Church discount, and yet the church also makes some great commission on sales

11. We also have identified a land lot in the East Ghana Conference where the land owners are willing to sell to us up to 200 acres of land at a reduced rate, with payment spread over 2 years, such lands shall be resold to our members on similar flexible payment terms. This is land that is secure and no litigation on the Accra – Aflao road, around Dawa and Sege.

In service to actualizing these dreams I shall present two resolutions for your consideration and consent, both of which we have engaged in conversation at check-up meetings and at the Presiding Elders Council meeting and other fora. Beloved, these and many more are the initiatives we seek to embrace. Complete those that could be completed during the year, and also initiate the long terms ones within this year. Yes, we need to move forward as we have work to do.

We need to move forward to become who God has called and prepared us to be!! Personality differences would not take us there; holding on to grudges would not take us there; holding on to pain and bitterness from the past would not take us there; holding on to deep seated

and stale conventions would not take us there Church, we need to open our hearts and minds to God’s leading and the leading of the Holy Spirit even as we review our practices, revise our strategies, change our perspectives and commit to moving forward on God’s agenda.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, the prophet declares the oracle of God thus:

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall

spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...”Amen!

Even as God is taking us to a new place we need to be sure not to let yesterday use up too much of our today. Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. Sometimes God allows our friends to walk out on us; troubles to come in for us because God knows unless your circumstances change you would not move:

Let us consider lots wife;Let us consider Jonah

Many of us have been reading the same old chapter for too long. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one. Who keeps running a race by looking back; who keeps driving forward by always looking in the rearview mirror? Peter betrayed Jesus but he moved on and became the rock on which the Church was built; David was an adulterer and a murderer but he moved on and became the ideal king of Israel; let’s consider Hilliard, a frustrated young man who was rejected by the church but he moved on to become a Bishop in the same church. Church we have to move on; Pastors we have to move on. Somebody has to let go of the past hurt and pains; somebody has to let go of the extra baggage that is weighing you down; somebody has to let go of the sin that is pulling you back.

Job 17:9 reminds us that “the righteous keep moving forward, and those with

clean hands become stronger and stronger.”

O yes I can see our church moving forward; I can see somebody becoming stronger; I can see somebody stepping up, rising up and moving forward.

And O yes, I can hear somebody say:

I’m pressing on, the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday

Still praying on, I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground

My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts and arise and fears dismay;

Though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer my aim is higher ground

Lord lifetme up, and let me stand; By faith on heaven’s table land

A higher plain than I have found, Lord Plant my feet on higher ground

shall reach our destination - if you believe it say YES!

Thirdly and finally, yes we have work to do and we’ve got to move forward. Yes we need to have a DESTINATION and we need to have DETERMINATION but thirdly, we also need to have:

Faith DOMINATIONAfter Jesus calmed the storm, He asked the disciples, where is your faith. In other words, Jesus knew what he had put into them – FAITH, but they allowed their fears to dominate them rather than exercising their faith to take dominion over their fears. To dominate is to take possession, to overcome or to have control over. In other words, by faith we need to take possession of the promises of God; by faith we need to domi-nate our fears, by faith we need to overcome our frustrations. Jesus declared, all authority and power has been given to me, and as I have received so I have given unto you. Church we need to take possession of the power of God in us and by faith we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Yes, we have to move forward, but we shall encounter some fears; we shall encounter some anxieties but by faith you shall take dominion and move forward. The power of God in you is the light unto your path and a lamp unto your feet. When you have the power of God in you, you are able to have domination because by His power, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.

A faith dominated life is a life of prayer; A faith dominated life

is a life of truthfulness; selflessness; worship, and a life of praise.

O yes, Praise ! When you have the power of God in you, you shall praise God even when things go wrong; praise God even in the midst of uncertainties, praise God when all seems bleak around you; praise God when folks walk out on you and give up on you, just praise God – O yes I will praise my maker while I have breadth.

I can hear somebody say it is impossible and you cannot make it, but Church Praise God because he hath said, all things are possible to all who believe. I can sense some-body feeling lonely and rejected, you’ve got to praise God for he said “My grace is sufficient for you. I can hear somebody worried over where we are going to get the money to do all these things, but I’ve got to Praise God for my God shall supply all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

People may want you to cry, but you shall rejoice because weeping may last for the night but Joy comes in the morn-ing; Somebody may want you to run because the enemy is out to get you but Church, my Bible says he shall pre-pare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Church God has your destiny in His hands and with deter-mination we shall have domination. We’ve got to move forward no matter what may come our way – let us move forward, because I know I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing the devil can do about it. I can hear Kirk Franklin say to us:

up their oars. But they did not give up, they kept rowing their boat and they remembered they had Jesus on their boat. Church as we move forward, many shall be the storms that shall arise. Yes we’ve had some storms, yes as we move we are going to have some turbulence, yes many shall be our trials But Church I have come to declare to you that put not your confi-dence in man, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” and you must be determined to reach your destination. Even when you cannot see your way clearly by faith, you shall declare “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil”. Even though you may feel weary and dry, don’t give up because Isaiah declares in 58:11, “The Lord shall guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and renewing your strength. You shall be like a well-watered garden, like an over-flowing spring.” i.o.w., Don’t give up, just keep moving because no matter what the situation. God will take care of you. The winds may be contrary, but don’t give up just keep moving on; fears will come but remember God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. Yes the odds may be against you but don’t give up, just keep moving on. We have work to do and we must be determined to succeed. If you have Jesus on your boat, in the midst of the storms, just call upon him, and he will answer – don’t give up. Yes, the odds may be against you; people may forsake you, your friends may give up on you but don’t give up. Your family may turn you down but don’t give up – there is always a friend who stickiest closer than a brother, and if God is for you who can be against you. O yes let us move forward and shout with the songwriter,




BELIEVE AND OBEYO yes we’ve got to move forward with determination and surely, surely we

O yes, we have to move on to the future. Let us read Mark’s Gospel 4:35-41.

This narrative presents us with some three dynamics worth considering that will enable us to move forward into divine glory and to claim the heights that God has preserved for us.

FIrst, you need to have a :

Faith DESTINATIONWe cannot move forward if we have no idea where we are going. In this text, Jesus said to the disciples “let us move to the other side – a destination. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he declares “forgetting what lies behind, I press to the goal to receive the prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus. In other words, I have a destina-tion on my mind and nobody can stop me; I have a crown of glory on my mind, I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing from my past is going to slow me down because I am moving forward to my destination. I know the woman with the issue of blood for 12 long years, but before she became whole, she had to get Jesus on her mind. She was condemned by doctors and nurses, isolated by her illness and forsaken by her friends but when she heard Jesus was passing by, she recognized her diagnosis belonged to the past and she said to herself “ive got to move forward and if only I can get to Jesus – O yes, she had Jesus on her mind

Bartimeaus was born blind and confined to the street as a beggar but one day he heard Jesus was passing by and he declared, I don’t care what you know and you cannot stop me from reaching my destination – I have Jesus on my mind. O yes, Church as we move forward, we’ve got to have Jesus on our mind; we cannot do it by ourselves but we have to move with Jesus.

Destination has the same root as destiny, and destiny suggests God’s purpose for your life – what tomorrow holds for you. In other words, your destiny is not in your past, but your destiny is in the future. If Jesus has control over your destiny, there is nothing the devil can do about it. The devil may try to rob us of our destiny but if God be for us, who can be against us. Men may seek to frustrate your destiny, but no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Men may seek to betray you, but my God shall never leave you nor forsake you. O yes, as you move forward you’ve got to have Jesus on your mind, and when you have Jesus, you have everything and you can shout with the hymn writer and say:





Yes, everything is going to be alright as we move forward but you’ve got have Jesus on your mind, If you believe it say YES.

Second, not only do we need to have a DESTINATION, but also we need to have a

Faith-Based DETERMINATIONIn today’s text in Mark 4, Yes Jesus had the disciples to move to the other side but as they moved to their destination, a storm arose _ why O God why? The disciples could have given up, they could have jumped overboard, and they could have just thrown


of leadership.As a church, we need to take another look at our practices, our actions, our strategies, our modes and modalities for doing things else we become static and retrogressive, and start wondering about our future, if not blaming God and blaming our forebears and even other denominations for our problem and predicaments. Whilst it is very common for persons to resist change primarily because it takes us out of our comfort zone, the question is would you rather remain where you are in the midst of your depravity or to embrace change that will move you forward to higher heights even though it will take you through some turbulence?

Change must foster growth and for which reason change is a necessity. However, it is irrelevant if the people for whom the change is desired do not embrace and commit to the change with a sense of purpose that reflects our joys and expectations even in the midst of our fears. Even as we review our practices, our members need to change; congregations need to change; Pastors, Presiding elders, Bishops need to change – We all need to change our mind-set, our attitude and our actions. As the Apostle said, we do not need to conform to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

You don’t have to worry and don’t be afraid Joy comes in the morning, troubles they don’t last always

For there is a friend called Jesus, who will wipe away your tears And if your heart is broken, jus lift your hands and say

I know I can make it. I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, My Life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it, with Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials, they seem to get you downAnd all your friends and loved ones, are nowhere to be found

Remember there is a friend named Jesus, who will wipe your tears away And if your heart is broken, just lift your hands and say,

Oh I know I can make itO yes, I’ve got Jesus on my mind and am moving forward – if you can’t stop me you’ve got to join me. Jesus is my Destination, and in Him I have Determination for He has given me Domination. O yes he is my rock and my fortress, my God in whom I trust; O yes I’m moving on for my hope is built on nothing else tan Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

Church, we have work to do so let us move forward, and “He who has begun a good work in us,will surely bring it to completion.”

May the Lord bless and Strengthen us all. Amen

Page 7: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the power of the resurrection continually keep us in remembrance of our duty as faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God.

I wish to express gratitude to all of you for your leadership and your various roles in moving the Church forward in this new dispensation of indigenous leadership; Your role and place is unique and comes with huge responsibilities, you are the frontline leaders for this episcopal district; Together with the episcopal leadership, the destiny of Western West Africa rests squarely upon our shoulders even as we trust God to restore us, even as He renews and revitalizes our ministries to enable us become who He has called us to be.

I have reiterated over and over again that it is no longer business as usual; we are called to be functional and transformational leaders and not figure heads! This demands that we are abreast of events, sensitive to the needs of our people, in tune with the Holy Spirit, and bold and courageous to obey the voice of God and the godly judgment of our episcopal leadership. We cannot continue to maintain the status quo; No! We must be filled with passion to initiate change and foster holistic growth of Gods kingdom here and in our time; we need to move forward. Yes, we cannot continue to do things the same old ways and expect new results – Change is a necessity and for which reason the theme for the year, Reviewing Our Practices appears to be tailor made for our new dispensation in the WWAED: The Freedom Church: Reviewing our Practices We pride ourselves in being called the Freedom Church! not because we condone or promote reckless abandon but because we recognize that our denomination was divinely birthed; set free literally from the shackles of slavery and empowered with a spirit of accountability, maturity and a sense of stewardship. We fight/strive for human dignity and freedom for all of God’s creation. We are a church of order and of rule and of discipline; we respect authority and submit to being governed by the power of God and of those whom God has set in positions

Church, in reviewing our practices, we need to recognize the need for change, embrace the change and work out the change; if we want to grow we have to review our practices and commit to it till the end and then, and only then shall our song be we are marching to Zion the beautiful city of God.

Beloved, our world is changing so drastically it seems the church is under siege, its influence is waning and its relevance is being questioned. In couching this theme, our episcopal leaders, the Board of Bishops, took cognizance of the fact that there has been a dramatic change in the environment within which the Church functions; this change is rapid and evolving, and shows no sign of abat-ing! Jesus Christ our savior established the Church as His agent of peace, reconciliation, healing and transformation here on earth. The Church remains the vehicle for communicating the Good News of Christ. (The Gospel) for the total salvation of humankind.

In the midst of technological advancement and rapidly changing socio-cultural environ-ment, men and women all over the world looks out for an institution that can help her cope and find answers/meaning to their ques-tions of life, existential issues! People have nagging questions; questions for which they seek answers! To this extent then, the Church is relevant today; maybe even more relevant now. But the question to be asked is this, which church does the world seek? Certainly not one which is perceived as a cold, bankrupt and an irrelevant institution that is more con-cerned about maintaining its social status, its buildings, its customs, its positions, its titles and its finances, rather what is needed is a church on the move transforming lives, strengthening families and impacting the communities and world for Christ. Pause a while and reflect on this and do a self-assess-ment of our Church, your local church and see how your ministries are to this end.

Our Episcopal Leaders are by this theme enjoining us, individually and collectively, jointly and severally to take a new and closer look at our practices as an ecclesial body; to carefully and boldly examine our practices to determine those which are effective and must remain, those which must be retooled/ repackaged and those which must be dropped or ended. This is a call to reexamine our ministry motives, models and methods; re-examine our purpose, our practices and our priorities. If we are to remain vibrant, relevant and significant within our context and communities it is imperative that we diligently

do this. As stated in the words of the Board of Bishops, “We hold our customs, rituals and our traditions as valuable but not inviolable! In doing this we prayer-fully and respectfully honor our traditions without making idols out of them. Yes, our practices ought to foster growth in transformative ways.

Class Meetings: We need to work hard to reinvigorate the holding of class meetings in our local churches or Societies. The Class system is integral to Methodism and must not be relegated to the background. Closely related to this, could our pastors and local Societies be challenged to expand our teaching ministries with the goal of offering relevant biblical principles that our youth, young adults and seniors can successfully apply in their daily life?

We must explore and employ the use of technology like social media platforms, e.g. WhatsApp, for holding class meetings (presently the Board of Bishops hold a class regularly via conference call). Could Presiding Elders do same among themselves and also for pastors under their supervision?

In view of the changing age and population dynamics can our Church and by extension our Presiding Elders and Pastors not make young adult leadership development and mentoring a major priority at every level? In this way we can engage with them in ways that would allow them to apply their gifts and graces in the growth and development of our church.

Worship Service: Can we make our Sunday worship services more engaging and spiritually uplifting? The order of Service is a guide but certainly not a millstone to drain our worship experience of its innate vitality. We must reexamine our liturgy if we are going to reach the ‘unchurched’. Can we find creative ways of making the local traditional hymnody an integral part of service? What of deliberately crafting out worship experiences, and ministries tailored to the peculiar needs of our youth? While working at this, can we come out with ways in which our Societies can engage with their communities and become more relevant to them? These are but a few thoughts that must engage us as we attempt to make our church relevant in our time.

As an episcopal district, we have launched a youth policy that will serve as an impetus for mobilizing and empowering our youth and young adults for fruitful and faithful Christian living. Have you all intentionally studied this document and sought to find innovative ways of actualizing it with our young people toward the desired ends?

We have launched the evangelism policy have all presiding elder districts embraced this policy and thereby engage it towards the end of our Christian mandate to make disciples for Christ and thereby grow our churches? Beloved, we have work to do and we

need to commit to make our church, our denomination, our world, a better place. We need to move forward; move from a passive mindset and attitude to an action oriented mindset ready to move. ”Let us work whilst it is day for the night cometh when we shall not be able to do any work.”

God has been faithful to us such that several things we have set our mind to this past year since we last met here, we have been able to accomplish by divine grace.

1. We have completed and dedicated a brand new Episcopal Headquarters at a cost of over half a million cedis (about 150,000 United States dollars)

2. We have placed all of our ordained ministers and their spouses in the Episcopal area under a life insurance plan costing us over GHC30,0000 (about $7,000) for the year

3. We have equipped 14 presiding elder districts with solid robust motor bikes to enable them traverse the rugged terrain in service to kingdom building, and one presiding elder district with a chain saw, all costing over $17,000. Serveral pastors have also been supplied with Bicycles to facilitate their work.

4. We have supported many churches with resources in service to their church building projects; initiated new church development and supported ongoing ones.

5. Visited areas that have not experienced episcopal visits in the recent past, or never ever had a Bishop visit.

6. Empowered preachers and congregation members in diverse ways , financially, physically and spiritually.

7. Revived the Connectional Lay Council in the episcopal district which has taken on a new vibrancy, with over 80 persons signing up to be stoled as Life Members of the Connectional Lay Council.

8. Inaugurate and launch the ZION CLUB 100 this afternoon, a group of committed lay people who are committing to consistent and committed giving towards special projects and initiatives in this episcopal district. 9. Created two new Presiding Elder Districts (Mission Districts) of Ahafo-Mim Mission District (in Mid Ghana Conference) and

Artington Mission District (in Liberia Annual Conference), with special support from the Episcopal office. 10. Two Missionaries have been sent from the South to the North Ghana Conference, who are being directly supported from the Office of the Bishop, for effective ministry and support for the indigenous leaders in that conference.

11. We have revamped the Global Zion Mission Initia-tive (GZMI), the NGO wing of the Church and held its first ever successful community program, “Walk Away From Diabetes” in November 2017.

12. We have initiated conversation with all stakeholders of our educational institutions on the secondary and tertiary levels, and have had engagements with Alumni, etc, towards stabilization and growth of our schools in the episcopal district.

While these are worth noting as laudable, we still have work to do and we all need to commit to moving the work, and for that matter, the Church of God forward.

1. More Presiding Elders/districts need to be equipped with at least a motor bike.

2. Regional Education Unit offices need to be equipped and managers empowered with resources for effective work.

3. Offices of General Directors also need to be equipped for effective ministry

4. We are concluding plans to put all of our ordained Elders on a provident fund that will allow us to have a good retirement package for our pastors, the contract for which we hope to complete by July this year with Enterprise Trustees.

5. Plans are far advanced to purchase a brand new Nissan double cabin pickup truck by the end of July 2018 for the office of the General Manager of Schools in Ghana, who has under her supervision over 600 schools scattered across the 10 regions of Ghana.

6. After the just ended Annual Conferences, the Togo and North Ghana conferences have resolved for us to build at least one good chapel in each district. None of these areas have a completed chapel, and those few completed are tiny mud houses that cannot stand the test of time, especially the rainy weather. A similar initiative shall be extended to Liberia Annual Confer-ence where the story of distress of our churches is no different. This conference shall also be encouraged to embrace this initiative and pool resources to that end. To all of those areas, as I have said, “I cannot come to build a chapel for you because I do not have the resources but i am ready and willing to work with you to build a house of worship befitting the God whom we serve.

7. We have also commissioned our architect/Project


director to give us a model design for the con-struction of a retreat center in each of the conferences of East Ghana, West Ghana, and Mid Ghana. Various land sites have been identified and we shall work with those districts where the lands are located to finalize the title deeds and pave way for such projects to start.

8. On our Odorkor property and the construction of Varick Towers, our 12 story multi- purpose office complex for the Church in the Western West Africa Episcopal District, we are still in conversation with some potential investors and the project is being redesigned by our own Architectural Engineer, Dr. Emmanuel Adinyira. I will keep you all updated on progress in that regard. (talk about Gentle Giants and the six month lease.)

9. We are also working out plans and mobilizing resources to start work on the redesigned outhouse at the Headquarters (old residence) to accommodate 3 general offices, a bookstore, and 3 bedroom transit quarters for guests/preachers in transit through Accra on Church related assignments, and a self-contained one bedroom apartment for the caretaker, hopefully before we meet again next year.

10.We have started the AME Zion Insurance Agency in partnership with Enterprise insur-ance where our members shall purchase all kinds of insurance under a special AME Zion Church discount, and yet the church also makes some great commission on sales

11. We also have identified a land lot in the East Ghana Conference where the land owners are willing to sell to us up to 200 acres of land at a reduced rate, with payment spread over 2 years, such lands shall be resold to our members on similar flexible payment terms. This is land that is secure and no litigation on the Accra – Aflao road, around Dawa and Sege.

In service to actualizing these dreams I shall present two resolutions for your consideration and consent, both of which we have engaged in conversation at check-up meetings and at the Presiding Elders Council meeting and other fora. Beloved, these and many more are the initiatives we seek to embrace. Complete those that could be completed during the year, and also initiate the long terms ones within this year. Yes, we need to move forward as we have work to do.

We need to move forward to become who God has called and prepared us to be!! Personality differences would not take us there; holding on to grudges would not take us there; holding on to pain and bitterness from the past would not take us there; holding on to deep seated

and stale conventions would not take us there Church, we need to open our hearts and minds to God’s leading and the leading of the Holy Spirit even as we review our practices, revise our strategies, change our perspectives and commit to moving forward on God’s agenda.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, the prophet declares the oracle of God thus:

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall

spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...”Amen!

Even as God is taking us to a new place we need to be sure not to let yesterday use up too much of our today. Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. Sometimes God allows our friends to walk out on us; troubles to come in for us because God knows unless your circumstances change you would not move:

Let us consider lots wife;Let us consider Jonah

Many of us have been reading the same old chapter for too long. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one. Who keeps running a race by looking back; who keeps driving forward by always looking in the rearview mirror? Peter betrayed Jesus but he moved on and became the rock on which the Church was built; David was an adulterer and a murderer but he moved on and became the ideal king of Israel; let’s consider Hilliard, a frustrated young man who was rejected by the church but he moved on to become a Bishop in the same church. Church we have to move on; Pastors we have to move on. Somebody has to let go of the past hurt and pains; somebody has to let go of the extra baggage that is weighing you down; somebody has to let go of the sin that is pulling you back.

Job 17:9 reminds us that “the righteous keep moving forward, and those with

clean hands become stronger and stronger.”

O yes I can see our church moving forward; I can see somebody becoming stronger; I can see somebody stepping up, rising up and moving forward.

And O yes, I can hear somebody say:

I’m pressing on, the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday

Still praying on, I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground

My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts and arise and fears dismay;

Though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer my aim is higher ground

Lord lifetme up, and let me stand; By faith on heaven’s table land

A higher plain than I have found, Lord Plant my feet on higher ground

shall reach our destination - if you believe it say YES!

Thirdly and finally, yes we have work to do and we’ve got to move forward. Yes we need to have a DESTINATION and we need to have DETERMINATION but thirdly, we also need to have:

Faith DOMINATIONAfter Jesus calmed the storm, He asked the disciples, where is your faith. In other words, Jesus knew what he had put into them – FAITH, but they allowed their fears to dominate them rather than exercising their faith to take dominion over their fears. To dominate is to take possession, to overcome or to have control over. In other words, by faith we need to take possession of the promises of God; by faith we need to domi-nate our fears, by faith we need to overcome our frustrations. Jesus declared, all authority and power has been given to me, and as I have received so I have given unto you. Church we need to take possession of the power of God in us and by faith we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Yes, we have to move forward, but we shall encounter some fears; we shall encounter some anxieties but by faith you shall take dominion and move forward. The power of God in you is the light unto your path and a lamp unto your feet. When you have the power of God in you, you are able to have domination because by His power, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.

A faith dominated life is a life of prayer; A faith dominated life

is a life of truthfulness; selflessness; worship, and a life of praise.

O yes, Praise ! When you have the power of God in you, you shall praise God even when things go wrong; praise God even in the midst of uncertainties, praise God when all seems bleak around you; praise God when folks walk out on you and give up on you, just praise God – O yes I will praise my maker while I have breadth.

I can hear somebody say it is impossible and you cannot make it, but Church Praise God because he hath said, all things are possible to all who believe. I can sense some-body feeling lonely and rejected, you’ve got to praise God for he said “My grace is sufficient for you. I can hear somebody worried over where we are going to get the money to do all these things, but I’ve got to Praise God for my God shall supply all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

People may want you to cry, but you shall rejoice because weeping may last for the night but Joy comes in the morn-ing; Somebody may want you to run because the enemy is out to get you but Church, my Bible says he shall pre-pare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Church God has your destiny in His hands and with deter-mination we shall have domination. We’ve got to move forward no matter what may come our way – let us move forward, because I know I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing the devil can do about it. I can hear Kirk Franklin say to us:

up their oars. But they did not give up, they kept rowing their boat and they remembered they had Jesus on their boat. Church as we move forward, many shall be the storms that shall arise. Yes we’ve had some storms, yes as we move we are going to have some turbulence, yes many shall be our trials But Church I have come to declare to you that put not your confi-dence in man, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” and you must be determined to reach your destination. Even when you cannot see your way clearly by faith, you shall declare “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil”. Even though you may feel weary and dry, don’t give up because Isaiah declares in 58:11, “The Lord shall guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and renewing your strength. You shall be like a well-watered garden, like an over-flowing spring.” i.o.w., Don’t give up, just keep moving because no matter what the situation. God will take care of you. The winds may be contrary, but don’t give up just keep moving on; fears will come but remember God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. Yes the odds may be against you but don’t give up, just keep moving on. We have work to do and we must be determined to succeed. If you have Jesus on your boat, in the midst of the storms, just call upon him, and he will answer – don’t give up. Yes, the odds may be against you; people may forsake you, your friends may give up on you but don’t give up. Your family may turn you down but don’t give up – there is always a friend who stickiest closer than a brother, and if God is for you who can be against you. O yes let us move forward and shout with the songwriter,




BELIEVE AND OBEYO yes we’ve got to move forward with determination and surely, surely we

O yes, we have to move on to the future. Let us read Mark’s Gospel 4:35-41.

