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    Alligator Lives


    Even after you get to know him Nathan DeYulia is a compelling presence. Its

    the eyes mainly: the same deep-set aquiline eyes attributed to Rasputin, or the

    mesmerizing gaze to which the otherwise unremarkable features of Charles Manson are

    as subservient in photographs as his idolatrous band of sociopaths were to the man

    himself. Nathans full black beard, too, in conjunction with his six-foot, broad-

    shouldered frame, tend either to intimidate or, for many women apparently, to fascinate.

    His appeal to women is understandable the moment he laughs and the warmth hidden in

    the depths of those dark brown eyes is ignited; you realize then that its an artists, not a

    predators, scrutiny to which youve been subjected. Experiencing his sculpture, what

    those powers of observation are capable of realizing in totemic or playful combinations

    of natural objects with recycled materials, confirms both his extraordinary talent and the

    love of life revealed in his robust spontaneous laughter.

    Nathans married to an equally strong, complex, rather enigmatic woman named




    Alligator Lives

    Rita, a performance artist. Theyre gradually renovating an old house in Topanga

    Canyon, the mountainous area just west of Los Angeles. My wife and I, part of the circle

    of friends that includes the DeYulias, have been acquainted with Nathan and Rita for

    almost five years now. I thought I knew the most significant people in his life, past and

    present, until we attended their annual Halloween party last fall.

    Nathan, adopting the manner and appearance of the shaman his close friends feel

    him to be though he normally downplays this part of his nature, invited guests, one at a

    time, into his studio for a short personal ceremony which had all of us emerging a little

    dazed and bewildered. In wavering candlelight and the pungent smoldering of a smudge

    stick, he brushed various parts of our bodies with a feather, struck and shook a few

    percussive instruments in what seemed an at once random yet somehow appropriate

    manner and uttered an incantation that was apparently unique for each of us. It was all

    done in a sense of both mystery and playful fun: a purification ritual as performed by

    Coyote, the trickster, perhaps or some kind of aboriginal jester figure. At least thats

    how I took it.

    Later, comparing notes with my wife, whod gone in ahead of me, I happened to

    glimpse Nathan and a woman Id never seen before, engaged just outside his studio in an

    intense silent exchange so intimate that I was compelled to turn away. She was costumed

    and partially masked, but something about the languid self-confidence in her posture

    even in this moment of passion or distress, had convinced me of her beauty. I looked

    forward to being introduced to her later but she disappeared. In what I hoped was an

    unobtrusive manner I scoured their house and large lawn, Nathans studio, then the




    Alligator Lives

    surrounding darkness which revealed vegetable and flower gardens, a compost pile, the

    rusting hulk of Nathans old school bus and much else but no mystery woman before

    the three or four acres of newly mown grass gave way on the periphery to weeds,

    underbrush, forest.

    I thought maybe by the time I got back to the party, shed have reappeared and,

    when she hadnt, wondered why the hell I was making such a big fuss over her. It was

    because of the way Nathan had looked at her, and she at him. The shared history in that

    poignant tableau was as haunting as it was obvious. My good friend had been holding

    out on me; that and the mystery womans faceless (non)identity had aroused my

    curiosity. Bewigged and dressed in an elaborate Restoration gown, shed probably have

    won the prize for best costume if thered been one. But I knew nothing about her besides

    the brief glimpse with Nathan which my mind had imbued with such intensity.

    Who the hell is the woman I saw with you last night, Nathan? I confronted him

    by phone the next day.

    ...Which woman? he replied, but the hesitation had given him away.

    You know who Im talking about. Marie Antoinette the woman I saw you

    talking to outside your studio before she vanished into the night.

    Again a pause, then: Ritas going out of town tomorrow. Why dont you come

    out sometime in the afternoon and Ill tell you a helluva story? About alligators.


    Alligators and archetypes.

    Ill be there, I told him. This is the story he told me.




    Alligator Lives

    It all began with me living alone in the school bus parked out back: on the road

    for a couple of years just kind of cruising around, stopping at various friends houses,

    staying in communities here and there. I was looking for a relationship, and a friend I

    met at an exhibit of my work in St. Augustine invited me to come park in their yard in

    Gainesville for a while. Immediately I had the sense that there was somebody there for

    me and I thought it was Kathryn, the woman whod just invited me. She was married

    so I had some trepidation about going; I didnt really want to get involved in that kind of

    scene. But I needed a place to stay, and my hormones were in high gear it was

    springtime so I thought okay, what the hell, its worth checking out.

