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  • 8/6/2019 almased_wlp[1]





    LossProgramSpeeds Up and

    Improves Your


    By Proessor

    Aloys Berg, MD

    and Silke Ullmann,

    MPH, RD, LDN






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    2 3

    Table of Contents

    3 The Authors

    4 Introduction

    6 What Does A Healthy

    Diet Look Like?

    8 Almased A Complete

    Wellness Product

    With Almased, theweight loss is at loss

    10 Weight Reduction With

    The Almased Synergy Diet

    Three steps to losing weight

    16 Nutrition At The

    End O The Diet

    Moderation is the key

    24 Calculate Your Calorie


    Physical activity helps

    you to stay slim

    28 What Else Almased

    Can Do For You

    Theres more thanweight reduction

    32 What Scientists Say

    About Almased

    Results o eight yearso research

    34 Additional Research

    Weight reduction and

    more: Almased as a

    complete wellness

    product benets

    your overall


    Proessor Aloys Berg, MD

    Aloys Berg, MD, is a medical doctor,proessor and researcher.

    He is the director o the Departmento Rehabilitative and PreventiveSports Medicine at the UniversityClinic o Freiburg in Germany.

    Since the 1970s, Dr. Berg hasconducted numerous studies in theareas o nutrition, weight loss,

    metabolism and preventive/rehabilitative sports medicine. He haspublished more than 500 scienticpapers and is currently studying waysto protect muscle mass during weightreduction programs.

    He received his medical degreerom the University o Freiburg andhabilitated in Sports Medicine. Healso holds certications in LaboratoryMedicine, as a Physical Medicine andRehabilitative Physician and as aNutrition Physician.

    Silke Ullmann, MPH, RD, LDN

    Silke Ullmann is a registered andlicensed dietitian.

    She manages the Nutritionand Marketing Department atAlmased USA, Inc., providingnutritional guidance.

    She completed her Bachelor oScience degree in Germany andthen continued her education at

    the University o North Carolina atChapel Hill, earning a Master oPublic Health degree in Nutrition.

    Her extensive experience in nutritionocuses specically on the areas ooverweight issues and obesity aswell as diabetes.

    She holds a Certicate o Trainingin Adult Weight Management andis actively engaged in communitywork related to obesity.

    The Authors

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    4 5

    Theres no doubt youve triedmany ways to lose weight.Youve asted, ad dieted,

    popped pills, counted calories anddevised your own systems to loseweight, only to end up unsatised

    with the results. Youre still danglingrom the bungee cord, not sure whenyour weight will hit bottom, butcertain it will bounce back up.

    But now youve chosen the AlmasedSynergy* Diet or your weight lossprogram, taking the rst step topermanent weight loss.

    The road to permanent weight lossoutlined on these pages is surprisinglysimple. I you can do easy math, read

    a calendar, understand theundamentals o how the bodyunctions and can ollow a simpleguide, you can toss your bungee cordaside. Youll set your course on a one-way path to your ideal weight.

    This three-step road map can startyour trip to permanent weight losssooner than you think. Days 1 & 2 getyou started. Day 3 gets your weight

    Take The First Step To Per manent Weight Reduction

    loss going. And beore you know it,youll reach the all-important StabilityPhase where your lie begins tochange. So why is this plan dierentrom the others? First o all, Almasedis an all-natural product with high-

    quality ingredients that provide all theessential amino acids, protein andnutrients to give you strength, energyand stamina while you lose weight.Secondly, its oundation is theAlmased Synergy Diet, a weight lossregimen that is supported by arespected German physician andeducator, noted or his research in

    health sciences,including nutrition,disease prevention,immunology andbiochemistry:

    Proessor Aloys Berg, MD, rom theUniversity o Freiburg. Almased isbacked by over a decade o scientic

    research and clinical studies.

    By explaining the essentials o howthe body processes ood and energy,Proessor Berg walks you through acommon sense plan or weight control.He explains why ad diets and astingproduce hunger pangs that are nothingmore than a lack o the right nutrients,not a sign o sound weight loss.Proessor Berg relies on the latest

    scientic discoveries o obesityresearch. He combines these withall the requirements o a healthyand sensible diet that:

    1Provides you with necessarynutrients,

    1Enables you to make long-termchanges to your eating habits,

    1And ensures that muscle mass isnot compromised.

    Read on to learn the basics oood consumption, the source andimportance o balanced nutrition andthe proper way to burn at. While youread, think o The Almased SynergyDiet The Weight Loss Program asthe source o another dimension on

    your road to better health. It willrestore your aith in the undamentalso nutritional science and help youovercome the eects o yo-yo dietingwhen applied to daily living. Begin achange that will accompany you

    throughout your lie.

    To your better health,

    Almased is backed by several years oscientifc research and clinical studies.


    Almased USA,


    *Synergy: Nutrients that work better together

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    6 7

    You have decided to slim down,lose body weight and keep ito. This is possible in multiple

    ways but or lasting success, certainprerequisites need to be accounted or.

