. From the President Kenton Kaufman American Society of Biomechanics Newsletter Vol. 19 December 2006 No. 2 www.asbweb.org As you are reading this report, the college football season will be focusing on bowl games and the professional football schedule will be discussing playoffs. When I was in college I posted the following saying on my bulletin board, “ The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field, never scoring”. This football analogy signifies the importance of staying focused in order to achieve the goals a person has set. Likewise, an organization needs to set goals. Strategic planning determines where an organization is going, how it is going to get there, and how it will know if it got there or not. Toward this end, the ASB Executive Board (ExB) has begun a strategic planning process for the Society. The ExB has drafted a strategic planning document over the past year. The purpose of this document is to develop and communicate a plan for the future direction of the Society. The plan is a series of multi- year goals and associated strategies which the Society is currently pursuing or will initiate in order to reach our shared objective. It is meant to serve as a link between the present and the future. The strategic plan was announced at our annual meeting and has been posted on the ASB website (http:// www.asbweb.org/html/strategic/Strategic_Plan.doc). Please review the Strategic Plan and provide your thoughts. A number of you have already done so and have provided excellent comments! The ExB will compile all the comments and finalize the document in the first half of 2007. We will post a final version before the 2007 Annual Meeting and ask that you ratify the document at the annual meeting. This docu- ment will then serve to guide us into the future. So, when you’re watching a bowl game or the play- offs, grab a copy of the Strategic Plan and give it some thought. Your input is essential! L A O G T C A T N O C L I A M - E g n i t e e M l a u n n A . 1 o c s i c n a r F s a v e u C - o r e l a V u d e . l l e n r o c @ 4 2 v f t n e m t i u r c e R p i h s r e b m e M . 2 n o i t a p i c i t r a P & z r u K x a M u d e . s u . e o c . l i a m @ z r u k m t n e m e v l o v n I t n e d u t S . 3 a l y r e i B e i t a K u d e . t v @ a l y r e i b k n o i t a c i n u m m o C . 4 a n u d r a K y d n A u d e . n o g e r o u @ a n u d r a k h c a e r t u O d n a n o i t a c u d E . 5 w a C c M e v e t S u d e . u t s l i @ w a c c m s t s e B d n a n o i t a z i d r a d n a t S . 6 s e c i t c a r P k c i b a S e l l e h c i M u d e . e t a t s e s i o b @ k c i b a S M h c r a e s e R . 7 s s o r G d e T u d e . n o t g n i h s a w . u @ s s o r g t y t i l i b a i V l a i c n a n i F . 8 n o s r e d n A n o D u d e . a w i o u @ n o s r e d n a - n o d y c a c o v d A . 9 m a r K r e g d o R u d e . o d a r o l o c @ m a r k . r e g d o r s n o i t s e g g u s r e h t O . 0 1 n a m f u a K n o t n e K u d e . o y a m @ n o t n e k . n a m f u a k We are at the point where input from the ASB members is essential in order to form a consensus vision for the Society’s future. A contact person has been established for each goal. The contact list is as follows:

American Society of Biomechanics Newsletter

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December 2006

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From the PresidentKenton Kaufman

American Society of BiomechanicsNewsletter

Vol. 19 December 2006 No. 2www.asbweb.org

As you are reading this report, the college footballseason will be focusing on bowl games and theprofessional football schedule will be discussingplayoffs. When I was in college I posted the followingsaying on my bulletin board, “The trouble with nothaving a goal is that you can spend your liferunning up and down the field, never scoring”.This football analogy signifies the importance of stayingfocused in order to achieve the goals a person has set.Likewise, an organization needs to set goals. Strategicplanning determines where an organization is going,how it is going to get there, and how it will know if itgot there or not.

Toward this end, the ASB Executive Board (ExB) hasbegun a strategic planning process for the Society.The ExB has drafted a strategic planning documentover the past year. The purpose of this document isto develop and communicate a plan for the futuredirection of the Society. The plan is a series of multi-year goals and associated strategies which the Societyis currently pursuing or will initiate in order to reachour shared objective. It is meant to serve as a linkbetween the present and the future.

The strategic plan was announced at our annual meetingand has been posted on the ASB website (http://www.asbweb.org/html/strategic/Strategic_Plan.doc).

Please review the Strategic Plan and provide yourthoughts. A number of you have already done so andhave provided excellent comments! The ExB willcompile all the comments and finalize the document inthe first half of 2007. We will post a final versionbefore the 2007 Annual Meeting and ask that youratify the document at the annual meeting. This docu-ment will then serve to guide us into the future.

So, when you’re watching a bowl game or the play-offs, grab a copy of the Strategic Plan and give it somethought. Your input is essential!


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We are at the point where input from the ASB membersis essential in order to form a consensus vision for theSociety’s future.

A contact person has been established for each goal.The contact list is as follows:

Page 2 ASB Newsletter

Editorial BoardEditor/LayoutMichelle [email protected]

Calendar & AdvertisingWilliam [email protected]

In this issue ...page

President’s Report 1Student’s Corner 3Secretary/Treasurer 4Education Committee 8Northwest Symposium 2006 11ASB 2006 Conference Report 11Communication Committee 12A View from the Blue 13Past-President 14Southeast Regional Conference 16Northwest Regional Conference 17Northeast Regional Conference 17Calendar of Events 19

ASB NEWSLETTERvolume 19, number 2

Back Copies of Newsletter:

All previous ASB newsletters have beenconverted into pdf documents and arearchived on the ASB website:


Newsletter AdvertisingThe Editorial Board invites various businessesand corporations that have products or servicesof interest to members of the Society to advertisein the ASB Newsletter. Advertising space mayalso be purchased for job postings or other specialannouncements.

