Alpha Mu State Convention “Climb Every Mountain” Whitefish, Montana June 9-11, 2017 All bills for the 2016-2017 fiscal year must be submitted to the state treasurer by Friday, June 30, 2017. $$ State Treasurer Pat Jones, $$ In this issue . . . President’s Message 2 Dates to Remember 2 In ternational guest 3 Nominations report 4 Committee Reports 3, 5, 6 and 8 Chapter News 6 Alphamusings T he Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Vol. 70, No. 4 A LPHA MU STATE ORGANIZATION, MONTANA M ay 2017 ALPHA MU STATE MOURNS LOSS OF VIRGINIA SPECK Virginia Speck, sixth president of Alpha Mu State, passed away on March 8, 2017 at the age of 105. Born and educated in Whitehall, she was valedictorian of the Whitehall Class of 1929. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from Montana State College (MSU) and her Master’s Degree from Montana State University (UM). After teaching science and mathematics in Dutton, St. Ignatius, Manhattan, Phillipsburg and Deer Lodge, she moved to Missoula in 1945. She taught mathematics at Sentinel High School in Missoula and served as chairman of the mathematics department until her retirement in 1973. She received National Science Foundation scholarships. She was granted a leave of absence to teach in the American High School in Frankfurt, Germany. She participated in numerous organizations. She served as a member of the YWCA Board of Directors for twenty years and was a valued part of the United Methodist Church. Virginia was initiated into Alpha Chapter. She transferred her membership to Eta Chapter after moving to Missoula where she was president of her chapter in 1948-1950. She served as president of Alpha Mu State from 1953-1955 when she installed Omicron Chapter. She directed the printing of the first Alpha Mu State Pays Tribute to Those Who Served. She also served on the International Expansion Committee. After Eta Chapter dissolved, Miss Speck was a reserve member of Phi Chapter. The teacher recruitment program in Montana has had an important part in Alpha Mu State’s planning over the years as the state continued to give the annual Recruitment Award to an outstanding high school senior girl who was planning to become a teacher. Emphasis was placed on encouraging women teachers to work for advanced degrees so that they might compete equally with men in holding administrative positions as well as equal recognition for the same service rendered by women and men alike. In recognition of her work, an Alpha Mu State Scholarship is awarded in her name. The final Silver Anniversary Scholarship fund was completed during the last year of her biennium. Work on the Headquarters’ fund was another project during her administration. The final triumph of Virginia’s term in office was reached at the Butte Convention in 1955 when the fifteen chapter presidents presented their 100% gifts for the Society’s Headquarters Building. She had the satisfaction of knowing that her state was the first to complete its quota for this purpose. Miss Speck could readily be found attending regional conferences and national/international conventions. When Northwest Regional Director Jan Nerem selected a registrar and treasurer for the 1979 Northwest Regional Conference held in Dallas, Texas, Miss Speck and State Treasurer Alvhild Martinson accepted the challenge. Miss Speck could be found mowing her lawn and driving her car until a few years ago. She lived alone in Missoula until the last year and a half when she moved to Helena. A big birthday party marking her centennial was held at First United Methodist Church in Missoula where she was greeted by family and former students. Her niece, Carolyn Adams of Helena, says that she took no medication and used a walker for the last year and a half. A memorial service was held at First United Methodist Church in Missoula to celebrate the life well-lived of Virginia Speck. Material compiled from writings of Virginia Speck, The Missoulian and Alphamusings files. Convention Reminders for all Chapters Alpha Mu State President Audrey Collins Please remember to bring the following things to State Convention: 1. Your chapter banner 2. Chapter scrapbook pages. See History committee report. 3. Basket for Craft Fair/Silent Auction - Proceeds support members who are not reimbursed to attend the regional conference. 4. Item for World Fellowship Raffle - Members purchase raffle tickets and winners are drawn throughout the convention.

