txau ? I .NO. 218. ALEXANDRIA, VA., FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1900. PRICE 2 CTS. INAI. a woman prema- .ìed eyes, hollow m are accompan¬ ies of ambition. .¦.neas, and social tion. onest expressions of women cured by Doctor Tierce's Favorite Prescrip¬ tion is this " It lias made a new woman of me." There's a world of meaning in the words. It means the sparkle rought back to the eyes; thecom- ou tinted with the rosy hue of healthy blootl; the form rounded out anew in ie whole body radiant t, · Favorite Prescription ?rung and sick - debilitating ition and ulcera¬ le weakness. It if tl MM prematurely UM· er* the belt I have ·'·. Is ··. of Chtmiwi, «My health was badly s letter. My irt me continti- h it the ieatt thing ravviatoli* 1 ht* bad that I could ? fi·;; utterly diacoar· Pierce'· Favorite Medicai Dis- jut of me." a Senat Medical receipt of stamps mailing only. Send the !>ook in paper r it in cloth bind- ; V. Tierce, No. 663 ?. Y. l'or Over Firt t Toare Klin Remxdy..Mri iy ru] hat been need foT na of mothers for I, with perfect ? ens the gum«, olle, and is th« 1 > r'easant io the -y part of tho botti*. Ite value - ·. ad ask for Mr·. Win·· iík· ttha- bird. -..?wItt ti m·· of tbe world are inning nation* G .od ¡ e:fo3 strength. If y. u yon eit, you need Kodol If diabeti wnit jou eat. yourself. It contain· all combined with the host instructives. It wi I of fools in a bettle. um w II do this. It inst-tnt- k y cures all stomach ... MO-CELERY. Try this » Or Headache«. Utartlfia, I o -ent« r j.»u continu* thi>, tidt.it. tie-Toi" f..r U»l»»c o, with^ ?. expel l.l.iod, I .i'ouJ.^^gtTal' *J I ??^?? i>oi» «oo.ooc ureif. liuy ITO BACfrum own «lrupgìet. who 1 Vouch fora». Take it with "»will,patiently, persistently <>n.' .1 II, usually cure»; S holes,·! M, I to cure, or we refund money. UtattijC*., Chica»., ¦o.lre.l, Rtw I.rfc. ··. NI) STATIONERY^ SaveMoney by Buying School Books, hand, and SCHOOL SÜP- ¦le-tription at French's Bookstore, AND 419 KIN'* ST. ¦ very book purchased at y»» ? get au Indestructible made. agent for 8chool Deaks and Lai at Pattern and Low· VOTE-INTELLIGENT- . n your pa'ronge we in* ..m of our business record in claim for FAIB, SQUABE ¦e the beat in «luality and the to all «ustimer» without dis- iat| aad bohind our prom- mild stock for your in· '. Robert. W. French. School Books, IND >E('ONDHAND, iid pi v»tt ?chooM, are sold at 'ha Little H »re kept by DYSON & BRO. ol SCHOOL SUPPLIES .^T price lid. A I' ·¦ rid. s. ?. DYSON A BRO., 508 King street Second hand and New School Books ;, It APRIVATE 8CHOOL8 CAN RE HAD At Carne's Bookstore, 708 KING STREET. having our store is covered iB| eaves. *' have just received a large fresh supplies aud will sell them ir school t»ook list to fill ont. > u sstisfactton. vt V GEO. S. FRENCH Secretary. Alexandria Fertilizer and Chemical Company, ?ANCFACTURARE OF fcrtillzers, Fertilizer Materials and U'iiiuMiT (ïrounJ Plaster, TREET. BETWEEN UNION AND LEE. AI RTANTVBTA YA._ AN INVOICE OF FINE GUNPOWDER ¿X TEA, just received hj ^ ^^ 3U***tt4ri* i&**tlU* rUBLISHÏD DAILY AMD TBI-WBKKLV At Oasette R alidi hit. HI O Jk 812 Prince tt TK2MB: Daily. 1 Year.$5 00 6 Months. 2 50 3 Mouths. 1 25 1 Mouth. 43 lWook. 10 Tbi-Wxkkly, j. Year.$3 00 6 Month·. 1 50 8 Monthi. 75 1 Mouth. 25 AU transient ad ver.,»«man,- uni»» be paid foi in advance. Oaotra« t advertiaera will not t*a allowed to ex¬ ceed their ij>aoe p nie»* the excea» paid for at tranaiont ratee, aud under no circum stano« will they be allowed to advertí»: other than their legitimate bucinate in tb» ¦pace contracted for. Marriage aud daaib notice« muet be paid (01 in advance. Resolution· in momoriam, of thank«, tribute· of respe« t, reaolctiona adopted by «ocietiei or pertoui, uulets of -ublic concern, w.il only be printed in th papar at advertir;· menta. I he Qazbttb office ¡? «.«una» ted with the Telephone Exchangee. Adveititementa, or· dtiia f. " the pauor, new» or any infoiraatio or butinées can be sem by telephone. I Entered at tho ? .n"/iff « Alexandria, Vi·»!»· la. aecoud-clatt mattei.l COURT OF APPEALS. Iu the Court vi Appeal»» of Staunten yesterday, the day's proceedings were ae follows: E. H. Boyd, trustee, and otlurs again-tt Pnrcoll McK.ee and others, on appe.tl from the Circuit Court of Fred¬ erick county; argument heard and case m omitted. Traneferred to Richmi ? I for hearing was th» case of Su-ao T. 'iidball ano others attain-1 the Sbenandoah Valley National Bank. The case of ? H. Do¬ vei against C. W. Ramsourg was cot»- tiiueii to iiext term to complete tbe pi ...t.I'fS. The eise of Judtie Thomas VV. Harii- rison, Richard E. Byrd, and Itoy Steplienson against John L. Wiesler, a celebrated case from the Wiacbestei- Circuit Court, in which arose the ques¬ tion as to the legality of making the judge party to a suit in his own circuit court, though cause of suit arose before the judge was elected to the bench, was argued. Tbe court reserved de¬ cision. The city of Winchester against A. E. Corroll wan coutinued to next term, as was tbe case of Annie Smith and others against A. Moore, jr., trustee. Argued m part and contiuned till today was ¡.he case of W. \Y. Rollers admistra- tor against John J. Pit ? man, executor. These opinions were rendered: By Judge Riely (ipiuion written bc- ft.r-e Judge Riely's death).Atlantic aid Danville Railway Company vs. Dela¬ ware Cout-truction Company, Court of Law nod Chancery of tbe city of Nor¬ folk; decree affiimed. Smith et ni. VA, Mill·? et al., Circuit Court of Culpepcr county; reveised. By Judge R. H. ("ardwell.Jennie M. Gardner vs. Jobo \V. O rdntr, and Ben· sie and Sister Gardner vs. John W. (taiduer, frum tbe Circuit Court o! Washington count); reversed in part and attJimed in part. By Jut'iP Buch man.Tale's execu¬ tor vs. Jone>e et al., Circuit Court of 8mytb county; reversed; Burdino vs. Burdine's executor, &c, Circuit Court j( Russell county; reversed. By Judge Harrison.Litcbfield vs. Preston et al., Circuit C'ouri of Wash¬ ington county; ailirmed. Ueorge U. Busch qualified to prac¬ tice before Ibis court. These petitions for appeals and writt- of error were gran toil or refused: Robert E Shoemaker vs. James M. Bowman, Ciicuit Court of Rockiogbaii. county, appeal; bond, $100. Charles rt. dboemiker vs. Joseph M. Bowman, Circuit Court of Rockingham county, appeal; bond $100. Ben Bier vs. Ingrat«! «t al, Circuit Court of Allegheny county; appeal and supersede**·; bond $2.50. Hughes vs. Williams, «fee., from Cir¬ cuit Cotlrt of Augusta county; writ ol error aud 'Uyersedea. ; bond $1,500, ¡Smith el al , vs. Thomas e·, al, Ci'· cuit Cotlrt ol Augusta county; boi d $250. Miller vs. Byer?, from Circuit Court of Augusta county; appeal; bond $200 Norfolk aud Western Railway Com¬ pany vs. Wood, from the Circuit Court of Augusta count\; writ of error and supersedea-s bond $3,000. Norfolk aud Wet-Urn Railway Com¬ pany vs. Wood, from Circuit Court of Augusta county; writ of error and su petstdeat-; bond $1,800. Eohols, executor, vs. Brennen et al., Circuit Court of Augueta county; appeal no bond. Lindsay vs. Ecboli-; Hustings Couit ol Bristol; appeal and supereedeas; bond $S00. Virginia Building and Loan Associa¬ tion vs. Joseph E. Olern et al., Circuit Court o( the city of Ricnmoud; appeal andsupersedeas; bond $150. Doyle vs. Commonwealth of Virginia; writ of error to operate as supersedeas, upon bond being given for $o,t JO. This is the celebrated case in which the young Lyochburg law wutlent, who was louud guil y of simple assault, the complainant being a young girl, was charged with a more serious crime. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Cjmpan\ vs. Deiarnetti; writ of error grau ted; bond 84,000. ?. ?. Par.-??ß, ?ß., vs. Newmar e al ; appeal and supersedtas; bond$300. Smith vs. Moor«, trastee, Circuit Court of C arke county; appeal and supereedeas; bond $500. Briggs vs. Cooke, Law and Chancer> Court, city of Norfolk; writ of error ar.d supersede as; bond, $200. Djyle vs. Beaeley, Circuit C >urt if Culppper; appeal and supersedea?; bond, $200. Miller vs. Little, Corporation Court of Frtderickt-hurg; appeal and super- deae; bond, $200. Jones vs. Domestic Sewing Mach De Company, Circuit duri of Richmond; appeal anil suporsedeat-; bond, $250 Southern Railway Company vs. Will- cox, &t\ Law and Chancery, city of Norfolk; wiit of error and enperaede- e; nond, $2,200. Showalter vs. Baker, Circuit Court of Augusta county; appeal refused. Jones vs. Jones, Circuit Court of Rue- eel! county; appeal reiused. Dencey's edminirtrator, vs. Southern Railway. Company, Circuit Court of Fairfax count); writ of error refused. Vaughtu vs. Barbee, &c, Law and Equity Court, city of Norfolk; writ of error refuaed. Pelouze, executor, vs. First National Bank, Chancery Court, city of Rich¬ mond; appeal refugee1. Davis vs. Qayle, inspector, Circuit Court of Mathews county; writ of er¬ ror refused. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in tbe civi¬ lized world. Your mothers and grand* mothers never thought of using any¬ thing else for Indigestion or Bilious¬ ness. Doctors were «caree, and they seldom heard of Appendictis, Nervous Prostration or Heurt failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the aystem aud stop lei¦mentation of undi¬ gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate tbe nervous aud organic action of tbe system, and that is all tbey took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing uerious the matter with you. For sale by Kriust L. Allen, Claud M. Lennon, Wi.rtiehl & Hall, Charles G. Lennon, YV. F. Creighton & Co., and Richard Gibson. A Word to Mothers. Mothers of children aflected with croup or a severe cold need not hesitate to administer Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Il contain- no opiate nor narcotic in any form and may be given as c jiitidet tly to tbe babe as to an adult. Tbe great success that basal tended its use in tbe treatment of colds and croup has won for it the approval and nraise it has received throughout the United States and in many foreign lands. For sale by all druggists. -?.?.? To Curo Constipation Forever. Take Caacareta OukIv Cathartic, lue or 26c If C C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. -*··.?- L»rgo sun spot*, HSlronomer» «ay, ctused the «xtnnio beat this summer, aid dortors delare oeatlv all the prostrations were in¬ duced by disorder» of the stom»ch Good health follows good digestion. Kodol Dys¬ pepsia Core digest» what you eat. If yen have indigestion or dyspepsia It will quickly relievo and permanently core you. CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS. &C. We Are Ready WITH OUR LINE OF Fall and Winter Samples, COMPFISING ALL THE LATEST WKAVK-I FOR Custom Tailoring. SUITS TO OBDER-FIT OUARANTEED- AT $12, $13.50, $16, $18 and $20. Trousers from $4 up. R. LEE FIELD, One-Price Clothier and Furnisher, No. 304 King street FURNITURE. The Furniture House. SUMMER PRICES ON Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces. A heatlfnl Satin Damtik Parlor Snitjp*' ¦ A very handsome Divan, mabosanv back inlaid with pearl and holly, cov-<t 1 (\ CA ered with Satin Damask......F ¦ «,«'? We lineo a few of those Rockers.£/} ft Q ,p*r-HAlR MATTRESSES RENOVATED. This is the time to have thciu mide over. M. Ruben & Sons, 601 KINO STREET. PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING QUAR¬ TERMASTER, ?9 North Washington stroet, Alexandrie, Vs., r-eptcmber, 12, lDoo, Baaltfl proposul·», In triplicate, for creclioo and completion of a 12 bed br'ck hoep'til at Fort Washington, Mary Und, i oluding ii'umbing, electric wiring and hot-water heat¬ ing, will be receivid »t this odi et until 12 o'clock noon, October 12, 1900. Envelopes containing proposals should bo endorsed "Proposals for Hospital, Fort Washington, Maryland." Bidders must specify a separate . mount for construction, plumbing, electric wiring sad heating, as wi 11 as a total amount for all work bid for. Infornittion regarding plan· .ml speciflc.tions may be obtainod at the office of the Depot Qn»rteim*6ter, Balli* mote, Philadelphia, New York and aleo at this office. ABE P. RICKHAM, Major and Qaarternia-ter. U. S Vola eepl2 4t octlO 8t 1CE1ICEIICE! mTeal COMPANY. Wholesale and retail dealers in natural and manufactured ICE. Office.Corner King and Union street«. Country truie and carload lotta ipeciaìly. We propose to furnish the citizens of Alex¬ andria with tbe beet quality of natural oi mmiufitctored Ice, as they may elect, at the tame rate te families as last season. 