The current advertising rates are as follows:

1/4 page $1001/2 page $200full page $400back page $600separate insert $600

If you are interested in learning more aboutadvertising in the ASB newsletter, please e-mail William Ledoux at:

[email protected]

ASB InvolvementIf you are interested in becoming more active inthe Society (e.g., serving on a committee orchairing a conference session), contact MaxKurz ([email protected]), MembershipCommittee Chair, with your name, address,phone/fax number, email address, and yourdesired involvement. This information will beincluded in a database which is periodicallyupdated and distributed to the Executive Board.

ASB Annual Meeting 2007

August 23-25, 2007

Stanford University

More info soon: www.asbweb.org

Volume 19, No. 2 Page 3

Student’s CornerKatie Bieryla

The recent ASB meeting held at Virginia Tech was agreat success for students. During Friday’s studentmeeting I had the privilege to be elected to serve asyour student representative to the executive board.The meeting was attended by over 75 students. Iwould like to thank the four scientists for speakingto the students about the decisions they have madeto advance in biomechanics. They were very helpfulin answering many questions including those con-cerning career choices and post-doc positions. Thestudent night out on Friday evening was attended byover 60 students. This served as a great way tomeet students from other schools in an informalsetting. Finally, Saturday’s Women in Science lun-cheon was attended by approximately 60 femalestudents. This was the first year the meeting washeld at the lunch time which allowed for an extendeddiscussion between students and senior scientists.

An important date for student members to keep inmind is January 15, 2007 as this is the due date forASB Graduate Student Grant-In Aid applications(see p.10). The Grant-In Aid program offers re-search funding for small equipment items, materialsand supplies, and animal or subject costs. Themoney cannot be used for salaries or travel. To beeligible for the award the student must be a studentmember of ASB or have an application pending byJanuary 1, 2007. The executive board anticipatesawarding 3-5 grants ranging from $500 to $2,500.For more information check the ASB website.

Also of note to students are the three regional ASBmeetings coming up before next year’s annualmeeting. The Northeast American Society ofBiomechanics Conference will be held March 30-April 1, 2007 at the University of Maryland, CollegePark, MD. The Southeast Biomechanics Conferencewill be held April 19-21, 2007 at Duke University inDurham , NC. Finally, the Northwest BiomechanicsSymposium will be held May 18-19, 2007 at theUniversity of Oregon, Eugene, OR. These meetingsare great opportunities for students to present current

work ranging from pilot data to dissertation materialin a smaller setting than the annual ASB meeting.The ASB website (www.asbweb.org) contains linksto more information about these opportunities.

Keep in mind that the next annual meeting will beheld at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. Studentmembers have become increasingly more involvedat the annual meetings. I hope to see this encouragingtrend continue.

The mentor program will again return. Twenty-twostudents participated during the last meeting, and Ihope this number will increase significantly. Forthose who do not know, the mentor program pairsstudents and senior scientists with similar researchinterests and a willingness to participate. The studentmeets with the mentor at the annual meeting todiscuss research, explore career directions, andreceive guidance. More information about the mentorprogram will be sent out as the meeting approaches.

I encourage student members to contact me([email protected]) with ideas on ways to improvestudent involvement both in the organization and atthe annual meeting. I look forward to serving asyour student representative for the next two years.

The ASB 2006 banquet on the lawn at theInn at Virginia Tech.

Page 4 ASB Newsletter

As of November 6, funds in our cash accountstotaled $19,575 (up slightly from same time lastyear). We are eagerly awaiting a payment from theorganizers of this past summer’s meeting. StefanDuma assures me that we will not lose money on themeeting (always a good thing). We presently have$138,571in our investment portfolio, which is upabout $8,500 from this time last year.

I anticipate needing to withdraw some cash fromthese investments sometime in the next few months.I would attribute this need to decreased outsidesupport of student attendance at our Annual Meet-ing. In particular, the Whitaker Foundation finallyclosed its doors this past year, and we have relied onthem underwriting reduced student registrations overthe past decade. As a net result, I expect lessrevenue from our Annual Meeting this year than inthe past few. Let’s hope that I am pleasantly sur-prised when the figures come in, what with all thehard work of Stefan and his crew in Blacksburg.

Secretary/TreasurerDon Anderson

A few specific notes to pass along... We paid out$6,400 in awards at our annual meeting this pastsummer, with $2,500 being underwritten by corpo-rate support (thanks to Elsevier, Microstrain, Inc.,and Vicon Peak). Our Borelli Award Winner (WalterHerzog) kindly donated back his $1,500 in prizeearnings, requesting that it be earmarked for sup-port of the Hay Award. Three checks ($6,000 total)went out in October in support of Regional Meet-ings for 2007.

I am happy to report to you all that we are now wellinto my final year as your Secretary / Treasurer,which means we are on the verge of my final Mem-bership Dues collection. It may be a bit premature tospeculate, but I think this might be the last time thatwe use this procedure, as we are moving towardsmore of this process funneling through our websiteand an e-commerce model. I will soon be mailingout (electronically) invoices to one and all for pay-ment of your 2007 membership dues and subscrip-tions. If your email address has recently changed,save yourself some trouble, and please send alongan update to my a t ten t ion ([email protected]). Thanks.

New Pricing for ASB members on Journal of Applied Biomechanics

You now can save 10% off the list price for a subscription to Journal of Applied Biomechanics, published by Human Kinetics. Previously, ASB members received $2 off the list price, but beginning in 2007, ASB members now can get 10% off the price -- a much better deal for you.

Following are the ASB rates for one-year subscriptions to the journal:

U.S. Professionals Students

Print-only $54 $40.50

Electronic-only $54 $40.50

Best Value: Print AND Electronic $54 $40.50


Print-only* $64 $50.50

Electronic-only $54 $40.50

Best Value: Print* AND Electronic $64 $50.50 * Includes overseas shipping costs.

