.MONDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY \'2 LOCAL MATTERS. Wkaihkk I'kobahii.itirs, l'Vli. 1-, 13S:i. For ilif Middle Atlantic States fair weather, northerly to westerly winds, stationary or ,Iijriit fail in temperature. rising followed by falling barometer. DrcKi.vt; Shores..During the ducking season, which commenced last fall and will close with the coming of the spring fishery, numerous ducking clubs from the North rented portions of the shore of the Potomac in Stafford county for the pleasure of the sport, paying a rental each oi The . lucks arc .-plcudid game and the hunters oi* ! ho club* enjoy themselves accordingly. These !iores occupy all the river front from Chappawamsic Creek to Aquia Creek, a distance of eight miles, and these Clubs kill about ducks, an average of .~iUti each, and thus tilings are made lively in lite duck season. Mr. K. A. W. More has rented his ducking shore to a Washington City < !ni» of ten gentlemen, who have built nice houses on his island, and ->iime of them are down every week trying their baud :ti the thicks. This is called the Mt. Vernon t !ul». Next is the Clifton Club, made up of live Washington* miis and twoN'ew Yorkers. («en. Kit? Lee's is the next. tented to two New Yorkers. .Mr. Man Let's shore, a party of Kedericks burg gent leiiirn have rented. Major J. M l.i-e's i- n.m. which aNcwYoik millionaire enjoy* and Mr. M on cure's secured by aUOthii v, eaiiiiy .NeVt \ orkcr. I> Tkoi \r Lis'i". The fact that some individual in t lie .*->ecoml ward have of late !>i*cii miuumiii* them elves m clipping the . audit) appendages of cat -, ii;e> several times been noticed in litis column, but exactly how many leiines have been compelled to etui up utidci sloven this winter minus that port ion which disappears over a fence lust cannot definitely be ascertained. Yes- terday the grimalkin, belonging to Mrs. \\iiliam>. proprietress of one of the Market I rouse eookshops, appeared in that lady's presence -horn closely of its trailing appendage. Though having hud the prefix Airs, before her name lo these many years, and never having been compelled to make favorites of cats, her indignation knew no hounds, and she fori liwit h procured a war* laid for the arrest of the supposed guilty party (Jeo K. Now land. TliU afternoon he was brought before Justice Aruell, wlio upon hearing (lie evidence in the case sen¬ tenced him to pa\ a line, ol'sji* or go to jail for i!u da\s, siihjeci to the chain gaug. Being tillable to pay tin* line, he was taken to jail, after having entered an appeal from the nv.rgHtrale's decision. CoIii'oijatio.V Cm kt. The February term of the Corporation Court, Judge N. 1>. .Meade presiding, commenced this morning. Suioot I'erry \-:. Kli Betty el al.; chan¬ cery : demurrer and answer of Kli IVttv tiled and answer oi tJeo. W. IVity liled. Ball, adui'r. of Mulany, vs. J. i',. Stewart el al chancery; rule awarded against A. I U. W. Co. to show cause why they have not answered thcaltachmeul served upon it. Susan Summers \s. l-'raneis .Miller et al.: in chancery : proof of publication against iiou resident defendants tiled ami decree of et'erence. Administration upon the estate of Isaac A t!rigg. deceased, was granted to John N. Johnson. The estate of Reuben Johnston, deceased, was committed to the Sergeant for ad¬ ministration. Orlando !.'. Kinerson was appointed guar diuii to CJeorge W. Plinerson. The last will and lestameul of l-'li/aheth Moisey was admitted to probate. The Court adjourned to Wednesday morn¬ ing next at lo o'clock; I olJi X JiKHOltT. batltnm\ night was dark with snow and rain. There were two prisoners and six lodgers! in tlit; station house. Last night was clear ami mild. There wore three prison errand *)k lodgers in the -tatiou house. This morning the Mayor tli.-pi-.nl of the following rases Milton llali, an old colored man, arrest¬ ed hy oftiecr < >gdeti charged with Mealing meat from Win. lJodgers was sen I to jail for (en days. Alfonzo Aringlon arrested by oilicer Me Cann charged with being drunk and disor derly was dismissed with a reprimand. John k el Icy arrested by oilicer Thomas Hayes charged with heinu- drunk on the street was required to leave I he cil v in lif teen minutes. The Mayor also hud several parlies before him this morning tor failing to pa\ their li cense taxes. Others will be summoned. STEAMEIi lifKXKD. The steamei City of C'utskill was bnrned to tho water's edge yesterday morning at lJondont, N. \. The steamer was lying in a creek at the time ami the tlaincs from a burning building on shore w ere communicated to her. ami do- -pite all eflbrts to subdue the same the boat was soon destroyed. Tho Catshill. it will be remembered, was chartered by the Cov¬ ert) mcnt in October, ISSl, to carry the l-'rench and Herman guests to Yorktown. «'n her way up the river she stopped at the wharf of the American Coal Company, aud *\as inspected by numbers of citizens. She »as a large, modern built, side-wheel steam¬ er, with two smoke-stacks, and was doubt¬ less the tin est boat of her class ever in these waters. She was valued at SI 50,000. Threatened to K hi. Himself.. Mphonso Arringlon went into a grocery store on North I'ilt <lreet on Saturday night and began acting in a very disorderly man¬ ner. The proprietor threatened to have hiui arrested if he did not go away, but in¬ stead of leaving he drew an old razor from his pocket and began hacking :it his own throat. He pretended that he was going to kill himself, but the razor was taken from turn by persons in the store He was subse¬ quently arrested ami locked up until this morning \\ hen he was released alter heing I old to get a good knife and a strong rope and no out in «>uu- secluded spot, where he would not be interfered with in his attempts at suicide. He did »nol follow the advice however. JUNOUS FOR SrAtJNTUN. Mr. Li. A Hutch¬ inson. I>oj»iit\ Sergeant of Staunton, was in the city this morning suinmouiug \enie- men in 1 he car e of the Commonwealth vs. Ami's, charged with the murder of Burner, t he Sergeant V appearance created quite a consternation anion*!, the merchants in the lower part oi the city and many made them¬ selves *rarce. but after r. little delay eleven were secured and they will leave for Staun¬ ton to morrow nigh! The following gentle - men were summoned F A. Reed, Frank Bell, B. W. Nail-:. W. \\ Vincent, R. T. I.ueas, M. Sdmler. George Harlow, Thos. I.. Monroe, Mark Xorris, J. L. Oyson aud < ha rles Adams. Caitle StwI.es. A l-'aiiipiier count v via'/ier had two line head of cattle stolen irom hiui about ten days ago. by a man w ho lived in ihe neighhorhood, who took them from a tield at night and drove them several iiides through the wooda and sold theia to a cal lie dealer lor about one-half their value. While driving the cattle oil". the man hud his jaw honr and two of his libs hroken. it is supposed. by his horse falling on him, notwithstanding which, he persevered in his undertaking and made the sale before lie returned to his home. The cattle were afterwards recovered hv their owner and the matter hushed up. I Thk CHi'RCHKS yesterday morning not¬ withstanding the inclement weather, had fair congregations, but at night there was a perceptible diminution in the, attendance at some of them. The revival services at the M. E. Church, were of a very interesting character. At night after a sermon by the Pastor. Rev. I >r. 1 Y>ulson, from Proverbs, :2.V2fi."My son give me thy heart." six persons presented themselves at the altar for prayer, and they all professed conversion before the meeting ! closed. The meeting continues throughout 'the week. Thk Wkathkr. -Snow commenced fal¬ ling about seven o'clock on Saturday even- ing and continued some hours, but it was followed by a rain which fell at intervals during the entire night and by morning on- ly traces of it could be seen. Yesterday was also a rainy, disagreeable day though the temperature was mild, but last night the wind came out fresh from the uorthwest, blowing a gale, and the weather became colder, the mercury droppiug down near the freezing point. To-day ha* been cool, bra- cing and seasonable. I Ba t*rt/.in<;. Despite the ice, snow, rain, wind and gloomy prospect generally, the ceremony of baptism was performed in the river, oil'Battery Roilgers yesterday morning about half-past eight o'clock. There was but one candidate .a colored man.and the j ai t of immersion caused a cold shiver to run through ihe few persons who witnessed the ceremony. Rev. S. \V. Madden perfor- !!*(-. 