8/19/2019 America Brings Hell to Ukraine http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/america-brings-hell-to-ukraine 1/5 America Brings Hell to Ukraine as Part of its Plan for World Domination By Margaret Kimberley Global Research, May 18, 2014 Washington’s pell-mell rush to the brink of war against the giants of Eurasia is awesome in its recklessness. “The feverish pace of the Asia pivot meant to encircle China is matched only by the plan to dispatch Russia economically – and ultimately, militarily.” Because of American intervention, Ukraine is embroiled in what can only be described as a civil war. For the past two weeks, the Ukrainians coupists supported by the United States and NATO have openly massacred their fellow citizens with the tacit approval of the White House and without exposure from the American corporate media. The United States behaves like a caricature of action movie villains, an evil empire which foments violence around the world in order to have its way. Yet there is nothing cartoonish about the dead people in Iraq and Afghanistan and Somalia and Syria and now Ukraine. There is no great mystery to America’s awful but very simple motive. The United States wants to maintain its status as the world’s only superpower and makes the rest of humanity its enemy in the process. If the United States controls the world the dollar will remain the world’s reserve currency. In order for this to happen the upstart BRIC nations have to remain upstarts and that means that they must be destabilized whenever and wherever possible. The project for a new American century can be realized and every nation will have to bow to America’s whims. That is the nightmarish vision of this president and of anyone who yearns to capture that position after him. The feverish pace of the Asia pivot meant to encircle China is matched only by the plan to dispatch Russia economically – and ultimately, militarily. American imperialism is on the march. The Ukrainian catastrophe was unknown to most Americans until this February, when the elected prime minister was forced to step down by a mob financed and directed by the United States. But the chaos had been conducted in secret for a long time, part of a plan by a succession of American presidents from George H.W. Bush to Barack Obama to expand NATO and surround Russia with unfriendly nations. On May 2, 2014, Americans would have been shocked to see what their government had wrought, but one can’t be outraged if information is hidden. On that date, opponents of the newly installed government were attacked by neo-nazi gangs in Odessa. They were peacefully protesting when their encampment was attacked and burned down. They fought back before seeking refuge in a trades union hall where estimates of between 50 and 100 died. Some were shot and some burned to death when the building was set on fire by the mob. Euromaidan PR even posted gruesome footage of the inferno victims and labeled the dead as “terrorists,” making no effort to hide their role in the massacre.  Those acts were repeated one week later on May 9 th  in the city of Mariupol where a police station was set on fire and more deaths and injuries occurred.

America Brings Hell to Ukraine

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America Brings Hell to Ukraine as Part of its Plan for

World Domination

By Margaret Kimberley

Global Research, May 18, 2014

Washington’s pell-mell rush to the brink of war against the giants of Eurasia is awesome in its

recklessness. “The feverish pace of the Asia pivot meant to encircle China is matched only by the plan

to dispatch Russia economically – and ultimately, militarily.”

Because of American intervention, Ukraine is embroiled in what can only be described as a civil war.

For the past two weeks, the Ukrainians coupists supported by the United States and NATO have openly

massacred their fellow citizens with the tacit approval of the White House and without exposure from

the American corporate media.

The United States behaves like a caricature of action movie villains, an evil empire which foments

violence around the world in order to have its way. Yet there is nothing cartoonish about the dead

people in Iraq and Afghanistan and Somalia and Syria and now Ukraine. There is no great mystery to

America’s awful but very simple motive.

The United States wants to maintain its status as the world’s only superpower and makes the rest of

humanity its enemy in the process. If the United States controls the world the dollar will remain the

world’s reserve currency. In order for this to happen the upstart BRIC nations have to remain upstarts

and that means that they must be destabilized whenever and wherever possible. The project for a new

American century can be realized and every nation will have to bow to America’s whims. That is thenightmarish vision of this president and of anyone who yearns to capture that position after him. The

feverish pace of the Asia pivot meant to encircle China is matched only by the plan to dispatch Russia

economically – and ultimately, militarily. American imperialism is on the march.

The Ukrainian catastrophe was unknown to most Americans until this February, when the elected

prime minister was forced to step down by a mob financed and directed by the United States. But the

chaos had been conducted in secret for a long time, part of a plan by a succession of American

presidents from George H.W. Bush to Barack Obama to expand NATO and surround Russia with

unfriendly nations.