    The chosen diet method should

    1. Contain all necessary nutrients,minerals and vitamins in ampleand well-balanced amounts.

    2. Enable a long-term change oeating habits to a healthy at diet(low in saturated and trans ats).

    3. Focus on carbohydrate quality(such as using carbohydrateswith a low glycemic index).

    4. Ensure that muscle mass staysthe same and, in conjunction withexercise, help build additional muscle.

    The goal o a healthy diet lies inreducing body at. Muscle mass shouldincrease or stay unchanged. The moremuscle mass you have in your bodythe more calories your body burns.Remember: Muscle burns calories at burns nothing. It is, thereore,important to lose at not musclemass. You should add physical activityto your weight loss program to gain

    What Does A Healthy Diet Look Like?

    additional muscle mass. Once youunderstand these principles you havetaken an important step on your wayto a healthy weight. Think about it:with most so-called miracle diets,weight reduction oten results in loss

    o water and muscle mass, which youmight have already experienced. Theroad we want to walk with you ulllsall the requirements or a healthydiet and takes the latest scienticdiscoveries o obesity research intoconsideration.

    A balance problem:

    Despite all the scientic studies anddiets, being overweight is really abalance problem. Those who eatmore than they use up will gainweight. Because energy consumptionis dierent with all people, not allpeople gain or lose weight withthe same ood consumption. The

    basis or weight gain has been laidthrough years o unhealthy eatingand drinking habits. Frequent weightloss diets are most certainly not theright way, since they lower the energyconsumption o the body. A drasticshortage o calorie consumptionorces the body into believing that itaces amine. It thereore conservesenergy. Ater nishing the weight lossdiet, the low energy usage remainsand even with regular ood onegains weight aster than beore. Thisis the notorious yo-yo eect.

    Body weight is determined by both thecaloric amount o the oods we eat, aswell as the ood quality. This is due tothe act that our ood not only suppliesenergy but has other responsibilitiesin our body. Ater digestion, nutrientshave dierent unctions, e.g. to supplyenergy through burning processes,build structure or new cells or sendsignals to control metabolic processes.

    Conclusion: Our ood should notconsist o too many calories andshould send our body accuratesignals. This is easily possible withthe Almased Synergy Diet. The higheectiveness o the Almased SynergyDiet is proven through scienticresearch and publications in well-known scientic journals, such asthe International Journal of Obesity.

    Height and weight tables o the MetropolitanLie Insurance Company, 1983.

    There are our requirements

    a healthy diet must ulfll:

    What we have learned rom

    the latest scientifc discoveries

    o obesity research.

    Overweight? It is a balance problem.
















































    Healthy range (lbs) or

    WomenHeight Men

    What is a healthyweight or men and


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    8 9

    Almased A Complete Wellness Product

    The Almased Synergy Diet orbody weight and body atreduction ullls all the

    prerequisites or a healthy, sensiblediet. The Almased powder containsbranched-chain amino acids in high

    concentration. These are createdthrough the combination o soy, milk

    and honey (with the help o theenzymes contained in milk and honey)during the unique biotechnicalproduction process. Thesebranched-chain amino acids buildthe biochemical basis or immune

    competent cells and regular cells,creating plenty o energy or well-unctioning cell exchange, even withcontinuing cell stress.

    During the special ermentation

    process the components reactwith each other. This is not possiblei honey powder is used (as in aew imitation products) becauseno enzyme activity is present.

    Since there are other powders withhigh protein content on the market,it is important to note what makesAlmased dierent and more eective.Almased is the only powder rich in

    protein that uses honey enzymes toactivate the ermentation processrom two protein sources (soy andskim milk yogurt powder).

    In addition, the high eectiveness othe Almased Synergy Diet has been

    proven through outstanding scienticresearch and publications in well-known scientic journals, such asthe International Journal of Obesity.

    By using two sources o protein,

    Almased gives the body the correctquantity and quality o amino acidsto support cells during a caloriereduced diet, which allows at lossinstead o muscle loss. Almasedsspecial ermentation breaks down theprotein into simpler (bio-available)amino acids, so more amino acids canenter the blood stream more quickly.The benet is that with Almased, theweight loss is at loss compared toother diets where weight loss can beloss o muscle mass because the bodyis not properly nourished during theweight reduction process.

    Almased is not only good or weight

    loss, it also benets your overallwell-being (see pages 28 to 31).Its combination o essential nutrientsworks together in a synergistic wayto best infuence your metabolism.Synergy means that the nutrientswork better together.


    Soy, milk,

    honey and

    a unique





    is not only

    good for


    loss, it also

    benets your



    What happens in your body

    during the Almased Synergy

    Diet? This article explains the

    mechanics o weight reduction

    and what makes Almased

    dierent rom other powderswith high protein content.

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    10 11

    amount o Almased in cold liquidssuch as bottled water, skim or low-atmilk, soy milk or yogurt. You can alsofavor your Almased drink with youravorite ingredients, such as cinnamon,unsweetened cocoa powder or vanillaextract. Never use hot liquids becausethe special enzymes that Almasedprovides to burn at will be destroyed.Almased should be made resh andconsumed immediately. It is important

    Weight reduction in three steps this is how it works. The

    Starting Phase prepares the body or the change in metabolism,

    phase two is the actual Reduction Phase, phase three slowly

    accustoms the body to an increased caloric intake.

