Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über

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Page 1: Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über
Page 2: Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über

Amazon has now banned hundreds of books written by revisionists on the so-called "Holocaust" after being pressured by organized jewry. Despite the books remaining available at much

smaller outlets this will have a large negative impact on the public being able to access the revisionist side of the argument

that exposes the "Holocaust" Industry's lies. This move is further evidence of organized jewry's desire to impose a tyrannical

muzzle on our ability to not only speak truth to jewish power, but also what we can even read and consequently think.

The jewish "Holocaust" lies that have been imposed upon Whites represents the keystone that supports a whole system of

other jewish idealogical lies that attack and seeks to destroy White societies through guilt tripping us into racial self


Amazon, by bowing down to organized jewish demands to remove revisionist books, is showing that it now supports jewish surpremacism and is against historical truth, and therefore also


A silver lining to this banning of Revisionist books is that it is effectively a declaration of defeat on the part of the “Holocaust

Industry”. It sees it cannot win the argument, so it resorts to banning the Revisionist’s argument from public circulation!

Below are the reactions from various websites — KATANA

Page 3: Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über


Bans 100s of




March 2017

Page 4: Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über

CONTENTSCODOH — Amazon Mass-Bans Dissident Materials

American Free Press — WAR DECLARED

Daily Stormer — The Shuttening: Amazon Caves to Holocaust Lobby, Bans Skeptical Literature

Carolyn Yeager — Shock: Amazon Deep-Sixes all Holocaust Revisionist Books; Begs for a Boycott

National Vanguard — Amazon Decides That the Jewish “Holocaust” Cannot Stand Up to Critical Scrutiny

Renegade Tribune — Go Ahead, Amazon, Make My Day

Darkmoon — Amazon Bans “Holocaust Denial”, Shreds and Incinerates Thousands of Books

Michael Hoffman — Amazon Bans World War II Revisionist Books

Version History & Notes

Page 6: Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über

• http://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/Amazon-is-asked-to-stop-selling-books-on-Holocaust-denial-482349

• http://www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/2017/02/27/yad-vashem-calls-for-amazon-to-stop-selling-holocaust-denial-books/

• http://forward.com/fast-forward/364209/yad-vashem-pushes-amazon-to-yank-holocaust-denying-books/

• http://www.timesofisrael.com/yad-vashem-asks-amazon-to-pull-holocaust-denial-books/

• http://www.jta.org/2017/02/26/news-opinion/world/yad-vashem-calls-on-amazon-to-stop-selling-books-denying-the-holocaust

• http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/yad-vashem-asks-amazon-stop-selling-denier/2017/02/26/id/775654/

• http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-4264352/Yad-Vashem-asks-Amazon-remove-Holocaust-denial-books.html

• http://artdaily.com/news/94125/Yad-Vashem-asks-Amazon-to-remove-Holocaust-denial-books#.WL_XizsrKUk

• https://www.yahoo.com/news/yad-vashem-asks-amazon-remove-holocaust-denial-books-145238124.html

• http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4927591,00.html• http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/israel-news/530687/yad-

vashem-urges-amazon-to-remove-holocaust-denial-books.html• http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/world/2017/02/27/yad-

vashem-asks-amazon-to-remove-holocaust-denial-books/• http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/israel-amazon-stop-

selling-holocaust-denying-literature-45746218• https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=10991• http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/225693• http://circa.com/circa-now/trending/amazon-told-to-stop-selling-

holocaust-denial-books• http://www.thepassivevoice.com/2017/02/amazon-should-stop-

selling-holocaust-denial-books/• http://www.fakenewschecker.com/fake-news/israel%E2%80%99s-

yad-vashem-calls-amazon-stop-selling-holocaust-denial-books• http://www.westernjournalism.com/amazon-under-fire-for-

continuing-sale-of-holocaust-denying-books-in-the-us-and-uk/• http://en.el-balad.com/2324591