This narrative presents us with some three dynamics worth considering that will enable us to move forward into divine glory and to claim the heights that God has preserved for us.

FIrst, you need to have a :

Faith DESTINATIONWe cannot move forward if we have no idea where we are going. In this text, Jesus said to the disciples “let us move to the other side – a destination. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he declares “forgetting what lies behind, I press to the goal to receive the prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus. In other words, I have a destina-tion on my mind and nobody can stop me; I have a crown of glory on my mind, I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing from my past is going to slow me down because I am moving forward to my destination. I know the woman with the issue of blood for 12 long years, but before she became whole, she had to get Jesus on her mind. She was condemned by doctors and nurses, isolated by her illness and forsaken by her friends but when she heard Jesus was passing by, she recognized her diagnosis belonged to the past and she said to herself “ive got to move forward and if only I can get to Jesus – O yes, she had Jesus on her mind

Bartimeaus was born blind and confined to the street as a beggar but one day he heard Jesus was passing by and he declared, I don’t care what you know and you cannot stop me from reaching my destination – I have Jesus on my mind. O yes, Church as we move forward, we’ve got to have Jesus on our mind; we cannot do it by ourselves but we have to move with Jesus.

Destination has the same root as destiny, and destiny suggests God’s purpose for your life – what tomorrow holds for you. In other words, your destiny is not in your past, but your destiny is in the future. If Jesus has control over your destiny, there is nothing the devil can do about it. The devil may try to rob us of our destiny but if God be for us, who can be against us. Men may seek to frustrate your destiny, but no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Men may seek to betray you, but my God shall never leave you nor forsake you. O yes, as you move forward you’ve got to have Jesus on your mind, and when you have Jesus, you have everything and you can shout with the hymn writer and say:





Yes, everything is going to be alright as we move forward but you’ve got have Jesus on your mind, If you believe it say YES.

Second, not only do we need to have a DESTINATION, but also we need to have a

Faith-Based DETERMINATIONIn today’s text in Mark 4, Yes Jesus had the disciples to move to the other side but as they moved to their destination, a storm arose _ why O God why? The disciples could have given up, they could have jumped overboard, and they could have just thrown

of leadership.As a church, we need to take another look at our practices, our actions, our strategies, our modes and modalities for doing things else we become static and retrogressive, and start wondering about our future, if not blaming God and blaming our forebears and even other denominations for our problem and predicaments. Whilst it is very common for persons to resist change primarily because it takes us out of our comfort zone, the question is would you rather remain where you are in the midst of your depravity or to embrace change that will move you forward to higher heights even though it will take you through some turbulence?

Change must foster growth and for which reason change is a necessity. However, it is irrelevant if the people for whom the change is desired do not embrace and commit to the change with a sense of purpose that reflects our joys and expectations even in the midst of our fears. Even as we review our practices, our members need to change; congregations need to change; Pastors, Presiding elders, Bishops need to change – We all need to change our mind-set, our attitude and our actions. As the Apostle said, we do not need to conform to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

You don’t have to worry and don’t be afraid Joy comes in the morning, troubles they don’t last always

For there is a friend called Jesus, who will wipe away your tears And if your heart is broken, jus lift your hands and say

I know I can make it. I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, My Life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it, with Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials, they seem to get you downAnd all your friends and loved ones, are nowhere to be found

Remember there is a friend named Jesus, who will wipe your tears away And if your heart is broken, just lift your hands and say,

Oh I know I can make itO yes, I’ve got Jesus on my mind and am moving forward – if you can’t stop me you’ve got to join me. Jesus is my Destination, and in Him I have Determination for He has given me Domination. O yes he is my rock and my fortress, my God in whom I trust; O yes I’m moving on for my hope is built on nothing else tan Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

Church, we have work to do so let us move forward, and “He who has begun a good work in us,will surely bring it to completion.”

May the Lord bless and Strengthen us all. Amen

Page 8: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the power of the resurrection continually keep us in remembrance of our duty as faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God.

I wish to express gratitude to all of you for your leadership and your various roles in moving the Church forward in this new dispensation of indigenous leadership; Your role and place is unique and comes with huge responsibilities, you are the frontline leaders for this episcopal district; Together with the episcopal leadership, the destiny of Western West Africa rests squarely upon our shoulders even as we trust God to restore us, even as He renews and revitalizes our ministries to enable us become who He has called us to be.

I have reiterated over and over again that it is no longer business as usual; we are called to be functional and transformational leaders and not figure heads! This demands that we are abreast of events, sensitive to the needs of our people, in tune with the Holy Spirit, and bold and courageous to obey the voice of God and the godly judgment of our episcopal leadership. We cannot continue to maintain the status quo; No! We must be filled with passion to initiate change and foster holistic growth of Gods kingdom here and in our time; we need to move forward. Yes, we cannot continue to do things the same old ways and expect new results – Change is a necessity and for which reason the theme for the year, Reviewing Our Practices appears to be tailor made for our new dispensation in the WWAED: The Freedom Church: Reviewing our Practices We pride ourselves in being called the Freedom Church! not because we condone or promote reckless abandon but because we recognize that our denomination was divinely birthed; set free literally from the shackles of slavery and empowered with a spirit of accountability, maturity and a sense of stewardship. We fight/strive for human dignity and freedom for all of God’s creation. We are a church of order and of rule and of discipline; we respect authority and submit to being governed by the power of God and of those whom God has set in positions

Church, in reviewing our practices, we need to recognize the need for change, embrace the change and work out the change; if we want to grow we have to review our practices and commit to it till the end and then, and only then shall our song be we are marching to Zion the beautiful city of God.

Beloved, our world is changing so drastically it seems the church is under siege, its influence is waning and its relevance is being questioned. In couching this theme, our episcopal leaders, the Board of Bishops, took cognizance of the fact that there has been a dramatic change in the environment within which the Church functions; this change is rapid and evolving, and shows no sign of abat-ing! Jesus Christ our savior established the Church as His agent of peace, reconciliation, healing and transformation here on earth. The Church remains the vehicle for communicating the Good News of Christ. (The Gospel) for the total salvation of humankind.

In the midst of technological advancement and rapidly changing socio-cultural environ-ment, men and women all over the world looks out for an institution that can help her cope and find answers/meaning to their ques-tions of life, existential issues! People have nagging questions; questions for which they seek answers! To this extent then, the Church is relevant today; maybe even more relevant now. But the question to be asked is this, which church does the world seek? Certainly not one which is perceived as a cold, bankrupt and an irrelevant institution that is more con-cerned about maintaining its social status, its buildings, its customs, its positions, its titles and its finances, rather what is needed is a church on the move transforming lives, strengthening families and impacting the communities and world for Christ. Pause a while and reflect on this and do a self-assess-ment of our Church, your local church and see how your ministries are to this end.

Our Episcopal Leaders are by this theme enjoining us, individually and collectively, jointly and severally to take a new and closer look at our practices as an ecclesial body; to carefully and boldly examine our practices to determine those which are effective and must remain, those which must be retooled/ repackaged and those which must be dropped or ended. This is a call to reexamine our ministry motives, models and methods; re-examine our purpose, our practices and our priorities. If we are to remain vibrant, relevant and significant within our context and communities it is imperative that we diligently

do this. As stated in the words of the Board of Bishops, “We hold our customs, rituals and our traditions as valuable but not inviolable! In doing this we prayer-fully and respectfully honor our traditions without making idols out of them. Yes, our practices ought to foster growth in transformative ways.

Class Meetings: We need to work hard to reinvigorate the holding of class meetings in our local churches or Societies. The Class system is integral to Methodism and must not be relegated to the background. Closely related to this, could our pastors and local Societies be challenged to expand our teaching ministries with the goal of offering relevant biblical principles that our youth, young adults and seniors can successfully apply in their daily life?

We must explore and employ the use of technology like social media platforms, e.g. WhatsApp, for holding class meetings (presently the Board of Bishops hold a class regularly via conference call). Could Presiding Elders do same among themselves and also for pastors under their supervision?

In view of the changing age and population dynamics can our Church and by extension our Presiding Elders and Pastors not make young adult leadership development and mentoring a major priority at every level? In this way we can engage with them in ways that would allow them to apply their gifts and graces in the growth and development of our church.

Worship Service: Can we make our Sunday worship services more engaging and spiritually uplifting? The order of Service is a guide but certainly not a millstone to drain our worship experience of its innate vitality. We must reexamine our liturgy if we are going to reach the ‘unchurched’. Can we find creative ways of making the local traditional hymnody an integral part of service? What of deliberately crafting out worship experiences, and ministries tailored to the peculiar needs of our youth? While working at this, can we come out with ways in which our Societies can engage with their communities and become more relevant to them? These are but a few thoughts that must engage us as we attempt to make our church relevant in our time.

As an episcopal district, we have launched a youth policy that will serve as an impetus for mobilizing and empowering our youth and young adults for fruitful and faithful Christian living. Have you all intentionally studied this document and sought to find innovative ways of actualizing it with our young people toward the desired ends?

We have launched the evangelism policy have all presiding elder districts embraced this policy and thereby engage it towards the end of our Christian mandate to make disciples for Christ and thereby grow our churches? Beloved, we have work to do and we

need to commit to make our church, our denomination, our world, a better place. We need to move forward; move from a passive mindset and attitude to an action oriented mindset ready to move. ”Let us work whilst it is day for the night cometh when we shall not be able to do any work.”

God has been faithful to us such that several things we have set our mind to this past year since we last met here, we have been able to accomplish by divine grace.

1. We have completed and dedicated a brand new Episcopal Headquarters at a cost of over half a million cedis (about 150,000 United States dollars)

2. We have placed all of our ordained ministers and their spouses in the Episcopal area under a life insurance plan costing us over GHC30,0000 (about $7,000) for the year

3. We have equipped 14 presiding elder districts with solid robust motor bikes to enable them traverse the rugged terrain in service to kingdom building, and one presiding elder district with a chain saw, all costing over $17,000. Serveral pastors have also been supplied with Bicycles to facilitate their work.

4. We have supported many churches with resources in service to their church building projects; initiated new church development and supported ongoing ones.

5. Visited areas that have not experienced episcopal visits in the recent past, or never ever had a Bishop visit.

6. Empowered preachers and congregation members in diverse ways , financially, physically and spiritually.

7. Revived the Connectional Lay Council in the episcopal district which has taken on a new vibrancy, with over 80 persons signing up to be stoled as Life Members of the Connectional Lay Council.

8. Inaugurate and launch the ZION CLUB 100 this afternoon, a group of committed lay people who are committing to consistent and committed giving towards special projects and initiatives in this episcopal district. 9. Created two new Presiding Elder Districts (Mission Districts) of Ahafo-Mim Mission District (in Mid Ghana Conference) and

Artington Mission District (in Liberia Annual Conference), with special support from the Episcopal office. 10. Two Missionaries have been sent from the South to the North Ghana Conference, who are being directly supported from the Office of the Bishop, for effective ministry and support for the indigenous leaders in that conference.

11. We have revamped the Global Zion Mission Initia-tive (GZMI), the NGO wing of the Church and held its first ever successful community program, “Walk Away From Diabetes” in November 2017.

12. We have initiated conversation with all stakeholders of our educational institutions on the secondary and tertiary levels, and have had engagements with Alumni, etc, towards stabilization and growth of our schools in the episcopal district.

While these are worth noting as laudable, we still have work to do and we all need to commit to moving the work, and for that matter, the Church of God forward.

1. More Presiding Elders/districts need to be equipped with at least a motor bike.

2. Regional Education Unit offices need to be equipped and managers empowered with resources for effective work.

3. Offices of General Directors also need to be equipped for effective ministry

4. We are concluding plans to put all of our ordained Elders on a provident fund that will allow us to have a good retirement package for our pastors, the contract for which we hope to complete by July this year with Enterprise Trustees.

5. Plans are far advanced to purchase a brand new Nissan double cabin pickup truck by the end of July 2018 for the office of the General Manager of Schools in Ghana, who has under her supervision over 600 schools scattered across the 10 regions of Ghana.

6. After the just ended Annual Conferences, the Togo and North Ghana conferences have resolved for us to build at least one good chapel in each district. None of these areas have a completed chapel, and those few completed are tiny mud houses that cannot stand the test of time, especially the rainy weather. A similar initiative shall be extended to Liberia Annual Confer-ence where the story of distress of our churches is no different. This conference shall also be encouraged to embrace this initiative and pool resources to that end. To all of those areas, as I have said, “I cannot come to build a chapel for you because I do not have the resources but i am ready and willing to work with you to build a house of worship befitting the God whom we serve.

7. We have also commissioned our architect/Project

director to give us a model design for the con-struction of a retreat center in each of the conferences of East Ghana, West Ghana, and Mid Ghana. Various land sites have been identified and we shall work with those districts where the lands are located to finalize the title deeds and pave way for such projects to start.

8. On our Odorkor property and the construction of Varick Towers, our 12 story multi- purpose office complex for the Church in the Western West Africa Episcopal District, we are still in conversation with some potential investors and the project is being redesigned by our own Architectural Engineer, Dr. Emmanuel Adinyira. I will keep you all updated on progress in that regard. (talk about Gentle Giants and the six month lease.)

9. We are also working out plans and mobilizing resources to start work on the redesigned outhouse at the Headquarters (old residence) to accommodate 3 general offices, a bookstore, and 3 bedroom transit quarters for guests/preachers in transit through Accra on Church related assignments, and a self-contained one bedroom apartment for the caretaker, hopefully before we meet again next year.

10.We have started the AME Zion Insurance Agency in partnership with Enterprise insur-ance where our members shall purchase all kinds of insurance under a special AME Zion Church discount, and yet the church also makes some great commission on sales

11. We also have identified a land lot in the East Ghana Conference where the land owners are willing to sell to us up to 200 acres of land at a reduced rate, with payment spread over 2 years, such lands shall be resold to our members on similar flexible payment terms. This is land that is secure and no litigation on the Accra – Aflao road, around Dawa and Sege.

In service to actualizing these dreams I shall present two resolutions for your consideration and consent, both of which we have engaged in conversation at check-up meetings and at the Presiding Elders Council meeting and other fora. Beloved, these and many more are the initiatives we seek to embrace. Complete those that could be completed during the year, and also initiate the long terms ones within this year. Yes, we need to move forward as we have work to do.

We need to move forward to become who God has called and prepared us to be!! Personality differences would not take us there; holding on to grudges would not take us there; holding on to pain and bitterness from the past would not take us there; holding on to deep seated

and stale conventions would not take us there Church, we need to open our hearts and minds to God’s leading and the leading of the Holy Spirit even as we review our practices, revise our strategies, change our perspectives and commit to moving forward on God’s agenda.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, the prophet declares the oracle of God thus:

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall

spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...”Amen!

Even as God is taking us to a new place we need to be sure not to let yesterday use up too much of our today. Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. Sometimes God allows our friends to walk out on us; troubles to come in for us because God knows unless your circumstances change you would not move:

Let us consider lots wife;Let us consider Jonah

Many of us have been reading the same old chapter for too long. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one. Who keeps running a race by looking back; who keeps driving forward by always looking in the rearview mirror? Peter betrayed Jesus but he moved on and became the rock on which the Church was built; David was an adulterer and a murderer but he moved on and became the ideal king of Israel; let’s consider Hilliard, a frustrated young man who was rejected by the church but he moved on to become a Bishop in the same church. Church we have to move on; Pastors we have to move on. Somebody has to let go of the past hurt and pains; somebody has to let go of the extra baggage that is weighing you down; somebody has to let go of the sin that is pulling you back.

Job 17:9 reminds us that “the righteous keep moving forward, and those with

clean hands become stronger and stronger.”

O yes I can see our church moving forward; I can see somebody becoming stronger; I can see somebody stepping up, rising up and moving forward.

And O yes, I can hear somebody say:

I’m pressing on, the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday

Still praying on, I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground

My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts and arise and fears dismay;

Though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer my aim is higher ground

Lord lifetme up, and let me stand; By faith on heaven’s table land

A higher plain than I have found, Lord Plant my feet on higher ground

shall reach our destination - if you believe it say YES!

Thirdly and finally, yes we have work to do and we’ve got to move forward. Yes we need to have a DESTINATION and we need to have DETERMINATION but thirdly, we also need to have:

Faith DOMINATIONAfter Jesus calmed the storm, He asked the disciples, where is your faith. In other words, Jesus knew what he had put into them – FAITH, but they allowed their fears to dominate them rather than exercising their faith to take dominion over their fears. To dominate is to take possession, to overcome or to have control over. In other words, by faith we need to take possession of the promises of God; by faith we need to domi-nate our fears, by faith we need to overcome our frustrations. Jesus declared, all authority and power has been given to me, and as I have received so I have given unto you. Church we need to take possession of the power of God in us and by faith we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Yes, we have to move forward, but we shall encounter some fears; we shall encounter some anxieties but by faith you shall take dominion and move forward. The power of God in you is the light unto your path and a lamp unto your feet. When you have the power of God in you, you are able to have domination because by His power, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.

A faith dominated life is a life of prayer; A faith dominated life

is a life of truthfulness; selflessness; worship, and a life of praise.

O yes, Praise ! When you have the power of God in you, you shall praise God even when things go wrong; praise God even in the midst of uncertainties, praise God when all seems bleak around you; praise God when folks walk out on you and give up on you, just praise God – O yes I will praise my maker while I have breadth.

I can hear somebody say it is impossible and you cannot make it, but Church Praise God because he hath said, all things are possible to all who believe. I can sense some-body feeling lonely and rejected, you’ve got to praise God for he said “My grace is sufficient for you. I can hear somebody worried over where we are going to get the money to do all these things, but I’ve got to Praise God for my God shall supply all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

People may want you to cry, but you shall rejoice because weeping may last for the night but Joy comes in the morn-ing; Somebody may want you to run because the enemy is out to get you but Church, my Bible says he shall pre-pare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Church God has your destiny in His hands and with deter-mination we shall have domination. We’ve got to move forward no matter what may come our way – let us move forward, because I know I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing the devil can do about it. I can hear Kirk Franklin say to us:


up their oars. But they did not give up, they kept rowing their boat and they remembered they had Jesus on their boat. Church as we move forward, many shall be the storms that shall arise. Yes we’ve had some storms, yes as we move we are going to have some turbulence, yes many shall be our trials But Church I have come to declare to you that put not your confi-dence in man, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” and you must be determined to reach your destination. Even when you cannot see your way clearly by faith, you shall declare “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil”. Even though you may feel weary and dry, don’t give up because Isaiah declares in 58:11, “The Lord shall guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and renewing your strength. You shall be like a well-watered garden, like an over-flowing spring.” i.o.w., Don’t give up, just keep moving because no matter what the situation. God will take care of you. The winds may be contrary, but don’t give up just keep moving on; fears will come but remember God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. Yes the odds may be against you but don’t give up, just keep moving on. We have work to do and we must be determined to succeed. If you have Jesus on your boat, in the midst of the storms, just call upon him, and he will answer – don’t give up. Yes, the odds may be against you; people may forsake you, your friends may give up on you but don’t give up. Your family may turn you down but don’t give up – there is always a friend who stickiest closer than a brother, and if God is for you who can be against you. O yes let us move forward and shout with the songwriter,




BELIEVE AND OBEYO yes we’ve got to move forward with determination and surely, surely we

O yes, we have to move on to the future. Let us read Mark’s Gospel 4:35-41.

This narrative presents us with some three dynamics worth considering that will enable us to move forward into divine glory and to claim the heights that God has preserved for us.

FIrst, you need to have a :

Faith DESTINATIONWe cannot move forward if we have no idea where we are going. In this text, Jesus said to the disciples “let us move to the other side – a destination. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he declares “forgetting what lies behind, I press to the goal to receive the prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus. In other words, I have a destina-tion on my mind and nobody can stop me; I have a crown of glory on my mind, I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing from my past is going to slow me down because I am moving forward to my destination. I know the woman with the issue of blood for 12 long years, but before she became whole, she had to get Jesus on her mind. She was condemned by doctors and nurses, isolated by her illness and forsaken by her friends but when she heard Jesus was passing by, she recognized her diagnosis belonged to the past and she said to herself “ive got to move forward and if only I can get to Jesus – O yes, she had Jesus on her mind

Bartimeaus was born blind and confined to the street as a beggar but one day he heard Jesus was passing by and he declared, I don’t care what you know and you cannot stop me from reaching my destination – I have Jesus on my mind. O yes, Church as we move forward, we’ve got to have Jesus on our mind; we cannot do it by ourselves but we have to move with Jesus.

Destination has the same root as destiny, and destiny suggests God’s purpose for your life – what tomorrow holds for you. In other words, your destiny is not in your past, but your destiny is in the future. If Jesus has control over your destiny, there is nothing the devil can do about it. The devil may try to rob us of our destiny but if God be for us, who can be against us. Men may seek to frustrate your destiny, but no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Men may seek to betray you, but my God shall never leave you nor forsake you. O yes, as you move forward you’ve got to have Jesus on your mind, and when you have Jesus, you have everything and you can shout with the hymn writer and say:





Yes, everything is going to be alright as we move forward but you’ve got have Jesus on your mind, If you believe it say YES.

Second, not only do we need to have a DESTINATION, but also we need to have a

Faith-Based DETERMINATIONIn today’s text in Mark 4, Yes Jesus had the disciples to move to the other side but as they moved to their destination, a storm arose _ why O God why? The disciples could have given up, they could have jumped overboard, and they could have just thrown

of leadership.As a church, we need to take another look at our practices, our actions, our strategies, our modes and modalities for doing things else we become static and retrogressive, and start wondering about our future, if not blaming God and blaming our forebears and even other denominations for our problem and predicaments. Whilst it is very common for persons to resist change primarily because it takes us out of our comfort zone, the question is would you rather remain where you are in the midst of your depravity or to embrace change that will move you forward to higher heights even though it will take you through some turbulence?

Change must foster growth and for which reason change is a necessity. However, it is irrelevant if the people for whom the change is desired do not embrace and commit to the change with a sense of purpose that reflects our joys and expectations even in the midst of our fears. Even as we review our practices, our members need to change; congregations need to change; Pastors, Presiding elders, Bishops need to change – We all need to change our mind-set, our attitude and our actions. As the Apostle said, we do not need to conform to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

You don’t have to worry and don’t be afraid Joy comes in the morning, troubles they don’t last always

For there is a friend called Jesus, who will wipe away your tears And if your heart is broken, jus lift your hands and say

I know I can make it. I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, My Life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it, with Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials, they seem to get you downAnd all your friends and loved ones, are nowhere to be found

Remember there is a friend named Jesus, who will wipe your tears away And if your heart is broken, just lift your hands and say,

Oh I know I can make itO yes, I’ve got Jesus on my mind and am moving forward – if you can’t stop me you’ve got to join me. Jesus is my Destination, and in Him I have Determination for He has given me Domination. O yes he is my rock and my fortress, my God in whom I trust; O yes I’m moving on for my hope is built on nothing else tan Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

Church, we have work to do so let us move forward, and “He who has begun a good work in us,will surely bring it to completion.”

May the Lord bless and Strengthen us all. Amen

Page 9: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the power of the resurrection continually keep us in remembrance of our duty as faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God.

I wish to express gratitude to all of you for your leadership and your various roles in moving the Church forward in this new dispensation of indigenous leadership; Your role and place is unique and comes with huge responsibilities, you are the frontline leaders for this episcopal district; Together with the episcopal leadership, the destiny of Western West Africa rests squarely upon our shoulders even as we trust God to restore us, even as He renews and revitalizes our ministries to enable us become who He has called us to be.

I have reiterated over and over again that it is no longer business as usual; we are called to be functional and transformational leaders and not figure heads! This demands that we are abreast of events, sensitive to the needs of our people, in tune with the Holy Spirit, and bold and courageous to obey the voice of God and the godly judgment of our episcopal leadership. We cannot continue to maintain the status quo; No! We must be filled with passion to initiate change and foster holistic growth of Gods kingdom here and in our time; we need to move forward. Yes, we cannot continue to do things the same old ways and expect new results – Change is a necessity and for which reason the theme for the year, Reviewing Our Practices appears to be tailor made for our new dispensation in the WWAED: The Freedom Church: Reviewing our Practices We pride ourselves in being called the Freedom Church! not because we condone or promote reckless abandon but because we recognize that our denomination was divinely birthed; set free literally from the shackles of slavery and empowered with a spirit of accountability, maturity and a sense of stewardship. We fight/strive for human dignity and freedom for all of God’s creation. We are a church of order and of rule and of discipline; we respect authority and submit to being governed by the power of God and of those whom God has set in positions

Church, in reviewing our practices, we need to recognize the need for change, embrace the change and work out the change; if we want to grow we have to review our practices and commit to it till the end and then, and only then shall our song be we are marching to Zion the beautiful city of God.