    Weight reduction with theAlmased Synergy Diet isdivided into three steps:

    1. Starting Phase2. Reduction Phase3. Stability Phase

    Starting Phase

    (Day 1 & 2)

    The goal o the rst two days o theAlmased Synergy Diet is to reprogramyour metabolism. Beore you start

    with the program you should see yourdoctor or a check-up to make surepossible illnesses causing increasedbody weight are ruled out.The Starting Phase lasts two daysand is designed to prepare yourbody or the change in metabolism.To change your metabolism, you

    will only consume three Almased

    diet meals or the rst two days

    o the diet.

    Reer to page 15 or the correctamount o Almased to consumeor each meal. Mix the appropriate


    Weight Reduction With The Almased Synergy Diet

    that you drink a minimum o 8-10cups or 64-80 oz o calorie-ree liquids(e.g. Almased Wellness Tea, green teaor bottled water) per day.Try to limit the amount o alcohol

    (including beer and wine), sodas and

    ruit juices because o added caloriesand sugars.

    Fluids are very important during thisphase to avoid dehydration and tofush out the body. We recommendpreparing a resh vegetable broth andconsuming it between your Almaseddiet meals.The vegetable broth provides you

    with important vitamins and

    antioxidants to ght ree radicals you

    will be producing during this phase.

    It will also help to curb your appetitein between meals and will add to yourdaily amount o liquid. In order tomake the vegetable broth, simply cutabout 1/2 lb o vitamin-rich vegetables

    into cubes, such as spinach, broccoli,carrots, tomatoes, peppers, onions,leeks, potatoes, etc. Add about 1.5-2quarts o water and cook until sot,approximately 5 minutes in a pressurecooker or longer in a regular pot.Pour the cooked vegetable broththrough a strainer to lter out the solidpieces. You can season the vegetablebroth with spices and herbs, go leanon the salt.

    Recipe or a special vegetable

    broth: Here is a recipe of how

    one of our customers prepares

    the broth: 1/2 lb spinach, 1/2 red

    pepper, 1/2 green pepper, 1 small

    squash, 4 celery stalks, 1 sweet

    potato, 6 carrots, 2 ripe tomatoes,

    1/2 leek stalk, 1 basil leaf, 1 bay

    leaf. For seasoning use cayenne

    pepper, onion powder, garlic

    powder, minced garlic, Italian

    seasoning, Mrs. Dash Garlic Classic

    Italian oregano, minced onion,

    marjoram and paprika. You can also

    drink vegetable juice, such as Low

    Sodium V8 100% Vegetable Juice.

    Many vitamins and antioxidants

    will be provided by the vegetable

    broth. If you do not take any

    broth at all, it may be advisable

    to use a supplement. If you are

    already using a vitamin and

    mineral supplement, you may

    continue using it. However, we

    suggest the liquid form for better

    absorption. If you entered the diet

    with a magnesium deciency, we

    recommend taking up to 300 mg

    of magnesium per day.

    If you feel good during the Starting

    Phase, you can extend this phase

    for up to a week.

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    12 13

    benets, it is considered a at andshould be consumed in moderation.Again, it is important to drink aminimum o 8-10 cups or 64-80 oz ocalorie-ree fuids (bottled water, tea,etc.) throughout the day. Make sureyou get enough ber to empty yourbowels at least every 2-3 days. Eat

    ber-rich ood such as whole grainproducts and vegetables or takeadditional dietary ber supplements,e.g. oat bran, ground faxseed orpsyllium husk.You should orego snacking

    inbetween meals as this burdens

    blood sugar and insulin regulation

    and blocks at burning.Fat storage and at burning are twoopposite occurrences, which aremainly controlled through hormonesand enzymes. Fat reduction is onlypossible i the body at stored in at

    Weight Reduction With The Almased Synergy Diet

    Example or a reduction day meal:

    3-4 oz (size of your palm) of skinless

    chicken, 1-2 cups of green leafy

    vegetables or a salad with olive oil and

    vinegar dressing and 1/2 cup of cooked

    brown rice. If our suggested plan below

    does not coincide with your regular

    routine you can eat your regular meal

    in the evening or morning. We suggest

    this as the ideal eating schedule:

    Reduction Phase

    (Day 3 and beyond)

    From the third day on, the diet is inthe actual Reduction Phase.Through the two Almased shakes you

    consume daily during this phase, the

    body receives plenty o high-quality


    Roughly 80% o the dailyrecommended dosage o protein isprovided through the Almased shakes.Almased contains the correct balanceo all amino acids the body requires.You will get the missing 20% proteinwith the regular, well-balanced mealthat you will eat once a day. Thisshould be meat, sh or vegetableprotein (soy) and include legumes,vegetables and salads.

    Ideally, you would have this meal atlunchtime. The meal should consisto about 500 calories. You can havea lean cut o meat, sh or tou withraw, steamed or cooked vegetablesand whole grains.Keep in mind that benecial oils

    such as olive oil (especially extra

    virgin olive oil) have essential

    nutrients such as omega-3 atty acids

    and should thereore be consumed on

    a daily basis (3-4 tablespoons).

    Even though olive oil has nutritional


    Breakast Lunch DinnerAlmased Regular meal Almased

    cells is transported and burned o. Inthis activity, the insulin level in theblood plays a major role. Insulin is ahormone created in the pancreas. It isresponsible or the regulation o bloodsugar, making sure the sugar, whichbecomes glucose in the blood, istransported to individual body cells.