1 lite 1 ite. i They say "a word to the wise is hiillieient,'' j but we think it takes about live, 'l.'se l>r. Bull's Cough Syrup." You can get this article in any drug store for twenty-live cents. Physicians recommend it. Hsj7~I»«»n't l'\wt. n> ReahTiiis! -Having pureleased the entire stock of the late firm «.!" S. Waterman £ Sou from I lie assignee at a great sacrifice lor cash, wo bug to eall the attention of tin- citizens of Alexandria and vicinity to the fart tlml in order t<> induce the .same before going into extensive |>re|iarat ions iu re tit I ing and remodel¬ ing tin* establishment. we will >ell t'ur 150 days from tliis ilav tlie entire stork of Ready Made Clothing, dents' Furuisliiug Hoods, Piece Hoods. Franks, Vulisev, &e.. at prices that will astonish all who ever (inrehased Clothing before, and which will he very much below former prices. This is a positive clearing uiit sale, and will be nlrieily carried out. Tlie .Mercliaol Tailoring business will tie carried oil on a much larger and better regulated scale. Having retained the same cutter and tailors, we invite ail to give us a trial, We mean business ami ask your kind patronage. 1'oliic attention. \n trouble to show good3. W. NOUIH.INliKK A CO.. Successor to.Simon Waterman & Son, febT Sarepta Hall Ituitdiug. Mr. Edward Edmnnson, Manchester. Ya., says : "Brown's Iron Bitters has cured both myself and wife of indigestion." TAYLOR A- IIUFTY. .!m rEN.NSYl.VANIA A V EN UK. Washi not>>n'. i>. c. To T II E I. A l> IKs. I'AI.r. AN' fiXUllN'K «»PK UXK t>!.' CORSETS. A KPfJ. I.INK .1 P.ST IN. The Celebrated C. P. \. I,A SfREXK The THOMPSON' OI.OVE l-TITIN'ti I'orsets in Sateen. Coutille and Satin. Taylor & Hufty. I)LANT STIMULANT.We have just picpared I a fresh supply of the above preparation, that has hen» found by experience to bo so valuable for plants in windows, gardens, conservatories and green houses. nnv7 K. S. LEA OB EATER & BRO | tnsurpassed FOR THE TOILET IS OUR I COLOGNE. ' WILD FLOWERS OF VIR- GIXIA." in bottles nt 25c, 50c and $1. SUM MERS & ALLEN, declrt N. W. corner King and Royal sts. Reversible document envelopes.. The best file for Legal Papers yet invented with complete record of the case, names of wit- nesses, etc. t,all and examine. jan.'U _ RO. BELL'S SONS. 1 UMBO STEP ladders!.We have just re tf ccived a lot of Jumbo Stop Ladders. Which arc the cheapest and best ladder ever offered in this market. Call Hud examine. declfi MeLEAN& UHLER, 7<J King sL_ SHIPPING TAGS..Another roductiou has heeu made in the price of our Manilla Tag aud we now otter them at less money than before for the same value. liaiotll RO. BELL'S SONS. G' ceived a fresh supply of I.audreth's Garden Seed which 1 will sell at the lowest cash prices. ft-1.7 W. D. HUDSON. 205 King st. Doll carriages! doll carriages : We have a full lino uf Doll Carriages. Call and examine. decl2 McLKAX A UHLER, 7t> Kingst. S^LEIGH BASKETS 3, 3\. and -1 fJet. Sleigh 0 Runners all sizes, Sluigh Bolls, Shafts. Sic., a full st«uk at JAS. F. CAR lin A SONS', decG 63 King street. 1 USTRO! LUSTRO!! lustro!!! Fur cltuii- 1 1 ing Plated vvatc. Silver and Nickle lJlate. For salt* by mclean & UI1LER, nov25 " 7U King street -ii TONS CHOICE VIRGINIA WHEAT Bran ».m.» ntid Middlings for sale bv CHAS. S. taylor, Jr.. ¦'King street, Alexandria. Va. ^ARCORN! EAR CORN!!.50 barrels ef Ear .j Corn in store aud sale or I CHAS. S TAYLOR, Jr., ]an25 21 King street, Alexandria, Va. / COTTON SEEl.' OIL.Five barrels Cottou Seed V ' Oil received thi-r .lav aud for sale by CHAS. s. TAYLOR. Jr., tiov2121 King street. | ' i\ PlfcrES OF NARROW HAMBURG EM- 1 r'U broideries 1'iices .». S. 10. 14,13 and 20 ivn»- jH-r yard. W. ADAMS, S^Kingat. f i IK1? TuNT'9 GERMAN RHEUMATI<rREj^ X edy. Pricc 50 cts. a bottle. jr.nl3 LOCAL BREVITIES Wednesday will he St. Valentine's Day. There were three inches ofsuowat Hound Hill, Loudoun county this morning. . The P. S. Court. Judge 1!. W. Hughes, meets in this city to-morrow. J wo vessels hiaded with oysters are at the wharves. The annual first of January "swear otl'" fever in this city is slowly loosening its grip. 1 here ha> been a recent decline of trade in the Northern oyster markets. The meeting ol the Reform club was pre- sided over yesterday evening bvMr. If. Pat- ton. I he Catholic Beneficial Association at their meeting last night determined to have banquet on KasterMonday. The schr. Cephus Starrett. Captain Law- re nee, was cleared from this port to-day by l Messrs. F. A. Keed Co., loaded with coop¬ erage for Sagua la Grande. Cuba. Tin cans may not point morals, but one ! adorned a tail- of a dog - on Prince street this morning, and the ''conjunction" was witnessed bv an amused crowd. The new tug Atlas from Baltimore, under command ol Captain Cheshire, arrived here yesterday, and will engage in the towing business on the river. A grocer had a pound of sugar returned with a note statiug, "Too lunch sand for table use, and not enough for building pur- poses." .By the recent death of Mrs. Thomas N. Stewart of Fairfax county, Mr. James Love, comes into possession of the largest por¬ tion of her Hue estate. Red-headed girls can find consolation in the fact that they always enjoy prominence in a crowd. They do not suffer the humili¬ ation of being "invisible." An opening has been made in the Cali¬ fornia mine in Loudoun county, and some fine magnetic iron ore taken therefrom. The mine is owned by parties in this city. The auction sale at Mr. J. Schwarz's dry goods store bu-; been postponed until Mon¬ day next on account of the unavoidable ab- seceoi'the auctioneer. Mr. Lucas. The congregation of the Second Presby¬ terian church will meet on Wednesday,Feb. -1*1. to eonsider the question of electing an additional number of elders and deacons of their church. I he steamer .Norfolk from Philadelphia arrived at Messrs. Keed £ Co's. wharf this morning with a large freight. This is the I first steamer that Lias arrived here from Philadelphia since the late freeze. II is understood that arrangements for au I inter-state cock tight in Alexandria countv, are now in progress, and that Virginia! Maryland, and the District of Columbia will be represented in the sport. At the Baltimore Stock K.vehange on Sat¬ urday Virginia Midland bonds attracted more attention', aud the Moating offerings of I all issues were promptly taken at a small ad¬ vance on previous quotations. A large gear wheel weighing seven thou¬ sand pounds was made at Collins' foundry last week, to replace the one broken at Ag- new's yard some three weeks ago while try¬ ing to haul up (he ways which had become encased in the ice. 1 lie steamer Knterprise, loaded with lum¬ ber for tlie schooner lieing built at the Po¬ tomac Manufacturing Company's ship yard, armed here to-day. ami three sou ws loaded for Messrs. Agncw & Cos. yard arrived yesterday. A slight lire occurred at the house of Mr. (jeorge Lash, on the corner of Oronoeo and Columbus streets, yesterday morning, but the Haines wore extinguished before any damage w as done and before an alarm hail been given. A row occurred at the restaurant ofEli Pet- I IV this evening, growing out of the refusal of a man to pay for drinks that he had or¬ dered. A light ensued, during which a knife was drawn, but not used. The man was ar¬ rested ami taken to the station house. A prudent and far seeing mother married hertwodaughlerssomeyearsagoto a plumb¬ er anil an ice-cream man, and now. no mat¬ ter whether there is a mild winter or a se¬ vere one she has a box at the theatre and spends the next summer at Newport or goes to Kurope with one or the other of her sons-in-law. It was on a side street that he incessantly P ayed on the cornet, "Sweet Maiden Hear My Prayer.' There was a maiden lady next door, and she sent him word with her .'compliments," that she had heard his iraver, and would pay a month's board for liui "in advance.'' if he'd move to another and more distant portion of the city. A fight that was in progress on Friday evening last in the northeastern part of the city, between two white men, was suddenly brought to a termination by one of the com¬ batants "squealing*' at being bitten by his adversary, who considers that his stromr point, though he hid entered into au agree¬ ment before the light commenced that there should be no biting in the game. Sterne, who had the reputation of treat¬ ing his wife ill, was* talking to Oarrick of conjugal love. "The husband." lie said, "who behaves unkindly to his wife deserves to have his house burnt over his head." Garriek did not even smile as he retorted, "I hope your house is insured, sir.