From Our Files - Albendazore: references since 1982 Therapeutic use A study of the efficacy and safety of albendazole I Zen tel) In me treatment of IntesMal helmenlhlasls In Kenyan children less than two years of age Pamha HO et al East Alncan Medical Journal 66 197 1989 NeurocysttcercOSls tr eatment with atbendazole and dextrochlorophentramlne Agapelev S et al Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 83 377 1989 Albendazole In th e conservative management of multiple hydatid disease Golematls B et al Mount Sinai Journal of MediCine 56 53 1989 Chemotherapy of EchlnococclIs Infec ti on In man with albendazole Hor ton RJ Transactions of the Roya l Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 83 97 . 1989 l\JeurOCyslicercOSls treatment with albendazole and dextrochlorophentramlne AgapeJev S et al Rcvlsta do In S lltulo de Medlclna Tropical de Sao Paulo 30 387 1988 Albendazole treatment 01 recurren l echinococcoSIS Rowley AH . et al Pedlatnc Infectrous Disease Journal 7 666. 1988 Serology In patients treated with albendazole lor hydatid disease Wilcox MH . et al Journal of the Royal Society of MediCine 81 714. 1988 Randomized tllal of albendazole versus thiabendazole plus flubendazole dUling an outbreak of human tnchlnellosls Fourestle V, et al. Parasitology Research 75 36, 1988 New treatment of brain cysticercosIs with albendazole CarpIo A. el al. Annals of Neurology 24 144. 1988 Albendazole treatment Improves growth of Kenyan school chddren with hookworm T fllchlura and A lumbllcoldes infections Stephenson LS. et al FASEB Journal 2 A 1194. 1988 Albendazole treatment of human Cystic echonococcoSIS Todorov T et al Transactions of Ihe Royal SoclCty of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 82 453 . 1988 A sfudy of albendazot In pallents wi th ascalldlasls tnchocephatosls and enterobiasIs Biagi F Investlgaclon Medica Internaclonal 15 23 1988 Albendazole U1 taeniaSIs. de Kaminsky RG Investlgaclon Medica Internaclonal t5 (Suppl t) 9. 1988 Clinical evaluallon of albendazole In Intestinal helminthiasIs . Including H nana Cabello RR Investlgaclon Medica Inlernaclonal 15 (Suppl 1) 17 . 1988 Albendazole In hf datld cyst Vlldosola H Investlgaclon Medica Internaclonal 15 (Suppl 1) 12.1988 Antiparasitic acMn of albendazole and Its application In publiC health Botero D tnvestlgaclon Medica Internaclonal 15 (Suppl 1) 21 1988 EII,clency of albendazole In medical treatment of cerebral neurocyst,ceros,s - a tomographlcally-controlled study Escobedo F Investlgaclon Medica Internaclonal 15 (Suppl 1) 23 t988 Albendazole In the treatment of fhe visceral larva mlgrans syndrome (toxocanasls) A prelrmlnary communication Delgado 0 Investlgaclon Medica Internaclonal 15 (Suppl 1) 27 . 1988 A MeXican campaign to control geohelmlnthlasls with albendazole Rangel JC Investlgaclon Medica Internaclonal 15 (Suppl 1) 29 1988 Albendazole In onchocercoSIs Agultar FJ . et al tnvestlgaclon Medica tnternaclonat 15 t Suppt 11' to 1988 Pre·operatlve albendazote therap)' and hydatid cysts DaVidson RN et al Srot lsh Journal of Surgery 75 398 . 1988 Albendazote treatment of multiple cerebrat hydatid cysts case report Todorov T et al Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical MediCine and Hygie ne 82 t50 1988 Afbendazote In the treatment of Intestlnaf capillaroasis Cross JH and Basaca·Sevllia v Southeast ASian Journat of Troplcaf MediCine and Public Health 18 507 . 1987 Atbendazole (Zentel) In the treatment of hetmlnthlasls In chltdren betow 2 years of age - a preliminary report. Pamba HO. et at East Afrocan Medlcaf Journat 64 448, 1987 Albendazoie In the treatment of strongyloidiasis Pungpak S, et at South East Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 18 2fJ7, 1987 Medical treatment with albendazole for hepatic hydatidosis. Sciarrono E, et al_ ttalian Journal of Gastroenterology 19 (Suppl. 3): 75S, 1987 Pre-operative albendazole therapy for hydatid cyst. Morris DL. British Journal of Surgery 74: 805. t987 © ADlS Press Albendazole therapy In at veolar hydatid disease a report of favorabfe results In two patients after shOri term therapy Wilson JF et al Amellcan Journal of Tropical MediCine and Hygiene 37 162. 