    In addition,insulin inhibits atutilization and at burning.A constantly changing insulin level withrecurring insulin peaks disrupts the atburning process and should be avoidedduring the diet. For this reason, theAlmased shakes contain no sugar(sucrose or household sugar) and onlyslow-burning carbohydrates, so thatthe insulin level barely rises ater a dietmeal. While drinking these healthy dietshakes, you should not experiencestrong, unwanted fuctuations o insulinand blood sugar levels.


    Strong fuctuation o insulin disruptsthe at burning process. The principleo balanced insulin levels and theintake o oods that result in lowinsulin peaks (low glycemic index),are extremely important or healthpreservation and at reduction.

    It is important to eat a well-balanced,highly nutritious, regular meal inaddition to the two Almased shakesdaily during the Reduction Phase.

    Splurging during this meal or not

    consuming the proper nutrition will

    leave you eeling hungry, which is

    counterproductive to your ultimate

    weight loss goal.

    Your calorie and nutrition needs willbe taken care o through the Almasedshakes and your regular meal.

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    14 15


















    3 x 6 tbsp daily

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    4 tbsp daily

    4 tbsp daily

    4 tbsp daily

    4 tbsp daily4 tbsp daily

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    4 tbsp daily

    4 tbsp daily

    6 tbsp daily

    6 tbsp daily

    6 tbsp daily

    6 tbsp daily

    6 tbsp daily

    6 tbsp daily

    6 tbsp daily

    6 tbsp daily

    8 tbsp daily

    8 tbsp daily

    Phase 1

    3 Almasedmeals

    Phase 3

    1 Almasedmeal

    Phase 2

    2 Almasedmeals

    Phase 4


    Weight Reduction With The Almased Synergy Diet

    Stability Phase

    (4-6 weeks duration)

    Once you have reached your targetweight and your healthy body atcontent, you begin a Stability Phase.During this time the amount oAlmased shakes will gradually bereduced. Remember that the numbero regular meals as well as the intakeo calories increases.You have entered into a critical phase

    because ollowing your diet, you

    should not overeat or you can quickly

    gain weight again.

    You need to accustom your body slowlyto an increased caloric intake. Remainin this Stability Phase approximately4-6 weeks to guarantee the emptiedat cells stay empty. With perseverance

    and sensible ood, you can manageyour new-ound target weight. Evenin this phase, it is important to drink aminimum o 8-10 cups o calorie-reeliquids (bottled water, tea, etc.) perday. A recommended ood scheduleis as ollows:

    During the



    you can

    enjoy two



    meals perday.

    One serving of Almased

    equals 8 tablespoons, which

    is approximately 180 calories

    or 1 carbohydrate unit for

    people with diabetes. The

    amount of tablespoons touse is dissolved in 10-12 oz

    of cold liquid, such as bottled

    water, skim or low-fat milk,

    soy milk or yogurt. Add some

    cinnamon or vanilla extract

    to your Almased drink to give

    it a dif ferent avor. Never

    use hot liquids because the

    special enzymes that Almased

    provides to burn fat will be

    destroyed. Almased should

    be made fresh and consumed

    immediately. One serving of

    Almased (8 tablespoons) is

    the average amount per drinkmixed in cold liquids. If you

    prefer to customize your diet,

    please refer to the table

    below to determine how

    much Almased you need to

    take. The amount of Almased

    you need each day depends

    on your height. All data is

    approximate data.

    Recommended Amount o Almased


    Breakast Lunch DinnerRegular Regular Almasedmeal meal

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    16 17

    The number one rule or nutritionis to provide your body with awell-balanced, rich-in-variety

    diet that avors at-reduced and ber-enriched ood with slow-energizingcarbohydrates. There are no strictlyprohibited ood items. Try to stayaway rom ried and ast ood.Do not backtrack to your old eating

    habits, which can be described with

    words like too much, too sweet, too

    at and too salty. Moderation is thekey. Only eat snacks i hungerdemands it or i you have an elevatednutrition requirement (e.g. due todiabetes, exercise, pregnancy,breasteeding, etc.). A healthy snack

    should consist o vegetables and ewerruits, whole grains or low-at milkproducts.To ensure that your body gets its dailynecessary nutrients, your diet shouldinclude a balanced intake o theollowing:






    1Dietary Minerals & Trace Elements

    CarbohydratesCarbohydrates mainly provide energy but not all are created equal.

    Besides at and protein, carbohydratesare one o the three main nutrientsrequired by the body. Carbohydratesmainly provide energy. Only to alimited extent are they utilized asbuilding material or the body.Not all carbohydrate-rich oods are

    created equal, in act they behave

    quite dierently in our bodies. Theglycemic index (GI) describes thisdierence by measuring the eects o50 g carbohydrates on blood glucoselevels. Choosing low GI carbohydrates

    the ones that produce only smallfuctuations in blood glucose andinsulin levels is the secret to long-term health, reducing risk o heartdisease and diabetes and is the keyto sustainable weight loss. A GI o 70

    or more is high, a GI o 56 to 69 ismedium and a GI o 55 or less is low.The GI o Almased is only 27. Thatmeans the enhancing eect on theblood sugar level o Almased is only27% compared to that o glucose. Tocalculate the exact eect on the bloodsugar level the glycemic load (GL) we have to take the size o the portioninto account. An example: The portiono one Almased meal is 50 g andcontains 17 g o carbohydrates. Thesecarbohydrates aect the blood sugarlevel by 27% compared to the sameamount o glucose. Twenty-sevenpercent o 17 equals 4.5 making theglycemic load o one portion o Almased

    4.5. A GL o 20 and more is consideredhigh, 11 to 19 is medium, 10 or less is

    low the glycemic load o oneserving o Almased is thereore

    very low.

