AL42 >*• - W

AL42 - Historical Papers, Wits University. M M 1, Book launch by Albertina Slaulu of two ODF elgnature oaapalgn booka (one national, the other Tvl). The Tvl book waa produced by the

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>*• - W •

.THE UDF 3ICRATURX CAkPAlOK XR TiUKSYAAL - litport' froa the tvl UDF Signature Coejalttee 10/3/83

A. FuHfcATlOH or m alOWATUKd C M 1 H 1 1In early January, a co-ordinating ooaMlttee far the cenpaign waa aal up with tha reoponolbility of oetabllahing algnature cowhittaaa In leeel areae and arfanlaatiana and af drawing church**, unlona and dther troupe Into tha odbepalgn.̂

** .*Sa far, aee tinge af actlvleta have baan held In awj fltwatere- rnnd araaa and organleatlono (Theablae, Alexandra, Soweto, Johennoeburg, Pretoria, Pordeburg, Lenaeia? Deacon, Jodao,TCa, Azaeo, Nusoe), and algnature ooaaltteeo have baan cat up In about half of thaaa. Regarding groupe outalda UDF, . two non-affllieted unlona hwa baan approached. They have indicated au:port f or tha eaapalgn, and In on a oaaa allowed UDF to eollaot elgnaturee at their functlona, but aa yet they ara raluctant ta Join tha eaapalgn thaaaalvaa. Regotlatlene ara proceeding with tha ohurohaa and groupe Ilka Blaak Saah and RPJL.

Tha eoaalttaa aaata anaa a waak. laauaa dlaouaaad aa far arat quotaa for araaa and organlaatlonat thaaa would dapand an orgenleatlonal atrength and population deneity. Wothin* haa coma of thla aa yet.

♦ ego Halt for elgnetoriee.♦ tha naad to ba olaar on different levele of tha oaapaigni local, rational and national, and who la raaponalbla for whloh.

♦ aacura atorage plaoa for forna,♦ phnaaa of caapaigni naad ta plan for ■oblllaatlon and publicity plua adueatlon and orgonleetlon during tha eenpalgn, taking advantage of public evente, ate. for exeaple, tha waak building up to Kay 6ay waa aaan aa a ohanoe to aaphaalaa unlon-algnatura eiiapalgn avanta,

« reaponalblllty for dlffarant part a of tha (aapalfni UDF aadla cojwlttaa in Tvl raaponalbla for alcnatura eaapalgn aadla and pubileltyi aduoatlon eoaalttaa for educatloni algnature eoaalttaa llaalf for orgenieatlon. (Rapa of aadla and aduoatlon aoaalttaaa ‘alt on alcnatura eoaalttaa).

♦ naad ta eapley fulltlaa eo-erdlneten a Jab definition waa worked out (aaa attached), and fundralelng waa a problea.

* w>hB. WI«?9W9T. <?F. WlWf i|» TWrfMh

I. Rational launch In Beahanguvei eevaral hundred elgnatureav oollaetad hare.( 22 Jan)

t. Workohop In Sowato - daolalon to aaka local ologan 'Sign . agalnat apartheid'.

3. Media Right - 60 eupportero Join together In aaklng bannero,al(nature fonia, t-ahlrte for eaapalgn. (aee attaohad report) (>6/1)

4. Collection after 3ACD0 aaaa for Fr hkatehwa - about 700 aignaturaa oolleoted.

9. Collection a? *1 ta Hlatory forkohop (4 Feb) - aeny Foar.tu workera elgned enthueiaatloaUy.

6, Bdueatlon workahop - 80 aupportera dlacuaa tha aiae anSderiee atrateglea for the ewpeign (aee attaehed report). (11 Feb)

7« Oollootlng at Free People'e Kuele Concert at Tlte - about 3000 aignaturaa collected. Banda elened on etage.