1987 Th e albendazole tr eatment In hepatiC hyda tidosIs RapacClnl GL et at italian JOllrnal of Gastroenterology 19 56 1987 D,fferenflal of mebendazote and albendazote against necator amerlcanus but not for tlichurlS tnchlura infestations Holzer BR and Frey FJ European Journat of Chnlcal Pharmacology 32 635 1987 Clrnlcal effiCienc y of albendazote In children A controlled study Agudelo G et al In vestlgaclon Medica InternaCional 14 20. 1987 Tr ea tment of strongyloides stercoral IS With albendazole - a cure rate of 86-percent MOJon and "',elsen PB Zentralblatl tur Bakteroologle Mlkroblologle und Hyg iene 263 6 19 1987 Albendazote suspenSion In th e trea tment of Intestlnat helminthiaSIS In chlldlen Gazder AJ and Ro,' J Current Therapeutic Research 41 324 1987 The treatment of Intest i na l helnllnthlaslS With alhendazole Zawde 0 Ethiopian Medical JOli rnal 25 83 1987 Altlendazole Ihelapy tor neuroc,stlccrcos,s Es cobedo F ", t At Archives of In ternal MediCine 147 738 1987 Atbendazofe In the tr ea tment of hydatid disease more than a hope Mansueto S et al Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical MediCine and Hygiene 81 168 , 1987 Atbendazole In the treatment of hydatid disease Rahemtutla A. et al Journal of the Royal Society of MediCine 80 119. 1987 Albendazole on chltdren With hookworm Infection. Pugh RNH, et al Annals of Tropical Medlcone and ParaSitology 80 565. 1986 Sensitivity to albendazote sulphoXide of echinococcus granutosus scoteces In man Morns DL and Taylor D Lancet 2 t035. 1986 Albendazote In nematode cestode trematode and protozoan (Giardia) Infections HUI ·lan Z et al Chinese Medical Journat 99 912. 1986 Albendazote therapy of hydatid disease (E granulosus) Morns DL. et al Gastroenterotogy 90 1557 t986 Hydatid cyst of th e spine treated by albendazole Negallve results Deltamonlca P and te F,chou' Y Pathologle Blotogle 34 295 1986 Albendazole In the treatment of Inoperabte hydatid disease In Kenya - a report on 12 cases Okelo GSA Transactions 01 the Royal Society of Tropical MediCine and Hygiene 80 193. t986 The treatment of echinococcosIs (E-Granulosus) uSing albendazole Salmot AG and Coulaud JP Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologle Exotlque et de ses Flhal es 78 718 1985 Prophytactlc chemotherapy after operations for hydatid disease - an anlmat study M orriS DL et at Gut 26 A lt26 1985 Hydatid cysts of th e spone treated by albendazole Report of two cases Fournier JP et al Pathologle Blologle 33 611 1985 Ocular onchocerciasIs DiagnOSIs and current ctonocal approaches OUay J and MackenZie CD Tropical Doctor 15 87. 1985 Atbendazole In the treatment of Intestinal helminthiasis In children Prasad R. et af Ctonlcat Therapeuflcs 7 164. 1985 Albendazole treatment of pulmonary hydatid cysts In naturally Infected sheep a study With relevance to the treatment of hydatid cysts In man Morns DL. et at Thorax 40 453. 1985 Atbendazole In the treatment of Intestinal helminthiasIs In chltdren Misra PK et al Current Medical Research and Opinion 9 516. 1985 Assessment of the antlhetmlnthlc activity of albendazote In human strongyloidiasIs Neto VA et at Revlsta do tnstltuto de 'vled,clna Tropical de Siio Paulo 27 95 1985 Treatment of IOtesltnal parasitic Infections With atbendazole ,n Kinshasa. Zaore Mbendl N et al Annales de la Societe Beige de ta Medeclne Trop'cale 65 41 1985 OVlcldat effects of atbendazole on human ascaroasls, ancylostomiasIs and trlchunasls Malssonneuve H. et al . Annals of TroplCat MediCine and Parasltotogy 79 79 . 1985 Albendazole - obJechve evidence of response In human hydatid disease Morns DL. et at Journaf of the Amellcan MedICal ASSOCiation 253 2fJ53, 1985 Treatment of opisthOrchiasIs vlverrom in hamsters with albendazote Shaibulaya M and Punthuprapasa P. Southeast ASian Journat of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 15: 389, 1984 Treatment of human taeniaSiS With albendazoie. Misra RC, et al Current Therapeutic Research 36: 1195, 1984 A pediatric suspension of albendazole in the treatment of ascariaSIs. ancylostomiasis, and tnchullasis (167 patients) Maisonneuve H, et al Current Therapeuhc Research 36 404, 1984 INPHARMA'25 Nov 1989 19

