Allport’s eight stages of self (proprium) development _ The Mouse Trap

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Allport’s eight stages of self (proprium) development _ The Mouse Trap

Citation preview 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/7HomeAboutbloggerContactThe Mouse Trap on FacebookFEEDBURNER RSSRECENT POSTSLabels, Mental Health and my Split Blog Disorder (0)I have a post over at Psychology Today about Labeling and its deleterious effects. That did lead to some heated discussions on []1 WEEK AGOCreativity components and other musings (0)The Mouse Trap readers will be glad to know that I have started writing a column over at The Creativity Post, titled 'The muses and the []1 MONTH AGOStructure of childhood temperamentsInfants' and children's personality structure is studied by studying their 'temperaments'. To me, personality structure enfolds over []3 MONTHS AGOight1 stages 2 / 1 0 / 1 2 o f self (proprium) development | The Mouse 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/7Search Resultsl Cloninger s Temapar ements and character: traits:l Encephalonl Emeraldi Edition room for a b ehaviorist view?Allports eight stages of self( proprium) development0TweetWhile we are at the subject of personality, it would be instructive to note the contributions of Gordon Allport. He has hada seminal influence, introduced traits, but was simultaneously a believer in the uniqueness of an individual and wholeness of personality. His identified adjectives, amongst others, were subjected to factor analysis by Goldberg and that revealed the famous five (or the Big Five). However, one of the things that never caught up , was the term proprium he introduced for self. However some of his concepts for self have stood the test of time.This post is about the development stages by which the self or unifying personal meaning construct of a person develops. Like most of the other developmental stage theories (likeLoevingers ego development theory) this too follows a eight stage unfolding of self.1.The Sense of Bodily Self, which is a sense of ones own body, including bodily sensations, attests to ones existence and therefore remains a lifelong anchor for self-awareness.The Sense of Self-identity , which is the second aspect of the proprium is self-identity. This is most evident when the child, through acquiring language, recognizes himself as a distinct and constant point of reference.The Sense of Self-Esteem or Pride, which is an individuals evaluation of himself and the urge to want to do everything for oneself and take all of the credit.The Sense of Self-Extension, occurs during the third year of life, which states that even though some things are not inside my physical body they are still very much a part of ones life.The Self-Image, or how others view me is another aspect of selfhood that emerges during childhood.The Sense of Self as a Rational-Coper occurs between the ages of six and twelve in which the child begins to realize fully that he ahs the rational capacity to find solutions to lifes problems, so that they can cope effectively with reality demands.Propriate Striving, which Allport believed to be the core problem for the adolescent. It is the selection of the occupation or other life goal, the adolescent knows that their future must follow a plan, and in this sense makes them lose their childhood.Self as a Knower: The knower (thinking agent) rides on top of them. The thinker is different from his or her thoughts, is Allports stand, contrary to William James, who ridiculously maintains that The thoughts themselves are the thinkerNote that this concept of self is more in cognitive terms while Loevingers is more in psychoanalytical terms.Another alternative description of the same stages is present 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/7Autism and ADHD: the intelligent and the creative child! (1)A new study by Ruthsatz and Urbach is doing the rounds nowadays. That study has nothing to do with Autism or ADHD per se. The study []3 MONTHS AGO Sense of body develops in the first two years of life. We have one, we feel its closeness, its warmth. It has boundaries that pain and injury, touch and movement, make us aware of. Allport had a favorite demonstration of this aspect of self: Imagine spitting saliva into a cup and then drinking it down! Whats the problem? Its the same stuff you swallow all day long! But, of course, it has gone out from your bodily self and become, thereby, foreign to you.Self-identity also develops in the first two years. There comes a point were we recognize ourselves as continuing, as having a past, present, and future. We see ourselves as individual entities, separate and different from others. We even have a name! Will you be the same person when you wake 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/7ight1 stages 2 / 1 0 / 1 2 o f self (proprium) development | The Mouse 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/7Creativity and Intelligence (0)This post is to highlight two articles I had written some time back for my Psychology Today blog The []5 MONTHS AGOSHOW MORERECENT COMMENTSProfiling Your Characters, part 2 | Writing & Random Thoughts[...] Structure of childhood temperaments ( [...]2 MONTHS AGOProfiling Your Characters, part 1 | Writing & Random Thoughts[...] Structure of childhood temperaments ( [...]3 MONTHS AGOtomorrow? Of course we take that continuity for granted.Self-esteem develops between two and four years old. There also comes a time when we recognize that we have value, to others and to ourselves. This is especially tied to a continuing development of our competencies. This, for Allport, is what the anal stage is really all about!Self-extension develops between four and six. Certain things, people, and events around us also come to be thought of as central and warm, essential to my existence. My is very close to me! Some people define themselves in terms of their parents, spouse, or children, their clan, gang, community, college, or