0. tIO rally in Lenaala eolleete eevaral hundred aignaturaa.9. R1USA workahop 29 Feb.10. ODF People'a Peetlval - about 6000 oolloeted. Stalla aold

aedia to raiae funda to eaploy fulltlae co-ordinator for eaapalgn. Capa, badgea, t-ahlrta and daelaratlona were aold. Oanpaign atlekora given out free. (4 tlareh)

II. Jodao preaa conference with proalnent people (eg. Beyere Raude) aignlng. (6 lareh)

12. Medwea preparee aadla for lavneh aeetlng. Turf loop llkewiae.13. BP Cup Final - oollootlng organlaed (10 Xaroh)14. Rational Detalneee Day - oollootlng organlaed at vigil.«.

0. M M1, Book launch by Albertina Slaulu of two ODF elgnature oaapalgn

booka (one national, the other Tvl). The Tvl book waa produced by the tvl education, aiedla and denature coealtteee. It la , alaed at Individual*,' whereaa the national booklet la alaed at ooaaitteea.

•< faking educational woxfcehopo and 'ladle Righto' to locel araaa 1 la theiCranavaal.

3. Ball/ by Antl-PO to launch oonpalgn loeelly.4. May Day weak.9. Tvl UDF Rowe - depending on finance.t, Peeaible ODF Vnlvereity - Peeple'a Teeeh-ln an UDF, Keemhof

end Conett tut ion.

T*A-I*r.J25L5JA c w i w i .i i m m >h t g » u unw r»'■:1

Tka Traaavaal ■•41a iMaliin 4aal4a4 ta try u.Uiatn aa naar aaaala a* taaalkla (■ praJaalag *«<|l far tka •i|aalni ' , /aaapall* In tha T*t, Caaaa'aaatly, II waa lailM ta M U •■alia ai|ht wltk tha fallawtaj alaai / , t i; .

Ta p r .d a a a a a l t a V * t r t l) ! ? M T i r l l U | tk a l U M i u U tk a T f l • ' i

Ta ^ H l i r i i a tk a • ■ ■ p a l i a aaaag a a t l v t a t a l a tk a Tw l t k r . a g k aa i t n t . ! Ta ta a a k a a a p la a a l t a ( k l l l a

Ta krlaj t.jatkar at graaar.ata laval aatlvlata ftia aaay afflllataa 'Ta ka tka ftrat (a a Uaa af ragl.aal avaata araaaJ kka algaatara *' IcannaI*n, and ta ki fallawatf h? a alaaatlaa aaf plaaatag algkt tva waaka latar.

Tka avaalag lavalvalia. Itlkiaraaatai iklUt - ata«fli| llgaatara !

wklak partlalpaata fataNikal ta krta|.k. laaaar aktlla - aalag aa avarkaa* prajpatar with a traaaparaapy • '

ta prajact aata clatk, tharaaftar taklag It ini JUH.it »«. .

a. *«n«o|ikllla - aaiai a acanala* aaahlaa aai a raaaa aaaklaa.wa j xaaa latraaattal paapla'a daaaaJa lata tha apaaa aa !tha algaatara fara, aaanaad tka wkala tklag aata a i raaaa ataaall, aai tkaa raaaa* aaplaa.

4. Ktfaaatlaa - atacatlaaal tflaaaaalaaa akaat tha algaatara taapalga.1,4 tka alwaatl.a It vaaU aaa«, vara kail.

a. Ilaglag aai p.atyy latarval - thia waa aaaaallaJ 4aa ta lllaaaa af alaiar, ahiaaaa af poata.

WrnaalaatlanIt »a. flaaaal ta ratata graapa fraa aaa aatlwlty ta tha aaat awary - 1 haar ar aa. Thla warka* aaaa, attar wklak M afli faaaJ tkalr ava ataha aa4 w.rk.4 aara ar taaa ajlMly aa aaa tklag far tka raat a( tka avaatng, kaaHaa far valklag araaaJ aa< l.aklag at i*a«rtkla|,.Thraa larga kaaaara wara palatal, faar Uffaraat (tatfa raaaal algaatara larai wltk tkalr ava tfaaaala aa, prakakly ISO t-aklrta wara rrtatal, Tha atfaaattaa llaaaialaaa aaaa ap with raaaaaaatfatlaaa.