Page 7: Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über

Interesting in this context is the reference by Yad Vashem and the world’s media that one reason to ask for this act of censorship was the recent “unfortunate change in climate with more-visible antisemitism” (Jerusalem Post, Feb. 23, 2017). We at Castle Hill Publishers were holding our breaths. Amazon had been criticized by the media many times before for allowing the sale of controversial material on their website, but they never censored anything that was legal. So at first, nothing happened. But then, as if ordered to emphasize the urgency of Yad Vashem’s request, two Jewish cemeteries were vandalized, first one in Philadelphia (Feb. 27), then allegedly another one in New York (Mar. 3). The New York case, however, was later retracted: the tombstones there had fallen over decades due to age. Be that as it may, the cemetery stories added fuel to the fire in which Amazon’s feet had been put. Then, on the first workday of the week following the second (false) cemetery story, on March 6, 2017 at 6:39 pm, we received the following email from Amazon’s EBook Subsidiary Amazon KDP, that is to say, Kindle:


We’re contacting you regarding the following book:

Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of ‘Truth’ and ‘Memory’ (Holocaust Handbooks Book 1) (ID 5513183)

The Rudolf Report: Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of the “Gas Chambers” of Auschwitz (Holocaust Handbooks Book 2) (ID 5513316)

Der Jahrhundertbetrug: Argumente gegen die angenommene Vernichtung des europäischen Judentums (Holocaust Handbooks 7) (German Edition) (ID 5516699)

Page 8: Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über

Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich (Holocaust Handbooks Book 12) (ID 5583159)

Concentration Camp Majdanek: A Historical and Technical Study (Holocaust Handbooks Book 5) (ID 5646916)

The Giant with Feet of Clay: Raul Hilberg and his Standard Work on the ‘Holocaust’ (Holocaust Handbooks Book 3) (ID 5644182)

Debunking the Bunkers of Auschwitz: Black Propaganda versus History (Holocaust Handbooks Book 11) (ID 5653917)

Concentration Camp Stutthof: Its History and Function in National Socialist Jewish Policy. (Holocaust Handbooks Book 4) (ID 5646680)

The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry (Holocaust Handbooks Book 7) (ID 5650743)

Belzec: Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research, and History (Holocaust Handbooks Book 9) (ID 5653626)

Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp? (Holocaust Handbooks Book 8) (ID 5653335)

The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz: Organization, Responsibilities, Activities (Holocaust Handbooks Book 13) (ID 5656753)

Auschwitz: Plain Facts: A Response to Jean-Claude Pressac (Holocaust Handbooks Book 14) (ID 5656817)

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Lectures on the Holocaust: Controversial Issues Cross Examined (Holocaust Handbooks Book 15) (ID 5656850)

Auschwitz: Open Air Incinerations (Holocaust Handbooks Book 17) (ID 5661735)

Auschwitz Lies: Legends, Lies, and Prejudices on the Holocaust (Holocaust Handbooks Book 18) (ID 5661787)

Sobibor: Holocaust Propaganda and Reality (Holocaust Handbooks Book 19) (ID 5663589)

Chelmno: A German Camp in History and Propaganda (Holocaust Handbooks Book 23) (ID 5666222)

The Gas Vans: A Critical Study (Holocaust Handbooks Book 26) (ID 5666316)

Inside the Gas Chambers: The Extermination of Mainstream Holocaust Historiography (Holocaust Handbooks Book 25) (ID 5666251)

Auschwitz: The First Gassing: Rumor and Reality (Holocaust Handbooks Book 20) (ID 5663739)

The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt”: An Analysis and Refutation of Factitious “Evidence,” Deceptions and Flawed Argumentation of the “Holocaust … Bloggers (Holocaust Handbooks Book 28) (ID 5666327)

The Real Case for Auschwitz: Robert van Pelt’s Evidence from the Irving Trial Critically Reviewed (Holocaust Handbooks Book 22) (ID 5664509)

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Auschwitz: Crematorium I: and the Alleged Homicidal Gassings (Holocaust Handbooks Book 21) (ID 5664451)

Der Holocaust: Die Argumente (German Edition) (ID 5732388)Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence (ID 5730537)