-' IT^OR RENT..No. 58 Priucc street, nest to . Green's Factory. Water and gas. The entire house or rooms will be rented on very low terms. Apply to Miss FANNY BRAGG, feb!2-lw Dnke street. \I7TLIIIDE RAT TRAPS VV WILHIDE RAT TRAPS1! We have just received another lot of the Cele¬ brated Wilhide Rat Traps, which are the best in use ami which wo are offering at lower prices than ever b«?fore. Mi-LEAK UHLER, febl2 70 King street. QMALL SUGAR-CURED SHOULDERS, and Breakfast Pieces, prime, just received by febl2 J. C. MILBURN. X CASES RED-CROSS SUGAR CORN; 2-pound can*. received to-dav and for sale low bv feb!2 J. C. MILBURN. BOX KS BONELESS COD FISII just received by i febl-21 J. C. MI LB URN*. 25 10 Mkx s true-fittingi unlaundrjed SHIRTS; si/e 14 to lb : price $1. feblO tit C. >L A DAMS, H'J King st. _ MEN'S LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS A pretty line of French patterns. feblO Gt ( . M. ADAMS, S9 King st. mHOSE SUFFERING FROM CATARRH will A tlnd relief by using Morris «£ Henry's Infalli¬ ble Catarrh l.'ure. SUMMERS i ALLEN. feb3 N. \V. Cor. King and Royal sta. FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE TEETH and Gums, iHe Meade & Baker's Carbolic Tooth Wash. SUMMERS A ALLEN, febS N. W. Cor. King and Royal sts. PURE LINEN TOWELS. 20 hy 40 inchest 12^> cts. Glass To~els. aii linen, three for 2C> ccnts at feb2 AMOS E. SLATMAKERs. FISH..Noa. 1, 2 aud 3 Mackerel, Bonelesa Whole and Shredded Cod Fish, and ehoice full Roe Potomac Herring, for sale bv ! febo .1. C. MILBURN, 1 »»X,rE OLDEN* TIME GLYCERINE SOAP." L together with Colgate's fine Toilet Soaps. SUMMERS A ALLEN, J tVb.'J N. W. Cor King and Royal sta. H' OMIN Y CHOP' HOM1N V CHOP ! In store aud for sale by I oct2 CHAS. S. TAYLOR. Jr. G. TO/. 1( A MSA T. JUST RECEIVED BY G. WM. RAMSAY. ARE THE BESTUOiMK AND THE HEAVIEST WEIGHTS, AND THEREFORE THE ? CHEAPEST. FOR SALE ONLY BY G. WM. RAMSAY. FRENCH PEAS FINS AND EXTRA FINS. MUSHROOMS, ' Extra." SMALL AMERICAN PEAS. PRIME CANNED CORN. For rule low l»y G-. WM. RAMSAY. Scotch Herring" FOR RXLE BY G. WM. RAMSAY. Warranted the St .-.incest. Toughen ami Mont Klanie Glue oo KirIII I Hm 11. I'amilv Gll'k Mend* Kverytliiiig Sollil Ituuk! .lliiril u* Adamant!.Firm ue (Jrnnltr!!! New Seleatllle l>l«eoverrl . Revolutionizes the Liquid (Hue HuslueMoftlie World 11 Roval Glum l.i AhtoluttlyC'iibrta'.ahlf a/ft liurpanihlr! A N|im*oli lull Olunt among other Olues and Cements: >111llnn« of Pcnjilo are I'siti* Koral Glue and Million* Mure Must llavo It!! No Heal 111*.No Prepara¬ tion. A'waysIleal r.AI wars Liquid GluesChtnn,\Voo<l, <»lus«, L'ttlter, llilliaril Cue Tips and Cloth, Crockery, Orua- menu ol'Krere Kind, Metals, l'atches on l.i'titlior and Rubber Shoes, lloolt Biirts. Ilrio-abrae. and Kverything Klaewlthlo separable Tewieitj1 Manufacturer* of Textile Fabrics. Straw Go<»ds. Artificial Flowers, ImltatlonStalnedGIasfl.Gutn Label.'. Fine C.irriaj>-- and Pianos,Paper,Card Hoard,Oil Cloth and Curprts, who use Itnril. Ou'i for Siring, StitTeoloft and Glueing l'iirpo<"', supplied by the Pint, Gallon, or 41 Gal¬ lon Hitrrel. ItovM Glue Talks for Itself. The News of Its Marvellous and Kxtranrdinar.Tl'nbrenkable Qualities Jt» Great Smoothness, Kloxihllici and Strength Kluahc* like Light¬ ning from one Cn«toitn*r to Another 11 Live Haleamen Job fhoutiuiih 0/ «.iifl>, ,.f Koval Glue to Prusgi»t«. Grocers, etc. Small liny a vll of lo Business Olllcca and Families. SO <M'nt« por Bottle, wlih Brush and Tin Corer, by Mull. i»»tpaid. ID cents extra. Our Kottlf hold about futtriimn tfte '/icmitili/ Mhoiritin Ott!, Manufactured by J. U. O'K/SEARA & CO., 1317 TA. AVE., WASHINGTON, D. V. Ll«* Areata wanted In every CHv and County throughout the U.S., Canada. Kuropeaiid South America* Sold liy DrugcUla, tti"©»«r«,3tatloneri»,Hardware mid Variety Dealers every wtae». QEW1NG MACHINES.We have on hand a full O supply of the celebrated LIGHT-RUNNING DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, with all the modern attachments, which wo ofl'er at lowest prices fur cash, or on the most accommodating terms. Old machines also taken in exchange. Ii will alford us great pleasure to exhibit the "Do¬ mestics" to parties interested. Every ono that we have sold during the past six years has given satisfaction. gep5 K. 8. liEAPBEATEB & BRO. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR HILL'S CREAM WAFERS. THE LIGHTEST CRACKER MADE. The Best Excursion, Picnic or Lunch Cracker. je.l5- GEO. R. HILL A CO. Alexandria, Va., January 24, 1883. "VfOTICE..The annual meetiug of the Stock- i\ holders of the "POWELL'S FORT MINING COMPANY" will be held at the General Office of the Virginia Midland Railway Company, in Alex¬ andria, Va., on WEDNESDAY tlie 14th day of February, 1&83, at 12 o'clock m. By order of the Directory, jan'24-wttl L. W. RE1D, Sec'ty. T O THE TRADE. JOHN A. FIELD. 71 King stree' Is Agent for ALLEN & CO.'S RICHMOND (JEM CIGARETTES and other goods ; also FELGNEK'S & SONS' HERD DE LA REIM CIGARETTES. Will sell them at FACTORY PRIORS. Call iu and see for yourself. *d21*. ITIOR THE CURE OF CATA RRH -Use the Jj "ALASKA COMPOUND." a sure en re for <'a- tarrli. Trv it. For sale bv W. D. HUDSON, feblO 205 Kiug,_bet. Henry & Fayette sis. riOTTON SEED MEAL. 40 tous (V-ttou Seed V7 Meal to arrive, at lowe-.t market price. Send orders iu promptly. CHAS. S. TAYLOR, Jr.. jau2li 21 King street, Alexandria, Va. H ERBINE for sale by fabl J. D. H. LUST. TTJ"ANTED ~-A 2°od FARM HAND, white man M preferred. None need apply unless fully competent. For information apply at this office. feb" -Iw TSSES' SCHOOL STOCKINGS, in Frcnch rio- bed, oil set colors; prices 121%c, 25.*. 30 and 50c. feblO-lit O. M. ADAilS. s9 Kiiiij at. LARABEES RHEUMATIC LINIMENT the best linitn.-ut tor rheumatism. For sale l,v W. D. HUDSON. fehlO 2G5 Kim; st. 1H0ICE DRIED BEEF, just received bv jan30 h .1.0. MILBUKX. CENTS is the price of a bottle of LUNT'S COUGH SYRUP. Try it. jaal3 C 25 SPECIAL SALE. Has'iut: finished our annual stock taking, we utter the following reductious: 1 l«.t WHITE QUILTS reduced from 75 to 50e: 1 do. fvom SI to Sl)e; 1 do. from $150 to $1 : 1 do. I'n nt £1 50 to .">L 25. 1 U of CHILDREN'S HOSIERY at 15c. reduced from 25 and .*J7: 1 do. at lOc. reduced from 25c. 1 lot vard-wide PERCALES reduced from 12L.> to He. 1 lot 2 BUTTON* KID GLOVES 25c. 1 lot LADIES' LINEN COLLARS .!c; do. CUFFS 5c. Half case NEW SHIRTINC PRINTS 4c. 1 case STANDARD MEDIUM PRINTS 5c. 1 case DARK PRINTS reduced from 8 to tic. A large lot of REMNANTS at half value. 1 lot of FINE BLEACHED COTTONS at Sc ; 1 do. at »c. equal to Fruit of Loom. 1 lot 1-4 BLEACHED COTTONS 5c. 75 pieces DA VOL BLEACHED COTTONS 10c. 75 j.ioces 4-4 PRINTED WAMSUTTAS 12 V- 1 race PRIDE OF WEST BLEACHED COTTON 12 V- Special bargains in TOWELS. NAPKINS, WHITE SKIRTS. £c. JNO. E. TACKETT, 109 King- street fir C KO. Mc 11 UK SE r <6 soy. Ill Seasonable Groceries. FANCY NO. 1 MACKEREL. . POTOMAC FAMILY ROE HERRING. MESS MACKEREL, iu tins, very choice. SARDINES IN OIL. and TOMATOES. COLOMBIA RIVER SALMON, 1 lb raui. FRESH BAY LOBSTER, 1 lb cans. FRESH WHOLE MACKEREL IN TOMATO SAUCE. FRESH DEVILED CRABS. 1 and 2 lb cans. FRESH COVE OYSTERS, 2 lb cans. LOUDOUN TOMATOES and CORN. STABLER'S GREEN CORN. FRENCH PEAS and MUSHROOMS. TAGAUROK MACARONI. PINEAPPLE and EDAM CHEESE. PICKLES and SAUCES in great variety. Dou't luil to cull. We can please iu quality and price. It llOOTS AXIf SHOES. /"I ENTLEMEN, we cull yonr attention to our NEW STYLES OF Kino Boots and Shoos. These goods arc all made in the latest style,and lor durability, cum tort and a perfect tit tlieycan* mil be surpassed : aud you will find that the "prices arc much lower than they can be bought else-| where. You will save monev bv giving us a call. W. B. WADDEY, UO King street. "VfOTICK. LADIES.We have now in store a l\ full line of LADIES' FINE HAND SEWED BOOTS, suitable for fall and winter. These goods arc i.iade in the best maimer and most modern styles: a perfect fit. and every pair warranted to give entire satisfaction. The verdict of the ladies who have used these goods is that they are most comfortable, beautiful, durable aud the cheapest that thev have ever worn. W. B. WADDEY. 110 King street, j A SPLENDID STOCK OF MISSES' aud CHIL-! REN'S SCHOOL and WALKING BOOTS; also a full line of MISSES' and CHILDREN'S) DRESS BOOTS and SHOES of the latest styles cheap and of good qualitv. W. B. WADDEY, 110 Kiug street. | A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF BOYS' aZ\ \ OUTH'S BOOTS and SHOES of very fine quality, which will be sold at such priccs as can¬ not fail to please. uov2 W. B. WADDEY, 110 King street. OUR SI ORE WILL BE CLOSED NEXT MON¬ DAY, iu order to mark down our entire stock of BOOTS and SHOES. WE WILL OPEN ON TUESDAY MORNING NEXT DOOR TO OUR PRESENT STORE, and will dispose of everything iu our liue at astouish- iugly low figures, so as be able to open our COR¬ NER STORE arteritis rebuilt with an eutire new stock. We mean business, and intend to give our patrous :i chance of purchasing goods lower than ever before. We offer 1000 pairs MEN'S RUBBERS. GO 1000 .' LADIES' " 42 500 '. MISSES' " 35 100 " CHILDNS.' '. 