Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 62 (2018) 965–992 DOI 10.3233/JAD-171145 IOS Press 965 Review Alzheimer’s Disease: A Journey from Amyloid Peptides and Oxidative Stress, to Biomarker Technologies and Disease Prevention Strategies—Gains from AIBL and DIAN Cohort Studies Ralph N. Martins a,b,c,d,e,, Victor Villemagne n,o , Hamid R. Sohrabi a,b,c,d,e,p , Pratishtha Chatterjee a,c,e , Tejal M. Shah a,b,c , Giuseppe Verdile a,b,f , Paul Fraser v , Kevin Taddei a,b,p , Veer B. Gupta a,p , Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith a,b , Eugene Hone a,p , Steve Pedrini a,p , Wei Ling Lim a , Ian Martins a , Shaun Frost h , Sunil Gupta a,b,c,e , Sid O’Bryant m , Alan Rembach o , David Ames r,s , Kathryn Ellis q , Stephanie J. Fuller b , Belinda Brown b,g , Samantha L. Gardener a,b , Binosha Fernando a , Prashant Bharadwaj a , Samantha Burnham a,u , Simon M. Laws a,p,t , Anna M. Barron d,w , Kathryn Goozee c,d,e,i,p , Eka J. Wahjoepramono a , Prita R. Asih e,j , James D. Doecke k , Olivier Salvado k,p , Ashley I. Bush o,p , Christopher C. Rowe n,o , Samuel E. Gandy l and Colin L. Masters o,p a Centre of Excellence for Alzheimer’s Disease Research and Care, School of Medical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, WA, Australia b Australian Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, Ralph and Patricia Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute, Nedlands, WA, Australia c Department of Biomedical Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia d School of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, University of Western Australia, Perth WA, Australia e KaRa Institute of Neurological Diseases, Sydney NSW, Australia f School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Bentley, WA, Australia g School of Psychology and Exercise Science, Murdoch University, Perth, WA, Australia h CSIRO Australian e-Health Research Centre/Health and Biosecurity, Perth, WA, Australia i Anglicare, Sydney, NSW, Australia j School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW, Australia k CSIRO Health and Biosecurity, Australian E-Health Research Centre, Brisbane, Australia l Department of Neurology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA m University of North Texas Health Science Centre, Fort Worth, TX, USA n Department of Nuclear Medicine and Centre for PET, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Australia o Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Parkville, VIC, Australia p Cooperative Research Centre for Mental Health, Carlton, VIC, Australia Correspondence to: Professor Ralph N. Martins, School of Medical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, 270 Joondalup Drive, Joondalup, Western Australia, 6027 Australia. Tel.: +61 8 9347 4200; Fax: +61 8 9347 4299; E-mail: [email protected]. ISSN 1387-2877/18/$35.00 © 2018 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved This article is published online with Open Access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Alzheimer’s Disease: A Journey from Amyloid Peptides and ... · Keywords:A ,Alzheimer’sdisease,amyloid,apolipoproteinE,biomarker,dementia,earlydiagnosis,preclinical INTRODUCTION

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Page 1: Alzheimer’s Disease: A Journey from Amyloid Peptides and ... · Keywords:A ,Alzheimer’sdisease,amyloid,apolipoproteinE,biomarker,dementia,earlydiagnosis,preclinical INTRODUCTION

Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 62 (2018) 965–992DOI 10.3233/JAD-171145IOS Press



Alzheimer’s Disease: A Journey fromAmyloid Peptides and Oxidative Stress,to Biomarker Technologies and DiseasePrevention Strategies—Gains from AIBLand DIAN Cohort Studies

Ralph N. Martinsa,b,c,d,e,∗, Victor Villemagnen,o, Hamid R. Sohrabia,b,c,d,e,p,Pratishtha Chatterjeea,c,e, Tejal M. Shaha,b,c, Giuseppe Verdilea,b,f , Paul Fraserv, Kevin Taddeia,b,p,Veer B. Guptaa,p, Stephanie R. Rainey-Smitha,b, Eugene Honea,p, Steve Pedrinia,p, Wei Ling Lima,Ian Martinsa, Shaun Frosth, Sunil Guptaa,b,c,e, Sid O’Bryantm, Alan Rembacho, David Amesr,s,Kathryn Ellisq, Stephanie J. Fullerb, Belinda Brownb,g, Samantha L. Gardenera,b,Binosha Fernandoa, Prashant Bharadwaja, Samantha Burnhama,u, Simon M. Lawsa,p,t,Anna M. Barrond,w, Kathryn Goozeec,d,e,i,p, Eka J. Wahjoepramonoa, Prita R. Asihe,j,James D. Doeckek, Olivier Salvadok,p, Ashley I. Busho,p, Christopher C. Rowen,o,Samuel E. Gandyl and Colin L. Masterso,p

aCentre of Excellence for Alzheimer’s Disease Research and Care, School of Medical and Health Sciences, EdithCowan University, Joondalup, WA, AustraliabAustralian Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, Ralph and Patricia Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute,Nedlands, WA, AustraliacDepartment of Biomedical Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, AustraliadSchool of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, University of Western Australia, Perth WA, AustraliaeKaRa Institute of Neurological Diseases, Sydney NSW, Australiaf School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, CurtinUniversity of Technology, Bentley, WA, AustraliagSchool of Psychology and Exercise Science, Murdoch University, Perth, WA, AustraliahCSIRO Australian e-Health Research Centre/Health and Biosecurity, Perth, WA, AustraliaiAnglicare, Sydney, NSW, AustraliajSchool of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW, AustraliakCSIRO Health and Biosecurity, Australian E-Health Research Centre, Brisbane, AustralialDepartment of Neurology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USAmUniversity of North Texas Health Science Centre, Fort Worth, TX, USAnDepartment of Nuclear Medicine and Centre for PET, Austin Health, Heidelberg, AustraliaoFlorey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Parkville, VIC, AustraliapCooperative Research Centre for Mental Health, Carlton, VIC, Australia

∗Correspondence to: Professor Ralph N. Martins, School ofMedical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, 270Joondalup Drive, Joondalup, Western Australia, 6027 Australia.

Tel.: +61 8 9347 4200; Fax: +61 8 9347 4299; E-mail:[email protected].

ISSN 1387-2877/18/$35.00 © 2018 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reservedThis article is published online with Open Access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

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qDepartment of Psychiatry, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, AustraliarNational Ageing Research Institute, Parkville, VIC, AustraliasUniversity of Melbourne Academic Unit for Psychiatry of Old Age, St George’s Hospital, Kew, VIC, AustraliatCollaborative Genomics Group, Centre of Excellence for Alzheimer’s Disease Research and Care, School of MedicalSciences, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, WA, AustraliaueHealth, CSIRO Health and Biosecurity, Parkville, VIC, AustraliavTanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Toronto, ON, CanadawLee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Abstract. Worldwide there are over 46 million people living with dementia, and this number is expected to doubleevery 20 years reaching about 131 million by 2050. The cost to the community and government health systems, as well asthe stress on families and carers is incalculable. Over three decades of research into this disease have been undertaken byseveral research groups in Australia, including work by our original research group in Western Australia which was involvedin the discovery and sequencing of the amyloid-� peptide (also known as A� or A4 peptide) extracted from cerebral amyloidplaques. This review discusses the journey from the discovery of the A� peptide in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) brain to theestablishment of pre-clinical AD using PET amyloid tracers, a method now serving as the gold standard for developingperipheral diagnostic approaches in the blood and the eye. The latter developments for early diagnosis have been largelyachieved through the establishment of the Australian Imaging Biomarker and Lifestyle research group that has followed1,100 Australians for 11 years. AIBL has also been instrumental in providing insight into the role of the major genetic riskfactor apolipoprotein E �4, as well as better understanding the role of lifestyle factors particularly diet, physical activity andsleep to cognitive decline and the accumulation of cerebral A�.

Keywords: A�, Alzheimer’s disease, amyloid, apolipoprotein E, biomarker, dementia, early diagnosis, preclinical


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a devastating neu-rodegenerative disorder and is the most commoncause of dementia in the elderly population. ADis characterized clinically by a progressive loss offunction of various cognitive domains, usually start-ing with short term memory dysfunction, impairedjudgement and reasoning, disorientation, anxiety, andminor personality changes, but eventually leading toa total loss of memory and personality. A patientin late stages will take to bed, cease to communi-cate, and will need 24-hour help with eating andself-care.

The characteristic neuropathological hallmarks ofthe disease are intracellular neurofibrillary tangles(NFT) and extracellular aggregated amyloid fibrilsand plaques. NFT are mostly composed of hyper-phosphorylated forms of the microtubule-associatedprotein tau [1–3], while amyloid plaques are mainlybuilt up of aggregated and fibrillized amyloid-� (A�)peptides. The prevalence of this AD brain pathologyincreases dramatically with aging [4].

Some of our group’s earliest studies, carried out incollaboration with the Konrad Beyreuther laboratoryin Heidelberg, Germany, involved the characteriza-tion of A� peptides, the major component of amyloid

plaque cores. A� peptides are hydrophobic 39–43amino acid long products generated by the sequen-tial proteolytic processing of the amyloid-� proteinprecursor (A�PP) [5, 6].

Since the sequencing of the gene for A�PP, manymajor discoveries have been made. It is known thatA�PP is a transmembrane protein found in almostall tissues, and is cleaved by one of two pathways,either a non-amyloidogenic pathway or amyloido-genic pathway, with the latter producing A� viatrans-membrane proteolysis, to produce A� peptides,of which the most common are A�40 and A�42. Muta-tions in A�PP, or in components of the �-secretaseenzyme that carries out the final step of A� produc-tion (presenilin-1 or presenilin-2), have been detectedin rare families (<1% of all AD) that develop AD wellbelow the age of 65 [7]. These mutations have helpedunderscore the key role of abnormally high levelsof A�, particularly the longer more amyloidogenicA�42 form, in AD pathogenesis.