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Alpha Mu State Convention“Climb Every Mountain”

Whitefish, MontanaJune 9-11, 2017

All bills for the 2016-2017 fiscal year must be submitted to the state treasurer

by Friday, June 30, 2017.$$ State Treasurer Pat Jones, $$

In this issue . . . President’s Message 2

Dates to Remember 2 In ternational guest 3

Nominations report 4 Committee Reports 3, 5, 6 and 8

Chapter News 6

Alphamusings T he Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Vol. 70, No. 4 A LPHA MU STATE ORGANIZATION, MONTANA M ay 2017


Virginia Speck,sixth president ofAlpha Mu State,passed away onMarch 8, 2017 atthe age of 105. Born ande d u c a t e d i nWhitehall, she wasvaledictorian of theWhitehall Class of1929. She receivedher Bachelor’s

Degree from Montana State College (MSU) and her Master’sDegree from Montana State University (UM). After teaching science and mathematics in Dutton, St.Ignatius, Manhattan, Phillipsburg and Deer Lodge, she movedto Missoula in 1945. She taught mathematics at Sentinel HighSchool in Missoula and served as chairman of the mathematicsdepartment until her retirement in 1973. She received NationalScience Foundation scholarships. She was granted a leave ofabsence to teach in the American High School in Frankfurt,Germany. She participated in numerous organizations. She served as amember of the YWCA Board of Directors for twenty years andwas a valued part of the United Methodist Church.

Virginia was initiated into Alpha Chapter. She transferredher membership to Eta Chapter after moving to Missoula whereshe was president of her chapter in 1948-1950. She served aspresident of Alpha Mu State from 1953-1955 when she installedOmicron Chapter. She directed the printing of the first AlphaMu State Pays Tribute to Those Who Served. She also served onthe International Expansion Committee. After Eta Chapterdissolved, Miss Speck was a reserve member of Phi Chapter. The teacher recruitment program in Montana has had animportant part in Alpha Mu State’s planning over the years asthe state continued to give the annual Recruitment Award to anoutstanding high school senior girl who was planning to becomea teacher. Emphasis was placed on encouraging women teachersto work for advanced degrees so that they might competeequally with men in holding administrative positions as well asequal recognition for the same service rendered by women andmen alike. In recognition of her work, an Alpha Mu StateScholarship is awarded in her name. The final Silver Anniversary Scholarship fund wascompleted during the last year of her biennium. Work on theHeadquarters’ fund was another project during heradministration. The final triumph of Virginia’s term in officewas reached at the Butte Convention in 1955 when the fifteenchapter presidents presented their 100% gifts for the Society’sHeadquarters Building. She had the satisfaction of knowing thather state was the first to complete its quota for this purpose.

Miss Speck could readily be found attending regionalconferences and national/international conventions. WhenNorthwest Regional Director Jan Nerem selected a registrar andtreasurer for the 1979 Northwest Regional Conference held inDallas, Texas, Miss Speck and State Treasurer Alvhild Martinsonaccepted the challenge. Miss Speck could be found mowing her lawn and driving her caruntil a few years ago. She lived alone in Missoula until the last yearand a half when she moved to Helena. A big birthday party markingher centennial was held at First United Methodist Church inMissoula where she was greeted by family and former students. Her niece, Carolyn Adams of Helena, says that she took nomedication and used a walker for the last year and a half. A memorial service was held at First United Methodist Churchin Missoula to celebrate the life well-lived of Virginia Speck. Material compiled from writings of Virginia Speck, The Missoulian andAlphamusings files.

Convention Reminders for all ChaptersAlpha Mu State President Audrey Collins

Please remember to bring the following things to StateConvention:1. Your chapter banner2. Chapter scrapbook pages. See History committee report.3. Basket for Craft Fair/Silent Auction - Proceeds support members who are not reimbursed to attend the regional conference.4. Item for World Fellowship Raffle - Members purchase raffle tickets and winners are drawn throughout the convention.

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June 9-11, 2017 - ALPHA MU STATE CONVENTIONAT GROUSE MOUNTAIN LODGE IN WHITEFISH You are not too late to register for Alpha Mu State Convention. Form is on the website.

