Newsletter Date www.alpinepresbytery.org Contact Details: Alpine Presbytery Office – 2a Macmillan Ave, Cashmere, Christchurch. Ph (03) 4201400 Email: alpinepresoffi[email protected] or [email protected] Postal Address: Alpine Presbytery, P.O. Box 42120, Tower Juncon Post Shop, Christchurch 8149 Earthquake News & Informaon Moderator's Earthquake Appeal The Moderator, Right Rev Richard Dawson, has launched a naonwide Earthquake Appeal Fund, and $8,000 was raised at General Assembly to start this fund. In his Pastoral Leer ( download copy here ) Richard writes: The needs are great and we want to give all our parishes and people a chance to contribute. As a Church we have four parishes within the hardest hit quake area: Hurunui led by the Rev Nancy Jean Whitehead; Amuri Cooperang covering Culverden, Rotheram and Waiau led by the Rev Colin Price; St Paul s Presbyterian in Kaikoura led by the Rev Alistair McNaughton, and then further north the Awatere-Flaxbourne parish lead by the Rev Dawn Daunauda. We recognise too the Blenheim parishes of St Andrews and Wairau (St Ninians) who have also had a significant shake; and the significant damage to the Wellington CBD. We are in contact with these folk and are praying that their energies and wisdom may be sufficient for the day—each day! However, they will need extra support and care, to say nothing of their families. We ask congregaons to give generously to the Upper South Island Earthquake Appeal, and for your prayers of intercession for our people and the communies they serve there. Donaons to the Upper South Island Earthquake Appeal can be made by deposit into this bank account: PCNAZ, BNZ Willis Street: 02 0500 0086963 000 (please add a reference "Quake16" and your name and advise Katrina Graham [email protected] if a receipt is required). Local congregaons are encouraged to take up special offerings, which can be sent to: PCANZ, Upper South Island Earthquake Appeal Fund, PO Box 9049, Te Aro, Wellington 6141 (cheques payable to the PCANZ) Alpine Presbytery Earthquake Relief Fund You may instead wish to donate to this local appeal fund. The Presbytery bank account details can be obtained from Gail at alpinepresoffi[email protected], or post cheques to: Alpine Presbytery, P.O. Box 42120, Tower Juncon Post Shop, Christchurch 8149. Our Moderator will monitor the use of this fund with the assistance of pastoral guidance from key leaders. Moderators Visit to Earthquake Affected Areas Rt Rev Richard Dawson has spent several days in travelling and vising in areas affected by the earthquakes, meeng with Alistair McNaughton, Colin Price, Nancy-Jean Whitehead, and making contact with Dawn Daunauda. A full report of his visit, together with some photos, is available on the PCANZ Facebook page (www.facebook.com/pg/PresbyterianChurchNZ/posts/) Alpine Presbytery Facebook page Newsletter 1st December 2016 Newsleer Dates The last Newsleer for 2016 will be Thursday 15 th December; the first one next year will be on Thursday 19 th January

Alpine Presbytery Office – Email: alpinepresoffice@gmail

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Newsletter Date

www.alpinepresbytery.org Contact Details: Alpine Presbytery Office – 2a Macmillan Ave, Cashmere, Christchurch. Ph (03) 4201400

Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Postal Address: Alpine Presbytery, P.O. Box 42120, Tower Junction Post Shop, Christchurch 8149

Earthquake News & Information Moderator's Earthquake Appeal The Moderator, Right Rev Richard Dawson, has launched a nationwide Earthquake Appeal Fund, and $8,000 was raised at General Assembly to start this fund.

In his Pastoral Letter (download copy here) Richard writes: “The needs are great and we want to give all our parishes and people a chance to contribute. As a Church we have four parishes within the hardest hit quake area: Hurunui led by the Rev Nancy Jean Whitehead; Amuri Cooperating covering Culverden, Rotheram and Waiau led by the Rev Colin Price; St Paul’s Presbyterian in Kaikoura led by the Rev Alistair McNaughton, and then further north the Awatere-Flaxbourne parish lead by the Rev Dawn Daunauda. We recognise too the Blenheim parishes of St Andrews and Wairau (St Ninians) who have also had a significant shake; and the significant damage to the Wellington CBD. We are in contact with these folk and are praying that their energies and wisdom may be sufficient for the day—each day! However, they will need extra support and care, to say nothing of their families. We ask congregations to give generously to the Upper South Island Earthquake Appeal, and for your prayers of intercession for our people and the communities they serve there.”