Tha at^aalaj waa var/ aaaaaaafal la ralalai aaaaapatga aatf la jattlai avaryaaa ta partlalpata. Aatlvlata alaa 1aajayad aaatlag aa< varklag wltk Mafia fraa athar apkaraa af Ufa,» « « ( M a a a J I . . , 1 — — - r n ___ a a . _ . . .------- v«v« (ini • i i-flmrti •••• f g a a l a l a i t r a a a p a r l kwaa f a t p a a p la . l a g g a a t l a a - . f a r l a y r a v a a a a t a r a •"

laa w la .1 aa t tka a a a a a la j a a a h la a aa* a a ra I f t y f l a / n i a • a t a a a l l


tka H < , H I , i M t k l ,

l * **• , l , # • ■ « » • « • < th a t a l a l l a r . a l l . , l , M p U u u • t k a r I H I H I la tka t r a a t v a t l ,


waa r a l a . 4 l „ l „ th . » , M | | f „ ,

• •«k a lg a a t a r a f a r . , br l „ l „ t - a k lr t a a a l l l a j tk a a a t a p r a f l t

a r la g tka a lg k t . Naaay f a r faa< waa a k t a la a l k 7 a a a l l a a t l a a .C .a ta t k a r a f a r a w a r. l „ , t , M M r f . r r , M ( t a | | (a k

a r t v a r k f . r a l lk a a r a a a la g . a a l k ra a k a a , p a l . t a .4 a l . t k f . r k a a a a r a .

fo r upr M illio n S ign atu re <;«*petgn_W9tKH>gB-

and pitrptM *1 the1.00 Mglatratlon (Theaba)1.11 Welcome and explanation of the progri

werkahop (FAT)2.SO Oroup Dlacuaaiona (Toa)

participant* will divide according «• araaa Each group will olact • co-ordinator to taka ainuteaa m u m m « i » w i o n1, What ara th* atrengtha and weaknoaaea of organlaatlon

In your m i l • •2. How will tho campaign atrongthon or weaken organlaatlon 1*

your irtii


' 0i»T:

At tho ond of thla dlacuaalon ■arbor* and on* V W ported will collate all tho report backa and report back to tho plenary aoaalon,

J.1J Plenary aeaalonInput by UW on What era tho elm* and objocta af tho cupalgn ao Car, what eondltlona are facing OTT, what la the relatlonahlp between tbo elgnature campaign and tho overall caapalgn of the UDP.

I .IS Report back from tho ealler group dlacuaalon* Oar bar* and UK) l.SS Coamlaalona Introduction (tope)

1.Organlaatlon (Popo) ( » •In the courao of thla dlaeuaalon tho following laauaa ahould bo ralaodi the org*nl**r* aanual; aethoda of collecting algnaturea; local and regional atrucutree noceaaary to run the caapalgn; relatlonahlp between area committee*, organiaationa and tho.co-ordinating committee*

2. Hobllia^tion (Barbara)The purpoao of thla coawlttoe la to do«ldo how to involve aa aany people not alreedy Involved In -brganlaation In the eaapalgn through eg ralleya, houae ataotlnga, doe* to door vlolta.ete.

2.' Education (Noaa)How can wo uae tho caapalgn to educate our orgenioatlena and the coaaunity in general about the conatltution, th* bllla and UDP. Thla group ahould involve aoae dlacuaalon about ̂ the draft information booklet.What kind of education do aatlvlata need, what education will the different atru*tur**'**ed, what oduoatlon will bo relevant to the different pahaea, what educational material* are needed.

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4. Popularisation (Ouy)What major eventa ara neae***ry to got the campaign gelng, What *l*g*n*, what media la needed.

S* Finance (Valll)•here will money com* from, how will we fund raiaa, how much money do wo need, how will wo ralao money for regional and local needa. ,

®*P®wt b*ck. from th* co—ordiantor* of e*ch group to a planary Taak* and planning (Moaa)Th* group* will br**k back lnot their area groupa taoh group needa to elect a co-ordlantor Tho groupa need to an*w*r th* following que*tl*n* i* Row will we collect algnaturaa2, How will we moblliae people In our araaS. What educational noeda do wo have

.U* What big event* are we going to organla* , how will wo " pepularla* and publlcla* th* campaign in our areaS, Row are we going to ralao the money to do thlaC. WKo will take r**pon*lblllty f*r each taak

Cleavrg dat* aet' for next Beetle? "'to evaluat* th* campaign t* data end plan the next phaaa i 31 March.

c*—ordlaatlng committee will take reaponalbllty for l ’ writing mlnuta* and circulating th*m to *11 organiaationa.