June 26-July 1, 2017 - NORTHWEST REGIONALCONFERENCE IN SPEARFISH, SOUTH DAKOTA May 27, 2017 - Last day to get conference room rate. Call 1-800-999-3541 and ask for DKG rates May 29, 2017 - Last day of early registration for Northwest Regional Conference May 31, 2017 - Last day to register for tours


Alpha Mu State President

Audrey Collins

Greetings from the President’s desk. I trust you are all enjoying some spring weather and lookingforward to good things to come. We have many DKG things onthe calendar and I hope you have them on yours. I have visited several chapters and appreciate you graciouslywelcoming me and allowing me to share in your meetings. It’sbeen a pleasure to connect with members I’ve known for years aswell as meet new members that I hope to see again in the future.I have said many times that DKG is about personal connectionsand I truly believe that. I encourage every member to build thoseconnections and appreciate how valuable they are! State convention is quickly approaching. The earlyregistration date has passed, but it’s not too late to sign up. Evenif you can only make it for the day on Saturday, I know it will beworth your trip. We will have opportunities for leadershiptraining provided by International Representative Dr. HannaFowler, workshops and participation in the business meeting ofour state organization. It is also time to make plans for Northwest RegionalConference in Spearfish, South Dakota. All the information canbe easily found on the international website www.dkg.org . Theregistration form, hotel reservation info, available tours andschedule are there. Check it out and consider attending. It is agreat way to see how much more DKG offers beyond the statelevel. I want to share a couple other things from the internationalwebsite. It seems that every time I spend time looking at what’sthere, I find something new! I took a quick look at the link forfree professional development opportunities members can access.Did you know you can watch free webinars from CapellaUniversity? Some of the topics that caught my eye were: TimeManagement, Emotional Intelligence and PracticingMindfulness. I also found a DKG business card template in theresources. What a time saver! I am available to assist you in any way I can. Please feel freeto contact me by email [email protected] or by phone at406–288-3162. All my best!

State Treasurer’s Reminders to Chapter Treasurers

Pat Jones (Gamma), State Treasurer

Reports for the end of the year are as follows:l. Your books should close on JUNE 30th

2. Form 15 (end of the year report) is due to the state treasurer by JULY 15th. Form 15 is available on the DKG website. It will not be mailed to you.3. After July 1st and before NOVEMBER 15th file form 990-N (e- postcard) electronically to the IRS in order to keep your tax exempt status. PLEASE SEND A COPY OF YOUR CONFIRMATION OF FORM 990-N TO THE STATE TREASURER.4. All dues and fees must be paid to the chapter treasurer by October 31. Form 18 (dues) and Form 18-A (members dropped) are due to the state treasurer by November 15th. 5. There will be a new treasurer as of July 1, 2017. Her name will be announced at Alpha Mu State Convention. Thank you to all chapter treasurers for all the work you do foryour chapter and the state. A “special thank you” to the chaptertreasurers who sent their reports and dues in on time. It was greatlyappreciated. You are a dedicated group of Delta Kappa Gammawomen.

Alphamusings (USPS 014-760)A publication of Alpha Mu State of The Delta Kappa GammaSociety International, published at: PO Box 216, Hinsdale MT59241-0216. Editor: Joyce English, Box 216, Hinsdale MT 59241-0216. Published four times yearly: October, January, March andMay. Periodical Postage paid at Hinsdale MT 59241-0216.Annual Membership dues include a subscription to Alphamusings.

SympathyMary Meissner (Omega) writes, “Thank you,DKG sisters, for your messages of sympathy

and comfort at the time of our loss.”

Alpha Mu State expresses sympathy to Past State PresidentMary Meissner following the death of her husband, Dave.