Beloved, our world is changing so drastically it seems the church is under siege, its influence is waning and its relevance is being questioned. In couching this theme, our episcopal leaders, the Board of Bishops, took cognizance of the fact that there has been a dramatic change in the environment within which the Church functions; this change is rapid and evolving, and shows no sign of abat-ing! Jesus Christ our savior established the Church as His agent of peace, reconciliation, healing and transformation here on earth. The Church remains the vehicle for communicating the Good News of Christ. (The Gospel) for the total salvation of humankind.

In the midst of technological advancement and rapidly changing socio-cultural environ-ment, men and women all over the world looks out for an institution that can help her cope and find answers/meaning to their ques-tions of life, existential issues! People have nagging questions; questions for which they seek answers! To this extent then, the Church is relevant today; maybe even more relevant now. But the question to be asked is this, which church does the world seek? Certainly not one which is perceived as a cold, bankrupt and an irrelevant institution that is more con-cerned about maintaining its social status, its buildings, its customs, its positions, its titles and its finances, rather what is needed is a church on the move transforming lives, strengthening families and impacting the communities and world for Christ. Pause a while and reflect on this and do a self-assess-ment of our Church, your local church and see how your ministries are to this end.

Our Episcopal Leaders are by this theme enjoining us, individually and collectively, jointly and severally to take a new and closer look at our practices as an ecclesial body; to carefully and boldly examine our practices to determine those which are effective and must remain, those which must be retooled/ repackaged and those which must be dropped or ended. This is a call to reexamine our ministry motives, models and methods; re-examine our purpose, our practices and our priorities. If we are to remain vibrant, relevant and significant within our context and communities it is imperative that we diligently

do this. As stated in the words of the Board of Bishops, “We hold our customs, rituals and our traditions as valuable but not inviolable! In doing this we prayer-fully and respectfully honor our traditions without making idols out of them. Yes, our practices ought to foster growth in transformative ways.

Class Meetings: We need to work hard to reinvigorate the holding of class meetings in our local churches or Societies. The Class system is integral to Methodism and must not be relegated to the background. Closely related to this, could our pastors and local Societies be challenged to expand our teaching ministries with the goal of offering relevant biblical principles that our youth, young adults and seniors can successfully apply in their daily life?

We must explore and employ the use of technology like social media platforms, e.g. WhatsApp, for holding class meetings (presently the Board of Bishops hold a class regularly via conference call). Could Presiding Elders do same among themselves and also for pastors under their supervision?

In view of the changing age and population dynamics can our Church and by extension our Presiding Elders and Pastors not make young adult leadership development and mentoring a major priority at every level? In this way we can engage with them in ways that would allow them to apply their gifts and graces in the growth and development of our church.

Worship Service: Can we make our Sunday worship services more engaging and spiritually uplifting? The order of Service is a guide but certainly not a millstone to drain our worship experience of its innate vitality. We must reexamine our liturgy if we are going to reach the ‘unchurched’. Can we find creative ways of making the local traditional hymnody an integral part of service? What of deliberately crafting out worship experiences, and ministries tailored to the peculiar needs of our youth? While working at this, can we come out with ways in which our Societies can engage with their communities and become more relevant to them? These are but a few thoughts that must engage us as we attempt to make our church relevant in our time.

As an episcopal district, we have launched a youth policy that will serve as an impetus for mobilizing and empowering our youth and young adults for fruitful and faithful Christian living. Have you all intentionally studied this document and sought to find innovative ways of actualizing it with our young people toward the desired ends?

We have launched the evangelism policy have all presiding elder districts embraced this policy and thereby engage it towards the end of our Christian mandate to make disciples for Christ and thereby grow our churches? Beloved, we have work to do and we

need to commit to make our church, our denomination, our world, a better place. We need to move forward; move from a passive mindset and attitude to an action oriented mindset ready to move. ”Let us work whilst it is day for the night cometh when we shall not be able to do any work.”

God has been faithful to us such that several things we have set our mind to this past year since we last met here, we have been able to accomplish by divine grace.

1. We have completed and dedicated a brand new Episcopal Headquarters at a cost of over half a million cedis (about 150,000 United States dollars)

2. We have placed all of our ordained ministers and their spouses in the Episcopal area under a life insurance plan costing us over GHC30,0000 (about $7,000) for the year

3. We have equipped 14 presiding elder districts with solid robust motor bikes to enable them traverse the rugged terrain in service to kingdom building, and one presiding elder district with a chain saw, all costing over $17,000. Serveral pastors have also been supplied with Bicycles to facilitate their work.

4. We have supported many churches with resources in service to their church building projects; initiated new church development and supported ongoing ones.

5. Visited areas that have not experienced episcopal visits in the recent past, or never ever had a Bishop visit.

6. Empowered preachers and congregation members in diverse ways , financially, physically and spiritually.

7. Revived the Connectional Lay Council in the episcopal district which has taken on a new vibrancy, with over 80 persons signing up to be stoled as Life Members of the Connectional Lay Council.

8. Inaugurate and launch the ZION CLUB 100 this afternoon, a group of committed lay people who are committing to consistent and committed giving towards special projects and initiatives in this episcopal district. 9. Created two new Presiding Elder Districts (Mission Districts) of Ahafo-Mim Mission District (in Mid Ghana Conference) and

Artington Mission District (in Liberia Annual Conference), with special support from the Episcopal office. 10. Two Missionaries have been sent from the South to the North Ghana Conference, who are being directly supported from the Office of the Bishop, for effective ministry and support for the indigenous leaders in that conference.

11. We have revamped the Global Zion Mission Initia-tive (GZMI), the NGO wing of the Church and held its first ever successful community program, “Walk Away From Diabetes” in November 2017.

12. We have initiated conversation with all stakeholders of our educational institutions on the secondary and tertiary levels, and have had engagements with Alumni, etc, towards stabilization and growth of our schools in the episcopal district.

While these are worth noting as laudable, we still have work to do and we all need to commit to moving the work, and for that matter, the Church of God forward.

1. More Presiding Elders/districts need to be equipped with at least a motor bike.

2. Regional Education Unit offices need to be equipped and managers empowered with resources for effective work.

3. Offices of General Directors also need to be equipped for effective ministry

4. We are concluding plans to put all of our ordained Elders on a provident fund that will allow us to have a good retirement package for our pastors, the contract for which we hope to complete by July this year with Enterprise Trustees.

5. Plans are far advanced to purchase a brand new Nissan double cabin pickup truck by the end of July 2018 for the office of the General Manager of Schools in Ghana, who has under her supervision over 600 schools scattered across the 10 regions of Ghana.

6. After the just ended Annual Conferences, the Togo and North Ghana conferences have resolved for us to build at least one good chapel in each district. None of these areas have a completed chapel, and those few completed are tiny mud houses that cannot stand the test of time, especially the rainy weather. A similar initiative shall be extended to Liberia Annual Confer-ence where the story of distress of our churches is no different. This conference shall also be encouraged to embrace this initiative and pool resources to that end. To all of those areas, as I have said, “I cannot come to build a chapel for you because I do not have the resources but i am ready and willing to work with you to build a house of worship befitting the God whom we serve.

7. We have also commissioned our architect/Project

director to give us a model design for the con-struction of a retreat center in each of the conferences of East Ghana, West Ghana, and Mid Ghana. Various land sites have been identified and we shall work with those districts where the lands are located to finalize the title deeds and pave way for such projects to start.

8. On our Odorkor property and the construction of Varick Towers, our 12 story multi- purpose office complex for the Church in the Western West Africa Episcopal District, we are still in conversation with some potential investors and the project is being redesigned by our own Architectural Engineer, Dr. Emmanuel Adinyira. I will keep you all updated on progress in that regard. (talk about Gentle Giants and the six month lease.)

9. We are also working out plans and mobilizing resources to start work on the redesigned outhouse at the Headquarters (old residence) to accommodate 3 general offices, a bookstore, and 3 bedroom transit quarters for guests/preachers in transit through Accra on Church related assignments, and a self-contained one bedroom apartment for the caretaker, hopefully before we meet again next year.

10.We have started the AME Zion Insurance Agency in partnership with Enterprise insur-ance where our members shall purchase all kinds of insurance under a special AME Zion Church discount, and yet the church also makes some great commission on sales

11. We also have identified a land lot in the East Ghana Conference where the land owners are willing to sell to us up to 200 acres of land at a reduced rate, with payment spread over 2 years, such lands shall be resold to our members on similar flexible payment terms. This is land that is secure and no litigation on the Accra – Aflao road, around Dawa and Sege.

In service to actualizing these dreams I shall present two resolutions for your consideration and consent, both of which we have engaged in conversation at check-up meetings and at the Presiding Elders Council meeting and other fora. Beloved, these and many more are the initiatives we seek to embrace. Complete those that could be completed during the year, and also initiate the long terms ones within this year. Yes, we need to move forward as we have work to do.

We need to move forward to become who God has called and prepared us to be!! Personality differences would not take us there; holding on to grudges would not take us there; holding on to pain and bitterness from the past would not take us there; holding on to deep seated

and stale conventions would not take us there Church, we need to open our hearts and minds to God’s leading and the leading of the Holy Spirit even as we review our practices, revise our strategies, change our perspectives and commit to moving forward on God’s agenda.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, the prophet declares the oracle of God thus:

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall

spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...”Amen!

Even as God is taking us to a new place we need to be sure not to let yesterday use up too much of our today. Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. Sometimes God allows our friends to walk out on us; troubles to come in for us because God knows unless your circumstances change you would not move:

Let us consider lots wife;Let us consider Jonah

Many of us have been reading the same old chapter for too long. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one. Who keeps running a race by looking back; who keeps driving forward by always looking in the rearview mirror? Peter betrayed Jesus but he moved on and became the rock on which the Church was built; David was an adulterer and a murderer but he moved on and became the ideal king of Israel; let’s consider Hilliard, a frustrated young man who was rejected by the church but he moved on to become a Bishop in the same church. Church we have to move on; Pastors we have to move on. Somebody has to let go of the past hurt and pains; somebody has to let go of the extra baggage that is weighing you down; somebody has to let go of the sin that is pulling you back.

Job 17:9 reminds us that “the righteous keep moving forward, and those with

clean hands become stronger and stronger.”

O yes I can see our church moving forward; I can see somebody becoming stronger; I can see somebody stepping up, rising up and moving forward.

And O yes, I can hear somebody say:

I’m pressing on, the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday

Still praying on, I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground

My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts and arise and fears dismay;

Though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer my aim is higher ground

Lord lifetme up, and let me stand; By faith on heaven’s table land

A higher plain than I have found, Lord Plant my feet on higher ground


shall reach our destination - if you believe it say YES!

Thirdly and finally, yes we have work to do and we’ve got to move forward. Yes we need to have a DESTINATION and we need to have DETERMINATION but thirdly, we also need to have:

Faith DOMINATIONAfter Jesus calmed the storm, He asked the disciples, where is your faith. In other words, Jesus knew what he had put into them – FAITH, but they allowed their fears to dominate them rather than exercising their faith to take dominion over their fears. To dominate is to take possession, to overcome or to have control over. In other words, by faith we need to take possession of the promises of God; by faith we need to domi-nate our fears, by faith we need to overcome our frustrations. Jesus declared, all authority and power has been given to me, and as I have received so I have given unto you. Church we need to take possession of the power of God in us and by faith we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Yes, we have to move forward, but we shall encounter some fears; we shall encounter some anxieties but by faith you shall take dominion and move forward. The power of God in you is the light unto your path and a lamp unto your feet. When you have the power of God in you, you are able to have domination because by His power, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.

A faith dominated life is a life of prayer; A faith dominated life

is a life of truthfulness; selflessness; worship, and a life of praise.

O yes, Praise ! When you have the power of God in you, you shall praise God even when things go wrong; praise God even in the midst of uncertainties, praise God when all seems bleak around you; praise God when folks walk out on you and give up on you, just praise God – O yes I will praise my maker while I have breadth.

I can hear somebody say it is impossible and you cannot make it, but Church Praise God because he hath said, all things are possible to all who believe. I can sense some-body feeling lonely and rejected, you’ve got to praise God for he said “My grace is sufficient for you. I can hear somebody worried over where we are going to get the money to do all these things, but I’ve got to Praise God for my God shall supply all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

People may want you to cry, but you shall rejoice because weeping may last for the night but Joy comes in the morn-ing; Somebody may want you to run because the enemy is out to get you but Church, my Bible says he shall pre-pare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Church God has your destiny in His hands and with deter-mination we shall have domination. We’ve got to move forward no matter what may come our way – let us move forward, because I know I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing the devil can do about it. I can hear Kirk Franklin say to us:

up their oars. But they did not give up, they kept rowing their boat and they remembered they had Jesus on their boat. Church as we move forward, many shall be the storms that shall arise. Yes we’ve had some storms, yes as we move we are going to have some turbulence, yes many shall be our trials But Church I have come to declare to you that put not your confi-dence in man, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” and you must be determined to reach your destination. Even when you cannot see your way clearly by faith, you shall declare “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil”. Even though you may feel weary and dry, don’t give up because Isaiah declares in 58:11, “The Lord shall guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and renewing your strength. You shall be like a well-watered garden, like an over-flowing spring.” i.o.w., Don’t give up, just keep moving because no matter what the situation. God will take care of you. The winds may be contrary, but don’t give up just keep moving on; fears will come but remember God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. Yes the odds may be against you but don’t give up, just keep moving on. We have work to do and we must be determined to succeed. If you have Jesus on your boat, in the midst of the storms, just call upon him, and he will answer – don’t give up. Yes, the odds may be against you; people may forsake you, your friends may give up on you but don’t give up. Your family may turn you down but don’t give up – there is always a friend who stickiest closer than a brother, and if God is for you who can be against you. O yes let us move forward and shout with the songwriter,




BELIEVE AND OBEYO yes we’ve got to move forward with determination and surely, surely we

O yes, we have to move on to the future. Let us read Mark’s Gospel 4:35-41.

This narrative presents us with some three dynamics worth considering that will enable us to move forward into divine glory and to claim the heights that God has preserved for us.

FIrst, you need to have a :

Faith DESTINATIONWe cannot move forward if we have no idea where we are going. In this text, Jesus said to the disciples “let us move to the other side – a destination. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he declares “forgetting what lies behind, I press to the goal to receive the prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus. In other words, I have a destina-tion on my mind and nobody can stop me; I have a crown of glory on my mind, I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing from my past is going to slow me down because I am moving forward to my destination. I know the woman with the issue of blood for 12 long years, but before she became whole, she had to get Jesus on her mind. She was condemned by doctors and nurses, isolated by her illness and forsaken by her friends but when she heard Jesus was passing by, she recognized her diagnosis belonged to the past and she said to herself “ive got to move forward and if only I can get to Jesus – O yes, she had Jesus on her mind

Bartimeaus was born blind and confined to the street as a beggar but one day he heard Jesus was passing by and he declared, I don’t care what you know and you cannot stop me from reaching my destination – I have Jesus on my mind. O yes, Church as we move forward, we’ve got to have Jesus on our mind; we cannot do it by ourselves but we have to move with Jesus.

Destination has the same root as destiny, and destiny suggests God’s purpose for your life – what tomorrow holds for you. In other words, your destiny is not in your past, but your destiny is in the future. If Jesus has control over your destiny, there is nothing the devil can do about it. The devil may try to rob us of our destiny but if God be for us, who can be against us. Men may seek to frustrate your destiny, but no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Men may seek to betray you, but my God shall never leave you nor forsake you. O yes, as you move forward you’ve got to have Jesus on your mind, and when you have Jesus, you have everything and you can shout with the hymn writer and say:





Yes, everything is going to be alright as we move forward but you’ve got have Jesus on your mind, If you believe it say YES.

Second, not only do we need to have a DESTINATION, but also we need to have a

Faith-Based DETERMINATIONIn today’s text in Mark 4, Yes Jesus had the disciples to move to the other side but as they moved to their destination, a storm arose _ why O God why? The disciples could have given up, they could have jumped overboard, and they could have just thrown

of leadership.As a church, we need to take another look at our practices, our actions, our strategies, our modes and modalities for doing things else we become static and retrogressive, and start wondering about our future, if not blaming God and blaming our forebears and even other denominations for our problem and predicaments. Whilst it is very common for persons to resist change primarily because it takes us out of our comfort zone, the question is would you rather remain where you are in the midst of your depravity or to embrace change that will move you forward to higher heights even though it will take you through some turbulence?

Change must foster growth and for which reason change is a necessity. However, it is irrelevant if the people for whom the change is desired do not embrace and commit to the change with a sense of purpose that reflects our joys and expectations even in the midst of our fears. Even as we review our practices, our members need to change; congregations need to change; Pastors, Presiding elders, Bishops need to change – We all need to change our mind-set, our attitude and our actions. As the Apostle said, we do not need to conform to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

You don’t have to worry and don’t be afraid Joy comes in the morning, troubles they don’t last always

For there is a friend called Jesus, who will wipe away your tears And if your heart is broken, jus lift your hands and say

I know I can make it. I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, My Life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it, with Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials, they seem to get you downAnd all your friends and loved ones, are nowhere to be found

Remember there is a friend named Jesus, who will wipe your tears away And if your heart is broken, just lift your hands and say,

Oh I know I can make itO yes, I’ve got Jesus on my mind and am moving forward – if you can’t stop me you’ve got to join me. Jesus is my Destination, and in Him I have Determination for He has given me Domination. O yes he is my rock and my fortress, my God in whom I trust; O yes I’m moving on for my hope is built on nothing else tan Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

Church, we have work to do so let us move forward, and “He who has begun a good work in us,will surely bring it to completion.”

May the Lord bless and Strengthen us all. Amen

Page 10: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the power of the resurrection continually keep us in remembrance of our duty as faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God.

I wish to express gratitude to all of you for your leadership and your various roles in moving the Church forward in this new dispensation of indigenous leadership; Your role and place is unique and comes with huge responsibilities, you are the frontline leaders for this episcopal district; Together with the episcopal leadership, the destiny of Western West Africa rests squarely upon our shoulders even as we trust God to restore us, even as He renews and revitalizes our ministries to enable us become who He has called us to be.

I have reiterated over and over again that it is no longer business as usual; we are called to be functional and transformational leaders and not figure heads! This demands that we are abreast of events, sensitive to the needs of our people, in tune with the Holy Spirit, and bold and courageous to obey the voice of God and the godly judgment of our episcopal leadership. We cannot continue to maintain the status quo; No! We must be filled with passion to initiate change and foster holistic growth of Gods kingdom here and in our time; we need to move forward. Yes, we cannot continue to do things the same old ways and expect new results – Change is a necessity and for which reason the theme for the year, Reviewing Our Practices appears to be tailor made for our new dispensation in the WWAED: The Freedom Church: Reviewing our Practices We pride ourselves in being called the Freedom Church! not because we condone or promote reckless abandon but because we recognize that our denomination was divinely birthed; set free literally from the shackles of slavery and empowered with a spirit of accountability, maturity and a sense of stewardship. We fight/strive for human dignity and freedom for all of God’s creation. We are a church of order and of rule and of discipline; we respect authority and submit to being governed by the power of God and of those whom God has set in positions

Church, in reviewing our practices, we need to recognize the need for change, embrace the change and work out the change; if we want to grow we have to review our practices and commit to it till the end and then, and only then shall our song be we are marching to Zion the beautiful city of God.

Beloved, our world is changing so drastically it seems the church is under siege, its influence is waning and its relevance is being questioned. In couching this theme, our episcopal leaders, the Board of Bishops, took cognizance of the fact that there has been a dramatic change in the environment within which the Church functions; this change is rapid and evolving, and shows no sign of abat-ing! Jesus Christ our savior established the Church as His agent of peace, reconciliation, healing and transformation here on earth. The Church remains the vehicle for communicating the Good News of Christ. (The Gospel) for the total salvation of humankind.

In the midst of technological advancement and rapidly changing socio-cultural environ-ment, men and women all over the world looks out for an institution that can help her cope and find answers/meaning to their ques-tions of life, existential issues! People have nagging questions; questions for which they seek answers! To this extent then, the Church is relevant today; maybe even more relevant now. But the question to be asked is this, which church does the world seek? Certainly not one which is perceived as a cold, bankrupt and an irrelevant institution that is more con-cerned about maintaining its social status, its buildings, its customs, its positions, its titles and its finances, rather what is needed is a church on the move transforming lives, strengthening families and impacting the communities and world for Christ. Pause a while and reflect on this and do a self-assess-ment of our Church, your local church and see how your ministries are to this end.

Our Episcopal Leaders are by this theme enjoining us, individually and collectively, jointly and severally to take a new and closer look at our practices as an ecclesial body; to carefully and boldly examine our practices to determine those which are effective and must remain, those which must be retooled/ repackaged and those which must be dropped or ended. This is a call to reexamine our ministry motives, models and methods; re-examine our purpose, our practices and our priorities. If we are to remain vibrant, relevant and significant within our context and communities it is imperative that we diligently

do this. As stated in the words of the Board of Bishops, “We hold our customs, rituals and our traditions as valuable but not inviolable! In doing this we prayer-fully and respectfully honor our traditions without making idols out of them. Yes, our practices ought to foster growth in transformative ways.

Class Meetings: We need to work hard to reinvigorate the holding of class meetings in our local churches or Societies. The Class system is integral to Methodism and must not be relegated to the background. Closely related to this, could our pastors and local Societies be challenged to expand our teaching ministries with the goal of offering relevant biblical principles that our youth, young adults and seniors can successfully apply in their daily life?

We must explore and employ the use of technology like social media platforms, e.g. WhatsApp, for holding class meetings (presently the Board of Bishops hold a class regularly via conference call). Could Presiding Elders do same among themselves and also for pastors under their supervision?

In view of the changing age and population dynamics can our Church and by extension our Presiding Elders and Pastors not make young adult leadership development and mentoring a major priority at every level? In this way we can engage with them in ways that would allow them to apply their gifts and graces in the growth and development of our church.

Worship Service: Can we make our Sunday worship services more engaging and spiritually uplifting? The order of Service is a guide but certainly not a millstone to drain our worship experience of its innate vitality. We must reexamine our liturgy if we are going to reach the ‘unchurched’. Can we find creative ways of making the local traditional hymnody an integral part of service? What of deliberately crafting out worship experiences, and ministries tailored to the peculiar needs of our youth? While working at this, can we come out with ways in which our Societies can engage with their communities and become more relevant to them? These are but a few thoughts that must engage us as we attempt to make our church relevant in our time.

As an episcopal district, we have launched a youth policy that will serve as an impetus for mobilizing and empowering our youth and young adults for fruitful and faithful Christian living. Have you all intentionally studied this document and sought to find innovative ways of actualizing it with our young people toward the desired ends?

We have launched the evangelism policy have all presiding elder districts embraced this policy and thereby engage it towards the end of our Christian mandate to make disciples for Christ and thereby grow our churches? Beloved, we have work to do and we

need to commit to make our church, our denomination, our world, a better place. We need to move forward; move from a passive mindset and attitude to an action oriented mindset ready to move. ”Let us work whilst it is day for the night cometh when we shall not be able to do any work.”

God has been faithful to us such that several things we have set our mind to this past year since we last met here, we have been able to accomplish by divine grace.

1. We have completed and dedicated a brand new Episcopal Headquarters at a cost of over half a million cedis (about 150,000 United States dollars)

2. We have placed all of our ordained ministers and their spouses in the Episcopal area under a life insurance plan costing us over GHC30,0000 (about $7,000) for the year

3. We have equipped 14 presiding elder districts with solid robust motor bikes to enable them traverse the rugged terrain in service to kingdom building, and one presiding elder district with a chain saw, all costing over $17,000. Serveral pastors have also been supplied with Bicycles to facilitate their work.

4. We have supported many churches with resources in service to their church building projects; initiated new church development and supported ongoing ones.

5. Visited areas that have not experienced episcopal visits in the recent past, or never ever had a Bishop visit.

6. Empowered preachers and congregation members in diverse ways , financially, physically and spiritually.

7. Revived the Connectional Lay Council in the episcopal district which has taken on a new vibrancy, with over 80 persons signing up to be stoled as Life Members of the Connectional Lay Council.

