Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

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Page 1: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo
Page 2: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

' '• :

. . . , ., ,can ·~ ·fer a Spe.~ l'E\:Nl~.1 ~to·~ 't<ie". l::i_eg:1.nn•; ·a ·e un.deri:. · • ·

. ' J:niierDRti..OD(ll Go~e 61.gDt-tla •• Pl,f\ye-re . Uni:fo~o o~~ the T~t'-

;ri. io~li.- f..•fmY •... • .• • • F~-Y.el'S Mf] litaey. · 1Jni.i'orms of'

'the , .Brl :M. sh Empire ·. ,. • • ;Pl.s~eps °'O"J..:J: (:tr-.rg~ Oard$) •• -Oar:?'e.mG !'Do .yoti Know". .

Celebrlt".1.ee. af 'Bri ti.ab Hi.s-'t(,>:ey.. . • .. ... ,

Hi..l.J. •·a · Views of · :tntoreat l.st Series . . .. 2n.<l Stt:r.t.e"S'. • • Jrd Sepe.a . •• / . -'.ror 15.e. ~ tk!,e i:_ot ~eo ••


Type Albums serl:t . on f.L.flpcavai • • t I -

- - A ~ . \ ~

U~~ ·C;~r~tce Cu:.) Cc.-~""

15~ e~ ~·~"·Nl· . -

I 11


Page 3: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo
Page 4: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo
Page 5: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo


'~ ~. P.i>)bftr luls liaci lii.a leeaon, ~llf'I! - -will .i~I!. i,i_. . ~

• j :fl ' 1the Re-opening ot st. ;1jm'•l · I!'~ 7e. ~tea, here 1a what you'v be~ wait~ fa:r. ' The-:{~ is" 1111 follon1 ·~OIII !ferr,r & c i>t ,st. Jilll~•" { 1{6) ~d:1' fo:r Kuch. ·~e Seo:ret of the St1JdT' (7/6), Mey o:r Juue1 ''Tom 11en,:;•11 ~ .Annuel" (1/.6) J,w or ).uauat. Moreover lwes:rs ; daq,ton ere plenmng a f/- lll0i1t~, i,TOl!I )(er.t7 111 O!IP.".

· 'feli ., I ~\I~ ~t ·w1p. 11e.~ ,:ov. BA· The: ~ .of.. tlie p~ahere is ~~· W'ilU• .C.ampion, Ltch, 26 )fanclie,td' ·Squar,

1;1o1~• - , .w.1. I -oOor •

·A'U!!!tion. Soooer. Yw l • Th& Qme%0U t~U:0~ 1,of th& . ~ter . [ ~tffii'li.. ~F8''W t9d)ear ~ a £aeatijf or . (Nr circle,

J~ ~' R~ld~ 21 C'.t9411J1:S~n. mceiee, ~jn', hH · · ~~~ a 'l!~!tV ;~ enfill:ecl "Stew·.~ ~m. . I~ ·~= ,,artl, ~~ .or ~1tre1U~th~ ~ ~ ;.,.~ .... ~ ~IQ! lo Mudtre, 173 n-eet . , - · t EJc+ Pr.ice ~,.'.6.. •

-«»-· ' ~~anti I . t t · •"-·-~ '"--na:rd Ps"''--"' .i'a ir . regre O ~ _. .. ..-.., . . . _..

iithw: ili~ . ~llAAl' ,p:4 '~ r Pe.~ ioth. I em IIUl\8 . all , !resclere~ w1ll ) oin ·wi~ ~.e ~ · ~2:'QB~ 'deepee~ 81'.JIPjl~ With th E _popw.s:i ch~ of :the Lond_oi1 Old Boy.is.'B<Sbk Club in ht• gree:t ,loall. ' ·

za.Jieque8-t1 Y&ers ego there appeared 11 ~er of 11w:d.~11 OQtl.-,

~ two 11chool11~ W,olif'fe 821!1 Hq~. They ~ m~,~ ~ J • . I. l'~telow: -gme:r o)U) '.of hid 111f1V panrZll!llles .Jsclt Vi,nh, !'be;y W&N retttfng '8904 eto:riee wi~ ~ f;l,De obp:r!I~,· ~. Wte e 1111111ber of collect~ 1umr a ,j!tri111t ildm1:retion !or thw, 'M ~ee l theJ hev.s ~r ~ .tha ~~-~ the ~~lioiv '.t.taq .. ueerved, I ~~ to ~ ' thl:11 w· fftttiic ea ~10111 ·elktut ;them with ah qe ~ ~ -~~·• ~. I ~e a f'eir ;ll!Dbff pt the do,ies of both schools in the :Bo.r•' Friend Li.bnlry, lio.t I . ahould like to refresh 1111· mamoi;:, tho:roucb]y. I ~·t !illpp~e

. ~ of ,ca who l)C)fllle8ethem will went to Hll tbea, so it ~ ~4 be ldDd eDOQ8h to 1-oaa 111!1 oop!ff fo:r a ~ u~ J; ~'4

. - ' - - -- -- -

Page 6: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo
Page 7: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

, . ,. ? .,.. r

~·~~t ro~~ -~~§f il~~ '\l *'·«·. """ .._,_..,. .. ... ..... ... • 4

..-------- Continuity b7 J , P, Wood. - -- - ---

(In trod uc tion : - Li:mg 880 ·in th e golden y,iars ot th e ser.i e story, th e boys of th e -per.iod would awsit imps ti_ently, eege.rl,y, tbo publ;i.ahing d8y of t heir :t8'VOUl'ite paper !!eel! week. Whan

.et lsat the dtJy. l'n'i vGd, they would set off hot foo't for th eir newssgant •• They '70W.d plank dam ·t he ir 'P~, then emer ge bllnied l:1' ~ the pegeli · in order to l ·earn how t'heir herq hs ~oe:ted bimBelf :from t !ffi deep ere te pllgh~ at th e end of · th e preceding instalment, They would giTe e 11~ of ~lief ' wh_an they .,,,, all wna well end th e ir hero still iii "th~ land of tbe living .

The authors of the day were peat mestere at . that kind of thiilg, none more so than Maxwell Scott, creetor of Nalaon Loe c.nd S&varal other deteotivaa. B07e who rocd his stories id olised hi!?i, I =~ tbE!ll, and. th ere Pre guit o e !IUlllblll'. of men at1 ll, who, down the 7esr1J, hBYu never oeesed t,o honour his nam

Th(r ~ lotll:.llnown he ns Dr. Stsni:f crth, end enre of his eot-i't'(~ on ~ wild York&~ moa;r:e, bQ.t thq longvd. for more newa of him .

Piotur:e -- \!lit lhrill I got when I weti hiu:11fed. severel pogea of meIIUIGld.Ji ~ omi.teining extract '! f= the 4,iBr1es of llen811 Scott ,'~ by bi.a son, the Rw. J .R.!!anall Steml'orth On thw neetf,y tJpWritteu piigea I sew th3 ·old femilisr 1l81118B,

Birds of PreT, '!'he Stl'fft' Dwe1'f, Tlie .llilslling !etJ', ·am l '!!srned ~or the !int .tille in wlul-t c~tanoea they ftN 1rri tten and l:!ow IIUCh the IIIJthor·!l:'eoetffd ·'tor them, ·I liaid to ll\19elt, · "What grand con tor the C.D."

Well, those notes frm t !ie dis.ri88 bm bean ·put int o atoi: r~ bT-the exp~ pllli . al' J. P. wo~. T~t ·~ 1!0%:ci will , d1111ght 1tho9e 11ho ;~ so mob or lmnll Scoff llt181f · .-•re bcv'• !iO• wi~ '~· I 1111nre·, to-o, the .tor,

Page 8: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

1'111 eppwsl to that num.u-ous band -.ho knew the l ater Nelson Loe of. t he St, Frank's deys, f or nt hoat Kcxwell Scott t her e 'llOUld b.!lve bean no Nelson L<>e ,Libr3r1,. bi1 I think, tQo, 1,t· lf.1.U inter,,s't tbe m~QJ'"t M ,:oager gen.n:ation ~o -hsd never heerd of Msxwell Soott , for it is th e intilll. <ite iMide st o17 of on il of t ha t gr and litt le arm, cf men who wrot e clesn , honest, thrilling st ori'16 t o bring htlppineae \0 the hums of \aye .

When I had r ead thos e notes I i mmodiat uly mot e Yr. Stani­forth i4pN S B~ lll1' groti~e i'.or hie ldndness in ~ mg to so much tX'Ouble . I al s o !J8Y!1 him BCl!iB instances of th e regard in which his f ath er • s name wee .hel d stiil b,r s nwa\er at men now get ting en in illf!, · In bis re l' ly iJr , $tmi1fqrth a~d IIG' l ettel' bad moved hi.in v.q:y de epl.T·, ill I eon aey ill t h'Jt t l:e little intimate et ori..s h1> told. :as of \h e wil d o.ountry11i da in which hie fethsr lived, .and ~ a daeorip .tion of · th e little ohurc~ard in which he li e s ·111eeping , moved 'lie; t oo, Hill l ett er 'liUi av:er l'llllllJin oue of '.!{J .moat ~e ,hed poesa s8iorur •

.And 'now reed the opening inatslment of our coU esgue, J,~ p. W'OQd • s, libeorb.ing etory. - H.L.)

