1 Vol. IV, Nr. 2 / 2015 AKADEMIA DIPLOMATIKE SHQIPTARE Vol. IV , Numri 2 • Maj 2015 Prof. Dr. Lisen Bashkurti Anglofobia, - Ksenofobia më ndikuese me bazë nacionale në Evropë /Faqe 6 PhD Kandidat, Alban Përmeti Riorientimi dhe riorganizimi i Shërbimit diplomatik shqiptar pas rënies së komunizmit /Faqe 20 ISSN 2227-8540 ISSN 2312-5748 (Online)

American Intervention in Iraq From Realistic Prospect

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Many times, many international relations theorists, had declared dead realistictheory, and each time they were out wrong. Even complementary theories of realism, didnot weaken essence of realism. Even other fields theorists and theories, despite criticismthat, they were not able to weaken realism, because realism is not only supporters withinthe theory itself, but there are also critics within the itself theory. It would be unfair approachof ours, if we say that realism don’t have transformation, but its transformationsare just adapting to the time and circumstances, which have always been different, thetwentieth and twenty-first century brought changes which were impossible sometimesfollowed by radical studies even by foreign policy analysts.Classical realism is the subject of our study, with case study of the US interventionwith ally in Iraq. Our objective was to elaborate the events and actions of the UnitedStates from the classical realism perspective, to achieve up to a theoretical realistic conclusionthat would tell us that realism is still very strong basis in international relations.The findings of our study, showed once again that realism today still continues to beused in international relations, but its approach has new elements that strengthen onlyby give him a habiliment sometimes even morality, tending to a demagogic realism. Theintervention in Iraq and before in Afghanistan, put in sandwich Iran and created newand other political circumstances.Key words: realism theory, Iraq intervention, moralist realism, sandwich policy,selfish interests, Middle East bloc, demagogic realism.

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1 Vol. IV, Nr. 2 / 2015AKADEMIA DIPLOMATIKESHQIPTAREVol. IV, Numri 2 Maj 2015 Vol. IV, Nr. 2 Maj 2015 Prof. Dr. Lisen BashkurtiAnglofobia, - Ksenofobia m ndikuese me baz nacionale n Evrop/Faqe 6PhD Kandidat, Alban PrmetiRiorientimi dhe riorganizimi i Shrbimit diplomatik shqiptar pas rnies s komunizmit/Faqe 20Prof. Dr. Lisen BashkurtiPhD Kandidat, Alban PrmetiPhD Kandidat, Nexhmedin BardhiMsc. Naim BerishaMsc. Agim KastratiStudent, Endrit BinakajStudent, Guraku KuiDr. Rovena Vata Tan KazaziPhD Kandidat, Endrit MusajStudente, Trebeshina HnaMA. Gjenis Haxhimehmeti MA. Florentina HalitiPhD Kandidat, Valmir HylenajKontribuan n kt botimI S S N2227- 8540ISSN 2227-8540ISSN 2312-5748 (Online)ISSN 2227-8540ISSN 2312-5748 (Online)mimi 400 Lek AKADEMIA DIPLOMATIKE SHQIPTAREQENDRA PR STUDIME NDRKOMBTARE DHE DIPLOMATIKEADRESA: Rr. Rexhep Jella Selit e VoglTiran - SHQIPRICel: +355 69 512 4444Website: www.albdiploacademy.comE-mail:[email protected] IV, Numri 2Tiran, Maj 2015 ADSH PressISSN 2227-8540ISSN 2312-5748 (Online)REVI STSHKENCOREPERI ODI KEREVIST SHKENCORE PERIODIKEBotim i Akademis Diplomatike ShqiptareDrejtorKryeredaktorRedaktor ShkencorKshilli ShkencorKopertinaKorrektorFaqosjeProf. Dr. Lisen [email protected] Kandidat, Alban [email protected]. Dr. Astrit [email protected]. Margarita [email protected]. Dr. Lisen BashkurtiProf. Dr. Bashkim RamaProf. Dr. Aleksandr BiberajProf. Dr. Joseph MifsudProf. Dr. Nabil AyadDr. Mlladen AndrlicDr. Ilir KullaProf. Dr. Arben PutoProf. Dr. Vasillaq Kureta Dr. (PhD Uni Graz) Endri PapajorgjiDr. Rovena VataOlti PrmetiMajlinda BashkurtiMargarita MuhoOlti PrmetiISSN 2227-8540ISSN 2312-5748 (Online)5 Vol. IV, Nr. 2 / 20151Prof. Dr. Lisen BashkurtiAnglofobia, - Ksenofobia m ndikuese me baz nacionale n Evrop2PhD Kandidat, Alban PrmetiRiorientimi dhe riorganizimi i Shrbimit diplomatik shqiptar pas rnies s komunizmit3PhD Kandidat, Nexhmedin BardhiEtika dhe prgjegjsia pr edukim qytetar4Msc. Naim Berisha Evropa n Prag t Lufts s Par Botrore5Msc. Agim KastratiPertimet e bizneseve nga auditimi i pasqyrave nanciare6Student, Endrit BinakajSdat Globale n zbatimin e