8. Inaugurate and launch the ZION CLUB 100 this afternoon, a group of committed lay people who are committing to consistent and committed giving towards special projects and initiatives in this episcopal district. 9. Created two new Presiding Elder Districts (Mission Districts) of Ahafo-Mim Mission District (in Mid Ghana Conference) and

Artington Mission District (in Liberia Annual Conference), with special support from the Episcopal office. 10. Two Missionaries have been sent from the South to the North Ghana Conference, who are being directly supported from the Office of the Bishop, for effective ministry and support for the indigenous leaders in that conference.

11. We have revamped the Global Zion Mission Initia-tive (GZMI), the NGO wing of the Church and held its first ever successful community program, “Walk Away From Diabetes” in November 2017.

12. We have initiated conversation with all stakeholders of our educational institutions on the secondary and tertiary levels, and have had engagements with Alumni, etc, towards stabilization and growth of our schools in the episcopal district.

While these are worth noting as laudable, we still have work to do and we all need to commit to moving the work, and for that matter, the Church of God forward.

1. More Presiding Elders/districts need to be equipped with at least a motor bike.

2. Regional Education Unit offices need to be equipped and managers empowered with resources for effective work.

3. Offices of General Directors also need to be equipped for effective ministry

4. We are concluding plans to put all of our ordained Elders on a provident fund that will allow us to have a good retirement package for our pastors, the contract for which we hope to complete by July this year with Enterprise Trustees.

5. Plans are far advanced to purchase a brand new Nissan double cabin pickup truck by the end of July 2018 for the office of the General Manager of Schools in Ghana, who has under her supervision over 600 schools scattered across the 10 regions of Ghana.

6. After the just ended Annual Conferences, the Togo and North Ghana conferences have resolved for us to build at least one good chapel in each district. None of these areas have a completed chapel, and those few completed are tiny mud houses that cannot stand the test of time, especially the rainy weather. A similar initiative shall be extended to Liberia Annual Confer-ence where the story of distress of our churches is no different. This conference shall also be encouraged to embrace this initiative and pool resources to that end. To all of those areas, as I have said, “I cannot come to build a chapel for you because I do not have the resources but i am ready and willing to work with you to build a house of worship befitting the God whom we serve.

7. We have also commissioned our architect/Project

director to give us a model design for the con-struction of a retreat center in each of the conferences of East Ghana, West Ghana, and Mid Ghana. Various land sites have been identified and we shall work with those districts where the lands are located to finalize the title deeds and pave way for such projects to start.

8. On our Odorkor property and the construction of Varick Towers, our 12 story multi- purpose office complex for the Church in the Western West Africa Episcopal District, we are still in conversation with some potential investors and the project is being redesigned by our own Architectural Engineer, Dr. Emmanuel Adinyira. I will keep you all updated on progress in that regard. (talk about Gentle Giants and the six month lease.)

9. We are also working out plans and mobilizing resources to start work on the redesigned outhouse at the Headquarters (old residence) to accommodate 3 general offices, a bookstore, and 3 bedroom transit quarters for guests/preachers in transit through Accra on Church related assignments, and a self-contained one bedroom apartment for the caretaker, hopefully before we meet again next year.

10.We have started the AME Zion Insurance Agency in partnership with Enterprise insur-ance where our members shall purchase all kinds of insurance under a special AME Zion Church discount, and yet the church also makes some great commission on sales

11. We also have identified a land lot in the East Ghana Conference where the land owners are willing to sell to us up to 200 acres of land at a reduced rate, with payment spread over 2 years, such lands shall be resold to our members on similar flexible payment terms. This is land that is secure and no litigation on the Accra – Aflao road, around Dawa and Sege.

In service to actualizing these dreams I shall present two resolutions for your consideration and consent, both of which we have engaged in conversation at check-up meetings and at the Presiding Elders Council meeting and other fora. Beloved, these and many more are the initiatives we seek to embrace. Complete those that could be completed during the year, and also initiate the long terms ones within this year. Yes, we need to move forward as we have work to do.

We need to move forward to become who God has called and prepared us to be!! Personality differences would not take us there; holding on to grudges would not take us there; holding on to pain and bitterness from the past would not take us there; holding on to deep seated

and stale conventions would not take us there Church, we need to open our hearts and minds to God’s leading and the leading of the Holy Spirit even as we review our practices, revise our strategies, change our perspectives and commit to moving forward on God’s agenda.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, the prophet declares the oracle of God thus:

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall

spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...”Amen!

Even as God is taking us to a new place we need to be sure not to let yesterday use up too much of our today. Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. Sometimes God allows our friends to walk out on us; troubles to come in for us because God knows unless your circumstances change you would not move:

Let us consider lots wife;Let us consider Jonah

Many of us have been reading the same old chapter for too long. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one. Who keeps running a race by looking back; who keeps driving forward by always looking in the rearview mirror? Peter betrayed Jesus but he moved on and became the rock on which the Church was built; David was an adulterer and a murderer but he moved on and became the ideal king of Israel; let’s consider Hilliard, a frustrated young man who was rejected by the church but he moved on to become a Bishop in the same church. Church we have to move on; Pastors we have to move on. Somebody has to let go of the past hurt and pains; somebody has to let go of the extra baggage that is weighing you down; somebody has to let go of the sin that is pulling you back.

Job 17:9 reminds us that “the righteous keep moving forward, and those with

clean hands become stronger and stronger.”

O yes I can see our church moving forward; I can see somebody becoming stronger; I can see somebody stepping up, rising up and moving forward.

And O yes, I can hear somebody say:

I’m pressing on, the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday

Still praying on, I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground

My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts and arise and fears dismay;

Though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer my aim is higher ground

Lord lifetme up, and let me stand; By faith on heaven’s table land

A higher plain than I have found, Lord Plant my feet on higher ground

shall reach our destination - if you believe it say YES!

Thirdly and finally, yes we have work to do and we’ve got to move forward. Yes we need to have a DESTINATION and we need to have DETERMINATION but thirdly, we also need to have:

Faith DOMINATIONAfter Jesus calmed the storm, He asked the disciples, where is your faith. In other words, Jesus knew what he had put into them – FAITH, but they allowed their fears to dominate them rather than exercising their faith to take dominion over their fears. To dominate is to take possession, to overcome or to have control over. In other words, by faith we need to take possession of the promises of God; by faith we need to domi-nate our fears, by faith we need to overcome our frustrations. Jesus declared, all authority and power has been given to me, and as I have received so I have given unto you. Church we need to take possession of the power of God in us and by faith we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Yes, we have to move forward, but we shall encounter some fears; we shall encounter some anxieties but by faith you shall take dominion and move forward. The power of God in you is the light unto your path and a lamp unto your feet. When you have the power of God in you, you are able to have domination because by His power, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.

A faith dominated life is a life of prayer; A faith dominated life

is a life of truthfulness; selflessness; worship, and a life of praise.

O yes, Praise ! When you have the power of God in you, you shall praise God even when things go wrong; praise God even in the midst of uncertainties, praise God when all seems bleak around you; praise God when folks walk out on you and give up on you, just praise God – O yes I will praise my maker while I have breadth.

I can hear somebody say it is impossible and you cannot make it, but Church Praise God because he hath said, all things are possible to all who believe. I can sense some-body feeling lonely and rejected, you’ve got to praise God for he said “My grace is sufficient for you. I can hear somebody worried over where we are going to get the money to do all these things, but I’ve got to Praise God for my God shall supply all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

People may want you to cry, but you shall rejoice because weeping may last for the night but Joy comes in the morn-ing; Somebody may want you to run because the enemy is out to get you but Church, my Bible says he shall pre-pare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Church God has your destiny in His hands and with deter-mination we shall have domination. We’ve got to move forward no matter what may come our way – let us move forward, because I know I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing the devil can do about it. I can hear Kirk Franklin say to us:


up their oars. But they did not give up, they kept rowing their boat and they remembered they had Jesus on their boat. Church as we move forward, many shall be the storms that shall arise. Yes we’ve had some storms, yes as we move we are going to have some turbulence, yes many shall be our trials But Church I have come to declare to you that put not your confi-dence in man, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” and you must be determined to reach your destination. Even when you cannot see your way clearly by faith, you shall declare “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil”. Even though you may feel weary and dry, don’t give up because Isaiah declares in 58:11, “The Lord shall guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and renewing your strength. You shall be like a well-watered garden, like an over-flowing spring.” i.o.w., Don’t give up, just keep moving because no matter what the situation. God will take care of you. The winds may be contrary, but don’t give up just keep moving on; fears will come but remember God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. Yes the odds may be against you but don’t give up, just keep moving on. We have work to do and we must be determined to succeed. If you have Jesus on your boat, in the midst of the storms, just call upon him, and he will answer – don’t give up. Yes, the odds may be against you; people may forsake you, your friends may give up on you but don’t give up. Your family may turn you down but don’t give up – there is always a friend who stickiest closer than a brother, and if God is for you who can be against you. O yes let us move forward and shout with the songwriter,




BELIEVE AND OBEYO yes we’ve got to move forward with determination and surely, surely we

O yes, we have to move on to the future. Let us read Mark’s Gospel 4:35-41.

This narrative presents us with some three dynamics worth considering that will enable us to move forward into divine glory and to claim the heights that God has preserved for us.

FIrst, you need to have a :

Faith DESTINATIONWe cannot move forward if we have no idea where we are going. In this text, Jesus said to the disciples “let us move to the other side – a destination. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he declares “forgetting what lies behind, I press to the goal to receive the prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus. In other words, I have a destina-tion on my mind and nobody can stop me; I have a crown of glory on my mind, I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing from my past is going to slow me down because I am moving forward to my destination. I know the woman with the issue of blood for 12 long years, but before she became whole, she had to get Jesus on her mind. She was condemned by doctors and nurses, isolated by her illness and forsaken by her friends but when she heard Jesus was passing by, she recognized her diagnosis belonged to the past and she said to herself “ive got to move forward and if only I can get to Jesus – O yes, she had Jesus on her mind

Bartimeaus was born blind and confined to the street as a beggar but one day he heard Jesus was passing by and he declared, I don’t care what you know and you cannot stop me from reaching my destination – I have Jesus on my mind. O yes, Church as we move forward, we’ve got to have Jesus on our mind; we cannot do it by ourselves but we have to move with Jesus.

Destination has the same root as destiny, and destiny suggests God’s purpose for your life – what tomorrow holds for you. In other words, your destiny is not in your past, but your destiny is in the future. If Jesus has control over your destiny, there is nothing the devil can do about it. The devil may try to rob us of our destiny but if God be for us, who can be against us. Men may seek to frustrate your destiny, but no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Men may seek to betray you, but my God shall never leave you nor forsake you. O yes, as you move forward you’ve got to have Jesus on your mind, and when you have Jesus, you have everything and you can shout with the hymn writer and say:





Yes, everything is going to be alright as we move forward but you’ve got have Jesus on your mind, If you believe it say YES.

Second, not only do we need to have a DESTINATION, but also we need to have a

Faith-Based DETERMINATIONIn today’s text in Mark 4, Yes Jesus had the disciples to move to the other side but as they moved to their destination, a storm arose _ why O God why? The disciples could have given up, they could have jumped overboard, and they could have just thrown




The AME Zion Church, Ghana as part of efforts towards creating awareness on Diabetes, on the morning of Saturday November 25, 2017 embarked on a health walk , through the principal streets of East Legon and parts of Madina and ended up at the Number One Cluster of Schools, Madina where a free medical screening exercise was organised for members of the Madina community. Where we were hosted by the St. Paul A.M.E. Zion Church, Madina by the Rev. David Kafui Zungbey is the pastor.

The health walk and medical screening exercise were organised under the auspices of the Global Zion Mission Initiative Ghana (GZMI), the registered non-profit organisation wing of the A.M.E Zion Church within the Western West Africa Episcopal District (Ghana, Cote D’Ivoire, Togo, and Liberia).The GZMI focuses on the four thematic areas of Good Governance, Education, Healthcare, and Livelihood in its quest to live out the church’s divine man-date of bringing holistic improvement in the lives of individuals and communities.

The walk begun at the Trinity Theological Seminary with a short welcome message by the Bishop of the Western West Africa Episcopal District, Rt. Rev Hilliard Dela Dogbe, after which the steadily increasing crowd of placard wielding church members, students and other participants embarked on the walk amidst danceable tunes provided by the brass band. Participants interacted with members of the community along the route and also shared diabetes education tracts.

At the Number 1 Cluster of Schools where the health walk ended, participants were led through an aerobics session after which they were treated to a healthy breakfast. This was followed by a

talk on Diabetes jointly delivered by Dr. Emmanuel Sropenyo, Medical Director of the Ridge Hospital and Mrs Aimee Akotey, a senior Public Health Practitioner at the Korle-bu Teaching Hospital. The talk highlighted the nature of diabetes, its risk factors and prevention.

There was also a free health screening exercise which was highly patronised by the community. Apart from the diabetes screening,individuals were also screened for malaria and other health problems; blood pressure, BMI, eye test. In addition, consultation services were pro-vided by a team of 4 medical doctors and 6 nurses, free medication was also provided to those who needed it. Over 360 persons were attended to.

The following institutions deserve special mention and appreciation for their support; the Nima Government hospital, Traffix restaurant, Bencopaf catering services, Kofikrom Pharmacy, Charlton Pharmacy, A.M.E Zion churches in the Accra North, Accra Central district, special thanks to St. Paul Society, Tema districts, WH&OMS of Accra North District and Aggrey Memorial Society, Trinity Theological Seminary, police from the Madina divisional unit, health professionals present at the event, and all individuals who supported in cash and in kind.

of leadership.As a church, we need to take another look at our practices, our actions, our strategies, our modes and modalities for doing things else we become static and retrogressive, and start wondering about our future, if not blaming God and blaming our forebears and even other denominations for our problem and predicaments. Whilst it is very common for persons to resist change primarily because it takes us out of our comfort zone, the question is would you rather remain where you are in the midst of your depravity or to embrace change that will move you forward to higher heights even though it will take you through some turbulence?

Change must foster growth and for which reason change is a necessity. However, it is irrelevant if the people for whom the change is desired do not embrace and commit to the change with a sense of purpose that reflects our joys and expectations even in the midst of our fears. Even as we review our practices, our members need to change; congregations need to change; Pastors, Presiding elders, Bishops need to change – We all need to change our mind-set, our attitude and our actions. As the Apostle said, we do not need to conform to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

You don’t have to worry and don’t be afraid Joy comes in the morning, troubles they don’t last always

For there is a friend called Jesus, who will wipe away your tears And if your heart is broken, jus lift your hands and say

I know I can make it. I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, My Life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it, with Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials, they seem to get you downAnd all your friends and loved ones, are nowhere to be found

Remember there is a friend named Jesus, who will wipe your tears away And if your heart is broken, just lift your hands and say,

Oh I know I can make itO yes, I’ve got Jesus on my mind and am moving forward – if you can’t stop me you’ve got to join me. Jesus is my Destination, and in Him I have Determination for He has given me Domination. O yes he is my rock and my fortress, my God in whom I trust; O yes I’m moving on for my hope is built on nothing else tan Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

Church, we have work to do so let us move forward, and “He who has begun a good work in us,will surely bring it to completion.”

May the Lord bless and Strengthen us all. Amen

Page 11: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the power of the resurrection continually keep us in remembrance of our duty as faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God.

I wish to express gratitude to all of you for your leadership and your various roles in moving the Church forward in this new dispensation of indigenous leadership; Your role and place is unique and comes with huge responsibilities, you are the frontline leaders for this episcopal district; Together with the episcopal leadership, the destiny of Western West Africa rests squarely upon our shoulders even as we trust God to restore us, even as He renews and revitalizes our ministries to enable us become who He has called us to be.

I have reiterated over and over again that it is no longer business as usual; we are called to be functional and transformational leaders and not figure heads! This demands that we are abreast of events, sensitive to the needs of our people, in tune with the Holy Spirit, and bold and courageous to obey the voice of God and the godly judgment of our episcopal leadership. We cannot continue to maintain the status quo; No! We must be filled with passion to initiate change and foster holistic growth of Gods kingdom here and in our time; we need to move forward. Yes, we cannot continue to do things the same old ways and expect new results – Change is a necessity and for which reason the theme for the year, Reviewing Our Practices appears to be tailor made for our new dispensation in the WWAED: The Freedom Church: Reviewing our Practices We pride ourselves in being called the Freedom Church! not because we condone or promote reckless abandon but because we recognize that our denomination was divinely birthed; set free literally from the shackles of slavery and empowered with a spirit of accountability, maturity and a sense of stewardship. We fight/strive for human dignity and freedom for all of God’s creation. We are a church of order and of rule and of discipline; we respect authority and submit to being governed by the power of God and of those whom God has set in positions

Church, in reviewing our practices, we need to recognize the need for change, embrace the change and work out the change; if we want to grow we have to review our practices and commit to it till the end and then, and only then shall our song be we are marching to Zion the beautiful city of God.

Beloved, our world is changing so drastically it seems the church is under siege, its influence is waning and its relevance is being questioned. In couching this theme, our episcopal leaders, the Board of Bishops, took cognizance of the fact that there has been a dramatic change in the environment within which the Church functions; this change is rapid and evolving, and shows no sign of abat-ing! Jesus Christ our savior established the Church as His agent of peace, reconciliation, healing and transformation here on earth. The Church remains the vehicle for communicating the Good News of Christ. (The Gospel) for the total salvation of humankind.

In the midst of technological advancement and rapidly changing socio-cultural environ-ment, men and women all over the world looks out for an institution that can help her cope and find answers/meaning to their ques-tions of life, existential issues! People have nagging questions; questions for which they seek answers! To this extent then, the Church is relevant today; maybe even more relevant now. But the question to be asked is this, which church does the world seek? Certainly not one which is perceived as a cold, bankrupt and an irrelevant institution that is more con-cerned about maintaining its social status, its buildings, its customs, its positions, its titles and its finances, rather what is needed is a church on the move transforming lives, strengthening families and impacting the communities and world for Christ. Pause a while and reflect on this and do a self-assess-ment of our Church, your local church and see how your ministries are to this end.

Our Episcopal Leaders are by this theme enjoining us, individually and collectively, jointly and severally to take a new and closer look at our practices as an ecclesial body; to carefully and boldly examine our practices to determine those which are effective and must remain, those which must be retooled/ repackaged and those which must be dropped or ended. This is a call to reexamine our ministry motives, models and methods; re-examine our purpose, our practices and our priorities. If we are to remain vibrant, relevant and significant within our context and communities it is imperative that we diligently

do this. As stated in the words of the Board of Bishops, “We hold our customs, rituals and our traditions as valuable but not inviolable! In doing this we prayer-fully and respectfully honor our traditions without making idols out of them. Yes, our practices ought to foster growth in transformative ways.

Class Meetings: We need to work hard to reinvigorate the holding of class meetings in our local churches or Societies. The Class system is integral to Methodism and must not be relegated to the background. Closely related to this, could our pastors and local Societies be challenged to expand our teaching ministries with the goal of offering relevant biblical principles that our youth, young adults and seniors can successfully apply in their daily life?

We must explore and employ the use of technology like social media platforms, e.g. WhatsApp, for holding class meetings (presently the Board of Bishops hold a class regularly via conference call). Could Presiding Elders do same among themselves and also for pastors under their supervision?

In view of the changing age and population dynamics can our Church and by extension our Presiding Elders and Pastors not make young adult leadership development and mentoring a major priority at every level? In this way we can engage with them in ways that would allow them to apply their gifts and graces in the growth and development of our church.

Worship Service: Can we make our Sunday worship services more engaging and spiritually uplifting? The order of Service is a guide but certainly not a millstone to drain our worship experience of its innate vitality. We must reexamine our liturgy if we are going to reach the ‘unchurched’. Can we find creative ways of making the local traditional hymnody an integral part of service? What of deliberately crafting out worship experiences, and ministries tailored to the peculiar needs of our youth? While working at this, can we come out with ways in which our Societies can engage with their communities and become more relevant to them? These are but a few thoughts that must engage us as we attempt to make our church relevant in our time.

As an episcopal district, we have launched a youth policy that will serve as an impetus for mobilizing and empowering our youth and young adults for fruitful and faithful Christian living. Have you all intentionally studied this document and sought to find innovative ways of actualizing it with our young people toward the desired ends?

We have launched the evangelism policy have all presiding elder districts embraced this policy and thereby engage it towards the end of our Christian mandate to make disciples for Christ and thereby grow our churches? Beloved, we have work to do and we

need to commit to make our church, our denomination, our world, a better place. We need to move forward; move from a passive mindset and attitude to an action oriented mindset ready to move. ”Let us work whilst it is day for the night cometh when we shall not be able to do any work.”

God has been faithful to us such that several things we have set our mind to this past year since we last met here, we have been able to accomplish by divine grace.

1. We have completed and dedicated a brand new Episcopal Headquarters at a cost of over half a million cedis (about 150,000 United States dollars)

2. We have placed all of our ordained ministers and their spouses in the Episcopal area under a life insurance plan costing us over GHC30,0000 (about $7,000) for the year

3. We have equipped 14 presiding elder districts with solid robust motor bikes to enable them traverse the rugged terrain in service to kingdom building, and one presiding elder district with a chain saw, all costing over $17,000. Serveral pastors have also been supplied with Bicycles to facilitate their work.

4. We have supported many churches with resources in service to their church building projects; initiated new church development and supported ongoing ones.

5. Visited areas that have not experienced episcopal visits in the recent past, or never ever had a Bishop visit.

6. Empowered preachers and congregation members in diverse ways , financially, physically and spiritually.

7. Revived the Connectional Lay Council in the episcopal district which has taken on a new vibrancy, with over 80 persons signing up to be stoled as Life Members of the Connectional Lay Council.

8. Inaugurate and launch the ZION CLUB 100 this afternoon, a group of committed lay people who are committing to consistent and committed giving towards special projects and initiatives in this episcopal district. 9. Created two new Presiding Elder Districts (Mission Districts) of Ahafo-Mim Mission District (in Mid Ghana Conference) and

Artington Mission District (in Liberia Annual Conference), with special support from the Episcopal office. 10. Two Missionaries have been sent from the South to the North Ghana Conference, who are being directly supported from the Office of the Bishop, for effective ministry and support for the indigenous leaders in that conference.

11. We have revamped the Global Zion Mission Initia-tive (GZMI), the NGO wing of the Church and held its first ever successful community program, “Walk Away From Diabetes” in November 2017.

12. We have initiated conversation with all stakeholders of our educational institutions on the secondary and tertiary levels, and have had engagements with Alumni, etc, towards stabilization and growth of our schools in the episcopal district.

While these are worth noting as laudable, we still have work to do and we all need to commit to moving the work, and for that matter, the Church of God forward.

1. More Presiding Elders/districts need to be equipped with at least a motor bike.

2. Regional Education Unit offices need to be equipped and managers empowered with resources for effective work.

3. Offices of General Directors also need to be equipped for effective ministry

4. We are concluding plans to put all of our ordained Elders on a provident fund that will allow us to have a good retirement package for our pastors, the contract for which we hope to complete by July this year with Enterprise Trustees.

5. Plans are far advanced to purchase a brand new Nissan double cabin pickup truck by the end of July 2018 for the office of the General Manager of Schools in Ghana, who has under her supervision over 600 schools scattered across the 10 regions of Ghana.

6. After the just ended Annual Conferences, the Togo and North Ghana conferences have resolved for us to build at least one good chapel in each district. None of these areas have a completed chapel, and those few completed are tiny mud houses that cannot stand the test of time, especially the rainy weather. A similar initiative shall be extended to Liberia Annual Confer-ence where the story of distress of our churches is no different. This conference shall also be encouraged to embrace this initiative and pool resources to that end. To all of those areas, as I have said, “I cannot come to build a chapel for you because I do not have the resources but i am ready and willing to work with you to build a house of worship befitting the God whom we serve.

7. We have also commissioned our architect/Project

director to give us a model design for the con-struction of a retreat center in each of the conferences of East Ghana, West Ghana, and Mid Ghana. Various land sites have been identified and we shall work with those districts where the lands are located to finalize the title deeds and pave way for such projects to start.

8. On our Odorkor property and the construction of Varick Towers, our 12 story multi- purpose office complex for the Church in the Western West Africa Episcopal District, we are still in conversation with some potential investors and the project is being redesigned by our own Architectural Engineer, Dr. Emmanuel Adinyira. I will keep you all updated on progress in that regard. (talk about Gentle Giants and the six month lease.)

9. We are also working out plans and mobilizing resources to start work on the redesigned outhouse at the Headquarters (old residence) to accommodate 3 general offices, a bookstore, and 3 bedroom transit quarters for guests/preachers in transit through Accra on Church related assignments, and a self-contained one bedroom apartment for the caretaker, hopefully before we meet again next year.