The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry (Holocaust Handbooks Book 29) (ID 5799550)

Auswanderung der Juden aus dem Dritten Reich (Holocaust Handbücher 12) (German Edition) (ID 5882846)

Auschwitz-Lügen: Legenden, Lügen, Vorurteile von Medien, Politikern und Wissenschaftlern über den Holocaust (Holocaust Handbücher 18) (German Edition) (ID 5895297)

Chelmno: Ein deutsches Lager in Geschichte und Propaganda (Holocaust Handbücher Book 23) (ID 5895338)

Freiluftverbrennungen in Auschwitz (Holocaust Handbücher 17) (German Edition) (ID 5895359)

Auschwitz: Krematorium I: und die angeblichen Menschenvergasungen (Holocaust Handbücher 21) (German Edition) (ID 5896239)

Der Holocaust vor Gericht: Der Prozeß gegen Ernst Zündel 1988 (German Edition) (ID 5896290)

Belzec: Propaganda, Zeugenaussagen, archäologischer Forschung und Geschichte (Holocaust Handbücher 9) (German Edition) (ID 5896743)

Die Leuchter-Gutachten: Kritische Ausgabe (Holocaust Handbücher 16) (German Edition) (ID 5896317)

Page 11: Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über

Der Erste Holocaust: Jüdische Spendenkampagnen mit Holocaust-Behauptungen im Ersten Weltkrieg und danach (Holocaust Handbücher 6) (German Edition) (ID 5896844)

Vorlesungen über den Holocaust: Strittige Fragen im Kreuzverhör (Holocaust Handbücher 15) (German Edition) (ID 5897402)

Das Rudolf Gutachten: Gutachten über die ‘Gaskammern’ von Auschwitz (Holocaust Handbücher 2) (German Edition) (ID 5895434)Schiffbruch: Vom Untergang der Holocaust-Orthodoxie (Holocaust Handbücher 25) (German Edition) (ID 5899236)

Treblinka: Vernichtungslager oder Durchgangslager? (Holocaust Handbücher 8) (German Edition) (ID 5899290)

Konzentrationslager Majdanek: Eine historische und technische Studie (Holocaust Handbücher 5) (German Edition) (ID 5899308)

Kardinalfragen an Deutschlands Politiker: Autobiographische Skizzen und Gedankensplitter zu Wissenschaft, Politik und Menschenrechten (German Edition) (ID 5909218)

Riese auf tönernen Füssen: Raul Hilberg und sein Standardwerk über den ‘Holocaust’ (Holocaust Handbücher 3) (German Edition) (ID 5909313)

Sobibor: Holocaust Propaganda und Wirklichkeit (Holocaust Handbücher 19) (German Edition) (ID 5909930)

Die Zentralbauleitung der Waffen-SS und Polizei Auschwitz: Organisation, Verantwortlichkeiten, Tätigkeiten (Holocaust Handbücher 13) (German Edition) (ID 5911841)

Page 12: Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über

Auschwitz: Nackte Fakten: Eine Erwiderung an Jean-Claude Pressac (Holocaust Handbücher 14) (German Edition) (ID 5912128)

Das Konzentrationslager Stutthof: Seine Geschichte und Funktion in der nationalsozialistischen Juden-politik (Holocaust Handbücher 4) (German Edition) (ID 5910180)

Sonderbehandlung in Auschwitz: Entstehung und Bedeutung eines Begriffs (Holocaust Handbücher 10) (German Edition) (ID 5915776)

Holocaust High Priest: Elie Wiesel, “Night,” the Memory Cult, and the Rise of Revisionism (Holocaust Handbooks Book 30) (ID 5968760)

Vorlesungen über den Holocaust: Strittige Fragen im Kreuzverhör (Holocaust Handbücher 15) (German Edition) (ID 6078966)

Die Bunker von Auschwitz: Schwarze Propaganda kontra Wirklichkeit (Holocaust Handbücher 11) (German Edition) (ID 6079821)

Der Auschwitz-Mythos: Legende oder Wirklichkeit? Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme (German Edition) (ID 6212283)

