Alternative Certification Model SQA 2021 Drummond Community High School 1

Alternative Certification Model SQA 2021

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Alternative Certification

Model SQA 2021Drummond Community High School


Page 2: Alternative Certification Model SQA 2021


SQA- Scottish Qualifications Authority

ACM- Alternative Certification Model

SLT- Senior Leadership Team

CL- Curriculum Leader (Head of Department)

CEC- City of Edinburgh

QIO- Quality Improvement Officer

QA- Quality Assurance

NQ- National Qualifications (National, Higher, Adv Higher)

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Brief introduction to the ACM

Rationale Behind Drummond’s Model

Assessment Guidelines

Information to be shared with pupils

Assessment Arrangements for pupils with additional support


Moderation Guidelines



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The Alternative Certification Model

Aim: to ensure fair and credible results for all learners

Teachers will use assessments to decide on results – demonstrated

evidence only

There is no inferred attainment this session ie what pupils could have


The SQA have made changes to the NQ courses to take account of

loss of in-school learning and staff and pupil absences

The provisional result based on evidence of demonstrated

attainment will be shared with young people once the QA process

is completed towards the end of June.


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Learning & teaching from August 2020- June 2021

Gathering evidence in 3 assessment phases for 100% of course content:

- Reports- feedback on how to improve before next assessment phase

- Change of level before 25 May

Planning & verifying assessments for 3 assessment phases

Moderation of marking internally & externally

Process as per SQA & CEC guidelines

Quality assurance at class teacher, CL, SLT and CEC level.

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Drummond’s Model – the rationale

Staff are following the SQA guidance for generating provisional grades. To

support pupils with generating demonstratable evidence the following was

agreed to support a rigorous and fair system that takes account of our

people's health and wellbeing

Assessments are in class time with their class teacher – S4/5 pupils have

very little experience of sitting formal exams

Assessment only assesses what has been taught in class

Provide clarity to pupils on the aspects of learning being assessed in

each assessment and the weighting that assessment would carry

Each subject and level offers three timetabled phases of assessment

Last one is Wed 26 May- Monday 7 June

Learning and teaching can continue until the middle of June supporting pupils for later assessments and their onward progression of learning


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Assessment Guidelines

Focus on quality of evidence rather than quantity

Assessments should reflect both SQA requirements and the learner's


All assessments and marking instructions must be stored securely

Assessments are carried out under controlled conditions

Advice to pupils – see next slide

Once the assessment and moderation process has taken place it is

not possible to undertake additional assessments, reassessments nor

consider additional evidence

AAs – support for pupils (using IT and Extra Time) with additional support needs is being provided


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Your Assessments• Please arrive at your class on time

• Please come fully equipped for your assessments.

• You may be asked to sit in a different seat from normal – please follow your

teacher's instructions.

• Your teachers will invigilate the assessment

• You need to know your Scottish Candidate Number (SCN)– your name will not be

on your question paper

• Try to use all the time available and attempt all questions

• Stay hydrated. Water is allowed in clear plastic bottles.


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Your Assessments Conditions (this is the serious bit)

• Assessments will be sat under Controlled Conditions

• Mobile phones and iPads must be switched off and in your bag. Please make sure you do not have your phone in your pocket.

• Bags will be left at the front of the room

• You should NOT be wearing a smart watch

• Avoid communicating with other candidates in class and do not talk about the assessment to others who have not yet sat it.

• If you breach the above conditions, you are at risk of losing your right to be presented for your qualification.


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Moderation Guidelines Staff are familiar with the SQA Understanding Standards, course requirements and

subject specific guidance

Staff are participating in all the SQA modules on producing provisional results

CLs are working with local teacher networks and DHT links to ensure:

Instruments of assessment are developed in line with SQA guidance

Marking instructions are in line with national standards and applied consistently

Unconscious bias is addressed by developing blind marking as far as possible

Results are moderated within departments and across schools

Provisional results for 2021 are compared with attainment data of previous cohorts

as 1 part of the QA process

Whole school analysis of subjects and groups of pupils are undertaken by SLT and our QIO for the City of Edinburgh Council

SQA will select courses from schools for national quality assurance


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Timeline Assessment Phase 3 runs from Wednesday 26 May- Friday 4 June

Moderation activities will take place during the above time slots with time

available on :

Inservice Day Tuesday 4th May

Framework Afternoon – Friday 14th May

Moderation Day- Tuesday 25th May

Moderation Day – Wednesday 9th June

Gathering of evidence will complete on the 11th of June

Quality Assurance at departmental and whole school level will take place from

Monday 14th June

Pupils will be informed of their provisional results date tbc

Provisional results will be entered by Friday 25th June

Learners will receive their results on the 10th of August