On May 2, 2014, Americans would have been shocked to see what their government had wrought, but

one can’t be outraged if information is hidden. On that date, opponents of the newly installed

government were attacked by neo-nazi gangs in Odessa. They were peacefully protesting when their

encampment was attacked and burned down. They fought back before seeking refuge in a trades union

hall where estimates of between 50 and 100 died. Some were shot and some burned to death when the

building was set on fire by the mob. Euromaidan PR even posted gruesome footage of the inferno

victims and labeled the dead as “terrorists,” making no effort to hide their role in the massacre.  Those

acts were repeated one week later on May 9th in the city of Mariupol where a police station was set on

fire and more deaths and injuries occurred.

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The United States and its media allies are repeating the proven plan of attack which has worked so well

in the past. Their propaganda ceaselessly demonizes the next target, in this case Russian president

Vladimir Putin. Putin did not overthrow the Ukrainian elected government and light the stick of

dynamite. The United States and the rest of NATO did that. Yet media outlets ranging from the New

York Times to the Wall Street Journal to MSNBC ceaselessly repeat the Putin as villain canard.

Putin even tried to dissuade the eastern Ukrainian regions from holding referendums which would

allow them to become part of Russia. He moved his troops away from the Ukrainian border and

presented his own peace proposal but none of these actions made a difference to the people determined

to destabilize his government or to the media who follow them compliantly and repeat their lies.

“If there were questions about the legitimacy of the separatist referendums in eastern Ukraine, the

farcical names of the entities on which people were asked to vote — the self-declared People’s

Republics of Donetsk or Luhansk — surely answered them.” This  juvenile mockery from the New

York Times is a sorry substitute for journalism. Instead of examining why large segments of the

Ukrainian population want no part of the west’s puppet government, they sneer at the call for self-


The blame for this crisis can be placed squarely with the western nations and blame will also be placed

on them if hostilities become more widespread. Obama and his cohorts in all likelihood don’t want a

war, but may stumble onto one because of their desperation. It wouldn’t be the first time in history that

unintended consequences brought ruin to millions of people.

The CIA director thought he was sneaking into Kiev covertly, as if no one knows what he looks like.

Diplomat Victoria Nuland was caught speaking on an unsecure line clearly admitting that the United

States was choosing the new Ukrainian leadership. Obama and his team are not as smart as they think

and that makes it likely that they will make decisions that are costly to the entire world.

But it is important to remember that the rest of the world hasn’t acquiesced completely. Russia’s

Gazprom handed Ukraine a $1.6 billion bill to continue supplying natural gas and China and Russia

will soon sign their own 30-year energy agreement. While Russia makes the best of a bad situation,

Vice President Biden’s son takes a position on the board of a Ukrainian gas company. The gangsterism

is all too blatant.

The American plan for domination doesn’t just assume coups and interventions but also its own

invincibility. The road to hell isn’t just paved with good intentions but with arrogance and stupidity andAmerica has an excess of both.


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Is the West “Directly” Responsible for the Massacres

In Ukraine?Biggest German Newspapers Say Blackwater BehindMassacresB "ashington#s Blog$lobal %esearch& 'a (8& 2)(4

FireDogLake reported on Monday:

Breaking during the weekend was a story by Der Spiegel and Bild that American mercenaries were on

the ground in Kiev. According to the report 400 mercenaries from Academi (formerly Blackwater)

were on the ground “involved in a punitive operation mounted by Ukraine’s new government.”

Der Spiegel claims “the information originates from U.S. intelligence services and was presented

during a meeting chaired by the Chancellor’s Office chief Peter Altmaier (CDU). At the meeting were

present the president of the intelligence agencies and the Federal Criminal Office, as well as the

intelligence coordinator of the Chancellor’s Office and senior Ministry officials.”

Indeed, the German newspaper apparently claimed that the American mercenaries are directing and

coordinating the attacks by the fascist Right Sector militia.

Blackwater is more or less an extension of the CIA.

There are also dozens of CIA and FBI “advisors” in Ukraine, and the CIA director visited Kiev before

the massacres started.