28 10 cases MEN'S ARCTICS. 1 50 5 '. LADIES' " 1 25 .to., Ac., Ac. All other goods reduced twenty-five per cent. feUi JOSEPH KAUFMANN, Agt. 1.0. O.F. THE LADIES' FAIR FOR THE BENEFIT OF POTOMAC LODGE, NO. 3S, I. O. O. F , Will open in McBURNEY'S HALL, ON TUESDAY NIGHT, FEBRUARY 13th, Continuing every night until the 21st. Seasou tickets 50c; single tickets 10c. February 22.GRAND BIRTH-NIGHT HOP. Mr. R. M. Latham Floor Manager. Prof. PISTORIO'S FULL STRING BAND has been engaged for the occasion. Gentleman's tickets 50c. -. feb9 P. J Pollard, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN- COTTON SEED MEAL, IIAY, STRAW, GRAIN. AND ALL KINDS OF MILL FEED. NO. 255 KING STREET, CORNER OF HENRY, ALEXANDRIA. VA. JStr- Orders by Telephone or otherwise receive personal attention. No trouble tosliow Goods. Give us a call before buying elsewhere dec21-3m X0 T10 E. I have just received 25 packages of FRESH ROLL BUTTER, which I will sell low at whole¬ sale and retail. I will have on hand Saturday a choice lot of MEATS OF ALL KINDS, Beef, Po'rk, and Mountain Mutton, aud all kinds of Corned and Spiced Beef, Sausage Meat, Mince Meat, Pud¬ dings aud Pure Leaf Lard.all of my own manu¬ facture; also a tine lot of POULTRY.Turkeys, Cbickeus, Geese and Ducks. Solicitiug your call, I remain respectfully vours, S. J. REED, . dec!4 Corner Duke and Fairfax sta. rpHE FIRM OF JAMES F. CARLIN & SONS X was dissolved by the death of James F. Carlin. The undersigned, surviving partners of James F. Cariin & Sons, hereby give notice that they will continue the hardware business in all its branches at the old stand under the same firm name, and respectfully ask a continuance of that patronage so kindly extended the old firm. EDWIN R. CARLIN febl 1' G EO. B. CARLIN. TjlLOIIR! FLOUR!! Gem Finicv Patent, P. Roller Patent. A. Win¬ chester Family, Mt. Jackson do.. J. R. Hornbaker da, ?Bucktown do.. Snow Flake do., Minnesota Super, in 140 lb bag* for sale by feblO-Jtw ~ THOMAS PERRY. j A VCTTOX SALES. rpRUSTEE'S SALE.--Hy virtue of a~ deed'of . , .t,rUS' *"r01u ^ illiam Dyer and wife, recorded in Liber Q, No. 4, folio 29.i land records of Fairfax county and for the purposes therein specified, the undersigned trustee named therein will sell at puWic auction, at Fairfax Court House on MON¬ DAY, tebruary ISnh. 1883. (t-ourt day) between HiWup^tnrL"1'1 tUe Allowing property: A HOUSE AND LOT coutaiuing eight acres of land, yine in the village of Draiiesvilh1. Fairfax couu- crth * 'he lands of t 'asper. Day aud Terms of sale: Cash. jan2-w4w W. b. day. Trustee^ By B. T. Luoas & Co., Auctioneers. RUCTION AUCTION ! AUCTION !'! 10,000 YARDS CARPET. For the benefit of all whom it may concern, 1 will sell at public auction on MONDAY Feb¬ ruary 19th, 1883, at 10o'clock a. ui.. at my store No. 1.52 King street, 10,000 yards CARPET, comprising Cottage, Rag, Ingrains of every grade aud quality, three plys, &c. Also a full'line of Tapestry Brussels oi new and desirable patterns Also an assortment of OILCLOTHS of choice pat¬ terns aud desirable width. Also RUGSI MATS &r. The store will be open early ou day of the sale. An opportunity will be'given purchasers who desire to make bids. « The attention of the trade ami others is callcd to this well preserved and desirable stock of goods kt n c. r- SCHNVARZ. N. B. Seats will be reserved for the ladies. fcblO-1 w By Green & Wise, Auctioneers. BV IRTL E ol a deed oi' trust executed ou the 3th day of December. 1380. and of record iu liber No.!». page 2G7 of the laud records of Alex¬ andria city", the undersigned as trustee thereiu named, aud at the request of the beneficiary iu said deed, will expose to sale at public auction on SATLRD.W, the 24th day of February, 138:?, at 12 in., in front of the Market House door.on Royal street, the following property, to wit: A LOT OF GROUND WITH THE BU1LO- INGS thereon,situated iu the city of Alexandria, at the southeast corner of King and Washington streets, fronting eighteen feet on King street and running back the same width as ou Kiugstreet, ninety feet on Washington street. Terms of sale: Cash. The property is subject toan annual rent charge in fee of per annum from November 1st. 1^82. CHARLES K. STUART, Trustee. An arrangement can lie made with the creditor by which a portion of the debt may be retained upon the premises upon reasonable terms. . fcbl-td rpRl'STEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. L By virtue of a deed of trust executed to me as trustee by John (1. Horner ami wife, bearing date on the 20th day of April, iu the year 1881. aud of record in liber No. 32, folio 001 of the Clerk's Otliceof Prince William county, Ya., 1 will oflcr for sale, at public auction, on MONDAY, the .'»th day of March. 1883. (that being court day) in the town of Brcntsville, Prince William cou'utv. Ya.. in front of the Court House, all of that VAL¬ UABLE TRACT OF LAND lying in Prince William county, and adjoining the lands of Hugh Hammill and others, and containing 220 acres. 2 roods and 10 poles, beingthesatne land upon which John (i. Horner and wife at present reside. Terms of sale: Cash sufficient to pay costs of trust and the sum of fifteen hundred and sixty dollars, with interest thereon Iroin the l."»th day of December, 18S0, and if there be any residue, the terms as to such residue will be made known ou the day of sale. WILLIAM METZGER, febl-dts Trustee. AITCHESOAIBRO Planing' Mill anil Box Factory, 01 AND 03 s. UNION STREET. Manufacturers of Doors, Blinds, Sashes. Window and Door Frames, White Pine'and Poplar Mould¬ ings, Haud-Rails. Balusters, Newel Posts,-Brack¬ ets, Porch Columns, Pews and Church Work. Wheelwright and Coachmakers material, etc., etc. Soda Water and Ginger Ale Boxes. Ej.-g Boxes. Patentees and sole manufacturers of A.ITCHESON'S PATENT BEER BOX & CRATE. Having added every year new and improved ma¬ chinery to our works, our facilities for the pro¬ duction of goods are second to none. Our con¬ stant aim is not only to maintain the high stand¬ ard of excellence, which has heretofore character¬ ized our work, but to use every etlbrt available to improve, both iu style and finish, that it may con¬ tinue to sustain a good reputation with our trade aud the consumer. Our facilities for filling orders promptly are un¬ surpassed, being located in close proximity to the shipping and convenient to all the Railroad depots in the city. Estimates and information furnished promptly by retnrn mail. jan30 Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, &c. The uudersigned has in sune a full stock of STOVES, RANGES and FURNACES, which be will sell on the most accommodatiug terms, and will guarantee pcrfcet satisfaction in all cases. He is also prepared to do on shortest notice nil kinds of work iu his line, such as ROOFING, GUTTERING, &c. THOS. HOY. deel2-tf S. W. cor. Kins and St. Asaph sts. NOTICE. Alexandria. Va., Jan. 1, 1883. The partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of GEO. H. ROBINSON & SON, is dis¬ solved by the death of the late Geo. H. Robinson. The undersigned, surviving partuer. will close the accounts of the said firm J NO. P. ROBINSON. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ibis day formed a partnership undertbe firm name of GEORGli H. ROBINSON'S SONS, for tbe purpose of eon- ducting a Geueral Commission Business, in the city of Alexandria, Va.. and hope, by strict atten¬ tion to business, to maintain the patronage of the old firm. J NO. P. ROBINSON, jan3-lm THOS. W. ROBINSON. NEW GOODS. N03. 1, 2 and 3 MACKEREL, in bbls, half and quarter bbis and kits. SPLIT, GIBBED and ROUND, SHORE HER¬ RING. POTOMAC FAMILY ROE do. LABRADOR HERRING. BONELESS CODFISH and HAKE YARMOUTH BLOATERS. SCOTCH HERRING. NEW. YORK CHEESE. &c. N. LINDSAY £ CO , Wholesale Grocers and Fish Dealers, nov22-tMl 0, 8 and 10 King-stTcat. BOVINE VIRUS, A fre3b stock received to-day of CRUSTS, QUILLS and POINTS, Febrnarv 8, 1883. feb3 J. D. H. LUNT. C1HAPPED HANDS! CHAPPED HANDS!!- J Patey & Co's. Cold Cream, Vaseline Cold Cream, Vaseline Camphor Ice, and Cydonin. Jukt- received a full snpply of the above articles at WARFIELD & HALL'S, jaulii Cor. Priaee and Fairfax Streets.

Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria ...€¦ · .MONDAYEVENING.FEBRUARY\'2 LOCAL MATTERS. Wkaihkk I'kobahii.itirs, l'Vli. 1-, 13S:i. For ilif Middle AtlanticStatesfair

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Page 1: Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria ...€¦ · .MONDAYEVENING.FEBRUARY\'2 LOCAL MATTERS. Wkaihkk I'kobahii.itirs, l'Vli. 1-, 13S:i. For ilif Middle AtlanticStatesfair



Wkaihkk I'kobahii.itirs, l'Vli. 1-, 13S:i.For ilif Middle Atlantic States fair weather,northerly to westerly winds, stationary or

,Iijriit fail in temperature. rising followed byfalling barometer.

DrcKi.vt; Shores..During the duckingseason, which commenced last fall and willclose with the coming of the spring fishery,numerous ducking clubs from the Northrented portions of the shore of the Potomacin Stafford county for the pleasure of thesport, paying a rental each oi The. lucks arc .-plcudid game and the hunters oi*! ho club* enjoythemselves accordingly. These!iores occupy all the river front fromChappawamsic Creek to Aquia Creek,a distance of eight miles, and theseClubs kill about ducks, an average of.~iUti each, and thus tilings are madelively in lite duck season. Mr. K. A. W.More has rented his ducking shore to a

Washington City < !ni» of ten gentlemen,who have built nice houses on his island,and ->iime of them are down every weektrying their baud :ti the thicks. This iscalled the Mt. Vernon t !ul». Next is theClifton Club, made up of live Washington*miis and twoN'ew Yorkers. («en. Kit? Lee'sis the next. tented to two New Yorkers..Mr. Man Let's shore, a party of Kedericksburg gent leiiirn have rented. Major J. Ml.i-e's i- n.m. which aNcwYoik millionaireenjoy* and Mr. M on cure's secured byaUOthii v, eaiiiiy .NeVt \ orkcr.

I> Tkoi \r Lis'i". The fact that someindividual in t lie .*->ecoml ward have of late!>i*cii miuumiii* them elves m clipping the. audit) appendages of cat -, ii;e> several timesbeen noticed in litis column, but exactlyhow many leiines have been compelled toetui up utidci sloven this winter minusthat port ion which disappears over a fencelust cannot definitely be ascertained. Yes-terday the grimalkin, belonging toMrs. \\iiliam>. proprietress of one of theMarket I rouse eookshops, appeared in thatlady's presence -horn closely of its trailingappendage. Though having hud the prefixAirs, before her name lo these many years,

and never having been compelled to makefavorites of cats, her indignation knew nohounds, and she fori liwit h procured a war*laid for the arrest of the supposed guiltyparty (Jeo K. Now land. TliU afternoonhe was brought before Justice Aruell, wlioupon hearing (lie evidence in the case sen¬tenced him to pa\ a line, ol'sji* or go to jailfor i!u da\s, siihjeci to the chain gaug. Beingtillable to pay tin* line, he was taken to jail,after having entered an appeal from thenv.rgHtrale's decision.

CoIii'oijatio.V Cm kt. The Februaryterm of the Corporation Court, Judge N. 1>..Meade presiding, commenced this morning.Suioot I'erry \-:. Kli Betty el al.; chan¬

cery : demurrer and answer of Kli IVttvtiled and answer oi tJeo. W. IVity liled.

Ball, adui'r. of Mulany, vs. J. i',. Stewartel al chancery; rule awarded against A.I U. W. Co. to show cause why they havenot answered thcaltachmeul served upon it.Susan Summers \s. l-'raneis .Miller et al.:

in chancery : proof of publication againstiiou resident defendants tiled ami decree ofet'erence.Administration upon the estate of Isaac

A t!rigg. deceased, was granted to John N.Johnson.The estate of Reuben Johnston, deceased,

was committed to the Sergeant for ad¬ministration.Orlando !.'. Kinerson was appointed guar

diuii to CJeorge W. Plinerson.The last will and lestameul of l-'li/aheth

Moisey was admitted to probate.The Court adjourned to Wednesday morn¬

ing next at lo o'clock;I olJi X JiKHOltT. batltnm\ night was

dark with snow and rain. There were twoprisoners and six lodgers! in tlit; stationhouse.

Last night was clear ami mild. Therewore three prisonerrand *)k lodgers in the-tatiou house.This morning the Mayor tli.-pi-.nl of the

following rasesMilton llali, an old colored man, arrest¬

ed hy oftiecr < >gdeti charged with Mealingmeat from Win. lJodgers was sen I to jailfor (en days.Alfonzo Aringlon arrested by oilicer Me

Cann charged with being drunk and disorderly was dismissed with a reprimand.John k el Icy arrested by oilicer Thomas

Hayes charged with heinu- drunk on thestreet was required to leave I he cil v in lifteen minutes.The Mayor also hud several parlies before

him this morning tor failing to pa\ their license taxes. Others will be summoned.

STEAMEIi lifKXKD. The steamei City ofC'utskill was bnrned to tho water's edgeyesterday morning at lJondont, N. \. Thesteamer was lying in a creek at the timeami the tlaincs from a burning building onshore w ere communicated to her. ami do--pite all eflbrts to subdue the same the boatwas soon destroyed. Tho Catshill. it willbe remembered, was chartered by the Cov¬ert)mcnt in October, ISSl, to carry thel-'rench and Herman guests to Yorktown.«'n her way up the river she stopped at thewharf of the American Coal Company, aud*\as inspected by numbers of citizens. She»as a large, modern built, side-wheel steam¬er, with two smoke-stacks, and was doubt¬less the tinest boat of her class ever in thesewaters. She was valued at SI 50,000.Threatened to K hi. Himself..

Mphonso Arringlon went into a grocerystore on North I'ilt <lreet on Saturday nightand began acting in a very disorderly man¬ner. The proprietor threatened to havehiui arrested if he did not go away, but in¬stead of leaving he drew an old razor fromhis pocket and began hacking :it his ownthroat. He pretended that he was going tokill himself, but the razor was taken fromturn by persons in the store He was subse¬quently arrested ami locked up until thismorning \\ hen he was released alter heingI old to get a good knife and a strong ropeand no out in «>uu- secluded spot, where hewould not be interfered with in his attemptsat suicide. He did »nol follow the advicehowever.JUNOUS FOR SrAtJNTUN. Mr. Li. A Hutch¬

inson. I>oj»iit\ Sergeant of Staunton, wasin the city this morning suinmouiug \enie-men in 1 he car e of the Commonwealth vs.Ami's, charged with the murder of Burner,t he Sergeant V appearance created quite aconsternation anion*!, the merchants in thelower part oi the city and many made them¬selves *rarce. but after r. little delay elevenwere secured and they will leave for Staun¬ton to morrow nigh! The following gentle -

men were summoned F A. Reed, FrankBell, B. W. Nail-:. W. \\ Vincent, R. T.I.ueas, M. Sdmler. George Harlow, Thos.I.. Monroe, Mark Xorris, J. L. Oyson aud< ha rles Adams.Caitle StwI.es. A l-'aiiipiier count v

via'/ier had two line head of cattle stolenirom hiui about ten days ago. by a man w holived in ihe neighhorhood, who took themfrom a tield at night and drove them severaliiides through the wooda and sold theia to a

cal lie dealer lor about one-half their value.While driving the cattle oil". the man hudhis jaw honr and two of his libs hroken. itis supposed. by his horse falling on him,notwithstanding which, he persevered in hisundertaking and made the sale before liereturned to his home. The cattle wereafterwards recovered hv their owner andthe matter hushed up.

I Thk CHi'RCHKS yesterday morning not¬withstanding the inclement weather, hadfair congregations, but at night there wasa perceptible diminution in the, attendanceat some of them.The revival services at the M. E. Church,

were of a very interesting character. Atnight after a sermon by the Pastor. Rev.I >r. 1 Y>ulson, from Proverbs, :2.V2fi."My songive me thy heart." six persons presentedthemselves at the altar for prayer, and theyall professed conversion before the meeting

! closed. The meeting continues throughout'the week.Thk Wkathkr. -Snow commenced fal¬

ling about seven o'clock on Saturday even-ing and continued some hours, but it wasfollowed by a rain which fell at intervalsduring the entire night and by morning on-ly traces of it could be seen. Yesterday wasalso a rainy, disagreeable day though thetemperature was mild, but last night thewind came out fresh from the uorthwest,blowing a gale, and the weather becamecolder, the mercury droppiug down near thefreezing point. To-day ha* been cool, bra-cing and seasonable.