“Die Vernichtung der europäischen Juden”: Hilbergs Riese auf tönernen Füßen (Holocaust Handbücher 3) (German Edition) (ID 6401246)Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth & Reality (Holocaust Handbooks Book 31) (ID 6415492)

Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides (Holocaust Handbooks Book 32) (ID 6445119)

Page 13: Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über

The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz: Organization, Responsibilities, Activities (Holocaust Handbooks Book 13) (ID 6503905)

The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure (Holocaust Handbooks Book 6) (ID 6624763)

The Leuchter Reports: Critical Edition (Holocaust Handbooks Book 16) (ID 6652708)

Gesundheitsfürsorge in Auschwitz: Die medizinische Versorgung und Sonderbehandlung registrierter Häftlinge (Holocaust Handbücher 33) (German Edition) (ID 6893072)

Auschwitz: Nackte Fakten: Eine Erwiderung an Jean-Claude Pressac (Holocaust Handbücher 14) (German Edition) (ID 7388229)

Auschwitz: Die erste Vergasung: Gerücht und Wirklichkeit (Holocaust Handbücher 20) (German Edition) (ID 7396915)

Feuerzeichen: Die ‘Reichskristallnacht’: Anstifter und Brandstifter – Opfer und Nutznießer (German Edition) (ID 7413507)

Curated Lies: The Auschwitz Museum’s Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions (Holocaust Handbooks Book 38) (ID 7547229)

Special Treatment in Auschwitz: Origin and Meaning of a Term (Holocaust Handbooks Book 10) (ID 7760164)

Fail: “Debunking Holocaust Denial Theories”: How James and Lance Morcan Botched Their Attempt to Affirm the Historicity of the Nazi Genocide (ID 7848728)

Page 14: Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über

The Holocaust: An Introduction: Exploring the Evidence (ID 7977642)

Fail: “Denying the Holocaust”: How Deborah Lipstadt Botched Her Attempt to Demonstrate the Growing Assault on Truth and Memory (ID 8080904)

Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über das Versagen der Kritiker des Holocaust-Revisionismus (German Edition) (ID 8185504)

Fail: “Denying History”: How Michael Shermer and Alex Grobman Botched Their Attempt to Refute Those Who Say the Holocaust Never Happened (ID 8280843)

Healthcare in Auschwitz: Medical Care and Special Treatment of Registered Inmates (Holocaust Handbooks Book 33) (ID 8289137)

During our review process, we found that this content is in violation of our content guidelines. As a result, we cannot offer this book for sale. If we identify additional submissions with similar content that violates our guidelines you may lose access to optional KDP services and/or face account level actions up to and including termination.

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Cont’d here: http://codoh.com/library/document/4266/?lang=en


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Amazon.com bans thousands of book titles in blitzkrieg on free speech

By Paul Angel

“Who controls the past, controls the future,” or so said George Orwell in his prescient book 1984. He also claimed that “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” So it seems the global thought censors are taking Mr. Orwell literally. As we went to press, we received word that possibly thousands of history books and e-publications have been removed in one fell swoop from the largest and most lucrative vending website in the world — Amazon.com, owned and run by Jeff Bezos (currently worth at least $250 billion, according to online sources). Note that Amazon by itself accounted for 60% of all sales on Black Friday 2016 for all venues — online and bricks and mortar stores combined.

Most of the books removed from Amazon deal with alternative views of World War II history, including hundreds of scholarly tomes by chemists, scientists researchers and philosophers dealing with the details of the WWII “holocaust of the Jews.”

One publisher, Lance Frickensmith, proprietor of World War Two Books & Videos, says he had some 770 titles wiped out with the push of a button. Revisionist historian Germar Rudolf, one of the world’s most reputable revisionist scholars, informed us that Castle Hill Publishers had 100 titles — both in e-version and print — removed for [from] sale from Amazon.

