DNA Damage and Repair Alternative NHEJ Pathway Components Are Therapeutic Targets in High-Risk Neuroblastoma Erika A. Newman 1 , Fujia Lu 1 , Daniela Bashllari 1 , Li Wang 2 , Anthony W. Opipari 3 , and Valerie P. Castle 2 Abstract In neuroblastoma, MYCN genomic amplication and segmental chromosomal alterations including 1p or 11q loss of heterozygocity and/or 17q gain are associated with progression and poor clinical outcome. Segmental alterations are the strongest predictor of relapse and result from unbalanced translocations attributable to erroneous repair of chromosomal breaks. Although sequence analysis of affected genomic regions suggests that these errors arise by nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB), abnormalities in NHEJ have not been implicated in neuroblastoma pathogenesis. On this basis, the hypothesis that an error-prone mechanism of NHEJ is critical for neuroblastoma cell survival was tested. Plasmid-based DSB repair assays demonstrated efcient NHEJ activity in human neuroblastoma cells with repair products that were error-prone relative to nontransformed cells. Neuroblastoma cells derived from tumorigenic neuroblastic phe- notypes had differential DNA repair protein expression patterns compared with nontumorigenic cells. Tumorigenic neuroblastoma cells were decient in DNA ligase IV (Lig4) and Artemis (DCLRE1C), mediators of canonical NHEJ. Conversely, enzymes required for an error-prone alternative NHEJ pathway (alt-NHEJ), DNA Ligase IIIa (Lig3), DNA Ligase I (Lig1), and PARP1 protein were upregulated. Inhibition of Lig3 and Lig1 led to DSB accu- mulation and cell death, linking alt-NHEJ to cell survival in neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma cells demonstrated sensitivity to PARP1 inhibition (PARPi) that paralleled PARP1 expression. In a dataset of human neuroblastoma patient tumors, overexpression of genes encoding alt-NHEJ proteins associated with poor survival. Implications: These ndings provide an insight into DNA repair delity in neuroblastoma and identify components of the alt- NHEJ pathway as promising therapeutic targets. Mol Cancer Res; 13(3); 47082. Ó2015 AACR. Introduction Neuroblastoma, the most common extracranial solid tumor in children, arises from neural crest precursors in the adrenal medul- la and sympathetic neural ganglia. Nearly 50% of patients have high-risk disease that is refractory or relapse despite multimod- ality therapy. Such cases are commonly characterized by older age at presentation, tumor cell diploidy, and by recurrent chromo- somal imbalances that predict prognosis. Amplication of MYCN (MNA) is associated with rapid tumor progression and advanced stage disease (1, 2). Segmental chromosomal alterations frequent- ly occur in older children with stage IV tumors and are the strongest predictors of relapse, indicating a role in neuroblastoma pathogenicity (3, 4). The most common alterations require DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) resulting in segmental deletions of 1p, 3p, 4p, or 11q and/or gain of 17q, 1q, and 2p regions (510). Affected breakpoints have no DNA sequence similarities and result from unbalanced translocations generated by erroneous repair of DSB (11). Sequence analysis of recurrent breakpoint regions in neuroblastoma tumors provides evidence that segmen- tal errors are generated by a DSB repair mechanism with char- acteristics of non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ; refs. 11, 12). This implies that segmental alterations could represent either an intact NHEJ mechanism processing abnormally high numbers of DSB or an underlying abnormality of DNA repair and mainte- nance (13). The two major DSB repair pathways are homologous recom- bination (HR) and NHEJ. Compared with HR, NHEJ is functional throughout the cell cycle and restores chromosomal continuity without sequence homology (14, 15). There are two major processes of NHEJ that differ with respect to repair factors and end-joining delity. In canonical form, classical NHEJ (c-NHEJ) is critical for genomic stability and is mediated by DNA repair factors DNA-PKcs, Ku70/Ku86, Artemis (DCLRE1C), XLF/Cer- nunnos, DNA Ligase IV (Lig4), and XRCC4. Despite its noncon- servative nature, c-NHEJ is required to suppress translocation formation and generally restores chromosome integrity without rearrangements (16). In addition to c-NHEJ, an alternative NHEJ (alt-NHEJ) mechanism has been described which relies on a 1 Department of Surgery, C.S. Mott Children and Women's Hospital, Translational Oncology Program, The University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2 Department of Pediatrics, C.S. Mott Children and Women's Hospital,Translational Oncology Program,The University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 3 Depart- ment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, C.S. Mott Children and Women's Hospital, The University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Molecular Cancer Research Online (http://mcr.aacrjournals.org/). Corresponding Author: Erika A. Newman, C.S. Mott Children and Women's Hospital, 1040 East Hospital Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. Phone: 734-764-6482; Fax: 734-232-8667; E-mail: [email protected] doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-14-0337 Ó2015 American Association for Cancer Research. Molecular Cancer Research Mol Cancer Res; 13(3) March 2015 470 on March 18, 2020. © 2015 American Association for Cancer Research. mcr.aacrjournals.org Downloaded from Published OnlineFirst January 6, 2015; DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-14-0337

Alternative NHEJ Pathway Components Are Therapeutic Targets … · Alternative NHEJ Pathway Components Are Therapeutic Targets in High-Risk Neuroblastoma Erika A. Newman1, Fujia Lu1,

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Page 1: Alternative NHEJ Pathway Components Are Therapeutic Targets … · Alternative NHEJ Pathway Components Are Therapeutic Targets in High-Risk Neuroblastoma Erika A. Newman1, Fujia Lu1,

DNA Damage and Repair

Alternative NHEJ Pathway Components AreTherapeutic Targets in High-RiskNeuroblastomaErika A. Newman1, Fujia Lu1, Daniela Bashllari1, Li Wang2, Anthony W. Opipari3, andValerie P. Castle2


Inneuroblastoma,MYCNgenomicamplificationand segmentalchromosomal alterations including1por11q lossofheterozygocityand/or 17q gain are associated with progression and poor clinicaloutcome. Segmental alterations are the strongest predictor ofrelapse and result from unbalanced translocations attributable toerroneous repair of chromosomal breaks. Although sequenceanalysis of affected genomic regions suggests that these errors ariseby nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) of DNA double-strandbreaks (DSB), abnormalities in NHEJ have not been implicated inneuroblastoma pathogenesis. On this basis, the hypothesis that anerror-prone mechanism of NHEJ is critical for neuroblastoma cellsurvivalwas tested. Plasmid-basedDSB repair assays demonstratedefficient NHEJ activity in human neuroblastoma cells with repairproducts that were error-prone relative to nontransformed cells.Neuroblastoma cells derived from tumorigenic neuroblastic phe-notypes had differential DNA repair protein expression patterns

comparedwithnontumorigenic cells. Tumorigenicneuroblastomacells were deficient in DNA ligase IV (Lig4) and Artemis(DCLRE1C), mediators of canonical NHEJ. Conversely, enzymesrequired for an error-prone alternative NHEJ pathway (alt-NHEJ),DNA Ligase IIIa (Lig3), DNA Ligase I (Lig1), and PARP1 proteinwere upregulated. Inhibition of Lig3 and Lig1 led to DSB accu-mulation and cell death, linking alt-NHEJ to cell survival inneuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma cells demonstrated sensitivity toPARP1 inhibition (PARPi) that paralleled PARP1 expression. In adataset of human neuroblastoma patient tumors, overexpressionof genes encoding alt-NHEJ proteins associatedwith poor survival.

Implications: These findings provide an insight into DNA repairfidelity in neuroblastoma and identify components of the alt-NHEJ pathway as promising therapeutic targets. Mol Cancer Res;13(3); 470–82. �2015 AACR.