The A� peptide is a normal proteolytic productproduced in most body tissues, but it is thought thatthe AD pathology that develops in the brain is due toan overproduction or lack of clearance of the pep-tide (or both). This build-up of A� is thought tobe initiated by various factors including oxidativestress and chronic inflammation [8, 9]. This results in

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abnormally high A� levels, which then aggregate intotoxic oligomers (particularly the longer A�42 forms),and as these two factors themselves increase A� pro-duction, and as A� peptides exacerbate oxidativestress, a toxic cycle develops [10, 11]. The pathologydevelops slowly, and it may take over two decadesbefore clinical symptoms appear [12, 13]. By thetime a clinical diagnosis is made, there is widespreadsynaptic loss and neuronal death, microglial infiltra-tion, and brain shrinkage.

Early studies looking for other proteins associatedwith amyloid plaques soon found that apolipopro-tein E (apoE, protein; APOE, gene) was also presentin plaques and NFTs [14]. Subsequently, work ledby Professor Allen Roses and his colleagues fromDuke University identified the �4 allele of the APOEgene as an important genetic risk factor for AD. Thisseminal finding was confirmed in cohorts from US,Europe, and Australia [15–19] and APOE �4 is nowrecognized as the major genetic risk factor for ADin all populations. Geneticists believe that APOE �4is the most common and most potent AD risk factorthat will ever be discovered. Our understanding ofhow APOE �4 predisposes to AD is limited, thoughseveral studies have shown that apoE is involved inA� clearance and others have indicated it modulatesA� aggregation, with the �4 isotype being linkedto worse clearance and greater aggregation [16–18,20–22]. The link to apoE also led to the finding thatdifferences in lipid metabolism occur in AD, andmost likely predispose to AD, as well as other condi-tions that themselves increase the risk of AD. Theseconditions include obesity, cardiovascular disease,hypertension, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes(T2D) [23–26]. APOE �4 and T2D also appear to acttogether to drive cognitive dysfunction and increasethe risk of both AD and vascular dementia. For exam-ple, glucose hypometabolism is a key feature of bothmild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD, and apoE�4 has also been linked to lower levels of glucosemetabolism. The brains of patients with MCI andAD are functionally insulin resistant [27], and amy-loid clearance rate, neuroinflammation, and synapticdysfunction, which have all been linked to APOE �4alleles, are also influenced by increased brain insulinlevels [28].


Early studies on AD concentrated on the immuno-histochemical findings in the brain, the distribution of

amyloid in plaques, the filamentous NFT detectablein neurons, and the loss of neurons and brain shrink-age. In the mid-1980s, our group concentrated on theneuropathological changes that could be seen in ADbrains. Postmortem pathology and studies of otherneurodegenerative diseases in the 1980s had led peo-ple to suggest a variety of causes for AD, includingaluminum toxicity, viruses, accelerated aging, defectsin the immune system, and even a late-onset form ofDown syndrome [29].

Oxidative stress: First signs

It was already well-known that head trauma couldlead to AD many years later, and that brain injuryinvolved oxygen radical generation, lipid peroxida-tion, and cell death [30]. It had also been shown in1976 that levels of choline acetyltransferase (nec-essary for the synthesis of the neurotransmitteracetylcholine) were lower in AD, particularly inregions most affected such as the cortex and hip-pocampus [31], thus it was logical to suggest perhapsthe pathology in AD involved oxidative stress, lead-ing to lower neuron numbers, lower cholinergicneurotransmission, and thus reduced brain function.Researchers had also recently found that Parkin-son’s disease patients had lower levels of glutathioneperoxidase, again suggesting oxidative stress mightbe contributing to neurodegeneration—although ina different condition [32]. In our own studies, weapplied specific assays for certain enzymes of thehexose monophosphate pathway to try to determinewhether oxidative stress was increased in postmortemAD compared to age-matched control brain tis-sue. We found that, compared to controls, levelsof the enzymes glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase(G6PD) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenasewere both nearly doubled in the AD brains [33].One major role for G6PD is to reduce NADP+ toNADPH, thus providing a source of reducing powerfor glutathione, a potent protective reducing agentin the body. Many studies have since shown thatlevels of reduced glutathione (as well as the ratioof reduced:oxidized glutathione and levels of theenzyme glutathione-S-transferase) are lower in ADas well as in MCI [34–36], and in fact a plethoraof pathological changes have been linked to oxida-tive damage, from the earliest stages of detectableAD neuropathology [9, 37, 38]. Other early stud-ies which used fibroblasts from familial AD subjectsshowed evidence of oxidative stress in AD, includ-ing abnormalities in calcium signaling, mitochondrial

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oxidation and ion channel function [39]. Recent stud-ies have reignited interest in the particular pathwaythat involves G6PD—the pentose phosphate pathway(PPP)—as it was demonstrated that due to the rapiddegradation of phosphofructokinase B3 (a rate lim-iting enzyme in glycolysis), neurons preferentiallymetabolize glucose via the PPP, as opposed to gly-colysis, which contrasts with most other cell types[40]. Furthermore, in investigations using APOE �3and APOE �4 mice fed high fat diets to induceinsulin resistance: it was found that the combinationof genome-wide measures of DNA hydroxymethyla-tion with comprehensive untargeted metabolomics,novel alterations in purine metabolism, glutamatemetabolism, and the pentose phosphate pathway wereidentified [41]. Worse effects were detected in the �4mice, yet these could be reduced by switching to alow-fat diet, demonstrating both the greater suscep-tibility of �4 carriers to metabolic impairments, andthe value of healthy diets in preventing AD-associatedpathology.

Our laboratory’s strong interest in lifestyle factors,diet and physical activity in particular, are discussedlater in the section concentrating on studies carriedout through the Australian Imaging, Biomarker andLifestyle study (AIBL) of aging. Directly below, wedescribe our (and some others’) subsequent studiesaimed at understanding APOE allele effects on ADpathogenesis.

Apolipoprotein E

After the discovery that APOE allelic differenceswere linked to AD risk and the aggregation of A� inthe early 1990s, we investigated APOE genotypes inAD in the Australian population, and as in other pop-ulations we found the �4 allele frequency was higherin Australians with both early-onset sporadic AD(p < 0.002) and late-onset sporadic AD (p < 0.0001),and APOE �2 allele frequency was found to be lowerin the late-onset sporadic AD group (p < 0.01) [19].There was also some evidence that APOE �4 alle-les can negatively influence age of onset in Downsyndrome subjects, as in AD. In later studies weinvestigated whether plasma apoE levels were alteredin AD, and found significantly higher plasma apoElevels in both late-onset and early-onset AD patientswho had not fasted [42]. This is quite different topre-clinical findings, with the most recent prospec-tive study agreeing with other studies, and showingthat genetic and hence lifelong low apoE is associatedwith a high risk of dementia in the population [43],

although this does not necessarily reflect a causalrelationship.

We investigated several other aspects of apoE func-tion and its influence on A� metabolism. Cell culturestudies had shown that apoE �4 was associated withpoorer clearance of A� compared to the other iso-forms, yet the relevance of apoE in A� clearance hadnot been investigated in vivo. In early mouse studieswe showed that the clearance of peripheral A� wasdependent on the presence of apoE. Additionally, wefound that apoE-deficient mice did not transfer theA� efficiently to the liver or kidneys compared withnormal C57Bl/6J mice [20]. With the availability ofAPOE KO mice bred to carry human APOE alleles,we then found that brain A� levels rose in KO miceand in mice carrying only the APOE �4 allele. Incontrast, this age-related A� increase was preventedin mice carrying the �3 allele [44]. As part of thatstudy we also measured brain levels of the oxidizedlipid F2 isoprostane (F2IP) and found that levels rosewith age in the KO mice and the KO mice carryingthe APOE �4 allele, but not those with the APOE �3allele. This reflected the changes in brain A� levels,and thus supported the theory that oxidized lipids areassociated with AD pathogenesis. In cell culture, wedemonstrated that the A� could influence the bind-ing of apoE isoforms to cultured fibroblasts, suchthat A� improved the normally poor binding of apoE�2, yet reduced the binding of apoE �3 and �4 [45].Although the dynamics of apoE binding to A� and theLDL receptor family was not well understood at thisstage, this and other similar studies were adding tothe evidence of apoE isoform-specific effects on A�and lipid metabolism. We carried out further stud-ies on the APOE KO mice carrying human APOE�2, �3, or �4, as well as APOE KO mice treatedwith lipidated recombinant apoE isoforms. Whenthe APOE KO animals were treated with lipidatedrecombinant apoE �4, injected A�42 was retained inthe plasma significantly longer, similar to the APOE�4 knock-in mice, when compared to the equivalentAPOE �3 or �2 mice [21]. In other studies of thesame knock-in mice, we used electrospray ionizationmass spectrometry to measure levels of lipids includ-ing glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, cholesterol,and triacylglycerols in the mouse brains. The findingswere that variations in apoE isoforms did not signifi-cantly affect bulk lipid homeostasis in the brain [46].However, when the same knock-in mice were sub-jected to a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet, our findingsdemonstrated changes in lipid metabolism especiallyin APOE �4 mice [47]. Overall, these studies support

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the current concept that the pathogenicity of theAPOE �4 allele is at least in part due to lower A�42clearance efficiency by apoE �4 at the blood-brainbarrier [48], and lower cellular uptake and lysosomaltrafficking in brain cells [49], properties that wouldreduce brain clearance of A�.

APOE allele status was first shown to influencebrain glucose metabolism in people at risk of ADover 20 years ago [50, 51]. Many studies have sinceimproved methodology and provided supportive evi-dence that reduced glucose usage occurs in brainareas susceptible to AD pathology well before symp-tom onset [52, 53]. These were all conducted oncohorts in the USA. We wished to determine if thesereported findings could be replicated in an Australianpopulation. Fluoro-2-deoxy glucose-PET was carriedout in cognitively healthy (Australian) individualsas well as subjective memory complainers, all aged50–80. We found that APOE �4 carriers again demon-strate mild glucose hypometabolism in brain areasassociated with AD when compared to the normativeNeuroStat database; furthermore, subjective memorycomplainers (but not non-complainers) also showeda pattern of glucose hypometabolism [54]. Further-more, it has been suggested that plasma apoE levelsare age- and sex-dependent, and that brain regionalglucose usage and grey matter volume correlate withperipheral apoE levels, as well as cognitive perfor-mance [55]. This is further evidence of AD being asystemic condition, and that a pre-clinical peripheralbiomarker panel is an achievable objective.