10.We have started the AME Zion Insurance Agency in partnership with Enterprise insur-ance where our members shall purchase all kinds of insurance under a special AME Zion Church discount, and yet the church also makes some great commission on sales

11. We also have identified a land lot in the East Ghana Conference where the land owners are willing to sell to us up to 200 acres of land at a reduced rate, with payment spread over 2 years, such lands shall be resold to our members on similar flexible payment terms. This is land that is secure and no litigation on the Accra – Aflao road, around Dawa and Sege.

In service to actualizing these dreams I shall present two resolutions for your consideration and consent, both of which we have engaged in conversation at check-up meetings and at the Presiding Elders Council meeting and other fora. Beloved, these and many more are the initiatives we seek to embrace. Complete those that could be completed during the year, and also initiate the long terms ones within this year. Yes, we need to move forward as we have work to do.

We need to move forward to become who God has called and prepared us to be!! Personality differences would not take us there; holding on to grudges would not take us there; holding on to pain and bitterness from the past would not take us there; holding on to deep seated

and stale conventions would not take us there Church, we need to open our hearts and minds to God’s leading and the leading of the Holy Spirit even as we review our practices, revise our strategies, change our perspectives and commit to moving forward on God’s agenda.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, the prophet declares the oracle of God thus:

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall

spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...”Amen!

Even as God is taking us to a new place we need to be sure not to let yesterday use up too much of our today. Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. Sometimes God allows our friends to walk out on us; troubles to come in for us because God knows unless your circumstances change you would not move:

Let us consider lots wife;Let us consider Jonah

Many of us have been reading the same old chapter for too long. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one. Who keeps running a race by looking back; who keeps driving forward by always looking in the rearview mirror? Peter betrayed Jesus but he moved on and became the rock on which the Church was built; David was an adulterer and a murderer but he moved on and became the ideal king of Israel; let’s consider Hilliard, a frustrated young man who was rejected by the church but he moved on to become a Bishop in the same church. Church we have to move on; Pastors we have to move on. Somebody has to let go of the past hurt and pains; somebody has to let go of the extra baggage that is weighing you down; somebody has to let go of the sin that is pulling you back.

Job 17:9 reminds us that “the righteous keep moving forward, and those with

clean hands become stronger and stronger.”

O yes I can see our church moving forward; I can see somebody becoming stronger; I can see somebody stepping up, rising up and moving forward.

And O yes, I can hear somebody say:

I’m pressing on, the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday

Still praying on, I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground

My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts and arise and fears dismay;

Though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer my aim is higher ground

Lord lifetme up, and let me stand; By faith on heaven’s table land

A higher plain than I have found, Lord Plant my feet on higher ground

shall reach our destination - if you believe it say YES!

Thirdly and finally, yes we have work to do and we’ve got to move forward. Yes we need to have a DESTINATION and we need to have DETERMINATION but thirdly, we also need to have:

Faith DOMINATIONAfter Jesus calmed the storm, He asked the disciples, where is your faith. In other words, Jesus knew what he had put into them – FAITH, but they allowed their fears to dominate them rather than exercising their faith to take dominion over their fears. To dominate is to take possession, to overcome or to have control over. In other words, by faith we need to take possession of the promises of God; by faith we need to domi-nate our fears, by faith we need to overcome our frustrations. Jesus declared, all authority and power has been given to me, and as I have received so I have given unto you. Church we need to take possession of the power of God in us and by faith we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Yes, we have to move forward, but we shall encounter some fears; we shall encounter some anxieties but by faith you shall take dominion and move forward. The power of God in you is the light unto your path and a lamp unto your feet. When you have the power of God in you, you are able to have domination because by His power, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.

A faith dominated life is a life of prayer; A faith dominated life

is a life of truthfulness; selflessness; worship, and a life of praise.

O yes, Praise ! When you have the power of God in you, you shall praise God even when things go wrong; praise God even in the midst of uncertainties, praise God when all seems bleak around you; praise God when folks walk out on you and give up on you, just praise God – O yes I will praise my maker while I have breadth.

I can hear somebody say it is impossible and you cannot make it, but Church Praise God because he hath said, all things are possible to all who believe. I can sense some-body feeling lonely and rejected, you’ve got to praise God for he said “My grace is sufficient for you. I can hear somebody worried over where we are going to get the money to do all these things, but I’ve got to Praise God for my God shall supply all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

People may want you to cry, but you shall rejoice because weeping may last for the night but Joy comes in the morn-ing; Somebody may want you to run because the enemy is out to get you but Church, my Bible says he shall pre-pare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Church God has your destiny in His hands and with deter-mination we shall have domination. We’ve got to move forward no matter what may come our way – let us move forward, because I know I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing the devil can do about it. I can hear Kirk Franklin say to us:

up their oars. But they did not give up, they kept rowing their boat and they remembered they had Jesus on their boat. Church as we move forward, many shall be the storms that shall arise. Yes we’ve had some storms, yes as we move we are going to have some turbulence, yes many shall be our trials But Church I have come to declare to you that put not your confi-dence in man, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” and you must be determined to reach your destination. Even when you cannot see your way clearly by faith, you shall declare “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil”. Even though you may feel weary and dry, don’t give up because Isaiah declares in 58:11, “The Lord shall guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and renewing your strength. You shall be like a well-watered garden, like an over-flowing spring.” i.o.w., Don’t give up, just keep moving because no matter what the situation. God will take care of you. The winds may be contrary, but don’t give up just keep moving on; fears will come but remember God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. Yes the odds may be against you but don’t give up, just keep moving on. We have work to do and we must be determined to succeed. If you have Jesus on your boat, in the midst of the storms, just call upon him, and he will answer – don’t give up. Yes, the odds may be against you; people may forsake you, your friends may give up on you but don’t give up. Your family may turn you down but don’t give up – there is always a friend who stickiest closer than a brother, and if God is for you who can be against you. O yes let us move forward and shout with the songwriter,




BELIEVE AND OBEYO yes we’ve got to move forward with determination and surely, surely we

O yes, we have to move on to the future. Let us read Mark’s Gospel 4:35-41.

This narrative presents us with some three dynamics worth considering that will enable us to move forward into divine glory and to claim the heights that God has preserved for us.

FIrst, you need to have a :

Faith DESTINATIONWe cannot move forward if we have no idea where we are going. In this text, Jesus said to the disciples “let us move to the other side – a destination. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he declares “forgetting what lies behind, I press to the goal to receive the prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus. In other words, I have a destina-tion on my mind and nobody can stop me; I have a crown of glory on my mind, I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing from my past is going to slow me down because I am moving forward to my destination. I know the woman with the issue of blood for 12 long years, but before she became whole, she had to get Jesus on her mind. She was condemned by doctors and nurses, isolated by her illness and forsaken by her friends but when she heard Jesus was passing by, she recognized her diagnosis belonged to the past and she said to herself “ive got to move forward and if only I can get to Jesus – O yes, she had Jesus on her mind

Bartimeaus was born blind and confined to the street as a beggar but one day he heard Jesus was passing by and he declared, I don’t care what you know and you cannot stop me from reaching my destination – I have Jesus on my mind. O yes, Church as we move forward, we’ve got to have Jesus on our mind; we cannot do it by ourselves but we have to move with Jesus.

Destination has the same root as destiny, and destiny suggests God’s purpose for your life – what tomorrow holds for you. In other words, your destiny is not in your past, but your destiny is in the future. If Jesus has control over your destiny, there is nothing the devil can do about it. The devil may try to rob us of our destiny but if God be for us, who can be against us. Men may seek to frustrate your destiny, but no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Men may seek to betray you, but my God shall never leave you nor forsake you. O yes, as you move forward you’ve got to have Jesus on your mind, and when you have Jesus, you have everything and you can shout with the hymn writer and say:





Yes, everything is going to be alright as we move forward but you’ve got have Jesus on your mind, If you believe it say YES.

Second, not only do we need to have a DESTINATION, but also we need to have a

Faith-Based DETERMINATIONIn today’s text in Mark 4, Yes Jesus had the disciples to move to the other side but as they moved to their destination, a storm arose _ why O God why? The disciples could have given up, they could have jumped overboard, and they could have just thrown


talk on Diabetes jointly delivered by Dr. Emmanuel Sropenyo, Medical Director of the Ridge Hospital and Mrs Aimee Akotey, a senior Public Health Practitioner at the Korle-bu Teaching Hospital. The talk highlighted the nature of diabetes, its risk factors and prevention.

There was also a free health screening exercise which was highly patronised by the community. Apart from the diabetes screening,individuals were also screened for malaria and other health problems; blood pressure, BMI, eye test. In addition, consultation services were pro-vided by a team of 4 medical doctors and 6 nurses, free medication was also provided to those who needed it. Over 360 persons were attended to.

The following institutions deserve special mention and appreciation for their support; the Nima Government hospital, Traffix restaurant, Bencopaf catering services, Kofikrom Pharmacy, Charlton Pharmacy, A.M.E Zion churches in the Accra North, Accra Central district, special thanks to St. Paul Society, Tema districts, WH&OMS of Accra North District and Aggrey Memorial Society, Trinity Theological Seminary, police from the Madina divisional unit, health professionals present at the event, and all individuals who supported in cash and in kind.

of leadership.As a church, we need to take another look at our practices, our actions, our strategies, our modes and modalities for doing things else we become static and retrogressive, and start wondering about our future, if not blaming God and blaming our forebears and even other denominations for our problem and predicaments. Whilst it is very common for persons to resist change primarily because it takes us out of our comfort zone, the question is would you rather remain where you are in the midst of your depravity or to embrace change that will move you forward to higher heights even though it will take you through some turbulence?

Change must foster growth and for which reason change is a necessity. However, it is irrelevant if the people for whom the change is desired do not embrace and commit to the change with a sense of purpose that reflects our joys and expectations even in the midst of our fears. Even as we review our practices, our members need to change; congregations need to change; Pastors, Presiding elders, Bishops need to change – We all need to change our mind-set, our attitude and our actions. As the Apostle said, we do not need to conform to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

You don’t have to worry and don’t be afraid Joy comes in the morning, troubles they don’t last always

For there is a friend called Jesus, who will wipe away your tears And if your heart is broken, jus lift your hands and say

I know I can make it. I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, My Life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it, with Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials, they seem to get you downAnd all your friends and loved ones, are nowhere to be found

Remember there is a friend named Jesus, who will wipe your tears away And if your heart is broken, just lift your hands and say,

Oh I know I can make itO yes, I’ve got Jesus on my mind and am moving forward – if you can’t stop me you’ve got to join me. Jesus is my Destination, and in Him I have Determination for He has given me Domination. O yes he is my rock and my fortress, my God in whom I trust; O yes I’m moving on for my hope is built on nothing else tan Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

Church, we have work to do so let us move forward, and “He who has begun a good work in us,will surely bring it to completion.”

May the Lord bless and Strengthen us all. Amen

Page 12: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the power of the resurrection continually keep us in remembrance of our duty as faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God.

I wish to express gratitude to all of you for your leadership and your various roles in moving the Church forward in this new dispensation of indigenous leadership; Your role and place is unique and comes with huge responsibilities, you are the frontline leaders for this episcopal district; Together with the episcopal leadership, the destiny of Western West Africa rests squarely upon our shoulders even as we trust God to restore us, even as He renews and revitalizes our ministries to enable us become who He has called us to be.

I have reiterated over and over again that it is no longer business as usual; we are called to be functional and transformational leaders and not figure heads! This demands that we are abreast of events, sensitive to the needs of our people, in tune with the Holy Spirit, and bold and courageous to obey the voice of God and the godly judgment of our episcopal leadership. We cannot continue to maintain the status quo; No! We must be filled with passion to initiate change and foster holistic growth of Gods kingdom here and in our time; we need to move forward. Yes, we cannot continue to do things the same old ways and expect new results – Change is a necessity and for which reason the theme for the year, Reviewing Our Practices appears to be tailor made for our new dispensation in the WWAED: The Freedom Church: Reviewing our Practices We pride ourselves in being called the Freedom Church! not because we condone or promote reckless abandon but because we recognize that our denomination was divinely birthed; set free literally from the shackles of slavery and empowered with a spirit of accountability, maturity and a sense of stewardship. We fight/strive for human dignity and freedom for all of God’s creation. We are a church of order and of rule and of discipline; we respect authority and submit to being governed by the power of God and of those whom God has set in positions

Church, in reviewing our practices, we need to recognize the need for change, embrace the change and work out the change; if we want to grow we have to review our practices and commit to it till the end and then, and only then shall our song be we are marching to Zion the beautiful city of God.

Beloved, our world is changing so drastically it seems the church is under siege, its influence is waning and its relevance is being questioned. In couching this theme, our episcopal leaders, the Board of Bishops, took cognizance of the fact that there has been a dramatic change in the environment within which the Church functions; this change is rapid and evolving, and shows no sign of abat-ing! Jesus Christ our savior established the Church as His agent of peace, reconciliation, healing and transformation here on earth. The Church remains the vehicle for communicating the Good News of Christ. (The Gospel) for the total salvation of humankind.

In the midst of technological advancement and rapidly changing socio-cultural environ-ment, men and women all over the world looks out for an institution that can help her cope and find answers/meaning to their ques-tions of life, existential issues! People have nagging questions; questions for which they seek answers! To this extent then, the Church is relevant today; maybe even more relevant now. But the question to be asked is this, which church does the world seek? Certainly not one which is perceived as a cold, bankrupt and an irrelevant institution that is more con-cerned about maintaining its social status, its buildings, its customs, its positions, its titles and its finances, rather what is needed is a church on the move transforming lives, strengthening families and impacting the communities and world for Christ. Pause a while and reflect on this and do a self-assess-ment of our Church, your local church and see how your ministries are to this end.

Our Episcopal Leaders are by this theme enjoining us, individually and collectively, jointly and severally to take a new and closer look at our practices as an ecclesial body; to carefully and boldly examine our practices to determine those which are effective and must remain, those which must be retooled/ repackaged and those which must be dropped or ended. This is a call to reexamine our ministry motives, models and methods; re-examine our purpose, our practices and our priorities. If we are to remain vibrant, relevant and significant within our context and communities it is imperative that we diligently

do this. As stated in the words of the Board of Bishops, “We hold our customs, rituals and our traditions as valuable but not inviolable! In doing this we prayer-fully and respectfully honor our traditions without making idols out of them. Yes, our practices ought to foster growth in transformative ways.

Class Meetings: We need to work hard to reinvigorate the holding of class meetings in our local churches or Societies. The Class system is integral to Methodism and must not be relegated to the background. Closely related to this, could our pastors and local Societies be challenged to expand our teaching ministries with the goal of offering relevant biblical principles that our youth, young adults and seniors can successfully apply in their daily life?

We must explore and employ the use of technology like social media platforms, e.g. WhatsApp, for holding class meetings (presently the Board of Bishops hold a class regularly via conference call). Could Presiding Elders do same among themselves and also for pastors under their supervision?

In view of the changing age and population dynamics can our Church and by extension our Presiding Elders and Pastors not make young adult leadership development and mentoring a major priority at every level? In this way we can engage with them in ways that would allow them to apply their gifts and graces in the growth and development of our church.

Worship Service: Can we make our Sunday worship services more engaging and spiritually uplifting? The order of Service is a guide but certainly not a millstone to drain our worship experience of its innate vitality. We must reexamine our liturgy if we are going to reach the ‘unchurched’. Can we find creative ways of making the local traditional hymnody an integral part of service? What of deliberately crafting out worship experiences, and ministries tailored to the peculiar needs of our youth? While working at this, can we come out with ways in which our Societies can engage with their communities and become more relevant to them? These are but a few thoughts that must engage us as we attempt to make our church relevant in our time.

As an episcopal district, we have launched a youth policy that will serve as an impetus for mobilizing and empowering our youth and young adults for fruitful and faithful Christian living. Have you all intentionally studied this document and sought to find innovative ways of actualizing it with our young people toward the desired ends?

We have launched the evangelism policy have all presiding elder districts embraced this policy and thereby engage it towards the end of our Christian mandate to make disciples for Christ and thereby grow our churches? Beloved, we have work to do and we

need to commit to make our church, our denomination, our world, a better place. We need to move forward; move from a passive mindset and attitude to an action oriented mindset ready to move. ”Let us work whilst it is day for the night cometh when we shall not be able to do any work.”

God has been faithful to us such that several things we have set our mind to this past year since we last met here, we have been able to accomplish by divine grace.

1. We have completed and dedicated a brand new Episcopal Headquarters at a cost of over half a million cedis (about 150,000 United States dollars)

2. We have placed all of our ordained ministers and their spouses in the Episcopal area under a life insurance plan costing us over GHC30,0000 (about $7,000) for the year

3. We have equipped 14 presiding elder districts with solid robust motor bikes to enable them traverse the rugged terrain in service to kingdom building, and one presiding elder district with a chain saw, all costing over $17,000. Serveral pastors have also been supplied with Bicycles to facilitate their work.

4. We have supported many churches with resources in service to their church building projects; initiated new church development and supported ongoing ones.

5. Visited areas that have not experienced episcopal visits in the recent past, or never ever had a Bishop visit.

6. Empowered preachers and congregation members in diverse ways , financially, physically and spiritually.

7. Revived the Connectional Lay Council in the episcopal district which has taken on a new vibrancy, with over 80 persons signing up to be stoled as Life Members of the Connectional Lay Council.

8. Inaugurate and launch the ZION CLUB 100 this afternoon, a group of committed lay people who are committing to consistent and committed giving towards special projects and initiatives in this episcopal district. 9. Created two new Presiding Elder Districts (Mission Districts) of Ahafo-Mim Mission District (in Mid Ghana Conference) and

Artington Mission District (in Liberia Annual Conference), with special support from the Episcopal office. 10. Two Missionaries have been sent from the South to the North Ghana Conference, who are being directly supported from the Office of the Bishop, for effective ministry and support for the indigenous leaders in that conference.

11. We have revamped the Global Zion Mission Initia-tive (GZMI), the NGO wing of the Church and held its first ever successful community program, “Walk Away From Diabetes” in November 2017.

12. We have initiated conversation with all stakeholders of our educational institutions on the secondary and tertiary levels, and have had engagements with Alumni, etc, towards stabilization and growth of our schools in the episcopal district.

While these are worth noting as laudable, we still have work to do and we all need to commit to moving the work, and for that matter, the Church of God forward.

1. More Presiding Elders/districts need to be equipped with at least a motor bike.

2. Regional Education Unit offices need to be equipped and managers empowered with resources for effective work.

3. Offices of General Directors also need to be equipped for effective ministry

4. We are concluding plans to put all of our ordained Elders on a provident fund that will allow us to have a good retirement package for our pastors, the contract for which we hope to complete by July this year with Enterprise Trustees.

5. Plans are far advanced to purchase a brand new Nissan double cabin pickup truck by the end of July 2018 for the office of the General Manager of Schools in Ghana, who has under her supervision over 600 schools scattered across the 10 regions of Ghana.

6. After the just ended Annual Conferences, the Togo and North Ghana conferences have resolved for us to build at least one good chapel in each district. None of these areas have a completed chapel, and those few completed are tiny mud houses that cannot stand the test of time, especially the rainy weather. A similar initiative shall be extended to Liberia Annual Confer-ence where the story of distress of our churches is no different. This conference shall also be encouraged to embrace this initiative and pool resources to that end. To all of those areas, as I have said, “I cannot come to build a chapel for you because I do not have the resources but i am ready and willing to work with you to build a house of worship befitting the God whom we serve.

7. We have also commissioned our architect/Project

director to give us a model design for the con-struction of a retreat center in each of the conferences of East Ghana, West Ghana, and Mid Ghana. Various land sites have been identified and we shall work with those districts where the lands are located to finalize the title deeds and pave way for such projects to start.

8. On our Odorkor property and the construction of Varick Towers, our 12 story multi- purpose office complex for the Church in the Western West Africa Episcopal District, we are still in conversation with some potential investors and the project is being redesigned by our own Architectural Engineer, Dr. Emmanuel Adinyira. I will keep you all updated on progress in that regard. (talk about Gentle Giants and the six month lease.)

9. We are also working out plans and mobilizing resources to start work on the redesigned outhouse at the Headquarters (old residence) to accommodate 3 general offices, a bookstore, and 3 bedroom transit quarters for guests/preachers in transit through Accra on Church related assignments, and a self-contained one bedroom apartment for the caretaker, hopefully before we meet again next year.

10.We have started the AME Zion Insurance Agency in partnership with Enterprise insur-ance where our members shall purchase all kinds of insurance under a special AME Zion Church discount, and yet the church also makes some great commission on sales

11. We also have identified a land lot in the East Ghana Conference where the land owners are willing to sell to us up to 200 acres of land at a reduced rate, with payment spread over 2 years, such lands shall be resold to our members on similar flexible payment terms. This is land that is secure and no litigation on the Accra – Aflao road, around Dawa and Sege.

In service to actualizing these dreams I shall present two resolutions for your consideration and consent, both of which we have engaged in conversation at check-up meetings and at the Presiding Elders Council meeting and other fora. Beloved, these and many more are the initiatives we seek to embrace. Complete those that could be completed during the year, and also initiate the long terms ones within this year. Yes, we need to move forward as we have work to do.

We need to move forward to become who God has called and prepared us to be!! Personality differences would not take us there; holding on to grudges would not take us there; holding on to pain and bitterness from the past would not take us there; holding on to deep seated

and stale conventions would not take us there Church, we need to open our hearts and minds to God’s leading and the leading of the Holy Spirit even as we review our practices, revise our strategies, change our perspectives and commit to moving forward on God’s agenda.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, the prophet declares the oracle of God thus:

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall

spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...”Amen!

Even as God is taking us to a new place we need to be sure not to let yesterday use up too much of our today. Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. Sometimes God allows our friends to walk out on us; troubles to come in for us because God knows unless your circumstances change you would not move:

Let us consider lots wife;Let us consider Jonah

Many of us have been reading the same old chapter for too long. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one. Who keeps running a race by looking back; who keeps driving forward by always looking in the rearview mirror? Peter betrayed Jesus but he moved on and became the rock on which the Church was built; David was an adulterer and a murderer but he moved on and became the ideal king of Israel; let’s consider Hilliard, a frustrated young man who was rejected by the church but he moved on to become a Bishop in the same church. Church we have to move on; Pastors we have to move on. Somebody has to let go of the past hurt and pains; somebody has to let go of the extra baggage that is weighing you down; somebody has to let go of the sin that is pulling you back.

Job 17:9 reminds us that “the righteous keep moving forward, and those with

clean hands become stronger and stronger.”

O yes I can see our church moving forward; I can see somebody becoming stronger; I can see somebody stepping up, rising up and moving forward.

And O yes, I can hear somebody say:

I’m pressing on, the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday

Still praying on, I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground

My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts and arise and fears dismay;

Though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer my aim is higher ground

Lord lifetme up, and let me stand; By faith on heaven’s table land

A higher plain than I have found, Lord Plant my feet on higher ground

shall reach our destination - if you believe it say YES!

Thirdly and finally, yes we have work to do and we’ve got to move forward. Yes we need to have a DESTINATION and we need to have DETERMINATION but thirdly, we also need to have:

Faith DOMINATIONAfter Jesus calmed the storm, He asked the disciples, where is your faith. In other words, Jesus knew what he had put into them – FAITH, but they allowed their fears to dominate them rather than exercising their faith to take dominion over their fears. To dominate is to take possession, to overcome or to have control over. In other words, by faith we need to take possession of the promises of God; by faith we need to domi-nate our fears, by faith we need to overcome our frustrations. Jesus declared, all authority and power has been given to me, and as I have received so I have given unto you. Church we need to take possession of the power of God in us and by faith we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Yes, we have to move forward, but we shall encounter some fears; we shall encounter some anxieties but by faith you shall take dominion and move forward. The power of God in you is the light unto your path and a lamp unto your feet. When you have the power of God in you, you are able to have domination because by His power, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.

A faith dominated life is a life of prayer; A faith dominated life

is a life of truthfulness; selflessness; worship, and a life of praise.

O yes, Praise ! When you have the power of God in you, you shall praise God even when things go wrong; praise God even in the midst of uncertainties, praise God when all seems bleak around you; praise God when folks walk out on you and give up on you, just praise God – O yes I will praise my maker while I have breadth.