nation. Some find their identity in activities: Im a psychologist, a student, a bricklayer. Some find identity in a place: my house, my hometown. When my child does something wrong, why do I feel guilty? If someone scratches my car, why do I feel like they just punches me?Self-image also develops between four and six. This is the looking-glass self, the me as others see me. This is the impression I make on others, my look, my social esteem or status, including my sexual identity. It is the beginning of what conscience, idea l self, and persona.Rational coping is learned predominantly in the yea rs from six till twelve. The child begins to develop his or her abilities to dea l with lifes problems rationally and effectively. This is analogous to Eriksons industry.Propriate striving doesnt usually begin till after twelve yea rs old. This is my self as goals, idea l, plans, vocations, callings, a sense of direction, a sense of purpose. The culmination of propriate striving, according to Allport, is the ability to say that I am the proprietor of my life i.e. the owner and operator!Autism and ADHD: the intelligent and the creative child! | Genius |[...] - Today, 1:56 PM Rescoop [...]3 MONTHS AGOI can easily relate these to the general eight stage framework: , but Ill leave that as an exercise for the readers!! 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/7October 2012 (1)September 2012 (1)July 2012 (2)May 2012 (1)February 2012 (2)December 2011 (3)November 2011 (4)September 2011 (1)Am happy, will be paranoid/ gullible; am sad, will be realistic(this site)Artificial NeuralPains of Paper: TheBuddhas Brain |Networks:Printer as BusinessThe Mouse TraptemporalProcess(this site)summation,Reengineerembedded clocks(Xerox Blog)GD Star Ratingloading...You might like:Structure of childhood temperaments | Personality |[...] - Today, 1:55 PM Rescoop [...]3 MONTHS News Blog Archive Editors Selections: Casinos, Hazing, and Psychosis in the City[...] Abundant evidence exists, Sandeep Gautaum writes at The Mouse Trap, that psychosis is more prevalent in urban areas as compared to []8 MONTHS AGOSHOW MOREARCHIVES00tweetsre tw e e t 2ShareLike2 people like this. Be the first of your friends.ight1 stages 2 / 1 0 / 1 2 o f self (proprium) development | The Mouse 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/7ight1 stages 2 / 1 0 / 1 2 o f self (proprium) development | The Mouse TrapAugust 2011 (3)July 2011 (2)June 2011 (2)April 2011 (1)and operant learning(this site)[ ?]Share this:0ight1 stages 2 / 1 0 / 1 2 o f self (proprium) development | The Mouse 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/7Effecient Related Posts:SUBSCRIBE TO BLOG VIA EMAILEnter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.Join 6 other subscribersEmail AddressSubscribeBLOG RATINGAverage blog rating:8.6No Related PostsThis entry was posted by sandygautam on September 25, 2008 at 9:16 AM, and is filed under development, personality, stages. Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0.Both comments and pings are currently closed.Comments ClosedOne Response to Allports eight stages of self (proprium) development1. Anyone know this word? - Proprium - Page 2 - PC SHOW 2010 Pricelist | COMPUTEX 2010 | VRForums - Singapore IT & Lifestyle says:June 2, 2010 at 1:04 PM[...] #21 (permalink) Allports eight stages of self (proprium) development | The Mouse Trap [...]Additional comments powered by BackTypeight1 stages 2 / 1 0 / 1 2 o f self (proprium) development | The Mouse 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/764 votes cast for 49 postsMY QUORA PROFILEight1 stages 2 / 1 0 / 1 2 o f self (proprium) development | The Mouse 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/7Sandeep Gautam 120 Followers 282 Following 0 Mentionsight1 stages 2 / 1 0 / 1 2 o f self (proprium) development | The Mouse 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/7Sandeep Gautam followed Keith Frankish. Sandeep Gautam watched the topic group Psychology.Sandeep Gautam followed Leonard Kish. Sandeep Gautam followed Kaushik Gala.added an answer,Managerial track or Technical track - how should students make this career choice?Search WebsiteTWITTER UPDATESRemembering Chris Peterson | Psychology Today 46 minutes agoIn praise of the big old mess | The Loom | Discover Magazine 6 hours ago "Life is like Scrabble, luck matters if you take advantage of it." - Remembering Chris Peterson | Psychology... hours agoThe sandygautam cognitive Daily is out!ight1 stages 2 / 1 0 / 1 2 o f self (proprium) development | The Mouse 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 5OF ~ Top stories today via @dbrodbeck @edyong20 9 8 hours ago At What Age Will Your Creativity Peak? | @scoopit 20 hours agoFo llo w @sandygautamABOUT.MESandeep Gautampsychology and neuroscience enthusiastSoftware professional;Psychology Blogger at The Mouse Trap, Times Of India,Creativity Post and Psychology Today Passionate about psychology and neuroscienceProgrammer, Poet, Philosopher! Knee deep in +ve psychLove to share and connect. sandygautam on most networksTAGSAffect Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder autismAutism spectrum Bipolar disorder Braincognition creativity default networkdepression Disorders Dopamineemotion emotions evolutionEvolutionary Psychology Free willFunctional magnetic resonanceimaging genetics happiness Majordepressive disorder mania memoryMental health MotivationNeurodevelopmental personalpersonality Philosophy Positivepsychology psychologyight1 stages 2 / 1 0 / 1 2 o f self (proprium) development | The Mouse 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/ 0 8/0 9/ 25/allports-eight-stages-of-self-proprium-development/7/7Trending for @sandygautampsychologyneuroscienceight stages of self (proprium) development | The Mouse Trappsychosis schizophreniaSocial Sciences stages Trait theoryMIND CAFE ON TOIPrice of being in the ParamilitaryThe more you sweat in peace, the less youll bleed in war . 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