In other studies of community-dwelling vol-unteers, we found that neurological soft signs(abnormalities in sensory and motor performance)were associated with APOE genotype, age, andMini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) determinedcognitive performance, suggesting that such neuro-logical soft signs may be useful in determining peopleat greater risk of cognitive decline [56], and againshowing that APOE genotype influences the risk ofcognitive decline.


From its start in 2006, the collaborative projectknown as the Australian Imaging Biomarkers andLifestyle study (AIBL) of aging [57] has been par-ticularly productive with respect to increasing theunderstanding of amyloid deposition during earlystages of AD, providing evidence of many poten-tial CSF and peripheral biomarkers, and increasing

our knowledge of how much lifestyle choices such asdiet, physical activity, and sleep can affect the risk anddevelopment of AD [58, 59]. This study is an ongo-ing collaboration between the two major AD researchgroups in Australia based in Melbourne and Perth (ledby Colin Masters, Chris Rowe, and David Ames inMelbourne, and Ralph Martins in Perth), in partner-ship with the CSIRO throughout Australia. AIBL isa flagship study of aging which recruited 1,112 indi-viduals over the age of 60 to do prospective researchinto AD. Early publications described the screening,diagnoses, collection of medical history and currentmedications, comprehensive baseline cognitive test-ing, blood collection, as well as extensive health andlifestyle questionnaires with the aim of using thisdata to help predict potential AD risk factors andprotective factors [60]. The AIBL cohort thereforecomprises highly-characterized individuals keen tobe part of this long-term research program. Partici-pants were assessed at 18-month intervals for overa decade, a quarter of the participants also under-went amyloid PET imaging using 11C-Pittsburghcompound B (PiB-PET)—a specific in vivo amyloidmarker [61], and MRI brain imaging. A subgroupof 10% also underwent ActiGraph activity monitor-ing and body composition scanning. For AIBL, theMRI parameters of the Alzheimer’s Disease Neu-roimaging Initiative (ADNI) were adopted, and thePiB-PET acquisition and neuropsychological testswere designed to permit comparison and pooling withADNI data.

Early cross-sectional analysis of the baseline datarevealed links between cognition, brain amyloidburden, structural brain changes, biomarkers andlifestyle factors [62]. It was also evident early on thatthere was a strong relationship between A� depo-sition and brain atrophy very early in the diseaseprocess [63].

Examining APOE in AIBL

With such a highly characterized cohort, it was pos-sible to extend the research on apoE, for exampleby doing longitudinal investigations into the influ-ence of APOE allele status on various indices ofmemory decline. In our initial studies of the influ-ence of the �4 allele on cognitive function in theAIBL older adults, we found relatively little evidenceof a role for the �4 allele [64]. However, using asubset cohort of 84 cognitively normal people withhigh A� burden (as assessed by PiB-PET), cognitivetests such as the MMSE, Clinical Dementia Rating

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scales, and the Cogstate Brief Battery carried outevery 18 months for up to 54 months demonstratedthat possession of APOE �4 alleles is associated witha faster decline on memory tasks [65]. We carriedout similar studies with a larger group (317 subjects)from the AIBL cohort, with assessments done usingthe Cogstate Brief Battery and the California Ver-bal Learning Test, Second Edition. The cognitivelynormal adults with high A� burden (as assessed byPiB-PET) who were APOE �4 carriers had the mostpronounced decline in learning and working mem-ory over 18 months, whereas in non-carriers high A�burden was unrelated to such cognitive decline [66].Cognitively normal APOE �4 + ve older adults withlow A� levels also showed a significantly increasedrate of decline in learning, yet an improved cognitiveperformance on measures of verbal episodic mem-ory after 18 months. When the majority of the AIBLcohort was used to investigate whether possession ofAPOE �4 alleles alone influenced cognitive decline(irrespective of brain A� levels) in a study spanning 3years, healthy APOE �4 + ve control subjects showeda slightly greater decline in verbal episodic memory,yet APOE �4 + ve MCI individuals showed a greaterdecline in several cognitive tasks compared to APOE�4-ve MCI individuals, possibly reflecting imminentAD [67]. Overall these results indicate APOE �4 alle-les increase the rate of cognitive decline in olderadults and add to the evidence that brain A� levelsand possession of APOE �4 alleles are strong indica-tors of AD risk, particularly in the preclinical stagesof the disease.

Our more recent study of correlations betweenAPOE �4 carriage and cognitive decline in a cog-nitively normal subset of the AIBL cohort has shownthat the presence of subjective memory complaints,APOE �4 genotype or advancing age all help iden-tify elderly participants who have high A� burden,and who may benefit from prevention trials [68]; andsuggests that subjective memory complaints may bethe first clinical expression of AD pathology. We havealso extended some longitudinal studies to 72 monthsin a cognitively normal subset of the AIBL cohort(n = 423) who have undergone A� PiB-PET imaging[69]. Some previous studies had not detected A�-related memory decline in APOE �4 non-carriers,however in our extended study, we found that com-pared to A�-ve APOE �4 non-carriers, both A�+veAPOE �4 carriers and non-carriers showed signif-icantly increased declines in measures of memory,language, and executive function as well as higherrates of progression towards a clinical classification

of MCI. The rate of decline was slower in the A�+veAPOE �4 non-carriers, yet these results show a cor-relation between pre-clinical A� accumulation andcognitive decline, regardless of APOE �4 status.

The large number of A�-imaged people (n = 423)in the AIBL cohort and the longitudinal nature of thestudy has made it possible to determine the extent andnature to which carriage of APOE �4 alleles increasesthe risk for clinical disease progression from cogni-tively normal status. Analysis of data without takinginto account A� status, being APOE �4 + ve (com-pared to APOE �4 –ve) increased the risk over a72-month period by 2.66 times [70], yet if A� lev-els are taken into account, carriage of APOE �4 isno longer predictive of progression. These resultssupport the theory that apoE �4 is less efficient atfacilitating A� clearance from the brain, resulting ingreater A� deposition, thus aiding AD pathogenesis.This theory is further supported by a recent cross-sectional AIBL study which involved most of theAIBL cohort, including a subset all of whom hadundergone A� PiB-PET imaging as well as MRI hip-pocampal volume measurement [71]. The aim was toinvestigate the relationship between APOE �4 allelestatus and A� levels, hippocampal volume, as well asmemory [71]. It was found that APOE �4 alleles influ-ence A� levels, episodic memory and hippocampalvolume in a dose-dependent fashion, again under-scoring the influence of apoE �4 on AD pathogenesis.

Although the majority of research into apoE’s iso-forms modulating AD risk involves A� clearanceand A� aggregation, there are other apoE roles thatmay influence AD pathogenesis. These include apoEeffects on vascular function, neuroinflammation,metabolism, synaptic plasticity, and transcriptionalregulation [72, 73]. For example, recent studies havefound that apoE binds a microglial receptor, trigger-ing receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (TREM2),a member of the Ig superfamily of receptors. Cer-tain TREM2 mutations influence the risk of AD, andTREM2 is thought to be involved in A� clearance;however, the exact relationship between these pro-teins is currently still being researched [74]. Perhapsmore importantly, APOE �4 alleles are a well-knownfactor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) [75], thoughtto be due to APOE �4 allele-associated higher levelsof total serum cholesterol, particularly LDL, whichare themselves known risk factors for CVD. SinceCVD and associated conditions such as obesity, dys-lipidemia, and hypertension have all been linked toan increased risk of AD, this underscores the the-ory that apoE �4 is a protein that carries out apoE

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functions less effectively than the more commonapoE �3, and due to this deficiency, can lead to agreater risk for many conditions. The link to CVD,obesity and other conditions consolidates the theorythat improved diet and exercise could reduce riskof all these conditions, by reducing the pressure onthe lipid metabolic pathways, as discussed furtherbelow.


It is now well-accepted that AD pathogenesis starts2-3 decades before the onset of symptoms. How-ever, to date, there is still no simple, inexpensive andminimally invasive test to diagnose AD prior to theonset of symptoms. Imaging techniques using PiB-PET that show gradual A� accumulation in the brain,as well as the measurement of CSF levels of A�42,and phosphorylated tau are proving to be relativelyreliable indicators of imminent AD [76]; howeverthese are relatively expensive and invasive diagnostictechniques that, while serving as a gold standard forinvestigative work and clinical trials, would be diffi-cult to apply in general population screening. Curesand effective treatments for AD have not eventu-ated despite several decades of research. There areseveral potential reasons for this: by the time ADmanifests, there is already widespread damage tothe brain, including considerable loss of synapses,neurons, and brain tissue, and there has been nosuccess in trying to slow or prevent this graduallyincreasing pathology, after symptoms have begun[77]. Effective treatment needs to be implementedat pre-clinical stages when damage is minimal, cog-nition is relatively intact, and the pathogenesis can beslowed or prevented from progressing. For potentialdisease-preventing or disease-delaying treatments tobe tested, the tests need to be carried out on popula-tions at these pre-clinical stages—people who are inthe very early stages of disease development. For thisto occur, clinicians need to be able to identify at-riskpopulations which requires a very good understand-ing of the early stages of AD pathogenesis. Someof the major outcomes of the AIBL studies, whichhave involved considerable collaboration with manyresearch groups, has been the significant increasein understanding of AD early pathology (particu-larly A� accumulation), risk factors, the discoveryof many potential peripheral biomarkers, and the dis-covery of the importance of physical activity anddiet in AD risk as well as disease management.

The outcomes of these studies that have had signif-icant input from our research group are discussedbelow.

Aβ imaging: PiB-PET

Both the ADNI and AIBL cohorts have beeninvestigated extensively as part of biomarker andbrain imaging research. Yet while AIBL and ADNIadopted very similar approaches to neuropsycholog-ical assessments, blood biomarkers, and structuralMRI, the approaches to disease-specific biomark-ers differed, with AIBL concentrating from the verybeginning on A� imaging, while ADNI initiallyfocused on 18(F) fluorodeoxyglucose-PET imagingand CSF biomarkers.