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Anti-Zionist Jewish philosopher Gerard Menuhin saw his book Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil — a book about Zionist power — removed from Amazon in the blink of an eye. The Bad War: The Truth Never Told About World War II by Michael King, a book touching on the role of the Rothschilds in fomenting unrest in Europe before WWII was also banned. We expect more book burnings to come.

So how does one so efficiently carry out the biggest book banning since 60,000 titles were removed from the shelves of German libraries after World War II by the victorious powers? Who holds such power over companies like Amazon and Google and YouTube who represent, together, net worths of somewhere approaching a trillion dollars?

According to The Jewish News (TJN), Britain’s biggest Jewish newspaper, a group called The Board of Deputies of British Jews (BDW) is taking partial credit. According to TJN, BDBJ Vice President Marie van der Zyl said:

“It is very welcome that Amazon has listened and removed the offending titles from their website. These are not works of historical integrity. They are an anti-Semitic attempt to exonerate the Nazis of their crimes and to stoke the fires of hatred.”

Ms. Van der Zyl further warned:

“Should any member of the public find further offending works, please get in contact with us and we will report them using the appropriate channels.”

So, one might say, at the very least, after carefully interpreting the words of Ms. Van der Zyl, that:

“Judea has declared war on free speech.”

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Germar Rudolf had this to say:

“The sweeping mass ban enforced within hours, and the senseless aimlessness and random nature with which it was implemented, clearly show that these books were not pulled, because their content was checked and found impermissible, but, because someone (probably Yad Yashem Holocaust Memorial Museum) had sent [Bezos] a list of items to ban, and Amazon simply complied by checking off all the items on that list.”

Dr. Kevin Barrett, who writes for this newspaper, had this to say in an online column on the subject:

“In what amounts to a ringing endorsement of the claims of Holocaust revisionists, Amazon has apparently concluded that their books cannot be effectively refuted – and therefore must be banned.”

Still, hundreds of employees and many man hours must have been involved. Is it possible this was in the works for some time and, in anticipation of this move, a propaganda effort to convince the public that “anti-Semitism is on the rise” is being conducted, as shown by the hyping of hundreds of bogus threats against Synagogues and Jewish cemeteries, most of, ...

Cont’d here:___________________________

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Daily StormerThe Shuttening: Amazon Caves

to Holocaust Lobby, Bans Skeptical Literature

By Eric Striker

March 9, 2017

When it comes to free flow of ideas and books, Amazon has always been extremely fair. The only outright censorship I can think of on this platform was when they pulled an e-book on how to groom and lure prepubescent children for sex (which they only banned after having defended it first). I think it’s pretty universal consensus to say that how-to books on raping children are obscene speech, not free speech. Nevertheless, Amazon still hosts a number of novels and books dealing with incest, pedophilia, bestiality and other disgusting crap. Yet, when one book, “The Pedophile’s Guide To Love and Pleasure” was yanked, some tech journalists were fuming at this puncture wound against “free speech,” and a debate on what should and shouldn’t be allowed raged. Enter the Holocaust lobby.

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After having been pressured by Jews, Amazon is beginning to purge books written by engineers, academics and historians on the laughable inconsistencies of the urban legend known as the Holocaust. Many of the more memorable claims associated with the Holocaust that were questioned by revisionists, such as human lampshades and soap, have in recent years been acknowledged as lies by Israel’s Yad Vashem itself. Recently, in an eye-brow raising admission, Jews confessed that the 5 million Poles, Gypsies and homosexuals they claimed for decades were gassed at Auschwitz and other camps was fiction made up by Simon Wiesenthal! They were able to literally invent 5 million World War II casualties and get away with it for decades. That is because there is an unspoken rule that you can’t contradict a Jew talking about the Holocaust, no matter how big and transparently fraudulent the claim is. The only reason the 6 million figure continues to stick is that you’re not allowed to question it. Cont’d here:The Shuttening: Amazon Caves to Holocaust Lobby, Bans Skeptical Literature

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Shock: Amazon Deep-Sixes all Holocaust Revisionist Books;

Begs for a BoycottBy Carolyn Yeager

March 8, 2017

IN A MIDDLE FINGER TO AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL FREE-SPEECH TRADITIONS AND LAWS, Amazon.com has wiped all Holocaust Revisionist books from its website. Seemingly overnight, this assault on Truth has taken place, obviously in conformity with the international Jewish lobby against truth in historical research and publishing.