    When I got there it was late at night so I couldnt really see much. I pulled over

    into a parking area in front of the house, and when I woke up the next morning and

    looked out the window, there was this incredibly gorgeous woman hanging up a sweater

    on the clothesline. I thought, wow, is this the one? Kathryns house was a duplex and the

    place they had me park was right beside her neighbors half of the house, with a little

    patch of woods on the other side.

    Turned out the neighbor was going to riding school there and was originally from

    San Luis Obispo, the same as Kathryn, so we knew some people in common. She also

    had an alcoholic boyfriend she was very unhappy with, back in California. Id never

    really had this kind of hit before, but I just knew this was the woman for me. Her name

    was Maria its interesting that you called her Marie Antoinette last night.




    Alligator Lives

    Kathryn and her husband had Maria and me over for dinner that night, and if Id

    been a bird Id have had my plumage well ruffled out. I took my guitar along and played

    some tunes; after all, here I was on the road with my dog and my guitar, living the hippie

    dream. This was close to 20 years ago; Im sure it looked good to someone like Maria.

    And Maria was by far and away the closest Ill ever come to my dream girl. If I were to

    design her, thats how shed have looked. It was incredible so incredible that it put me

    in a very weird space.

    See, at the time I was having a lot of problems with success, especially success in

    relationships. And I found out that meeting your dream girl is a very intense kind of

    thing, especially when she turns out to likeyou. After that first night when I made all the

    right moves before even realizing just how perfect this woman was I was

    immobilized. Once it became clear that this could actually happen I was paralyzed,

    essentially, unable to function in any meaningful way. So a day or two later she asked

    me out, on a hike over in Parsons Prairie, a wildlife refuge of hundreds, if not thousands,

    of acres. Maria had never been over there and had always wanted to do it, and of course

    thats my kind of thing too. But she could have asked me to do anything and Id have

    said, Sure, lets go.

    Parsons Prairie is right on the edge of Gainesville, just three blocks from

    Kathryns duplex. We went in through the rangers entrance, where youre not supposed

    to be. There werent any signs up warning of danger or anything, only some barns and

    outbuildings and a path leading into this vast subtropical nature preserve. I just assumed

    Maria knew where she was going. We were walking along talking about all the stuff that




    Alligator Lives

    you talk about, and in the back of my mind Im going damn, this is really happening! I

    was 36 and she was 26 and just absolutely gorgeous. Thats one of the things we were

    talking about: what its like to be that kind of person.

    Everybodys been telling me how beautiful I am ever since I can remember,

    she said. Id like to say its just gone right over my head, but thats not true. I think it

    must be one of the heaviest karmas you could be born with to be a woman that everybody

    says is beautiful right from kindergarten. Always referred to as the lovely Miss Storms,

    the beautiful Miss Storms, whatever.

    You and I both know people who might want to contest that with her, but the way

    she said it really stuck with me. There wasnt any coyness in her manner or the least hint

    of false modesty, that this was something shed learned to play up her beauty: you know,

    like, Hey Im not only gorgeous but totally unaffected by it. I know she was sincere; in

    fact I could understand what she was talking about because thats exactly whatIwas

    experiencing. It was very hard for me to get to Maria as a person because I was so hung

    up at the physical level. I just wanted that.

    So anyway, there we were, walking along on this little spit of land, maybe 30 feet

    wide at most no trees, no anything. What it looked like, if youve ever seen it, was a

    giant version of the rubber material they cut gaskets from. If you cut out all these

    rectangular holes and filled up all the holes with stagnant water, thats basically what

    Parsons Prairie was: narrow walkways among all these ponds everywhere. The first few

    were empty, nothing in them but reeds and scummy water.




    Alligator Lives

    My dog Gandolf wasnt with us, Id left him in the bus; I had an agenda here,

    right? Besides, Id been in Florida long enough that this had become a real issue between

    Gandy and me. I had to keep an eye on him constantly because he really liked to be in

    the water, and dogs are like a gourmet treat for alligators.

    But after a while this little long-haired black and white dog showed up out of

    nowhere. I couldnt even guess what breed maybe a collie/beagle mix, about 55, 60

    pounds. It was wearing a collar, I remember that, not a stray just a neighborhood mutt.