marrveshjeve ndrkombtare pr shtjet e ambientit7Student, Guraku Kui American intervention in Iraq from the realistic prospect8Dr. Rovena Vata & Tan KazaziElementt fantastik dhe gjysm-fantastike n historit e shkurtra t Kutelit9PhD Kandidat, Endrit MusajRaportet e Shqipris dhe Bashkimit t Republikave Socialiste Sovjetike para Lufts s Dyt Botrore10Studente. Trebeshina HnaKontributi i Eqrem abejt pr tekstet e vjetra shqipe11MA. Gjenis Haxhimehmeti & MA. Florentina HalitiFondi Monetar Ndrkombtar si instrument nanciar n dor t shteteve12PhD Kandidat, Valmir Hylenaj Aktort me ndikim m t madh rajonal - SHBA dhe ndihma e BE-s n Ballkan6202640495868768294103115Prmbajtja68 GLOBAL CHALLENGEAmerican intervention in Iraq from the realistic prospectStudent. Guraku Kui American intervention in Iraq from the realistic prospect | Student. Guraku KuiAbstractMany times, many international relations theorists, had declared dead realistic theory, and each time they were out wrong. Even complementary theories of realism, did not weaken essence of realism. Even other felds theorists and theories, despite criticism that, they were not able to weaken realism, because realism is not only supporters within the theory itself, but there are also critics within the itself theory. It would be unfair ap-proach of ours, if we say that realism dont have transformation, but its transformations are just adapting to the time and circumstances, which have always been diferent, the twentieth and twenty-frst century brought changes which were impossible sometimes followed by radical studies even by foreign policy analysts.Classical realism is the subject of our study, with case study of the US interven-tion with ally in Iraq. Our objective was to elaborate the events and actions of the United States from the classical realism perspective, to achieve up to a theoretical realistic con-clusion that would tell us that realism is still very strong basis in international relations. Tefndingsofourstudy,showedonceagainthatrealismtodaystillcontinuestobe used in international relations, but its approach has new elements that strengthen only by give him a habiliment sometimes even morality, tending to a demagogic realism. Te intervention in Iraq and before in Afghanistan, put in sandwich Iran and created new and other political circumstances.Keywords:realismtheory,Iraqintervention,moralistrealism,sandwichpolicy, selfsh interests, Middle East bloc, demagogic realism.69 Vol. IV, Nr. 2 / 2015AKADEMIA DIPLOMATIKE SHQIPTAREIntroductionHistory of the World, known as the history of wars, from the times immemo-rial, we talk, write and study on the causes and consequences, interests and glory, which created wars made by diferent countries empire. Peace any time, it is considered as the absence of war and not the opposite. Many philosophers and theoreticians, but also own strategists and statesmen wars have dealt with the development of selfsh strategies wars. And all developments are founded on realistic grounds, the Darwinian theory of survival of the fttest. Development history and circumstances knew no more than the realism in various forms, as a balance of power, security dilemma, the balance of threat, hegemonic stability, etc. All these at all time, was never died and nor went mode, despite the end of the Cold War, and the creation of many international laws and mechanisms for the creation of a collective security. Realism has not gone at all, almost any war in the world, whether humanitarian interventions, and for the fact that all other theories are just that creatures after realism, and realism can have the breakdown in itself, of the nature of biological and genetic human, that man by nature is being selfsh, and in the case of states, as groupist nature and power-centric. Neither the intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq, has not ne-glected the use of realism, but we can say that it only has reformed some of its grounds, and that has created a new basis for flling realistic studies theory.Many academic and journalistic debates dealt with the issue of Iraq intervention, and all, some open and some silently, agreed that intervention was a show or recurrence of political realism in the way as classical, as