About one third of AIBL participants underwentstructural MRI and A� imaging scans with PiB-PET[60, 78]. Initial results showed that the prevalenceof high A� burden (A�+) in cognitively unim-paired individuals increased with age, and that it washigher in individuals carrying at least one APOE�4 allele [78]. Furthermore, while memory in thecognitively unimpaired adults with low A� burden(A�–) remained stable over 18-months, all aspects ofepisodic memory were observed to deteriorate sub-stantially in A�+ non-demented participants [79, 80].

From a clinical perspective, some biomarkers havebeen shown to serve as predictors of disease progres-sion. For example, A� imaging data demonstratedthat A�+ amnestic MCI were much more likely toprogress to AD over 18–36 months than A�- MCI[81, 82]. It was also observed that subtle memoryimpairment in A�+ healthy individuals indicateda high risk for progressing to MCI or AD withinthree years. Furthermore, A� deposition was foundto be strongly related to grey matter atrophy, wherethe rates of atrophy were significantly higher inA�+ cognitively unimpaired individuals [83, 84].Moreover, hippocampal volume and temporal A�deposition provided independent contributions tomemory deficits, suggesting that both factors shouldbe independently targeted in therapeutic trials aimedat reducing cognitive decline [85]. These associationswere not observed at the MCI and AD stages, suggest-ing that other pathological, probably downstream,events might be responsible for the progressiveatrophy and cognitive decline [63].

The prospective longitudinal design of the AIBLstudy allowed the examination of changes in A� bur-den over time, where small but significant increasesin neocortical A� burden were observed in the AD

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and MCI groups, and in A�+ve controls, confirmingthe notion that A� deposition precedes cognitiveimpairment [81]. Furthermore, higher rates of A�deposition were associated with higher A� burdenand identified the existence of A� ‘accumulators’ and‘non-accumulators’, with A� ‘accumulators’ evenfound among A�- controls [86]. Consequently, A�imaging data from the 3-year follow-ups were thenused to calculate the rates of A� deposition over time,showing that A� deposition is a slow protracted pro-cess that takes about two decades to go from thethreshold of abnormal A� burden to the levels usu-ally observed in AD, and that A� deposition precedeshippocampal atrophy and memory impairment bymore than a decade [12]. Interestingly, when com-paring the rates of A� deposition, memory declineand hippocampal atrophy between the sporadic casesin AIBL and the autosomal cases in the DominantlyInherited Alzheimer’s Network (DIAN) [87, 88], therates of annual change in those three variables werealmost identical [12].

In AIBL studies, we have used A� imaging as thegold standard for the validation of CSF assessments[89] and for the determination of the different bio-chemical pools of A� in the brain [90]. A� imaginghas also been used to assess the accuracy of a panelof blood-based biomarkers in predicting brain A�burden [91, 92], as well as disease progression [93].These blood-panels used 6 plasma biomarkers as wellas age, APOE genotype and Clinical Dementia Rat-ing (CDR)-Sum of Boxes (CDR-SOB), and were ableto predict brain A� burden with an accuracy >80%;accuracy that was further validated using independentbiomarker data from ADNI (more on ADNI below)[92]. The CDR involves interviews with a patient aswell as a reliable informant, and rates the severity ofAD using a 5-point scale that categorizes a patient’sability to function in the six cognitive categories ofmemory, orientation, judgment and problem solving,community affairs/involvement, home-life and hob-bies, as well as personal care. The CDR can eitherprovide a global score by using an algorithm thatweights memory more heavily than the other cate-gories, or it can be scored using the SOB method inwhich all categories are weighted equally [94]. Eitherway, the higher the score, the greater the severity ofdementia.

The implementation of the new biomarker crite-ria for the AD spectrum found that about 70% ofhealthy elderly controls did not fit the three cate-gories [95], where 43% had no positive marker ofamyloidosis or neurodegeneration, and 23% were

classified with neurodegeneration without evidenceof amyloidosis. On the basis of this observation,Jack and colleagues introduced two new categories:a Stage 0 which comprised those healthy elderlycontrols with no evidence of amyloidosis or neurode-generation, and a group termed “suspected non-ADpathophysiology” (SNAP) consisting of older adultswith AD-like neurodegeneration but no evidence ofamyloidosis [96]. As a consequence of this extendedclassification, several studies tried to elucidate theshort and long term clinical, cognitive and volumetrictrajectories of these four groups, the overwhelmingmajority showing that, in contrast with those withamyloidosis/AD pathway, those classified as SNAPdid not decline over time and were indistinguishablefrom those elderly controls with no evidence of amy-loidosis or neurodegeneration, suggesting a different,non-AD, underlying pathophysiological mechanism[97]. The lack of a strong association between A�deposition and measures of cognition, synaptic activ-ity, and neurodegeneration in AD, in addition to theevidence of A� deposition in a high percentage ofMCI and asymptomatic healthy controls, suggeststhat A� deposition is an early and necessary, thoughnot sufficient, cause for cognitive decline in AD [81,98, 99], indicating the involvement of other down-stream mechanisms, triggered or not by A�, suchas NFT formation, synaptic failure, and eventuallyneuronal loss.

The detection of A� pathology at the pre-symptomatic stages is of crucial importance becauseit is precisely the group that may benefit the most fromtherapies aimed at reducing or eliminating A� fromthe brain before irreversible neuronal or synapticloss occurs [100]. A� imaging with PET is there-fore contributing to the development of more effectivetherapies by allowing better selection of patients foranti-A� therapy trials and providing a means to mea-sure their effectiveness in removing A� from thebrain [101, 102]. However, different pharmacolog-ical and pharmacokinetics properties from separateA� tracers have presented small issues for multicen-ter studies wishing to compare results. Therefore, amethod has recently been developed to produce asingle common quantitative output value, called theCentiloid, for A� imaging across tracers and imaginganalysis approaches, to improve clinical and researchuse of these A� tracers [103]. All F-18 labelled A�tracers are being cross-calibrated against PiB. Amongthem, 18F-NAV4694 and 18F-florbetaben have beenthe first two A� tracers validated using the Centiloidapproach [104, 105].

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Benefits of studying dominantly inherited AD

The establishment of DIAN by Professor JohnMorris from Washington University, of which thereare three sites in Australia (Perth, Melbourne, andSydney) has enabled access to mutation carrier andnon-carrier members of autosomal dominant ADfamilies. This global partnership has helped deter-mine many changes that occur very early in thedisease process in familial AD. Although it can-not always be assumed that early (pre-clinical)pathogenic changes that occur in the mutation car-riers of these families will apply to sporadic AD,the study of these families has been invaluable inrevealing how early pathogenic changes do start.For example, our studies of dominantly inheritedAD have shown that CSF A�42 appears to decline25 years before expected symptom onset, and A�deposition is detectable 15 years before expectedsymptom onset [87], as discussed below. We havealso detected elevated levels of CSF tau, phospho-rylated tau (181), and visinin-like-1, all markers ofNFT and neuronal injury, in asymptomatic mutationcarriers 10–20 years before their estimated age ofsymptom onset, and before the detection of cognitivedeficits [106]. Longitudinal studies of asymptomaticAD mutation carriers have shown that amyloid bur-den (as determined by PiB-PET) predicts futuredecline in episodic memory, whereas in symptomaticcarriers, cerebral amyloidosis correlates with worsebaseline performance, and predicts greater declinein global cognition, working memory and MMSEresults [107]. More recently, we have found thatwhite matter hyperintensities, as measured by T2-weighted MRI scans, are increased approximately6 years before expected symptom onset in autoso-mal dominant AD, suggesting these changes are acore feature of AD [108]; we have also shown lowbody mass index appears to correlate with preclini-cal stages in autosomal dominant AD, with signs ofweight loss occurring 10–20 years before expectedsymptom onset [109].


As we have mentioned previously, it is estimatedthat AD takes 2-3 decades to develop in the brain,before clinical symptoms are apparent. Brain func-tions decline as consequence of synaptic loss andneuronal death. A cure at this late stage is unlikely,

since such widespread brain damage has alreadyoccurred by the time symptoms appear, and currenttreatments mostly reduce symptoms and temporarilyreduce the rate of decline. The emphasis is cur-rently on treatments that may address the underlyingpathogenesis at the earliest stage possible, so that peo-ple in preclinical stages can have therapy to delay,or even prevent disease progression. To investigateand monitor such treatments, an understanding ofdisease progression is essential, to help determinean individual’s risk or pre-clinical disease stage, ifpathology is already present. The search for pre-clinical biomarkers has occupied many laboratoriesworldwide, and many advances have been made. Asdescribed above, the study of brain A� accumulationis helping to determine disease pathogenic stages,yet this is clearly a method that is too expensive andtechnically complicated to use for routine diagnosis.Below we describe other developing technologies forAD diagnosis.

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

In AD subjects, the CSF concentration of A�42decreases over time, while 181-phospho-tau andtotal tau concentrations increase, when compared tohealthy controls (including patients with psychiatricdisorders such as depression) [110]. CSF studies haveshown that the combined measurement of CSF A�42,total tau, and 181-phospho-tau levels can diagnoseAD [111] with a sensitivity and specificity reaching92 and 89%, respectively [112]. Other studies havesuggested an assay using A�42 and T-tau levels canaccurately discriminate AD from controls by meansof a discrimination line, which has been validatedin clinical practice [113] and in autopsy-confirmedpatients, with sensitivity levels of 100% and speci-ficity of 91% [114]. Changes in these three CSFbiomarkers allow the diagnosis of AD already in itsprodromal stage—people with MCI [115].

A collaboration with the DIAN study group,involving PiB-PET data, CSF biomarker mea-surement, and cognitive assessments, has helpedinvestigate changes in AD mutation-carrying indi-viduals long before their estimated time of symptomonset. The study suggests that CSF A� levels decline25 years before disease onset; that A� deposition(detected by PiB-PET), increases in tau protein lev-els and greater than normal brain atrophy are allfirst detected about 15 years prior to expected dis-ease onset, and that cerebral hypometabolism andimpaired episodic memory can be observed about 10

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years prior to symptom onset [87]. Cognitive impair-ment, as measured by the MMSE and the ClinicalDementia Rating Scale, was detected 5 years prior toexpected symptom onset. These results are importantas they underscore the long time-frame and stagesof AD pathogenesis, and the early disruption in A�metabolism; and although the results may not all beapplicable to sporadic AD cases, there will undoubt-edly be many similarities.

