r 1- J I s 4- T i- i HfgA- t ftW II 71 4i V 11 r f rrp c J I1 t17 J i1 t fi J 1 I I COMPLETE RipoJiTsifjP TQDA YS I RACING f AND BASE7Z l WEAPflm1La1r tonight ana Tl > ardar I I I A < J j- I 11 OCLOCK 1 f t 7 EVENING AEDITI OH 2 ff- A flIT t I NIGHT EXTRA I GrculationBooks Open to AllJ Circulation Books Open to All J f f PRICE r ONE CENT EV YORK WEDJVKSDAY APRIL 13 IIHM PRICE ONE CENT f i 14 KILLED ON WARSHIP 7 = H MISSOURI I I + e oo ARE LOST ON r BATTlESHIP THAT d MINE BlOWS UP I 4 Admiral Makaroff in Command of the Rus sian Fleet at Port Arthur Is Drowned- I When the Petropavlovsk Is Destroyed and t4 She Founders a Few Minutes Later tJqNOLJ ABOUT FORTY OF THOSE f WHO WERE ABOARD ARE SAVED Grand Duke Cyril Nephew of the Czar Es ¬ capes but Is Wounded NewsCreates In- tense ¬ I Sensation in St Petersburg Gloomy View of Russias Naval Affairs f J By Associated Press ST PETERSBURG April 13 638 P MThe following official despatch has been received here from RearAdmiral Grigorovitch the commandant- at Port Arthur addressed to the Emperor i > PORT ARTHUR April 13The Petropavlovsk struck mine which blew her up and she turned J I 1 turtle Our squadron was under Golden Hill n The Japanese squadron was approaching Vice I Admiral Makaroff evidently was lost Grand Duke I Cyril was saved He is slightly injured Captain Jakovleff was saved though severely injured as were five officers and thirtytwo men all more or less injured- The enemys fleet disappeared RearAdmi f 1k rat Prince Ouktomsky has assumed command of the fleet CONFIRMED BY LEXIbFF r The following despatch to the Czar has been received from iceroy Alexieff Mukden April13A telegram has just been d received from LieutGen Stoessel commander i of the military forces at Port Arthur I regret to report to Your Majesty that the Pacific fleet has- t suffered irreparable loss by the death of its brave andcapable commander who was lost together with the Petropavlovsk Another dispatchfromViceroy Alexieff to t he Czarsays According to reports from the commandant l tt Port Arthur the battleships and cruisers went jgtto meet the enemy but in consequence of the I enemy receiving reinforcements making his total r J sfrength thirty vessels our squadron returned to I the roadstead d whereupon the Petropavlovsk h toUch d mine resulting in her destruction k < Grand Duke Cyril who was on board was rlj d He was slightly injured I JThe squadron then reentered port f The Japanese are now off Cape LiaoShan I f fItI 1- J t i < f I I I t tii t e r r l J H n U S BATTLESHIP MISSOURI WHICH oF1VE OFFICERS AND NINE MEN WERE KILLED TODAY BY BURSTING OF A GUN IN TIlE AFTER TURRET M j sjxj K 4 iN > HH > j j NN JJxisSy > Mj > N t i N 4s H < SijrHi- i NN- 1IIIii JJI I > I Fi1T t P1L mm aaM nmiMmi u i Jo lI r or v 1 x > 1 0S < > x 20 TO 1 SHOT WINS THIRD AT BENNINGS St Belle of Milford Overlooked by the Talent Easily Leads Heo Field Home 0 Large Crowd resent bpclal to Tt Etnlni WorltL RACE TRACK BKNNINOB April 13 Ore of the largest crowds of the- me ting ra out to Bcnnlnjfathis aftor noon attraoted b > a programme that Vila a bit out of tho ordinary The weather was perfect and the tmck fiut There was one upset during the afternoon and that was furnlahrd ° by I3eiJe of Mlllord who favored by the ant going romped horn an easy winner by three lengths In this race Torch light was the faorite but nhe steadily receded In the bettIng and the race showed that sumo one must have Known that tM mare was not good Mtmon tho hot favoilte In the open- Ing race won as she pleased from Al- paca ¬ and In tho race for twoyearolds Jarrett Wilson running In his new owners colors those ot C Fellows Jr beat John C Madden Auction In a redhot drive through the wretch Oar ett Wilson was up to 130T but Mr Fellows would not let him go The fourth race was a virtual walk- over ¬ for TOAn and Sal who rer ce sented the Blute Jntcresu They were crohlbltlvu favorltc and von In ver easy fashion finishing nut two heads apart FIRST RACE I Fly and onhalt furlong Columbia Gum DotUnlll Sttrttn wht jock St Hlf Fin lImon W Mllltir 4 l > hl > 12 1rf Alpaca 8T McCafferty 2 2 2 5 1 Diaphanotu 00 Carmack 3 J > an 15 4- Jalelyn 01 Taylorl S 4 30 B- Plantaganot 101 RoelU T 4 S 18 41 4eleplM 89 Turburk 5 T A 100 ridlicent 102 Wade 08 7 100 401 Calgary Bums 80 8 8 B21 Orlhff 08 D OConnor a e n 100 20 I CkK d start Won taalljr Time 110 Z6 Mlmon was much the bet She broke I next to last but raced all around the held befor the turn was reached and drew away easily In the stretch win ¬ ning easily by live lengths from Al- paca who beat Diaphanous two lengths for the place SECOND RACE TifoyaaroliSsj tour and onohatt furlong ColumbIa course l3ettlng Btart t lock SLfllfPln fltr PL Oaft Wlixin lull Burns 4 U y 2 45 uctlori in Cormack S 3b 20 2 4B- ycnuUton W lllller T 4 31 12 4 First Born 104 Ilobern 3 C 4 S 2 WUh BO Iltndtnon 2 l > s C 2 nodall 08 0BrIn1 on 40 12 