' •dlaouoood by the groupi propaganda In the oaapalgn

:;-V '■ p t u, what aaala 4a we noodf ^ ' - ̂ ’ Vha* planning la naaAadt

. Loeal and regional srogannd* - to be lookod at In relation to ••

■ * . ' •.v/ja t:

‘*’:• l

jV-C* * *»■ v* v.v:I' •«

.,‘.c. Loeal and rational propaganda - to bo lookod at In relatlen b ha dlffarant phaaaa *

;• svU:«1 >4 » • LI .tV ••! -t!

:> i'y\

!i! irffi

®“ or n o n a m kha rola af propaganda la ta popularla« tho TOP and the oaapalgn

■ t wao fait that a lot af paopla wara unldforaed about tha OTf dh,t propaganda around tha oaapalgn ahould alao ba uaad toi

^ i nllghtan paopla about tha TOP.

ropagand^ ahould enthuee paopla generally and at every laral ofrganlaalllon about tha oanpalgn. Zt ahould alao enoourage^ aotlrei

f Ktloipatlon in tho oaapalgn.t ' ' I

t an ldaologloal level tha propaganda ahould provide an alternative -f : : ° "hnt *• praaantad by tha governaent, eopeelally about tha

■vv.v'-\ J (institution and tha Koornhof Bllla.V.-.- ;


"...1 v


h0,,'d participate lta working out tha'v.’.'.'r mWreteod and appaal tot paopla In aa.> ■> f i

v;.1 n popularlaing tha oaapalgn tha ralatlonahlp batwaan affiliatee '/■-and tha TOP ahould ooae through. Loeal organlaatlona ahould bo , ,<( roaotad along with tho UDP.

a tha UDP and afflllataa will ba Involved in putting out propaganda, -.t la laportant that thara la anordlnatlon bo two an tha TOP and'Is •• * fflllataa.

t or propaganda to ba aulMabla and af fa at Ira on a looal l m l afffl&atee. • . vrr


prapagaada ag, ilapnattkalRara aa araa ar oonotltuenoy,', • ,

;»>*«*. 2 ; r>!

*' v ,il3i aadla raaouroaa arallabla for tha oaapalgn ahould ba uaad. ityf1,P '■CV,''*..:̂’lfhla InoXUdaa tha progroaalra praaa - Jpaak^ tha Bya and Saopu National

"ill aa nawalattara of organlaatlona, alao paaphlota,, pootora, kann*ra, atlokara, dlaplaya, T-ahlrta, ata. Tha rolal praaa

• rau'.>t alaa ba uaad ag. Olty Praaa lattrhava a baroaotor athowlngT •" auny algnaturaa hmva ba an oollootod. Capital rt^|f.«auld alao *1 uaad.v ; ? a •

X -

- 2 -

y ';.; It la laportant to-work out what audlonoo oaoh of thaa« la going to ■ ti-.( roaoh and froa thara work out tho typo of propaganda noodod.

^ i m o af thaoa, ag. paaphlata and poatora aro laportant ta advortlao ' looal or onto. Zt la aoaontlal t«a raaaabar thlnga Ilka what languaga

u*» «»d og. Utoraoy laral. Paaphlata noad a back-up, for axaapla '••w*!1 houa* trlalta.

A'. Konal aadla workahopa Ilka tho ono hold by TOP In Khotoo Houoa could ba hold In dlffarant araao. Haro looal). organlaatlona oould produoa

ilfiiS: Mdla noodod for tho oaapalgn In tholr araa. At tha aaaa tlaa It (l oould bo aa affaotiro way of drawing pooplo Into aotlrlty and5 A*

• -----building up anthuolaaa about tho oaapalgn. Paopla oould alao Xaarn v aadla akllla, oduoato oaoh othorm dlaouaa and plan tho oaapalgn togothor, work out alogana and tholr doaando to bo printed on tho algnaturo fonaa.