However, the use of CSF for diagnosis is not ideal,as CSF collection is a relatively invasive and expen-sive procedure. Ideally, a blood-based test for ADusing serum or plasma would be a better choice, asit would be inexpensive, relatively non-invasive, andwidely accessible.

Blood biomarkers

Several groups have attempted to create biomarkerpanels to differentiate between AD and other formsof dementia, and to detect early (preclinical) stagesof AD. In 2007, Ray and collaborators devised aplasma biomarker panel of 18 proteins that was ableto predict the conversion to AD 2–6 years later[116]. This panel was considered a breakthroughin the field, other groups have since attempted toconfirm these results in different cohorts. In 2008,one study suggested that a biomarker panel of only5 proteins from the former 18-protein panel wassufficient to distinguish controls from AD withthe same accuracy [117], yet in one study of theoriginal 18-protein panel, only 3 proteins (epider-mal growth factor (EGF), platelet-derived growthfactor-homodimer (PDGF-BB), and the inflamma-tory chemokine MIP-1δ) [118] were found to beassociated with AD, whereas another study whichinvestigated 16/18 of the proteins found 5 proteins[EGF, MIP-1δ, the macrophage inflammatory pro-tein MIP4, glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF),and chemokine ligand 5 (also known as RANTES)]were found to be associated with AD and/or MCI[119]. A combined effort involving the AIBL groupand the ADNI has led to an 18-protein panel whichwas able to distinguish between healthy controls andAD [91]. The study first produced the biomarkerpanel using the AIBL cohort, and the ADNI cohortwas then used to validate the biomarker panel, pro-viding strong evidence that this set of biomarkersis useful for AD diagnosis. Validation using theADNI cohort reached a sensitivity and specificityof 80%, and 85% for area under the receiver oper-ating characteristic curve. The biomarkers included

some that significantly increased (cortisol, pancre-atic polypeptide, insulin-like growth factor bindingprotein 2, �(2) microglobulin, vascular cell adhe-sion molecule-1, carcinoembryonic antigen, matrixmetalloprotein 2, CD40, MIP1�, superoxide dismu-tase, and homocysteine) and decreased (apoE, EGFreceptor, hemoglobin, calcium, zinc, interleukin 17,and albumin) in AD. Other researchers have detailedsimilar analyses in their cohorts, using differentbiomarker panels [120–123].

The biomarkers found to distinguish betweenhealthy controls, MCI, and AD are often quite dif-ferent between studies, and this will have occurredfor many reasons. Some of these reasons include thedifferences in cohort ages, disease severity, diagnos-tic methods, assay platform, blood collection andprocessing methods, populations being compared,and whether assays are cross-sectional or allow forlongitudinal data to be analyzed too. A further com-plication came to light recently as a study of serumsamples from Mexican Americans (AD and healthycontrols) found that the biomarker profile from thispopulation was different to that found in prior studiesof non-Hispanic populations [124], again compli-cating the interpretation and comparison of studies,and suggesting that further studies are needed tocharacterize racial/ethnic differences in biomarkerprofiles. It is most likely that assays dependent onAPOE �4 allele status will be necessary, due tothe widespread influence of the apoE protein onAD-related biomarkers—an issue highlighted in onebiomarker study [121], which found increases inpancreatic polypeptide, N-terminal protein B–typebrain natriuretic peptide and tenascin C levels, anddecreases in IgM and apoE in patients with AD andmild cognitive impairment. The study also found thatthe APOE genotype was associated with a unique bio-chemical profile irrespective of diagnosis, as APOE�4 carriers (�3/�4 and �4/�4) were characterizedby low C-reactive protein and apoE levels and byhigh cortisol, interleukin 13, apolipoprotein B, andgamma interferon levels [121]. Our most recent setof results, which again emphasize the effect of theAPOE e4 allele, showed that high levels of IL-10and IL-12/23p40 were significantly associated withamyloid deposition in healthy controls, suggestingthat these two biomarkers might detect at risk indi-viduals. Additionally, other biomarkers (Eotaxin-3,Leptin, Peptide YY) exhibited altered levels in ADparticipants possessing the APOE �4 allele [125].One of our more recent AIBL cohort studies is a54-month follow-up investigation of a blood-based

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signature which had already shown promise at strat-ifying individuals into high and low neocortical A�[98] burden [98]. Results included the finding that40% of the participants with MCI who had estimatedhigh NAB progressed in comparison to 5% of theparticipants with MCI who had estimated low NAB(odds ratio = 12.3) [93]. These results indicate thata simple blood-based signature not only providesestimates of amyloid deposition, but also predictscognitive decline and disease progression, which isessential for the testing and monitoring of potentialinterventions or therapies. Nevertheless, the advancesmade in the last decade in blood biomarker studies,together with advances in other potential diagnosticavenues (such as those listed below) suggest that pre-clinical diagnosis, and even disease “staging” may beavailable in the next few years.

A drop in levels of A�42 in the CSF is consideredone of the gold standard biomarkers for AD patho-genesis. It can be argued that changes in CSF A�levels would be more likely than changes in plasmaA� levels to reflect pathological changes in the brain,however the need for more accessible biomarkersprompted us, and others, to investigate plasma A�levels.

Disruptions to lipid metabolism, obesity, hyper-tension, and cardiovascular disease are all linked toincreased AD risk, and our group has investigatedseveral aspects of lipid metabolism, for examplethe effects of APOE allele status on A� clearance,and the links between dyslipidemia and AD. Weextended these studies to determine whether plasmaA� levels correlate with plasma lipid profiles. Incognitively normal people as well as people withsubjective memory complaints (may indicate veryearly AD), we found that A�40 levels correlated neg-atively with HDL levels. [126]. Cause and effecthas not been established here, but if so, the resultssupport the concept that lifestyle interventions ornovel therapeutics could help slow disease pathogen-esis. Some lipid changes are more likely part of ADpathogenesis, as suggested by studies of autosomaldominant AD mutations: in subjects from the DIANAustralian cohort, carriers (symptomatic and asymp-tomatic) and non-carriers of PSEN1 mutations, weinvestigated plasma phospholipid and sphingolipidprofiles. Of the 139 plasma lipid species mea-sured, significantly altered species belonged mostlyto choline and ethanolamine-containing classes, andceramides. Within the mutation carrier group, threephosphatidylcholine species correlated with CSF tau,and two plasmalogen ethanolamine species corre-

lated with CSF tau and brain NAB [127]. Thesestatistically relevant differences were found in thispilot study of only 26 people, and further studiesshould be carried out in the larger DIAN cohort aswell as in sporadic AD populations. Other recentstudies involving cognitively normal individuals withpreclinical AD demonstrated alterations in the ery-throcyte fatty acid composition, wherein increasedarachidonic acid and decreased docosa-pentaenoicacid were observed in high NAB individuals (com-pared to those with low NAB) [128]. Furtherlipid studies will provide greater characterizationof these pathogenic changes, and also determine ifthese changes can be used as preclinical diagnosticmarkers.

Investigations in the AIBL cohort enabled com-parisons between PiB-PET-determined A� load andlevels of potential blood biomarkers. In one study,plasma A�40, A�42, and N-terminal cleaved frag-ments were measured using both a commercialmultiplex assay and a well-documented ELISA [129].We found that lower plasma A�42 levels and A�42:A�40 ratios were observed in patients with AD, andwere inversely correlated with PiB-PET derived brainA� load. In another cross-sectional study of the AIBLcohort, we investigated whether plasma apoE levelscorrelated with AD pathogenesis (determined by PiB-PET brain A� load), as previous studies had producedconflicting results, yet few studies had had the oppor-tunity to correlate with AD pathology premortem. Wefound that total apoE and apoE �4 levels were signif-icantly lower in patients with AD in the entire cohort,and within the subset that had brain A� load assessedby PiB-PET, ApoE levels decreased with increasingA� load. ApoE levels were also significantly loweramongst the �4 homozygous individuals [130]. Simi-lar links between low apoE levels and AD risk, as wellas APOE allele-related differences in plasma apoElevels, have been found by other researchers, sup-porting these results [43, 55, 121]. Continuing thesestudies, we have shown that apoE is decreased in indi-viduals with AD compared with healthy controls atan 18-month follow-up, consistent with our resultspublished at baseline. The results also showed lowestapoE levels in �4/�4 individuals [131].

Our later studies, which provided both baselineand 18-month follow-up A� measurements, demon-strated a decrease in the A�42/A�40 ratio in patientswith AD, which was inversely correlated with NAB[132]. Furthermore, over the 18 months, plasma A�42decreased in subjects with MCI, and in those transi-tioning from healthy to MCI. Thus we first suggested

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that baseline plasma A�42 and the A�42/A�40 ratiocould be putative biomarkers indicative of cognitivedecline, and then provided validation for these sug-gestions using 18-month data. Our published resultsto date indicate that plasma A� levels may be usefulas part of a panel of peripheral biomarkers [132, 133].

In support of these results, a recent study of 41subjects (23 brain A�+ve and 18 A�–ve) has alsosuggested plasma A� may be useful as a brain amy-loidosis biomarker, though in a different way. A stableisotope labeling kinetics protocol was used to investi-gate the turnover of A�38, A�40, and A�42 in humanplasma. The study found faster fractional turnoverof A�42 relative to A�40, as well as lower A�42and A�42/A�40 concentrations in amyloid-positiveparticipants, suggesting blood A�42 shows similarconcentration changes to those seen in CSF [134].

