Alabama Update March 2013

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This is the March 2013 Alabama Update for the Alabama Churches of God of Prophecy.

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Alabama State Convention

August 1-4, 2013

Embassy Suites: Hoover, AL


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A Revival and Return to True Biblical


By: Bryan Baysinger, State Evangelist

Does traditional means of evangelism really work

today? This is a question that has been posed to me by many

in our movement and in other denominations. Many seem to think that the traditional ways of reaching our communities

for Christ: going to local malls, handing out tracts, knocking on doors, preaching in public settings or even going to

witness at local outdoor events, are not working anymore. I say that these types of questions are really fostered out of a

desire to see immediate results.

However, there is a saying that holds true in regards to sharing the gospel; “a person doesn’t care how much you

know until they know how much you care.” We should seek to be effective in our outreach methods. While scripture

makes it plain that we are responsible for only sowing the seed; while God gives the increase, it has been my experience

that the most results will come from evangelism when we take the time to build relationships with the lost. I am clearly

not saying that we are to participate in the sin with them, but we are to show ourselves friendly and concerned about their

welfare. Building friendships encourages trust and will open many doors for communicating the gospel to those

individuals. How often do we take the time to share the good news with those who are lost that we come into contact with

on a daily basis?

As far as the traditional means of reaching out that were mentioned in the beginning, we must remember that

according to Genesis 8:22 there is still seedtime and harvest. As any farmer or gardener knows, this can be more

accurately read as seed, time, and the harvest. We like to plant the seed but forget about the “time” that comes before the

harvest. This is evangelism in its purest form. We plant the seed but many times we must wait that “time” to see the

harvest take place. There will be many times that someone else will do the harvesting from the seeds that we planted and

we will never become aware of that fact. It remains a process.

It seems that too many Christians limit evangelism to just one or two methods, yet our God is not limited. When it

comes to evangelism, we could and should utilize every opportunity that avails itself. There are as many ways to reach a

lost person for Jesus as the creative mind can imagine.

We should learn to utilize the facilities that may already be at work in our communities. Check your local areas

for such things as: Rehab Centers, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Women abuse centers, the Salvation Army, shelters for

feeding or housing the homeless, local prisons or jails, and nursing homes. These are just a few places that are always

looking for people to help in ministering to the needy or to those in hopeless situations. My wife and I have worked in

most of these situations and have seen countless numbers of people come to Christ. In this day and age, outreach must go

far beyond just knocking on the door of a stranger. However, if you visit the same neighborhoods repeatedly, then you

should be establishing friendships, and this is where true ministry can begin.

An awakening for evangelism must first come in our realization of the Prophet Isaiah’s statement that “My

Word won’t return void yet it will accomplish that which it has been sent out to do.” Isaiah 55:11. The power lies within

the seed of His Word. We should sow that seed wherever and however we can, as often as we can. We are responsible for

the seed.

So, does traditional or non-traditional methods work the best? They all work when we are obedient to just sow

the seed of the gospel. Several years ago I conducted an outdoor wedding on a public beach. I noticed that as I started

conducting the service, the people on the beach stopped what they were doing and tuned in to hear and see what was

going on. God spoke to me, through His Spirit, and let me know that His Word had also been sown to a group of

unsuspecting individuals. The Word of God can go forth even when we think we are in insignificant settings. Don’t

forget that we are suppose to always carry with us His oracles. His Word changes and transforms lives when spoken

through whatever medium is available.

To God be the Glory for all of the doors that He will open for us to share. We need to have the faith and boldness

to carry the seed.

If you would like for me to speak at your church or event, I may be reached at 601-679-1381 or 601-604-0438.

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EXPERIENCE Part I The Last Great Conflict–A. J. Tomlinson

At the age of twelve I had some slight convictions abut eternal things. A

little incident was the means of awakening my then spiritual nature.

Reared in a moral rural district among Quakers, I knew but little at that age

about sin, neither did I know anything about the Bible or religion. My parents

very seldom attended religious worship, and of course I did not go. I went to

school in winter and worked on the farm in the spring and summer.

One day while father and myself were alone in the field a mile from home, sawing a large log with an old fashioned “Hoosier”

crosscut saw, I heard my name called, and thought father spoke to me. It was my familiar, family, pet name, but father said he did not

speak it. In a few minutes I heard the same voice and the same name. Again father said he did not say a word. I was in a state of

wonder. After a stillness of several minutes the voice spoke again, with that familiarity that is only recognized by the closest family

ties. Father still said he did not call me nor speak my name. I was mystified, and although I never spoke to a soul about it, and father

never said anything about it, it was enough to awaken a nature that had never been touched before, and it was awakened to never sleep


At the age of seventeen I graduated in my school and commenced to attend a high school in town. While there, quite a revival

broke out in a church near the schoolhouse, and nearly all my schoolmates professed religion. My conscience and spiritual nature was

thoroughly aroused, and many of my companions pleaded with me, besides others, but I could not yield.

