AMC Annexure B

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  • 8/12/2019 AMC Annexure B


    Annexure- B

    Terms and Conditions:

    1. This AMC covers comprehensive maintenance of the computers including its peripherals,systems and other accessories of IRDA including the computers, printers and otheraccessories provided by IRDA to its officers at their residences more particularly describedin the anneed schedule !hereinafter referred to as "#cheduled $%uipment" as per anne & A'on mutually agreed terms and conditions mentioned belo(.

    ). *endor shall provide for both preventive and remedial measures (hich includes freereplacement of defective parts of devices, for the maintenance and up+eep of computersincluding its peripherals, systems and other accessories of IRDA including the computers,printers and other accessories provided by IRDA to its officers at their residences moreparticularly described in the anneed schedule !hereinafter referred to as "#cheduled$%uipment" as per anne & A'.

    . *endor shall station %ualified and competent personnel at the premises of IRDA and shallprovide details of such persons including their names, addresses etc. to the IRDA. It shallalso inform the hierarchy of personnel to be contracted by IRDA in case of unsatisfactoryperformance of its authori-ed personnel. At least THREE qualified and competentservice engineers T!o !it" Hard!are speciali#ation and one !it" $et!or%&peciali#ation'shall be present in the office of IRDA on a full-time (asison all (or+ingdays of the Authority including #aturdays for resolving computer related problems. Thehelpdes+ support (ould be provided by the engineers for all the des+tops !around 1/' andalso the 0et(or+ Management related activates.

    . $ligibility criteria

    a. The vendor should be a registered company under companies actb. The vendor should be a business partner or Authori-ed #ervice 2rovider an one 3

    more of the follo(ing brands li+e 42, I5M, Acer , Dell, 6enovo and 4C6 etcc. The should be providing AMC services for servers, des+tops, printers etc. for the

    past 1/ yearsd. The annual turnover of the company should be 7ne core and above. The proof

    for the turn over for the year )/1)&1 shall be submitted along (ith the tenderdocument

    . The onsite engineers shall be responsible for all soft(are related calls of all the des+topsinstalled at IRDA.

    8. *endor shall submit the call logging reports on a daily&basis along (ith the status of the callsregistered. A cumulative call logging report shall be submitted at the end of every along (iththe status of all the calls registered during the (ee+. All the user complains shall be closedon the same day. 2arts (hich are to be replaced shall be completed (ith ) 4rs or elsestandby should be provided)

    9. *endor shall provide escalation matri to IRDA along (ith the contact details of the officials.

  • 8/12/2019 AMC Annexure B


    :. *endor s"all provide + computers !it" necessar, perip"eralsand accessories havingthe latest configuration and also t"ree entr, level laser printers t!o flat scanners as astand (, in t"e premises of .R/A)

    ;. *endor s"all carr, out preventive maintenance once in t!o mont"s of all the computersincluding its peripherals, systems and other accessories of IRDA. The preventive

    maintenance shall include creation of $mergency dis+ette for the #ervers.The preventivemaintenance shall be completed during the first (ee+ of every %uarter.

    1/. The preventive maintenance activities includes but not restricted to the follo(ing

    at the re%uest of IRDA.

    11. It is hereby clarified that all the parts of the Des+top systems including Monitors, ?eyboard,Mouse, 0et(or+ Interface cards, Internal modem cards, 7perating systems !Microsoftelated', Multimedia +it, spea+ers and mic are covered under the maintenance to be providedby the *endor.

    1). 2rinters including plastic parts, fuser assemblies but ecluding toner cartridges shall bemaintained by *endor.

    1. *endor shall immediately attend to any problem of IRDA (ith regard to the maintenance ofits computers including its peripherals, systems and other accessories of IRDA particularly

    described in the anneed schedule !hereinafter referred to as "#cheduled $%uipments" asper anne & A'. Replacement of parts shall be attended to on the day of the re%uest.

    1. The Mean Time to repair !MTTR' any e%uipment during 7perations and Maintenance (ouldbe ) hours from time of logging the call.

    a. The Mean Time To Repair !MTTR' of T(o 4ours shall have the follo(ing clauses of scheduled e%uipment, (hich shall be inthe custody of the Authority.

    1. *endor shall ensure for properinterconnecting cables and po(er cables.

    1. The scheduled e%uipment shall be serially numbered by vendor.

  • 8/12/2019 AMC Annexure B


    1. *endor shall not have any obBection regarding the third party hard(are installation by IRDA,during the agreement period. 4o(ever, (hen ne( systems are added by IRDA, thepayment to be made to vendor for additional responsibility of maintaining these systems interms of this agreement shall be increased proportionately. #imilarly if there is any reductionin the number of computers to be maintained under this Agreement for any reason(hatsoever, the payment shall be proportionately reduced.

    01) *endor s"all provide Ban% 2uarantee for 345 of A6C cost valid during t"e period ofAnnual 6aintenance)

    7A86E$T TER6&:

    19. In case, a system is not repaired or not attend to (ithin ) hours or if no standby isprovided, the payment for that %uarter for that system shall not be made.

    09) .f t"e preventive maintenance is not carried out or dela,ed in an, quarter a penalt, of35 of t"e quarterl, pa,ment s"all (e recovered from t"e pa,ment due)

    1;. 2ayment for each %uarter shall be made on a claim made by the vendor (hich shall %uoteits 2A0 0o. and #ervice Ta 0o. in all such claims.

    )/. *endor shall not divulge any information to (hich it had access under this agreement.0either vendor nor any of its authori-ed personnel shall indulge in unauthori-ed use ofsoft(are of IRDA.

    )1. *endor shall not publici-e this agreement for its sales promotion.