    And even though we hadnt seen any alligators yet, I started yelling and throwing rocks at

    it because it kept distracting Maria and me. But it refused to go home and I started

    feeling kind of ridiculous so I decided the hell with it, it can do whatever it wants. Even

    though Im pretty much of a dog person, I just didnt want to deal with this one at all. I

    had a real negative attitude toward it right from the beginning.

    Well, as we got farther and farther out into Parsons Prairie, learning a little more

    about each other all the time even though it was hard for me to concentrate at times on

    what Maria was saying because of the powerful effect she was having on me we started

    seeing more and more alligators. First there was one, then there were two, then five, but I

    wasnt really thinking about whether they were dangerous or not because even though

    Maria had told me back at the house that shed always wanted to come out here, I must

    not really have heard her. I kept thinking she must know what shes doing, and she

    didnt seem concerned herself, so naturally I didnt want to appear that way. I was too

    focused on the job at hand: being Mr. Cool, getting where I wanted to go, which was in

    the rack.




    Alligator Lives

    I wont admit to being totally absorbed in that. I remember at one point coming

    across a nest full of all these baby alligators, maybe a foot long. We oohed and ahhed

    over them, but you know how when youre out in the wilds and you see the little one: you

    thinkdamn, wed better not get between it and mom. So that kind of flashed in my mind.

    And all the while this dog is tagging along bugging the shit out of me.

    Eventually, after wed been walking for almost an hour, we came to this one pond

    where there must have been 15 alligators, all big, Id say at least 12 feet long. When we

    got close to them all but one of them slid into the water and disappeared. The remaining

    one just lay there on the other side of the pond, which was maybe 30 feet across. Not far

    away at all. There was an eerie kind of quality to it because, for some reason, this is

    when the damn dog decides to get in the water for the first time.

    There it is, swimming back and forth parallel to the edge nearest us, with the

    alligator still just lying there, doing nothing, and then the dog starts swimming out a little

    farther. It was very strange, almost as if the dog was hypnotized. It started swimming

    right at that alligator, and I mean straight out toward it. Still, nothings happening and

    were standing there watching, and Im thinking boy, if that dog swims very much farther

    hes gonna get nailed yet not really believing it was actually going to happen.

    But there was a point where it crossed this invisible line, and even though that

    alligator didnt move, at least in any way that I could see something changed.

    Something about the energy of the whole scene changed, and I knew right then. I turned

    to Maria and said, That dog hes gone.




    Alligator Lives

    Oh no, no, thats not gonna happen, she said, but I could see fear in her eyes for

    the first time. The dog swam another five feet or so, and the alligator slid effortlessly

    into the water.

    Then it was almost as if the spell had been broken, and the dog realized what was

    happening. He turned around and started swimming as fast as he could back toward us.

    But the gator just cruised up very calmly, then arched its body I remember this very

    vividly arched its body, grabbed that dog right across the middle, and disappeared.

    That was it. There wasnt a struggle, there wasnt even a sound just ripples and this

    unearthly silence.

    What an intense experience! I can remember throwing up my arm and screaming,

    Go in peace, brother! Maria was flippin out, crying she threw herself into my arms,

    but at that point I was losing it. I mean it was an amazing experience just watching as

    that alligator got closer and realizing, this is not TV, its real its going to eat that damn


    And I wanted it to happen.

    Part of me was going, what part did I play in this? With the dog swimming right

    out toward that alligator, just as if it were programmed to? I started thinking about the

    whole predator/prey thing, and then Maria and I looked at each other, after the initial

    shock was over, and we looked around...and there we were, standing on a little strip of

    land, in a maze of all these interconnected walkways surrounded by water. Not a tree,

    not a rock, not a log, nothing. All at once we realized we were way the hell out in the

    middle of Parsons Prairie, surrounded by literally hundreds of alligators.




    Alligator Lives

    The bank we were standing on was so steep you couldnt really see what was

    beneath you it felt like being on a plank above the water. You could see how on the

    other side of the pond the bank dropped down to this narrow mud flat where the alligators

    were all lying. It didnt make sense to think there were alligators on all three sides of the

    pond we could see but none on the side we couldnt, just ten feet away.