It was after this that I caused my mother much anxiety and sleepless nights because she feared her boy was going to the bad.

I soon became much enthused about the political issues of the day, and was encouraged in it by my friends. I entered the campaign

long before I was old enough to cast a ballot, and by my voice and influence put forth every effort I could, both day and night, for “my


During one campaign I became so enthusiastic and determined that I made a vow that if “my party” was defeated I was going to quit

the United States and go to Australia. If “my party” was successful I would marry and settle down. The contest was severe, and I

came near losing my life on account of my reckless enthusiasm, but we won the victory, and I married her that still abides with me, in

my twenty-fourth year.

During all these years my conscience was lashing me, except when in the most intense excitement. Even while on the stage, when

the play was over late at night, I would retire, but could not sleep. Not a few times would I get up and kneel down and pray, and beg

God for mercy, yet I knew nothing of salvation nor the Bible.

The first year of my married life I was one day engaged in hauling hay from one of those large Indiana meadows. A storm came up,

and the men and myself hurried into the barn with what hay we had on the wagons. I ran on to the house so Mary would not be by

herself during the storm. It was a very severe storm with much lightening and heavy thunder. Suddenly, a heavier peal of thunder than

usual sounded so as to almost deafen us. Wife suggested that the lightening had struck the barn, but I said, “No, dear, it’s the house.”

I saw the flash of lightening as it crashed down the chimney, out through the cook stove, and bursted out through the ceiling and

weather boarding of the house only a few feet from where I was sitting. No serious damage was done, but it had an effect on me.

That evening after supper I said to wife, “It’s time for us to pray,” so I got the little Bible someone had given her (up to that time I

did not care anything about the Bible), and read a few verses and down we went to prayer. No doubt I was very awkward, but I was

sincere. I meant everything I said. Wife had been a Christian for some time, and could pray, but it was my first experience in that way.

Nothing much was accomplished that night, but I never let up until I got a real experience of salvation. My cards were soon cremated,

and I was soon attending Sunday School.

Then came a real conflict: What church should I join? If there had been but one, as was the case in the time of the Apostles, I

would have been saved that trouble. I searched and prayed and sought for information from...people, books and papers. I was

perplexed. I felt I was at a crisis. I did not know what to do. They were all different, and none of them really satisfied me, but I felt I

must be a member of some church. If I had only know the Bible church then! I finally decided to join the one nearest to my home,

merely for convenience, as I thought I could do more good in one nearby, as I could attend more regularly.

They soon put me in Superintendent of the Sunday School, and the little school of thirty soon ran up to sixty. Then a revival broke

down upon us out of our prayer meeting. I could not preach, but somebody had to do something, and the older members and ministers

were not inclined to take it off my hands except on Sunday, so I would go on and get up before the congregation, and sometimes lose

my text and could not find it, but I read whatever my eyes caught, and talk a little, and after a few, stammering, broken utterances, the

people would fall into the altar and get converted. The influence spread so that some were converted at home who had not been to the

meeting. Up to that time I had not studied my Bible.

Some little time later I fell into a tremendous conflict with an “old man” who gave me a violent contest. I fought him and wrestled

with him day and night for several months. How to conquer him I did not know. Nobody could tell me or give me much

encouragement. I had some serious thoughts of building a little booth out in the middle of a certain field, where I could be alone with

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God and the Bible. Nobody could help me, so I did not want to be where they were. I was making a corn crop, and I suppose I

prayed in nearly every row, and nearly all over the field. Though I worked hard every day, I frequently ate but one meal a day. I

remember it as if it were but yesterday. I would leave the house at night at times, and stay out and pray for hours. I searched my Bible

and prayed many nights till midnight and two o’clock, then out at work again next morning by sun-up. It was a hard fight, but I was

determined for that “old man” to die. He had already given me much trouble, and I knew he would continue to do so if he was not

slain. I saw it, and I knew he must be destroyed or I would be ruined, and my soul dragged down to hell by his subtle influence and

cruel grasp.

At last the final struggle came. It was a hand to hand fight, and the demons of hell seemed to be mustering their forces, and their

ghastly forms and furious yells would no doubt have been too much for me had not the Lord of heaven sent a host of angels to assist

me in that terrible hour of peril. But it was the last great conflict, and I managed, by some peculiar dexterity, to put the sword into him

up to the hilt.