Jeff Bezos (pictured above) is worth around 80 BILLION dollars from the growth of the publicly-traded company he founded and owns. Amazon succeeded because of its liberal policies, but now that has changed. You’ll look in vain for any of the Holocaust Handbook series edited by Germar Rudolf that had been available on the site, while you’ll have no trouble finding all the books arguing for the ‘Holocaust’, including the emotional, anti-historical diatribes of Deborah Lipstadt. Cont’d here:

Shock: Amazon deep-sixes all Holocaust Revisionist books; begs for a boycott


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National Vanguard

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Amazon Decides That the Jewish “Holocaust” Cannot

Stand Up to Critical ScrutinyBy Kevin Strom

March 8, 2017

Editorial Note by Kevin Alfred Strom: Giant, oligopolic sites such as Amazon are de facto public utilities and should be treated as such: They should not be permitted to censor public debate on ideas of significance. We should immediately put public pressure on Amazon to reverse this decision.

A FEW DAYS AGO, a lunatic Israel-first group calling itself “United With Israel” urged its mostly Christian dupes to participate in the Jewish pressure campaign to intimidate Amazon to stop sales of books that “deny the Holocaust” — that is, books which historically examine Jewish WW2 atrocity claims and find them wanting. Their boilerplate is copied almost word-for-word from that issued by many Jewish organizations in the past week or two in a tightly-orchestrated campaign.

The online retailer Amazon caved in to the pressure and has stopped selling three “Holocaust denial” books after Jewish groups insisted that they stop selling any books of which Jews disapproved on the topic.Jews have demanded such censorship for years, but the recent Jewish campaign to convince the world that “anti-Semitism” is an exploding, out-of-control “crisis” prompted Robert Rozett, a senior official at Jewish “Holocaust remembrance” group Yad Vashem, to orchestrate the latest pressure campaign on Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos — in which hundreds of Jewish and Christian groups called for “immediate action” to censor historical works that dispute Jewish claims.

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On Wednesday morning, the three titles that Mr Rozett had mentioned in his campaign were suddenly unavailable for purchase. Two were not showing up in searches, and one was listed but with a note saying that it was “under review” and could not be bought. This was the case for both US and UK stores.

Mr Rozett said the company had taken a “positive first step” which showed that they were listening to him and other Jewish groups that echoed his demand, such as the World Jewish Congress.

The titles in question were:

Holocaust: The Greatest Lie Ever Told, by Eleanor Wittakers;

The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry, by American professor Arthur R. Butz and;

Did Six Million Really Die? by Richard Harwood.

Cont’d here:Amazon Decides That the Jewish “Holocaust” Cannot Stand Up to Critical Scrutiny


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Renegade TribuneGo Ahead, Amazon, Make My

DayBy Mike Walsh

March 8, 2017

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After years of pressure, Israel has finally succeeded in coercing the world’s largest booksellers into submission. The flickering candles of honest history are now being snuffed out.

Amazon-published books that dispute what George Orwell described as ‘the prevailing orthodoxy’, are today being thrown on to bonfires lit by the holohoax hucksters.

Harold Covington put it in a paragraph:

“Take away the holocaust and what do you have left? Without their precious holocaust what are the Jews? They are just a little grubby bunch of international bandits, assassins and squatters, who have perpetrated the most massive, cynical fraud in human history.”

Unable to deny evidence of massive holocaust-related fraud Yad Vashem has finally resorted to outright censorship. In a futile attempt to buy time the Israeli funded body is now desperately trying to hide proof of their guilt.

In May, 1945, Doctor Joseph Goebbels penned the words:

“Do not let yourself be confused by the uproar that will now reign throughout the world. The lies will one day break down under their own weight and the truth will again triumph. The hour will come when we shall stand pure and undefiled as our aims and beliefs have always been.”