well as combined with the new circumstances. Terefore, we here try to explain and analyze the events, circumstances and various analy-ses that have emerged from academic and political debates. Even now, 12 years after the interventioninIraq,debatesareendlessandnonecanberecognizedasdefnitive,nor theorists do not have any line on this topic. Tis paper is based on the explanation of the circumstances and events until the intervention in Iraq, from a realistic perspective, and always trying to containing only classical realism, not incorporating new interpretations e.g. it neo-realistic.Classical realism in modern timesEvery major global event, bringing new lessons about global international theo-ries. While the old realists assume that only war is the condition for changing international relations, young realists reject this assumption. Te event of September 11 is not diferent from previous incidents, and that they were forced to turn the debate about the validity of the theories of international policy (Bunyavejchewin, 2012).Te end of the Cold War, from a large part, it was thought that the time spent realistic theory, and now it was no more than something outdated. But, as it was neither the end of history, it was not the end of the realistic theory. We will stop the elaboration of realism in the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq, which is the best evidence of post-Cold War realism use, with all the justifcation and propaganda spread. Tucydides, Machiavelli and Hobbs, taken as the authors of classical realism, not that the power of force was not used even before these authors, but were these authors who threw on paper what we today call realistic theory. Te fttest do what they have the power to do, and the weak accept what they have to accept, (Tucydides, 431 BCE) says Tucydides in his book, Te Peloponnesian War.Tis estimate not avoided historical reality, nor in modern times, and has not seen anychange,fromancienttimestothemodernforselfshinterests,Morgenthauevena classic realist of our time, considers that nuclear weapons are the only real revolution thing that has happened in the structure of international relations since the beginning of his-tory. (Lebow, 2007). But, how can employ in modern case, Tucydides byword: the single power- US does what it can do, and the weak- Iraq accept what must accept. (zdemir, 2011)70 GLOBAL CHALLENGESelfshness,heedlessness,mutualdistrust,thesearchforpowerandsurvival strategies for securing believed that produce (and reproduce) anarchy structures among thepoliticalcommunity,theself-helpinternationalsystem,securitydilemma,perma-nentreservesforwar,violence,andunlimitedpoliciesinitiatedbynationalinterests. (Behr & Kirke, 2014). Tese terms were used to explain their realism, authors Tucydides, Machiavelli and Hobbs. But we can say that these terms are overdue, and now they are old. We would be very unfair to ourselves if such thing would believe and assert. Today we are witness at the new wars that are taking place in diferent regions of the globe, and today all those things, are happening to possess energy, the seizure of Arab oil, indepen-dence from Russian gas by directing compass from other countries with gas, and wars to spread the impact and infuence.Morgenthaus principles and other meditationTe world since the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Soviet Union, has fortutoronlyonesuperpower,whichcalledtheUS,andasKissingeralsoclaimedin his Diplomacy, the US has a neo-imperialism which does not resemble with previous conquests powers, but the US has tended to by spreading its freedom values, open mar-ket,etc.,putdemocraticgovernments,whichwillthenbeeasiertocontrol(Kissinger, 1994), so we can have international peace and stability only to adapting American in-terests. (zdemir, 2011)Morgenthausays: whenacountryisengagedinwarwithanothercountry,and anticipate victory, will pursue a policy that requires fundamental changes in the relations of powerwiththeenemyanddefeat.