IntroductionNeuroblastoma, the most common extracranial solid tumor in

children, arises from neural crest precursors in the adrenal medul-la and sympathetic neural ganglia. Nearly 50% of patients havehigh-risk disease that is refractory or relapse despite multimod-ality therapy. Such cases are commonly characterized by older ageat presentation, tumor cell diploidy, and by recurrent chromo-somal imbalances that predict prognosis. Amplification ofMYCN(MNA) is associated with rapid tumor progression and advancedstage disease (1, 2). Segmental chromosomal alterations frequent-ly occur in older children with stage IV tumors and are the

strongest predictors of relapse, indicating a role in neuroblastomapathogenicity (3, 4). The most common alterations require DNAdouble-strand breaks (DSB) resulting in segmental deletions of1p, 3p, 4p, or 11q and/or gain of 17q, 1q, and 2p regions (5–10).Affected breakpoints have no DNA sequence similarities andresult from unbalanced translocations generated by erroneousrepair of DSB (11). Sequence analysis of recurrent breakpointregions in neuroblastoma tumors provides evidence that segmen-tal errors are generated by a DSB repair mechanism with char-acteristics of non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ; refs. 11, 12).This implies that segmental alterations could represent either anintact NHEJ mechanism processing abnormally high numbers ofDSB or an underlying abnormality of DNA repair and mainte-nance (13).

The two major DSB repair pathways are homologous recom-bination (HR) andNHEJ. Compared withHR, NHEJ is functionalthroughout the cell cycle and restores chromosomal continuitywithout sequence homology (14, 15). There are two majorprocesses of NHEJ that differ with respect to repair factors andend-joining fidelity. In canonical form, classical NHEJ (c-NHEJ) iscritical for genomic stability and is mediated by DNA repairfactors DNA-PKcs, Ku70/Ku86, Artemis (DCLRE1C), XLF/Cer-nunnos, DNA Ligase IV (Lig4), and XRCC4. Despite its noncon-servative nature, c-NHEJ is required to suppress translocationformation and generally restores chromosome integrity withoutrearrangements (16). In addition to c-NHEJ, an alternative NHEJ(alt-NHEJ) mechanism has been described which relies on a

1Department of Surgery, C.S. Mott Children and Women's Hospital,Translational Oncology Program, The University of Michigan MedicalSchool, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2Department of Pediatrics, C.S. MottChildren andWomen's Hospital,Translational Oncology Program,TheUniversity of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 3Depart-ment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, C.S. Mott Children and Women'sHospital, The University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor,Michigan.

Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Molecular CancerResearch Online (http://mcr.aacrjournals.org/).

Corresponding Author: Erika A. Newman, C.S. Mott Children and Women'sHospital, 1040 East Hospital Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. Phone: 734-764-6482;Fax: 734-232-8667; E-mail: [email protected]

doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-14-0337

�2015 American Association for Cancer Research.


Mol Cancer Res; 13(3) March 2015470

on March 18, 2020. © 2015 American Association for Cancer Research. mcr.aacrjournals.org Downloaded from

Published OnlineFirst January 6, 2015; DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-14-0337

Page 2: Alternative NHEJ Pathway Components Are Therapeutic Targets … · Alternative NHEJ Pathway Components Are Therapeutic Targets in High-Risk Neuroblastoma Erika A. Newman1, Fujia Lu1,

distinct set of repair factors (17–19). PARP1, together with DNALigase IIIa (Lig3) or DNA Ligase I (Lig1) binds DSB and initiatesend-joining via an alt-NHEJ mechanism that does not utilizec-NHEJ factors (20–22). Rather than break end synapsis via c-NHEJ, alt-NHEJ is distinguished by low fidelity end-joining withfrequent microhomologies, relying on base–pairing interactionsat direct repeats flanking the DSB (23). The hallmark of alt-NHEJis a more error-prone repair characterized by deletions andunbalanced translocations (24). The viewpoint that alt-NHEJ isthemajorDNA repair pathway topathogenic chromosomal errorsis further strengthened by the finding that c-NHEJ–deficient micedevelop tumors with chromosomal translocations generated byalt-NHEJ (16, 25). This implies that the low fidelity alt-NHEJrepair mechanism has critical function in cancer cell survival andin tumor progression.

The tendency of high-risk neuroblastoma tumors to harborsegmental alterations generated by a repair process withhallmarks of NHEJ prompted us to test the hypothesis thatneuroblastoma cells survive by an alt-NHEJ mechanism toovercome DSB. Here, we performed a detailed analysis of NHEJfeatures in neuroblastoma to determine whether erroneousDNA end-joining is a critical pathogenic mechanism for thispediatric cancer. Utilizing both neuroblastic and stromal-likehuman neuroblastoma cells with diverse cytogenetic featuresreflecting the heterogeneity of neuroblastoma tumors, we findevidence that DSB repair occurs by alt-NHEJ. Our analysisreveals a surprising deficiency of c-NHEJ components withupregulation of alt-NHEJ repair factors in neuroblastoma cellswith high-risk genotypes. We show that alt-NHEJ sustainsviability in neuroblastoma cells and discover an importantclinical association between alt-NHEJ pathway gene expressionand patient survival. These data offer new insights into DNArepair capacity of high-risk neuroblastoma and pave the way fornovel studies targeting alt-NHEJ in neuroblastoma tumors.

Materials and MethodsCell culture

Human neuroblastoma cell lines SH-EP1, SH-SY5Y, LAI-55n,IMR32, SK-N-Be(2), and two fibroblast cell lines I and II (IMR90and HFF-1) were grown in minimal essential medium, supple-mented with 10% FBS, 2 mmol/L glutamine, 100 U/mL penicil-lin, and100mg/mL streptomycin (all fromLife Technologies). Thestably transfected cell line SH-EP1-MYCN also contained G418 asa selection agent. IMR32mediumwas further supplemented with1mmol/L pyruvate and 0.075%NaHCO3 and all were placed in a5% CO2 incubator at 37�C. Cell lines were obtained from ATCC,with the exception of LAI-55n cells, which were obtained fromSigma-Aldrich. In July of 2014, cells were sent to IDEXX RADILBioResearch for authentication using CellCheck 9, which checksfor eight short tandem repeat markers and amelogenin. Thegenetic profiles of each cell line were then confirmed by compar-ing with established reference profiles.

NHEJ and HR plasmid assayNHEJ andHR reporter plasmidswere obtained as generous gifts

from the laboratory of Dr. Vera Gorbunova, The University ofRochester (Rochester, NY). The reporter plasmids were linearizedby I-SceI orHindIII restriction enzymes and purified usingQiagenpurification kit. Exponentially growing cells were transfected withlinearized reporter plasmids, using TransIT-LT1 reagent (Mirus)

according to the manufacture protocol. The same amount ofNHEJ-GFP and HR-GFP, which are the DSB repair products ofNHEJ andHR reporter plasmids, were used as positive controls for100% repair. DSB repair plasmids were cotransfected with DSRedexpressing plasmids to control for transfection difference amongcell lines. The gating forGFPþ andDsRedþ cellswas determined ineach experiment by cells transfected with GFP, DsRed, or negativecontrol plasmids. To increase transfection efficiency, a same-dayplating strategy was used. More than 30,000 cells were analyzedfor each experiment. On the pGFP-Pem1 plasmid, there is aunique enzyme digestion site for BsrG1 in the first exon of GFP,and a unique enzyme digestion site for HindIII in the intron ofGFP (Pem1). Therefore, BsrG1-digested pEGFP-Pem1was used tomeasure accuracy of NHEJ repair and HindIII-digested pEGFP-Pem1 was used to measure overall repair activity. Significantdifferences were analyzed with two-way ANOVA and with theStudent t test (significant at P < 0.05).