Uaronetta 89 Wad DOT 100 40 Sweet Lillian 04 Taylor 888 20 8 ICathryn Io 04 Dillon 079 100 4q Jjyal Talc 103 MlchslO 10 10 so Id Good start Won driving Time 0 37 48 Wish Oarrett Wilson and Auction ran head and head to the tch with First Born and Pygmalion close behInd When they straightened out Garrott Wilson and Auction drew away together and there was a redhot drive through the last furlong Garrett win fling by a head Auction was MX lengths In front of Garrett Wilson bid UP to ll 30B and reta1nd by his owner THIRD RACE Seven Mid on half rnrlonri Columbia count flatting Starters whU lock Lflf5j Str PI n or Milford 104 Bums O 10 20 rapulit 107 Michaels B 2b g Roh Rider lOa Olynt2 8 IL lC1I lIis Setaulcet 08 RomaatlU 8 7 4 1 orchlUht 09 OBrUn B 4 2 i rlnctltt OT Cormack 8 8 18 r n Ktorlus S3 Robtrtsoa II 7 20 i ukal flay 03 Taylor e Zl 8 Good tart Won njrtly TlmeIST q Tugal Bey Pretorlm and PrlnoeJe were the early pacemakers but on the turn TrapezUt went to the front and howed the way to the atratah- where Belle of Milford Joined IUm Jta the run home Belle of went to the front and draw1ngay won by three lengths who latUd lone enoujh to beat noush lUder head 1OURTXI RACZ1 Six anonbsif rurlangs Dett1ng I WbttI JK1Ln IIIrJt 11A cW- f I THE WINNERS FIRST RACE Mlmop 1 to 2 1 Alpaca even place 2 Diaphanous 3 SECOND RACE Garrclt Wilson 2 to1 1 Auction 4 to 5 place 2 Pygmalion 3 THIR DRAOE Belle of Milford 20 to 1 1 Trapezlat 3 to 1 place 2 Rough Rider 3 FOURTH RACE Tosean 1 to 4 out Sale out for place 2 Gold Dome 3 Toscan and Sara coupled FIFTH RACE WB Fag J to 5 1 Bouvler 6 tc 5 place 2 Berry Waddell 3 SIXTH RACE Stroller 8 to 5 1 Dark Planet 2 to 1 place 2 Scotch Thistle 3 Sols 108 Won rly 4 C 2 14 Gold Dome 1U1 D OCTr S 311 81 15 52- Go Between 100 Tnomn 2 4 4 4 4ft- Uaqulta 108 Burns 1 2 3 60 10 < ood start Won driving flml24 25 Coupled This race was only a gallop for the Blute entry They declared to win with Tosean and he led all the way with Sat galloping alongside of him boy finished together with Topcan a head beforo Sal and Gold Dome third a couple of lengths away FIFTH HACB- S rn furlong fltttlnc Starters whts jock RtltifFin PI- W II Full 111 Nerly 3 2 IS 0 f 711- Bouvler 108 Wad 4 4 2 4 05 lUrrr Wadd ll10iVnjr 1 H> SI 4 73 Ca > 108 Ilurni 2 44 VH ° CIILrrD 111 DOConr n s Mf 7 CoiiKirni 106 Ilomnnelll ab fi 7 Start gocrl Won easily Tinel k With the exception of Clarence who wan beaten from the first jump the field ran closely bunched to the far turn Thre Fasig drew clnar fol lownd by HouNler and there ui no change to the finish W B PaslB win- nIng ¬ by onn and a half lengths from Bouvlfr who was twelve longthn In front of Dory Waddell SIXTH RACE One mile Ilttlnjt Starters nhts Jocks Ht Hlf Fin Hlr Il- btrnllcr 114 Shaw 1 1H51I H 2 Dark Planet 00 Taj lor 1 34Ji4 7 J- Pcotch ThlstlellO Burns S 13 3 1 Colonsny IS OConr 4 31 4 10 1- UM Comjn 11R McCur 2 4 S J 31 Start fair Won easll TlmplH Rtrnllnr made all tho running and won easily by a length Cad a halt from Dark tlanel who wa second nil tile wns tch Thistle outran cloned strain and was third a length and a halt away t RESULTS AT MEMPHIS WEMPHIS April I3Tho races here today resulted aa follows FIRST RACETax Man 8 to D 1 Amorous 2 to 1 2 I Satnelson 3 SECOND RACELoulsvlllo J to 5 1 Brooklyn 5 to 1 2 lIners 3 THIRD RACE Bologna f6 to R I Philanthropist Ito 1 2 Pawtucket X- FOURT1T RACE Rough and Tumblu < 6to 1 TDmmany1to4 2 Nlazua 3 FIFTH RACBFttlknlor 7 to B 1 Bponoerlan 4 to5 Z Censer 3 SIXTH RACEOrfeo C4 to B 1 Den vonhunt 3 to 1 3 Tom Crabb 3 1aI r and ilnxv mu t r ijravtot son throata arJan UlGnefC8 40 7 f < t < t t < > t X V GIANTS SHUT OUT THE- COLUMBIAPLAYERS t Y in- n ett Their Last Preliminary Game of the Season I vL They Score Ten Runs Without r Half Trying SUMMARY ew Totk lb a Jirawne t Pl- IIrnahll1 rf rj 0 0 0 Sb I 1 II II II Dl1lln ilb t I I 0 MrOnn lb 4 2 I 0 0- brteJ it 2 I f r- McConnlck 11 0- Mlitlgan 2 I I 0 rt 5 0 2 0 1 Dahler 1 4 9 II I Olihert I b 1 2 I I 0 R VameI I 0 II T 0- 13owel1n4n C 0 0 I 5tc01nnhIi p i I U 3 0 Wiltse P I 0 II I 0 0 Dunn It 2 I1 1 II 0 0- rotals Jr io- Columbi 0 6 1 nb r lb re a- Vramba4h e c 4 II 1 2 2 Illoonftelt it 4 0 II II II II Tyler rt 4 II I 0 II I- Iannon cf 4 0 1 1 0 rolllne 2b 4 0 I t1 2 0 Godwin It 4 0 II 0 0 I Farrell ss II I 3 0- Nahowec b J I I 1 2 2- TIltI I 3 0 I 2 3 0 Totals 31 0 2 St 12 4 Score by Inning X m nlfk 2 0 8 0 0 o 4 1 018 Ranted ruNe York 3 Lft on base New York 7 Columbia 4 Twohas hits Fran > bch Dunn Sacrifice hit Mcrtes First base on errorNW York 2 Columbia 1 Ktol n btiaeItrowne 41 tlIHIDhnn rMylln McUann Dahltn Zl Hits MrGlnnlts gS I oft Mlllliran 3 inning 1 FIt baV on- plclw1 balls Off MrOlnnltj I off Tilt 3 III b- Tiler balltly Tilt I Struck out n > M- oIlmllv 0 bv rwit 1 by Mllllxan 3 by a Pnunbach Time o- fgamei hour and 40 minutes Att nrtanre 1000 Umpire Mr Hornun Special to The Evening