Beginning in 2007, U.S.-based ASB members can get both the print AND online editions of JAB for the same price as the print or online editions. Moreover, an online subscription entitles ASB members to all of the journal’s back content posted on the JAB Web site.

To order your subscription, contact Don Anderson ([email protected]). To learn more about JAB, visit: www.humankinetics.com/JAB/journalAbout.cfm

Volume 19, No. 2 Page 5

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Page 6 ASB Newsletter

PresidentKenton KaufmanMayo ClinicRochester, MN 55905Phone: (507) 284-2262Email: [email protected]

Past-PresidentTed GrossUniversity of WashingtonSeattle, WA 98104Phone: (206) 341-5604Email: [email protected]

President-ElectRodger KramUniversity of ColoradoBoulder, CO 80309-0354Phone: (303) 492-7984Email: [email protected]

Secretary/TreasurerDon AndersonUniversity of IowaIowa City, IA 52242Phone: (319) 335-8135Email: [email protected]

Secretary/Treasurer ElectPaul DeVitaEast Carolina UniversityGreenville, NC 27858Phone: (252) 328-4563Email: [email protected]

Program ChairFrancisco Valero-CuevasCornell UniversityIthaca , NY 14853Phone: (607) 255-3575Email: [email protected]

Program Chair-ElectRichard HughesUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI 48109-0486Phone: (734) 763-9674Email: [email protected]

Membership Committee ChairMax KurzThe University of Houston3855 Holman StreetGarrison Room 104Houston, TX 77204-6015Phone: (713) 743-2274Email: [email protected]

Education Committee ChairSteven McCawIllinois State UniversityNormal, IL 61790Phone: (309) 438-3804Email: [email protected]

Meeting ChairScott DelpStanford UniversityPalo Alto, CA 94305-5444Phone: (650) 723-1230Email: [email protected]

Communications Committee ChairAndy KardunaUniversity of OregonEugene, OR 97403Phone: (541) 346-0438Email: [email protected]

Newsletter EditorMichelle SabickBoise State UniversityBoise, ID 83725-2075Phone: (208) 426-5653Email: [email protected]

Student RepresentativeKatie BierylaVirginia TechBlacksburg, VA 24060Phone: (540) 231-4294Email: [email protected]

ASB Executive Board 2006–2007

Volume 19, No. 2 Page 7

Page 8 ASB Newsletter

Education CommitteeSteve McCaw

The ASB meeting at Virginia Tech was a successaccording to the evaluations received from attendees.A summary of the results and all of the extensivewritten comments were distributed to the organizersto reinforce that all of their efforts were appreciatedby attendees, and the feedback will be used tooptimize future meetings.

One highlight of the meeting was the posterBiomechanical Risk Estimates for Concussion inCollegiate Football Players by Jim Funk and StefanDuma from Virginia Tech (see page 9). Written asa sequence of ten limericks, to me it was the firsttime that a scientific presentation has rivaled Beowulfor Paradise Lost (the two epic poems I recall fromintroductory college English) or ribald rugby drinkingsongs for creativity.

Tutorials at the Annual MeetingThe ASB again thanks the presenters of the tutorialsat the Virgina Tech meeting. Tibor Hortobágyipresented on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulationwhile Steve Messier and Paul DeVita presented onGrantsmanship. Both tutorials, held on Wednesdayafternoon, were attended by around 25 individuals.The feedback was extremely positive for both.

Tutorial planning is underway for 2007, with onesuggestion already received. I welcome yoursuggestions (by email) of topics and/or presenters.If your tutorial is selected by the ASB executiveboard, you will receive a complementary registrationfor the 2007 meeting. Submission deadline is January15 to allow discussion of potential topics at thewinter ASB executive board meeting.

Successful Student Sessions at the AnnualMeetingOutgoing student rep Melissa Scott-Pandorf orga-nized a successful student luncheon at the annualmeeting. The distinguished luncheon panel consistedof Drs. Scott Delp, Casey Kerrigan, JulianneAbendroth-Smith, and Janet Dufek, who regaledstudent attendees with personal anecdotes con-cerning the sometimes convoluted road traveled in

pursuit of a career in biomechanics. I thank them fortaking time from busy conference schedules toprovide this service to students. Congratulations tothe new student rep, Katie Bieryla from VirginiaTech, elected at the meeting from a record sizedslate of six candidates.

ASB Graduate Student Grant-in-Aid ProgramThe Grant-in-Aid program makes available to gradu-ate students money to support research endeavorsconducted as part of a degree program. The dead-line for the next funding cycle is January 15, 2007.Details on the program are available on page 10 inthis newsletter and also on the ASB website.

Happy Update: Regional Student MeetingsThe ASB Executive Board has already approvedfunding for the three regional meetings ASB is ableto sponsor in 2007: Northeast (University of Mary-land), Southeast (Duke University) and Northwest(University of Oregon) (see details pp. 16-17).Because of the increasing popularity of serving ashost for a meeting, the ASB executive board willrevisit the guidelines for providing support. Atpresent, ASB makes available a total of $6,000 toequitably fund three regional meetings. We willconsider creating formal regions within the country,and developing a process of dividing the fundsamong the regions to maximize the number andquality of the meetings. Details on the new guide-lines will be provided in the spring newsletter.

Interesting questionAs usual, the non-conference hours were bountifulat the ASB meeting as a result of the interestingconversations that are held. One informal roundtablediscussion grew from the comment that scientistswho write published papers are in a minority in thepublishing world because they are not paid for theirpublished work. This lead to animated discussionof the question “What if an author was paid by thepublisher for each citation of the paper?” whichwould, in short, provide a financial impact factor foran author’s work. What do you feel about thisquestion—would it help or hinder science? Sendme your opinion and I may compile a summary in thefuture newsletter if the responses are interesting.

Until next time, keep your stick on the ice.