Our interest in oxidative stress and inflammation inthe pathogenesis of AD led us to investigate levels ofhomocysteine, vitamin B12, and folic acid levels inthe AIBL cohort. Homocysteine is needed for methio-nine biosynthesis, which requires both folate andvitamin B12, and diet (a modifiable factor) influencesvitamin B12 and folate levels. Plasma homocysteinelevels are known to increase with age, and correlateinversely with vitamin B12 and folate levels in theblood. A relationship between plasma homocysteinelevels, cognitive performance, and the risk of AD haspreviously been reported, particularly in longitudinalstudies with 5–9 year follow-up, showing increasesin homocysteine correlating with cognitive decline[135], though some studies have not found this cor-relation [136], possibly due to shorter follow-up time(2.7 years). There has also been disagreement onblood vitamin B12 and folate levels, possibly as manystudy cohorts were small. With access to the largeAIBL cohort, we investigated whether levels of thesethree blood components correlated with cognitivedecline. We found homocysteine levels were signif-icantly higher in female AD patients compared tofemale healthy controls, but this association was notpresent in the male population. Nevertheless, episodicmemory and global cognition correlated negativelywith homocysteine in all clinical categories. Red cellfolate has a U-shaped association with homocysteine,such that high red cell folate levels were associatedwith worse long-term episodic memory total episodicmemory and global cognition [137]. Thus, we haveadded to the evidence of an association betweenhomocysteine levels and cognitive decline (althoughthis is not unique to AD), and our red cell folateresults may reflect low conversion of homocysteine

to methionine, though this requires further investiga-tion. In a later investigation of cognitive impairmentin a cohort of over 1,300 elderly subjects, participantswith low serum vitamin B12 (<250 pmol/L) and highred cell folate (>1594 nmol/L) levels were more likelyto have impaired cognitive function, when comparedto participants with normal range levels [138], sug-gesting supplements providing high levels of folicacid may be detrimental to the elderly if they havelow vitamin B12 levels.


Eye tests

The diagnostic potential of the eye has been inves-tigated widely, as it shares many neural and vascularsimilarities to the brain and potentially reflects thebrain pathology [139, 140]. The eye is also accessibleand easily imaged. The first studies to find changesin AD versus healthy controls discovered abnormalpatterns in electroretinograms; later studies foundenhanced pupil response to cholinergic drops, reti-nal nerve fiber layer (RNFL, ganglion cell axons)thinning as well as optic nerve degeneration [141,142], which indicated widespread ganglion cell loss.In our own studies, we have shown that pupillaryreactions such as pupil flash response, can distin-guish autosomal dominant AD mutation carriers fromnon-carriers prior to symptom appearance [143]. ADpatients have also been found to be more sensitiveto tropicamide eye drops (muscarinic cholinoceptorantagonist), thought to be due to AD-associated lossof noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus [144].

Over the years, higher resolution imaging technol-ogy has allowed for better sensitivity in measuringRNFL thickness, thus it is possible to distinguishMCI and AD from healthy controls. However, thespecificity of the RNFL thickness and other eyebiomarkers is low due to confounding factors such asage and comorbid eye disorders including glaucoma[142, 145]. Polarization-sensitive optical coherencetomography, which has been shown to detect AD-associated birefringence due to microtubule damage,is a sensitive new technique [146]. The birefringenceis thought to precede RNFL thinning and thus thismethod appears promising to detect AD at an earlierstage.

Various other eye abnormalities have been linkedto AD, such as changes in choroidal thickness [147],though this could be present in other eye conditions.

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Changes to retinal blood flow on the other hand havebeen shown to distinguish MCI and AD from con-trols [148]. In our own studies of the AIBL cohort, wehave been able to detect vascular abnormalities suchas venular branching asymmetry and higher arteri-olar length-to-diameter ratios in healthy individualswith high levels of brain A� load [149]. Thus, reti-nal blood flow may have good preclinical diagnosticpotential. Our recent studies of retinal vasculature,RNFL, and retinal ganglion cell layer thickness inAD subjects and individuals with subjective memorycomplaints showed significant association with NAB[150], adding evidence for the diagnostic potential ofretinal measures in AD. We have also investigated thecorrelation between AD and early signs of age-relatedmacular degeneration in a subset of participantsof the AIBL cohort, and found a highly signif-icant association with AD diagnosis (p < 0.0001);the reason for this association is unclear [151] andwarrants further investigation. Furthermore, we haveinvestigated the association between retinal arterio-lar central reflex and retinal vessel width, and foundthat the central reflex:vessel width ratio (CRR) ishigher in APOE �4 carriers, and there is also atrend toward higher levels in AD patients comparedto controls [152]. This may prove to be useful formonitoring apoE isotype effects on cerebrovasculardisease.

The eye itself has been shown to produce A�PP andaccumulate A�, and novel A�-binding agents suchas curcumin are showing promise as detection agents[140, 141, 153]. Preliminary results (n = 40) from ourlaboratory using in vivo curcumin fluorescence retinalA� imaging method in the AIBL cohort showed highcorrelation (r = 0.762, p = 0.0001; calculating the reti-nal amyloid index) with brain A� plaques (Frost Set al., unpublished results). Besides the high corre-lation, the test could also differentiate between ADand non-AD with 100% sensitivity and 80.6% speci-ficity, respectively. However, not all studies have hadthe same outcome; some have found no A� depositsin the eye, and others indicate retinal hyperphospho-rylated tau may be a better marker [142]. In a recentanimal study, retinal A� was identified using a novelhyperspectral imaging method in live mouse retina,without any extraneous agent [154]. A� depositionhas also been reported in the postmortem crystallinelens of AD individuals [155]. To conclude, the abilityto identify changes occurring in the eye which reflectsthe build-up of brain A� could be an excellent can-didate or surrogate marker in AD diagnostic processand for monitoring therapeutic response.

Buccal tests

Buccal cells were initially collected from AD andcontrol subjects mostly to carry out APOE genotyp-ing. However, a CSIRO study of such cells revealedthat the frequency of basal cells, condensed chro-matin cells, and karyorrhectic cells were significantlylower in AD patients [156]. Collaborating with theseCSIRO researchers, we then found abnormal num-bers of chromosome 17 and 21 (aneuploidy) in ADcompared to age-matched control buccal cell sam-ples, significantly greater amounts of DNA/cell andgreater numbers of abnormal nuclear shapes werefound in both MCI and AD compared to controls[157], yet similar significant differences were notfound in hippocampal tissue when comparing ADand controls. Another group carried 3D quantitativeimaging of telomeres in buccal cells, and were able todistinguish between mild, moderate and severe ADpatients, based on five 3D parameters: 1) telomerelength, 2) telomere number, 3) telomere aggregation,4) nuclear volume, and 5) a/c ratio, a measure ofspatial telomere distribution [158]. The most recentstudy by the same group used a different cohortwith participant information blinded to the analysis.The 3D telomere profiles can distinguish betweenAD and control subjects [159], and further stud-ies must aim to improve the technology for thispromising biomarker, as well as investigate earlier(preclinical) stages of the disease. In our own AIBLstudies, we have shown that numbers of buccal cell(intermediate filament) expressing cytokeratin 14 aresignificantly lower in MCI as well as AD. We alsofound in this pilot study that APOE �4 carriers trendedtoward lower CK14 expression [160]. Following upon this in a larger AIBL study, we put together abiomarker panel which included CK14 expression,plasma vitamin B12, Mg2+, LDL, and homocysteine.We again found that CK14 levels were significantlylower in the MCI and AD groups compared with con-trols, and that this correlated with changes in plasmaMg2 + and LDL levels, as well as red blood cell vol-ume, hematocrit, and basophil cell count [161]. Whencombined in the biomarker panel, the level of signifi-cance was enhanced (particularly when incorporatingvitamin B12 and homocysteine: MCI (p = 0.003) andAD (p = 0.0001) groups compared with controls).More recent studies have investigated A� and taucontent of these cells, and found little differencein tau levels, yet buccal cell A� levels correlatedwith MMSE scores (r = –0.436, p = 0.001) and sev-eral blood-based biomarkers [162]. The automated

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assay used in these studies, which was developedusing laser scanning cytometry, also demonstratedhigher levels of A� in AD compared to control cells[162]. More recent findings by other groups of telom-ere changes [159] and DNA structural changes [163]in buccal cells in AD compared to controls add to theevidence that AD is a systemic pathology. The evi-dence also supports the potential of an AD combinedperipheral biomarker panel, which would aid in earlydiagnosis and the testing and monitoring of potentialtherapies.


Oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, mitochon-drial dysfunction, and dyslipidemia are all earlyevents in AD [164]. These early pathological changesare also seen in conditions which are becomingincreasingly common in middle age; such as insulinresistance, obesity, T2D, and cardiovascular diseaseand these conditions in turn have all been linked toan increased risk of AD [8].

Insulin and diabetes

Changes in glucose use in AD brains compared toelderly controls had been detected as far back as 1980[165]. A link between AD and diabetes was confirmedin 1996 in the Rotterdam study, which indicated a pos-itive association between the two conditions [166].Many studies having been carried out since then; it isnow clear that abnormalities in glucose metabolism,and changes linked to insulin resistance and T2D,may be some of the earliest pathogenic changes inAD [167, 168]. Further, in AIBL, we have shownthat increased insulin resistance in the cognitivelynormal older adults is associated with poorer perfor-mance across several cognitive domains, includingepisodic memory and executive function [169]. Thereare many metabolic changes common to both condi-tions, and it is hard to determine which changes orsteps initiate neuronal dysfunction and neurodegen-eration. For example, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia,and hyperinsulinemia are all known to promote A�accumulation, and these occur in both conditions [8].Oxidative stress and inflammation are common toboth conditions, and signs of these include higherlevels of reactive oxygen species [170], an increasein advanced glycation end products [170], detrimen-tal actions of the receptor for advanced glycation end

products [171], increases in inflammatory cytokinesTNF-�, IL-1�, and IL-6 [172], and higher Ca2+ lev-els [173]. In addition, aging, hypertension, insulinresistance, diabetes, hypoxia/obstructive sleep apnea,obesity, and vitamin B12/folate deficiency (amongothers), also synergistically promote cerebral hypop-erfusion as well as low glucose usage in the brain,adding to the sources of inflammation and oxidative-nitrosative stress in the brain [174]

It is known that the reduced glucose utilization andenergy metabolism seen in AD are associated withbrain A� and hyperphosphorylated tau accumulation,increased oxidative stress, and the accumulation ofunfolded/misfolded proteins [175, 176]. As insulinhad also been shown to influence A�PP processing,we investigated whether A� binding to the insulinreceptor could influence A�PP processing. Using anin vitro model, we showed that insulin could facili-tate the release of A�PP from cells transfected withinsulin receptors, and that the addition of A� couldblock this release [177].