1lADELL ~Ol"l!i 'fhc "88 this r- ·-, .. ---.-- ... -- .. r,me~ble peracnoli v, en al.meet legeridOJ.7 f~ to the 7oungsten of rq own gen erioti on, 7at 8 0 -11-belovcd by tboee of an eerllf!r one? Hew di d it cOllle sbcut thBt from th e midst cf hie 'Wanderings ~ 8 a doctor over ~he ~ tb,r lfoors he produc ed e fictiou..l ohareoier ea ",ilive !' 88 the c~hed Sherlock Holmes, or the~ 1'81110a8 Svrton .Blak e? In t~• •~us of articl~ r :h~pe to pr ovide the anawera, end to "*lie one& and for all 8rJ6 queati<?J!S 88 to the ~ or the oree.tor .of the lfelilOll Lee ohareotera. ·

'J'or IIISQ1' 71l!11'8, ea .e reader o! tp e "Jelao~ Lee" librel:Y, I had wondered., When '111(1' thOUflhte were able to lell'f8 tile ~1.UJlg latea ,t, _acl'ftiltu,x,e Qt the f8111PU8 ~lOgla\ I ... . :rea~, who

,tint in~~ to an app~u-,..i,lio. soaettae,

Page 9: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo


'l .~:h I. would_ce;;t7 ~ 80llle investua.1;10~ (If .m:, 01111 into . W. pll1".Uoular problem, Yet it us not - UtlW e!ter ~ o l ~lri '

ni- an4 rq .. iDfrocl~ion to .the Herbert ~ clan , that I •-.as · al • t o find the time to pui'lnle IV atadiee ~ this dfr:ecUOil,

1 Jmsw, of course, thet lllernll Soott •H ba.17 the -pe'lJPd.01l;Yln of. •

Dr'· John Will1 8111 S1"sm.f9:rth, of. !lhl49"8ll, YorltslaOe ., bltt 11Qt I

until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie son, the Rev. J .H.l!.St ellif orth, who VerJ

~ g8" mo IIIBZIT deteila of bi• .t amow1 tether'• literllrJ' SDd p~l eot1v:lt1ee~ wU~ Ml p~OII to publlllh thea.

Hare , thon, .are th e ~ta of that =azpootlid result of UC, ~abc,ura , in the hope thin thq 'Will. pron ea mtereati.llg to ol de1 ,-1,era of the clan fl8 to cne of the 7oungue\.

f Dr, Stenif ori h wee born 1IiSheffi eld on JOTe111ber 14, 1862, .end took the 1,!,R.c : s. IIDd L,R.O.P. dipl.OIIIIIS in 1887, the J'&Or or the ·gr eBt 81!!0ll-pc..x epi demi'c in Sheffield, A.a 1i 1'98Uit, h e Wiii illudi&t eq - ottei'ed the poet of ~orm'7 lll&dical offl.cer in

!)b.eqe of tho Totlrq hOSJlitah ~ be1llg •a tenr ~i~el., ~ . iiss, of cowee, cbmplet"eq i solated from t1}• ,n;rld st ' larP,, end ~ to writillg at oriee to paaa the time. lfie filwt ~tto.ri, 11

· lihort et or,, "Told. et Totlei,r1 1t ltcmsnoe of the Small~ H09pit 1

11118 print ed on Jlarcll 10 in the "Sheffield Voeltlt° Telegt'_eph" •

':!hen the epidenic anda1!., he wee ' appoi nt ed Sedler ' A.illiiete:nt

,Hc\188 ~at 'th e Sheffiel d Ro7el l{oapital, !llld. atorted there CD Oct ober 18, 1888, h'al!I time t o tili e .at&i.·ee by' b,ti ~llM

-:in the Sheffield pa,P~i aomo with e mltdicel int'1'9at, oth ers Ci

, e local antiqunrf~ or h:tst orioel nature. . In 1891, · lw1'llrir, oeme th a "811.t llhich wes,w 1118an ao mach ·

the ju'nm.il e lUeret= cl'. the future. SJIIIPtoail at lung troublit n.eoeeei tet ed his t~ e p~otio ~ ~ ~ th e molte-l.Bden .atmospher e of the industrial oi ty, am he too); up en ew ointlllent n aurgeon to the Grllllcl.e Ircnatone tdnea et ~ll noer '*'tbt. ..liter ~ one of ~ 1'll'888 ot the Sh&.ttleld 'Jlo8p1tel; he r emoved. t o t~ moors iinil flttl e:d dcwn ~ tho J?l"'Cti l

''t9 whioh th e rest of M,a lif'e wu dnoted. ·

In thoae fo2'-0ff dq& thBN wee no "'-!J.~t ~t to

~ · hia eelar,, c,nd aa he bad no prbate - h~ •wea h81'd put t >:$.~ to mek8 ends 111&0:t. Wh& hie. IIOJl"WU born £il 189", it b.-

Page 10: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo


SJ1,cr .. 11uig~ necea9U7 tor hill to i'illd'"1IOll8 IINM at ~l,-t htis .-11 ~. and 80 he tunled. ill 811imeet to tu wrlU!lg at ft,,_cuon. . m.e. prnt19e. ho~,,,.. &l~ t~ 11,!iWl iDtffN.t

l1l° ld.e Ufa. 1* S!P~-1,er 1913. he •• thrown.. t1'CJe )lit, biqfol 8'

'11.1 a dos wbiati. ~mlT 1'U ill 'fl'C?llt ot hill, aq# ~ hi8

~ ~ • ~· ~~t sue.1n ot the 198 7ea,,8 l!l'o!lsht oe&t ~~. ml ~eoted injurl99 wb1'ob :r:i.na~ dnelopecl

1Jlio the •"low, inov:ralile, pllN~a agi.~. ·

JieCOIIWII' 111:11ne .-,.,. - llf." year, . he ga,re ·up ~ ~, 80ld . ~·

prectioe, and tied d Ballltozd, <Sheffield, on JIIZJWil"T 3, 1927. Ria~ were tslten NClt to Rlndeiwell, 11bere the.,~

illterred ill ~ ah~. JU.• ~ :wee one ot the bigplJt

eeen in the diatr4,t, end wu eloqu•t teatim:>_ey to th 'a populari

11bich ha h8d 1lllnl during hie life~ there.

M were ~et ot th e Mil of hi• dq, Dr. Shni!ort.h wu . a

,keen politicin, IIJld na II ft~ supporter in bill young a.a,. otJluildell8, t he Sh.eftiald. Jl,P. who baceme Preaiaent .or the

of 17:ed,i in, lit!. Glad8tone,J11 ·c,b~et ot , 18136. in the · Cileottcm

ot 1910, D.r. S~orih took e nry- actj.Te pert, being -.inritecl

to addreae -Nie . tiret big -~ s,t the caippaicn iD the Temp

· IJall, WhitbT, -1 later·~ aennl Cllllllller-uetinp in

tlie ~1~. ·

Be leter ,:ecorda iD his cli.err, "tha _L1"anl 8881lt 1111ked •, til ,con!id,nge, if I ~d eei1.ouiT CODBider the queetion of

~ •• the Libenl cendidt:'i; e at th w naxt l[llaction. whenever

tl141t ml,tit beJ bat I told him, of cou.r11a , t hat the idea 1188

quite Oll.t ~ tbs que11t10~." ln tect, the sntual oendldst• oboaen d the uxt eleoticn, end who wee enargati~ .upp urtect

b,J J>r. StanUorth, wee Jtr. Herbert Samuel, now Lord Semel. B,T

hi• ~tion, ])r. StenUorth -wee leter placed nn the CcmaiHioll ot the Peaoa, en! ao became a J ;p.

Dr. Stanit o~'a )labb.T-11 ~' and in hie t011th he

spent e greet deal of tim~ esaietj.Qg hi e fethe~ , who WBs ode ot Sh~!iald'a leedillg llmtlllU' s.etronoilan and kep t 11p IIIWlh oorraa­

~e with 1cientifio jOQl"mll!I. Ila 1Dberit ed h3.e rather ' &

teleacopa, a lerge CIUlllbel'OOll9 aUair~ ~ch "'88 Sa'$ ui> at ~µ, ad with 11bioh 1i;; con'Hnu.ad his obaanl!'ticme •

.\119 SOIL.- 11rU•c 11'l'he tiN: l ~ 1loet '1'1S8 wlwzLU

Page 11: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo


71 n1 used to wetch the pansge or tl)e Cham)..el ,rieet . on their ""fr nonl i. pa1i our ••811:lde ~'!r· . That wwld,'be; f .think, in . ~:on with ~ f~ ,ti~t'i~ ~ .~ .l p!'Q,~ ~t tlie sqp,~'f!_O ~ ... ~ .y • Ai~ the J treet ~P,• ware. f,sr OQ.t et sea, .the te.].MO_Ope, of coarse', 'brough~ the 'into ov prden•i and great r our eaU.tso.Uon wh•, .iter a bad patrlatloell7 • ~'pped, ~ lJni.ca. Jeck on our flagatatt, • ow • ~ed Yeoman of th Sqllii1e Oil ~e 'b,riM8 of the fle,pbf.p, llilea "8J' cm th ! •JloMaon ~ ti nport tg the o~er ;,t the ntch - ml a · IIOIIMIDt leter

· t;11ci·11ettleahip'11 il:i.te Ji:md.p fluttered 1111 and dblm 'three tiaes in 1tote:q eclmowlqement of oµr .!Salute." .