Albendazole: references since 1982

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Page 1: Albendazole: references since 1982

From Our Files -Albendazore: references since 1982

Therapeutic use A study of the efficacy and safety of albendazole I Zen tel) In me

treatment of IntesMal helmenlhlasls In Kenyan children less than two years of age Pamha HO et al East Alncan Medical Journal 66 197 1989

NeurocysttcercOSls treatment with atbendazole and dextrochlorophentramlne Agapelev S et al Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 83 377 1989

Albendazole In the conservative management of multiple hydatid disease Golematls B et al Mount Sinai Journal of MediCine 56 53 1989

Chemotherapy of EchlnococclIs Infec tion In man with albendazole Hor ton RJ Transactions of the Royal Socie ty of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 83 97 . 1989

l\JeurOCyslicercOSls treatment with albendazole and dextrochlorophentramlne AgapeJev S et al Rcvlsta do InSlltulo de Medlclna Tropical de Sao Paulo 30 387 1988

Albendazole treatment 01 recurren l echinococcoSIS Rowley AH. et al Pedlatnc Infectrous Disease Journal 7 666. 1988

Serology In patients treated with albendazole lor hydatid disease Wilcox MH. et al Journal of the Royal Society of MediCine 81 714. 1988

Randomized tllal of albendazole versus thiabendazole plus flubendazole dUling an outbreak of human tnchlnellosls Fourestle V, et al. Parasitology Research 75 36, 1988

New treatment of brain cysticercosIs with albendazole CarpIo A. el al. Annals of Neurology 24 144. 1988

Albendazole treatment Improves growth of Kenyan school chddren with hookworm T fllchlura and A lumbllcoldes infections Stephenson LS. et al FASEB Journal 2 A 1194. 1988

Albendazole treatment of human Cystic echonococcoSIS Todorov T et al Transactions of Ihe Royal SoclCty of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 82 453. 1988

A sfudy of albendazot In pallents wi th ascalldlasls tnchocephatosls and enterobiasIs Biagi F Investlgaclon Medica Internaclonal 15 23 1988

Albendazole U1 taeniaSIs. de Kaminsky RG Investlgaclon Medica Internaclonal t5 (Suppl t) 9. 1988

Clinical evaluallon of albendazole In Intestinal helminthiasIs . Including H nana Cabello RR Investlgaclon Medica Inlernaclonal 15 (Suppl 1) 17. 1988

Albendazole In hf datld cyst Vlldosola H Investlgaclon Medica Internaclonal 15 (Suppl 1) 12.1988

Antiparasitic acMn of albendazole and Its application In publiC health Botero D tnvestlgaclon Medica Internaclonal 15 (Suppl 1) 21 1988

EII,clency of albendazole In medical treatment of cerebral neurocyst,ceros,s - a tomographlcally-controlled study Escobedo F Investlgaclon Medica Internaclonal 15 (Suppl 1) 23 t988

Albendazole In the treatment of fhe visceral larva mlgrans syndrome (toxocanasls) A prelrmlnary communication Delgado 0 Investlgaclon Medica Internaclonal 15 (Suppl 1) 27 . 1988

A MeXican campaign to control geohelmlnthlasls with albendazole Rangel JC Investlgaclon Medica Internaclonal 15 (Suppl 1) 29 1988

Albendazole In onchocercoSIs Agultar FJ. et al tnvestlgaclon Medica tnternaclonat 15 t Suppt 11' to 1988

Pre·operatlve albendazote therap)' and hydatid cysts DaVidson RN et al Srot lsh Journal of Surgery 75 398. 1988

Albendazote treatment of multiple cerebrat hydatid cysts case report Todorov T et al Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical MediCine and Hygiene 82 t50 1988

Afbendazote In the treatment of Intestlnaf capillaroasis Cross JH and Basaca·Sevllia v Southeast ASian Journat of Troplcaf MediCine and Public Health 18 507. 1987

Atbendazole (Zentel) In the treatment of hetmlnthlasls In chltdren betow 2 years of age - a preliminary report. Pamba HO. et at East Afrocan Medlcaf Journat 64 448, 1987

Albendazoie In the treatment of strongyloidiasis Pungpak S, et at South East Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 18 2fJ7, 1987

Medical treatment with albendazole for hepatic hydatidosis. Sciarrono E, et al_ ttalian Journal of Gastroenterology 19 (Suppl. 3): 75S, 1987

