JEET IAS –9927518355 AMERICAN LITERATURE 1-aA young homosexual who hates the world he can’t live in and the one he resides in, appears in Edward albee’s: a)The zoo story b)The Death of Bessie smith c)The sandbox d)the American Dream 2-What is the real name of Mark Twain? a)Samuel Lionel Clemens b)Samuel mark Clemens c)Samuel Langhorne Clemens d)Samuel Taylor Clemens 3-Mark Twain’s “huckleberry Finn” Appeared in: a)1882 b)1883 c)1884 d)1885 4-“I never saw a moor, I never saw the sea: Yet know I how the heather looks, And what a wave must be,” Who wrote the above lines? a)T.S .Eliot b)Walt Whiteman c) William Faulkner d) Emily Dickinson 5-‘the Road Island Almanack’ is a work of: a)William Faulkner b) Robert Froat c) James Franklin d)Walt whiteman 6-Robert Frost was awarded the Pulitzer prise: a)Only once b) twice c) thrice d) four times 7-who was invited by president John F.Kennedy to recite his patriotic poem “the Gift Outright” at the inaugural ceremony?a)E.E. Cummings b) Robert frost c) Theodore Dressier d)Thelma Howard 8-Ernest Hemingway was greatly influenced by Ezra Pound and: a)Henry James b) T.S. Eliot c) Gertrude stein d) Thomas James Farrell 9- Which American novelist committed a sucide by gunshot in 1961?


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JEET IAS 9927518355

AMERICAN LITERATURE1-aA young homosexual who hates the world he cant live in and the one he resides in, appears in Edward albees:a)The zoo story b)The Death of Bessie smithc)The sandbox d)the American Dream2-What is the real name of Mark Twain?a)Samuel Lionel Clemensb)Samuel mark Clemens c)Samuel Langhorne Clemens d)Samuel Taylor Clemens3-Mark Twains huckleberry FinnAppeared in: a)1882 b)1883 c)1884 d)18854-I never saw a moor,I never saw the sea:Yet know I how the heather looks,And what a wave must be,Who wrote the above lines?a)T.S .Eliot b)Walt Whiteman c) William Faulkner d) Emily Dickinson5-the Road Island Almanack is a work of:a)William Faulkner b) Robert Froat c) James Franklin d)Walt whiteman6-Robert Frost was awarded the Pulitzer prise:

a)Only once b) twice c) thrice d) four times 7-who was invited by president John F.Kennedy to recite his patriotic poem the Gift Outright at the inaugural ceremony?a)E.E. Cummings b) Robert frost c) Theodore Dressier d)Thelma Howard8-Ernest Hemingway was greatly influenced by Ezra Pound and:a)Henry James b) T.S. Eliot c) Gertrude stein d) Thomas James Farrell9- Which American novelist committed a sucide by gunshot in 1961?a)Henry James b) T.S. Eliot c) Gertrude stein d) Thomas James Farrell 10- the old man and the sea recounts the *4 days adventure of:a)Matadors b) Santiago c) The author d)Philip11- Which of the following is the longest novel of Heming way ,describing the incident in the Spanish Civil War?a)For Whom The Bell Tolls b) To have and Have Not c) The Sun also Rises d) The Torrents of Spring12-Which of the following books of Ernest Hemingway has an account of bull-fighting? a)Green Hills of Africa b) The wild Years c) winner Take nothing d) Death in the afternoon13-When did Ernest Hemingway get the Nobel Prize for literature?a)1954 b) 1953 c)1952 d) 194914-Arthur Miller depicts a manufacturer whose defective airplane parts are responsible for his (manufactures) sons death in one of his plays .identify that play,a)All my sons b) the Misfits c) After the fall d) the American clock15-Bob Smith is the central figure in Eugene ONeills play tittled:a)The Iceman cometh b) A farewell to arms c) The hairy ape d) gold16-ONeil won the Pulitzer Prize for two of his plays.one of them is Anna Christine.name the other one.a)The Straw b) Beyond the Horizon c) bound East of Cardiff d) The first man17-The Iceman Cometh (1946) is a tragedy, realistically set in a Bowery Bar symbolically portraying the loss of illusion and the coming of death .who wrote it?a)Emily Dickinson b) William Faulkner c) Eugene oNeill d) Arthur Miller18-A well known American poet,essayist and critic who became a reader of the Agrarians and aaaalso the editor ofThe Fugitive was:a)John Crowe Ransom b) Ayan Rand c) Carl Sandburg d) Jack London19-the Catcher in the Rye describes the story of a boy ,holdon Caulfield ,who runs away from his boarding school and becomes a symbol of purity and sensitivity on account of his excellent communication skill. Who is its writer? a)Eugene O Neill b) Jerome David Salinger c) H.H Munro d) None of the above20-A poetry collection of Wallace Stevens containing his early poems was published in 1923 when he was 44. Identify it.a)Ideas of order b) Harmonium c) Owls Clover d) The man With the Blue Guitar21- Who wrote theLeaves of grass ,one of the classics of world poetry?a)Walt Whiteman b) Robert Frost c) T.S. Eliot d) Emily Dickinson22- How does Yank,The central character in the Hairy Ape differ from Aristotelean tragic heroes?a)He does not meet his tragic end despite his flaws b) There is a sudden reversal of fate at the end which is different from Aristotelean tragedy c)he meets a tragic end without having any tragic flaw d) none of the above23-Whom does Walt Whiteman call the Captain in the following lines?O Captain ! my Captain! Rise up and hear the bells:Rise up for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trillsFor you bouquets and ribbondWreaths for you the shores crowdinga)John F.Kennedy b) Abraham Lincoln c) Roosevelt d) George Washington24-In which of his poems do we witness Whitemans uninhabited treatment of sex?a)Children of Adam b) Spontaneous Me c) A Woman Waits for me d) all of the above25- Who wrote the famous poems likesong to Myself.song to open roadand crossing Brooklyn Ferry?a)Walt Whiteman b) Arthur Miller c) W.H.Longfellow d) Robert Frost 26-some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice,From what I Have tasted of desire I hold with those who favour fire,But if I had to perish twice I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction iceIs also greatAnd would suffice. These lines are from a famous poem Fire and Ice by a famous poet. Name that poeta)E.E .cummings b) R.W. Emerson c) Arthur Miller d) Robert Frost27-He was the first to smash the old moral conception that the soul of man is flesh.D.H. Lawrence wrote this about a writer.identify that writer .A)Walt Whitemann b) Fuller c) Emerson d) Melville28-Identify the book for which Whiteman has written the following :These are really the thoughts of men in all ages and lands ,they are not original with me... A]Leaves of grass b) The scarlet letter c) Billy Budd d) song of myself29-Who wrote the following? I am nobody! Who are you ?Are you nobody too?a)Nathenial Hawthorne b) Walt whiteman c) Allen Ginsberg d) Emily Dickinson30- Identify the play of Edward Albee which deals with the agony of a black blues singers death after au auto accident.a)The Sand Box b) The Death of Bessie Smith c) Tingy Alice d) Who is afraid of Virginia Woolf31-one of the following is not a work of Mark Twain. Identify it,a)The Jumping Frog of Calavenas Country b) The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg c) Connecticut Yankee in king Arthurs d) The Awakeninty32-Tom(1935) by E.E. Cummings is a/an a)Satirical Ballad b) Elegy c) Literary Criticism d) Poetic Diction33-Because I could not stop for Death,He kindly stopped for me,The Carriage held but just Overselves And immortalityIdentify the poem of Hart Crane have these lines been taken?a)Tiime and eternity b) The chariot c) Parting d) Life34- Which of the following is a Pulitzer Prize winner?a)A Fable(1954) B) Soldiers Pay(1926)c)Sanctuary (1931) d)Intrunder of the dust(1948)35-Robert Frost is a regional poet .the north region of. Forms the background to his poetry.a)San Francisco b) Detroit c) Los Angeles d) Boston36-An American poets habit of instituting downward Comparisons is a degradation of the human race. He constantly compares man to animal and trees and finds much that is animal and vegetable in human nature .who is that poet?a)Walt Whiteman b) Stephan Crane c) Robert Frost d) Ezra Pound37-Who edited Emily Dickinsons the Single Hound in 1914?a) Martha b) Polly c) jenny d) Fanny38-which of the following is a Pulitzer Prize winner wok?a)A memory of two Mondays b) The American clock c) The crucible d) death of a salesmn 39- HOW Many poems there were in the first edition of Leaves of grass? a)12 b) 13 c) 14 d)1540-To which age does Whiteman belong-a)Whitemans Age b)Atomic age c)world war age d)civil war age41- In which year Leaves of Grass published?a)1852 b) 1853 c)1854 d) 185542-Before I got my eye put out propounds the theory that:a)solitary life is better than the busy outdoor life. b) nature and god are two unknowable entities c) the nuns are the brides of the lamb. d)love had a capacity to pacify the restlessness of a human heart. 43-which poem is not related with Emily Dickinson- a)I hear it was charged against me b)There came a wind like a bugle c)tell all the trust but tell it slant d)A light exists in spring44-Robert Frost as a nature poet composed his poems by: a)Going deeply in the nature as a philosopher b)Merely rearding things lovingly c)Using imageries d) narrating the beauty45-Two Tramps in Mud Time reflects the poets a)Emotions b) activities attitudes and responses c)passimism d)Social unequalities46-According to Robert Frost realism means:a)A potato brushed clean b)A potato with a great deal of dirt c)A potato chopped off to be cooked d) a raw potato47-Sylvia Plaths father was a a)Otto Plath b) Jane Plath c) Oliver Plath d) none of the above48-Sylvias poetry ,in a large measure ,reveals the inner dilemma and A) Love b) Frustration c) Hate d) None of the above48-Daddy was published in the volume of the poem entitled a)Ariel b) Zeal c) Passion d) none of the above49-The poem Daddy dealing with the theme of a)Victim b) Love c) Hatred d) none of the above50-from her early childhood Plaths heart has been agitated be a)frustration b)love passion c) hatred d) none of these