(Morgenthau,1948) TisthesisassuresthattheUS intervention in Iraq, was to change the relationship of an enemy that had Iraq the rela-tionship of the ruler rule, but it was not all, certainly the US, there was no reason inter-vention in Iraq only to extend its infuence in a more country.Of the six principles of Morgenthaus realism, he, in the frst principle among other things, he adds that: for realism, theory consists in establishing the facts and giving an understanding through reason. Tis assumes that the foreign policy characters can only be determined by examining the political action performance and the foreseeable consequences of these actions. But facts examination if it is not enough. To give a vivid sense materialized facts in foreign policy, we need to have a real policy approach, with a kind of rational framework. (Morgenthau, 1978)US gathered evidence to the Iraq invasion gave reason. Tere is evidence that the sanction against Iraq are functioning, although signifcant, but it appears the US was not content with self-restraint, but before we give the ofcial justifcation, the thought of a realist, Richard Ned Lebow, for invasion in Iraq was that: all Bush administration sought the Saddams removal, and do not even make any efort to hide their target. Teir conversations with other ofcials and the media show that they were deeply ofended by the survival of Saddams regime and its expected strength inversion would allow Wash-ington to recreate the map in the Middle East and increase dramatically its infuence worldwide. TeyassumedthattheIraqispeoplewouldwelcometheAmericanswith openarmsasliberatorsthattheywouldaccepttheirpuppetinemigration,Ahmed Chalabi, as their new ruler and with a street in the Middle East to fnish some work, gainedconsiderableinfuenceoverSaudiArabia,IranandthePalestinians.Moreover, they expected that a successful military campaign of high-tech, titled shock and panic thatremovedSaddamwithfewAmericanvictims,wouldfrightenNorthKoreaand encouragewiderinvolvementofothercountriesalongsidetheUnitedStates,theyare increasing their intentions to seek favours from the United States. (Lebow, 2007)While Ramadan zdemir, adding that: natural resources, in Iraq, mainly oil, itwillhelpmanyAmericanpolicymakersinpayingwarinIraq.Tiswouldbeused resourcesaftertheinvasionandtocompensatecostsoftheUSmilitary,awaywhich American intervention in Iraq from the realistic prospect | Student. Guraku Kui71 Vol. IV, Nr. 2 / 2015AKADEMIA DIPLOMATIKE SHQIPTAREwill relax the US economy. National security, natural resources and the state pow-er, are important reasons which are highlighted by the international theory of realism. (zdemir, 2011)WhiletheUSandUK,invasioninIraqarguedthat:thereisbuildingmass destruction weapons, and Iraq was also a supporter and supplier of aid and weapons the Al-Qaedas terrorist group, and as such constituted a risk senior for US security and its allies.Morgenthau in his fourth principle for realism, adds that: Political realism is aware for the importance of morality in political actions. It is also aware of the inevitable tension between the moral command and expectations for the success of political action. And he is not willing to gloss and blasting that tension and thus trouble both, the moral and political issues, prompting seen through political grim facts were morally very satis-fying than they are currently, and morality laws less demanding that now. (Morgenthau, 1978)TeUSandUKwereawarefortheimportanceofmoralityintheiractions, but also were aware that the support of the public opinion in their countries was great, and that tensions were raised, and in all support that was acquired, certainly leaders had responsibility towards their public, but also to the success of their political actions.And of course, leaders with such support, are not willing to lose support within thecountry,andtheirreliabilityasaglobalsuperpower,becauseofmorality,butalso their actions should have moralistic grounds, but should nevertheless through facts grim, that in Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, there is support terrorism, must found the golden middle of action.George Kennan, a realist and architect of the Cold War, would be expressed in the time of cold war, that primary obligation of government with social national interests that are present, for which he thinks are those military security, integrity of political life that would ensure prosperity for the people interests that