I Ba t*rt/.in<;. Despite the ice, snow, rain,wind and gloomy prospect generally, theceremony of baptism was performed in theriver, oil'Battery Roilgers yesterday morningabout half-past eight o'clock. There wasbut one candidate .a colored man.and thej ai t of immersion caused a cold shiver torun through ihe few persons who witnessedthe ceremony. Rev. S. \V. Madden perfor-!!*(-. 1 lite 1 ite.

i They say "a word to the wise is hiillieient,''j but we think it takes about live, 'l.'se l>r.Bull's Cough Syrup." You can get thisarticle in any drug store for twenty-livecents. Physicians recommend it.

Hsj7~I»«»n't l'\wt. n> ReahTiiis! -Havingpureleased the entire stock of the late firm «.!" S.Waterman £ Sou from I lie assignee at a greatsacrifice lor cash, wo bug to eall the attention oftin- citizens of Alexandria and vicinity to the farttlml in order t<> induce the .same before going intoextensive |>re|iarat ions iu re tit I ing and remodel¬ing tin* establishment. we will >ell t'ur 150 daysfrom tliis ilav tlie entire stork of Ready MadeClothing, dents' Furuisliiug Hoods, Piece Hoods.Franks, Vulisev, &e.. at prices that will astonishall who ever (inrehased Clothing before, andwhich will he very much below former prices.This is a positive clearing uiit sale, and will benlrieily carried out. Tlie .Mercliaol Tailoringbusiness will tie carried oil on a much larger andbetter regulated scale. Having retained the samecutter and tailors, we invite ail to give us a trial,We mean business ami ask your kind patronage.1'oliic attention. \n trouble to show good3.

W. NOUIH.INliKK A CO..Successor to.Simon Waterman & Son,

febT Sarepta Hall Ituitdiug.Mr. Edward Edmnnson, Manchester. Ya.,

says : "Brown's Iron Bitters has cured bothmyself and wife of indigestion."



Washi not>>n'. i>. c.

To T II E I. A l> IKs.

I'AI.r. AN' 1» fiXUllN'K «»PK UXK t>!.'


The Celebrated C. P. \. I,A SfREXK


I'orsets in Sateen. Coutille and Satin.

Taylor & Hufty.I)LANT STIMULANT.We have just picparedI a fresh supply of the above preparation, thathas hen» found by experience to bo so valuablefor plants in windows, gardens, conservatoriesand green houses.nnv7 K. S. LEA OBEATER & BRO

| tnsurpassed FOR THE TOILET IS OURI COLOGNE. ' WILD FLOWERS OF VIR-GIXIA." in bottles nt 25c, 50c and $1.

SUM MERS & ALLEN,declrt N. W. corner King and Royal sts.

Reversible document envelopes..The best file for Legal Papers yet invented

with complete record of the case, names of wit-nesses, etc. t,all and examine.jan.'U


RO. BELL'S SONS.1 UMBO STEP ladders!.We have just re

tf ccived a lot of Jumbo Stop Ladders. Whicharc the cheapest and best ladder ever offered inthis market. Call Hud examine.declfi MeLEAN& UHLER, 7<J King sL_

SHIPPING TAGS..Another roductiou has heeumade in the price of our Manilla Tag aud we

now otter them at less money than before for thesame value. liaiotll RO. BELL'S SONS.

G' ceived a fresh supply of I.audreth's GardenSeed which 1 will sell at the lowest cash prices.

ft-1.7 W. D. HUDSON. 205 King st.

Doll carriages! doll carriages :We have a full lino uf Doll Carriages. Call

and examine.decl2 McLKAX A UHLER, 7t> Kingst.

S^LEIGH BASKETS 3, 3\. and -1 fJet. Sleigh0 Runners all sizes, Sluigh Bolls, Shafts. Sic., afull st«uk at JAS. F. CAR lin A SONS',

decG63 King street.1 USTRO! LUSTRO!! lustro!!! Fur cltuii-1 1 ing Plated vvatc. Silver and Nickle lJlate.For salt* by mclean & UI1LER,nov25


7U King street

-ii TONS CHOICE VIRGINIA WHEAT Bran».m.» ntid Middlings for sale bv

CHAS. S. taylor, Jr..¦'King street, Alexandria. Va.

^ARCORN! EAR CORN!!.50 barrels ef Ear.j Corn in store aud sale orI

CHAS. S TAYLOR, Jr.,]an25 21 King street, Alexandria, Va.

/ COTTON SEEl.' OIL.Five barrels Cottou SeedV ' Oil received thi-r .lav aud for sale by

CHAS. s. TAYLOR. Jr.,tiov2121 King street.

| ' i\ PlfcrES OF NARROW HAMBURG EM-1 r'U broideries 1'iices .». S. 10. 14,13 and 20ivn»- jH-r yard. W. ADAMS,

S^Kingat.f i IK1? TuNT'9 GERMAN RHEUMATI<rREj^X edy. Pricc 50 cts. a bottle. jr.nl3

LOCAL BREVITIESWednesday will he St. Valentine's Day.There were three inches ofsuowat Hound

Hill, Loudoun county this morning.. The P. S. Court. Judge 1!. W. Hughes,meets in this city to-morrow.

J wo vessels hiaded with oysters are atthe wharves.The annual first of January "swear otl'"

fever in this city is slowly loosening its grip.1 here ha> been a recent decline of trade

in the Northern oyster markets.The meeting ol the Reform club was pre-sided over yesterday evening bvMr. If. Pat-

ton.I he Catholic Beneficial Association at

their meeting last night determined to havebanquet on KasterMonday.The schr. Cephus Starrett. Captain Law-

renee, was cleared from this port to-day byl Messrs. F. A. Keed Co., loaded with coop¬erage for Sagua la Grande. Cuba.Tin cans may not point morals, but one !

adorned a tail- of a dog - on Prince streetthis morning, and the ''conjunction" waswitnessed bv an amused crowd.The new tug Atlas from Baltimore, under

command ol Captain Cheshire, arrived hereyesterday, and will engage in the towingbusiness on the river.A grocer had a pound of sugar returned

with a note statiug, "Too lunch sand fortable use, and not enough for building pur-poses."

.By the recent death of Mrs. Thomas N.Stewart of Fairfax county, Mr. JamesLove, comes into possession ofthe largest por¬tion of her Hue estate.Red-headed girls can find consolation in

the fact that they always enjoy prominencein a crowd. They do not suffer the humili¬ation of being "invisible."An opening has been made in the Cali¬

fornia mine in Loudoun county, and somefine magnetic iron ore taken therefrom. Themine is owned by parties in this city.The auction sale at Mr. J. Schwarz's drygoods store bu-; been postponed until Mon¬

day next on account of the unavoidable ab-seceoi'the auctioneer. Mr. Lucas.The congregation of the Second Presby¬

terian church will meet on Wednesday,Feb.-1*1. to eonsider the question of electingan additional number of elders and deaconsof their church.

I he steamer .Norfolk from Philadelphiaarrived at Messrs. Keed £ Co's. wharf thismorning with a large freight. This is the Ifirst steamer that Lias arrived here fromPhiladelphia since the late freeze.

II is understood that arrangements for au Iinter-state cock tight in Alexandria countv,are now in progress, and that Virginia!Maryland, and the District of Columbia willbe represented in the sport.

At the Baltimore Stock K.vehange on Sat¬urday Virginia Midland bonds attractedmore attention', aud the Moating offerings of Iall issues were promptly taken at a small ad¬vance on previous quotations.A large gear wheel weighing seven thou¬

sand pounds was made at Collins' foundrylast week, to replace the one broken at Ag-new's yard some three weeks ago while try¬ing to haul up (he ways which had becomeencased in the ice.

1 lie steamer Knterprise, loaded with lum¬ber for tlie schooner lieing built at the Po¬tomac Manufacturing Company's ship yard,armed here to-day. ami three souws loadedfor Messrs. Agncw & Cos. yard arrivedyesterday.A slight lire occurred at the house of Mr.

(jeorge Lash, on the corner of Oronoeo andColumbus streets, yesterday morning, butthe Haines wore extinguished before anydamage w as done and before an alarm hailbeen given.A row occurred at the restaurant ofEli Pet- I

IV this evening, growing out of the refusalof a man to pay for drinks that he had or¬dered. A light ensued, during which a knifewas drawn, but not used. The man was ar¬rested ami taken to the station house.A prudent and far seeing mother married

hertwodaughlerssomeyearsagoto a plumb¬er anil an ice-cream man, and now. no mat¬ter whether there is a mild winter or a se¬vere one she has a box at the theatreand spends the next summer at Newport orgoes to Kurope with one or the other of hersons-in-law.

It was on a side street that he incessantlyP ayed on the cornet, "Sweet Maiden HearMy Prayer.' There was a maiden ladynext door, and she sent him word with her.'compliments," that she had heard hisiraver, and would pay a month's board forliui "in advance.'' if he'd move to anotherand more distant portion of the city.A fight that was in progress on Fridayevening last in the northeastern part of the

city, between two white men, was suddenlybrought to a termination by one of the com¬batants "squealing*' at being bitten by hisadversary, who considers that his stromrpoint, though he hid entered into au agree¬ment before the light commenced that thereshould be no biting in the game.