10 pounds at 6c. 25 pounds at 10c. 60 pounde at 20c 10O pound· and over 40c per 100 lbs. Our aim is to disappoint no one. Pleat* make til complaint* direct to our office. Bell Pboae No, 51. Home phone No. 61. .aylTott DRY GOODS. _ To Close Out Remaining Summer Stock. A lot of SHIRT GINOHANS to cloae out at 8c. A lot of MADRAS, suitable for Men'aShirtr. To clo»e out, reduced to 10c. 1 piece of WHITE BASKET -CLOTH, 40 inches wide, at 12 l-2c. 2 pieces of G????? CLOTH, to close out, at 10c. A »mall lot light PERCALES, foil yd-wide, to close out, at 6 l-2c. A mu * 11 lot of light PERCALES, bee makes, full ytrd wide, at 10c. Extra vtlue 40.iuch INDIA LINON, tt 12 l-2c. An extra valuo 4-4 BLEACHRDCOTTON, 8c. Fnll yard-wide UNBLKACHED COTTON in extia heavy and a!-.» fine quality, at 5c. Foil lino of TABLE DAMASK, NAPKINS, TOWELS. Ac, at lowest prices. A. C. Slaymaker, 429 KING ??G???G. W A ? (ÏÏîËSAyDJF^VELRY. _ Boss Watch Cases, -AND. Everything else in the Watch, Clock and Jewelry line can be bought at Lowest Prices HENRY W. W1LDT, Jeweler and Optician, 106 N. ROYAL STREET. ALEXANDRIA, VA. JtaVREPAlKlNG DONF. Buy Diamonds and Watches on Credit. We let you make the 'erme- a¡dollar or so a week. Select what jou want from our IMMENSE STOO . Railrosd Watch.21 jewels.our apecislty. Our representative is in Alexandria every Friday and will caU with »amples if you drop ua a Une. AU business confidential, Castellieig National Jewelry Company, 9.55 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Eitabliihed 1846. __BUILDINO MATERIAL.^ SMOOT & CO., (8occeaeore to J. Hector Smoot A Co.* Steam Flooring and Planing Mill. Manufacturera of D30R AND WINDOW FRAMES. MOULD ING8.dK. DEALERS IN LUMBER, SHINGLE«, LATHS, NAILS, LIME, CALCINED PLASTER and CEMENTI No. 25 north Union itreet, Alexandria, V». I.rimber delivered free In the dir._ "[ESTABLISHED 1822.] Henry K. Field & Co. Soccessors¡to JOSIAH H. D, SMOOT. Lumber and Mill Work OF ALL KINDS. Office tnd Yard 115 N.Union street Factory No. 113 N. Lee street. a#-Matenal Delivered FREE in the city. CONFECTIONERY, Ac D. Harry Appicii, 526 King Street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CdNFKCTIONLK AMI FBLITÜLALEB ¿Xa the eettoni come and go; p A. rovldent of all, JL lenty of fruits, and nuts, and sweets, have at your call. V/andie«, cakes throughout the year, tini Appicb's stock will make good cbtei ¿¦rSPECLAL INDUCEMENTS FOR THI COUNTRY TRADE.-*» WM.B. MURRAY! ynnnn.iffnm NO. 517 KING STREET, Alexindria, Va, Informe his friend· tbkt he ia prepared to 8UIT8 IN THE LATEST 8TYLES At very reasonable prices. A nice Cutaway Coat and Vest and Fancy Trousare, 826 All the Latest fui ting». 823.50 up, Come and examine oír style*. tep3 3m ANOTHER INVOICE OF CHOICE CAL IFORNIA LEMON CLING SLICED PEACHES, la can«, received and for tale by J. a MiLBUSM. CLOTHING, FURNISHING, Ac. 8J8/OPEN EVENINGS. HI? We are now kept busy in outfitting the boy for school. Our line is complete in all the various necessities for enabling the boy to make a genteel ap pearance. Boys' School Suits, 5 to 12,08c Boys' School Suits, 5 to ??, $1.25, Boys' School Suits, $LM to ? Boj s' School Shirts, 25 to 50c. Boys' School Hose, 5 to 15c. Boys' School'Pants, 25 to 50c. Boys' School Suspenders, II) to 25c. Boys' School Neckwear, 5 to 25c Boys' School Handkerchiefs, 5 to 10c. Boys' School Shirts and Drawers, 25c Boys' Setal Caps, 10 to 15c. 111. UP-TO-DATE MEN'S WEAK, 402 KING STREET. _GROCERIES. W.P.WOOLLS&SON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FIN E FAMILY GR OCERIES CHOICE MEATS, FRUIT8 AND VEGETABLES. Fine Old Wines and Liquors, COB. BOYAL AND WOLFE BT3 . JOHN AHEJRN A CO.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS AND DEALER8 IN PURE WINES & LIQUORS We hold largely in U. 8. bonded warohousce and carry in stock various brands of the beet PURE RYE AND MALT WHISKIES MADE. '.. mimi in »toro »Ulterior grades of Foreign and American WINES, ALES, BBOWN STOUT, AC. Äe^Hat «faction Guaranteed as to Price and Quality.-·»» Corner Prince and Commerce Street«. ? C. MILBURÑ, MALIS III FANCY AND STJPLF GROCERIES, li 3 North Royal Street, Alexann..a, Va f ropriotorof the Potomac Brand of F.ooi which unexcelled. Coffee· Freahly Roasted at Sttre._ A. JOHNSON A a)., W. V? HOLESALE GROf ERA. ii-.NKRAL COMMISSION MEECHAN^S , And Deal·!« In ALL KINDS OF LIQUOR«. »lave on bond Gibaon'a XX, XXX, XXXX and pure Old hye, Old Cabinet aud Monogram WtiUkiea ; alto Baker's tnd Thompaon'e Pur· Bye Whiskiee, to which they invite th· atten. tiou tho trade. Ordert from the country for mercandiae) .hall receive prompt attention. Consignment* of Flour. Grain and Country Produce aoUcited, for which they guarantee the highett market price· and prompt return·, N. E. corner Cameron aud Royal «treat·. Wall Papers AND Window Shades IF YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS WALL PAPERS, WINDOW SHADES AND MOSQUITO NET-, MOSQUITO NET CANOPIES ALL siz&a From the beat mtnufacturera, go to tbe Old Beliable Store. KtUblisbed 18">(>. JOHN P. CLARKE, m y22 4m 012 King st., Alexandria Va. ILD CURED HAMS and Breakfast Bacon, «operior quality. For aale by _J.C M1LHPRN. IRESH GRAHAM FLOUR received to ear by J a MILBÜBN- F DRY GOODS. D. Bend hei m & Sons. >:Ot. The Final Wind Up Sale of the Summer Season. One lot of Fnulsrdlnes, at 5c ?ard. One lot of Dimity Lawns, at 3'feo y*rd# One lot 10c Lawns, at .r>c yard. One lot yard-wide Percale, O^c ya'd. Remnauls, yard-wide Bleached Cotton, a big bargain, at 5c yard. One lot Bieached Cotton, H) to % yard pieces, lc for the whole piece One lot Black Liwne, 5c yard, Oue lot Wliito Apronette«, ii\r yatd. One lot Krown Cotton, 37/rtr yard One lot TowelOg Crashes, 2V· yard One lot Jobnto* Madras, at 7^c yard. One lot Dross O ir; «hums, 5c yard. One lot White Ped Bprtadt, 49··, One lot I sdlcs' 8lt>-k aud Tan Se·mil«· How, G·· pair, One lot Lad ios' Bleached Vette, with Upo 5c each. One lot Ladies'White Ballt Waiite, with two rows of inttfting, at 85e, Ono lot Ladie-' Colored Waist*, sold as bigb as $1.50, far 60e, One lot Indies' Crssh Skirts, at 19c. ( ne lot Lsdi.··)' (overt Cloth Skirts, «t 69c Ono lot Boys' Sweder-·, !)··. Oat let Shelf Oilcloth. 5c yard Ono lot Ladle·1 Dreta s h tolde, 5c psir. Ono lot Ladies' ¡rummer Corseti, '23c. Ono lot Gents' Han· kerchiefs, 'Je. One lot Gents' Celluloid Collars, 5c Ono lo', dents' Ne» 1 «:·· hhirts. with 2 sep¬ arate coliars sod 1 psir tu tie, 8*Y, One lot Gents'Unlauudered White Shirt» ''Oast lion,'' at 88c. Ono iot Genta'ßalbrigejiri Shirt« and Draw¬ ers, 23c piece. Oue lot Infants' Ready-made Pinlws Dia¬ pers, l'i^jc One lot Gents' S dt Madiss Shirts, with and Without collar, 88 '. One lot Gents' Night Roles. 