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Written by Jan Nerem (Sigma Nu)

When Alpha Mu State meets for their biennial convention atGrouse Mountain Lodge in Whitefish, they will welcome Dr. HannaFowler as the international representative. She will join the state’sleadership for dinner on Friday, September 9 and will be the guestspeaker for Saturday evening’s banquet. Fowler is a Member-at-Large on the International AdministrativeBoard - a four year elected position. She has served as SoutheastRegional Director, as the chairman of the International MembershipCommittee and a member of the World Fellowships Committee. She has served as chapter president of two chapters and as a charter member of two other chapters.She has led the Psi State Leadership Seminars, received the State Achievement Award, served as StatePresident and also as Executive Secretary. Dr. Fowler worked as a classroom teacher, special education teacher, Title I resource teacher,assistant principal and principal in McDuffie Country Schools until her retirement in 2004. Under herleadership as principal, the school received the Georgia School of Excellence Award, the National BlueRibbon School of Excellence and received the International Reading Association Exemplary ReadingAward. Nine teachers were recognized as National Board Certified. Since her retirement, she has workedwith the Georgia Department of Education. She has been married for 38 years, has three children, four grandchildren and a cat. She is a memberof the Thomson-McDuffie County Ferst Foundation for Childhood Literacy; member of the ThomsonFirst Baptist Church and a member of the John Franklin Wren Chapter NSDAR. Dr. Fowler is a leader who listens to concerns expressed by members and helps them to solveproblems. Her smile is infectious, her message is challenging and her information is timeless.WELCOME, DR. FOWLER!

COMMITTEE REPORTS:Professional Affairs

Lorran Depner (Alpha Gamma)

Recruitment Grants Brochures and information were sent in January to the public and private collegesand universities. The deadline for submission was March 31, 2017. The committee did not receive anyapplications for the three available $500 awards. The application is very straight forward and entails agoal-oriented essay (one page) and a single letter of recommendation. If you know of any young womenwho will be juniors in college and are studying education, please tell them about this opportunity andencourage them to apply next year.

Champion of EducationMary Meissner (Omega) Chairman

Spoiler Alert! The Champion of Education award winner is about to be revealed. This award is given once every biennium to recognize the efforts of an individual or an entity makinga significant contribution to education. The decision for the award is made by a committee comprisedof past Alpha Mu State presidents. In 2017, that committee chose to honor (by a tie vote) twonominations and they will each be presented with a plaque at the upcoming convention in Whitefish. Now here are the winners: Mr. Bruce Colton, Coordinator of the Bozeman School District WellnessProgram, whose efforts have improved the over all health and wellness of their educational communityand stabilized health insurance rates; and The History Museum in Great Falls, where preservation,interpretation and accessibility of all historic collections make it possible for the stories of people whohelped make the area what it is today are not lost to future generations. A shout out goes to the writers of the nominations whose time and effort make the recognition of truechampions of education in our communities possible.

MemorialLori McCurdy (Upsilon) Chairman

Just a reminder that there will be a memorial service at the state convention in Whitefish. Thememorial service, which will take place the morning of Sunday, June 11, is designed to remember andhonor our members who have passed away in the past two years. We don’t want to miss anyone, so if you’re unsure whether or not you have already sent names toLori, please email them to [email protected]. (More committee reports on page 5)

Alpha Mu State2015–2017 Officers

President:Audrey Collins, OmicronPO Box 394Drummond MT 59832-0394(406) [email protected]

2nd Vice-President:Doris Tollefson, Alpha ZetaPO Box 296Hinsdale MT 59241-0296(406)[email protected]

Recording Secretary:LaVonne Borgreen, Zeta120 Sunset StreetLewistown MT 59457-2225(406) [email protected]

Corresponding Secretary:Debbie Simmons, ThetaPO Box 211Fairview MT 59221-0211(406) 478-4137 or [email protected]

Judy Sondeno, ThetaPO Box 321Fairview MT 59221-0321(406)747-9994 or [email protected]

Treasurer:Patricia Jones, Gamma1419 Teton AvenueBillings MT 59102-0759(406) 259-6960 [email protected]

Parliamentarian:Maureen Watt1112 Heather DriveAnaconda MT 59711-2634(406) [email protected]