• .

Ono auggoatlon for V-ahlrta waa to haro tho olgnaturo oaapalgn logo . on tho front and tha organlaatlona' da wand: on tho book of tha T-ahlrt.

. J .

i * ; . v-1 .i * « *.

■ a» 9

r u m v nThara ahould ba planning about how to aoro Into aroaa wharo tho TOP haa not yot boon popularlood and what aadla and propaganda wao noodod for thla.

In plaining, groupo alao nood to boar In alnd thlnga llko flnanoaa and dlatrlbutlan and plan for thoao In odranoo.

It la alao Important to plan In advanoo to work out at what oaonta thoro oould bo aajor drIraa to oollaot olgnaturoo and what propaganda/ aodla la noodod for thoao«OTonto.■i,\' >.KWAt AND nOZOKAK PKOPAOAMDAOtM Organlao aaaa aoatlngo In tha araa arouad tha aaapalgn If thla la appropriate or whore thara are already aaaa aootlngo planned arouad othor laouaa, aake aura thoro aro pooplo oollootlng olgnaturoo at tho aootlng. Thla ahould be aooowaanlod by a TOP opoakor froa tho platform explaining what tho oaapalgn le about.

loeal prooo aaaforenoo or launehlngo oould bo held. All affiliate organlaatloaa area ahould partlelpato In thooe.

• %

> ' - . it la laporjant to link laoal oupilpi, lnuii, problena organlaatlone with the olgnature oaapalgn and th«

During the •••and boo it phaeo of tho oaapalgnt Con give a report at the 0D7 auaia faatival on tho oaapalgn and hare band aeabere olgnlng. Haro lota Can organlee alldoa In olObaaa, looally, publlofaln* tho oaapalgn and oolloot olfnaturoa (TUrln* lntorral and afterwarda. Alao at: \[ football aatohoa and othor aport a Metlnga, ohurchea ato. At oporto aootlnfo thoro ohould aloo bo pootoro and bannera and pawphlete handad out, and for og. for Kalaer Ohlofa to alga and that they encourage pooplo to algn publioly'. “.

LaUr itCot othor pronlnont looal'. paopla and loadora to algn publloly poaalblo and give thoao evente publicity, aloo ohuroh leadera.looally. . ■}.

j4'i;Try aa mioh aa poaalblo to got foodbaok and aaaoaa nodla and propaganda.;^. -lloro local aotlrlota participation will bo oaaontlal. IvPropaganda ahould develop with oduoatlonal ttiput. fhoro ohould bo *•;.> pawnhloto at tabloa whoro pooplo ara eigAlng. Aloo link In with v^ - ' daye auoh aa Sharpovlllo ato. Znoorporato antl-gorameoet propaganda and link tho'national orlala lnta tho oaapalgn.

> . v!


Natlonallee propaganda - ahow what la happening all oarer tho oauntry,, how tho canpalgn la progroealng In othor roglona.

■-.V;Spaolal attention ohould be paid to« trade unlona and’ getting aeabera ̂ •,to elgn. UDF people oould go to ohop eteward neotlnga to apeak to •then and aotlvato the oaapalgn. Here It waa felt pereonal contact'la lnportant. . • ’ _ >i-

' •-------- • ■ * •'." :f?.''OTF It waa felt that

organlaatIona ohould pay 1° per alpiature for* and 5* per poater.Baoauae of tho flnanolal dlffloultlor of tho. organlaatlone ohould pay 1° per algnature foi Printing the organlaatlono deaand on tho for* (In red) would eoet?0° par *00■tdla.

’V'v<... ;-v.. •'.Vrr '• b’*-i - . *



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H Z L ' • >cA?:SVAAL UQF AF.riLIATgsl ricxt 7 1 1 1 tround within your organisation. 'T1i« UDF Media Conai ttee" is gearing up for the Million Signature Campaign,

can litlp you:• ♦ • * .