To whom did Jranll .soott ""8 ,uuoh of bb1 inspiretion? Who 'wee· "Stain C¢ley"? How d;id Ji!l:ll:,Jell Scott choose h1a nom-de­plume and the name of his famous detectiTe? Bow 11'89 the rivel ~ exton Ble.E~ liuµt 'II> 1nt9 worl;4-4ide fSZ!\8, 'Bild wt,? Thil !lll8'll9:

will be fauna in l!!r ~ dip in~ -the .die.riee of Jfexwell Soott, '.-to b.e, repx:od.11oed in t.heae papt# Qext month.

-~ llll'ORf (!I' m ,nm :i...'ffm'UiSARY IIEEPING Oi' THE IIJHPQlf O.LD JlOISt 1100K CLUB HEID 4T 706, ~HIP UiiE, WO® GRJD, lf.22

Oli $WIDA.r, l}jh J'EBRUARI, 1949.

The 111LU1ter at the fiht IIDDivera!!]7 Weetillg of the Club 8lll01Ulted t o sixt een , which wae quite eettsfe cto:ey when the number un.e'llle t o l e present uwiJlg to ill he~th and pree8\11'e of time -were tekm into eccolild.

Ooll!mencillg at 4.}0 -p.m. with Mre. Len Puckmeu deputising foi -her ~uabend , who was unebl e to be pr esent cwiJlg to the 811dden death of hie .father, in the che1r.

Tho IIWlllt.a. ~ read end peeeed efter ,-two queetiona bad ).!a.!11 ~~· Tpe first d~~ with the Us~ of -be~ ~o~ WD!I. -(iil!t)~ f"rom the F.eb:raez7 ia~ of the C.D. The aeoond qwitlt:101 on the motion o.f' 1.fr. R. B]¥the ~!llled for the emendillant of the • left p~~ 11ecUoD._B, !l:'.Ule J. One TOte tliie was ciam.ed ~ 'left in ~ · -~olm G¥el'a oape:C,le ~. : •

Page 12: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

Correll})Olld~ :11 'fffl.8 tJi.e:1 d J.t 4tli, 1r.:t.·. Pa.1:1·att ,eent -e l.etter tencl'erttig hi.Ir reslglletivn froa the club OWU1g to bd:Dg unable to Ip~ th& ~:;I.me ~9..etl~ ~t~ • .bo~r le~ frr, the ·pobllahmi ~ the , Toil~ boob . ~dng .the dat .ea ot pal>-Usbblg -• ?,'e&d for _ all copcep!!Cl ~ ~tetea ,\~. ,

The ~IIIIU,.., ""'f':C 1 • • report · came. uext tmi'!: 8 !'si "T"'-~ aoµ.";i !'insne1 ' position _ wes· ~lWP~. Members' pri- eut .rp:r. r :Jecf th¥lr ~l>.re'a '

' eti~ end oonfi4enoe 0 in the tNaeure:r.·• Thrife new 1J1emlifl!'S ~ then offi .c.ia:U, _~lcmed •. theee being ·Miai P, ·Pluck, lfieil :tUnde , end CJ. c. 1'911~. . ' .

lfr. R. Blythe then suggested that n bo1.d en exhibition et th e Is~on P\lbllc LiH'81'7 -.bare the authorlti'8 ste fll'{OIU'ftll impressed li:, the idee. Mr. lll;yth e Hid, "What York could do, I,oudon cO!lld do like1,i_ea ." Afternrds perhaps the axhibi tion could be held et other London Ubrariee-, .l.'11 1118111bere were ae · to cooperot& and l oan copies of the Ofd BoJ'8' papW'S of the past. The proposition was agreed to -11118niaoua]y end the firllt meeting ,res erranged f er .

lifr. Ian Vlhitmore then handed in s good B1D011Dt of Rookwood jottillgs f or which the club upNNed their beet thenla,.

The cb81nlen ·:then 8DllOUllC'ed the resignation cit Mrs. Eileen Whiter from th11 dutiee of secretary ·, H~ · ~ceseor wae Mr. Ben Whiter who wss proposed bT R. Blythe end seconded by John Geel, A heartT vote cf thinks wes then accorded to the n1ti.r1Dg aeore­tar,y prop os ed by B. White:. and .s~conded. by J 9:m Gaal , Thie 11188

the last item o:-, t:.,-:, B!,'81lcle a:1d the meetµig oloeett at 5.45 p.m.

·l)uring th e perty' which followed members enjvyed games and II quis, The latter wes en Object one end gr ee t intelligence and ingemdty" were shewn 'bJ' th o 11181Dbers. Firs~ was Charlie Wright followed 'bJ' John Gaa l sec ond e,id I.en 1ilhi :tllore third. The elp betical Zl'mpeti tion was s greet succesa IIZld srter irl8ht rmmda 1'88 110n 'bJ' Robert Whiter with John Oeal and lire. Lall Psokmen a,eco:ad end third respecUvely. .l drmng compeUUon wea also great]¥ ,enjo,yed .nd. caused greet laughter . The maerowi a:rtine preeclt ld.ndl7 j\ldged the 1'9INl. ts and Robert Bqthe 1f88' plao9\i ~irs.t with .John qe111 8lld Eileen Whiter ·ae rut11u1n vp. ·other ~ .paee toll~ 8lld some Vf1Z7 good ill_pren~pa -.re ginn the ohandee, espeoiel]y llr. :a. Jlonhffta j'Qg'gliilg act of e1th

Page 13: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo


.,, 'illn Lung ur ·~ _v Jlhe aJllitfcmer was goM-JJl~por:treying the "Kegnet" . p.i · !QP.olflKl ·1t ~ - ~ · ~,o. }5 Jiff Series Jfel..iicli ~ U,'tmizt! . ••~ · . : 1~;,:~ ~ Biuri\ , abJ.T raed Bo~ .B~ ...ia.. nz:r ~ '!DJ - -..... ~ .-~~t ;

Jfra. Jilleen :wh!.1'~-ftJI io ~ ~iuf a~e:4 on the Tfll7 fi:rl 8fftIT of e-.awiC!h.it md-.oabe p~ ~ thf 111ii1iera• refreab mente. A. finid1rit --mmi~l!Jl ·~ ,-~ -oc,.let& with o oe.ndle h!ld \een ~E; bl h,r ,. ~ J1J!_!r'.:~ ~tliar had erlin-glliehed the .t1ame, 1fri .. -Len ~ --OUK Ule ftnt slice, Bu.t all good ~ -ban to oc.e to- ,Ph .- :~ ·~ '1.aet. -1,era departed fbollt. 9.,0 p.m.

A.tt~a arre •. ·Len Pliotmail, w-. and Mr.a. c. Wriebt, Kr. and Mra •. Jlw llhiter, Jli'. R, B)31;be, Ja,aa L. Butcher, ~. and Mrs. John Gu!, Jifr·. R, .llortinMir lino. Jtllie it>rtfmer, Kiss FliDdar Mies P, Pl-;- _11. 'Whit~~ Q. C. Jorier.

The nm .meeting hall been f~ f-0r Smld,r 'th Jw:oh et e Tenll8 to be .a~ded and et ,rhich ell lll8IIIN1'8 ,rill •l)e informed•

:BIR'J.111Jlf G. WBl'l'Ell· (lrP1l. seon{ff7)

·JD!E ABOU'.I! A. rml>IWIIB EXBIBl'l'lOI . -:By HeJ'bert; LeckemlT

tthen the t,ime ~ near for the opening of the Emibition of llo,s• Pepera et York Pu}>lio Library, I faU a little nenows I htld o feer that I m18ht walk in l!Dd fuad the place deeerted. I can efford ta 811dle now at 1IV fears, for on ev917 ocoaeiou I paid 8 viaU I fo,md 8 goodly COlllplll\1 there1 on the S8tur.d8J8 eapeciell7 U wee u bll8y e9 e hive. So~ interen did U create in fact that it waa Gattended into - the third week, and 88

wUl be 841111 fl'olll e · ldlldlT note 'fro111 t he Librerian in au latte · oolUllllllS, it u eethleted between 7,.000 end e,000 people paid e

vint. I llil su:re ell will egre9(1. tbgt tb.n was a yer,_ filld reoord. We had &IJID8 splendid publioit,- 1 too, as will have bee seen from the reproduction in av P86ll8·\Ullfortunate11 one of t

for some inexpioable NMa.i oeme out iD418Unctl)' laat IIOntb) • ell round. the •• llllCb in the t.