Immediate Past President:Joan Micheletti, Tau2939 St. Johns AveBillings MT 59106-6643(406) [email protected]

Webmaster:Eva English, IotaPO Box 963Harlem MT 59526-0963([email protected](406)353-7171

State EditorJoyce English, Alpha ZetaPO Box 216Hinsdale MT 59241-0216(406)[email protected]

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NOMINEES FOR 2017-2019 ALPHA MU STATE OFFICERSreported from the Nominations Committee

Alpha Mu State President - Audrey Collins (Omicron Chapter) Audrey Collins has been nominated to serve as Alpha Mu State President. She has been a member ofOmicron chapter since 1997. She’s had experience in state leadership positions including correspondingsecretary, recording secretary, second vice president and first vice president. She is currently completing theterm as president and is being nominated for a full term.

Audrey lives in Drummond and is a first-grade teacher at Clinton School. She will be retiring from teachingat the end of this year after a 31-year career. She hopes to provide positive leadership for the state organizationand move forward by encouraging and facilitating connections and communication.

First Vice President - Rebecca Marinko (Rho Chapter) Rebecca Marinko has been a counselor at Cut Bank High School for the past 28 years. She is a graduateof Montana State University and MSU-Northern. She was originally initiated into DKG in 1991 and is amember of Rho chapter. She has served as president, first vice-president, second vice-president and recordingsecretary. Rebecca attended the Leadership Management Seminar in 2010. She has been involved in educationfor 40 years.

Second Vice President - Doris Tollefson (Alpha Zeta Chapter) Doris Tollefson is the nominee for Second Vice President. She is an experienced and dedicated member ofDelta Kappa Gamma having held a plethora of chapter offices and served on several state committees. She heldthe unique position of Systems/Records Specialist 1992-1996. She is currently the President of Alpha ZetaChapter. She received a Master’s Degree in Literacy in 2005 and taught 34 years at the K-8 level. She servesas pastor of her church and participates in the church’s many activities. Doris works well with people, seeks

advice when needed, encourages others and is experienced at public speaking.

Recording Secretary - LaVonne Borgreen (Zeta Chapter) LaVonne Borgreen renews her position as Recording Secretary. She began these duties in 2013 andappreciates the experience and knowledge she has gained about Delta Kappa Gamma. LaVonne is the treasurerof Zeta Chapter. She has her own business doing title searches which requires keeping accurate records, doingtasks in a timely manner and ensuring all records are complete. These attributes carry over to the responsibilitiesof a recording secretary. LaVonne received her Master’s Degree in critical & creative thinking and taught 28years at Fergus High School in Lewistown, Montana.

Corresponding Secretary - Ruth Anne Wilson-Jones (Phi Chapter) Ruth is a retired teacher who comes to Montana from Pennsylvania. She taught 23 years in Alabama,Georgia, Tennessee and South Dakota in a variety of curriculum areas. She was a member of Beta Mu Chapterin Georgia where she was first vice president and president. She joined Phi Chapter after moving to Missoulaand is currently their recording secretary. She currently supervises student teachers for UM and MSU as well as providing tutoring for individualsworking on high school equivalency certificates through Literacy Bitterroot.

The nominating committee will be announced at the state convention in June.

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MembershipDoris Tollefson (Alpha Zeta) Alpha Mu State 2nd Vice President

A great opportunity is awaiting you and the members of yourchapter. A vital component to fostering healthy habits in ourorganization is networking with members from other chaptersthroughout the state. Reading articles in Alphamusings and visitingthe DKG website provide a wealth of information, but sitting downwith someone from another chapter to visit about what works bestand what doesn’t work well in respective chapters is, perhaps, thebest way to gain insight on chapter membership and its ups anddowns. You have the chance to visit with members from around the stateon June 9-11, 2017 at the state convention in Whitefish. Theconvention theme is “Climb Every Mountain,” and attracting andkeeping members seems like climbing mountains. I encourage you,or a carload of members from your chapter, to come to Whitefishand experience the camaraderie of gathering with DKG sisters fromaround the state in fun and fellowship. At this time of year, the chapters around the state are windingdown in preparation for summer. If you have attracted and initiatednew members, I applaud you. If you haven’t, now is the time tobegin “prospecting’ for new members so you can invite and initiatenew members in the fall. A suggestion is to hand out a prospect cardto each member at the last meeting before summer break and askthat it be completed and brought back at the first meeting in the fallso that you will have a head start on inviting new people tomembership. I will see you in Whitefish with your thoughts, ideas andquestions about membership.