are neither morally bad or good. (Conces, 2009)Te ffth principle, Morgenthau argues that: Political realism refuses to identify the moral aspirations with a state, especially with moral laws that govern the universe. (Morgenthau, 1978) Even the US, with realistic methods, reach to justify their actions, or as US feels too powerful to be bound by the laws and customs that govern the uni-verse,however,doesnothaveacasethattheUnitedStatesnotattemptedtoidentify moralisticaspirations,butthatcamelaterallwasuntrue.Forthispurpose,thereare theories that we can describe, and not only to explain the events, which will be much easiertodo.Sowatchingtherealisticdiferences,wecannotsaythatwehaveaclean realistic, nor radical, nor a moralist, nor classic or modern, etc., of these I would say that we have a demagogic realism.In the six principles, Morgenthau says, that realists support autonomy in the political, economic or even the law. Morgenthau adds, that leaders defne realism in in-terest and power terms; economists defne interest in wealth terms; laypeople, see realism in conformity action with legal rules; while moralists, argue or try to justify action with moral principles (Morgenthau, 1978).Former President George W. Bush, was an American politician and a business-man, and his cabinet, ranging from Vice President Dick Cheney, who was also a politi-cianandbusinessman,thensowastheDefenseSecretaryDonaldRumsfeld,Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz had been president of the World Bank and ambas-sador to Indonesia, while national security adviser Condoleezza Rice, as an educated in political science until 1982 has been a Democrat, then she passed on the Republicans becauseofforeignpolicydisagreementswiththethenDemocraticPresidentJimmy Carter, but also by the infuence of her father who was a Republican. Republican Party each time with regard to acts in international afairs has been faster and more aggressive in action. Pondering that we did the cabinet of former President Bush, was intended to 72 GLOBAL CHALLENGEshow that they were all Republican realist inspiration to make such actions, given the economic aspect, the latter always seek to have land, more capital and labor, and also as a politician seeking to have more power, strength and infuence. And the special occasion, we have Condoleezza Rice, which its own actions in 1982, show that it is much more realistic in international political views. All cabinet mentioned, none of them had any educationwhichwillresembledfromthemorality,oreducationinlawaspect,andas such will certainly less he wanted to know about morality and law.But, to return once again to the thesis that the action in Iraq, were well covered with moralism, and applied propaganda, the media was the fourth power, but that was agoodtoolforpropaganda,andassuchwasusedstatevitalorganssuchastheCIA, buttheclassicrealisttheologianReinholdNiebuhr(1892-1971),willbethethought that political duties require a mixture of sagacity and loyal adaptability, of general standards ofjudgmentandadaptabilityinactualpower.(Conces,2009)Apologistswouldjustify further the actions of the US, who claim to have overcome the temptation of morality ofactions,anddenouncedthefndingnotionofexplanatorypower,astheseshownot political expediency and prudence, and as such deliver toward the demise of democracy and national suicide. (Conces, 2009)By Hobbes to MorgenthauTomas Hobbes in his three statements on the nature of the state:1)People are equal;2)Tey interact in anarchy;3)Tey are driven by competition, distrust and war (Hobbes, 1660).Hobbes claims that these take us to the war of all against all.Once people are equal in the sense that even a weak can make force as a strong, with cynicalactionsoralliances.ButIraqwasnotevenequal,butneitherhadanallywho would support, then why would be willing to opposing a powerful US, which were even allies.Butalliancesaregoodaswellasthebad,becausetheyaresolikelytoprovoke confict, much as they have to prevent it. (Lebow, 2007) In our case, the alliance was not formedtocreateabalanceofpower,ortodefending,itdidnotprovokewar,butwas created specifcally for war.Te US, as stated earlier, did not classic conquests, it claims that by utilizing the power and