Page 14: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo


I had pleeeure in welccmi.Jlg four members of the circle. H111TJ' r,,,wler oama all the 'flfl¥ from lbnchester for a fn hourll. Reg. Hudson frQII Leeds, Clive Simpson fl'OIII Xnare sboraugb end Jim Shepherd U'IITelled the fift, odd lliloa hoe Sheffield . ill seemed to thoroushJT en,107 t:~ei-. !here lffl& one little tr&8ed.T· Tom Sinclair and Ma wife 01!!1118 QVer from L!;oc.111 only tc find on nrrivel they had chosen elirl7 closing dq, and in Tom's rueful words afterwards, "All we en waa part of a 'Jester' ae wa peerecl through the •1e11a of the closed door." Sorrr, Tom. If only you had given ae ti.me to ft1'll ,ou.,

As I aaid lost C110nth, tha intereet abo,m lJT the ladiH was ramarksble. n111 were ~ bit ea lteen as thair men follt, OD the d07 Ji.in Shepherd wee ritb me, for inatence, 11'8 he~ two of than ,mime\edly- diecuaeing the J(agnet IIIDd (Jem, We got into oon­wrsetion with tliem 8%1.d found they- had beeA lteen rondera of tbe two papers . Mia§ Flinders wow.d h!lV9 enj07ed t:alldng to one of them in partiouliir, for her fevmu:ltee bed bee deer old "Guaq" end "llllulT' . Jim had e good chuckle over the in.oident later •

. .

Page 15: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo


Yu, it go .. witbollt e¢ng that ott-U.. libllQ I et41r the York Publio Libl'IU7 in tuture I ahall th& ot the d!lp 1lhei ~ "ol d bcp 1 peperre" wn di1pltyed ia, all~ gl~ 1a 1~ neteq "1'11lt Roca" ., end of the~ 1llio 08M al,1111rto en~

.Allll DOW; '8 .,1'ill ~ "! ... ft'o!l~ . NpO'ri ~ ·tile Old Boye' , Book Club, there ia •" ~ of l!~ Boll Blythe ozgem.~ a e1a1.lar ahalf at Ia~ Toa Baµ. - ,.ii .)le at leaet N inlCoeafflil lie tlie ~~ 1uila here {n Yolk ie 119' dncereat wieh.


SEVDl'f n:.IBS C. DI l! .D.P • .lbout th1rt., 1e11r11 e,o I had rq f11'11t iDbocblction to the

"Bo7• • own Peper" • Previously to thie I Jmew the good old "llegnet" and the "Oee", blit it. waa not. until I 'inmt to a boardizl echool thn I fire\ peruNd e ll.O.P. SCD8 ot ~e )gJ8 11t echoo b2d it month bT mi;int.h !IDd ~ .1\ na ciroUlatecl ,rcnmd the ffriou f'oi,na. · ,lD4 ac witli drewblga from it copied iD 119' n~ graph book and than dlll'izlg the holideJa vieitinf .,. 8'1',.ndlle, -.ho iff8 ae an old 'boaild wi-., I NOaM a COJlt;;uMd reeder. .1111 • it wu ·with pl981111N that I read ia the JendilJ" 19' iliau ot the ~ "'Dail7 Jllrror", cboulation f- .u1ion, 1111 ertio~• 117 Qilo ~t ot the anvn~ieth 1:d.rtbde, of the B.O.P. TO years IIDd etill goillg eU'Cllg with ell the up t.o date ideee. 'l'he pJ'lilee editor, Jeck Cox, wtio oele'bratee hie }3rd ldrihd117 mminntn7' o the same ·c1q 11a the B.0.P'• mmiTSnaz:,, aoya that the readers • moat orltioal aiid he geta 9.llll8 1tr,mge requ&11ta. Mlm;J notable a~ hen oonU'i}!Qted to ita pas- charbg Ha long oeNU", in ollldiJlg the ~~eeillg Jul.88 vane. The nrioaa articles mn have intereat~ 'boJ's ot all tl!atea, em ffC JIOlf it ia a pleenr tor• tu tw dom a w1 .. f1'0lll 119' brother'• oolleotioa and p-e •-. .Allll ao let the OOIIP'(tQlatiom ot the ffriou oolleoto.n of oar olrcle go ov.t to tbia old bop' paper of the · pad 1th1oh 1a aUll de~ the -. 701111g read.en vt todq.

lll&Jam G. WJll'l'lll.

Page 16: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo


Dear Mr, :Leckenby,

Pllbllo Librel'1, ~- Street, York.

7 th Febl'Wl17, 1949,

Now that the ~biti~ ,~ ~s : papen is over, .I ahoul d 11Jce t o thanlc rou yery 1l'Ul:lll¥ tor ·your kindness in l en.dinjJ the -t erial. •

The exhibition wu really euccenf'lll., •· end geve greet eatta-f!IOtiOD tp IUDJ P\IO_lll@, I_t 1a lib.ly that enen Or ei8bt tb®BQd an th e mibita, and their obviow, plee8UN nll repel 11111' efforts.

Youza tai-thtul.ly, R, DOIDJ!TY,

City Libreri.all

(Row about ~ thia l et~er to T®r town or ·oity librerian, ,rith a suggeatiou that he follow mt? - H,L.)

Six Bi.tel

Deer Edi tor,

64, '!loodll!Dd lioed, Ilford, Eaau,

22.1 .49.

I cordialq egr ee with the 811gg6ation ude b7 Brother l,eona1"d Paclmml in ' the Jel!WlTJ' C ,D,, that oolleotore ~ eent1-11SDte1iete abollld each select e1x outetsnd.1.ng atorl.ea, but woold

Page 17: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

77 suggest that th ese ere NJl[b1.cted lo tbe 'boolal we reed in our youth. We all had IJQl" ·boyhood fnourltee 11114., tbe desire to ~ reed these in ~hriV le uualq ~ fire~ ltep " tu:in on the road to beoolli.ng II collect or.

liith oollactora• agea r8Jlllng fl.'Ca 70 to l} rears, it ia obvious that their sel11Ctione would elao range O't'er II aillilsr period wt, 1111k:lng du sllanxace for di!f erenoea in teat&, wow give a reaeoneble indioetion of 'lllhat oen be ooneidered the out ­standillg atariea of five decades.

JC)-own field ia 1'ide Bild I oOlal.d euil7 111Jm.J1Bte UJIT more but th e followi!lg ere ·au stori es which thrilled me in IQ' bo7hc end still bold 1111' i,ntereat tod117. \'dDga a! Gold by Siclne,- Drew llOTB Hereld 190, Circus lied

'l'he lnord&le Col&

TCIII lfen,:'e Dey' ()Qt

ruzina' !'18 N¥¥ The . School'! l)iahoQour

by Helll'J' st.John " " 1904

bJ. D~t Jllall lf)aaeta 1905 liy, 1'11aritn Cliff ol'Sl" Oe!1 1907 "' " " " 1908 bJ R~.K.Good;rear ·11ugeet Libre17

1908 I hne ~oaely old. tted Chriatua 8*I. aiailar dollbl• nab

which have s cha11a of . their Q'IID 8lld U I bacl to Nleot .oD8 of tbeae I would award the pal.a tos-The Ghost of St. Jill.'a bJ "J.farti.Jl Clifford" Gem.. lW 19()1

It 'ld.11 be noted tlu!t DO~ • single Jlegnet pm f~• on IIIY list al though. I read thi.9 paper etUi,117 with tJie -0.. '11>' to 1914. ilthoueh Wlif0Nl7 good, I can reoaU 110tbug ov.tatendiJlj and rate the Magnet of this period ea aaocmda17 to ~ Gem.

·Si.ncere17 youra, J • Jll!DCRA1'f

Chelau Houe, ~lclt, lriatol. ~~ 1st, 1949.

Deer -Edi tor• • I fiad: it ~ ditticalt to r1 .•11ber els Olltetendblg atori. 4

bllt ~b9l>l7 llecaUN ot thelr -particmlar INOOiaU.. I would th

Page 18: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

fh• ~t .of *3t. J1m•• (0.), '.rhe )louse an the Beith (llagnn,). . The Pblntom , of Tregelli• CasUe , ( •. Lee}, After Lighta Ollt (B.J' • 34.), Cast ~t boa t~ S~ol (Ge111), Loyal to ~~~ ~·t (~).

Dee,-Mr. Edi tor,

Youre ainc&11el7, P. !:. ''WALED.

Gl'Ove Road, Surbiton.

11th 1'bma:r,:, 1949.