Cell viability assaysCell viability was determined by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-

yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay according tothe manufacturer's instructions (Sigma-Aldrich, M5655). Neuro-blastoma cells and fibroblasts were plated in triplicate at 5 � 103

to 1 � 104 cells/well in 96-well culture plates in MEM. On thefollowing day, cells were treated either with inhibitors or siRNA asdescribed below. At the endpoint, treated cells were incubatedwithMTT dye (1mg/mL) at 37�C for 4 hours and lysed in a buffercontaining 20% (w/v) N,N-dimethylformamide (pH 4.5). Absor-bance at 570 nmol/L (OD570) was determined for each well usingan ELX 808 automated microplate reader (Biotech Instruments).After subtraction of background absorbance, the OD570 of treatedcellswasdividedby that of untreated cells toobtain thepercentageof viable cells. In some experiments, cell viability was determinedby Trypan blue exclusion. For these assays, cells (2 � 105 cells/well) were plated on 24-well plates and treated with eitherinhibitor or siRNA. After variable times, cells were harvested bytrypsinization,washedwithPBS, resuspended inMEMcontaining0.2% Trypan blue (Invitrogen), and counted (living and dead) bylight microscopy. Significant differences were analyzed with two-way ANOVA (P < 0.05).

Western blot analysisWhole-cell extracts were prepared using the RIPA lysis buffer

system (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and protein concentrationswere measured using BSA as standard using the Bradford Bio-Radprotein assay (Bio-Rad). Thirty-five micrograms of protein wereresolved by SDS-PAGE and transferred onto PVDF membrane(Millipore). Blockingwas donewith5%milk inTBST for onehourat room temperature, primary antibodies were diluted in 5%milkand incubated overnight at 4�C, and secondary antibodies werediluted in 5% milk and incubated for one hour at room temper-ature. Primary antibodies used were Lig3 (ab587 Abcam), Lig1(ab615 Abcam), PARP1 (sc-8007 Santa Cruz Biotechnology),Lig4 (sc-28232 Santa Cruz Biotechnology), Artemis (ab3834Abcam), Ku70 (sc-5309 Santa Cruz Biotechnology), and Ku80(sc-9034 Santa Cruz Biotechnology), RAD51 (sc-8349 SantaCruz Biotechnology), and RAD54 (sc-11428 Santa Cruz Biotech-nology). Western Blot analyses were visualized using enhancedchemiluminescence (Amersham). Protein expression was quan-tified utilizing ImageJ software (http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/). The

NHEJ Is a Target in High-Risk Neuroblastoma

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heatmapplotwasbasedonprotein expressionquantification, andwas generated using conditional formatting in MS Excel. For eachprotein, the highest expression was set to a maximum of 1 (red)and lowest expression set to zero (green). For visual comparison,DNA repair protein expression levels were set as fractions of themaximum for each cell line. Experiments were repeated six times.Significant expression differences were analyzed with two-wayANOVA (P < 0.05).

L67 and PARP1 inhibitor treatmentThe Lig3/Lig1 inhibitor L67 was obtained as a generous gift

from Dr. Alan Tomkinson The University of New Mexico andPARP1 inhibitor BYK204165 was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich.Neuroblastoma cells and normal fibroblasts were cultured in 96-well culture plates at 5 � 103 to 1 � 104 cells/well. On thefollowing day, cells were treated with L67 (0, 1, 5, 10 mmol/L)or BYK (0, 5, 10 mmol/L). On day 3, cell viability was evaluated bythe MTT assay. Experiments were repeated three times andsignificant differences were analyzed with two-way ANOVA(P < 0.05).

Immunofluorescent microscopy and quantification of gH2AXNeuroblastoma cells and controls were seeded in chamber

slides. At different time points following treatment with L67 orBYK, cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 15 minutes,washed with PBS, and permeabilized in 0.2% Triton-X100. Afterblocking with 5% normal goat serum (NGS) for one hour,samples were incubated with anti-phospho-histone gH2AX(Ser139)mousemonoclonal antibody (clone JBW301;Millipore)at a 1:500 dilution in 2.5% NGS-PBS overnight at 4�C, followedby incubation with the secondary antibody Alexa Fluor 488 goatanti-mouse-IgG (1:1000) for 1 hour. Cells were then washed withPBS and mounted using mounting solution with DAPI (Invitro-gen). Images of gH2AX foci and nuclei were taken using a LeicaDMR fluorescentmicroscope at�40. Quantitative analysis of fociwas carried out using ImageJ software. To test for variationbetween experiments, 400 to 500 cells from three different experi-ments were scored for each data point. The mean number of fociper nucleus and the SD from three independent measures werecalculated.

FITC annexin V detectionSH-SY5Y and IMR32 cells were cultured in 6-well plates at 2 �

105 cells/well. On the following day, cells were treated with L67(48 hours) or BYK (48 hours). Cells were then collected andstainedwith FITCAnnexin V andpropidium iodide (PI), followedby flow-cytometric analysis according to the manufacturer's pro-tocol (BD Pharmingen, 556547).

siRNA-mediated silencingSH-SY5Y, SH-EP1, and IMR32 cells were plated at a density of

2 � 106 cells per 10-cm culture plate. On the following day, cellswere transfected with SMART-pool Lig3 siRNA (Dharmacon, Inc)using a Nucleofactor transfection reagent (Amaxa), as per themanufacturer's protocol. siGlo (Dharmacon) were cotransfectedto measure transfection efficiency. Mock transfection and trans-fection with scrambled siRNA served as controls. Seventy-twohours later, cells were harvested and successful depletion by Lig3siRNA was confirmed by Western blot analysis using Lig3antibodies.

Public dataset gene expression analysisAcademic Medical Center cohort; Gene Expression Omnibus

(GEO) database accession no. GSE16476 (http://r2.amc.nl) wasutilized to study gene expression of alt-NHEJ ligases (Lig3, Lig1),PARP1, and Lig4 in previously analyzed cohorts of neuroblasto-ma tumor samples (26). Data as shown were analyzed anddownloaded from the website, formatted for publication. Expres-sion cutoff for each repair genewas determined by the R2Kaplan–Meier Scanner. Scan modus was used for cutoff determinationwith a minimum group size of 10 to determine the best P values,and P values were corrected for multiple testing (Bonferroni).

ResultsAn erroneous mechanism of NHEJ is the dominant DSB repairpathway in neuroblastoma cells

Neuroblastoma tumors harbor segmental chromosomalalterations that are thought to arise from misrepair of DSB bythe DNA end-joining process. It is not known whether DSBrepair pathways are affected in neuroblastoma tumors. We setout to examine the frequencies of DNA end-joining in a panelof neuroblastoma cells and tested whether DSB repair efficiencywas altered compared with normal cells. Plasmid-based report-er assays provide a reliable method to assess DSB repair,quantifying repair efficiency and fidelity of the end-joiningprocess (27). Induction of DSB within a GFP reporter cassetteby restriction enzyme digestion produces broken DNA endsthat initiate a wide spectrum of cellular repair events thatrestore GFP expression (Supplementary Fig. S1; refs. 15, 27, 28).Restriction enzymes, including Hind III, I-SceI, or BsrG1induced DSB in reporter cassettes, which were utilized toquantify DSB repair activity in neuroblastoma cells of varyingcytogenetic phenotypes. We examined a diverse panel ofhuman neuroblastoma cell lines derived from invasive neuro-blastic tumors with chromosomal alterations frequently foundin neuroblastoma. SK-N-Be2, IMR32, and LAI-55n are neuro-blastic neuroblastoma cell lines with MNA and 1p deletion,biologic features of advanced disease (29). To represent het-erogeneity of neuroblastoma tumors (Supplementary TableS1), repair features in these high-risk cells were compared withnontumorigenic stromal-like neuroblastoma cells that resem-ble fibroblasts (SH-EP1) and with nontransformed human cells(fetal lung fibroblasts and neonatal foreskin fibroblasts) asnormal controls.