It was about twelve o’clock in the day. I cried out in bitterness of my soul: “Now! Now! You’ve got to give up now! Now!” I

FELT HIM begin to weaken and quiver. I kept the “sword” right in him, and never let go. That sharp two-edged “sword” was doing

its deadly work. I did not pity him. I showed him no quarters. There we were in that attitude when all of a sudden came from above,

like a thunderbolt from the skies, a sensational power that ended the conflict, and there lay the “old man” dead at my feet, and I was

free from his grasp. Thank God! I could get a good free breath once more. It was an awful struggle, but the victory was won. That

was about twenty years ago, but it is fresh in my memory yet. I was indeed sanctified wholly.

Soon after this experience, a cry arose in my heart for the same experience that was enjoyed by the people on the day of Pentecost.

I called a meeting to tarry and seek for the Pentecostal experience. But few were interested, and nothing much was accomplished. I

was accused of being fanatical, but I cared nothing for that. I was hungry for God, and did not care who knew it.

During that time a little incident occurred that greatly strengthened my faith in regard to temporal supplies. I owed a debt of one

hundred dollars. The note came due, and I was informed by the holder that he would have to have his money by a certain day. I had

nothing, and nobody cared to help me. I did not know what to do. The day before I had to have the money I worked hard all day. In

the evening I came in and sat down to eat my scanty meal. The blessing was asked on the food, and when I was about to eat, a queer

feeling began to creep over me. I waited a moment to see what it meant, when suddenly I fell off my chair weeping, screaming, and

struggling. This lasted for several minutes. The suffering and agonizing was intense. The experience was a new one, but I realized it

was a struggle with satan to loose his grasp on one hundred dollars, so God could move someone to help me out in this time of

extraordinary extremity. As I came to myself I fully realized that the victory was won, but I did not know how it would come about.

Suffice it to say that the money came from a very unexpected source, but God made me able to pay off the note the next day, at the

very time it had been demanded. I have been trusting God for support ever since that time.

It would be too much, and probably useless, to tell about the experience of traveling with no money sometimes since that time. Of

going to the station without a cent, and hearing the whistle blow for the station, and yet no money and no ticket, and how, as the train

rolled up, on I would go with the other passengers with my ticket in hand; or starting to go hundreds of miles, sometimes a thousand,

with only a few cents, or maybe half a dollar, and getting through safe and no delays; and giving the ticket agent all I had and get a

ticket as far as that would buy it, and by the time I would get to that place my way would be paid still farther, and so on I would go.

It might not be necessary either to tell how my faithful companion and children have gone to bed hungry more than once, and

sometimes lived on potatoes and salt for days, and their clothes so scant that they were hardly fit to go to meeting, while I was away

from home in the Master’s service, and never a murmur nor complaint.

I will here only give a hint of a mob being formed against me, and I felt like I was hunted down like a wild beast. And while I was

absent another mob came to my home thinking I was there, and showered the rocks and clubs in through the windows on my wife and

then little children, and only through God’s peculiar providence was my son, Homer, saved alive. And at another time the bullets

showered around us like hail as they poured volley after volley into our room, seemingly with the intention of sweeping us off the face

of the earth.

Only a short time after these mobs had engaged themselves in these persecutions, one after another met with serious accidents and

injuries, until it was the general talk, and fear come upon many who had spoken and taken a stand against the Holiness people. One

shot himself accidently, another fell into a furnace of melted ore at a smelting furnace, another was taken with fever and died. Another,

a Baptist preacher, got his house burned and destroyed everything he had, another sinned against God, and according to his own

testimony, until he declared he was doomed for hell.

There is a land of pure delight,

Where trials and troubles ne’er shall come,

Be faithful here while in the light,

And then you’ll hear His sweet “well done.

As years roll by and toils increase,

And satan’s howls are heard,

Think of the joy that ne’er shall cease,

Where foes no more distrub.

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Alex City: We’re had

visitors throughout this new

year and some have started

to come on a regular basis.

One family is wanting to

make this their home

church. The Spirit of God

has been moving within the

hear ts o f ind iv id ua ls

t h r o u g h o u t t h e

c o n g r e g a t i o n d u r i n g

worship, as well as, the

hearing of the Word of

God. This fruitfulness is

not because of extra

ac t iv it ie s o f Chr is t’s

Ekklesia or trying to please

the community, but being

true to the standards of a

biblical Ekklesia( Christ’s). Some plant

and some water but God gives the growth.