Another early link between diabetes and AD wasthe finding that a major insulin breakdown enzyme,the insulin degrading enzyme (IDE), also degradedA� peptides. For these reasons, and with the knowl-edge that both insulin and A� are amyloidogenicpeptides, we investigated whether A� could bindto the insulin receptor. We found reduced insulinbinding and receptor autophosphorylation, with thereduction in binding caused by a decrease in theaffinity of insulin binding to the insulin receptor[178], suggesting that A� could compete directlywith insulin binding.

It has been shown that cardiovascular disease, obe-sity, and dyslipidemia are also all associated with AD,which is not that surprising since there is considerableoverlap in the underlying changes that lead to theseconditions (oxidative stress, disruptions to glucoseand lipid metabolism, and chronic inflammation) asin diabetes and AD [8, 179]. Proteomics studies, andrecent lipidomics studies in particular, are beginningto reveal common pathological pathways that linkthese conditions [168].

Evidence is also mounting for the intriguing con-cept that AD pathology could contribute to insulinresistance and T2D [180]. The A� peptide andA�PP have been suggested to regulate systemicmetabolism, as reviewed in [181, 182], and plasmalevels of the more pathogenic A�42 are increasedin T2D compared to aged matched controls [183].Tau has roles in insulin transport and secretion bythe pancreatic �-cells [184, 185], and can also mod-

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ulate insulin-dependent translocation of the glucosetransporter, GLUT4 [186, 187], which is critical forglucose uptake by tissues. The deposition of both A�and phospho-tau can be found in postmortem pan-creatic tissue from T2D [188], in animal models ofAD [189], and in a novel mouse model with overlap-ping T2D and AD developed by Professor Paul Fraser(University of Toronto) [190]. Studies in AD mousemodels also have indicated that A� impairs insulinsignaling in liver and muscle tissue, contributing toinsulin resistance in these mice when fed a high fatdiet [190, 191]. A� active immunization has beenreported to improve insulin sensitivity and glucosetolerance in the mice [190]. Together, these findingsprovide strong evidence for a contribution of A� inmoderating peripheral insulin sensitivity and glucosemetabolism. Whether the accumulation of phospho-tau contributes similarly remains to be determined.


There is considerable evidence that all these con-ditions linked to AD can be ameliorated by dietarychanges. High calorie diets, which contain signif-icant amounts of processed carbohydrates, simplesugars, processed fats, and which are low in fiber,vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats,are strongly linked to obesity, T2D, hypertension,insulin resistance, and cardiovascular disease. In con-trast, adherence to a traditional Mediterranean diet(MeDi) [8] is known to be associated with longevityand good health [192]; similarly, the traditional Oki-nawa diet, along with an active and social lifestyle,is also associated with longevity and good health[193]. The MeDi is characterized by a high intake ofvegetables, legumes, fruits, cereals, fish and unsatu-rated fatty acids (mostly in the form of olive oil), lowintake of saturated fatty acids, meat, and poultry, low-to-moderate intake of dairy products (mostly cheeseand yoghurt), and a regular but moderate amount ofalcohol (mostly wine and generally with meals).

As part of the longitudinal AIBL studies, weinvestigated the dietary patterns of participants viaquestionnaires. In one study, adherence to the MeDi(based on a score of 0–9 for adherence) was greaterin the healthy control participants compared to theMCI and AD subjects, with a greater differenceobserved between AD and healthy control subjects(p < 0.001) [194]. In a subsequent analysis only look-ing at healthy control participants, MeDi, western andprudent dietary patterns were investigated in rela-tion to cognitive change using a global cognitive

score, as well as six cognitive domains, over 36months. The western and prudent dietary patternsreflect actual dietary intakes observed in a givenpopulation, independent of any assumption on theirbeneficial or harmful effect. Our western dietarypattern was heavily loaded with red and processedmeats, chips, refined grains, potatoes, sweets, andcondiments, while our prudent dietary pattern wasloaded heavily with vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Thecohort of 527 cognitively healthy older adults com-pleted the Cancer Council of Victoria food frequencyquestionnaire at baseline, and underwent a compre-hensive neuropsychological battery at baseline andtwo follow-ups. Higher adherence to the MeDi wasassociated with less decline in the executive func-tion cognitive domain in APOE �4 allele carriers(� = 0.077; p < 0.001), and a higher adherence to thewestern diet was associated with increased declinein the visuospatial functioning domain in APOE�4 allele non-carriers (� = –0.0006; p < 0.01). [195].No significant relationships were observed betweenprudent diet score and cognitive decline. We hypoth-esized that the oily fish component of the MeDi (then-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahex-aenoic acid found in oily fish) may be mediating theeffects observed via a mechanism involving inflam-mation.

Various other studies carried out in our labora-tories have shown links between dyslipidemia andAD. For example, in a small study, plasma A�42 lev-els were found to correlate with body mass indexin healthy people [196]. The study also found (non-significant) associations with insulin levels, HDL,and the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein, thuslarger longitudinal studies are required to determinethe significance of the results. We have also shownthat plasma A�40 and A�42 were lower in individ-uals with T2D compared to others from the samecommunity-based cohort without diabetes [183]. TheA�42: A�40 ratio was also significantly higher inthose with diabetes. Apart from showing an asso-ciation between plasma A� levels and T2D, suchvariation needs to be considered when assessingplasma A� peptides as AD biomarkers.

Most recently, we have found that serum HDL isassociated with better cognitive function, in particu-lar short and long delay-free recalls, in older women(average age 62.5) [197]. This positive effect of HDLon verbal memory warrants further investigation inlongitudinal studies, and since lipid intake is a majorfactor influencing HDL levels, this is further evidenceof the importance of diet on AD and cognitive decline.

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As oxidative stress and inflammation are thoughtto be central phenomena in the early pathogenesis ofAD (as well as other conditions linked to AD), dietarysupplements, or dietary changes that may increaseantioxidant or anti-inflammatory compound intake,and reduce the intake of oxidized and processed lipidsand proteins, have been recommended. We havereviewed a number of these recommended dietarysupplements and changes. For example, we havereviewed tea as it has been suggested to contain potentantioxidants: it is rich in phytochemicals includ-ing flavonoids, tannins, caffeine, polyphenols, boheicacid, theophylline, theobromine, anthocyanins, gal-lic acid, and in particular epigallocatechin-3-gallate.Studies have shown that catechins (flavonoid phy-tochemicals) may inhibit A� plaque formation, andenhance cognitive function [198]. Further studies oftea are warranted, to determine more clearly any ben-efits of the components in reducing AD risk.

Other antioxidant and anti-inflammatory foodsources that have also been investigated by us andothers include curcumin (a component of the spiceturmeric), cinnamon, ginger, and the pepper family[25, 199]. We have investigated the ability of a cur-cumin formulation (BiocurcumaxTM) in a 12-monthstudy involving community-dwelling older adults.The main finding was a significant time × treatmentgroup interaction observed for the Montreal Cogni-tive Assessment, which was subsequently revealed tobe driven by a decline in function of the placebo groupat 6 months that was not observed in the curcumintreatment group. Further longitudinal assessment isrequired to investigate changes in cognitive outcome[200]. Other clinical studies have also failed to findsignificant improvement following supplementationwith curcumin, thought to be partly due to low sol-ubility and bioavailability, and also due to cohortsalready having AD, which is likely to be at a stagetoo late to produce significant positive effects, dueto considerable neuronal loss already being present.Nevertheless, as described in our review [201], invitro studies have indicated that A� metabolism isaltered by curcumin, and animal studies report thatcurcumin may influence brain function and demen-tia development, most likely due to antioxidant andanti-inflammatory properties.

High carbohydrate diets are thought to contributeto insulin resistance, which is associated with a host ofperipheral changes that can all impact on AD patho-genesis, including hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia,dyslipidemia, and inflammation [168]. In addition,we have recently shown greater carbohydrate intake

to be associated with poorer performance in verbalmemory in APOE �4 allele non-carriers, and poorerperformance in attention in APOE �4 allele carriers[202]. These findings suggest that lowering carbo-hydrate intake may offer neurocognitive benefits,with our study suggesting specific cognitive domainsare affected in an APOE genotype-dependent man-ner; however, all these findings need validation inlongitudinal studies.

Due to the low glucose usage in the brain in the veryearly stages of AD, we are investigating the poten-tial benefits of adding a modified version of coconutoil to the diet, or more likely replacing some otherdietary fat with some coconut fat. Unlike the fats inmost other dietary fat sources, a significant amountof lipids in coconut oil consists of medium chainfatty acids, which may be converted to ketone bodies,which in turn can provide an alternative energy sourceto the brain. There is already mounting evidence thatcoconut oil may be beneficial in the treatment of obe-sity, dyslipidemia, elevated LDL, insulin resistance,and hypertension (all risk factors for AD), and cer-tain phenolic compounds and hormones (cytokinins)found in coconut may help prevent the aggregationof A� [203]. However, some studies question thecardiovascular benefits of coconut oil, and in factargue that it is detrimental to cardiovascular health.More definite conclusions as to its clinical signifi-cance particularly with respect to brain health mustawait findings from randomized controlled trials.

Physical activity

Numerous studies have reported positive impactsof physical activity on cognitive function [204, 205].However, the majority of previous studies have reliedon self-report questionnaires, which by nature mayintroduce reporting biases. To remove this sourceof potential bias, we investigated habitual physi-cal activity levels (quantified from actigraphy unitsworn for seven days) undertaken by 217 cognitivelyhealthy participants from the AIBL cohort, aged60–89. Actigraphy units measure total physical activ-ity and intensity of physical activity, and the cohortwas split into tertiles based on physical activity inten-sity. Comprehensive neuropsychological assessmentwas also carried out, and participants in the highesttertiles of intensity were found to be performing sig-nificantly better on the digit symbol, Rey ComplexFigure Test copy, and verbal fluency tests, comparedwith the lowest tertile [206]. Nevertheless, when thecohort was split into tertiles based on total amount of

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physical activity, no differences in cognitive perfor-mance were observed, indicating that intensity maybe more relevant in the association between physicalactivity and cognitive function.