Wefirst analyzed efficiencies ofNHEJ andHRDSB repair eventsto determine the predominant end-joining mechanism utilizedby neuroblastoma cells. Although NHEJ is the predominant DSBrepair pathway in mammalian cells, HR efficiency is increased invarious cancer cells, particularly sporadic breast cancer comparedwith normal cells (28). Exponentially growing cells were trans-fectedwith linearizedNHEJ (cut withHindIII or I-SceI) orHR (cutwith I-SceI) reporter plasmids. DSB repair plasmids were cotrans-fected with DSRed expressing plasmids to control for differencesin transfection efficiency among cell lines. Digestion with HindIIIin NHEJ plasmid leaves compatible broken DNA ends, whereas I-SceI digestion produces incompatible ends. The rationale forselecting two distinct restriction sites was that radiation andchemotherapy medications cause nonspecific DSBs that are morelikely to have incompatible ends, therefore NHEJ-I-SceI mayresemble repair occurring after cancer therapies (15). NHEJ andHR reporters have been validated by plasmid rescue and

Newman et al.

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sequencing studies (27, 28). Repair efficiency, meaning the frac-tion of linearized plasmids rejoined, was measured by quantifi-cation of GFP expression using flow cytometry.

Compared with HR, NHEJ was the predominant DSB rejoiningmechanism in neuroblastoma cell lines tested, including SH-EP1,SK-N-Be(2), IMR32, and LAI-55n cells (Fig. 1A). In neuroblasto-ma cells, NHEJ efficiencies detected were significantly higher thanHR efficiencies indicating that NHEJ is the preferred DSB repairpathway in neuroblastoma cells (P < 0.0001). Nontransformedcontrols tested demonstrated low overall repair efficiencies andthere were no significant differences detected between HR andNHEJ activity (P ¼ 0.07). NHEJ-Hind III and NHEJ-ISceI showedsimilar NHEJ repair activity indicating that the same end-joiningmechanism was likely responsible for repair of both compatibleand incompatible DNA ends.We next evaluated whether the levelof NHEJ activity differed between neuroblastoma cells with high-risk genotypes, stromal-like cells, and fibroblasts (Fig. 1B). Therewas clear NHEJ repair efficiency advantage in SK-N-Be2, IMR32,and LAI-55n cells compared with SH-EP1 and nontransformedcells (P < 0.0001). SK-N-Be2, IMR32, and LAI-55n cells werederived from advanced neuroblastoma tumors that harbor chro-mosomal alterations thought tohave a role in tumorpathogenesis(MNA and 1p deletion). These data indicate that thesemore high-risk neuroblastoma cells have highly efficient levels of endoge-nous NHEJ activity compared with stromal-like SH-EP1 cells andnontransformed human fibroblasts.

Fidelity of repair was separately measured using an endonu-clease that required precise restriction site repair. BsrG1 recog-nizes a restriction site within the exon of the GFP gene thereforeonly accurate repair of BsrG1-digested reporter plasmid gen-erates intact GFP protein. Conversely, restriction sites for Hin-dIII are outside of the coding region and are permissive ofmicrodeletion or addition of bases during the end-joiningprocess (Supplementary Fig. S2; ref. 27). Accuracy of repairwas represented by the ratio of GFP fluorescence generated byBsrG1-digested NHEJ plasmid to fluorescence generated byplasmid digested with HindIII. This measure of accuracy waslower in neuroblastoma cells compared with nontransformedcontrols (Fig. 1C). This finding indicates that compared withnormal fibroblasts, NHEJ repair in neuroblastoma cells is morelikely to generate DSB repair errors. The analysis suggests thatneuroblastoma end-joining products are highly error-pronewith repair error frequencies ranging from 30% to 45% versus0% to 5% in nontransformed controls.

In all, GFP plasmid-based DSB repair assays demonstrate thatNHEJ is the dominant DNA repair pathway in neuroblastomacells. There are differences in NHEJ repair activity between neuro-blastic cells with high-risk genotypes and stromal-like SH-EP1cells, with SK-N-Be2, IMR32, and LAI-55n having the highestrepair efficiencies. Compared with nontransformed cells, NHEJactivity in neuroblastoma cells results in end-joining productsthat are more prone to DSB repair errors. These data provide newinsight into NHEJ repair capacity in neuroblastoma cells andsuggests that NHEJ activity may be altered.

Neuroblastoma cells have a differential NHEJ proteinexpression pattern

The two known biochemical mechanisms of NHEJ differ withrespect to end-joining fidelity and require different DNA-bindingproteins and ligases to complete theDSB repair process. Given thehighNHEJ repair efficiencies detected in neuroblastoma cells with

high-risk genotypes,wenext examined expressionofDSB-bindingproteins by Western blot analysis in a broader panel of neuro-blastic neuroblastoma cells with segmental chromosomal altera-tions commonly found in neuroblastoma tumors (Supplemen-tary Table S1). To determine which end-joining factors wererepresentative of NHEJ activity in neuroblastoma, SK-N-Be(2),IMR32, LAI-55n (neuroblastic, MNA, and 1p deletion), and SH-SY5Y (neuroblastic, 1q trisomy) cells were compared with normalfibroblasts and SH-EP1 cells.

The analysis revealed a distinct pattern of NHEJ proteinexpression in neuroblastoma cells with high-risk genotypes(Fig. 2A and Supplementary Fig. S3). SH-SY5Y, SK-N-Be(2),IMR32, and LAI-55n cells expressed significantly high proteinlevels of Lig3, Lig1, and PARP1 compared with fibroblasts andSH-EP1 cells. Each of these proteins are components of the alt-NHEJ repair pathway. SH-EP1 cells and fibroblasts had lowexpression of all three alt-NHEJ proteins tested (Lig3, Lig1, andPARP1). Interestingly, we also found that the MNA cell linesIMR32 and LAI-55n were significantly deficient in Lig4 com-pared with all of the other cell lines tested. Lig4 is essential forcompletion of the critical ligation step in c-NHEJ. In addition tolow Lig4 expression, IMR32 and LAI-55n cells also had lowexpression of Artemis compared with fibroblasts, SH-EP1, SH-SY5Y, and SK-N-Be(2) cells. Artemis processes DNA terminalends in the c-NHEJ pathway. These distinct NHEJ expressionpatterns, specifically upregulation of Lig3, Lig1, and PARP1 incells with high-risk genotypes, along with deficiency of Lig4 andArtemis in IMR32 and LAI-55n cells, suggest that some high-risk neuroblastoma cells rely on alt-NHEJ rather than c-NHEJfor DSB repair.

alt-NHEJ ligases have not been previously linked to high-riskneuroblastoma. To determine whether a high-risk genetic alter-ation such as MNA controls alt-NHEJ ligase expression, we nextevaluated expression of Lig3, Lig1, and Lig4 in SH-EP1 cellstransfected to constitutively express MYCN. Transgene-inducedexpression of MYCN significantly increased both Lig3 and Lig1protein expression in SH-EP1 cells, whereas Lig4 was unchangedfrom vector controls (Fig. 2B). High levels of MYCN expressionwere sufficient to increase alt-NHEJ ligase expression withoutchanges in c-NHEJ factors (Lig4 or Ku70/80). These findingsdemonstrate a novel association between high-risk neuroblasto-ma and alt-NHEJ, highlighting a role for NHEJ in neuroblastomapathogenesis.