World POLO GROUNDS April 13ln the last of their exhibition games at tie Polo Grounds this afternoon MrOmn Giants tag with thf fo- umbln University nine winning b it sore of 10 to 0 Good team work hard batting and Inc IWdlng on the part of the Now YorXs proved to be too much of a com jlrmtlon fur the collegians McGraw let iIcOlnn1t pitch three innings and he- fantieil the llrst three men up In tho nltlil Inning Willie was In the box In the next throe Innings and Mllllgan twirled dur ¬ lag the remainder uf the game The grounds had dried out well and were In raltlr good condition for the fast work which the Giants did at all stages The showing made by the New York shows plainly that they ere In tiptop condition for tho opening of the Na tfonal League championship series at Brooklyn tomorrow Pint Innfuir- Ftnmb oh fanned DInnmneld ai- Wa a victim of tile Iron Man Tyler followed suit NO IIUN8- Urnwno sent n warm one to Collln who fumbled It Hrowno stole second and followed It up with a pilfer or third nnd scored on a passed ball Orei- nuhnn walked nnd stole docond Mr Gann was hit and walked Merles ese rincOd McCormick wa out Farrell to- Jloomfleld Dahlrn was safe on Bloom fIelds tumble and store second while 3resnahan scored Gilbert walked nnd Warner lied to nioomn ld TWO RUNS trconii Inning Cannon struck out Collins flied to Meltea Godwin got to Ont on thri wide unns but Farrell tinned Nt- ttUNS McGInnity flied to Collins and Itrowno WAS dismissed In like manor Hrf- nnluui died at first Farrell to Bloom fleld NO niNS Third Inning I Nowohec popped up a iy to McCin nit Tilts fl > was taken by Uertep Frambachdouhled to centre and BloomOeld fanned NO HUNS McOann uteon DloomflsJda << 0- J and etole second going to third on Krambaohs poo thdw Mertea out Nowohec to DloomfleJC Mccormick singled scoring McGann McCormick out trying to steal Dahlen singled and stole second Gilbert hit to right but Tylers throw to Collins was wide- ly relayed bv the latter scoring both Dahlen and Gilbert to Mold unaslstcd THREE UUN8 Fourth Inning Wlltse relieved McOlnnlty Tyler flied to McCormick Cannon out Dahlen to McGnnn Collins hit to BresOAhan who threw wild to McGann sHowing the hatter to reach third Godwin was luken care of by WllUc and McGann NORUNS WilLs Tilt to Bloomfield Browne got a base on bolls and dtolo second and third Devlin batting In of Bres nahan wiut out Tilt tmBloomfleld and MrClann was headed off at tlrst by the pitcher NO nUNS Klftlt lltuliiu- Fatrell out Wlltse to McGinn Noho ¬ wen died Dahlen to McGann Tilt fanned NO RuNS Mertni truck out McCormick out Tilt to nioamfhld Dahlen singled Gil- bert ¬ wan dismissed Farrell to Bloom Held NO nUNB- Hlxlli Inning Bowerman took Warners place rrnmbuch struck out BloomdeJd out AVIllsft to McOann Tyler fanned NO- UN msn reached Oral on Nohowec- error Dunn batting for Wlltse fll a to Cannon Browne forced Bowerman and Devlin tiled to Farrell NO RUNS Seventh inning Dunn went to left Inplace of Merle Cannon struck out Collins singled Godwin struck out Farrell out to Mc ¬ Goon unassisted NO RUNS McGann singled and stole second Mllllgan hunted safely McCormick out from Tilt to Bloomflrld Dahlen hit tn Farrell who overthrew first and Mc Gann and Mllllgan scored Dahlen going third Gilbert wont to nrst ona passed ball on third strike by Pram bach DaHen coming home flower mon out on a fly to Tilt Dunn doubled scoring Gilbert llrowne popped up to flit KOIR RUNS RlKhth Innlna- Xoliowrc fanned Tilt flied to McCor- mick ¬ Framhsch foulfllei to Bower man NO UlNS- DfSlln McOann out Tilt and Collltui to flloomneld Devlin going to second on the play Devlin stole third Mllllgin struck out Mccormick sin- g cit scoring Dlilln McCormick was inught teillng ONI3 RtN Ninth liinliiv- Bloomficlds foul fly was caught by I Bowerman Tyler singled to centre and stole second Cannon struck out God- win ¬ oUts Dnhlen to McGann NO RUNS HIGHLANDERS 6j JERSEY CITYS I core by Innlnsr jrn > rttj o II ii 0 o Ion 01it- lgPilaiders 0 fl t 0 I 2 0 0 xd BATTING ORDER- New York Jerse City Conroi Sb Clement It Fultz of Doolin 3b- Kwler rf IassUlv lb Klberfeld as Ir4ster rf WllllAjns 2b nalllgan of Anderson If Pfanmllljr ss- flaniel lb Uerllle c Vandergrlft c Ill Ullun McCann Po UmplreHlgg- lnto to 1li Kvenlne Wonid AMERICAN LHAOITE PARK N T April lSThe Highlanders plaYed the lint game of the season on their own grounds today having for their op ponsnts cbo Jirssy Clt7tean1 Tbedl d Gun Bursts in the After Turret of the Battleship and Five of Her Officers and Nine Men Lose < M J Their Lives at Target Practice 4 1 LIEUT W C DAVIDSON IS fi 5 AMONG OFFICERS KILLED z i The Other Victims Are Second y c Lieut J P WGridley Ensign John J Roch ort and Midship- men ¬ Neumann and Ward WASHINGTON D C April t3Nine men and five officers were killed on the battleship Mis ¬ souri by the explosion of a turret gun today The Missouri was at target practice