Volume 19, No. 2 Page 9

Biomechanical Risk Estimates for Concussion in Collegiate

Football Players Jim Funk and Stefan Duma, American Society of Biomechanics, 2006


In the past, trauma to the head has been studied on folks who were dead. But smiting cadavers yielded mostly skull fractures, and data that had a wide spread. In order to study concussion, your subject must have animation.

You can’t hit a man, but a primate, you can.

And then develop a scaling relation. The one exception is a game where the goal is to hit and to maim. Pellman et al. analyzed pro football, and reenacted the hits frame by frame. Results from those NFL sessions, were crunched by logistic regression. The data we applaud, but the risk curves were flawed, because many exposures were missing. Methods

A technique was lately invented using helmets that were instrumented.

Data transmitted live (Duma, 2005)

told the team doc which player got dented.

The Head Impact Telemetry System has too many benefits to mention. Accelerometers stay on the head, not the helmet instead, so when the hits come it won’t miss them. Fifty two players were studied for two seasons they were bruised and bloodied The risk to the head was calculated from data that were censored doubly. Results and Discussion

The range of head injury potential was distributed as an exponential; the same as you see with crashes and delta-V, and the similarity is not coincidental. Nearly twelve thousand hits were recorded, and the data turned out to be sordid. “These guys should be dead!” the past research said. “This experiment must be aborted!” Players took more hits than a junkie, But the outcome was some kind of funky. Only three concussions! which has repercussions for criteria scaled from a monkey

Page 10 ASB Newsletter

The purpose of the Graduate Student Grant-In-Aid Program is to support student members of ASB pursuing biomechanics research by offering a source of research funding. The grants are distributed on a competitive basis and are intended to offset the costs directly associated with conducting research. Funds may be used for small equipment items, materials and supplies, and animal or subject costs, but cannot be used to support travel costs or salaries. ASB anticipates awarding 3-5 grants, ranging from $500 to $2500 for a one-year period. To be eligible, an applicant must be a student member of ASB or have a membership application received by the Membership Chair no later than December 15, 2006. Applications must be submitted in a single file by electronic mail (Word or ASCII text only, no PDF materials are acceptable) by midnight January 15, 2007. The email must have as the subject line 2007 ASB

GIA. The attached file should have the applicant’s name as the file name (for example, LastNameFirstNameInitialYear.doc, i.e. McCawS07.doc). The application must include: 1) the name of the applicant and the title of the project; 2) a 150 word abstract; 3) the significance of and need for the research; 4) specific aims and hypotheses tobe examined, 5) a succinct overview of the methods to be employed; 6) an itemized budget (note that ASB does not pay indirect costs for the GIA), 7) a curriculum vita of the applicant, 8) a letter of recommendation from a faculty advisor/supervisor, 9) the name and mailing address of the fiscal agent at the institution responsible for handling any grant funds provided, and 10) the recipient title that should appear on the check. Sections 1 to 6 of the application should not exceed seven double-spaced pages. Page margins should not be less than 2.5 cm and font size no less than 11 point. Since applications are distributed electronically for review, please minimize the use of graphics (for example, neither letterhead graphics nor electronic signatures are required on the letter of recommendation). The Education Committee of the American Society of Biomechanics will review applications, with funding distribution expected by June 1. The rule is that recipients must present at the annual ASB meeting in the year following receipt of a GIA; for example, those receiving fundingdistributed in 2007 will be expected to attend and present at ASB in 2008. However, rules such as this are made to be broken and extensions to the following year will be granted if a good excuse without unjustified whining is presented.

Steven T. McCaw, Ph.D Chair, ASB Education Committee School of Kinesiology and Recreation Illinois State University email: [email protected] Email subject: 2007 ASB GIA General Inquiry Subject: 2007 GIA

Volume 19, No. 2 Page 11

The 2006 ASB conference was held at VirginiaTech on September 6 – 9. The meeting was enjoyedby 476 attendees from around the world represent-ing both industry and academia. Given the sponsor-ship of the exhibitors, Virginia Tech, Wake ForestUniversity, and The Virginia College of OsteopathicMedicine, we were able to break even on overallcosts while allowing students to attend for $50 thatincluded nearly all food for three days. If you stayedlong enough, the fee also included a free limbodance to cap off the conference.

It is impossible to thank and recognize all of thepeople who worked so hard to make this confer-ence possible, but we do want to recognize a fewpeople. First and foremost, Irene Davis deservesmost of the credit for such a successful meetinggiven her wonderful new programmatic ideas. Afterall, the primary purpose of the conference is theexchange of scientific knowledge and to that end wereached new heights this year (a close secondarypurpose is the enjoyment of free wine and beerwhile exchanging said knowledge). We also want to

ASB 2006 Conference ReportStefan Duma

Northwest Symposium 2006Peter Cripton and Claire Jones

The 2nd Northwest Biomechanics Symposium washosted by the Department of Mechanical Engineer-ing at the University of British Columbia on May 12-13, 2006.

The symposium was attended by over 80 students,faculty, and industry representatives from 15 aca-demic institutions and industry groups. The 25 po-dium presentations and 15 posters spanned a widerange of bioengineering topics including: the biome-chanics of spinal cord injury and associated ortho-paedic interventions; computational models of boneresorption; knee kinematics in response to diseaseand surgery; application of gait analysis to concus-sion diagnosis, assessing stability in the aged andassessing asymmetry during running tasks; and as-pects of adult and pediatric neck musculature. Topsymposium honours went to Anthony Choo and co-workers of UBC for their presentation entitled “Con-tusion, dislocation and distraction – primaryand secondary damage in distinct mechanisms ofspinal cord injury”. The poster prize was awardedto Sampath Gollapudi and David Lin of WashingtonState University for their poster on “Crossbridgemodeling of temperature-dependent contractileproperties of human soleus muscle fibers”.