Given these results, wenext investigatedwhetherMYCNexpres-sion could lower NHEJ accuracy. To determine differences inrepair fidelity between MNA and non-MNA cells, we evaluatedDSB repair by NHEJ plasmid end-joining in SH-EP1-MYCN cellsand SH-EP1-vector controls. Transgene-induced expression ofMYCN significantly decreased repair accuracy in SH-EP1 cells asmeasured by plasmid end-joining efficiency after BsrG1 andHindIII digestion (Fig. 2C). MYCN expression increased DSBrepair error rates by 25%, with total error rates as high as 70%in SH-EP1-MYCN. These data link MYCN expression to anincrease in DSB end-joining errors and provide a mechanism bywhich high-risk neuroblastoma cells may have propensity togenerate misrepair events.

Inhibition of Lig3 and Lig1 increases DSB accumulation andinduces cell death in neuroblastoma cells

High expression of alt-NHEJ ligases coupled with the nearabsence of Lig4 in high-risk neuroblastoma cells suggests that

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Red fluorescence

Red fluorescence

I-SceI HindIII





Fibroblast I

Fibroblast IISH-EP1












cy (


P+ /


ed+ )




Fibroblast I

Fibroblast IISH-EP1












cy (


P+ /


ed+ ) NHEJ-HindIII



**** ********

Fibroblast I

Fibroblast IISH-EP1











r (%













cy (


P+ /


ed+ )

Fibroblast IFibroblast IISH-EP1 SK-N-Be(2)IMR32LAI-55n


Figure 1.A, NHEJ activity in neuroblastoma is efficient and error-prone. Utilizing sensitive fluorescent HR and NHEJ reporter constructs (Supplementary Figs. S1 and S2),DSB repair activity was measured in terms of successful reconstitution of GFP. Compared with HR, NHEJ was the most efficient mechanism of DSB repair acrossneuroblastoma cell lines (ANOVA used to test for differences between HR-I-SceI and NHEJ-I-SceI, and between NHEJ-HindIII and NHEJ-ISceI repair efficiencies foreach cell line, ���� significant at P < 0.0001; ns, not significant). NHEJ-Hind III and NHEJ-ISceI had similar repair activity, indicating that the same end-joiningmechanism was likely responsible for repair of both compatible and incompatible DNA ends. NHEJ was most efficient in SK-N-Be(2), IMR32, and LAI-55ncells. There were no significant differences between HR and NHEJ repair efficiencies in the nontransformed fibroblast cell lines (both ANOVA and the Student t testused, P ¼ 0.07). B, SK-N-Be(2), IMR32, and LAI-55n cells reached repair efficiency rates greater than 80% compared with fibroblasts I and II (IMR 90 and HFF-1)and stromal-type SH-EP1 cells, where repair efficiency was only 10% to 20% [ANOVA used to test for differences in NHEJ repair efficiencies between normalfibroblasts and each neuroblastoma cell line, ���� significant at P < 0.0001, and for differences in NHEJ repair efficiencies between SH-EP1 and neuroblasticSK-N-Be(2), IMR32, and LAI-55n cells, ���� significant at P < 0.0001]. Representative FACS-based plots showing IMR32 cells with increased green fluorescencepopulation for both I-SceI and HindIII, indicating higher NHEJ activity comparedwith SH-EP1. C, NHEJ repair fidelity was determined utilizing NHEJ-GFP-BsrG1. Onlyaccurate repair of BsrG1 digested pEGFP-PEM1 generated intact GFP, while Hind III tolerates microdeletions or addition of bases during the end-joiningprocess. Plasmid rejoining in neuroblastoma cells had low fidelity with erroneous NHEJ repair products comparedwith normal fibroblasts. NHEJ activity in the entirepanel of neuroblastoma cells was overall inaccurate with error rates ranging from 24% to 55% versus 0% to 5% in nontransformed cells. (ANOVA used totest for significant differences in repair efficiencies between NHEJ-HindIII and NHEJ-GFP-BsrG1 for each cell line, and for differences in repair error rates betweennormal fibroblasts and SH-EP1, SK-N-Be(2), IMR32, and LAI-55n; ���, P < 0.001; ���� , P < 0.0001). Results are representative of three different experiments� SEM.

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DSB repair in this subset depends on alt-NHEJ. If so, inhibition ofalt-NHEJ factors may impair DNA repair capacity in neuroblas-toma cells. To test the hypothesis that high-risk neuroblastomacells rely on alt-NHEJ for DSB repair, we utilized a Lig3 and Lig1dual inhibitor to disrupt alt-NHEJ ligase function and measuredthe effects on DSB accumulation. L67 is a competitive inhibitorthat specifically targets DSB repair by inhibiting alt-NHEJ ligases

(Lig3 and Lig1) but does not affect c-NHEJ (Lig4; ref. 30). SH-EP1(stromal-like), SH-SY5Y (neuroblastic, 1q trisomy), and IMR32(neuroblastic, MNA and 1p deletion) cells were examined asrepresentative diverse phenotypes typical of neuroblastomatumors. DSB accumulation was quantified by measuring phos-phorylation of histone H2AX (gH2AX), a surrogate marker ofnuclear DSB (31). Immunocytochemistry (ICC) was used to










cy (


P+ /


ed+ )

SH-EP1 vectorSH-EP1 MYCN










RAD 51RAD 54





Low expression High expression




DNA Lig4

DNA Lig3

DNA Lig1















r (%





e p


in le



Figure 2.A, neuroblastoma cell lines havedifferential NHEJ repair proteinexpression patterns. A heatmap plotwas generated using conditionalformatting in MS Excel and is based onprotein expression quantification ofWestern blot analysis. Heatmap ofrepresentative immunoblot analysis(Supplementary Fig. S3) shows thatneuroblastic neuroblastoma cells withhigh-risk genotypes [SH-SY5Y, SK-N-Be(2), IMR32, and LAI-55n] haddifferential NHEJ repair proteinexpression patterns compared withstromal-like SH-EP1 cells and to normalfibroblasts with upregulation of alt-NHEJ proteins (Lig3, Lig1, and PARP1) .In neuroblastic cells with MNA (IMR32,LAI-55n), there was downregulation ofthe c-NHEJ ligase, Lig4. IMR32 andLAN-55n cells also had low expressionof Artemis compared with fibroblasts,SH-EP1, SH-SY5Y, and SK-N-Be(2)cells. GAPDH was used as loadingcontrol. Ku70/Ku80 and HR proteins(RAD 51 and RAD 54) were uniformlyexpressed across cell lines. B,immunoblot and protein quantificationanalysis using ImageJ software aftertransgene-induced expression ofMYCN revealed increased alt-NHEJligases expression (Lig3, Lig1) in SH-EPcells while Lig4 was unchanged.GAPDHwas used as loading control. C,NHEJ repair efficiency and fidelity wasdetermined utilizing NHEJ-BsrG1where only accurate repair of BsrG1digested pGFP-PEM1 generates intactGFP. MYCN-transduced cells had a25% increase in repair error, with errorrates as high as 65% compared with40% in SH-EP1-vector cells. Results arerepresentative of three independentexperiments � SEM. Significantdifferences were analyzed withtwo-way ANOVA (� , P ¼ 0.014;�� , P < 0.01; ��� , P < 0.001;���� , P < 0.0001).