at sea J A telegram reporting the accident was re- ceived ¬ at the Navy Department It was signed by Admiral Barker CommanderinChief of the North Atlantic Squadron and is as follows The following wireless message just re- ceived Accident after turret of the Mis- souri at idfO oclock this morning caused the T death of nine men and Lieut W C Davidson Ensign John J Rochfort Second Lieut J PV Gridley and Midshipmen W EI T Neumann- and T Ward jr The Missouri is coming in Ji J W- fJr The gun that blew up was One of the biggest pieces armamemt on the ship of a type similar- to jj those that have killed men on other ships of war by exploding at the breech MISSOURI A NEW SHIP- The Missouri is a now warship She went Into commission only a f short time ago and la commanded by Capt Cowles the brotherlnlRW ol j President Roosevelt whose tour o duty on board her since she vrm brought 1 South for the winter manoeuvres in the Caribbean has not been fortunate She collided with the battleship Illinois a few weeks ago and a sea t tragedy was narrowly averted The Illinois was so badly damaged that it 0 was necessary to send her to the Brooklyn Navy Yard for repairs and it- iwlll > be months before she can go out to sea again i Instead of calling a board of Inquiry to investigate the collision the matter Was allowed to drop It was charged In the Army and Navy Jourpal- the other day that this was done through the influence of either the Presi- dent ¬ or Senator Lodge who Is the Presidents bosom friend The Missouri Is one of the finest battleships owned byitho Unite States Government An act auhorlrlne her construction was passed In Congress In 1898 and work was becun at once She was launched at New- port ¬ f New on Doc 27 1901 Miss Mtrlon Oockrell the daughter of Senator Cockrell of Missouri acting as sponsor mond and outfield were In good shape for the tussle First Inning Clements struck out Doolln retired by Putnam and Gonzel Caaldy to was captured by Conroj NO RUNS Conroy >d Kulw was out on strikes Keckr thrown out on his bunt by Vandergrlft Conroj getting to sec ¬ ond Vnnlaub drew a base on balls Both runners ad > nnced a base on a wild tiled out throw bj McOnnn Anderson to Hnlllgin NO RVNS Second inning Kelster fanned alllgan reAChed first wldo throW to Ungintib s on Kee by hllth ny was collared tanned NO RUNS lr ltlnmlllfr Cnuldy oUt tccnn to Williams Ganzel was lilt with a pitched bo11 and reached second on It wild pitch anti WS reuired bv Ioolln and McCann stealing horn McCann threw out Putnam NO RUNS Third Inning Vnnrtergrlft was retired by Ganzel and Putnam sent a fly to Keeler ClemeI1 walked Doolin flied out to JolIl1z Conroy NO do SbM and reached third on Fultzs bunt Kcelcr walked Unglaub singled scoi I IB Conroy and FulU An- deTHon wcrlnd Williams walked Goniel filed to Woods Beville walked torc1n In Keeler Doolln retired Put- nam ¬ THREE RUNS i ITonrth- Cassldy Inning tiled to Williams Kelster- Ingled Halllgan foul fllsd to Unglaub Woods flied to Anderson NO RUNS Conroy strolled and vIola second rnltis foul riy was captured by Voods Conroy was caugbt napping at second KeeJer drove ft fly to Clement NO RUNS Fifth Inning PCs miller out to Anderson Vander ¬ grlft out Unglaub to Ganxel Bromne batted for McCSinn and was retired Sy WIUIam and GVmxel NO RUNS 1 Fortn rftikvd McCann Unglaub pasted a ill to KeJstor As ido4 fld w ot to s ooaaoa J flinj retirement at first by Foxexu Gonesl singled scoring Anderson Dev1io out Cassldy to Foxen ONE RUN > j Sixth Inning Clement out Putnam to GasissL 1 iL i Doolln8 Inaeld ay waa taken by- Unsrlaub ti Cassidy made a two A Keister also doubled scoring CaauiSr- llalllenn tanned ONE RUN Putnam singled Conroy tralkcd Fultz out at tlrst advancing both run nor Keeler bunted Putnam scoring Conrov scored on a throw to second 4 IliKlnub flied to Halllgnn Anderflsa sent a fly to Clement TWO RUNS Seventh Inning if f Woods out Conroy to Ganzel Plan 1 miller flied to Fultz Vandergrlft edn- Klcd b Koxen struck out NO RUN h Williams fouled to Cassidy Gaiu l bunted safely Bevlllo reached first on I Foxeas fumble Conroy flied out to Wood Putnam tanned NO RUNS Eighth Inning t Clement out Williams to GanielL I Doolln thrown out by Conroy Cassldy bunted but was nailed at second NO RUNS ei Fultz Btrtick out Keeler also fanned Unglaub out at first NO RUNS Ninth Inning g Kelster out Unclaub to Ganzsl IEU Ilgnn ifiinned Woods singled Pfon 4 miller forced Woods NO RUNS i e- a t i PHILADELPHIAS 8j- ATHLETICSS SCORE nv INNINGS Phllllw o i n 0 0 s i o- n S8 Athletics o o i o o o o ss p y- iij p Special to Ths Ertnlne World a COLUMBIA BALL PARK PHILA- DELPHIA ¬ April 13Wlth flakes of snOw in the air and a cold wind drly Inff ncrrux the diamond the final of the IntsrLeaitue series batwten the Athletics and Phillies was played here todiiy It was really too cold the national para and the playcrawer th1 a- f i- Sr k- i x- i R >

