Algorithms and Data Structures (CSC112) Handout -1 Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures Algorithms and Data Structures Static Data Structures Searching Algorithms Sorting Algorithms List implementation through Array ADT: Stack ADT: Queue Dynamic Data Structures (Linear) Linked List (Linear Data Structure) Dynamic Data Structures (Non-Linear) Trees, Graphs, Hashing 3 steps in the study of data structures Logical or mathematical description of the structure Implementation of the structure on the computer

Algorithms and Data Structures

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Algorithms and Data Structures(CSC112)Handout -1Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures Algorithms and Data Structures Static Data Structures Searching Algorithms Sorting Algorithms List implementation through Array ADT: Stack ADT: Queue Dynamic Data Structures (Linear) Linked List (Linear Data Structure) Dynamic Data Structures (Non-Linear) Trees, raphs, !ashing3 steps in the study of data structures Logical or mathematical description o" the structure #mplementation o" the structure on the computer Quantitati$e analysis o" the structure, %hich includes determining the amount o" memory needed to store the structure and the time re&uired to process the structureists (Array !in"ed ist)#tems ha$e a position in this 'ollection (andom access or not)Array ists internal storage container is nati$e arrayin"ed istspu*lic class Node+ pri$ate ,*-ect data.pri$ate Node ne/t.0Stac"s 'ollection %ith access only to the last element inserted Last in "irst out insert1push remo$e1pop top make empty#ueue$rees Similar to a linked listpu*lic class TreeNode+ pri$ate ,*-ect data.pri$ate TreeNode le"t.pri$ate TreeNode right.0Hash $a%les Take a key, apply "unction "(key) 2 hash $alue store data or o*-ect *ased on hash $alue Sorting ,(N), access ,(3) i" a per"ect hash "unction and enough memory "or ta*le ho% deal %ith collisions)-----------------------------------------------