Golden LegacyChairman Charmaine Mansheim (Alpha Alpha)

The Golden Legacy committee granted three mini-grants in2015-16. They were to Mu-Bozeman, Alpha Lambda-Big Timberand combination of Delta and Sigma Nu of Great Falls. Two mini-grants were awarded in 2016-2017. They were toAlpha Chapter in Helena. It was to give preschool-age children anopportunity to experience interactive hands-on science activities ledby skilled educators and to help with Exploration Works programfor girls for STEM careers as well as help attend a Stem camp atCarroll College. The second grant was given to Mu Chapter in Bozeman. It willbe used to help the Homeless and Native American Program. It willbe used to buy books and supplies and will pay for the bus to takestudents on field trips. Follow-up reports will be given at the stateconvention in June. Thank you all for applying and working withour youth in our communities. Thanks to the committee for readingand approving the grant money. Thanks to Pat Jones, StateTreasurer for sending them the money.

MusicLorran Depner (Alpha Gamma)

The music committee is hard at work preparing for the StateConvention. We want everyone to be a part of the experience. Thedetails are still in the planning stages, so please plan to attend ourchoir rehearsal and see what we have planned for the conventionperformance. It is always a fun group of ladies, a wonderful musicaloutlet and of course, a great time!!

Professional Growth and ServicesLori McCurdy (Upsilon) Chairman

Upsilon member Mandy Ramesar, asocial studies teacher from PolsonMiddle School, was the latest recipient ofthis year’s Lifelong Learning grant. Overspring break in April, Mandy traveled toWashington D.C. with 22 seventh andeighth grade students. Fl ightcancellations interrupted their first day oftravel (they were delayed in Minneapolis,where they spent the night). However,once they arrived in D.C., their days were

filled with visits to monuments and museums, including the WWIIMemorial (pictured), the Holocaust museum, the Lincoln Memorialand more. Students also enjoyed seeing the cherry blossoms in fullbloom. Students described it as a “trip of a lifetime.” Ann Morani (Omicron), from Deer Lodge, also received aLifelong Learning grant last September. She pursued her hobby bytaking a pottery class through adult education classes in Butte. Remember up to $200 in grants is available each year for yourhobbies or travel. Consider sending in your own application in thefall.

HistoryLia Byars (Alpha Mu) Chairman

Lia says, “Happy Spring to all. I am enjoying the beautiful springrain and hope you are as well. First and foremost, my sincereapology for not completing the duties of historian this past year. Ifeel I owe you a bit of an explanation. In April 2016, my husbandwas diagnosed with brain cancer. He had surgery in Portland andthus began eight months of treatment, doctor’s appointments,hospital stays, ambulances, etc. When he could no longer climb thestairs in our home we sold it and moved into an apartment. I alwaysmade sure my “red bag” stayed with me, hoping I could get to thescrapbook pages! “Bill passed in late November and my world shattered! Sincethen I have been dealing with my grief and trying to get a handle onanything “number related” that he had done in the past. “As of now, I have completed pages from the following chapters:Omega, Delta, Mu, Alpha Alpha, Theta, Beta and Tau (which hasnow been dissolved). Charmaine will be bringing the album to theconvention in June. Bring your pages or pictures to convention andthey can be put together there. If you do not have the page, justbring an 8 ½” x 11" white cardstock. Supplies will be available toput your pages together Friday night. Of course any completedpages can be added to the album at this time.