Donations to the Upper South Island Earthquake Appeal can be made by deposit into this bank account: PCNAZ, BNZ Willis Street: 02 0500 0086963 000 (please add a reference "Quake16" and your name and advise Katrina Graham [email protected] if a receipt is required).

Local congregations are encouraged to take up special offerings, which can be sent to: PCANZ, “Upper South Island Earthquake Appeal” Fund, PO Box 9049, Te Aro, Wellington 6141 (cheques payable to the PCANZ)

Alpine Presbytery Earthquake Relief Fund You may instead wish to donate to this local appeal fund. The Presbytery bank account details can be obtained from Gail at [email protected], or post cheques to: Alpine Presbytery, P.O. Box 42120, Tower Junction Post Shop, Christchurch 8149. Our Moderator will monitor the use of this fund with the assistance of pastoral guidance from key leaders.

Moderator’s Visit to Earthquake Affected Areas Rt Rev Richard Dawson has spent several days in travelling and visiting in areas affected by the earthquakes, meeting with Alistair McNaughton, Colin Price, Nancy-Jean Whitehead, and making contact with Dawn Daunauda. A full report of his visit, together with some photos, is available on the PCANZ Facebook page (www.facebook.com/pg/PresbyterianChurchNZ/posts/)

Alpine Presbytery Facebook page

Newsletter 1st December 2016

Newsletter Dates

The last Newsletter for 2016 will

be Thursday 15th December; the

first one next year will be on

Thursday 19th January

Page 2: Alpine Presbytery Office – Email: alpinepresoffice@gmail

He has written: “The ground has moved throughout this area by an amazing amount. Even farms where there is no apparent damage have moved sideways and up by at least 2 metres. Much of the damage is underground and not obvious—damaged irrigation pipes and sewage systems especially around the Mt Lyford area.

Waiau township shows clear damage to buildings with the local pub condemned and many brick houses showing significant damaged especially to chimneys. Again wooden houses have escapes much of the more severe and obvious damage.

I was involved in meeting with the coordinator of the local disaster relief organisation yesterday. This has been set up in the Waiau town hall—a big wooden structure. She was an administrator plucked from the local Health Hub. Doing a marvellous job and attending to a constant stream of people who looked shocked and lost and sad. Significant frustrations are arising over applying for the various relief packages available but the staff in this place were doing a wonderful job.

…...Our people are going a marvellous job and they simply need to hear from us and know that we are thinking of them and ready to help when called upon.”

The Moderator also attended the celebrations in Hurunui I attended all the celebrations of the Hurunui Parish’s 150th and was made to feel extremely welcome by Nancy Jean Whitehead the current minister there. Nancy Jean and her organising committee had done a wonderful job piecing together a booklet on the history of the parish which included the exploits of the first Minister there a Rev Hogg who, in the beginning, walked the parish every week—a distance of some 130 miles!! Nancy Jean has clearly established a wonderful rapport with the people of both the parish and the community both of whom were well represented at the various functions which made up the 150th.

I managed to have a good catch up with the Mayor of the Hurunui who is an elder of the parish—Winton Dally. Winton has done an amazing job getting his local body team organising and coordinating the various offers of help to say nothing of trying to keep the National government bodies working with the local people to keep the assistance flowing in the right direction.

It was great to have the company of the Moderator of the Alpine Presbytery the Rev David Coster at the celebrations on the Sunday morning and for lunch and David did much to get around the people and encourage them.

Licensing Marty Redhead (currently KCML Intern at Temuka) is to be licensed on Thursday 8th December at Trinity Church Temuka at 7.30pm. All members of Presbytery are welcome to attend this event.

