Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland. Author Lewis Carroll (. Lewis Carroll), formerly known as Charles Ludwig van dodge Hudson, with Andersen, the brothers Grimm eponymous

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Page 1: Alice in Wonderland. Author Lewis Carroll (. Lewis Carroll), formerly known as Charles Ludwig van dodge Hudson, with Andersen, the brothers Grimm eponymous

Alice in Wonderland

Page 2: Alice in Wonderland. Author Lewis Carroll (. Lewis Carroll), formerly known as Charles Ludwig van dodge Hudson, with Andersen, the brothers Grimm eponymous

Author• Lewis Carroll (. Lewis Carroll), formerly known as Charles Ludwig van dodge Hudson,

with Andersen, the brothers Grimm eponymous world top of children's literature masters. Formerly named Charles Ludwig van dodge Hudson. 1832 January was born in Cheshire a cartoon still (20 copies) family pastor, 1898 pawn in surrey. Once at Oxford University institute of Christ church taught 30 years, hobby is very extensive, especially loves children's portrait photography. His first book of children's book "adventure" Alice in wonderland in 1865, publishing, then has caused great sensation, 1871 again launched sequels the Alice wear record ", but also magic mirror highly praised. Two children's book immediately has become popular throughout the world and become a generation after generation children and adult favorite books.

• 刘易斯 · 卡罗尔( Lewis Carroll ),原名查尔斯 · 路德维希 · 道奇逊,与安徒生、格林兄弟齐名的世界顶尖儿童文学大师。原名查尔斯 · 路德维希 · 道奇逊。 1832 年 1 月出生于英国柴郡的一个漫画剧照 (20 张 ) 牧师家庭, 1898 年卒于萨里。曾在牛津大学基督堂学院任教达 30 年之久,业余爱好非常广泛,尤其喜爱儿童肖像摄影。他的第一本童书《爱丽丝奇境历险记》于 1865 年出版,当时就引起了巨大轰动, 1871 年又推出了续篇《爱丽丝穿镜奇幻记》,更是好评如潮。两部童书旋即风靡了整个世界,成为一代又一代孩子们乃至成人最喜爱的读物。

• 如果说刘易斯 · 卡罗尔因为这两部童书而被称为现代童话之父,丝毫没有夸大的成分。至少他的两部《爱丽丝》一改此前传统童话(包括《安徒生童话》、《格林童话》)充斥着杀戮和说教的风格,从而奠定了怪诞、奇幻的现代童话基调。仅从这点来说,就堪称跨时代的里程碑。

Page 3: Alice in Wonderland. Author Lewis Carroll (. Lewis Carroll), formerly known as Charles Ludwig van dodge Hudson, with Andersen, the brothers Grimm eponymous

content"Alice in wonderland adventure" tells the little girl Alice chased a white rabbit, all of a sudden,she fell down a rabbit hole, which fell magical subterranean world. She met a lot of people and dynamic cartoon still content: the dodo, lizards, bill, the Cheshire cat, the mad hatter, the march hare, the dormouse, grain turtle, eagle head lion, ugly duchess.She was abused by the red king,but with her firends' help she survived from the death.And in the process,she conquered her timidness and became a brave girl in her dream.As she awaked,she found it was just a dream,but she recognized what she has learned in dream was worth remembering.

Page 4: Alice in Wonderland. Author Lewis Carroll (. Lewis Carroll), formerly known as Charles Ludwig van dodge Hudson, with Andersen, the brothers Grimm eponymous


• In 1865, the Alice somnambulate elfland published, and a great success. Not only the children like to read, many adults will also its as classic, including the famous writer Oscar Wilde at that time and the reign of queen Victoria. At present the book has been translated into at least 125 languages in the world popular time.

• Works on later literature, film creation enormously influence, especially in the 19th century, imitate masterpiece emerge in endlessly. Interestingly, even shen congwen's works "adan think China travel phenomenon" is the name of a sequel to Alice to reflect the then social darkness. But in the film "hacker empire", leading mourinho is told to "close attention to white rabbit hole".

somnambulate[sɔmˈnæmbjuleit] vi 梦游

Page 5: Alice in Wonderland. Author Lewis Carroll (. Lewis Carroll), formerly known as Charles Ludwig van dodge Hudson, with Andersen, the brothers Grimm eponymous



Alice kept eating and drinking without even considering the effects they may have. If Alice had thought about the consequences of each item, she would have reached her goal much faster. Planning before acting would have allowed Alice to learn the effects of what she was doing, and a similar Chinese idiom “三思而后行” also exhort us to be more sensible.Besides,we know the importance of exploring.Thus,with our perseverance and courage can we succeed in th end.In addition,we also learned that the fate is mastered by ourselves.we ought to seek for happiness.

exhort vt. & vi. 1. 劝告 , 劝说 n. 1. 劝勉者 , 告诫者 , 提倡者

Page 6: Alice in Wonderland. Author Lewis Carroll (. Lewis Carroll), formerly known as Charles Ludwig van dodge Hudson, with Andersen, the brothers Grimm eponymous