Dr. Walter Herzog of University of Calgary, Albertapresented his keynote address following the sympo-sium dinner set in the 1912-built Cecil Green ParkHouse overlooking the Burrard Inlet andVancouver’s North Shore coast mountains. Dr.Herzog provided an entertaining account of theprogression of research into muscle fibre contrac-tion mechanisms from the 1952 work of Abbott andAubert to present day single-fibre research beingcarried out by his laboratory in Calgary.

The opportunity to share ideas, opinions, experi-ence and advice amongst faculty and students wasfacilitated by small group discussions following eachformal presentation session. Discussion questionsdealt with topics such as the challenges involvedwith in vitro and in vivo experimental models,

translation of research from laboratory to clinicalsettings, the impact of advances in medical imagingtechniques, the in’s and out’s of scientific publica-tion, and approaches to multidisciplinary collabo-rations. This student symposium was made possibleby the generous support of the American Society ofBiomechanics. Further information on the sympo-sium can be found at http://batman.mech.ubc.ca/~NWBS.

View of Burrard Inlet from the 2006 NWBSbanquet at UBC.

Page 12 ASB Newsletter

Communication CommitteeAndy Karduna

Here it is, winter newsletter time and the great newsis that all I have to do is write this article. MichelleSabick has taken over as newsletter editor (goodluck Michelle, hopefully you are not regretting yourdecision). I’ve moved on to the greener pastures ofCommunications Chair (though I may live to regretit).

Last year, Trey Crisco and Kathy Simpson com-ple te ly redes igned the ASB websi te(www.asbweb.org), which has made it pretty easyfor me to further refine it. I’ve been working onupdating everything, including upcoming regionalmeetings and information from the annual meeting atVirginia Tech (the abstracts are there, along withpictures of many smiling ASB members with beers intheir hands). On my list of things to do is to work onincreasing the archival information on our website,since we are currently only utilizing about 1% of ourallocated server space of 30 GB. Also, as TedGross mentioned in the last ASB newsletter, asCommunications Chair, I will be working with theSecretary Treasurer -Elect (Paul DeVita) on helpingto set up an on-line membership system for dues andsubscriptions and possibly abstract submissions.Due to the complex nature of this task, we arelooking into having an outside company handle this.Initial estimates indicate that it may actually be lessexpensive then our current procedures.

My goal is to keep the website up to date withinformation applicable to our membership so thatyou will be encouraged to check back often. I’d behappy to hear any suggestions you might have.

Tenure-Track Faculty PositionAssistant Professor, Biomechanics, Sport andExercise Science, University of Northern Colo-rado. Earned doctorate in exercise science or relatedfield. Candidate must have a background and exper-tise in biomechanics. Teaching experience at thecollege/university level is desired. Responsibilities:teach relevant undergraduate and graduate courses(primarily biomechanics and anatomical kinesiology);conduct independent and collaborative research; seekand maintain extramural funding; advise and superviseresearch of undergraduate and graduate exercise sci-ence students; serve on school and university commit-tees; and enhance the school’s exercise science pro-gram. Review of candidates will begin December 1,2006 and will continue until the position is filled. Submitletter of application, which addresses specific areas ofteaching/research competence, curriculum vitae, tran-scripts, and the names, with accompanying contactinformation, of three references to: Gary D. Heise,Ph.D.; Chair, Exercise Science Search Committee;School of Sport and Exercise Science; Campus Box39; Greeley, CO 80639. Questions are to be directedto [email protected]. The full vacancy announce-ment and application instructions are available at:http://www.unco.edu/nhs/employment.html.

Paid Job Listing

recognize Amanda Covey and all of the graduatestudents at Virginia Tech who spent so much timedoing the little things (like driving back and forthfrom the airport) that made the conference moreenjoyable. Finally, thanks to all those who attendedfor taking the time to travel to our small town in theBlue Ridge Mountains. We hope that everyone hada great time, and we look forward to seeing you atStanford next fall.

Sincerely,Stefan Duma, Michael Madigan, and Kevin GranataVirginia Tech 2006 Host Committee

476 Attendees for the 2006 ASB Conf. at Virginia Tech74 Universities, 44 Companies, 35 States, 7 Countries




Czech Republic



Volume 19, No. 2 Page 13

Commercial Members

Commercial membership categories are aimed atencouraging affiliation by commercial organizationsthat market products which are used by thebiomechanics research community, or companiesthat are otherwise engaged in activities that fallwithin the Society’s general interest areas.Companies wishing to become a CommercialMembers are encouraged to contact Max Kurz,Membership Committee Chair. The ASB ExecutiveBoard is pleased to recognize our 2006 commercialmembers:

SUSTAINING MEMBERSMotion Analysis Corporation

Bose Corporation - EnduraTECViconPeak

Paid Job Listing

A View From the BlueMichelle Sabick

The Department of Mechanical & Biomedical

Engineering at Boise State University seeks

candidates for two tenure-track openings as we continue to grow our emphasis areas of energy systems and biomechanics. In particular, we seek high-energy, collaborative and creative individuals who are dedicated to making significant contributions with their scholarship and teaching. The College of Engineering at Boise State is particularly dynamic and collegial, with rapidly growing graduate programs and widely respected undergraduate programs. Our faculty strive to integrate their scholarship and teaching, and much of our research is carried out with the involvement of undergraduate students. Please refer to the college web site for the full information regarding the position: http://coen.boisestate.edu (and click on “Faculty Searches”). Boise State University is strongly committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. The University actively encourages applications and nominations of women, persons of color, and members of other underrepresented groups. EOE/AA Institution, Veterans preference.