Charities Services Newsletter - November 2016 Charities Services provide a monthly Newsletter with information and news of interest to charities in New Zealand. Links to the newsletters can be found on their website: www.charities.govt.nz

General Assembly 2016 Take Home information from General Assembly, including the daily newsletters, Summary of Decisions, the opening sermon by Moderator Right Rev Richard Dawson, and images from GA, can be found on the PCANZ website, here: ww.presbyterian.org.nz/about-us/general-assembly/general-assembly-2016/take-home-information


Presbytery Directory

Click here to download the latest version of the directory. Please continue to advise amendments or corrections to Gail in the Presbytery Office. New versions are uploaded around the end of each month

Alpine Presbytery Strategic Framework

Click here to download the

Strategic Framework

Page 3: Alpine Presbytery Office – Email: alpinepresoffice@gmail

Churches who were not 'represented' at GA16 are encouraged to ask a nearby Commissioner if they would mind coming and giving a brief report to them. View the list of Commissioners to see who can be asked.

Update from Presbytery Council Meeting 24th November. Who is really in charge? David shared a reading from Luke 1:68–79 concerning “Christ the King”. A tension that is often felt in society concerns power. The question can be: Who is in charge here? In Jesus’ day is was the Roman Caesar who was Lord. The early disciples, on the other hand, said that Jesus was Lord. Caesar ruled often with brute force. Jesus had a different approach to power. The powerful parades of Caesar looked very different to the humble ‘parades’ of Jesus! Who is in charge? Who rules this world? To whom do we owe allegiance? What does it mean and look like to follow Jesus, the Prince of Peace?

The Moderator constituted our meeting in prayer and especially led us in prayer for the earthquake-affected regions of our Presbytery and the wider country.

People matters… The Moderator welcomed Marion Rowe (Blenheim) to her first Council meeting. Marion fills one of our Nelson/Marlborough vacancies on Council.

We noted that Rev Laurence Ennor has returned home from Christchurch Hospital and is on the recovery trail.

The PCANZ Moderator, Right Rev Richard Dawson, is visiting earthquake-affected areas of our Presbytery. Presbytery is offering support for Rev Alistair McNaughton and his family to have a break in January and to cover supply costs while they are on leave.

The PCANZ has set up an Appeal to support those affected by the earthquake and Alpine Presbytery has established a Relief Fund. Donations can be sent to Presbytery.

Important Upcoming Events… Induction: Rev Stephanie Wells at Kaiapoi Cooperating Church on Thursday

1st December at 7pm (Presbytery meeting at 6.45pm). Licensing: Marty Redhead at Trinity Church, Temuka on Thursday 8h

December at 7.30pm (Presbytery meeting at 7.15pm). Induction: Rev Marty Redhead at Combined Service for Hope Church

Christchurch on Sunday 12th February 2017 at the Lincoln Events Centre at 10am (Presbytery meeting at 9.45am).

Induction: Rev Gene Lawrence at Trinity Church, Temuka on Tuesday 14th February at 7pm (Presbytery meeting at 6.45pm).

Alpine Presbytery Gatherings – 2017 Dates have been set for next year’s Presbytery-wide Gatherings: The first one will be held in Christchurch on the weekend 28th/30th April The second in Timaru on the weekend 13th/15th October

Please put these dates in your diary for next year. More details to come.

Resourcing Preachers! We have the privilege of hosting Rev Dr Geoff New (Dean of Studies at KCML) for a Preaching Workshop at St Luke’s Church, Christchurch on Saturday 11th March 2017 from 9.30am till 4pm. Geoff will also talk briefly about a range of workshops he is planning to offer next year. The Preaching workshop is the first and open to all who are both experienced and learner preachers. The workshop is designed to be very practical with good resourcing. Plan to come and feel free to invite others!

You can register for this event via the Presbytery Office at


Share the News!

Please share this Newsletter

around your Parish, especially

with members of Session/Parish

Council and all office bearers.

Forward the email, or print out

copies for people to take and

read. If anyone wants to go on

the distribution lists to receive the

Newsletter directly, please

forward their details to Gail in

the Alpine Office:

[email protected]

Page 4: Alpine Presbytery Office – Email: alpinepresoffice@gmail

[email protected] or ph (03) 420 1400. Cost will be approx. $15. Please bring lunch (there are also nearby places where you can purchase lunch); coffee & tea will be provided on-site.

Moderator activities… David gave a brief update on his activities including pastoral support for ministers post-earthquake. He is representing Presbytery at the 150th celebrations of the Kowai Parish on Sunday 27th November.