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IMR32Annexin V



Annexin V

SH-SY5Y 5 mmol/L L67

IMR32 5 mmol/L L67






A Baseline 5 mmol/L L67












140 Control siRNA

Control1 µmol/L

5 µmol/L

5 µmol/L L67Baseline

10 µmol/L

Lig3 siRNA






l via


ty (



l via


ty (



X fo




Figure 3.Lig3 and Lig1 inhibition (L67) results in increased DSB accumulation and kills neuroblastoma cells. A, effects of L67 (5 mmol/L) on DSB accumulation weredefined based on phosphorylation of gH2AX in SH-EP1, SH-SY5Y, and IMR32 and analyzed by ICC after 48-hour treatment. Shown is representative nuclearstaining visualized using fluorescence microscopy (�40). B, gH2AX quantification analysis using ImageJ (400–500 cells were counted for each experiment).Comparedwith SH-EP1 (mean0.2 foci/nucleus) andSH-SY5Y (mean0.3 foci/nucleus), IMR32 (1.4 foci/nucleus, 7-fold higher thanSH-EP1 and4-6 fold higher thanSH-SY5Y) had high endogenous DSB at baseline before treatment (P < 0.0001). Treatment with L67 (5 mmol/L) caused significant increases in gH2AX foci frombaseline in SH-SY5Y (P¼ 0.0070) and in IMR32 cells (P <0.0001). There were no significant changes in DSB accumulation in SH-EP1 cells (P¼0.9975). C, the effectsof L67 (0 mmol/L, 1 mmol/L, 5 mmol/L, 10 mmol/L) on cell viability were tested in SH-EP1, SH-SY5Y, SK-N-BE2, IMR32 cells, and in normal fibroblasts (IMR90).Cell viability measured by the MTT assay at 48-hour treatment intervals were compared with vehicle control. neuroblastoma cell lines, particularly SH-SY5Y, SK-N-BE2, and IMR32 exhibited significant hypersensitivity to L67, while normal fibroblasts were not affected. D, cell death was detected by flow-cytometric analysisof Annexin V and PI with L67 (5 mmol/L). Representative FACS traces from SH-SY5Y and IMR32 after 48-hour treatment are shown with evidence of cellsin both the early apoptotic stages (annexin V–positive, PI-negative), as well as nonviable, necrotic cells (annexin V–positive, PI-positive). E, siRNA knockdownof Lig3. Adequate Lig3 siRNA silencing was confirmed by Western blot analysis at 72 hours. F, cell survival after siRNA Lig3 was determined by the MTTviability assay after 72-hour exposure. SH-SY5Y and IMR32 cells had significantly decreased cell viability (60%–70%) compared with SH-EP1 cells (20%–25%).Results are representative of the mean of three independent experiments � SEM. Significant differences were analyzed with ANOVA (�� , P < 0.01; ��� , P ¼ 0.001;���� , P < 0.0001).

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quantify gH2AX foci in the nuclei. IMR32 cells had highendogenous DSB before treatment compared with SH-EP1 andSH-SY5Y cells (Fig. 3A and B). Treatment with L67 induced agreater than 2-fold increase in gH2AX foci from baseline in SH-SY5Y and greater than 4-fold increase in IMR32. There was nosignificant increase in DSB accumulation in SH-EP1 cells aftertreatment with L67. These results imply that blocking Lig3 andLig1 results in failure of DSB repair with DSB accumulation inneuroblastoma cells with high-risk genotypes. We reasonedthat neuroblastic neuroblastoma cells utilize alt-NHEJ as aprimary DNA repair mechanism and that DSB recovery ishindered by inhibiting alt-NHEJ ligases.

Because failure of DSB repair is a trigger for cell death, wefurther reasoned that since L67 selectively increased DSB accu-mulation, treatment with L67 similarly selectively induced celldeath in high-risk neuroblastoma cell groups. Cell viability wasmeasured by the MTT assay (Fig. 3C). Neuroblastoma cell lineswere differentially hypersensitive to L67 killing while normal skinfibroblasts were insensitive. Neuroblastoma cell lines, particularlyneuroblastic [SH-SY5Y, SK-N-Be(2), IMR32] cells were highlysensitive to L67, with significantly decreased cellular viabilitycompared with untreated controls. To further differentiate thestate of cell death, the Annexin V–FITC method was utilized. L67(5mmol/L) caused an increase in cell death in neuroblastoma cells







19 40.1




18.8 36.5

41.5 3.3




Annexin V

Annexin V






A10 mmol/L BYK5 mmol/L BYK


SH-SY5Y 5 mmol/L BYK

IMR32 5 mmol/L BYK


l via


ty (


Control5 µmol/L

5 µmol/L BYKBaseline

10 µmol/L BYK

10 µmol/LgH





s (n


Figure 4.PARP1 inhibition impairs DSB repair and kills neuroblastoma cells. A, effect of PARP1 inhibitor (BYK) on DSB accumulation in neuroblastoma cells was tested.DSB accumulation was measured by gH2AX after SH-EP1, SH-SY5Y, and IMR32 cells were treated with BYK (0 mmol/L, 5 mmol/L, 10 mmol/L) for 48 hours.Representative images were taken under fluorescence microscopy (�40) showing increased DSB accumulation in SH-SY5Y and IMR32 cells, with highestDSB accumulation detected in IMR32 cells after PARP1i. PARP1i did not affect DSB accumulation in SH-EP1 cells (400–500 cellswere counted for each experiment). B,representative quantification of gH2AX foci. C, cell viability measured by the MTT assay after BYK (0 mmol/L, 5 mmol/L, 10 mmol/L) treatment for 48 hoursrevealed decreased viability in SH-SY5Y and IMR32 cells. PARP1i did not significantly affect SH-EP1 or fibroblast cell viability. D, cell death in both the early apoptosisstage and nonviable/necrotic stage were detected by flow cytometry after Annexin V and PI in the total cell population with BYK (5 mmol/L) at 48 hours.Representative SH-SY5Y and IMR32 data are shown. All data are expressed as themean from three independent experiments. Significant differenceswere analyzedwith ANOVA (��� , P < 0.001; ���� , P < 0.0001).

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Published OnlineFirst January 6, 2015; DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-14-0337

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Age groupAliveHistology InssMycN_Amp

Samples ordered by Lig3

High Lig3 (n = 38)

Low Lig3 (n = 50) O


ll su


al p




Follow-up in months

Follow-up in months

Follow-up in months

Follow-up in months







1.00 0.90





0.40 0.30




raw P 2.1e−07bonf P 1.5e−05

Age group



400 350 300

250 200

150 100 50




AliveHistology InssMycN_Amp

Samples ordered by Lig1

400 350 300

250 200

150 100 50


1.00 0.90





0.40 0.30



0.00 216












Low Lig1 (n = 45)

High Lig1 (n = 43)

raw P 5.8e−05bonf P 4.3e−03











Age groupAliveHistology InssMycN_Amp

Samples ordered by PARP1











1.00 0.90





0.40 0.30



0.00 216



14 4

12 0















Low PARP1 (n = 39)

High PARP1 (n = 49)

raw P 4.4e−05bonf P 3.2e−03

800 700 600

500 400

300 200 100




Age groupAliveHistology InssMycN_Amp

Samples ordered by Lig4



800 700 600

500 400

300 200 100


1.00 0.90





0.40 0.30



0.00 216



1 44


967 248240

Low Lig4 (n = 53)

High Lig4 (n = 35)

raw P 0.042bonf P 1.000

Newman et al.

Mol Cancer Res; 13(3) March 2015 Molecular Cancer Research478

on March 18, 2020. © 2015 American Association for Cancer Research. mcr.aacrjournals.org Downloaded from

Published OnlineFirst January 6, 2015; DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-14-0337

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by 48 hours, as illustrated by flow-cytometric detection ofAnnexin V and PI, with detection of cells in both the earlyapoptotic stages as well as many nonviable, necrotic neuroblas-toma cells (Fig. 3D).