AllJ 14 KILLED ON WARSHIP MISSOURI - Library of Congress€¦ · 7 = H MISSOURI I I + eoo ARE LOST ON r BATTlESHIP THAT d MINE BlOWS UP I 4 Admiral Makaroff in Command of the Rus

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Page 1: AllJ 14 KILLED ON WARSHIP MISSOURI - Library of Congress€¦ · 7 = H MISSOURI I I + eoo ARE LOST ON r BATTlESHIP THAT d MINE BlOWS UP I 4 Admiral Makaroff in Command of the Rus

r 1-






t ftW II 71 4i V 11

r f rrp c J I1

t17 J i1 t fi J 1




AND BASE7Zl WEAPflm1La1r tonight ana Tl>ardar




< Jj-

I 11 OCLOCK 1 f t 7



GrculationBooks Open to AllJ Circulation Books Open to All Jf










Admiral Makaroff in Command of the Rus

sian Fleet at Port Arthur Is Drowned-

IWhen the Petropavlovsk Is Destroyed and

t4 She Founders a Few Minutes Later



Grand Duke Cyril Nephew of the Czar Es ¬

capes but Is Wounded NewsCreates In-


I Sensation in St Petersburg GloomyView of Russias Naval Affairs


J By Associated Press

ST PETERSBURG April 13 638 P MThefollowing official despatch has been received herefrom RearAdmiral Grigorovitch the commandant-at Port Arthur addressed to the Emperor

i > PORT ARTHUR April 13The Petropavlovsk

struck mine which blew her up and she turnedJ


1 turtle Our squadron was under Golden Hilln

The Japanese squadron was approaching ViceI Admiral Makaroff evidently was lost Grand DukeI Cyril was saved He is slightly injured Captain

Jakovleff was saved though severely injured aswere five officers and thirtytwo men all more orless injured-

The enemys fleet disappeared RearAdmi

f1k rat Prince Ouktomsky has assumed command of

the fleet


The following despatch to the Czar has beenreceived from iceroy Alexieff

Mukden April13A telegram has just beend received from LieutGen Stoessel commanderi of the military forces at Port Arthur I regret to

report to Your Majesty that the Pacific fleet has-t suffered irreparable loss by the death of its brave

andcapable commander who was lost togetherwith the Petropavlovsk

Another dispatchfromViceroy Alexieff to t heCzarsays

According to reports from the commandantl tt Port Arthur the battleships and cruisers went

jgtto meet the enemy but in consequence of theI enemy receiving reinforcements making his totalr

Jsfrength thirty vessels our squadron returned to

I the roadstead d whereupon the Petropavlovskh toUch d mine resulting in her destruction

k < Grand Duke Cyril who was on board wasrlj d He was slightly injured


JThe squadron then reentered port

f The Japanese are now off Cape LiaoShanI

f fItI 1-



i< f I

I I t tii t e r r lJ




1IIIii JJI I > I Fi1T t P1L mm aaM nmiMmi u i Jo lI r or v 1

x > 1 0S < > x


StBelle of Milford Overlooked by the Talent

Easily Leads Heo Field Home 0

Large Crowd resentbpclal to Tt Etnlni WorltL


Ore of the largest crowds of the-me ting ra out to Bcnnlnjfathis aftornoon attraoted b > a programme thatVila a bit out of tho ordinary Theweather was perfect and the tmck fiut

There was one upset during theafternoon and that was furnlahrd ° byI3eiJe of Mlllord who favored by theant going romped horn an easy winnerby three lengths In this race Torchlight was the faorite but nhe steadilyreceded In the bettIng and the raceshowed that sumo one must have Knownthat tM mare was not good

Mtmon tho hot favoilte In the open-Ing race won as she pleased from Al-paca


and In tho race for twoyearoldsJarrett Wilson running In his newowners colors those ot C Fellows Jrbeat John C Madden Auction In aredhot drive through the wretch Oarett Wilson was up to 130T butMr Fellows would not let him go

The fourth race was a virtual walk-over


for TOAn and Sal who rer cesented the Blute Jntcresu They werecrohlbltlvu favorltc and von In vereasy fashion finishing nut two headsapart


Fly and onhalt furlong ColumbiaGum

DotUnlllSttrttn wht jock St Hlf FinlImon W Mllltir 4 l > hl > 12 1rfAlpaca 8T McCafferty 2 2 2 5 1Diaphanotu 00 Carmack 3 J> an 15 4-

Jalelyn 01 Taylorl S 4 30 B-

Plantaganot 101 RoelU T 4 S 18 414eleplM 89 Turburk 5 T A 100ridlicent 102 Wade 08 7 100 401Calgary Bums 80 8 8 B21Orlhff 08 D OConnor a e n 100 20 I

CkK d start Won taalljr Time 110 Z6Mlmon was much the bet She broke I

next to last but raced all around theheld befor the turn was reached anddrew away easily In the stretch win ¬ning easily by live lengths from Al-paca who beat Diaphanous two lengthsfor the place

SECOND RACETifoyaaroliSsj tour and onohatt furlongColumbIa course

l3ettlngBtart t lock SLfllfPln fltr PLOaft Wlixin lull Burns 4 U y 2 45uctlori in Cormack S 3b 20 2 4B-ycnuUton W lllller T 4 31 12 4