As I sit here finalizing the December newsletter, myfirst as ASB newsletter editor, fall is in full swing inthe inland Northwest. Before I wax philosophical,however, I should introduce myself. I am an AssistantProfessor in Mechanical and Biomedical Engineeringat Boise State University. Yes, the school with theblue turf on our football field. In fact, it is theinfamous blue turf that inspired the name of thiscolumn. Kit Vaughn started a trend in 1992 bycalling his newsletter column “A View from theAcademical Village” after his Thomas Jefferson-designed University of Virginia campus. The viewof the stadium and foothills right out my officewindow is likely quite different than that whichinspired Kit to name his column, but it does remindme that life continues on outside my window,regardless of what turmoil happens to be takingplace inside my office.

In this column I hope to follow in the great traditionof ASB Newsletter editors by commenting on topicsrelevant to biomechanists, while attempting to injecta bit of humor (but probably very little wisdom).Before I start, I should also thank my predecessor,Andy Karduna, who made my transition to theposition relatively smooth. Andy has moved on tobe Chair of the Communications Committee and Iwish him the best of luck in his new post.

The snow-dusted foothills outside my window rightnow remind me that change is not only inevitable, itis often healthy. It is easy to become complacentwith our teaching methods, our research ideas, orour personal relationships and forget to look atwhether they could be improved. Therefore, duringthis season of transition I encourage you to identifyan area where you could make a change for thebetter. It might be as simple as adding an engaginglearning activity to a course you are teaching, tryingout a new software package, or reaching out to acolleague in a different department to start a newresearch project. In my experience, a little bit ofeffort often leads to benefits that I never expected.You never know how that might change your view.

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Past-PresidentTed Gross

As the Past-President, it is my pleasure to Chair thevarious society Awards Committees. In this col-umn, I will briefly describe the award selectionprocess then turn to a description of the Borelli,Hay, and Pre- and Post-Doctoral Young ScientistAwards (all of which require a submission pack-age). A fifth award, the Travel Award, also requiresa submission package, while the remaining awards(Journal of Biomechanics, Clinical Biomechanics,Microstrain, and President’s Award) are selectedfrom a pool of highly scored abstracts submitted toour annual meeting. More information can be foundon our website (http://www.asbweb.org/html/awardgrant/awardgrant.html). Please note that wehave implemented an electronic submission processthis year and all materials must be submitted, whererequired, by February 23, 2007.

If you are interested in participating in the awardsselection process, please send me an e-mail indicat-ing your willingness to serve. For those interestedin submitting Awards packages, I have provided mycontact information below. Good luck to everyoneand see you at Stanford.

Ted S. Gross, Ph.D.ASB Past-PresidentDepartment of Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine,Box 359798325 Ninth AveSeattle, WA [email protected]


Award Selection ProcessFollowing feedback from the society, the ExecutiveBoard extensively discussed and approved severalchanges to the Awards selection process beginningthis year. Given that several ASB awards areassessed based on a % cutoff of blind abstractscores, approximately 70 to 90 abstracts/Awardpackages are now considered each year across allof our awards. Given our membership size, finding

equal representation from each of our 5 disciplineareas and members willing to review such a largenumber of packages without any conflict for anyaward has become a substantial practical limitation.As a result, sub-committees will be formed for eachAward, with some members serving on multiple sub-committees.

The Borelli and Hay Awards Committee will becomprised of the current President-Elect and Presi-dent, and three former Past-Presidents and/or Borelli/Hay winners (requiring equal representation of all 5ASB disciplinary categories) as solicited by thecurrent Past-President. Members in conflict (eithernominating or submitting for either Award or a formermentor or mentee) will be excused from participa-tion in the assessment of either Award). Separatecommittees will be established for the remainingawards while maintaining discipline diversity (at leastn=5 per committee). Any committee member with aconflict will be excused from receiving submissionsfor that award (e.g., a member that is in conflict forthe Journal of Biomechanics Award would not re-ceive those abstracts but would be eligible to par-ticipate in the selection of the Clinical BiomechanicsAward).

The current Past-President serves as a non-votingChair for all of the Awards Committees and isresponsible for recruiting members to serve on theAwards Committees and administrating the pro-cess. Each committee member independently re-views the appropriate material and submits his/hervote electronically to the Chair without discussionamongst the committee members. The recipient/finalist of each award will be determined via thehighest average score as tabulated by the Chair. Ifan average ranking is identical for two candidates,the smallest range of scores will serve as a tie-break.

Borelli AwardThe Borelli Award is the most prestigious honorgiven by the ASB, recognizes outstanding careeraccomplishment and is awarded annually to an in-vestigator who has conducted exemplary research inany area of biomechanics. The award is named afterGiovanni Alfonso Borelli (1608-1679). Borelli, amid-17th century Professor of Mathematics from

Volume 19, No. 2 Page 15

Naples, Italy, is considered to be the father of mod-ern biomechanics. Borelli’s novel contribution, thetreatise “On the Movement of Animals” (translatedby Paul Maquet and published by Springer-Verlag),puts forth numerous propositions on the movementsand displacements of the limbs of man and animals.

The Borelli Award selection is based on originality,quality and depth of the research and the relevanceof this work to the field of biomechanics. Theawardee must attend the Annual Meeting of the ASBin order to receive the award and to deliver theBorelli lecture. The award consists of an engravedplaque and a check for $1,500. The Borelli Award isopen to all scientists, including non-ASB members,but excluding ASB officers and members of theBorelli and Hay Awards Committees. Candidatesmay be self-nominated or nominated by others.Candidates should be established scientists whosework incorporates biomechanics in any scientificfield. Submission material for the Borelli Awardincludes a letter of nomination (7 hard copies orWord document or PDF), a comprehensive curricu-lum vitae (Word document or PDF), and five publi-cations on a single topic or theme (PDF). Allmaterials must be sent by e-mail (or post-marked) byFebruary 23, 2007 to the ASB Past-President.