the lead, bringing down regimes and put democratic governance, and then there to exercise its infuence. Terefore the United States, except interest also wants to exercise justice. Classical realists do not equate power with infuence, because for them, infuenceisonlyapsychologicalrelationshipthattranscendstheinterestsofthemo-ment.Justicecomesintothispicturebecauseitisthefoundationofrelationsandthe sense of belonging to a community, from which in the end, depend on the infuence and safety. (Lebow, 2007)Morgenthau aimed to:Tostoppolicyslideinirrationalcontemptforhumanity,hadbeenthe norm;By depriving realism, absolutism of national interest, should put principles;To give realism a human face, had put obligations (Conces, 2009).SotheassumptionthatAmericanswouldbewelcomedasliberators,of course, despite its realism, was the other side of the coin, Iraq was a dictatorship country, and the people it was oppressed and certainly needed freedom.How changed realism and why IraqBill Clinton, his administration enriched by many people coming from Viet-nam War protests, and with this administration changed the approach being withdrawn American intervention in Iraq from the realistic prospect | Student. Guraku Kui73 Vol. IV, Nr. 2 / 2015AKADEMIA DIPLOMATIKE SHQIPTAREby the concept of national interest, and that the use of force would be used only in the event of any generous cause. (Kissinger, 2005, p. 30) And with the disappearance of the risk of general war, young politicians saw the world as an economic opportunity, or at the instruction of the rest of the world with American virtues. (Kissinger, 2005, p. 32) Te warning to use force for generous issue, tendencies indicated that it would be a genuine cause. Also, liberal approach and spread American values showed a liberal democratic cause. However, if we look at these things so complementary, we can understand that the appropriation, but the deception of the world with economic development and freedom was the way the new neo-imperialism, would be covered by the use of force with very generous terms. And this happens because: the state is a unitary actor and selfsh, which follows a particular strategy in relation to other states. (Morgan, 2012, p. 32)George Bush, in 2002 in the Presidents speech, and the National Strategy of the United States, put out, the doctrine of preemption, or more specifcally, preventive war. (Fuku-yama, 2008, p. 142) Robert Kagan, said that Americans feel that they still live in history andneedtousepoliticalmeansandtraditionalstrengthtocopewiththreatssuchas Iraq, Al Qaeda, North Korea and other hostile forces. (Fukuyama, 2008, p. 172)Te aftermath of September 11 and the war on terrorism, did not leave many options for restriction policy or diplomacy, but the intervention in Iraq, the defnition of Kagan, and attempt the expansion of American values, can be a way to show for realistic USA goals, to the point that can change the idea that the United States is only a kind of imperialist, such as European countries.Saddamspoliticalsurvival,hadforcedtheUnitedStatestoa dualrestraint policy against Iran and Iraq. (Kissinger, 2005, p. 292) Te United States does not have good relations with Iraq or Iran, as neither of these two was not good relations with each other. Te possibility to infuence internally in one of two states in any revolution was very small, and much less favorable for the US. Iran every day more and more, become a more serious threat to the US, and the latter having the inability of external infuence or threat Iranian with aggression. Given that cannot moderating Iran without an invasion of Iraq (Kissinger, 2005, p. 294) and that now have a stronger Turkey to resist any Kurd-ish shock. And the United States using rational realism, intervened in Iraq to use the media and American public opinion, to make his country by introducing the sandwich Iran, on the one hand on Afghanistan and Iraq on the other hand, that would China to stop his momentum a greater infuence in Europe but also the eastern countries aligning with Russia, and all this was the biggest sources of oil on hand, to be exploited as a joker when it needs to stop Russia momentum by reducing the amount of gas it. Ten, the United States using