Allergens Lab#1

Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

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Page 4: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Why Do People Get Allergies?

Several factors must be present for allergic sensitivity to be developed: The specific genes acquired from parents 1)

2)The exposure to one or more allergens to which you have a genetically programmed response

The degree and length of exposure 3)

Page 5: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

These allergens can get into our body in several ways:

1)Inhaled into the nose and the lungs:

  2)Ingested by mouth:

3)Injected :

 4)Absorbed through the skin:

Page 7: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Rashes caused by an allergic reaction to plant

direct contact with the plant in direct contact with the plant

Touching something that touched the plant

contact with airborne plant particle

inhlationContact with the skin

Pollen grain

Page 8: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

plants can cause allergyby different ways, one of them by producing

pollen grains :

Page 9: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

- Most respiratory-related allergies are caused by pollens - pollen grain consist of a wall of two membranes,

* outer )thick) called EXINE* iner ) delicate cellulosic) called INTINE

Male plants are the most problematic

Female plants ,

Page 10: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

uses these balls to illustrate the difference between more problematic pollens and less irritating ones .

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• Name: Squill

• Origin Dried sliced scales of the bulb

of Urgina maritima

• Family: Lilaceae

• Color; white to light yellowish

• Odour: charactristic

• Taste: mucilagenous bitter taste.

• cause of allergy: Raphides crystal of


Microscopical examination of plant pd. that may cause allergic reaction due to ca-oxalate:

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• Microscopical examination:

a) raphide crystals of Ca Oxalate (bundle,free,broken)

b) Epidermal cell


Key element

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• Constituens:-

- crystalline glycosides scillaren A

- an amorphous mixture scillaren B

- USES: heart tonic, in small doses as expectorant

but in large doses as emetic


Cardiac glycoside

Page 14: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

1) Pyrethrum (insect flower):

• Name: pyrethrum

• Origin: dried flower head of Chrysanthemum Cinerariefolium

• Family: Asteracae

• Colour: yellowish green

• Odour: faint aromatic

• Taste: bitter

• Uses: insecticidal, so we can use as natural insecticide agent

Microscopical examination of plant pd. that may cause allergic reaction due to pollen grains :

Page 15: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

1- pyrethrum

• Microscopical examinations:

a - T-shaped hair

b- spiny pollen grain

d- papillose apex of style & stigma


Key elements

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• Active constituents:

1-2% of esters called pyrethrins which are:

a) Pyrethrin (I,II)

b) Cinerin (I,II)

c) Jasmolin (I,II)

Cont.1- pyrethrum

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2) Chamomile:

• Name: german chamomile

• Origin: dried flower head of Matricaria chamomila

• Family: Asteraceae

• Colour: green yellow

• Odour: aromatic apple like

• Taste: slightly bitter

• Uses: in burns, carminative, stomachic & antiphogistine

(due to chamazulene)

Example of pd. Plants that have pollen grains


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2) Chamomile:

• Microscopical examinations:

a-Inner epidermis of the corolla

b- Outer epiderm of Corolla

c-part of the filament of an anther

d- Papillose stigma & part of style containing cluster crystals of calcium oxalate

e- spiny pollen grain

g-covering trichomes


Key elements

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2) Chamomile:

• Active constituents:

a) V.O.(azulene & Chamazulene)

b) yellow Flavonoid (apigenin )


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3) Lavander :

• Name: lavander

• Origin: dried flowers of lavandula officinalis

• Family: labiatae

• Colour: greyish to dark blue

• Odour: fragrant aromatic

• Taste: aromatic

• Uses: oil is perfuming agent &flavour the pharmaceutical cosmatic preparations.

Example of pd. Plants that have pollen grains


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3) lavander:

• Microscopical examinations:

a- glandular hair very short unicellular stalk multicellular head (labiaceous hair)

b- non-glandular candelabra branched hair (tree like)

c- non-glandular covering hair

d-pollen grains with 6 germ pores


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3) lavander:

• Active constituents:

a) V.O (contain esters like linalyl acetate & alcohol like linalol)


Page 23: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

1) Clove:

• Name: Clove

• Origin: dried flower buds of Eugenia Caryophyllus

• Family: Myrtaceae

• Colour: reddish brown

• Odour: aromatic

• Taste: pungent spicy

• Uses: Spice, carminative, antispasmodic, toothache remedy & preparation of vanillin from eugenol

Cont. Microscopical examination of plant pd.that may causeAllergic reaction due to oil gland secretion:

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1) Clove:

• Microscopical examinations:

a- Oil gland with Parenchymal cells

b-fibrous layer of the anther

d- epiderms of filaments of the anther e- Triangular pollen grain (Trico plate)

f- lignified fibres (thick &fusiform) & associate parenchymal cell


Page 25: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

1) Clove:

• Active constituents:

Eugenol (V.O)

• Chemical test :

Clove + FeCl3 deep blue color in all element except fibres


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Prevention method for plantsallergens

Use caution with unknown plants.

Wear gloves when gardening or performing other activities with plants.

Wear gloves when handling unknown


Page 27: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Prevention method for plantsallergens


Do not burn potentially poisonous plants or plant parts. Some poisonous plants may cause severe allergic reactions if the plants are burned and the particles are breathed into the airways.

If you're allergic to pollen, keep windows closed when pollen season's at its peak, change your clothing after being outdoors .

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Treatment method for plantsallergens

Following exposure, wash skin thoroughly with soap and warm water as soon as possible.

Keep cool by applying cold compresses to the skin or taking cool showers. Body heat and sweating can aggravate itching.