I cannot t 11ke e.xception to Mr. Wellter•11 oourteou ~t , 1n oonnecti?Jl_ ~th ITlif' ~~- tQ, Yel'Wi¢ R4Q'il'olde• illde'.tiati . · ~ a o~ 'Chrh•• llmrlbeJ' ()£' the Gem. ~~ ;r_.,. ~ 1n Ell:pl'98&tzrg " a taot what :na only rq peri fcn\iil' opiiii.-.

:Actu.alR I lm8W' W{IJIW1o1t Re,nplda, ~ ._, b.fm Cit ~

oooasiona. . Be wu a obaming lll8Zl end a gre&t Christian. · miat­fflt'r ori~ obaU R Jllld'a· of ·hie W01'lc 1n the Mt tb.*19 WINI one field in. 'wbioh ·he :fie~ 1inaquUed, Ria ~ f!1'(ID Jrature -~ undoubtedq the tina&t I have aver affil.

Genere~ apeekbg, hie work na not ·popuJ.:ar wtth Gell "4dere o.f hi• de.T· 'lllough he hail actually' 111\iatmed St. Jill a before Ji(Aod011al~ ~ook OTer the Gea, Jlao had <1rawn far the papa for a8'Yeffl ,nn . b.ef'ore he, Jfac, went to the_.. Sohoolbo78 are notori.~11' ccmaenatin, and the, reaented B.eynolda· aa · W:ag ot an interloper, ~t thgQgb tbia wa.

ill the · sme ., R8,1110lda bad an ~tad ety-le 1A clrawiJl6 bllllllm beinp, end his Ratcliff, Sei't,y, eto. were 0011pletel7 re-pilai,re a4 1111116wral, Though hia work contaiJled more ohilreo he cOllld AffV akstoh the attractin 101Dlpt91'8 1n the Hae 'WIIJ' that · Jlaodon•ld OODld •.

i did ~ oanaider the ltJDae lo. illutretion !%'a • arti• o ~4!'!J!Oillt_. ',rhe abt.cb of Pepper 1n ....... ·in 119" ~. bid.eo!,w, . amd 11118aita'ble-tor e Chri~taea limber. ~t ft 1188'

Page 19: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

mere ly ey opini on , oe Mr, Wal k.er points out, send if 811J'bodT consi ders it a fina picture, he is cert~ ljJ!titl"!l to do so .

- , - . ..

Deer Editor,

roan · Trilli, ERIC'J'A!D.

The JC[steq . 9f ··Prosper Boward

27, ..uchdal.e Roed, Eut DUl.wioh,

LORDOlf, S.E.22,

.IA Collector•• Digeat llo.8 ('Vol.l) we are giftll to ,uiderstcnd by R~ Jenklna th.et Char.lea · RemiUon wrote '"lhe School 11Dder Csnvs11" .()o'lcqmbe Gr81111181' SChool) under the pon-nm of Proeper Rowtll'd, ,.IA the C.D. ~ (1948) hOIIWor, Eric FIIJ ate tee th(lt .llr. .Hamil tou.· does ·riot claim the authorship of the G1'8lllllff Sohool: talea .

I ha-n a.l~& lleen under the ·1.mpreaaion th.et a~ea of 'l'eddT Baxter & co. of Cl81"9Ciilt (9~ea) ~ 09x:do11 Gey & Co. of !17'lc.,llbe (~ire fllld Drae~•t) were wnt~p ~ )Ir. Bsm;llt< under the namo cit Proapai: ~. !'AoTltilg Wt 1111 I do, I 8.111

·lri1re his -statement is accunte lllld. llr~ Hamilton c~inlT lm01111 whether h"e 'ftOf°e tb:ei:t or .not l ' - · ·

Beve.r~lee!l, the que,uon ia vai7 aptif)'iDg - and, tbrol:ap th& medium of our IIIBBtl•ille, I ](Ollld. like to aak: - Cil YOlr OR· m 1lE.lDER TELL lilE WHO m OR WAI-l'ROOP!li 11)1'1.IJIJ)?

• Y<nlff sincere)7.


JIJDiml :BOYS for Sale or El:ohengeJ a complete set from 11'0 .l to 81ld, leas onl7 3 copi es. -'.V~d exchange f or Ne1aon Leea, pre­f erably old aeries, Magnets or G81118. E. JlcsPberaon, 80 Benedict Str eet, Gleatonbur7, Somen et.

W~ UBGEln'Us Gala No•a 356, 358 and 159, Top prices paid, Leonar J Pecman, 27 A.rahd,ele Road, Eaat Dlllwioh, Londan, S.E .22 . ~1 Aldin ~ hbli~t,f. _oqa, Tlrq,_1- . l>lrnla, Hobin Rood.I, etc . E.B. Lend¥, 4 Jhmee.ton Boed, ~ ~a: .

Page 20: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo


Conducted '111' ·Robert l117the, 81 ,Aleen Road, ·llofigwg; IDndoll, N .7,

Mr. :Sen Wbiter, of LODdon, at the last :Sook Club 111aeting, asked me qui t11 91811811.y 'llbl!t the St. Prank's 1110tiio 111Bent. I romi•ed to find out in time for this month's issue, Little did

I knew whet I ns leeting lllfllelf in forl After BcWTaandillg elf' with ·Llltin-EogiUsh dictiOll&riee and doing 11\Y level best to

ke eome a8118e out of ,tie whole t~, I bsd to give it up. I then did, . "lltlat I shoul.d have dolie in the f--irst place. I handed the whole heedeobe t .o 1q frilllld Mr. John Hewes -..rho tskea this . o:rt af thing in h1a atride. Mter a couple of daya . he gsve me the "gen". It occupied e whole sheet of foolscspt J6:ist of it ~ sbove 'IT head and I'm so1T7 ~ can't giva the whole expl

tion, Ho'lnriar, I ~ tba:t,, this _ l!~t .~ 11111 8J!liWer ~'e uy. "To 8111111118n,tjli - a !sir interpretation of the phnas aa 11tio1• might be 't'"o: liv!I plU'l)08~ and ,one. ecco~ , tcr strt~

or the biBtler IJld 110re 1t0i'th1 th1Jlga of life " and nevw d-~I.Djf eeelf with 'Whatever 18 debasing' - in B col-,. Etlgl.1-b pbreae .,

'Resolution slid Intelrlt>'' •" Or in other words - to use U'IQ' ~, "llaBh ~ ChulllB" l 1 So there TOil ere ·, ll~, end I hope OU doDl,t coo.It up fll1" IION questiODS like t~tt

Mr. 'ITebb in e verr interesting letter, which I sh&ll enter to more fUlly ~ month, points out thn in the list I gave

est month ·lfo. 5' occurB -twice. Actually the author of this oop:r unknown to me, Mr. Webb tells me Ill.so that he cons.id- that

t wes written by- .Arthurs. R!ll'dT, Is there im.yone olee who can eok up . that statement? The title is ''The Ceae of the ratsl

t" • other ti tlee by the same author ares - "The 1111.esing ainaoorough", "Chml!pion of the Chennel", "Vip art Relm!B, etective".

Our worthf editor tells me that Xr. Southwsy of. Spu"th J.t'rioa e ulted ,met ere the title1t of the "lbleter" Lib1'8TJ'1 and he

t.e that I give the list in this ool\11111, As a !M~er of' f • Tom A1'llli tage gove the- list ill th e ..-er:r first copy- Cif the C .D.

Page 21: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo


-- -- -- --------~"'" as th' .s copy :'..s as sce= e DvR u .11-pre-{lt ·. Franks Nelson LE O-' e Red-covered Magnet, I'm SUl'9 he -:iill forgive me if I repeE 1t he ::-.

Here you are, then, Mr. Sou~, (I ha1'en1t heard from ye yet, but I hope it will not be lorig before I do). Here ie the -,c,mpJ.a te list of ~he r.for>.3tE:- T.t.liraey: _. No. : . ·r he SchooJ.!x7 Tr s.r .!re Saelcors. ?lov. 1925. ,; 2 . Thu Black Sheep of the L~IJIOV.~. December 1925 .,

;. Th .. Tyrant of St . Frank's . J'ellWU",Y 192,. 11 4. The Boy from Bermondsey. Peb~ 1926. 11 5 • The Bulli ~s of St. Frank' s, Jlareh 1926. II 6. Expe lled. April 1926, " 7. 'Neath African Ski es . Ka, 19~6. " a. st . Frenk's in London. June 1926. " 9. The Boy from the Bush. July 1926. " 10. The Spendthrift of St. Frank's . August 1926 . " 11. The B&rrin,:.~t at St. Frank's. September 1926. " 12 • The ld;yatery J.laster. Oetol,E,r 192~ . " i,. The Voyage of the Wanderer . ·JfovembGr +926. " 14. The Ghost of Bsnnington Grange. .Dec~ber l,926. " l~. The Boy Who Vanished. January 1927. " 16. St . 1'r8nk 1s on the Spree . FebrwtJ.'Y 19217. 11 17. Pri1JOD.ers of the MounteiDa. Jra-rch 1927 . 11 18. The Remove in the Wild West • April 1927 -11 19. Reb els of th e Remove. lrl&;r 1927 •

.Here is , the second list of stert-atop ·No's of tho eeri,es. No's 195-204 - The Bullies · Lesgue. · • ~






205--212 - Nipper Eicpelled . 21}-220 - Jack Grey's Treasur e Hunt in the Sehsre. 221--228 - St ·. Frank's in London. · 229-2}S - Bening-out against 1.fr. Martin . 2;7--2}9 - Christmas et Dorriemore Castle . 240-249 - Introducing Hon. Doug. Si.ngl&ton ( th e Spendthrif 2'.'"-255 -The Se:.-;11nts• ~ :.;. . .:':'?. 256-263 - Jtr. Heat.h (Handi o:..-th•• Brother-"in-ln) as

Remove Fora .1£u~er. • " 264-274 - St. Frenlt' s Adventures on the .urason.