88« One lot Velvet Ribbons, 18^ piece. Ono lot Val ncieiinos Laics, 13« ilo« yards. Ono lot Ladies' Lisle Thread Houo, plain tnddropstitched. 25c pair. D.Bendheim&SonSp 316 KING STREET ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. MEETINGS. NOTICE.The annuii meetinií of the UNION PU1LDING COMPANY for the election of the board of directors and for »ueh oth» r tmsinesa «s may bs proper, will bo held at the office of tho company. No. 123 eouth Royal street. Alexandria, Va on MON¬ DAY. September 17. 1900, at 1 :30 o'clock p m. MYRON M. l'AKKER, President. W. ?G??? TOWERS, Secretary. tog31 w3wf _ TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE COLUMBIAN SMOKELESS FURNACE COMPANY:.Yoi »re hereby notified that the undenigrcd stockholder» of the Colum· bian h-moke'e-c· Furnace Company, holdihg together more than one-tenth of tbe capital stock of said company, hereby call a general meeting of the stockholders of »aid company, to be held at the office of the company. No. 123 south Royal etroct, in tbe city of Alexan¬ dria. State of Virginia, on MONDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1900, at tbe hour of five o'clock p. m ALBEBT F. KING8LEY, aog30toctl etILAS H KINGSLEf. STOCK IK H lu L-' MEETING-Theetock bold-rsof THE WASHINGTON < HEM- Il AL COMPANY aro horet.y notified tbat the Board of Directors of the company have Called a general meeting of tbe stock bolder', to be bold at tho office of tbe company, No 123 eouth Royal street, Alexandria, Va., on SATUBDAV, the2üth of September, 1900, at 10:30 a. m. By order of tho Board of Directors. L0UI8 BEYER, Jb., aug27 dtd Secretary. A GEN EU AL MEETING of tre itock« hol.iers of the MASSACHUSETTS BREWERIES COMPANY will be held at 11 O'clock in the forei oon on the 28tb DAY OF 8???EMBER, 1900. at the principal office of tbe company, No. Ill eoiith Fairfax street Alexandria, Virginia, for tbe tianeaction of any bueineci which may he I rought beforct be meeting. By order of the Board of Directors, aug23 td» EDWARD kUHL, Hearty. A New Lot of Patented Articles Just rot the Honeekeeper. New Offeo ?«·· ^>th t^e Í loth Sir» ner. Marion HarlandO>ffee Pole, Bread Toisters, Fish Broilers, , . a. Nickel Sotp Di^h-e for tbe Path-room. Asbietc« St- ve« Mats, Oíate Lemon Ju Extracten, Ni· e New Tabe et*·». New Tack Pnll'.r-, Wocden Sque. ters w¡tb Porcelain extracto. Fi« Beater· aud F-kjc Whip·. And lots of other article· that eTerj House¬ keeper ought to bave. At Carter & Howard^ CANDY MANUFACTORY. AN ALEXANDRIA ENTERPRISE. Mr. Chas. Blondheim, For a number of years with tbe George R. Hill * omneny, ia now enya«ed in tbe manufacture of (tndy at NO. 104 NORTH FAI8FAX STREET. NEAR KING. He humbly eolie U » share of the patron·** of tte public Eyerytbing flret-clate and all order· promptly filled. Encourage home e terpr·.·*. aa«161m DRY GOODS. NEW FALL GOODS. We are beginning to receive our NEW FALL GOODS to which the attention of the puplie is e«i*ocially called. New Cloth for Rainy S fir, mTA Day Skirt« .... OUC yil Olvmpia Serge, some-i^I/^ thing nice for fall «kilts * ^/Jti Dewey Serge, 36-ins. with·, f c^» oriner price 20c; now . » OKt Fancy Novelties In plaids f»rO>* children's School Dresse« . . O** 32 iu. wid Flannelette . * UC Shirt Waists. Shirt Waists. We have concluded ¡to cluse out all of oar Colored shirt shirt WaJati re» malning in stock. Loti. WereeOc Now . ¿>oC Lot 2. Wer«ß?? Now . o9C Special« Lot 3.We have received from a large manufacturer his line of -am pies of all White Shirt Waists hand¬ somely trinimeli with all-over lace embroidery, #1.2.**. $1 SO, 91?&??? to #2.41). To close at . . . J d±> Lot of GOO and 75c Corsets iflr» to go for.oyc Also 11.00 and $1.25 Corsets./LQr Your choice.UyC Qents' Furnishings. We have some of tin· saint· shirt« left, which yon can see displayed in our window, that sold 3*7|/ ? for 50c, 60 ami 7ÖC. Choice·} / /J^ COR KING AND KOYAL STS. _ DRUGGISTS. CLABA I KADBKATEK. C, C. UtADBIATI* I. S. l..-.AU8kAT*a. J. LIADBEATXB, E. S. IiEADBEATER fc SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS 105 and 107 south Fairfax street. Dealers In Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi, einet, Paint«, ou«, Dye Stuffs, Spice«, Drug gists' Fancy Goods arid Specialties. Wholesale agoLts In Northern Virginia fo·* J. C. Ayer's Médit .nos and John Luca« a? Co.'· Tinted (Oust and Prepared Palata, Ac. Manufacturers of Standard Pharmaceutical preparations. We have made bug« additions to our stock and are buying leading Propriotory Article*, Chemicals, Ac., direct from the manufacturers. Wo are therefore enabled to supply the trad* with all goods usually carried by a well-ap¬ pointed WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE at prices s* low those given by the best house* in largor cities. All good« foi warded by flrai freight or express after reoeipt of order. Promptness is our specialty. We guárante* the nurity of all drug« furnished. Corre¬ spondence invited. 'ARFLELDAHALL, W DRUGGISTS. (X)RNER PRINCE AMD FAIRFAX STS. ? .ascriptions t «pet laity. English, French, German and bomcttid Toilet Soap«; Genuino Farina Cokgue ; Mag¬ nolia Hedyosimia, Geranium and Florida Water ; Genuine Lubina Extracta ; Sponges, Hair Bruahea and Comb« ; bwt English Tooth Brushes ; t full assortment of Patent Modi- .io· ; Coxe'e Gelatine, Corn Starch, See Mutt 1 trine, Spice· of ali kind·, and a eeloct »lock of all articles sold by druggists at prices at low the tame quality can l*> obtained elsewhere F. CREIGHTON A CO., w. Whelttalt and Rttall Dtaitit 1* DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, DYE STUFFS, GARDEN SEEDS, Ac .'»raer King and Royal rtnari* Alexandria, Virg'nta. Phyddtna' Pretcrlptiout carefully eoi pounded. Orden will receive prompt attention. J.C.RICHARDS Wholesalelaudlfiotai ^Dealer'.in. Foreign and Domestic Fruits & Candies, 607 KING STREET. \ j,i>3 3ea)_ MASON'b PORCELAIN TOP FBÜIT JAB8, oough· before the advance in price. 1 doten quarta 00c lSSSrlSta7ífc. Ptckedldot. ,nfho¿ W. P. WOOLLS A SONS, en m a box. w. i^ Wolfa «. KIPPERED HRRRINO jtttt received by Irrtum ¿ aMILBORÄ.

Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA) 1900-09-14. LEE. AI RTANTVBTA YA._ AN INVOICE OF FINEGUNPOWDER ... COURTOF APPEALS. Iu the Court vi Appeal ... pepsia Core digest

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a woman prema-.ìed eyes, hollowm are accompan¬ies of ambition..¦.neas, and socialtion.

onest expressions ofwomen cured byDoctor Tierce'sFavorite Prescrip¬tion is this " Itlias made a new

woman of me."There's a worldof meaning in thewords. It means

the sparklerought back to

the eyes; thecom-ou tinted

with the rosy hueof healthy blootl;the form roundedout anew in

ie whole body radiant

aï t,· .·Favorite Prescription

?rung and sick- debilitating

ition and ulcera¬le weakness. It

if tl MM prematurely

UM· er* the belt I have·'·. Is ··. of Chtmiwi,

«My health was badlys letter. My

irt me continti-h it the ieatt thing

ravviatoli* 1 ht*bad that I could

? fi·;; utterly diacoar·Pierce'· Favorite

Medicai Dis-jut of me."

a Senat Medicalreceipt of stamps

mailing only. Sendthe !>ook in paperr it in cloth bind-

; V. Tierce, No. 663?. Y.

l'or Over Firt t ToareKlin Remxdy..Mri

iy ru] hat been need foTna of mothers for

I, with perfect?ens the gum«,

olle, and is th«1 > r'easant io the

-y part of thobotti*. Ite value

- ·. ad ask for Mr·. Win··iík· t· ttha- bird.


ti m·· of tbe world areinning nation* G .od

¡ e:fo3 strength. If y. u

yon eit, you need KodolIf diabeti wnit jou eat.yourself. It contain· allcombined with the host

instructives. It wiI of fools in a bettle.

um w II do this. It inst-tnt-k y cures all stomach

... MO-CELERY. Try this» Or Headache«. Utartlfia,

I o -ent«

r j.»u continu* thi>,tidt.it. tie-Toi"

f ..r U»l»»c o, with^?. expell.l.iod, I.i'ouJ.^^gtTal' *J I ??^?? i>oi»

«oo.oocureif. liuy

ITO BACfrumown «lrupgìet. who

1Vouch fora». Take it with"»will,patiently, persistently <>n.'.1 II, usually cure»; S holes,·! M,

I to cure, or we refund money.UtattijC*., Chica»., ¦o.lre.l, Rtw I.rfc.

··. NI) STATIONERY^SaveMoney by BuyingSchool Books,

hand, and SCHOOL SÜP-¦le-tription at

French's Bookstore,AND 419 KIN'* ST.

¦ very book purchased aty»» ? get au Indestructible

made.agent for 8chool Deaks andLai at Pattern and Low·

VOTE-INTELLIGENT-. n your pa'ronge we in*

..m of our business record inclaim for FAIB, SQUABE

¦e the beat in «luality and theto all «ustimer» without dis-

iat| aad bohind our prom-mild stock for your in·


Robert. W. French.School Books,

IND >E('ONDHAND,iid pi v»tt ?chooM, are sold at 'haLittle H »re kept by


.^Tprice lid.

A I' ·¦ rid.s. ?. DYSON A BRO.,

508 King street

Second hand and NewSchool Books


At Carne's Bookstore,708 KING STREET.

having our store is coverediB| eaves.

*' have just received a large freshsupplies aud will sell them

ir school t»ook list to fill ont.> u sstisfactton.

vt V GEO. S. FRENCHSecretary.

Alexandria Fertilizerand ChemicalCompany,?ANCFACTURARE OF

fcrtillzers, Fertilizer Materials andU'iiiuMiT (ïrounJ Plaster,TREET. BETWEEN UNIONAND LEE.



Oasette R alidi hit. HIO Jk 812 Prince tt


1 Year.$5 006 Months. 2 503 Mouths. 1 251 Mouth. 43lWook. 10

Tbi-Wxkkly,j. Year.$3 006 Month·. 1 508 Monthi. 751 Mouth. 25

AU transient adver.,»«man,- uni»» be paid foiin advance.

Oaotra« t advertiaera will not t*a allowed to ex¬ceed their ij>aoe p nie»* the excea» i« paid forat tranaiont ratee, aud under no circumstano« will they be allowed to advertí»:other than their legitimate bucinate in tb»¦pace contracted for.

Marriage aud daaib notice« muet be paid (01in advance.

Resolution· in momoriam, of thank«, tribute·of respe« t, reaolctiona adopted by «ocietieior pertoui, uulets of -ublic concern, w.ilonly be printed in th papar at advertir;·menta.

I he Qazbttb office ¡? «.«una» ted with theTelephone Exchangee. Adveititementa, or·dtiia f. " the pauor, new» or any infoiraatioor butinées can be sem by telephone.

I Entered at tho ? .n"/iff « Alexandria, Vi·»!»·la. a· aecoud-clatt mattei.l

COURT OF APPEALS.Iu the Court vi Appeal»» of Staunten

yesterday, the day's proceedings were

ae follows:E. H. Boyd, trustee, and otlurs

again-tt Pnrcoll McK.ee and others, on

appe.tl from the Circuit Court of Fred¬erick county; argument heard and case

momitted.Traneferred to Richmi ? I for hearing

was th» case of Su-ao T. 'iidball anoothers attain-1 the Sbenandoah ValleyNational Bank. The case of ? H. Do¬vei against C. W. Ramsourg was cot»-tiiueii to iiext term to complete tbepi ...t.I'fS.The eise of Judtie Thomas VV. Harii-

rison, Richard E. Byrd, and ItoySteplienson against John L. Wiesler, a

celebrated case from the Wiacbestei-Circuit Court, in which arose the ques¬tion as to the legality of making thejudge party to a suit in his own circuitcourt, though cause of suit arose beforethe judge was elected to the bench,was argued. Tbe court reserved de¬cision.The city of Winchester against A. E.

Corroll wan coutinued to next term, as

was tbe case of Annie Smith and others

against A. Moore, jr., trustee. Arguedm part and contiuned till today was

¡.he case of W. \Y. Rollers admistra-tor against John J. Pit ? man, executor.These opinions were rendered:By Judge Riely (ipiuion written bc-

ft.r-e Judge Riely's death).Atlantic aidDanville Railway Company vs. Dela¬ware Cout-truction Company, Court ofLaw nod Chancery of tbe city of Nor¬folk; decree affiimed.Smith et ni. VA, Mill·? et al., Circuit

Court of Culpepcr county; reveised.By Judge R. H. ("ardwell.Jennie M.