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Treatment method for plantsallergens

Use of some over-the-counter medications )such as calamine lotion or antihistamines) can help reduce symptoms.

Antihistamines. Medications that block the effects of histamines )chemicals released during an allergic reaction that produce symptoms such as running nose and sneezing).


Page 30: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Treatment method for plantsallergens

Antibiotics. May be prescribed for severe rashes that have become infected.

Corticosteroids. Anti-inflammatory medications similar to the hormones produced by the body that help reduce swelling, redness and itching. For plant rashes, creams or ointments are applied to the affected area)s). Very severe rashes may require injected or oral corticosteroids.


Page 31: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Lab no.(2)

Analysis Method of Honey

)part 1)

King Saud UniversityPharmacy Collage Pharmacognosy Depaartment

Page 32: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Honey is a saccharine liquid produced by honey bees & purified by melting at low temperature and straining


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Analysis Method of Honey

1. Color: light brown to nearly black2. Storage: at low temp (the sugar may

crystallize). 3. Odour: characteristic & aromatic.4.Taste: sweet & characteristic5. The Refractive index: To indicate the

conc. of H20(moisture) in the honey

using refractometer.

Physical Properties:

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Analysis Method of Honey

1 .Dextrose (glucose) 25 - 40%2. Lavulose (fructose) 30 — 45%3. Sucrose 0-8%4. 5. 6. 7.

Composition of normal honey:

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Antibacterial properties of honey are the result:

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Analysis Method of Honey

I. Qualtitive identification of constituents.

II. Detection of adultration.

III. Quantitive estimation of different


Analysis Methods of Honey

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Analysis Method of Honey

1. Test for sucrose:honey sol. + cobalt nitrate + exss dil.

NaOH violet colour blue color

2.Test for fructose:honey sol. + specks of resorcinol solid +Conc.HCL bright red color

I. Qualitative tests of honey (identification):

10-15 min

Boiling W.B

Page 38: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Analysis Method of Honey

3.Test for glucose.honey sol. + lead subacetate +

conc.NH4OH white ppt orange in white


I.Qualitative tests of honey:

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Analysis Method of Honey

Forms of adulteration of honey:-

II. Detection of adulterants:

Page 40: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Analysis Method of Honey

Test for sucrose:honey sol. + cobalt nitrate + exss dil.

NaOHViolet blue color.

Test for liquid glucose:Liquid glucose: Is product obtained by

incomplete hydrolysis of starch.honey sol. + drops dil.I2 sol Reddish


II. Detection of adulterants:

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Analysis Method of Honey

Test for invert sugar (furfural):-As a result of equimolecular quantities of glucose

& fructose, obtained from sucrose hydrolysis

by acid. Part of fructose decomposed

(furfural) In a porcelain dish 5g of honey + 2.5 ml anilineHCL reagent bright red color if sample

was adultrated

II. Detection of adulterants:

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Lab no.(3)

Analysis Method of Honey

) part 2)

King Saud UniversityPharmacy Collage Pharmacognosy Depaartment

Page 43: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Analysis Method of Honey

III. Quantitative Estimation of Honey:

Determination of sugar:

1- before hydrolysis (glu + fru) and

2-after hydrolysis


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Analysis Method of Honey

III. Quantitative Estimation of Honey:

1)Determination of Sucrose:Sucrose has no reducing properties.lt is

estimated by copper reduction method after hydrolysis.

Cu+3 + reducing sugar (hydrolysis of Sucrose)

)Blue ppt.)

Cu20 )red ppt.) + oxidized sugarCu+3 )Blue ppt.)


Alkali. medium



Page 45: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Analysis Method of Honey

Procedure:- Pipette 100 ml of honey sol(1.7w\v%) in 250 ml

volumetric flask +10 ml N/1 HCL.

- Heat on boiling WB for 15 min. till hydrolysis

is complete & cool.

- Neutralize with NaBicarbonate solid till no


- Complete volume with H20.

- Transfer the sol. to the burette & determine

total reducing sugars (glucose+fructose) as


Page 46: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Analysis Method of HoneyProcedure:- Transfer 5ml Fehling A + 5ml Fehling B

(using pippette) to a 250 ml conical


- Dilute with 50m1 H20 & heat on small


- Titrate with honey sol., while boiling on


small flame (to remove O2 from air) .

- Allow to boil after each addition & the

ppt to


- Continue addition of honey sol. till the


color of sol. Disappear completly (record

the reading).


Page 47: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Analysis Method of Honey

Procedure:- Add 2 drops of methylene blue indicator


add drops of sugar sol. till the color of

indicator disappear & full red ppt is


- Repeat the experiment adding the total


sol. at once(-1ml).

- Add 2 drops of M.B indicator & complete




Page 48: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Analysis Method of Honey

Procedure:- Repeat the experiment till 2 readings are

not different by O.2ml(-or+)

NB. End point blue complet red



Page 49: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Analysis Method of Honey

Calculation:% Reducing sugars after hydrolysis =

0.05 x 25O x lOO x lOO

(c.c—0.2) lOO l.7

(10ml fehling solution oxidize 0.05gm of glucose)


Page 50: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Analysis Method of Honey

III. Quantitative Estimation of Honey:

2)Determination of Reducing Sugars:Transfer 5m1 Fehling A + 5m1 Fehling B to a

conical flask.

- Dilute with 50m1 H20 & boil.

- Transfer honey sol. To a burette & titrate

while boiling as before.

Page 51: Allergens Lab#1. Definition of allergens: - The histamine then acts on a person's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract and causes

Analysis Method of Honey

Calculation:% Reducing sugars before hydrolysis =

0.05 x lOO x100

(c.c—0.2) 1.7