!.:!:. Correction fra11 lSBt month. ·colonel Clinton earl.es 187-~9i npt 196.

Page 22: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo


:4rld so, on to this month 's list of titles which, at last, c~-ta:iDs the st. Frank's stories. B'o.:111 - The Te1.low Shadow. " 112 - Nipper at St. Frank' a ( l!lt St. Frank's story). " 113 - -The · J.bduct'ion of ~ .llarjoria. " 114 - The Bay frolll Calito:rnie (Intro. Justin B. Farmin). " 115 - Eileen Dare's TriUliiph. " 11' - Full'IR)Od' s Vioto.r:,. " 117 - The Clue of the Deo07 Letter. " 118 - The Verdict of the School. •• ll9 - The City of Burnislied Gold. t1 120 - The llesesges of JC,ster,y. " 121 - The Circle's Greet Coup. t1 122 - The Mystery of Bri ."8 e HOll8e, " 123 - The Island Stronghold.

124 - The Comp11ct of 'l'hree. " 125 - The 31.:,"stery of th e Blue Volume . 11 126 - T'na Pi'ol/lem of UW Copper Frog. " 127 - The Underground Fortress.

128 - The lqster,y of the Pink Paclaige. " 129 - Fullwood.ta eminuig. " 130 - The PhentQm of ~eillii Cestle .


In Explenstion. - rt will l;le not:j.oed that a oi&arette oard aclvertisament appears on the inside cov-er of this iseua. Thia

· waa ins .erted by OJ1.G of our vateran ~era• l.'T1 Laweon, owner of one of th e largest coll~otions of old boyll• booke . 'Wbilat t he "n ews" in our colu:ms will alweya be striotq bonfined to our O'lf?1 particular hobby, we do not e.ee l!tJY" objection t o ~ member who is elso interested in something else 1IUlld.ng uee of the C .D. inste ed of going elsewhere. But adverts will be s cceoted from no one else. - B,L,

AJll'l'ED: Earl,Y Issues of Gem, Megnat, Plllclt, Dreadnought. A frn, ate and ~ . for disposal ·md Red-:il)ova:J:ed ilagn ets fo.r

chimge onl:,. Eric Fayne, ~, Grove Road, SUrbi ton, Surre,.

SALE:· ;14 Fgpulcrs ( 1924-26), l;lb Melson Lees• (11ostly- .old , be 1917-24), 30 Gems (192e..30), 4 Monster Librarin, 150 Uni

ilclal (1922-28), w. Coloombe, 256 South •nnue. S011thend-on,..See.

Page 23: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

• • ••

I • 8'lOP PUSS

.llripz ~ Ricliarda1 ~ He M,'vas !f '1>-!!· . . ,.~ 22nd,· 1949. . . .

. liq thanks tor t!ie P•llru.&rT CJ>., aa aOO)d ~ ner, . tt :~ , ~. I aii nr, glad inaee4 to n41!111" ~ ·~• abW ft8 ~ ;

811COU8. I am eepecialJY g1.a -t'hn ~ -BN.Ul• b®lt. ill tn1 denoe. There are Q01' two Bunter b09Q in 11:nUle, and I ahoul, be glad to send e OCJ# i t . ffli. t1* to an;r old ~eder 1lbo ilOW

· :reeda 'Id.th hie fi.Dgera. I thiDk-I told 70ll that "Ji.117 Builter ot Greyfriar.e Sobool" 1.a to b.e publl~ in BraiUe, thaap ' anctly when I do not 7et Jmo,n it "ia nth~ -e 'big 'IDlllertildztg

It 1l'B8 q-u:lte a thrill to aae the cover ot the C.D. tida tt I~ is well over forty ,-au. since I 1Jl'Ota "!1ilg Cric,pt" tor th

· »aye• Reallll: and I- still :bhinlt lt one of the beet aerl.aia I: ev did tor 'th• A.P. Your co,.,q -pic,ture ~ !llled .ASPPT ...,~. ot cl'aya wt:ien the author 1l1l8 · 8 goo4 deal IIOre aoti.'n tbm he U th~ preeent rear of grace. I ~ ll'.~ in ~ t,ben• ~ . -..ec1 ~ go' to ~e old C~lite llauM -ill a bamc;a CAt'bl Tlwige hen challp4 .rdher sillce then.

But the 'fl'.orl d .et1.ll eaems tom · e.a ~olq en-o4 pl,.11oa,88 evi,r. You WQul.dn't peas - or~-p~a fbU waw:d.l - how·• biluati.Jlg it :1a to ~ - ell the .old cl).araotera 3oetU:ng ~ -~t~er on the tY,Pewriter - ~ter, one ,4q, TOii llarrt mlo'~, :!lqobrood moth9r, th,en c.~J.'.Ott .. and n. ot •• Illil~ .. ta told that ~e firs t ·~ OIII Jler:g; ~ 1!ill ~ Qllt nut ~. Th eecorill "The Se~ 't of t.Ja, Stu4;J4' two or tlir.ee , ~ later: th in ~e ~ , "Tom ~·s ·a- Jmwelii, irith - · ~ :atorie e'bout .u. or llllF~ .u th,e oltl ~1th . ._ la ~ :in the 11!U', "T.om Jlerry'a Cbr:latue jmmal", whic I ma now -.irltill Ther will 'be publiilhe,a una~ tlie ~t .'ot ··'lfandffill• ~i-qe t!ons", et 26, ~ ll,8t ~ Square, W.l~ •

So~ ~ see, these. liG rath lil' ~ ¢ay;e: 'wit:h 1luntar ·J.4 ~ o~ · ~~ a:t Ba;ater, . aD!l 1'R4)eaie Bunt&l' ,Qf Cliff JkiwJa .s~ ;i.·· ±u ,Qptobe:r eion« 1d. th "MllT: Bunt~-"· _Q.~~ ~·J.>Jfl1"'t1'':l T:wo more ::Bmlt.,:· boob ilte pl-.llt f9r ~,wr 1§50, .Jn · OIM! 41· 11t ·pv.T fat irl • "hmili" _ilr tbe ~~ $~ - - '!Biut Bailt«r. ~

Page 24: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

t~ c~a ti~ · · In th e othe r , I think '7i blq - if yow~ hi,111 - will b& somewhat to the fore . I am lopldng forward t<;> ff'iting th~, with l!O ' ll!Uoh ,anti~ipation, tba.t realg ' I should like to wricte lloth at-, onoe t - - ....

· 1 'Ka v p get~ some glorious -.aathar in this region, end I don It thiillt I ever .felt bet-tar in 'rtrf Ufa'. They- aef ttiat'' all WQrlc. ·pi no pl&y' l!lllkea,.J~ e, ~ ~ - but in ' 'rtrf bulible ~ini aU ple;y im4 ,JIO ,iqrk 1e a-good deal 11Qre.e. .But Ii em a TUT l JDS', · ~ thet 'libiit I oall rq ~ i,!I 1>1$,Y w ;111&.

W;ttb: lcfrlc1.91!.t r ~~.'

J,lweys -;•Riq]WIDS.

()le a~l?. ~ to ~:\ -this ?' somehow. - . Bo1L.-)

'NIX' Tlllil 1JIRILLi!'' .By' O. J~tt ...

I WODder.·Jiow lll8IV' pe6pl-e ' ,itio i'e~d J~ s ~ f'indi:og it ~ to get_ a ¢oUeotion togoth e:r, o~ to thl' &cpl'C:1 ~ of bQOka • .Le mo -~eat to you a solution. ~ nbt UT the "Tbrlller'1 Most ot ~~- Siµ::\QA ll}llb autho rs 11rOte for it and f!OJlle of the world I s t1nest'


1JX1iters ~ .19':etezy atQJ'i4!8 contribll1;ad to '·~ it on& •Of

tj(e beat' ~ ff81' 'to l>!I is~~

lbat dO-you Wilk of theise names? Gwyn l'viins. Ladl>rokt!­Blal)fc_. JIObn G. Breruron.. Antll'PJ\Y :~ene, Ro'liert ~· Jobn. -.HUnter. G'. R. 'Teed'., G-ill>«rt: ~ls\~, tC?_ llk!nt.ion.3wit i fw of :the •JUni~ ·J~ lliltMre'. Tliea e :names~ j~ ,1n,the pap, of the ~l.lff'l ' 1'f' &Yen · III01'(j famow, onC38. lfames that are .tamillar to '~ both 'in tbfs 'C(1'lll~ ~ \n, Jmerl?,o • l{IIID&II that '111'9 sou«h't "tli't!IX' in p_ub~ c U:.l>re:r4ea -end ~e ·drimie­<ft'aeat ifovel.s ne- :bGard'. on. 't:ti'e:·~<li<> pt iiiillions.. .