I can hear somebody say it is impossible and you cannot make it, but Church Praise God because he hath said, all things are possible to all who believe. I can sense some-body feeling lonely and rejected, you’ve got to praise God for he said “My grace is sufficient for you. I can hear somebody worried over where we are going to get the money to do all these things, but I’ve got to Praise God for my God shall supply all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

People may want you to cry, but you shall rejoice because weeping may last for the night but Joy comes in the morn-ing; Somebody may want you to run because the enemy is out to get you but Church, my Bible says he shall pre-pare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Church God has your destiny in His hands and with deter-mination we shall have domination. We’ve got to move forward no matter what may come our way – let us move forward, because I know I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing the devil can do about it. I can hear Kirk Franklin say to us:

up their oars. But they did not give up, they kept rowing their boat and they remembered they had Jesus on their boat. Church as we move forward, many shall be the storms that shall arise. Yes we’ve had some storms, yes as we move we are going to have some turbulence, yes many shall be our trials But Church I have come to declare to you that put not your confi-dence in man, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” and you must be determined to reach your destination. Even when you cannot see your way clearly by faith, you shall declare “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil”. Even though you may feel weary and dry, don’t give up because Isaiah declares in 58:11, “The Lord shall guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and renewing your strength. You shall be like a well-watered garden, like an over-flowing spring.” i.o.w., Don’t give up, just keep moving because no matter what the situation. God will take care of you. The winds may be contrary, but don’t give up just keep moving on; fears will come but remember God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. Yes the odds may be against you but don’t give up, just keep moving on. We have work to do and we must be determined to succeed. If you have Jesus on your boat, in the midst of the storms, just call upon him, and he will answer – don’t give up. Yes, the odds may be against you; people may forsake you, your friends may give up on you but don’t give up. Your family may turn you down but don’t give up – there is always a friend who stickiest closer than a brother, and if God is for you who can be against you. O yes let us move forward and shout with the songwriter,




BELIEVE AND OBEYO yes we’ve got to move forward with determination and surely, surely we

O yes, we have to move on to the future. Let us read Mark’s Gospel 4:35-41.

This narrative presents us with some three dynamics worth considering that will enable us to move forward into divine glory and to claim the heights that God has preserved for us.

FIrst, you need to have a :

Faith DESTINATIONWe cannot move forward if we have no idea where we are going. In this text, Jesus said to the disciples “let us move to the other side – a destination. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he declares “forgetting what lies behind, I press to the goal to receive the prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus. In other words, I have a destina-tion on my mind and nobody can stop me; I have a crown of glory on my mind, I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing from my past is going to slow me down because I am moving forward to my destination. I know the woman with the issue of blood for 12 long years, but before she became whole, she had to get Jesus on her mind. She was condemned by doctors and nurses, isolated by her illness and forsaken by her friends but when she heard Jesus was passing by, she recognized her diagnosis belonged to the past and she said to herself “ive got to move forward and if only I can get to Jesus – O yes, she had Jesus on her mind

Bartimeaus was born blind and confined to the street as a beggar but one day he heard Jesus was passing by and he declared, I don’t care what you know and you cannot stop me from reaching my destination – I have Jesus on my mind. O yes, Church as we move forward, we’ve got to have Jesus on our mind; we cannot do it by ourselves but we have to move with Jesus.

Destination has the same root as destiny, and destiny suggests God’s purpose for your life – what tomorrow holds for you. In other words, your destiny is not in your past, but your destiny is in the future. If Jesus has control over your destiny, there is nothing the devil can do about it. The devil may try to rob us of our destiny but if God be for us, who can be against us. Men may seek to frustrate your destiny, but no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Men may seek to betray you, but my God shall never leave you nor forsake you. O yes, as you move forward you’ve got to have Jesus on your mind, and when you have Jesus, you have everything and you can shout with the hymn writer and say:





Yes, everything is going to be alright as we move forward but you’ve got have Jesus on your mind, If you believe it say YES.

Second, not only do we need to have a DESTINATION, but also we need to have a

Faith-Based DETERMINATIONIn today’s text in Mark 4, Yes Jesus had the disciples to move to the other side but as they moved to their destination, a storm arose _ why O God why? The disciples could have given up, they could have jumped overboard, and they could have just thrown



of leadership.As a church, we need to take another look at our practices, our actions, our strategies, our modes and modalities for doing things else we become static and retrogressive, and start wondering about our future, if not blaming God and blaming our forebears and even other denominations for our problem and predicaments. Whilst it is very common for persons to resist change primarily because it takes us out of our comfort zone, the question is would you rather remain where you are in the midst of your depravity or to embrace change that will move you forward to higher heights even though it will take you through some turbulence?

Change must foster growth and for which reason change is a necessity. However, it is irrelevant if the people for whom the change is desired do not embrace and commit to the change with a sense of purpose that reflects our joys and expectations even in the midst of our fears. Even as we review our practices, our members need to change; congregations need to change; Pastors, Presiding elders, Bishops need to change – We all need to change our mind-set, our attitude and our actions. As the Apostle said, we do not need to conform to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

You don’t have to worry and don’t be afraid Joy comes in the morning, troubles they don’t last always

For there is a friend called Jesus, who will wipe away your tears And if your heart is broken, jus lift your hands and say

I know I can make it. I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, My Life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it, with Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials, they seem to get you downAnd all your friends and loved ones, are nowhere to be found

Remember there is a friend named Jesus, who will wipe your tears away And if your heart is broken, just lift your hands and say,

Oh I know I can make itO yes, I’ve got Jesus on my mind and am moving forward – if you can’t stop me you’ve got to join me. Jesus is my Destination, and in Him I have Determination for He has given me Domination. O yes he is my rock and my fortress, my God in whom I trust; O yes I’m moving on for my hope is built on nothing else tan Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

Church, we have work to do so let us move forward, and “He who has begun a good work in us,will surely bring it to completion.”

May the Lord bless and Strengthen us all. Amen

Wassa Damang

The Bishop and his leadership team took time off to visit remote districts in Ghana and Liberia. It was very emotional experience seeing thedistricts of our church and school , yet people continue to uphold their faith in worship and inpraise. We have work to do !!

Page 13: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the power of the resurrection continually keep us in remembrance of our duty as faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God.

I wish to express gratitude to all of you for your leadership and your various roles in moving the Church forward in this new dispensation of indigenous leadership; Your role and place is unique and comes with huge responsibilities, you are the frontline leaders for this episcopal district; Together with the episcopal leadership, the destiny of Western West Africa rests squarely upon our shoulders even as we trust God to restore us, even as He renews and revitalizes our ministries to enable us become who He has called us to be.

I have reiterated over and over again that it is no longer business as usual; we are called to be functional and transformational leaders and not figure heads! This demands that we are abreast of events, sensitive to the needs of our people, in tune with the Holy Spirit, and bold and courageous to obey the voice of God and the godly judgment of our episcopal leadership. We cannot continue to maintain the status quo; No! We must be filled with passion to initiate change and foster holistic growth of Gods kingdom here and in our time; we need to move forward. Yes, we cannot continue to do things the same old ways and expect new results – Change is a necessity and for which reason the theme for the year, Reviewing Our Practices appears to be tailor made for our new dispensation in the WWAED: The Freedom Church: Reviewing our Practices We pride ourselves in being called the Freedom Church! not because we condone or promote reckless abandon but because we recognize that our denomination was divinely birthed; set free literally from the shackles of slavery and empowered with a spirit of accountability, maturity and a sense of stewardship. We fight/strive for human dignity and freedom for all of God’s creation. We are a church of order and of rule and of discipline; we respect authority and submit to being governed by the power of God and of those whom God has set in positions

Church, in reviewing our practices, we need to recognize the need for change, embrace the change and work out the change; if we want to grow we have to review our practices and commit to it till the end and then, and only then shall our song be we are marching to Zion the beautiful city of God.

Beloved, our world is changing so drastically it seems the church is under siege, its influence is waning and its relevance is being questioned. In couching this theme, our episcopal leaders, the Board of Bishops, took cognizance of the fact that there has been a dramatic change in the environment within which the Church functions; this change is rapid and evolving, and shows no sign of abat-ing! Jesus Christ our savior established the Church as His agent of peace, reconciliation, healing and transformation here on earth. The Church remains the vehicle for communicating the Good News of Christ. (The Gospel) for the total salvation of humankind.

In the midst of technological advancement and rapidly changing socio-cultural environ-ment, men and women all over the world looks out for an institution that can help her cope and find answers/meaning to their ques-tions of life, existential issues! People have nagging questions; questions for which they seek answers! To this extent then, the Church is relevant today; maybe even more relevant now. But the question to be asked is this, which church does the world seek? Certainly not one which is perceived as a cold, bankrupt and an irrelevant institution that is more con-cerned about maintaining its social status, its buildings, its customs, its positions, its titles and its finances, rather what is needed is a church on the move transforming lives, strengthening families and impacting the communities and world for Christ. Pause a while and reflect on this and do a self-assess-ment of our Church, your local church and see how your ministries are to this end.

Our Episcopal Leaders are by this theme enjoining us, individually and collectively, jointly and severally to take a new and closer look at our practices as an ecclesial body; to carefully and boldly examine our practices to determine those which are effective and must remain, those which must be retooled/ repackaged and those which must be dropped or ended. This is a call to reexamine our ministry motives, models and methods; re-examine our purpose, our practices and our priorities. If we are to remain vibrant, relevant and significant within our context and communities it is imperative that we diligently

do this. As stated in the words of the Board of Bishops, “We hold our customs, rituals and our traditions as valuable but not inviolable! In doing this we prayer-fully and respectfully honor our traditions without making idols out of them. Yes, our practices ought to foster growth in transformative ways.

Class Meetings: We need to work hard to reinvigorate the holding of class meetings in our local churches or Societies. The Class system is integral to Methodism and must not be relegated to the background. Closely related to this, could our pastors and local Societies be challenged to expand our teaching ministries with the goal of offering relevant biblical principles that our youth, young adults and seniors can successfully apply in their daily life?

We must explore and employ the use of technology like social media platforms, e.g. WhatsApp, for holding class meetings (presently the Board of Bishops hold a class regularly via conference call). Could Presiding Elders do same among themselves and also for pastors under their supervision?

In view of the changing age and population dynamics can our Church and by extension our Presiding Elders and Pastors not make young adult leadership development and mentoring a major priority at every level? In this way we can engage with them in ways that would allow them to apply their gifts and graces in the growth and development of our church.

Worship Service: Can we make our Sunday worship services more engaging and spiritually uplifting? The order of Service is a guide but certainly not a millstone to drain our worship experience of its innate vitality. We must reexamine our liturgy if we are going to reach the ‘unchurched’. Can we find creative ways of making the local traditional hymnody an integral part of service? What of deliberately crafting out worship experiences, and ministries tailored to the peculiar needs of our youth? While working at this, can we come out with ways in which our Societies can engage with their communities and become more relevant to them? These are but a few thoughts that must engage us as we attempt to make our church relevant in our time.

As an episcopal district, we have launched a youth policy that will serve as an impetus for mobilizing and empowering our youth and young adults for fruitful and faithful Christian living. Have you all intentionally studied this document and sought to find innovative ways of actualizing it with our young people toward the desired ends?

We have launched the evangelism policy have all presiding elder districts embraced this policy and thereby engage it towards the end of our Christian mandate to make disciples for Christ and thereby grow our churches? Beloved, we have work to do and we

need to commit to make our church, our denomination, our world, a better place. We need to move forward; move from a passive mindset and attitude to an action oriented mindset ready to move. ”Let us work whilst it is day for the night cometh when we shall not be able to do any work.”

God has been faithful to us such that several things we have set our mind to this past year since we last met here, we have been able to accomplish by divine grace.

1. We have completed and dedicated a brand new Episcopal Headquarters at a cost of over half a million cedis (about 150,000 United States dollars)

2. We have placed all of our ordained ministers and their spouses in the Episcopal area under a life insurance plan costing us over GHC30,0000 (about $7,000) for the year

3. We have equipped 14 presiding elder districts with solid robust motor bikes to enable them traverse the rugged terrain in service to kingdom building, and one presiding elder district with a chain saw, all costing over $17,000. Serveral pastors have also been supplied with Bicycles to facilitate their work.

4. We have supported many churches with resources in service to their church building projects; initiated new church development and supported ongoing ones.

5. Visited areas that have not experienced episcopal visits in the recent past, or never ever had a Bishop visit.

6. Empowered preachers and congregation members in diverse ways , financially, physically and spiritually.

7. Revived the Connectional Lay Council in the episcopal district which has taken on a new vibrancy, with over 80 persons signing up to be stoled as Life Members of the Connectional Lay Council.

8. Inaugurate and launch the ZION CLUB 100 this afternoon, a group of committed lay people who are committing to consistent and committed giving towards special projects and initiatives in this episcopal district. 9. Created two new Presiding Elder Districts (Mission Districts) of Ahafo-Mim Mission District (in Mid Ghana Conference) and

Artington Mission District (in Liberia Annual Conference), with special support from the Episcopal office. 10. Two Missionaries have been sent from the South to the North Ghana Conference, who are being directly supported from the Office of the Bishop, for effective ministry and support for the indigenous leaders in that conference.

11. We have revamped the Global Zion Mission Initia-tive (GZMI), the NGO wing of the Church and held its first ever successful community program, “Walk Away From Diabetes” in November 2017.

12. We have initiated conversation with all stakeholders of our educational institutions on the secondary and tertiary levels, and have had engagements with Alumni, etc, towards stabilization and growth of our schools in the episcopal district.

While these are worth noting as laudable, we still have work to do and we all need to commit to moving the work, and for that matter, the Church of God forward.

1. More Presiding Elders/districts need to be equipped with at least a motor bike.

2. Regional Education Unit offices need to be equipped and managers empowered with resources for effective work.

3. Offices of General Directors also need to be equipped for effective ministry

4. We are concluding plans to put all of our ordained Elders on a provident fund that will allow us to have a good retirement package for our pastors, the contract for which we hope to complete by July this year with Enterprise Trustees.

5. Plans are far advanced to purchase a brand new Nissan double cabin pickup truck by the end of July 2018 for the office of the General Manager of Schools in Ghana, who has under her supervision over 600 schools scattered across the 10 regions of Ghana.

6. After the just ended Annual Conferences, the Togo and North Ghana conferences have resolved for us to build at least one good chapel in each district. None of these areas have a completed chapel, and those few completed are tiny mud houses that cannot stand the test of time, especially the rainy weather. A similar initiative shall be extended to Liberia Annual Confer-ence where the story of distress of our churches is no different. This conference shall also be encouraged to embrace this initiative and pool resources to that end. To all of those areas, as I have said, “I cannot come to build a chapel for you because I do not have the resources but i am ready and willing to work with you to build a house of worship befitting the God whom we serve.

7. We have also commissioned our architect/Project

director to give us a model design for the con-struction of a retreat center in each of the conferences of East Ghana, West Ghana, and Mid Ghana. Various land sites have been identified and we shall work with those districts where the lands are located to finalize the title deeds and pave way for such projects to start.

8. On our Odorkor property and the construction of Varick Towers, our 12 story multi- purpose office complex for the Church in the Western West Africa Episcopal District, we are still in conversation with some potential investors and the project is being redesigned by our own Architectural Engineer, Dr. Emmanuel Adinyira. I will keep you all updated on progress in that regard. (talk about Gentle Giants and the six month lease.)

9. We are also working out plans and mobilizing resources to start work on the redesigned outhouse at the Headquarters (old residence) to accommodate 3 general offices, a bookstore, and 3 bedroom transit quarters for guests/preachers in transit through Accra on Church related assignments, and a self-contained one bedroom apartment for the caretaker, hopefully before we meet again next year.

10.We have started the AME Zion Insurance Agency in partnership with Enterprise insur-ance where our members shall purchase all kinds of insurance under a special AME Zion Church discount, and yet the church also makes some great commission on sales

11. We also have identified a land lot in the East Ghana Conference where the land owners are willing to sell to us up to 200 acres of land at a reduced rate, with payment spread over 2 years, such lands shall be resold to our members on similar flexible payment terms. This is land that is secure and no litigation on the Accra – Aflao road, around Dawa and Sege.

In service to actualizing these dreams I shall present two resolutions for your consideration and consent, both of which we have engaged in conversation at check-up meetings and at the Presiding Elders Council meeting and other fora. Beloved, these and many more are the initiatives we seek to embrace. Complete those that could be completed during the year, and also initiate the long terms ones within this year. Yes, we need to move forward as we have work to do.

We need to move forward to become who God has called and prepared us to be!! Personality differences would not take us there; holding on to grudges would not take us there; holding on to pain and bitterness from the past would not take us there; holding on to deep seated

and stale conventions would not take us there Church, we need to open our hearts and minds to God’s leading and the leading of the Holy Spirit even as we review our practices, revise our strategies, change our perspectives and commit to moving forward on God’s agenda.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, the prophet declares the oracle of God thus:

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider things of old. Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall

spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert...”Amen!

Even as God is taking us to a new place we need to be sure not to let yesterday use up too much of our today. Sometimes God closes doors because it’s time to move forward. Sometimes God allows our friends to walk out on us; troubles to come in for us because God knows unless your circumstances change you would not move:

Let us consider lots wife;Let us consider Jonah

Many of us have been reading the same old chapter for too long. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one. Who keeps running a race by looking back; who keeps driving forward by always looking in the rearview mirror? Peter betrayed Jesus but he moved on and became the rock on which the Church was built; David was an adulterer and a murderer but he moved on and became the ideal king of Israel; let’s consider Hilliard, a frustrated young man who was rejected by the church but he moved on to become a Bishop in the same church. Church we have to move on; Pastors we have to move on. Somebody has to let go of the past hurt and pains; somebody has to let go of the extra baggage that is weighing you down; somebody has to let go of the sin that is pulling you back.

Job 17:9 reminds us that “the righteous keep moving forward, and those with

clean hands become stronger and stronger.”

O yes I can see our church moving forward; I can see somebody becoming stronger; I can see somebody stepping up, rising up and moving forward.

And O yes, I can hear somebody say:

I’m pressing on, the upward way, new heights I’m gaining everyday

Still praying on, I’m onward bound, Lord plant my feet on higher ground

My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts and arise and fears dismay;

Though some may dwell where these abound, my prayer my aim is higher ground

Lord lifetme up, and let me stand; By faith on heaven’s table land

A higher plain than I have found, Lord Plant my feet on higher ground

shall reach our destination - if you believe it say YES!

Thirdly and finally, yes we have work to do and we’ve got to move forward. Yes we need to have a DESTINATION and we need to have DETERMINATION but thirdly, we also need to have:

Faith DOMINATIONAfter Jesus calmed the storm, He asked the disciples, where is your faith. In other words, Jesus knew what he had put into them – FAITH, but they allowed their fears to dominate them rather than exercising their faith to take dominion over their fears. To dominate is to take possession, to overcome or to have control over. In other words, by faith we need to take possession of the promises of God; by faith we need to domi-nate our fears, by faith we need to overcome our frustrations. Jesus declared, all authority and power has been given to me, and as I have received so I have given unto you. Church we need to take possession of the power of God in us and by faith we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Yes, we have to move forward, but we shall encounter some fears; we shall encounter some anxieties but by faith you shall take dominion and move forward. The power of God in you is the light unto your path and a lamp unto your feet. When you have the power of God in you, you are able to have domination because by His power, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper.

A faith dominated life is a life of prayer; A faith dominated life

is a life of truthfulness; selflessness; worship, and a life of praise.

O yes, Praise ! When you have the power of God in you, you shall praise God even when things go wrong; praise God even in the midst of uncertainties, praise God when all seems bleak around you; praise God when folks walk out on you and give up on you, just praise God – O yes I will praise my maker while I have breadth.

I can hear somebody say it is impossible and you cannot make it, but Church Praise God because he hath said, all things are possible to all who believe. I can sense some-body feeling lonely and rejected, you’ve got to praise God for he said “My grace is sufficient for you. I can hear somebody worried over where we are going to get the money to do all these things, but I’ve got to Praise God for my God shall supply all my needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

People may want you to cry, but you shall rejoice because weeping may last for the night but Joy comes in the morn-ing; Somebody may want you to run because the enemy is out to get you but Church, my Bible says he shall pre-pare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Church God has your destiny in His hands and with deter-mination we shall have domination. We’ve got to move forward no matter what may come our way – let us move forward, because I know I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing the devil can do about it. I can hear Kirk Franklin say to us:

up their oars. But they did not give up, they kept rowing their boat and they remembered they had Jesus on their boat. Church as we move forward, many shall be the storms that shall arise. Yes we’ve had some storms, yes as we move we are going to have some turbulence, yes many shall be our trials But Church I have come to declare to you that put not your confi-dence in man, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” and you must be determined to reach your destination. Even when you cannot see your way clearly by faith, you shall declare “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil”. Even though you may feel weary and dry, don’t give up because Isaiah declares in 58:11, “The Lord shall guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and renewing your strength. You shall be like a well-watered garden, like an over-flowing spring.” i.o.w., Don’t give up, just keep moving because no matter what the situation. God will take care of you. The winds may be contrary, but don’t give up just keep moving on; fears will come but remember God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. Yes the odds may be against you but don’t give up, just keep moving on. We have work to do and we must be determined to succeed. If you have Jesus on your boat, in the midst of the storms, just call upon him, and he will answer – don’t give up. Yes, the odds may be against you; people may forsake you, your friends may give up on you but don’t give up. Your family may turn you down but don’t give up – there is always a friend who stickiest closer than a brother, and if God is for you who can be against you. O yes let us move forward and shout with the songwriter,




BELIEVE AND OBEYO yes we’ve got to move forward with determination and surely, surely we

O yes, we have to move on to the future. Let us read Mark’s Gospel 4:35-41.

This narrative presents us with some three dynamics worth considering that will enable us to move forward into divine glory and to claim the heights that God has preserved for us.

FIrst, you need to have a :

Faith DESTINATIONWe cannot move forward if we have no idea where we are going. In this text, Jesus said to the disciples “let us move to the other side – a destination. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he declares “forgetting what lies behind, I press to the goal to receive the prize of my high calling in Christ Jesus. In other words, I have a destina-tion on my mind and nobody can stop me; I have a crown of glory on my mind, I have Jesus on my mind and there is nothing you can do about it. Nothing from my past is going to slow me down because I am moving forward to my destination. I know the woman with the issue of blood for 12 long years, but before she became whole, she had to get Jesus on her mind. She was condemned by doctors and nurses, isolated by her illness and forsaken by her friends but when she heard Jesus was passing by, she recognized her diagnosis belonged to the past and she said to herself “ive got to move forward and if only I can get to Jesus – O yes, she had Jesus on her mind

Bartimeaus was born blind and confined to the street as a beggar but one day he heard Jesus was passing by and he declared, I don’t care what you know and you cannot stop me from reaching my destination – I have Jesus on my mind. O yes, Church as we move forward, we’ve got to have Jesus on our mind; we cannot do it by ourselves but we have to move with Jesus.

Destination has the same root as destiny, and destiny suggests God’s purpose for your life – what tomorrow holds for you. In other words, your destiny is not in your past, but your destiny is in the future. If Jesus has control over your destiny, there is nothing the devil can do about it. The devil may try to rob us of our destiny but if God be for us, who can be against us. Men may seek to frustrate your destiny, but no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Men may seek to betray you, but my God shall never leave you nor forsake you. O yes, as you move forward you’ve got to have Jesus on your mind, and when you have Jesus, you have everything and you can shout with the hymn writer and say:





Yes, everything is going to be alright as we move forward but you’ve got have Jesus on your mind, If you believe it say YES.

Second, not only do we need to have a DESTINATION, but also we need to have a

Faith-Based DETERMINATIONIn today’s text in Mark 4, Yes Jesus had the disciples to move to the other side but as they moved to their destination, a storm arose _ why O God why? The disciples could have given up, they could have jumped overboard, and they could have just thrown


of leadership.As a church, we need to take another look at our practices, our actions, our strategies, our modes and modalities for doing things else we become static and retrogressive, and start wondering about our future, if not blaming God and blaming our forebears and even other denominations for our problem and predicaments. Whilst it is very common for persons to resist change primarily because it takes us out of our comfort zone, the question is would you rather remain where you are in the midst of your depravity or to embrace change that will move you forward to higher heights even though it will take you through some turbulence?

Change must foster growth and for which reason change is a necessity. However, it is irrelevant if the people for whom the change is desired do not embrace and commit to the change with a sense of purpose that reflects our joys and expectations even in the midst of our fears. Even as we review our practices, our members need to change; congregations need to change; Pastors, Presiding elders, Bishops need to change – We all need to change our mind-set, our attitude and our actions. As the Apostle said, we do not need to conform to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

You don’t have to worry and don’t be afraid Joy comes in the morning, troubles they don’t last always

For there is a friend called Jesus, who will wipe away your tears And if your heart is broken, jus lift your hands and say

I know I can make it. I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, My Life is in your hands

With Jesus I can take it, with Him I know I can stand

No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials, they seem to get you downAnd all your friends and loved ones, are nowhere to be found

Remember there is a friend named Jesus, who will wipe your tears away And if your heart is broken, just lift your hands and say,

Oh I know I can make itO yes, I’ve got Jesus on my mind and am moving forward – if you can’t stop me you’ve got to join me. Jesus is my Destination, and in Him I have Determination for He has given me Domination. O yes he is my rock and my fortress, my God in whom I trust; O yes I’m moving on for my hope is built on nothing else tan Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.

