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Guardian Industries Connecting Incentives to Biometric Results


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About 20,000 covered lives in health care

60 major manufacturing locations in 21 countries, on five continents

3 main businesses

Flat Glass/Auto Glass

SRG Global (auto trim)

Guardian Building Products

Unique culture

Entrepreneurial and de-centralized

“A Hatred of Bureaucracy”

Accountability extends to personal health

Significant leadership support, leverage competition and winning

About Guardian

18,000 Employees Worldwide

8,000 U.S. Employees

Headquartered Auburn Hills, Michigan


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HealthGuard Timeline

HDMS – began data warehouse

ActiveHealth – began care considerations

HFC – nurse screenings and health risk assessments in U.S. plant locations

ActiveHealth – began condition management

Added Nutritionist/Dietician services for:



Eating disorders


Best practice elements defined

Audit format introduced

45 global plants audited

All Guardian U.S. property tobacco-free

$0 copayfor tobacco cessation drugs 

2006 2007 2008


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HealthGuard Timeline

VBID – Half-priced prescriptions when indicated for condition management and engaged with ActiveHealth coach

All Guardian global plantstobacco-free

Required screenings/physicals with HRA or face penalty

Redesigned Winner’s Circle exercise program:

Simplified cash rewards

Added weight loss incentives

$5 routine physicals and cancer screens in all U.S. plans


Required screenings/physicals with HRA to include spouses in the U.S.

Quit for Life tobacco cessation added in all U.S. locations

$5 colonoscopy and polyp removal added

2009 2010 2011

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HealthGuard Expectations for 2012

Establish link between health behaviors and health benefit outcomes

Employee and spouse need to complete a health screening and the online Health Risk Assessment (HRA)

Employee and spouse need to complete Quit For Life or pay surcharge if using tobacco products

Employee and spouse need to engage with a Health Coach if contacted by ActiveHealth or pay a surcharge


Can be removed for behavior change

Combined tobacco and condition management surcharges are $18/week

Applied separately to employee and spouse

Members notified of requirements well in advance


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HealthGuard was communicated and administered as integral part of Guardian Industries Health Plan

Before the Health Risk Assessment requirement was implemented in 2010, HRA questions that could disclose any genetic information were eliminated

Guardian never receives any individual health information from HRAs, screenings, or physical exams, only aggregate, de-identified data

The $18/week maximum surcharge is less than 20% of the total cost of single coverage

The $36/week maximum surcharge (if both the employee and the spouse do not comply) is less than 20% of total cost of two-person coverage

New benefit for 2012: $0 copay for annual screening by dermatologist

HealthGuard Program Structure


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Open Enrollment Results


12,104 employees and spouses completed

screenings or physicals with HRA’s

of employees

and 15% of spouses attested to their

tobacco use

(Up from 22% in 2011)

860 of the 945 ActiveHealth identified

employees and dependents, have

successfully engaged an ActiveHealth nurse coach

Created video of Guardian employee success stories


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Employee and spouse contributions will be based in part on compliance with four standard Health Measures Blood Pressure

Total Cholesterol

Communicated in four separate campaigns prior to 2013 effective date

Screenings/HRAs done in U.S. plants each summer

Health Measure thresholds were deliberately set at easily attainable levels, to sweep in only the clear outliers We don’t expect anyone to run a marathon

If you don’t meet these health measures, you probablyshould speak to your doctor

Surcharge waived if employee/spouse provides HFC with doctor’s certification that compliance with standard is unreasonably difficult or medically inadvisable and the employee/spouse is under doctor’s care for condition

Guardian Strategy for 2013 – Health Measurements


Blood Glucose/Blood Sugar

Body Mass Index (BMI) or Waist Measurement

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How Many Members will be Affected?


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NEW - Starting in 2013, $4 copay generic prescriptions for: Blood Pressure

Blood Glucose/Blood Sugar


What Benefits are New for 2013?

The BMI / Waist Measurement standard can be satisfied by: ActiveHealth’s Weight Management Program

If you prefer to be under your doctor’s care for weight reduction, the Plan will pay your office visits and related lab work with a $0 copay

NEW - Starting in 2013, completion of on-site Weight Watchers program


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A Look at the Data for Potential BMI Outliers

Employees that ‘fail’ the BMI criteria based on current survey data incur 38% more claims costs than normal BMI

Trend for this group was 18% in 2011

ER rates/1000 were 78% higher than the normal BMI Group

12% were actively enrolled in a DM program at the end of 2011 – most were enrolled for multiple conditions including morbid obesity


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How Will the Surcharges Work in 2013?

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How Will the Surcharges Work in 2013?

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Never condescend

Long lead times


Spouse involvement

Brand your Program

Three times by three media

Communication Strategies

Brochure basics Color




White space

Short declarative sentences

Active tense

5th grade reading level

Tell a story, give a timeline, use examples

Close with Action Steps


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Improved health leads to reduced risk and lower claims

Manufacturing environment: 75% male, average age 43, some network consolidation, no cost-

shifting in plan designs or 80/20 company/employee cost share

Competitive advantage: HR acting as a strategic partner

Outcomes from HealthGuard Initiatives

Time Period Market Guardian

Annual Increase in 2011 8-10% <1%

Increase in per employee cost 2008-2011 (4 years)

32-35% 9%

Increase in per employee cost 2005-2011 (7 years)

-- 24.5%


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Guardian Active Health Cost vs. Trend



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Make it matter

Leverage the culture

Anticipate adverse reactions

Change the vocabulary

Remove road blocks

Provide choices

Lessons Learned

Explain WHY

Build in phases

Manage the 2%

Integrate data

Make health a visible part of company culture


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Eye Med





Medical Carriers

Health FitnessCorp

Health FitnessCorp


HealthGuard Benefits Work Flow








HR/EBAsEnter new hires, status changes,

terms into payroll


Terminated Employees


EmployeesEnroll and Make






Payroll Systems




Wellness Vendors

Quit for LifeQuit for Life





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