I went through a pretty bad time, with a shitty family, drugs...the typical story of any teenager who has a baby in highschool. How did Dorian react? He was extremelly happy, he told me I have his support. We left for the sea side the second day I found out I’m pregnant, we stayed for three months, made plans for the future and...it was marvelous. I don’t know what to do. This is my fifth...yes, my fifth marriage. Before, every time she woudn’t stop rambling, I would tell her: be careful, I have one finger left. It’s the same thing! No, it’s not, because of this... It’s an interpretation, my interpretation. Am I not allowed? No! Why should I make it like him? Why should I make -----’s spirals, when I can make -----’s spirals? Let me kiss you! --------- and we’ll have another girl. In september. Which september? This September? When I have my exam! You think I can stil... Fine, on my birthday. In october then. We are trully the Floyd Family. The kid draws, we draw...he’s growing up nicely, we are encouring him...even if he breakes something, even if he does wrong things, we find a solution, somehwere in the middle. and it’s good, it’s beautiful. We bought him a magnetic pad, that’s how he started drawing.


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Page 1: Alice

I went through a pretty bad time, with a shitty family, drugs...the typical story of any teenager who has a baby in highschool.

How did Dorian react?

He was extremelly happy, he told me I have his support. We left for the sea side the second day I found out I’m pregnant, we stayed for three months, made plans for the future and...it was marvelous.

I don’t know what to do. This is my fifth...yes, my fifth marriage. Before, every time she woudn’t stop rambling, I would tell her: be careful, I have one finger left.

It’s the same thing!

No, it’s not, because of this...

It’s an interpretation, my interpretation. Am I not allowed?


Why should I make it like him? Why should I make -----’s spirals, when I can make -----’s spirals?

Let me kiss you!

--------- and we’ll have another girl.

In september.

Which september? This September?

When I have my exam!

You think I can stil...

Fine, on my birthday.

In october then.

We are trully the Floyd Family. The kid draws, we draw...he’s growing up nicely, we are encouring him...even if he breakes something, even if he does wrong things, we find a solution, somehwere in the middle. and it’s good, it’s beautiful. We bought him a magnetic pad, that’s how he started drawing.


Who’s there? Who? Who?

(nu aud)

Page 2: Alice

I have a two year old boy. I’ve been married for the last two months.

-It’s Daddy!

She’s eighteen. She’s been my wife for two months. You have to take responsability. She told me...what could I do?

-It’s Daddy!

I’m 53 years old. She’s 18. There are 35 years between the two of us. It’s ourtageous. I thought I’m doing the right thing, why do I have to justify myself? This is what I felt...this is what she felt as well.

Do you want to go play? No? We’re not going then, it’s good.

Can I play some music?

And everything else... when I left the hospital they told me to avoid loneliness.

-What hospital did you go to?

At the house...uhm...the mental hospital. And... it was really nice there. It’s really quiet. The crazyness is out here, not there. It really is quiet there, with all those crazy people there. I met a poet...well, everybody there is a poet, but that one was really interesting. And you had what to talk about with all those crazy people.

I spend 16 hours each day just drawing. I’d wake up in the morning at 4 and a half, then the birds would start singing, then the light would appear...there were many trees, and it was very beautiful everywhere. Since dawn untill the night I would just draw. Tree times a day they would call us to eat, I went down there to eat and then they would also call us to take our meds. The rest of the time I just drew. Everybody else, who had nothing, got bored. Because the mental hospital is just like Vama Veche – the only thing you hear is `Can you spare a ciggarete?` or `Can you spare some change?`.

You give some because they deserve it, and some don’t deserve it because they are proffesional beggars.

Answer mommy.

Put it near your ear if you want to hear anything.

She’s at the bus stop, did you hear?

Tell her it’s OK.


Are you well?

I’m well.

I’m eating this.

(nu înțeleg) This is the last example. Try...try. She’s waiting for the bus. To..ok. She can get lost here. She can see the building from there but...

Page 3: Alice

There were some intimate moments and she looked out the window and saw her bulding...but I was behind her so there was nothing I could do. We were in love so she didn’t pay attention to the directions I was giving her.