Pre-operative albendazole therapy for hydatid cyst. Morris DL. British Journal of Surgery 74: 805. t987

0156-2703/89/112~19/0$O1_00/0 © ADlS Press

Albendazole therapy In atveolar hydatid disease a report of favorabfe results In two patients after shOri term therapy Wilson JF et al Amellcan Journal of Tropical MediCine and Hygiene 37 162. 1987

The albendazole treatment In hepatiC hyda tidosIs RapacClnl GL et at italian JOllrnal of Gastroenterology 19 56 1987

D,fferenflal efflca~y of mebendazote and albendazote against necator amerlcanus but not for tlichurlS tnchlura infestations Holzer BR and Frey FJ European Journat of Chnlcal Pharmacology 32 635 1987

Clrnlcal effiCiency of albendazote In children A controlled study Agudelo G et al Investlgaclon Medica InternaCional 14 20. 1987

Trea tment of strongyloides stercoral IS With albendazole - a cure rate of 86-percent MOJon ~~ and "',elsen PB Zentralblatl tur Bakteroologle Mlkroblologle und Hyg iene 263 6 19 1987

Albendazote suspenSion In th e trea tment of Intestlnat helminthiaSIS In chlldlen Gazder AJ and Ro,' J Current Therapeutic Research 41 324 1987

The treatment of Intest ina l heln llnthlaslS With alhendazole Zawde 0 Ethiopian Medical JOlirnal 25 83 1987

Altlendazole Ihelapy tor neuroc,stlccrcos,s Escobedo F ", t At Archives of In ternal MediCine 147 738 1987

Atbendazofe In the trea tment of hydatid disease more than a hope Mansueto S et al Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical MediCine and Hygiene 81 168, 1987

Atbendazole In the treatment of hydatid disease Rahemtutla A. et al Journal of the Royal Society of MediCine 80 119. 1987

Albendazole on chltdren With hookworm Infection. Pugh RNH, et al Annals of Tropical Medlcone and ParaSitology 80 565. 1986

Sensitivity to albendazote sulphoXide of echinococcus granutosus scoteces In man Morns DL and Taylor D Lancet 2 t035. 1986

Albendazote In nematode cestode trematode and protozoan (Giardia) Infections HUI·lan Z et al Chinese Medical Journat 99 912. 1986

Albendazote therapy of hydatid disease (E granulosus) Morns DL. et al Gastroenterotogy 90 1557 t986

Hydatid cyst of the spine treated by albendazole Negallve results Deltamonlca P and te F,chou ' Y Pathologle Blotogle 34 295 1986

Albendazole In the treatment of Inoperabte hydatid disease In Kenya - a report on 12 cases Okelo GSA Transactions 01 the Royal Society of Tropical MediCine and Hygiene 80 193. t986

The treatment of echinococcosIs (E-Granulosus) uSing albendazole Salmot AG and Coulaud JP Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologle Exotlque et de ses Flhales 78 718 1985

Prophytactlc chemotherapy after operations for hydatid disease - an anlmat study M orriS DL et at Gut 26 A lt26 1985

Hydatid cysts of the spone treated by albendazole Report of two cases Fournier JP et al Pathologle Blologle 33 611 1985

Ocular onchocerciasIs DiagnOSIs and current ctonocal approaches OUay J and MackenZie CD Tropical Doctor 15 87. 1985

Atbendazole In the treatment of Intestinal helminthiasis In children Prasad R. et af Ctonlcat Therapeuflcs 7 164. 1985

Albendazole treatment of pulmonary hydatid cysts In naturally Infected sheep a study With relevance to the treatment of hydatid cysts In man Morns DL. et at Thorax 40 453. 1985

Atbendazole In the treatment of Intestinal helminthiasIs In chltdren Misra PK et al Current Medical Research and Opinion 9 516 . 1985

Assessment of the antlhetmlnthlc activity of albendazote In human strongyloidiasIs Neto VA et at Revlsta do tnstltuto de 'vled,clna Tropical de Siio Paulo 27 95 1985

Treatment of IOtesltnal parasitic Infections With atbendazole ,n Kinshasa. Zaore Mbendl N et al Annales de la Societe Beige de ta Medeclne T rop'cale 65 41 1985

OVlcldat effects of atbendazole on human ascaroasls, ancylostomiasIs and trlchunasls Malssonneuve H. et al . Annals of TroplCat MediCine and Parasltotogy 79 79 . 1985

Albendazole - obJechve evidence of response In human hydatid disease Morns DL. et at Journaf of the Amellcan MedICal ASSOCiation 253 2fJ53, 1985