    Try to choose whole grains at all

    times or try to make at least hal

    o your grains whole grains. Wholegrains contain the entire kernel andall the essential parts and naturally-occurring nutrients o the entire grain

    seed. Studies show that eating wholegrains instead o rened grains lowersthe risk o many chronic diseases.While benets are mostly statedor those consuming at least threeservings daily, some studies showreduced risks rom as little as oneserving daily. The message is thatevery whole grain in your diet helps!Examples o whole grains areamaranth, barley, brown rice,buckwheat, bulgur, oatmeal, millet,popcorn, quinoa, whole cornmeal,whole wheat four and wild rice.


    For desired at loss, strong variations

    in blood sugar and insulin level areunwise and should thereore beavoided. Our recommendation: thedaily intake o carbohydrates should

    be only 40% o your total energy

    intake (based on the Joslin DiabetesCenter) and consist mostly ocomplex carbohydrates becausecarbohydrates that are absorbedslowly do not distort insulindistribution and in general containmore ber, vitamins and minerals.

    Nutrition At The End Of The Diet Life Phase

    Do not all back into your old eating habits moderation is

    the key to successully staying slim. Here, we tell you what

    your body needs and how much.



    are good

    for you:

    Eating whole

    grains reduces

    the risk of many

    chronic diseases.

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    18 19

    ProteinBuilding blocks or cells and dierent


    Protein is a basic nutritional element.It is composed o single amino acidsand serves the body as buildingblocks or cells and dierent hormones

    (enzymes and deense actors). The

    weight-reducing eect o protein inood is explained by the act thatprotein causes a higher thermogenesis(heat production) than other macro-nutrients (at and carbohydrates).Ater ood consumption, the basalmetabolic rate (minimum caloricrequirement needed) increases

    because energy is needed ordigestion, absorption andtransportation as well as or thestorage o additional nutrients. This isknown as the thermic eect o ood(= thermogenesis). Thethermogenesis usually accounts or8-15% o the daily total energyexpenditure (calories burned).Ater protein ingestion, the heat

    development with 18-25% is clearly

    higher than ater the intake

    o the same energy content rom at

    (2-4%) or carbohydrates (4-7%).Protein-rich meals cause a sustainedhigh thermogenesis that is abouttwice as long as ater diets rich in

    carbohydrates and at o the sameenergy content.The central organ or the metabolismo protein is the liver. Food items richin protein are lean meat, sh, milkand milk products, eggs, multi-grainproducts and legumes (beans, soy).The highly spread, oten exaggeratedintake o protein in the industrialcountries, which oten goes hand-in-hand with the extensive consumptiono animal products (especially meat),is unavorable because it is usuallycombined with an elevated supply o

    at, cholesterol and purines (naturalsubstances ound in all o the bodyscells and in virtually all oods whichcan cause gout i accumulated).Contrary to some o the third-worldcountries, it is almost impossible orus to experience a lack o proteindue to the high consumption o

    meat, milk and eggs.According to age and sex, it is

    recommended to eat 0.8-1.2 g o

    protein per 2.2 lbs o body weight.The protein should be o highbiological value and ree rom negativesubstances. Especially during weightloss and or people with type 2diabetes, intake should be about 30%o the total caloric intake. One o themain reasons or a nutritional proteindeciency is the primary consumptiono protein-poor oods. This conditioncan be caused by an unbalanced diet,e.g. a purely macrobiotic diet (grainsand vegetables). Even without animalprotein you can consume an adequate

    supply o protein through the perectcombination o vegetarian proteincarriers (e.g. beans and grains) orthrough the usage o high-qualityvegetable protein (e.g. soybeans).

    FatFat is not all bad it transports

    vitamins and builds cell membranes.

    Fat is the main energy supplier or thehuman organism. It is an importantpart o the cell membranes and a

    Nutrition At The End Of The Diet Life Phase

    carrier o at-soluble vitamins. Fat isstored in at deposits in the body andcan be reduced during energy demand(e.g. endurance exercise, hunger).Because o its long duration in thestomach, at has a high saturationvalue. Fat, contrary to protein, ismainly a supplier o energy and a

    supply source o essential multipleunsaturated atty acids. Food itemssuch as oil, nuts, spreads (butter),creams and meat at contain a largeamount o at.However, the at content o other ood

    items like many deli meats and cakes

    is oten underestimated.This is important because a high intakeo at, especially animal at (saturatedat), elevates the blood at value (

    LDLcholesterol) and brings a higherarteriosclerosis risk with it. Thedaily intake o at should beapproximately 30% o thetotal energy supply.It isimportant that you

    consume atty acids ohigh quality, such as 3tablespoons o olive oil,faxseed oil or canola oil

    Cold-water (fatty) sh is rich in protein and

    delivers valuable omega-3 fatty acids.

