A-BOMB Mandatory EXPLODES AT CRITICAL MASS You have the power to explode. Whenever you add one or more tokens of your primary color to a planet causing it to have 7 or more tokens of your primary color on it, you reach critical mass. Half of your regular tokens (rounding down) immediately move one planet counterclockwise. Do not use with Amoeba, Census, or Worm. ABORIGINE Mandatory USES FLARES AS POWERS You have the wild power. You use each wild Flare in your regular hand as its corresponding power. You may not use the wild Flare. If another player already has a power whose Flare you hold, he may not use it. If the power conflicts with another power already in the game, the Flare is worthless. ABYSS Mandatory FALLS THROUGH PRAW You have the power of bottomlessness. Whenever the Warp reaches critical mass and collapses into the Praw, your tokens ’fall through’ and are returned to bases. Use only in a game with the Praw. ALIEN Mandatory COUNTS FOREIGN TOKENS AS ALLIES You have the foreign power. As a main player in a challenge, each token belonging to another player which is on a planet base or moon in your home system counts as one ally token when figuring your total. AMEX Mandatory SPENDS LUCRE ON ACCOUNT You have the power of credit. Start the game with no Lucre and a credit of 4. When you spend Lucre, borrow them from the bank. Keep a debit ledger to record your balance. If you ever acquire Lucre, return them to the bank and subtract them from the ledger. When the loan first hits each positive multiple of 20, immediately vacate an external planet base (tokens disperse) or a home planet if you can’t give up an external one. If you are required to lose all of your Lucre for any reason, add 4 to your ledger. If you must pass all of your Lucre to another player, borrow 4 from the bank to pay him. A Cosmic Zap prevents you from spending Lucre, but not from losing a base. If you get this power in the middle of the game, return your Lucre to the box and credit your account. Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a game with Midas. ANGEL Mandatory/Optional COMPROMISES AT WILL You have the power of love. As a main player in a challenge, you may always choose to compromise even if you have no Compromise cards left. You select a challenge card and place it face down, normally. Your opponent turns his challenge card up before you reveal yours. If you wish to compromise, state that you are doing so and return the card that you played to your hand without revealing it. You do not have to decide whether or not to compromise until your opponent reveals his card, but if you choose not to compromise, you must use the card that you selected.

ALIEN AMEX ANGEL - Boston Universityscv.bu.edu/~aarondf/cosmic/fg_powers6.pdf · You have the power to feed. At the start of your turn, if you have tokens in the warp, you may "eat"

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    You have the power to explode.Whenever you add one or more tokens ofyour primary color to a planet causing it tohave 7 or more tokens of your primary coloron it, you reach critical mass. Half of yourregular tokens (rounding down) immediatelymove one planet counterclockwise.

    Do not use with Amoeba, Census, or Worm.






















































































































































































































































































































































































    You have the wild power.You use each wild Flare in your regular handas its corresponding power. You may notuse the wild Flare. If another player alreadyhas a power whose Flare you hold, he maynot use it. If the power conflicts with anotherpower already in the game, the Flare isworthless.














































































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    You have the power of bottomlessness.Whenever the Warp reaches critical massand collapses into the Praw, your tokens ’fallthrough’ and are returned to bases.

    Use only in a game with the Praw.



































































































































































































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    You have the foreign power.As a main player in a challenge, each tokenbelonging to another player which is on aplanet base or moon in your home systemcounts as one ally token when figuring yourtotal.



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    You have the power of credit.Start the game with no Lucre and a credit of4. When you spend Lucre, borrow themfrom the bank. Keep a debit ledger to recordyour balance. If you ever acquire Lucre,return them to the bank and subtract themfrom the ledger. When the loan first hits eachpositive multiple of 20, immediately vacatean external planet base (tokens disperse) ora home planet if you can’t give up anexternal one. If you are required to lose allof your Lucre for any reason, add 4 to yourledger. If you must pass all of your Lucre toanother player, borrow 4 from the bank topay him. A Cosmic Zap prevents you fromspending Lucre, but not from losing a base.If you get this power in the middle of thegame, return your Lucre to the box andcredit your account.

    Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a game with Midas.

































































































































































































































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    Mandatory/Optional COMPROMISES AT WILL

    You have the power of love.As a main player in a challenge, you mayalways choose to compromise even if youhave no Compromise cards left. You selecta challenge card and place it face down,normally. Your opponent turns his challengecard up before you reveal yours. If you wishto compromise, state that you are doing soand return the card that you played to yourhand without revealing it. You do not haveto decide whether or not to compromise untilyour opponent reveals his card, but if youchoose not to compromise, you must use thecard that you selected.

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    You have the power of improbability.Whenever you are involved in a randomevent other than the receiving of a newhand, you may cancel the event and do itover. For example, you may cancel a flip ofthe destiny pile during your turn; you maydraw a different Hazard card; you may causecards taken from your hand to be drawn over(cards originally selected are returned andyour hand is reshuffled); you may returncards you take from another player andchoose them again; or you may discard agroup of cards just drawn from the deck(except for a new hand) and draw new ones.If you cancel an event involving cards, allcards must be replaced. You may canceleach event only once.





































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    You have the power of atomization.As a main player in a challenge, afterchallenge cards are revealed, you maydiscard one or more Edicts or Flares fromyour regular hand. For each Flare youdiscard, add four points to your total. Foreach Edict you discard, add seven points toyour total.























































































































































































































































































































































































    You have the power of sale.Once per challenge, you may auction offanother player’s card as he attempts to useit. Play stops as other players bid in Lucre.The card goes to the highest bidder. Thisbid may be matched by the person whoplayed the card if he wants to keep it.Payment goes to you. If no one bids, theowner may buy the card back for one Lucre,or else you must buy it from him for 3 Lucre(or as many as you have up to 3). If youhave no Lucre and no one bids, the playerkeeps his card. Flares may not be auctionedoff. Challenge cards and Kickers are bid onbefore they are revealed. You may not usein any way the Lucre you receive for anycards auctioned after challenge cards arerevealed until the challenge is over.

    Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.
















































































































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    You have the power to monitor.You collect a point every time Lucre aretaken from the box by other players. Inaddition, you receive a point each timeLucre are returned by another player to thebox or transferred from one player to another(if you are not one of the players involved).When your points reach a multiple of 5, takethe top card from the deck. When it reachesa multiple of 30, receive a base on anyplanet.

    Use only in a game with Lucre.



















































































































































































































































































































































































    You have the power to doublecross.As an ally in a challenge in which you arenot also a main player, you may switch sidesafter cards are played, but before they arerevealed, even if you have not been invitedby the other player.

    Do not use in a 2-player game.































































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    You have the power of gravity.Each time your color is actually flipped in thedestiny pile, you may place one token from aplanet or moon in your system onto your stardisc. Tokens placed on the star disc are outof play until you return them in a deal or youlose your power, at which time they are sentto the warp. A Zap prevents you from takingnew tokens, but tokens already on your stardisc remain.

    Do not use in a 2-player game.


















































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    Optional STEALS LUCRE

    You have the power to rob.On one challenge during your turn, insteadof flipping the destiny pile, you may insteadattempt to "rob the bank". No other powers,Edicts, or Flares may be used during thischallenge. Play an Attack card (you may notplay a Kicker), then draw from the deck untilyou get an Attack card, discarding others. Ifyou did not play the higher card, you werecaught, and play passes; if your card washigher, take Lucre from the bank in theamount of the difference between the twocards, treating negative attack cards as ifthey were an "Attack 0". This counts as asuccessful challenge.

    Use only in a game with Lucre.















































































































































































































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    Mandatory STEALS LUCRE

    You have the power to embezzle.You are in charge of the Lucre box. Onceplay starts, you hand out Lucre whenneeded and place them in the box for otherplayers. Every time you reach into the boxto give Lucre to another player or to putLucre in the box for another player, you takeone for yourself. You are limited toreceiving one Lucre per player per challenge.