Church, we have work to do so let us move forward, and “He who has begun a good work in us,will surely bring it to completion.”

May the Lord bless and Strengthen us all. Amen


Page 14: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the



Page 15: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the



Page 16: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the


The conference also sought to educate participants on best practices in banking facilitated by officials of the GCB bank. O cials from Enterprise group were also on hand to introduce insurance products that would better enhance the ministries and lives. GCB Bank, Enterprise Group, Ecobank, partnered the Church to guarantee the success of this year’s IPALC.

Other highlights of the conference included, the installation of Connectional Lay Council (CLC) Life Members, Inauguration of the Zion Club 100, and the ordination dea-cons and an elder at the A.M.E Zion Church, J.C. Price Cathedral, Winneba.


We are changing the calcula- tion of tithe payment 25% of all total in ows

each week to support projects in the Episcopal region.

The 5th annual International Pastors and Leaders Conference (IPALC) a brainchild of the A.M.E. Zion Church, Western West Africa Episcopal district (Ghana, Togo, Cote D’Ivoire and Liberia) was held successfully under the leadership of the first indigenous and resident Bishop and Missionary Supervisor, Bishop Hillard Dela K. Dogbe and Mrs. Cynthia Dogbe at the Pentecost Convention Center from the April 3-7, 2018. The conference which was on the theme, “REVIEWING OUR PRAC- TICES THROUGH FAITHFUL CHRIS-TIAN STEWARDSHIP” attracted over 300 pastors and lay leaders from across the A.M.E. Zion Church in West Africa, East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda), the United States, United Kingdom and other Christian denominations in Ghana.

The Conference, sought to equip Pastors and Leaders in the church with the necessary knowledge and skills for effective ministries that will impact positively on the society, towards national development.

At the opening ceremony, the Special Guest of Honour, Rev. Dr. Joyce Aryee ,President of the Bible Society of Ghana, reminded pastors of their status as role models in society, and further stated that holding on to Christian values as pastors did not only help to perpetuate the Christian faith, but also deepen bonds of fellowship among Christians.

In his keynote address, the President of the Trinity Theological Seminary, Rev. Prof. J.O.Y Mante, stated that stewardship was more than financial management. It was the management of all of God’s creation and resources. He defined stewardship as responsible management of God’s creation by human beings who have been created in God’s image and are living as such. The Presiding Bishop, delivered his address to the fifth IPALC on Friday, 6th April, 2018, On the theme “Moving forward , It was awesome and challenging”.Participants were also treated to melodious anthems by the A.M.E Zion Church, Emmanuel Society choir, Sankor pastored by Rev. Isaac Mensah in the Winneba district.

Other notable speakers during the conference were Prof. J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Vice President, Trinity Theological Seminary Rev. Dr. Dwight Cannon (Director of Global Missions, A.M.E Zion Church (U.S.A), Rev. Ronald Nathan (A.M.E Zion Church, U.K), Rev. Dr. Richard Chapple (A.M.E Zion Church, USA),Dr. Mary Matthews( International Lay President, AME Zion Church), Rev Dr. Richard Gadzekpo (National Director of GHAFES), Mr. Henry Baye (Head Retail Banking, Ghana and West Africa, Standard Chartered Bank) .

Retirement age for ministers has been set as 72 years as compulsory, and 65 as voluntary, but having served the minimum quali cations for retirement as set forth in the Book of Disci-pline.

February will be set aside and marked in all our congregations as HERITAGE MONTH; a time when the history of our denomi- nation and stories about the local church can be shared and taught in the congregation. (This is not a fund raising program).

5TH International Pastors & Leaders Conference

“O yes, we have to move on to the


Page 17: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

The conference also sought to educate participants on best practices in banking facilitated by officials of the GCB bank. O cials from Enterprise group were also on hand to introduce insurance products that would better enhance the ministries and lives. GCB Bank, Enterprise Group, Ecobank, partnered the Church to guarantee the success of this year’s IPALC.

Other highlights of the conference included, the installation of Connectional Lay Council (CLC) Life Members, Inauguration of the Zion Club 100, and the ordination dea-cons and an elder at the A.M.E Zion Church, J.C. Price Cathedral, Winneba.


We are changing the calcula- tion of tithe payment 25% of all total in ows

each week to support projects in the Episcopal region.

The 5th annual International Pastors and Leaders Conference (IPALC) a brainchild of the A.M.E. Zion Church, Western West Africa Episcopal district (Ghana, Togo, Cote D’Ivoire and Liberia) was held successfully under the leadership of the first indigenous and resident Bishop and Missionary Supervisor, Bishop Hillard Dela K. Dogbe and Mrs. Cynthia Dogbe at the Pentecost Convention Center from the April 3-7, 2018. The conference which was on the theme, “REVIEWING OUR PRAC- TICES THROUGH FAITHFUL CHRIS-TIAN STEWARDSHIP” attracted over 300 pastors and lay leaders from across the A.M.E. Zion Church in West Africa, East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda), the United States, United Kingdom and other Christian denominations in Ghana.

The Conference, sought to equip Pastors and Leaders in the church with the necessary knowledge and skills for effective ministries that will impact positively on the society, towards national development.

At the opening ceremony, the Special Guest of Honour, Rev. Dr. Joyce Aryee ,President of the Bible Society of Ghana, reminded pastors of their status as role models in society, and further stated that holding on to Christian values as pastors did not only help to perpetuate the Christian faith, but also deepen bonds of fellowship among Christians.

In his keynote address, the President of the Trinity Theological Seminary, Rev. Prof. J.O.Y Mante, stated that stewardship was more than financial management. It was the management of all of God’s creation and resources. He defined stewardship as responsible management of God’s creation by human beings who have been created in God’s image and are living as such. The Presiding Bishop, delivered his address to the fifth IPALC on Friday, 6th April, 2018, On the theme “Moving forward , It was awesome and challenging”.Participants were also treated to melodious anthems by the A.M.E Zion Church, Emmanuel Society choir, Sankor pastored by Rev. Isaac Mensah in the Winneba district.

Other notable speakers during the conference were Prof. J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Vice President, Trinity Theological Seminary Rev. Dr. Dwight Cannon (Director of Global Missions, A.M.E Zion Church (U.S.A), Rev. Ronald Nathan (A.M.E Zion Church, U.K), Rev. Dr. Richard Chapple (A.M.E Zion Church, USA),Dr. Mary Matthews( International Lay President, AME Zion Church), Rev Dr. Richard Gadzekpo (National Director of GHAFES), Mr. Henry Baye (Head Retail Banking, Ghana and West Africa, Standard Chartered Bank) .


Retirement age for ministers has been set as 72 years as compulsory, and 65 as voluntary, but having served the minimum quali cations for retirement as set forth in the Book of Disci-pline.

February will be set aside and marked in all our congregations as HERITAGE MONTH; a time when the history of our denomi- nation and stories about the local church can be shared and taught in the congregation. (This is not a fund raising program).

The conference also sought to educate participants on best practices in banking facilitated by officials of the GCB bank. Officials from Enterprise group were also on hand to introduce insurance products that would enhance the ministries and lives. GCB Bank, Enterprise Group, Ecobank, partnered the Church to guarantee the success of this year’s IPALC.

Other highlights of the conference included, the installation of Connectional Lay Council (CLC) Life Members, Inauguration of the Zion Club 100, and the ordination deacons and an elder at the A.M.E Zion Church, J.C. Price Cathedral, Winneba.


We are changing the calcula- tion of tithe payment 25% of all total in ows

each week to support projects in the Episcopal region.

The 5th annual International Pastors and Leaders Conference (IPALC) a brainchild of the A.M.E. Zion Church, Western West Africa Episcopal district (Ghana, Togo, Cote D’Ivoire and Liberia) was held successfully under the leadership of the first indigenous and resident Bishop and Missionary Supervisor, Bishop Hillard Dela K. Dogbe and Mrs. Cynthia Dogbe at the Pentecost Convention Center from the April 3-7, 2018. The conference which was on the theme, “REVIEWING OUR PRAC- TICES THROUGH FAITHFUL CHRIS-TIAN STEWARDSHIP” attracted over 300 pastors and lay leaders from across the A.M.E. Zion Church in West Africa, East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda), the United States, United Kingdom and other Christian denominations in Ghana.

The Conference, sought to equip Pastors and Leaders in the church with the necessary knowledge and skills for effective ministries that will impact positively on the society, towards national development.

At the opening ceremony, the Special Guest of Honour, Rev. Dr. Joyce Aryee ,President of the Bible Society of Ghana, reminded pastors of their status as role models in society, and further stated that holding on to Christian values as pastors did not only help to perpetuate the Christian faith, but also deepen bonds of fellowship among Christians.

In his keynote address, the President of the Trinity Theological Seminary, Rev. Prof. J.O.Y Mante, stated that stewardship was more than financial management. It was the management of all of God’s creation and resources. He defined stewardship as responsible management of God’s creation by human beings who have been created in God’s image and are living as such. The Presiding Bishop, delivered his address to the fifth IPALC on Friday, 6th April, 2018, On the theme “Moving forward “. It was awesome and challenging”

Participants were also treated to melodious anthems by the A.M.E Zion Church, Emmanuel Society choir, Sankor pastored by Rev. Isaac Mensah in the Winneba district.

Other notable speakers during the conference were Prof. J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Vice President, Trinity Theological Seminary Rev. Dr. Dwight Cannon (Director of Global Missions, A.M.E Zion Church (U.S.A), Rev. Ronald Nathan (A.M.E Zion Church, U.K), Rev. Dr. Richard Chapple (A.M.E Zion Church, USA),Dr. Mary Matthews( International Lay President, AME Zion Church), Rev Dr. Richard Gadzekpo (National Director of GHAFES), Mr. Henry Baye (Head Retail Banking, Ghana and West Africa, Standard Chartered Bank) .

The conference also sought to educate participants on best practices in banking facilitated by officials of the GCB bank. Officials from Enterprise group were also on hand to introduce insurance products that would enhance the ministries and lives. GCB Bank, Enterprise Group, Ecobank, partnered the Church to guarantee the success of this year’s IPALC.

Other highlights of the conference included, the installation of Connectional Lay Council (CLC) Life Members, Inauguration of the Zion Club 100, and the ordination deacons and an elder at the A.M.E Zion Church, J.C. Price Cathedral, Winneba.


We are changing the calcula- tion of tithe payment 25% of all total in ows

each week to support projects in the Episcopal region.

The 5th annual International Pastors and Leaders Conference (IPALC) a brainchild of the A.M.E. Zion Church, Western West Africa Episcopal district (Ghana, Togo, Cote D’Ivoire and Liberia) was held successfully under the leadership of the first indigenous and resident Bishop and Missionary Supervisor, Bishop Hillard Dela K. Dogbe and Mrs. Cynthia Dogbe at the Pentecost Convention Center from the April 3-7, 2018. The conference which was on the theme, “REVIEWING OUR PRAC- TICES THROUGH FAITHFUL CHRIS-TIAN STEWARDSHIP” attracted over 300 pastors and lay leaders from across the A.M.E. Zion Church in West Africa, East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda), the United States, United Kingdom and other Christian denominations in Ghana.

The Conference, sought to equip Pastors and Leaders in the church with the necessary knowledge and skills for effective ministries that will impact positively on the society, towards national development.

At the opening ceremony, the Special Guest of Honour, Rev. Dr. Joyce Aryee ,President of the Bible Society of Ghana, reminded pastors of their status as role models in society, and further stated that holding on to Christian values as pastors did not only help to perpetuate the Christian faith, but also deepen bonds of fellowship among Christians.

In his keynote address, the President of the Trinity Theological Seminary, Rev. Prof. J.O.Y Mante, stated that stewardship was more than financial management. It was the management of all of God’s creation and resources. He defined stewardship as responsible management of God’s creation by human beings who have been created in God’s image and are living as such. The Presiding Bishop, delivered his address to the fifth IPALC on Friday, 6th April, 2018, On the theme “Moving forward “. It was awesome and challenging”

Participants were also treated to melodious anthems by the A.M.E Zion Church, Emmanuel Society choir, Sankor pastored by Rev. Isaac Mensah in the Winneba district.

Other notable speakers during the conference were Prof. J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Vice President, Trinity Theological Seminary Rev. Dr. Dwight Cannon (Director of Global Missions, A.M.E Zion Church (U.S.A), Rev. Ronald Nathan (A.M.E Zion Church, U.K), Rev. Dr. Richard Chapple (A.M.E Zion Church, USA),Dr. Mary Matthews( International Lay President, AME Zion Church), Rev Dr. Richard Gadzekpo (National Director of GHAFES), Mr. Henry Baye (Head Retail Banking, Ghana and West Africa, Standard Chartered Bank) .

The conference also sought to educate participants on best practices in banking facilitated by officials of the GCB bank. Officials from Enterprise group were also on hand to intro-duce insurance products that would enhance the ministries and lives. GCB Bank, Enterprise Group, Ecobank, partnered the Church to guarantee the success of this year’s IPALC.

Other highlights of the conference included, the installation of Connectional Lay Council (CLC) Life Members, Inauguration of the Zion Club 100, and the ordination dea-cons and an elder at the A.M.E Zion Church, J.C. Price Cathedral, Winneba.


We are changing the calcula- tion of tithe payment 25% of all total in ows

each week to support projects in the Episcopal region.

The 5th annual International Pastors and Leaders Conference (IPALC) a brainchild of the A.M.E. Zion Church, Western West Africa Episcopal district (Ghana, Togo, Cote D’Ivoire and Liberia) was held successfully under the leadership of the first indigenous and resident Bishop and Missionary Supervisor, Bishop Hillard Dela K. Dogbe and Mrs. Cynthia Dogbe at the Pentecost Convention Center from the April 3-7, 2018. The conference which was on the theme, “REVIEWING OUR PRAC- TICES THROUGH FAITHFUL CHRIS-TIAN STEWARDSHIP” attracted over 300 pastors and lay leaders from across the A.M.E. Zion Church in West Africa, East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda), the United States, United Kingdom and other Christian denominations in Ghana.

The Conference, sought to equip Pastors and Leaders in the church with the necessary knowledge and skills for effective ministries that will impact positively on the society, towards national development.

At the opening ceremony, the Special Guest of Honour, Rev. Dr. Joyce Aryee ,President of the Bible Society of Ghana, reminded pastors of their status as role models in society, and further stated that holding on to Christian values as pastors did not only help to perpetuate the Christian faith, but also deepen bonds of fellowship among Christians.

In his keynote address, the President of the Trinity Theological Seminary, Rev. Prof. J.O.Y Mante, stated that stewardship was more than financial management. It was the management of all of God’s creation and resources. He defined stewardship as responsible management of God’s creation by human beings who have been created in God’s image and are living as such. The Presiding Bishop, delivered his address to the fifth IPALC on Friday, 6th April, 2018, On the theme “Moving forward “. It was awesome and challenging”

Participants were also treated to melodious anthems by the A.M.E Zion Church, Emmanuel Society choir, Sankor pastored by Rev. Isaac Mensah in the Winneba district.

Other notable speakers during the conference were Prof. J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Vice President, Trinity Theological Seminary Rev. Dr. Dwight Cannon (Director of Global Missions, A.M.E Zion Church (U.S.A), Rev. Ronald Nathan (A.M.E Zion Church, U.K), Rev. Dr. Richard Chapple (A.M.E Zion Church, USA),Dr. Mary Matthews( International Lay President, AME Zion Church), Rev Dr. Richard Gadzekpo (National Director of GHAFES), Mr. Henry Baye (Head Retail Banking, Ghana and West Africa, Standard Chartered Bank) .

Page 18: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the



Welcome to the Lay Council of the Western West Africa Episcopal District. The Lay Council is a very important arm of the church. The Book of Discipline out- lines the objectives of the Lay Council as:

Deepen the spiritual life of the Laity.Disseminate information.

Cultivate the denominational loyalty.Expand the denomination through education

and evangelism.Promote any other interest of the Kingdom of God.

Over the past year, Bishop Dogbe has made effort at revitalising the Lay Council. During the grand inaugural service of The Rt. Rev. Dr. Dogbe, the President of the Con-nectional Lay Council, Sis. Mary Matthews was present to educate interested Lay People on the work of the Lay Council. The interaction with Sis. Mary Matthews ignited interest in the Lay Council and set the tone for the formation of the same in the Western West Africa Episcopal Area.

To propagate the Lay Council movement within the region, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Hilliard Dela Dogbe during the 2017 Inter- national Pastors and Leaders Conference (IPALC) inaugurated a Lay Council Board for the Ghana Region under the chairmanship of Mr Alex Bonney.

The Board was charged with the responsibility of ensuring an active Lay Council in the Western West Africa District. In addition, the leadership of the Ghana Region (East, West, North and Mid Ghana Conferences) were inaugurated. Bro. Lawrence Atsyor and Bro. Kafui Kuwornu who are President and Vice President respectively of the Ghana Region promised to work hard to make the Lay Council an active and relevant body within the A.M.E Zion Church.

For the first time in the history of the Lay Council in the Western West Africa Episco- pal District, Lay leaders attended the Lay Council Convention as official dele- gates. The Episopal District was represented by Bro. Chris Yao Torkornoo and Bro. Law- rence Atsyor from the East Ghana Conference and Dr. Ben Lartey from the Liberia Conference.

The convention which was held in Knoxville, Tennesse and themed “Refocusing our purpose, reviewing our prac- tices, retooling our people and reaching our potential”, represented a wind of change for the Lay Council move-

ment as well as the entire A.M.E Zion Church fraternity in the W.W.A.E.D. At the end of the convention, Bro. Lawrence Atsyor and Dr. Benjamin Lartey were awarded the President’s Distin-guished Laity Award and Lay

Council Centennial Awards respectively.

The Lay Council during its Lay Academy in the East Ghana C o n f e r e n c e revealed its intention to increase its active m e m b e r s h i p by 30% by 2019 and to institute the Zion Club


The aim of the club is to be able to get 100 people who would contribute to projects in the church. Currently, the leadership of the Lay Council in the Western West Africa Episco- pal District continues to educate members and leaders at both district and local levels on how the Lay Council works and encourage members to subscribe to the various levels of membership of the council.



Bro. Lawrence Atsyor ,

President CLC , Ghana Region

Dr. Mary J. MatthewsInternational President CLC

The conference also sought to educate participants on best practices in banking facilitated by officials of the GCB bank. Officials from Enterprise group were also on hand to intro-duce insurance products that would enhance the ministries and lives. GCB Bank, Enterprise Group, Ecobank, partnered

Other highlights of the conference

Connectional Lay Council (CLC) Life Members, Inauguration of the Zion Club 100, and the ordination dea-cons and an elder at the A.M.E Zion


We are changing the calcula- tion of tithe payment 25% of all total in ows

each week to support projects in the

The conference also sought to educate participants on best practices in banking facilitated by officials of the GCB bank. Officials from Enterprise group were also on hand to intro-duce insurance products that would enhance the ministries and lives. GCB Bank, Enterprise Group, Ecobank, partnered

Other highlights of the conference

Connectional Lay Council (CLC) Life Members, Inauguration of the Zion Club 100, and the ordination dea-cons and an elder at the A.M.E Zion

We are changing the calcula- tion of tithe payment 25% of all total in ows

each week to support projects in the

Page 19: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the


4:22); because of the disciples’ choice to preach the gospel, today we have Christianity Choices and their Effects: Any choice we make does not only affect us as individuals but people around us and gener-ations to come.

Our story in Genesis 39: 7-12 begins with Joseph being brought down to Egypt and Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, cap-tain of the guard and Egyptian, bought him from the hands of the Ishmaelites, who had brought him down to Egypt. The Lord blessed Joseph, was with him and made him pros- perous. The master saw that the Lord was with him, and that the

Lord made all that he did to pros- per Joseph found grace in the presence of the Egyptian master, and made Joseph an “overseer over his house, and all that he put into his hand. Thus, “the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake; and the blessing of the Lord was upon all that he had in the house, and in the field.” While Potiphar was benefiting from Josephs good work, his wife was noticing Joseph’s good look and soon she moved from looking to seducing. There comes the trouble and the time to make a choice.

Time for Decision Making

Joseph was hand-some and so, Poti-phar’s wife became interested in him and wanted him to lay in bed with her.

It was within this con-text that Joseph had to make a choice; either to sleep with his wife or not. He

had to make a decision that would change his life for the better or make things worse for himself. Joseph resisted her advances and refused to enjoy some moments of illicit plea-sure. Joseph’s life was like that of Jesus as a servant and that of Adam and Eve in the garden, where both had to make a decision whether to come on earth to save humankind and eat the forbidden fruit, respectively.

Joseph’s Decision:

Because no one was around, he could have decided to lie with his mistress, especially regarding the benefits that

7 And it came to pass after these things that his master’s wife cast longing eyes on Joseph, and she said, “Lie with me.” 8 But he refused and said to his master’s wife, “Look, my master does not know what is with me in the house, and he has committed all that he has to my hand. 9 There is no one greater in this house than I, nor has he kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” 10 So it was, as she spoke to Joseph day by day, that he did not heed her, to lie with her or to be with her. 11 But it happened about this time, when Joseph went into the house to do his work, and none of the men of the house was inside, 12 that she caught him by his garment, saying, “Lie with me.” But he left his garment in her hand, and fled and ran outside.

CHOICES: Having an opportunity to make a selection amongst several alternatives. It could also mean, having many alternatives available and as such, you have the right to select anyone of them. A choice could also be an option, decision or an opportu-nity to choose or select something.

Life is a never-ending stream of choices. It’s full of daily choices such as, which school to attend, dress to wear, what to study, what to eat, job to do, car to buy, when to travel and many more but at the end, a decision must be taken as to what to do. Therefore, the quality of your choices determines your level of maturity. Choices we make can alter our lives forever and set us on a course that may last a life time.


Often, we make 2 types of Choices

Negative or Bad

Any decision a person makes which in the end does not benefit him/ her or others is said to be a negative choice. Sometimes, despite our good intentions, we still make bad choices. These choices result mainly from lack of focus. An example is when the Israelites chose to make a golden calf because Moses had not return from the mountain, in this case they chose to worship another god instead of the true God. At the end of the day, what happened to them? They were killed (Exodus 32:27-29). Negative choices may seem appropri-ate at a certain time but they are not solutions rather a beginning of a cycle of trou-bles.

Positive or Good

A positive choice on the other hand is a decision that has the tendency to produce a good result. Though some times good choices can be very difficult, the end result is always rewarding. In the case of Esther, when she chose to approach the King on behalf of the Jews (Esther 4:16) , Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who literally chose death so as not to bow down to Baal (Daniel 3:16-18). Their choices yielded good results. The power of God manifested in their lives. Examples of Ruth choosing to follow Naomi,(Ruth 1:16) made her an ancestor of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ruth

CHOICES OF LIFEScripture: Genesis 39:7-12

By: Rev. Anthony Nartey,Pastor In Charge A.M.E. Zion Church, Bishop Allyene Society.

he could derive but he said a big ‘No’.Norms of this World:

The present norms of this world claim that you have to sleep with your boss before you get a job, make abnormal profit by inflating prices of goods and services, engage in bribery and corruption, etc but you must not compro-mise your Christian Faith.

The norm of this world says you must lobby for positions, use the back door but trust me, you must make a choice not to conform to the norms of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. In making a choice, you must take into consideration, the following points:

Talk to God not Man: Learn to consult God first, before you make a deci-sion/ choice.More often, people take their own decisions and choices before getting God involved. But it should be the other way round. Joseph made his decision based on the Word of God. What is the Word of God con-cerning that situation? You might ask yourself Wait for God’s Response: After consulting God, you must learn to wait for God’s response because it pays to wait.

Weigh the Consequences: Before making a choice, consider the effect or result.

Do not make Choices with Assumptions: Do not assume the effect of your choices but rather be certain about its effect.

Don’t Rush Decisions: A well planned action produces the best result.

Don’t Compromise your Faith: The choice you make must be based on your Christian belief, doctrine and faith.


The choices you make today, determine the legacy you leave behind for generations to come.Life is full of choices and as such, we must be prepared to make the right choice.Nobody can make a choice for you.

It’s my prayer, that God will lead you in making positive choices in life.

