American Culture

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Culture of the United StatesTheculture of the United Statesis primarilyWestern, but is influenced byNative American,African,Asian,Polynesian, andLatin Americancultures. A strand of what may be described as American culture started its formation over 10,000 years ago with the migration ofPaleo-IndiansfromAsia, as well as from Oceania and Europe, into the region that is today thecontinental United States. The United States of America has its own unique social and cultural characteristics such asdialect,music,arts,social habits,cuisine, andfolklore. TheUnited States of Americais an ethnically and raciallydiversecountry as a result of large-scale migration from many ethnically and racially different countries throughout its history as well as differing birth and death rates among natives, settlers, and immigrants.[1]Its chief early European influences came from English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish settlers of colonial America during British rule. British culture, due to colonial ties with Britain that spread the English language, legal system and other cultural inheritances, had a formative influence. Other important influences came from other parts of Europe, especiallyGermany,[2] France, and Italy.[citation needed]Original elements also play a strong role, such as Jeffersonian democracy.[3] Thomas Jefferson'sNotes on the State of Virginia was perhaps the first influential domestic cultural critique by an American and areactionary piece to the prevailing European consensus that America's domestic originality wasdegenerate.[3]Prevalent ideas and ideals that evolved domestically, such asnational holidays, uniquelyAmerican sports, military tradition, and innovations in the arts and entertainment give a strong sense ofnational prideamong the population as a whole.[citation needed]American culture includes both conservative and liberal elements, scientific and religious competitiveness, political structures, risk taking and free expression, materialist and moral elements. Despite certain consistent ideological principles (e.g. individualism, egalitarianism, and faith in freedom and democracy), American culture has a variety of expressions due to its geographical scale and demographic diversity. The flexibility of U.S. culture and its highly symbolic nature lead some researchers to categorize American culture as amythicidentity;[4]others see it asAmerican exceptionalism.[citation needed]It also includes elements that evolved fromIndigenous Americans, and other ethnic culturesmost prominently theculture of African Americans,cultures from Latin America, andAsian American cultures. Many American cultural elements, especially frompopular culture, have spread across the globe through modern mass media.The United States has traditionally been thought of as amelting pot, however beginning in the 1960s and continuing on in the present day, the country trends towards culturaldiversity,pluralismand the image of asalad bowlinstead.[5][6][7]Due to the extent of American culture, there are many integrated but unique socialsubcultureswithin the United States. The cultural affiliations an individual in the United States may have commonly depend onsocial class,political orientationand a multitude of demographic characteristics such as religious background, occupation and ethnic group membership.[1]

InfluenceThe Hollywood cinema industry has been very influential on American culture, and to some extent in global culture through transmission of American movies overseas and as other film cultures likeBollywoodhave striven to emulate the American model.The United States has influenced the cultures of many other countries, but as countries around the world become more inter-connected and inter-dependent, the general cultural trends (of the US and other countries) head towardsmulticulturalismand socioculturalglobalization.