“Due to your dedication, I am sure we will have a beautifulalbum showcasing chapter activities for the 2015-2017 biennium.” Scrapbook pages may be sent to Lia at 4215 Montana SapphireDr., Apartment 330, Billings, MT 59106.

A S Plan to attend Jl M t Alpha Mu State Convention up u a Grouse Mountain Lodge n

h t Whitefish, Montana ea e Ju ne 9-11, 2017

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Page 3 of the March issue of Alphamusings did not get printedso the committee reports and the chapter news that were on thatpage are printed below. We apologize for the error.


Eva English (Iota Chapter)

Committee chairs should send updated application andregistration forms along with any deadlines that will be included onthe calendar. The following documents are more than one year outof date on the website and need to be updated: Golden LegacyApplication (December 10, 2015), Scholarship (February 1, 2015)and College Recruitment Award and Brochure (April 1, 2013) Chapters, committees and members are welcome to submitphotos of events and happenings or any information you think yourDKG sisters would be interested in seeing and reading about. YourAlpha Mu State Website is only as good and current as you helpmake it! Send information to the Alpha Mu State Webmaster, EvaEnglish at [email protected].

LegislativeJan Counter (Alpha Lambda)

Montana’s legislature is now meeting in Helena. GovernorBullock has proposed funding preschools in the school districtsaround the state. Research has shown that preschool programs havea long lasting educational, social and health benefits. According tothe Billings Gazette, Montana is one of six states who does not nowfund preschool programs. The request for the $12 million appearsto be stalled this session. Other education bills are being considered now in the EducationCommittee. This is a summary of some of those bills: SB 85 authorizes a six mill levy for the University System to be put on the 2018 general election for a vote. (became law) SB 307 is a bill for funding schools and school facilities. (Passed by legislature) HB 376 would establish Charter Schools. (out of committee) HB 385 would allow school employees to carry concealed weapons in a school. (Second reading not passed) HB 423 creates state funded pay vouchers for private or religious schools. (Tabled in committee) To find ways to participate with the Montana legislature, youmay visit leg.mt.gov.

Chapter News:Mu Chapter

Cynthia Redmond ( Mu Chapter President)

This past December MuChapter had a ChristmasLuncheon/New Memberinitiation. We welcomed intomembership Reneé Westlake, ar e t i r e d mus ic t ea c h e radministrator from BozemanSchool District #7. She wasinitiated into Mu Chapter onDecember 14, 2016. Thepicture shows Reneé with hertwo daughters.

Reneé arranged for the Bozeman High School String Quartet toplay before her initiation ceremony. We also had a silent auction of homemade food items and collected $250 that we donated to the Head StartProgram in Bozeman to purchase books for children. Picture courtesy ofMandy Ramesar.

Alpha Zeta ChapterJoyce English (Alpha Zeta)

Alpha Zeta Chapter held their February meeting in Hinsdale onMonday, February 20, 2017. State President Audrey Collins visitedour chapter and updated us on what is happening at the state level.The program for the evening was a book review on Losing Johanna. Several members discussed their connection with the author anddifferent parts of the book. The Essay Contest was finalized. TheEssay Contest winners will read their essays at the March meeting inSaco.

Iota ChapterSandra McNeill (Iota)

Suicide prevention is an important topic that our members wantedto hear about, so we appreciated Sue Swan of Havre making a repeatvisit to our January meeting. She had great information and materialsto share with us. February is “I Love to Read” month. Iota continues to foster thelove of reading by giving each Blaine County kindergarten studenta book to have and enjoy.

(standing) Margaret Hayes, Gail Pollington, Vivki Niederegger, JoyceOlson, Sandra McNeill (Sitting) Karolee Cronk, Colleen Brommer, Shirley

MacKenzie, Audrey Collins, Paulette Cronk Iota was pleased to have State President Audrey Collins as ourspecial guest at the March 5th meeting which was an informalluncheon held at the Duck Inn in Havre. Audrey gave us an updateon Alpha Mu State business and we gave her an update on Iotaactivities. An enjoyable time was had by all. The April meeting is designed as our yearly fund raiser. Eachmember brings two items to be auctioned off. The members then bidon these items during the silent auction. This is a fun way to earnmoney for the chapter. Picture courtesy of Sandra McNeill.