    Extra virgin olive oil

    is a valuable source of

    unsaturated fatty


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    VitaminsThey are necessary to keep up

    certain body unctions.

    Vitamins are essential elements,many o which cannot be producedin sucient quantities by the body.Thereore, it might be helpul to take

    vitamin supplements i your overallood intake is reduced or imbalanced.Vitamins are neither building materialor the body nor are they energysuppliers. They are, however,necessary to keep up certain bodyunctions. According to their dierentsoluble characteristics, vitamins areseparated into two groups: at-soluble

    Nutrition At The End Of The Diet Life Phase

    (vitamins A, D, E and K) and water-soluble (vitamin C and B vitamins).The B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12,niacin, pantothenic acid, olic acidand biotin) are eective as acomponent o enzymes (coenzymes).Consuming a liquid vitamin will be

    more advantageous than a vitamin

    pill because it is better absorbableand your body will receive more o

    the benets. Many vitamin pills onthe market today are not easily brokendown by the body and end up beingeliminated as waste.

    Dietary Minerals andTrace ElementsIt can be helpul to supplement your

    daily diet with vitamins and minerals,

    including trace elements.

    Dietary minerals are essential inorganicnutrients supplied by ood intake andutilized or multiple unctions.Minerals are divided into major

    elements and trace elements.

    The body contains relatively high

    amounts o major elements and

    only small amounts o trace

    elements. Major elements includesodium, potassium, calcium,magnesium, chloride, phosphate andsulur, while trace elements are iron,iodine and selenium. All in all, thereare over 20 trace elements. Throughaltered growth methods and industrialmanuacturing processes, our ooditems are oten so poor in important

    minerals that certain elements likezinc, selenium and manganese can becalled deciency elements. Studieshave shown that deciencies in theseand other minerals can lead to anincreased risk o degenerative diseasessuch as arthritis, heart disease andcirrhosis. In some cases,

    supplementing your daily diet withvitamins and minerals, including traceelements, may improve health andquality o lie.

    Fruits are full of

    vitamins and rich

    in ber keep in

    mind that they often

    contain a lot of sugar,

    which might interfere

    with your weight loss


    Water, rich in minerals,

    can be a prime source for

    minerals and trace elements

    and contains zero calories.

    Gerolsteiner and Vittel

    are ideal choices.

    Water-insoluble ber is a collector owater used to increase stool bulkin the large intestine. This producesbowel movements and a meticulouscleaning o the intestinal walls,reducing the risk o colon-relatedproblems. Water-insoluble beris ound in cereals, bran and

    vegetables. Because ber is low incalories and produces a eeling o

    satiety, it reduces the desire to

    snack, which equals to eating less

    and may lead to weight loss. MostAmericans consume 10-15 g o bera day. The recommended daily berintake or optimal health is up to40 g. Make sure you get enough berthroughout the day. You might wantto consider a ber supplement iyou eel like you do not reachthe recommendation.


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    24 25

    There is probably no ood itemthat has not been recommendedor a diet at some time or

    another. Examples rom the past are:pasta, eggs and potatoes. These dietspromise immense weight loss in theshortest possible time. Extremelyone-sided diets like the Atkins Diet,Fit or Lie, the Eskimo Diet and theNegative Calorie Diet are notrecommended.

    These diets will reduce your weight inthe short-term but over time will depriveyou o nutrients. Long-term success ishardly attainable with these kinds odiets. Pills are strongly discouraged

    because they may lead to dependencywith regular usage and do not providethe balance o nutrition needed orlong-term weight loss success.

    For successul weight loss,

    perseverance and consideration are

    required. Learning how to controlportion size and eat in moderationis much better than total restriction.First, we suggest examining your own

    eating habits very closely to discoverpossible unhealthy eating patterns.You should eat slowly, enjoy your oodand only eat i you are truly hungry. Donot try to lose weight by limiting fuids.You need to make sure that you drinkenough liquid throughout the day (atleast 8-10 cups ).

    Counting calories is not enough or successul weight loss. This

    article tells you what really matters. Physical activity is the key

    to success.

    Calculate Your Calorie Needs

    Find out how many calories your

    body needs

    The daily energy requirement resultssimply rom basic conversion o bodyat necessary to maintain vital organunctions like breathing as well as

    heart, kidney and brain activity in theresting person. The basic conversionis indicated with an average o 1 kcalper 2.2 lbs body weight per hour,meaning 1680 kcal or a manweighing 154 lbs. For women, it is10% lower with regard to body weight

    Vigorous running burns

    up to 800 calories per hour,

    sitting while watching TV

    burns only 30 calories.* Depending on intensity, age and tness,the calorie-count can dier substantially.Compared to men with the same weight,

    women burn 10 to 20% less calories.Source: Deutsches rzteblatt (German

    Magazine or Physicians), March 2000.