We sow into the church of genuine love

(agape), biblical leadership, Biblical

teaching/preaching, praying/fasting, and

reaching out to a family in the community

or an individual; we will reap godly and

quality fruit. Revelation 22:4 talks about

the eternal life with God Almighty and the

Lamb...says “They will see his face, and

his name will be on their foreheads.” Let

us start to began to show the outline of His

name on our foreheads in the Body of

Christ. We can set the biblical standards

in our world, country, community, family,

friends, and individuals. It takes true

soldiers for Christ to be able to receive

persecution and still love, to receive hatred

and still love, to receive false accusations

and still love because we KNOW that we

KNOW Jesus is alive and real loving,

working, and transforming within us. The

love we receive from the Father is the core

of our love to others.

Anniston-Praise and Worship: We have

been experiencing wonderful worship and

a great Spirit in our services. People are

fully dedicating their lives to Christ,

getting baptized and joining the church.

Excitement permeates the Body.

Boldo: Our children’s church enjoyed a

trip to the local bowling alley where they

enjoyed the bowling, food, and fellowship.

The Youth had a “fun night” at church and

everyone had a great time.

Browntown: January was a busy time for

us as we honored Anita Tanner’s birthday

and celebrated with a Family Day Lunch.

Then we had a chili supper to raise money

for youth camp.

Chickasaw: We started the new year with

the “21 Days of Prayer”, praying each

week for the leaders and their nations. We

were together as one in our prayers and it

was a blessing for us. Our youth came

back from Winter Conference sharing what

they had learned and putting it into

operation. They also went to Winter Jam

and said it “rocked”! Tim Givens is

attending Williams Carey College and

plays a trumpet in their brass band. His

group gave a concert at the First Baptist

where between songs several gave their

personal testimonies. Very touching! Four

generations were present for the dedication

of Joshua Shultz. Refreshments were

served afterwards. The adults and youth

are building good relationships and getting

to know each other better. Pastor Walter

DeGeer from Bayou church is teaching the

Foundation Course to us. We are blessed

for his teaching.

Collinsville-Harvest Center: After a

morning service we had a footwashing

service. We experienced a wonderful

move of the Spirit as we washed feet

sacramentally. People were blessed and we

had one unchurched teen express a desire

to join the church. Very exciting.....

especially in the context of what some

would say is an outdated religious activity.

Dr. “Bubba” Cardin was with us recently

and he prayed a young man through to

surrender his life to the Lord after the

sermon. We are having good crowds,

many young children and teens. Very

encouraging. Thank you everyone for

praying for us.

Elba: Greetings from Elba. We kicked off

the “21 Day Prayer and Fast” New Year’s

Eve with a praise and prayer service where

we sang and praised the Lord, then prayed

the New Year in. Several of the seniors

prayed and fasted for a move of the Spirit

here in Elba. God is

blessing. We have a

new couple coming

that a ttended the

church years ago

before the COGOP

bought the church

building. They said

they were here to stay,

that this was home.

They are very faithful

workers , and we

d e s p e r a t e ly n e e d

workers. We are

hoping that soon they

w i l l b e c o m e

covenanted members.

Please pray for them

and also we have three

sisters in rehab care with broken bones and

other problems.

Fayette-North Pointe: We began January

2013 with the theme–“Expect The Unseen

In 2013" and “21 Days of Seeking and

Praying”for our families, church, city,

state, country and world harvest.

Although many have been sick, we

continue to give thanks and worship with

a passion to draw closer to God and see

souls saved during harvest season. Our

children’s church, workers, and volunteers

took 62 to the circus to kick off their new

theme. It is a blessing to see our children

clapping and worshiping during praise and

worship. Pastor Brent and Anita attended

pastor’s retreat and are excited about the

upcoming year with the expectancy of a

mighty move of God.

Goodwater-Joyful Praise: We have two

more families to join the church. God is

working miracles in families. God is

healing cancer and hearts. We give God

the glory for what is happening in His

Body here.

Grant-Sanctuary On The Mountain:

We were privileged to have the Mastin

Lake Youth Praise Team along with their

Youth Pastors, Mitch and Alexa Gentle,

join us in service. The worship was

anointed and the message was inspired.

We were privileged to have many from the

community to join us. God is doing great

things and this is only the beginning.

Green Pond: The year 2013 started with

a candlelight service and communion. The

presence of God was manifested in an

awesome way. The entire church seemed

to be glowing in candle light as everyone

sang “Carry The Light” and handed their

candle to another person, committing

themselves to carrying the light to our

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community. Many participated in the

twenty-one day fast. Revival is in the air.

The WOW program continues to be a

strong outreach of our church. Souls are

being saved and needs are met in each


Hackleburg: January is always a month of

new beginnings and offering of first fruits

at Hackleburg. Much prayer and fasting

led us to a day of Healing Explosion on

January 27 . God opened the heavens asth

we began to worship at 10:30am. God

began calling sinners to repentance. Six

souls were saved! Twelve new covenant

members were added! Two young people

were commissioned as lay ministers!