    Then you start thinking about how fast they are on land, that alligators can run 60

    miles an hour or something like that. It was very intense. All we wanted now was to get

    out of there alive. I could imagine turning around to see one or more of them climbing

    up over the bank with the idea that were lunch. I asked myself, how would I be able to

    protect this woman against an alligator with my bare hands?

    At this point, right in the middle of his story, Nathan stopped talking. I knew

    obviously that theyd gotten back safely, but what a place to be left hanging! ...So what

    happened on the way back? I asked in frustration as he sat there with this subtle smile on

    his face. And what happened between you and Maria?

    Actually, aside from the tension right there at first, the walk back was

    anticlimactic, he said, uneventful.

    For a short time after that Maria and I had a full-blown relationship; we lived

    together and did the whole thing, but it never really worked. It was just exactly like that

    walk: all the components were there and it lookedlike it should have worked; the only

    problem was, it was full of alligators, hers and mine. I could never relax, I mean I

    literally could never relax. And she couldnt understand why. That filtered its way into

    everything, as you can imagine.




    Alligator Lives

    I realize now that the incident with the dog was kind of a metaphor for the whole

    relationship. I should have known right then, and I think on some level I did, that I was

    way out of my depth with this woman. That was the way it was going to be, with me

    kind of paddling around in this hypnotized state, crossing some line and realizing it was

    too late then just gettin chomped and taken down. Thats essentially the way it worked


    Nathan paused again and smiled ruefully, off somewhere in Parsons Prairie or the

    past while sitting here in his studio. Are you going to elaborate? I asked.

    Sure, he said, taking a deep breath, bringing himself back to the present, thats

    the other part of the story.

    I came back here because I had a lot of work to do for some art shows coming up.

    I thought about canceling them and staying in Florida, and if things had worked out

    between us I would have. But Maria and I knew it wasnt working. So I left, came back

    here, and was living out on a friends property in the bus. About four months later Maria

    called and said she wanted to come visit me. Wed been staying in touch the whole time,

    so it was still trying to happen.

    She drove down from San Luis Obispo, and again I got so tense and weird that I

    made a total wreck of the whole thing. Shed come to spend the weekend with me and

    ended up staying about four hours; just couldnt take the weirdness anymore. I can

    remember sitting in the bus and looking at her: shed been on the beach all this time and

    her legs were so slender and tan. She was wearing Birkenstocks, and her shoe was




    Alligator Lives

    hanging off her foot and I thought, thats the most beautiful foot I ever saw on the most

    beautiful leg I ever saw. This is the most beautiful woman I ever saw.

    And all the time this monologue was going on internally, I dont know whatI was

    actually saying to her, except that I spent a lot of time talking about my ex-wife. Heres

    this woman who came to spend the weekend with me, and within minutes Im talking

    about my ex-wife and how maybe it would have been better if Id had kids with her. Just

    rambling on, yet it all made sense to me. I thought I was communicating, for Gods sake.

    I thought I was saying, I really want to have this relationship, I really want it to work. I

    was being deceived and the deception was entirely my own.

    Right after Maria left, I was standing in the mud room in my friends house he

    was gone for the weekend, I was there by myself and there was this CLICK inside my

    head and then everything got very bright. All at once I realized that up until that point,

    for God knows how long probably from the moment I first laid eyes on Maria I had

    been looking at life though a gray piece of glass. Now suddenly the world had gone from

    like black and white to color, from like having cotton in my ears to hearing.

    And it wasnt just that; it was as if I had literally not been in control of myself. I

    thought back to the conversation that had gone on for the previous four hours and heard

    what Id been saying and what Id been doing basically telling this person, Get out of

    my life, pushing her away in tears and not realizing it, not realizing at all until that

    audible click. Thats what got my attention, more than my vision clearing up: this shift.

    It felt like something had let go of me, like Id just come out of a trance, like I had




    Alligator Lives

    literally been possessed and something else had been speaking through me, thinking for

    me. Thats the way the whole relationship had been: almost robotic.

    But when I heard that click, everything cleared up. I realized what had just taken

    place: not only had I messed things up once before, in Florida; here Id had my second

    chance and done the whole thing again except that instead of taking weeks, this time Id

    compressed it all into just a few hours. I couldnt believe it. I jumped in my van and in

    about half an hour blew up the engine,driving a hundred miles an hour from one back

    road to another trying to figure out which way shed gone. Im glad I survived that part of


    You know, I dont tap into rage very easily, but Ive never felt anything like that,

    before or since. It felt like a life and death struggle. I was either going to take back my

    life or I was going to fight until I couldnt fight any longer. I was nuts. I was really,

    really nuts.