rational realism, intervened in Iraq, the use of media, and the Ameri-canpublicopinion,bringingtheIraninsandwich,ontheonesidewithAfghanistan, andontheothersidewithIraq,thatwillstophimChinamomentum,toanygreater infuence in Europe, but also the eastern countries aligning with Russia.ConclusionsFrom all that was said, the period after 11 September 2001 does not recognize pure realism, but also realism is not outdated, although as theory is the old, it does not meanthatsomethingoldisoutmoded.Whyhaveanuncleanrealism,itisthatthe UnitedStatesattackedwiththepretexttoprotect,eventhoughitwasawarbetween non-equals. But if this attack was for the resources, the time the US had sufcient re-sources,thenourquestionis,whereisthelimitofsufciency,ortheUnitedStatesis thinking about the future, a struggle for energy, which is happening today also in other countries, and it seems these checks it has extended in Iraq and Afghanistan, is enabling the United States to reduce the price of oil, to reduce the importance of Russian gas, but the main goal is the change of power in Iran with pro-American government. However, the world once again shows that the balance of power is a cyclical story, which had at-74 GLOBAL CHALLENGEtempted to build an order, but from the insufcient efects fnally delivered destabilizing efects,andsofromthisinstabilityintheUS,butalsootherforceinlifting,consider themselves as proud and powerful to subject universal laws and customs.Another fact that should be noted is that the countries with the unstable inter-nal order have external efects, but the Middle East destabilization came from abroad, after the fall of regimes sparked religious conficts, tribal and anti-Western.US alliance only with Western countries, and without any country that would be close to Iraq, which would make this intervention the most popular, was a mistake that should not be repeated, or if there is not any potential ally, must need to fnd a third way for intervention because of deep cultural diferences, religious, etc., did not welcome foreigners.Teimpositionofaregimenotpopularinacountry,isdestructiveforitself successor, and the latter from the large power, demanding pride and glory can send itself to the edifce.Also, installing a non-popular regime, and especially of democracy in countries thathaveanunletteredpopulation,itwillsendthatcountryintochaosandanarchy, because democracy ofers freedom of action, and these freedoms when given to people who do not have a level of education, they certainly maybe have the lack of ethics, to use for the good of freedom of action.Intervention in Iraq, has become even more unpopular and not welcome, the US action with very little coalition without UN support, and the entire international community, namely, actions outside the tremendous support of the community, havent a justice lan-guage, are not able to formulate their interests in a coherent and intelligent form.From all this, though realism is criticized is not able to give him more things explanation, it nevertheless proved far more adept at fnding diagnoses, rather than anal-ysis.Te realism continues and will continue to remain for a long time as the basis of international relations, who will fnd ways and its development based on the context of the events, but also the legal gaps and customary international law.American intervention in Iraq from the realistic prospect | Student. 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Available at: http://classics.mit.edu//Thucydides/pelopwar.html (17.02.2015).122 GLOBAL CHALLENGEVol. IV, Numri 2 Maj 2015 Vol. IV, Nr. 2 Maj 2015 Prof. Dr. Lisen BashkurtiAnglofobia, - Ksenofobia m ndikuese me baz nacionale n Evrop/Faqe 6PhD Kandidat, Alban PrmetiRiorientimi dhe riorganizimi i Shrbimit diplomatik shqiptar pas rnies s komunizmit/Faqe 20Prof. Dr. Lisen BashkurtiPhD Kandidat, Alban PrmetiPhD Kandidat, Nexhmedin BardhiMsc. Naim BerishaMsc. Agim KastratiStudent, Endrit BinakajStudent, Guraku KuiDr. Rovena Vata Tan KazaziPhD Kandidat, Endrit MusajStudente, Trebeshina HnaMA. Gjenis Haxhimehmeti MA. Florentina HalitiPhD Kandidat, Valmir HylenajKontribuan n kt botimI S S N2227- 8540ISSN 2227-8540ISSN 2312-5748 (Online)ISSN 2227-8540ISSN 2312-5748 (Online)mimi 400 Lek