All About Me Lewis Watson

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All About Me

Lewis Watson

• I’m Lewis, 16 years old 17 in October. I chose media studies as I am continuing on from last year at GCSE although I’m really bad with technology. The other subjects I am taking are Art and Graphics, these are all quite creative and I hope to get a job surrounding something art or media or based or perhaps both.

My Obsessions

Movies • Whenever I have the time I watch movies as I find

them interesting as whole worlds and adventures are created

music I also listen to lots of music.

My favourite movie

• My favourite movie is Die Hard and my favourite movie genre is action movies. Die Hard is my favourite movie as I love the claustrophobic atmosphere that is created as 1 man has to take on 12 terrorists in one 40 storey building, it also stars my favourite actor Bruce Willis.

• I like the action genre as Action movies, as the name implies, are filled with action, spectacle, and enthusiasm. Audiences tend to sit on the edges of their seats when other than thrills and excitement that action movies bring to viewers, it also introduces us heroes that we can glorify.


• I listen to lots of different artists for example: White Stripes, Metallica, Noah and the whale, paramore and Kanye west. My favourite artist is Jack white and I listen to all his bands and solo work. My other favourite artists are David Bowie, the Horrors, Blondie and the Smiths.


• I also draw in my spare time these are some things I have drawn:

Media process

• I’m not very particular with any media processes except watching movies and TV shows on a regular basis, however I am interested in becoming more fluent in different processes.