Many, many people were healed and set

free from physical, emotional and financial

bondage. As the long line of people

seeking prayer finally came to an end, we

realized it was 5:00 pm and more people

were coming in the door for “evening

service”! Testimonies continue to pour in

as a result of sincerely seeking the favor of


Haleyville-Pathway: We just experienced

a mighty service! It was wonderful and

His presence was so powerful. Our

attendance was the greatest it has been in

a very long time. We have a family, man,

wife and child that were here for the third

Sunday in a row. Another lady, it was the

second time she had been here. We give

God all the credit for we just turned it over

to Him. Through Him all things are

possible. I just wanted to share this with

you so you could keep us in prayers for

our church. We have been so hungry for

the Lord to do something here. It is truly

the Lord because without Him we cannot

do anything. We certainly want the Lord’s

will to be done and to be led by Him. To

God Be The Glory!

Jasper-Airport Road: God is truly

blessing our church. We had several

visitors in the past few months. God’s

Spirit is working among His people! We

have finished renovations on our

fellowship hall and it is beautiful. Sister

Lisa Gillott and Sister Sheila are doing

fund raisers for new tables and chairs.

Brother Piper and his crew have poured a

new sidewalk all down the side of the

church to the fellowship hall making it

more easier to access. These people have

a mind to work and have accomplished

much. We give God the praise and all


Moody-Trinity: During the “Season of 21

Days of Prayer”, the pastor has preached a

series of sermons on The Lord’s Prayer.

Many were changed!. We are continuing

the prayer and fasting because God has so

much for us, and we need so much from

Him to be able to minister to the needs of

the hurting. We are hungry for more of

what God is doing.

Russellville-Living Word: Praise the

Lord, we had a revival with the “Sloan

Family” ministering. Two were saved,

many touched and healed, and several

visitors. We are excited about what God is

doing. One family with 3 children came

and said they were looking for a church and

would be back.

Sheffield-Cliff Haven: Just wanted to

thank God for the wonderful breakthrough.

God did some amazing things. The church

was packed and many lives were touched

by the power of the Holy Spirit. Several

experiences took place. Also, many

claimed miracles in their family

relationships, health, finances, and several

marriages were strengthened. The power

of fasting and prayer!

Short Creek: We are looking forward to a

year of prayer, praise and worship as we lift

up the name of the Lord in our ministries.

We are working towards sending all our

children to youth camp. Also, we are

raising funds for our pastor and wife to go

on a mission trip this summer to the Indian

Reservation in the Dakotas. We thank God

for Brian and Anna Moreland and their

young son Blake. Brian and his family

have been attending services for three

weeks and they are a great blessing to our


Sterrett: We were blessed recently with

the ministry of Larry Webb and his

daughter Nora. God blessed their singing

and the Lord directed an altar service with

m a n y r e c e i v i n g b l e s s i n g s a n d

encouragement. Before we knew it, it was

almost 2 before we got home.

Tarrant: January was a new beginning.

We started the year off with our annual “21

Days Fast”. We had 2 youth attend the

“Winter Conference” at Camp Boothe, and

thirteen seniors attended the monthly

birthday celebration at the Presbyterian

Manor. Our pastors and their spouses

attended “Pastors’ Conference” and we

ended the month with a great time on

family night.

Twilleytown: The fourth Friday night

while the ladies had their night out at the

church, the men went to Jim & Nicks in

Jasper for dinner and fellowship. Our

youth department is growing. Danny

Howard is doing a wonderful job directing

them. Our “21 Days of Seeking” has come

to a close and God is pouring out His

Spirit, opening the windows of heaven.

On the 27 , Brother Stanton opened theth

doors of the church and two came forward.

Afterwards, seven of youth wanted to be

baptized. We thank God for answering

prayer; new families, healings, etc. We

look forward to seeing what God will do


Winfield City Family Church: We had a

great revival with Brother Nick

McSpaddin as the evangelist. Our altar

was full every night with people seeking

God. There were 2 saved, 8 sanctified,

and 8 received the baptism of the Holy

Ghost. Many were healed and blessed.

We thank the Lord for this revival!

Missions! Missions! Missions!

Send the Light the blessed Gospel


Let it shine from shore to shore

Send the Light the blessed Gospel


Let it shine forever more.