Compliance Matters We spent some time perusing the Emergency Response protocol document supplied by the Rev Dr Colin Marshall. Ongoing feedback on this document will be invited as we consider best practise for responding to significant emergencies. The draft document is available for interested people/churches to peruse. Contact the Presbytery Office for a copy. When finalised it will be issued to every church for use in case of emergency situations.

General Assembly 2016 We had 48 Commissioners at the recent General Assembly in Dunedin. It was a full programme and a number of key decisions were made. Details can be found on the PCANZ website including photos and videos. If your parish did not have a Commissioner at GA16 you can check if a nearby Commissioner could share feedback with your church. Please contact the Presbytery Office if you need further information.

Meanwhile a Local Arrangements Committee has been established for GA18 which is planned for Christchurch in early October 2018. We will keep you informed of preparations for the next GA as we plan into next year.

New Alpine Mission Fund Board The Board is continuing to meet and plan for future distribution of funds. Application processes are being finalised. Our Board Chairperson is Peter Nelson and Deputy Chairperson is Janet Mansell. The Board will be sending informational material to churches in due course.

Youth Coordinator’s report: Mike Dodge reported on a number of issues including transition for intermediate and senior high-school young people in our churches; having the ‘right’ people in the right places for future leadership in our youth activities; creating support structures for paid and unpaid youth workers; discipleship of young people.

HR matters Michael Cooke will replace Rev Jordan Redding on the Ministry Settlement

Board currently working in the parish of St Ninian’s Riccarton. Margaret Hawkins and Helen McHaffie have been re-authorised as

Communion Elders in the context of the Albury-Pleasant Point parish. The Parish Review of the Pukaki Cooperating Parish was received. The Parish Review of the Hoon Hay Parish was received. The Parish Review of the St Albans Uniting Parish was received. Buller Union parish’s wish to become a congregation of Greymouth Uniting

Parish was noted. Presbytery confirmed the wish of Ellesmere Cooperating Parish to remain

under the Methodist Church as their Coordinating Partner. Final year assessments for interns Sage Harris and Marty Redhead were

received along with Marty Redhead’s Final Integrative Assignment. We have sent a message of congratulations to both interns.

Strategy Dugald Wilson reported on plans for another Presbytery Retreat most likely scheduled for June 2017; further developments on the “Seedling” concept with Presbytery working in collaboration with KCML; and the need for a new revised


Presbytery Contact Details

Email for the Executive Officer,

Rev Barry Ayers should be sent


[email protected]

Email for the Presbytery

Resource Minister, Rev Darryl

Tempero, should be sent to:

[email protected]

Other items can be sent to the

Office email address:

[email protected]

Page 5: Alpine Presbytery Office – Email: alpinepresoffice@gmail

position for the Alpine Resource Minister. A job description and budget had been presented prior to our meeting.

Presbytery agreed: That we establish the position of Resource Minister – Mission Planning. That we appoint the Rev Darryl Tempero to the position of Resource Minister/

Mission Planning for a fixed term of three years, at 40% of full-time, from 1st April 2017.

Property & Finance The committee noted its appreciation for the involvement of Mr Graeme Mangin (mid-Canterbury) who recently resigned from the committee.

Presbytery accepted the Alpine Financial Statements for the period ended 31st October 2016 (access these via the Presbytery drop box Financial Statements Oct. 2016)

Several matters were forwarded to PCANZ Church Property Trustees for their approval including: the Crossway Church (Christchurch) concept proposal of purchasing two

sections from the North Avon Baptist Church—details to be determined once the Presbyterian and Methodist Church Property Trustees discuss and agree on the best way forward for the property proposals;

the decision to sell the St James Spreydon Christchurch property; that Presbytery approve the selling of the St Andrew’s at Rangi Ruru Church

building to Rangi Ruru Girls’ School for $1.00 and include the transfer of ownership, a gift from the congregation of $1 million for the sole purpose of undertaking the maintenance and repair of the building.

An earlier project has been approved by Church Property Trustees for the Hokitika/South Westland United Parish to utilise up to $36,000 capital property funds for:

a. Seismic strengthening of their St Andrew’s church building; b. Replacement of four leadlight windows; c. Replacement of the garage roof at the manse.