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Alpha Mu State Convention “Climb Every Mountain”

Whitefish, Montana June 9 -11, 2017

Friday, June 9, 2017

4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Registration—Glacier Room4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Set up silent auction, World Fellowship raffle, sales, displays5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Dinner for state officers, Catherine Nutterville recipients and past state presidents 7:30 p.m. Welcome from state president7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Social/Hospitality—games/activities--deck 8:30 p.m. Choir practice Saturday, June 10, 2017

6:30 - 8:00 a.m. Registration—Glacier Room7:00 - 8:00 a.m. Breakfast8:00 -11:30 a.m. Convention opens/General Session-Glacier Room11:45 a.m. Birthday luncheon—Glacier Room1:30 - 2:15 p.m. Dr. Hanna Fowler2:15 - 3:00 p.m. Workshop3:00 - 3:15 p.m. Snack break3:15 - 4:00 p.m. Workshop4:00 p.m. Choir practice5:30 - 6:00 p.m Chapter presidents’ gathering for Flag Rehearsal6:15 - 6:30 p.m. Presentation of presidents; installation of officers6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Presidents’ Banquet-Glacier Room8:30 p.m. Hospitality Room

Sunday, June 11, 2017

7:30 a.m. Set up Ceremony of Remembrance8:00 - 8:45 a.m. Ceremony of Remembrance9:00 - 9:15 a.m. Executive Board meeting-state officers9:15 - 12 noon Friendship Breakfast—Last General Session--Adjourn

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Page 8 Alp hamusings, Alpha Mu State Organization, Montana M ay 2017


Chapter presidents should complete Form 6immediately following the death of a member so theycan be honored in Alphamsings and at the Ceremony of

Remembrance at state convention.


Have a favorite photograph?Write an essay on a favorite topic?

Share a poem?Wrote a piece of music?

Created a lovely piece of pottery?


For submission details, click on Arts and HumanitiesJury at the bottom of the home page. The applicationform is under FORMS on the top of the home page. Anartist may submit three entries on one form for any onesubmission period.


Rebecca Marinko (Rho) did it.

WHITE ROSES OF REMEMBRANCE “A Moment to Remember... A lifetime to Honor.”

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Virginia Speck, Past State President, March 8, 2017

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mission Statement

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professionaland personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.


The members of the Alpha Mu State of The Delta Kappa Gamma SocietyInternational promote quality education and the professionaldevelopment of Montana women educators.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Communicate with International Headquarters:

888 / 762-4685 (toll-free in Canada, U.S.) 512 / 478-5748 FAX: 512 / 478-3961

web site address: www.dkg.org

Address to go directly to the Montana web site:http://alphamustate.weebly.com

Alpha Mu State is now on Facebook! “LIKE” and follow us for all updates: Alpha Mu State, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International


Catherine Nutterville Audrey Collins (Omicron) Chairman

Catherine Nutterville Committee sent the names and applications ofthe finalists for the 2017 Catherine Nutterville Achievement Award toExecutive Board Members. The nominees this year are Billie Collins(Upsilon Chapter) and Mary Price (Mu Chapter). Each of these membershas an impressive record of service in Delta Kappa Gamma. We willhonor these nominees and announce the recipient of the award at theBirthday Luncheon at the State Convention in Whitefish. Thank you to chapters that nominated members for this recognitionand to all of the voting members that returned their ballots to make thisimportant selection.



ORGANIZATION, MONTANA The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Vol. 70, No.4, May 2017

Periodicals - Postage paid at Hinsdale MT 59241 Published four times yearly, October, January March and May Annual state membership dues include subscription to Alphamusings Joyce English, Editor, PO Box 216, Hinsdale MT 59241 jo [email protected]

Postmaster, Please send address changes to:Joyce English, State EditorPO Box 216Hinsdale MT 59241-0216