    The rest of that weekend, one entire night and the whole next day, I spent being

    insane. I was literally marching around the house, screaming, Get out! Get out! at the

    top of my lungs, nonstop. I felt like something had taken control of me and kept me from

    what at that time felt like the Holy Grail. Id found my dream girl and she was, going,

    Please, please, take me, accept me. Ive been waiting for you to rescue me, and I just

    pushed her away. Didnt realize what was happening until it was too late.

    When it was all over that click, then the clarity, and then realizing...that was one

    of the big turning points in my life. Because after being up all night and all day I was

    so hoarse I couldnt talk by the end of all this I had actually exorcised myself or the




    Alligator Lives

    demon or whatever the hell it was. It wasnt a physical thing I could cut out; it was

    something that had to be psychically expelled. Since then I may have lost a little ground

    at times, but that really was like taking control of my life.

    Nathan had been tense, leaning forward as he finished his story. Now he sighed

    deeply and sat back in the chair. I felt myself relaxing as well.

    ...So what do you think it was?

    He gave me a look as if asking in turn, How deep are you going to make me dig

    into this? but I sensed that he wanted to carry it through to the end, wherever that was, if

    I was willing to listen. I was more than willing.

    I have all kinds of theories, he said. A lot of people now are into spirit de-

    possession. If there is such a thing as having spirits hang on to you and fuck up your life,

    thats as close as Id ever want to come. Its possible that in lesser situations, before

    meeting Maria, whatever it was that didnt want me to have my dream had never needed

    to be that extreme, so Id never seen it. But coming so close this time forced whatever

    was in me to reveal itself. Another way of saying that is, I was so programmed to believe

    I would never have what I really wanted in life, the prospect of actually getting it threw

    my defense mechanisms into overload.

    And then I wonder about the karmic implications. The level of energy between

    Maria and me was intense right from the beginning. All our interactions always had that

    kind wasntflow energy, it was very static. Incredible potential but it couldnt

    move. I felt like that came from me; Maria was outside, pounding, trying to get in, but I




    Alligator Lives

    was behind this heavy smoked glass. So maybe what we experienced was some kind of

    archetypal confrontation: a couple of archetypal energies working off their karmas


    He smiled at what must have been my rather (or very) skeptical expression. The

    whole thing did seem very metaphorical, he said matter of factly. At this point it isnt

    inconceivable to me that that might have been Marias function in my life: to be so much

    of what I really wanted that she would force whatever it was out. My life has certainly

    been very different since then.

    But what about Maria? I persisted. Whats happening with the two of you

    now? Why was she here last night?

    Nathan smiled again, this time with a sense of irony rather than melancholy or

    nostalgia. Because Rita invited her she knows the whole story. To tell you the truth,

    though, I was surprised Maria came; theres certainly nothing going on between us now,

    even though we still talk to each other every once in a while. I do have some regrets;

    thats something that will probably be with me to a certain extent for the rest of my life.

    Not that I want to try to rekindle it, but just wishing Id been a little more there when it

    was happening.

    And I think it was just as horrendously disappointing for Maria, because she

    really was looking for a way out. Soon after our last aborted attempt at a relationship,

    she went back to her alcoholic boyfriend. They were living in somebodys house in

    northern California, and he burned to death when it caught fire. She barely escaped with

    her life. I wondered then if that could have been me.




    Alligator Lives

    So thats still another theory I have about the whole thing: that this evil spirit

    which had deprived me of my dream girl was in fact my guardian angel, protecting me

    from the same fate.

    Maybe this last revelation was finally one too many; in any case my mind went

    out of focus, I found myself mentally fatigued all at once. Nathans face appeared

    unfamiliar to me. He was his shaman self again; in retrospect his story seemed almost


    Looks like Maria has it together now though, he said. Her new boyfriend was

    with her last night; they seem good for each other. She works for one of the airlines in

    San Diego doing quite well apparently.

    But that day in Parsons Prairie...I knew then somehow, on some level, that that

    was the myth right there, and we were all going to live it out together. Somehow I was

    that dog, swimming toward the alligator. I knew it was going to be...the end. In a way,

    though, it turned out to be really just a beginning. For both of us.