First Born 104 Ilobern 3 C 4 S 2WUh BO Iltndtnon 2 l > s C 2nodall 08 0BrIn1 on 40 12Uaronetta 89 Wad DOT 100 40Sweet Lillian 04 Taylor 888 20 8ICathryn Io 04 Dillon 079 100 4qJjyal Talc 103 MlchslO 10 10 so IdGood start Won driving Time 0 37 48Wish Oarrett Wilson and Auction ranhead and head to the tch with FirstBorn and Pygmalion close behIndWhen they straightened out GarrottWilson and Auction drew away togetherand there was a redhot drive throughthe last furlong Garrett winfling by a head Auction was MXlengths In front of GarrettWilson bid UP to ll 30B and reta1ndby his owner

THIRD RACESeven Mid on half rnrlonri Columbiacount

flattingStarters whU lock Lflf5j Str PIn or Milford 104 Bums O 10 20rapulit 107 Michaels B 2b g

Roh Rider lOa Olynt2 8 IL lC1I lIisSetaulcet 08 RomaatlU 8 7 4 1orchlUht 09 OBrUn B 4 2 irlnctltt OT Cormack 8 8 18 r nKtorlus S3 Robtrtsoa II 7 20 iukal flay 03 Taylor e Zl 8

Good tart Won njrtly TlmeISTq

Tugal Bey Pretorlm and PrlnoeJewere the early pacemakers but onthe turn TrapezUt went to the frontand howed the way to the atratah-where Belle of Milford Joined IUm Jtathe run home Belle ofwent to the front and draw1ngaywon by three lengthswho latUd lone enoujh to beat noushlUder head

1OURTXI RACZ1Six anonbsif rurlangs


I WbttI JK1Ln IIIrJt11A cW-



FIRST RACE Mlmop 1 to 2 1

Alpaca even place 2 Diaphanous 3

SECOND RACE Garrclt Wilson2 to1 1 Auction 4 to 5 place 2

Pygmalion 3

THIR DRAOE Belle of Milford20 to 1 1 Trapezlat 3 to 1 place

2 Rough Rider 3

FOURTH RACE Tosean 1 to 4out Sale out for place 2 GoldDome 3 Toscan and Sara coupled

FIFTH RACE WB Fag J to5 1 Bouvler 6 tc 5 place 2 BerryWaddell 3

SIXTH RACE Stroller 8 to 5 1

Dark Planet 2 to 1 place 2 ScotchThistle 3

Sols 108 Won rly 4 C 2 14Gold Dome 1U1 D OCTr S 311 81 15 52-Go Between 100 Tnomn 2 4 4 4 4ft-Uaqulta 108 Burns 1 2 3 60 10

< ood start Won driving flml24 25CoupledThis race was only a gallop for the

Blute entry They declared to win withTosean and he led all the way withSat galloping alongside of him boyfinished together with Topcan a headbeforo Sal and Gold Dome third acouple of lengths away

FIFTH HACB-S rn furlong

fltttlncStarters whts jock RtltifFin PI-

W II Full 111 Nerly 3 2 IS 0 f 711-Bouvler 108 Wad 4 4 2 4 05lUrrr Wadd ll10iVnjr 1 H > SI 4 73Ca > 108 Ilurni 2 44 VH °CIILrrD 111 DOConr n s Mf 7CoiiKirni 106 Ilomnnelll ab fi 7

Start gocrl Won easily Tinel k

With the exception of Clarence whowan beaten from the first jump thefield ran closely bunched to the farturn Thre Fasig drew clnar follownd by HouNler and there ui nochange to the finish W B PaslB win-nIng


by onn and a half lengths fromBouvlfr who was twelve longthn Infront of Dory Waddell

SIXTH RACEOne mile IlttlnjtStarters nhts Jocks Ht Hlf Fin Hlr Il-

btrnllcr 114 Shaw 1 1H51I H 2Dark Planet 00 Taj lor 1 34Ji4 7 J-

Pcotch ThlstlellO Burns S 13 3 1

Colonsny IS OConr 4 31 4 10 1-

UM Comjn 11R McCur 2 4 S J 31Start fair Won easll TlmplHRtrnllnr made all tho running and

won easily by a length Cad a halt fromDark tlanel who wa second nil tilewns tch Thistle outran clonedstrain and was third a length and ahalt away



WEMPHIS April I3Tho races heretoday resulted aa follows

FIRST RACETax Man 8 to D 1

Amorous 2 to 1 2 I Satnelson 3

SECOND RACELoulsvlllo J to 5 1

Brooklyn 5 to 1 2 lIners 3

THIRD RACE Bologna f6 to R IPhilanthropist Ito 1 2 Pawtucket X-

FOURT1T RACE Rough and Tumblu<6to 1 TDmmany1to4 2 Nlazua 3

FIFTH RACBFttlknlor 7 to B 1Bponoerlan 4 to5 Z Censer 3

SIXTH RACEOrfeo C 4 to B 1 Denvonhunt 3 to 1 3 Tom Crabb 3

1aI r and ilnxv mu t r ijravtot son throataarJan UlGnefC8 40 7

f < t < t t < > t X V






ettTheir Last Preliminary Game of the Season

I vL They Score Ten Runs Withoutr Half Trying

SUMMARYew Totk lb a

Jirawne t Pl-

IIrnahll1rf rj 0 0 0

Sb I 1 II II IIDl1lln ilb t I I 0MrOnn lb 4 2 I 0 0-

brteJ it 2 I f r-


11 0-

Mlitlgan 2 I I 0rt 5 0 2 0 1

Dahler 1 4 9 II IOlihert

Ib 1 2 I I 0 R

VameI I 0 II T 0-

13owel1n4n C 0 0 I5tc01nnhIi p i I U 3 0Wiltse P I 0 II I 0 0Dunn It 2 I 1 1 II 0 0-

rotals Jr io-

Columbi0 6 1

nb r lb re a-


c 4 II 1 2 2Illoonftelt it 4 0 II II II IITyler rt 4 II I 0 II I-

Iannon cf 4 0 1 1 0rolllne 2b 4 0 I t1 2 0Godwin It 4 0 II 0 0 IFarrell ss II I 3 0-