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Prayer Line with Dr. WesslySaturdays 9:00 - 10:00 AM

Dial 712-432-1690Access Code: 650786#

STATE WEB SITESA l a b a m a U p d a t e B l o g :W W W . a l a b a m a u p date.blogspot.comAlabama Web Site: alcogop.org Youth-Tim Beck Web: www.experiencehydrate.com& N E W ! ! www.hydrateministries.com

AVAILABLE FOR REVIVALSJames Adkins, P O Box 921,Collinsville, AL 35961-0920,Telephone (256) 524-3130.Joey Dobbs: Member of SterrettChurch of God of Prophecy. Telephone (205)746-3017.Earlean Emerson, P O box 1863,Hamilton, AL 35570. Telephone(205) 921-5637.Christine & Curtis Englebert, 111Woodland Road, Dora, AL 35062Telephone (205) 648-2871 or cell #2 0 5 - 2 7 5 - 1 1 9 9 . [email protected]. Fill infor pastors also.Avvis Motes, P O Box 272, Warrior,AL 35180. Telephone (205) 647-4819.Brenda Kay Pate, P O Box 30Cordova, AL 35550; 205-388-1087 or388-3129. Fill in for pastors also.Kevin Rhodes, member at Red Bay,AL Phone # 256-460-8105 home:2 5 6 - 3 5 6 - 4 9 9 7 ,[email protected] .Larry Webb and Nora Lutz,available for revivals and singings,22060 Eastern Valley Road, McCalla,AL 35111, cell# (205) 417-0230.Kenneth Wilkins, is available forweek-end revivals and filling in forpastors and special services. Telephone: (205)-763-7101. Email:[email protected].


Anita Falkner, 3615 Moody Pkwy,Moody, AL 35004. Telephone (205)640-6207.Brenda Kay Pate, P O Box 30;

Cordova, AL, 35550; 205-388-1087 or388-3129.

BABIESBoldo: Olivea Knope was bornDecember 12 to her mother Stephanie.th

Fayette-North Pointe: Silas was bornto Brianne and Kevin Ives on February14 . He weighed 7 lbs, 3 ozs and 20th

inches long. Grandparents are Brentand Anita Smalley with big brotherKaden.Hamilton-New Heights: Ava Kate wasborn to James and Misty Clanton onNovember 7 . th

Robertsdale: Lane Daniel McCaddenwas born October 3 , to Kaylard

Boyington and John McCadden.Robertsdale: Jasper William was bornto Melissa and Hayden Champion onJanuary 16 . th

Short Creek: November 29 was theth

birthday of Emma Faith Watson. Herproud parents are Sarah (Salter) andFrank Watson.Sterrett: Kenneth and Angela Jones areproud parents of Brantley Jones, bornJanuary 27 . th

Tarrant: Gracie Isabella NicoleRoberts was born January 2 andnd

weighed in at 8 lbs and 201/2 incheslong.

DEATHSAlton: Our deacon Marvin Sellers wascalled home January 10 . th

Carbon Hill: January 10 was theth

Homegoing for Billy Sides.Moody-Trinity Worship Center:Bertha Glass passed from this life intothe arms of God January 31 . st

Twilleytown: Patsy Flippo claimed herreward on November 11 . th


Betty BranchW. T. BranchVetres BurnsAmy ChristmasTimothy DouglasMark FellKim HittLynn HittSarah KeyPhil Pruitt

Steven SpearsJoyce SuttonHarold St. ClairKathleen WilliamsRobin Williams

ANNIVERSARIESWes and Elizabeth HallmanA. L. and Carol HendersonJeff and Jackie LoganWilliam and Nita NoeCephus and Debra ProphittSteven and Darlene Spears

Awaken Tour PREPARE 2013Making ourselves ready for the


March3 Woodland Hills– 6:00pm10 Hackleburg 5:30pmApril6 Huntsville-ML 6:30pm7 Sterrett 6:00pm14 Collinsville-HC 6:00pm20 Chickasaw 6:30pm28 Liberty-B/ham 6:30pmMay5 Carbon Hill 6:00pmApril25-28 Gordon Conwell

Camp BootheJune

Summer CampsAugust1-4 State Convention

Embassy Hotel–HooverSeptember11-13 SOPAS

Camp Boothe20-21 Women’s Conference

Camp BootheNovember1-2 Men’s Conference

Camp Boothe6-10 Gordon-Conwell

Camp BootheDecember29-31 Winter Conference

Camp Boothe2014January17-18 Pastor’s/Spouse ConferenceJuly30-Aug 3 International Assembly