Gardner vs. Jobo \V. O rdntr, and Ben·sie and Sister Gardner vs. John W.(taiduer, frum tbe Circuit Court o!

Washington count); reversed in partand attJimed in part.By Jut'iP Buchman.Tale's execu¬

tor vs. Jone>e et al., Circuit Court of8mytb county; reversed; Burdino vs.Burdine's executor, &c, Circuit Courtj( Russell county; reversed.By Judge Harrison.Litcbfield vs.

Preston et al., Circuit C'ouri of Wash¬ington county; ailirmed.Ueorge U. Busch qualified to prac¬

tice before Ibis court.These petitions for appeals and writt-

of error were gran toil or refused:Robert E Shoemaker vs. James M.

Bowman, Ciicuit Court of Rockiogbaii.county, appeal; bond, $100.

Charles rt. dboemiker vs. Joseph M.Bowman, Circuit Court of Rockinghamcounty, appeal; bond $100.Ben Bier vs. Ingrat«! «t al, Circuit

Court of Allegheny county; appeal andsupersede**·; bond $2.50.Hughes vs. Williams, «fee., from Cir¬

cuit Cotlrt of Augusta county; writ olerror aud 'Uyersedea. ; bond $1,500,

¡Smith el al , vs. Thomas e·, al, Ci'·cuit Cotlrt ol Augusta county; boi d$250.

Miller vs. Byer?, from Circuit Courtof Augusta county; appeal; bond $200

Norfolk aud Western Railway Com¬pany vs. Wood, from the Circuit Courtof Augusta count\; writ of error andsupersedea-s bond $3,000.Norfolk aud Wet-Urn Railway Com¬

pany vs. Wood, from Circuit Court ofAugusta county; writ of error and su

petstdeat-; bond $1,800.Eohols, executor, vs. Brennen et al.,

Circuit Court of Augueta county; appealno bond.Lindsay vs. Ecboli-; Hustings Couit

ol Bristol; appeal and supereedeas; bond$S00.

Virginia Building and Loan Associa¬tion vs. Joseph E. Olern et al., CircuitCourt o( the city of Ricnmoud; appealandsupersedeas; bond $150.Doyle vs. Commonwealth of Virginia;

writ of error to operate as supersedeas,upon bond being given for $o,t JO. Thisis the celebrated case in which the

young Lyochburg law wutlent, whowas louud guil y of simple assault, the

complainant being a young girl, was

charged with a more serious crime.Virginia-Carolina Chemical Cjmpan\

vs. Deiarnetti; writ of error grau ted;bond84,000.?. ?. Par.-??ß, ?ß., vs. Newmar e al ;

appeal and supersedtas; bond$300.Smith vs. Moor«, trastee, Circuit

Court of C arke county; appeal andsupereedeas; bond $500.

Briggs vs. Cooke, Law and Chancer>Court, city of Norfolk; writ of error ar.dsupersede as; bond, $200.

Djyle vs. Beaeley, Circuit C >urt ifCulppper; appeal and supersedea?;bond, $200.

Miller vs. Little, Corporation Courtof Frtderickt-hurg; appeal and super-deae; bond, $200.Jones vs. Domestic Sewing Mach De

Company, Circuit duri of Richmond;appeal anil suporsedeat-; bond, $250Southern Railway Company vs. Will-

cox, &t\ Law and Chancery, city ofNorfolk; wiit of error and enperaede- e;nond, $2,200.Showalter vs. Baker, Circuit Court of

Augusta county; appeal refused.Jones vs. Jones, Circuit Court of Rue-

eel! county; appeal reiused.Dencey's edminirtrator, vs. Southern

Railway. Company, Circuit Court ofFairfax count); writ of error refused.Vaughtu vs. Barbee, &c, Law and

Equity Court, city of Norfolk; writ oferror refuaed.

Pelouze, executor, vs. First NationalBank, Chancery Court, city of Rich¬mond; appeal refugee1.Davis vs. Qayle, inspector, Circuit

Court of Mathews county; writ of er¬ror refused.

QUESTION ANSWERED.Yes, August Flower still has the

largest sale of any medicine in tbe civi¬lized world. Your mothers and grand*mothers never thought of using any¬thing else for Indigestion or Bilious¬ness. Doctors were «caree, and theyseldom heard of Appendictis, NervousProstration or Heurt failure, etc. Theyused August Flower to clean out theaystem aud stop lei¦mentation of undi¬gested food, regulate the action of theliver, stimulate tbe nervous aud organicaction of tbe system, and that is alltbey took when feeling dull and badwith headaches and other aches. Youonly need a few doses of Green'sAugust Flower, in liquid form, to makeyou satisfied there is nothing ueriousthe matter with you. For sale byKriust L. Allen, Claud M. Lennon,Wi.rtiehl & Hall, Charles G. Lennon,YV. F. Creighton & Co., and RichardGibson.

A Word to Mothers.Mothers of children aflected with

croup or a severe cold need not hesitateto administer Chamberlain's CoughRemedy. Il contain- no opiate nornarcotic in any form and may be givenas c jiitidet tly to tbe babe as to an

adult. Tbe great success that basaltended its use in tbe treatment of coldsand croup has won for it the approvaland nraise it has received throughoutthe United States and in many foreignlands. For sale by all druggists.


To Curo Constipation Forever.Take Caacareta OukIv Cathartic, lue or 26c

If C C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.-*··.?-

L»rgo sun spot*, HSlronomer» «ay, ctusedthe «xtnnio beat this summer, aid dortorsdelare oeatlv all the prostrations were in¬duced by disorder» of the stom»ch Goodhealth follows good digestion. Kodol Dys¬pepsia Core digest» what you eat. If yenhave indigestion or dyspepsia It will quicklyrelievo and permanently core you.



Fall and Winter





$12, $13.50, $16, $18 and


Trousers from $4 up.

R. LEE FIELD,One-Price Clothier and Furnisher,

No. 304 King street


The Furniture House.


Parlor Suits andOdd Pieces.

A heatlfnl Satin Damtik Parlor Snitjp*' ¦

A very handsome Divan, mabosanv backinlaid with pearl and holly, cov-<t 1 (\ CAered with Satin Damask......F ¦ «,«'?

We lineo a few of those Rockers.£/} ftQ

,p*r-HAlR MATTRESSES RENOVATED.This is the time to have thciu mide over.

M. Ruben & Sons,601 KINO STREET.



stroet, Alexandrie, Vs., r-eptcmber, 12, lDoo,Baaltfl proposul·», In triplicate, for crecliooand completion of a 12 bed br'ck hoep'tilat Fort Washington, Mary Und, i oludingii'umbing, electric wiring and hot-water heat¬

ing, will be receivid »t this odiet until 12o'clock noon, October 12, 1900. Envelopescontaining proposals should bo endorsed"Proposals for Hospital, Fort Washington,Maryland." Bidders must specify a separate.mount for construction, plumbing, electricwiring sad heating, as wi 11 as a total amountfor all work bid for. Infornittion regardingplan· .ml speciflc.tions may be obtainod at

the office of the Depot Qn»rteim*6ter, Balli*mote, Philadelphia, New York and aleo at

this office. ABE P. RICKHAM, Major and

Qaarternia-ter. U. S Volaeepl2 4t octlO 8t


Wholesale and retail dealers in natural andmanufactured ICE.