In any event, even if the U.S. is not directly responsible for the massacres, we are certainly indirectly

responsible. After all, the U.S. is backing neo-Nazis in Ukraine (and see this).

Don’t believe me?

The leader of the “protests” in February 2014 which ousted the president of Ukraine (Andriy Parubiy)is a neo Nazi and follower of a prominent WWII Ukrainian Nazi.


He’s now the head of national security in Ukraine. In that role, he has organized neo-Nazi brigades to

murder Russian-speaking Ukrainians en masse.


Tony Cartalucci documents the history of Ukraine’s neo-Nazis:


The bolstering of Ukraine’s ultra-right began in 2004, when the United States directly funded and

organized the “Orange Revolution. The Guardian would admit in its 2004 article, “US campaign

behind the turmoil in Kiev,” that:

…while the gains of the orange-bedecked “chestnut revolution” are Ukraine’s, the campaign is an

 American creation, a sophisticated and brilliantly conceived exercise in western branding and massmarketing that, in four countries in four years, has been used to try to salvage rigged elections and

topple unsavoury regimes.

Funded and organised by the US government, deploying US consultancies, pollsters, diplomats, the

two big American parties and US non-government organisations, the campaign was first used in

 Europe in Belgrade in 2000 to beat Slobodan Milosevic at the ballot box.

While the Guardian attempts to justify American meddling in multiple nations as an attempt to

“salvage rigged elections and topple unsavoury regimes,” it does not deny that the meddling took place

and goes on to explain in great detail just how that meddling was carried out. The ultra-right Neo-Nazis

now occupying Kiev in the wake of the so-called “Euromaidan,” are the heirs of the “Orange

Revolution.” The parties that benefited from 2004′s unrest, including the “Fatherland Party,” now hold


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While the “Orange Revolution” was carried out more covertly, the “Euromaidan” was openly backed

by both the US and the European Union. At the height of the protests, US Senator John McCain would

literally take the stage with the ultra-right, Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party leaders as well as meet with

“Fatherland Party” member and future “prime minister,” Arseniy Yatsenyuk .

Additionally, in mid-April, CIA director John Brennan was confirmed to have traveled to Kiev. Forbes

in their article, “Why CIA Director Brennan Visited Kiev: In Ukraine The Covert War Has Begun,”

reported that:Over the weekend, CIA director John Brennan travelled to Kiev, nobody knows exactly why, but some

speculate that he intends to open US intelligence resources to Ukrainian leaders about real-time

 Russian military manoeuvres. The US has, thus far, refrained from sharing such knowledge because

 Moscow is believed to have penetrated much of Ukraine’s communications systems – and Washington

isn’t about to hand over its surveillance secrets to the Russians.

Forbes would continue by suggesting arrangements were being made to prepare Ukraine for a possible

proxy war with Russia – describing the shortcomings of Western backing during another proxy

confrontation with Russia, the Georgia-Russia conflict in 2008 where Western equipped Georgian

troops were humiliated after invading South Ossetia and incurring a counterattack by superior Russian


***The West has invested heavily in covering up the fact that its new proxies in Kiev are ultra-right Neo-

Nazis. However, the Western media itself has, in the past, extensively documented the nature of each

of the most prominent groups that compose the current, unelected regime.

In a January 2014 Spiegel Online article titled, “‘Prepared to Die’: The Right Wing’s Role in Ukrainian

Protests,” it described Svoboda in no uncertain terms (emphasis added):

The Svoboda party also has excellent ties to Europe, but they are different from the ones that Klischko

might prefer. It is allied with France’s right-wing Front National and with the Italian neo-fascist

 group Fiamma Tricolore. But when it comes to the oppression of homosexuality, representative [Igor]

 Myroshnychenko is very close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, even if he does all he can to

counter Moscow’s influence in his country.

It goes on to state (emphasis added):

 Myroshnychenko was press spokesman for the Ukrainian national football team in the lead up to the

2008 European Championships, but he isn’t exactly cosmopolitan. He would even like to see foreign

 professional football players deported because they “change Ukraine’s ethnic map.”

There have been other, similar incidents. In a 2012 debate over the Ukrainian-born American actress

 Mila Kunis, he said that she wasn’t Ukrainian, rather she was a “Jewess.” Indeed, anti-Semitism is

 part of the extremist party’s platform; until 2004, they called themselves the Social-National Party

 of Ukraine in an intentional reference to Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist party. Just last summer, a

 prominent leader of party youth was distributing texts from Nazi propaganda head Joseph Goebbels

 translated into Ukrainian.