Tiho bes not heerd of that king of ~-te11ei:a ~ Well e? Jlhat ilag1:o H:ea -1u 'the wa:rdll 'llThll Saint" ? · .Leall~ Charieru ) · · t Mm oto_.Uf'e for •'-the "'l'bril1¢. ,1'h~ tli~ ~a],!.~~~(~ old ,ft\l'end -~ Seerlea ~ookil) who P,ffll US !01'11Wli c~~. 8

~ · Sil' tbit ~ · oleaa •• . the ~t, Baf%1 P~vya us

Page 25: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

"Rattles", llavid mme with ?lick Csrdby ; !3ruce ors.a lb!:

'"Bleiclc8birt " , Roland Deniel snd,. Wu i'.&l'lg, Stpriea by Pe,er Cheyney . J. J&ffereon l'argeon, Sydney , H~l4il', Gerald Vemtr,

· Gersrd Fairli e , ond ~ host of othaX'IJ, SOiie of the finoat read tc: be found onywliere 1e \etween the covara of tld.s ·l>oolc,

Fi.rat issued in F .. bru,ry 1929, 1t ran 'for 581 lllll!ibere,, unt 'Jll;y 1940, wb~ it ceased to be prfilted owing~ the ~er abort l!gli d~ thci '\ffl.r,

It d<>t1an • t look 88 thOIJ8h it . will be iline4 epj,a,, IIO r of :

you this .adrio~11 atari ool1eotiilg it now, iltie price of 'tll1s boo 1lill rlaa during th9 nan coapl~ of t eere.


In our Feb:NerY inue ono of the reproduotione Qf th e :reiio on tha York Eichibitl on cc.me out bsdly. Tb1tr ~a unrortunate~ for it ,res n vo:ey int ;,reating one. Ws have th erefore tried

~ 6g&in; we think with more sucoeaa. I

;..JZOLOOY 27, Archd!le Road,

E, ])Ulllich, S.E,22,

To oil rq friends whose lett'1r8 duril,g the past fw weeks hBV'l!

not !wan ~nn orl3d nth the USW!l promptness, will 7011 please , accept ~ apclogi ea. The -recwnt unexpected death of ~ !athit snd its ocneequentiel duties hae t oken up ell rq time.

ill lottera tjll bi! ol o11red up oa eoon . aa poaeible. UXIWU> PAClllllf


:ui.z OR i%CH.t.llO~ 100 Jfagneta, 1400-16001 250 0-, 1400-lQ

3 vole. Modem Boy, 1-75 (lat eeriee ) - leee llo,511 3 T<>le, R11J1ger, l-86J · Odd llodem Bo79, Bot•' ll!lca~J Pilota1 S.O,I small"~ .. . ll.i',Libe,; etc. ~' Mapete, 1923-321 :1 Boye' Jlagasinee. H.J.. S':nith, l3"""Jiij""l'oacl, Soole, DiH, llorl? .

Page 26: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

Pl ease tlddrGSS ALL corresp ondence r ela ting to Sexton Blake to , th 9 Editor of Blo ki eno , If. Jl • .Bond, 10 .Enr Wen, Rhiwbin a, Cardif f.


Befo r .. going on to oth er matters I must make e f <HI r amarks upon the l otter from Mr. FAwr Searles Brooks which epp .. ar od in Lett er Box of the generel seoUon l~t month . It was very nice t o he a:i:-:that the av.th:or of th e St. fronk'a et orie11 alweya lik es to he ar fr oo the Old Timers who used t o read his Nelson Lee stori e s. I t~e i t tbtt he wouJ.d be non s th e less pl eased t o he from edmi.rere of his pre -war Sexton Blak e e toriee in '1:lich he feetured th e r edoubtabl e Ru.pert Wt!lclo , strong men an.a gentleman crook. He does not r efer · to tho se stori es but it is obvi.OWJ wh rea~ some of hill modern Ina-pect or Cromwell stori es (yes, d )lormeil Conqu .. ,t stori es too) that he has not f orgotten them, I ll88 forcib~ r eminded of this 111ben ra&ling e recent "Vioto r Gunn~ JiRVel , or rather series of novel~ ( ~brae . to be ~ect), ontitled 'tti.rbre& De.tee \'Ii th Death" published in lfQWlllher 1947 bi Collm a 7/r,a_~ T.he !1rst story did not soun d e.t . llll f!lmili~, bu! when ; ~rted Oil lfo. 2 I thought to 1ey11elf, "the heading o! this oh9Rt eOllllda VU7-fesUiar - QIJI. - let me s ee now. .Ah, I 1'811lember ~ . old. U .J. I Wiii reecliilg the oth er de7 with s 11toi'7 bf ~.S.llrooa .entitled 'QuiTI>ring Steel' - the.twas it." And turnillg to the

1 ,eai!l 1J ,J. I fomid that Inspector Cromnll' a second dat e rlth dee.

Page 27: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

"1', Thit Side ot a Orne" •• ..re)t e Nhaehe4 "Qa1'(8l'1Dg s,ee l Leter ,oa tile titi• of ·~ .• ~ t~:t7 "Wlt!iin 'fh• Stp_t ot '~• recalled 19-t another old 11.J. •to.rt fee~ ~de Cona4fal eaUtl.ecl "'l'he C,H ot T).le 'fbree JllOlt Cata'\, onJt }liOOr olil ~ beo- A)O Pirbff&llt iJI thG "Jiff ffrllioll.:t 'tJil •tolT WU the , 181

to ell in~W -4 f\U'liOMI. It '1tr. ~ t• mler the 1-­pNHion thet hie' olcl Blake" etoii:ii ae not roCJ4 moup f~ 'th• IIOdem reeder ( &i ther J1mmll• ~ acml t) he need not ;})e ebaidi 'l'hq are, .tor, ~ a llbn:rien I can inf~ 1!19 ~t bo~ "IrODa:l:dN ,1 and, l{o:nim 'O~ are ,rest fln'CNZ'it.. It i• probable ~t the modem reader. ot '"rhree Dat&fl· With PH~h" w01 aoom the idee ot reed1Jlg the ~on Jack" end would be horri! : at the tboucht ot Sctoll.Blllk.e, ;p\.. thttt _..... 1Ddi'rlciual lepa 1

Meeara. ero.nu and Cooqueet with greet gwrto, in the 0888 of

the >ioolt 11l peetloll., wi~l en i4ee ~t he wee ao~ ree. a rehashed Blab ator,r ot 19291 I 1'0llld ini,geet that llr. J!ro, 1a 111>t llvinc in sWlh e dlt'terct kind of warld after all. It ia, it ia .-,rt apparent ~t ~llie,• to ot\ezi dip into the 11•at tor uapiret:toa, wbioh tnq ~.:\a ~ lltiltt good atuft 'Jut uai

to \Urli' Olltl .~t tor--;v ,_. I ·-,.,oalA-' ntha aie thoa• ·

" Waldo and .. _,. atori.¥ ~ in tli-.' •Scton Blau Llbra It~· not •"9 richt tq,. ~ u- tll*' satcm lllm'• pa ~ap)ia abolalcl;l,e p1Dohed ~. ooaple ot'~· '?ho9• ,iiabing ~ •. oheoli; ~ wbn I: hafl . ;ae1d ·aboald turn up· their V.J·' s lo• a 1'54 dated Septanber 28tb 1.929 aM 1'84 elated April 26th 19}0. \

It,: request tor erticlea end t..•ture• tor Bleld.- ae- t hev& ~t .with epme eucpesa et leest. .&.. couple of readers · aee to be qui'te up eel · over rq laat Bleki11Jl8, Orie naeeted that eounded --rather 'anbittered. Woll, meybe ·r we 'llt!.lia. I wrote th

edi torlal. I he4 vieiona of 'the 111hole ·e.eotion golig "waet" • But ~ C11ltloolc ie ~tar DCW.aJl!l i bope ~t othez:e llh.o ~ llOr 1frittea ·to 'lll8 will -burr, lip ,ezlll·dO lio.