“Life is a never-ending

stream of choices.

Page 20: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

4:22); because of the disciples’ choice to preach the gospel, today we have Christianity Choices and their Effects: Any choice we make does not only affect us as individuals but people around us and gener-ations to come.

Our story in Genesis 39: 7-12 begins with Joseph being brought down to Egypt and Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, cap-tain of the guard and Egyptian, bought him from the hands of the Ishmaelites, who had brought him down to Egypt. The Lord blessed Joseph, was with him and made him pros- perous. The master saw that the Lord was with him, and that the

Lord made all that he did to pros- per Joseph found grace in the presence of the Egyptian master, and made Joseph an “overseer over his house, and all that he put into his hand. Thus, “the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake; and the blessing of the Lord was upon all that he had in the house, and in the field.” While Potiphar was benefiting from Josephs good work, his wife was noticing Joseph’s good look and soon she moved from looking to seducing. There comes the trouble and the time to make a choice.

Time for Decision Making

Joseph was hand-some and so, Poti-phar’s wife became interested in him and wanted him to lay in bed with her.

It was within this con-text that Joseph had to make a choice; either to sleep with his wife or not. He

had to make a decision that would change his life for the better or make things worse for himself. Joseph resisted her advances and refused to enjoy some moments of illicit plea-sure. Joseph’s life was like that of Jesus as a servant and that of Adam and Eve in the garden, where both had to make a decision whether to come on earth to save humankind and eat the forbidden fruit, respectively.

Joseph’s Decision:

Because no one was around, he could have decided to lie with his mistress, especially regarding the benefits that

7 And it came to pass after these things that his master’s wife cast longing eyes on Joseph, and she said, “Lie with me.” 8 But he refused and said to his master’s wife, “Look, my master does not know what is with me in the house, and he has committed all that he has to my hand. 9 There is no one greater in this house than I, nor has he kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” 10 So it was, as she spoke to Joseph day by day, that he did not heed her, to lie with her or to be with her. 11 But it happened about this time, when Joseph went into the house to do his work, and none of the men of the house was inside, 12 that she caught him by his garment, saying, “Lie with me.” But he left his garment in her hand, and fled and ran outside.

CHOICES: Having an opportunity to make a selection amongst several alternatives. It could also mean, having many alternatives available and as such, you have the right to select anyone of them. A choice could also be an option, decision or an opportu-nity to choose or select something.

Life is a never-ending stream of choices. It’s full of daily choices such as, which school to attend, dress to wear, what to study, what to eat, job to do, car to buy, when to travel and many more but at the end, a decision must be taken as to what to do. Therefore, the quality of your choices determines your level of maturity. Choices we make can alter our lives forever and set us on a course that may last a life time.


Often, we make 2 types of Choices

Negative or Bad

Any decision a person makes which in the end does not benefit him/ her or others is said to be a negative choice. Sometimes, despite our good intentions, we still make bad choices. These choices result mainly from lack of focus. An example is when the Israelites chose to make a golden calf because Moses had not return from the mountain, in this case they chose to worship another god instead of the true God. At the end of the day, what happened to them? They were killed (Exodus 32:27-29). Negative choices may seem appropri-ate at a certain time but they are not solutions rather a beginning of a cycle of trou-bles.

Positive or Good

A positive choice on the other hand is a decision that has the tendency to produce a good result. Though some times good choices can be very difficult, the end result is always rewarding. In the case of Esther, when she chose to approach the King on behalf of the Jews (Esther 4:16) , Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who literally chose death so as not to bow down to Baal (Daniel 3:16-18). Their choices yielded good results. The power of God manifested in their lives. Examples of Ruth choosing to follow Naomi,(Ruth 1:16) made her an ancestor of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ruth


Foundational words are HIGHLIGHTED throughout the newsletter. Explore insights from Pastor Tony’steachings and apply what you learn to your walk with God.

Whenever you have a Choice to make , Talk to


God not Man - Rev. Tony

foundational word heres what it means

commit to take action

CHOICESHaving an opportunity to make a selection amongstseveral alternatives. It could also mean, having manyalternatives available and as such, you have the right to select anyone of them. A choice could also be an option, decision or an opportunity to choose or select something.

he could derive but he said a big ‘No’.Norms of this World:

The present norms of this world claim that you have to sleep with your boss before you get a job, make abnormal profit by inflating prices of goods and services, engage in bribery and corruption, etc but you must not compro-mise your Christian Faith.

The norm of this world says you must lobby for positions, use the back door but trust me, you must make a choice not to conform to the norms of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. In making a choice, you must take into consideration, the following points:

Talk to God not Man: Learn to consult God first, before you make a deci-sion/ choice.More often, people take their own decisions and choices before getting God involved. But it should be the other way round. Joseph made his decision based on the Word of God. What is the Word of God con-cerning that situation? You might ask yourself Wait for God’s Response: After consulting God, you must learn to wait for God’s response because it pays to wait.

Weigh the Consequences: Before making a choice, consider the effect or result.

Do not make Choices with Assumptions: Do not assume the effect of your choices but rather be certain about its effect.

Don’t Rush Decisions: A well planned action produces the best result.

Don’t Compromise your Faith: The choice you make must be based on your Christian belief, doctrine and faith.


The choices you make today, determine the legacy you leave behind for generations to come.Life is full of choices and as such, we must be prepared to make the right choice.Nobody can make a choice for you.

It’s my prayer, that God will lead you in making positive choices in life.

Page 21: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the


The about 500 branches of the A.M.E Z ion church in Ghana, Togo, Cote D’ Ivo ire and L iber ia which form the Western West Afr ica Episcopal Distr ict , (WWAED) , now have an Episcopal headquarters located in Accra .

The “command” centre is pos i t ioned in Ghana to he lp fac i l i tate and coord inate programmes and pro jects of the Church to enhance sp ir i tual , soc ia l and economic wel lbe ing of members .

Th is fac i l i ty, which was or ig inal ly bu i l t in 1979 served as the res idence for v is i t ing Bishops of the church from the U.S .A. Over the past few years i t had badly deter iorated leading to ca l ls for i ts demol i t ion . The fac i l ty was however remodel led into a mult i-purposeepiscopal corporate headquarters at an est imated cost of over $150,000. Look at God ! ! ! .

Remodelling of Old Bishop’s



Western West Africa Episcopal District Builds a New Episcopal Headquarters.

Page 22: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the



The new Episcopal Corporate Headquarters, WWAED

Page 23: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the


Look at God !!!

Dedication of new headquarters by Bishop Kenneth Monroe.Secretary, Board of Bishops

Celebration of Gods Handiwork (In Pictures).

Page 24: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the


Page 25: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the


Visit to Togo Conference:

A familiarization tour was undertaken to the Togo Annual Conference and an interactive meeting held with the Missionaries there. The Togo Conference is the smallest in the Episcopal District thus they were very much encouraged by this visit.

Visit to North Ghana Conference:

I undertook a familiar-ization tour of the North Ghana Confer-ence and also held a series of meetings with the Mission-ary ladies there. This is the young-est annual con-ference in Ghana and the

least resourced financially. The need to empower the women here to lead meaningful lives is great.

In support of their labors, a donation of Ghc 3000 ($1000) was made towards the roofing of a church, which the missionaries contributed resourc-es to build. This Missionary initiated project when completed would move a congregation from worshipping under a tree to worshipping in a sanc-tuary.

In the conference year the WH&OMS of the WWAED

embarked on a project to sew pillow case dresses, to be donated to the AME Zion Basic and Junior High School in Tamale. This project was actualized this year and dresses were donated by the Bishop at the North Ghana Check up meeting.

Visit to Liberia Annual Conference:

Together with the Bishop, we paid a weeklong working visit to the Liberia Annual Conference. I met with the Field Worker and the missionary ladies. I supported two districts involved in agriculture with resources to acquire farming tools and implements .

Visit to Cote d’Ivoire Conference:

A week long familiarization tour was also undertaken to the Cote d’Ivoire conference, where I met and interact-ed with the Field Worker and theMissionaries


AN OVERVIEW OF 2016 - 2017I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

I am elated about the first edition of our own Newsletter which indeed is another medium to share ideas and know what is happening in the Episcopal Distict. Glory be to God!!!

I am very grateful to the International President of the W.H.&.O.M.S., all members of the Executive Board, Field Workers and Mission- aries of our Episcopal District for their cooperation and support in helping me settle in my role as Missionary Supervisor for the Western West Africa Episcopal District.

We began activities in September 2016 with a 3-day Consultative Forum which brought together all Church Lay Leaders, Pastors and Missionaries. I took oppor-tunity of this gathering to also hold a forum with the Field Workers and District Officers to set our agenda as Missionaries for the year and to establish our work-ing relationship with a resident Missionary Supervisor. It was a successful meeting with all present calling for more of such interactions.

Subsequently we held a workshop for Field Workers in October 2016, with Mrs. Aurelia Brown as the key Resource Person. I am very grateful to her and all who made it happen. Indeed it was a very insightful forum. Again, in partnership withthe Presiding Prelate, Rt. Rev. Hilliard Dogbe, we held a day’s training workshop for all Field Workers on February 1, 2017, on their roles and duties. It was a very educative and fruitful session at the end of which we all recommitted to pushing the agenda of the Mission- ary Society forward.

At a follow up meeting held at the Episcopal Corporate Headquarters, we assessed what had been done, and had a discussion on how to make and keep our missionary society strong. In collaboration with Fieldworkers, District Presi- dents and other stakeholders I have also facilitated programs and participated in a number of missionary endeavors notably district conventions annual conferences, mass meetings , training workshops , checkup meetings , many of which i shared thoughts and taught on our theme and other issues to help empower and educate our missionaries and the rest of the church on our call and duty as missionaries in the Western West African Episcopal District.

Missionary’sCornerBy: Missionary Supervisior Mrs Cynthia Dogbe


Reported by : C larence Cole Visit to Togo Conference:

A familiarization tour was undertaken to the Togo Annual Conference and an interactive meeting held with the Missionaries there. The Togo Conference is the smallest in the Episcopal District thus they were very much encouraged by this visit.

Visit to North Ghana Conference:

I undertook a familiar-ization tour of the North Ghana Confer-ence and also held a series of meetings with the Mission-ary ladies there. This is the young-est annual con-ference in Ghana and the

least resourced financially. The need to empower the women here to lead meaningful lives is great.

In support of their labors, a donation of Ghc 3000 ($1000) was made towards the roofing of a church, which the missionaries contributed resourc-es to build. This Missionary initiated project when completed would move a congregation from worshipping under a tree to worshipping in a sanc-tuary.

In the conference year the WH&OMS of the WWAED

embarked on a project to sew pillow case dresses, to be donated to the AME Zion Basic and Junior High School in Tamale. This project was actualized this year and dresses were donated by the Bishop at the North Ghana Check up meeting.

Visit to Liberia Annual Conference:

Together with the Bishop, we paid a weeklong working visit to the Liberia Annual Conference. I met with the Field Worker and the missionary ladies. I supported two districts involved in agriculture with resources to acquire farming tools and implements .

Visit to Cote d’Ivoire Conference:

A week long familiarization tour was also undertaken to the Cote d’Ivoire conference, where I met and interact-ed with the Field Worker and the Mis-

AN OVERVIEW OF 2016 - 2017I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

I am elated about the first edition of our own Newsletter which indeed is another medium to share ideas and know what is happening in the Episcopal Distict. Glory be to God!!!

I am very grateful to the International President of the W.H.&.O.M.S., all members of the Executive Board, Field Workers and Mission- aries of our Episcopal District for their cooperation and support in helping me settle in my role as Missionary Supervisor for the Western West Africa Episcopal District.

We began activities in September 2016 with a 3-day Consultative Forum which brought together all Church Lay Leaders, Pastors and Missionaries. I took oppor-tunity of this gathering to also hold a forum with the Field Workers and District Officers to set our agenda as Missionaries for the year and to establish our work-ing relationship with a resident Missionary Supervisor. It was a successful meeting with all present calling for more of such interactions.

Subsequently we held a workshop for Field Workers in October 2016, with Mrs. Aurelia Brown as the key Resource Person. I am very grateful to her and all who made it happen. Indeed it was a very insightful forum. Again, in partnership withthe Presiding Prelate, Rt. Rev. Hilliard Dogbe, we held a day’s training workshop for all Field Workers on February 1, 2017, on their roles and duties. It was a very educative and fruitful session at the end of which we all recommitted to pushing the agenda of the Mission- ary Society forward.

At a follow up meeting held at the Episcopal Corporate Headquarters, we assessed what had been done, and had a discussion on how to make and keep our missionary society strong. In collaboration with Fieldworkers, District Presi- dents and other stakeholders I have also facilitated programs and participated in a number of missionary endeavors notably district conventions annual conferences, mass meetings , training workshops , checkup meetings , many of which i shared thoughts and taught on our theme and other issues to help empower and educate our missionaries and the rest of the church on our call and duty as missionaries in the Western West African Episcopal District.

Page 26: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the


WH&OMS Annual Convention:

I participated in the Women’s Conventions of the East, West and Mid Ghana conferences. At each of these Conventions, there were Workshops ,Convocation and Stoling Services.

Fieldworkers Meeting:

In a bid to drive the WH&OMS to another level, I held a meet-ing with Field workers from the Episcopal District. We touched on how to make the Missionary Society stronger and more relevant.We also discussed the 2019 W.W.A.E.D. WH&OMS convention, amongst other things.

To my sisters and children in the Western West Africa Episco-pal District I am over- whelmed by your continuous support and hard work. God continue to bless you like he did Jabez.

I am pleased to report that the period under review has been very eventful. Though the needs are numerous and the challenges daunting, I remain confident that with God’s divine grace and power, the work of ministry in the Western West Africa Episcopal District will grow and prosper. The World for Christ!!! Bonne Année!!


WH&OMS Annual Convention:

I participated in the Women’s Conventions of the East, West and Mid Ghana conferences. At each of these Conventions, there were Workshops ,Convocation and Stoling Services.

Fieldworkers Meeting:

In a bid to drive the WH&OMS to another level, I held a meet-ing with Field workers from the Episcopal District. We touched on how to make the Missionary Society stronger and more relevant.We also discussed the 2019 W.W.A.E.D. WH&OMS convention, amongst other things.

To my sisters and children in the Western West Africa Episco-pal District I am over- whelmed by your continuous support and hard work. God continue to bless you like he did Jabez.

I am pleased to report that the period under review has been very eventful. Though the needs are numerous and the challenges daunting, I remain confident that with God’s divine grace and power, the work of ministry in the Western West Africa Episcopal District will grow and prosper. The World for Christ!!! Bonne Année!!

Page 27: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the



The Misssionary Supervisor hosted this meeting at the

Corporate Headquarters to reintroduce the field workers to the

doctrine of the fellowship and pave the way forward.

This meeting was very successful and all participants were excited and eager to add their quota to the

missionary work .

Going through some barrels rec ieved from .

Mrs . Sara S . Cherr ington, General Secretary Bureau of Supply

// Missionary’s Corner

Page 28: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the


fellow youth in the church and the world at large. The Youth Policy according to the Bishop, states that all youth groups in the Episcopal District will be known as the


Ministers, Conference Directors and leaders were encouraged to play their roles. They were tasked to oper-ate as transforma-tional leaders.


The 104th Bishop in the Line of Succession of the A.M.E Zion Church overseeing the Western West Africa Episcopal District (WWAED) The Rt. Rev. Dr. Hilliard Dela K. Dogbe launched the Youth Policy at the just ended International Youth Leadership Retreat held at the A.M.E. Zion Church, J.C. Price Cathedral in Winneba.

The two-day program which started on Friday 1st December and ended on 2nd December, 2017 saw in attendance youth leaders from Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana Conferences participating in the first ever Episcopal Youth Retreat presid- ed over by the Bishop of WWAED, with some ministers in the Episcopal area in attendance.

Speaking on the theme of ”The Transformational Leader: Leading with Purpose”, Mr. Christian Diaba a renowned leadership trainer public speaker and banker asked the youth to be transformational leaders with a purpose ,who can identify their purpose drive, to live that purpose and lead their followers as well as influence them to be an ‘A’ team. He added that leaders should ask the right questions to get the right answers, and also challenge their status quo to go beyond their position. Rev. Dr. Richard Mawuli Gadzekpo, Director of the Ghana Fellowship of Evangelism Students (GHAFES) and Presiding Elder of the Accra Cen-tral District also gave a talk on “Youth Leadership in the A.M.E Zion Church: Pur-pose, Prospects and Challenges”.

There was also a panel discussion facilitated by Rev. Roger Gadzekpo and the panellists, Dr Christian Ahortor (a Research Economist) and Mrs Harriet Idan (Accra North District Youth Missionary Secre-tary and an Educationist). Speakers advised the youth to build good relationships with their leaders and superi-ors, never loose their calling and strategize to follow the mis-sion of the church, to be commit-ted and be prepared to serve their followers ,to remove the robe of arrogance and be selfless and humble to influence followers.

The Presiding Bishop exhorted the house on the theme; WHAT TIME IS IT ?, using Ecclesiastes 12: 1-5, as scripture reference. He recalled one of the fathers of the Church saying that the youth are today’s leaders for the Church; hence whatever needed to be done now should include the youth.

The youth period, he said, was a time to Dream, Dare, and to Do.

He encouraged youth leaders to dream and dream big, dare to to attain those

dreams and to take steps towards attaining them despite the challenges.

After a brief prayer session, the Bishop launched the Youth Policy .

The policy seeks to have the youth body well positioned and empowered to influence their

Youth CornerYOUTH LEADERS RETREAT By: Mawuena Segbedziz


Page 29: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the


Br ighten the corner , where you are ! ! ! ! !

We se ize th is opportuni ty to say a very b ig thank you to ev-eryone who at tended our Annual Youth Retreat on the 30th of December , 2017 hosted by Brewer- v i l le D is tr ic t . The

2017 ANNUAL YOUTH RETREAT of the Z ion Youth Min is try , L iber ia Annual Conference wi th in the Western West

Afr ica Ep iscopal D is tr ic t of the A .M.E . Z ion Church was he ld under the theme: "Br ighten The Corner Where You

Are With The L ight Of God" .

The event brought together youth f rom a l l the loca l AME Z ion churches wi th in the L ibe-r ia Annual Con- ference and other denomi-nat ions who were inv i ted to grace the occa-s ion. Th is year ’ s retreat saw Rev Emmanuel Peaybar of the Mother Church; Cart - wr ight AME Z ion Church and Rev Mark Mono of Fu l l Gospel A .M.E .Z ion Church speak ing to the youth dur ing the interact ive sess ion. Dur ing the Director 's address , copies of the newly launched YOUTH POLICY was d is t r ibuted amongst part ic ipants .

Dur ing the sport ing compet i t ions , A .M.E . Z ion Church defeated Z ion Grove Bapt is t Church in both Lu lu (2 -1 ) and Check Up (3 -0 ) . As per the beach soccer , we were defeated 2-0 by Gedeh AGM Church.

Once aga in , we apprec iate the support and efforts of everyone which led to a successfu l retreat .

Youth Retreat, Liberia Conference

By: Clarence Cole

Page 30: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the


EMEFA THE GREEDY GIRLBy: Worlasi Anorkplim Pomeyie

There lived a girl in Keta in the Volta Region of Ghana. She lived with her grandmother, and one thing her grandmother did not like about her was her greed. Grandmother Ami would always tell Emefa to share the little she had and not to be greedy, but Emefa

never listened to her grandmother.

One day, she went to school and saw her friends taking ice cream, even though she had hers, she quick-

ly gulped it down her throat and pretended not to have eaten anything so her friends would give her theirs. Then the ice cream seller, sent someone to

bring her change to her.

She had dropped the change when she was hurriedly taking the ice cream. Her

friends were all shocked and vowed never to give her anything she asked for . During an exam that term, Emefa’s ink had ran out

and she forgot to buy a spare pen. She asked her friend’s around her, but they

assumed she was being greedy as usual, even her teacher thought same. A few

minutes later the head teacher was passing by, and saw Emefa crying. She quickly went

to ask what was wrong.

When Emefa shared her problem with her, the woman gave her pen to her. Her

friends realized she wasn’t telling lies after all. However Emefa was the one who learnt

the biggest lesson of the day.

Moral lesson: Greed always decreases a per- son’s reputation.

SOMEBODY, NOBODY AND CRAZYBy: Fay Akushika Maklena Fiadzo

There lived three siblings;Their names were Somebody, Nobody and Crazy. One day,

Nobody and Somebody were fighting, when Crazy saw them, he reported the incident at the police station.He greeted the police man,

then said , “Police, Somebody and Nobody are fighting” the police man asked“ Are you

crazy?, and Crazy said, “Yes I am”. The police man asked again if he was okay, Crazy

responded, “I am not okay, because my name is not okay my name is Crazy okay”.

Moral lesson: Don’t give yourself crazy names.

In the Old Testament, Methuselah is the longest-liv-ing person mentioned. How

old was he when he died?

101 969

341 996

Page 31: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the


Dead Sea




My purpose, the reason I was born , I believe is greater than my career or even my personal fulfilment. To know my

purpose in life , I have to begin from somewhere, which I know is God. The search for ones purpose has puzzled alot of

people. Since I know the source of my purpose, I will ask Him.

I believe God creating me to worship Him is my purpose. God created us to worship and give him all the glory . I was

born by his pur- pose and for His purpose.


A person’s purpose in life is set by God from the day they are born. Our duty as children of God is o find our purpose

through Him and in Him.As we already have a set purpose in life, that purpose must be made known to us. We find our purpose by praying to

God and asking for help and direction so that we may do His will. Although we have a set purpose in life, we get to

choose things like our careers and spouses etc. Our overall purpose is the only thing that we cannot change.


For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authori- ties; all things have been created through him and for him (Col 1:16).

Purpose is the intention for which something is created. Many people ask questions; what do I want to be? What are my goals? What are my ambitions? Focusing on oneself can never reveal God’s purpose for one’s

life.The Bible teaches us that it is God who directs the lives of his creatures; everyone’s life is in His hands.

God has a purpose for everyone including the mentally ill. You can decide what you want to become, but that is not the purpose for which you were created. God has a purpose for my life and yours as well. It is only God

who knows our purposes for which we were made. My purpose is not about me but God’s plan for my life.I was born by His purpose and for His purpose. God has a purpose for me and the only way for me to know, is

to go back to God, let Him guide me and direct me.

Which body of water did Jesus walk on?Sea of Galilee

Jordan River Mediterranean Sea

Speaking on the theme of ”The Transformational Leader: Lead -ing with Purpose”, Mr. Christian Diaba a renowned public speak -er and banker asked the youth to be transformational leaders with a purpose ,who can identify their purpose drive, to live that purpose and lead their followers as well as influence them to be an ‘A’ team. He added that leaders should ask the right questions to get the right answers, and also challenge their status quo to go beyond their position.

Rev. Dr. Richard Mawuli Gadze -kpo, Director of the Ghana Fellowship of Evangelism Students (GHAFES) and Presid -ing Elder of the Accra Central District also gave a talk on “Youth Leadership in the A.M.E Zion Church: Purpose, Prospects and Challenges”.There was also a panel discus -sion facilitated by Rev. Roger Gadzekpo and the panellists, Dr Christian Ahortor (Vice President and a Research Economist) and Mrs Harriet Idan (Accra North District Youth Missionary Secre -tary and an Educationist). Speakers advised the youth to build good relationships with their leaders and superiors, never loose their calling and strategize to follow the mission of the church, to be committed and be prepared to serve their followers ,to remove the robe of arrogance and be selfless and humble to influence followers.

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Page 33: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the


Cultural Trip to Led by Rev. Dr. Shirle Moore Childs from the USA, HIKING ATOP AFADZATO

Kick your adventure off with a hike to Mt Afadza the highest mountain in West Africa

Crusade Tour to Ghana: September 10-17, 2018 Led by Rev. Dr. Cannon from USA


For details of this itinerary and for tours operated by Dept of Tourism contact us now


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Official Website of the Western West Africa Episcopal District

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Page 37: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the


Page 38: amez-wwa.orgamez-wwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/FINAL.pdf · Beloved in the Lord, please permit me to wish you all blessed Easter. Christ is risen - He is risen indee !! May the

On behalf of our team, and Myself as the 104th Bishop of the Western

West Africa Episcopal District , I wanted to take this moment to say THANK YOU.

Every day we are amazed by the things God is doing through us all ..." Stewards of God's varied grace " is

its indeed wonderful and expounds on what He means by "I will never leave you nor forsake you".

With a heart full of gratitude, I would like to thank you, the contributors and readers of The Zion Epis-tle, for your interest in the newsletter and I encour-

age you to continue to send us your invaluable feed-back and ideas for further improvement of our