Nahowec b J I I 1 2 2-

TIltII 3 0 I 2 3 0

Totals 31 0 2 St 12 4

Score by InningX m nlfk 2 0 8 0 0 o 4 1 018

Ranted ruNe York 3 Lft on baseNew York 7 Columbia 4 Twohas

hits Fran >bch Dunn Sacrifice hitMcrtes First base on errorNW York 2Columbia 1 Ktol n btiaeItrowne 41tlIHIDhnn rMylln McUann Dahltn Zl

Hits MrGlnnlts gS Ioft Mlllliran 3 inning 1 FIt baV on-

plclw1balls Off MrOlnnltj I off Tilt 3 III b-


balltly Tilt I Struck out n > M-oIlmllv 0 bv rwit 1 by Mllllxan 3 by

a Pnunbach Time o-fgamei hour and 40 minutes Att nrtanre1000 Umpire Mr Hornun

Special to The Evening WorldPOLO GROUNDS April 13ln the

last of their exhibition games at tiePolo Grounds this afternoon MrOmnGiants tag with thf fo-umbln University nine winning b it

sore of 10 to 0Good team work hard batting and

Inc IWdlng on the part of the NowYorXs proved to be too much of a comjlrmtlon fur the collegians McGraw letiIcOlnn1t pitch three innings and he-

fantieil the llrst three men up In thonltlil Inning

Willie was In the box In the nextthroe Innings and Mllllgan twirled dur ¬

lag the remainder uf the game Thegrounds had dried out well and were Inraltlr good condition for the fast workwhich the Giants did at all stages Theshowing made by the New Yorkshows plainly that they ere In tiptopcondition for tho opening of the Natfonal League championship series atBrooklyn tomorrow

Pint Innfuir-Ftnmb oh fanned DInnmneld ai-

Wa a victim of tile Iron Man Tylerfollowed suit NO IIUN8-

Urnwno sent n warm one to Colllnwho fumbled It Hrowno stole secondand followed It up with a pilfer orthird nnd scored on a passed ball Orei-nuhnn walked nnd stole docond MrGann was hit and walked Merles eserincOd McCormick wa out Farrell to-Jloomfleld Dahlrn was safe on BloomfIelds tumble and store second while3resnahan scored Gilbert walked nndWarner lied to nioomn ld TWORUNS

trconii InningCannon struck out Collins flied to

Meltea Godwin got to Ont on thriwide unns but Farrell tinned Nt-ttUNSMcGInnity flied to Collins and Itrowno

WAS dismissed In like manor Hrf-nnluui died at first Farrell to Bloomfleld NO niNS

Third InningINowohec popped up a iy to McCin

nit Tilts fl > was taken by UertepFrambachdouhled to centre andBloomOeld fanned NO HUNS

McOann uteon DloomflsJda << 0-


and etole second going to third onKrambaohs poo thdw Mertea outNowohec to DloomfleJC Mccormicksingled scoring McGann McCormickout trying to steal Dahlen singledand stole second Gilbert hit to rightbut Tylers throw to Collins was wide-ly relayed bv the latter scoring bothDahlen and Gilbert toMold unaslstcd THREE UUN8

Fourth InningWlltse relieved McOlnnlty Tyler flied

to McCormick Cannon out Dahlen toMcGnnn Collins hit to BresOAhan whothrew wild to McGann sHowing thehatter to reach third Godwin wasluken care of by WllUc and McGannNORUNS

WilLs Tilt to Bloomfield Brownegot a base on bolls and dtolo second andthird Devlin batting In of Bresnahan wiut out Tilt tmBloomfleld andMrClann was headed off at tlrst by thepitcher NO nUNS

Klftlt lltuliiu-Fatrell out Wlltse to McGinn Noho ¬

wen died Dahlen to McGann Tiltfanned NO RuNS

Mertni truck out McCormick outTilt to nioamfhld Dahlen singled Gil-bert


wan dismissed Farrell to BloomHeld NO nUNB-

Hlxlli InningBowerman took Warners place

rrnmbuch struck out BloomdeJd outAVIllsft to McOann Tyler fanned NO-

UN msn reached Oral on Nohowec-error Dunn batting for Wlltse fll ato Cannon Browne forced Bowermanand Devlin tiled to Farrell NO RUNS

Seventh inningDunn went to left Inplace of Merle

Cannon struck out Collins singledGodwin struck out Farrell out to Mc ¬

Goon unassisted NO RUNSMcGann singled and stole second

Mllllgan hunted safely McCormick outfrom Tilt to Bloomflrld Dahlen hit tnFarrell who overthrew first and McGann and Mllllgan scored Dahlen going

third Gilbert wont to nrst onapassed ball on third strike by Prambach DaHen coming home flowermon out on a fly to Tilt Dunn doubledscoring Gilbert llrowne popped up toflit KOIR RUNS

RlKhth Innlna-Xoliowrc fanned Tilt flied to McCor-


Framhsch foulfllei to Bowerman NO UlNS-

DfSlln McOann out Tilt andCollltui to flloomneld Devlin going tosecond on the play Devlin stole thirdMllllgin struck out Mccormick sin-g cit scoring Dlilln McCormick wasinught teillng ONI3 RtN

Ninth liinliiv-Bloomficlds foul fly was caught by

I Bowerman Tyler singled to centre andstole second Cannon struck out God-


oUts Dnhlen to McGann NO RUNS


core by Innlnsrjrn > rttj o II ii 0 o Ion 01it-lgPilaiders 0 fl t 0 I 2 0 0 xd


New York Jerse CityConroi Sb Clement ItFultz of Doolin 3b-

Kwler rf IassUlv lbKlberfeld as Ir4ster rfWllllAjns 2b nalllgan ofAnderson If Pfanmllljr ss-

flaniel lbUerllle c Vandergrlft cIll Ullun McCann Po

UmplreHlgg-lnto to 1li Kvenlne Wonid

AMERICAN LHAOITE PARK N TApril lSThe Highlanders plaYed thelint game of the season on their owngrounds today having for their opponsnts cbo Jirssy Clt7tean1 Tbedl