Christchurch Mission Fund Updates on accountability reports and phased funding for The Village Church and Hope Church were noted. An unsuccessful application was also noted.

Ministry Settlement Board for Trinity Church, Temuka The Moderator welcomed Darryl Tempero, Ministry Settlement Board Convenor for Trinity, Temuka. He also welcomed Jeanette Woodley and Alison Spanton who joined us on Skype from Temuka. Darryl reported on the work of the Ministry Settlement Board.

The Board had recommended Rev Gene Lawrence, from Central Presbytery, and he and his family had visited Temuka earlier in November and received a warm response. Subsequent congregational voting had supported a call to Gene by 100%.

Jeanette and Alison then spoke positively of Gene’s gifts and abilities and the positive response of the people of the church over the time of their visit.

It was agreed that Alpine Presbytery transmit a call to the Rev Gene Lawrence in Central Presbytery to the full-time ministry position, with standard terms of call and provision of a manse, at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Temuka. It is likely that the date of Induction will be Thursday 14th February 2017 at Trinity Church, Temuka, at 7pm with Presbytery meeting at 6.45pm.

It was further agreed that the Temuka Ministry Settlement Board be thanked and discharged.


Newsletter Items

Please spread the news about

what is happening in your area!

And remember to share this Newsletter around your Parish, especially with members of Session/Parish Council and all office bearers. Forward the email, or print out copies for people to take and read.

Details of events, or requests to

be added to the distribution list,

should be emailed to:

[email protected]

Deadline for items for the next

Newsletter is Thursday 8th


Page 6: Alpine Presbytery Office – Email: alpinepresoffice@gmail

Ministry Settlement Board for Plains Presbyterian Parish, mid-Canterbury The Moderator welcomed Phyll Harris, Ministry Settlement Board Convenor for Plains Parish. Phyll reported on the work of the Ministry Settlement Board.

While the Board had recommended a Minister and that Minister and family had visited the parish, the congregational voting was still to be held and would duly be reported to Presbytery. The response in the meantime has been very positive from all concerned.

The Presbytery decided to sustain the call subject to a high level of support from the congregational voting. The results of this call will be notified in the next Presbytery Newsletter.

Proposal to General Assembly 2016 The proposal for the PCANZ to establish a workgroup to consider how the church can have a voice on matters of social concern in society was warmly agreed by the Assembly. Presbytery expresses appreciation to Dr David Troughton from Cashmere Parish and the Parish Council of Cashmere for initiating and supporting this proposal and to Rev Silvia Purdie for presenting the proposal at General Assembly in Dunedin.

Next Council Meeting: Thursday 26th January 2017 at a venue to be confirmed. Note: Presbytery Council does not meet in December, however it can deal with urgent matters by electronic communication. Any urgent matters can be directed to the Executive Officer – Barry Ayers

Please Note – the above information from Presbytery Council is a summary of recent decisions. For a full copy of the Presbytery Council Minutes please contact the Presbytery Office.

Mail sent to CPT around the time of the earthquake We have been advised by Church Property Trustees that mail sent to their Marion Street post box around the dates of 9-13 November remains non-retrievable until engineers approve NZ post entry to the building.

If there are any matters sent to them by mail that they have not as yet responded to, could you please re-send these by email.

PCANZ Finance Newsletter Download Finance Newsletter 189 here

Presbytery Directory The latest version of the Directory can be downloaded here.

From last week: Photos from Kaikoura General Assembly—take home information Licensing & ordination Laurence Ennor Newsletter Dates Creative Ministries Coordinator Advent with Kids Friendly People Helping People uNETy—newsletter from Uniting Congregations of Aotearoa NZ


Dropbox link for documents mentioned in this newsletter: control & click,

or copy and paste the link to your browser:


“These special holidays give

rise to various liturgical

calendars that suggest we

should mark our days not

only with the cycles of the

moon and seasons, but also

with occasions to tell our

children the stories of our

faith community's past so

that this past will have a

future, and so that our

ancient way and its practices

will be rediscovered and

renewed every year.”

Brian D McLaren,

Finding Our Way Again: The

Return of the Ancient Practices