Sterne, who had the reputation of treat¬ing his wife ill, was* talking to Oarrick ofconjugal love. "The husband." lie said,"who behaves unkindly to his wife deservesto have his house burnt over his head."Garriek did not even smile as he retorted,"I hope your house is insured, sir.-'

IT^OR RENT..No. 58 Priucc street, nest to. Green's Factory. Water and gas. The entire

house or rooms will be rented on very low terms.Apply to Miss FANNY BRAGG,feb!2-lw Dnke street.

\I7TLIIIDE RAT TRAPSVV WILHIDE RAT TRAPS1!We have just received another lot of the Cele¬

brated Wilhide Rat Traps, which are the best inuse ami which wo are offering at lower pricesthan ever b«?fore. Mi-LEAK UHLER,

febl2 70 King street.

QMALL SUGAR-CURED SHOULDERS, andBreakfast Pieces, prime, just received byfebl2 J. C. MILBURN.

X CASES RED-CROSS SUGAR CORN; 2-poundcan*. received to-dav and for sale low bv

feb!2 J. C. MILBURN.BOX KS BONELESS COD FISII just receivedby i febl-21 J. C. MILBURN*.

2510Mkx s true-fittingi unlaundrjed

SHIRTS; si/e 14 to lb : price $1.feblO tit C. >L A DAMS, H'J King st.


MEN'S LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS A prettyline of French patterns.feblO Gt ( . M. ADAMS, S9 King st.

mHOSE SUFFERING FROM CATARRH willA tlnd relief by using Morris «£ Henry's Infalli¬ble Catarrh l.'ure. SUMMERS i ALLEN.

feb3 N. \V. Cor. King and Royal sta.

FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE TEETHand Gums, iHe Meade & Baker's Carbolic

Tooth Wash. SUMMERS A ALLEN,febS N. W. Cor. King and Royal sts.

PURE LINEN TOWELS. 20 hy 40 inchest12^> cts. Glass To~els. aii linen, three for

2C> ccnts atfeb2 AMOS E. SLATMAKERs.

FISH..Noa. 1, 2 aud 3 Mackerel, BonelesaWhole and Shredded Cod Fish, and ehoice

full Roe Potomac Herring, for sale bv!febo .1. C. MILBURN,

1 »»X,rE OLDEN* TIME GLYCERINE SOAP."L together with Colgate's fine Toilet Soaps.

SUMMERS A ALLEN,J tVb.'J N. W. Cor King and Royal sta.

H'OMINY CHOP' HOM1NV CHOP !In store aud for sale by

I oct2 CHAS. S. TAYLOR. Jr.

G. TO/. 1(AMSA T.










MUSHROOMS, ' Extra."



For rule low l»y


Scotch Herring"FOR RXLE BY


Warranted the St .-.incest. Toughen ami Mont Klanie Glue ooKir III I Hm 11. I'amilv Gll'k Mend* Kverytliiiig Sollil a»Ituuk! .lliiril u* Adamant!.Firm ue (Jrnnltr!!!New Seleatllle l>l«eoverrl. Revolutionizes the Liquid (HueHuslueMoftlie World 11 Roval Glum l.i AhtoluttlyC'iibrta'.ahlfa/ft liurpanihlr! A N|im*oli lull Olunt among other Oluesand Cements: >111llnn« of Pcnjilo are I'siti* Koral Glue andMillion* Mure Must llavo It!! No Heal 111*.No Prepara¬tion.A'waysIleal r.AIwars Liquid GluesChtnn,\Voo<l,<»lus«, L'ttlter, llilliaril Cue Tips and Cloth, Crockery, Orua-menu ol'Krere Kind, Metals, l'atches on l.i'titlior and RubberShoes, lloolt Biirts. Ilrio-abrae. and Kverything Klaewlthloseparable Tewieitj1 Manufacturer* of Textile Fabrics.Straw Go<»ds. Artificial Flowers, ImltatlonStalnedGIasfl.GutnLabel.'. Fine C.irriaj>-- and Pianos,Paper,Card Hoard,Oil Clothand Curprts, who use Itnril. Ou'i for Siring, StitTeoloft andGlueing l'iirpo<"', supplied by the Pint, Gallon, or 41 Gal¬lon Hitrrel. ItovM Glue Talks for Itself. The News of ItsMarvellous and Kxtranrdinar.Tl'nbrenkable Qualities Jt» GreatSmoothness, Kloxihllici and Strength Kluahc* like Light¬ning from one Cn«toitn*r to Another 11 Live Haleamen Jobfhoutiuiih 0/ «.iifl>, ,.f Koval Glue to Prusgi»t«. Grocers, etc.Small linyavll of lo Business Olllccaand Families. SO <M'nt« por Bottle, wlih Brush and TinCorer, by Mull. i»»tpaid. ID cents extra. Our Kottlf holdabout futtriimn tfte '/icmitili/ Mhoiritin Ott!, Manufactured by

J. U. O'K/SEARA & CO.,1317 TA. AVE., WASHINGTON, D. V.Ll«* Areata wanted In every CHv and County throughout theU.S., Canada. Kuropeaiid South America* Sold liy DrugcUla,tti"©»«r«,3tatloneri»,Hardware mid Variety Dealers everywtae».

QEW1NG MACHINES.We have on hand a fullO supply of the celebrated LIGHT-RUNNINGDOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, with all themodern attachments, which wo ofl'er at lowestprices fur cash, or on the most accommodatingterms. Old machines also taken in exchange. Iiwill alford us great pleasure to exhibit the "Do¬mestics" to parties interested. Every ono thatwe have sold during the past six years has givensatisfaction.gep5 K. 8. liEAPBEATEB & BRO.



The Best Excursion, Picnic or Lunch Cracker.

je.l5- GEO. R. HILL A CO.Alexandria, Va., January 24, 1883.

"VfOTICE..The annual meetiug of the Stock-i\ holders of the "POWELL'S FORT MININGCOMPANY" will be held at the General Office ofthe Virginia Midland Railway Company, in Alex¬andria, Va., on WEDNESDAY tlie 14th day ofFebruary, 1&83, at 12 o'clock m.

By order of the Directory,jan'24-wttl L. W. RE1D, Sec'ty.TO THE TRADE.

JOHN A. FIELD.71 King stree'

Is Agent for ALLEN & CO.'S RICHMOND (JEMCIGARETTES and other goods ; also FELGNEK'S& SONS' HERD DE LA REIM CIGARETTES.Will sell them at FACTORY PRIORS. Call iu andsee for yourself. *d21*.ITIOR THE CURE OF CATA RRH -Use theJj "ALASKA COMPOUND." a sure en re for <'a-tarrli. Trv it. For sale bv

W. D. HUDSON,feblO 205 Kiug,_bet. Henry & Fayette sis.

riOTTON SEED MEAL. 40 tous (V-ttou SeedV7 Meal to arrive, at lowe-.t market price. Sendorders iu promptly.

CHAS. S. TAYLOR, Jr..jau2li 21 King street, Alexandria, Va.


for sale byfabl J. D. H. LUST.

TTJ"ANTED ~-A 2°od FARM HAND, white manM preferred. None need apply unless fully

competent. For information apply at this office.feb"-Iw

TSSES' SCHOOL STOCKINGS, in Frcnch rio-bed, oil set colors; prices 121%c, 25.*. 30

and 50c.feblO-lit O. M. ADAilS. s9 Kiiiij at.

LARABEES RHEUMATIC LINIMENT thebest linitn.-ut tor rheumatism. For sale l,v

W. D. HUDSON.fehlO 2G5 Kim; st.

1H0ICE DRIED BEEF, just received bvjan30 h .1.0. MILBUKX.CENTS is the price of a bottle of LUNT'SCOUGH SYRUP. Try it. jaal3


SPECIAL SALE.Has'iut: finished our annual stock taking, we utter the following reductious:1 l«.t WHITE QUILTS reduced from 75 to 50e: 1 do. fvom SI to Sl)e; 1 do. from $150 to $1 :1 do. I'n nt £1 50 to .">L 25.

1 U of CHILDREN'S HOSIERY at 15c. reduced from 25 and .*J7: 1 do. at lOc. reducedfrom 25c.1 lot vard-wide PERCALES reduced from 12L.> to He.1 lot 2 BUTTON* KID GLOVES 25c.1 lot LADIES' LINEN COLLARS .!c; do. CUFFS 5c.Half case NEW SHIRTINC PRINTS 4c.1 case STANDARD MEDIUM PRINTS 5c.1 case DARK PRINTS reduced from 8 to tic.A large lot of REMNANTS at half value.1 lot of FINE BLEACHED COTTONS at Sc ; 1 do. at »c. equal to Fruit of Loom.1 lot 1-4 BLEACHED COTTONS 5c.


JNO. E. TACKETT, 109 King- street

firCKO. Mc 11UKSEr <6 soy.


Seasonable Groceries.









llOOTS AXIf SHOES./"I ENTLEMEN, we cull yonr attention to our


Kino Boots and Shoos.These goods arc all made in the latest style,and

lor durability, cum tort and a perfect tit tlieycan*mil be surpassed : aud you will find that the "pricesarc much lower than they can be bought else-|where. You will save monev bv giving us a call.

W. B. WADDEY, UO King street.

"VfOTICK. LADIES.We have now in store al\ full line of LADIES' FINE HAND SEWEDBOOTS, suitable for fall and winter. These goodsarc i.iade in the best maimer and most modernstyles: a perfect fit. and every pair warranted togive entire satisfaction. The verdict of the ladieswho have used these goods is that they are mostcomfortable, beautiful, durable aud the cheapestthat thev have ever worn.