Page 31: Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über

American journalist Mark Twain agreed:

“A lie will travel the world while the truth is still pulling its boots on.”

Truth has now pulled its boots on and having cornered the holohoax hucksters Truth is set on doing some shit-kicking.

Cont’d here:

Go Ahead, Amazon, Make My Day


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DarkmoonAmazon Bans “Holocaust

Denial”, Shreds and Incinerates Thousands of Books

Page 33: Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über

By Lasha Darkmoon

March 11, 2017

Hundreds of important books on the Holocaust by revisionist scholars have suddenly been been banned by Amazon on instructions from angry rabbis in Israel (see video at the end of this article) and from Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem. 

Even books not directly relating to the Holocaust, but pertaining to Jewish affairs during WWII, have been included in the mass ban. Revisionist scholar Germar Rudolf has given a complete list of these books (see below) and it’s highly likely more volumes will be added to this growing list of “forbidden books” in the days ahead.

Meanwhile, in an apparent attempt to muddy the waters, The Times of Israel published an article a few days ago in which it stated that only three books have been banned by Amazon in the UK — without referring to Amazon in the US or the long list of banned books mentioned by Germar Rudolf on CODOH. (See Amazon Mass-bans Dissident Materials, Hundreds of Titles Erased within a Day)

A reliable source informs me that several thousand volumes have been shredded or put through incinerators at Amazon, but this is hard to verify. This has to be one of the greatest acts of cultural vandalism perpetrated within recent times. In characteristic Orwellian fashion, many historical facts are being “flushed down the memory hole” and false factoids put in their place — like the fairy tales spun by Elie Wiesel, e.g., Jewish blood gushing from the ground in geysers (picture).

Page 34: Amazion Bans 100s of Holocaust Revisionist Books · Bans 100s of HolocausT RevisionisT BookS! March 2017. CONTENTS ... Till Bastian, Auschwitz und die “Auschwitz-Lüge”: Über

The Cultural Vandals dare not debate these matters in public, preferring the Stalinesque weapons of censorship and intimidation, followed in many cases by fines and imprisonment.

Cont’d here:Amazon Bans ‘Holocaust Denial’, shreds and incinerates thousands of books


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Michael HoffmanAmazon Bans World War II

Revisionist BooksBy Michael Hoffman

March 8, 2017

Today Amazon, the huge, Seattle-based online book distributor, has removed from sale “dangerous” books authored by Dr. Arthur R. Butz of Northwestern University, Carlo Mattogno of Italy, and other eminent dissident scholars who dare to ask scientific and technical questions about the operation of alleged homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz. These heretics have trespassed on the sacred liturgy of Holocaustianity and their

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troubling treatises must be forbidden so as to preserve the holiness of World War II dogma.

Amazon has been selling these and similar books for years, but in the past 20 months rabbis and the Yad Vashem “Holocaust” museum have pressured Amazon to remove these and cognate titles. Moreover, Amazon’s owner, Jeff Bezos, purchased the Washington Post and fashioned it into a beachhead of Left wing orthodoxy. The process may have politicized and neutralized his formerly Libertarian instincts.

Books advocating Satanism and sodomy, and denying the Allied holocaust against German civilians, and the Israeli holocaust against the Palestinians, continue to be sold by Amazon.

The censorship is conducted under the rubric of “fighting hatred” and “combatting anti-Semitism.” But this is just special pleading. Books evincing hatred for Germans, Arabs, Iranians and white southern “deplorables” are all on offer at Amazon, as are books denying that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. So it all depends on whose ox is being gored. As many of you know, there’s one sacred cow that is more equal than others. Its name is the Golden Calf.

Cont’d here:Amazon bans World War II revisionist books


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Version History & NotesVersion 2: Mar 12, 2017 — Added Darkmoon and Hoffman articles.

Added Contents page. Updated my introduction.

Version 1: Published Mar 11, 2017


PDF Notes

* Total words = 4,534* Total Images = 15* Total pages = 37


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