To further test this hypothesis, we utilized siRNA to specificallyknockdown Lig3 in SH-EP1, SH-SY5Y, and IMR32 cells. Mocktransfection and transfection with scrambled siRNA served ascontrols. Western analysis using Lig3 antibodies 72 hours aftertransfection revealed significant Lig3 siRNA-induced knockdowncomparedwith siRNA controls (Fig. 3E). Cell viability, assessed byTrypan blue exclusion showed that Lig3 knockdown in SH-SY5Yand in IMR32 cells caused a 60% to 70% decrease in cellularviability (Fig. 3F). Cleavage of PARP1 in this experiment was usedas an indicator of apoptotic cell death (Supplementary Fig. S4).The change in viability in high-risk neuroblastic cells (SH-SY5Yand IMR32) was more than 2-fold the change observed with Lig3depletion in SH-EP1 cells, where cellular viability was reduced by20% to 25% from baseline. There were no changes in viability ofneuroblastoma cells transfected with mock or scrambled siRNAcontrol constructs. These data link loss of alt-NHEJ ligases to DSBaccumulation and cell death in neuroblastoma cells and establishevidence of a functional role for alt-NHEJ in DSB repair and cellsurvival.

PARP1 inhibition increases DSB accumulation and killsneuroblastoma cells

To further define alt-NHEJ function in neuroblastoma, westudied the sensitivity of three neuroblastoma cell lines to PARP1inhibition (PARPi)with BYK204165 (BYK), a potent and selectiveinhibitor of PARP1. PARP1 is a DSB-sensing and DNA-bindingcomponent in the alt-NHEJ pathway. PARP1promotesmutagenicDSB repair by blocking c-NHEJ via Ku70 and Lig4 and participatesin DSB repair in the absence of c-NHEJ (32, 33). We expected thatPARPi would disrupt alt-NHEJ function and lead to a failure ofDSB repair and cell death because inhibition of alt-NHEJ ligasescaused DSB accumulation and cell death in neuroblastoma cellsexpressing alt-NHEJ proteins. To determine whether PARPiimpaired DNA repair, phosphorylation of gH2AX foci wasdetected by ICC and measured in SH-EP1, SH-SY5Y, and IMR32cells after treatment with BYK (0, 5, 10 mmol/L). In SH-SY5Y andIMR32 cells, BYK induced significant increases in nuclear gH2AXfoci accumulation (Fig. 4A and B). DSB accumulation in IMR32cells after PARPi was enhanced more than 2-fold higher thanbaseline vehicle controls. There were no differences in DSBaccumulation after BYK in SH-EP1 cells suggesting that PARPiselectively blocks DSB recovery in neuroblastic neuroblastomacells. SH-EP1, SH-SY5Y, and IMR32 cells were next treated with

escalating doses of BYK (0, 5, 10 mmol/L) to determine the effectsof PARPi on cell survival. Viability wasmeasured by theMTT assay(Fig. 4C). SH-SY5Y and IMR32 cells were more sensitive to PARPithan SH-EP1 cells and fibroblasts, with decreased viability andsignificantly increased cell death (Fig. 4D). PARPi in SH-SY5Y andIMR32 cells resulted in more than 75% decrease in cell viabilitycompared with SH-EP1 cells (25%) while fibroblasts were rela-tively insensitive to BYK. These results provide furthermechanisticevidence that components of alt-NHEJ are critical for DSB recov-ery and cell viability in neuroblastoma. Because selective inhibi-tion of key alt-NHEJ mediators (Lig3/Lig1 and PARP1) is selec-tively cytotoxic to neuroblastic and MNA neuroblastoma cells,these findings set precedence for targeting alt-NHEJ in neuroblas-toma tumors with high-risk phenotypes.

Expression of NHEJ genes in neuroblastoma tumors correlatewith patient outcome

Because NHEJ proteins had distinct expression patterns in cul-tured high-risk neuroblastoma cells, we questioned whether high-risk neuroblastoma tumors have high expression of alt-NHEJ genesand how alt-NHEJ expression levels might correlate with patientsurvival. Here, we examined expression of NHEJ genes in patienttumor samples from a publically available database (AcademicMedical Center cohort; GEO database accession no. GSE16476).We studied NHEJ gene expression in 88 diverse human neuro-blastoma samples in the Web-based R2 microarray database(http://hgserver1.amc.nl/cgi-bin/r2/main.cgi) to determine Lig3,Lig1, Lig4, and PARP1 expression levels. High expression of Lig3significantly associatedwithpoorpatient survival (Fig. 5A).Overall,38 patients had high Lig3 expression levels and 50patients had lowLig3 expression. LowLig3 expression correlatedwith excellent long-term patient survival and overall survival probability of 88%,whereas high expression reduced overall survival probability to34%, and was associated with older age at presentation (>18mo),higher stage disease, and MNA. Similarly, patients with highexpression of Lig1 had worse overall survival probabilities andhigher stage disease than those with low Lig1 (Fig. 5B). The overallsurvival probability in patients with high Lig1 expression was 44%versus 84% in patients with low Lig1 expression. High PARP1 wasalso associated with worse overall survival probability and higherdisease stage (Fig. 5C). Tumors with high expression of the c-NHEJligase, Lig4 was associated with significantly higher survival prob-abilities (79%) compared with patients with low Lig4 transcripts(56%; Fig. 5D). Importantly, tumorswith low Lig4 expressionwereassociated with higher stage disease and MNA. Variation of alt-NHEJ gene expression in patients with worse survival outcomesreflects known heterogeneity in neuroblastoma tumors and may

Figure 5.The expression of NHEJ components predicts clinical outcome in neuroblastoma patients. Kaplan–Meier survival curves and outcome data histogramswere downloaded from the R2 microarray analysis and visualization platform based on expression of several NHEJ genes in a diverse panel of neuroblastomatumors (n ¼ 88). The R2 microarray analysis platform was used for analysis and is the source of data. Scan modus was used for cutoff determination with aminimum group size of 10 to determine the best P value, and P values were corrected for multiple testing (Bonferroni). Gene expression was correlated withsurvival, age group (<18 months ¼ red, >18 months ¼ green), alive (no ¼ red, yes ¼ green), INSS stage (stage IV ¼ red, III ¼ orange, I/II ¼ green, IVs ¼ blue)and MNA (MYCN-Amp ¼ red, non-MYCN-Amp ¼ green). A, Kaplan–Meier curve and expression plot revealed that high Lig3 expression had worse overall survivalprobability (34%) compared with patients with low Lig3 expression (88%), cutoff 64.6, P ¼ 2.1e-07. Lig3 was highly expressed in stage IV and MNA tumorsandwas also associatedwith patients over 18months of age. Both high Lig1 (B) and PARP1 (C) expression also correlatedwith poor overall survival probabilities (44%for Lig1, cutoff 141.1, P ¼ 5.8e-05, 46% for PARP1, cutoff 341.5, P ¼ 4.4e-05) and higher stage disease without correlation to MNA or age. D, patients withtumors expressing lowLig4 hadworse overall survival probabilities comparedwith thosewith tumors expressing high Lig4 (56%vs. 79%, cutoff 258.1,P¼0.042) andcorrelated with higher stage disease and MNA. Thus high alt-NHEJ ligase and PARP1 expression correlate with poor overall patient survival and high-risktumor phenotypes while high Lig4 was associated improved survival, lower stage disease, and non-MNA tumors.

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contribute to biologic diversity in this disease. These findingshighlight a subgroup of neuroblastoma patients that may benefitfrom development of therapeutics targeting NHEJ pathways.