We have also examined the relationship betweenhabitual physical activity levels and neuroimag-ing biomarkers. In particular, we investigated therelationship between self-reported physical activ-ity levels and hippocampal volume in a sub-cohortof AIBL study cognitively healthy participants. Weobserved that participants reporting the highest lev-els of habitual physical activity had the largesthippocampal volume [207]. In this study, we alsoexamined the effect of the brain-derived neurotrophicfactor polymorphism (BDNF Val66Met) on this rela-tionship: We observed that only Val/Val homozygotes(i.e., those we assume not to have impaired func-tion of BDNF on hippocampal neurons) received thebenefit of physical activity in terms of larger hip-pocampal volume, whereas Met carriers (i.e., thosemore likely to have impaired action of BDNF onhippocampal neurons) did not have an associationbetween physical activity levels and hippocampalvolume.

We have also used questionnaires to investigateexercise levels in a subset of the DIAN cohort.In 139 pre-symptomatic mutation carriers, the rela-tionships between self-reported exercise levels andbrain NAB, CSF A�42, and tau levels were evalu-ated. No differences between NAB, CSF A�42 ortau levels were observed between low and high exer-cise groups. However, when examining only thosedeemed to be accumulating NAB, low exercisershad higher mean NAB levels than high exercis-ers. Furthermore, the interaction between exerciseand estimated years from expected symptom onset(EYO) was a significant predictor of brain NAB[208]; whereby the relationship between NAB andEYO was marked in low exercisers, and the expectedstrong relationship between NAB and EYO was notobserved in high exercisers. Whether higher levelsof exercise are associated with protection againstNAB accumulation, or whether decreases in exerciselevels are a symptom of developing dementia, or acombination of the two, is yet to be determined. Nev-ertheless, regular exercise should be recommendedto all older adults (and indeed anyone at increasedrisk of AD) as a vast array of literature indicates thatit leads to improvements in physical health, a reduc-tion in frailty, the lowering of depression, and shortor long-term improvements in cognitive function[209–212].


Another aspect of lifestyle which is gaining inter-est in the field of AD research is sleep. Importantly,it is becoming apparent that rather than simplymanifesting as a comorbidity of AD, suboptimalsleep actually appears to contribute both to cognitivedecline and AD pathology, as discussed in our reviewwhich details the proposed bidirectional relationshipbetween suboptimal sleep and AD pathology [213].Numerous studies have linked suboptimal sleep tofaster cognitive decline and increased AD and demen-tia risk [214, 215]. A recent systematic review andmeta-analysis of 18 longitudinal studies indicates thatinsomnia, in particular, is linked to an increased riskof AD [216]. Furthermore, as part of the AIBL study,we investigated the relationship between sleep qualityand PET-determined brain A� burden in cognitivelynormal individuals. We found longer sleep latency tobe associated with higher brain A� burden, with a 30-minute longer sleep latency potentially translating toan equivalent of 2 years of brain A� accumulation[217]. Interestingly, in our cohort, APOE �4 allelestatus had no effect on this relationship. However,our additional investigations using the AIBL studycohort suggest that genetic variation in the cerebrallyexpressed water-channel protein, Aquaporin-4, doesmoderate the relationship between sleep and brainA� burden (Rainey-Smith SR et al., TranslationalPsychiatry, in press), an intriguing finding given thatAquaporin-4 is an astrocytic end-feet expressed waterchannel protein postulated to be involved in glym-phatic system-mediated clearance of A� from thebrain [218]. Further studies, particularly longitudinalfollow-up studies, are needed to gain greater insightinto the extent sleep deprivation can influence cogni-tive decline.

Some other sleep investigations have involved theanalysis of electroencephalograms (EEG) for bothwakefulness and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep,performed over the temporal regions of AD patientsand age-matched control subjects. Analysis of thespectra indicated that AD patients had much slowerEEG readings during REM sleep when compared tobeing awake, and asymmetry on the awake EEG ofAD patients was found to be even more prominentthan on the REM sleep EEG [219].


Although many factors may influence the inci-dence of AD, most studies agree that about twice

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as many women as men develop AD. An obviousgender difference is the sudden drop in sex hor-mones in women around menopause, and thereforethe relationship between menopause and cognitivedecline has been the subject of many research stud-ies. Hormone studies have since found that estrogencan protect neurons from oxidative stress, aid neuro-plasticity, help regulate learning and memory, shiftA�PP metabolism toward the non-amyloidogenicpathway, and attenuate A�-induced apoptosis andinflammation [220, 221]. Treatment of women withhormone replacement therapy (HRT) has producedmixed findings, with most studies showing benefitswhen treatment is given around the time or just aftermenopause. HRT treatments given at a much laterage, or once AD symptoms have appeared have rarelybeen found to be beneficial; some have even beenfound to be detrimental [222]. Experimental evidencefrom animal models suggests the formulation andregimen of HRT is also of critical importance, withthe best neuroprotective outcomes observed whenestrogen is combined with cyclic rather than constantprogesterone regimens. In our own studies of healthypost-menopausal women given estrogen replacementtherapy, we found some improvements in memoryfunctioning and only in women who did not carryAPOE �4 alleles [223], indicating yet another poten-tial link between apoE and AD.

In contrast to women and menopause, men expe-rience a gradual decline in testosterone levels withage, known as andropause. However, there can beconsiderable variation, with some men experiencingmuch more severe declines in testosterone levels, andthis age-related decline has also been linked to cogni-tive decline and AD risk [224]. Animal studies haveshown benefits from testosterone supplementationin improving cognition and reducing AD pathology[225]. Observations of hypogonadal men and menon androgen deprivation therapy have shown thatlower androgen levels can impair cognitive function,particularly verbal memory, visuospatial ability, andexecutive functions [226, 227]. Therefore, severalresearch groups, including ours, have investigatedthe benefits of testosterone treatment on cognitivefunction in men who have low testosterone levels.Using the AIBL cohort, we investigated associationsbetween gonadotropins, testosterone, and brain andplasma A� in men at risk of AD. We found thatluteinizing hormone (LH) levels influenced plasmaA�40 and A�42 levels, whereas brain A� load asassessed by PiB-PET was associated negatively withcalculated free testosterone levels [228], supporting

the concept of these hormones influencing preclini-cal stages of AD. In randomized, placebo-controlled,crossover studies of men with subjective memorycomplaint and low testosterone levels, we investi-gated the effect of testosterone supplementation, andfound firstly that the treatment was well-tolerated anddid not raise hormone levels above a healthy range[229]. We also found that such treatment providedmodest improvements on global cognition [230];however, future clinical trials with longer follow-up,and the measurement of blood and brain biomarkers,would provide more conclusive results.

Some of the research interest in sex hormoneshas now shifted to LH. This hormone is producedby the gonadotropic cells in the anterior pituitarygland, and it controls the release of both testosteronein men and estrogens and progesterone in women.Evidence is mounting that age-related increases inLH may influence AD pathogenesis as it has beenimplicated in inflammation, changes to cholesterolhomeostasis, altered metabolism of A� and A�PP,and insulin metabolism [231]. In some of our ownstudies we have shown that LH levels (and nottestosterone) correlate with plasma A� levels inelderly men [232], whereas in women, we havefound high endogenous LH is associated with alower cognitive score, particularly in women who aredepressed [233]. In addition, well-preserved cogni-tive functioning was found in the oldest women in thecommunity-dwelling cohort who had high endoge-nous follicle stimulating hormone levels. Using atransgenic mouse model of AD, we found the potentanalogue of LH, human chorionic gonadotropin,to impair working memory and modestly increasebrain A� levels. Others have since shown thatLH can influence hippocampal-related spatial mem-ory [234], and that downregulating LH (but notestrogen therapy) can improve cognitive dysfunc-tion and spine density loss induced by ovariectomy[235]; however, the underlying mechanisms bywhich these hormones influence A� accumulation,metabolism, inflammation, or contribute to neurode-generation, are not completely understood [236],and further research is needed to determine if someform of hormone therapy may reduce the riskof AD.


Current available treatments for AD, at best,only target amelioration of symptoms. Preventative

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strategies will need to be implemented, andtherefore tested, within the early stages of thedisease pathogenesis trajectory, preferably at apreclinical stage prior to cognitive decline andirreversible damage. Exactly “how early is earlyenough?” to prevent clinical changes remains amajor unknown. There is a reasonable chancethat—especially for APOE �4 women—interventionmight need to begin in the fourth or fifth decadeof life. A major challenge involves the develop-ment of an intervention that is sufficiently safeto be administered for decades to asymptomaticsubjects.

The current gold standard biomarkers of AD,namely brain A� load and CSF tau and A�42 con-centrations, have enabled identification of individualswithin the preclinical stage of AD. However, thesediagnostic modalities are not easily accessible oreconomically viable for population wide screen-ing. Therefore, laboratories worldwide including ourown teams, are focusing on identifying less inva-sive economical markers to meet the dire need ofearly diagnosis. As such, given that the blood isan easily accessible medium, emphasis has beenplaced on identifying blood biomarkers reflectingpreclinical AD, wherein particular protein, lipid andmetabolite profiles have been observed to reflect thegold standards, with particular marker panels show-ing considerable accuracy; establishing the highlycharacterized AIBL longitudinal study of aging hasenabled us to make major strides towards theseobjectives not only with blood biomarkers identifi-cation but buccal cell biomarkers and more recentlywith retinal imaging biomarkers. However, althoughpromising, these studies require further replicationacross all diverse ethnic groups. More importantly,further research is required to reduce the numberof analytes within biomarker panels for commer-cialization and clinical setting usage purposes, ascurrent panels within the existing literature whileshowing considerable accuracy require a panel ofseveral analytes (∼20). Interestingly, these biochem-ical alterations manifesting in the blood in ADpathogenesis also exhibit the systemic nature of thedisease and provide insight into AD pathomecha-nisms. Finally, while effective treatments for ADare yet to be established other approaches in addi-tion to drug therapy need to be considered andinvestigated. Clinical trials targeting healthy lifestyleapproaches provide hope to reduce risk of AD andshould augment the effectiveness of drug action tocombat AD.


Authors’ disclosures available online (https://www.j-alz.com/manuscript-disclosures/17-1145r1).


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