Hay AwardThe Jim Hay Memorial Award for Research inSports and Exercise Biomechanics was establishedin 2004 via the support of the Hay family and addi-tional donors to recognize outstanding career ac-complishment. The Hay Award is awarded annuallyto an investigator who has conducted exemplaryresearch in the area of sports and exercise sciencebiomechanics.

The Hay Award selection is based on originality,quality and depth of the research and the relevanceof this work to the field of Sports and Exercisebiomechanics. The awardee must attend the AnnualMeeting of the ASB in order to receive the awardand to deliver the Jim Hay Memorial lecture. Theaward consists of an engraved plaque and a checkfor $1,000. The award is open to all scientists,including non-ASB members, but excluding ASBofficers and members of the Borelli and Hay Awards

Committees. Candidates may be nominated by them-selves or by others. Submission material for the HayAward includes a letter of nomination (7 hard copiesor Word document or PDF), a comprehensive cur-riculum vitae (Word document or PDF), and fivepublications on a single topic or theme (PDF). Allmaterials must be sent by e-mail (or post-marked) byFebruary 23, 2007 to the ASB Past-President.

Young Scientist AwardsThe Pre- and Post-Doctoral Young Scientist awardsare amongst the most competitive in our society andrecognize outstanding early achievements by promis-ing young scientists. Selection is based upon thescientific quality of the submitted material. Bothawardees must attend the annual ASB meeting topresent their work in a special Awards session. Eachaward consists of an engraved plaque, a check for$500, and a waiver of conference fees for the annualASB meeting.

Regarding eligibility, nominees must be current orpending members of the ASB at the time of submis-sion. A young scientist is considered eligible for thepre-doctoral award if they have not received theirdoctoral degree in the year prior to the ASB annualmeeting. A young scientist is considered eligible forthe post-doctoral award if they have received theirdoctoral degree within five years prior to the year ofthe annual meeting. Candidates may be self-nomi-nated or nominated by an ASB member for eitheraward.

Submission materials are identical for the two Awardsand include a letter of nomination from the depart-ment head or graduate research advisor (7 hardcopies or Word document or PDF), a curriculum vitae(Word document or PDF), and a description of thenominee’s current research that should include astatement specifying the nominee’s contribution to allwork described and to all accompanying publications(limit 2 pages, Word document or PDF). Finally,candidates for the Young Scientist Awards mustsubmit an abstract of original research (via regularcall for abstracts) to the ASB annual meeting with thenominee as first author. All materials (excluding theAbstract) must be sent by e-mail (or post-marked) byFebruary 23, 2007 to the ASB Past-President.

Page 16 ASB Newsletter

Southeast RegionalConference

It is our pleasure to announce the Second SouthEast Biomechanics Conference to be held April 19-April 21, 2007 at Duke University in Durham, NC.Abstract Submission is now open for SEBC 2007and will close February 1, 2007. The major aims forthis regional ASB meeting are to provide a welcom-ing environment for students to present and receivefeedback on their research, and to create an infor-mal scientific environment that encourages interac-tion between students and faculty.

The theme is “BIOMECHANICS: from Injury Pre-vention to Performance Enhancement” whichwill be highlighted with keynote addresses by Dr.Irene Davis (University of Delaware) and Dr. FarshidGuilak (Duke University, Editor in Chief Journal ofBiomechanics). However, abstracts from ALL ar-eas of biomechanics will be accepted and are en-couraged. In addition to student presentations, themeeting will include a student/faculty banquet aswell as tours of several biomechanics laboratorieson the Duke University campus. Details can befound a t the SEBC websi te : h t tp : / /klab.surgery.duke.edu/SEBC.

IMPORTANT DATES:- Abstract Submission: February 1, 2007- Conference: April 19- April 21, 2007

CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS:- Robin Queen, Ph.D. ([email protected])- Ershela Sims, Ph.D. ([email protected])

Please direct email inquiries to one of the confer-ence organizers.

SPONSORS:- American Society of Biomechanics- AMTI- Journal of Biomechanics- Motion Analysis Corporation- Orthopaedic Bioengineering Laboratory at Duke University- The Athlete’s Foot

The Department of Human Physiology, University of Oregon,invites applications for a tenure-track position at the level ofAssistant Professor created to enhance teaching and researchin a program with strengths in biomechanics, physiology,motor control, and athletic training. The ideal candidate willcontribute directly to one or more of these sub-disciplines,provide expertise that will bridge across existing programs, and/or contribute in synergistic areas that are not currently repre-sented in the department. A PhD in a related field (physiology,kinesiology, exercise physiology, biomechanics) or an MD isrequired, as are at least two years of postdoctoral training orindependent university research experience. Candidates areexpected to demonstrate a proven record of research investi-gating physiological functions in human subjects as well asdemonstrated ability or high potential to attract external fund-ing. Previous university-level teaching experience is highlydesirable. The successful applicant will be expected to estab-lish a vigorous research program supported by extramuralfunding, contribute to the mission of the department in under-graduate and graduate teaching, and engage in departmentaland university service. The ability to work effectively withfaculty, staff and students from a variety of diverse back-grounds is required. Competitive salary support and start-upfunds will be made available. Applicants should submit acurriculum vitae, a statement describing their research goalsand teaching philosophy, representative recent publications,and names and addresses of three references to: SearchCommittee, Department of Human Physiology, 1240 Universityof Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1240. Review of applications willbegin December 15, 2006 and will continue until a suitablecandidate is hired.

Paid Job Listing

Volume 19, No. 2 Page 17

Northwest RegionalConference

We are pleased to announce the 3rd AnnualNorthwest Biomechanics Symposium to be heldMay 18-19, 2007 at University of Oregon inEugene, OR. This symposium, in the spirit of ASBmeetings, will encourage students in biomechanics,assist regional collaborations between researchinstitutions, and advance the state-of-the-art inbiomechanics research and educatioon.