Rosen Shingle Creek Resortand Convention Center

Page 9: Alabama Update March 2013

EvangelismJanuary Church Statistics

Taken from Church Reporters and Pastors Reports

1.Saved 2.Sanctified 3.Holy Ghost 4.Baptized 5.Added to Church


Bessemer-Hopewell Road Joey Mojica 1 1Calera-Harvest Chapel James Simpson 10 10 1 2Clanton Jeff Logan 1East Lake Highlands Gary Archie 2Grant Leslie Curtis 1Goodwater-Joyful Praise Jimmy Scales 2 4Hackleburg Clint Knowles 6 12Hamilton-New Heights James Clanton 1 1Leesburg Tim Douglas 1Russellville-Living Word Mark Fell 2 1 1Sheffield-Cliff Haven Neal Wright 2 3 3Short Creek Shane Pate 1Twilleytown Donald Stanton 2Winfield City Family Dewayne Smith Nick McSpaddin 2 8 8


Dorothy Clark 1Anita Falkner 1 1Kenneth Wilkins 1


Number Reports 70Sermons 393Church Homes Visited 749New Homes Visited 746

Page 10: Alabama Update March 2013
Page 11: Alabama Update March 2013


Season 5 1/18 - 1/20 $60.00 19-30 Scott & Cheryl Williams

(256) 710-5543

Elevation (CMT) TBA /A 16 & up Tim & Bethany Beck

(205) 994-1897

Collegiate 6/2 - 6/8 $165.00 15-19 Tim & Ann Douglas

(205) 441-0941

Senior 6/9 - 6/15 $165.00 12-14 Josh & Crissy Lynn

(256) 714-0571

Discovery 6/16- 6/22 $165.00 9-11 Michael & Amelia Teslich

(205) 531-4299

PeeWee 6/23 - 6/26 $80.00 6-8 Denise Junkin

(205) 394-2265

Outreach 6/27 - 7/1 $110.00 8-12 John & Felichia Douglas

(205) 520-6814

Women’s Conference 9/20 - 9/21 $45.00 16 & up Donna Howard

(706) 888-9526

Men’s Conference 11/1 - 11/2 $45.00 16 & up TBA

Winter Conference 12/29 - 1/1 $70.00 14-19 Tim & Bethany Beck

(205) 994-1897

Camp Boothe 2013 Calendar of Events

**New: For Summer Camps: All applications must be postmarked by May 15th. Applications postmarked after this date or received after this date will be charged a late fee of $25.00. To avoid this fee, the application and tuition must be paid in full and received as stated above. 100% of tui-tion is transferable within the same year, but non-refundable after day of registration. All Summer Camp reg-istration will begin at 2:00 p.m. Gates will not open until appointed time. Due to insurance regulations, regis-tration ends 24 hours after beginning of registration. We are grateful to everyone who volunteers his/her time. For Summer Camps only, ALL SNACKS are included in the tuition cost. Everyone will receive the same amount of snacks. Please do not bring extra snacks. Drink and vending machines will be available for extra snacks. Pick up time on the last day of camps in 8:00 a.m.

Applications are available online at: www.campboothe.org Make all checks payable to: Camp Boothe

Mail all applications to: Camp Boothe P.O. Box 240 Greenpond, AL 35074 Phone: (205) 938-2444 Fax: (205)938-9197

Page 12: Alabama Update March 2013

Dates Locations Area 3/3- Woodland Hills Church Central 3/10- Hackleburg Community Church Northwest 4/6- Mastin Lake Church North 4/7- Sterrett COGOP Mideast 4/14- Harvest Center Northeast 4/20- Chickasaw COGOP South 4/28- Liberty Church Birmingham 5/5- Carbon Hill COGOP Midwest

PREPARE 2013 Awaken Tour presents…

Page 13: Alabama Update March 2013

Last Harvest Ministries Missionaries Dmitry & Irina Kavaleuski,

Children, Paul and Melanie

“To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness

to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that

they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance

among them which are sanctified by faith that is in

me,” Acts 26:18 (KJV).

Dear Friends, We are thankful for your prayers and for

your support of us through Missions!

Our church is growing and increasing. And, a month ago,

we had water baptism—16 people made a covenant with

God! This is the greatest joy to see people getting saved and

dedicating their lives to God!

I feel a lot better physically, but still remain on a special

diet. I am thankful to you that you keep me in your prayers. I

believe that in this situation God was near me and was

teaching me a lot. Sometimes, God allows us to go through

difficulties and sicknesses in order to teach us to trust Him.

Very often we don’t understand His ways, but we believe

that all things work together for good. I continue to

fight with this sickness, but know that our God is faithful

and He will help.

Today, I am asking you to support me in prayers for my

wife, Irina. She had a virus for a couple of weeks.

And, yesterday, her fever returned again. We had to call

an ambulance, and she was hospitalized. We need your

prayers once again, and believe that our God is mighty!

The devil is defeated and he can’t stop us!

We are very thankful for your financial support! Since

we are not citizens of Russia, we don’t have medical

insurance here, and have to pay from our personal

finances for the medicines and hospital stays on both of us.