In Channel 4′s (UK), “Ukraine: far-right extremists at core of ‘democracy’ protest,” it mentions both

Svoboda MP Myroshnychenko as well as current Svoboda party leader Oleh Tyahnybok (emphasis


 In December US senator John McCain travelled to Ukraine to offer his support to the opposition,

appearing on stage with leaders of the three opposition parties leading the protests – including the far-

right Svoboda party.

Svoboda is currently Ukraine’s fourth biggest party and holds 36 seats in parliament. It is also part of

the Alliance of European National Movements, along with the BNP and Hungary’s Jobbik.

Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok is one of the faces of the protests, appearing regularly along with

opposition leader and former boxer Vitali Klitschko voicing opposition to Putin’s influence over the


 However, Tyahnybok has provoked controversy in the past with his anti-Semitic claims that a

“Moscow-Jewish mafia” controls Ukraine.

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In another Channel 4 report titled, “Far-right group at heart of Ukraine protests meet US senator,” it

stated (emphasis added):

…in 2004 [Svoboda] leader Oleh Tyahnybok gave a speech attacking what he called “the Moscow-

 Jewish mafia ruling Ukraine” and in another speech declared: “the Moskali, Germans, Kikes and

 other scum who wanted to take away our Ukrainian state.”  

 Despite the controversy his statements attracted in the West, Tyahnybok was voted Person of the Year

by readers of Ukrainian news magazine Korrespondent last year.

 In another outburst from the party their deputy chief, Ihor Miroshnychenko, wrote an anti-Semitic

 attack on Mila Kunis on Facebook: “Kunis is not Ukrainian, she is a Yid. She is proud of it, so Star

 of David be with her.” 

The Fatherland Party, which is leading the coalition junta, even in name alone echos the disturbing

nationalist nomenclature of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. Beneath the rhetorical similarities are disturbing

parallels of more substance.


[Note from Washington's Blog: The video get most of the facts right; but it's claim about the red and

black color scheme is incorrect.]

From the Fatherland Party is drawn the current “prime minister” of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

Yatsenyuk is a renowned bigot. He would catch the attention of Amnesty International in its 2008

report, “Overview of Lesbian and Gay Rights in Eastern Europe (.pdf), which cited him saying – when

his views regarding homosexual marriage were labelled “conservative” – that:

“I do not agree. If a man has normal views, then you label him a conservative, but those who use drugs

or promote sodomy – you label them a progressive person. All of these are perversions.”

In March 2013 LGBT Weekly’s article, “Leading Ukraine Opposition figure surprises supporters by

denouncing gay marriage,” would state:

 Leading Ukraine Opposition figure, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, risks disappointing liberal supporters of his All-Ukrainian Union “Fatherland” party, having publicly rejected gay marriage at a recent rally.

Yatsenyuk was confronted by a representative of the Western-Ukrainian Lesbian Gay Bisexual and

Transgender community who said to him: “Many people live in love, but not in law. Promise me that if 

 you become president, you will legalize same-sex relationships, and I promise that all gays and

lesbians will vote for you.”  But Yatsenyuk, who leads “Fatherland” in the absence of jailed leader

Yulia Tymoshenko, revealed that he rejects gay marriage because his personal beliefs stand in the way

of any political position.

And while the West parades out before global audiences “Jewish” commentators claiming the new

regime is free of antisemitism, growing fear has been documented amongst Ukraine’s Jewish

population during the last decade the West has been propping up the ultra-right. An interesting report

in the wake of the Fatherland Party’s failed attempt to take power during 2010′s elections by The

Jewish Week titled, “Change For Ukraine, But Likely Not For Jews,” portrayed Ukraine’s Jews in fear

of a potential win by “Fatherland” which was perceived as both nationalist and anti-Semitic.

A video report published in 2012 on Jewish News One titled, “Ukraine far-right Svoboda party anti-

Semitism,” further exposes the West’s current narrative regarding their proxies in Kiev as nothing

more than a public relations campaign designed to cover up what is essentially a Nazis regime.