The program will include student presentations(both podium and poster), a keynote address byDr. Rodger Kram of the University of Colorado onrunning mechanics, a student/faculty dinner banquet,and round table discussions on current biomechanicsresearch. These activities are expected to providean atmosphere rich in student and faculty networkingfor both career and research advancement.

Abstracts from all areas of biomechanics will beconsidered. Details can be found on the conferencewebsite: http://biomechanics.uoregon.edu/nwbs2007.

IMPORTANT DATES:- Abstract Submission: April 2, 2007- Conference: May 18-19, 2007

CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS:More details can be found by contacting thesymposium chairs:-Li-Shan Chou, Ph.D. ([email protected])- Michael Pavol, Ph.D. ([email protected]).

Northeast RegionalConference

We are pleased to announce that The University ofMaryland at College Park and Baltimore, Depart-ments of Kinesiology, Bioengineering, and PhysicalTherapy and Rehabilitation Science, are co-hostingthe Northeast American Society of Biomechanics(NEASB) regional meeting on March 30-31, 2007.This conference will be largely catered toward en-riching the academic experiences of students byproviding them with an informal, scientific setting inwhich they can present research and receive feed-back on their studies through interaction with facultyf rom other regional univers i t ies .

The theme of this year’s conference is “Bridgingthe Gap between Biomechanics and Motor Con-trol.” Abstracts from outside of the conferencetheme are strongly encouraged and will be ac-cepted. Respected scholars in Biomechanics andMotor Control, including Dr. Vladimir Zatsiorsky ofPenn State University, will give the keynote ad-dresses. In addition to presentations, the meetingwill feature tours of the Neuromechanics, CognitiveMotor Neurosc ience , Or thopaedicMechanobiology, and Human Performance Labo-ratories at the University of Maryland, College Park.For the details about the conference please visit thewebsite: http://www.hhp.umd.edu/KNES/faculty/jkshim/NEASB. We look forward to seeing you atthe NEASB in Bal t imore in March!

IMPORTANT DATES:- Abstract Submission: October 24, 2006 -January 31, 2007- Notification of Abstract Acceptance: February15, 2007- Conference: March 30 - March 31, 2007

CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS:- Jae Kun Shim, Ph.D. ([email protected]),- Adam Hsieh, Ph.D. ([email protected])- Timothy Judkins, Ph.D. ([email protected]),- Alex Hooke, B.S. ([email protected]), Graduate student organizer

Page 18 ASB Newsletter

Volume 19, No. 2 Page 19

Orthopaedic Research SocietyFebruary 11 - 14, 2007, San Diego, CaliforniaAbstract deadline - pastwww.ors.org

Australasian Biomechanics ConferenceFebruary 15 - 17, 2007, Auckland, AustraliaAbstract Deadline - pastwww.cce.auckland.ac.nz/conferences/index.cfm?P=9173

American Academy of Orthotists and ProsthetistsMarch 21 - 24, 2007, San Francisco, CaliforniaAbstract deadline - pastwww.academyannualmeeting.org/2007/home.asp

Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis SocietyApril 11 - 14, 2007, Springfield, MassachusettsAbstract deadline - pastwww.amrinc.net/gcmas

NorthEast American Society of Biomechanics ConferenceMarch 30-April 1, 2007, College Park, MarylandAbstract deadline - January 31, 2007http://www.hhp.umd.edu/KNES/faculty/jkshim/NEASB/index.html

Southeast Biomechanics ConferenceApril 19 - 21, 2007, Durham, North CarolinaAbstract deadline - February 1, 2007klab.surgery.duke.edu/modules/klab_sebc_2007/index.php?id=1

Northwest Biomechanics SymposiumMay 18 - 19, 2007, Eugene, OregonAbstract deadline - April 2, 2007biomechanics.uoregon.edu/nwbs2007

American College of Sports MedicineMay 30 - June 2, 2007, New Orleans, LouisianaAbstract deadline - pastwww.acsm.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Annual_Meeting2

Society for Experimental Mechanics Conference andExposition

June 3 - 6, 2007, Springfield, MassachusettsAbstract deadline - pastwww.sem.org/CONF-AC-TOP.asp

Calendar of EventsWilliam Ledoux

NOTE: For a more comprehensive international listing, please visit ISB’s website at: www.isbweb.org/conferences

International Conference on Rehabilitation RoboticsJune 13 - 15, 2007, Noordwijk, The NetherlandsAbstract deadline - February 4, 2007www.icorr2007.org

Summer Bioengineering ConferenceJune 20 - 24, 2007, Keystone, ColoradoAbstract deadline - January 31, 2007divisions.asme.org/bed/events/BED%20Conference%202007.pdf

International Society of BiomechanicsJuly 1 - 5, 2007, Taipei, TaiwanAbstract deadline - January 15, 2007www.isb2007.org

International Conference of Experimental MechanicsJuly 1 - 6, 2007, Alexandroupolis, GreeceAbstract deadline - pastwww.icem13.gr

International Society for Posture and Gait ResearchJuly 14 - 18, 2007, Burlington, VermontAbstract deadline - pastwww.ispgr.org

IASTED International Conference on BiomechanicsAugust 20 - 22, 2007, Honolulu, HawaiiAbstract deadline - April 1, 2007www.iasted.org/conferences/home-580.html

IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocietyAugust 23 - 26, 2007, Lyon, FranceAbstract deadline - April 2, 2007www.embc07.ulster.ac.uk/

American Society of BiomechanicsAugust 23-25,2007, Palo Alto, CAAbstract deadline - TBAwww.asbweb.org

European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults andChildren

September TBA, 2007, Athens, GreeceAbstract deadline - TBAwww.esmac.org

Human Factors and Ergonomics SocietyOctober 1 - 5, 2007, Baltimore, MarylandAbstract deadline - TBAwww.hfes.org/web/HFESMeetings/meetings.html

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