For the last months, we have had to spend all our family

budget on medical treatment. We are in need to pay off

our medical bills. We believe that God will provide for all

our needs because He is a mighty God!

We love you and pray for you!

In Christ, Dmitry

“Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of

repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe

on him which

should come

after him,

that is, on

Christ Jesus,”

Act 19:4 (KJV).

We are Christian missionaries for

Jesus Christ to Russia for the

Church of God of Prophecy .

God has called our family to

Russia with a vision of:

Evangelism, Church Planting,

and Leadership Training.

We invite you to partner with us

through your prayers and fi-

nancial giving and have a part in

what God is doing today!

We are supported through the Harvest Partners ministry by your Project Giving [HPL2]. All financial contributions to our work in Russia are tax deductible and can be sent directly to:

Annette Taylor, Harvest Partners Ministry,

Church of God of Prophecy International Offices,

P.O. Box 2910, Cleveland, T$ 37320-2910 Please make your checks payable to: “Church of God of

Prophecy” and designate as: HPL2-Dima Kavaleuski, Russia

Note that all financial gifts are tax deductible and 100% of your gift is applied to the need you specify

Page 14: Alabama Update March 2013
Page 15: Alabama Update March 2013

January, 2013 Statistics����


Alexander City 38 3219.10Aliceville 06 2875.64Alton 55 6493.51Altoona 12 1459.61Anniston Praise Worship 41 5555.27Arab NO REPORT Bayou La Batre 11 498.45Bessemer Hopewell Rd NO REPORT Woodland Hills 72 9380.50Boaz ---- 1221.64Boldo ---- 1145.99Brown’s Chapel 25 1826.80Browntown 52 4480.35Calera Harvest Chapel NO REPORTCarbon Hill 109 8773.69 Chickasaw 29 1961.00Citronelle 15 1021.00Clanton 26 1106.00Collinsville Harvest Center 28 3318.50Cordova 61 5752.40Cottondale NO REPORT 4875.00Cunningham Bridge 04 390.00 Decatur 38 3594.58Dothan 12 2166.50 Dry Valley ---- 1889.50East Lake Highlands NO REPORTElba 09 585.53 Elkmont NO REPORT Eoline/Tuscaloosa 13 1696.51Fayette-North Pointe 97 4189.00Fort Payne 09 610.56Gadsden Living Waters 50 3437.59Goodwater Joyful Praise 28 1392.76Gordo 41 5328.69Grant-Sanctuary on Mt. 15 1109.90Green Pond 79 7943.85Grove Hill 04 484.00 Hackleburg 215 22,763.29Haleyville Pathway 21 1888.18Hamilton-New Heights 43 2393.00Harris Chapel 49 5685.70Happy Hill 90 ---------


Hartselle 12 1364.19Hazel Green NO REPORT Huntsville Mastin Lake 74 6773.00 Bell Road 13 1683.40 Mission NO REPORT Jasper 12 2405.00Leesburg 53 3684.30Lincoln 28 2293.00Mentone 17 1458.00Montgomery 14 1150.00Moulton NO REPORTMunford-Silver Run NO REPORTOdenville 54 2423.21Pelham 36 4375.10Parrish 28 1402.00Phil Campbell NO REPORTPinson Parkway 30 1595.50Poarch 04 654.86Red Bay 20 3184.50Robertsdale 25 843.96Rock Cliff 28 64.00Russellville Living Word 30 2058.22Sheffield-Cliff Haven 129 15,161.32Short Creek 35 4229.38Sterrett 125 6390.87Summerbrook 44 3350.40Sylacauga-Power of The Cross 06 219.00Tannehill Comm. Mission NO REPORTTarrant City 44 2674.14Trinity Worship 63 12,576.21 Twilleytown ---- 3850.00West Blocton NO REPORT West Mobile 15 718.00Winfield- Family Church 36 2040.49World Outreach Ministries NO REPORT






Hazel Green - Dec. 71 6108.69Jasper - Airport Rd. -Dec. 12 3045.00

Page 16: Alabama Update March 2013

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Our Sympathy to our Ministers Families

Gale (John) LoveFebruary 4, 2013

Son of deceased Bishop Clyde and Anna Lois Love,and brother to Arlene (Raymon) Sutton

The Alabama Update is the official monthly publication of

the Church of God of Prophecy in Alabama. Yearly

subscription rate is $7.00. Statements in this publication

referring to the Church of God have reference to the Church

of God of Prophecy. Articles and news briefs submitted for

publication must be received by the fifth of the month for

publication, and should be sent to: Alabama Update, PO

Box 707, Bessemer, AL . 35021-0707.

L. V. Jones, Editor

Billie Ruth Jones, Assistant Editor



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