Gun Bursts in the After Turret of

the Battleship and Five of Her

Officers and Nine Men Lose<


Their Lives at Target Practice4





The Other Victims Are Second yc

Lieut J P WGridley EnsignJohn J Roch ort and Midship-



Neumann and Ward

WASHINGTON D C April t3Nine menand five officers were killed on the battleship Mis¬

souri by the explosion of a turret gun today The

Missouri was at target practice at sea J

A telegram reporting the accident was re-



at the Navy Department It was signed by

Admiral Barker CommanderinChief of the North

Atlantic Squadron and is as follows

The following wireless message just re-

ceived Accident after turret of the Mis-

souri at idfO oclock this morning caused the T

death of nine men and Lieut W C DavidsonEnsign John J Rochfort Second Lieut J PVGridley and Midshipmen W EI T Neumann-

and T Ward jr The Missouri is coming in Ji J W-


The gun that blew up was One of the biggestpieces armamemt on the ship of a type similar-


those that have killed men on other ships ofwar by exploding at the breech

MISSOURI A NEW SHIP-The Missouri is a now warship She went Into commission only a f

short time ago and la commanded by Capt Cowles the brotherlnlRW ol jPresident Roosevelt whose tour o duty on board her since she vrm brought 1South for the winter manoeuvres in the Caribbean has not been fortunate

She collided with the battleship Illinois a few weeks ago and a sea ttragedy was narrowly averted The Illinois was so badly damaged that it 0

was necessary to send her to the Brooklyn Navy Yard for repairs and it-



be months before she can go out to sea again i

Instead of calling a board of Inquiry to investigate the collision thematter Was allowed to drop It was charged In the Army and Navy Jourpal-

the other day that this was done through the influence of either the Presi-



or Senator Lodge who Is the Presidents bosom friend

The Missouri Is one of the finest battleships owned byitho UniteStates Government An act auhorlrlne her construction was passed InCongress In 1898 and work was becun at once She was launched at New-


¬ fNew on Doc 27 1901 Miss Mtrlon Oockrell the daughter of Senator

Cockrell of Missouri acting as sponsor

mond and outfield were In good shapefor the tussle

First InningClements struck out Doolln retired

by Putnam and Gonzel Caaldy towas captured by Conroj NO RUNS

Conroy >d Kulw was out on

strikes Keckr thrown out on his buntby Vandergrlft Conroj getting to sec ¬

ond Vnnlaub drew a base on ballsBoth runners ad > nnced a base on a wild

tiled outthrow bj McOnnn Andersonto Hnlllgin NO RVNS

Second inningKelster fanned alllgan reAChed first

wldo throW toUngintib son Keebyhllth ny was collaredtanned NO RUNSlr ltlnmlllfr CnuldyoUt tccnn toWilliams

Ganzel was lilt with a pitched bo11 andreached second on It wild pitch anti WS

reuired bv Ioolln and McCann stealing

horn McCann threw out Putnam NO

RUNSThird Inning

Vnnrtergrlft was retired by Ganzel andPutnam sent a fly to KeelerClemeI1 walked Doolin flied out toJolIl1z


do SbM and reached third on

Fultzs bunt Kcelcr walked Unglaubsingled scoi I IB Conroy and FulU An-

deTHon wcrlnd Williams walkedGoniel filed to Woods Beville walkedtorc1n In Keeler Doolln retired Put-nam




Inningtiled to Williams Kelster-

Ingled Halllgan foul fllsd to UnglaubWoods flied to Anderson NO RUNS

Conroy strolled and vIola secondrnltis foul riy was captured by VoodsConroy was caugbt napping at secondKeeJer drove ft fly to Clement NORUNS

Fifth InningPCs miller out to Anderson Vander ¬

grlft out Unglaub to Ganxel Bromnebatted for McCSinn and was retired SyWIUIam and GVmxel NO RUNS 1

Fortn rftikvd McCann Unglaubpasted a ill to KeJstor Asido4 fld w ot to s ooaaoa


retirement at first by Foxexu Goneslsingled scoring Anderson Dev1ioout Cassldy to Foxen ONE RUN > j

Sixth InningClement out Putnam to GasissL 1 iL i

Doolln8 Inaeld ay waa taken by-Unsrlaub

tiCassidy made a two A

Keister also doubled scoring CaauiSr-llalllenn tanned ONE RUN

Putnam singled Conroy tralkcdFultz out at tlrst advancing both runnor Keeler bunted Putnam scoringConrov scored on a throw to second 4IliKlnub flied to Halllgnn Anderflsasent a fly to Clement TWO RUNS

Seventh Inning if fWoods out Conroy to Ganzel Plan 1

miller flied to Fultz Vandergrlft edn-Klcd

bKoxen struck out NO RUN h

Williams fouled to Cassidy Gaiu lbunted safely Bevlllo reached first on I

Foxeas fumble Conroy flied out toWood Putnam tanned NO RUNS

Eighth Inning tClement out Williams to GanielL IDoolln thrown out by Conroy Cassldy

bunted but was nailed at second NORUNS ei

Fultz Btrtick out Keeler also fannedUnglaub out at first NO RUNS

Ninth Inning g

Kelster out Unclaub to Ganzsl IEUIlgnn ifiinned Woods singled Pfon 4

miller forced Woods NO RUNS i e-

a t i



SCORE nv INNINGSPhllllw o i n 0 0 s i o-

n S8Athletics o o i o o o o ss p y-

iij pSpecial to Ths Ertnlne World a



April 13Wlth flakes ofsnOw in the air and a cold wind drlyInff ncrrux the diamond the final ofthe IntsrLeaitue series batwten theAthletics and Phillies was played heretodiiy It was really too coldthe national para and the playcrawerth1 a-


Sr k-i x-