We missed each other and she loves me, and she nags me but she doesn’t live with....


And this is how I’ll stay! Did you find it?

Go! Go!

Stop acting! I’ll still be a miserable videochat girl when I’ll be forty. (nu inteleg), for example!

Which I can’t even afford, and I’ll never be able to afford it. Why do I go there if I can’t even buy myself a pencil sharpener? Because I have to suport so many people... I’m tired, Dorian. And you ask me what I did. Start taking care of yourselves, all of you. Do I really have to move out of this city? To move out of the country? To leave the planet? To get rid of all this? Do I really have to? I’m asking all of you! Not just you. It’s true that you are the least guilty.

I would move on the moon if I could. But I wouldn’t do much there anyways, you’d send me a letter telling me you can’t make it without me.

C’mon. Let’s go play. Do you want to take your motorcycle?

(nu aud)

This is called ¬Matrimonial bonds¬ and, for example, both the woman and the man live in the same ambient and they have a thing a common, this notion of the family, the sand glass – the time spent in the family. But each of them sees the world either like this, either like this. That is why I signed my name both here and here. And the buyer, or the viewer, has a choice. He can put it on the wall however he likes.

With some of them I still talk. This crazy guy, he’s putting together a show with all the drawings and he’s also gonna give me the money I need, 300 or 400 lei, to frame all the drawings. I couldn’t believe it, when people asked me the price. I’d say 50 lei and immediately they would say `that cheap?` and they would buy it right then. But that was the `hospital price`, now I’ll see.

(NU AUD NIMIC din scena urmatoare – am si un laptop prost)

Come here. Up here. Like that. Are you a dog? Yes? Do you want to be my doggy? Come so I can give you a hug?. Do you want a picture or a hug?

I love you. I love you too.

It hurts me.

It fell in the car.

What’s this?

It’s a ghost.

Page 4: Alice

A ghost? Ghosts don’t exist.

The ghost is…

Ghosts don’t exist.

We have to defeat the ghost?

Ok, we’ll defeat the ghost. See, it’s gone.

Let’s do something there. With the cup, right?

No, I want to draw a train!

Fine, draw a train.

Wait, wait, wait, Aristo. Draw a train coming out of the cup, see?


Draw me a train coming out of the train. See? Can you do that?


You can’t?



Does that train move above the cup? Yes.

What’s up, Dorian? What’s up, Daddy? Why? Well, did you get those? Yes, Dorian, I know.


I won’t be a hypocrite. When you’re 18 years old, with a baby, trying to graduate highschool and also be good at what you’re doing…without any kind of financial support…it’s very hard. And I looked for jobs…there’s place. It’s either McDonalds either here. I saw what it’s all about…well, I kinda knew what it’s all about…and I had the courage to try it.

The moment I tried it, I liked it. If someone came over here now and offered me the same amount of money to sit home and paint, I’d miss doing this. Because this is all about people, about social interaction, about the opportunity to help people, about seeing them like they are, without society’s restrictions. It’s really good, you make your own rules, you do exactly what you feel and what you want.

This thing really tought me how to do what I feel, much more than Dorian did when he told me to do what I feel. Yes, do what you feel like doing.

There are a lot of girls, most of the girls actually, who have made up a false story about themselves. They lie about their age, about everything. They aren’t succesfull. Or maybe they are. But it’s not ok.

And the fact that I chose painting is very tricky. Because I paint and I paint and that requires lonliness and that somehow gives me balance, the fact that I can do this while in session. Because, in the same time, I have people around me.

Page 5: Alice

I try to be Dorian’s best friend, I know it’s very hard for him right now. I try to help me get up again. The thing is that, since we broke up, he started drawing again. This thing makes me certain that our relationship was toxic, that we reached a point when all we did was fight.

If we’d get back together in a few months we’d be back in that love-hate relationship. Sounds awsome. But it isn’t awesome.

I can’t offer my child two parents that fight all the time when I can offer him two OK parents. The child must have two parents, regardless of their relationsip. The child needs a monther and a father.