DiscussionThere is increasing evidence that deregulation of NHEJ is a

pathogenic factor in a number of cancers, including breast cancer,chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), and soft-tissue sarcomas(34–38). Our results provide new evidence that NHEJ is deregu-lated in neuroblastoma and provide explanation for the increasedpropensity of neuroblastoma tumors to harbor pathogenic seg-mental chromosomal alterations. Our initial observation thatefficient but erroneous NHEJ repair is the dominant DSB repairpathway utilized by neuroblastoma cells with high-risk genotypesled us to question whether there are differences in protein andgene expression of key NHEJ factors. This distinct NHEJ expres-sion pattern, with neuroblastoma cells that harbor chromosomalalterations having high levels of alt-NHEJ factors and low levels ofmajor c-NHEJ factors, provides a unique survival advantage forneuroblastoma cells that have not been previously explored. Theclinical relevance of these results is grounded in our finding thatpatients with neuroblastoma tumors that overexpress alt-NHEJgenes have higher stage disease and worse survival outcomes.These experimental results offer a new mechanistic model forneuroblastoma pathogenesis in which high-risk neuroblastomacells survive DNA damage by upregulation of an efficient buterroneous alt-NHEJ pathway. Because alt-NHEJ is distinguishedby low-fidelity repair that is characterized by deletions andunbalanced translocations, the overall result is neuroblastomaDNAmaintenance with repair products that are prone to generatesegmental chromosomal errors. Alternatively, as we detected inIMR32 cells, neuroblastoma cells with high-risk genotypes mayhave high endogenous levels of DSB compared with lower-riskcells, and by an efficient alt-NHEJ repair mechanism, erroneousrepair is the result of abnormally high levels of DSB repair events.

How neuroblastoma cells regulate NHEJ is a compelling ques-tion. One explanation is that genes within the MYC family haverecently been implicated in the regulation ofDSB repair pathways,though this is the first report linking MYCN to NHEJ (39). In ourstudy, transgene expression of MYCN increased alt-NHEJ ligaseexpression resulting in impaired NHEJ fidelity, while by expres-sion of the c-NHEJ ligase, Lig4 was not affected. This implies thatneuroblastoma cellswithMNApreferentially upregulate alt-NHEJligases. If so, these data further clarify the pathways by whichneuroblastoma tumors with MNA develop mechanisms to cir-cumvent DNA damage and evade cell death signals (40). Com-pared with stromal-like neuroblastoma cells, MYCN-expressingcells fail to undergo G1 arrest after DNA damage (41). This is dueto lower levels of CDKN1A (p21WAF1), a potent cyclin-dependentkinase inhibitor that regulates cell-cycle progression at G1 and Sphases (42). Without an adequate G1 checkpoint, an efficientDNA repair mechanism is a critical component of MYCN-expres-sing neuroblastoma cell survival as cells are forced to rapidlyprogress through the cell cycle. We reason that MYCN-linkedenhancement of alt-NHEJ contributes to an inherent capacity ofneuroblastoma cells to overcome DNA damage efficiently understress of fast replication while avoiding checkpoint death signals.

The most significant findings from our work are that alt-NHEJmay represent a new therapeutic target for patients with high-riskneuroblastoma tumors. There is an immediate need to develop

improved therapies for children with neuroblastoma refractory tocurrent therapies. Targeting alt-NHEJ in select cancers is a prom-ising therapeutic strategy for patients who fail conventionaltreatment modalities (36, 37). The recent success of PARP1inhibitors in clinical trials for select solid tumors has also givenpromise to alternative DNA repair mechanisms as cancer-specifictherapeutics (43). Our experimental data suggest that alt-NHEJinhibition in neuroblastoma cells with high-risk features hindersan adequate DNA damage response and incites nuclear DSBaccumulation and cell death. There are consistent differences inNHEJ factor expression at the protein and mRNA levels. This isillustrated by the finding that compared with nontransformedcells and stromal-like SH-EP1 cells, a subset of neuroblasticneuroblastoma cells with segmental chromosomal alterationshas a predictable alt-NHEJ protein expression pattern with highlevels of Lig3, Lig1, and PARP1, and low levels of c-NHEJ proteins,Lig4 and Artemis.Moreover, patients with neuroblastoma tumorsthat overexpress Lig3, Lig1, and PARP1 have overall poor survivalcompared with patients with low expression. Given this, NHEJexpression patterns of neuroblastoma tumors may be useful topredict which patients are likely to benefit fromalt-NHEJ pathwayinhibition.

In addition to its nuclear functions, Lig3 is also present inmitochondria of mammalian cells, where until recently its bio-logic role was unclear. Recent studies have discovered that Lig3deficiency does not result in nuclear DNA repair deficiency butloss of mitochondrial DNA integrity (44–46). This indicates thatin cells with an intact c-NHEJ pathway, essential nuclear repairfunctions can occur in the absence of Lig3 but that mitochondrialDNA repair is compromised. The precise viability requirement(nuclear or mitochondrial) of Lig3 and alt-NHEJ that we discov-ered in neuroblastoma requires further study, though with alt-NHEJ inhibition, nuclear DSB increased. Additional experimentalanalyses are therefore required to determine the effect of alt-NHEJinhibition onmitochondrial DNA integrity comparedwith nucle-ar DNA in cancer cells, particularly in neuroblastoma cells. In ourcurrent studies, inhibition of alt-NHEJ factors did not significantlyaffect nontransformed human fibroblasts. This indicates thatblocking DSB repair by alt-NHEJ may be a cancer cell-specificstrategy that has potential tominimize toxicity to nuclear DNA ofnormal cells.

Targeting a major DSB repair pathway would provide oppor-tunity for a paradigm shift in treatment options for patients withhigh-risk neuroblastoma because radiotherapy and commonchemotherapies induce DSB, rather than inhibit DNA repairpathways (47). Collectively, the current data are evidence thatalt-NHEJ is functional in neuroblastoma pathogenicity and offerexperimental support for preclinical studies targeting NHEJ path-ways in high-risk neuroblastoma tumors.

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of InterestNo potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.

Authors' ContributionsConception and design: E.A. Newman, A.W. Opipari, V.P. CastleDevelopment of methodology: E.A. Newman, A.W. Opipari, V.P. CastleAcquisition of data (provided animals, acquired and managed patients,provided facilities, etc.): E.A. Newman, F. Lu, D. BashllariAnalysis and interpretation of data (e.g., statistical analysis, biostatistics,computational analysis): E.A. Newman, F. Lu, D. Bashllari, A.W. Opipari,V.P. Castle

Newman et al.

Mol Cancer Res; 13(3) March 2015 Molecular Cancer Research480

on March 18, 2020. © 2015 American Association for Cancer Research. mcr.aacrjournals.org Downloaded from

Published OnlineFirst January 6, 2015; DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-14-0337

Page 12: Alternative NHEJ Pathway Components Are Therapeutic Targets … · Alternative NHEJ Pathway Components Are Therapeutic Targets in High-Risk Neuroblastoma Erika A. Newman1, Fujia Lu1,

Writing, review, and/or revisionof themanuscript: E.A.Newman,D. Bashllari,A.W. Opipari, V.P. CastleAdministrative, technical, or material support (i.e., reporting or organizingdata, constructing databases): E.A. NewmanStudy supervision: E.A. Newman, V.P. CastleOther (performed the preliminary data to generate the hypothesis for thisstudy): L. Wang

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Drs. Elizabeth Lawlor and Mats Ljungman for insightful

comments and for careful reading of the article, and Dr. Chitra Subramarian forhelp with the initial Lig3 siRNA knockdown experiments.

Grant SupportThis work was financially supported in part by funds from the Robert Wood

Johnson Foundation/Amos Medical Faculty Development Program (to E.A.Newman), The Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute/Edith BriskinEmerging Scholar Program (to E.A. Newman, VP Castle), and the Section ofPediatric Surgery, The University of Michigan (to E.A. Newman).

The costs of publication of this articlewere defrayed inpart by the payment ofpage charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement inaccordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

Received June 13, 2014; revised November 17, 2014; accepted December 7,2014; published OnlineFirst January 6, 2015.

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