DuriJlg the paat tn weeb I have eoqui:red • number ot old "tlm.on J~" of the 1918-1920 period 8lld ln Oll9 ot ~h .. e, Jro.83} ai1tUled "Th• 111441• ot 'fht ltfo~'' 'fife", I hK 4l\d.te llhoOlc. it bu ,beea ot~ eteteci ~t L8l¢a Jl!OD(ll!I. w,a the

~tor ot ,Leon :r.vel ail N f~ , H I 08D ... ~ ~ DO cp t1oa ot ~ tti.n M 1114-4 na.- I~ u. lllao Neil -a.oi4ell ·1 llrl t<lll Qrepl'7 end B. GJ'l!COl7 Jllll ...._ C1118 - tbe ... , .. 1 ~WN1twanu~enalltbe~~l

Page 28: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

on;, ~ ~e .o.•1. ~ .1\V. -B~\lk ~. ~~ I ~ 'that ~ ;Jadlile of- '!\• Berio1'')l , 'fil~·· was int~111g ~ X..1,rel; ~ -~·,.~ ·~· -·~ W,88 mtten. \17.,".tli.e:,,ol~ ~ : o~.

; _.~ :Jled ,~ , Of t~~ ~" J . Did l{. ~r>ff' Billl,~ 1, · , (~tJ.'81, ~ot- ~ ~~017 , ~ OU ,~ ·~ .:two,nom...d~l

9~ -Le~ ~~·eT · ~~ ;IIIQ:1NI we.~ ·, :ti,QJtl.iah pi,ob1-. in · etamally . infei!etijti!I Jiia.ton O~ Sez:t® Blake .-. .

• . ehq¢o ·for · JIOlt, - . •Pro~ · ·ea ~ .l!T 1{. lfsttrice ~.

11. Gne?l7 m,µ·.

, .. ,Sm'Olf BLAKE~Si ,GOmEI :AGE

A nn .er~to.le br R.,x Dolpbl:n,

' l!ert ' l ~

f.be . ~«1!T ~ ta1tmt ~ail.fed , br ·a.·l>r1<1µ-t ~ of · ,m.tera., ibe ,Jeeow~ ~ffll who o~eea ~ -~sietea. .BIB¥•l B~!., O'lllsp~ '-~V; , tba ~ell~e of the , ill.ue,n&~I tba ,.mtbate eph1,t udstillg h~tween ~tor -1Pld ·reeda:raz ell t11."l:iee•1 e;ombine to ~ the "daoede" ~ bom:ldG!l ~ t11e1yeaa 1920 and 1'9,0 the Gol!len Jee iJ!. Sexton Biake•s M>~ ::, ·biatoi7. '

To rq ~t I 'ha-ve·· bee el!le to r,eed only- semp-le stories of : ti. 7esr.e pl'&Ceding 19201 th ese have aaemed ovei:-Glel.odrsmati em1,;i(b't- too ~1.ng. '?11~ yem ~ter 19}0· endanoed e rsp1 decline which ls o!O.Y, too. -pe:l:Mully o~ -1 the '1Unton .Jsolt" beqame ·. "Deieoti'vp ·Weekly'', wtdch was gc,od for a a'.hort p.Gr!,od., th Ill-eke waa lftereilt thrown out. The 'l'Smon Blau Ltbrer7" 8teggered on, its oNtchee ~~·reprint! ·o~ Goldail Jee etor168'. .

.it other ttmea · there have bMJli stories o!' •eq1.tai 11181'it, ,( t:o,tdq · en occeaionel brill:icnt s·tory -.appears) "bUt nriff we th nati s periM 1ihan ydiJ. ~d 1>Mk-on 'neerlt every- yam )e1l:IB • 111m1er. ~ were eo ~ good ,euthore >ballaed topther et one tlae-. :19"1'"1191"8 the publish~ eo •-p1'0Qd -of ·SeJCttm Bl•·

..i'l~q ~ uhami4 ot '"ldJa. '

Page 29: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

.lt the ... Uae 11'11 -t gu..ard apiut the mtvel emot iOll

of over-gl~111Jig the peat. Keiv-of ua were bcJ711 at that

time. And ba78 can ueill1lete readlag matter that IIOllld onl7 1.rritete en edul\ with - ~epttm of 11'7le, ohanoterillaU end plot. 'l'here wea eleo perbap11 th e fllmJU' of "forbidden tl'Uit", tor th111 h eeltb,r litereture W!l8 ofte dUeppro..ed of.

Storiee wbioh thr.illed Ille es e bo7 leeve me cold -· lfo doubt when I firllt reed them ~ idea was new. lfo,r it eppeere haclc

Aqed. In other word.II, I oen1t loae ll!rfflf ill a ator)' ao eea I'm glad to aq, tbooflb,, that aie.q Blake 1toriea dQ 11till hen

thllt ~notie etteot on me . To aee how C6eleH ia thia over-;rlllllOUriaiJl6 of the paat,

onl7 hBT8 to r.erk the followi.llg ~111, - ID 1949 ft are saying thDt th e 11toriaa of to-ds;y ere m.ah interior to t!io11e of

20-25 yean flBO• lil 1926 the ~tor of the "UniOII. Jeck" (llo.1161) ,me quoting reedan' l e tters ll8)'1ng tbet the 1926 ato e were inf erior to those of the peat. He oCIUllhred b:, quotiJJg

an editorial 1n "lJnion Jeok." 110.52, of 191', llhan readers ,._.. · were oumpleimng that the atoriea of the peat were 'beetl So,

the oontantion were true, than t~ "'WT tint Sutan llleb 11to17 ot ell Wllll the beet 1m1r. Do TOil believe tbat?

llo - 11'11 hffe good lltoriea to-deyJ 8114 ~ Ooldc i4e wu an unbroken nm of muterpieoea. So before I aterl ~;ita pre111111, e gegle w1 th some of ita week point, will do no l\era~ Apart from the occaa ional poor "complete" eto:17 there ftre e bar of oherecter aeries 11bich I heart~ diallk.ed and still do.

Some nen were b:, fevour:l.te authors. .&nthoqr Skene'• "J'ifth Man"

and 11Gargo7le" a erie s, for instenoe. And Gwyn Evens' "Ordon Kan"

"Mies Desth" and "Mr. Mist". The l ett er ll8lll8d most eapecblly. 'l'o bring en inrlaible lllllJ1 into e detec tive 11t017 1a surely e mocrt

Ulogioel proc eediJJg , Deteotiw atoriu ere built on feet. char -

ter and baolrgl'ound - often 11Dg8er&ted Admltte~. But p1111Ud.o

ac1enoe h1111 no place. .llso among 1111r dialilr::ea were n-oclt Kelli:

Jenseen The Moonaleyer. Two very week eharectan.

'l'o \e continued.

Page 30: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo

TB 9C1\1S llLAD LilllWlt - 1946 Third Serlee lll - 134.

Ul. Tb• R1Mle et 'fh• Indis .111111. U2 . J'OIU't- Teat'• Aft•. u,. 'l'he 1'!'1111ledoll C~D 1'np. :u4. The T~ or lfo. 1,. 115. The Ceae or fhe Prince'• Pri aonen. 11,. The Caae or !h• Pratenj,llinlf Soldier. 117. The .;at1117 or 250,000 itupeea . us . The c .. e or The Defnl~ Sailor. 119. Tho Cea• ol !bl J"stal S<urm.r. 120 . Tha ic,atu, ot fbree »-olibed -· 121 . Tbe ceae ot 'l'he Jllaaag a .I. Bride . 122. DOWll Ile.ti . 12,. Tb• bd Van }(r8t8l'J' . 124• !he llm Who !ltd !o ~t. l.25. The JC,8UJ7 of )l)a.t F._ • 126. The CIH Of ~ JU&bt ~ Jlriftl' . 127. The CU• ot !he ~r'• Stoop. 128. Th e JfP.ter., ot fte J)c:Ule Bmlg]1117 • 1,29. The Y- With A J!Nor4. l)O. Tb• 11111l 1rom 'Cfnqklng. l}l. '1'he Crime OD !he lb>n. . l}2. Th• J()'8ter, ot 'l'he 1181111:npt Estate. 1},. The CHe Of Lord Grqbarn•a Son. 1}4. 'l'he Tenltllh o C• • l!flck.


.Ill~ Parllona. J'alm Jllahr, John llmtar. Lewie J'ackllon . lllthozv Parsons. Jcmi Hlmtar • . -~Paeane. :sc1ia--.. ~z..._. Yal~ 'lper.

-~ Pareoml. Lewi• J'acaon. Qilllerl Cheater. Jattlon;J Panone. :Solm Hater. Lwl9 J'aabca. Ant:tiar~. OUMrt e11en.r. r..tla :Sacboa. Ru Jle2'diDge. '!!'altar ir,rer. .l:Dtbmlf Parsens . Derek 1'>118' • .lnthoD,r Perso na.

Page 31: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo
Page 32: Albums - Friardale Digest/1949-03...until, 88 I result of llllCh con: atipondenoe et~~' ~d 1 ·~ tc. got iD touch w1 th hie s on, the Rev. J .H.l!.St e llif o rth, who VerJ ~ g8" mo