W. B. WADDEY. 110 King street, jA SPLENDID STOCK OF MISSES' aud CHIL-!

REN'S SCHOOL and WALKING BOOTS;also a full line of MISSES' and CHILDREN'S)DRESS BOOTS and SHOES of the latest stylescheap and of good qualitv.


\ OUTH'S BOOTS and SHOES of very finequality, which will be sold at such priccs as can¬not fail to please.uov2 W. B. WADDEY, 110 King street.

OUR SI ORE WILL BE CLOSED NEXT MON¬DAY, iu order to mark down our entire stock


NEXT DOOR TO OUR PRESENT STORE, andwill dispose of everything iu our liue at astouish-iugly low figures, so as be able to open our COR¬NER STORE arteritis rebuilt with an eutirenew stock. We mean business, and intend to giveour patrous :i chance of purchasing goods lowerthan ever before.We offer 1000 pairs MEN'S RUBBERS. GO

1000 .' LADIES' " 42500 '. MISSES' " 35100 " CHILDNS.' '. 2810 cases MEN'S ARCTICS. 1 505 '. LADIES' " 1 25

.to., Ac., Ac.All other goods reduced twenty-five per cent.feUi JOSEPH KAUFMANN, Agt.




Continuing every night until the 21st.Seasou tickets 50c; single tickets 10c.February 22.GRAND BIRTH-NIGHT HOP.

Mr. R. M. Latham Floor Manager.Prof. PISTORIO'S FULL STRING BAND has

been engaged for the occasion.Gentleman's tickets 50c. -. feb9




ALEXANDRIA. VA.JStr- Orders by Telephone or otherwise receive

personal attention. No trouble tosliow Goods. Giveus a call before buying elsewhere dec21-3m

X 0 T10 E.I have just received 25 packages of FRESH

ROLL BUTTER, which I will sell low at whole¬sale and retail. I will have on hand Saturday achoice lot of MEATS OF ALL KINDS, Beef, Po'rk,and Mountain Mutton, aud all kinds of Cornedand Spiced Beef, Sausage Meat, Mince Meat, Pud¬dings aud Pure Leaf Lard.all of my own manu¬facture; also a tine lot of POULTRY.Turkeys,Cbickeus, Geese and Ducks. Solicitiug your call,

I remain respectfully vours,S. J. REED, .

dec!4 Corner Duke and Fairfax sta.

rpHE FIRM OF JAMES F. CARLIN & SONSX was dissolved by the death of James F. Carlin.

The undersigned, surviving partners of JamesF. Cariin & Sons, hereby give notice that theywill continue the hardware business in all itsbranches at the old stand under the same firmname, and respectfully ask a continuance of thatpatronage so kindly extended the old firm.


TjlLOIIR! FLOUR!!Gem Finicv Patent, P. Roller Patent. A. Win¬

chester Family, Mt. Jackson do.. J. R. Hornbakerda, ?Bucktown do.. Snow Flake do., MinnesotaSuper, in 140 lb bag* for sale byfeblO-Jtw



j A VCTTOX SALES.rpRUSTEE'S SALE.--Hy virtue of a~ deed'of. , .t,rUS' *"r01u ^ illiam Dyer and wife, recordedin Liber Q, No. 4, folio 29.i land records of Fairfaxcounty and for the purposes therein specified, theundersigned trustee named therein will sell atpuWic auction, at Fairfax Court House on MON¬DAY, tebruary ISnh. 1883. (t-ourt day) betweenHiWup^tnrL"1'1 tUe Allowing property: AHOUSE AND LOT coutaiuing eight acres of land,yine in the village of Draiiesvilh1. Fairfax couu-

crth* 'he lands of t 'asper. Day aud

Terms of sale: Cash.jan2-w4w W. b. day. Trustee^By B. T. Luoas & Co., Auctioneers.RUCTION AUCTION ! AUCTION !'!

10,000 YARDS CARPET.For the benefit of all whom it may concern, 1will sell at public auction on MONDAY Feb¬

ruary 19th, 1883, at 10o'clock a. ui.. at my storeNo. 1.52 King street, 10,000 yards CARPET,comprising Cottage, Rag, Ingrains of every gradeaud quality, three plys, &c. Also a full'line ofTapestry Brussels oi new and desirable patternsAlso an assortment of OILCLOTHS of choice pat¬terns aud desirable width. Also RUGSI MATS&r. The store will be open early ou day of thesale. An opportunity will be'given purchaserswho desire to make bids. «The attention of the trade ami others is callcd

to this well preserved and desirable stock of goodskt n c.

r- SCHNVARZ.N. B. Seats will be reserved for the ladies.

fcblO-1 wBy Green & Wise, Auctioneers.

BV IRTL E ol a deed oi' trust executed ou the3th day of December. 1380. and of record iuliber No.!». page 2G7 of the laud records of Alex¬

andria city", the undersigned as trustee thereiunamed, aud at the request of the beneficiary iusaid deed, will expose to sale at public auctionon SATLRD.W, the 24th day of February,138:?, at 12 in., in front of the Market Housedoor.on Royal street, the following property, towit: A LOT OF GROUND WITH THE BU1LO-INGS thereon,situated iu the city of Alexandria,at the southeast corner of King and Washingtonstreets, fronting eighteen feet on King street andrunning back the same width as ou Kiugstreet,ninety feet on Washington street.Terms of sale: Cash.The property is subject toan annual rent chargein fee of per annum from November 1st.1^82. CHARLES K. STUART,

Trustee.An arrangement can lie made with the creditor

by which a portion of the debt may be retainedupon the premises upon reasonable terms.

. fcbl-td

rpRl'STEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE LAND.L By virtue of a deed of trust executed to me

as trustee by John (1. Horner ami wife, bearingdate on the 20th day of April, iu the year 1881.aud of record in liber No. 32, folio 001 of theClerk's Otliceof Prince William county, Ya., 1 willoflcr for sale, at public auction, on MONDAY, the.'»th day of March. 1883. (that being court day) inthe town of Brcntsville, Prince William cou'utv.Ya.. in front of the Court House, all of that VAL¬UABLE TRACT OF LAND lying in PrinceWilliam county, and adjoining the lands of HughHammill and others, and containing 220 acres. 2roods and 10 poles, beingthesatne land upon whichJohn (i. Horner and wife at present reside.Terms of sale: Cash sufficient to pay costs of

trust and the sum of fifteen hundred and sixtydollars, with interest thereon Iroin the l."»th dayof December, 18S0, and if there be any residue,the terms as to such residue will be made knownou the day of sale. WILLIAM METZGER,febl-dts Trustee.

AITCHESOAIBROPlaning' Mill anil Box Factory,

01 AND 03 s. UNION STREET.Manufacturers of Doors, Blinds, Sashes. Windowand Door Frames, White Pine'and Poplar Mould¬ings, Haud-Rails. Balusters, Newel Posts,-Brack¬ets, Porch Columns, Pews and Church Work.Wheelwright and Coachmakers material, etc., etc.Soda Water and Ginger Ale Boxes. Ej.-g Boxes.Patentees and sole manufacturers ofA.ITCHESON'S PATENT BEER BOX & CRATE.Having added every year new and improved ma¬chinery to our works, our facilities for the pro¬duction of goods are second to none. Our con¬stant aim is not only to maintain the high stand¬ard of excellence, which has heretofore character¬ized our work, but to use every etlbrt available toimprove, both iu style and finish, that it may con¬tinue to sustain a good reputation with our tradeaud the consumer.Our facilities for filling orders promptly are un¬

surpassed, being located in close proximity to theshipping and convenient to all the Railroad depotsin the city. Estimates and information furnishedpromptly by retnrn mail. jan30

Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, &c.The uudersigned has in sune a full stock of

STOVES, RANGES and FURNACES, which bewill sell on the most accommodatiug terms, and

will guarantee pcrfcet satisfaction in all cases.

He is also prepared to do on shortest notice nil

kinds of work iu his line, such as ROOFING,GUTTERING, &c.

THOS. HOY.deel2-tf S. W. cor. Kins and St. Asaph sts.

NOTICE. Alexandria. Va., Jan. 1, 1883.The partnership heretofore existing under the

firm name of GEO. H. ROBINSON & SON, is dis¬solved by the death of the late Geo. H. Robinson.The undersigned, surviving partuer. will close theaccounts of the said firm


THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ibis day formeda partnership undertbe firm name ofGEORGli

H. ROBINSON'S SONS, for tbe purpose of eon-ducting a Geueral Commission Business, in thecity of Alexandria, Va.. and hope, by strict atten¬tion to business, to maintain the patronage of theold firm. J NO. P. ROBINSON,jan3-lm THOS. W. ROBINSON.

NEW GOODS.N03. 1, 2 and 3 MACKEREL, in bbls, half and


N. LINDSAY £ CO ,Wholesale Grocers and Fish Dealers,

nov22-tMl 0, 8 and 10 King-stTcat.

BOVINE VIRUS,A fre3b stock received to-day of CRUSTS, QUILLSand POINTS, Febrnarv 8, 1883.

feb3 J. D. H. LUNT.

C1HAPPED HANDS! CHAPPED HANDS!!-J Patey & Co's. Cold Cream, Vaseline Cold

Cream, Vaseline Camphor Ice, and Cydonin. Jukt-received a full snpply of the above articles at

WARFIELD & HALL'S,jaulii Cor. Priaee and Fairfax Streets.