    walking, 2 mph 150 180 230 300

    walking, 3 mph 200 240 300 400walking, 4 mph 300 360 450 600

    house work 150 180 230 300

    garden work 250 300 380 500

    dancing 200 240 300 400

    cycling, 9 mph 300 360 450 600

    running, 5 mph 300 360 450 600

    running, 6 mph 450 550 700 900

    running, 7.5 mph 600 750 950 1200

    tennis/ball-sports 300 360 450 600

    swimming slowly 300 360 450 600

    hiking 300 360 450 600

    cross-country skiing 450 550 700 900

    Activity burns calories*

    Calories burned per hour ordierent body weight

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    26 27

    Calculate Your Calorie Needs

    because the body conversion is deter-mined through body composition andpercentage o muscle mass. The basicconversion is infuenced by actors likebody composition, the relation o thebody surace to body weight, sex, ageand hormonal regulation. Acute andchronic illnesses like ever can raise

    the basic conversion. Weight reductionalways means adjustment o the daily

    energy intake to a lower level. Thismeans that ater a reduction o bodyweight, the only way to stabilizethe bodys weight is to change yourliestyle by reducing caloric intakeor burning more calories throughincreased physical activity. For a six-oot-tall man this means that ater

    weight reduction rom 211 pounds(estimated energy intake: 2750 kcal)

    Limited: play computer

    games, watch TV

    2-3 times / week:

    yard work, bowling, gol

    3-5 times / week

    long walks, tennis,

    running, cycling,



    every day

    park arther away

    and walk, take

    the stairs

    instead o

    the elevator,

    walk the


    Activity Pyramid

    Start your weekly activity plan

    with the base of the pyramid.

    Enhance your tness if

    possible by choosing

    other activities from the

    pyramid by moving up.

    Design activities that

    will allow you to be

    active and sit less.

    to 185 pounds (energy intake: 2500kcal), the daily energy intake needsto be corrected by 250 kcal.With all calculations, however, you

    need to consider that the energy

    requirements decrease with age

    and lowered body weight.

    The energy requirement is reducedby about 10% between the age o 33and 55 and between the age o 55and 75 by another 15%. Energyconsumption should be adjustedaccordingly. The reduced energyrequirement due to age is explainedby a loss in muscle mass. With morebodily activity, the reduction o musclemass caused by age can be prevented.

    Energy Consumption and Physical

    ActivityExercise increases muscle mass, spursenergy consumption and will aid inweight loss and weight management.Being more physically t does not

    always mean having to go to the gym3-4 times a week, although this canbe a good option.

    Consider increasing your physical

    activity during everyday activities to

    benet your overall health and at

    burning process.Taking the stairs instead o theelevator, riding a bicycle instead odriving the car and taking the dog ora walk are ways to integrate exerciseinto your daily routine. Please keep inmind that the quality o the ood you

    eat is more important than countingcalories. A high-quality dietautomatically leads to a tter andthinner you. Almased is a premierhigh-quality ood.The previously mentioned slogan toomuch, too sweet, too at and too salty

    can be completed with the adjectivetoo inactive when it comes to theattitude towards physical activity inour population. As stated by theSurgeon General, more than 60% oAmerican adults are not regularlyphysically active. It is important toemphasize the amount rather than theintensity o physical activity, whichoers more options or people to incor-porate physical activity into their dailylives. Through a modest increase indaily activity, most Americans canimprove their health and quality o lie.

    Thus, a moderate increase in activity

    can be obtained in a 10-15 minute

    brisk walk at rst.Then gradually increase your activity toreach about 3000 steps each day. Youractivities can vary rom day to day,such as walking, mowing the lawn,taking the stairs, raking leaves, etc.

    Activity studies show that healthypeople and the chronically ill are bothcapable o perorming physicalactivities like climbing stairs, doingyard work, hiking and cycling toproduce equally therapeutic benets.

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    28 29

    Get smart with Almased. It hasbeen proven that lack oinsulin in the brain can

    contribute to dementia andAlzheimers disease. Even a smalldisturbance o the glucose metabolismcan infuence the brain signicantly.Higher insulin concentration in thebrain leads to improved brain unction.Insulin reaches the brain through theblood brain barrier (in healthy people).

    What Else Almased Can Do For You

    This transport mechanism does notwork with overweight and obesepeople. Even though their insulinconcentration in the blood is high(insulin resistance), the transportvia the blood brain barrier is blocked.

    The more at deposits a person has,

    the lower the insulin amount in

    the brain as well as the unction

    o the brain.

    Start your day with more energy

    Almased contains important

    essential nutrients and cell protective

    phytochemicals. Aside rom its other

    positive eects, Almased also supports

    a restul sleep and thus contributes to

    improved cell renewal, more energy and

    easier perormance at daily tasks.

    Almased provides the body with lactic

    acid and active lactic acid bacteria,

    which have a positive eect on intestinal

    bacteria and intestinal mucosa, thus

    strengthening the immune system.

    Almased regulates the glucose andinsulin metabolism so that insulinlevels normalize. This guarantees aregular insulin transport to the brainand enhanced brain unction. It hasalso been shown that weight loss with

    Almased reduces the insulin level inthe blood signicantly more comparedto weight loss without using Almased.It does not only help normalize yourinsulin level but also decreases the risko dementia and Alzheimers disease.

    Supplement your protein intake:

    Take 8 tablespoons o Almasedmixed in 10-12 oz o cold liquid,

    such as bottled water, skim orlow-at milk, soy milk oryogurt. We recommend

    1 g o protein per 2.2 lbso body weight as

    the daily proteinrequirement. You

    can also customizeyour Almased drinkwith your avoriteingredients, suchas unsweetened

    cocoa powder, vanillaextract, cinnamon or

    ground faxseed or agreat tasting smoothie.