Office.Corner King and Union street«.Country truie and carload lotta ipeciaìly.We propose to furnish the citizens of Alex¬

andria with tbe beet quality of natural oi

mmiufitctored Ice, as they may elect, at the

tame rate te families as last season.10 pounds at 6c.25 pounds at 10c.60 pounde at 20c10O pound· and over 40c per 100 lbs.

Our aim is to disappoint no one. Pleat*make til complaint* direct to our office.

Bell Pboae No, 51. Home phone No. 61..aylTott


To CloseOut RemainingSummer Stock.A lot of SHIRT GINOHANS to cloae out at

8c.A lot of MADRAS, suitable for Men'aShirtr.

To clo»e out, reduced to

10c.1 piece of WHITE BASKET -CLOTH, 40

inches wide, at

12 l-2c.2 pieces of G????? CLOTH, to close out, at

10c.A »mall lot light PERCALES, foil yd-wide,

to close out, at

6 l-2c.A mu * 11 lot of light PERCALES, bee

makes, full ytrd wide, at

10c.Extra vtlue 40.iuch INDIA LINON, tt

12 l-2c.An extra valuo 4-4 BLEACHRDCOTTON,

8c.Fnll yard-wide UNBLKACHED COTTON

in extia heavy and a!-.» fine quality, at

5c.Foil lino of TABLE DAMASK, NAPKINS,

TOWELS. Ac, at lowest prices.

A. C. Slaymaker,429 KING ??G???G.


Boss Watch Cases,-AND.

Everything else in the Watch, Clockand Jewelry line can be bought

at Lowest Prices oí

HENRY W. W1LDT,Jeweler and Optician,




Buy Diamondsand Watcheson Credit.We let you make the 'erme- a¡dollar or so

a week. Select what jou want from our


Railrosd Watch.21 jewels.our apecislty.Our representative is in Alexandria everyFriday and will caU with »amples if you dropua a Une. AU business confidential,

Castellieig National Jewelry Company,9.55 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE,

WASHINGTON, D. C.Eitabliihed 1846.


(8occeaeore to J. Hector Smoot A Co.*

Steam Flooringand Planing Mill.




No. 25 north Union itreet,Alexandria, V».

I.rimber delivered free In the dir._"[ESTABLISHED 1822.]

Henry K. Field & Co.Soccessors¡to


Lumber and Mill WorkOF ALL KINDS.

Office tnd Yard 115 N.Union street

Factory No. 113 N. Lee street.

a#-Matenal Delivered FREE in the city.


D. Harry Appicii,526 King Street,


CdNFKCTIONLK AMI FBLITÜLALEB¿Xa the eettoni come and go;pA. rovldent of all,

JL lenty of fruits, and nuts, and sweets,

L· have at your call.

V/andie«, cakes throughout the year,

tini Appicb's stock will make good cbtei


WM.B. MURRAY!ynnnn.iffnm

NO. 517 KING STREET,Alexindria, Va,

Informe his friend· tbkt he ia prepared to

8UIT8 IN THE LATEST 8TYLESAt very reasonable prices.

A nice Cutaway Coat and Vest and FancyTrousare, 826

All the Latest fui ting». 823.50 up,Come and examine oír style*. tep3 3m


PEACHES, la can«, received and for tale byJ. a MiLBUSM.




We are now keptbusy in outfitting the

boy for school. Ourline is complete in allthe various necessitiesfor enabling the boyto make a genteel appearance.Boys' School Suits, 5 to 12,08cBoys' School Suits, 5 to ??, $1.25,Boys' School Suits, $LM to ?Boj s' School Shirts, 25 to 50c.

Boys' School Hose, 5 to 15c.

Boys' School'Pants, 25 to 50c.

Boys' School Suspenders, II) to 25c.

Boys' School Neckwear, 5 to 25c

Boys' School Handkerchiefs, 5 to 10c.

Boys' School Shirts and Drawers, 25c

Boys' Setal Caps, 10 to 15c.




Wholesale and Retail Dealers in



Fine Old Wines and Liquors,COB. BOYAL AND WOLFE BT3 .



PURE WINES & LIQUORSWe hold largely in U. 8. bonded warohousce

and carry in stock various brands of the beetPURE RYE AND MALT WHISKIES MADE.'.. mimi in »toro »Ulterior grades of Foreign

and American WINES, ALES, BBOWNSTOUT, AC.Äe^Hat «faction Guaranteed as to Price and

Quality.-·»»Corner Prince and Commerce Street«.



li 3 North Royal Street,Alexann..a, Va

f ropriotorof the Potomac Brand of F.ooi

which i» unexcelled.

Coffee· Freahly Roasted at Sttre._A. JOHNSON A a).,W.V?HOLESALE GROf ERA.



»lave on bond Gibaon'a XX, XXX, XXXXand pure Old hye, Old Cabinet aud MonogramWtiUkiea ; alto Baker's tnd Thompaon'e Pur·Bye Whiskiee, to which they invite th· atten.tiou oí tho trade.Ordert from the country for mercandiae)

.hall receive prompt attention.Consignment* of Flour. Grain and Country

Produce aoUcited, for which they guaranteethe highett market price· and prompt return·,N. E. corner Cameron aud Royal «treat·.

Wall PapersAND

Window ShadesIF YOU WANT



From the beat mtnufacturera, go to tbe OldBeliable Store. KtUblisbed 18">(>.

JOHN P. CLARKE,my22 4m 012 King st., Alexandria Va.

ILD CURED HAMS and BreakfastBacon, «operior quality. For aale by


IRESH GRAHAM FLOUR received toear by J a MILBÜBN-F


D. Bend heim& Sons.


The FinalWind

Up Sale of the

Summer Season.

One lot of Fnulsrdlnes, at 5c ?ard.One lot of Dimity Lawns, at 3'feo y*rd#One lot 10c Lawns, at .r>c yard.One lot yard-wide Percale, O^c ya'd.Remnauls, yard-wide Bleached Cotton, a

big bargain, at 5c yard.One lot Bieached Cotton, H) to % yard

pieces, lc for the whole pieceOne lot Black Liwne, 5c yard,Oue lot Wliito Apronette«, ii\r yatd.One lot Krown Cotton, 37/rtr yardOne lot TowelOg Crashes, 2V· yardOne lot Jobnto* Madras, at 7^c yard.One lot Dross O ir;«hums, 5c yard.One lot White Ped Bprtadt, 49··,One lot I sdlcs' 8lt>-k aud Tan Se·mil«·

How, G·· pair,One lot Lad ios' Bleached Vette, with Upo

5c each.One lot Ladies'White Ballt Waiite, with

two rows of inttfting, at 85e,Ono lot Ladie-' Colored Waist*, sold as bigb

as $1.50, far 60e,One lot Indies' Crssh Skirts, at 19c.( ne lot Lsdi.··)' (overt Cloth Skirts, «t 69cOno lot Boys' Sweder-·, !)··.Oat let Shelf Oilcloth. 5c yardOno lot Ladle·1 Dreta s h tolde, 5c psir.Ono lot Ladies' ¡rummer Corseti, '23c.Ono lot Gents' Han· kerchiefs, 'Je.One lot Gents' Celluloid Collars, 5cOno lo', dents' Ne» 1 «:·· hhirts. with 2 sep¬

arate coliars sod 1 psir tu tie, 8*Y,One lot Gents'Unlauudered White Shirt»

''Oast lion,'' at 88c.Ono iot Genta'ßalbrigejiri Shirt« and Draw¬

ers, 23c piece.Oue lot Infants' Ready-made Pinlws Dia¬

pers, l'i^jcOne lot Gents' S dt Madiss Shirts, with and

Without collar, 88 '.