Faint banner* to ahov your organisation's support for tba signature campaign. You can usla these for local activity and also to popularise your organisation at the UDF Music Festival.ODF vants every Transvaal affiliate to ■arch onto stage and sign the Signature fora in front of 30 0Q0 people at tha Music Festival. We will be painting banners at Via Vyks K m on Saturday 3rd February.Let us know by the 2nd if you want to cone and paint one with ua. Costs: M O par banner.

Design and produce posters or pamphlets.The media committee can help you produce thesa if you want to adv*rtiae a local meeting or iaaua.linked to tha Signature Camoaign. Coats vary, hut you can do .A3 aisa black and whita postara.for 15c* each. -and A2 aiaa ailkscreea one-colour for 30c aach. Ronepd pamphlets cost (with a acanned ataneil) about 112 for 500 A4 aiaa or 1000 A5 aiaa. (If you can bring your . X own paper, lt*s much much cheaper)


Frint your demand on tha Signature form im tha space provided. Ton can do this in red. ink through tha media committee.Cast: 30c for a ronao stencil, 1 cant for five forms.Frint tha signatura-campaign logo, and your orgaaiaat iona own. logo onto'_T-~shirtat * BrinJ shirts,or buy.ndw on^i to sell and raTse money for tha canpaign_Inyour organisation/area. . Coat of printings jt50~for*100 shirts. .

Hold a madia happening! Two weeka ago the media = x Vrt»l h*ld • Media Happening at Ebotso Rouae where '5 V * 1 1 th* *bov* *ctivities - t-shirts , banners, printing, ate.«- \ T!S«\ took place at the aame time. Thie kind of thing ia popnlar

because it allowa everyone to join in and participate.Yhy not condider a Madia Happening in your organisation or areaf Tba UDF video could also be shown at such an eceaaion. •

THE DDF MIDIA COMMITTEE H$EDS .MORE MEMBERS!H Can your, organisation aend people to ait in tha media committee

for two months, or parmanentlyT Ve can help train your members 5 . in media skills in this way. Tha more people there are in the •£• media comaittee, . the more useful UDF media will be to affiliates.

FLEASE DISCUSS THIS, REQUEST I* TOUR 0RCAHI&ATI0H ANIj LET US KNOW.5 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACTS• S im iH llH H llH « n U O f. fo u n h flo o r. K houo Houtc. Dc VllKera StTcci. iohann«hu>K. IHI11II11IIIHIIMIHF

l ■ . |l pn 9 1 I' i»W Ml 11r - — • — — • w • . --------- V ~ -----------


To co-ordinate the (uv.ning and activities of tbtt (lgnttun campaign.■y:Working with >11 affiliates• to give ld**» about how they can u m the campaign to further organisation• to give id* as about how they can coll act ataxiauw signatures in their areas• to inf ore UDF subcommittees as to the needs of teh affiliate* r• to co-ordinate affiliates in covering whole areasWorking with the DCF subcownlttees• providing input as to the prcblane experienced and ways at solving the*, in relation to *aedia *

•education •• to infora the JHB signature coonlttee of the general progress and specifically

• to prepare agendas for the Meetings and ensure that decisions are carried out

• to point but aajor issues that need discussion• to ask far assistance whan needed

Kesponslbllltv for Transvaal.1b take a e*p of the Ttansvaal and work out• where we have affiliates• where we know sympathetic people• where we need to aake aoae contactsXn each area, work out- what other graftings can be approached •church

• cultural „• farming co-ops etc.

General.• Work out a tiadng progr— a and pueh affiliates/areas to hand in set nunbers. .• Keep a count for each affiliate and the total. Provide this to. City Press ( or ensure that our count is given to whoever adds the* up)

• . Co-ordinate (or delegate) any ISP activity around the r f ia1qneg. collecting signatures at the ausic festival.

Collection Number: AK2117 DELMAS TREASON TRIAL 1985 - 1989 PUBLISHER: Publisher:-Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:-Johannesburg ©2012


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This document is part of a private collection deposited with Historical Papers at The University of the Witwatersrand.