    Use only in a game with Lucre.























































































































































































































































































































































































    You have the power to dicker.Start the game with a store of Lucre equal to10 times the number of players in the game.Once per challenge in which you are not amain player, before cards are played, youmay offer another player Lucre from yourstore in exchange for any card(s), a base, orthe first challenge of his next turn (if youlose or fail to deal during that challenge, heforfeits his second challenge). You ask forthe item, the other player then may set aprice. If you accept his price, pay him theLucre and take the item. You may makeone counter offer for fewer Lucre. If he doesnot agree to the revised offer, you mayaccept the original terms. At any time youmay put Lucre from your stardisc into thestore, but Lucre may only leave the store aspart of a barter agreement.

    Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.


















































































































































































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    You have the power of reserves.As a main player in a challenge, each ofyour planet bases counts as one ally tokenwhen figuring your side’s total. You do notcollect rewards or consolation for these"tokens". §




























































































































































































































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    You have the power to feed.At the start of your turn, if you have tokens inthe warp, you may "eat" one token therebelonging to every other player who hastokens in the warp. Tokens are removedfrom the game. Each token you eat providesyou with one Lucre in nourishment. Take aLucre from the box for each token that youeat.

    Do not use in a 2-player game. Use only in a game with Lucre.




















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    Optional ASKS FOR LUCRE

    You have the power to leech.If you are not a main player, before cardsare played, you may ask one of the twomain players in a challenge for a Lucre. Ifhe can’t or won’t give it to you, you maytake the card of your choice from his regularhand.

    Use only in a game with Lucre. Do not use in a 2-player game.

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    Mandatory STARTS OVER

    You have the power to start over.At the start of each of your turns, you muststart the game over in one of the followingways (your choice): Return your tokens totheir original starting position; Discard allmoons in your system (tokens on themreturn to bases) and draw as many newones as you started the game with; Discardyour regular hand, and draw a new one; orDiscard all of your power cards, includingthis and any unrevealed powers, and take atrandom as many new powers as you startedthe game with. Assuming you have accessto this power, you may do any of the aboveactions under all circumstances, no matterwhat has occured to your tokens, planets,moons, etc... Do each of the above just likewhen starting the game with the exceptionthat you only draw a number of powersequal to the number you need (no draw 4choose 3 or similar method) - you areallowed to make/keep secret a power(s) ifthe start of the game allowed this.





































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    You have the power to bequeath.Once per challenge, before cards areplayed, you may do one of the following:-Free another player’s token from the Warp,and retrieve one of yours back to a base.-Raise another player’s token from the Prawto the Warp, and raise one of yours to theWarp. -Give another player a card from thedeck, and draw one for yourself. -Giveanother player a Lucre from the box, andtake one yourself.




















































































































































































































































































































































































    You have the power of fear.As a main player in a challenge, when youpoint the cone at a planet base, you sendone token on that planet belonging to thedefensive player to the Warp before alliesare called for. If there was only onedefending token on that planet you win thechallenge immediately and gain the base.

    Do not use with Invader.

























































































































































































































































































































































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    You have the power of seven.As a main player in a challenge, beforecards are played you may do one of thefollowing: reduce your opponent’s hand toseven cards (extras are discarded atrandom), reduce his Lucre to seven (extrasare returned to the box), reduce his numberof power cards to seven (his choice), orforce him to have exactly seven tokens of hisprimary color in the Warp and Prawcombined (he chooses tokens from basesuntil he reaches seven, or returns extrasfrom the Warp/Praw to bases).

    Do not use in a 2-player game. Do not use with Healer, Psycho, Undertaker or Zombie.




















































































































































































































































































































































































    Mandatory ADDS FLARES

    You have the power to increase form.At the start of each of your challenges, takethe top card from the Flare deck and add itto your regular hand.





































































































































