One lot Gents' Night Roles. 88«One lot Velvet Ribbons, 18^ piece.Ono lot Val ncieiinos Laics, 13« ilo« yards.Ono lot Ladies' Lisle Thread Houo, plain

tnddropstitched. 25c pair.

D.Bendheim&SonSp316 KING STREET



NOTICE.The annuii meetinií of theUNION PU1LDING COMPANY for

the election of the board of directors and for»ueh oth» r tmsinesa «s may bs proper, will boheld at the office of tho company. No. 123eouth Royal street. Alexandria, Va on MON¬DAY. September 17. 1900, at 1 :30 o'clockp m. MYRON M. l'AKKER, President.W. ?G??? TOWERS, Secretary.tog31 w3wf



COMPANY:.Yoi »re hereby notified thatthe undenigrcd stockholder» of the Colum·bian h-moke'e-c· Furnace Company, holdihgtogether more than one-tenth of tbe capitalstock of said company, hereby call a generalmeeting of the stockholders of »aid company,to be held at the office of the company. No.123 south Royal etroct, in tbe city of Alexan¬dria. State of Virginia, on MONDAY, THEFIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1900, at tbehour of five o'clock p. m



Il AL COMPANY aro horet.y notified tbatthe Board of Directors of the company haveCalled a general meeting of tbe stock bolder',to be bold at tho office of tbe company, No123 eouth Royal street, Alexandria, Va., on

SATUBDAV, the2üth of September, 1900, at10:30 a. m.By order of tho Board of Directors.

L0UI8 BEYER, Jb.,aug27dtd Secretary.

A GEN EUAL MEETING of tre itock«hol.iers of the MASSACHUSETTS

BREWERIES COMPANY will be held at 11O'clock in the forei oon on the 28tb DAY OF8???EMBER, 1900. at the principal officeof tbe company, No. Ill eoiith Fairfax street

Alexandria, Virginia, for tbe tianeaction of

any bueineci which may he I rought beforct bemeeting.By order of the Board of Directors,aug23 td» EDWARD kUHL, Hearty.

A New Lot ofPatented Articles

Just rot the Honeekeeper.New Offeo ?«·· ^>th t^e Í loth Sir» ner.

Marion HarlandO>ffee Pole,Bread Toisters,Fish Broilers, , . a.

Nickel Sotp Di^h-e for tbe Path-room.Asbietc« St- ve« Mats,Oíate Lemon Ju e« Extracten,Ni· e New Tabe et*·».New Tack Pnll'.r-,Wocden Sque. ters w¡tb Porcelain extracto.Fi« Beater· aud F-kjc Whip·.And lots of other article· that eTerj House¬

keeper ought to bave. At



Mr. Chas. Blondheim,For a number of years with tbe George R.

Hill * omneny, ia now enya«ed in tbemanufacture of (tndy at


He humbly eolie U » share of the patron·**of tte public Eyerytbing flret-clate and allorder· promptly filled. Encourage home e ?·

terpr·.·*. aa«161m


NEW FALL GOODS.We are beginning to receive our

NEW FALL GOODS to which the

attention of the puplie is e«i*ocially


New Cloth for Rainy S fir, mTADay Skirt« .... OUC yilOlvmpia Serge, some-i^I/^

thing nice for fall «kilts * ^/JtiDewey Serge, 36-ins. with·, f c^»

oriner price 20c; now .» OKt

Fancy Novelties In plaids f»rO>*children's School Dresse« . . O**

32 iu. wid Flannelette . * UC

Shirt Waists.Shirt Waists.

We have concluded ¡to cluse out allofoar Colored shirt shirt WaJati re»

malning in stock.

Loti. WereeOc Now . ¿>oC

Lot 2. Wer«ß?? Now . o9C

Special«Lot 3.We have received from a

large manufacturer his line of -am

pies of all White Shirt Waists hand¬somely trinimeli with all-over laceembroidery, #1.2.**. $1 SO, 91?&???to #2.41). To close at . . .

J d±>

Lot of GOO and 75c Corsets iflr»to go for.oycAlso 11.00 and $1.25 Corsets./LQr

Your choice.UyC


We have some of tin· saint· shirt«left, which yon can see displayed inour window, that sold 3*7|/ ?

for 50c, 60 ami 7ÖC. Choice·} //J^





105 and 107 south Fairfax street.Dealers In Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi,einet, Paint«, ou«, Dye Stuffs, Spice«, Druggists' Fancy Goods arid Specialties.

Wholesale agoLts In Northern Virginia fo·*J. C. Ayer's Médit .nos and John Luca« a? Co.'·Tinted (Oust and Prepared Palata, Ac.

Manufacturers of Standard Pharmaceuticalpreparations.We have made bug« additions to our stock

and are buying leading Propriotory Article*,Chemicals, Ac., direct from the manufacturers.Wo are therefore enabled to supply the trad*with all goods usually carried by a well-ap¬pointed WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE at

prices s* low a« those given by the best house*in largor cities. All good« foi warded by flraifreight or express after reoeipt of order.Promptness is our specialty. We guárante*

the nurity of all drug« furnished. Corre¬spondence invited.


(X)RNER PRINCE AMD FAIRFAX STS.? .ascriptions t «pet laity.English, French, German and bomcttid

Toilet Soap«; Genuino Farina Cokgue ; Mag¬nolia Hedyosimia, Geranium and FloridaWater ; Genuine Lubina Extracta ; Sponges,Hair Bruahea and Comb« ; bwt English ToothBrushes ; t full assortment of Patent Modi-

.io· ; Coxe'e Gelatine, Corn Starch, See Mutt1 trine, Spice· of ali kind·, and a eeloct »lockof all articles sold by druggists at prices at low

the tame quality can l*> obtained elsewhere

F. CREIGHTON A CO.,w.Whelttalt and Rttall Dtaitit 1*


GARDEN SEEDS, Ac.'»raer King and Royal rtnari*

Alexandria, Virg'nta.Phyddtna' Pretcrlptiout carefully eoi

pounded.Orden will receive prompt attention.

J.C.RICHARDSWholesalelaudlfiotai ^Dealer'.in.

Foreign and Domestic

Fruits & Candies,607 KING STREET.

\ j,i>3 3ea)_MASON'b

PORCELAIN TOP FBÜIT JAB8, oough·before the advance in price.1 doten quarta 00c

lSSSrlSta7ífc. Ptckedldot.,nfho¿ W. P. WOOLLS A SONS,

en m a box. w. i^Wolfa «.

KIPPERED HRRRINO jtttt received byIrrtum ¿ aMILBORÄ.