    As a snack between meals:Feeling a little hungry between

    meals or at the end o the day?

    Strengthen your immune system

    Get slim, get smart, get strong as a complete wellness

    product, Almased can do a lot or you. It has even proven

    to be helpul or people with type 2 diabetes.

    More than weight reduction:

    Almased as a complete

    wellness product benets your

    overall well-being.

  • 8/6/2019 almased_wlp[1]


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    32 33

    Helping people lose weight is by nomeans all Almased can do. In act,the nine scientists who jointly drated

    the statements on the right have come to theollowing conclusion: Almased has a positiveeect on all the components o the metabolicsyndrome. This is a true compliment since thehealth hazards o this syndrome areconsiderable. The metabolic syndrome is acombination o medical disorders, which when coinciding are sometimes reerred toas the deadly our: overweight, lipidmetabolic disorder, high blood pressure andinsulin resistance. Each one o theseconditions is by itsel a major risk actor. Whencombined, they are lie-threatening. Almasedhelps alleviate each one o these problems.

    Here is what the scientists concluded:

    1Almased actively ghts weight problems,high blood pressure and insulin resistancewhile stimulating the at metabolism.

    1It is recommended to use Almased ora minimum period o six weeks.

    1Even a dosage o 50 g once per day willimprove metabolic biomarker values.

    1For weight loss, Almased makes anexcellent substitute or a meal with 50 go Almased once or twice per day.

    This is what these scientists

    say unanimously: How Almased

    ghts weight problems, highblood pressure, cholesterol

    and diabetes.

    1Almased contains puresoy protein, yogurt andraw honey. The specialermentation process ensuresthat essential amino acidsremain intact in Almased.

    1Obesity is associated witha severely increased leptinlevel, which in turn is linkedwith insulin resistanceand considered a cause ometabolic disorders such asdiabetes mellitus. Almased

    lowers the leptin level,thus infuencing risk actorsavorably.

    1Almased lowers high insulinlevels signicantly whilestimulating at reduction andinhibiting storage o at.

    1The tissue hormone ghrelin,which is produced bystomach cells, is an indicatoro the sensation o satiety.Almased lowers the ghrelinlevel, thereby reducingappetite sustainably.

    These are the Eects o Almased: Ten Statements by

    nine German Scientists

    1In a weight loss program,Almased will exclusively burn

    body at without reducingmuscle mass.

    1Almased has a positive eecton the body at vs. musclemass ratio. I combined withphysical activity, it can reduceat deposits in the abdomenand hip area signicantly.

    1Weight loss achieved withAlmased is helpul in changingthe nutritional behavior and willkeep the weight o long-term.

    150 g o Almased per day willimprove blood levels in peoplewith diabetes considerably (e.g.blood sugar, HbA1c value).

    1A weight loss program inducedby Almased can lower LDLcholesterol and triglyceridelevels while raising HDLcholesterol levels.

    1A weight loss program usingAlmased will lower systolic anddiastolic blood pressure.

    Proessor Gerhard Uhlenbruck, MDDirector, Institute o Immunobiologyand Sports Immunology,University o Cologne

    Proessor Jrg Schulz, MD

    Consultant, HELIOS MedicalCenter, Berlin-Buch

    Tobias Teuer, PhD

    Law Oce or Food andPharmaceutical Law, Hamburg

    Peter Sauermann, MD

    Chairman, Financial Committee,German Association o CHIPhysicians (KBV)

    Proessor Gnter Linss, MDMedical Director, HenningsdorMedical Center, Charit Berlin

    Proessor Burkhard Weisser,

    MD Director, Institute o Sportsand Science o Sports, ChristianAlbrechts University, Kiel

    Wolgang Grebe, MD

    Board member, Association oGerman Specialists in Internal

    Medicine (BDI), Frankenberg

    Proessor Ulrich Borchard,

    MD Institute o Pharmacologyand Clinical Pharmacology,University o Dsseldor

    Proessor Aloys Berg, MD

    Rehabilitative and PreventiveSports Medicine, UniversityClinic o Freiburg

    What Scientists Say Abo ut Almased

    For over a decade, scientists have

    been investigating the eects o the

    unique Almased powder on behal o

    the company. All core claims have

    now been scientically proven:

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    34 35

    Additional Research

    Signicant improvement o bodyweight and body composition

    Berg A, Walther W, Schiebel F,

    Mller HM, Jotterand S, Grathwohl D:

    Using Almased in an Enriched SoyDiet or Weight Loss.German Journal o Sports Medicine,2000, 51:39.Method: Twelve overweightparticipants were given an individualdosage o Almased, matching theirnormal weight, in the morning andevening or our weeks. In addition,they received a low-at sensible lunch,bringing their daily calorie intake toapproximately 1200 calories. Results:

    The intervention shows a signicantimprovement o body weight andbody composition (p

  • 8/6/2019 almased_wlp[1]



    Developed by a German scientist, the Almased

    Synergy Diet program is an all-natural, clinically

    tested and approved, healthy way to lose weight.This stimulant-free diet teaches the body to

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    no yo-yo effect.

    Copyright 2009 Almased USA, Inc., 2861 34th Street South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711

    For more inormation visit our website: www.almased.comor call us toll-ree at 1-800-ALMASED (1-800-256-2733)