Treatment of opisthOrchiasIs vlverrom in hamsters with albendazote Shaibulaya M and Punthuprapasa P. Southeast ASian Journat of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 15: 389, 1984

Treatment of human taeniaSiS With albendazoie. Misra RC, et al Current Therapeutic Research 36: 1195, 1984

A pediatric suspension of albendazole in the treatment of ascariaSIs. ancylostomiasis, and tnchullasis (167 patients) Maisonneuve H, et al Current Therapeuhc Research 36 404, 1984

INPHARMA'25 Nov 1989 19

Page 2: Albendazole: references since 1982

Albendazole . worms and hydatid disease Lancet 2 675. 1984 Albendazole - a new concept m the'control ot infes\lnal helminthiasIs

Rossignol JF and Maisonneuve H Gastrocntcrologle Cllnlque et Blotoglque 8 569·577. 1984

Albendazole In the treatment 01 opisthorchiaSIS and concomitant Inteshnat hetmlnth,c ,nfechon, Pungpak S et at Southeast ASian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 15 44 . 1984

Albendazole for hydalld cysts Dickson B Lancet 1 57 . 1984 Treatmenl of ancylostomiasIs and ascariaSIS Wllh albendazole8asslly S

et al Annals 01 Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 78 81 . 1984 Albendazole as a potential anthelmintic for hepatiC c:ap!l!arlasis Markus

MB Soulh Aftlcan Medical Journal 65 278. 1984 Albendazole a n ew Single dose anlhelmlnllC Siudy m 1·155 patients

Coulaud JP and ROSSignol JF Acta Troplca 41 87. 1984 Study of albendazole m the treatment of Intestmal helminthiasIs m

Zimbabwe Chand,wana SK. et al Central Alrlcan Journal of MediCine 29 213. 1983

New trend In the treatment ot Intestinal helminthiasIs ROSSignol .IF East Alrlcan Medlcat JOlHnal 60 485. 1983

Treatment 01 hookworm d isease . ascarlasts and ttlchurlasts With albcndazolc 01 mebendazole Amato Ncto V. et al Revlsta Do Instltuto Dc Medlclna Tropical De Sao Paulo 25 294 . 1~83

Comparahve evaluation of a smgle dose mcbendazole and albcndazole Cruz 0 Investlgaclon Medica Internaclonal to 404 . 1983

Albendazole m hydatid disease MOrriS DL. et al 8t1hSll Medical Journal 286 103. 1983

Albcndazole In treatment of hookworm mfestahon In Thailand Chltchang S. et al Journal of tile Medical Assoclallon of Thailand 66 45. 1983

Clinical ttlal of·. albendazole In hookworm mfccllon V,ravan C . et al Soulheast A Sian Journal of Tropical ~/ed ,c lnc and P lltl ilc Hea lth 13 654 . 1982

SlOgle·dose a 1bcndazol 10 ml1ltlr:c mtesllOal ncrnatod l3~15 Bas;.das GJ Investigat ion "~ed lca tnternat lonat 9 308 1982

Efficacy 0 1 albendazot In mtes tlnal helmmth,as's UrQUIaga J and Pavia iii Investlgaclon Medica Internaclonal 9 266 1982

Smgle dose albendazol In Intesti/lal paraSitOSIS In C!lddren Fernandez FO Investlgaclon '.~edlca Inlcrnaclonal 9 12~ 1982

t,lbendazole a new broad spectrum anthelmintiC Doub!ebllnd muilicenter clinical tnal Pene P et al Ametlcan Journal of Tropical "led,c,ne and Hygiene 31 263 1982

Albendazole an effective Single dose broad spec trum anthelmlnlic drug Ramalmgam S. et al Amencan Journal of Tropi cal MediCine and Hygiene 32 984 . 1983

A communit y' based clinical tnal of albendazole In Ley te . Philippines Olveda RM. et al Philippine Journal of Internal Mcdlcme 21 126 1983

Albendazole In hydahc disease Results 01 treatment In 22 patients Morns DL and Dyhes PW Gut 24 A985. t983

Albenda701() as a polentlal trealment for human hydatldu~ ," Salmot AG. et al Lancet 2. 652. 1983

Albcndazole a n ew drug In the treatment of mteslinal helminthiasIs (nematodes and cestodes) Misra RG. et al Current Therapeutic ReSearC!1 33 758. 1983

Albendazole placebo·controlled study In 870 patlcnt s Wllh mtestlnal helmi/ltlllaSIS ROSSignol JF and Maslonneuve H Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical MediCine and Hygiene 77 707. 1983

20 INPHARMA' 25 Nov 1989 0156-2703/89/1125-0020/ 0$01 .00/ 0 © ADIS Press